Stephen Devlin, Christopher Galtenberg,  Matt the Amazing...etc, 
and Marco .
STEPHEN wrote:

> The line " a groping 5th level" caught my interest and i wanted to
> know if the moq is aware of research into the brain which has some
> parallels with moq on some levels

Thanks for noticing my messages, but I'm afraid you must tell us 
how you see the works of Elaine Beauport or David Bohm in 
relation to the Quality Metaphysics, there are only Chiefs around 
here - no Indians (no readers just writers:-). Brain research does 
certainly have bearing on the MoQ  ...everything has, the question 
is whether Beauport's intellect term parallels the "Static Intellectual 
Level" of the Metaphysics of Quality? I fear not. 

Re brain research my favourite in this field is the Penfield 
experiments (probing exposed brain evoked memories) which led to 
Benjamin Libet's findings. These are really weird.     

A possible 5th level it was once a raging topic, my take on that  is 
that the Quality idea itself is a groping step to free evolution from 
Intellect's rigors, while the mainstream understanding is that the 
MoQ is an intellectual pattern that will replace the dominating SOM 
pattern. This need not be as opposing as it sounds, but it will take 
to long to unweil the different argument, but if interested mail me..


MATT THE ...etc wrote among many interesting things in his 

>The most engimatic of those listed, to me, is Nietzsche. An amazing
>philosopher. A real asshole sometimes and (I would say) wrong about a
>lot of stuff, but I admire his genius and the insights he had and the
>biographical story surrounding all of it. 

I agree about Nietzsche, in my opinion he was on to something 
Quality-like - perhaps that was what broke him and from what he 
did not recover, but he was working on a manuscript called "An 
Attempt at Revaluation of all Values"! That sounds familiar?  

MARCO ended his excellent post thus: 

> But you agree that intellect is not still dominating the whole world.
> And the beginning of dominance in the west is (according to Pirsig)
> less than 100 years ago. Moreover, as every level is blind to the
> upper levels, how can we "see" a possible 5th level? More likely, I'd
> say that it's time to extinguish the SOM dinosaur. The reptiles curve
> is over. 
Yes, the fact that Intellect doesn't dominate all cultures is an 
important point, its age (emergence) however depends on how we 
define it, but the MoQ postulates that each level starts as a pattern 
of the former level so its birth is far far back. Intellect does not 
dominate all cultures, but is striving to do so (the West vs Islam 
conflict for instance) . About the levels being blind to the upper, 
that's correct, but a possible movement beyond Intellect will 
necessarily build on Intellect - an "outlandish" intellectual pattern 
will be the "seed crystal". And "we" who are inorganic, biological, 
social and intellectual will necessarily be carriers of a 5th level 
also. It is NOT intellect who sees this. Intelllect isn't the end of 


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