
2008-07-11 Thread assasukasse

Hi all
i am paginating my thesis with lyx, i divided the document into many 
child documents
and made a page called Thesis which joins together (by putting add child 
document one after the other).
Now, while the first pages, which uses roman numbering show correct 
placement of the number (on the bottom outside), the following child 
document, which uses arabic page numbering is performing incorrectly, by 
putting the page numbering in the wrong side of the page.

Is there any way to make lys fix this?

Re: Latex-problem: Pagenumbering in combination with two-sided document

2007-09-21 Thread Richard Heck

Helge Hafting wrote:

An appendix is a chapter of its own. Any two-sided
layout will start a chapter on a odd page, no matter what.
Starting a chapter (appendix or other chapter) on an even
page is usually considered ugly and bad typography - you'll
have a hard time finding any published book printed like that.

I do wish that were true. Unfortunately, it's becoming more and more common.


Re: Latex-problem: Pagenumbering in combination with two-sided document

2007-09-21 Thread Helge Hafting

Christian Richter wrote:

I do not have a LYX - but a LATEX-problem. I hope somebody wants to
help me anyways.

Ok, I am writing my thesis as a two sided document (Komo-script book).
The appendix has roman pagenumbering. The problem is that the last
page before the appendix is a right page (odd page number). So that
the first side of the appendix should be a right page (even number).

An appendix is a chapter of its own. Any two-sided
layout will start a chapter on a odd page, no matter what.
Starting a chapter (appendix or other chapter) on an even
page is usually considered ugly and bad typography - you'll
have a hard time finding any published book printed like that.

Because of the pagenumbering the first page of the appendix is a left
page (page number=1). How can I change it so that this page has the
page number 1 but is a right page?

Consider carefully if you really want this - it will probably only
look odd to the serious reader. Now, you can of course
use a single-sided layout and print double-sided anyway.
You will then get your appendix on a even page, and you
can of course reset the page counter to 1 anywhere you want to,
even on that even page. There surely are people that will
consider such a layout messed-up, and that cannot be good for
your thesis?

I do not want to use /cleadoublepage before the appendix because I can
not have any more pages.

Why not? If they count pages, well surely they won't
count a blank one? Or offer to pay for the wasted page,
if they really worry about that?

Helge Hafting

Re: Latex-problem: Pagenumbering in combination with two-sided document

2007-09-20 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Christian Richter schrieb:

Ok, I am writing my thesis as a two sided document (Koma-script book).
The appendix has roman pagenumbering. The problem is that the last
page before the appendix is a right page (odd page number). So that
the first side of the appendix should be a right page (even number).

Because of the pagenumbering the first page of the appendix is a left
page (page number=1). How can I change it so that this page has the
page number 1 but is a right page?

I don't understand what your proble is. It doesn't matter where the last page before the apendix 
ends. Appendix will start on the next right page and right pages have odd numbers. So it doesn't 
matter  if the previous chapter endy on e.g. page 97 or 98, the appendix will start on page 99.

I do not want to use /cleadoublepage before the appendix because I can
not have any more pages.

This cannot be serious. You are writing a book, not an article. And when your professor sets you a 
page limit for a thesis something is going wrong.

regards Uwe

Latex-problem: Pagenumbering in combination with two-sided document

2007-09-20 Thread Christian Richter
I do not have a LYX - but a LATEX-problem. I hope somebody wants to
help me anyways.

Ok, I am writing my thesis as a two sided document (Komo-script book).
The appendix has roman pagenumbering. The problem is that the last
page before the appendix is a right page (odd page number). So that
the first side of the appendix should be a right page (even number).

Because of the pagenumbering the first page of the appendix is a left
page (page number=1). How can I change it so that this page has the
page number 1 but is a right page?

I do not want to use /cleadoublepage before the appendix because I can
not have any more pages.

I hope somebody can help me. And sorry that this is not a lyx-specific problem!


Re: Pagenumbering in TOC

2004-03-12 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Insert the following to the preamble:


Correct the line
to the option you used in your document layout, e.g. to headings or fancy.
I inserted these lines and corrected \pagestyle to empty. The first page 
of the TOC still gets numbered. What do I do wrong?
Sorry, seems that you misunderstand me. You have to set the pagestyle to 
a style that prints numbers. OK insert the preamble stuff I send you 
without changes and set the document layout pagestyle to 'empty'.
If you have some text before the document, so that the TOC does not 
begin at a new page, insert the following preable stuff instead of the 
one I send:


Re: Pagenumbering in TOC

2004-03-12 Thread Uwe Stöhr

I recently tried out the tips to avoid pagenumbering in the TOC at:
I tried the first tip with protect. The second page got numbered. Then I 
tried the tip with the LaTeX-Preamble. The third page got numbered. I 
have only three pages of TOC. How can reach my goal, not to have 
pagenumbers at all in my TOC?
Insert the following to the preamble:

The next page after the TOC would be numbered as page 1.
If you want to have the next page to be numbered as page 4, delete the line
Correct the line
to the option you used in your document layout, e.g. to headings or fancy.
regards Uwe

Pagenumbering in TOC

2004-03-12 Thread Anca Tibor- Attila

I recently tried out the tips to avoid pagenumbering in the TOC at:

I tried the first tip with protect. The second page got numbered. Then I 
tried the tip with the LaTeX-Preamble. The third page got numbered. I 
have only three pages of TOC. How can reach my goal, not to have 
pagenumbers at all in my TOC?

Anca Tibor- Attila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Antwort: Re: pagenumbering

2002-11-18 Thread Robert.R.Koehler
>>where the "7" of course is to be replaced with whatever page  
>>you're at.
>I didn't find the automatic way of seetting that number

You don't need to. Just use the command  \pagenumbering{arabic} in ERT where you
want it to start.


Dr. Robert Köhler B.Sc. B.Eng. (Mech) Ph.D. 
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40 minutes. Whisk briefly and let it stand for two hours before 

Re: pagenumbering

2002-11-18 Thread "Niels Müller Larsen (NML, PERS, SH)"
Hi James

In the very beginning of the doc enter:


and on the top of the first page with arabic-numbers


where the "7" of course is to be replaced with whatever page  
you're at.
I didn't find the automatic way of seetting that number

 Med venlig hilsen

 Niels Müller Larsen
 M. Sc. Networked Information Engineering
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|DK8260 DENMARK | |  |

corrected solution for pagenumbering and headers

2001-10-15 Thread Richard Harris

To have the header "Lastname - pageNumber"

In document layout menu:
set page to fancy

beginning of document in Tex:

where you want page numbers to start:
\rhead{Harris - \thepage}

Richard Harris
Editor, Words on a Wire
I want my place, my own place,
my true place in the world,
my proper sphere, my thing.
::Nathaniel Hawthorne

Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-05-02 Thread Herbert Voss

> I´m sorry, but it didn´t work. There are still no pagenumbers at even
> pages.

i'm a bit confused. do you want to have pagenumbers in the toc or not?
if not:

> \renewcommand\thepage{}
> \tableofcontents% insert it via insert->lists & toc
> \renewcommand\thepage{\arabic{page}}

if yes with fancyhdr write in preamble

  \fancyfoot[C]{\bfseries \thepage}

> The Latex-preamble looks like this:
> \usepackage{tocloft}
> % Set Margins
> \renewcommand*\l@section{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}
> \renewcommand*\l@subsection{\@dottedtocline{2}{3.8em}{3.2em}}
> \renewcommand*\l@subsubsection{\@dottedtocline{3}{7.0em}{4.1em}}
> \renewcommand*\l@paragraph{\@dottedtocline{4}{10em}{5em}}
> \renewcommand*\l@subparagraph{\@dottedtocline{5}{12em}{6em}}
> \renewcommand*\l@figure{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}

this is in german doppelt gemoppelt. use tocloft OR the
equivilent latex commands.



Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-05-02 Thread Andreas_Doering

I´m sorry, but it didn´t work. There are still no pagenumbers at even 
Attached you will find the beginning of my Lyx-file, maybe I 
missunderstood something wrong.

\addtocontents{toc} {\protect\fancyfoot{}}

The Latex-preamble looks like this:

% Set Margins
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{% twoside and 
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
\hfill\thechapter\quad \if @mainmatter
 \@chapapp\ \thechapter\quad
 \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
 \if @mainmatter
 \@chapapp\ \thechapter\quad
\renewcommand\sectionmark[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
% positioning
\fancyhead{}% delte the defaults
 \fancyhead[LE]{\colorbox{myColor}{\parbox{1\columnwidth}{\leftmark}}} % 
even pages!
 \fancyhead[RO]{\colorbox{myColor}{\parbox{1\columnwidth}{\rightmark}}} % 
odd pages!
\fancyfoot{} % clear
\fancyfoot[RE,LO]{\thepage} % right-even and left-odd


Herbert Voss
Gesendet von: voss
02.05.01 11:12

Thema:  Re: Antwort: Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

> >>
> >>This works fine for the TOC, but in the normal text, the pagenumbering 
> >>even pages disappeared.
> >I personnaly use the fancyplain facility to change headers and footers
> >for special pages (i.e. no printing of chaptermarks in the first page
> >of a chapter. Yous shouls have look at the fancyhdr doc.
> I did this before, but I´m only able to avoid pagenumbering at the first
> page of the TOC.
> Though I did a
> \fancyfoot[LE]{\thepage}
> at the plain text after the TOC to reestablish the settings in the
> LATEX-preface, there this is already entered. This works, but I think,
> that´s not the way it should be handeled. It doesn´t work for Klyx 

try at the very first line in tex(red)

behind the insert toc-command



Re: Antwort: Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-05-02 Thread Herbert Voss

> >>
> >>This works fine for the TOC, but in the normal text, the pagenumbering at
> >>even pages disappeared.
> >I personnaly use the fancyplain facility to change headers and footers
> >for special pages (i.e. no printing of chaptermarks in the first page
> >of a chapter. Yous shouls have look at the fancyhdr doc.
> I did this before, but I´m only able to avoid pagenumbering at the first
> page of the TOC.
> Though I did a
> \fancyfoot[LE]{\thepage}
> at the plain text after the TOC to reestablish the settings in the
> LATEX-preface, there this is already entered. This works, but I think,
> that´s not the way it should be handeled. It doesn´t work for Klyx either.

try at the very first line in tex(red)

behind the insert toc-command



Antwort: Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-05-02 Thread Andreas_Doering

Andre Berger   
 Thema:  Re: Prevent linebreaks and 
pagenumbering in TOC  
antworten an   
Andre Berger   

* Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-25 22:31 +0200:
11:37 +0200:
>> > 1. The linebreaks within words at the TOC look ugly. How can I prevent
>> > these linebreaks in the TOC?
>> > I tried
>> >
>> >  \mbox{ bla bla .bla}
>> >
>> > but then, there wasn´t any linebreak at all and the line in the TOC
>> > the right margin. The section line looks
>> > quite OK in the normal text, so I don´t want to do a linebreak in the
>> > section line, causing the TOC-line to behave the same.
>> The "\samepage" LaTeX command works, to be found for example in Kopka
>> (1994: 1: ch., p. 43 f.).
>> I'm not at home and don't remember exactly how/where to use it. If
>> anybody is interested I'll look it up this evening.

>Oh, sorry, I made a mistake. The code I had in mind is to prevent
>*page*breaks within TOC items.

>\chapter{\samepage YOUR LONG LONG TITLE}

>To answer your actual question, do not put whole lines into the
>\mbox-Command. Put each offending/not-to-break word into its own \mbox.

>Andre Berger[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

That doesn´t work too. After I inserted the word in the \mbox{BLALBABLA}
there was
no linebreak at all and the word is leaving the right margin.

My second problem still persists, does anyone has an idea?

>>2. I tried Herbert Voss´ trick to prevent pagenumbering showing up in the
>> \tableofcontents
>> \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\thispagestyle{empty}}
>>The problem is, that I´m using fancyheader, so I tried a
>> \addtocontents{toc} {\protect\fancyfoot{}}
>>This works fine for the TOC, but in the normal text, the pagenumbering at
>>even pages disappeared.

>I personnaly use the fancyplain facility to change headers and footers
>for special pages (i.e. no printing of chaptermarks in the first page
>of a chapter. Yous shouls have look at the fancyhdr doc.

I did this before, but I´m only able to avoid pagenumbering at the first
page of the TOC.
Though I did a


at the plain text after the TOC to reestablish the settings in the
LATEX-preface, there this is already entered. This works, but I think,
that´s not the way it should be handeled. It doesn´t work for Klyx either.

Thanks in advance


Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-04-26 Thread Andre Berger

* Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-25 22:31 +0200:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-25 11:37 +0200:
> > 1. The linebreaks within words at the TOC look ugly. How can I prevent
> > these linebreaks in the TOC?
> > I tried
> > 
> >  \mbox{ bla bla .bla}
> > 
> > but then, there wasn´t any linebreak at all and the line in the TOC left
> > the right margin. The section line looks
> > quite OK in the normal text, so I don´t want to do a linebreak in the
> > section line, causing the TOC-line to behave the same.
> The "\samepage" LaTeX command works, to be found for example in Kopka
> (1994: 1: ch., p. 43 f.).
> I'm not at home and don't remember exactly how/where to use it. If
> anybody is interested I'll look it up this evening.

Oh, sorry, I made a mistake. The code I had in mind is to prevent
*page*breaks within TOC items.

\chapter{\samepage YOUR LONG LONG TITLE}

To answer your actual question, do not put whole lines into the
\mbox-Command. Put each offending/not-to-break word into its own \mbox.


 PGP signature

Antwort: Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-04-25 Thread Andreas_Doering


Andre Berger   


 Thema:  Re: Prevent linebreaks and 
pagenumbering in TOC   



antworten an   

Andre Berger   



>> 1. The linebreaks within words at the TOC look ugly. How can I prevent
>> these linebreaks in the TOC?
>> I tried
>>  \mbox{ bla bla .bla}
>> but then, there wasn´t any linebreak at all and the line in the TOC left
>> the right margin. The section line looks
>> quite OK in the normal text, so I don´t want to do a linebreak in the
>> section line, causing the TOC-line to behave the same.

>The "\samepage" LaTeX command works, to be found for example in Kopka
>(1994: 1: ch., p. 43 f.).

>I'm not at home and don't remember exactly how/where to use it. If
>anybody is interested I'll look it up this evening.

>Andre Berger[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

That would be great.


Antwort: Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-04-25 Thread Andreas_Doering

  Thema:  Re: Prevent linebreaks and 
pagenumbering in TOC  
25.04.01 10:18 
Bitte antworten an 

>>I´m a Lyx-newbie and ran in two problems:
>>1. The linebreaks within words at the TOC look ugly. How can I prevent
>>these linebreaks in the TOC?
>>I tried
>> \mbox{ bla bla .bla}
>>but then, there wasn´t any linebreak at all and the line in the TOC left
>>the right margin. The section line looks
>>quite OK in the normal text, so I don´t want to do a linebreak in the
>>section line, causing the TOC-line to behave the same.

>You will get in trouble as well with the runnib headers I guess.
>The optional text in sectioning instructions allows to get
>shorter test in both places.

>>2. I tried Herbert Voss´ trick to prevent pagenumbering showing up in the
>> \tableofcontents
>> \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\thispagestyle{empty}}
>>The problem is, that I´m using fancyheader, so I tried a
>> \addtocontents{toc} {\protect\fancyfoot{}}
>>This works fine for the TOC, but in the normal text, the pagenumbering at
>>even pages disappeared.
>>Thanks in advance

>I personnaly use the fancyplain facility to change headers and footers
>for special pages (i.e. no printing of chaptermarks in the first page
>of a chapter. Yous shouls have look at the fancyhdr doc.

I did this before, but I´m only able to avoid pagenumbering at the first
page of the TOC.
Though I did a


at the plain text after the TOC to reestablish the settings in the
LATEX-preface, there this is already entered. This works, but I think,
that´s not the way it should be handeled.


Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-04-25 Thread Andre Berger

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-25 11:37 +0200:
> 1. The linebreaks within words at the TOC look ugly. How can I prevent
> these linebreaks in the TOC?
> I tried
>  \mbox{ bla bla .bla}
> but then, there wasn´t any linebreak at all and the line in the TOC left
> the right margin. The section line looks
> quite OK in the normal text, so I don´t want to do a linebreak in the
> section line, causing the TOC-line to behave the same.

The "\samepage" LaTeX command works, to be found for example in Kopka
(1994: 1: ch., p. 43 f.).

I'm not at home and don't remember exactly how/where to use it. If
anybody is interested I'll look it up this evening.


 PGP signature

Re: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-04-25 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>Subject: Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC
>>Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 10:07:37 +0200
>>X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on NNMAIL01/SRV/MAN_Nutzfahrzeuge(Release 
5.0.4 |June 8, 2000) at 04/25/2001 10:07:38 AM
>>Hi Lyxers!
>>I´m a Lyx-newbie and ran in two problems:
>>1. The linebreaks within words at the TOC look ugly. How can I prevent
>>these linebreaks in the TOC?
>>I tried
>> \mbox{ bla bla .bla}
>>but then, there wasn´t any linebreak at all and the line in the TOC left
>>the right margin. The section line looks
>>quite OK in the normal text, so I don´t want to do a linebreak in the
>>section line, causing the TOC-line to behave the same.

You will get in trouble as well with the runnib headers I guess.
The optional text in sectioning instructions allows to get
shorter test in both places.

>>2. I tried Herbert Voss´ trick to prevent pagenumbering showing up in the
>> \tableofcontents
>> \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\thispagestyle{empty}}
>>The problem is, that I´m using fancyheader, so I tried a
>> \addtocontents{toc} {\protect\fancyfoot{}}
>>This works fine for the TOC, but in the normal text, the pagenumbering at
>>even pages disappeared.
>>Thanks in advance

I personnaly use the fancyplain facility to change headers and footers
for special pages (i.e. no printing of chaptermarks in the first page
of a chapter. Yous shouls have look at the fancyhdr doc.


Prevent linebreaks and pagenumbering in TOC

2001-04-25 Thread Andreas_Doering

Hi Lyxers!

I´m a Lyx-newbie and ran in two problems:

1. The linebreaks within words at the TOC look ugly. How can I prevent
these linebreaks in the TOC?
I tried

 \mbox{ bla bla .bla}

but then, there wasn´t any linebreak at all and the line in the TOC left
the right margin. The section line looks
quite OK in the normal text, so I don´t want to do a linebreak in the
section line, causing the TOC-line to behave the same.

2. I tried Herbert Voss´ trick to prevent pagenumbering showing up in the


The problem is, that I´m using fancyheader, so I tried a

 \addtocontents{toc} {\protect\fancyfoot{}}

This works fine for the TOC, but in the normal text, the pagenumbering at
even pages disappeared.

Thanks in advance


Re: Problem with \pagenumbering

2000-03-17 Thread Torsten Mueller

>Anyone knows what's going on? I'll apreciate any sugestions.
maybe you can do it easier:

Start your document with \frontmatter .
After that the TOC, abstract and such things follow.
Then \mainmatter
your chapters

at the end \backmatter

I have used this with book style.
Of course all commands must be in Tex-Mode.

Hope this helps,

Problem with \pagenumbering

2000-03-16 Thread Diego A. Puertas F.

Hello list. My thesis is now ready for the first revisión (at last) and
I'm just in the formating stage. 

I'm using \pagenumbering{roman} at the very first line of the document, 
and \pagenumbering{arabic} in the same line of the paragraph Chapter 1, in
order to have the pages numbered until chapter 1 in romans and since then
in arabics. But there is a problem, the first two pages of the output
apear numbered as "i" (the real number "i" and the suposed-to-be number
"ii"), the same thing happens with page 1.
The number of the 2 pages where I insert \pagenumbering{} apears
repeated in the next page !!!

Anyone knows what's going on? I'll apreciate any sugestions.


Re: Unwanted pagenumbering in Contents (report class).

1999-10-22 Thread Herbert

Christian Ridderström wrote:
> Hi LyX-users
> I'm writing a technical report, using the class: report.
> How can I remove the pagenumber from the 'Contents'-pages? (I've tried
> using \thispagestyle{empty}, but it doesn't work).

\thispagestyle{empty} works only for one page!

try \pagestyle{empty}

> Alternatively, how can I let the Contents-pages use roman numerals (I,
> II, III, ...) and the rest of the report arabic, starting with 1.

\pagenumbering{Roman}  for I,II,...
\pagenumbering{roman}  for i,i,...

the counter always starts at 1.



Unwanted pagenumbering in Contents (report class).

1999-10-22 Thread Christian Ridderström

Hi LyX-users

I'm writing a technical report, using the class: report.
How can I remove the pagenumber from the 'Contents'-pages? (I've tried
using \thispagestyle{empty}, but it doesn't work).

Alternatively, how can I let the Contents-pages use roman numerals (I,
II, III, ...) and the rest of the report arabic, starting with 1.


Christian Ridderström

Re: Pagenumbering

1999-05-21 Thread Andreas Jahnen

---Reply to mail from Steffen Schmidt about Pagenumbering

> Hi,
> is it possible to change the pagenumbering - I mean, I would like to
> have my table of contents numbered in roman numbers (I, II, III, IV...)
> and the other parts in arabic numbers (1, 2, ...). Is this possible with
> LyX?

That is possible. Use (as Latex = red) this commands:

\pagenumbering{roman}   at the beginning of your dokument;
\pagenumbering{arabic}  at the beginning of your chapters

That's all.


> Thanks
> Steffen

---End reply
 0(o o)0
 Andreas Jahnen   Fachhochschule Trier
Fachbereich: Angewandte Informatik  
 WWW   :

--(   )(   )---
   \ (  ) /


1999-05-21 Thread Steffen Schmidt


is it possible to change the pagenumbering - I mean, I would like to
have my table of contents numbered in roman numbers (I, II, III, IV...)
and the other parts in arabic numbers (1, 2, ...). Is this possible with


tel;work:Arbeitsgruppe PD Dr. R. Sterner
org:Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik;Abteilung für molekulare Genetik und präparative Molekularbiologie
adr:;;Grisebachstr. 8;37077 Göttingen;;;
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Georg-August Universität Göttingen
fn:Steffen Schmidt


1999-05-18 Thread 1004-51

Hi, does anybody out there know, how to get the pagenumbers to the lower
right in the "Headings"-pagestyle?
So long, Dirk