Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy & Slow)

2009-06-29 Thread jon york

Hi guys, completely agree with all of this, but first i think is to determine 
what we want our market to be. Do we want to be out of the box, forget about 
needed to install something to make it "usable" (ie: flash, codecs) or do we 
want to be a bare minimum speedy OS. either way, i like both ideas, but we do 
need to determine what we wish to be and go for it. Il admit, i am ignorant of 
the rules or objectives we need to meet to be a ubuntu derivative, and we must 
adhere to that, But Mr. Ed Hewitt brings up some very valid points,

I have been selling linux based computers for years now, and I have a good idea 
of what people want either way.

Jon York

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 12:49:44 -0500
Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy &   

Ed Hewitt makes some very good points , Something to look at would be the 
Fluxbuntu project the 7.10 Version was amazing because it was very very slim 
nothing except the essentials installed but it also retained the availability 
of all those other apps by using the official repositories. I don't think 
anyone has to worry about something missing because the people that would be 
drawn to Lubuntu would certinaly be savvy enough to fetch it for themselves.

What's good isn't always golden , I agree with the minilmist idea that Ed 
Hewitt proposed here.


Dallas Wiebelhaus.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Ed Hewitt  


I'm Ed Hewitt (chewit in IRC). I have just joined the Lubuntu team in 
Launchpad, I am very keen to give you help with the Lubuntu project. I have 
been using Xubuntu since 7.10 release, and over the years Xubuntu has been 
getting heavier and slower after each release. This has been down two things. 
First, the Ubuntu developers adding more applications and utilies to improve 
the usability of the operating system. Secondly, Xubuntu is just Ubuntu with 
Xfce 'bolted on'. No thought has gone into using as little gnome depencies as 
possible. These two points have made Xubuntu heavy and slow, and not a 
lightweight distro. It is very close to being as heavy as Ubuntu!

My worry with the Lubuntu project is that when it becomes an official Ubuntu 
distro, it will have loads of extra apps added which will make it slow and 
heavy like Xubuntu. It will be a waste your time creating a distro which went 
the same way as Xubuntu. I am writing this message to warn you that it could 
happen. I want to join the Lubuntu and help decide the best applications to add 
to the operating systems and ways to make it as light as possible.

I have looked at the Lubuntu application list and I am already concerned with 
the success of the project. It appears Lubuntu will have more applications 
installed than the Ubuntu install!

The best way I see Lubuntu being setup is to carefully follow the way Debian is 
created, since Debain is very lightweight. I believe it is best to use the 
Ubuntu minimal install with LXDE added on, then we add a carefully selection of 
applications. Such as:

Web browser - FirefoxEmail - ClawsChat - Pidgin, Xchat
Office - Abiword, Gnumeric, ePDFMedia - Totem, Rhythmbox (would like to use 
VLC, but it uses QT4)GIMP

Synaptic & Update Manager is a mustGnome network manager (need good network 
support, however it needs to start on boot up)
Some Xfce apps - Notifyd (very nice notification system), taskmanager (but 
could use lxde task), power manager

We want to keep the apps list small, basic apps which most people will use. 
Video editing, ftp clients and programming apps are not needed on the base 
install. If we add loads of apps, we will be a heavy distro. With Lubuntu its 
performance and lightweight first, sadly xubuntu forgot about that. 

Would like to hear what the whole team thinks and if I can be some help in the 
development of Lubuntu.



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[Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu like Xubuntu

2009-06-29 Thread jon york

Alright, i wasnt sure what the guidelines are, As for the network
manager, i would keep that in, as it is very usefull and easy to use
(3g connections and VPN are seemless and dummy proof)

there is another thing to remember, in my experience, LXDE is always
faster then say, gnome or even XFCE. for that matter, something like
music, photo editing, web browser and office suite, do we go with the
smaller, less powerfull tools, like seamonkey and abiword, or do with
go with the full fledged firefox and openoffice, which will inherently
run faster due to the LXDE environment.

as for the forums, i can have a basic forum running very shortly for our uses.

Jon York

Jon York

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[Lubuntu-desktop] Forum

2009-06-29 Thread jon york

Hi guys

here is the forum location, just a quick and free forum for us, I am a 
webmaster, and own my own host, so we can discuss that later when we actually 
have a beta version to release to public, and we are ready to submit for an 
official variation of ubuntu

here is the forum

have fun guys and girls :P

Jon York

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Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy & Slow)

2009-06-29 Thread jon york

Hi guys, why dont we move this to the forum where it can be easier to document 
and organize these conversations?

also on that topic, in my opinion, we need to divide us into work partners, as 
right now, there is much discussion and no work being done. I think the first 
step, is quite simply that a select few people, who know LXDE and ubuntu the 
best, that they can create a base system that we can work with. this system 
should be very small, and include nothing but the neccesairy files to run lxde 
on ubuntu, as well as synaptic. that way, we can all have the same base system 
to work with, and test things out with.

Jon York

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 20:41:09 -0500
Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy &   

Stabilized without hiccups at 128mb ram , that's without youtube lagging out , 
you can go lower no doubt.  

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Dallas Wiebelhaus  wrote:

By the way , Chrome fits in like it's native and is running hella fast on this 
DE on my test box. I'm about to crank the ram down and see how low I can get.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Andrew Woodhead 

This is kinda surplus, the system is still ubuntu based so the standard repos 
can be used to install apps if they are needed.

If the OS is going to be as it says below, you may as well install a minimal 
install then have a gui to select apps which can then be installed off the 
repos. This however isn't the case, we are trying to make a smalland efficient 
distro with a decent amount of functionality without bloating the system with 
the likes of evolution, openoffice and firefox. These are fully installable 
once the installation has completed but the initial base system should be slick 
and quick

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:14 AM, C David Rigby  wrote:

On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 18:40 +0100, Ed Hewitt and several others wrote:

Restating the obvious, but the engineering trade off is always between

"ease of use/fully featured" on the one hand and lightweight on the

other. The necessary criterion is to decide what we really want to

build, and make it unique and useful enough to attract interest.

I've proposed it before, but I'll say it again as more people are on the

list now (sorry that I've missed the IRC meetings for the last two weeks

where the app mix has been the topic of discussion). How about the

possibility of a very slim base install with the installer offering

"bundles" to meet individual needs and desires? Something like the

FreeBSD or Debian text installers comes to mind.

The base installation would be just a command-line, network-capable

system plus enough of X to get LXDE operational. We would be pushing the

real work to the installer. The installer, whether text-based or

grahpical, would need to provide a lot of choices of bundles to


More importantly, I think the installer should provide something I have

yet to see. That something is extensive documentation of the choices of

bundles of applications, and what they mean in terms of system

performance vs features. It should be organized so that a savvy user

could bypass the explanations (or load a jumpstart script), but a novice

would get a detailed explanation of what the choices are and what they

mean for the final installed system.

My $0.02.


C David Rigby


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Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy & Slow)

2009-06-30 Thread jon york

i agree with c david rigby, in that maybe we can have a barebone system, and 
instead of having installers in the install process, maybe have some meta 
packages in the repo's where a user can download the 'full multimedia desktop' 
or the 'professional office tools' 

Jon York

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:11:37 +0100
Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy &   

I have a small script the guts the system of all the fluff I do not need. These 
days I use the minimal ISO and install from the repos what I need. So much 
better. My root partitions is currently 2Gb with the desktop + web browse + vlc 
+ transmission + pidgin + some plugins. Bliss 

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Glen Bizeau  wrote:

I agree,

Keep it small and lean, and apt-get anything you need.

The one question I think needs to be answered is " Are we making a

distro for newbies?"

If we are then you will need a bunch of standard default apps... If

not, which I think in my personal experience with Linux and LXDE, this

will probably only be attractive to the more experienced user, who

like myself ends up uninstalling all the crap that comes with Ubuntu

anywayI think it should be mean and lean and if you want

something, go fetch it.

Synaptic should be front and center though, is a launcher so it's easy

ti find. And maybe a desktop document on the default install

explaining about the distro and why it is what it is, and how to get


my two-cents


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Andrew

Woodhead wrote:

> This is kinda surplus, the system is still ubuntu based so the standard

> repos can be used to install apps if they are needed.

> If the OS is going to be as it says below, you may as well install a minimal

> install then have a gui to select apps which can then be installed off the

> repos. This however isn't the case, we are trying to make a smalland

> efficient distro with a decent amount of functionality without bloating the

> system with the likes of evolution, openoffice and firefox. These are fully

> installable once the installation has completed but the initial base system

> should be slick and quick


> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:14 AM, C David Rigby 

> wrote:


>> On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 18:40 +0100, Ed Hewitt and several others wrote:




>> Restating the obvious, but the engineering trade off is always between

>> "ease of use/fully featured" on the one hand and lightweight on the

>> other. The necessary criterion is to decide what we really want to

>> build, and make it unique and useful enough to attract interest.


>> I've proposed it before, but I'll say it again as more people are on the

>> list now (sorry that I've missed the IRC meetings for the last two weeks

>> where the app mix has been the topic of discussion). How about the

>> possibility of a very slim base install with the installer offering

>> "bundles" to meet individual needs and desires? Something like the

>> FreeBSD or Debian text installers comes to mind.


>> The base installation would be just a command-line, network-capable

>> system plus enough of X to get LXDE operational. We would be pushing the

>> real work to the installer. The installer, whether text-based or

>> grahpical, would need to provide a lot of choices of bundles to

>> install.


>> More importantly, I think the installer should provide something I have

>> yet to see. That something is extensive documentation of the choices of

>> bundles of applications, and what they mean in terms of system

>> performance vs features. It should be organized so that a savvy user

>> could bypass the explanations (or load a jumpstart script), but a novice

>> would get a detailed explanation of what the choices are and what they

>> mean for the final installed system.


>> My $0.02.


>> Cheers

>> C David Rigby



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Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy & Slow)

2009-06-30 Thread jon york

This is where I belive i might be of most help, as i have been selling pc's 
with linux on it for a few years now, to complete newbies in linux, in fact 
they have never heard of linux, I have always created my own remix of ubuntu to 
have the apps they require or need, and in fact, only 5 people of the 136 
people who bought pc's ever called asking how to install something, all the 
others have never needed to install anything since it was already included.

Jon York

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 20:47:55 +0800
Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy &   

hi all,
I think lubuntu should not meant for geeks only. It should appeal to the mass 
just like ubuntu is for.
As for applications, we should not think too much about the disk space, as disk 
space is not very critical less than cpu and ram nowadays, but it's good to 
keep it below 2 GB after installation ... And before installation, things are 
compressed into livecd, keep it under a livecd rather than livedvd.

We should look at the memory requirements and cpu utilization more than disk 
space.This is what I saw as lightweight.
As for user friendly, normal users should not configure too much out of box. It 
would make the distro unfriendly if the normal users have to configure like 

I know there are lots of geeks thoughts when designing the distro, but we 
should look at the demography of people who will be using it, and which area of 
people should we create the distro for, and also we should think more of the 
mass, rather than ourselves, it's because we are more experience in linux, does 
not mean a normal person who has no experience in linux can think like us.

RegardsJohn Thng
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Glen Bizeau  wrote:

I agree,

Keep it small and lean, and apt-get anything you need.

The one question I think needs to be answered is " Are we making a

distro for newbies?"

If we are then you will need a bunch of standard default apps... If

not, which I think in my personal experience with Linux and LXDE, this

will probably only be attractive to the more experienced user, who

like myself ends up uninstalling all the crap that comes with Ubuntu

anywayI think it should be mean and lean and if you want

something, go fetch it.

Synaptic should be front and center though, is a launcher so it's easy

ti find. And maybe a desktop document on the default install

explaining about the distro and why it is what it is, and how to get


my two-cents


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Andrew

Woodhead wrote:

> This is kinda surplus, the system is still ubuntu based so the standard

> repos can be used to install apps if they are needed.

> If the OS is going to be as it says below, you may as well install a minimal

> install then have a gui to select apps which can then be installed off the

> repos. This however isn't the case, we are trying to make a smalland

> efficient distro with a decent amount of functionality without bloating the

> system with the likes of evolution, openoffice and firefox. These are fully

> installable once the installation has completed but the initial base system

> should be slick and quick


> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:14 AM, C David Rigby 

> wrote:


>> On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 18:40 +0100, Ed Hewitt and several others wrote:




>> Restating the obvious, but the engineering trade off is always between

>> "ease of use/fully featured" on the one hand and lightweight on the

>> other. The necessary criterion is to decide what we really want to

>> build, and make it unique and useful enough to attract interest.


>> I've proposed it before, but I'll say it again as more people are on the

>> list now (sorry that I've missed the IRC meetings for the last two weeks

>> where the app mix has been the topic of discussion). How about the

>> possibility of a very slim base install with the installer offering

>> "bundles" to meet individual needs and desires? Something like the

>> FreeBSD or Debian text installers comes to mind.


>> The base installation would be just a command-line, network-capable

>> system plus enough of X to get LXDE operational. We would be pushing the

>> real work to the installer. The installer, whether text-based or

>> grahpical, would need to provide a lot of choices of bundles to

>> install.


>> More importantly, I think the installer should provide something I have

>> yet to see. That something is extensive documentation of the choices of

>> bundles of applications, and what they mean in terms of system

>> p

Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy & Slow)

2009-06-30 Thread jon york

Good point ed, 

we are forgetting our requirements, and getting head of ourselves.

so now that we are mostly agreed on being small and lightweight, what will be 
the minimum and recommended specs?

Jon York

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 15:07:11 +0100
Subject: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu could end up like Xubuntu (Heavy & Slow)

I believe its a bad idea having different versions of Lubuntu, having different 
meta packages of Lubuntu is not what lubutnu needs. Its all about lightweight 
distro. The Ubuntu guidelines requires the distro to have one build, 

All we need to do is make sure that this single meta package is bundled with a 
few lightweight apps for the end user to require out of the box which works 
well with the LXDE environment.
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[Lubuntu-desktop] Estimate on test-iso

2009-07-06 Thread jon york

Hi Guys and Gals,

just wondering if we could have an estimate on when we will have an "official 
test iso" that we can all try out?


Jon York

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Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Fw: lubuntu development model - Seeds vs UCK

2009-07-06 Thread jon york

Should we not stick with seeds if that is what ubuntu uses? seems to me seeds 
is an easier way to maintain long term sustainability and no "oops, i forgot to 
add this in UCK" ive used UCK and Uck-like methods for remasters, and its a 
pain when you forget something. However, with seeds, it seems like it would 
lessen then risk of getting oopses.

Jon York

> From:
> Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 16:47:41 -0300
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Fw: lubuntu development model - Seeds vs UCK
> In viewing the DEMO of reconstructor 3.0, it looks like it will do a
> shared project, and it looks web based???
> Glen
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Luther Goh Lu Feng wrote:
> >
> > For anyone interested in creating the builds, you may wish to refer to the 
> > forwarded email.
> >
> >
> >
> > - Forwarded Message 
> >> From: Mario Behling 
> >> To: Lubuntu 
> >> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 6:00:54 AM
> >> Subject: [Lubuntu-desktop] lubuntu development model - Seeds vs UCK
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> we had a talk among different people about a good model for building
> >> the lubuntu distribution. A sustainable model suggested by some is the
> >> Seed model practiced by the Xubuntu developers.
> >>
> >> There are solutions like Ubuntu Customization Kid
> >> (´) and Reconstructor
> >> ( out there. However, they have
> >> some drawbacks and I am not sure how we can build a model to include
> >> different people in the process.
> >>
> >> I see the seeds model as a viable way to make lubuntu sustainable.
> >> There is a wiki page on the kubuntu wiki with more information:
> >>
> >> Seeds are the lists of packages we want to include in the
> >> distribution. The minimal, boot, standard, desktop, and either ship or
> >> live seeds go onto our CDs. Xubuntu seeds, being built on top of
> >> Ubuntu, inherit a shared set of seeds called the "platform" seeds.
> >> These platform seeds are maintained by Ubuntu Core Developers whereas
> >> the Xubuntu seeds are primarily taken care of by Xubuntu developers.
> >> Xubuntu seeds (as with all Ubuntu flavors) manage their seeds using
> >> the bazaar revision control system and host them on launchpad (build
> >> scripts pull the official seeds to build the cd).
> >> (
> >>
> >> More information on Seed Management here
> >>
> >>
> >> What do you think about it?
> >>
> >> Best,
> >>
> >> Mario
> >>
> >> ___
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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[Lubuntu-desktop] PCmanFM Trash Can

2009-07-07 Thread jon york

Hi guys,

just wanted to know if this issue was resolved or not, because for sure 
Canonical, as well as the following of Lubuntu will demand a trash can...

Jon York

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[Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu Project Q's

2009-07-07 Thread jon york

Alright, not that I want to start any E-fights, but I do believe these are 
serious questions that need to be answered

in any project, there needs to be a driving reason behind it other then 
"because", also, there needs to be a reason for people to try it, and switch, 
or else this project will eventually fail.

in light of this, here are my questions

1- what will Lubuntu offer that any other version of *buntu does not offer?
2- what kind of performance increase shall we see with Lubuntu?
3- what is our geographic and demographic target?
4- is Lxde ready for its own *Buntu variant?
5- how will Lubuntu compared to Xubuntu in terms of GB install, Ram usage, 
performance and functionality?
6- what is the projected usage curve for this project?

these are hard questions to answer, however they do need to be addressed. I own 
a computer repair and sale company in Canada, and I and currently in university 
studying accounting and marketing. regardless of how we feel about it, we are 
competing for market share with countless Linux's including which many 
variants, official or not of Ubuntu. Is this system competing against all 
distro's? Xubuntu only? Ubuntu and Xubuntu? #!? or is it a system that will be 
aimed for the Windows/mac user to switch.

Jon York

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Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu Project Q's

2009-07-07 Thread jon york

I am glad to see that I am not alone with these concerns for the project. I do 
not wish to be the stick in the wheel, nor the stormy little raincloud. 
Personally, computing minimalism is something I feel strongly about, and really 
wish this trend to take wind. One thing that has been bugging me since I took 
part of this, is the seemingly (to me anyways) lack of cohesiveness, or 
coordination of this project. It has been two weeks, and still I see no 
advancement. Maybe I am too far removed, but if not, I have the time everyday 
of the week to read and coordinate emails. If possible, and if wished, I could 
conceivably arrange those contributors into smaller, cohesive groups which will 
allow us to be an official release for 9.10. 

I do not mean to step over any toes, or insult anyone by this. I am simply 
stating that I have the time, and the willingness to be a project coordinator. 
If there is one such coordinator, (mario?) I offer my help to him or her

Jon York

> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 02:21:32 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Lubuntu Project Q's
> 2009/7/7 jon york :
> > Alright, not that I want to start any E-fights, but I do believe these are
> > serious questions that need to be answered
> >
> > in any project, there needs to be a driving reason behind it other then
> > "because", also, there needs to be a reason for people to try it, and
> > switch, or else this project will eventually fail.
> I concur.
> I am somewhat dismayed by what I've read so far. This seems to me to
> be just another gratuitous "let's do a version of Ubuntu with our
> favourite desktop environment on it" effort to me, frankly.
> Firstly, there is an existing effort to create a lightweight version
> of Ubuntu. It's called U-Lite (formerly Ubuntu Lite until Canonical
> had Words), being developed largely solo by Shae Smittle.
> So Lubuntu seems to be rather duplicating this effort.
> Secondly, If Lubuntu wants to be a lightweight distro for low-end
> machines, then there is simply no point including large, heavyweight
> apps such as OpenOffice.
> There is no reason that a cut-down Linux should not run happily on 15
> to 20 year old PC hardware - and back in those days, when production
> volumes were much lower and PCs were much more expensive, they were
> built of higher-quality components and are quite likely to still be
> working fine.
> 192MB of RAM and a few gig of disk is not a particularly lightweight
> PC. That spec will run Windows XP if you're patient, and a hundred
> other Linux distros. It will, for example, run Xubuntu quite well.
> The big gap in the Linux ecosystem is lower down than that. It is for
> machines which were meant for Windows 98: 64-128MB RAM and 1GB of disk
> or less.
> Yes, distros like Puppy Linux and Damn Small Linux will run on this,
> but they are dramatically constrained and both are designed to run
> from bootable CDs, not to be installed onto a hard disk. This poses
> various problems.
> [1] They are not easy to install.
> [2] Once installed, they are not easy to keep updated.
> [3] It's also not trivial to add new applications, remove existing
> ones and so on.
> [4] Many very old, very low-spec PCs can't boot from CD anyway. Indeed
> of my own half a dozen PCs still in regular use, none can boot off a
> USB stick, and these are all from the 21st century and run modern OSs
> just fine.
> There is a real gap in the market for a VERY lightweight Linux desktop
> aimed at such machines. Bear in mind, if it runs on a 64MB box in
> 500MB of disk, it will *fly* along on a more modern PC. Aiming at
> low-end kit does not limit you to low-end kit.
> LXDE might be just the thing for it, too.
> But at the moment, it seems to me that the team behind Lubuntu:
> [a] are rather pointedly snubbing Shae and the U-Lite project
> [b] lack clear demarcation either from U-Lite or from any other
> flavour of Ubuntu
> [c] are including tools that disqualify them from their alleged goal
> of running on moderately low-end kit which
> [d] would appear to distinctly overlap with the objectives of Xubuntu,
> just for starters.
> My most serious concerns could be expressed thus:
> - firstly, pick some proper lightweight apps to go with your
> lightweight desktop. There is no point in just offering the same apps
> as any other Ubuntu variant.
> - secondly, stick to one toolkit or set of libraries when doing this,
> or you will bloat your distro out with a horrendous mix of GNOME
> libraries and KDE libraries and LXDE libraries and so on.
> - thirdl

[Lubuntu-desktop] Congrats!

2009-09-14 Thread jon york

read this, much fun!

Jon York

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