Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and signature...........

2013-02-25 Thread Charlie
 On Mon, 25 Feb 2013 11:58:04 +0100 "Jean-Marie Pacquet"
 sent this:

>Le 25/02/2013 07:48, Charlie a écrit :
>>On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 15:39:05 +0100 Jean-Marie mentioned this:
>>  Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and
>>> A picture being worth a thousand words, Figure 6.1 in the
>>> scrguien.pdf is your friend.
>>My reply follows:
>> Hello Jean-Marie,
>>I have seen that diagram but again don't know how to work it.
>>  The different first commands like:
>> \@addtoplength
>> or
>> \@setplength or whatever.
>Hi Charlie,
>First, as my own copy of the guide is quite old (my figure 6.1 is now 
>17.1), I updated it now from the last one dated 2012-05-15 which is
>   here:
>So the page numbers I'm using now refer to this last version of the
>   guide.
>> How does one understand these commands? How does one know which to
>>  use where?
>Read section 4.2 Pseudo-Lengths (page 135). With my words:
>All these pseudo-lengths have a default value. If you want to change 
>this default value and make it completly different you use
>   \@setplength. If you want to slightly modify it, you use
>   \@addtoplength.
>> I have attached the diagram you sent and added the commands that you
>> have helped me with in green and red.
>> I have also tried to make the signature on my letter template come to
>> the left of the page with these commands, none of which work:
>> \@setplength{sigindent}{\raggedleft} without success [...]
>> And many more, to numerous to mention here, but never the right one.
>will place the box containing the signature on the left side but this
>   is already defined in the DIN.lco
>It's probably worthwhile to make your own version of the DIN.lco that 
>you are using. Copy it under a new name (myDIN.lco f.ex.) in the 
>directory where you have your lyx letters and modify it as you wish:
>Instead of using
>after calling the original DIN.lco where this plength is set, you can 
>replace inside your new lco the
>Don't forget to call your lco file in the preamble:
>To place the signature inside the closing box on the left you have to 
>change in your lco file
>  \let\raggedsignature=\centering

Your explanation and guidance has been extremely helpful Jean-Marie.

I took your advice and tweaked the DIN.lco file and placed it in my
templates directory and added the absolute path to it in my preamble.

Again, thank you for your time and this enormous assistance.

Be well,
Registered Linux User:- 329524

I do not know how to distinguish between our waking life and a
dream. Are we not always living the life that we imagine we
are? .Henry David Thoreau


Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic


Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and signature...........

2013-02-25 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 25/02/2013 07:48, Charlie a écrit :

   On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 15:39:05 +0100 Jean-Marie mentioned this:
Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and

A picture being worth a thousand words, Figure 6.1 in the
scrguien.pdf is your friend.

   My reply follows:

Hello Jean-Marie,

   I have seen that diagram but again don't know how to work it. The
   different first commands like:

\@setplength or whatever.

Hi Charlie,

First, as my own copy of the guide is quite old (my figure 6.1 is now 
17.1), I updated it now from the last one dated 2012-05-15 which is here:

So the page numbers I'm using now refer to this last version of the guide.

How does one understand these commands? How does one know which to use

Read section 4.2 Pseudo-Lengths (page 135). With my words:
All these pseudo-lengths have a default value. If you want to change 
this default value and make it completly different you use \@setplength. 
If you want to slightly modify it, you use \@addtoplength.

I have attached the diagram you sent and added the commands that you
have helped me with in green and red.

I have also tried to make the signature on my letter template come to
the left of the page with these commands, none of which work:

\@setplength{sigindent}{\raggedleft} without success [...]
And many more, to numerous to mention here, but never the right one.

will place the box containing the signature on the left side but this is 
already defined in the DIN.lco

It's probably worthwhile to make your own version of the DIN.lco that 
you are using. Copy it under a new name (myDIN.lco f.ex.) in the 
directory where you have your lyx letters and modify it as you wish:

Instead of using
after calling the original DIN.lco where this plength is set, you can 
replace inside your new lco the


Don't forget to call your lco file in the preamble:


To place the signature inside the closing box on the left you have to 
change in your lco file



Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and signature...........

2013-02-24 Thread Charlie
 On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 08:42:49 +0100 "Jean-Marie Pacquet"
 sent this:

>Le 24/02/2013 07:26, Charlie a écrit :
>> I'm having a problem with the space between Closing and Signature in:
>> letter (KOMA-Script v.2)
>> using LyX version 2.0.3 Debian Wheezy.
>> I need more space to apply my hand written signature. [...]
> From the user guide (scrguien.pdf):
>Between closing phrase and signature a vertical space is inserted. The 
>of this space is defined in the pseudo-length sigbeforevskip. It
>   defaults to 2 lines. In this space you can write your
>   inscription.
>> % position from top of page of Sender Name thanks to: Jean-Marie
>>  Pacquet \@addtoplength{firstheadvpos}{1cm}
>> \@addtoplength{firstfootvpos}{-1cm}
>This seems to be the right place ;-) to add this line:
>Change the 2 to whatever suits you

  Thank you Jean-Marie,

You have helped me once again. I have two copies of the scrguien.pdf
and I use the latest. Read it, but obviously I don't know how to
use it. How to put the commands together in some instances.

I read this: sigbeforevskip vertical skip between closing and signature
(section 6.6.1, page 207)

But didn't really understand it.

Even tried working with this:
\setkomavar{signature}{John McEnvy\\{\small (Vice-President ‘‘The Other 

\closing{Regards\\(for the board of directors)}

But couldn't put it together to rectify my problem, then searched the
net again and couldn't come up with the right answer.

Thank you again, because you have solved my problem once more, and you
will know it's much appreciated.

Be well,
Registered Linux User:- 329524

The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that
day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The
sun is but a morning star. - Henry David Thoreau


Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic


Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and signature...........

2013-02-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/02/2013 07:26, Charlie a écrit :

I'm having a problem with the space between Closing and Signature in:

letter (KOMA-Script v.2)

using LyX version 2.0.3 Debian Wheezy.

I need more space to apply my hand written signature. [...]

From the user guide (scrguien.pdf):
Between closing phrase and signature a vertical space is inserted. The 

of this space is defined in the pseudo-length sigbeforevskip. It defaults to
2 lines. In this space you can write your inscription.

% position from top of page of Sender Name thanks to: Jean-Marie Pacquet

This seems to be the right place ;-) to add this line:

Change the 2 to whatever suits you


Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-19 Thread M-L
On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 08:21:23 +0100 Jean-Marie Pacquet 
shared this with is all on the Lyx users list:

>M-L a écrit :
>> [...]
>> I must be on the wrong track then, and my apologies to Jean-Marie and
>> yourself.
>> It is the "Sender Name" that has my name and address so obviously I
>> am looking at the wrong thing?
>> So renew my question:
>> Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5
>> Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]
>> Which of the commands below affect the "Sender Name" field
>If you look at the manual scrguien.pdf everything you need is visible
>in figure 6.1: "Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths". The
>pseudo length for Sender Name vertical position is called
>"firstheadvpos". To adjust it you can add in the preamble:
>You can also create your own "lco" parameter file (derived from the 
>DIN.lco you are using) to suit your needs.

Thank you very much for that pointer and information. I have the
scrguien.pdf on my hard drive and I will look through it.

Many thanks once again.

Be well,
Registered Linux User:- 329524
This world Is but A fleeting dream So why be alarmed At its
evanescence? ___Ikkyu (1394-1481)

Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic

Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-18 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

M-L a écrit :

I must be on the wrong track then, and my apologies to Jean-Marie and

It is the "Sender Name" that has my name and address so obviously I am
looking at the wrong thing?

So renew my question:

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

Which of the commands below affect the "Sender Name" field
If you look at the manual scrguien.pdf everything you need is visible in 
figure 6.1: "Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths". The pseudo 
length for Sender Name vertical position is called "firstheadvpos". To 
adjust it you can add in the preamble:


You can also create your own "lco" parameter file (derived from the 
DIN.lco you are using) to suit your needs.


Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-18 Thread M-L
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:37:12 +0100 Jürgen Spitzmüller 
shared this with is all on the Lyx users list:

>M-L wrote:
>> This in my preamble as per the template for that letter style [only
>> the number has changed]:
>> % vertical position of the address field
>> \...@addtoplength{toaddrvpos}{2mm}
>> What command do I add: 
>> * preceding that
>> * to that, or
>> * following that
>> To add a bit more space above the address?
>I'm not sure I understand your question. Doesn't
>changing the mentioned declaration (to e.g.
>\...@addtoplength{toaddrvpos}{22mm}) do what you want?

I must be on the wrong track then, and my apologies to Jean-Marie and

It is the "Sender Name" that has my name and address so obviously I am
looking at the wrong thing?

So renew my question:

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

Which of the commands below affect the "Sender Name" field

%% Here you can modify the layout of your letter
%% Have a look at the KOMA script documentation
%% for details. Most commands are commented out
%% here (i.e. we use default settings)

%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)

% vertical position of the address field
% space between ref line and letter text

%% Remove preceeding '%' to uncomment an item
,headsepline=false%separate the header with a line on page
>1 ,footsepline=false% separate the footer with a line on
>page >1
%pagenumber=botcenter%   position of the page number (see docu)
%,parskip=false%  Use indent instead of skip (more options cf.
docu) ,fromalign=left%alignment of the address
,fromrule=aftername%separate the address with a line?
,fromphone=false% print sender phone number
%,fromfax=true%  print sender fax number
,fromemail=false%   print sender e-mail address
,fromurl=false%   print sender URL
%,fromlogo=true% print a logo (position depends on fromalign)
%,addrfield=false%print an address field?
%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?
%,subject=afteropening,titled% alternative subject layout and position
%,locfield=narrow%  width of the (extra) location field
,foldmarks=false%  print foldmarks?
%,numericaldate=true%  date layout
%,refline=wide% layout of the refline

%% Customize Separators
%\setkomavar{placeseparator}{ -- }
%\setkomavar{backaddressseparator}{ $\cdot$ }
%\setkomavar{enclseparator}{ > }
%\setkomavar{faxseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{phoneseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{subjectseparator}{ >>> }

%% Customize fonts
%% Use LaTeX's standard font commands
%% Modify with \setkomafont or \addtokomafont
%% (see KOMA documentation)

Creating a larger space above the "Sender Name" does not work by using
->Document Settings->Page Margins

Apologies for any confusion. Thanks in advance,
Registered Linux User:- 329524
Learn to wish that everything should come to pass exactly as it does.

Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic

Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-18 Thread M-L
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:28:06 +0100 Jean-Marie Pacquet 
shared this with is all on the Lyx users list:

>M-L a écrit :
>> Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5
>> Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]
>> This in my preamble as per the template for that letter style [only
>> the number has changed]:
>> % vertical position of the address field
>> \...@addtoplength{toaddrvpos}{2mm}
>> What command do I add: 
>> * preceding that
>> * to that, or
>> * following that
>> To add a bit more space above the address?
>> \vspace*{2cm} in various places and in various ways doesn't cut it.
>> I must be doing something wrong?
>> TIA
>> Charlie
>May be I don't understand the question, but to add a bit more space 
>above the address you only need to change the value 2mm (which is 
>precisely the measure of the vertical space added to the predefined 
>address position) to what you want it to be (2cm):

Thank you Jean-Marie,

But what that does is add space "below" the address field in my
experimentation up to 21cm.

Just tried it again to be certain and am not giving you false

Thank you for your reply.

Be well,
Registered Linux User:- 329524
Our truest life is when we are in our dreams
awake. ...Henry David Thoreau

Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic

Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-17 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
M-L wrote:
> This in my preamble as per the template for that letter style [only
> the number has changed]:
> % vertical position of the address field
> \...@addtoplength{toaddrvpos}{2mm}
> What command do I add: 
> * preceding that
> * to that, or
> * following that
> To add a bit more space above the address?

I'm not sure I understand your question. Doesn't
changing the mentioned declaration (to e.g.
\...@addtoplength{toaddrvpos}{22mm}) do what you want?


Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-17 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

M-L a écrit :

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

This in my preamble as per the template for that letter style [only
the number has changed]:

% vertical position of the address field

What command do I add: 

* preceding that
* to that, or
* following that

To add a bit more space above the address?

\vspace*{2cm} in various places and in various ways doesn't cut it.

I must be doing something wrong?

May be I don't understand the question, but to add a bit more space 
above the address you only need to change the value 2mm (which is 
precisely the measure of the vertical space added to the predefined 
address position) to what you want it to be (2cm):

