Re: VA?

2001-02-13 Thread Chris Devers

At 01:24 PM 13.2.2001 +, you wrote:
>Anyone have an opinion on VA?

Virginia's nice but I like Massachusetts better. Too close to both AOL ground zero & 
American political hell ground zero


webmaster work: 781.270.5372
Skillcheckcell: 617.365.0585

Re: NY invasion, was Re: Conway Hall

2001-02-13 Thread Chris Devers

At 11:00 AM 13.2.2001 +, Steve Purkis wrote:
>Mike Jarvis wrote:
>> David H. Adler wrote:
>> > On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 04:32:08PM -0500, Mike Jarvis wrote:
>> > >
>> > > When looking at cost, remember what hotel rates in NYC are like
>> > > (almost as bad as London).  You can easily pay US$250/night for
>> > > a room that you would swear is in a crack house.
>> >
>> > But the crack is *great*!
>> Rooms actually in a crack house will be significantly more expensive.
>Depends - sometimes they don't charge you at all!
>(if you're selling alot of crack, say)
>It's the whorehouses that are always expensive.

Depends - sometimes they don't charge you at all!
(if you're selling, uh, nevermind...)

webmaster work: 781.270.5372
Skillcheckcell: 617.365.0585


2001-02-20 Thread Chris Devers

At 10:13 AM 20.2.2001 +, you wrote:
>amazon uk have started shipping data munging with perl. I have my

Not that anyone in London cares (well ok maybe one person :), but the local 
tech/computery bookstore here in has had about ten copies of it in 
stock for a couple of weeks now, and they seem to be selling. Well done, Dave.

webmaster work: 781.270.5372
Skillcheckcell: 617.365.0585

RE: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-13 Thread Chris Devers

At 05:03 PM 13.3.2001 +, you wrote:
>>No, most people using these scripts don't have command line access to >the servers 
>that they need to install the scripts on. We'd have to do >something like:
>>go to
>>and then have configure itself online.
>Good point!  The script would already have to have the correct shebang 
>in order for this to work.  Also, we can't necessarily assume that the
>script would have write access to the disk (or itself) when it is run
>through the web server.

What about using some kind of binary wrapper (or shell? Not sure which would be 
easier...) that finds out where perl is installed, sets the shebang line accordingly, 
and then turns over control to the script itself. I realize this would be kind of a 
pain, but it gets at least part of the way around some of the problems here. 

webmaster Skillcheck

Re: Matt's Scripts (SCP)

2001-03-14 Thread Chris Devers

At 03:00 PM 14.3.2001 +, Leo Lapworth wrote:
>If anyone hears of a good gui SCP client for non-OSX mac's I'd
>really like to know (I've got users on my machine that need it!).

Can Fetch do it? At a glance, I don't see anything about SCP there, but then I've only 
done a cursory check; it may be in there somewhere. 


Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-19 Thread Chris Devers

At 01:12 PM 19.3.2001 +, Simon Wilcox wrote:
>At 12:40 19/03/2001 +, Mark Fowler wrote:
>>It has occured to us we need a decent name for this.  Discussion 
>>on IRC has concluded that:
>> a) It shouldn't mention Matt in the title.
>So "Not the Matt Wright Archive" is out then ;-)

Probably, as is "The Matt's Wrong Archive", which is probably far 
too negative & obvious anyway... ;)


RE: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Chris Devers

At 04:07 PM 20.3.2001 +, you wrote:
>> Not neccesary from a techical point of view.  Neccesary from a 
>> social point of view (What's this extension!  I don't understand!  
>> What's going on!  
>Except that windows machines tend not to even show the extension by
>default, and so the file will just have a little WinZip icon[0], which 
>means they should be happy. 

...except that the Windows extension hiding feature only applies to files seen through 
the normal filesystem tools (Windows Explorer, various dialog boxes, etc), and not 
Internetty stuff. People might still be scared off by seeing a web or ftp site that 
doesn't have any .zip files...

>Oh no, wait a minute, I think it uncompresses the .gz bit then prompts 
>for what to do with the .tar bit, which might scare them off.

That too -- that's a pain in the arse: it ends up adding a seemingly superfluous step 
to the process that could be off-putting to Win-natives. 


RE: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-20 Thread Chris Devers

At 04:40 PM 20.3.2001 +, Simon Wilcox wrote:
>At 16:29 20/03/2001 +, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
>>> a) a two reasons why this module should never have been written, and
>>1. It's redundant, other modules do this already.
>>2. MM DD YY is an evil date format, and should be abolished 
>>   in favour of DD MM YY which is more sensible.
>Or even better YY-MM-DD which avoids cross-pond confusion.

And, as a bonus, is really easy to sort properly. 


Re: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-20 Thread Chris Devers

At 05:16 PM 20.3.2001 +, Robin wrote:
>Any drop-in replacement would inevitably suffer from the
>same flaws of conception and interface.

Would a CPAN replacement have to be "drop-in"? I can see the argument behind making 
replacements for MSA code be functionally identical in most visible ways, but when 
you're dealing with CPAN code, presumably, you're dealing with somewhat more savvy 
programmers that could handle having to tweak a few things to get a replacement up & 

Especially when considering that the rationale behind the original module may, as in 
this case, have been flawed in the first place. 

I don't think the requirements for one-to-one matching of functionality need to be as 
strict here, and in fact should be a bit more flexible. 


Re: mmm ... toys ..

2001-03-27 Thread Chris Devers

At 10:15 AM 27.3.2001 +0100, Robert Sheils wrote:
>I have an original bondi-blue iMac, running MACOS9 at the moment, with 
>32Mb RAM. I was in an Apple shop at the weekend and found that a 128Mb
>upgrade and OSX will only set me back about 200gbp. I was assured that
>all my OS9 applications will still work (my wife uses Clarisworks for WP,
>and the kids play their games), does anyone know if this is the case.

I've got about the same setup, but with 64 mb. It's really slow for me, though not as 
bad as the public beta was. Running it with 128 or more would definitely be 

I haven't yet noticed any problems (mainly because Classic brings everything to a 
creeping halt with 64 mb of ram, so I'm avoiding it as much as possible), but as I've 
mentioned on (void), I keep hearing complaints about some applications not playing 
nicely, particularly with regard to the way OSX/Mach manages memory -- i.e. apps that 
only worked on OS9 when you disabled virtual memory don't work now because OSX doesn't 
seem to let you mess around with memory settings. Aside from that though, I'm not 
having any trouble with it. 

>And also, will I be able to install perl,apache,mysql and other *nix
>goodness on it too - I've never gotten to grips with macperl really.

Comes preinstalled with, among others, Apache, Java, OpenSSL, Perl, PHP, TCL, tcsh 
(and sh, csh, & zsh), etc. I'm booted into OS9 at the moment, so I can't browse the 
various */bin directories, but it comes with a pretty standard unixy toolkit (except 
for ssh). I thought I saw something about PostgreSQL being installed, but I may be 
imagining it now. 


Re: ISO8601 [was] Re: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-27 Thread Chris Devers

At 01:44 PM 27.3.2001 +0200, you wrote:
>I think America requires you to add "1" at the beginning; though it's not
>part of the area/STD code as the 0 is in England and Germany, I think 
>most places require it to show you're dialling a long-distance call.

Correct. Standard format is an implicit 1, a three digit area code, a three digit 
local code and a four digit extension. The local code & extension are always 
mandatory, so effectively phone numbers are 7 digits long -- the local code is just 
useful to give a rough idea where the number may be base (but then with cell phones 
it's meaningless, so the original purpose, already diluted, is disappearing). 

We're burning through phone numbers very very quickly, to the point that new area 
codes are being added all the time and as a result people's phone numbers are changing 
all the time. To control the hemmoraging, some areas are going to full ten digit phone 
numbers; we'll see how much it helps. 

In any event, the leading 1 is never part of the phone number, but you always have to 
dial it whenever making a "long distance" call. This used to mean anything beyond a 
certain distance from your local calling area &/or anything outside of your area code, 
but with 10 digit numbers you'll probably just have to put it in front of about every 
number dialled, thus giving everyone in the country an 11 digit phone number. 


Re: mmm ... toys ..

2001-03-27 Thread Chris Devers

At 12:46 AM 28.3.2001 +0100, you wrote:
>One more thing, is my 4Gb drive enough [for OSX]...

How much free space? I think it should be fine. I crammed it onto the same sized drive 
with a hair over 500 mb free, and now that it's up & running I still have another 350 
mb available. 

Contrary to advice posted here earlier, I didn't bother wiping out the drive before 
installing it (mainly because I don't have discs for all the installed software) and 
everything has gone flawlessly so far. 

I dig it.


Re: ISO8601 [was] Re: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-27 Thread Chris Devers

At 03:28 PM 27.3.2001 -0800, you wrote:
>With 10 digit dialling, it's 10 digit dialling, no extra '1' required.
>E.g. if I was in Houston (which has three area codes and is 10-digit) I
>would dial 713 555 1212 regardless of whether I was already in 713.

Ahh. This explains why a cell phone works whether or not the leading 1 is included 
with the rest of the number. 

>In fact, if the whole country went 10 digit, the need to use the '1'
>would even disappear.

I thought it had a purpose as a sort of control character for the phone companies, 
with any number beginning with a 0 or 1 having special meaning. I guess that special 
meaning evaporates under 10 digit schemes...

>PS That single-\n paragraph formatting is evil, IMO. 

Yeah I know, I don't like it either. Blame Eudora...


Re: ISO8601 [was] Re: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-28 Thread Chris Devers

At 12:04 PM 28.3.2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Anyway, the whole 'numbers' thing is long over due to be replaced by
>those new fangled 'letters'. Works for DNS...

Yeah, exactly. We're already partly there, sort of. I don't know the phone numbers of 
any of the people I call at all regularly (i.e. more than twice ever), because the 
first thing I do with any such phone number is to set the number for autodial. What's 
my fiance's cell phone number? "May Cell". What's Cingular's number? "Cingular". 
What's my bank's number? "Eastern Bank". Easy. Work in some kind of good pervasive 
naming scheme and the underlying numbers can get arbitrarily complex without bothering 


Re: Job: I'm looking for one..

2001-03-28 Thread Chris Devers

At 12:24 PM 28.3.2001 -0800, you wrote:
> aka brainbench seems to still be going

Heh -- they're one of my company's main competitors. I don't know the first thing 
about them (aside from the I think reasonable assumption that they must do roughly the 
same things my company does, or they wouldn't be "one of our main competitors"...), 
but I was informed during a tediously long meeting today [1] that they're not doing 
very well, saved at the moment mainly by a boatload of VC funds that they're burning 
through. With any luck, the certification industry will implode.

'course that could mean I need a new job, but we'll see :)

[1] You mean I have to look forward to another 40 years of these damn meetings? I 
think Martin Blank had the right idea: "will there be meetings?" "...sure!" "No 
meetings." *blam*! *blam*! *blam*!


Re: Job: I'm looking for one..

2001-03-28 Thread Chris Devers

At 10:49 PM 28.3.2001 +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:
>On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 04:45:09PM -0500, Chris Devers wrote:
>> Heh -- they're one of my company's main competitors.
>> I don't know the first thing about them
>*cough*. Hey, that's not good, you know. :)

Well, yeah, I suppose. :)

I just keep our site running, but I leave the contents of the site to Marketing. 
Certification exams may pay my bills, but I certainly don't care to take any of them...


RE: Perl Certification Drive

2001-03-29 Thread Chris Devers

At 12:20 PM 29.3.2001 +0100, Simon Wilcox wrote:
>>If we can get the 'professional' stamp by sticking names like O'Reilly
>>(Or Microsoft - why not?) on the certificates, and then charge less, I
>>think that would be better. But if not, then I agree a charge (maybe 
>>more 50 than 300?!) can have a similar effect.
>Maybe two levels ?
>1. Tests as part of a course package are cheap. You already have the 
>infrastructure set up and authorised trainers can administer the test.
>2. Standalone test are more expensive. You have to have dedicated 
>hardware and testing environments. What about getting those guys that do 
>the Novell & Microsoft exams [pause for web search] Prometric to do it. 
>They already have all the infrastructure.

Well, we aren't exactly as well known as Microsoft or O'Reilly, but my company makes 
test software and could probably be talked into signing on with this. Greg was saying 
he's interested in the UK (& Europe) at this point; we do a little bit of business 
there but are mainly a US (Boston) company now -- I don't know if that is an obstacle 
to you or not. 

The main drawback, if in fact you feel it is a drawback, is that at this point we 
mainly do Windows tests on Windows computers, and most of them are Office related. But 
we do have a Perl test that I helped write (and while it isn't great by any means, I 
hope it's better than the one being used before I helped revise it). We don't really 
get involved in the certification game, but rather provide software that allows 
companies doing such certifications to assess candidates. (Likewise, we provide 
software to temp agencies for similar but non-cert-related reasons.) 

While I'm not really the decision maker here, I would like to push the company in this 
kind of direction. If there is any interest, I can talk to my bosses and see if they 
would want to pursue something with you. 

webmaster work: 781.270.5372
Skillcheck  aol-im: chdevers

RE: Perl Certification Drive

2001-03-29 Thread Chris Devers

At 10:16 AM 29.3.2001 -0500, I wrote:
>We don't really get involved in the certification game, but rather 
>provide software that allows companies doing such certifications to 
>assess candidates. (Likewise, we provide software to temp agencies for 
>similar but non-cert-related reasons.) 

Oops, forgot to paste a couple URLs: (crappy page -- no content)

Sorry if this is inappropriate. 

webmaster work: 781.270.5372
Skillcheck  aol-im: chdevers

Re: Job: I'm looking for one..

2001-03-29 Thread Chris Devers

At 04:42 AM 29.3.2001 -0500, Dave Cross wrote:
>> O'Reilly wil like it cos they get to sell 'Perl For PCSE(stage 1)' 
>> etc ..
>Ooh. I think you've just given me an idea for my next book :)

"Gary Numan's guide to the PCSE"... 



Re: Books

2001-04-04 Thread Chris Devers

At 09:26 AM 4.4.2001 +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
>Wanderering around Charing Cross Road last night I picked up a couple of 
>new Perl books, "Writing CGI Applications with Perl" by Kevin Meltzer & 
>Brent Michalski and "Instant Perl Modules" by Doug Sparling and Frank 

Heh, check out _Perl How to Program_ by P. J. Deitel et al.:

The cover blurb is great: 
"Perl How To Program
  Introducing CGI
and Python"


According to Amazon:

 Customers who bought titles by P. J. Deitel
also bought titles by these authors:
·   ·   Bruce Eckel 
·   ·   David Cross 
·   ·   Kevin Meltzer 
·   ·   Martin Brown 
·   ·   Ed Peschko 


Speaking of author David Cross, I'm told that SoftPro books (mostly a tech stuff 
store) in has sold 17 copies of your book over February and March, as 
compared to roughly 3x as many copies of the Camel book. Not bad, considering how many 
Perl books are out there by now. 

Just so's you know.


Re: Grammar (was: Re: Online Chat)

2001-04-04 Thread Chris Devers

At 03:18 PM 4.4.2001 +0100, you wrote:
>The Ramones are *still* using the same three chords they 
>were in the '70s. 

You mean the Ramones got back together? Cool!


(Well, they used the same three chords to the bitter end, but that's not quite what 
you said. My brother has a live album that is *exactly* what they played the three 
times I saw them -- same set list and all. It seems they just tacked any new songs 
onto the end as their career went on. And yes, it was a constant, 90 minute barrage of 
2 or 3 chords, but played much, much faster than on the albums. And talent be damned, 
but it was a *fun* show to see... :)


Re: Silly postings

2001-04-06 Thread Chris Devers

On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, David Cantrell wrote:

> Which is of course wrong.  Russia makes the best firearms, Australia makes
> the best wine, and .us produces the best bloodthirsty maniacs.  I believe
> they recently elected one as their Fuhrer.
Elect is a harsh term here. The man was appointed, crowned if you will.
Not unlike youre queen, from what I can tell, though I've to date never
seen her described as a bumbling idiot. Maybe the BBC keeps that quiet?


Re: Torvalds not impressed with OS X

2001-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

At 08:22 AM 9.4.2001 +, Robin Szemeti wrote:
>personally the ultimate task of any minimise/restore function should  be
>to get a window on or off the dispaly as fast as possible ... slowly
>attempting some graphical wizardry whilst chewing up CPU resources its
>not one of the things I lust after .. but YMMV :)

   Alternate genie effects [for OSX]

   The "genie effect" is what happens when you click the yellow
  "minimize" button. You'll see your window get sucked down into
  the dock, as though it were being drawn into a funnel. While
  quite cool the first few times, some people (me!) have found
  it a little annoying after a while. Those with slower machines
  may also find it something of a CPU hog. 

   Luckily, Apple included a way to change the genie effect, but
  chose not to put it into a GUI tool at this time. I'm sure
  someone will have one written within a week, but for now,
  here's how you do it. Open a terminal session (the Terminal
  application is inside Applications/Utilities), and type one
  of the following:

 defaults write mineffect genie
 defaults write mineffect suck
 defaults write mineffect scale

   The "genie" option is normal behavior, "suck" is sort of hard to
  describe but it's more like a reverse twisted genie, and "scale" 
   (my personal favorite) simply reduces the window equally from all
  sides while dropping it to the dock. The other nice thing about
  "scale" is that it's blindingly fast (on my G4/350, while the
  genie lags a bit), so windows vanish very quickly.

Sounds like you want the 'scale' option. 

Playing around with this defaults command seems to be just a command line interface to 
corresponding xml config files, most of which seem to live in ~/Library/Preferences or 
/System/Library/Preferences, and most of which seem to have a .plist suffix. I haven't 
had the time to go very far with these, but it seems like you can control most of the 
behavior of the GUI from these config files if you know what you're doing. 


Re: Buffy? .. naah .. wait till you see this

2001-04-26 Thread Chris Devers

At 09:19 PM 2001.04.26 +0100, you wrote:

Cousin site to, which seems to be down at the moment. 

Typical example: "Charisma Carpenter Guide to Selected Linux Software"


Re: Good Accountants

2001-04-26 Thread Chris Devers

At 10:04 PM 2001.04.26 +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
>What would be nice would be a nutscrape-alike that put colored blobs or
>somesuch where errors were.. with hyperlinks to details of the error ... ;)

Starting point: "Using CSS as a Diagnostic Tool"

   "[...] stylesheets can be used to:
 ·  See exactly how tables are structured 
 ·  Figure out how table cells are aligned 
 ·  Quickly see which images on a page still need ALT text 
 ·  Point out where you still have FONT tags lurking in your markup 
 ·  Expose the overall page structure"

'course you need a newer browser for it to work as advertised, but it seems to me like 
a clever solution to the problem...


RE: TPC Travel

2001-05-02 Thread Chris Devers

At 03:34 PM 2001.05.02 +0100, you wrote:
>From: Leon Brocard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]?
>> It's passed that time, actually ;-) Trailfinders found me, and 
>> I've confirmed, the following Northwest Airlines flights:
>> 21st July 12:10 Gatwick -> Minneapolis -> San Diego 18:55
>> 28th July 12:10 San Diego -> Minneapolis -> Gatwick 09:00
>That's about the same prices that I'm seeing on ebookers, deckchair and
>expedia. I may be prepared to pay a little more for a) a direct flight
>and b) a better known airline :)

Whaddya talking about? 

Northwest had an Alfred Hitchcock movie named after it! 
-- and possibly the best Hitchcock movie, at that. Pfft. ;)

So are any of you still thinking of going to NYC, while we're at it?


RE: TPC Travel

2001-05-02 Thread Chris Devers

At 03:50 PM 2001.05.02 +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
>Er... yeah. We got back yesterday!

Doh! I thought you were all rioting for Mayday yesterday.
I can only assume your return date was not a coincidence


Re: putting escape characters in files

2001-05-11 Thread Chris Devers

At 10:05 AM 2001.05.11 +0100, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
>On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 10:25:00PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
>> If your terminal has flow control enabled it will eat ^Q and ^S
>> for you. stty -ixon removes this problem.
>But then how do you pause that long ls listing when your
>less,more,pg,sed,awk&perl binaries are all fscked?  :-)

How about piping to lp then?
Load up enough paper and you can pause as long as you'd like...


Re: see attachment

2001-05-11 Thread Chris Devers

At 10:06 PM 2001.05.09 +0100, Grep wrote:
>well i had 15 minutes to spare so i decided to do this ...


Let's make a film, a travel film, involving Damien-esque programming as a 
plot device. We can make PIMF ("Perl is my Film") tshirts to promote it, 
even if Randal doesn't like them. It will involve many pub scenes, Viking 
type raids on unsuspecting other groups (webboards might not work, but 
something to that effect). 

In homage to great cinema epic "Ishtar", there will be camel scenes (but 
at the zoo), after which the camel will be served as supper, followed by 
dinner table cameos by Dr Who & Willow (on a pony), who will show how to 
prepare for the coming Y2K crisis. 

That covers most of 'em. Drink up!


Re: see attachment

2001-05-12 Thread Chris Devers

On Sat, 12 May 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> * Chris Devers ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > At 10:06 PM 2001.05.09 +0100, Grep wrote:
> > >well i had 15 minutes to spare so i decided to do this ...
> > 
> > Lessee...
> > 
> > Let's make a film, 
> - the Movie! What a great idea! Can their be vampyres?

Hookay guys, I was just trying to get you to drink. I didn't think that
were *actually going to want to make a movie*... 

Drinking rule addendum: if anyone posts a screenplay, everyone has to down
a case of beer. Each. 

hic! :)


Re: A look over the shoulder of an XP programmer (auf deutsch)

2001-05-16 Thread Chris Devers

At 03:22 PM 2001.05.16 +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:
>That's not argument, it's just contradiction!

Ahh, you must be looking for a different forum then. 

Try Castro's site. ;)


Re: [ Damian Conway's Exegesis 2]

2001-05-17 Thread Chris Devers

At 04:40 PM 2001.05.17 +0100, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
>Any idea what the going rate for a NeXT black box is these days?

Err, well, you seem to be able to get the motherboard for $40 now:

You're on your own for the rest of the parts though... :)

(Actually, I've seen them on sale from time to time for around a few hundred bucks, 
but there don't seem to be any for sale at the moment.)


Re: [Announce] Hackspoitation film fest

2001-05-24 Thread Chris Devers

At 11:23 AM 2001.05.24 +0100, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
>Apropos nothing, there was a guy who took over at Fusion in the early
>nineties who was a skinny, bookish, Jewishish type. And his name was 
>Steve Segal. Of course, as soon as we heard, he became Steven Seagal 
>pronounced in the dramatic movie trailer kind of way. I don't think it 
>did his career any harm at all.

A couple weeks ago, we hired a girl named Julie Andrews. 

Everyone keeps fighting the urge to ask her to sing for us. 


Re: Tie::Hash::Regex vs Tie::RegexpHash

2001-05-25 Thread Chris Devers

At 02:18 PM 2001.05.25 +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
>[1] Hmmm... note to self - see if you can come up 
>with a tied hash that abbreviates to T::H::C.

Semi-plausible: Tie::Hash::Complex
Not-plausible: Tie::Hash::Cannabis

Might see the light of day?: Tie::Hash::Conway


Re: more PDP-11s to rescue

2001-05-25 Thread Chris Devers

At 11:07 AM 2001.05.25 +0100, Dave Cantrell wrote:
>Matthew Dell [snip] Austin, TX

Any relation to "that" Mr Dell, of Austin, TX?



2001-06-13 Thread Chris Devers

At 07:14 AM 2001.06.13 +0100, Chris Benson wrote:
>I need to read the news more often, I was thinking about Louisiana!
>I also need to get a better grip of the geography: I thought
>LA. was the Florida side of Mississippi and Alabama.

No, it's the place where I was born -- "Lower Alabama". Also refers 
to nearby "Literate Mississippi", where the joke, it is generally 
noticed, is missed entirely by the locals.

webmaster work: 781.270.5372
Skillcheck  aol-im: chdevers

Re: (Open|Net)BSD local root exploit

2001-06-17 Thread Chris Devers

On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, David Cantrell wrote:

> As there's plenty of BSDers here, and I expect that at least some of you
> don't subscribe to Bugtraq and friends ...
Does this count as the end of [Net?]BSD's $years of having no exploits?  


webmaster work: 781.221.5372
Skillcheckcell: 617.365.0585