LyX 1.1.5x and keyboard control

2001-02-02 Thread Florian Cramer

While it was never possible to control each and every function/popu in LyX
through keyboard commands, chances have considerably decreased since tabbed
dialogues were introduced in LyX 1.1.6x. I therefore have to admit my
somewhat mixed feelings about the advancement of LyX. The new functions of
1.1.6 are huge accomplishments, but the need to use the mouse more often to
get things done is a huge drawback, at least for me.

Is an objective for the developer team to achieve as much keyboard
compatibility as possible? Wouldn't that be a necessary prerequisite for
full GUI independence and curses/slang/newt-based frontends?

If so, is there any way the user community community help in this affair? I
would be willing to offer money on the "Free Software Bazaar" for making LyX
100% (or at least 99.5%) controllable through the keyboard. But such an
offer would only make sense if others join and increase the sum offered.


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 

Re: feature suggestion -- extending LyX interface

2001-01-30 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Tue, 30.Jan.2001 um 21:29:32 -0600 schrieb Christopher Jones:

> It then occurred to me that I like to have the relevant bib file open in xjed,
> or other editor of choice, to add entries as I need them. Lets say I am working
> on two or three papers. It might be a while before I get back to this one. In
> the meantime, I have an xjed hanging loose on my desktop, which I get tired of
> and close. Now I am ready to get back to that particular paper, and not thinking
> about opening an xterm, cd-ing to /home/cjones/.documents/bib/Spring2001/ and
> opening leibniz.bib, start typing away, intensely lost in the argument. I make
> a point, want to cite it, can't remember the key, and now I have to stop,
> either minimize LyX or shove my mouse to the right, open xterm, cd, xjed
> xyz.bib, ... you get the picture. 

Sorry, but what you describe still strikes me as something that can be
easily done with a good window manager setup. Good window managers (fvwm,
Window Maker, sawfish, or especially my favorite larswm) allow you to
rapidly switch virtual desktops and switch / iconify and re-zoom windows
via keyboard shortcuts. LyX couldn't do this more efficiently.

For looking up bibtex keys, you can either use Ctrl+s (fast search) in jed
or and other Emacs clone, or use 'bibtool -X ' on the commandline.


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 


2001-01-18 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Thu, 18.Jan.2001 um 11:29:18 +0100 schrieb Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:

> Unfortunately, changing format only for major releases is only
> possible if you have a development team strong enough to be able to
> have both a stable and development branch (think Linux kernel). We

It seems to me that, in a paradoxical way, the complaint about file format
incompatibilities reveals the strengths of LyX: Many people have written
important documents in LyX, rely on the program and trust in it.

Perhaps the problem could be solved by a (toggable) option that LyX
automatically saves a ".tex" file with each ".lyx" file? That would also
simplify manual post-processing of LyX documents. Currently, one always has
to take care that a ".tex" file actually corresponds to the latest version
of a "*.lyx" file.


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 

Re: Getting started

2001-01-05 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Fri, 05.Jan.2001 um 09:41:34 +0100 schrieb Joakim Svensson:
> 1. I am running debian unstable and will probably install
>the LyX version that is in there (currently lyx 1.1.5fix2-1)
>Or I can probably be talked into compiling myself if needed.

You can also download the lyx-1.1.6-pre3 rpm and convert it to a Debian
package via alien. Worked smoothly here.

> 4. I would like to be able to create ps,pdf and html output. How can I do
>that in a consistent way.

Use LyX 1.1.6.

> 7. What else should I install and what can be done in the config files to
>make my LyX as good as possible on a debian system.

That all depends on your taste. In LyX 1.1.6, you can configure almost
everything via dialogues within the program. 

On Debian, I recommend to additionally install the following software (which
is not part of the distribution):

- tth, a LaTeX-to-HTML converter (non-free software, free only for private

- FoilTeX if you create foils/slides.

> That was lots of questions. The basic idea is to install and configure a
> nice document writing program that will let me write mails, posters,
> documents etc and to be able to get the output in ps,pdf and maybe html
> format. And also I need hints on howto work with pictures inside LyX and
> howto make high quality annotations to them.

Generally, LaTeX and LyX are great tools for structured documents. They're
also pretty good for snail mail letters. But they are definitely less
suitable as visual layout software (if you speak of posters).


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 

Re: Last prerelease of LyX 1.1.6

2001-01-02 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Sun, 31.Dec.2000 um 09:41:32 +0100 schrieb Lars Gullik Bjønnes:
> Please try this out so that we can deliver a stable release that will
> be really stable.

When my locales are set to German, all pre-releases of LyX - including this
one - give me a weird mix of German and English UI messages. While all
dialogs are in German - which the exception of tab titles in tabbed
dialogues and -->Layout-->Tabular-->LongTable -, the pull-down menus are in

Btw, is it possible to access tabbed dialogues with keyboard shortcuts? (I
must confessed that I am not too happy with tabbed dialogues in general...)


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 

1.1.6-pre2 - download where?

2000-12-14 Thread Florian Cramer

I was late in my attempt to install 1.1.6-pre2, but only found 1.1.6-pre1 in
the download sections on Does anyone know the right location?


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 

Re: Installing Problems

2000-11-30 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Thu, 30.Nov.2000 um 19:00:38 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> I have installed lyx 1.1.5fix2 on my desktop an it works perfectly.
> Now I wanted to install it on my laptop. But I can't get it work. When I try 
> to start lyx in the XTerm, I get the following message:
> "lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
> Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'known bugs' 
> under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report, Thanks!"

I once had the same problem with a laptop installation. Is it possible that
you didn't install the standard X11 fonts (75 or 100dpi)?


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 

Re: How to change cursor color?

2000-11-06 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Sun, 05.Nov.2000 um 19:01:10 +0100 schrieb Florian Cramer:
> Since I switched my screen colors from white-on-black, I have difficulties
> seeing the cursor. Is there any lyxrc option to change the text cursor
> color?

As it appears that there is no such option, should I file this as a bug
report? (Given that, after all, it _is_ possible to invert the screen
colors, the cursor should not be _necessarily_ black.)


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 

How to change cursor color?

2000-11-05 Thread Florian Cramer

Since I switched my screen colors from white-on-black, I have difficulties
seeing the cursor. Is there any lyxrc option to change the text cursor


PGP public key ID 6440BA05 

LyX-bug in handling eps graphics?

2000-10-04 Thread Florian Cramer

With LyX 1.1.5fix1, I hit upon the following (reproducible) error:

- document foo.lyx resides in a folder /home/user/documents which is a symlink
to /home/user/personal/writing/documents

- an eps graphics file demo.eps resides in /home/user

- when inserting the graphics file into LyX, it references it as
"../../demo.eps". Even when I enter the absolute path instead, it always
returns to the relative path.

- the graphics preview flawlessly renders in LyX.

- but: any LaTeX run results in a double error message (that the size of the
graphics couldn't be determined and that the graphics file couldn't be
found). Apparently, LaTeX - unlike LyX - can't resolve the symlinks and
descends into the wrong directory.


Re: slides (FoilTeX) missing?

2000-10-04 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Wed, 04.Oct.2000 um 12:41:51 +0200 schrieb Emanuele Olivetti:
> I'm trying to make some slides as I did 6 months ago, but now on my latest
> LyX release (1.1.4fix3) I can't find slides(FoilTeX) document class...?
> Why?
> Previously I used LyX 1.04 and everything works well.
> How can I add that document class now (without upgrading)?

This problem is related to your LaTeX installation, not to LyX.

Do you happen to run Debian/GNU Linux, and did you update to "potato"
(Debian 2.2)? I experienced the same with my LaTeX setup under the above
distribution. For licensing issues, foiltex is no longer part of the
"tetex-nonfree" package. You have to grab it from a CTAN mirror and install
it manually.


Support for ncurses-LyX

2000-08-15 Thread Florian Cramer

What thrills me most in the ongoing efforts to make LyX GUI-indpendent is
the prospect of a ncurses-LyX running on the console. I personally would be
excited by that because (a) it would allow me to dump X11 from my laptop and
(b) I generally prefer to use console software. I hope other LyX users feel
the same.

Since I have no C++ skills (and even if I had, not the time to work on a
ncurses frontend), I would like to make an initial offering of $150/150 Euro
for the developer(s) who accomplish the project. I know this is not much; at
the moment, I can't offer more. Yet I hope that other users interested in
ncurses-LyX will join me and increase the sum. Please do contact me!


P.S.: I have officially registered this offer at the Free Software Bazaar as

Request: Create an ncurses-based user interface for the LyX document

The LyX developers are already in the process of making LyX GUI independent 
by separating the program kernel and GUI and creating an abstraction layer  
for GUI calls. The ncurses port should not fork the LyX codebase, but fully
conform to its GUI-independence design. 

While Gnome/GTK and KDE/Qt frontends are planned with high priority or
already in the works, the idea of an ncurses frontend has been brought up by 
the core developers, but not yet implemented.

I hope other LyX users interested in an ncurses port will join me and
increase the amount of money offered.

Offer: $150 to author. Offer expires 31-Dec-2002 but may be extended.

Re: Problem with crash on startup

2000-08-15 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Tue, 08.Aug.2000 um 18:39:50 +0200 schrieb Florian Cramer:
> Workarea event:DRAW
> InitLyXLookup: X does not support this locale
> lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
> Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. []
> Any ideas how to get rid of this behaviour?

Okay, I fixed the problem myself. It occurs when only the base fonts of X11
(without the 75dpi or 100dpi fonts) are installed. 


Problem with crash on startup

2000-08-08 Thread Florian Cramer

I just installed Lyx 1.1.5fix1 on a notebook - in an unconventional setup
based on the "Tomakus" mini distribution - and ran into problems upon
starting the program. When I start with all debug options enabled, I get the
following messages:

Workarea event:DRAW
InitLyXLookup: X does not support this locale
lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. []

Any ideas how to get rid of this behaviour?


e:doc - yet another WYSIWYM-LaTeX-Editor

2000-01-03 Thread Florian Cramer

...unfinished, implemented in Perl/Tk and striving to support arbitrary XML
besides LaTeX:


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: El Ni~no

1999-12-26 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Sun, 26.Dec.1999 um 19:14:32 +0100 schrieb Jean-Luc Le Blanc:

> Actually, I would like to know the difference between a Lyx "*.lyx"
> document and a Latex document ...if there is any.

LyX uses its own document format. It's also ASCII-based, but different from
LaTeX-sourcecode. You can both export your LyX document as LaTeX (-->File
-->Export) and import LaTeX documents into Lyx (-->File -->Import).
> I read that you can write a Latex document in any editor, so I opened a
> *.lyx document in kedit and could see some commands that are behind what
> you see under Lyx. But I could find \begin{document} or end{document}?
> Why is that?

See above.
> If I write a Latex document straight in an editor, how can I visualize
> it in its final form? Whith postscript viewer? (Haven't tried it yet). 

Run "latex .tex" on the command line. You can view the
formatted document with "xdvi .dvi" and translate it to
Postscript with dvips. It's good to know how these things work when you are
a LyY user, but one of the nice features of LyX is that it takes care of all
that for you. (When you use table of contents, bibliographies and indexes,
you'll have to run the latex and other related commands such as bibtex and
makeindex multiple times in the right sequence. LyX frees you from caring
about that.)

>I tried to open it with lyx but that wouldn't do.

Use the "import" function instead.

> IS there any extension with a latex document *.tex for instance?

Yes, that's the convention.

> The reason for all these questions is that I read as you told me that El
> Ni~no could be written El Ni\~no...but when I edit a lyx document under
> kedit and that I insert these commands, they appear as on the
> screen...there is no interpretation made by lyx???

Not really. LyX doesn't _interpret_ the document on the fly (that would
require a built-in dvi-viewer), but only gives you a
"What-You-See-Is-What-You-**Mean**" approximation of the document. In fact,
this approach has quite a lot of advantages; I am sure you'll appreciate
them as soon as you work with footnotes, crossreferences, bibtex citations
and similar advanced document features where true WYSIWYG would severely
obfuscate things. (Just having finished such a paper, I have to praise the
LyX team again for the greatness of what it has written!)

If you type "El Ni\~no" - that is, if you use TeX formatting directly in LyX
-, take care to mark it as TeX code.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
(if possible, please PGP-encrypt your mail to me)
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>


1999-12-23 Thread Florian Cramer

In case it is of interest to anyone, here's a new (Gnome-based) effort to
create a structured document editing system:



Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
(if possible, please PGP-encrypt your mail to me)
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Pybliographer with LyX support

1999-11-25 Thread Florian Cramer

If you want to couple LyX with a GUI-based BibTeX editor, check out the
latest release of Pybliographer <>, a
Gnome-based application. Using the LyX server, it allows to insert
BibTeX references into LyX with a single mouse click.

While the program is still in beta, it seems much more usable to me than
Barracuda (because it properly handles converts 8bit characters, doesn't
choke on extra field definitions, produces very clean bibtex code and
handles other bibliographic formats than BibTeX) and should be an even
better fit to LyX as soon as LyX will have its own Gnome-frontend.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

"GnoLyX" - inofficial Gnome port of LyX

1999-11-24 Thread Florian Cramer

Reading the "Gnome Weekly News", I found out that there's an unofficial
Gnome port of LyX named "GnoLyX" in the making (homepage:
<>). You can also see it at on the Gnome
software map.

Although there can be no doubt that everyone has the freedom to start such
a project and fork the LyX codebase, it would perhaps make sense to inform
GnoLyX developer Dick Knol that mainstream LyX is already on the way to
multi-GUI-support... It would, from my point of view, be great to see him
collaborating on the officially planned Gnome port of LyX (which, btw, I
am looking forward to).

Although I'm only speaking as a LyX user here, not as developer, I would
be sad to see another LyX fork. KLyX, IMHO, has created enough confusion


cc: to Dick Knowl
Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: How to use custom export

1999-11-24 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Tue, 23.Nov.1999 um 13:53:34 +0100 schrieb Lars Gullik Bjønnes:
> We also must check for pdflatex in configure and check for
> fontencoding LY1 which is preferred with PDF and also check for some
> of the packages that is  advised to be used together with PDF, url.sty
> and hyperref.sty and some fontpackages.

Be aware though that pdflatex currently doesn't handle eps graphics so that
all included graphics have to be converted to pdf first... would be great if
LyX could handle this as a background job...


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Mixing double and single quotes, tth problems

1999-11-20 Thread Florian Cramer

Question no.1: How can one mix single and double quotes in LyX, like: "I see
that 'this' is a quote"?

Question no.2 (possible bug):

When exporting to HTML via tth, tth always produces empty bibliography
entries. It seems to rely on an '*.aux' file to read the bibliography
entries from (so it seems to be able to translate bibtex entries, too - what
a nice piece of software!). Currently, the correct way to invoke tth from LyX
is via this (corrected) line in .lyxrc:

\html_command "tth -t < '$$FName' > '$$OutName'"

It seems to me that LyX still needs a more elaborate way to interface with
tth. When exporting to html, it should invoke a complete LaTeX/bibtex run
and feed tth with the temporary *.tex/*.aux files in the /temp directory.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: new feature

1999-10-28 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Thu, 28.Oct.1999 um 20:25:18 +0100 schrieb Tony Dancer:

> Perhaps it could go on the long list of wishes?

This brings me to a related topic: Would the LyX developer community mind or
welcome a "LyX wishlist" web page that collects features users would like to
see in LyX (given that these wishes would come from people who in most cases
won't contribute anything to the code)? 

I seriously consider setting up such a page, starting perhaps with static
html and then, if it succeeds, implementing a submission, ranking and
categorization system in Perl/CGI. I could also imagine interfacing such a
page with projects like "the bazaar" or "source xchange" where users can
offer money to developers for creating free software they would like to

HOWEVER: I would only create such a page if the LyX developers would welcome
it as a supportive initiative from the user community. I will
_NOT_ create if developers have mixed feelings about it (being put under
pressure by users etc.etc.).

JMarc, LGB, Jürgen, ... what do you think?


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: LyX crashes in 8-bit color mode

1999-10-28 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Thu, 28.Oct.1999 um 19:03:15 + schrieb Pieter Edelman:

> I am using redhat 6.1 with Gnome and the Enlightenment window manager.
> When I am working in 16-bit color mode, LyX works just fine (actually,
> LyX works great but that's because of LyX and not of Gnome), but when I
> am working in 8-bit color mode, LyX crashes on startup, reporting a

Sorry that this won't really help you, but anyway: your problem must be
specific to your particular system setup. I am using LyX on two machines
running (Debian GNU/) Linux under 8-bit color displays. One display is b/w,
the other 8-bit-pseudo-colors, and neither of them caused the trouble you
describe with any version of LyX from 0.12 up to 1.0.4.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: Lyx and klyx

1999-10-10 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Sun, 10.Oct.1999 um 11:18:03 +0200 schrieb Uwe Brauer:
> Could please someone tell  me , in short, what are the main
> differences in features between LyX and KLyX.

KLyX is a KDE port of an old LyX release (0.10) now containing a few
features/fixes from newer 'mainstream' LyX versions. Aside from a few
specific features (a document structure editor instead of the table of
contents popup, horizontal scrolling in tables and a formula button bar),
KLyX is far behind the current stable LyX release. It will become obsolete
as soon as 'mainstream' LyX will become GUI-independent and offer a Qt/KDE
interface (among others) of its own.

The standard advice is to use LyX instead of KLyX even under KDE if
you can tolerate that it looks slightly different.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: Thank you for the LyX

1999-10-09 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Thu, 07.Oct.1999 um 20:14:47 +0100 schrieb Tony Dancer:
> Thanks to you all for it, AND for your support on this group.

And here's somebody else who totally converted from Macintosh to Linux in
'98 because of LyX! 

What about starting a LyX advocacy project? We could build a LyX Webring,
track LyX coverage in the media and take care to promote LyX in the Usenet
and forums like Slashdot.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: lyx and pdf

1999-09-21 Thread Florian Cramer

On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 09:31:21PM +0200, Tobias Klaus wrote:
> Is there a way to convert a lyx file directly into pdf? 
> Would be nice, since pdftex gets stuck with lyx-exported latex-files,
> and ps2pdf produces very large files.

Use "pdflatex", not "pdftex". This will do the job just fine! (You can
even trigger Acrobat Reader-specific features such as author and
keyword signatures or the initial display zoom factor using the
'hyperref' latex package. All it needs is a customization line in the
document preamble; the hyperref documentation tells you how to do it.)


Florian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
combinatory poetry site: <>

Re: Koma-Script

1999-08-27 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Fri, 27.Aug.1999 um 10:40:42 -0700 schrieb Ralfhold:
> I'm using the Documentclass scrreport so the Word "Chapter" doesn't
> appear. But in comparison with the standard report the Font of each
> Chapter is now "Sans Serif". How can I get the former font back?

The sans serif headings are a feature of the koma-script classes. You can
get rid of them either by hacking the classes themselves or using a
workaround in the LaTeX-preamble. In case your document would use Times as
the default font, simply put the following line into the preamble:


(Replace "ctm" with the ID of the font you prefer.)


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: BibTex-Referenzen werden im Postscript nicht angezeigt

1999-08-11 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Tue, 10.Aug.1999 um 15:40:29 +0200 schrieb Reinhard Borek:
> Hallo,
> ich habe ich ein Lyx-Dokoment ein Bib-Tex-Literaturverzeichnis
> eingefuegt. Die entsprechende Zeile im Dokument sieht so aus:

Please write in English on this mailing list!

> Problem: 
> In der erzeugten Postscript-Datei ist das Literaturverzeichnis leer,
> die referenzierte Literatur wird nur als Fragezeichen angezeigt.
> Ich habe den Uebersetzungsvorgang mehrmals laufen lassen.

Is it possible that you didn't define the environment variables BIBINPUTS


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: More document styles

1999-08-02 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Wed, 28.Jul.1999 um 10:38:10 +0200 schrieb Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:
> Unfortunately, there is no such page yet. The first step for MLA
> support would be to have some LaTeX MLA style, and I am not aware of
> any. All MLA related stuff in tex archives is for bibliography. Am I
> wrong?

You are right, sadly enough.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: Suggestion: PDF and HTML for LyX

1999-06-11 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Fri, 11.Jun.1999 um 09:23:22 +0200 schrieb Andreas Arnez:

> "export as HTML".  My feeling is that it should be easy to implement the
> appropriate front-ends.  Of course, the programs can be invoked by hand,
> but it would ease LyX's use and definitely look well on LyX's
> feature-list -- without a lot of effort ;-)

To do that properly, you would need at least two configuration popups for
customizing the export parameters (for PDF, that would mean to make all
hyperref switches available in LyX - quite a lot of work).


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05, ICQ 33582613
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: LyX to PDF (was: Why are EPS files so big?)

1999-05-06 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Thu, 06.May.1999 um 15:59:50 +0200 schrieb Ralf Plaenkers:

> Hope this little overview helped a bit to get even more confused and
> continue discussing this important issue in order to find a better
> solution and end all wars.

You should also mention the 'hyperref' package which lets you use all
hypertext features of pdf, hypertextualize table of contents and index by
default, and customize the behavior of your resulting document in Acrobat
reader (including default view and entries in the document info). 

Since using most of these features boils down to few lines in the preamble,
hyperref is nicely usable in LyX, too. (In my experience, pdflatex is the way
to go if you use hyperref.)


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05, ICQ 33582613
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

*.deb of LyX 1.0.2 anywhere?

1999-05-06 Thread Florian Cramer

Does anyone know if and where there's a Debian package of LyX 1.0.2? I guess
that Paul Seelig, who previously built inofficial LyX-debs, is too busy
these days to do us the favor.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05, ICQ 33582613
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>

Re: FAQ? Relationship between LyX and XML

1999-04-05 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Fri, 02.Apr.1999 um 18:44:02 + schrieb Paul Wagner:

> footing). I don't see any relationship when viewing the linuxdoc/DocBook
> stuff, at least not in the info packaged with LyX 1.0.1 help
> ("Extended.lyx").

I can't speak for the developers here, but the LinuxDoc/upcoming DocBook
support in LyX is above all an additional gift to LyX users. There's no
deep-down SGML/XML support in LyX since (a) LyX is a WYSIWYM frontend to
LaTeX, and (b) LaTeX is a different concept than SGML/XML. The difference
is similar to HyperCard stacks in comparison to HTML.

>From an SGML perspective, LaTeX is a mixture of a structured markup language
(= an SGML/XML Document Type Definition), a stylesheet language (as DSSSL or
XSL in SGML/XML) and an embedded programming language. The SGML/XML concept
is 'cleaner' in that it clearly separates these aspects, and because it
works as a metalanguage, i.e. as a toolkit to create custom, tailor-made
markup languages.

On a practical level, you don't loose much in LaTeX (a) because the internal
syntax is clean and cross-platform, (b) because any missing markup/style
element can be created with embedded TeX code and (c) because countless
ready-made working solutions are already 'out there'. LaTeX's main advantage
is that it _works_, and that it works very well, while SGML/XML is still
lacking implementations, easy-to-use authoring tools (such as LyX...) and,
in the case of XML, complete standardization. I could nevertheless imagine
that some day in the next millenium, LaTeX might be rewritten into a
scientific XML markup language (i.e. an XML-compliant DTD + stylesheet +
extension language).

> Since it has been several months, might I inquire as to the future of
> XML support via LyX? Seems like a natural to me, but I admit to being a
> "newbie". I certainly like what I see already, but I also see XML as
> extremely important all of a sudden (particularly in light of the
> likelihood of being swamped with MS's version of it when Office 2000
> ships this fall).

Strictly speaking, MS is not implementing a "version" of XML, but its own
DTD - just as will do KOffice and Gnome Office. Note that XML is not a
common, unified markup language like HTML or LaTeX, but a toolkit for
creating your own (proprietary) markup language. If all future word
processors "use XML", this in no way will mean that they can read each
other's documents. XML is only a means to clean up the internal syntax and
simplify writing conversion filters between those formats. Authoring
software that allows the use of _arbitrary_ XML DTDs (e.g. "any XML") will
certainly remain the exception and rather difficult to use.


Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05, ICQ 33582613
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
present: <>