1999-12-14 Thread ishgooda


Received: from ( [])
by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id VAA99346
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tue, 14 Dec 1999 21:18:56 -0500 (EST)
Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by (mail_out_v24.6.) id v.0.da35709c (3844);
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 21:13:52 -0500 (EST)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 21:13:51 EST
Subject: (no subject)

(D)ear Friends,  As many of you already know the Four Sacred Oaks were cut
down on Saturday afternoon.  At midnight Friday we started to receive phone
calls from anonymous sources that they were coming for the trees on Saturday
morning.  Leo and I went to the encampment about 4:00 am and were told that
state troopers had started to assemble at the MNDOT property across Highway
62, which is a short distance from the four sacred trees.  Many people had
started to already assemble at the encampment.  We started a large scrap
pile of wood for a bonfire to keep people warm, as it was very cold being
outside for hours waiting.  The last raid the police burned bonfires from
our signs and the wood that was there, we figured why leave the wood for the
police to warm themselves. Just before 7:00 am we gathered at the trees and
started a ceremony.  At 7:10am we could see the squads come flying down the
Bureau of Mines road toward the encampment.  We were then surrounded by
state troopers and they waited until the ceremonies were done.  At that time
they informed us that anyone who would not leave then, would be arrested.
The Native American people did as we had been instructed, we left the
encampment and stood in vigil all day, waiting. Many of our supporters chose
to stay and they were arrested.  No chemicals or pain compliance was used on
these people.  Although we never touched the lodges or inipi or trees or the
pipe that had been placed in the middle of the trees, we instructed the
police how to handle these things in a respectful way and they did as we
asked.  The removal of the encampment and the trees are on all of them now
and they will have to pay the consequences for what they have done.

Many of the young supporters had scrambled into trees that lay in the path
of the Four Sacred Oaks, all day they stayed in the trees, while the whole
area was surrounded by hundreds of police and squads. Tree limbs were cut
from around them and still they continued to hang on for as long as they
could.  Many of these young people have been arrested and brutalized
throughout this whole occupation time and time again.  Many of these young
people are minors, their courage and continued belief in this cause, has
humbled so many of us.  They are the future and the future will be brighter
because of their heart and willingness to fight against all odds.

Bob, Jim, Bear, Representative Karen Clark, and other Native Americans were
at the site and participated in ceremony before the trees were cut in the
afternoon.  Leo and I stood in vigil with others behind police tapes, and
witnessed.  All day long I avoided the press and other officials, my heart
was too heavy. When the first tree was cut it seemed to just fold within
itself as it touched the ground. That was the hardest point of the day for
me.  So many people stood and cried in their grief.  I held many people and
was comforted by many people.  We had done all that we could to save the
Four Sacred Oaks.  All of last week we made phone calls to officials, did
research, tried in every way we could, even until the last minute
Representative Karen Clark was trying to get a restraining order.  As it
grew dark, the last of the young people in the trees were taken down and
arrested.  33 people went to jail, the last of them were released this
morning.  There are still many people who are facing court cases in the next
few months and we must continue to pray and support them.

Sunday we gathered at the Four Sacred Oaks for ceremony and to start to cut
the wood.  We started in the morning and ended when it got dark.  The wood
will be used in inipi's and for the Sundance in Pipestone.  It is the last
thing we can do to honor these grandfathers who stood as a beacon and
brought people from all over the world and all races to this Sacred place to
pray for understanding and acceptance of our people and spirituality.

We are not finished, we still have the Sacred Spring to protect from their
destruction, the road is not yet built.  You can walk through this area and
stand and see the land laid bare and ripped apart for the path of this road.
The destruction starts at Minnehaha Park and continues through the area that
the Elders spoke about in the affidavits and hearings.  Across the world
people have been there with their support and prayers, we are truly blessed
as a people. From the Falls to the Spring it is Sacred  to us.  We will
never forget. Pidamiya, Love Linda

Reprinted under the 

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Highway protesters accept plea deal/Trooper say camp to be cleared by end of year

1999-12-07 Thread ishgooda


link sent by Robert Quiver...thanks!

Highway protesters accept plea deal
21 plead guilty to misdemeanor

The trial of 23 people arrested last summer during protests against the Minnesota 55 
reroute project came to an end on the first day Monday with a plea agreement to a 
petty misdemeanor.

After singing and speeches in the atrium of the Hennepin County Government Center in 
Minneapolis during the morning, 21 protesters accepted a plea agreement in the 
afternoon. Charges against the other two were dismissed.

Those who entered a plea were given the choice of a $50 fine or eight hours of 
community service.

``There are no criminal records from this, and you can't put them on probation and 
demand they can't get arrested for that kind of thing again,'' said Jordan Kushner, 
attorney for the entire group. ``That is very important because they still want to 
defend the trees and not have to worry about jail time hanging over their head if they 
do that again.''

The highway opponents were arrested and charged with obstructing traffic and 
disobeying police during a July 27 demonstration at Hiawatha Avenue and Minnehaha 
Parkway in South Minneapolis. The arrests took place when protesters walked into the 
middle of Hiawatha Avenue, linked arms and sat down on the pavement.

The defendants had planned to represent themselves in a mass trial, but Hennepin 
County District Judge Richard Sherer ruled Monday morning that any defendants acting 
as their own counsel would have to be tried separately. The alternative was for the 
defendants to be represented in a single trial by Kushner, who has handled the 
protesters' legal battles for more than a year.

Jim Anderson, a leader of the protesters, said he was happy with the plea agreement.

``I think it worked out great for the taxpayers and for us,'' Anderson said.

Highway opponents held a rally in the courthouse atrium before court proceedings and 
returned for singing during the lunch recess.

Many of the defendants are part of an encampment that has occupied land in the route 
of the highway for the last 15 months. A spokesman for the Minnesota State Patrol said 
plans are under way to clear the camp before the end of the year.
Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Ceremony to Protect the Sacred Sites

1999-11-30 Thread ishgooda


Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 21:17:12 -0600
From: power4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ceremony to Protect the Sacred Sites

Press Advisory*Press Advisory*Press Advisory*Press Advisory*Press Advisory*Press 

Who:  The Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community and their supporters

What: Gathering at the Four Sacred Oaks
   Ceremony for Protection of this sacred site.

Where:  The Four Oaks Spiritual Encampment near the corner of Highway 55 and 54th St. 
behind theVeterans Administration Offices.

When:  Thursday, December 2nd 1999.  4:00 PM Central Time Zone, USA

Why:  Unless it is stopped, the Minnesota Department of Transportation's reroute of 
Highway 55 plans to desecrate this sacred site with bulldozers in the near future.  
The Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community has just returned from Pipestone, Minnesota, 
where ceremonies were held to tell them how to protect the trees.  Sundance Chief, 
Harry Charger held these ceremonies in Pipestone, and interpreted what it is that 
needs to be done to honor this place for what it truly is, a sacred site.

We are inviting the Media and the public to document this so that the truth will 
stand, and the people of the world will understand why we struggle to protect this 
land, trees, water, and burial sites.  No pictures will be taken during the ceremony.

For the future generations
and the sacredness of all life
Press Contact:  Jim Anderson  (612) 910-0730

Camp Cell Phone  (651) 398-5249

National Congress of American Indians
Resolution #PSC-99-127

Title:  Protection of Sacred Sites and Request for Federal Environmental Agency to Do 
a Comprehensive EIS

Whereas, we, the members of the National Congress of American Indians of the United 
States, invoking the divine blessing of the Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in 
order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants the inherent sovereign rights of 
our Indian nations, rights secured under Indian treaties and agreements with the 
United States, and all other rights and benefits to which we are entitled under the 
laws and Constitution of the United States to enlighten the public toward a better 
understanding of the Indian people, to preserve Indian cultural values, and otherwise 
promote the welfare of the Indian people, do hereby establish and submit the following 
resolution, and

Whereas, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is the oldest and largest 
national organization established in 1944 and comprised of representatives of and 
advocates for national, regional, and local Tribal concerns: and

Whereas, the health safety, welfare, education, economic and employment opportunity, 
and preservation of cultural and national resources are primary goals and objectives 
of NCAI, and

Whereas, the Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community is a non federally recognized tribe 
that has a history of living at the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota 
Rivers, and

Whereas, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act was passed in 1990 
and does not include non federally recognized tribes, and

Whereas, the state of Minnesota has not acted in good faith, and has spend federal 
funds on a highway and light rail that will destroy sacred sites, and

Whereas, the state of Minnesota has violated the civil rights of tribal members and 
supporters from the Four Oaks Spiritual Encampment, including women and children.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that NCAI does hereby request the Department of Justice 
to investigate the civil rights violations of tribal members and supporters of the 
Four Oaks Spiritual Encampment, and

Be it Further Resolved, that NCAI does hereby request the Environmental Protection 
Agency to do a full supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the site.


The forgoing resolution was adopted at the 1999 Annual Session of the National 
Congress of American Indians, held at the Palm Springs Convention Center, in Palm 
Springs, Calilfornia on October 3-8, 1999 with a quorum present.

this resolution was faxed to us and was signed by Susan Masten, President of NCAI

live simply

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promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.


NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Update 11/29/99

1999-11-29 Thread ishgooda


Received: from ( [])
by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id UAA88584
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:55:32 -0500 (EST)
Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by (mail_out_v24.4.) id v.0.3e46e251 (3968);
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:44:23 -0500 (EST)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:44:22 EST
Subject: Fwd: pdate 11/29/99

Dear Friends,  Saturday some of the Sundancers and other supporters went to
Pipestone, Mn to meet with Harry Charger the Sundance Chief.  They prayed
together in the Sweat Lodge.  Harry was told by the spirits that it is time
to start Ceremonies at the Four Sacred Trees. Other Elders have told us this
also, and so we will do as they have asked.  We will start the Ceremonies at
4:00 PM on Thursday December 2nd, and we will hold pipe ceremonies Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday at dusk.  We invite any of you that can be there with
us to join us, or pray with us at those times.  Your prayers and support has
always been very powerful and has meant so much to us. We have not given up
ours prayers that the trees will be spared and we will continue to pray to
the Creator for this, but we also know that this is the Creator's decision,
not ours, we have done all that we can. We have reached out to the whole
world and they have responded with support and prayers.  The rest of the
world knows what this place is. It will always be Sacred to the Dakota no
matter what the State Government does to try and destroy it. We will
continue our struggle to protect the Sacred Spring from damage or
destruction for as long as it takes.   Pidamiya,  Love Linda

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: update from Highway 55

1999-11-11 Thread ishgooda

And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: power4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: update from Highway 55
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Dear Friends,
Leo and I returned from a trip to Washington D.C. last week.  I will try to fill you 
in on what seems to be happening right now.  After attending the National Congress of 
American Indians a few weeks ago, the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma sponsored a resolution to 
call for an investigation into civil rights violations involving this issue and also 
for a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to be prepared for this project.  
While we were in Washington, D.C. we had an opportunity to meet with the Justice 
Department, asking for an investigation into these abuses.  We also met with some 
staff members of the Senators that sit on the United States Committee on Indian 
Affairs, at that time we asked for a hearing to be held on this issue, we feel that 
correct processes have yet to be done, because this project involves federal funds.  I 
encourage you to contact the offices of these Senators and ask them to hold a hearing 
on this issue and the way that it has been handled by the State !
of M
innesota. The senators we contacted are Minnesota State Senator Paul Wellstone, SH-136 
 Hart Office Building, Washington, D.C.  20510, Office 202-224-8448, contact person 
Perry Lange E-mail, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, 
Chairman, 838 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, Office 
202-224-2251, Fax/ 202-224-5429,   Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Vice Chairman, 838 Hart 
Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, Office 202-224-2251, contact person, 
Kim Orr, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Senator Harry Reid, 528 Hart Senate Office 
Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, Office 202-224-3542, Fax 202-224-7327, Contact 
Person, Carlos Blumberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  We also met with one of 
Senator McCain's staff person asking that his office help support this hearing 
request.  Senator John McCain, 241 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 
20510-0303, Office 202-224-2235, Fax 202-228-2862, contact person, Jill Peters, Jil!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  We continue to work on other governmental agencies contact 
persons that my be able to help us and I will update you as much as I can.  As always 
we feel blessed by your support and prayers.  Please continue to do what you can to 
help us.  Pidamaya

live simply

UNINTENDED RECIPIENTS - This message is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under
applicable law.  Any other distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly
prohibited.  Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing,
promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.


NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Urgent update 10/15/99

1999-10-15 Thread ishgooda

And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 23:40:35 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Urgent update 10/15/99

Dear Friends,  About mid morning I got a call that trees were being cut on
the north end of Minnehaha Parkway. This is a road that runs behind the area
where the houses were destroyed last December.  MNDOTs strategy seems to be
to come in a hit and get out pattern the last two weeks. They have been
selectively cutting trees along an area anywhere from about 1-1/2mile to 1
block away from the encampment.  I immediately started calling people to try
to start the phone trees.  I was not able to get to the encampment until
around1-1:30 PM.  While I was turning a corner from Hwy 62 [crosstown] onto
Hwy 55 i noticed a state trooper sqaud car escorting a large piece of
equipment down Hwy 55.  Just a moment later I noticed a supporter riding his
bicycle also heading in the same direction as the equipment, then I heard a
short siren from two highway patrol cars that suddenly swerved up onto the
curb and onto the sidewalk. I pulled into the driveway that enters off of
hwy 55 into the Va/Bureau of Mines road, and watched from across the street
as this young man was taken off his bike and taken into custody.  I did not
see him do anything worng, he was just riding along.  I later learned that
he had been follwoing the equipment and taking video tape of the equipment
moving down the hwy with someone still locked down to the equipment.  The
state patrol also took the video camera.  We were frantic to hear word of
the young man that had locked down.  This is something that has never been
done before, someone being wisked out of the public view and taken behind
locked gates to free him from the eqiupment.  Many phone calls were made to
media, lawyers, and public officials.  We did learn from a reporter sometime
later that both young men are now in custody.  They are still in jail at
this time as far as I know.  Later I stood with some women on Riverview Rd.
when two state patrl cars pulled under a tree that a supporter has been
sitting in, one trooper got out of his car and put a large orange mark on
the tree.  Many of the trees in this area already have the mark of death on
them, his intention seemed only to make this mark larger and more visible.
we continued to stand there and more people joined us, at that time another
squad car also pulled into the area.  They all sat there for about 10
minutes, and then one of them pulled out of the area and turned towards Hwy
55 at a very fast speed.  They other two left shortly after that going in a
different direction, again driving very fast.  They returned to the area
after about 20-30 minutes, and then drove down a frontage road that runs
behind the encampment.  All three squads sat at the entrance to the
encampment for about 15-20 minutes and then left.  The squads have also been
driving on an area that is not too far from the encampment, they just drive
back and forth.  This type of harrassment has been constant over the last
couple of weeks.  I will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible,
but please check the websites for new information also.  Pidamiya, Love

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-10-15 Thread ishgooda

And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 11:05:48 EDT
Subject: MENDOTA

Dear Friends,  Things here have been really crazy, there have been more
arrests with the police acting in a brutal manner.  One young man was caught
by himself last week and he ended up with a broken ankle, he was kicked
during his arrest.  We have asked anyone who has been visiable in our
support to please not travel alone through this area. A week and a half a
ago some of our supporters occupied a extremely large cottonwood tree that
was slated to be cut down. Seven people went up into the tree to try to stop
the destruction. Equipment was brought in to try to remove these kids, three
of them were brought down and four remained for almost a week.  This was
after many of the lower branches were cut out from under the remaining four.
squad cars were stationed 24 hours a day under the tree to prevent any food
or water being brought to these kids.  Police sat with their spot lights on
the four all night to keep them awake, and to prevent any help from reaching
them.  Leo and I had to attend the National Congress of American Indians and
only heard about much of this from our family and friends.  We feel that we
made some real progress and important contacts at the National Congress and
we are planning strategies to continue our fight to save our sacred lands.
The camp has been observation by state troopers constantly this week and we
don't know when MNDOT plans to move on the encampment, but everyone feels it
will be soon.  Last week they came into remove trees within a block of the
encampment.  They would come in with one man with a chain saw and cut 10-15
trees, of course they also had state troopers sent in with him, the trees
would be cut and then they quickly left before we had time to activate phone
trees or call the media. We have managed to take some cuttings from these
trees to prove how old some of the trees in this area really are.  I hope
that all of you will all continue your support and prayers, we really need
them now.  Take care everyone, Pidamiya, Love Linda

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: update 10/2/99

1999-10-02 Thread ishgooda

And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 10:05:27 EDT

Dear friends, I'm leaving today for the National congress of American
Indians, I hope that we will be able to reach some help with our Sacred
Sites there.  This week has been very upsetting about 30 people have been
arrested and they are starting to cut trees near the four oaks.  We don't
know how much longer they will stand.  Your prayers and support are greatly
need now.  I have to run, Love Linda


1999-09-30 Thread ishgooda

And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[Note: contents have not been verified...but seems urgent enough to be sending due to 
the history of this resistance...Ish]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 21:52:25 -0500
From: power4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


This is the short version of everything that's going on because everything is totally 
insane right now and I can't spend too much time on here. COME TO MINNEHAHA IF YOU 

On Monday a tripod was set up in the middle of Interstate Highway 55 to protest its 
proposed reroute. People then moved existing construction barricades into the street 
to shut down the highway. The road was shut down for blocks all day and we had a big 
ol' street party. One woman locked down to a hauling truck and blocked the front gate 
of the construction site so they couldn't do any more work. 

Seven people were up in an old=growth cottonwood tree that we thought they were 
planning to take down that day. At about 5:00, 60 state trooper cars came in. They 
arrested 13 people on the ground and attempted to evict and cut the squatted tree. 
They broke out the cherry pickers and fire truck ladders and wound up cutting the 
branches that people were still in, almost killing the sitters. 

3 people from the tree were arrested, with one sent to the hospital. 4 people stayed 
up there. The police presence on the ground continued...they vowed to deprive the 
remaining sitters of all food and water, and they cut their lines so they can't get 
down safely. 

On Wednesday a group of college students opposed to the reroute took over the 
Minnesota Dept. of Transportation's offices. 12 people were arrested, and are still in 

The troopers and MN/DoT and the contractors, in a retaliation move, went and cut 
thirteen trees on the site where the occupied houses used to be. One person was 
arrested trying to get up a tree (she is also still in jail), bringing the total 
number of arrests to 13...the same number of trees they cut. 

Today, we get the rumor that they're going to bring in the National Guard, armed with 
rubber bullets, to evict our occupation on Saturday. We don't know if this rumor is 
true, but we know something is going to happen. State trooper helicopters have been 
encircling camp all week, and state troopers on foot have been seen in the woods, 
scouting trails and tree sits. 

All tree sits are now being staffed 24 hours a day. 2 people came down from the 
cottomwood sit today and are in jail...the remaining 2 say they're in it foir the long 
haul. The troopers are still on the ground in an effort to starve them out. 

Things are escalating fast. Shit's going down more and more. More updates later as I 
get to a computer...or I'll call some of you from jail if I get arrested for the 
second time this week. 


live simply 

UNINTENDED RECIPIENTS - This message is intended only for the use of the 
individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information 
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under 
applicable law.  Any other distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly 
prohibited.  Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, 
promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity. 

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota Update

1999-08-24 Thread LISN

And now:LISN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Subject: from Mendota (fwd)
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:06:44 -0500 (CDT)

Note from Dee: I'm glad I checked my mail before leaving my house!  I am
leaving this evening to go to ceremony and to Mendota.  This message
struck me as so important, taht I am forwarding it to just about
I know, so that everyone will have an opportunity to do something good
here.  Please forgive me if you receive this messaeg in duplicate. 
pass this messaeg along wherever you feel it might do good.  JK or JR,
please put this message on Usenet.  Thanks -- Dee

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:07:28 EDT
Subject: from Mendota

Dear friends,

Just got back for Pow Wow and found this great letter. THought it was so 
beautiful I wanted to share it with you.

Diane Kerr

From: "Canska Wi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

I returned this past week from Minneapolis. As many of you know I went =
up there to help with the efforts to stop the planned desecration of the
Mendota sacred grounds. I do have some good news!! At this time the =
situation is looking more hopeful with regards to support, especially in
the community. However there continues to be great need

We are in need of LOTS more people there who are willing to help staff =
the camp while the warriors place themselves in places designed to slow
or halt any further destruction/desecration of these sacred lands. There
is also need more warriors willing to put themselves in these situations
as well.

The local Minneapolis press is, for the most part making it look like =
the project is being contested by only a small group of "professional" =
protesters who are of questionable character. This is not the case at =
all! However, it is certainly the impression that is being given to the
public. While there are a number of socially & ecologically conscious =
young people that have come to lend a helping hand, who may not have =
such good credentials, there are a lot more involved that the press =
doesn't appear to wish to talk about in the news articles. These people
whom the press doesn't mention are those that have left good jobs to =
come, those that have regular employment, positions of respect and trust
within their communities, the respected elders and other that have come
to be a part of this effort.

By not informing the public of these good people, the press coverage =
results in good people of Minneapolis shaking their heads and shrugging
off the entire cause. It results in people thinking: "This is just =
another crazy issue those dirty hippie no accounts on drugs, and radical
rabble rousers are doing that will end up costing me more in taxes!" =
Well..I am here to tell you and make it perfectly clear that this =
isn't so!! People need to understand the truth of the situation!

At this time there is no clear end in sight and the current agenda is to
"keep on keeping on" until the re-route is cancelled.

The purpose of this letter is to inform those of you that I write to on
a regular basis of what is going on up there! And to get your support in
a real and substantial ways. I am planning to head back up this coming =
week. Taking as much food, clothing, and financial support as I can get
together. I guess one could say about anything available would be a big

Before I went to Minneapolis, I felt much like I imagine many of you may
feel: .. removed, separate, and not very concerned with this issue.
After all, it is way out in Minnesota, and it doesn't have much effect =
on my daily life activities. I supported with my prayers and by =
forwarding information to people, and I felt that I was really helping =
out and that was enough!

Well, let me tell you something. After going up there, seeing, meeting,
and working with these people - my attitude has changed!! I am praying =
that I can now change yours.

While there I met an intelligent 17 year old girl, with the most =
beautiful smile, who recently graduated with honors from her high =
school, and who was abused by the Minneapolis Police!!! Her hip was =
dislocated as a result of her NON VIOLENT PEACEFULL PROTESTING!! She is
now facing the possibility of needing to have a hip replacement as a =
result of her injuries and the fact that she was denied proper medical =
care for a long period of time. What a tragic situation for this young =
girl just beginning her life. I met and talked with another young girl =
who had her head smashed into railroad tracks repeatedly, resulting in =
multiple stitches being required to sew up her forehead! She also has =
possible nerve damage in her mouth and multiple abrasions on her arms =
legs and body. I met an elder who carries dark bruises across

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota: Update 8/8/99

1999-08-09 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 18:24:42 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Update 8/8/99

Dear Friends,  there have been no new arrests since Thursday, but we have
been active in many ways since that time.  Friday afternoon we filmed a
local cable show called Healthy Nations News, this is produced by a Native
American and will be shown on Minneapolis cable channel 33 every Sunday
evening at 7:00PM through August.  We addressed the brutally of the recent
arrests and also the blatant racism shown by the local police here.  Today
Ken Bradley and I also spoke for an hour on a local radio station about the
reasons the coalition are still fighting this road.  

We also had our 2nd Annual Pow Wow today, the weather was perfect, sunny
and mild, over 300 people attended and we had a huge feast at five o'clock.
Everyone who attended brought something to share and we never ran out of
food, we are blessed with all the love and support from everyone who was
there. This was a very joyous occasion for us all.  Mike Haney made it back
in town for this and of course added his wonderful touch to the
festivities.  Tuesday we will be having our one year anniversary of the
encampment, and we are again working hard to make this as big a success.

On a more somber note, I drove past the construction site yesterday and the
destruction is overwhelming. All that remains in this area now is just
overturned earth.
No sign of the original beauty of this special place.  Standing alone in
middle of the destruction is a statue of Longfellow who of course made this
place famous when he penned his poem about this area.  But wait! someone
has replanted  trees in all this desolation, in front of the statue now
stand four small trees, they don't offer much shade in comparison to the
ones that were removed, but it warms my heart to see them there.  Of course
the machines may destroy them tomorrow, but a kind heart placed them there
for all to see and lift our spirits. Thank you whoever you are. We are
still here, we are still fighting, we will continue to fight.  Please keep
us in your prayers.  Pidamiya, Love Linda

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota Update

1999-08-07 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 14:15:02 EDT
Subject: Mendota Update

Dear Friends, I'm just writing a quick update to night as I am very tired. 
Today 8 people were arrested for locking down at the state capital rotunda.
  This was a independent action and the Mendota people and others in the
coalition heard about this pretty much by watching the news tonight.  There
was also a 49 nine year old man arrested a few days ago, and no one seems
to know who he is. I would like to some day thank him for doing something
that his heart must have lead him to do.  We held another rally today and
we have joined in a coalition with some activists from the north side of
the city who have been trying to get the city of Minneapolis to address
affordable housing issues. Affordable housing is being torn down at a
faster pace than new affordable housing is being built. This is taking
place on the northern end of the same Highway 55 that we have been  trying
so desperately to stop the rerouting of on the south end. Isn't it amazing
that our government is willing to spend millions upon millions of dollars
for a road that almost nobody wants, and the working poor of the city are
living on the streets or in shelters. Where are the elected DFLer's that
dominate the politics of the city's priorities?  Please continue to do all
that you can, you are making a difference.  Pidamiya, Love Linda 

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Urgent update 8/3/99

1999-08-04 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 00:22:37 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Urgent update 8/3/99

Dear Friends,  About twenty people went to court today.  We requested the
police reports and we will not go back to court again to plead until Sept.
2, 1999, at 2PM most of our people who have been arrested will be in court
on that date and we would like to see alot of support at the courthouse at
that time.  I will remind everyone of this at a later date.  Alot is
happening right now that I can't talk about, but we are working feverishly
on additions to our coalition.  Many people who had not gotten involved
before are working with us now.  The Minnehaha Neighborhood met with MNDOT
officials tonight to express their displeasure with the cutting of so many
trees and also wood chips being dumped in the Creek.  This after all of
MNDOT's assurances that they are always very careful of the environment
when they are involved with a project.  Please keep the support and letters
and phone calls flowing. I received emails of support from the Netherlands
today, and also from Poland, the whole world is indeed watching.   We are
trying to reach anyone who may have gotten a traffic ticket for honking
their horns in support of stop the reroute on Hiawatha avenue.  We would
like to know how many and who was targeted for this petty tyranny.  Please
contact Wally or Debra at 612-729-3871.  Also even though we are still
desperately fighting this road we must continue to gather for enjoyment,
peace, worship, and celebration on the land as it has always been meant to
be used.  We have to remember that we are caring  human  beings and need
these things in our lives in order to keep up the fight.  Here are some
events we hope that any of you, who can, will attend.   Thursday August 5,
5:00 PM Rally {just south of Minnehaha Creek}  we will have speakers and
music and just relax for a few hours, if you live in the neighborhood,
please invite your friends and neighbors to join us.  2nd Annual Social
PowWow  Sunday August 8th at 54th and Riverview road, just east of
Hiawatha,  Grand Entry at 1:00 PM,  Please bring a dish to share, feast at
5:00. Also our one year anniversary will be held at the encampment on
August 10th, celebration starts at 3:00PM and will go until dusk, Music,
Puppets, etc.  again please bring a dish to share.  We feel your support
and prayers, Pidamiya, Love Linda

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-08-02 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 21:30:30 EDT

Dear Friends,  Two more people were arrested today, one a juvenile who
locked herself down to a piece of earth moving equipment. She was released
right away, another was arrested riding her bike to take water to another
young man locked down in an area that was cleared of trees last week. She
is still being held in jail.  We have talked with people who have received
traffic tickets in the mail for honking their horns in support of Stop the
Reroute, when driving along Hiawatha Ave.,  the state will find any petty
way they can to silence us, or to stop people from showing their support. 
The supporters who were arrested Monday went to court today and asked for
jury trials, their court dates were moved to September 1st.  About twenty
people will go to court tomorrow.  They have made everyone who bailed out
of jail sign papers stating they would not go back to the construction site
or interfere with the construction.  Is it constitutional for the state to
be able to keep people out of public places? We are receiving Email from
all over the world, Germany, Hawaii, France,  We are still in need of any
help you can give us. Letters to Government officials, both state and
federal, phone calls, celebrities, we need expert lawyers for civil rights
cases and treaty rights cases, any names or organization who can help
please forward. Pray with us, Love Linda

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Update 7/31/99

1999-08-01 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

<< Subj: Update 7/31/99
  Date:  7/31/1999 6:56:56 PM Central Daylight Time
  From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leo, Linda and Justin)

Dear Friends,  it is Saturday afternoon and all is quiet for the time
being.  Everyone is out of jail now, including the young supporter that was
jailed for a second time for simply being in a public place, he wasn't even
in the park he was in front of a ice cream shop a 1/2 block away from the
park.  He refused to eat or drink while he was jailed the second time and
was again taken before a judge Friday morning, but was not released until
10:00 pm Friday night.  Emily the young girl who we were told had her head
slammed against a squad car, it was actually a wooden railroad tie, spent 8
hrs at the hospital being xrayed and having an MRI done, while her sister
and lawyer tried desperately to find out where she was and how she was,
were given no information on her condition by the authorities.  The Doctors
at the hospital suggested strongly to her that she bail out of jail.  All
work stopped on the area for now, and MNDOT says that no more trees are
scheduled to be destroyed for a few weeks,  right now there are supporters
living in the trees that are next slated to be destroyed.  We had heard
that McCrossan was to start their work on the land tunnel, which will cost
the tax payers 9 million dollars, on Wednesday or Thursday of last week,
but we haven't seen hide nor hair of them yet.  I talked with many area
residents last week and many are shocked, saddened and outraged at the
destruction of their beloved park.  We held a press conference and rally
Thursday evening and we had hundreds of people show up including the two
young women that have been seriously injured by the police's brutal
assaults. Hundreds of people driving by honked their horns in support The
police presence at the park has been scaled back, but we will expect them
back in full force when the construction on the tunnel starts, probably
next week.  Your support and prayers, have been so important to us,  we are
hearing of thousands of letters being sent and phone calls being made.  We
are building new allies everyday,  because of all of you out there that
care so much. Yesterday we had visitors from Hawaii at the camp and more
people from all over the states are stopping to pray with us.  I can't tell
you how overwhelming  the outpouring of support has been.  We keep all of
you in our prayers.  Pidamiya, Love Linda

Reprinted under the Fair Use 
doctrine of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota Sacred SItes update

1999-07-28 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 04:51:39 EDT
Subject: Mendota Sacred Sites update

Dear Friends,
  Over 30 trees where cut down today, and many arrested. As reported earlier,
Darlene Jackson was arrested. Darlene is a very petite little woman who looks
like a strong wind could blow her over but she has a soul of IRON! She is an
elder for the Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota and this sweet little woman was
brutally arrested for sitting peacefully in the street as her way of
demonstrating her disapproval of this insane act of destruction. It is
interesting to note that when Darlene sat down, many joined her and it was
reported to me that  another older woman who is also an elder was picked up
but put back on the curb. She was not arrested. But then again she was not an
Indian. It seems that Indians where especially focused on. Isn't it amazing
that a few Indians, some old women and a bunch of kids could be treated with
such anger, such brutality, such rage. Guess why? Because they had the
audacity to say that killing ancient oak trees is wrong! That Indians deserve
to keep their Sacred Sites and that we the people have a right to take a
stand against more urban sprawl which we have had enough of don't you think?
Ok, guess why there is such an interest in destroying the environment,
chopping down ancient trees, and destroying sites that are sacred to the
original citizens of this land? They will tell you it is progress! That isn't
the real answer,,, the real answer is always the same one. MONEY Thats
all. So know that when they use force, deaf ears, brutality and destruction,
it is all because of MONEY!!! The god that is secretly worshipped under the
guise of progress. The god who has temples all across this land called
shopping malls. The god who wants a faster road to the master temple, the
MALL OF AMERICA. What happens when this god wants your land? your church?
your children? what then? The Indians of this land are like the canaries in
the mine. They should be thanked profusely for warning us that this god is
the god of death and it's reach is closer than you think. Wake up! Wake up!
Wake up before it is too late. This is one world. What happens here in
Minneapolis affects the whole world!  Just closing your windows and doors
doesn't make it go away. They are doing this to YOUR world!
Come and help us. We need your support, monetarily, spiritually, physically
however you can. This is not about coming and helping Indians, or some more
Sacred Sites, or some Oak trees, this is about saving a part of the world
that none of us should have to lose. This is about survival. It is the time
to say no more. No more exploitation, no more disregard for our environment,
the planet is only a small little garden floating in the universe, are we
going to let it become covered with asphalt because a bunch of greedy people
thought it was a good financial idea? Enough!
For those of you who have not seen this land it is hard to understand the
passion here. Imagine huge old oaks with dark green canopies. Imagine lying
on your back under these ancient trees and feeling sheltered by the branches
as they curve up into a blue sky. Butterflies float by. Birds are singing. It
reminds me of being a kid in the country. It is secure and welcoming and
beautiful. The spirit of the four trees is overwhelming. Just standing in
that circle feels like standing in a cathedral in a way.
The spring, how can I share with you how serene it is. So pure and sweet with
ducks and the sound of water spilling over the bank to the Mississippi below.
How peaceful and ancient this spot is. How could they have ever thought that
putting a highway through all of this was a good idea? Nuts.
Thanks for hearing me out. I needed to share with you tonight.
I dread to think of what tomorrow will bring.
Pray for us.
Diane Kerr
Reprinted under the Fair Use 
doctrine of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton


1999-07-27 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 10:35:27 EDT

Reprinted under the Fair Use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-07-26 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 12:35:05 +0100
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (power4u)

It is 12:30 on Moinday the 26th of july, 1999.

At the campaign to stop the reroute of Hwy 55 in Minneapolis there already








live simply

Reprinted under the Fair Use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-07-15 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 23:37:09 EDT
Subject: Mendota

Dear Friends, sorry I've been off the air for so long, this is again a very
busy time, I will try to fill you in.  Last Friday Leo and I attended a
public reception for the Federal Transit Authority held in Minneapolis,
this has to do with the light rail system that is to run adjacent to the
raod for most of the project.  I talked with a Mr. Gordon Lenton from the
FTA and expressed to him our concerns as Dakota people about the reroute
and the Berger report.  We have a report that we recieved recently that
does a very good job of critiquing Mr. Hotopps report, and shows how biased
this whole study was.  He has asked me to send this report along to his
office. Letters can be sent to Mr. Gordon J. Lenton, administrator, Federal
Transit Admintration, Dept. of Transporation, 400 7th St. S.W., #9328,
Washington, D.C.  20590, 202-366-4043 and also Mr. Joe Ettinger, Regional
Administrator, Dept of Transportation, 200 W. Adam St.  #2410, Chicago, Ill
60606,  312-353-2789, we will also be sending this report to many Federal
level as well as State level Officials, and will try to get this on one of
the Web sites or published in some way so everyone can see it.  Our
community also participated in Mendota Days last Saturday, this is one of
the oldest towns in Minnesota and is where many of our parents and
grandparents lived and are buried.  We had a float with dancers and a drum
group, also sold frybread, Indian tacos, corn, water and pop to help with
our fund raising efforts, also a very good friend and supporter played with
music with two others to help entertain people who came to see us and
support us.  It was alot of work, but we also enjoyed this day immensely.  
 The preliminary report from Kelton Barr, who is the independent consultant
the the Watershed hired,  is ready and there is another meeting tonight,  I
will update you on the results after the meeting.   This Saturday there is
to be a picnic at Minnehaha Park by the pavilion for the stop the reroute
supporters, it will start at 1:00 PM, there will be speakers and
entertaiment,  everyone is welcome, please bring your own picnic, and
spread the word.  We are also planning a social Pow Wow at the site,
sometime in the 1st weeks of August,  I will let you know the details
later.Some of the oral testimony that was recorded from the Elders and
others who came here to support us, and speak before MNDOT and Mr. Hotopp
will be played on public cable in Minneapolis, these are the dates, time
and channels.
Wednesday 7/28/99, 10:00PM Channels 58A and 36B, Thursday 8/5/99, 6PM,
channel 33, and 8/12/99, 5:30PM, channel 33, I have been told that 78,000
people may be watching these channels at any given time so this is great
exposure for this testimony supporting our stand on the sacredness of this
land.  If you would like to request that this be played at further dates
please contact John Akre at 612-331-8575 ext 312.  MNDOT has hired
McCrossan Construction Company to start the 1st phase of the road
construction and they have had surveyors out by the falls area to lay out
the road that will detour traffic from this area to I believe 34th ave. 
some of our supporters have been picnicing and playing frisbee in this area
to try to detract the surveyors, we have now heard that McCrossan is hiring
private security[goon squads] in large numbers to move this project along. 
Why are they so afraid of a few peaceful activists?   There is to be a
concert this Friday night [July 16th}at Walker Church is South Minneapolis,
 "Papa John Kolstad and Friends"  will be playing to raise money for the
Park and River Alliance and the Stop the Reroute coalition, they will ask
for a $10.00 dollar donation at the door.  this is a very worthy cause and
I hope many of you will come and enjoy this event with us.  The Mendota
recently recieved a donation of over $300.00 dollars,some folks held a
garage sell and sent the proceeds to us to help with our expenses for the
encampment and other expenses that we incurr in trying to get the word out
and fight this road.  This kind of grass roots support is so important to
us,  I wanted to thank all of you once again for all your support and
prayers. Pidamiya, Love Linda 
Reprinted under the Fair Use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-07-03 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 00:50:01 EDT

~~~ • ~~~
Mendota Newsflash
~~~ • ~~~

Dear Friends, 
 I attended the Minnehaha Watershed District meeting last
night and I am still reeling from what happened there. The Managers hired a
independent consultant for a hydro-geology study, this gentleman stated
that a study would take more than a year to do as they would need to
monitor the "seeps" within the  Minnehaha Gorge and the water flow to the
Coldwater Spring, and that it would take two weeks to do a preliminary
study of all the material that had been submitted so far by MNDOT to see if
there was any red flags that should be addressed right away.  At this time
the managers voted to grant the permit for MNDOT to start work immediately
on the 46th St area as they felt that this is far enough away from the
Creek to not cause it any damage and they would look at their consultant's
preliminary report in two weeks time and address any concerns at that time.
 MNDOT used the same tactics that have used against the Parkboard,
threatening to sue the Watershed if they delayed their vote any longer, 
MNDOT stated they had to start the project within a week or their start
time would be delayed until next year.  Since they had already let the bids
out on this portion of the project, MNDOT would then be threatened with
breach of contract  from the contractors, [if this is the case, then why
did they let the bids out before they had the correct permits to start the
project?]  this is once again pressure tactics from MNDOT to get the road
started at any cost. If proper studies for the Hydro-geology will take a
year, then why did MNDOT wait until a month before they started this
project to apply for the permit from the Watershed? They also used the
scare tactic that a delay in the road project would jeopardize the light
rail funding, this is the same tactic they used against us in our quest for
legislation to protect these important natural resources.  At the time of
MNDOTs press conference when they stated,[ in spite of all the Elders
testimony and affidavits, that there were no sacred sites in the path of
the road, and although they have no right to determine what is sacred to
Native American people] that the road and the light rail funding are
totally separate issues and that even if they didn't get light rail the
road would still be built.  Time and time again we have heard "this road
has been in the planning for 35 years".  How long does it take for our
government agencies to understand that if there has been opposition to this
road and it has taken this long, and they only are able to get their plan
accepted by constantly threatening law suits or applying tremendous
political pressure against any agency that would stand against them, that
maybe it is a flawed plan,  They have had 35 years to find another way to
do this project, yet in all that time they have totally ignored any and all
opposition to this road. 30 Different citizen groups, representing
thousands of Minnesotans, a petition  with over 10,000 signatures, constant
lawsuits filed by concerned citizens of the state. Nevermind that it is
illegal to build a road through park land unless there is no other
alternative. They do have the alternative to build the road on the current
alignment. If the Light Rail is being built in this corridor to get people
out of their cars and using public transit, then why do we need a road that
is designed to almost double the automobile traffic through this
environmentally, historically, and culturally significant area. This is the
legacy that the State Government will  impose on the people of the State of
Minnesota. A major visual and perhaps environmental impact on a the first
State Park in this country, the desecration and destruction of Native
American Sacred Sites. This destruction will start next week. Although we
are constantly faced with the overwhelming political and financially
superior pressures that are being applied on MNDOT's behalf, of course
MNDOT has the money to do this by using our tax dollars against us. I will
always believe that the rerouting of this road is morally wrong, and I, and
I hope all of you will continue to do whatever we are capable of doing to
right this wrong against the Native American and White citizens of this
state.  Pidamiya, 
Love and Prayers, Linda

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: update 6/29/99 newflash

1999-06-29 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:14:23 EDT
Subject: Fwd: update 6/29/99 new flash

Dear Friends,  There will be another Watershed Meeting this Thursday July
1st at 6:30PM at the Minnetonka City Hall.  I did not make it to the last
meeting and have been waiting for a copy of the transcript from that
meeting to pass on info to you,  we have not been able to get a final
approved and corrected copy, I do know that they had some conditions and
concerns about the project.  I will let you know  what these are when I
get the copy of the meeting minutes.  It is important that as many people
as possible show up for these meetings.  "Green Cities" the organization
that filed a law suit against the parkboard's decision to transfer the
Minnehaha Park land to MNDOT so they can build the road through the park,
is trying to raise the money to appeal Judge Lang's decision that this was
legal. I will find out an address for contributions if anyone would like to
help with this.  We are still working on some things on the Federal level I
will let you know more on this later.  We are still requesting that you
write letters to the Federal officials whose addresses were sent in earlier
emails.   The bids have gone out for the road starting at 46th St to 52nd
St.  and they are saying that the bids for the road from 52nd St to Hwy 62
will be let at the end of July.  Time grows short. Your prayers and support
are still needed.  Pidamiya, Love Linda

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-06-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:53:43 EDT


Dear Friends, 
I received some calls tonight about information on World
Peace and Prayer Day, after checking some of the web sites I realized that
I neglected to put this information out for you, my apologies.  We have
been distributing posters all over the city but I wanted to include all of
you.  We will be gathering for ceremony at Coldwater Spring at 9:30 am
Monday morning June 21st and then we will have a feast after the
ceremonies,  the spring is located east of Hiawatha Ave.[ Hwy 55] on 56st
Street[ there is a sign that says Bureau of Mines] also just a short
distance from the encampment, if you have any questions please call me at
612-944-7290, please bring a dish to share as of right now we have no idea
how many people will be able to join us.  We ask that you join us in prayer
at 10 am wherever you are if you cannot be with us, people all over the
globe will all be praying at the same time. Also we ask that women who come
please wear long skirts and no tank type tops.  I hope that our prayers are
able to move the world and its people.  Pidamiya, Love Linda

Dear Friends,  I have more info for you on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed
Managers, eric Evenson, District Manager, email
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  Pamela Blixt, President MCWD email
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Malcolm Reid, Vice President MCWD  email
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  Lance Fisher, Secretary MCWD,  email
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  Monica Gross, Treasurer MCWD  fax  612-922-6652, 
Manager Jim Calkins  email  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,  Manager Scott
Thomas  email  [EMAIL PROTECTED],  Manager Tom LaBounty Fax  612-471-0682, 
Or mail letters to 2500 Shadywood Road,  Excelsior, MN  55331,  Phone
612-471-0590,  MCWD managers are political appointees [not elected]
considered volunterrs, paid $55/meeting.  MCWD web site is  Next meeting is Tues June 22, 1999 6;30 Minnetonka
City Hall.  Also I hope to see you at World Peace and Prayer Day, June 21st
9:30 am at the Coldwater Spring.  We are hearing rumors of a raid on the
encampment this weekend. Are they so afraid of a Peaceful Prayer vigil that
they have to respond once again with violence? Prayers will be sent to the
creator at the same time all around the world and a raid at this time would
only draw negative attention to this issue for Government Officials once
again. Please pray with us wherever you may be.  Pidamiya,  Love Linda 

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:31:06 EDT

Dear friends, 
the 10th month anniversary of the occupation of this sacred
land was a wonderful opportunity for us to get together and use the land as
it has always been meant to be used, for celebration, prayers and ceremony.
 Thunder Nation Drum group once again gave their support as they have
always done for us, it was a great honor for all of us to have them there. 
You could feel the response from the land and the people to the singing and
drumming it was an incredible experience.  We also need to thank the Heart
of Beast Puppet theater for performing for us, the kids and adults were
quite spell bound by their play, they too have always been there for us. 
It was wonderful to see old friends and supporters relaxing and having a
good time together.  Some of us had to leave early to attend the Minnehaha
Watershed Meeting.  This meeting lasted until midnight and MNDOT was there
in full force with engineers, designers, and consultants.  The Managers of
the commission had many tough questions and I feel that some of them would
like to see this project stopped.  We of course have never had the money to
hire specialists to create enough doubts, but one of our supporters who is
a hydrogeologist did respond to MNDOT quite well.  The rest of us could
only speak from our hearts about the immorality of this road and how it
would affect the people and youth who live in the inner-city and use this
park as a place of refuge from the concrete jungle they live in.Why is it
always the people with no political power or money that are the ones who
suffer the most from these kinds of projects?  We need to let the political
people that support this monstrosity know that we will work as a group when
next they run for office and  that we will fight against their reelection..
 Many of them live in the city and yet they turn their backs on the
destruction this road will cause throughout this fragile and beautiful
area.  The Watershed Commission decided to postpone their decision on the
permit until their June 22nd meeting.   They will take no more oral
testimony, but it's not too late to write and let them know  how damaging
this project would be to the creek and falls and park, please let them know
how  you feel about this project. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District,
Managers, 2500 Shadywood Rd. Orono, MN  55331.  Also we would like as many
people as possible to come to the June 22nd meeting to show your support. 
Every delay is a few days longer for the trees and land to survive.  Please
join us for the Wednesday night spiritual walks whenever you can,  this is
an opportunity for us to be together and support each other and the land. 
Please visit the encampment whenever you can, it is so important that the
grandfathers know that we support the land and we desperately need their
help in saving this sacred place. Pidamiya,  Love Linda 

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-06-08 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:05:55 EDT

you are invited to come and celebrate 
the 10th month of occupation

WHERE: at the encampment behind the VA administration Buildings. Between 54th 
St. and 56th St. East of Hiawatha Avenue.

WHEN: Thursday June 10th at 4 p.m.

ENTERTAINMENT: Thunder Nation Drum Group and Heart Of the Beast Puppets.

WHAT TO BRING: Something yummy to share with others. Anything else you would 
like to share. 

Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:11:41 EDT

Dear friends,  I wanted to let you know about some things that are
happening this week.  We will continue to do a spiritual walk every
Wednesday night [weather permitting]  we will gather at the Trail Head on
54th St.,  this is two blocks east of Hiawatha Ave. on 54th St., we will
meet at 7:00 PM every Wednesday night and we will walk the two mile route
of the current Hiawatha roadbed, from Hwy 62 to 46th St.  There we will
gather for prayers, and friendship.  We ask that you bring hand drums,
signs or banners etc. and please leave our four legged friends at home. 
Also wanted to let everyone know that Thursday June 10th will be the 10
month anniversary of the occupation. We will be gathering at the encampment
for celebration at around 4:00 PM. Please join us if you can.  Thursday
night is also the night that the Minnehaha Watershed District meeting will
decide whether they will grant MNDOT a permit to build the rerouted road
through Minnehaha Park, so this is also an important meeting, I believe
they meet around 6:30 at the Minnetonka City Offices, this is just west of
494 on county road 5 [Minnetonka Blvd.] [ the sign says Minnetonka Civic
Center].  Hennepin county Judge Lang has not released a verdict whether the
transfer of land between the Minneapolis Park Board and MNDOT is legal yet.
We may hear something on this issue this week.  We are still continuing our
vigil, and we are always grateful for your prayers and support, time is
growing short and we asked that you continue to help in any way you are
able.  Pidamiya, love Linda

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-05-27 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 20:18:51 EDT


Dear Friends,  
Recently the 8th court of appeals decided that the statute
of limitations had run out on the Park and River Alliance lawsuit and they
would not reopen the case.  we heard about this on Tuesday May 25th. This
was one of several lawsuits that have been filed against this road.  MNDOT
never did do a Enviromental Impact Study on the land south of 54th ST., but
because this was dismissed on a technicality, doesn't make MNDOT's position
on this issue correct, it only gets them legally off the hook, not morally.
Hennepin County Judge Lajune Lang heard arguments and took testimony from
both our supporters and also MNDOT and the Park Board on Tues morning.  Our
supporters felt that she would look at this in a fair way and not just
rubber stamp the decision to swap the land between the parkboard and MNDOT.
 MNDOT needs this land in order to build the road through Minnehaha Park. 
Which is a totally illegal act!  There is a meeting tonight involving the
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District's granting permeits to MNDOT to build
this road, how are they able to make a decision at this time when the land
does not belong to MNDOT yet!  meeting takes place at Minnetonka City Hall,
West of I-494 on couty road 5 [Minnetonka Blvd] at 6:30 PM, Citizen's
comments will be heard.  I'm sorry this notification is so late, but
sometimes I don't get the notices  right away.  We are a coalition of
ordinary people that have jobs, homes, families and we are working against
people who have alot of money and power and we can only do the best we can.
 It seems unfair that our tax dollars can be spent in any way possible by a
state agency against us and yet there is no state money available for
citizens to oppose these kinds of project, we are only able to do these
things in our spare time, with small citizen contributions of time and
money. But we will continue the fight against all odds, this is the only
way we have to accomplish the things we care about.  The spiritual walk
that took place last night, was very healing and helped renew our energy. 
About 100 people showed up and it was nice to be together without all the
pressure and constant tension that we all seem to feel.  Time is growing
short.  We would like to do one of these walks once a week and I will let
you know what night and time it will be held and where we will meet.  It
was very affirming to watch all the people that live in the area, come and
join us, or honk or wave in support of our cause.  One woman stood in on
her steps and cried as we walked by.  There are many people out there that
have opposed this raod for so many years, many of them support us but have
a overhelming feeling of defeat because they have fought for so long.  If
these walks can touch them then all is not lost.  Our Government Officials
need to hear from us constantly,  I enclose some names for you to call or
write.  Governer Jesse Ventura, State Capitol Building, 75 Constitution
Ave., St. Paul, MN  55155,  651-297-9500,  Commissioner Elwyn Tinklenberg, 
MNDOT, 395 John Ireland Blvd, St. Paul, MN  55155,  651-296-3000, fax
651-296-3587, Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton,  350 S. 5th St., Minneapolis, MN 
55415, 612-673-2100,  U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone,  136 Hart Senate Office
Bldg., Washington D.C.  20510,  202-224-5641, fax 202-224-8438,  Mr. Alan
Steger, Division Administrator,  FHWA & Sheryl Martin, Galtier Plaza, Suite
500 175 E. 5th St., St Paul, MN  55101, 651-291-6100,  Bruce Eberly,
Historic Preservatin Officer, FHWA, C/O HEP -40, room 3240, Washington D.C.
 20590, 202-366-2060,  Ann Boland, National Register of Historic
Preservation, Dept of the Interior, Box 37127, Washington D.C.  20013-7127,
 202-343-9500,  Bruce Babbit, Secretary of the Interior, Dept. of the
Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington D.C. 20240,  202208-7351,  President
William Clinton,  The White House,  1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  Washington, DC 
20500,  202-4565-1414,  Vice President Al Gore,  The shite House, 1600
Pennsylvania Ave.,  Washington DC,  20500,  202-456-1414,  Janet Reno, 
U.S. Attorney General,  Justice Dept.,  600 E. St. NW,  Washington,DC  
20090,  202-737-5214.  We need to let these people know that we are aware
that there are laws against taking of parkland for roads, and that MNDOT's
statement that there are no sacred sites in the way of the road is
incorrect.  Our Elders testified through affidavits and oral testimony
presented to MNDOT officials and also Mr. Hotopp the archeologist that did
the determination on the trees, that all this land is sacred including the
trees, and no one including MNDOT has the right to determine what is sacred
to Native Americans except Native Americans.  It has only been a little
over 20 years since legislation was passed in this country to protect
Native Americans right to practice their re

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota press conference tomorrow

1999-05-24 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 12:42:25 EDT
Subject: Mendota press conference tomorrow

Dear Friends,
Just got this in. Press Conference at the State Office Building, in room 181. 
Representative Mark Gleason will be there. We need to be there, every single 
one of us whether in person if at all possible, or in prayer. This is so 
important that we show the world that we will not be silenced. That we do 
believe that these sites are Sacred. That our elders are not liars! 
How dare they say these sites are not sacred after days of testemony by 
elders and tribes who have known about these sites for centuries! 
Lets be there! Lets stand up for the truth!
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Update 5/21/99

1999-05-24 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 03:32:49 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Update 5/21/99

Dear Friends, sorry I have been off the air for so long.  I'll try to fill
you as to what has happened lately.  The Amendment was never attached to a
bill.  Rep. Mark Gleason tried at one point but before any discussion took
place Rep. Wes Skoglund stood up immediately and ask that it be found not
germane to the bill we were trying to get it attached to.  This was the
same bill that it was ruled germane in the Senate.  Rep. Gleason and also
Rep. Satveer Chaudhary tried to speak about it's being germane but Speaker
of the House Sviggum ruled against us.  Our supporters at that time
sacrambled to find another bill that it could be attached to. They did find
another bill whose author was willing to look at our amendment as friendly.
 Our supporters waited until after midnight Monday night waiting to see if
this would be brought up on the floor, but unfortunately we ran out of
time.  I want to thank everyone who supported us so fervently on this
legislation, I'm filled with sadness that we couldn't get this
accomplished.  We have only the greatest admiration and respect for the
Representatives and 
Senators that worked so hard  and hung in there with us even though this
was not a popular stance for them to take.  Please take the time to thank
Representative Karen Clark, Representative Mark Gleason, Representative
Satveer Chaudhary, Senators Ellen Anderson, Senator Linda Berglin, Senator
Gary Laidig, and even Senator Jane Ranum.  We also sincerely thank our die
hard lobbyists that worked so very hard right up until the very end, Diane,
Anne, Mary, and of course John. 

We did submit our own report to the State Historic Preservatin Office this
week and we should find out the results of their recommendation by the end
of next week.  I will email the context of the cover letter out in a few
days with some recommendations for actions that people may take to help, I
feel we may have to continue to put alot of pressure on the Federal level,
with continued letters, and emails. We continue our vigil and ask again for
your support and prayers.  Pidamiya, Love Linda 

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: update 5/12/99 newflash

1999-05-13 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 02:13:13 EDT
Subject: Fwd: update 5/12/99 newflash

Dear Friends, sorry I have been off the air for so long. We are feverishly
working on our own report to summit to the Minnesota Historic Preservation
Office. It should be ready to summit soon.  The bill in the House of
Representatives may be heard tommorrow and we will try to get our amendment
attached to it.  I hear that MNDOT has their own team over at the
legislatures trying to counteract our lobbying efforts. I understand that
all our websites are being monitored by officials, we knew this was a risk
when we decided to tell the world about what is happening here.  So, If my
updates aren't as open or as frequent  as they once were, please forgive
me. We still desparately need your support and prayers.  please don't
hesitate to call me if you need more detailed info.  We will not quit. The
8th court of appeals heard oral arguments today for the Park and River
Alliance lawsuit.  We are anxiously waiting their decision, this may take
up to 4-6 weeks before we hear.  We are still waiting for the Hennepin
courts hearing on why Minnehaha Park land should not be transfered to MNDOT
for this road.  Our supporters here are still working on ways to stop this
road. We continue to ask for your support and prayers.  Pidamiya,  Love

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Imminent Raid on the Minnehaha Spiritual Encampment

1999-05-07 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Subject:  [FN] Imminent Raid on the Minnehaha Spiritual Encampment

>X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)
>Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 13:28:59 +0100
>To: <>
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (power4u)
>Subject: Imminent Raid on the Minnehaha Spiritual Encampment
>Today, Friday May 6th, high level officials from the Minnesota Department
>of Transportation placed NO TRESSPASSING signs around the encampment near
>the four sacred oaks that has become known as the Minnehaha Liberation.  We
>expect a raid will soon follow.  The Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community,
>American Indian Movement, and Earth First! are preparing for the defense of
>the land from the bulldozers.
>Please attend our non-violence and civil-disobedience training down at the
>Encampment this Saturday May 7th at NOON.  The training will last a few
>hours.  Please contact your officials and spiritual elders and let them
>know that the whole world is watching, and that you do not want to see this
>sacred land desecrated and destroyed by the bulldozers in the name of
>American convenience.
>for the future generations.
>for more information and directions to camp, call Jim Anderson, Cultural
>Chairman of the Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community at (612) 910-0730
>live simply
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-04-09 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 23:53:55 EDT

 ~~~ • ~~~
 ~~~ • ~~~
 Dear Friends, 
  I spent some time at the capitol today, along with some others who have 
been there since Tuesday working on the revival of the resolution.  We still 
have alot of support from some of the Senators and Representatives and I 
believe it is time for everyone to start calling their own Representatives 
and Senators  asking that they support this resolution.  
 We have figured out a way for this to be heard on the full floor. 
Unfortunately we do not have the time to personally visit with each of these 
legislators and must once again rely on your help. 
 Please make some time over the next week to call your own House and Senate
 representatives. If you live in Minnesota, and ask them to support a floor 
hearing, and also vote to help us protect this very important and sacred area.
  We need some Native American constituents as well as anyone who may live in 
Senator Linda Higgins district, North Minneapolis, zip 55411-3226, phone 
651-296-9246, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Call or email her asap about this issue. It is very important that everyone
 contact these people but extremely important if you live in the State of MN. 
 If they tell you this is a dead resolution assure them that we still have 
many friends at the capitol and we have found a way for this to be heard or 
voted on. Please remember it is very important that this be handled in a 
diplomatic way. 
 The Minneapolis park board met on Tues. night and our supporters were able 
to speak at this for a few minutes each. It is again very important that 
these commissioners  hear from everyone, but especially from residents of 
Minneapolis. The critical vote on the land transfer to MNDOT takes place on 
Wednesday April 21st. I will list the names and phone #s of the people that 
still need to be contacted. I believe these # are their voice mail #s, If 
they are full you can talk to the secretary and ask her to take messages. 
  At large Commissioner Bob Fine, 612-673-5387, 
 District 1 Commissioner Walt Dziedzic 612-673-5319, 
 District2 Commissioner Ernie Belton 612-673-5330, 
 District 4 Commissioner Vivian Mason 612-673-5384, 
 District 5 Commissioner Edward Solomon 612-673-5385,
 District 6 Commissioner Scott Neiman 612-673-5386.  
 Please make these calls this week and next.  There are Commissioners who are 
on our side I have not listed them with the others. If you would like to 
thank them here they are;
 At large Commissioner Rochelle Berry Graves 612-673-5388, 
 at large Commissioner Annie Young [she has requested no more phone calls] 
 District 3 Commissioner Dean Zimmerman. 
  We are planning a large Earth Day celebration at the park , it will be a 
bring your own picnic, It is critical that we get as many people as possible 
there between 12 noon and 2PM as this is the period that the press will be 
there, and we would like to make this event as large as possible. There will 
be activities and fun all afternoon and everyone is welcome to join in, bring 
the folks, bring the kids, bring your friends, and lets make this a special 
celebration of the Park and all the connecting green space that needs to be 
saved. We will send you the date very soon.
 Thanks once again for your time, efforts and prayers, Pidamiya, 
 Love Linda

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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~~~ • ~~~
~~~ • ~~~

Dear Friends, 
 I spent some time at the capitol today, along with some others who have been 
there since Tuesday working on the revival of the resolution.  We still have 
alot of support from some of the Senators and Representatives and I believe 
it is time for everyone to start calling their own Representatives and 
Senators  asking that they support this resolution.  
We have figured out a way for this to be heard on the full floor. 
Unfortunately we do not have the time to personally visit with each of these 
legislators and must once again rely on your help. 
Please make some time over the next week to call your own House and Senate
representatives. If you live in Minnesota, and ask them to support a floor 
hearing, and also vote to help us protect this very important and sacred area.
 We need some Native American constituents as well as anyone who may live in 
Senator Linda Higgins district, North Minneapolis, zip 55411-3226, phone

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA : update 3/29/99 [newflash]

1999-03-29 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 22:07:43 EST

from Mendota

In a message dated 3/29/1999 6:02:56 PM Central Standard Time, Noreroute

<< Hello all,
 I have gotten word that Carol Flynn's Transportation Committee will decide by
tomorrow noon (3/30/99) if they are gonna hear resolution 1658 or not. Please
ring up as many people as you can on the list below and ask them to YES please
hear the resolution and pass it! Please spread the word.
 In solidarity,
 Tom Taylor
 The following Senators sit on this Committee: 
 Senator Carol Flynn, Minneapolis, DFL, 651-296-4274,
 Senator Steve Murphy, Red wing MN zip 55066, 651-296-4264,
 Senator Dean E. Johnson, Willmar MN zip 56201, 651-296-3826,
 Senator William Belanger, Bloomington MN zip 55431, 651-296-5975,
 Senator Dick Day, Owatonna Mn zip 55060, 651-296-9457,
 Senator Paula Hanson, Ham Lake MN zip 55304, 651-296-3219,
 Senator Jerry Janezich, Chisholm MN zip 55719, 651-296-8017,
 Senator Dave Johnson, Bloomington MN zip 55431, 651-296-9261,
 Senator Janet Johnson, North Branch MN zip 55056, 651-296-5419,
 Senator Randy Kelly, St. Paul MN zip 55119, 651-296-5285,
 Senator Keith Langseth, Glyndon MN zip 56547, 651-296-3205, no email address
so call, 
 Senator Mark Ourada, Buffalo MN zip 55313, 651-296-5981,
 Senator Sandra Pappas, St. Paul MN zip 55107, 651-296-1802,
 Senator Claire Robling, Prior Lake MN zip 55372, 651-296-4123,
 Senator Dallas Sams, Staples MN zip 56479, 651-297-8063,

Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: update 3/25/99 [newflash]
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 19:02:56 EST
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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Hello all,
I have gotten word that Carol Flynn's Transportation Committee will decide by
tomorrow noon (3/30/99) if they are gonna hear resolution 1658 or not. Please
ring up as many people as you can on the list below and ask them to YES please
hear the resolution and pass it! Please spread the word.
In solidarity,
Tom Taylor

The following Senators sit on this Committee: 

Senator Carol Flynn, Minneapolis, DFL, 651-296-4274,

Senator Steve Murphy, Red wing MN zip 55066, 651-296-4264,

Senator Dean E. Johnson, Willmar MN zip 56201, 651-296-3826,

Senator William Belanger, Bloomington MN zip 55431, 651-296-5975,

Senator Dick Day, Owatonna Mn zip 55060, 651-296-9457,

Senator Paula Hanson, Ham Lake MN zip 55304, 651-296-3219,

Senator Jerry Janezich, Chisholm MN zip 55719, 651-296-8017,

Senator Dave Johnson, Bloomington MN zip 55431, 651-296-9261,

Senator Janet Johnson, North Branch MN zip 55056, 651-296-5419,

Senator Randy Kelly, St. Paul MN zip 55119, 651-296-5285,

Senator Keith Langseth, Glyndon MN zip 56547, 651-296-3205, no email address
so call, 

Senator Mark Ourada, Buffalo MN zip 55313, 651-296-5981,

Senator Sandra Pappas, St. Paul MN zip 55107, 651-296-1802,

Senator Claire Robling, Prior Lake MN zip 55372, 651-296-4123,

Senator Dallas Sams, Staples MN zip 56479, 651-297-8063,
  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota Newsflash Urgent!

1999-03-26 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:28:11 EST

~~~ • ~~~
Mendota Newsflash
~~~ • ~~~
A progress report on Saving the Mendota Sacred Sites in Minneapolis

Hi Folks,
Yesterday you would have been so proud of Linda and the others who presented
this resolution to the Senate. Really a wonderful job! Concise, professional
and touching. It was so suprising that it passed with absolutely no obstacles
and that is great! The problem is that it was referred to the Senate
Transportation Committee. We were hoping that they would pass it to the floor
but it looks like we have another go around with this. Look at the name of the
committee and that should give you some idea of what is ahead. Who would have
thought that we would get as far as it has and without the concerted effort of
the Warrior women (Linda and the others), it couldn't of happened. The other
reason is your help and prayers. Please hang in there for us. I know we have
asked for a lot of your time and resources but we can't quit now! We are so
close and we have come such a long way. Who would have thought it! I want you
to take a second and say a quick prayer or send a good intention to our sister
Linda. She has worked non stop for a long time now with no complaint. Let's
support her in everyway we can! Here's Linda.
Thank you,

Dear Friends,
  Today we had the hearing before the Senate Govt Ops committee, the
resolution was passed unanimously. The resolution has been referred to the
Senate Transportation committee. They meet on Tues. and Wed. of next week.
(not much time left to act!) We need  everyone who is a constituent of Senator
Carol Flynn to call her and ask her to hear this resolution or pass it to the
floor for a full Senate vote. (This is crucial for constituents) Also we need
phone calls and emails to everyone who sits on this committee and urge them to
support the resolution and ask Senator Flynn to hear the resolution or pass it
to the floor. (This is crucial too for everyone else) The following Senators
sit on this Committee; 
Senator Carol Flynn, Minneapolis, DFL, 651-296-4274,
Senator SteveMurphy,RedwingMNzip55066,651-296-4264
 Senator Dean E. Johnson, Willmar MN  zip 56201, 651-296-3826,
Senator William Belanger, Bloomington MN zip 55431, 651-296-5975,
 Senator Dick Day, Owatonna Mn zip 55060, 651-296-9457,
 Senator Paula Hanson, Ham Lake MN zip 55304, 651-296-3219,
 Senator Jerry Janezich, Chisholm MN zip 55719, 651-296-8017,
Senator Dave Johnson, Bloomington MN  zip 55431, 651-296-9261,
Senator Janet Johnson, North Branch MN zip 55056, 651-296-5419,
,Senator Randy Kelly, St. Paul MN zip 55119, 651-296-5285,
Senator Keith Langseth, Glyndon MNzip 56547, 651-296-3205, no email address so
call, Senator Mark Ourada, Buffalo MN  zip 55313, 651-296-5981,
, Senator Sandra Pappas, St. Paul MN  zip 55107, 651-296-1802,
Senator Claire Robling, PriorLake MN zip 55372, 651-296-4123,
, Senator Dallas Sams, Staples MN zip 56479, 651-297-8063,
 Everyone can call or email these people but it really helps if their own
constituents contact them, If you have family or friends in any of these areas
please encourage them to call orEmail as soon as possible. The resolution # is
1658 protecting the Coldwater Spring area as traditional cultural property. 
I'm sorry I keep saying just a few more days, but we just have to keep trying
and praying.
Senator Gary Laidig from Stillwater sits on this committee and will support
our efforts to get this resolution heard.
Love Linda

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: MENDOTA: Urgent Update 3/23/99 {newsflash}

1999-03-24 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 20:25:34 EST

Dear Friends,  We are scheduled to have a hearing on the Senate Resolution
# 1658, Designating Coldwater Spring Area as Traditional Cultural Property,
Thurday March 25, 1999 at 12:00 PM room 15 State Capitol Building, this
will be heard before the Senate Govt. Operations committee, we would like
as many people as possible to show up at this hearing in support of this
resolution. Please if you can take a long lunch hour or can get the
afternoon off do it.  Having a large crowd supporting this would make a
great impression.  I think the Senate will be a little harder to convince
than the house. If Your Senator sits on this commitee please give them a
call before the hearing. Senators are, Jim Metzen, Stevens, Berg, Betzold,
Cohen, Fischbach, Pogemiller, Price, Robertson, Runbeck, Stumpf,
Terwilliger, Wiener, Wiger. Metzen, Cohen, Robertson,are for sures, Wiger
originally signed the resolution , but I heard today that he withdrew his
name, If you are a constitutient could you find out why, we do have a
meeting with him tomorrow.  we really need these phone calls made to get
this threw this committee.  Thanks again for all the hard work and support
and prayers.  I'll let everyone knows what happens. Pidamiya, Love Linda

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota: Update 3/17/99 [newsflash]

1999-03-18 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 02:45:08 EST

Dear Friends, great news today, we will have a hearing in the House Govt.
Ops committee, Friday March 19, 1999 we will have around fifteen minutes
between 3-4 PM to give our testimony. This is for the resolution only, but
it's better than nothing.  Thanks to all of you for your support and
prayers.  We need to spread the word asap and try to get as many people at
this hearing as possible to quietly show their support, it would be great
if we had a couple hundred people show up for this.  I will not be doing
anymore updates until Friday night to let you know what happens in the next
few days.  Good work everyone. Pidamiya, Love Linda

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-03-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 18:02:08 EST


Dear Friends,

Today we made the front pages of the papers! They were covering what happened
yesterday down at the Site. Picture this. Approximately, 1000 people, lots of
dogs, lots of kids all standing in a formation that spelled out Stop 55 go
oaks! Pictures were taken from a low flying airplane with everyone waving
away, a brass band playing and lots of cheers. It was great! The sun was
shining and everyone was happy to be there. When I get my copy of the picture
I will show it to you. This has now become an annual event. Last year there
were only about a hundred people. Who knows how many next year!
Just before the pictures were taken, there was a drama unfolding that gave the
event a special importance. Mike Haney and other members of the Mendota
Mdewakanton Dakota, were denied access to the Sacred Spring. Mike Haney was
almost arrested. After the photo shoot, we gathered outside of the locked and
policed gate into the Spring. Mike, Bob and others expressed their outrage
that they were not allowed to have access to their "church". Mike explained
that they had just come back from the funeral in Wisconsin and needed to wash
his hands and face in that pure, medicine water but was denied! It is
interesting to note that Clinton recently, gave a new federal law allowing
access to sacred sites to Native Americans even if they are on Federal
property. This event yesterday shows how crucial it is to get the senate
resolution HF#712, and the senate bill HF#711 passed. This will bring the
State law up to the Federal level and if Minnesota wants to keep it's
reputation as the "great progressive" state, it needs to pay attention now. We
have asked you for your help by contacting Minnesota legislators and Senators
and we are so grateful for your help. Remember that Friday is the deadline so
please let's put out one final big burst of effort! Realize that if we fail,
it may be your State next! If we succeed, we have set a precedent that can
help others all over the country. This affects everyone not just us. If you
are in the State, call them, if you are out of State email them. To make it
simple, go to
Click onto Tom's page (a link listed on my website MSS), on Tom's page (site),
scroll down to Linda Brown's updates regarding legislation and mediation and
Find Minnesota Legislator and contact them.
This will give you all of the phone numbers and email addys that you need.
There is also a ready made blank email you can fill in too on his page.
Speaking of websites, my website Mendota Sacred Sites has some new cool stuff
you need to check out. One are the pictures from the Unity ride (link is
indicated on front page), and newest of all is this fabulous brochure put out
by a bunch of supporters (indicated on front page). It is so great! It puts
all the facts all together in a very succinct way with nice pictures. Share it
with others.
Other news
On Thursday and Friday, the 18th and 19th, the Elders are coming to town to
testify at the State Office Building! This will be a phenomenal event, try and
make it if you can. When I have more specifics I will let you know. There will
also be a pot luck Feast on the Thursday night. The location is to be
Yesterday morning at dawn, I went to the Sacred Spring to offer prayers. It
was so beautiful it made me weep. Here it is this beautiful Sacred place
locked behind big chain link fences (we snuck in lol) with these ugly Bureau
of Mines buildings near it. What were they thinking when they built all of
that ugly crap around that heavenly spot? My co-conspiritor (my husband) made
a very interesting comment. he said " The red race, look for what the Creator
has made sacred and honors that, while the white race looks for what man has
made and honors that." Sad but true. Judging by the amount of people who came
yesterday to stand up for the trees, I think this is definately changing!

For those of you who do not have AOl I have attached the picture of the Sacred
What else?
Oh yes, I hate to appeal for money buy we are desperate! This fight cost money
big time! We are dragging the bottom of the well right now and we only make
this appeal because we have no other choice. Legal fees, camp fees, phone
fees, on and on, are all adding up. None of us are rich, we have all used our
own fees and now we have nothing left but still have a long way to go to win
this thing.
Any donations are appreciated, look under the "what you can do to help" on the
website for addresses and any other details.
Finally, I would like to invite you to a very special forum. It is called
Medicine Hair's Lodge. I spend some time there helping out with the Lodge,
tidying up, puttin out the cat, doin what I can for my wonderful, brother
Medicine Hair whose Lodge has become my other home


1999-03-07 Thread Anonymous

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 19:48:45 EST
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit


Dear Friends, 
OK this is were we are at. Senator Metzen from St. Paul
signed the bill Friday morning He is Chair of the govt operations and
veterans committee, this is were we would like the bill to go and also we
would like them to hold hearings.  Other members of this committee are:
Senators: Dan Stevens, Mora MN, 651-296-8075, email
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [all email addresses will be the
same except you will need to add their names just like I have written
them].sen.charles.berg, Chokio, Mn, 651-296-5094. sen.don.betzold, Fridley,
651-296-2556, sen.michelle.fischbach, Paynesville,MN
651-296-2084,sen.larry.pogemiller, Mpls, 651-296-7809,sen.len.price,
woodbury, MN  651-297-8060, sen.linda.runbeck, Circle Pines,MN 
651-296-1253, sen.leroy. stumpf, Thief River Falls, 651-296-8660,
sen.roy.terwilliger, Edina, MN  651-296-6238, sen.deanna.wiener, Eagan, MN 
651-297-8073, please contact everyone you know from their districts and ask
them to call and email these people and ask for support and also to hold a
hearing concerning the Traditional Cultural Properties bill and resolution
#711 & 712.  Some people have asked for more information concerning this
bill  before they talk to their senators , they should be explained as
human rights bills and religious freedom bills, this  bill and resolution
is simply about protecting Native Americans sites of worship and cemeteries
and bringing state laws  to the level of protection as federal laws.

We need to thank senator metzen for signing this bill, phone 651-296-4370,
email sen.jim.metzen etc. Also we need to work on transportation committees
in both houses because although this is not a transportation bill they may
request the bill be reviewed by their committees.  House representatives on
this committee Rep. Workman, James Clark, Hausman, Biernat, Buesgens,
Davids, Haake, Johnson, Juhnke, kalis, Kelliher, Kuisle, Larson, Lieder,
Marko, Molnau, Opatz, Rifenberg, Swenson, Van Dellen, Vandeveer, Westrom, 
Senatorson Trans. committee,  Flynn, Murphy, D.E. Johnson, Belanger, Day,
Hanson, Janezich, Johnson, D.H., Johnson J.B., Kelly R.C., Laidig,
Langseth, Ourada, Pappas, Robling, Sams.  You will have to find these 
names and emails and phones on your own, if anyone can spend some time
getting this infor mation out I would greatly appreciate this.  You need to
talk to your representatives as this is the right thing to do Minnesota is
a progressive and caring state lets lead the way on this type of state
protection and write laws that can used as a proud example for other states
to copy! We have to work really hard on this,  these bills need to be
through the committees and voted on by the first house by march 19th, and
the second house by march 31st,  we only have to work our butts off for a
few more weeks.  With hard work and prayers we will prevail.  Thanks again
to all of you for your support and prayers, we have accomplished much in
just a very short time.  The raid on the encampment was organized to
scatter us and break our will on this issue,  it accomplished just the
opposite, we are focused and working harder than ever and look what we have

done!  We have forced the state to adhere to federal guidelines and have
focused the debate on Traditional Cultural Properties issues,  we have
found authors for the resolutions and bills in both houses, we have made
both the state and fed govt and agencies involved to take notice and pay
attention to the will of the people and to do their jobs and follow the
laws of the land.  All of this has been done because the creator has been
with us through this and I believe it is his  will that this place be
saved! We need to honor the creator and grandfathers  with prayers of
thanks and ask for continued guidance.  My thoughts and prayers are with
all of you. Pidamiya, love Linda

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-03-04 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 20:36:41 EST
~~~ • ~~~
~~~ • ~~~
Dear Friends, 
more good news Senator Martha Robertson who's district is
Minnetonka has sign on to the bill, this makes this it bipartisan bill.!  I
will spend the day at the capitol again tomorrow.  
Love and prayers, Linda

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota Newsflash

1999-03-04 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 18:57:53 EST
Subject: Mendota Newsflash
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit


Dear Friends, 
Had a little more success today Senator Cohen sign on as a
co author to the bill and also Senator Wiger Sign the resolution.  We  Have
a appt. with Senator James Metzen Friday Morning, he is the Chair of the
Gov. Ops. committee where we would like to see this bill go to. His
district is South St Paul, Inver Grove Heights, and parts of Eagan. If you
know anyone who lives in these districts please have them call him and ask
him to sign this bill. The bill needs to be turned in Friday before 11a.m.
to get it written and ready to be introduced next week. We need to thank
the people who signed on to this bill today.  Next week we will need a big
push from everyone again to call email and write letters to your
representatives and senators to support this bill.  We have worked very
hard and thank all of you for your hard work. We just have to do this for a
few more weeks. Peace and prayers to all of you.
Love Linda

Hi all. Here's a brief update from 3/3/99 plus Contact Info. for Senators
mentioned in forwarded message (below):

Sen. James Metzen, DFL, District 39, So. St. Paul 55075 (651) 296-4370
Constituents: Please call him and ask him to sponsor Senator Ellen Anderson's
bill to protect Coldwater Spring as Traditional Cultural Property.

Sen. Charles Wiger, DFL, District 55, No. St. Paul 55109 (651) 296-6820
Anyone: Call or e-mail him and thank him for his support.

Sen. Richard Cohen, DFL, District 64, St. Paul 55116 (651) 296-5931
Anyone: Call or e-mail him and thank him for co-authoring Sen. Anderson's

Senate bill needs more co-authors, so if any of you are constituents of the
following districts, please call your Senator ASAP and ask them to sign onto
Sen. Ellen Anderson's legislation to protect Coldwater Springs as Traditional
Cultural Property.

Sen. Pat Piper, DFL, District 27, Austin 55912 (651) 296-9248
Sen. Becky Lourey, DFL, District 8, Star Route 55756 (651) 296-0293
Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL, District 61, Minneapolis 55409 (651) 296-4261
Sen. John Marty, DFL, District 54, Roseville 55113 (651) 296-5645

To find out who your senator (or House representative) is, please call the
public information office @ 1-800-657-3550 or (651) 296-2146. Just tell them
where you live and they'll tell your legislative district and who your
representatives are.

Thank you Jill

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-03-03 Thread Ish

>From Diane Kerr
Dear Friends,
This is going to be a very full newsletter! There is a lot of news to
For those of you who may be new, here is a short synopsis. The
Mdewakanton Dakota people are working around the clock to protect
ancesteral land and sacred sites from being destroyed by the proposed
55. Last week mediation began with the Minnesota Department of
In the end it was agreed that MnDot will review the evidence of this
being a
traditional spiritual property. For more information please see">Mendota
Sacred Sites .

Excerpts from Linda Brown (Linda a sister of the Chief and very active
    her people save
"Some days, I feel like this is the only thing happening on earth!
because we spend so much time working on this. I know that there are the
kind of fights happening all over the country and the world. I include
them in
my prayers as I know all of you do too. We just have to keep
praying, writing and whatever else it is going to take until there is
justice in this world. Thanks to all of you for caring so much! 
Good news! We have found a Senate author for the bill!  *(This is a bill
resolution authored by Representative Karen Clark in the Minnesota House
Representatives, that will bring the State of Minnesota into compliance
the federal laws already in place that protect Native Americal sacred
sites as
"traditional cultural property." It is a basic equal rights
bill affording
Native American burial sites the same protection that any other
receives.) Senator Ellen Anderson of St. Paul graciously consented to be
Chief Author. Becky Lourey has also agreed to co-author the bill in the
and Pat Piper said that if we can get five costituents to call her in
of this issue she will also co-author the bill. Numbers provided at
Friends, we still have much lobbying to do to get this bill passed. We
everyone to contact your senators and representatives and ask them to
this legislation. HF711 and HF712. You can call the State Capitol to find
who your representatives are. We really need to get this done!
Becky Lourey: 651-296-0293 email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Ellen Anderson 651-296-5537 email
Pat Piper 651-296-9248 email [EMAIL PROTECTED] zip

Mediation is going well! Mndot has agreed to allow spiritual elders to
about the area to Joe Hudak, Chief archaeologist. Also, Mndot did admit
the natural flow of the spring in now of great concern to them. (No more
about piping in city water!) We need as much information about this area
possible. If you have any information from books, oral history or any
source that would acknowledge this area as sacred to any Indian tribes,
let us
know. Tell us where to find it or how to get to it before the next
which is March 11th and 12th. Also, if there are any geologists,
archeologists, or hydrologists
who could testify at a hearing sometime in the near future, let us know.
could be a tremedous help. There will be no work done on the area by
until after the Elders testify, the Feds do a study and they come to
decision about the area.  If it is found to be a TCP, that doesn't mean
they won't build the road, only that the Feds may withold funds unless
change the current plans for the reroute. We may still need to persue
this in
the courts and rest assured, we will use every tactic we can. 
Thanks to all of you and love and prayers be with you all.

Trip to the East Recollections by Chief Bob Brown Chief Bob Brown,
Anderson, Leo Ronneng and Mike Haney went out East to visit various
tribes and
governmental bodies to raise support for the cause.
We recently travelled to Connecticut to visit our brothers and sisters
the East. Because of the weekend, we did not make personal contact with
Mashantucket Pequots but we did meet three of the cultural people of
Mohegan Tribe. We had the great honor of sitting at their drum and
with them. 
While in Wahington D.C., for the National Congress of American Indians,
were gifted with a sweetgrass braid from a friend of the Spokane people.
used this braid as a talking stick with the Mohegan people to give each
our thoughts and thanks for being abot to sing together and talk.
sweetgrass was then gifted to Snow Owl of the Golden Hill Paugusetts who
as our guide in the lands of these great Eastern tribes.
We left the Mohegan people with many of their members practicing dancing
their drum. These people indeed have had much of thier culture taken from
and are re-learning many things.
A recent mediation session with Mndot resulted in our having to gather
from Minnesota tribes and Elders from the tribes that lived h


1999-02-17 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 03:55:46 EST


Dear Friends,  Today we held a press conference at the State Office
Building, Karen Clark thought we ought to have this now because she had
been getting calls from reporters.  There weren't too many reporters there,
but we thought it went very well.  Rev. Gary Cavender, Spiritual Elder from
Shakopee,opened with a prayer and spoke very eloquently about the area and
how it was sacred to the Dakota people and must be saved.  Mike Haney,
Chairman Bob Brown, Jim Anderson, and myself also spoke.  None of this was
shown on the local T.V. news programs tonight.  This was a big
disappointment to us.  We will be checking the papers in the morning.  We
are still working on finding a senator to author the bill in the senate. 
If we can't get someone to do this we don't have a prayer.  We would like
to ask House Representative Jim Rhodes to hold hearings on this issue.
Mediation has been posponed until next week. 
Several Representatives have asked to observe the mediation meetings, so
this may be a good sign.  MNDOT is still doing their survey although they
have moved away from the sacred trees.  They are doing a very shabby job of
this survey,  some of the holes have only been 6 inches deep.  They know
they won't find anything at this level.  We still need all your help and
prayers to win this thing.  Please remember us, and we all think of you
often and thank the Grandfathers for all the help and guidance. Peace and
Prayers be with all of you,  pidamiya, love Linda  

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-02-12 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>From : DMKERR

Dear Friends,  Today MNDOT was suppose to start their excavations, weather
was terrible, and survey team didn"t have the correct equipment to start
today.  They have decided to wait until Monday,[our prayers are working]. 
Mediation team met with U.S. Mediator today and this will start about the
22, or 23 of this month.  I am also providing an excerpt from the State of
the City Address 1999, from Minneapolis Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton,
published February 11, 1999, this is from the transit portion of the

" If we are serious about moving people from dependence to to
self-sufficiency, we need affordable, accessible, 24-hour public
transportation and a stable funding source.

Last year, the region broke a 20-year impasse to create the spine of the
region's light rail transit system along the Hiawath Corridor.  The LRT
line, with its feeder bus network, will connect downtown Minneapolis to the
Airport, the Mall of America and communities in between.  It promises to be
a catalyst for a bold new regional transit strategy including commuter rail
and high speed transit ways to move us into the 21st Century.

President Clinton and Governor Ventura included funds for LRT in their
repective budgets. Piece by piece, we're moving forward.  Without superior
public transit, the continued economic growth and quality of life we have
come to enjoy will be in jeopardy.

While I am firm in my support of LRT and the recontruction of Hiawatha, I
want to acknowledge the opposition of some people in our community to this
project.  Work is underway to determine the historical significance of the
proposed Hiawatha re-route site to American Indians.  If it is affirmed
that the proposed re-route will disrupt buried American Indian
archeological relics, we must respect that finding. T his project is too
important to let it stall in controversy.  We must resolve the dispute in
good faith and move forward."  { What do you think of that!}  

I will be out of town until Sunday night or Monday morning, so this is my
last update until then.  Representative Karen Clark Along with the Mendota
people will be holding a press conference at 10am Tuesday, at the State
Office Building, this is for sure, as of now.  Just got a call from Jim
Anderson, MNDOT will proceed with survey starting tomorrow morning.  It
will be cold and Jim will be sitting in the RV, nice and toasty, while they
are outside all day. {ha-ha}  Also there will be a State Trooper stationed
at the site during the hours that MNDOT crew will be there,  supposedly to
protect the encampment.  what a joke!

Take care everyone, I'll talk to you on Sunday or Monday,  Thanks again for
all your support and prayers.  Love Linda

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: mendota update

1999-02-10 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 23:36:49 EST
Subject: mendota update
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 205
  Mendota Update
Dear friends,
Here is the latest news from Mendota. A message from Linda Brown and a
reminder of an upcoming event.
The other night, I was speaking live in Medicine Hair's Lodge. It was a small
group but the conversation was lively! It was heart warming to make new
friends for Mendota and share with them some of the history. People are so
shocked when they hear about the police raid especially. Today I heard on the
news that the raid total cost was in the neighborhood of 3 million dollars! I
would like to verify that but I am pretty sure that is what I heard them say.
message from Linda:
Dear Friends,  We went to court this morning and a few things were
clarified by the judge,  MNDot will start archeological surveys sometime
this week, we will have the opportunity to observe along with the Minnesota
Indian Affairs Council.  If we feel the surveys are not being done to our
standards we will be able to address this through the mediation or by
recourse through the court.  We will be able to tape everything that is
going on through this process and so we can show the judge that this type
of excavation does not meet standards that are expected by other tribal
entities that are beginning to get involved with this issue.  We are still
working on strategies for this issue and I will let you know more on that
later.   We are still working on obtaining a sponser for the Senate bill,
but we may go  ahead with a press conference on Thursday morning I will let
you know for sure if this will happen.  Please keep your support and
prayers coming. Pidamiya,  Linda

On February 10th, the Highway 55 Protest Encampment will celebrate
its 6 month aniversary by holding a festival from 3:00 PM to 7:00PM at
theProtest Encampment. Ceili dancing, with music by the blackbirds, will begin
at4:00PM. There will also be speakers and food. If you plan to attend, please
bring your own drink, a small vegetable for the "stone soup" and a little
money to buy handcrafted jewlery. If the fundraising goal is met, one young
activist has promised to shave his head. For directions or moreinformation,
please call (612)-362-3387.

Please participate in the second annual Historic Group Oak Photo in the oak
savannah just south of 54th St. on Sunday, March 14th, 1999. Last year 200
people came in the cold of winter. This year, let's make it 2,000! Plan ahead,
rain or shine, bring your friends & family. Details soon.
Diane Kerr

  Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
 Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota Update

1999-01-26 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 23:54:21 EST


Dear Friends,

It has been awhile since you have gotten an update on our situation here in
Mendota. The simple reason is that so much happens everyday it is hard to know
when to stop and write. Hopefully this letter will give you an overview and
bring you up to date.

On Jan, 15th, we attended a rally held at the Walker Church. The evening
began with an honor song and drumming. Throughout the evening members of Earth
First took turns telling their stories of being arrested. The stories were
enough to make grown men weep. I knew that there had been brutality used by
the police but I didn't realize that they had used torture. These young people
told us that the police repeatedly swabbed pepper gel into their eyes after
they were helplessly handcuffed. Not only was their 600 police, but the police
were told by bystanders and the protesters that they were non violent and
would not hurt anyone. The police ignored these comments and after hurling
tear gas, they hauled many of these youth out violently, (one girl was hauled
out by her jaw), hit them and kicked them, used profanity and dumped them in
the snow (some barefoot and without coats for hours), to freeze until they
were taken down to the jail.

There was one kid who was beaten and his head was bleeding. He was yelling
for a medic, all they did was wrap his sweater around his head so no one could
see him bleeding. What is wrong with a society that would allow their kids to
be treated this way because they care for Mother Earth and are willing to
stand up for what they believe in? It is insanity! Another couple of Native
American protesters who were arrested as well, told their story. They were
singing with the drum just outside of the perimeter when the police came and
arrested them. They asked the police to be careful with the drum at which
point the police, kicked the drum till it broke. Later they watched horrified
as the police burned  and buried it so no one would find the telltale remains.

The evening continued with wonderful talks by Mike Haney and Clyde
Bellecourt. Talks I wish we had recorded as they were so profoundly moving. If
they were, I will ask for copies and write them out for you at a later date.
For now let me tell you that the hair was stranding up on the back of my neck
as Clyde Bellecourt talked about the history of the Mendota people in that
area and Mike Haney filled my heart with joy when he talked about the future
of these sacred sites and the way that other tribes like the Iowa's are coming
to our aid. Throughout the evening, many of the Earth First people sang their
folk songs that they had composed. All of a sudden, I had the feeling that I
was back in the 60s with those young hippies that were protesting the Viet Nam
war. One of the ceremonial drummers got up at the end and said basically the
same thing. He then ended the evening with an honor song that he had composed
for Mendota. Not a dry eye in the house I suspect.

One of the guests in the audience was Karen Clark. She is of the Minnesota
House of Representatives. She spoke briefly and it was very evident that she
was moved by the evening. She vowed that there would be an investigation into

the police raid and she came down to the Sacred Trees the next day where she
had a great meeting with the people there. She is writing a resolution to the
house to pass legislation to bring Minnesota State laws protecting Traditional
Cultural Properties, up to the same standards as federal laws. If you would
like to reach her and thank her for her support, her address is Karen Clark,
District 61A, Minneapolis, Minnesota House of Representatives, 503 State
Office Building, 100 Constitution Ave., St. Paul MN 55155, email her at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone her at 651-296-0294.

Other News: 
Although Judge Peter Albrecht denied our request for a temporary restraining
order Mndot has agreed to do an archaeological study of the planned roadway.
Regardless, we will continue to uphold the protection of our Sacred Sites in
all forums including the legal one until the goal is reached!

Mike Haney, and other members of the Mendota community, have left for Kansas
City and they will be making stops along the way to visit with other tribes
that have occupied this area hundreds of years ago. They will be asking for
their support. So far, the National Congress of American Indians and the Iowa
tribe of Oklahoma are petitioning the Federal Government and the State
government of Minnesota to halt construction until these surveys are complete.

The Minnesota Indian Affairs council has now changed their position and has
written a new letter supporting our efforts. This is truly wonderful! We are
still desperately working to stop this desecration and we are also seeking
expertise in Indian law. Names 


1999-01-16 Thread ishgooda

And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: "CanskaWi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: (no subject)
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 11:52:21 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 11:25 AM
Subject: (no subject)

 > Dear Friends,  there is so much to tell you, since our visit to Washington
 > MNDOT is cutting trees with a vengeance.  Today seven people scrambled
 > trees just a block or so from the four oaks.  One of our  Native American
 > supporters was taken to the hospital with heart attack symptoms.  I heard
 > that he will be all right, but the stress of living at the encampment is
 > just too much for him right now.  Please send special prayers for him.
 > Every day the threat to the four oaks becomes more apparent.  State
 > visited the camp at the end of last week and said they will be clearing
 > land where the four oaks stand in December.  We were told that they would
 > give us some warning before they come in.  I pray to the creator that they
 > will keep their word.  We are trying to stay as positive as we are able
 > under the circumstances. We are going ahead with plans for events and
 > celebrations as we have always done.  We will be gathering at the
 > for a day of fellowship on thanksgiving from 2PM until about five, for a
 > luck feast, please join us if you can.  Also wanted to let everyone know
 > that the majority of people who were arrested in July will be going back
 > court on December 6th at 9AM.  We are asking everyone who can attend to be
 > there. This will be at the Hennepin County Government Center. We are also
 > trying to raise some money to help compensate lawyers time and cost, we
 > opened a bank account for this, please send any donations to "Stop the
 > Reroute of Highway 55", Riverside Bank, 1801 Riverside Ave.., P.O. Box
 > 582419, Minneapolis, MN  55438-2419.  The 13 year old boy who was beaten
 > the police in July is now being charged,  four months after everyone else
 > was.  Sounds like retaliation for our trip to Washington D.C. and our
 > discussions with the Justice Dept.. to me.  The State of Minnesota has
 > a motion to dismiss our Federal Lawsuit,  this motion will be heard on
 > December 17th, again we would like as many people to show up for our
 > as  possible. I will send more details as we get closer to those dates.
 > Arrests continue almost on a daily basis.  Yesterday one of our
 > an elder Nun, went up into a tree for a few hours , another  Nun was
 > arrested for trying to reach people sitting in trees with food and water.
 > We continue to try to slow down the progress of this destruction on a
 > basis.  There are still some lawsuits pending over environmental issues
 > other groups that don't want this road built.  We are still waiting on a
 > final report from the independent hydrogeologist that is working for the
 > Minnehaha Watershed District. Ther is another Watershed District meeting
 > the Minnetonka Civic Center again on Thursday November 18th, please attend
 > this if you can.  So many things going on and so little time. I know that
 > all of you are still out there supporting us and praying with us.  Take
 > my friends, Pidamiya, Love Linda

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)   

NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota WI: Hwy. 55 debate is about preservation of Earth Preservation of Earth

1999-01-10 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Hwy. 55 debate is about preservation of Earth

  by Sue Ann Martinson

  Star Tribune Online front page

  Published Saturday, January 2, 1999

   "The threat to biodiversity is a threat to every species on Earth.
We cannot continue to destroy wetlands, forests, marine and coastal
habitats with impunity; the destruction caused by humankind now will,
in turn, threaten to destroy future generations."

   -- United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Dec. 16, 1998.

   The officials who authorized the early morning raid on the Stop-the-
Hwy. 55-Reroute Camp do not seem to understand that what is at stake is
so much larger than a few feet of road. What it is really about is land
management, about biodiversity, about all the things that Annan mentions
in his press release for the International Day of Biodiversity, which
was Dec. 29. That public officials are so shortsighted is sad for all
of us.

   The Hwy. 55 reroute is not about anarchy, as some have declared,
although that is there for some of the people involved in the camp.
(They don't believe in a centralized government but believe in self-
government.) It is about sacred ground, whether sacred for the Mendota
Mdewakanton Dakota or for the rest of us, and about preserving the
Earth. To borrow words from Annan's statement, it is about "global
environmental problems, such as the loss of biological diversity,
deforestation, land degradation, and desertification which are
interlinked . . . . The ecological reality of these
interrelationships must be reflected in our political, legal, and
economic responses."

   And now, the military action against a few nonviolent protesters
adds a new dimension.  It raises questions of freedom of speech
and fundamental rights of U.S. citizens. Of use of force against
nonviolent people.

   Because the very preservation of the Earth is at stake, and that is
where the Native Americans and the Earth Firsters come together, there
is no question of lying down and dying or of giving up for those who are
part of and who wish to stop the Hwy. 55 reroute.

   Camp Coldwater Springs is not only a Native American site, it's the
site of an early settlement in Minnesota and has historical significance
for others as well. The Bureau of Mines has already destroyed it somewhat
by putting the road there. That road should be torn out and the spring
should be restored to its original form.

   Alternative transportation should not destroy natural lands. It
should not destroy trees that are at the very least more than 100 years
old. The large tree stump by Camp Coldwater is clearly ancient and holy.
The weeping willow is beautiful. They plan to come within 440 feet of
Camp Coldwater, which is too close for comfort.

   There are many more constructive uses for this land. It could be a
park or be given back to the Dakota for a school for their children.
This land could be saved from further degradation.

   I have been on that land. I have had the privilege of hearing the
Indian drumming, of being in a community of peace, of being on sacred
land. Let's preserve this land for future generations.

-- Sue Ann Martinson, Minneapolis. Writer.

Copyright 1999 Star Tribune. All rights reserved.

If you think you are too small to make a difference;
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito
African Proverb
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NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota raid op-ed piece

1999-01-02 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: "T. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This is an op-ed article from the Minneapolis Star-Tribune 1/1/99

Counterpoint: Not too late to revise plans for Hwy. 55

Bruce Shoemaker

Gov. Arne Carlson, in trying to justify his brutal raid against
the nonviolent community of Native Americans and community
activists occupying the proposed Hwy. 55 reroute site, claims he
acted because the protesters were "outside the law." However, it
is the Carlson administration, the Minnesota Department of
Transportation and the city of Minneapolis that are engaged in
the real crime.

State and federal laws on the completion of supplemental
environmental impact statements are being blatantly disregarded.
New understanding of the importance the lands south of 54th
Street -- including the oak savanna area and the historic Camp
Coldwater Spring -- play in Minnesota history require that the
impacts of the proposed highway be comprehensively examined.

The Department of Transportation continues to point to the
endorsement of the reroute by the Minnesota Indian Affairs
Council, even though the council has retracted its earlier
support based on new information. Rather than sincerely
addressing concerns over these issues, the department has tried
to hide behind a "statute of limitations" defense, claiming it is
too late for community groups to raise such concerns.

Even worse, federal and state laws and treaty commitments with
the Mendota Mdewakanton tribe are being disregarded. These are
serious laws and commitments and the state and the city
Minneapolis are going to be forced to abide by them.

If they continue in ignoring environmental law and trampling on
the rights of native people to protect and reclaim their
ancestral lands, Minnesota and Minneapolis may be headed for a
major national embarrassment. Will Minnesota become a late 1990s
version of Mississippi in the 1960s -- dragged kicking and
screaming into the civil rights era through federal intervention?
The refusal of state and city leaders to meet with federal
mediators in advance of their massive raid on the Minnehaha camp
is reminiscent of the entrenched racist arrogance of power of an
earlier era, one we might have expected of George Wallace's
Alabama in the early 1960s.

What is especially appalling is how our local DFL politicians, in
particular, Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, fell over each other in
cooperating with and endorsing our lame-duck Republican
governor's use of force. What will the mayor be endorsing next --
Philadelphia-style SWAT team aerial fire bombings like the MOVE
raid? Many highway opponents are past supporters of the mayor.
They voted for her and were impressed with her sensible and
inclusive style of managing the city. Her hard-line defense of
the reroute, which appears to willfully violate many of the basic
principles central to her past political life, is extremely
puzzling and is alienating her from a significant block of her

It is unfortunate that so few of our DFL representatives have had
the guts to come out and say publicly what many of them
increasingly admit privately: The Hwy. 55 reroute is an enormous
ill-conceived fiasco that would never be approved if they were

"doing it all over again." But like the Republican impeachment
initiative, the reroute now has a momentum of its own and can't
seem to be stopped even though most people know it is a bad idea.

For the New Year we need some new initiatives by our political
representatives at the federal, state and local levels to
creatively end this embarrassing and divisive situation and come
up with a revised plan for Hwy. 55 -- one upon which broader
consensus can be reached, one that meets both the spirit and
letter of applicable laws, one with which we all can live. Let's
do it ourselves, before the feds force us to live up to the
principles we claim to believe in.

-- Bruce Shoemaker, Minneapolis.
Copyright 1999 Star Tribune. All rights reserved.

If you think you are too small to make a difference;
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito
African Proverb
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NATIVE_NEWS: Mendota Raid update/action directory

1998-12-29 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: "T. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A letter from Jill Walker with some pressing questions that need
to be answered.

December 28th, 1998

Dear Friends,

I want to wish all of you the warmest regards for the holidays,
but I'd like to ask that you take a few moments to read the
following, and take whatever action you can before we're too deep
into the new year. A single phone call or letter helps a lot.
Also passing the word on to others who will call or write helps
even more. This is important to ALL Minnesotans.

It has been 8 days since Governor Arne Carlson unleashed 600
police officers on peaceful protesters of the re-route of Highway
55 in Minneapolis. The 7 remaining homes in the path of the
re-route on Riverview Road were destroyed, the encampment
demolished, the debris removed, and the space "filled in" in 7
short hours. Most of the trees remain, and the area, with time,
could be restored to a beautiful natural state -- more park land!

New rumors suggest that the Minnesota Department of
Transportation is going to remove those trees any day now. A
lawsuit challenging the legality of the highway is still under
appeal, other lawsuits are being filed, and to my understanding,
trees were not to be removed before February 1999. Let's hope
MnDOT exercises some patience to let legal avenues take their

Earth First! is now occupying the site of the Four Trees -
200+-year-old bur oaks arranged in the four directions and sacred
to the Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota People - which are also in the
path of the re-route, just south of Riverview Rd.

In light of recent events and present rumors, I wanted to pose a
few questions as well as suggest actions you can take to help

- Why didn't Arne Carlson ever take a public position or meet
with project opponents before taking military-style action
against a nonviolent encampment?

- If the raid took place because of safety concerns regarding an
illegal gas hook up, why did the police burn fires all over the
place (these bonfires are recorded in photographs)?

- Why did the police smear pepper spray into the eyes of
nonviolent, unarmed protesters, and why did they force some of
these protesters to lay face down in the snow in subzero
temperatures for 30 minutes or more?

- Why were the police allowed to operate with blatant disregard
for sacred Native American objects and artifcats?

- Were constitutional and international human rights violated?

- Why didn't the Minnesota Department of Transportation meet with
the federal mediator from the Justice Department before taking
this action?

- Why would the Minnesota Department of Transportation choose
such extreme action when the Park & River Alliance lawsuit
challenging the legality of this highway is still under appeal?

- If the re-route of Highway 55 cannot be re-examined because of
the cost to do so (the only reason given), how can the State of
Minnesota justify spending hundreds of thousands, if not
millions, of dollars to arrest 30-some protesters?

- How is it that MnDOT can use taxpayer dollars to send nearly
60,000 copies of pro re-route propaganda to south Minneapolis

residents, and claim there is not enough money to re-examine this
small portion of the highway?

- Why did MnDOT refuse to do a Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement when clearly the original EIS contains glaring
omissions? Why won't MnDOT acknowledge the existence of
substantial new information since the original EIS?

- Why is the Minnesota Department of Transportation telling the
public the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council approves construction
near Coldwater Spring when MnDOT is well aware the Council voted
unanimously in November 1998 to support legislation to protect
the flow of the Spring because the Spring is in peril? And why
wasn't the Spring given any mention in the 1985 Environmental
Impact Statement for this project?

- Why are our elected officials choosing to align with MnDOT,
ignoring thousands of Minnesotans they are supposed to represent?

- Is there really only ONE WAY to build this corridor? MUST the
Light Rail Transitway depend on the re-route? Do we really lack
the capacity to deal with a few blocks and a parking lot? Do you
accept this?

Friends, whether or not you agree with occupation as a mode of
protest, please remember: Tens of thousands of people oppose the
re-route; our right to a thorough Environmental Impact Statement
is being violated; Native American concerns have not been fairly
addressed; the highway is illegal; and MnDOT and our elected
officials refuse to listen. MnDOT is like a runaway truck and our
government is behind the wheel.

What is to become of environmental activism if forceful action
and disregard for public opinion replace meaningful dialogue and
fair consideration of options? Will people empowered for the
first time to act become disillusioned, never to act again?

We as American citiz