MD Re: Independent reality again

2000-04-06 Thread skutvik
Hi Again. On April 3 Struan Hellier wrote: BO: "But don't you see how vulnerable the mind/matter interpretation of MOQ makes it? (For instance: The MOQ an intellectual pattern in here, compared to the corresponding patterns out there?? I had almost wanted Struan to home in on it).

RE: MD I found the quote!

2000-04-08 Thread skutvik
Struan and Peter MDs. (this was written Friday so just a greeting for Roger!) For Peter. Yes, it was 'wude' to exclude you from our learned dispute. Your argument for the ONLY subjectivity case is as valid to-day as it was in Bishop Berkely's time, but SOMism has evolved from the primitive

Re: MD Pirsig, Metaphysics, Solipsism and Memetics

2000-11-08 Thread skutvik
John C, Kenneth V, Jonathan, Struan (mentioned) and MD. John said: I have been following this discussion for some time now. And I find your comments to be right on the mark. Metaphysical speculation tends to become simplified generalizations of universal proportions. The global assertions

MD The Observer/Reality issue

2000-11-10 Thread skutvik
's ideas "stimulating" must have sensed SOMETHING, and are willing to explore new metaphysical ground. Thanks for reading. Bo Skutvik MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive - MD Queries - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from m

Re: MD Maps, Reality and Memes

2000-11-13 Thread skutvik
Roger, Jonathan and all MD. JONATHAN: They say that actual "direct" experience is the MAP we have been talking about, but not necessarily the TERRAIN. We never experience see the terrain "directly" - it is always imaged from a distance or surveyed through instruments.

Re: MD Maps, Reality and Memes

2000-11-17 Thread skutvik
Jonathan and Clarke MD. Thanks for the initial agreement Jonathan, the below are just small points. What is interesting about Copernicus is that he didn't make any claim to a new philosophy. He looked at Ptolemy's complicated mathematics and found that he could provide an equivalent but


2000-11-21 Thread skutvik
On 20 Nov 2000, at 12:55, Richard Edgar wrote: I'm not sure if this is a private discussion and as such I should not be getting involved, but something Dan wrote concerns me. Hi Richard No privacy around here :-) anyone may mingle in any thread, and I will drop a line on this issue too.

MD Intellectual law. Is there any?

2000-11-22 Thread skutvik
On 21 Nov 2000, at 21:05, Richard Edgar wrote: Bo - I see what you mean and think we are both saying the same thing, but am not happy with you saying "the Intellectual level is inattentive because it is preoccupied with its parent level - society". As I look at things, the intellectual

Re: MD: MOQ as Prescriptive Philosophy

2000-12-06 Thread skutvik
On 3 Dec 2000, at 14:27, Danila Oder wrote: Most of the discussion here recently is about MOQ as a DESCRIPTIVE system. I would really like to have a discussion about the usefulness of MOQ for giving PRESCRIPTIVE guidelines, by applying it to real-life situations. Especially I am interested

MD The MOQ, an intellectual pattern or ...?

2000-12-07 Thread skutvik
On 2 Dec 2000, at 17:59, Marco wrote: When I become so maniac about something it's because I see VALUE in Hi Marco and MD. Maniac isn't the way I know you, rather eager to defend the Quality the way you see it. it. You pet idea is worth to be questioned, as IMO it contains a lot of good


2000-12-10 Thread skutvik
Roger and MoQ Discussers Re your comment about the perception of the levels or the levels as perceiving. TO DAN, MARCO, DANILLA, BO AND RICHARD ON LEVELS PERCEIVING AND AFFECTING EACH OTHER: I suggest we come to a consensus that anthropomorphizing the levels is a convenient, but


2000-12-13 Thread skutvik
Roger and MD I appreciate your presence and comments highly. Compared to your exemplary notes the MD has deteriorated badly: Messages written at the spur of the moment with headings and fragments thrown all over the place - and hardly any Pirsig reference or relevance at all. Remember the


2000-12-19 Thread skutvik
Chris Lofting wrote: I think the emphasis from my perspective is that MOQ and the S/D emphasis stems from the neurological emphasis on objects/relationships. Hi Chris and All Discuss. Is S/D equal to S/O (subject/object) or is it some other acronym that has gone me by? You say: "...MOQ and

Re: MD Archaeology about 'dimension'

2000-12-16 Thread skutvik
Hi JoVo You wrote: Now I'd wish to express my position more clearly as I think, Bodvar, that I've lost the thread where I talked about an image to illustrate a comparism between what I expect you have in your mind about the relation between MoQ and SOM and what I have in mine. (And me talking

Re: MD Re:Help Me

2000-12-28 Thread skutvik
Dear Jason. Relax, nervous breakdown for the reasons that you state is a sign of "nobility" if I may say so, and something I would hope many more would experience if you forgive my fatuous comment. I guess you are fairly young and looking at the shallow attitudes of most youngsters today

MD Hopper, atoms and Lila's Child

2001-04-12 Thread skutvik
Hello dear MD A short visit to deliver a message. "Mlerner" said: I'm one of those who think Pirsig had it right in ZMM in that true quality is the unity of the classic and the romantic. I have bee interested in knowing whether this idea has been expressed in paintings or other art. My

MD Lila's Child

2001-05-23 Thread skutvik
Dear MD. It's been some time since I last visited the archives and was surprised to find the agitation about Dan Glover's Lila's Child. I feel out of my depth about the finer legal points, but whose rights are violated? I can't really see the difference between messages printed in a book

Re: MD HELP - Consumerism, homogonisation and the degregation of quality

2001-05-23 Thread skutvik
Philosophers old and new. Before unsubscribing (again) I want to express my regret for seeing that Diana McPartlin has left and that the few Pirsig/MOQ- interested persons have fallen silent - more or less - and that the MD is becoming indistinguishable from any other Internet bla-bla site -

MD Toffler waves or Q-intellectual evolution?

2001-06-07 Thread skutvik
in turn threatened to suffocate existence and was halted by the Q- intellectual level whose evolution now is going amok and only can be brought under control by a new Q-development. A groping 5th level? Phew, Bard spoke about a tome. Bo Skutvik MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive

Re: MD Toffler waves or Q-intellectual evolution?

2001-06-11 Thread skutvik
Hi Marco and MD. Bard's last post I will answer separately soon. My initial lines: - but according to Pirsig it's the other way round and finally my point: The Q-biological level's evolution which would have filled the earth was arrested by the Q-social level which in turn threatened

MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-22 Thread skutvik
Stephen Devlin, Christopher Galtenberg, Matt the Amazing...etc, and Marco . STEPHEN wrote: The line a groping 5th level caught my interest and i wanted to know if the moq is aware of research into the brain which has some parallels with moq on some levels Thanks for noticing my

RE: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-28 Thread skutvik
Stephen, Squonk MoQ Discuss. I have discussed the Quality idea at these sites for ever it seems, and have heard/seen names dropped (none mentioned none forgotten) all supposed to say the same as Pirsig or their ideas to have some bearing on the Quality Metaphysics. Nothing wrong

Re: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-29 Thread skutvik
Hi Squonk and Discussers. You said: Quality relieved me of all that science stuff also. I came to realise that science is a creative activity; a quality activity — and high quality at that. But the static patterns a high quality creative activity generates is not the whole of reality is

MD Emotions revisited.

2001-07-05 Thread skutvik
Hi all MoQ Discussers Brian Taylor once wrote: Hello!! la la la I've been thinking for some time now about where human emotions fit into the MOQ. At first I put them into the intellectual category, because they are definitely not inorganic or biological, David Lind once


1999-01-27 Thread B. Skutvik
David Buchanan wrote on Sun, 24 Jan 1999 Bodvar, Maggie and the gang: I was grateful for Bodvar's Peirce contribution and Maggie's material on the evolution of cognitive functions. I've found a paper on the net that might suffice as a small payback for my gratitude. I hope you'll all

Re: MD Next month's topic for the Lila Squad

1999-01-29 Thread B. Skutvik
Diana wrote on Fri, 29 Jan 1999: Well come on Boo. I'm still casting my vote for basic quality/morality/reality (formated around a specific question though), but if you want some help with self-questions how about: Hi Diana Sorry I overlooked Magnus prodding. Well, none of your suggestions

MD Lila Squad Spillover

1999-06-03 Thread B. Skutvik

MD Soul and self

1999-07-09 Thread B. Skutvik
For John B. and Bill (elg14) and Moq Discussers. I looked into the MD archives and found that you two had delivered mail that involved my inputs to the soul/self topic at the LS. As David B. said I am not a permanent subscriber to this forum, but will deliver responses to you. However, I am

MD What comes after Intellect?

1999-08-18 Thread B. Skutvik
Curtis, Roger and MD. I looked into the MD archives the other day and found Curtis Burisch's and Roger Palmer's exchange from a few days back where Curtis challenged some tenets of the MOQ. Roger met the objections and Curtis accepted his explanation ..and everything is well, but then he

Re: MD What comes after Intellect?

1999-08-19 Thread B. Skutvik
Dear Dave, Thomas, Platt and MD. First of all. Looking more closely at the archives I couldn't help seeing the formidable "Reality and observation" serial. Wow! I was a little shocked by Thomas T. Welborn's characterization of LILA as a harlot and panderer. Of course ZMM is matchless and I

RE: MD Reality Observation

1999-08-23 Thread B. Skutvik
Walter and MD. Thanks Walter for your welcoming words, but I am afraid I can't stay long. It's simply interesting "unto destruction" for my other chores. Apologies for using your name in the said context. You asked: It is probably because of the height of my IQ, but can you please explain

RE: MD I found the quote!

2000-04-10 Thread B. Skutvik
All MD! Struan wrote: BO: "Pirsig could have called his teachings Metaphysics of Subjectivity." STRUAN: At last, after all this time, we agree completely. I deserved that. I have been kicking myself ever after for doing such a disservice to the MOQ. It was in my reply to Peter and his

MD Memetics

2000-11-01 Thread B. Skutvik
ect/object- related stuff. It will continue to do so until the Quality Metaphysics is recognized. Sincerely Bo Skutvik MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive - MD Queries - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from moq_discuss follow the instructio