Re: Government Websites

2001-06-18 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Roger Burton West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Users will say: "Ooh! Shiny!".
Merijn Broeren | Fact: GPRS does not work if the Mobile Station (your phone,
Software Geek  | that is) moves faster than 500 km/h. Tip: NEVER drive faster
 than 450 km/h if you are wapping while driving! 

Re: YAPC::Europe

2001-06-18 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Simon Wistow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I was hoping for a lovely cheap flight from London City to Amsterdam but
> VLM (who I can get cheap flight from) only fly to Rotterdam :( 

> There are flights to Amsterdam from there but they're about 120 quid :(
> Will try and see if I can get cheapo flight through my contacts.

Rotterdam is my favourite airport to fly to in Holland, together with
Maastricht. It will take you about 4 minutes to get from your plane seat
to your taxi seat. No kidding. 1 minute to walk to the building, 1
minute queuing with the other 20 passengers for the two customs
officials, 1 minute waiting for your bag, 1 minute walking to your taxi. 

It will cost you 15 guilders (less then 5 pounds) to get to the central
station with a taxi in 5 minutes, then about 30 guilders (less then 10
pounds) to get to Amsterdam in 1 hour. (45 minutes and you will be
passing Schiphol airport). I will bet you that the moment you pass
Schiphol, the people that landed at the same time are still walking to
their luggage, for which they will have to wait another half hour. If it
arrived there, and didn't send to Timbuktu. 

Plus you don't have to sit between the stag|hen-party-goes-Amsterdam
easyjet, or heaven forbid even worse, rabble. :-) I really
like checing in as well, with 20 people on a flight it is the most
relaxing thing ever, especially compared with the Easyjet approach of
let's open the free-seating for all check-in 20 minutes before we close 
for these 400 people now. Or when we finish our nailpolish. 

Merijn Broeren | Fact: GPRS does not work if the Mobile Station (your phone,
Software Geek  | that is) moves faster than 500 km/h. Tip: NEVER drive faster
 than 450 km/h if you are wapping while driving! 

Re: Training anyone ?

2001-06-13 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Richard Clamp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> At least they only claim to be the maintenance team.  Almost like
> boasting about being the team sent in to fetch the team sent in to
> rescue the hostages.
Hang on, that still sounds like the original team needed to be rescued.
I'd change that statement to 'boasting about being the team shining 
the boots and greasing the pickaxes of the team sent in to rescue the
hostages'. Who are now apparently enjoying their beer. ;-)

Merijn Broeren | 
Software Geek  | Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again. 

Re: Inline::PERL

2001-06-03 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Marcel Grunauer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Sunday, June 3, 2001, at 05:56  AM, David H. Adler wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 09:40:49AM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> >>
> >> Inline::PERL gives you the power of the PERL programming language from
> >
> > And what, exactly, is the PERL programming language?
> It is the wicked, twisted spectre of Perl that haunts the minds of
> script kiddies. In some cultures it is known as CGI; other cultures
> have no name for it. Well-informed people normally run when they
> encounter it.
Ah, but you are wrong, most of these tribes *do* have a name for this, 
they call this powerful incantation PEARL!

Sadly, I can still remember all the headhunters looking for people 
that knew that particular language. As you say, a good indication to run
far and fast.

Merijn Broeren   | Fact: GPRS does not work if the Mobile Station (your phone,
Software Geek| that is) moves faster than 500 km/h. Tip: NEVER drive faster
   than 450 km/h if you are wapping while driving! 

Re: TPC Quiz Team

2001-05-17 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Leon Brocard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> ps team last time, so which .pm next time? ;-)

With your record of being everywhere where there is a conference, I
would say you can hook up with any .pm :-)

Merijn Broeren | Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavour of life,
Software Geek  | take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

Re: Shoot out

2001-05-17 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Tony Bowden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> His perl isn't necessarily the fastest in all cases. I sped some of his
> scripts up quite significantly - enough to move it back up above Python
> anyway ;)
I was looking at the attributions page and saw only your name. I was
kind of expecting the rabid hordes of speedfreaks would like
to have a go, but you were already there, I should have known you were a
lnpm'er ;-)

> It's all quite interesting.
Indeed. I thought the functional languages would do much better when
weighing the mathematical stuff higher, but there was almost no change.

Merijn Broeren | Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavour of life,
Software Geek  | take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

Shoot out

2001-05-17 Thread Merijn Broeren


Have you seen ? 

My pike loving friend was amused to see Perl and Python trounced. But
the testing rig was written in Perl at least. 

Merijn Broeren | Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavour of life,
Software Geek  | take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

Re: require Module; and filehandles

2001-04-26 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Ian Brayshaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I am writing a customer handler for loading modules at runtime, taking 
> advantage of the support for coderefs in the @INC array. By deleting entries 
> in the %INC hash for loaded modules I can force Perl to recompile the module 
> after it has been first loaded. This is particularly important with 
> mod_perl, since the modules themselves may change during the life of the 
> program.

I haven't read the rest of your post. :-)
Merijn Broeren|  I am blond, I am blond,
Software Geek | I am Bee El Oo En T !

Re: Company Name

2001-04-25 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Robert Shiels ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Nice summary. I was going to go for "Shiels", but there is some plastics
> company in Lancs that have it already. I thought of "Shiels IT Services",
> but one potential acronym of this is not very pleasing :-)
Oh yeah, I trust you know about :

Hypertext Webster Gateway: "shiel"

>From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Shiel \Shiel\, n. A sheeling. [Scot.] --Burns. 

Which leads to :

Sheeling \Sheel"ing\, n. [Icel. skj?l a shelter, a cover; akin to Dan. &
Sw. skjul.] A hut or small cottage in an expessed or a retired place (as
on a mountain or at the seaside) such as is used by shepherds,
fishermen, sportsmen, etc.; a summer cottage; also, a shed. [Written
also {sheel}, {shealing}, {sheiling}, etc.] [Scot.] 

So you can pass of your company as a shelter n 1: a structure that
provides privacy and protection from danger. 

All this from playing with

Merijn Broeren| "Fridge Theory": You should go round every corner assuming
Software Geek | that just out of sight round the corner is a double width
  | chest freezer which has fallen off of a truck.

Re: (possible) zip and file download problem

2001-04-23 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Jon Galliers ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> ($file - name from database query)
> my $zip = Archive::Zip->new() or die "couldn't create zip $!";
> $zip->addFile("/web/$file") or die "couldn't add file $!";
> $zip->writeToFileNamed('/web/');# possible 
> lock error";
> open (DOCZIP, "/web/") or die "couldn't 
> open file $!";
> flock (DOCZIP, 2);
> print "Content-type:application/x-zip-compressed\n\n";
> my $fileData;
> while (read(DOCZIP, $fileData, 1024)) {
>  print $fileData;
> }
> unlink ("/web/") or die "couldn't delete 
> file $!";
> close(DOCZIP);
Another trick that we used was to overload the pathinfo. Just create a
URL that looks like 

Netscape and Explorer will take the last bit to prompt you with in the
Save As dialog, while the webserver will just invoke NameOfCGI, which in
turn will be able to find in it's path info. 

Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

[HELP] Quick question about Red Hat and gb keyboards

2001-04-06 Thread Merijn Broeren


My experience with Red Hat is none existant, and I haven't installed a n
desktop Linux system in ages, so turn to you lot to ask a quick question
about something that isn't immediatley obvious to me. 

If I change in /etc/X11/XF86config the keyboard setting to 'gb' from
'us', the backspace and delete key give me a forward delete.  I don't
care that much since I can't type on a gb keybaord anyway, but one of my
collegues here is much annoyed by the ctrl-H :-) I tried stty erase and
looked with jwz's [1] xkeycaps. Xmodmap seems to make no difference. 

Anybody got an easy answer?

[1] Correct single quote usage?
Merijn Broeren| Nothing is more poignant in old age than the 
Software Geek | memory of temptation resisted.

Re: Test

2001-04-06 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Paul Makepeace ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> This is great, thanks! Is it possible to get it to do this *only* when
> the email is content-type: text/html; rather than displaying it instead
> of the text/plain in a multipart/alternative?
Yeah, you set it up in .muttrc :

auto_view text/html application/msword
alternative_order text/enriched text/plain text

set mailcap_path="~/.mutt-mailcap:~/.mailcap:/etc/mailcap"

My .mutt-mailcap looks like this :

# Try w3m first
text/html; %s; copiousoutput

# Send html to a running netscape by remote
text/html;  netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'; test=RunningNetscape

# Else use lynx to view it as text
text/html; lynx -dump %s; copiousoutput

text/*; cat %s ; copiousoutput

application/msword;  catdoc; copiousoutput
application/postscript; ps2ascii %s; copiousoutput

And loads more for images and stuff. Especially catdoc is a godsend. 

Oh, my looks like this :


eval `resize`;

w3m -T text/html -cols $COLUMNS -dump $1;

On the risk of offending the person who gets really tired of the
w3m-is-better meme, I prefer w3m because I get send so many tables in
html, they show up real nice.

Merijn Broeren| Nothing is more poignant in old age than the 
Software Geek | memory of temptation resisted.

Re: CiP value =1.5?

2001-04-06 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Simon Cozens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> It's probably worrying if I can look at the above and think "That looks like
> MJD's code".
Nah, the p;p;p;p;p is a dead give away. And the fnord ofcourse :-)
Merijn Broeren| Nothing is more poignant in old age than the 
Software Geek | memory of temptation resisted.

Re: Grammar (was: Re: Online Chat)

2001-04-05 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Steve Mynott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I remember arguing with a teacher who told us gravity was caused by
> the Earth spinning round who refused to accept that the child she was
> teaching actually knew more about it than her.
Hey! I resemble that remark. I got send from school for a day after
being 'impolite to the teacher' when I refused (loudly) to accept his
version of the first moonlanding where Aldrin got out first. 

Merijn Broeren| My hat to keep the Martian brain rays out works just fine.
Software Geek | It's really *good* tin foil.
  | And stop staring at me like that.

Re: Test from uuencode boy

2001-04-04 Thread Merijn Broeren

> test.  can you read this one, or is it attached?  This is in Microsoft
> Outlook Rich Text.  The previous mails have been sent in Plain Text.  
Your message looks like this :

  I 1  [multipa/alternativ, 7bit, 3.4K] 
  I 2 |->[text/plain, quoted, ISO-8859-1, 1.1K] 
  I 3 +->   [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 1.9K] 
  A 4   |->BDY.RTF  [applica/rtf, base64, 0.5K] 
  I 5   +->Legal Disclaimer  [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.9K] 

Amazing powers of obfuscation in Outlook. 
Merijn Broeren| My hat to keep the Martian brain rays out works just fine.
Software Geek | It's really *good* tin foil.
  | And stop staring at me like that.

Re: ISO8601 [was] Re: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-21 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Jonathan Peterson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Please use:
> ISO planet code, ISO country code, POSTCODE, Building Number[, apartment
> number][, business name]
Please move to one of the former USSR countries, they write their
addresses there like that.

Makes for interesting reading about posting to anywhere. 

Merijn Broeren| Some days it just don't pay to chew through 
Software Geek | the restraints in the morning... 

Re: DMP Availability

2001-02-23 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Merijn Broeren ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Guess who owns 
On checking who was first, I did a 


What can I say but :


DNS grafitti, who would have thought...
Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

Re: DMP Availability

2001-02-23 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> That's semi-intentional. My company is called Magnum Solutions so we
> have as much right to use the initials as Microsoft. It amuses me that
> my Perl doodlings might be mistaken for Microsoft software.
On that note, in the javaworld it is the idea that you name your classes
starting with your domainname reversed. So
etc. Microsoft has taken to naming their java stuff* 

Guess who owns 

That's right, and we are *not* inclined to sell it to them. They tried 
though. :-) 

Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

Re: No :-(

2001-02-23 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Leon Brocard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Philip Newton sent the following bits through the ether:
> > Someone brought up the possibility of the domain name
> On a... related... topic:
Woohahaha. Did you read their amazingly long, diligently kept up meeting
reports? With complete details of who ate what :-) 

Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

Re: Sunday's emergency social meeting?

2001-02-21 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting dcross - David Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I'm hoping that the talk on Monday will finish early enough that we can
> retreat to a local hostelry for more general socialising.
This finally gives an answer to a question I had, about  why the talk
is scheduled so early? Getting myself and Damian from Canary Wharf after
his class ends at our place leaves about 20 minutes for dinner. It can't
be that easy for other people as well...

But now I understand! You just want to get into a pub before 11! 

I can see I have to adjust to english life still. I'll start right away
with another publunch today. ;-)

Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

Re: OT: Buffy (or not OT, depending on your point of view)

2001-02-08 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Mark Fowler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> The one thing that gets me is that does anyone remember the trailer for
> this film?  I seem to remember this bit where Donald Sutherland throws a
> knife at Kirsy Swanson and she catches it between two palms in front
> of her head.  Now I didn't see this in the movie.  Does anyone else
> remember this?
This is normal for trailers of movies. I've worked in a cinema when I
was a student and was forcefed trailers, so couldn't help but noticing
it. Most US comedies have about 10 jokes, all of them in the trailer,
and about 8 in the actual movie. ;-)

There is a semi-valid reason for it, trailers are edited by different
people (apparently highly valued), and usually before the actual movie
is edited. Personally I try to avoid trailers and movie reviews, too many

Merijn Broeren | 'I want to understand everything. I want to know every-
Software Geek  |  thing and put it all together to see what it means.'
   | 'Excellent project, it will look very good on your resume.'

Re: Technical Meeting Sponsorship

2001-02-07 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> It would be spectacularly appropriate :)
I agree :-)

> I can't remember exactly what the email I got from them said, but they
> were _far_ cheaper than the Commonwealth Institute (which I also
> investigated). There was a larger room for ~500 and a smaller one for
> ~70. I think the smaller one costs £155 for the evening. So that is
> looking pretty good to me right now.
> If I don't get any other volunteers I may consider making it a Magnum
> Solutions sponsored event (if it only costs £150!)
You can jot me down for a personal sponsorship of £50. No way I can get
a corporate sponsorship in time. 

Merijn Broeren | Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavour of life,
Software Geek  | take big bites. Moderation is for monks.