Re: KOMA-Script article float numbering

2022-08-18 Thread Daniel

On 2022-08-18 17:44, Rich Shepard wrote:

Also, it points to


Doubtful as I defenestrated in 1997 and have run only linux ever since.

I guess it is


on your system and LyX added the "C:".

The test .lyx location should be changed to whereever it is on someone else's
system since I've no idea where it would be located so lyx could find it.

That is what relative paths are for, so you do not need to rely on 
people having to change things. If you really need to add an extra file 
to a mwe, just put in in the same directory and use a relative path to 
it, i.e. just the filename in this case rather than the absolute path.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script article float numbering

2022-08-18 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 18 Aug 2022, Daniel wrote:

I don't know what original post you refer to. The threat started with the
post I commented on which included a bit of superfluous stuff in the


That was my original post

This is what the preamble contained:


None of these are relevant to your problem, right? Meaning the problem 
appears even if you remove these lines.

Yes, and I removed them in the revised mwe.lyx attached to my response to
your message.

In your document, you have an inserted graphic (pdf file). This doesn't seem 
relevant either. So, you could just remove it.

Then, would the Figure 0.1 be seen? The issue is how floats are numbered
when the unnumbered section* is selected as the environment.

Also, it points to


Doubtful as I defenestrated in 1997 and have run only linux ever since. The
test .lyx location should be changed to whereever it is on someone else's
system since I've no idea where it would be located so lyx could find it.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script article float numbering

2022-08-18 Thread Daniel

On 18/08/2022 14:16, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Thu, 18 Aug 2022, Daniel wrote:

1. Post a .lyx file that is more minimal (e.g. does not contain
unnecessary external material). Try to strip off everything that is
unnecessary, including preamble material.

2. The file should contain what does *not* work (e.g. you seem to suggest
that the problem is in a KOMA-Script article but your attached lyx 
file is

a KOMA-Script report).

3. State clearly what is the actual and expected result.


I did all this in my original post.

Hi Rich,

I don't know what original post you refer to. The threat started with 
the post I commented on which included a bit of superfluous stuff in the 

1. I removed the extraneous preamble material.

This is what the preamble contained:


None of these are relevant to your problem, right? Meaning the problem 
appears even if you remove these lines.

In your document, you have an inserted graphic (pdf file). This doesn't 
seem relevant either. So, you could just remove it.

Also, it points to


which cannot work on other people's systems even if you provide that 
file. By the way, it will even stop working on your system if you move 
the project directory to another location. It might be better to use 
relative paths, starting from your document. Say you have the following 


Then you can use "../myimages/myimage.pdf" as your path referring to 
myimage.pdf relative to your mydoc.lyx. And other people will be able to 
straight away use your doc.lyx as long as you provide them with the 
whole myproject directory. But again, for your mwe.lyx, this doesn't 
have to be part of it.

I have seen that your  seems to have gotten resolved already. So, I just 
wanted to give you this (not asked for) feedback on these other parts 
the mwe. It isn't meant as criticism. Just as a suggestion.

Kind regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script article float numbering [RESOLVED]

2022-08-18 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 18 Aug 2022, Udicoudco wrote:

I don't have much  experience with KOMA-Script document classes, but from
what I've been reading in the documentation, automark does not have
anything to do with figure numbering, the command changes the page marks
above the headrule.


That's interesting. I admit that I didn't fully search through the
KOMA-Script doc.

The reason the figure is numbered differently in the report class is that
in this class the chapter command is defined, and as a convention when it
is defined, usually figures are numbered within the chapter counter. On
the contrary, in report class, chapters are not defined.

If I use numbered sections there's no problem with float figures (or tables)
being numbered with integers regardless of class. Using unnumbered document
sections*, or chapters*, are when there's an issue.

To remove the figure counter from the reset list of chapter, you can
simply write in the preamble \counterwithout{figure}{chapter}, it will
also change the format of \thefigure to be \@arabic{\c@figure} which is
what I believe you want.

In previous documents (report class) unnumbered sections displayed figures
with integers when /automark*{section} was in the preamble. For some reason,
it did not do so with this one document. So I changed your command to
\counterwithout{figure}{section} and that did the trick. Thank you.

Note that this will only change the counter in the output file, and not in
the lyx file.

That's all that matters, :-)

Thanks very much for teaching me \counterwithout{}{}.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script article float numbering

2022-08-18 Thread Udicoudco
> > 1. Post a .lyx file that is more minimal (e.g. does not contain
> > unnecessary external material). Try to strip off everything that is
> > unnecessary, including preamble material.
> > 2. The file should contain what does *not* work (e.g. you seem to suggest
> > that the problem is in a KOMA-Script article but your attached lyx file
> is
> > a KOMA-Script report).
> > 3. State clearly what is the actual and expected result.
> Daniel,
> I did all this in my original post.
> 1. I removed the extraneous preamble material.
> 2. The figure on page 2 is labled 0.1 rather than 1. Yes, this document's
> class is report, not article. I thought I had changed the class, but did
> not
> do so. What does *not* work is \automark*{section} in this document when it
> did in previous ones..
> 3. The actual result is the figure labeled 0.1 and the expected result is
> the figure labeled 1.
> Regards,
> Rich
> --
Hi Rich,

I don't have much  experience with KOMA-Script document classes, but from
what I've been reading in the documentation, automark does not have
anything to do with figure numbering, the command changes the page marks
above the headrule.

The reason the figure is numbered differently in the report class is that
in this class the chapter command is defined,  and as a convention when it
is  defined, usually figures are numbered within the chapter counter. On
the contrary, in report class, chapters are not defined.

To remove the figure counter from the reset list of chapter, you can simply
write in the preamble \counterwithout{figure}{chapter}, it will also change
the format of \thefigure to be \@arabic{\c@figure} which is what I believe
you want.

Note that this will only change the counter in the output file, and not in
the lyx file. To change the counter in the lyx file you can write in the
local layout

Type  figure
NumberWithin  none

I attached a file with the changes specified above, i also suggest that you
see the preamble in my file and notice that none of what was written was
related to the problem, but only customized the page marks above the

As a final remark, it is preferable that a MWE will be with no external
files, unless necessary. In this case, a figure can be created with no
external graphics within it, and because the inclusion of an external file
is path dependent, I could not compile your file without removing the
graphics from lyx, or downloading your pdf and changing the path in lyx. If
you will write a suitable MWE it will help people to help you.


Description: application/lyx

Description: Adobe PDF document
lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script article float numbering

2022-08-18 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 18 Aug 2022, Daniel wrote:

1. Post a .lyx file that is more minimal (e.g. does not contain
unnecessary external material). Try to strip off everything that is
unnecessary, including preamble material.

2. The file should contain what does *not* work (e.g. you seem to suggest
that the problem is in a KOMA-Script article but your attached lyx file is
a KOMA-Script report).

3. State clearly what is the actual and expected result.


I did all this in my original post.

1. I removed the extraneous preamble material.

2. The figure on page 2 is labled 0.1 rather than 1. Yes, this document's
class is report, not article. I thought I had changed the class, but did not
do so. What does *not* work is \automark*{section} in this document when it
did in previous ones..

3. The actual result is the figure labeled 0.1 and the expected result is
the figure labeled 1.


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The elevated walkway project site plan.






Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document
lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script article float numbering

2022-08-17 Thread Daniel

On 2022-08-17 17:36, Rich Shepard wrote:

In KOMA-Script report class documents adding to the preamble
\automark*{section} works to number figure floats as integers.

However, in a KOMA-Script article class document it doesn't (see attached
mwe.*) and I'd like to learn why and what does work.



Hi Rich,

I am not sure what you mean. Please:

1. Post a .lyx file that is more minimal (e.g. does not contain 
unnecessary external material). Try to strip off everything that is 
unnecessary, including preamble material.

2. The file should contain what does *not* work (e.g. you seem to 
suggest that the problem is in a KOMA-Script article but your attached 
lyx file is a KOMA-Script report).

3. State clearly what is the actual and expected result.

Your possible helpers could probably figure these out by themselves. But 
this takes their time and might might lead to misunderstandings which in 
turn take even your time.



lyx-users mailing list