Re: Strange menu behaviour on resize

2005-07-19 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:


A strange thing happens whenever I minimise my Lyx window to the tool bar in Windows. When I bring it back up (regardless of whether it is full screen or user defined size) only the first 4 menu options are available (FIle, Edit, Insert, Layout).  When I run the mouse of the vacant space the other menu items appear. 

Very odd, wondered whether anyone else had this problem and although minor 
whether it is a bug worth reporting.


Can't reproduce it here.  Then again, over here windows get minimized 
rather than minimised; don't know if that makes a difference.  :-)

Sounds as if Windows is getting lazy about repainting the LyX window 
when you revive it.  Seems unlikely to be anything in the LyX code.  You 
might try calling up the task manager (ctrl-alt-del) while the LyX 
windows is minimized.  Switch to the Processes tab, then revive the LyX 
window and see if anything hammers your CPU while the window is being 
repainted.  (Bit of a long shot, I suppose.)

-- Paul

Re: Heretical question?

2005-07-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Juergen" == Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Juergen> Angus Leeming wrote:

Perhaps you should check out

Juergen> or (if you're on win)

I did not know this one.

I guess there is also BaKoMa YeX Word:


Can anyone summarize pros/cons of the various options listed in this 
thread?  You're all using (and most are actively developing) LyX, so I 
assume you see some advantages to LyX, right?


Re: Figure numbering/labelling

2005-07-24 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:


Just had a paper accepted for publication and thanks to Lyx it was a breeze to 
produce in the right way for the publisher.  However the figures are labelled

Figure 1: caption
Figure 2: caption


I need FIG. 1. Caption

Notice the colon has become a period.

At the moment I am using 


to change the Figure to FIG. and that is fine. How do I change the following 
colon to a period (or full-stop for us English folk)?


You might have a look at the caption package (see, for instance,


Re: HELP! Installing new .cls file

2005-07-25 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Hi, I'm new to Lyx and Latex in general, and I'm having trouble 
installing  a new .cls file. I've read a previous post on this subject, 
and did  exactly as was described, but it still wouldn't recognize the 
file. I'm  running

Miktex Minimum 2.4.1461
Lyx 1.3.5

I put the file once in miktex\localtexmf\tex\latex\user and also tried 
it  once in miktex\tex\latex\base. I clicked every refresh button in 
the  miktex options, than ran lyx -> edit -> reconfigure. Still nothing. 
Also,  the classes that appear in the lyx menu seem a lot less than 
what's  available in miktex I think. Any ideas???

Thanks in advance!

What you did sounds fine for getting the new class installed under 
MiKTeX.  Just as insurance, you might open a command window and type 
'kpsewhich new_class.cls' (without the quotes, and changing new_class to 
the name of your class file).  It should spit up the path to the .cls file.

LyX uses layout files to tell it how to display various document classes 
on screen.  Have a look at Chapter 5 of Help->Customization for details. 
   You may also find some help in the Layouts page of the LyX Wiki 
(  I'm pretty sure that the LyX 
reconfiguration script only looks for class files for which LyX has an 
associated layout file, which explains both why you don't see many of 
the classes that came with MiKTeX and why your new class is not listed. 
 If I'm right, you're going to have to cobble together a layout file to 
use with the new class (unless someone else has already done so).


Re: HELP! Installing new .cls file

2005-07-25 Thread Paul A. Rubin


I copied and renamed an existing layout file in lyx\share\lyx\layouts,  
then reconfigured lyx, but it still won't appear! Do I need to put it  
somewhere else as well or something?

The location is correct.  Did you edit the contents of the layout file? 
 Specifically, did you change the argument of the \DeclareLaTeXClass 
command near the top of the layout file?  That tells LyX what to name 
the class in the list of layouts.  If you don't change that, either you 
create a conflict with an existing class or your layout is listed but 
you don't recognize it.

If you did that, can you post your layout file so we can check it out?


Re: HELP! Installing new .cls file

2005-07-25 Thread Paul A. Rubin


Yes I did change the title bit and the file name both to docsummary!

Ok, I'm probably missing something here, but I can't find a class named 
docsummary in MiKTeX's package manager, and I can't find it on CTAN. 
Just to confirm, you have a class named docsummary.cls installed, right? 
 Did you write it yourself?

didn't change much else though (basically copied article.layout)

Generally a good starting point, assuming that the mystery class looks 
like an article.

I hate to take much of your time so feel free to ignore me, but would  
anyone be willing to help me with the code as well? The sytax seems  
different from the .cls files,

I'm pretty sure the syntax of .layout files is unique to LyX.

and I can't find anything on writing  
.layout files in the lyx help,

Help->Customization, section 5.3.

and all I want are just a couple of 
small  changes...

I think someone biblical once said that about horses.  Thus the origin 
of the camel.


Re: HELP! Installing new .cls file

2005-07-25 Thread Paul A. Rubin


If you did that, can you post your layout file so we can check it out?

Here it is. Like I said, just copied the code:


Aha.  If the layout file listing was verbatim, I think I see the 
problem.  That line should be # \Declare...  The space (character 
position 2) is not significant, but removing the comment symbol (#) 
apparently confuses the reconfiguration script.  I tried your file as 
you posted it.  Lacking a docsummary class, I named the file 
acmconf.layout, since I have an acmconf.cls installed and no layout for 
it.  Reconfiguring did not add "docsummary" to the LyX class list.  Then 
I added back the comment symbol and reconfigured again, and lo and 
behold "docsummary" showed up on the class list (employing acmconf.cls).

So the reconfiguration problem may be solved.


Re: HELP! Installing new .cls file

2005-07-25 Thread Paul A. Rubin


Hi again,

just reread your very first reply, seems I really have to create both 
the  .cls and the .layout myself. Wonder how I missed that...hmm well, 
it's 1am  around here so maybe that explains my dropping iq...

The whole thing is getting too much for lil me since both have a 
different  syntax, don't know whether it's worth the effort 
anymore...maybe I should  just shut up and be satisfied with equation 
editor and crashing documents  *shudder*

Anyways, everything hazy now so will leave it till tomorrow...


I'm not sure you need a new class file; if the feature list you posted 
was exhaustive, you can probably use a standard class (say article) and 
just modify the layout.  Need to contemplate further.


Re: HELP! Installing new .cls file

2005-07-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paul A. Rubin wrote:


Hi again,

just reread your very first reply, seems I really have to create both 
the  .cls and the .layout myself. Wonder how I missed that...hmm well, 
it's 1am  around here so maybe that explains my dropping iq...

The whole thing is getting too much for lil me since both have a 
different  syntax, don't know whether it's worth the effort 
anymore...maybe I should  just shut up and be satisfied with equation 
editor and crashing documents  *shudder*

Anyways, everything hazy now so will leave it till tomorrow...


I'm not sure you need a new class file; if the feature list you posted 
was exhaustive, you can probably use a standard class (say article) and 
just modify the layout.  Need to contemplate further.


Upon further review, I *think* you can do what you want with just a 
layout file (based on the article class).  The catch is that you'll need 
to know some LaTeX to write the layout file.  Among the layout file's 
functions are telling LyX how to render certain environments on the 
screen (which does *not* affect how they show up in the document), 
specifying options to be passed to the document class, and specifying 
"boilerplate" contents of the document preamble.  The latter two do 
affect the document format (but not the display within LyX).

I assume that, when you specify that "heading1" should be left-aligned 
in red smallcap font, that you mean that (a) it should look that way in 
the final document and (b) you would like it to look that way, to the 
extent possible, in the LyX window.  The latter is easily set in a 
layout file.  I think the former requires defining a "heading1" command 
in LaTeX (or redefining an existing heading command).  You should be 
able to set those definitions in the preamble (in which case you can set 
the layout file to generate the preamble commands).

So what we need now is someone more fluent in LaTeX than I to cobble 
together the right commands.  It might be a good idea for you to repost 
your list of specifications; the length of this thread may deter responses.


Re: screen fonts set to andale mono

2005-07-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Martin A. Hansen wrote:

after installing reinstalling ghostscript and reconfiguring lyx (1.3.6
- linux), the screen fonts somehow is set to andale mono - its ugly! i
also saw this happening on a windows install of lyx-1.3.6. anyone

i would like to see if i could reproduce this "bug", but i need to get
my system back to normal first :o/


There appears to be a bug in Qt/Win Free that causes it to default to 
the first font (alphabetically) for both Roman and San Serif (although 
it seems to get Courier right as the Typewriter font, at least on my 
systems).  In my case, that means I get the butt-ugly Agency FB.  If 
this is happening on Linux, that would seem to imply a problem in Qt, 
not just the Windows port.

In any case, if you go to Edit->Preferences->Look and feel->Screen 
fonts, set the Roman and San Serif to something tolerable (Times New 
Roman and Arial in my case), and Save, does that cure the problem?


Re: View->PDF lost

2005-08-01 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Roger McMurtrie wrote:

The PDF choice has disappeared from my View menu.
I think it probably disappeared after I did an Edit->reconfigure.
I have also recently added the Edit->Change tracking patch which seems to be 
working fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Two possibilities:  either LyX lost the name of the viewer to use, or it 
lost the ability to produce PDF output.

First thing to check is Edit->Preferences->File formats->PDF and see if 
the Viewer: field is filled in.  If not, insert the name of the viewer 
there, click Modify and then Save, and see if life gets better.  I use 
Acrobat Reader, and I can type in just "acrord32" (minus the quotes) and 
have it work.  Others, though, have reported that it doesn't work on 
their systems, and they have to type a full path to it.  If you need the 
full path, and if the path contains spaces, I think you'll need to 
enclose it in double quotes (but I'm not positive).  Note that if this 
is the problem, you may need to do the same for PDF (pdflatex) and PDF 

If the viewer field is correctly filled in, check whether File->Export 
lists PDF as an option.  If not, LyX has lost track of how to generate a 
PDF.  Have a look in Edit->Preferences->Converters.  The usual route for 
"plain" PDF (as opposed to the other two PDF options) is 
LyX->LaTeX->DVI->Postscript->PDF prior to version 1.3.6, 
LyX->LaTeX->DraftDVI->DVI->Postscript->PDF as of version 1.3.6.  The 
first step (LyX->LaTeX) is built in, but you'll need converters for each 
of the remaining steps.  The Postscript->PDF converter on my system 
reads "ps2pdf13 $$i" (in the Converter: field).  You'll need to recreate 
any missing converters (or provide some other sequence that gets from 
LaTeX to PDF).



Re: Heretical question?

2005-08-02 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Michael Wojcik wrote:

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Can anyone summarize pros/cons of the various options listed in this 
thread?  You're all using (and most are actively developing) LyX, so I 
assume you see some advantages to LyX, right?

[This is late, but Paul's query doesn't seem to have garnered much 

One LyX advantage: it isn't WYSIWYG.  I'm happy to argue that separating 
content and presentation is the right way to go, and that WYSIWYG has 
done tremendous damage to writing.  (Yes, some of my friends at MSU's 
WIDE (Writing in Digital Environments) center might disagree with that, 
but if we all agreed on everything we wouldn't have much to talk about 
at parties.)

Thanks for the reply.  I'm inclined to view WYSIWYG as an enabler of bad 
writing more than a cause.  In any case, my writing is invariably of the 
highest quality :-), and I like to see how the final version looks at 
least periodically, especially when I'm embedding figures or tables.

That said, I'm certainly comfortable working in a WYSIWYM environment, 
and I'm not willing to tolerate delays in display updates as I type.  So 
LyX continues to look pretty good.


Re: Paste External

2005-08-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stacia Hartleben wrote:

Is there a way I could make a keyboard command for paste external? I
need to paste a lot of external things and it takes a long time to go
to the menu all the time. I don't mind if there are two seperate
functions, but I want easy acess to the external paste one. Thanks!

Yes, you can create a key binding for it.  In LyX, go to 
Edit->Preferences->User interface and take note of which bind file 
you're using.  Now close LyX, track down your bind file, and open it in 
a text editor.  If you are using a customized bind file, it may be in 
the bind folder of the LyX directory tree under your home directory; 
otherwise it's probably in the bind folder under the LyX installation 
directory.  It has a .bind extension.

Pick a key combination to use for external pasting, and decide whether 
you want to paste as lines or paragraphs (or else pick two key 
combinations and bind one to each).  You'll add either one or two lines 
to the bind file, save it, then restart LyX.  The lines are best 
explained by example.  Here is one pair:

\bind "M-Insert" "primary-selection-paste paragraph"
\bind "C-Insert" "primary-selection-paste line"

These bind control+insert to external paste (line) and "meta"+insert to 
external paste (paragraph).  ("Meta" is the Alt key in Windows; I'm not 
positive about other OSes.)


Re: Installing beamer class layouts for lyx under Win XP

2005-08-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin


Hi there,

I am new to LyX and I try to install the layout files for the beamer
class for LyX on a Windows XP box. Unfortunately without much success
so far. I tried the hints for Linux which were given in some earlier
thread but it doesn't work. 

I hve installed MikTeX and the beamer class under MikTex. I have run
reconfigure in LyX without any success. 

As I am new to LyX I might have overlooked some place where to find
the relevant documentation. Could anybody please help?

Thanks in advance,

Hanno Klemm

Did you copy C:\directory>\tex\latex\beamer\lyx\layouts\beamer.layout and paste it into 
one of the LyX layout directories?  If not, I recommend you use your 
"personal" layout directory (should be C:\Documents and Settings\id>\Application Data\lyx\layouts).  That way, if you uninstall/reinstall 
LyX, you won't lose the layout file.  After that, you may need to 
reconfigure LyX (can't recall).

If the layout file is where LyX can see it, then we'll need some 
additional information on what is going wrong (error messages or symptoms).


Re: weird table problems in Lyx

2005-08-04 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Stacia Hartleben" 

Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 3:18 PM
Subject: weird table problems in Lyx

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but most times when I make
a table, the first row of the table is seperate than the others. I can
get around this by deleting and inserting more rows, but it's a pain.
What am I doing wrong? Also, is there an easy way to set the lines of
the table to not show up? I can do it per row or cell but I don't know
if there's an easy way to fix the whole table.

You aren't doing anything wrong that is just the way Lyx draws tables on 
the screen and annoyingly in the output.

As for the cell borders, you have to do them one by one.

Basically table support in Lyx is one of its failings.

Sorry not to be anymore help - that said if you use Windows, you can 
always make pretty tables in Excel and import them into lyx.


The "separation" of the first row in the table is not done by LyX; it's 
how LaTeX does tables.  On the assumption that the first row will be 
headings, it gets a double underline.  (Unlike office suites, LaTeX does 
not support "thick" v. "thin" lines, at least not unless someone has 
developed a package for it, so the double underline is its version of 
"thick".)  To make the first row look like every other row, just 
eliminate either the bottom border of the first row or the top border of 
the second row.

To zap all the borders in a table, do the following:

1.  Left click just inside the upper left cell.  Cursor placement is a 
bit finicky:  you don't want to be in the text entry box for the cell, 
you want to be between the cell boundary and where the text inserts.

2.  Drag diagonally downward to highlight the entire table.

3.  Right click to get the table settings window, pick the Borders tab 
and click the Clear button.


Re: coloured rows with multicolumns

2005-08-04 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Søren O'Neill wrote:
I've managed to get the backgrounds of rows in my table gray using colortbl, 
but it skips all multicolumn cells (i.e they are not gray'ed) - any 
suggestions ? I'll edit the raw lyx/latex file if needed :-)

kind regards

The following works for me (using package xcolor, which in turn calls 

1.  In the preamble: \usepackage[table]{xcolor}.

2.  In ERT before the table: \rowcolors{1}{gray}.  (The first argument 
says to start coloring in row 1, the second sets the background color.)

3.  Right click in any multicolumn cell and put the following in the 
LaTeX command box: |>{\columncolor{gray}}c|.  The 'c' is to center 
horizontally (use 'l' or 'r' for left or right); this inclusion 
apparently overrides the horizontal alignment specified in the drop-down 
list of the LyX dialog, and omitting it seems to cause a LaTeX error. 
The two '|' characters are replace the left and right cell borders (if 
either or both are deleted); include or omit as needed.  Note that you 
apparently need to close the table dialog for these changes to take effect.

I've attached a small example.



Description: application/lyx

Re: weird table problems in Lyx

2005-08-04 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Søren O'Neill wrote:
I appreciate your comments. I'm not that exerienced a LyX user, but must say I 
find the table functions very cumbersome and generally not quite sufficient. 
Actually I've been here before about a year ago, (needed the dynamic 
referencing), but abandoned it because of the table insufficiencies.

I think I might just prefer to create tables in OOo, Scribus or somewhere else 
and export as an image file to be included in the LyX.

I'm not slagging LyX in general and I realise, that complicated formating of 
tables is not really the main objective of LyX/Latex, but it certainly is the 
one issue that keeps popping up as a problem for me.


I've used the M$ office suite :-) as well as the Corel office suite, and 
of course I use LyX, so I've seen both sides.  The first thing to keep 
in mind is that LaTeX, not LyX, produces the final document, so you will 
not be able to do anything with tables in LyX that LaTeX (plus whatever 
useful packages you can find) does not support.

The LyX interface to tables can be a bit finicky (particularly with 
regard to where you click inside a cell and how you convert existing 
text to tables), but after a bit of time descending the learning curve 
I'm pretty happy with it.  Specific suggestions for feasible 
improvements can always be sent to the developers for possible inclusion 
in the next generation.

As far as creating tables in an office application and importing them as 
images, that has its limitations.  The fonts used in the tables may or 
may not match those used in the document, layout may be slightly 
different, rendition of the image may be less crisp than rendition of 
text, and I suspect that scaling of the image to match the size of the 
text fonts might be slightly problematic.  For some documents, you may 
not care about small quality glitches, but in general I'd be inclined to 
use LaTeX tables where possible.


Re: math mess in 1.3.6 on windows 2003 server

2005-08-05 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Hong Lu wrote:
Hi, all. I am happy to find out the new release of LyX 1.3.6 for 
windows. The installation(on windows 2003 server) is smooth. Everything 
works great except that math symbols can't be rendered. Check the 
attachment for a picture of what I got. It seems that LyX works fine on 
windows XP. Anyone please tell me how to fix this?

Do you have either the bakoma4lyx fonts or the latex-xft fonts 
installed?  (See, heading "Math fonts".)


File format extension

2005-08-05 Thread Paul A. Rubin
Is the extension field in Edit->Preferences->File formats documented 
anywhere?  I tried changing the extension for a clone of the PDF 
(pdflatex) format to 'pdf4' (because I was trying to open it in a 
non-Acrobat viewer, and the files were opening in Acrobat Reader 
regardless).  Turns out this doesn't work, because pdflatex gives the 
file a .pdf extension regardless.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or just how things work, because I can't 
find any documentation of whether the field is intended to let me 
specify the extension I want or just communicate the extension the file 
is going to have (outside my control).


Re: File format extension

2005-08-06 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

I tried changing the extension for a clone of the PDF
(pdflatex) format to 'pdf4' (because I was trying to open it in a
non-Acrobat viewer, and the files were opening in Acrobat Reader
regardless).  Turns out this doesn't work, because pdflatex gives the
file a .pdf extension regardless.

Do I get it right that you changed the "extension" field to "pdf4"? You have 
to change the "format" (to, say, "PDF4") and "GUI name" fields (to, say, 
"pdflatex (xpdf)") instead. The extension has to be "pdf" for all pdf files.


Yes, you got it right.  So I gather that the extension field does not 
control the extension being used.  (In other words, making it "pdf4" 
does not tell LyX to modify the pdflatex command to produce an output 
file named whatever.pdf4.)



Re: File format extension

2005-08-06 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stephen P. Harris wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Paul A. Rubin" 

Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 9:16 AM
Subject: File format extension

Is the extension field in Edit->Preferences->File formats documented 
anywhere?  I tried changing the extension for a clone of the PDF 
(pdflatex) format to 'pdf4' (because I was trying to open it in a 
non-Acrobat viewer, and the files were opening in Acrobat Reader 
regardless).  Turns out this doesn't work, because pdflatex gives the 
file a .pdf extension regardless.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or just how things work, because I can't 
find any documentation of whether the field is intended to let me 
specify the extension I want or just communicate the extension the 
file is going to have (outside my control).


I have been able to use another viewer to read postscript files besides
gswin (although it uses ghostscript.exe) so I think you can use another 
viewer app instead of Reader, Acrobat or xpdf (I put it in 
C:\lyx\lyx\bin) to read pdf. But to read a different file format I think 
you need a new viewer field assigned to that file format which would 
mean adapting the LyX source code. I received an email once from 
Helge(sp?) which I

can't find now that leads me to believe this. Angus will probably give
a definitive answer.



Thanks.  I actually didn't have any insurmountable :-) problems getting 
the new viewer to work.  I created a new format (similar to PDF 
(pdflatex) but with a different name), created a conversion path to get 
from LyX to it (using pdflatex), inserted the viewer command I wanted 
and added the directory containing the viewer to the PATH prefix (key 
step).  During debugging of this, I had a file opened by Acrobat Reader 
(presumably because the viewer I wanted wasn't set up properly and LyX 
reverted to the system file association for ".pdf"), so I thought I 
could avoid that in the future by changing the extension.  Apparently, 
that thought was incorrect.

BTW, adding a new format, new converter, new viewer does not require 
tinkering with LyX source.


Re: Multirow ... no go !

2005-08-07 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Søren O'Neill" 

Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 7:36 PM
Subject: Multirow ... no go !

I've included two lyx files. One is from the wiki at
called table-,ultirow-lyx and it demonstrates multirow support. That 
comes out as expected in the DVI. The other one is my own lyx table - 
and it

doesnt work as expected, but I cant quite see why not ...

Ok this appears to be something to do with the fact that you have set 
column widths in your table settings. I have delete them all and it works.

I have no idea why this makes a difference of how you get your table to 
show up the way you want it to as it now spans more than the page 
witdth, but it does allow multicol to work properly!

I attach the new file but like I say all I have done is removed the 
column widths from the table properties box.


Actually, it's not the column widths per se.  The problem only occurs 
when cell contents wrap around to a second line (which, in turn, can 
only occur if you use a fixed column width).  If the column widths are 
fixed wide enough that no wrapping occur, things go ok.  I assume this 
is a limitation in multirow.

Attached is a file that I think does what you want "manually", by using 
a raisebox to elevate the content of the lower of the two cells to be 
merged.  You may want to fiddle with the amount of vertical shift.

I think you might also be able to use the cellular package to generate 
your table, but I don't have it installed here.



Description: application/lyx

Re: File format extension

2005-08-07 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stephen P. Harris wrote:

BTW, adding a new format, new converter, new viewer does not require 
tinkering with LyX source.

I'm interested to know how you did this. If it is documented perhaps you 
can point me to the instructions. I just noticed that Adobe released 
Reader ver. 7.0 for Linux and Solaris.

Maybe this is old news but I just noticed it. I dual boot and was
going to see how this worked out with FC4 as a LyX pdf viewer.

All the following takes place in Edit->Preferences:

1.  Click File formats->New.  Set the Format: field to pdf4 (or pdf5 if 
you already have a pdf4, etc.).  Make the GUI name anything that you 
want (that isn't already used, of course); this is how it will be listed 
in the View and File->Export menus.  If you're going to use it often 
enough, you can fill in a keyboard shortcut (again, one not currently in 
use) in Shortcut:, but this is strictly optional.  Set the Extension: 
field to pdf.  Fill in the Viewer: field with the name of the viewer 
executable.  Click Modify and Save.

2.  Go to Converters.  Find the current converter that matches what you 
plan to use to generate PDFs.  If you use View->PDF, this will probably 
be the Postscript->PDF converter.  If you use View->PDF (dvipdfm), this 
will probably be the DVI->PDF converter.  If you use View->PDF 
(pdflatex), this will presumably be the LaTeX->PDF converter.  Change 
the From: field to your new format (which should be on the list, else 
step 1 failed), then click Modify and Save.

3.  Open a document, go to the View menu, and verify that the new viewer 
is present (and works).

You can do this for all three PDF conversion methods if you want, but 
you'll need to create three new formats in step 1 (with distinct names).



Re: File format extension

2005-08-07 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Angus Leeming wrote:

Stephen P. Harris wrote:

In my case I wanted a new .ps viewer. I changed the format to ps2.
I set the extension field to ps the GUI name to Gscript and the viewer
executable to flps. It worked just like you said it would. Thank you.

Incidentally, if you're interested in just changing the Viewer, why not
just change the Viewer of the existing ps format?

Where would the sport be in that?

Re: Space between table columns

2005-08-08 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:


I have created a table in latex and imported it into Lyx.

Unfortunately there is a large amount of space between the contents of each column. I want them to almost touch. If I right align the left hand column and left align the right, then I can get what I want (albeit with the insertion of a small \hspace in the right column). 

However this leaves the table looking like it isn't flush with the right hand margin. 

Is there anyway I can close the gap without left aligning the right column.


Are you saying the columns are too wide?  If you set their widths 
manually (to something narrower), does that do the trick?


Re: pdflatex view

2005-08-10 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:


All of a sudden when I select view->>pdflatex instead of getting the document as it is I get a very old version of it. 

I have tried Update, I have tried closing and starting again. 

Closing/restarting LyX, or closing/reopening the document?  (The former 
should get rid of your temp directory and anything in it.)

Also, what happens if you add a space and delete it (so that the doc 
registers as changed), then try View->PDF (pdflatex)?


Re: vertical alignment (center text vertically)

2005-08-11 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Robert Neumann wrote:
No need to use ERT. See attached (use the paragraph dialog to get the 

When I use the paragraph dialog it provides me only with a vfill and not with a vfill* (I 
use the "variabel" in the german paragraph dialog)

Notice in Juergen's example that he checked the "Keep space" box.  That 
plus vfill apparently causes LyX to specify \vfill* in the LaTeX output.


OT: Font size in pgf text labels

2005-08-12 Thread Paul A. Rubin
Hopefully one of the LaTeX gurus can help me.  I've got a graph done in 
pgf, including text in \pgfbox commands.  I'd like to change the size of 
the text but can't figure out how.  For example, 
\pgfbox[center,center]{\it my text} sets "my text" in italics, but 
\pgfbox[center,center]{\small my text} does not seem to reduce the size 
of "my text".  (I tried \footnotesize as well as \small, with no effect.)

Any suggestions would be welcomed.


Re: Problem with incorporation of subparts

2005-08-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

S. Teletchéa wrote:
I'm writing down my PhD (well finishing today or tomorrow if you can 
help me) and i'm encountering a problem

I've made a file where all my chapters are incorporated (using 

Each incorporated file begin with Part + some chapters

When i incorporate all of them, parts are well numbered but chapters are 
never reinitialized. Any idea why ?

I have :

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 3
Chapter 6
and so on...

I'll need :
Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 3
Chapter 1

I'm using Mandrake Linux 10.1 Official :

Thanks in advance for any help.

Note that if i only use 'chapter' (no Part) the numbering is ok (but i 
presume it is a side effect).


I'm not sure why the chapter counter is not being reset -- it may be 
dependent on the class you are using -- but for a workaround try adding 
the following to the preamble of the master document: 


Re: Pagenumber at top of page - how to

2005-08-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Søren O'Neill wrote:
The title says it all ... How do I put the page number at the top of a page 
rather than at the bottom?

Kind regards

First set Layout->Document->Layout->Page style to Fancy, then in the 
preamble add \rhead{\thepage} to put it in the upper right corner. 
Change \rhead to \lhead or \chead to put it in the left corner or center 
respectively.  You can also embellish it (for instance, 
\rhead{-\thepage-} to add a dash on either side).

This won't apply to a title page, though.


Re: Problem viewing PDFs

2005-08-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Gustavo Guerra wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Geoffrey Lloyd" 

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Problem viewing PDFs

- Original Message - From: "Gustavo Guerra" 

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:02 PM
Subject: Problem viewing PDFs

Hi there

I just installed LyX 1.3.6 for Windows.
When I select View->PDF (any of the three versions), acrobat reader 
gives an
error saying that it can't open the document. The file is generated 
in the

temp dir, but probably the path is being passed wrong. How can I fix it?

Best regards,
Gustavo Guerra

PS: With this new instaler, I still have to install the fonts given 
on the

wiki site(, or does the
installer include them.

Firstly the fonts, yes you do have to install them seperately.

Secondly with the pdf problem. Is Acrobat open at the time, if so 
close it, then select view pdf.

Yes, closing acrobat first solves the problem. Thanks.
It's still a weird behaviour, though, having to keep closing acrobat. Is 
it a bug in acrobat?

Best Regards,
Gustavo Guerra

Windows does not handle pipes very well, certainly not as well as Unix 
and its derivatives do.  I'm inclined to blame Windows rather than 
Acrobat Reader.

There's a workaround of sorts.  Manually edit your preferences file 
(should be in C:\Documents and Settings\\Application 
Data\lyx), adding the following line:

\custom_export_command "acrord32 $$FName"

This assumes that you have the path to Acrobat Reader on LyX's path 
prefix.  Close and restart LyX if it is open when you make the change. 
Now instead of using View->PDF (or either of the PDF alternatives), use 
File->Export->Custom, pick the PDF format you want, and click ok.  The 
export command should already be filled in.  For whatever reason, this 
can display the document in an already running copy of Acrobat Reader.

One thing this does not fix:  there is no way to use View->Update->PDF 
to view changes while the previous version of the document is open in 
Reader. Again, I think the fault lies with Windows: while you're 
displaying the previous version, Windows puts a read lock on the file in 
the temp directory, so the updated version (which uses the same file 
name) cannot overwrite it.


Bindings question

2005-08-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin
Is there a way to daisy-chain bindings?  What I want to do is set up a 
key binding that will execute File->Export->Custom with the format set 
to PDF (pdflatex) and the command set to "acrord32 $$FName".  I can bind 
a key to "buffer-export custom" and get to the custom export menu, and I 
can prefill the command using \custom_export_command in the preferences 
file, but I can't figure out how to avoid having to manually select the 
format.  (Ideally, I'd like the binding to all execute the command, so 
that I don't have to click OK each time.)

Once in the menu, you can select the format with M-e pp, so if I could 
find a way to bind that sequence (I haven't figured out how to get 
Meta-e to be the result of a key binding) and then could chain the 
bindings, I think I'd be there.


Re: Problem viewing PDFs

2005-08-16 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stephen Harris wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Paul A. Rubin" 

One thing this does not fix:  there is no way to use View->Update->PDF 
to view changes while the previous version of the document is open in 
Reader. Again, I think the fault lies with Windows: while you're 
displaying the previous version, Windows puts a read lock on the file 
in the temp directory, so the updated version (which uses the same 
file name) cannot overwrite it.

Is this workaround useful for this situation?
Improved PDF viewing

This tweak makes the View PDF (pdflatex) command open the viewer window 
automatically and avoids the error message that occurs if you invoke 
View PDF (pdflatex) with the opened reader. Other viewer windows will 
remain unaffected.


This will allow you to alter the document and then see the changed 
version with View->PDF (pdflatex), without manually closing the previous 
version.  View->Update->PDF (pdflatex) still won't work (fails silently, 
old version continues to display in reader), but I don't see that as a 


Re: output refresh when only graphics change?

2005-08-17 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Sven Schreiber wrote:

How can I force lyx to run a latex cycle when only an included graphics
file has changed?

Lyx doesn't seem to notice the change (which I understand) and therefore
only offers the output from the buffer with the old graphic.

Workaround is to close and reopen the lyx-file, but surely this is not
really necessary?

Thanks, Sven

I've experienced this myself.  Easier workaround: insert a space 
(anywhere) and then delete it, so that LyX thinks the document has changed.

However, I do agree this should not be necessary.


Re: output refresh when only graphics change?

2005-08-19 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Sven Schreiber wrote:

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Sven Schreiber wrote:

How can I force lyx to run a latex cycle when only an included graphics
file has changed?

Lyx doesn't seem to notice the change (which I understand) and therefore
only offers the output from the buffer with the old graphic.

Workaround is to close and reopen the lyx-file, but surely this is not
really necessary?

Thanks, Sven

I've experienced this myself.  Easier workaround: insert a space
(anywhere) and then delete it, so that LyX thinks the document has changed.

Paul, that was the first thing I tried, but it didn't work (although
normally I agree it works). At least in this situation, Lyx apparently
understands that nothing has changed. Instead of closing the file,
however, I can also 1. insert a word, 2. update, 3. delete the word, 4.
update, and all is as it should be.

Actually it is difficult to construct a simple test case, so this seems
to be a rather subtle bug that is triggered only in special
circumstances. Maybe it helps to describe the situation where it occurred:

1. I have a lyx document with pdf graphics included (lyx 1.3.6 on win
2000, could also try xp, haven't tried yet)
2. I edit one graph by updating the .eps, and then running it through
eps2pdf.exe (a wrapper around ghostscript, I believe) which updates the
3. Then I try "update" in lyx and... no latex run, so nothing changes.

I could do more testing if somebody tells me in which direction.

Ok, I think I see the problem, though not the solution.  The first time 
you view the document, LyX copies the graphics files into the temp 
directory (which also houses any transformations of them done by 
ImageMagick).  When you perform step 2, I assume that you're performing 
it on the original image file, not the copy in the temp buffer.  LyX 
does not know the image has changed.  Also, although I'm not sure of 
this, I think View->Update may only run latex unless it sees a change to 
the list of graphic files.

I experimented with this.  Oddly, changing the name of the image file in 
LyX, then changing it back, then doing either View or View->Update did 
not cause LyX to update the image file.  Changing the name of the image, 
viewing it, then changing the image file name back and executing View 
again did update the image.  (But doing View->Update in the second step, 
rather than View, did not update the image, again a bit surprising.)

I made the mistake of experimenting with a rather large beamer 
presentation.  When I did get LyX to initiate a new pdflatex run, it was 
rather time consuming, and in the situation you describe I don't think 
it should be necessary.  Assuming that the image widget in the LyX 
document specifies dimensions for the image, I don't think the document 
flow can be affected by the image edit, so a new latex/pdflatex run 
should not be required.

Perhaps we should suggest a modification that adds a button to the image 
widget that tells LyX to update the copy in the temp buffer, preparatory 
to a View->Update.


Re: output refresh when only graphics change?

2005-08-19 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Angus Leeming wrote:

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Ok, I think I see the problem, though not the solution.  The first time
you view the document, LyX copies the graphics files into the temp
directory (which also houses any transformations of them done by
ImageMagick).  When you perform step 2, I assume that you're performing
it on the original image file, not the copy in the temp buffer.  LyX
does not know the image has changed.

Ermmm. That's not entirely true. LyX does indeed check whether the file has
changed when it generates the LaTeX source, so at that point the file in
the temp directory is updated. However, there's no mechanism at the moment
to propagate the information that, actually, we really do need to run the
document through the latex compiler again, even though the source hasn't

Maybe you could add an entry to bugzilla so that this doesn't get

Can do, but first let me clarify two things.  You said LyX does check 
for a changed graphic file _when it generates the LaTeX source_. 
However, if the only thing you've done since the last LaTeX run is muck 
around with the graphics file (not change the name of the file being 
used, just change the content of the image file), what will tell LyX to 
run LaTeX again?  Second, when you say LyX checks for a changed graphic 
file, does it check the file's last modification date, or does it just 
look to see if the file name has changed?


Re: output refresh when only graphics change?

2005-08-19 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Paul A. Rubin" 

Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: output refresh when only graphics change?

Angus Leeming wrote:

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Ok, I think I see the problem, though not the solution.  The first time
you view the document, LyX copies the graphics files into the temp
directory (which also houses any transformations of them done by
ImageMagick).  When you perform step 2, I assume that you're performing
it on the original image file, not the copy in the temp buffer.  LyX
does not know the image has changed.

Ermmm. That's not entirely true. LyX does indeed check whether the 
file has

changed when it generates the LaTeX source, so at that point the file in
the temp directory is updated. However, there's no mechanism at the 
to propagate the information that, actually, we really do need to run 

document through the latex compiler again, even though the source hasn't

Maybe you could add an entry to bugzilla so that this doesn't get

Can do, but first let me clarify two things.  You said LyX does check 
for a changed graphic file _when it generates the LaTeX source_. 
However, if the only thing you've done since the last LaTeX run is 
muck around with the graphics file (not change the name of the file 
being used, just change the content of the image file), what will tell 
LyX to run LaTeX again? Second, when you say LyX checks for a changed 
graphic file, does it check the file's last modification date, or does 
it just look to see if the file name has changed?


Out of interest is the Lyx graphic preview recognising the change. IE in 
the Lyx window does the grpahic look different.


Don't know -- never preview graphics inside LyX.  Sven?


Re: Restarting endnotes numbering for each chapter?

2005-08-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stefano Franchi wrote:

Hi all,

I am writing a scholarly book that will have endnotes at the end of 
each chapter. I followed the instructions in the LaTeX companion on how 
to use the endnotes package and the formatting works perfectly except 
that the numbering of the endnotes does not restart with each chapter. 
The companion does indeed say that you need "to restart the endnote 
counter to zero after calling \theendnotes" but it does not say how to 
do so. I suppose it was too obvious... :-(

Suggestions are greatly appreciated...


Try \setcounter{endnote}{0} in ERT.


Re: Writing a list in another environment

2005-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Jose Capco wrote:

Dear List,

I am still using the 1.3.5 version for windows (due to
problems involved with 1.3.6 and Win98). I have a
question on how to write a list when I change the

I am using the amsbook layout. And when for instance I
am say in the "Proof" environment and I want to
itemize something, then I have to change the
environment to "Itemize" (I use the pulldown menu in
the upper left part of the LyX window). But then I am
not longer in the "Proof" environment.. and when I get
out of the "Itemize" environment, the proof has
already ended..

I hope I got my message clear.. Let me try to give an

I want something like this:
(start of Theorem environment)
Theorem: This is Theorem blahblah
(end of Theorem environment)
(start of proof environment)
Proof: To proof this theorem we need the following
(here an itemize environment starts)
-(bullet) Step 1
-(bullet) Step 2
... etc.
(itemize ends.. but still I am in the proof

Step 1 is blahblabla.

(end of proof environment)

Is this at all possible with LyX (1.3.5 here!)? 

Yes, and it's not version-specific.  You just need to increment the 
environment depth.

Start the proof, then hit Enter and change the environment to itemize or 
enumerate (which, as you noted, takes you out of the proof environment). 
 Now increment the environment (S-M-Right, Layout->Increase Environment 
Depth, or the toolbar button that looks like an indented paragraph with 
an arrow pointing to the right).  The itemize/enumerate environment is 
now embedded within the proof.  You'll have to increment depth for each 
new item.  When you are done with the list, hit Enter and change the 
environment of the new paragraph back to proof.  This will continue the 
current proof.


Re: output refresh when only graphics change?

2005-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Sven Schreiber wrote:

Sven Schreiber wrote:

Actually it is difficult to construct a simple test case, so this seems
to be a rather subtle bug that is triggered only in special

Well I don't remember why I found that so difficult, but I found out
some details; especially that the problem only appears when a temp
directory is used (option checked in preferences). The updated graphics
file gets copied into the tempdir though, so Lyx must be somehow aware
of the change, yet Lyx isn't rerunning (pdf)latex. The graphic preview
is updated like it should be, however.

Maybe this is again a Windows-specific path thing? My test case is the
file D:\lyxtest\newfile1.lyx with embedded graphics file
D:\lyxtest\impulse-redone.pdf; specifying absolute or relative paths
doesn't make a difference. The temp dir is also D:\lyxtest, but I had it
in C:\tmp before, with no difference.

Btw, in the status bar for a very brief moment Lyx says its "Running
Latex..." (I think, it disappears almost instantly).

Any bug squashers let me know if you need further info,

FYI, I've added this to bugzilla.


Re: installing beamer

2005-08-24 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Martin A. Hansen wrote:

thanks - that did the trick!

but isn't that a very odd work-around?

Not really.  For any class you want on LyX's list, you need a layout 
file (so LyX knows how to render things on screen).  LyX automatically 
installs layouts for a lot of "common" classes ("common" being defined 
by the developers, I guess).  For any other class you add, you need to 
manually add a layout file.  In most cases you're stuck creating the 
layout file yourself (unless some other kind soul has posted one). 
Beamer is somewhat unique in that the package developer supplies a 
layout file, but otherwise this is business as usual.


Re: arabic in 1.3.6?

2005-08-24 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Talal Al-Azem wrote:

Hello, all


I’m having a bit of trouble getting Arabic to work in 1.3.6.  It was working 
fine in 1.3.5, which I then removed to upgrade to 1.3.6, since it was supposed 
to be the proper port into windows.


Since then, however, i can’t get the Arabic functioning.  It might have to do 
with the fact that I can’t find a “preferences” file in 1.3.6, the way that the 
guy who wrote up the directions for getting Arabic to function in 1.3.5 had 
said; in 1.3.5, it had been in my “documents and settings” folder, under .lyx.  
Now, I see no such folder, and can’t find a “preferences” file in the lyx 
folder under “programs”, where 1.3.6 installed itself.


Any help???  Thanks in advance.


The preferences file for 1.3.6 should be in C:\Documents and 
Settings\\Application Data\lyx.


Re: Questions.

2005-08-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:


It is becoming apparent that many questions on this list are being 
repeated and some are quite sraightforward for want of a better phrase.

Could I suggest that before a question is posted the following things 
are done

1) Read the wiki
2) Search the mailing list archives
3) Try google to see if there is already an answer on the web

Also I recommend every user to get a good handbook on Latex as most 
queries are more Tex than Lyx.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not forgetting what it was like to be 
puzzled by Lyx/Latex, and I am as guilty as the next man when it comes 
to asking 'obvious' questions.

All I am saying is that in my experience I have learnt more by playing 
about and finding the answer by research, and using the list as a last 
resort. Mainly as it opens upo things I never knew about extending my 
perception of Latex's power.

However if you do have questions post away as I am happy to help out as 
best I can (as many people may already be aware) as are others on the 
list with vastly better knowledge than me. And sometimes when the thesis 
deadline is looming spending hours trying to find out how to move a 
title or include a footnote is not condusive to the stress levels and 
the list is a useful 'quick fix' source!!!

I hope this is read in the manner intended.


Now the trick is to get people to read this.  We may need someone to 
repost this once a month as a reminder to newbies.


Re: No classes

2005-08-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Pablo Ortúzar wrote:


Thanks. My doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx autogenerated file says that 
"[t]he document classes presented in this section are the basic document 
classes provided by LaTeX. In particular, they are all present on your system 
as long as log as LaTeX2e is installed". The SuSE te_latex rpm "provides 
LaTeX. To be exact, LaTeX2e". Now, te_latex *is* installed. However, "[w]hen 
the text indicates that a particular class has not been found, this means the 
layout file supporting this particular class has not been found". No classes 
were found for article, report, book, letter, slides, amsart, aa, aastex, AGU 
Journal of Gephysical Research, broadway, cv, cl2emult, dinfrief, docbook, 
dtk, egs, elsart, entcs, extsizes, foils, g-brief-en, g-brief-de, gbrief2, 
hollywood, IEEEtran, ijmpd, kluwer, koma-script, koma-script letter, latex 8, 
linuxdoc, IIncs, memoir, mwcls, paper, SPIE, REVTeX, REVTeX4, SIAMLTeX, 
Springer Unspecific Journal, Springer Journal of Geodesy, Springer 
Probability Theory and Related Fields, nor TUGboat.  
Further packages listed as "missing" are: array, babel, color, graphicx, 
longtable, varioref, a4, a4wide, geometry, algorithm, fancyhdr, floatflt, 
natbib, prettyref, rotating, subfigure, setspace, and url. 

Either the LaTeX package is utterly corrupted, or Lyx does not detect its 
layout files. Shifting from Lyx 3.5 to version 3.6 -or the other way around- 
has proven useless. 

Disclaimer:  I'm not a Suse user, and in fact don't use Linux much.

I wouldn't worry about the LyX layout files, at least for the moment. 
Going back to the output from the configure script (included in your 
original post), the configure script was able to find your LaTeX 
executable.  It did not find the the core set of fonts it seeks (cmex10 
etc.), and it appears that it could not find the xfonts directory.  I 
think you'll need to install some fonts:  see 
for details.

The configure script also failed to find *any* of the document classes 
it searched for, including the basic ones such as article and book. 
Either your te_latex installation is damaged or the environment 
variables that should point to the texmf directory tree do not.  Try 
opening a shell and executing 'kpsewhich article.cls' (no quotes).  It 
should return the path to the article document class file.  If it fails, 
either the class is not installed or there's a problem locating the 
texmf tree (possibly a missing or incorrect environment variable).


Re: No classes

2005-08-28 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Pablo Ortúzar wrote:


Thanks, Paul. I dowloaded & installed the XFT forms and fonts. In a console, 
"kpsewhich article.cls" (no quotation marks) gave... nothing. )


"Reconfigure" didn't change anything.

It wouldn't.  The problem lies with LaTeX, not with LyX.

Under "View", I have no DVI nor PDF.

You need to clarify something here.  When you first open LyX (meaning 
you are looking at the splash screen, and no document is open in LyX), 
the View menu has "No Documents Open!" and does not have entries for DVI 
or PDF.  It should, however, end with an entry that lets you view your 
TeX information (list LaTeX classes and styles, as well as BibTeX 
styles). In a properly configured system, when you open a document (or 
create a new one), the View menu contains entries for DVI, PDF etc.  Are 
you saying the View menu lacks DVI and PDF entries even when a document 
is open?  For that matter, *can* you open a document, given that either 
LyX or LaTeX can't seem to find any of your document classes?

I do not think there is something wrong with *my* installation:  I've seen 
quite a few posts pointing to the same problem, which appears after an 
upgrade (in one case, Fedora. Mine is a clean SuSE install. Others have 
reported  the same problem both with Windows and with Macs).

Forget about LyX for the moment.  In any LaTeX installation I've used 
(and I confess I've not used teTeX), kpsewhich should be able to find 
any document class you have installed, and *every* LaTeX package 
installs the article class.  The article.cls file should be in the 
./tex/latex/base folder under your LaTeX installation.  Is it there?  If 
not, the teTeX installation may be hosed.  If it is there, then I 
suspect there's a problem with environment variables.  Quoting the teTeX 

The file texmf.cnf is searched for in $SELFAUTODIR, $SELFAUTOPARENT,
$TETEXDIR. If the file texmf.cnf is not found, set the TETEXDIR variable
in your environment.

Are those variables set in your environment?


Re: displaymath

2005-08-29 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:


I am using displaymath environment and wondered whether it was possible, for a few equations only, to have this environment to be left aligned rather than the default centered. 


In Layout->Document->Packages, check the box to use the amsmath package. 
 Then insert the following in ERT in the text prior to each equation 
whose placement you want to change:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] to switch to left alignment;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] to switch to center alignment.

Be sure to include a terminal space in the ERT so that \makeatother 
doesn't run into whatever comes next.



Re: how to share BibTeX references across platforms

2005-09-02 Thread Paul A. Rubin

David Soukal wrote:

Dear LyXers,

I would like to ask you for help with the following problem. I'm writing 
papers with my advisor and we decided to use LyX. She uses Windows 
version while I work from Linux. Our problem is sharing documents with 
BibTeX references. While sharing LyX documents works flawlessy, we have 
problems with BibTeX generated references.

The problem is where to store the BibTeX files. Each of us would like to 
have the references in a place where they can be accesses from several 
papers. The problem is how to achieve this in situation where the 
database is in different locations on different machines. For example, 
my advisor prefers c:\papers\bibliography\1994.bib while I prefer 
~/work/references/1994.bib. When I'm entering the database file in LyX, 
I have two options, either hit the Browse button in which case LyX 
enters the full path, or I can manually add relative path.

I thought I'd add a symbolic link into each directory with a paper and 
then I'd add the databases using relative path, like so


where "ref" is the link to whatever directory the database is stored in 
on particular machine (e.g. ~/work/references for on my machine).

Now, while this works for me on Linux. Windows shortcuts don't seem to 
do the trick.

My question is, does anybody have experience with sharing LyX documents 
with BibTeX references that are not stored in one fixed place?

Thank you for any comments,


If your advisor has installed (or is willing to install) the MinSYS 
system (subsystem? package? whatever), you can use symbolic links.  I 
believe MinSYS is mandatory for LyX 1.3.6 and later on Windows.

From MinSYS's interactive shell, you create the link pretty much as you 
would on Linux, other than to remember that the C: drive is /c in 
MinSYS.  So, for instance, you would use

ln -s /c/papers/bibliography ./ref

on her machine.  Alternatively, you can do the same thing from a DOS 
command prompt, by providing the path to ln if necessary, for instance

"C:\Program Files\msys\1.0\bin\ln.exe" -s /c/papers/bibliography ./ref

(assuming the default installation location).

I've tried it here (Win XP) and it seems to work as expected.


Re: Problem with depth.

2005-09-02 Thread Paul A. Rubin

José Pablo Ezequiel Fernández wrote:

I am having a problem with depths where I have a paragraph and a set of items 
(itemize) and everything should be in depth 1 (not 0), so I select it and I 
choose "increse depth". All the items except the fisrt one are put inside an 
incresed depth (the first item and the paragraph are left out). Am I doing 
something wrong ?

I am attaching the example file, I am using LyX 1.3.5 on Linux.

You cannot nest anything into a standard environment.  Have a look at 
section 3.4.2 of the LyX User's Guide.


Re: Export to html?

2005-09-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

Latex2html is an excellent tool, which you must run from the /command 
line/. For

example, once you export your document as LaTeX (File -> Export -> LaTeX),
navigate your way (in DOS, Bash or whatever) to the location (path) of the
output file and run the script, calling the file as the only (first) 


c:/>latex2html my_doc.tex


$ latex2html my_doc.tex

I don't use latex2html, so what I'm about to type is hypothetical, but 
you should be able to run it directly from LyX in the same way that you 
run pdflatex.  LyX already has HTML defined as a file format, so I 
*think* all you need to do is go into Edit->Preferences->Converters and 
add a new converter, as follows:

From: LaTeX
Converter: latex2html $$i
Extra flag: 

You might also have to add the path to the latex2html executable to 
Edit->Preferences->Paths->PATH prefix.  (By the way, does this exist in 
all versions, or is it unique to the Windows version?)

This should add HTML to the File->Export list.  To add it to the 
File->View list, you need to add your web browser of choice to the 
Viewer: field in the HTML entry in Edit->Preferences->File formats, then 
modify and save.

I think.


Re: Keyboard shortcut for selecting paragraph styles / environments?

2005-09-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Veysel Özer wrote:

Mark Engelberg wrote:

Is there a shortcut to activate the drop-down box for all the
environments? It really bugs me having to use a mouse to click up
there any time I change environments.



the default keyboard shortcuts are in

for drop-down of enviroments try


You can also select some (all?) environments with a keyboard shortcut. 
Since the contents of the environment menu varies by document class, 
unsurprisingly so do the shortcuts.  Typing M-p-s gets you the standard 
environment.  Typing just M-p displays (somewhat briefly) in the status 
line at the bottom of the screen a list of possible completions of the 
sequence (including, as noted above, M-p-space).  Unfortunately, I don't 
know of any visible "legend" for the shortcuts.


Re: Keyboard shortcut for selecting paragraph styles / environments?

2005-09-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Unfortunately, I don't know of any visible "legend" for the shortcuts.

Er, um, on second thought yes I do.  They're listed in the menus.bind file.

Paul (scraping egg off face)

Re: quotes in the lyx

2005-09-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Leon Chen wrote:


Sorry for bothering, although the double quotes problem was solved,
the single quote ' still has the problem... they are all right single

Anyone has any comments?

Use ` (same key as ~, assuming a typical US/UK keyboard) for left single 
quote and ' (same key as ") for right single quote.


Re: Windows spellchecker for LyX?

2005-09-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Mark Engelberg wrote:
Thanks for all the help, everyone.  I was able to get the hollywood 
class in the right place, and it works fine.  But now, the spellchecker 
is telling me it can't find an en_US wordlist.  How do I get hold of 
that, and set it up properly with the Windows distribution? (I'm kind of 
surprised it wasn't automatically installed).



You can find the dictionary at  In fact, you 
can find all sorts of dictionaries there.  LyX does not install Aspell, 
in part because on Unix-type platforms you get your choice of which 
spellchecker you want to use.  (On Windows, you can use any one you 
want, as long as it's Aspell.)  Aspell, in turn, installs the software 
but not the dictionary, because you get to pick your language. 
(Although, typically, your parents picked it for you at an early age.  :-)


Re: Problem with math-macro

2005-09-04 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Srinivas Nedunuri wrote:

Hello, I tried defining a macro as described in the User Guide (the
macrowarg example). However, I get the following erroe message:

Extra }, or forgotten $.

What is wrong here? The code looks identical to what the User Guide says is

It is, and it's identical to what I get when I (successfully) define and 
use the example macro.

(BTW, If I try surrounding the macro body with $ (by shifting into math mode
in Lyx) I get a complaint that you can't use #1 inside math mode

The macro definition does not go in math mode, so you were on the right 
track the first time.

The only thing I can think of is that there's a problem earlier in your 

At any rate, here's one way to define the macro.

1.  In the mini-buffer, type 'math-macro macrowarg 1' (without the 
quotes) and hit enter.  The macro definition box should materialize.

2.  In the left entry of the macro definition box, type '2+\sqrt' and, 
inside the argument box for the square root, type '#1' (both again 
without the quotes).

3.  Try typing \macrowarg inside math mode, and enter something in the 
argument box.

If it doesn't work, try posting a minimal document that fails.


Re: Question

2005-09-05 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Leon Chen wrote:

Note you don't get the pdf through 'export', choose 'view' and then pdflatex. 

Actually, with everything properly configured, there _should_ be options 
to export to PDF (regular, pdflatex and dvipdfm).

Ana would appear to have some problems with her setup.  File->Export 
should list LaTeX among its options.  If it does not, then it is likely 
that LyX failed to find a working LaTeX installation, and that needs to 
be fixed before LyX can be used for much of anything.

As far as import, there is no option to import PDF or PS files.  Only 
ASCII, LaTeX and Noweb files can be imported.


Re: how to share BibTeX references across platforms

2005-09-06 Thread Paul A. Rubin

David Soukal wrote:

Paul, thanks a lot you for the tip. I happened to have Cygwin installed 
one my machine, so I gave it a try. My setup is the following: I have 
windows version of  LyX 1.3.5 downloaded from I tried to create 
the sym-link in Cygwin and run LyX from there.

However, it did not work. The command "ln -s a b" run from Cygwin simply 
creates Windows shortcut. But LyX run from Cygwin won't recognize the 
shortcut as a link... obviously it ignores Cygwin altogether.

I just tried Cygwin's version of ln and had the same experience you did. 
 If you use Windows Explorer to look at the directory where you created 
the symbolic link, you see a Windows link icon.  You're right, LyX won't 
follow a Windows link (.lnk).

You mentioned MinSYS being required for LyX 1.3.6. What does it mean? 

Actually, MinSYS is not exactly required -- what's required is sh.exe, 
and MinSYS is (I think) the way the LyX 1.3.6 installer suggests getting 
it (if it doesn't find sh.exe already installed, as for instance it 
would if you had Cygwin on the system).

Does it mean that LyX will understand shortcuts in Windows?

Not in the sense of interpreting .lnk files, but if you use the ln.exe 
that comes with MinSYS, what Windows Explorer shows you is not a .lnk 
icon but a folder icon.

Prior to Win 2000 (I think), the Windows file system had no real 
symbolic link capability at all resembling what Unix has.  I'm not sure 
if it was a consequence of switching to the NTFS file system, but Win XP 
(and I think Win 2K) have the ability to create actual symbolic links 
now.  The catch, if I recall correctly, is that the command line 
application to do so does not install automatically but comes from a 
toolkit CD (which may cost extra -- again, not sure).

I suspect that the version of ln that comes with MinSYS has been 
compiled to use the Win XP/Win 2K API calls to create symbolic links.  I 
don't know if this will work on a FAT drive; it may well be restricted 
to NTFS partitions.

I'm going to try to install MinSYS now.

If you're installing on the same machine that has Cygwin (and not 
uninstalling Cygwin), be sure to use the full path to ln so that you get 
the MinSYS version of it.  Follow up here if it still doesn't work.


Re: float in the float

2005-09-08 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
I suggest you look into LaTeX packages that allow embedment of two floats side by 

I wonder if the subfigure package would help.


Re: Problems installing 1.3.6-1 RPMs

2005-09-09 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Peter Flynn wrote:

I just tried to install Lyx from the 1.3.6-1 RPMs.

It can't find the commands kpsewhich and texhash, which is weird because 
they are both in the global path. The TeX is a new full install from the

TeX Collection DVD.

How do I get around this? Is the postinstall script SUing to some
strange UID (the RPM install is done as root, of course).

This happens for both xforms and qt versions (tried both) and now they
won't uninstall cleanly either, because they're trying to undo stuff
that never got done.

It's not just kpsewhich and texhash -- both install scripts failed to 
find a working latex executable.

IIRC, the install scripts for look for latex and latex2e by trying to 
execute them.  Assuming that your latex executable is on the global path 
and works (which you can test by trying to run it from a shell prompt), 
you might check whether there's a permissions problem (is the LyX 
install script running under an account that can access the LaTeX 


Re: LyX doesn't store my PDF viewer info

2005-09-09 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Mark Engelberg wrote:

I tried Angus' suggested work-around of setting the path to include
f:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader, and then just set the
viewer to acrord32.exe.

Interestingly, LyX IS able to load the path from the preferences file,
and the viewer of just acrord32.exe just fine.  It can remember the
viewer when it is acrord32.exe but not the longer full pathname, which
is certainly a bit baffling.

However, when I try to view the pdf with those settings, it IS able to
open the viewer, but cannot find the temp pdflatexed file to open. 
Argh!  So, this combination of settings doesn't work, but for a

completely different reason.

Since we now know why the first approach failed, let's focus on getting 
this to work.  I assume from your wording that Reader is *not* open 
prior to your clicking View->PDF (pdflatex) in LyX.  (It's a known 
problem that an already open copy of Reader will report being unable to 
open the .pdf file in the temp directory, and there are various 
workarounds posted.)  So clicking View->PDF (pdflatex) causes Reader to 
open, but it fails to find the file it's supposed to display.

First question:  Does the output file exist?  If so, can you open it by 
double-clicking it?  I think I've had this happen when a compile problem 
actually caused pdflatex to fail to generate the output file.  (I can't 
recall the precise circumstances.)  I'm pretty sure it's also happened 
to me when pdflatex was able to process the .tex file but was blocked by 
the OS from writing the .pdf output (because a file of the same name 
already existed and had a lock on it), although that doesn't sound like 
your problem.

If the file exists, then there may be a problem with the path to it. 
One way to test that is as follows.  Create the following two-line batch 
file (putting it in the directory where Reader lives would be a good idea).

echo Looking for input file %1

Call it reader.bat, say.  Then change the viewer entry from acrord32.exe 
to reader.bat and try View->PDF (pdflatex).  This will show you the path 
to the .pdf output being fed to Reader.


Re: Problems installing 1.3.6-1 RPMs

2005-09-10 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Peter Flynn wrote:

How do I know what account the LyX postinstall script from the RPM has
picked to run as? The RPM was installed as root, of course, but if LyX
has picked something else to use to run its script, that is hidden from
sight -- what's the best way to find out (and why on earth would they
want to do such a weird thing anyway?).

Sorry, my wording was fuzzy.  I don't have a working Linux box handy 
these days, but I assume that LyX runs with the permissions of whatever 
user is logged in.  So if you can run latex directly, presumably when 
you run the LyX configure script it has the same permissions.

kpsewhich and all the TeX binaries are in /usr/local/bin, which is in
every user's path, AFAIK.

If you're motivated, you could hack the configure script to add a couple 
of echo commands that might tell you at least where things are going 
south.  If I'm reading the configure script correctly, the quest for a 
working copy of LaTeX is done in two parts.  First, every directory on 
the path is scanned for either 'latex' or 'latex2e'.  (More precisely, 
the path is scanned for 'latex', then if necessary for 'latex2e'.)  If a 
file with the correct name is found, LyX then tries to run it against a 
test .ltx file to determine if it's a working version of LaTeX.  So it 
might be helpful to echo each directory being searched.

By the way, IIRC there have been misadventures in the past caused by 
people having a both functional and dysfunctional LaTeX installations, 
with the dysfunctional one first on the path.  If I'm reading the script 
correctly (and that's a big "if", since I'm not a Linux user), once it 
finds a 'latex' file, it stops searching for other 'latex' files even if 
the one it finds doesn't pass the functionality test.  Might be worth 



Re: Lyx-code formatting

2005-09-12 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Dave Mills wrote:


I've got a document with some numbered chemical reaction equations 
formated as lyx-code.  The problem is, when I generate a PDF the 
equations run over the edge of the page, they don't wrap around to the 
next line.

Is it possible to make them wrap? Some ERT needed?  Any other suggestion?

I'm using Lyx 1.3.5 on OSX 10.3.9


The LyX code environment is like the preformatted tag in HTML -- text is 
reproduced verbatim, monospaced.  If you want it verbatim and want it to 
fit, you can block it and use Layout->Character->Size to shrink it. 
Alternatively, if you want it to wrap, you could try switching to 
another environment (standard? quote? definition?) and use 
Layout->Character->Family to change the font family to typewriter.


Re: dia help

2005-09-12 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Myriam Abramson wrote:


Somebody on this list might be familiar with the dia editor tool for
drawing diagrams on many Linux distributions.

The text facility seems pretty basic and I urgently need to have
subscripts and superscripts. Does anybody know how to do that in a
nice way?

Thanks for your insights,

You might take a look at Ipe.  I've used both Dia and Ipe, and I believe 
Ipe is much better at handling text (assuming the diagram is headed for 
inclusion in a LaTeX document).


Re: key bindings

2005-09-14 Thread Paul A. Rubin


I have a problem with the key bindings in LyX under an Italian winXP at
work. I'm very used to the Spanish LyX in my Linux box at home (yes, I have
a language mess: in addition to that, some of my colleagues at the
university only speak English...), and love the Alt+M+something to do “math
things”, like greek characters. My problem is that in the Italian version,
Alt+M open the "Modifica" (Edit) menu, so I cannot use, for example, Alt+M+(
to introduce scalable brackets, something with which I'm very comfortable.
Any suggestions?
 --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:

 Fun Stepper
Modella fianchi, gambe, glutei e brucia calorie divertendoti! clicca qui
 Clicca qui:

I may be missing something here:  what's preventing you from editing the 
key bindings to your taste?


Re: htlatex converter

2005-09-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:


htlatex works fine on file foo when used standalone from a shell.
If I add html2 file format and conversion from latex to html2
as htlatex $$i, I get a different output and lyx spits no result,
whatever View or Export call.

Not solved by reconfigure.

Seems that the initial compilations needed by htlatex are inncomplete:

This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.3)
 %&-line parsing enabled.
output format initialized to DVI
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ba
sque, german, ngerman, spanish, catalan, french, italian, ukenglish, loaded.
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.3)
There should be a parsing of classes and packages before the second run,

so the latex passes produce no output.

Any clue ?


Not sure this applies to all platforms (and not sure what you're running 
on), but on Windows, htlatex needs either to have some environment 
variables set or to find a file named tex4ht.env (or both -- don't 
recall).  Does it look for environment variables when you run it from a 
shell, and if so does it get the same environment variables when LyX 
calls it?


Re: how to insert optional arguments?

2005-09-20 Thread Paul A. Rubin

David Soukal wrote:


I started to write a presentation in LyX using the Beamer document 
class. Everythings seems to be working perfect. Only, I wasn't able to 
figure out how to insert an optional argument for some of the 
environments (like Date). When I open the LyX demo files that came with 
Beamer, most of them have the optional arguments but I am unable to 
create them in my presentation. The optional arguments look like ERT 
boxes except their tab says "opt"...

So far I managed by copying the opt-boxes from the demo file but I was 
wondering how they were inserted in the demos.

Thank you for your help,


Type optional-insert in the minibuffer at the bottom, then type your 
option in the widget/thingie that gets inserted.

Note that this works for some Beamer environments that take options 
(such as Date) and not for others (such as Block).  To add an optional 
title to a Block, you have to put it in braces {} in ERT at the very 
start of the environment.


Re: how to insert optional arguments?

2005-09-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Use Insert>Short Title. I know the name is not very helpful, but we
have not been able to come up with something better.


I had no idea that worked.  (I'd assumed that it literally inserted 
*only* the optional short version of a title.)  How about Insert->Option 
or Insert->Optional argument?  Those are sufficiently obvious that I 
suspect they were considered and rejected for some reason.


Re: how to insert optional arguments?

2005-09-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

David Soukal wrote:

I have one more question regarind the OPT boxes. I don't know whether 
it's a bug or whether I missed something, but I cannot insert the OPT 
box for environments where it should be possible. For example, the 
author of Beamer recommends to enter an optional argument "fragile" for 
the frame environment in situations when the frame contains verbatim 
text. I didn't manage to get OPT for the BeginFrame environment in LyX.

I tried a trick with an ERT box with [fragile], set right at the 
beginning of the frame. But it won't work because it creates LaTeX code 

This is normal behavior.  For instance, if you put [<+->] in ERT at the 
beginning of the frame title, you'll get \lyxframe{[<+->]...} where ... 
is the frame title text, and it will function correctly (itemized 
entries will automatically trigger new overlays).  So I think the 
problem with "fragile" may be a defect in the coding of the lyxframe macro.

You might want to e-mail a report of this to Till Tantau, the author of 
the Beamer package (including the beamer.layout file).


Re: Line breaks for in-line math; viewer path preference woes

2005-09-23 Thread Paul A. Rubin


For 2, as Angus suggested, it seems I need to change the path_prefix.
However, I can't find this option anywhere. I can also manually edit
one of the preferences files (I'm guessing $HOME/.lyx/lyxrc.defaults)
but I have no idea how. Also, 1 still has no solution. Can anybody
help? Thanks!

1. How do I insert a line break in an inline math formula (C-m)? Enter
and M-Enter don't work. I tried C-Enter, but this changes my math to
some other math environment (I'm guessing an eqnarray). Note that this
works fine in LaTeX:


In the preamble, add the following:


Within a math environment, type '\bb ' (including a space to end the 
command) to insert the break.  There's nothing sacred about the name of 
the command; you could call it \mybreak, for instance.  I don't *think* 
that \bb collides with anything "standard", but I could be wrong.


Re: Error: "Resulting file is empty"

2005-09-24 Thread Paul A. Rubin


Hi, I've Googled the archives for this problem, but the only time it
came up was when the file was already open in Acrobat Reader, which
has a write lock on the output file, so of course pdflatex fails.

It also happens to me when I'm using pdflatex and an error in the source 
files causes pdflatex to blow up.  When I run latex (typically with 
View->DVI), LyX is pretty reliable at recognizing that a LaTeX error has 
occurred and flagging it, but when I use pdflatex, LyX is somewhat less 
reliable about spotting errors.

Anyway, I've tried File > Export > PDF/PDF (pdflatex)/DVI, but it
always gives me the error "Resulting file is empty". I have miktex
installed, and the previous intallation of LyX (the unofficial
LyX-win32 1.3.5) worked fine.

That suggests a configuration problem, but not what the problem might be.

I can, however, export to LaTeX. Running
pdflatex from cmd works, and I've ensured that C:\texmf\miktex\bin is
in the path_prefix. Same errors when I use View menu. What am I
missing? Thanks in advance for any help.

When you get the empty file message, does the LaTeX log file 
(View->LaTeX log file) indicate any errors?


Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

David Soukal wrote:

The package enumitem, David, may be of some help. Have a look at the
examples in its documentation.


Thank you Paul. I had a look at the package and it looks useful. 
However, I wasn't able to figure out what I should put as "label="...

I have no idea how Beamer creates the graphics around the items...

I'm again sorry to bring this thing up here.


I'm not sure enumitem will help -- it resets the format for an entire 
enumeration, not just for one item.

Your original approach may have some legs, although personally I would 
insert labels in the original enumeration and use cross-references in 
the explanation part for safety sake.  (If you know you're never going 
to modify the first list, I suppose this is overkill.)

Without knowing what Beamer theme you're using, it's hard to know what 
the enumerations should look like.  Can you post a LyX file containing a 
minimal example?


Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

David Soukal wrote:

Without knowing what Beamer theme you're using, it's hard to know what 
the enumerations should look like.  Can you post a LyX file containing 
a minimal example?


There it is! The reason why I want this "configuration" is that the 
three properties are proved on previous slides one by one (each proof 
being slightly different). However, it is useful to interpret Prop. 2 
and Prop 3. together :)

Thank you very much for any hint!


I've attached a modified version of the test file.  Is this what you 
want?  There may be a better way to do this via Beamer customizations. 
I just located the code Beamer uses to typeset the enumeration numbers 
and made an ugly kludge that does two numbers.  Note the new command 
added to the preamble, and the call to \kludge in the optional argument 
to the enumeration.


ps. I'm very sorry for abusing this list! Thank you for putting up with me!

No worries, we all do it.  Or at least I do.  :-)

Description: application/lyx

Re: oddity

2005-09-28 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Srinivas Nedunuri wrote:

I did notice that under converters, there was no converter for Lyx to Dvi,
in fact anything to Dvi...which might be the source of the problem though
I'm baffled as to how it disappeared if indeed there ought to be one

There is no direct converter from LyX to DVI.  What you need is a 
converter from LyX to LaTeX and a converter from LaTeX to DVI.

First thing to check: File->Export has an entry for LaTeX.  If not, 
something has either hosed your LaTeX installation or made it appear to 
LyX to be unavailable.

Second thing to check:  Edit->Preferences->File formats should include 
entries for LaTeX and DVI.  The DVI entry needs to have a viewer 
specified (probably yap if you're using MiKTeX).  The LaTeX entry need 
not have a viewer specified; you can use any text editor/viewer (e.g., 
notepad) if you want to be able to view LaTeX files produced by LyX.

Third thing to check:  Edit->Preferences->Converters needs a path from 
LaTeX to DVI.  (LyX to LaTeX is automatically available and is not 
listed in the Converters section.)  In recent versions, this path has 
two elements:  a LaTeX to DraftDVI entry (the converter is latex $$i), 
and a DraftDVI to DVI entry (python $$s/scripts/ $$i $$o). 
With just the first entry, you should have DraftDVI available on the 
View menu.


Re: C-Tab?

2005-09-29 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Angus Leeming wrote:

Scott Otterson wrote:

Should I be able to map control-tab to a lyx function?  I've added this
line to my .bind file:

\bind "C-Tab"   "depth-decrement"

But on the Windows port of Lyx 1.3.6-1, nothing happens when I type

This may or may not be a bug in the Qt/WinFree library. If you fire up lyx
from the cmd console as

lyx -dbg key

you'll be able to generate lots of debugging information. However, I'm
unable to tell you what you should be expecting to see because here my
linux window manager (KDE) grabs C-Tab for itself and I switch virtual
desktops :(

Nonetheless, please post the output and someone will be able to help.

Works ok for me (LyX 1.3.6-1  on Win XP), so it's probably not a 
Qt/WinFree issue.

Three things:

1.  Are you sure you edited the same bind file that LyX is loading 
(i.e., you didn't edit the bind file in C:\Program 
Files\LyX\Resources\lyx\bind but load one from C:\Documents and 
Settings\your name here\Application Data\lyx\bind, or vice versa)?

2.  Did you restart LyX after editing the bind file?

3.  Did you put the new binding *after* any \bind_file entries in your 
bind file (so that it's not being overridden by something in a 
subsequently loaded bind file)?


Re: Fixing the equal-sign and other font issues on Windows

2005-09-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paul Smith wrote:

On 9/30/05, Matei Zaharia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I noticed that on it says to
download certain TTF fonts for Windows, and if an issue pops up where
horizontal or vertical lines are being hidden (e.g. in equal signs, but also
happens with +/-, epsilon, and a whole bunch of stuff), to tweak the font
size. [I think this issue only happens with ClearType or no text smoothing,
but I could be wrong]. I found an easier solution: uninstall the old fonts
if you have them, and download Mozilla's math font collection from These will look good on
Windows at all zoom levels. Maybe someone can add this to the Wiki and
install instructions as well.

LyX team has meanwhile released the version 1.3.6, in which the
problem reported by you does not occur!


Nonetheless, thanks for the tip.  I've installed the MathML fonts, and 
they do seem to look good (and may be useful for other purposes, since 
I'm a Mozilla user).

Other Paul

Re: Selecting All Within A Document

2005-09-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Daniel Watkins wrote:

This is a fairly noob Q, but is there a shortcut to select everything
within a document (like Ctrl-A)?


Yes, there is (sort of), and no, it's not a particularly newbie question 
(meaning that I've been using LyX for a while and only discovered it by 
looking hard, after reading your question).

On my system, Ctrl-Shift-End grabs everything from the cursor position 
to the end of the file, and Ctrl-Home jumps to the top of the document. 
 So Ctrl-Home followed by Ctrl-Shift-End will do it.  If you want to 
make a one-chord shortcut for it, you can do the following.

1.  Find the bind file you're using.  If you don't know which one it is, 
check Edit->Preferences->Look and feel->User interface->Bind file.  Copy 
it to the bind folder of your local user settings (C:\Documents and 
Settings\your name here\Application Data\lyx\bind on Windows if using 
version 1.3.6 or later).

2.  Open the bind file in a text editor and add the following at the bottom:

\bind "C-a" "command-sequence buffer-begin; buffer-end-select;"

(assuming that Ctrl-A is not mapped to anything you find useful -- 
otherwise pick a different key combo).

3.  Save the new bind file, open LyX, go to Edit->Preferences->Look and 
feel->User interface->Bind file and set it to the newly edited bind 
file, then test whether Ctrl-A now highlights everything.



Re: wrap: figure not working

2005-10-04 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Sanders, Maarten (M.J.L.) wrote:

I have a multipart (input) document in which I try to use a "wrap:

Figure". For some reason this does not show up in pdf files (pdflatex)
but it shows up in html via tex2html. If I put the figure in an ordinary
float it shows in both ways. The figure is a png.
The funny thing is if I compile extended.lyx (the extended features doc)
mobius.eps shows in the pdf file.
From the latex Log I do not get a clue though it seems the figure is
being processed. On the other hand, if I put a label in the caption and
a reference in the file there is a complaint it is undefined but in html
the ref is present and working.
in my layout preamble section I have the following packages (in this

helvet, rcs, fancyhdr, chappg, tocbibind, cmap, hyperref
Anyone a suggestion on where/how to dig further?

Can you post a minimal example?


Re: Fixing the equal-sign and other font issues on Windows

2005-10-04 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Paul Smith wrote:

On 9/30/05, Matei Zaharia 

I noticed that on it says to
download certain TTF fonts for Windows, and if an issue pops up where
horizontal or vertical lines are being hidden (e.g. in equal signs, 
but also
happens with +/-, epsilon, and a whole bunch of stuff), to tweak the 
size. [I think this issue only happens with ClearType or no text 
but I could be wrong]. I found an easier solution: uninstall the old 

if you have them, and download Mozilla's math font collection from These will look good on
Windows at all zoom levels. Maybe someone can add this to the Wiki and
install instructions as well.

LyX team has meanwhile released the version 1.3.6, in which the
problem reported by you does not occur!


Nonetheless, thanks for the tip.  I've installed the MathML fonts, and 
they do seem to look good (and may be useful for other purposes, since 
I'm a Mozilla user).

Other Paul

Spoke too soon.  I installed the MathML font package, and initially it 
looked ok, but today I discovered that \le was displaying in LyX as an 
empty square rather than it's usual self.  I reinstalled the BaKoMa4LyX 
font package (deleting the seven corresponding fonts from MathML), and 
\le is back to its usual handsome self.


Re: Download Classes

2005-10-06 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Carlos Knauer wrote:

 From where do I download classes (or layouts) for LyX ?

Carlos Fernando Knauer

Classes are part of your LaTeX distribution.  Most of the available LyX 
layouts ship with LyX, but there are some user-contributed ones on the 
Wiki:  If you need a layout for 
class not covered by one of those sources, you have to write your own 
(or induce someone to write it for you).  Writing your own is discussed 
in the documentation, and there are links to one or two articles on the 
Wiki layout page.


Re: beamer presentations & projectors

2005-10-07 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Gour wrote:

Although it's a little bit OT, I'd like to hear some experiences from
LyX & beamers users, i.e. is it the resolution of 800x600 (aka SVGA) enough for
a beamer presentations in a classroom-size room?

Yes.  I've used that routinely in classes with up to 45 students, and 
I've done at least one presentation (with graphs and the odd formula) in 
a lecture hall that seats 300 (and had people sitting all the way front 
to back).  That room had a large screen, rear projection system, though; 
I wouldn't attempt to use a portable projector in a room that big.

Any brand you can recommend and whether to go with lcd & dlp?

I'm partial to DLP, but IMHO the big thing is to get the maximum 
brightness you can within you budget (and weight/size capacity).

I've found the PC Magazine product reviews pretty accurate.  Have a look 


Re: Increase features!

2005-10-08 Thread Paul A. Rubin


It's a funny affair!

I just wanted to increase some features at my Lyx
(like new document classes, color support on LaTeX
picture, spellchecker, etc.) and I thought about to do
a full install of the MikTex program (the Lyk base for
LaTeX on windows systems). Then, I downloaded about
400mb of MikTex stuff and start installing everything,
which spent me one long day and one gb of HD!
Afterwards I could realize that nothing changes! No
increase feature at Lyx!

My spellchecker is not working, then I tried to
download some about ".ispell" to use on it, then I
realize it must be compiled on linux or cygwin -- wich
I won't install!

The Windows port of LyX uses only aspell, not ispell.  In the 
preferences section, the spell checker program is listed as ispell and 
grayed out (not changeable), but the Windows version is hard-coded to 
use aspell.

   Almost mad, I started to seek the "aspell" dict to
use on my Lyx, then I downloaded it and installed it,
and afterwards, I configured on Lyx to use aspell

Really?  How?  On my copy, Edit->Preferences->Language 
settings->Spellchecker->Spell checker program is an inactive control 
(can't be changed).

Now Lyx is freezing and that's it!

Did you install aspell to C:\Aspell.  IIRC, the path is hard-coded 
someplace, so it doesn't work if you put it anywhere else.

You might try running LyX in debug mode to see if it tells you anything 
useful.  The easiest way to do this is probably to open a command window 
in the LyX bin directory and run 'lyx -dbg any'.  It will produce a 
tremendous message volume in the command window, but all you care about 
is the last few messages before LyX freezes.

Good grief!

I'm tired, but would like to ask a simple
question: Is there some way to use a non-english dict
on Lyx (not on theory, but I want some stuff that
really works!)? 

AFAIK, the non-English dictionaries in Aspell work, assuming you have 
them downloaded.  (They are separated downloads from the main program.)


Re: "Oh-oh --- Aspell is not working!"

2005-10-11 Thread Paul A. Rubin


Oh --- I see!

Aspell is not working! Now I know! There is no
'' or 'aspel.exe' or some aspell executable,
and I can't use the command line aspell (DOS prompt),
neither inside the exact path (c:\aspell), because the
single executable there is the 'aspell-uninstall'!

I tried to install it many times, what seems to be
the matter?

C:\Aspell should contain just the uninstallers (one for aspell and one 
for the dictionary, I think) plus the readme file and some other 
miscellaneous stuff.  It should also be parent to subdirectories bin, 
data, dict, and doc, with the actual executables (aspell.exe, dlls, 
etc.) in the bin folder.

If that's not the case, perhaps you run the uninstaller, remove any 
residual directories, reinstall and, if unsuccessful, post details of 
what you did here.


Re: poster view/export postscript page size problem.

2005-10-14 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Bo Peng wrote:

Look at the Converters section in the Edit->Preferences dialog.

Alternatively, run lyx from the command line as
  lyx -dbg all -export pdf > lyx.log
and wade through the messages.

I see, as I suspected, lyx calls

dvips -t letter -o poster.dvi

This "-t letter" is causing the problem, but it is not in
Edit->Preference->Converters->dvi to ps.

How can I get rid of this option? Maybe the standard layout file set this?


What is set in Layout->Document->Paper?


Re: Problems with installing/running

2005-10-14 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Robert Badzey wrote:


So I've been using LyX for awhile now.  Great program - wrote my 
dissertation on it in about half the time it would have taken for LatTeX.

So I noticed the new build (1.3.6) for Windows, and figured I'd give it 
a shot.  I don't know what the problem is, but it's been giving me fits 
ever since, with a progressive degrading of performance that's a bit 

First, I couldn't import LaTex files correctly.  Always got an error 
message.  Tried installing tex2lyx -- no dice.  I just got a generic 
error message, and so was never able to track it down beyond that.

Then, just yesterday, LyX apparently lost the ability to generate 
previews - no DVI, nothing.  The pull-down menu options which existed 
before simply vanished.  Only output to PDF.  Having removed and 
re-installed, now I can't even run it.  I get an error message which 
tells me that it "wasn't able to find any layout description" and the 
program fails to run.

So in the space of three days I've gone from a functional program to one 
which simply won't run at all.

Any ideas/suggestions?  This is very worrying and not at all explicable.

Rob Badzey

LIFO -- first priority is to figure out why the reinstall won't run.

Any chance that the third-party programs required by LyX were 
uninstalled (and not reinstalled), removed from the command path or 
otherwise hosed?  In particular, you need a working version of sh.exe 
(presumably from the MinSys package?) for the configuration script to 
work.  The "no layout files" error has been known to happen when the 
configure script breaks either because the wrong version of sh or the 
wrong version of sed (or no version?) is used.


Re: Wiki page for "Presentations using LyX"

2005-10-14 Thread Paul A. Rubin


Presentations about LyX are supposed to be listed/documented on this wiki

however at the moment it has no material (I can't remember why I created
it but never added even a single link).

Seems to me that someone posted to the group about having built a 
presentation about LyX and offered it for use by others.  I think Nirmal 
Govind was one (see, although I 
checked the link and his presentation is no longer there.  Perhaps 
Nirmal could be persuaded to upload it to the Wiki.


Re: Bug ?

2005-10-17 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Nicolas Ferré" 

Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 2:38 PM
Subject: Bug ?

Dear all, could you please confirm the following bug, found in the
following build of lyx:
LyX 1.3.6 of Sat, Jul 16, 2005
Built on Jul 17 2005, 12:36:17
  Host type:  i686-pc-linux-gnu
  Special build flags:aiksaurus use-pspell use-ispell
  C   Compiler:   gcc
  C   Compiler flags: -g -O2
  C++ Compiler:   g++ (3.4.3)
  C++ Compiler flags: -O
  Linker flags:
  Frontend:   qt
Qt version:   3.3.4
  Packaging:  posix
LyX binary dir:   /usr/local/bin
LyX files dir:/usr/local/share/lyx

In the attached file, there are some math, entered in the following way:
1) type any character ;
2) one step back in the math box (e.g. with the left arrow of the
numerical pad) ;
3) open an exposant or an indice ;
4) without having typed anything in the box, get out of it.

To the right, OK.
To the left, the top or the bottom, lyx crashes with an emergency saving.

I find it is Ok to the right, left and bottom but crashes if I exit Top


Bug 1598 -- apparently fixed in version 1.4.0cvs.


Re: Quick question: where are the outputs?

2005-10-17 Thread Paul A. Rubin


They're not there...

In fact, I ran dir/s/b \blah.pdf but found nothing.

What might be going wrong? I've never changed anything under
Preferences since installing LyX, and I have all the support software
the installer demanded.

On 10/17/05, Geoffrey Lloyd - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

They should appear in the same directory as the lyx file is?

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 8:12 AM
Subject: Quick question: where are the outputs?

I'm using LyX 1.3.6 for Windows. When I do File > Export > ..., I
don't see any output files. Where are they? Thanks in advance.

1. Do view commands (e.g., View->DVI) work?

2. If you're trying to export a PDF file, check the LaTeX log 
(View->LaTeX Logfile) after doing File->Export->... and see if there is 
an error message.  If one of the applications used in the export fails, 
there is no output file (and no visible warning in LyX).

3. Does File->Export->LaTeX work?  It should produce a file with the 
document's name and a .tex extension in the directory where the file lives.

4. All else failing, open a DOS window, cd to the LyX bin directory, run 
'lyx -dbg files' and report what shows up in the DOS window from the 
point you click File->Export->whatever onward.


Re: How to recover dvi -> ps -> pdf output?

2005-10-20 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stefano Franchi wrote:
I need to recover the ability to generate (and see) a Pdf file via 
the dvips route. I lost the relevant items in the "View" menu a long 
time ago and never  bother fixing the problem, because I was happy with 
pdftex. But now I have problems with the latter (after installing some 
fancy fonts) and need to go the other route. Can anyone remind me how to 
reinstruct LyX to perform the proper conversions?

I am on a Mac, 10.3.9, running LyX 1.3.6 with Gerben Wierda's version of 
TeTex. dvips and company work fine when used from the console and/or 

The following assumes that Ghostscript is also installed and working, 
since you need it for the Postscript->PDF conversion (unless something 
else is used on Macs).

Go to the Edit->Preferences->Converters dialog.  You need two 
converters, DVI->Postscript and Postscript->PDF.  On my system (Win XP, 
but this should be platform-independent) the Converter: line for 
DVI->Postscript is 'dvips -o $$o $$i' with no extra flags; for 
Postscript->PDF it is 'ps2pdf13 $$i', again with no flags.  (You may 
want to experiment with other converters from the Ghostscript lib 
directory, such as ps2pdf14.)

If a converter is present but the Converter: line is empty, you can fill 
in the field and click Modify and then Save.  If a converter is 
completely missing, set the From: and To: drop down lists, fill in the 
Converter: line, then click New followed by Save.


Re: How to recover dvi -> ps -> pdf output?

2005-10-20 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stefano Franchi wrote:

Thanks Paul,

the procedure you mentioned is more or less what I remembered, 
thanks for the details. But I cannot get it to work. Nothing shows up in 
either the View or Export menus. I suppose LyX knows what it is supposed 
to do to carry out the various conversions, but cannot find some 
relevant piece of software. Is there a way to get some more information 
on what is going on? I tried to start LyX in debug mode, but since I 
cannot trigger any "coverting" action, that's hardly helpful.


Does this mean that the DVI->Postscript and Postscript->PDF converters 
are correctly listed in the Edit->Preferences->Converters dialog?  If 
so, is Ghostscript installed, and does the ps2pdf13 command run if 
invoked from the console?

When you say "nothing shows up" in the View and Export menus, do you 
mean just no way to View/Export PDF?  Or do you mean no way to 
View/Export a DVI as well?  If the latter, it might imply that LyX is 
having a hard time finding LaTeX.

If you can view DVIs but not PDFs with the DVI->PS->PDF route, then the 
next question is whether you can view/export PDFs using pdflatex or dvipdfm?


Re: Windows 1.3.6: unrecognizable math symbols

2005-10-20 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Lars Henriksen wrote:


I have been using the unofficial Windows port installed in
a Cygwin environment for a while.

Now I have downloaded and installed LyX 1.3.6 for Windows.
The installation of all needed components went smoothly
and OK (as far as I can tell).

But the result was disappointing in that mathematical symbols
and greek letters etc. no longer display as anything recognizable.
E.g. the symbol for a greek alfa is a trademark sign, a sum sign
is a capital P. When converted to dvi format the result is fine.

What am I missing? Please respond directly, I'm not subscribed to
the list.

Lars Henriksen

You probably just need to install the BaKoMa fonts.  See (scroll down a 
bit to the paragraph on fonts).  Download the fonts, unzip them into a 
temporary directory, then run the fonts applet from the Windows control 
panel and tell it to install all the fonts it finds in the temporary 


Re: Environment Button Changes Shape

2005-10-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Rich Shepard wrote:

  This is a minor point, but annoying nonetheless.

  When I invoke LyX, the environment choice button at the left of the icon
bar is small. As soon as I load a beamer document, that button expands to
consume about 1/3 the horizontal space in the window. This drives the macro
entry widget to the line below. All this in 1.3.6/qt on linux.

  Is this a beamer issue or something that I can control? I see nothing in
the Edit->Preferences->Look 'n' Feel menus.


The environment control is expanding to accommodate the widest entry in 
the list, which with beamer appears to be ColumnsCenterAligned.  If you 
never use columns, I suppose you could edit ColumnsCenterAligned and 
ColumnsTopAligned out of the layout file, and then the environment 
control would not expand as far.

I take it using a wider window is out of the question?


Re: Choice of fonts in LaTeX

2005-10-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paul wrote:

Angus Leeming wrote:
explains that the PDF standard defines 14 fonts as "standard". A
standard-conforming reader will be able to display glyphs in these
fonts even if they are not embedded in the document.

OK so does that mean those fonts (Times, Helvetica, Courier and
variants) are built into the reader, or that it just expects them to be
available? For example on Windows machines they generally have Times New
Roman and Arial TrueType fonts rather than Times and Helvetica.

Most of my potential readership is going to be using Adobe Acrobat on
Windows I imagine. So if I use Times, will that be treated as different
from Times New Roman and cause problems for Windows users, or will it
silently substitute the font (possibly causing slight differences in the
output?) Is it best for maximum portability to somehow force even
standard fonts to be embedded in PDFs? This is assuming a fairly large
document where the extra space taken by an embedded font wouldn't be


I use either the ae or pslatex fonts as a rule, and I've never had any 
problem with the PDFs being difficult to read or "ugly" on other 
machines (typically either a classroom PC or a student's PC).  With 
other choices, you run a greater risk that the desired font is 
unavailable, in which case Acrobat Reader will map it to a different 
font if possible.


Re: How to recover dvi -> ps -> pdf output?

2005-10-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stefano Franchi wrote:

What I mean is that in View menu I only have one item "PDF (pdflatex)" . 
Similarly, in the  File>Export menu I LaTeX and PDF(pdflatex). And 
nothing else. No DVI, dvipdfm, etc.

If you can view DVIs but not PDFs with the DVI->PS->PDF route, then 
the next question is whether you can view/export PDFs using pdflatex 
or dvipdfm?

I cannot view DVIs. All I can do is view PDFs via the pdflatex route. 
Which has been all I needed so far, that's why I never bothered 
recovering the other options.

Ok, this sounds strongly as though LyX cannot find a working copy of 
LaTeX.  Without being able to run LaTeX (or more precisely without 
knowing it can run LaTeX), LyX will not show any export or view options 
that rely on LaTeX.  Viewing and exporting LaTeX files themselves do not 
rely on having a copy of LaTeX; these options always exist, since the 
code to produce LaTeX output is internal to LyX.  Being able to view or 
export PDFs via the pdflatex route relies on having a working copy of 
pdflatex but not on having a working copy of LaTeX.

You indicated that you had TeTeX installed.  The first step is to verify 
that you can run latex from a command shell.  At this point, it gets 
difficult for me to advise you, since I'm not a Mac user.  There's a 
script named 'configure' lurking in a folder under the LyX installation 
folder (on Windows it would be in  \Resources\lyx, but 
I'm not sure if that holds for Macs).  If you can run it from a command 
shell, you should be able to watch the progress messages. 
Edit->Reconfigure runs the same script from inside LyX, but at least on 
Windows you cannot see the messages unless you ran LyX in debug mode. 
Early on the script will output "checking for a LaTeX2e program" and 
then report on whether it found one or not, and if it did whether the 
one it found works or not.  If the answer is no, that at least confirms 
that failure to find LaTeX is the problem.

One last tip:  I once ran into a problem with LyX failing to detect a 
working LaTeX, even though I had MiKTeX properly installed.  It turned 
out that I also had Cygwin installed, including a nonfunctioning (or not 
fully functioning) latex.exe executable, and the Cygwin version of 
latex.exe preceded the MiKTeX version of latex.exe on the command path. 
 Others have reported a similar problem.  So if you have more than one 
copy of latex.exe on your system, make sure that LyX sees the right one 



Re: Choice of fonts in LaTeX

2005-10-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paul wrote:

You said about sticking to basic PDF fonts, but I would have thought
that it would be the other way round - unusual fonts would be *more*
portable because they are actually embedded within the document.

I'm not sure that's necessarily true.  I think it is up to the software 
producing the PDF file to decide whether to embed fonts (either 
"unusual" or standard) or simply to enter the font name someplace in the 
document.  If the font is not embedded and also not installed on the 
viewing machine, then the reader program uses what it thinks is a "close 
enough" font (determined, I think, from tables in the reader program).

Also, I'm pretty sure (but not positive) that some programs writing PDF 
files will draw characters as bitmaps if the corresponding font is 
neither embedded nor "standard".  That frequently results in rather 
jagged output.

So IMHO using a non-standard font is rolling the dice.


Re: No one answered a simple topic :(

2005-10-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stephen Harris wrote:

- Original Message - From: 

To: "Lyx Contribute" 
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: No one answered a simple topic :(

I just wanna know:
What's worth to use, PDF (dvipdfm) or PDF (pdflatex)? And why?

It depends on what type of figures are in the document.

Also, if you embed pgf commands in your document to produce graphics, 
I'm pretty sure you have to use pdflatex (they won't appear in DVI 
output, or at least not with any semblance to what you intended).

My impression is that there are nontrivial size differences among the 
outputs from various methods, in those cases where all the methods are 
capable of generating the right output.  I'm not positive about that, 
though (and don't recall which produces the smallest files).


Re: Installing layouts on Windows

2005-10-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin


Angus Lemming wrote:


Sorry, I can in fact see the user dir in the About menu; however,
placing my files there didn't fix the problem. Please help!

Hi all, I'm trying to install the algorithms layout (from I followed the instructions exactly
as specified in the accompanying readme.txt (my HOME is my cygwin
home dir so I copied all the files to under my .lyx directory
there, I defined TEXINPUTS to point to the packages dir, and I ran
Reconfigure). I still don't see any algorithm style available. The
readme.txt mentioned that I could find out where the user directory
is located by looking under Help > Version, but I see no such menu
(Help > About LyX doesn't specify this).  I'm using LyX 1.3.6 and
MikTeX. Please help!! Thanks in advance.

LyX will look for .layout files in the ${LYX_USER_SUPPORT}/layouts
directory where
on *nix and, I guess, Cygwin and
   LYX_USER_SUPPORT="C:/Documents and Settings/USER/Application
on Windows.

So, question 1: you're using the Cygwin executable, right?

I'm not using the Cygwin exe (I wasn't aware there is one; how does it
compare to the native?), but rather the one downloaded straight from
the site.

If you install the LyX layout file correctly, you should be able to
find the thing in the Layouts->Document menu. If the LaTeX class is
not installed correctly, then the class will be marked as
"unavailable", meaning you can edit your .lyx document but you won't
be able to generate a .dvi file, etc.

Yes, I determined the possible locations, and the variable to set them
(LYX_USERDIR_136), but I've tried puting files in both locations to no
avail. I don't see the new layout at all.

I just installed the package successfully (LyX 1.3.7cvs, MiKTeX, Win 
XP).  I deviated from the instructions a bit.  My steps (after unpacking 
 things) were as follows:

1.  Copy and article-algo.layout to C:\Documents and 
Settings\\Application Data\lyx\layouts.

2.  Create a folder named algolyx (the name does not actually matter) 
under ...\localtexmf\tex\latex.  I could have put it under the tex\latex 
folder in the MiKTeX tree, but this way it's less likely to get 
vaporized if I reinstall MiKTeX.  Copy algolyx.sty there.

3.  Update the MiKTeX file database (run the MiKTeX Options program, 
select the General tab, click Refresh Now under File name database).

4.  From a DOS prompt, run 'kpsewhich algolyx.sty' and verify that it 
finds algolyx.sty.  (I screwed up the installation the first time around 
by putting the algolyx folder, containing algolyx.sty, directly under 
localtexmf, hence the need to check that MiKTeX can find the style file.)

5.  Start LyX, Edit->Reconfigure, exit and restart.

This gave me a working Article (algo) choice for document class.  (Note 
that this appears _above_ the default choice, article, in the drop-down 
list of document classes.)



Re: Horizontal Rule

2005-10-24 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Daniel Watkins wrote:

I'm looking to place a horizontal rule in a document I'm currently
working on. However, the standard horizontal rule is ugly (it just goes
from one side of the page to the other). How can I tell LyX to put in a
line that isn't as long (and what's a typographically good length to
have it?)?

Thanks in advance,

In ERT, centered in a paragraph: \rule[raise]{width}{thickness}

All three arguments are measurements.  The mandatory arguments are the 
horizontal width of the line and the thickness.  The optional argument 
is how much to raise it within its paragraph.

I don't know if there is a preferred width.  I would say to use whatever 
appeals to you visually.


Re: Is this possible in lyx?

2005-10-24 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Jose Capco wrote:

Dear List,

I just figured out how to disallow LaTeX to linebreak
a math inline formula that resides in the end of a
line. Sometimes they turn so awkward when they are
breaked in the end of the line. With LaTeX I just type
a formula in an \mbox and it solves my problem.. but
what about lyx? how can I perform an \mbox in Lyx? ..
I can of course input a latex code within lyx.. but it
would be great if I could do it in a "lyx" way too so
that I could also have the benefit of actually seeing
to formula.

Jose Capco

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Try writing your formula in LyX the normal way, then putting \mbox{ in 
ERT to the left of it and } in ERT to the right of it.


Re: updating postscript file, but not eepic picture

2005-10-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Gunnar wrote:

I have a LyX (1.3.6) file that contains a reference to an eepic file that is 
be included with "\input" command. That works, but when I change in the eepic 
file, the LyX files preview is not updataed, even though I use update 
postscript/ view postscript and reloads the postscript file.

What can I do to fix this problem?

Does closing and reopening the LyX document rectify the problem?


Re: Finding the Reason xdvi Output Disappeared

2005-10-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Rich Shepard wrote:

  I just upgraded all the systems here to Slackware-10.2. I've been busy
developing beamer presentations (another one to be done in the next 
couple of

weeks), so I've been viewing compiled output with pdflatex. Yesterday,
however, I wrote a short article and tried to view the output by pressing
ctrl-d. The status line shows the compiler at work, but there is no 

  Here's the log file:

This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.4.5) (format=latex 2003.3.8)  26 
OCT 2005 09:27

LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, 
ngerman, n

ohyphenation, loaded.

Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
File: size10.clo 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX file (size option)
) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/palatino.sty
Package: palatino 2002/09/08 PSNFSS-v9.0a (SPQR) ) 

Package: fontenc 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX package
File: t1enc.def 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 38.
)) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/inputenc.sty
Package: inputenc 2001/07/10 v0.99a Input encoding file 
File: latin1.def 2001/07/10 v0.99a Input encoding file )) 

) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/babel.sty
Package: babel 2001/03/01 v3.7h The Babel package
Language: english 2001/04/15 v3.3l English support from the babel system
File: babel.def 2001/03/01 v3.7h Babel common definitions
No file st-andrews-prize.phase-1.aux.
\openout1 = `st-andrews-prize.phase-1.aux'.

LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Try loading font information for T1+ppl on input 
line 18.

File: t1ppl.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for T1/ppl.
LaTeX Font Info:External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)  <12> on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)  <8> on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)  <6> on input line 22.

LaTeX Warning: No \author given.


] [2] (./st-andrews-prize.phase-1.aux) ) Here is how much of TeX's 
memory you used:

 899 strings out of 95847
 9400 string characters out of 1195949
 59003 words of memory out of 101
 3872 multiletter control sequences out of 1+5
 10896 words of font info for 28 fonts, out of 50 for 1000
 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
 30i,10n,43p,185b,333s stack positions out of 

Output written on st-andrews-prize.phase-1.dvi (2 pages, 4388 bytes).

  So, why don't I see anything?


Best guess(es): either the upgrade munged xdvi, or the path to xdvi that 
LyX is using is wrong.  To rule out the first, try exporting the doc as 
a DVI and then running xdvi against it manually.

This is what you get for upgrading.  Whatever happened to "if it ain't 
broke, don't fix it"?  :-)


Re: Forcing LyX to retypeset included files?

2005-10-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stefano Franchi wrote:

 > BTW, I could not find a panel in LyX preference related to the /temp

directory. Do you know where it is?

Edit->Preferences->Paths has a check box for whether to use a temp 
directory; next to that is a box to enter the path (and a browse button 
for non-typists).


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