The 3.9 Release

2019-07-21 Thread Vincent Sanders
I am pleased to announce the latest release of NetSurf is now available.

NetSurf 3.9 features support for CSS Media Queries (level 4) and
improvements to JavaScript handling.

Also included are many bug fixes and improvements.

We recommend all users upgrade to NetSurf 3.9.

Regards Vincent

Re: 3.9 Release

2019-07-02 Thread Vincent Sanders
> I had intended to release before now but testing kept revealing
> issues, however I now believe that we are ready for a 3.9 release
> candidate on Sunday June 16th with the actual release on Saturday June
> 22nd unless critical bugs are discovered.

Well it seems a lot of bugs decided to make themselves known right at
the last moment and despite some hard work from John-Mark, Daniel,
Michael and myself we have simply not managed to get the browser as
stable as I wanted for a release.

I will try again to release sometime this week but again I ask for
some *feedback* . I have had literally two replies (one should have
been a bug report but at least it was activity) and I hope there are
more than two people other than the developers using the CI builds!

Regards Vincent

Re: 3.9 Release

2019-06-22 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 05:36:39PM +0100, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:
> In article <>,
>Vincent Sanders  wrote:
> > A lot of features and bug fixes have happened since the 3.8 release so
> > I am considering producing a 3.9 soon.
> A (hopefully small) point:  for some time now Netsurf seems to be picking
> up only the first css link.

Please could you create an issue on the tracker with some actual
details? or this simply will never be looked at

Futher if you are refering to (btw please
consider https, is a brilliant idea) you have
two stylesheet links in the head element; type="text/css">; type="text/css">

the first is garbage relative link and all browsers i tried it with
treat it as such and ignore it.

> On all my www pages I have two css links - the second one defines the
> header and is ignored.

on other pages (i picked cats for an example) the link elements are:; 
type="text/css">; type="text/css">

and the styles from both are used in NetSurf causing the header
bar contact, home and search backgrounds to be coloured (for example)

> But great work what has been done. Thanks for that.
> -- 
> Richard Torrens.
> for genealogy, natural history, wild food, walks, cats
> and more!

Regards Vincent

Re: 3.9 Release

2019-06-21 Thread Vincent Sanders
Last call for fixes to go into 3.9

Please can anyone interested at least try the development build on their 

Regards Vincent

The 3.8 Release

2018-08-21 Thread Vincent Sanders
Michael Drake and Chris Young appear to have fixed the blocking bugs
around http authentication.

The re-build of the Haiku CI worker has been successful and produced
working packages (for 32bit haiku).

If everyone can test CI builds #4425 or later that would be great.

I plan to tag the 3.8 release in git during this evening and have
release builds ready for tomorrow.

Now is the time to yell if there is a glaring problem!

Regards Vincent

Re: NetSurf 3.8 release

2018-08-07 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 11:32:03AM +0100, Vincent Sanders wrote:
> I intend to make the 3.8 release on Friday the 3rd of August 2018

Unfortunately we have a couple of release critical bugs [1] which made
this release unwise. I am looking at these bugs but currently cannot
give a definite resolution time frame. Once resolved the release will


> If any developers have pending bugfix or features they intend to merge
> for the 3.8 release and need additional time please let me know as
> soon as possible.
> This release will primarily be to incorporate all the bug fixes from
> the developer weekends and does not contain any major feature updates.
> -- 
> Regards Vincent

Regards Vincent

NetSurf 3.8 release

2018-07-30 Thread Vincent Sanders
I intend to make the 3.8 release on Friday the 3rd of August 2018

If any developers have pending bugfix or features they intend to merge
for the 3.8 release and need additional time please let me know as
soon as possible.

This release will primarily be to incorporate all the bug fixes from
the developer weekends and does not contain any major feature updates.

Regards Vincent

NetSurf web sites

2018-07-18 Thread Vincent Sanders
All the NetSurf web services [1] are now securely accessible. This has
been made possible by the lets encrypt service [2] providing no cost
certificates and pepperfish proving the infrastructure to manage them.

We are making this change to ensure our users privacy is protected.
The NetSurf project collects no personally identifying data
about users of our web services except that required to provide the
service [3] and we do not believe third parties should be able to
intercept such information either.

Daniel Silverstone and myself have now updated all the NetSurf
infrastructure to make https available. It is intended that after a
short stabilisation period that web server and wiki will have HSTS [4]
enabled. Once this occurs only encrypted connections will be
available to NetSurf services.

Please ensure there are no issues with the secure sites (let us know
if there are!) and update any links you may have in external



[3] The bugs interface requires a user identifier and email address
which are required to use the service and we do not use
that data for any other purpose than tracking bugs.


Regards Vincent

Re: OpenSSL

2017-12-12 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 12:29:08PM +0100, Thorsten Otto wrote:
> On Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2017 10:45:10 CET Vincent Sanders wrote:
> > I have failed to update the atari toolchains once again. They remain
> > badly broken in that they:
> > 
> >  1. cannot generate a working cross compiler on a modern Debian OS
> >  2. compiled on an old OS they produce a broken SDK with OpenSSL 1.1
> >  3. Are very old compilers which generate poor code, especialy for m68k
> Both linux versions on my homepage (4.6.4 and 7.2) were compiled on a recent 
> SuSE distribution, so in general there should be not much problem doing the 
> same on recent Debian system. The scripts use a different directory layout 
> though than the one that your toolchains expect.
> If i understand it right, your CI system uses a pre-compiled toolchain, so 
> this has to be done only once?

Our CI system builds the toolchains from source to ensure complete
reproducability for our releases.

> Are the scripts that you use for automatic building are downloadable 
> somewhere? I could not find them.

The toolchain reposity
contains the makefiles which construct a correctly patched set of
sources to generate a cross compiler and then build it.

In addition the libraries and tools necessary to cross compile the
browser are contained in a common SDK in the toolchains repo.

it should be as simple as:

git clone git://
cd toolchains
mkdir -p /opt/netsurf
make -C m68k-atari-mint

> >any assistance would be gratefully recieved.
> Feel free to ask any questions. I can also try to compile the toolchain on a 
> debian jessie system running under VirtualBox.

if it works on SuSE that should just work elsewhere.

I have a branch vince/atari-gcc7 which is my current work in progress,
this gets a compiler built but crashes and burns at the mintlib stage

Once the cross environment is completely working the SDK build can be
attempted with:

GCCSDK_INSTALL_ENV=/opt/netsurf/m68k-atari-mint/env make -C sdk

Regards Vincent


2017-12-12 Thread Vincent Sanders
I have recently completed updating all the toolchains/SDK [1] to use
OpenSSL 1.1 instead of 1.0. This is prudent because OpenSSL 1.0 is
reaching the end of its life [2] and it is advisable to use an
actively supported version of a such a sensitive library in a web

There may be some issues with the new library build on some
platforms. To date the only one which has been reported as problematic
is the m68k Amiga os3 build which Chris Young is aware of and looking
to resolve.

To assist in this I have extended the CI system to build Amiga os3
packages and publish the results [3] I have no way to test these
packages so their usefulnes may be limited but they do now exist,
perhaps Chris can comment on their status.

I have failed to update the atari toolchains once again. They remain
badly broken in that they:

 1. cannot generate a working cross compiler on a modern Debian OS
 2. compiled on an old OS they produce a broken SDK with OpenSSL 1.1
 3. Are very old compilers which generate poor code, especialy for m68k

I have been trying to use the patches provided by Thorsten Otto [4] to
fix these toolchains but any assistance would be gratefully recieved.


Regards Vincent

Bug tracker

2017-04-21 Thread Vincent Sanders
The NetSurf bug tracker [1] is a Mantis [2] install hosted on a
NetSurf administered system. Recently several critical issues have
been found in Mantis that required an immediate upgrade.

Unfortunately this required updating the version in use from 1.2.19 to
1.3.10 as support for the previous series has been discontinued. This
further required upgrading the hosting operating system, database, web
server and PHP edition.

The upgrade appears to have been successful and no data loss has been
detected. If you use the bug tracker it would be helpful if you can
check your issues and ensure nothing has been lost.

The New Mantis version should also improve the look and feel of the
bug tracker without adversely affecting performance.


Regards Vincent

Test Coverage

2017-03-15 Thread Vincent Sanders
I have been attempting to improve the level of test coverage [1]
within NetsSurf recently. This work is mainly geared towards having
sufficient tests to implement cookie handling with some confidence of

The current [2] cookie standards are very different to what we have
now and need this refactor to allow their use in the modern web with
javascript etc.

The test coverage is now minimally adequate at 88% of lines and 64% of
conditionals for code that is tested. However the amount of the
codebase tested outside of the utilities and url database is
effectively zero.

It would be a great area for a new contributor (or old ;-) to start
with the codebase and add some tests while improving their familiarity
with the NetsSurf codebase.

Tests are implemented as a series of simple programs using the c check
library. The existing tests should provide enough of a template but
feel free to ask questions here.


Regards Vincent

Frontend maintainership

2017-02-06 Thread Vincent Sanders
At the recent NetSurf developer weekend[1] we discussed many topics
one of which was our regular review of the frontends.

Except for Amiga and GTK none of the frontends have a active maintainer.

The cocoa and atari frontends are however causing a great deal of concern.

cocoa - Unless a maintainer can be found (or at least someone willing
 to fix it) before 11th Febuarary 2017 the CI for this target
 will be disabled. The code will be removed during the next
 developer weekend on the 10th June.

This decision has been made because the effort to keep this
 frontend building is large and we have many reports that the
 resulting binary simply crashes when started.

atari - The atari frontend is built for m68k and coldfire variants
 using a variant of the netsurf cross compliation
 toolchain/sdk. No serious updates have been made to this
 toolchain in some time and it has become a burden.

Unless this is addressed before the next developer weekend the
 frontend will be disabled in the CI and subsequently code

riscos - Still lacks a full time maintainer but due to its userbase
  the team keeps it working. Gets a reprieve again and will be
  reconsidered next time.

windows - Lacks a full maintainer but has been fixed up to be at least
   useful. A maintainer for this frontend would be welcome.

amiga - Chris Young continues to provide excellent maintainership no
 problems noted.

monkey - test frontend is useful and we envisage expanding the scope
  of its usage.

beos - The Beos port is generally only tested on Haiku at this
point. The frontend is kept useful by mmu man and
pulkomandy. Main issues revolve around the CI slave and its
crashy java port.

gtk - Vince looks after this and despite gtk+ changing API a lot it
   remains useful.

framebuffer - generally good shape but the Linux framebuffer and input
   need attention. It has been agreed we will look into
   using libinput to improve this area.


Regards Vincent

NetSurf 3.6 Release

2016-10-13 Thread Vincent Sanders
It is that time again and a new release would seem to be due.

As usual the wiki page [1] is being used to co-ordinate the
release. If anyone has any known outstanding issues they want to solve
before the release *now* is the time to update the wiki or let me know
on the mailing list.

This release has several areas of improvement:
 - core code reorganisation enabling future work
 - greatly extended core component test coverage
 - stability improvements gained from fuzzing with AFL [2]
 - frontend updates (amiga and GTK) 
 - much improved supercookie protection [3]
 - many lots of bug fixes

The release will be made at the weekend unless any showstoppers are


Regards Vincent

NetSurf 3.5 release

2016-03-04 Thread Vincent Sanders
So the 3.4 release was a bit of a lemon and due to lack of testing
appears to have been non functional on most supported platforms

Because of this I will be aiming for a 3.5 release on 12th March 2016.

Please can all front end maintainers ensure they are confident with
the state of their implementations before this date.

The toolchains have been updated for this release to include the
recent openssl critical fixes, however this has resulted in the amiga
frontendusing a new toolchain for this release

Can the amiga maintainers please ensure this toolchain change was what
they wanted and let us know if we need to back it out as soon as

One final plea. Making a release is a lot of work and generally
devolves to me, there is a wiki page for the release [1] can other
mainatiners add anything they are aware of and help get it fixed so
this release is not another complete stuff up and I can actually
announce this one!


Regards Vincent

Re: CI and bugs web services

2015-11-22 Thread Vincent Sanders
We have been informed that the bugs and CI service will be restarted
once again Sunday 22nd of November to address some hardware problems
discovered after the previous data centre issues.

Unfortunately there is little NetSurf can do to mitigate these issues
at this time without spending a great deal more money each year on
generally unused redundant services which would not be the wisest way to
use the donations our users give.

I hope this will be the last disruption for a while and once complete
I will be seeking a full explanation to relay to you all.

Regards Vincent

CI and bugs web services

2015-11-19 Thread Vincent Sanders
These services are dependant on systems hosted for us (at great
discount) by Mythic Beasts[1] for which we are grateful for their
continuing support.

However they have notified us that the ongoing issues with their
datacentre supplier[2], outside of their control[3], are likely to
result in these systems being restarted and possibly becoming
unavailable during the weekend.

Please can you bear with us while these issues are resolved.

Note that services hosted by Pepperfish (source and mailing lists) and
Collabora (CI and bugs backend services) remain unaffected.


Regards Vincent

Re: Patch to make Javascript writeln() work (attempt 3)

2015-10-01 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 09:36:41PM +0100, Dave Higton wrote:
> This patch to Document/bnd makes the Javascript writeln() function
> work as well as write().  This version inserts "\n", which seems
> to be what the language requires.   was wrong.


Regards Vincent

Re: toolchains: branch master updated. a47ec59181b5d5f7588f75517cb5c2b95ff22e08

2015-09-01 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, Sep 01, 2015 at 12:34:31AM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Aug 2015 23:16:49 +0100, Commit Mailer wibbled on for an age:
> > commitdiff 
> >
> > commit a71589395ea15a9652d0a8785af5f6d18d9b79a8
> > Author: Chris Young 
> > Commit: Chris Young 
> > 
> > Update to SDK 53.29
> Please can somebody kick off a rebuild of the ppc-amigaos toolchain -
> NetSurf will be needing the new SDK at some point soon.

I caused this to occour this morning followed by a rebuild, netsurf is
now failing to build.

> Thanks
> Chris

Regards Vincent

Revenge of the disc cache

2015-03-31 Thread Vincent Sanders
The disc cache has proved problematic on some operating systems where
disc operations are slow.

After a great deal of testing and benchmarking it has been determined
the principle slowdown on many of these platforms comes from the
system overheads creating the forest of directories and small files
that hold the cached data.

This overhead when coupled with the very slow synchronous write out of
some operating systems (like RISC OS) causes the slow writer message
and cache disablement to occur.

In an attempt to address this I have recently reworked the handling of
small files within the cache. There are now a small number of
relatively large files into which all small objects are placed. This
has resulted in the majority of objects (70%) being held in these blocks
rather than in separate files on disk.

The resulting cache directories have a correspondingly smaller number
of files and directories within them and should (I hope) exhibit
greatly superior performance.

Of course all this is theoretical and it may not help at all, my
previous attempts at improving this situation have not been very

There is one drawback, the new scheme has changed the cache layout in
an incompatible way. While this will not be an issue at run time and
the cache will reinitialise itself at first start of CI builds after
#2688 it will leave the entire contents of any old cache behind and
never expire data from it. Therefore I advise the removal of the
contents of the NetSurf cache before running any of these CI builds.

Regards Vincent

Re: KEY_* to NETSURF_KEY_* change

2015-03-27 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 08:25:56PM +0100, Witold Filipczyk wrote:
 Here is with the NS_ prefix.

Applied, thanks for that.

Regards Vincent

Re: [RFC] Bug 2182--revised patch

2015-03-17 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 05:38:54PM +, David Gee wrote:
 Attached is a revised patch for bug 2182. This time with more detailed
 comments. Hope this is suitable and in the correct format.

Pretty close. I just had to tweak your first line to be the summary

As i heard nothing from anyone else saying nooo I
commited it, assigned you the bug and resolved it.

 David Gee

Regards Vincent

Re: Bug 2182 (revised patch--please ignore previous email)

2015-03-15 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 09:12:40PM +, David Gee wrote:
 The patch attached to my previous email contained an error. Somehow I'd
 inadvertently removed the 'x' from an xwimp call which I didn't intend
 to change.

The general (hand wave) way to mark such please give feedback patches
is to have [RFC] at the beginning of the subject, that way they are
easy to identify and you attract review comments without any danger of
the patch actually being applied.

It is also generally good etiquette to add [PATCH] if it is a patch you
actually want committed and [PULL] for git pull requests.

For some good hints on patch submission the Linux kernel
SubmittingPatches [1] document is a reasonable start. Though you can
skip all the sign off stuff, I mention it purely as a reasonable guide
(and in fact now I think about it I shall write one for NetSurf

Until the developers get used to you submitting patches (and
eventually grant you commit access) we are going to be a bit wary of
applying these changes without at least a couple of other people
chiming in with yeah that looks OK and or that works for me given
this is for RISC OS if Steve F says yes I will immediately apply it,
otherwise I am looking for confidence it fixes an issue without
introducing more.

Do you have a bug tracker login? [2] if so please let me know what it
is so i can elevate it to developer level. You will then be able to
get bugs assigned to you which should stop conflicts and show other
developers you are working on a bug.

 I've used git to revert the changes and then (once again) removed the
 xwimp_create_menu(WIMP_CLOSE_MENU,0,0) call from
 ro_gui_send_datasave--the change I originally intended to make. So the
 patch attached here should be sufficient on its own.
 Thanks to Jeremy Nicoll for pointing this out.
 David Gee

 From 43889fdbc04b88b208ac676186d0773d3ffa4715 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
 From: David Gee
 Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 20:28:49 +
 Subject: [PATCH] Change to save.c so menu tree is not needlessly collapsed on

your subject could do with a bit of work. I hope you do not mind the
feedback it is supposed to be positive and make applying your changes
easier for us.

You do not need to mention the source files changed, that comes from
the patch itself and we know it changes something ;-) This can take a
while to get used to but perhaps something like:

Subject: [PATCH] Stop RISC OS menu tree being closed on a datasave message.

and then a newline and then a brief paragraph explaining the logic
behind the change. See some of my commits like [3]

Sometimes the short summary is enough for simple changes but it is
good practice to get into the habit of doing it right when you are

  riscos/save.c | 2 +-
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 diff --git a/riscos/save.c b/riscos/save.c
 index b5d96c4..c4fd839 100644
 --- a/riscos/save.c
 +++ b/riscos/save.c
 @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ void ro_gui_send_datasave(gui_save_type save_type,
   /* Close the save window because otherwise we need two contexts
 - xwimp_create_menu(wimp_CLOSE_MENU, 0, 0);
   if (ro_message_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE_RECORDED, 


Regards Vincent

Re: netsurf: branch release/3.3 created. release/3.2-758-g3c228f1

2015-03-10 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 02:22:11PM +, Chris Young wrote:
 On 10 March 2015 13:54:12 GMT+00:00, NetSurf Browser Project wrote:
 +const char * const netsurf_version = 3.3 (10th MArch 2015);
 You have a typo here.

Thanks chris, sigh


Regards Vincent

3.3 release, last call for fixes

2015-02-28 Thread Vincent Sanders
Any developers with important fixes please commit them. If you have a
reason to call a hold on the release please also yell RSN.

Bug tracker has 2270 and 2228 tagged for this release, I intend to
push these tags to 3.4 instead

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

Re: Mantis signup not working

2015-01-22 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 11:43:27PM +, Chris Young wrote:
 It has been reported to me (and I've confirmed here) that signing up
 for an account on the bugtracker results in the following error:
 | Session variable captcha_key not found.
 I've tried NetSurf and Firefox with the same result.

Thanks Chris, this was due to

I applied the fix on our mantis and created an account. I think that is
back to working now?

Regards Vincent

Re: m68k amigaos toolchain

2014-12-24 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 09:47:14PM +, Chris Young wrote:
 On 20 Dec 2014 20:52:25 +, Chris Young wrote:
  Furthermore, there's something broken in the compiler as
  everything it builds causes a system freeze on exit.
 I suspect this is down to the version of gcc being used.  Everybody
 seems to be stuck on 2.95 still, and the only other version I've seen
 in use for m68k-amigaos is 3.4 (along with notes saying it doesn't
 generate as good 68k code compared to 2.95)

as we discovered with beos, gcc 2.95 support is a bit hit and
miss. Though I beleive the main issue there was g++, even so I fear
2.95 is too primative and is almost 14 years old at this point.

 There are loads of patches here:
 There are an excessive number and I have no idea which are relevant.

That is terrifying, I really do think that if they want continuing
compiler support they need to look at a modern gcc version or a clang

Alas wishing does not make it so, being pragmatic, if there is a
cannonical cross toolchain for the target I might be persuaded to
put it on the CI as long as we can package it under /opt/netsurf
correctly so builds are repeatbale. I dislike this a lot but if it is
the only way...

 I've pushed the patches to make libcurl build as a pure clib2 library,
 so the SDK at least completes.

Excellent, thanks for that. I pushed the rebuild on the CI so we
should be able to get a build through in an hour or so. I also enabled
the target for most of the libraries, as expected the netsurf build
itself does not yet work but when you are ready let me know whats
needed and I will turn it on.


Regards Vincent

m68k amigaos toolchain

2014-12-20 Thread Vincent Sanders
I have attempted to get the m68k-unknown-amigaos toolchain up so i can
get the CI system building for the target[1]. I managed to get the
main toolchain building once I fixed the already known issues with gmp
and autoconf versioning (applied the same fixes we already had for the
ppc-amigaos toolchain)

I have unfortunately failed to make the SDK build. libcurl is failing
because of a missing include. This can be seen in the CI systems build
log [2] If someone knows the answer to this please can they apply it
to the toolchains repo and let me know. Once this is working I will
sort out adding this target to the libs and netsurf.



Regards Vincent

Re: netsurf: branch master updated. release/3.2-500-gd08acbc

2014-12-04 Thread Vincent Sanders
snip other discussion which i have not addressed

 The disk cache throughput should be measured against network
 throughput, not against some arbitrary ideal.  I'd argue that it
 shouldn't be disabling itself based on one bad result either, which is
 what is happening here.

Eventually I will add the network fetch bandwidth measurement, however
as has been discovered it was hard enough to manage this in the
backing store code so I have not done this yet.

However I have changed the disabling test to be scheduled 100 time
quanta in the future when a single write goes slow and then check
against the overall write bandwidth so the low bandwidth writes must
occur over a substantial time period before we disable the cache now
instead of just a single event.

Hope that addresses the lumpy nature of writeouts causing spurious
backing store disables.

Regards Vincent

Re: netsurf: branch master updated. release/3.2-500-gd08acbc

2014-11-30 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 01:40:47PM +, Chris Young wrote:
 On Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:57:22 +, Commit Mailer wibbled on for an age:
  correctly calculate writeout bandwidth and properly impose limits
 Is this really right?
 (22.696681) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2414: Wrote 884 bytes in 225ms 
 (22.696759) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2420: Overran timeslot
 (22.696828) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2426: Cannot write minimum 
 (22.697699) amiga/misc.c ami_misc_req 51: Disc cache write bandwidth is too 
 slow to be useful, disabling cache

well under 4000 bytes a second is so slow that it is not useful. The
disc caching really needs to be several multiples of the network
conenction speed to be useful. Although the minimum bandwidth setting
is a passe din parameter and you can chnage the default value in
desktop/netsurf.c to experiment.

 (22.497406) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2414: Wrote 1480 bytes in 114ms 
 (22.497485) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2420: Overran timeslot
 (22.497549) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2426: Cannot write minimum 
 (22.497751) amiga/misc.c ami_misc_req 51: Disc cache write bandwidth is too 
 slow to be useful, disabling cache
 (16.366240) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2414: Wrote 3931 bytes in 263ms 
 (16.366319) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2420: Overran timeslot
 (16.366384) content/llcache.c llcache_persist 2426: Cannot write minimum 
 (16.366585) amiga/misc.c ami_misc_req 51: Disc cache write bandwidth is too 
 slow to be useful, disabling cache
 Even if I spawn it off to another process (so store returns
 immediately) I still get the not enough bandwidth message.

Is it possible that your implementation of a milisecond monotonic
counter in libnsutils is problematic? If it is returning microseconds
instead of miliseconds that would cause this erroneus behaviour.


Regards Vincent

Library change

2014-11-14 Thread Vincent Sanders
I have just split the utf8proc library out from the NetSurf utils
directory into a core conveniance library (libutf8proc).

The only impact this will have for most of us is that the
script should be updated to the latest one and ns-clone;
ns-pull-install run before trying to build netsurf itself.

The new libutf8proc library [1] is a simple checkin of the 1.1.6
public software group library converted to use the core library build
system. There is one additional change added which exposes the
normalise capability of the library.

In future this should allow us to update this library to new upstream
releases with a clear separation from the main NetSurf codebase.


Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

3.2 Release

2014-08-18 Thread Vincent Sanders
We have made some significant cleanups and feature improvements to the
master branch since the 3.1 release including a significant number of
fixes for crash causing problems.

As there are currently no large feature merges outstanding and Daniel
and myself triaged and fixed numerous bugs recently this seems like a
suitable time to create a 3.2 release.

As this is principally a bug fix release and the only user visible
change is the persistent object cache I see no reason for an extended
test period. I will be making the release by the end of the month,
probably Saturday 23rd.

The 3.2 roadmap on the issue tracker [1] only shows two issues tagged
for this release one of which I intend to address immediately, the
other may get ignored if nobody addresses it.

I would like to raise the issue that the RISC OS frontend has received
minimal bug fixing this release cycle as Steve Fryatt has been unable
to dedicate much time recently. There are over twenty RISC OS specific
issues outstanding and I would be delighted if someone could provide
fixes for any of these.


Regards Vincent

Bugs everywhere!

2014-07-07 Thread Vincent Sanders
It has come to my attention that our bug tracker is working well, alas
this also reveals we are, on average, gaining a new bug every day
right now. 

Can I make a plea to other developers to try and address some bugs in
the forthcoming weeks? I was looking to make a 3.2 release soon to
include all the recent improvements but we are not in plausible
release state.

Regards Vincent

Re: netsurf: branch master updated. release/3.1-312-geccfdec

2014-07-04 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 11:49:22PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 On Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:05:23 +0100, Michael Drake wrote:
   Wait for network activity instead of polling.
  I'd be interested to know if that made any noticeable difference to page
  load times.  e.g. for BBC News homepage.
 None whatsoever.

I would not have expected it to impact load times significantly unless
you were pulling web pages from a very fast local web server.

Polling every 10ms is probably capable of dealing with all the data a
home internet link is capable of delivering

The fdset function will mainly improve responsiveness as NetSurf does
not need to poll the fetchers unecessarily. On slow connections
instead of polling the fetchers 100 times a second for data that
simply has not arrived yet it will instead only use processor when
data is available to process.

 I even did a quick test with three pages:
  | CI#1995 | CI#1996   |   6.1s  |   6.0s|   3.5s  |   3.4s |   4.8s  |   5.1s
 Entirely non-scientific, but it doesn't seem any faster.  They are
 both significantly quicker than the values in the screenshots on the
 NetSurf site though. :)

we should update those then ;-)

fyi GTK port on my laptop (at work with 200Mbit) connection completes in 0.8s using fdset, and 1.9s using polled (no cache)

 I'm hoping it is stopping NetSurf taking processor time away from
 other tasks.

Thats exactly what it will be doing, if there is any to spare ;-)


Regards Vincent

Re: Object fetchers moved to scheduled operation

2014-07-02 Thread Vincent Sanders
 Seems to work on Haiku.

good to hear

 Btw, straight from select(2) manpage:
 nfds is the highest-numbered file descriptor in any of the three sets,
 plus 1.
 So the @todo is solved :D

I fear one of us is misunderstanding.

The fetcher_fdset() api will return an fd set and the number of the
highest used fd in that set for example if the returned set has
4,5,7,8,9 in it the max_fd variable will be 9.

if your sEventPipe[0] is (as an example) fd 6 then the select in this
case wants to see an fdset with 4,5,6,7,8,9 in it and nfds as 10
(i.e. 9 + 1)

Surely that means the todo was asking if the max_fd needed 1 adding to
it inside the MAX statement? a sit stands in my example nfds will be
passed to select as 9 not 10? and actually it would better read as:

max_fd = MAX(max_fd, sEventPipe[0]) + 1;

though that would mean we are reusing max_fd instead of having a
separate nfds which is a bit dirty but understandable.

Perhaps I have misunderstood though. this is why it was left as a todo
for the maintainer, though even if it is wrong at worst the browser
waits a second for the polling to resume so its not a big deal.

Regards Vincent

Re: Object fetchers moved to scheduled operation

2014-07-02 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 05:36:09PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 I'm missing a load of emails so I've had to manually copy this from
 the archive to reply to it, so apologies for thread breakage.

no worries, just FYI i received a bounce from your email earlier when
I posted the reply.

 Vincent Sanders wrote:
  As an *extension* fetcher_fdset() exists. This allows a frontend to
  obtain a set of file descriptors the fetchers are using. The
  frontend may then wait for activity on those file descriptors in
  addition to events from the windowing system. Thus only servicing
  the fetchers when there is activity.
 OK, that sounds useful.  I should be able to use that.

Cool, if you need any more help just let me know.

  The fetch servicing occurs specifically when fetcher_fdset() is
  called. In addition the polling is rescheduled to a long time in
  the future (currently a second) rather than cancelled altogether.
 Just as an aside, I notice this does a schedule for 1s every time it
 is called.  Should the schedule code be ignoring/rescheduling/deleting
 events that are the same?  As if this is scheduling a lot of events
 for 1s in the future, after a second all those events are going to
 fire, which is nearly as bad as polling?  Or is there a deletion of
 the pending event happening somewhere that I've overlooked?

I think I properly documented these API as part of the great operation
table rework.

Ah yes
desktop/gui.h:453 has the API docs, the relevant bit is:

 * Additional calls with the same callback and user parameter will
 * reset the callback time to the newly specified value.

  I should be able to check the reformat one tonight, would have done
  so yesterday but my Internet was playing up and (possibly
  this email account wasn't receiving messages - so I didn't see it
  until this morning.
  Thats fine, that one I am a bit suspect of, hence the not merging
 Seems to be working fine, although I'm not entirely sure what triggers
 a reformat event (other than me manually resizing the window, which
 might not go the same route), so maybe something is broken and I just
 don't know it yet!

scale changes are the main reason, although gtk uses it when the debug
rendering is turned on too.

If noone else has any objections I will merge this tonight then.

Regards Vincent

Moving reformat to scheduled operation

2014-07-01 Thread Vincent Sanders
The final remaining operation performed within the frontends dispatch
loop is that of pending reformats.

The reformat call differs from the redraw in that it is used when a
browser windows scale or extents changes.

The current operation is to set the browser_reformat_pending global to
signal one or more browser_windows required updating and then each
browser window has its own flag which must be checked.

This was ineficient as the frontends had to check every browser window
even if only one required reformatting and broke our data hiding model
for browser_window meaning we had to expose browser_window internals
all over the codebase.

I have a branch vince/reformatpending which changes this to being a
scheduled callback and reduces the frontend involvment to providing a
single callback entry in the window operation table. 

This has revealed some dreadful code in many areas including several
frontends that never do anything with the flag at all!

Because of this this change is much more invasive and alters behaviour
in frontends I could not test. I would appreciate frontend maintainers
(I have tested/fixed gtk/framebuffer/monkey and riscos) trying this
branch and giving feedback before I commit it. 

Especialy Chris Young on amiga where my changes are untested and I
fear I may have broken the frontend altogether (sorry Chris)

Hopefully this is the end of the road with these type of changes, my
next is to remove the poll entry and let frontends run the main loop

Regards Vincent

Re: Persistant disc cache

2014-06-09 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sun, Jun 08, 2014 at 05:45:17PM +0100, Steve Fryatt wrote:
 On 5 Jun, Vincent Sanders wrote in message
  The amount of disc used for this cache is selected using the
  disc_cache_size option in the choices file. The RISC OS frontend does not
  currently have a user interface to set this value.
 It does now (or it will soon; I've just spotted disc_cache_age, which
 probably needs a field as well).

Indeed, although disc_cache_age is not implemented right now, there is
provision within the new system to allow for it. It will mean objects
that have not been used older than this value will be discarded
preventing the disc cache from filling with old files no longer
used. This is in addition to them being discarded when the cache size
limit is exceeded.

  The cache value is number of bytes to use on disc and a value of 0 will
  disable the cache completely. The default value is set to a gigabyte.
 Apologies if I'm missing something, but does disc_cache_size really want to
 be a signed int? It goes negative before you get to a 2GB cache (on RISC OS,
 at least), which seems a little close to the 1GB default.

You were quite right, changed the option to an unsigned int so its now 

 I don't know if this upsets the underlying cache, but I've limited the
 RISC OS GUI to 2047MB for now.

Underlying cache does calculations in size_t (unsigned 32bit on RISC
OS) so should be fine.

 Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England

Regards Vincent

Re: reworked web search

2014-05-30 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 06:38:10PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 On Tue, 27 May 2014 11:06:20 +0100, Vincent Sanders wrote:
  May I ask if (aside from the dumb mistakes) the feature is working as
  expected now? It ought to have removed any delays if the network was
  unable to fetch the search providers icons and made the whole thing
  more robust.
 It seems fine, other than not picking up the icon on some occasions. 
 Actually, I had a thought about that - is it fetching, and not
 notifying the frontend when the new icon is ready?

OK done some debugging on gtk and it is always notifying. However I
have discovered something very aggrivating:

 - At initialisation it is setting the provider name with null bitmap.

 - The cache then quickly supplies the provider icon and that fecth
   completes, the callback is called with the provider name and bitmap.

 - The default icon fetch then completes and it sets the provider
   bitmap back to the default.

I am currently trying to figure how to stop the default icon fetch
overriding the correct provider image.

Regards Vincent

Re: reworked web search

2014-05-27 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 03:12:01PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 On Sun, 25 May 2014 11:32:42 +0100, Vincent Sanders wrote:
   The search is behaving oddly - I'm getting two (and always two)
   garbage characters on the end of my search string.  So, if I search
   for netsurf on Google I get something like:
  hmm. that is strange (honest i did test this with the gtk frontend!)
  is this soemthing to do with how the search term is extracted on
  amiga? search_web_omni() is supposed to take the search term it is
  given and substitute it into the search url.
 I've fixed it, the URL wasn't getting NULL-terminated.  I guess on
 your test platform the memory allocation was zeroed, but here it

Thankyou very much Chris!. Dumb error on my part, sorry about

May I ask if (aside from the dumb mistakes) the feature is working as
expected now? It ought to have removed any delays if the network was
unable to fetch the search providers icons and made the whole thing
more robust.

I do not know if you are aware of the search_url_bar boolean option
which is supposed to control search behaviour on input to the
search_web_omni() operation. 

The heuristics for deciding if a search term is a url are still a
little inadequate but I am working on them. This should eventually
allow us to have a url bar which mostly does the right thing and
perhaps a simple additional button for search for this term, do not
try to interpret as a url

Regards Vincent

Re: reworked web search

2014-05-27 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 10:34:59AM +0100, Steve Fryatt wrote:
 On 25 May, Vincent Sanders wrote in message
  I have completely reworked the web search functionality in the core of the
  browser. The new API is much simpler and robust. Currently only two
  frontends (GTK and Amiga) use the functionality but I hope now that it is
  so much simpler to use other maintainers might implement it for their
 Is this the search field in the toolbar? For some reason I'd got the idea
 from discussions on here or IRC that it had been deprecated, which is why I
 never bothered to implement it on RISC OS. The main reason for re-writing
 the toolbar code was to make it easier to add stuff like this (and tabs, of
 I'll have another look, time permitting.

This was more a combination of utterly awful code and API previously
coupled with the idea we could simply make the url bar input much
smarter about search without having a separate search input consuming
space in the toolbar.

I just explained in the reply to Chris how that might work. If i can
work out a clean way to do this I will be extending the GTK UI to make
the search input box toggle appearance alongside the search_url_bar

Thus you would be able to type urls and search terms into the single
url bar and simply have it do the right thing (a bit like chrome or

Regards Vincent

Re: reworked web search

2014-05-25 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 10:44:54AM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 On Sun, 25 May 2014 10:11:39 +0100, Vincent Sanders wrote:
  On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 09:59:30AM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
   On Sun, 25 May 2014 01:10:56 +0100, Vincent Sanders wrote:
I have fixed up both GTK and Amiga usage (apologies to chrisy if I
made an error in amiga)
   I have no icon and attempting to search results in an InitFailed
   error message.  Any ideas?
  This will stem from the search_web_init() not suceeding or being
  called at all. It should be called once in the initialisation process
  preferably after the fetchers have been initialised (after
  netsurf_init). However I thought i did this already for amiga.
 Fixed, thanks.
 The search is behaving oddly - I'm getting two (and always two)
 garbage characters on the end of my search string.  So, if I search
 for netsurf on Google I get something like:

hmm. that is strange (honest i did test this with the gtk frontend!)
is this soemthing to do with how the search term is extracted on
amiga? search_web_omni() is supposed to take the search term it is
given and substitute it into the search url.

It may be worth adding logging of the pass term and the search url in
search_web_omni() to check where the problem lies.

It is possible that the code that parses the loaded search providers
file (in desktop/searchweb.c) is not parsing the search provider urls
correctly, although it is doing simple strchr calls using | as a field
separator which ought to be more robust than the previous code.

  There may be an issue with retrieving the default icon (now done
  through a standard resource:default.ico fetch) I thought the init
  should cope with not having access to the icon but I may be mistaken.
 Don't know, but I've mapped it across now.  It seems to be using the
 default icon at startup some of the time, so there's some odd timing
 issue there.

The way this is supposed to operate now is that on initialisation the
resource:default.ico is fetched. Whenever a new provider is selected
with a call to search_web_select_provider() the provider_update
callback is called. 

If the providers icon has not already been fetched a fetch is started
and the default bitmap is passed to the callback, once the provider
icon fetch successfully completes the callback is again called to
update with the new bitmap.


Regards Vincent

reworked web search

2014-05-24 Thread Vincent Sanders
I have completely reworked the web search functionality in the core of
the browser. The new API is much simpler and robust. Currently only
two frontends (GTK and Amiga) use the functionality but I hope now
that it is so much simpler to use other maintainers might implement it
for their frontends.

I have fixed up both GTK and Amiga usage (apologies to chrisy if I
made an error in amiga) and the GTK frontend search from the url bar
functionality now actually works (set in preferences)

Regards Vincent

Re: netsurf: branch master updated. release/3.1-59-g1a3ee60

2014-05-16 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 06:28:20PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 Hi Vince
  add strptime compatability
 str(p|f)time %s appears to be a non-standard extension.  Certainly
 it doesn't work here, and I can't see it in any documentation.  It
 might be better to use %c, even though that needs a bit more storage
 space, or just use your compatibility functions for all platforms.

Right, I added 


which declares and documents

nserror nsc_snptimet(char *str, size_t size, time_t *timep);
int nsc_sntimet(char *str, size_t size, time_t *timep);

Hope thats acceptable to everyone. They use the troublesome
str(p|f)time on unix where present and less correct methods

Printing and reading time_t directly appears to be a bit of a missing
bit of the specification, hence the non-standard extensions.


Regards Vincent

Re: netsurf: branch master updated. release/3.1-59-g1a3ee60

2014-05-13 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 06:28:20PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 Hi Vince
  add strptime compatability
 str(p|f)time %s appears to be a non-standard extension.  Certainly
 it doesn't work here, and I can't see it in any documentation.  It
 might be better to use %c, even though that needs a bit more storage
 space, or just use your compatibility functions for all platforms.

right, ok, its an extension available on most unix systems (where i
tested it) but as it appears not to be portable I will indeed create
and use some helpers.

The main problem is that there is no format specifier for printf() for
time_t so it will get a bit ugly, cannot be helped I guess.


Regards Vincent

Core browser functionality

2014-05-09 Thread Vincent Sanders
As you will all no doubt have noticed I have been splitting the
browsers core functionality out from the front ends. The evantual aim
of this work is to be in a position to have a browser library around
which frontends can implement a browser suitable for their platform.

The functionality falls broadly into these catagories:

1) library type functionality which each frontend can use to perform
   actions (like nsurl for handling urls and message code for handling
   internationalised strings) which is mainly provided in the utils

2) Core browser functionality which provides everything from the
   fetchers to the renderer.

3) Operations the core code requires the frontend provide. These are
   accessed through an operations table which is currently initialised as
   part of gui_init()

4) Frontend code.

My work so far has mainly been in the third area, but I am considering
all but the frontend code in this discussion.
I would like to start moving functionality out of the netsurf project
and into a core library. I think I have progressed the refactoring
work far enough that this is a useful thing to start.

To be clear this is *purely* a reorganisation of code. The new library
would remain licenced as now (GPL v2+openssl exception, unlike our
other libraries which are MIT) and all functionality would remain

The new library would use the core buildsystem however and be built as
part of the CI system.

The aim here is to have a clear identifiable boundary between what is
frontend code (which will remian in the netsurf project as now) and
what is core browser.

This move would emphaticaly *not* be an instant change, more a gradual
movement of functionality as it becomes clear where it belongs.

My first addition would probably be to move the gui_factory operation
table functionality and cause it to be used for the ns_register() very
early in all the frontends main() which should remove some of teh
issues ChrisY has experienced as fallout from my rcent refactors.

I want to get input on this from everyone, especailly from Chris and
Steve who have put up with my breaking their frontends with my
refactors and with whom I do not get to communicate with a great deal
on these things.

If we decide this split is a good idea I want to decide the library
name as well. If we follow the existing netsurf support library
convention it would be called libns and all exported functions would
be prefixed with ns_ 

This name fits reasonably well except it is a bit close to cocoa
library naming where everything is prefixed with NS (for nextstep),
This does not conflict (as nsurl etc. currently show) but might be

Other options are libnscore and libnsbrowser. However please remember
we prefix all exported functions with that name so nscore_ and
nsbrowser_ are a bit long. e.g. nsurl_ctreate() becomes nscore_url_create()

This is intended as a discussion start, if you are a current committer
please do comment!

Regards Vincent

Re: [PATCH] Encode non-ASCII hosts according to IDNA2008

2014-03-18 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 09:33:50PM +0100, John Tytgat wrote:
 In message
   Vincent Sanders wrote:
  Also there is no pkg-config file which makes runtime detection a pain,
  the author seems disinclined to add such a file either as autoconf
  obviously does not require them and being a GNU project he follows the
  one true GNU way.
 autoconf is pretty orthogonal to what pkg-config offers.  You can easily
 use a pkg-config published library in an autoconf project.  And it is
 easy to support pkg-config in an autoconf based project as well.
 One should not exclude the other, they are complementing each other.

Indeed they can.

 I don't see why one couldn't consider upstreaming a pkg-config support
 patch to libidn2 project.

Ah, you perhaps misunderstood me, libidn2 is developed by developers
who follow the GNU project guidelines. 

When I gently introduced the idea of having a pkg-config to them It
was explained robustly in return by them that one should use autoconf
to achive build time config not use pkg-config.

It was futher suggested that this is GNU projects default position and
then there were some questioning of my personal sanity and other such

I decided not to persue the matter futher as this was just a minor
part of my overall unease with relying on an additional external

The objections are borne from multiple concerns rather than any single

 John Tytgat

Regards Vincent

Re: [PATCH] Encode non-ASCII hosts according to IDNA2008

2014-03-17 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 03:42:34PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 This is my attempt at adding IDNA2008 support.  It is in branch
 chris/idn-punycode (this is a condensed version but same as HEAD

hi chris, thanks for taking a look at this, just fyi there is a
holding bug for this:

overall I like the feature and there do not seem to be many problems
with your approach of simply leaving it up to the frontends to
decide if they should display the punycode raw or convert back to
their own display format.

 I've used libidn2 because it fully conforms to the spec, although I
 can see there may be a benefit to not using an external library for
 this.  libidn2 seems to build cleanly with no patches on OS4 so I
 don't envisage any major problems elsewhere, however I've made it
 optional for now.

This is where it becomes a bit awkward. Using an external library gets
us a working conformant implementation but at the cost of another
build dependency.

Having looked at the libidn2 code, there are only a handful of actual
source files (not sure you even use all of the API either) and they
are vastly outnumbered by the autoconf etc. and an embedded copy of
gnulib, which is actually the problem. 

gnulib is duplication of a lot of what we have in netsurf already and
seems a large burden for such a small implementation.

Also there is no pkg-config file which makes runtime detection a pain,
the author seems disinclined to add such a file either as autoconf
obviously does not require them and being a GNU project he follows the
one true GNU way.

 As I've put it in nsurl_create the non-ASCII hosts are automatically
 handled everywhere in NetSurf, and are passed back to the frontend as
 the punycode version so there should be no weird problems with
 frontend string gadgets not supporting UTF-8.

seemed sensible

 I've tested the Amiga and GTK frontends and things like www.bü
 are handled correctly when typed in or clicked.  Other frontends may
 need to ensure any URLs typed in are passed as UTF-8.

it does indeed work, all urls getting converted to the punycode format
for display currently.

Overall I like the feature, hell if it were not for libidn2 I would
have already merged it. Perhaps someone else has an opinion better
thought through than mine.

Regards Vincent

Re: Curl threaded resolver

2014-02-09 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sun, Feb 09, 2014 at 11:00:17AM +, Chris Young wrote:
 I've finally managed to get a working patch for libcurl's threaded DNS
 resolver, so I've updated the ppc-amigaos toolchain.
 If somebody can give Jenkins a prod so it rebuilds the ppc-amigaos
 toolchain that'd be great. :)

And the monkey flipped the switch ;-) should be done in about 50minutes


Regards Vincent

Your bugs in the tracker

2014-02-09 Thread Vincent Sanders
Can anyone who has an open bugs in our tracker [1] please go and review
your reports. 

We have almost 200 outstanding bugs and it is very hard keeping on top
of them. An number of older bugs are awaiting feedback from the
reporter or no longer apply to current versions.

If you have a bug like this please, please assist us by replying with
requested feedback or adding a note that simply says if the issue is
still reproducible. We are trying to get on top of the bugs for the
next release bug your assistance is appreciated.

As previously mentioned all old accounts and bugs have been imported
from sourceforge but if you no longer remember your user name, have
access to your sourceforge email or other issues logging in just
contact us [2] (please no direct email as it will just add work for us
forwarding it to the role address).

[1] (select Reported 
by Me link)

Regards Vincent

Refactoring gui interface

2014-02-02 Thread Vincent Sanders
I have recently put a lot of effort into refactoring the interface
between the core and the front ends (gui)

This is the first step along the road to making the core of netsurf a
library that the front end toolkits can use as a widget.

All this is in an effort to make the required implementation for a
front end toolkit much more obvious and to remove many years of
accumulated cruft in the interfaces. It will also mean that in future
adding or altering an interface will mean modifying every front end
will be done in an obvious place.

When the core requires operations to be performed by the frontend they
are almost all now performed through a single table interface. This
table is passed to the netsurf_init() call every frontend makes.

The table comprises of a set of structures containing function
pointers. The change has absolutely no performance implications, the
same number of function calls are made and the same parameters are
passed as before.

Going forward some of these interfaces may be improved especially in
the area of error reporting (many of the operations currently have no
way of indicating an error)

I would like to ask all front end maintainers to consider their use of
the desktop/gui.h header. Previously it caused a great number of
additional headers, both system and local, to be included. 

The header now has the absolute minimum number of inclusions to ensure
the types for the tables are available and nothing more. 

I have cleaned up a great number of incorrect includes but I would
like to reduce this headers usage to the absolute minimum to make
ongoing cleanups have fewer unexpected side effects.

It should *only* be used by front ends when using the gui tables,
probably only from the modules actually implementing them. Currently
there are a number of frontend headers which it appears include
desktop/gui.h unnecessarily, these are:


If maintainers could remove any unnecessary includes from these headers
(and indeed anywhere else) it would be very helpful. The documentation
[1] on desktop/gui.h makes the current situation pretty clear.

There are now only a handful of remaining operations not in the gui
table. The known ones are:


Though there appears to be font render operations in an alternate
interface which may warrant being merged. 

If anyone spots any more can they let me know


Regards Vincent

Re: Long URLs on RISC OS

2014-01-31 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 11:51:34PM +, Steve Fryatt wrote:
 On 30 Jan, Daniel Silverstone wrote in message
  On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 15:44:17 +, Steve Fryatt wrote:
   PS: Should I be deleting my branches once they're merged? If so, what's
   the preferred way to do it?
  Yes, [...]
 Thanks -- I've tidied up after myself now.

I merged your menus branch again, so assuming the merge was correct
you can remove that too.

Regards Vincent

Re: RISC OS Hotlist Fixes

2014-01-01 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 05:30:52PM -, Steve Fryatt wrote:
 I've updated the RISC OS front-end to properly support the new hotlist
 tool in the URL bar (ie. handle mouse clicks, confirm before deleting
 things and provide interactive help). Because I've added some items to
 FatMessages and therefore can't push them, the changes are in a branch
 It builds and tests OK for me, so should be OK to merge in to master.

I reviewed and merged it, nice to see you commiting.

If this closes any bugs in the bugtracker can you nip and close them
not forgetting to set the fixed in version, thanks?

 The following tokens are new in FatMessages, and so could do with
 translations if anyone can help.
 The three confirmation texts are currently set to 'all' to match all the
 other similar entries in the file; they could be made 'ro' specific if
 that's considered better, although in theory they would apply to other
 front-ends implementing this functionality in the future.
 Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England

Regards Vincent

Re: Haiku fixes

2014-01-01 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sat, Dec 07, 2013 at 01:34:13AM +0100, François Revol wrote:
 I just fixed the Haiku build, well almost, however it seems the perl
 package now misses some modules, so splitting Messages fails.
 But at least the binary compiles fine now:

Merged mmu_man/haiku-fixes

The two actual core changes you needed are both harmless enough using
utility macros we already have. Did not review the changes under the
beos directory as I do not have any way to test those.

Regards Vincent

Re: Bugs, their care and stomping

2013-12-18 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 02:29:06AM +, Harriet Bazley wrote:
 On 17 Dec 2013 as I do recall,
   Vincent Sanders  wrote:
  We have created users within the new system for everyone who has
  reported a bug. For most imported users the email address used was
  their sourceforge contact address [3]
 Oh -- oops, there's two of me now, then...

Only one now, I moved all 59 of your old reports to your new user

 Harriet Bazley ==  Loyaulte me lie ==
 It is better to wear out than to rust.

Regards Vincent

NetSurf Developer Weekend

2013-12-18 Thread Vincent Sanders
Most developers already knew about this but I have just been reminded
we did not make a full public announcemnt so...

We have a develoepr wekedn coming up in January, see the wiki for

Regards Vincent

Re: Bugs, their care and stomping

2013-12-18 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 03:15:08PM +, Harriet Bazley wrote:
 On 18 Dec 2013 as I do recall,
   Vincent Sanders  wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 02:29:06AM +, Harriet Bazley wrote:
   On 17 Dec 2013 as I do recall,
 Vincent Sanders  wrote:
We have created users within the new system for everyone who has
reported a bug. For most imported users the email address used was
their sourceforge contact address [3]
   Oh -- oops, there's two of me now, then...
  Only one now, I moved all 59 of your old reports to your new user
 Thanks - could you possibly delete the old ( user,
 as I'm receiving two copies of all the notifications via the two
 different addresses?

I already did, the sourceforge adress is no longer in our database

 H. Bazley
 Wimbledon SW19   020 8543 0362

Regards Vincent

Bugs, their care and stomping

2013-12-17 Thread Vincent Sanders
The NetSurf team are pleased to announce the availability of a new bug tracker 

The new tracker uses mantis [2] software which is usable from NetSurf

This move has been necessitated because of several issues, principally:

 - The SourceForge issue tracking system has been upgraded and is now
   unusable from NetSurf
 - The advertisements on the site have become aggressively invasive
 - The reliability of the site has come into question.

We have imported the bugs from SourceForge although this has resulted
in a renumbering of identifiers (bug numbers).

We have been able to put a link back to the old sourceforge bug
numbers in the Additional Information of every imported bug.

Please do not use the SourceForge tracker for any new bugs or update
any old ones there as they will be ignored.


We have created users within the new system for everyone who has
reported a bug. For most imported users the email address used was
their sourceforge contact address [3]

The new system does not allow for anonymous issue reporting, if this
is a problem for you we thank you for your opinion but this decision
is not negotiable.

To login please use the lost password interface [4] to update your
details if you wish.

If a user needs the address associated with their account altering and
cannot access it through sourceforge please contact us [5] giving as
much information as possible (including the user id and some
reasonable argument that the account is yours - we will set the
address to where you send the mail from)

Accounts have been created manually for the many users who usefully
put their contact details within their reports, additionally their
email details have been removed from the publicly visible reports
which should reduce spam harvesting.

We assure all users we will never use the email addresses given to the
system other than to reply to their bug reports.

New and existing bugs

Updates to bugs will (by default! this is configurable for each user
[6]) result in the reporter receiving an email. If you wish to update
a bug please use the web interface, replying to the emails means a
developer has to manually copy the reply to the bug. We may reconsider
changing the reply address to refuse mail if this becomes a burden.

New reports should contain as much information as the reporter can
provide we give some guidence [7] but ultimately the more information
you provide the more likely we can reproduce the issue and the more
likely it is to get resolved.

Debugging is hard [8] please do not have unreasonably high
expectations, we did *not* intend to have the bug that you found,
please do not take it personally.

I have currently triaged just over 10% of the open bugs and will make
my way through those that remain over the forthcoming weeks. Please
understand that there are very few active developers and many open
bugs so this work goes slow.

I have to be pretty harsh in my triage and will close incomplete bugs
(especially anonymous ones) without a detailed examination. These may
be reopened by the reporter but I request that as much information is
provided as you can.

What things mean

I know some reporters are already misunderstanding what the various
fields in a report are for, especially the severity and status

Severity refers to how severe the impact is on the project overall
i.e. if the bug causes a crash in normal operation (crash severity)
and is *not* a reflection on how important the bug is (we specifically
do not have a priority field for that). To be clear the *default* of
minor means, in this context, that the bug does not make the browser
unusable for *everyone*

Status is related to the bug work flow within the netsurf team. It
starts at new when the bug is reported, gets set to feedback when we
need more information from the user or a user reopens an unresolved

The acknowledged status means a developer has at least looked at
the report but not reproduced the issue whereas confirmed shows they
have reproduced it (not the reporter, we know they managed it!).

The assigned status means that one of the developers has decided they
are the best person to fix the issue and are actively examining the
problem. We are also using the assignment to the import user as a flag
that basic triage has not yet been performed on the bug.

Finally the resolved status implies that the resolution field should
be looked at to see how the issue was resolved and the closed status
implies the developer has finished with the report and no additional
activity will be made on the issue.

[1] http://
[3] if the userid on sourceforge was kyllikki the email used was

[ i have a fix for libcss]

2013-09-10 Thread Vincent Sanders
recived in private mail, attached the patch from the url

- Forwarded message from Murat Gocmen -

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:17:49 +0100
From: Murat Gocmen
Subject: i have a fix for libcss

Hi All,

I am not even sure if somebody going to have this email, but i will try,

lately i have seen a different behaviour on border shorthand setting,

when setting border: xxx it was setting the border color value,

pathc is attached,


I have passed the css test suite border shorhand properties test via this


- End forwarded message -

Regards Vincent
diff -rupN libcss-0.2.0/src/parse/properties/utils.c
--- libcss-0.2.0/src/parse/properties/utils.c	2013-04-19 19:40:31.0 +0100
+++	2013-08-12 15:06:46.841815000 +0100
@@ -227,6 +227,14 @@ css_error css__parse_border_side(css_lan
 			goto css__parse_border_side_cleanup;
+	if (color) {
+		error = css__stylesheet_style_appendOPV(style_style,
+		if (error != CSS_OK)
+			goto css__parse_border_side_cleanup;
+	}
 	error = css__stylesheet_merge_style(result, color_style);
 	if (error != CSS_OK)
 		goto css__parse_border_side_cleanup;

Description: Digital signature

Re: Options/Choices refactor

2013-05-31 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 07:27:42PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 On Tue, 28 May 2013 19:52:13 +0100, Vincent Sanders wrote:
  This means that user options files will now only contain the options
  which differ from the defaults. This will alow us to alter the
  defaults in future and have everyones choices actually update instead
  of being overidden by old saved default values that might not be useful.
 Is there any way to modify the defaults outside of nsoption_init?
 I have to open a screen before I can set some of the values, but I
 can't open the screen until options are initialised (as the parameters
 are in there).  So I'd like to set some defaults at a later time which
 then get applied, unless of course the user has already set their own

this does sound ass backwards? like you want only some user options
set and then to initialise some defaults then to apply the rest of the
user options?

Perhaps a clearer idea of what you are trying to achive might be
useful? you may have to do a second initialisation after the first
user option load and have ther second init use the info from the

The new API is designed to be flexible. The original aim was to
completely abstract access to the options. Due to practical
constraints outlined in utils/nsoption.h this has not been possible.

For now there are no accessor functions for the default values (yeah i
know the current implementation for active options is with macros) but
you can simply use nsoptions_default[NSOPTION_option_name].value.i
directly from within your own code (or perhaps better still crate some
accessor functions(macros) in nsoption.h)

The gtk frontend has a verify_options() function in its main() that
does something similar, just remember that strings must be handled
carefully as defaults may be const and not require freeing (active
options are always allocated from heap) and only options that differ
between the default and active table will be saved.

Regards Vincent


2013-05-19 Thread Vincent Sanders
I recently had opportunity to integrate a translation platform into
the NetSurf workflow[1]. 

This integration has been performed on the transifex platform, is
complete, and does work reasonably. However without real actual
translations it is not useful.

I would like to invite anyone with translation skills to improve the
netsurf project by using this web interface to enter translations[2].

I am especially interested in any of our current developers providing
translatiopns who wish to become translation reviewers to ensure we
maintain a high quality.

The current number of translated/reviewed strings by language is:

English: 100%/100%
French: 93%/93%
Dutch: 92%/92%
German: 92%/92%
Italian: 92%/92%
Spanish: 87%/0%
Chinese: 0%/0%

The review status is purely based on the existing corpus (i.e. if it
is in the current set of translations it is considered reviwed)

The spanish translation is currently a pure machine translation
althouh we already have some volunteers from the translation community
to whom I am grateful for their input.


Regards Vincent

Mac OS X

2013-05-19 Thread Vincent Sanders
We continue to compile for the Mac OS X cocoa frontend on both PowerPC
(OS 10.5 leopard) and x86 (OS 10.6 snow leopard). The Continuous
Integration (CI) system uses two real mac mini computers[1] as build
slaves as Mac OS X cannot currently be reliably cross compiled for.

Recently the PPC CI system build slave (chimera) had a catastrophic
hard drive failure and required a complete OS and development tools
reinstall. This re-install took an extended period of time as the PPC
system is somewhat slow compared to other targets.

Generally we use SSD in our build slaves, however I was unwilling to
bear the cost of a 2.5inch PATA SSD for this system so its been
reinstalled with a reconditioned Seagate 5200 RPM drive.

The cocoa frontend currently has no maintainer and I am interested in
hearing from any actual users to give an indication as to whether it is
worth investing any additional resources on this platform. 

So any actual users or developers, please speak up now!

Note I am not asking for opinion about other considerations such as
diversity and how nice it is to have a wide range of platforms
supported, purely if there are any actual users.

If there are none I shall simply remove these targets from the CI
system on the next occasion this rather old and *very* slow hardware


Regards Vincent

Re: Tests rely on alloca()

2013-04-27 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 09:24:59PM -0600, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
 Anthony J. Bentley writes:
  Several tests use alloca() to allocate memory. But alloca() is not part of
  C99, and on OpenBSD this leads to linking errors since the NetSurf build
  system specifies -std=c99:
  LINK: build-OpenBSD-OpenBSD-release-lib-shared/test_parser
  cc -o build-OpenBSD-OpenBSD-release-lib-shared/test_parser 
  ed/ -lhubbub -g -L/usr/local/lib -liconv -L/usr/local/lib -ljson-c
  build-OpenBSD-OpenBSD-release-lib-shared/test_parser.o(.text+0x578): In 
  ion `run_test':
  test/parser.c:28: undefined reference to `alloca'
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 I've replaced these with calls to malloc():

Reviewed and applied, thanks for your work on this

 If these could be pulled into the main repositories that would be great.
 Anthony J. Bentley

Regards Vincent

Re: new Dutch translation

2013-04-25 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 07:19:04PM +0200, Simon Voortman wrote:
 Hi list,
 Where should I submit new Dutch translations?

That would be great to have. The mailing list is the best place for
translations currently. 

A diff against the FatMessages file is easiest to integrate but I can
merge by hand if thats not possible.

 Simon Voortman.

Regards Vincent

Re: Cross-Compiler Build Instructions

2012-12-17 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:24:59PM +, Steve Fryatt wrote:
 On 16 Dec, Steve Fryatt wrote in message
  I've just recreated my cross-compilation setup for NetSurf (currently on
  Ubuntu 10.04, although that's likely to be changing soon), and have been
  reading the BUILDING-ROcross documentation supplied in the Docs folder of
  the source. I'd like to update that [...]
 I've had a further think about this, and come up with the attached revision
 to the document (I've not done a patch, as it's basically a complete
 re-write of what was there before). It now refers to the new build system,
 and reflects the migration to Git.
 It's written with the assumption that readers won't be trying to use the
 same source to build for other targets at the same time (and that if they
 are, they will know what to do to make it work correctly).  I'm open to
 suggestions as to how to make it seamlessly multi-target without adding lots
 of complexity, however.
 Comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc welcome.  I can't commit it myself as
 I can't write to Docs/, but if anyone else thinks it's ready for that, feel

looks pretty complete, will have to wait on the others for a review
though as my english is notoriously bad

 Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn  RISC OS Show
  Saturday 20 April 2013

sorry I did not reply earlier, day job got in the way.

You are obviously unaware that we have put together a toolchain build
system [1], its what the CI system uses for all its toolchains

The readme covers it too but:

$ apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake autogen flex bison libtool 
texinfo help2man subversion cvs
$ git clone git://
$ make -C arm-unknown-riscos
$ GCCSDK_INSTALL_CROSSBIN=/opt/netsurf/arm-unknown-riscos/cross/bin 
GCCSDK_INSTALL_ENV=/opt/netsurf/arm-unknown-riscos/env make -C sdk

will get you a fully working toolchan and libs. Alternatively you can
just download the precompiled toolchains from the ci system


Regards Vincent

Re: nsgenbind crash

2012-11-08 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 07:18:25PM +, Chris Young wrote:
 On Thu, 8 Nov 2012 01:07:24 +, Vincent Sanders wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 10:50:04PM +, Chris Young wrote:
   On Wed, 7 Nov 2012 22:43:43 +, Vincent Sanders wrote:
the tool generates output using positional format specifiers like %1$d
which your c library apariently cannot cope with...i will change this
to normal ones for you
 Hmm, still seems to be adding $s and $d.  I don't think I'm getting as
 many errors though, so you've probably just missed one.

do not *think* so..but i could be wrong. have you made netsurf clean
and definitely regenerated with master branch nsgenbind?

  along with compatability macro magic that *might* mean 1.7
  works in mainline
  javascript/jsapi.h now has a 1.7 section which should be updated with
  stuff i got wrong ;-)
 Getting there.  I think jsapi.h is ok, but the generated window.c has
 some trace stuff in it which 1.7 doesn't like.  I can get it to
 build by commenting it out, but I'm not sure how important it is or
 what it does:
 build-amiga-amiga/window.c:27: error: expected ) before * token
 build-amiga-amiga/window.c:33: error: JSCLASS_MARK_IS_TRACE undeclared here 
 (not in a function)
 build-amiga-amiga/window.c:45: error: jsclass_mark undeclared here (not in a 
 build-amiga-amiga/window.c: In function jsapi_property_window_get:
 build-amiga-amiga/window.c:511: warning: implicit declaration of function 
 build-amiga-amiga/window.c: At top level:
 build-amiga-amiga/window.c:2479: error: expected ) before * token

This i have fixed already (I think)

 I think JS_SET_RVAL should be JSAPI_SET_RVAL though.

migt be, though some places are using the real spidermonkey macro as
its just the native function call that has changed signature every
bloody release since 1.7.0 :-(


Regards Vincent

Re: nsgenbind crash

2012-11-08 Thread Vincent Sanders
snip fixed stuff

  This i have fixed already (I think)
 Still erroring - it doesn't like the JSTracer type and
 JSCLASS_MARK_IS_TRACE.  Looks like there is a different type of
 callback for 1.7 so might need some compatibility magic there.

gah missed compat macro usage, ole pointed it out seconds before you
did, fixed now

   I think JS_SET_RVAL should be JSAPI_SET_RVAL though.
  migt be, though some places are using the real spidermonkey macro as
  its just the native function call that has changed signature every
  bloody release since 1.7.0 :-(
 Ah, 1.7 doesn't have it though.  I've added it to the jsapi.h header.

cheers, sometime i may rename JSAPI_SET_RVAL to JSAPI_FN_SET_RVAL to
make this obvious

Regards Vincent

Re: nsgenbind crash

2012-11-07 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 12:14:49AM -, Chris Young wrote:
 On Tue, November 6, 2012 10:57 pm, Vincent Sanders wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 06, 2012 at 08:22:02PM +, Chris Young wrote:
  I have to remove the trailing slash on the -I parameter to pacify
  AmigaOS (nsgenbind tries to open javascript/WebIDL//dom.idl otherwise,
  which will never work)
  ok, unix doesnt care but its no problem to have it like that
  nsgenbind -I javascript/WebIDL -d build-amiga-amiga/window.d -o
  build-amiga-amiga/window.c javascript/jsapi/window.bnd
  It then crashes with this stack trace:
  this smells of stack overflow.
 That was my first thought too, but it says it hasn't run out of stack, and
 checking with another tool it agreed that I'd assigned 500K, and shows
 that it had only ever used 1% of that by the time it crashed.

right, it was a stack smash...caused by uninitialised variable in the
parser from the webIDL Dictionary parse (should have returned NULL
instead of whatevers on the stack

  the fact it crashes on windows is a bit worrying, obviously it is just
  fine on Linux but I will continue to investigate for you.
 Thanks.  On Windows it crashes quite silently, I get the attached
 stackdump file continually updated/rewritten as it goes through the
 nsgenbind commands.  No errors are ever reported on the Shell, until gcc
 tries to read the generated files and they aren't there.

Should be fixed now, let me know 

Regards Vincent

Re: nsgenbind crash

2012-11-07 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 08:11:24PM +, Chris Young wrote:
 On Wed, 7 Nov 2012 17:53:06 +, Vincent Sanders wrote:
the fact it crashes on windows is a bit worrying, obviously it is just
fine on Linux but I will continue to investigate for you.
   Thanks.  On Windows it crashes quite silently, I get the attached
   stackdump file continually updated/rewritten as it goes through the
   nsgenbind commands.  No errors are ever reported on the Shell, until gcc
   tries to read the generated files and they aren't there.
  Should be fixed now, let me know 
 Yes, it is, thanks.


 Next problem: something isn't getting substituted in as it is supposed
 to.  I'm getting errors like the below:
  COMPILE: build-amiga-amiga/console.c
 gcc: build-amiga-amiga/build-amiga-amiga_console.o: No such file or directory
 build-amiga-amiga/console.c: In function 'jsapi_native_debug':
 build-amiga-amiga/console.c:58: error: 'JSClass_Console' undeclared (first 
 use in this function)
 build-amiga-amiga/console.c:58: error: (Each undeclared identifier is 
 reported only once
 build-amiga-amiga/console.c:58: error: for each function it appears in.)
 build-amiga-amiga/console.c:63: error: '$d' undeclared (first use in this 
 Looking through the source of console.c there is obvious wrongness:

the tool generates output using positional format specifiers like %1$d
which your c library apariently cannot cope with...i will change this
to normal ones for you

 JSClass JSClass_$s = {
   JSString *$s_jsstr = NULL;
   int $s_len = 0;
   char *$s = NULL;
 I've attached that file so you can have a look at it.

Regards Vincent

Re: nsgenbind crash

2012-11-07 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 10:50:04PM +, Chris Young wrote:
 On Wed, 7 Nov 2012 22:43:43 +, Vincent Sanders wrote:
  the tool generates output using positional format specifiers like %1$d
  which your c library apariently cannot cope with...i will change this
  to normal ones for you

commited, along with compatability macro magic that *might* mean 1.7
works in mainline

javascript/jsapi.h now has a 1.7 section which should be updated with
stuff i got wrong ;-)

 Excellent, thanks.

Regards Vincent

NetSurf Developer Workshop

2012-11-05 Thread Vincent Sanders
We held our latest developer workshop this weekend, I have written
about it on my blog[1] for those who might be interested in what we got
up to.


Regards Vincent

Re: Request for feedback

2012-10-13 Thread Vincent Sanders


  The other difference between the builds is that I always link against
  Cairo, but the cross-compilation rules aren't set up for that.
  I'll try adding them and see what happens.  I have a feeling it will
  build OK but won't run, as our version of Cairo needs libpng 1.2 and
  CI is likely to (statically) link a different version.
  It would actually be quite useful for CI to build both versions, as
  the existing one works on OS 4.0 and the Cairo build doesn't.
 Hmm, OK, it looks like Cairo isn't present, which is odd as it's part
 of the SDK.
 (NB: it needs to be the SDK version as NetSurf uses the Amiga surfaces
 code which AFAIK is only present in that one)

Hi chris

I dunno why the autobuilder sdk build does not contain cairo, possibly
because we were trying to generate builds that worked on the widest
selection of targets? 

The toolchain repo contains the build scripts/makefiles anyhow,
perhaps you can suggest a patch?

I would personally prefer if you could change NETSURF_AMIGA_USE_CAIRO
to be AUTO in Makefile.defaults and use pkgconfig selector to
enable/disable the cairo functionality. This means the build setup
will not fail if the library is not present which is whats currently
happeneing of the CI system

Let me know if you need more help with integrating this into the CI

Regards Vincent

NetSurf developer weekend

2012-09-17 Thread Vincent Sanders
The next NetSurf Developer weekend will be taking place between 2nd
and 4th November in Cambridge, UK.
The rough plan is to arrive in Cambridge on Friday afternoon/evening
meet at the venue possibly have a social meetup. Return to the meeting
rooms on Saturday and Sunday and work on NetSurf with food and snack
breaks as required.

Collabora are going to sponsor the event by providing access to their
conference rooms.

The address of the location is:

Kett House 
Station Rd 
Cambridge CB1 2JH 
United Kingdom 

Google maps ref and the location is very close
to the railway station.

For building security purposes all physical attendees *must* register
(send me an email at least a week before the event) with Name, email
and contact details.

Already Registered are:

John-Mark Bell
Daniel Silverstone
Rob Kendrick
Vincent Sanders

Assistance with accommodation is available and I have a vehicle for
collecting and dropping people off from wherever they are
staying. There are a limited number of parking spaces available at
Kett house if necessary.

If you would like to join us for what is usually a very productive and
enjoyable weekend please let me know as soon as you can.

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

Re: Patch: avoid repeated initialization/allocation of global object in js_newcompartment

2012-06-30 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 01:20:01PM +0200, Ole wrote:
 this patch tries to avoid repeated initialization of JS context,
 altough there is already one setup.
 Maybe an assert(JS_GetGlobalObject(cx) == NULL) would be better
 here, because js_newcompartment is not intended to be called twice
 on the same context?
 (fixes an failed assert in spidermonkey when reloading the page)

You have completely missed whats going on here, the code there is correct.

let me explain:

The whole browser has a single library instance known as the runtime
created with JS_NewRuntime().

Each browsing context, as defined by the DOM (in our case a browser
window - NOT to be confused with the javascript window object - they
are related but not the same) has a separate javascript context
created upon teh runtime with JS_NewContext() 

The lifetime of this context is directly coupled to the browser
window, though I have arranged delaying the creation of the context
untill the first time a fresh javascript global is created. Creating
new contexts is a relatively expensive operation so it is worth
delaying it as long as possible.

The next component is the global object, this is the javascript
window object within a browser to which all the other browser
context is attached (document, console etc. etc.) it is created with
JS_NewCompartmentAndGlobalObject(). The global is created within a

The global javascript object (and its container if supported) is
created afresh when a root content (the content which is caused to be
loaded by navigating to a new page in the browser window) aquires the
context from its containig browser window.

The loading content only does this once when it initialy comes across
a resource (script tag) which requires it to use the javascript engine
(as a side effect, if a page never uses javascript it will never ask
the browser window for a context and we avoid the overhead of creating
a fresh global).

The content *must* be given a fresh global object or the content will
not be starting from the state the previously loaded page left it!
complete with pointers to the previous DOM tree etc.

The spidermonky authors indicated that from the 1.8 series onwards the
global object is garbage collected when replaced and I did not need to
perform any additional housekeeping. 

I suspect that previous editions may need the user to explicitly mark
the global as ready for destruction before it is replaced. This should
be put in as JS_VERSION conditional code within jsapi.h which
implements JS_NewCompartmentAndGlobalObject()

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

Re: JavaScript

2012-06-29 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 06:24:58PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Jun 2012 17:28:39 +0100, Vincent Sanders wrote:
  A simple javascript abstraction has been added allowing for
  alternative javascript interpreters to be added in future. And an
  initial implementation added for the spidermonkey interpreter/jit
  (jsapi) this integration allows for javascript code to be correctly
  gathered and executed from script tags.
 That's good to hear.  Spidermonkey is perhaps a bit heavy, partly
 due to being C++ (so the std C++ lib has to be loaded too), and

the spidermonkey versions i have been targetting are the c API
versions of the 1.8 series so are simply heavy rather than obease

 current versions are awkward to port due to the dependency on NSPR
 (although there is a Bugzilla open to remove this dependency which I'm
 keeping my eye on).  Unfortunately it's probably our best option - I
 don't know of any decent lighter Javascript engines.

I tried v8 and looked at a couple of others but none are vaugely
usable in our situation and really few of the larger js libs are
usuable outside their parent browser projects.

  What is now required is to add bindings to the javascript runtime for
  all the DOM operations including the so called DOM0 objects like the
  global window object and all the associated sub objects like
  navigator, console etc.
 Would that need to be done again if somebody decides to add support
 for a different Javascript library?

alas, yes, which is why I tried to work from the web IDL, turns out
the IDL samples are incomplete and kinda assume a type system that
does not exist within javascript and fits very badly, at which point
working from them is pointless as you end up with special casing to
make the ideal spec fit the real world. Oh and add in the IDL is
simply missing for most of DOM0

  Although there is no explicit dependency on
  specific versions of spidermonkey I am primarily basing my efforts on
  the 1.8.5 releases as this are the most common version found in
 v1.50-2 (which is positively prehistoric, but the only working ported
 version I have) unfortunately does not work, I fudged it with some
 macros from newer Spidermonkey includes, and it is calling alert
 (warn_user()) but with no text.  Not sure if it is easy to get it
 working, for such an old version it's probably not worth it.  I have
 a quick port of Spidermonkey 1.85 but having issues with it crashing;
 I guess I have quite a while to fix this though.

most probably because the JSAPI native calling function spec changed
in an incompatible way! can you tell me what JS_VERSION is on your
version of the library? I might be able to come up with
something...but currently I am a bit stumped how to alter the native
calling convention at compile time without some hedious macro magic

 I'd be interested to hear which versions of Spidermonkey are ported to
 other operating systems we target (and any porting tips!)

 - Debian squeeze has 1.8.0
 - Debian wheezy has 1.8.5
 - I have dev builds using 1.8.9 but they are not really
   representative of anything
 - Ubuntu 11.04 has 1.8.5 in the alternate include layout (thats why
   there are two pkgconfig names/paths sigh)
 - Ubuntu 11.10 and later seems to be 1.8.5 in various include layouts

So I guess that answers the question about which API major version to
pick, I think 1.8 series is still the right target

Regards Vincent

Netsurf 2.9

2012-02-23 Thread Vincent Sanders
It is that time of year again and I am preparing to create the 2.9

The wiki page for the release is at 

Unless any new show stopping bugs appear I shall be creating the 2.9
branch on the evening of Saturday 25th February 2012

For the release itself we aim to be created four weeks subsequently on
March 24th but this may change if more testing is required or it is
decided we are happy before then.

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

NetSurf developer weekend

2012-02-23 Thread Vincent Sanders
The NetSurf Developer weekend will be taking place on the 24th and
25th March in Cambridge, UK.

The rough plan is to arrive in Cambridge on Friday afternoon/evening
and have a social meetup, possibly involving food. Go to the meeting
rooms on Saturday and Sunday and work on NetSurf with food and snack
breaks as required.

Collabora are going to sponsor the event by providing access to their
conference rooms.

The address of the location is:

Kett House 
Station Rd 
Cambridge CB1 2JH 
United Kingdom 

Google maps ref and the location is very close
to the railway station.

For building security purposes all physical attendees *must* register
(send me an email at least a week before the event) with Name, email
and contact details.

Already Registered are:

John-Mark Bell
Daniel Silverstone
Rob Kendrick
Michael Lester
Vincent Sanders

Assistance with accommodation is available and I have a vehicle for
collecting and dropping people off from wherever they are
staying. There are a *very* limited number of parking spaces available
at Kett house if necessary.

If you would like to join us for what is usually a very productive and
enjoyable weekend please let me know as soon as you can.

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

image handler refactor beginning

2011-08-26 Thread Vincent Sanders
Add macro helper for adding image content handlers
Make all image handlers use the macro
Clean up forward references in image code
Clean up libmng handler to stop it rummaging through mime type names to change 
its behaviour.
Get ready for next refactor (removing bitmap pointer from content)

 content/content_factory.h |   45 ++
 image/bmp.c   |   72 ---
 image/gif.c   |   46 --
 image/ico.c   |   56 --
 image/image.c |7 
 image/image.h |1 
 image/jpeg.c  |   52 --
 image/mng.c   |  872 +-
 image/mng.h   |4 
 image/nssprite.c  |   90 +---
 image/png.c   |   47 --
 image/rsvg.c  |   51 --
 image/svg.c   |  119 +-
 image/webp.c  |   93 +---
 14 files changed, 586 insertions(+), 969 deletions(-)

Regards Vincent
Index: image/svg.c
--- image/svg.c	(revision 12670)
+++ image/svg.c	(working copy)
@@ -43,81 +43,32 @@
 	bool done_parse;
 } svg_content;
-static nserror svg_create(const content_handler *handler,
-		lwc_string *imime_type, const http_parameter *params,
-		llcache_handle *llcache, const char *fallback_charset,
-		bool quirks, struct content **c);
-static nserror svg_create_svg_data(svg_content *c);
-static bool svg_convert(struct content *c);
-static void svg_destroy(struct content *c);
-static void svg_reformat(struct content *c, int width, int height);
-static bool svg_redraw(struct content *c, struct content_redraw_data *data,
-		const struct rect *clip, const struct redraw_context *ctx);
-static nserror svg_clone(const struct content *old, struct content **newc);
-static content_type svg_content_type(lwc_string *mime_type);
-static const content_handler svg_content_handler = {
-	.create = svg_create,
-	.data_complete = svg_convert,
-	.reformat = svg_reformat,
-	.destroy = svg_destroy,
-	.redraw = svg_redraw,
-	.clone = svg_clone,
-	.type = svg_content_type,
-	.no_share = false,
-static const char *svg_types[] = {
-	image/svg,
-	image/svg+xml
-static lwc_string *svg_mime_types[NOF_ELEMENTS(svg_types)];
-nserror svg_init(void)
+static nserror svg_create_svg_data(svg_content *c)
-	uint32_t i;
-	lwc_error lerror;
-	nserror error;
+	union content_msg_data msg_data;
-	for (i = 0; i  NOF_ELEMENTS(svg_mime_types); i++) {
-		lerror = lwc_intern_string(svg_types[i],
-		if (lerror != lwc_error_ok) {
-			error = NSERROR_NOMEM;
-			goto error;
-		}
+	c-diagram = svgtiny_create();
+	if (c-diagram == NULL)
+		goto no_memory;
-		error = content_factory_register_handler(svg_mime_types[i],
-		if (error != NSERROR_OK)
-			goto error;
-	}
+	c-done_parse = false;
 	return NSERROR_OK;
-	svg_fini();
-	return error;
+	msg_data.error = messages_get(NoMemory);
+	content_broadcast(c-base, CONTENT_MSG_ERROR, msg_data);
-void svg_fini(void)
-	uint32_t i;
-	for (i = 0; i  NOF_ELEMENTS(svg_mime_types); i++) {
-		if (svg_mime_types[i] != NULL)
-			lwc_string_unref(svg_mime_types[i]);
-	}
  * Create a CONTENT_SVG.
-nserror svg_create(const content_handler *handler,
+static nserror svg_create(const content_handler *handler,
 		lwc_string *imime_type, const http_parameter *params,
 		llcache_handle *llcache, const char *fallback_charset,
 		bool quirks, struct content **c)
@@ -147,30 +98,13 @@
 	return NSERROR_OK;
-nserror svg_create_svg_data(svg_content *c)
-	union content_msg_data msg_data;
-	c-diagram = svgtiny_create();
-	if (c-diagram == NULL)
-		goto no_memory;
-	c-done_parse = false;
-	return NSERROR_OK;
-	msg_data.error = messages_get(NoMemory);
-	content_broadcast(c-base, CONTENT_MSG_ERROR, msg_data);
  * Convert a CONTENT_SVG for display.
-bool svg_convert(struct content *c)
+static bool svg_convert(struct content *c)
 	/*c-title = malloc(100);
 	if (c-title)
@@ -189,7 +123,7 @@
  * Reformat a CONTENT_SVG.
-void svg_reformat(struct content *c, int width, int height)
+static void svg_reformat(struct content *c, int width, int height)
 	svg_content *svg = (svg_content *) c;
 	const char *source_data;
@@ -284,7 +218,7 @@
  * Redraw a CONTENT_SVG.
-bool svg_redraw(struct content *c, struct content_redraw_data *data,
+static bool svg_redraw(struct content *c, struct content_redraw_data *data,
 		const struct rect *clip, const struct redraw_context *ctx)
 	int x = data-x;
@@ -344,7 +278,7 @@
  * Destroy a CONTENT_SVG and free all resources it owns.
-void svg_destroy(struct content *c)
+static void svg_destroy(struct content *c)
 	svg_content *svg = (svg_content *) c;
@@ -353,7 +287,7 @@
-nserror svg_clone(const struct content *old, 

segfault bug in iframe code

2011-08-21 Thread Vincent Sanders
Saw this reported, took a quick look but did not get anywhere, just a
quick mail instead of dropping it on the floor

url to trigger is

basically layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes() in render/layout.c:5003
is asserting because box-height is 0

The full backtrace is:

#0  0x734d5a75 in *__GI_raise (sig=value optimised out) at 
#1  0x734d95c0 in *__GI_abort () at abort.c:92
#2  0x734ce941 in *__GI___assert_fail (assertion=0x50cd20 (box-width 
!= 2147483647)  (box-height != (-2147483647 - 1)), 
file=value optimised out, line=5007, function=0x50d3c0 
layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes) at assert.c:81
#3  0x0049c911 in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0x10cdb10) at 
#4  0x0049c79b in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0x10cd660) at 
#5  0x0049c79b in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0x10cd930) at 
#6  0x0049c7ef in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0x10cc220) at 
#7  0x0049c79b in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0x10cc5e0) at 
#8  0x0049c7ef in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0xfa2c40) at 
#9  0x0049c79b in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0xfa2e20) at 
#10 0x0049c7ef in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0xefac30) at 
#11 0x004a5855 in layout_document (content=0xac5850, width=value 
optimised out, height=572) at render/layout.c:185
#12 0x004902c6 in html_reformat (c=0xac5850, width=979, height=572) at 
#13 0x00432880 in content__reformat (c=0xac5850, background=false, 
width=979, height=572) at content/content.c:361
#14 0x0044d08f in browser_window_callback (c=0xcaa1e0, 
event=0x7fffd770, pw=value optimised out) at desktop/browser.c:811
#15 0x0043a249 in hlcache_content_callback (c=value optimised out, 
msg=value optimised out, data=..., pw=0x2b54) at content/hlcache.c:701
#16 0x00432683 in content_broadcast (c=0xac5850, msg=CONTENT_MSG_READY, 
data=...) at content/content.c:643
#17 0x0043340c in content_set_ready (c=0xac5850) at 
#18 0x004914d6 in html_finish_conversion (c=0xac5850) at 
#19 0x00491672 in html_convert_css_callback (css=0xd44c20, 
event=0x7fffd970, pw=value optimised out) at render/html.c:1358
#20 0x0043a249 in hlcache_content_callback (c=value optimised out, 
msg=value optimised out, data=..., pw=0x2b54) at content/hlcache.c:701
#21 0x00432683 in content_broadcast (c=0xdce4b0, msg=CONTENT_MSG_DONE, 
data=...) at content/content.c:643
#22 0x0043339a in content_set_done (c=0xdce4b0) at content/content.c:321
#23 0x00443806 in nscss_content_done (css=0xdce890, pw=value optimised 
out) at css/css.c:529
#24 0x00442f25 in nscss_register_imports (c=0xdce890) at css/css.c:719
#25 0x00443105 in nscss_import_complete (ctx=0xe2fb30) at css/css.c:667
#26 0x00443190 in nscss_import (handle=value optimised out, 
event=0x2b54, pw=0x6) at css/css.c:642
#27 0x0043a249 in hlcache_content_callback (c=value optimised out, 
msg=value optimised out, data=..., pw=0x2b54) at content/hlcache.c:701
#28 0x00432683 in content_broadcast (c=0xe54bc0, msg=CONTENT_MSG_DONE, 
data=...) at content/content.c:643
#29 0x0043339a in content_set_done (c=0xe54bc0) at content/content.c:321
#30 0x00443806 in nscss_content_done (css=0xe54fa0, pw=value optimised 
out) at css/css.c:529
#31 0x00443022 in nscss_convert_css_data (c=0xe54fa0) at css/css.c:334
#32 0x00443564 in nscss_convert (c=0xe54bc0) at css/css.c:301
#33 0x004336e0 in content_convert (llcache=value optimised out, 
event=value optimised out, pw=value optimised out)
at content/content.c:282
#34 content_llcache_callback (llcache=value optimised out, event=value 
optimised out, pw=value optimised out) at content/content.c:174
#35 0x0043b69c in llcache_object_notify_users (object=0xe30750) at 
#36 0x0043ba30 in llcache_poll () at content/llcache.c:315
#37 0x0043a949 in hlcache_poll () at content/hlcache.c:181
#38 0x00453e81 in netsurf_main_loop () at desktop/netsurf.c:183
#39 0x0046b894 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffe078) at gtk/gui.c:495

and parameters to teh assert are:

(gdb) up 3
#3  0x0049c911 in layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes (box=0x10cdb10) at 
5007assert((box-width != UNKNOWN_WIDTH)  (box-height != AUTO));
(gdb) p box-width
$1 = 2147483647
(gdb) p box-height
$2 = 0

just fyi UNKNOWN_WIDTH is defined to INT_MAX and AUTO is INT_MIN 


More static analysis

2011-05-17 Thread Vincent Sanders
jmb did soem corrections to yestardays run, so I repeated it this morning

Log was:

scan-build: 'clang' executable not found in 
scan-build: Using 'clang' from path: 
M.CONFIG: JPEG (libjpeg)enabled   (NETSURF_USE_JPEG := YES)
M.CONFIG: JNG/MNG/PNG (libmng)  disabled  (NETSURF_USE_MNG := NO)
M.CONFIG: PDF export (haru) disabled  (NETSURF_USE_HARU_PDF := NO)
M.CONFIG: glibc internal iconv  enabled   (NETSURF_USE_LIBICONV_PLUG := YES)
M.CONFIG: SVG (librsvg-2.0) auto-enabled  (NETSURF_USE_RSVG := AUTO)
M.CONFIG: SVG (libsvgtiny)  disabled  (NETSURF_USE_NSSVG := NO)
M.CONFIG: Sprite (librosprite)  auto-disabled (NETSURF_USE_ROSPRITE := AUTO)
M.CONFIG: BMP (libnsbmp)enabled   (NETSURF_USE_BMP := YES)
M.CONFIG: GIF (libnsgif)enabled   (NETSURF_USE_GIF := YES)
M.CONFIG: PNG   (libpng)enabled   (NETSURF_USE_PNG := YES)
M.CONFIG: WebP (libwebp)disabled  (NETSURF_USE_WEBP := NO)
   MKDIR: build-Linux-gtk
   MKDIR: build-Linux-gtk/deps
 COMPILE: utils/utils.c
 COMPILE: utils/utf8.c
 COMPILE: utils/useragent.c
 COMPILE: utils/url.c
 COMPILE: utils/talloc.c
 COMPILE: utils/messages.c
 COMPILE: utils/log.c
 COMPILE: utils/locale.c
 COMPILE: utils/http.c
 COMPILE: utils/hashtable.c
 COMPILE: utils/filepath.c
 COMPILE: utils/filename.c
 COMPILE: utils/container.c
 COMPILE: utils/base64.c
 COMPILE: render/textplain.c
 COMPILE: render/table.c
render/table.c:419:4: warning: Value stored to 'a_src' is never read
a_src = b_src;
^   ~
render/table.c:365:4: warning: Value stored to 'a_src' is never read
a_src = b_src;
^   ~
render/table.c:602:4: warning: Value stored to 'a_src' is never read
a_src = b_src;
^   ~
render/table.c:646:23: warning: Access to field 'parent' results in a 
dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'row')
struct box *group = row-parent;
render/table.c:687:4: warning: Value stored to 'a_src' is never read
a_src = b_src;
^   ~
5 warnings generated.
 COMPILE: render/list.c
 COMPILE: render/layout.c
render/layout.c:660:9: warning: Access to field 'next' results in a dereference 
of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'box')
box = box-next;
render/layout.c:3950:41: warning: Division by zero
extra = 1 + (cell-min_width - min) /
2 warnings generated.
 COMPILE: render/imagemap.c
 COMPILE: render/hubbub_binding.c
render/hubbub_binding.c:471:15: warning: Assigned value is always the same as 
the existing value
n-_private = (void *) (++count);
~~~ ^ ~~
render/hubbub_binding.c:476:15: warning: Assigned value is always the same as 
the existing value
n-_private = (void *) (++count);
~~~ ^ ~~
render/hubbub_binding.c:492:15: warning: Assigned value is always the same as 
the existing value
n-_private = (void *) (--count);
~~~ ^ ~~
render/hubbub_binding.c:499:15: warning: Assigned value is always the same as 
the existing value
n-_private = (void *) (--count);
~~~ ^ ~~
4 warnings generated.
 COMPILE: render/html_redraw.c
 COMPILE: render/html_interaction.c
render/html_interaction.c:248:4: warning: Value stored to 'overflow' is never 
overflow = css_computed_overflow(box-style);
^  ~
1 warning generated.
 COMPILE: render/html.c
 COMPILE: render/form.c
render/form.c:913:3: warning: Value stored to 'scroll' is never read
scroll = 0;
render/form.c:928:6: warning: Value stored to 'scroll' is never read
scroll = (i + 1) *
2 warnings generated.
 COMPILE: render/font.c
 COMPILE: render/box_normalise.c
 COMPILE: render/box_construct.c
 COMPILE: render/box.c
render/box.c:128:41: warning: The left operand to '|' is always 0
box-flags = style_owned ? (box-flags | STYLE_OWNED) : box-flags;
~~ ^
1 warning generated.
 COMPILE: image/webp.c
 COMPILE: image/svg.c
 COMPILE: image/rsvg.c
 COMPILE: image/png.c
 COMPILE: image/nssprite.c
 COMPILE: image/mng.c
 COMPILE: image/jpeg.c
 COMPILE: image/image.c
 COMPILE: image/ico.c
 COMPILE: image/gif.c

Re: Review: Content factory

2011-05-04 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Wed, May 04, 2011 at 10:33:08PM +0100, John-Mark Bell wrote:
 This changeset introduces a content factory with which content handlers may 
 be dynamically registered.
 Additionally, it inverts the inheritance model of contents such that each 
 content handler becomes self-contained.


as usual my review will be inline and I shall elide any bits I have no
comment on

 Index: render/html_internal.h
 --- /dev/null 2009-04-16 19:17:07.0 +0100
 +++ render/html_internal.h2011-05-04 22:29:08.0 +0100
 @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
 + * Copyright 2004 James Bursa

really? I think its 2011 and you added this file ;-) maybe its a move tho?

 +/** Data specific to CONTENT_HTML. */
 +typedef struct html_content {
 + struct content base;
 + void *parser_binding;
 + xmlDoc *document;
 + binding_quirks_mode quirks; /** Quirkyness of document */
 + char *encoding; /** Encoding of source, 0 if unknown. */
 + binding_encoding_source encoding_source;
 + /** Source of encoding information. */
 + char *base_url; /** Base URL (may be a copy of content-url). */
 + char *base_target;  /** Base target */
 + struct box *layout;  /** Box tree, or 0. */
 + colour background_colour;  /** Document background colour. */
 + const struct font_functions *font_func;
 + /** Number of entries in stylesheet_content. */
 + unsigned int stylesheet_count;
 + /** Stylesheets. Each may be 0. */
 + struct html_stylesheet *stylesheets;
 + /** Style selection context */
 + css_select_ctx *select_ctx;
 + /** Number of entries in object_list. */
 + unsigned int num_objects;
 + /** List of objects. */
 + struct content_html_object *object_list;
 + /** Forms, in reverse order to document. */
 + struct form *forms;
 + /** Hash table of imagemaps. */
 + struct imagemap **imagemaps;
 + /** Browser window containing this document, or 0 if not open. */
 + struct browser_window *bw;
 + /** Frameset information */
 + struct content_html_frames *frameset;
 + /** Inline frame information */
 + struct content_html_iframe *iframe;
 + /** Content of type CONTENT_HTML containing this, or 0 if not an object
 +  * within a page. */
 + struct html_content *page;
 + /** Box containing this, or 0 if not an object. */
 + struct box *box;
 +} html_content;

gah make a decision on before or after doccomments within one struct
;-) and are we saying 0 or NULL for empty ponters?

 +bool html_fetch_object(html_content *c, const char *url, struct box *box,
 + content_type permitted_types,
 + int available_width, int available_height,
 + bool background);
 +void html_set_status(html_content *c, const char *extra);
 +/* in render/html_redraw.c */
 +bool html_redraw(struct content *c, int x, int y,
 + int width, int height, const struct rect *clip,
 + float scale, colour background_colour);
 +/* in render/html_interaction.c */
 +void html_mouse_track(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw,
 + browser_mouse_state mouse, int x, int y);
 +void html_mouse_action(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw,
 + browser_mouse_state mouse, int x, int y);
 +void html_overflow_scroll_callback(void *client_data,
 + struct scroll_msg_data *scroll_data);

no doccomments?

 Index: image/image.c
 --- /dev/null 2009-04-16 19:17:07.0 +0100
 +++ image/image.c 2011-05-04 22:29:39.0 +0100

 +nserror image_init(void)

comment? or at least a ref to the header?

 +void image_fini(void)


 Index: content/content_factory.c
 --- /dev/null 2009-04-16 19:17:07.0 +0100
 +++ content/content_factory.c 2011-05-04 22:30:17.0 +0100

file comment?

 +typedef struct content_handler_entry {

 + struct content_handler_entry *next;
 + lwc_string *mime_type;
 + const content_handler *handler;
 +} content_handler_entry;

whassat for then? comment teh struct a bit? tbh i shall shut up about
comments now, its boring

 +static content_handler_entry *content_handlers;
 +nserror content_factory_register_handler(lwc_string *mime_type,
 + const content_handler *handler)
 + content_handler_entry *e;

e? really? perhaps entry might have been a little less brief?

 +content_type content_factory_type_from_mime_type(const char *mime_type)
 + const content_handler *handler;
 + lwc_string *imime_type;
 + lwc_error lerror;
 + content_type type;
 + lerror = lwc_intern_string(mime_type, 

Netsurf committee

2011-03-27 Thread Vincent Sanders
I would like to second the nomination of Michael to remain as Chair
and John-Mark to remain as Treasurer.

I would also like to nominate Daniel to remain as Secretary.

Regards Vincent

Re: Windows port polling

2011-02-15 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 03:28:05PM -, Richard Wilson wrote:
 Hi All,
 The Windows' port currently never idles in gui_poll, causing it to use all
 available processing power. One solution is to update windows/schedule.c to

Thank you for reporting this issue. I have created a win32 TODO list on the NetSurf wiki to keep
track, please feel free to extend this.

One thing to mention from our IRC discussions is that your native
build is currently unique and exhibiting some issues which are not
present in the cross compiled versions.

I currently test most often under wine (win 2k and xp profiles) and
a real Vista box but would welcome reports for other windows versions,
please do include this information explicitly as issues do appear to
be very different between windows editions.

 match it's framebuffer counterpart (to return the time until next scheduled
 event), and then simply extend gui_poll to:

I have implemented a version of your proposed change which is more in
line with what is done in the framebuffer port (commited to SVN). 

In future it might help if you could you present your code as unified
diffs (diff -u) in mailing list posts as that helps to see whats
changed and means I can apply the proposed changes exactly.

A couple of points about your solution:

Timers appear to be repeating objects and a new instance is created if
the NULL hwnd is used. As we only require them to be one shot we need
to kill them if we create one. I verified by noting windows runs out
of timers for this application and cpu load goes to 100% with
repeating timer calls.

Because the scheduler can dispatch events which invalidate the active
flag passed to gui_poll() we must account for this by not blocking on
input when the schedule_run() call returns a non negative timeout.

 One thing to note here is that while the current scheduling code (see
 framebuffer/schedule.c) states that the time until next event is in
 centiseconds, it's actually milliseconds. Any comments?

yes the comments were wrong and incomplete, I have updated them to be
more comprehensive.

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

Re: netsurf-revision-11608

2011-02-03 Thread Vincent Sanders

Firstly, please do try to use a better subject, I thought this was spam to 
begin with ;-)

On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 02:42:54PM +0100, wrote:
 Loading a small, simple HTML page failed
 I use {hubbub,libcss,libdom,libnsbmp,libnsgif,
 libparserutils,libwapcaplet, netsurf}-revision-11608

ok thats all fine

 Reading symbols from /sources/CSS/NETSURF/netsurf-revision-11608/nsgtk...done.
 (gdb) run test.html
 Starting program: /sources/CSS/NETSURF/netsurf-revision-11608/nsgtk test.html
 [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]

as an observation, this will never actually load that file. file uri
must be of the form file:///path/to/your/file/test.html we currently
do not fix up broken URI

 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0xb726f293 in strncmp () from /lib/tls/
 (gdb) frame 14

The gdb command bt and where are your friends, a forwards
backtrace is a little amusing :-) but thanks for actualy taking the
time to run gdb.

 #14 0x080b4567 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfffee24) at gtk/gui.c:595
 (gdb) frame 13
 #13 0x080b3dd7 in gui_init (argc=2, argv=0xbfffee24, respath=0x81edc80) at 
 (gdb) frame 12
 #12 0x080b35e1 in nsgtk_init_glade (respath=0x81edc80) at gtk/gui.c:323
 (gdb) frame 11
 #11 0x080b3501 in nsgtk_new_glade (respath=0x81edc80, name=0x8162389 
 netsurf, pglade=0x0) at gtk/gui.c:295
 (gdb) frame 10
 #10 0xb78e9a75 in glade_xml_new (fname=0x825c480 
 /usr/local/share/netsurf/, root=0x0, domain=0x0) at 

ok so we have descended into GTK proper at this point. My only idea is
that the installed file in /usr/local/share/netsurf/ is
corrupt or contains an otherwise invalid glade file, possibly from an
old installation. 

You are running the head version and probably ought to ensure any old
versions are uninstalled and use the NETSURFRES environment variable to
control which resources are being used (for development purposes)

 (gdb) frame 9
 #9  0xb78e9b29 in glade_xml_construct (self=0x820e840, fname=0x825c480 
 /usr/local/share/netsurf/, root=0x0, domain=0x0) at 
 (gdb) frame 8
 #8  0xb78f0cee in glade_parser_parse_file (file=0x825c480 
 /usr/local/share/netsurf/, domain=0x0) at glade-parser.c:1226
 (gdb) frame 7
 #7  0xb7e0019a in xmlSAXUserParseFile () from /usr/lib/
 (gdb) frame 6
 #6  0xb7de9379 in xmlCreateFileParserCtxt () from /usr/lib/
 (gdb) frame 5
 #5  0xb7de92d1 in xmlCreateURLParserCtxt () from /usr/lib/
 (gdb) frame 4
 #4  0xb7e11ad3 in xmlLoadExternalEntity () from /usr/lib/
 (gdb) frame 3
 #3  0xb7de4eb1 in xmlNewInputFromFile () from /usr/lib/
 (gdb) frame 2
 #2  0xb7e1167a in xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename () from 
 (gdb) frame 1
 #1  0xb7e115fb in __xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename () from 
 (gdb) frame 0
 #0  0xb726f293 in strncmp () from /lib/tls/

Regards Vincent

hsl() color still broken

2011-01-21 Thread Vincent Sanders
with the changes from jmb/tlsa and split out...still doesnt work, if
anything its worse than before :-(

Regards Vincent
Index: test/data/parse/colours.dat
--- test/data/parse/colours.dat (revision 11426)
+++ test/data/parse/colours.dat (working copy)
@@ -40,6 +40,37 @@
 |   0x0218 0x
+## test HSL 
+## red
+* { color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%) }
+| 1 *
+|   0x0218 0x
+## green
+* { color: hsl(120, 100%, 50%) }
+| 1 *
+|   0x0218 0xff00ff00
+## blue
+* { color: hsl(240, 100%, 50%) }
+| 1 *
+|   0x0218 0xffff
 ## Out-of-range rgb() parameters
Index: src/parse/propstrings.h
--- src/parse/propstrings.h (revision 11426)
+++ src/parse/propstrings.h (working copy)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
/* Named colours */
Index: src/parse/propstrings.c
--- src/parse/propstrings.c (revision 11426)
+++ src/parse/propstrings.c (working copy)
@@ -331,6 +331,8 @@
{ blink, SLEN(blink) },
{ rgb, SLEN(rgb) },
{ rgba, SLEN(rgba) },
+   { hsl, SLEN(hsl) },
+   { hsla, SLEN(hsla) },
{ -libcss-left, SLEN(-libcss-left) },
{ -libcss-center, SLEN(-libcss-center) },
{ -libcss-right, SLEN(-libcss-right) },
Index: src/parse/properties/utils.c
--- src/parse/properties/utils.c(revision 11426)
+++ src/parse/properties/utils.c(working copy)
@@ -248,7 +248,126 @@
return error;
+#define INTEGER_HSL 
+#if defined(INTEGER_HSL)
+ * Convert Hue Sauration Lightness value to RGB integer version
+ *
+ * \param hue Hue in degrees 0..360
+ * \param sat Saturation value in percent 0..100
+ * \param lit Lightness value in percent 0..100
+ * \param r red component
+ * \param g green component
+ * \param b blue component
+ */
+static void HSL_to_RGB(int32_t hue, int32_t sat, int32_t lit, uint8_t *r, 
uint8_t *g, uint8_t *b)
+   int v;
+   int m;
+   int sextant;
+   int fract, vsf, mid1, mid2;
+   int red,green,blue;
+   hue = (hue * 1023) / 360;
+   sat = (sat * 1023) / 100;
+   lit = (lit * 1023) / 100;
+   if (lit  511)
+   v = (lit * (512 + sat))  10;
+   else
+   v = (((lit + sat)  10) - lit * sat)  10;
+   if (v = 0) {
+   *r = *g = *b = 0;
+   return;
+   } 
+   m = lit + lit - v;
+   hue *= 6;
+   sextant = hue  10;
+   fract = hue - (sextant  10);
+   vsf = v * fract * (v - m) / v  10;
+   mid1 = m + vsf;
+   mid2 = v - vsf;
+#define ORGB(R,G,B) red = (R)2; green = (G)2; blue = (B)2 
+   switch (sextant) {
+   case 0: ORGB(v, mid1, m); break;
+   case 1: ORGB(mid2, v, m); break;
+   case 2: ORGB(m, v, mid1); break;
+   case 3: ORGB(m, mid2, v); break;
+   case 4: ORGB(mid1, m, v); break;
+   case 5: ORGB(v, m, mid2); break;
+   }
+#undef ORGB
+   *r = red;
+   *g = green;
+   *b = blue;
+/* CSS standard definition
+  HOW TO RETURN, s, l): 
+  l=0.5: PUT l*(s+1) IN m2
+  ELSE: PUT l+s-l*s IN m2
+  PUT l*2-m2 IN m1
+  PUT, m2, h+1/3) IN r
+  PUT, m2, h) IN g
+  PUT, m2, h-1/3) IN b
+  RETURN (r, g, b)
+  HOW TO RETURN, m2, h): 
+  IF h0: PUT h+1 IN h
+  IF h1: PUT h-1 IN h
+  IF h*61: RETURN m1+(m2-m1)*h*6
+  IF h*21: RETURN m2
+  IF h*32: RETURN m1+(m2-m1)*(2/3-h)*6
+  RETURN m1
+static inline int hue_to_RGB(float m1, float m2, float h)
+   h = (h  0) ? h + 1 : h;
+   h = (h  1) ? h - 1 : h;
+   if (h * 6  1) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6;
+   if (h * 2  1) return m2;
+   if (h * 3  2) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - h) * 6;
+   return m1;
+ * Convert Hue Sauration Lightness value to RGB float version from CSS standard
+ *
+ * \param hue Hue in degrees 0..360
+ * \param sat Saturation value in percent 0..100
+ * \param lit Lightness value in percent 0..100
+ * \param r red component
+ * \param g green component
+ * \param b blue component
+ */
+static void HSL_to_RGB(int32_t hue, int32_t sat, int32_t lit, uint8_t *r, 
uint8_t *g, uint8_t *b)

Re: url.c patch

2010-11-26 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:48:32AM +, Richard Kenyon wrote:
 Hi, I've written the following patch for NetSurf.
 This should replace 'bool url_host_is_ip_address(const char *host)'
 in 'utils/url.c'

see commit 10951 for my version (attached too) as the caller to this
is exclusively in content/urldb.c which needs *extensive* fiddling to
be made ipv6 capable right now I am punting the v6 decision untill

Regards Vincent
Index: utils/url.c
--- utils/url.c (revision 10950)
+++ utils/url.c (working copy)
@@ -77,39 +77,29 @@
- * Check whether a host is an IP address
+ * Check whether a host string is an IPv4 dotted quad address of the
+ * format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
- * \param  hosta hostname terminated by '\0' or '/'
+ * @todo This *should* be implemented with inet_pton but that requires
+ * implementing compatability glue for several operating systems.
+ *
+ * \param  host a hostname terminated by '\0' or '/'
  * \return true if the hostname is an IP address, false otherwise
 bool url_host_is_ip_address(const char *host) {
-   int b;
-   bool n;
+   unsigned int b1, b2, b3, b4;
+   unsigned char c;
-   assert(host);
+   if (strspn(host, 0123456789.)  strlen(host)) 
+   return false;
-   /* an IP address is of the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, ie totally
-* numeric with 3 full stops between the numbers */
-   b = 0; // number of breaks
-   n = false; // number present
-   do {
-   if (*host == '.') {
-   if (!n)
-   return false;
-   b++;
-   n = false;
-   } else if ((*host == '\0') || (*host == '/')) {
-   if (!n)
-   return false;
-   /* todo: check the values are in 0-255 range */
-   return (b == 3);
-   } else if (*host  '0' || *host  '9') {
-   return false;
-} else {
-   n = true;
-} while (1);
+   if (sscanf(host, %3u.%3u.%3u.%3u%c, b1, b2, b3, b4, c) != 4)
+   return false;
+   if ((b1  255) || (b2  255) || (b3  255) || (b4  255))
+   return false;
+   return true;

Re: RFC: WebP support in NetSurf (patch)

2010-10-03 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Sat, Oct 02, 2010 at 08:29:44PM +, Chris Young wrote:
 Hi all
 As I'm sure you're aware, Google announced a new image format a couple
 of days ago, intended to replace JPEG for images on the web.  I've
 been playing around with it, and although we don't know yet whether it
 will take off, I thought it would be fun to make NetSurf one of the
 first (if not _the_ first) web browser to support the new format.
 The attached patch adds this support, using Google's libwebp (which
 is actually the source code file webpimg.c I've dropped in - with
 minor tweaks - it doesn't build itself as a real library).
 1. The conversion is an endian-aware conversion to RGBA.  This is
 fine for big-endian platforms, but on little-endian the byte order
 will be wrong for NetSurf.
 2. It requires libvpx.  Much porting fun.
 For those reasons I've enabled support for WebP only on the Amiga
 platform build - that's all I'm in a position to test at the moment. 
 I suggest testing and enabling/adding the makefile/makefile.defaults
 lines on a platform-by-platform basis.
 If everybody is happy I'll commit it.

firstly, cool! it works (for the three images i could find ;-)

I would prefer to see a libnswebp and have netsurf use the library,
that way its decoupled from googles code and them changing their mind

Also allows us to separate the licencing just in case of issues.

Regards Vincent

Re: Review: treeview-redux [1/7] -- core changes

2010-09-27 Thread Vincent Sanders
review reply part three, this concludes the core review

  Index: desktop/tree.h
  +/* Tree flags */
  +#define TREE_NO_FLAGS  0
  +#define TREE_NO_DRAGS  1
  +#define TREE_NO_FURNITURE  2
  +#define TREE_NO_SELECT 8
  +#define TREE_MOVABLE   16
  +/* if the last child of a directory is deleted the directory will be 
  +   too */
 It'd be nice if these flags were an enum too.

/* Tree flags */
enum tree_flags {
TREE_DELETE_EMPTY_DIRS = 32, /** if the last child of a
  * directory is deleted the
  * directory will be deleted
  * too.

  +/* the flag for the first node_element in every node, all other flags 
  +   be different than this one */
  +#define TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE 0x00
 How can zero be a flag?!

/** A flag value to indicate the element data contains title
 * text. This value should be the first node_element in every
 * node. All other values should be different than this one. The term
 * flag is misused as it is actually a value used by the API consumer
 * to indicate teh type of data a node element contains.
#define TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE  0x00

  +/* these should be defined in front end code */
  +extern const char tree_directory_icon_name[];
  +extern const char tree_content_icon_name[];
 Let's have a function for the frontend:

sorry I dont get what you mean?

   typedef enum {
  +   NODE_ELEMENT_TEXT,  /* Text only */
  +   NODE_ELEMENT_TEXT_PLUS_ICON,/* Text and icon */
  +   NODE_ELEMENT_BITMAP /* Bitmap only */
   } node_element_type;
 Not doccommented?


  +typedef enum {
  +   NODE_DELETE_ELEMENT_TXT,/* The text of an element of the node
  +  is being deleted */
  +   NODE_DELETE_ELEMENT_IMG,/* The bitmap or icon of a node is being
  +  deleted */
  +   NODE_LAUNCH,/* The node has been launched */
  +   NODE_ELEMENT_EDIT_FINISHING,/* New text has to be accepted or
  +  rejected  */
  +   NODE_ELEMENT_EDIT_FINISHED  /* Editing of a node_element has been
  +  finished */
  +} node_msg;


  +typedef enum {
  +   NODE_CALLBACK_REJECT,   /* reject new text for node element and
  +  leave editing mode */
  +   NODE_CALLBACK_CONTINUE  /* don't leave editig mode */
  +} node_callback_resp;


  +struct node_msg_data {
  +   node_msg msg;
  +   unsigned int flag;
  +   struct node *node;
  +   union {
  +   char *text;
  +   void *bitmap;
  +   } data;


  +struct treeview_table {
  +   void (*redraw_request)(int x, int y, int width, int height,
  +   void *data);
  +   void (*resized)(struct tree *tree, int width, int height,
  +   void *data);
  +   void (*scroll_visible)(int y, int height, void *data);
  +   void (*get_window_dimensions)(int *width, int *height, void *data);


  Index: desktop/options.c
  +   { tree_icons_dir, OPTION_STRING,  option_tree_icons_dir },
 Why is this an option?!  Surely it's the job of the frontend to decide where
 these resources are?

dont know, require futher discussion/decision as to how to change it

  Index: content/urldb.c
  +void urldb_iterate_cookies(bool (*callback)(const struct cookie_data 
 Typedef for that callback type *please*
  +   bool (*cookie_callback)(const struct cookie_data *data))
 Although I see it's not the style in this file :-(

it is not, urldb needs a serious refactor all on its own so i shall
refrain untill that happens.

   // LOG((%p: %s=%s, c, c-name, c-value));
 No C++ style comments please.  This is core code.

all removed

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

Re: Review: treeview-redux [1/7] -- core changes

2010-09-26 Thread Vincent Sanders

ok thats the response for the first few bits...on to the next bit now
but I have not addressed some stuff which probably could do with an

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 04:27:14PM +0100, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:09:24PM +0100, John-Mark Bell wrote:
  This is part of the treeview-redux patchset.
  It incorporates the changes on that branch today.
 I will be reviewing this mostly for glaring hideousness.  Any minor niggles
 that I raise can be merged and fixed-up on trunk as we clean up any
 implementation hiccoughs.
  Index: Docs/09-treeview
 As jmb said, this should eventually be transferred to the wiki and removed 
 from here.

file removed

  Index: desktop/sslcert.c
  +#define TREE_ELEMENT_SSL_VERSION   0x01
  +#define TREE_ELEMENT_SSL_VALID_TO  0x03
 It feels like this should be an enum.

enum tree_element_ssl{

*however* it is passed as an opaque unsigned int flag to
tree.c:tree_create_node_element() and I cannot see a simple way to
structure safe data type all the way through from the enum

  +struct sslcert_session_data {
  +   unsigned long num;
  +   char *url;
  +   struct tree *tree;
  +   nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw);
 I'd like to see this typedef'd but it's not critical.

done in sslcert.h as its part of the exported interface

 Also, this entire struct could do with documenting as 'num' and 'tree' aren't
 terribly obvious names for things.

I have not changed teh names, but I have docuemnted them.

/** ssl certificate verification context. */
struct sslcert_session_data {
unsigned long num; /** The number of ssl certificates in the chain */
char *url; /** The url of the certificate */
struct tree *tree; /** The root of the treeview */
sslcert_session_callback cb; /** callback when cert is accepted or 
rejected */
void *cbpw; /** context passed to callback */

  +static hlcache_handle *sslcert_icon;
 This fills me with the heebie jeebies.

Yes, a higher level decision needs to be made. Can we return to this later.
I have added a doccomment

  +bool sslcert_load_tree(struct tree *tree, const struct ssl_cert_info 
  +   struct sslcert_session_data *data)
  +   long i;
  +   for (i = 0; i  (long)data-num; i++) {
 Why not 'unsigned long i' ?

changed, also neatened the loop variable name

unsigned long cert_loop;

  +struct node *sslcert_create_node(const struct ssl_cert_info *cert)
  +   struct node *node;
  +   struct node_element *element;
  +   char buffer[356];
  +   char *text;
  +   snprintf(buffer, 356, messages_get(Subject), cert-subject);
 This 356 is amazingly magical and scary.  What is it all about?  If it's some
 kind of maximum that the certificate COULD hold, then we should be assert()ing
 the strlen() before we do anything else.  Also, since messages_get(Subject)
 might easily exceed that we need something better here I think.  I know it's
 safe but that doesn't make it *good*.

ok I changed all these to use a messages_get_buff() and completely
removed teh buffer and its scary sizeing.

 Also, the name 'Subject' is really nasty.  Can it be changed to
 SSL_Certificate_Subject or similar?

by your command imperious leader

  +   text = strdup(buffer);
 This idiom is found throughout NetSurf with regard to messages.  Perhaps we
 should look at a messages_strdup_printf(token, ...) function?

I called it messages_get_buff() though

  +   snprintf(buffer, 356, messages_get(Issuer), cert-issuer);
  +   text = strdup(buffer);
 All the above apply for this.


  +   snprintf(buffer, 356, messages_get(Version), cert-version);
  +   text = strdup(buffer);
 And this


  +   snprintf(buffer, 356, messages_get(ValidFrom),
  +   cert-not_before);
  +   text = strdup(buffer);
 And this.


  +   snprintf(buffer, 356, messages_get(ValidTo), cert-not_after);
  +   text = strdup(buffer);
 And this
  +   snprintf(buffer, 356, messages_get(Type), cert-cert_type);
  +   text = strdup(buffer);
 And this.


  +   snprintf(buffer, 356, messages_get(Serial), cert-serial);
  +   text = strdup(buffer);
 And this.


  +void sslcert_clanup_session(struct sslcert_session_data *session)
 This function needs a spellchecker applying :-)



Re: Review: treeview-redux [1/7] -- core changes

2010-09-26 Thread Vincent Sanders
Here we go with the next bit. Only tree.h to go, gonna try and sleep though, 

  +bool tree_url_load(const char *filename, struct tree *tree,
  +   tree_node_user_callback callback, void *callback_data)
  +   xmlDoc *doc;
  +   xmlNode *html, *body, *ul;
  +   struct node *root;
  +   doc = htmlParseFile(filename, iso-8859-1);
 Erm, eww!?!?!  iso-8859-1 ?
 Why the hell are we not storing all of our data in utf-8 ?

I have no idea

 Also url_load and filename?  Seems confusing to me.

as mentioned before i changed these to tree_urlfile_load

  +void tree_url_load_directory(xmlNode *ul, struct tree *tree,
  +   struct node *directory, tree_node_user_callback callback,
  +   void *callback_data)
  +   char *title;
  +   struct node *dir;
  +   xmlNode *n;
  +   assert(ul);
 Assert ul is what?

assert(ul != NULL);

  +   assert(directory);
 Assert directory is what?

assert(directory != NULL);

  +   if (!n || strcmp((const char *) n-name, ul) != 0) {

I chnaged it to xmlnode and that specifically to 

if ((xmlnode == NULL) || 
strcmp((const char *)xmlnode-name, ul) != 0) {

  +void tree_url_load_entry(xmlNode *li, struct tree *tree,
  +   struct node *directory, tree_node_user_callback callback,
  +   void *callback_data)
  +   for (n = li-children; n; n = n-next) {


  +   if (!url1 || !title) {
 !url1?  !title?

I read that as not hurl I am only just complying

if ((url1 == NULL) || (title == NULL)) {

  +xmlNode *tree_url_find_xml_element(xmlNode *node, const char *name)
  +   xmlNode *n;

changed n to xmlnode

  +   if (!node)
  +   return 0;
 Erm, either assert(node != NULL) or compare to NULL and return NULL if not
 available.  This combination of treating node as a boolean and returning an
 integer instead of a pointer truly upsets me.

xmlNode *xmlnode;
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;

  +   for (n = node-children;
  +   n  !(n-type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE 


  +bool tree_url_save(struct tree *tree, const char *filename,
  +   const char *page_title)
  +   /* Unfortunately the Browse Hotlist format is invalid HTML,
  +* so this is a lie. */
 Aah so perhaps we're iso-8859-1 to be browse compatible.  Is it time to drop
 that crap and store something more efficient, correctly structured and utf-8 ?

possibly but thats a bit outside teh scope of this code review :-/

  +   doc-charset = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8;
  +   res = htmlSaveFileEnc(filename, doc, iso-8859-1);
 Urgh, ick, OMG, pain in my eyes as blood once again spewws forth.

yah...not fixed

  +bool tree_url_save_directory(struct node *directory, xmlNode *node)
  +   if (!ul)
 ul is not what?

if (ul == NULL)
return false;

  +   for (child = tree_node_get_child(directory); child;

swhat it says...gimmie a clue and i can fix it

  +   if (!h4)
 h4 is not what?

if (h4 == NULL)
return false;

  +bool tree_url_save_entry(struct node *entry, xmlNode *node)
  +   if (!li)
 li is not what?

if (li == NULL)
return false;

  +   if (!a)
 a is not what?

if (a == NULL)
return false;

  +   if (!href)
 href is not what?

if (href == NULL)
return false;

  Index: !NetSurf/Resources/de/Messages
 I'm going to skip all the messages files because I can't usefully review them 
 at this time.
  Index: Makefile.sources
 Do we need an S_TREEVIEW ?

possibly, dunno what should go in it though

  Index: desktop/tree.c
  +struct node_element_box {
 All these structs have comments, but aren't doccommented.


  +struct node *tree_create_folder_node(struct tree *tree, struct node 
  +   const char *title, bool editable, bool retain_in_memory,
  +   bool deleted)
  struct node *node;
  +   assert(title);
 assert that title is what?

you know you can go off people? changed

  +struct node *tree_create_leaf_node(struct tree *tree, struct node *parent,
  +   const char *title, bool editable, bool retain_in_memory,
  +   bool deleted)
  +   struct node *node;
  +   assert(title);
 Assert title is what?

o/~ you can leave it all behind and sail and sail to Lahaina, 
o/~ Just like the missionaries did, so many years ago

assert(title != NULL);

  +void tree_link_node(struct tree *tree, struct node *link, struct node 
  +   bool before)
  +   struct node *parent;
  +   bool sort = false;
  +   assert(link);
 Assert that these are what?

A rubber duckky!

assert(link != NULL);
assert(node != NULL);

  +   if ((!link-folder) || (before)) {
 link-folder is not what?

A spatula!

if ((link-folder == 

2.6 Release

2010-09-17 Thread Vincent Sanders
Well its that time again, time for a new release.

The 2.6 release is primarily going to be for bugs discovered after the
2.5 release.

The page covers the known
issues which need fixing before the release. If there are any known
problems missing from there now is the time to let us know!

Nothing huge has been altered, For details Michael has prepared a
pelimanary changelog.

Please can people test the current trunk release. I intend to branch
2.6 sometime during the weekend unless a showstopper bug comes up.

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

Re: Review: Review: branches/vince/netsurf-file-fetcher

2010-09-11 Thread Vincent Sanders
Sigh, ok, ok I give in, commited a less sophisticated version, does
not assume it can use open() on anything except plain files. Only uses
opendir() on directories and specifically avoids using any expected
clib behaviour introduced in the last couple of decades.

I updated the url_to_path of some frontends in the vauge hope using
the url lib is a bit more correct than their previously implementations.

Should fix all your points from below.

On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 06:44:27PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
 Firstly, this has the same problem as the old libcurl file fetcher, in
 that it insists on opening every file prepended with a slash.  The fix
 for that particular issue is this:
 Index: content/fetchers/fetch_file.c
 --- content/fetchers/fetch_file.c (revision 10754)
 +++ content/fetchers/fetch_file.c (working copy)
 @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
   if (ctx == NULL)
   return NULL;
 - res = url_path(url, path);
 - if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) {
 + path = url_to_path(url);
 + if (path == NULL) {
   return NULL;
 I've not committed that change myself as I'm not in a position to test
 on other platforms, but it should work as it asks the platform code
 what the path is instead of assuming.
 Secondly, the following doesn't work as expected on AmigaOS and
 probably doesn't work on anything that isn't UNIX-derived:
  +/* process a file fetch */
  +static void fetch_file_process(struct fetch_file_context *ctx)
  +   ctx-fd = open(ctx-path, O_RDONLY);
  +   if (ctx-fd  0) {
  +   /* process errors as appropriate */
  +   if (S_ISDIR(ctx-fstat.st_mode)) {
  +   /* directory listing */
  +   fetch_file_process_dir(ctx);
  +   return;
  +   }
 The issue is that if you open() a directory, it branches off to report
 an error (you can't open() directories) before getting to S_ISDIR() -
 so that code never executes.  S_ISDIR would fail anyway as there would
 be no file descriptor to pass to it.
 I would guess that anything which doesn't have fdopendir() would also
 not be able to open() a directory.
 If open() fails, opendir() should be called.  Only if that reports an
 error should the error branch be taken.
 This should also resolve this comment:
  /* this poses the possibility of a race where the directory
   * has been removed from the namespace or resources for more
   * fd are now unavailable between the previous open() and this
   * call.
  scandir = opendir(ctx-path);
 opendir() has already been called if fdopendir() is not available,
 just needs the pointer stored somewhere where the directory parser can
 get to it (being passed into the function would probably suffice)

Regards Vincent

Re: Review: branches/vince/netsurf-file-fetcher

2010-09-09 Thread Vincent Sanders
  +/* file: URL handling. Based on the data fetcher by Rob Kendrik */

Bugger, fixed, sorry Rob

  +   ctx-locked = true;
  +   fetch_send_callback(FETCH_HEADER, ctx-fetchh, header, strlen(header), 
  +   ctx-locked = false;
 Call fetch_file_send_callback, instead?

hmm, ok, another function call but yeah its cleaner, changed

  +   LOG((%s, header));
 Presumably redundant now?


  +   ctx-locked = true;
  +   fetch_send_callback(FETCH_HEADER, ctx-fetchh, header, strlen(header), 
  +   ctx-locked = false;


  +   return ctx-aborted;
  +/** callback to initialise the file fetcher. */
  +static bool fetch_file_initialise(const char *scheme)
  +   LOG((fetch_file_initialise called for %s, scheme));
  +   return true;
  +/** callback to initialise the file fetcher. */
  +static void fetch_file_finalise(const char *scheme)
  +   LOG((fetch_file_finalise called for %s, scheme));
 This logging is probably unnecessary now.


  +/** callback to set up a file fetch context. */
  +static void *
  +fetch_file_setup(struct fetch *fetchh, 
  +const char *url,
  +bool only_2xx, 
  +const char *post_urlenc,
  +const struct fetch_multipart_data *post_multipart,
  +const char **headers)
  +   struct fetch_file_context *ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx));
  +   char *path;
  +   if (ctx == NULL)
  +   return NULL;
  +   ctx-fetchh = fetchh;
  +   ctx-url = strdup(url);
  +   url_path(url, path);
  +   if (path == NULL) {
 Ensure URL_FUNC_OK here

res = url_path(url, path);
if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) {
return NULL;


I moved the allocation after these checks

  +   free(ctx);
  +   return NULL;
  +   }
  +   url_unescape(path, ctx-path);
  +   if (ctx-path == NULL) {
 Ensure URL_FUNC_OK here

res = url_unescape(path, ctx-path);
if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) {
return NULL;


moved allocation after

  +   free(ctx);
  +   return NULL;
  +   }
  +   free(path);
  +   RING_INSERT(ring, ctx);
  +   LOG((new context %p for fetch handle %p, url %s, path %s,
  +ctx, fetchh, ctx-url, ctx-path));
  +   LOG((only_2xx %d, post_urlenc %s, post_multipart %p, headers %p,  
  +only_2xx, post_urlenc, post_multipart, headers));
 Lose this logging?

gone ;-)

  +   return ctx;
  +/** callback to free a file fetch */
  +static void fetch_file_free(void *ctx)
  +   struct fetch_file_context *c = ctx;
  +   LOG((context %p,ctx));



I took your suggestion and removed fd and fstat from the structure, its now 

  +   free(c-url);
  +   free(c-path);
  +   RING_REMOVE(ring, c);
  +   free(ctx);
  +/** callback to start a file fetch */
  +static bool fetch_file_start(void *ctx)
  +   LOG((context %p,ctx));
 Lose logging


  +   return true;
  +/** callback to abort a file fetch */
  +static void fetch_file_abort(void *ctx)
  +   struct fetch_file_context *c = ctx;
  +   LOG((context %p,ctx));


  +/** Process object as a regular file */
  +static void fetch_file_process_plain(struct fetch_file_context *ctx)
  +   char *buf;
  +   size_t buf_size;
  +   size_t tot_read = 0;
  +   ssize_t res;
  +   size_t size;
  +   size = ctx-fstat.st_size;
  +   /* set buffer size */
  +   buf_size = size;
  +   if (buf_size  FETCH_FILE_MAX_BUF_SIZE)
  +   buf_size = FETCH_FILE_MAX_BUF_SIZE;
  +   /* allocate the buffer storage */
  +   buf = malloc(buf_size);
  +   if (buf == NULL) {
  +   fetch_file_send_callback(FETCH_ERROR, ctx,
  +   Unable to allocate memory for file data buffer,
  +   return;
  +   }
  +   /* fetch is going to be successful */
  +   fetch_set_http_code(ctx-fetchh, 200);
  +   /* Any callback can result in the fetch being aborted.
  +* Therefore, we _must_ check for this after _every_ call to
  +* fetch_file_send_callback().
  +   /* content type */
  +   if (fetch_file_send_header(ctx, Content-Type: %s, 
  +   goto fetch_file_process_aborted;
  +   /* content length */
  +   if (fetch_file_send_header(ctx, Content-Length: %zd, size))
  +   goto fetch_file_process_aborted;
  +   /* Set Last modified header */
  +   if (fetch_file_send_time(ctx, Last-Modified: %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S 
  GMT, ctx-fstat.st_mtime))
  +   goto fetch_file_process_aborted;
  +   /* create etag */
  +   if 

Re: gui_poll function

2010-08-24 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:15:57AM +0200, m0n0 wrote:

 Hello to the list,

 I'm having an question about gui_poll function - should it block if the 
 active parameter is false?
 If networking is done (active == false), the page isn't rendered  
 complete, so at this point I can't allow gui_poll to block.
 How to get the information if rendering is still running? Active becomes 
 false before rendering has finished, so there is no way to use the active 

 When everything is done (how to get that information?), gui_poll  
 could/should be blocking... like an select on a network socket.
 This could reduce system load, because gui_poll isn't running 100 times a 
 second uselessly.

gui_poll should block on input untill the next timer event when there
are no outstanding redraw requests to be performed and the active flag
is false. An obvious example of this is the gui_poll() in


Regards Vincent

static analysis

2010-07-06 Thread Vincent Sanders
As you know I have been playing with clang on Linux, as a side effect
I have generated some static analysis output for netsurf and libcss.

The NetSurf build is just the GTK version clean HEAD from svn

The libcss build is likewise clean HEAD (r10600) with BUILD=debug.

results at more may follow later.

Regards Vincent

Re: fbtk-rework branch

2010-07-06 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 06:10:33PM +0100, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 10:14:46AM +0100, Vincent Sanders wrote:
  here is the branch diff, its not perfect but it is better than what we
  have now and I want it to be merged.
 I will take this comment into account as I review then.  There's lots of
 indentation snafus in this diff, perhaps you need to re-indent some files?

all files re-intented and whitespace cleaned

 Also, some places you have mixed
 rettype funcname(args)
 for exported functions.
 Please make it consistent.

it is now consistant

  Index: framebuffer/options.h
   #define EXTRA_OPTION_TABLE  \
  -{ fb_depth, OPTION_INTEGER, option_fb_depth },   \
  +   { fb_depth, OPTION_INTEGER, option_fb_depth },   \
 Gratuitious changing of indentation?

well i just applied the indentation all the rest of the files have.

  Index: framebuffer/fbtk/scroll.c
  + * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders
 Shiny new file, and it's 2010 now.  If you're just CPing code to split it out
 then 2008,2010.

fixed them all, I wont respond to them all

  +/** Vertical scroll widget */
  +static int
  +vscroll_redraw(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi)
 This documentation comment seems pretty poor.  Either drop the ** or do it


  +static int
  +vscrollarea_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi)
  +   fbtk_tgrab_pointer(widget);

toggle grab, documented.

  +/* Horizontal scroll widget */
 Aah, this isn't doc, so drop the ** from the above.

cleaned it up a bit

 Such a large proportion of the code appears remarkably similar between the
 horiz and vert scrollbars, couldn't there be some code sharing going on?

yes...I just cannot figure out how to do it and it look clean

  Index: framebuffer/fbtk/event.c
  + * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders
 Copyright 2010?

all changed as i said

  +fbtk_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, nsfb_event_t *event)
 Indentation snafud a lot in this function.
  +/* toggle pointer grab */
  +bool fbtk_tgrab_pointer(fbtk_widget_t *widget)
 More indentation snafus here.
  +fbtk_warp_pointer(fbtk_widget_t *widget, int x, int y, bool relative)
  +   } else {
  +   /* pointer movement has been grabebd by a widget */


  +/* post the movement */
 Indentation snafu?
  +bool fbtk_event(fbtk_widget_t *root, nsfb_event_t *event, int timeout)
  +//LOG((Reading event with timeout %d,timeout));
 No C++ comments please.

all gone

  + * Local Variables:
  + * c-basic-offset:8
  + * End:
 Given this, it's amazing that there's loads of stuff in the above diff which 
 is 4-char indent.

not any more

  Index: framebuffer/fbtk/text.c
  + * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders
 Also, this file is also full of indentation snafu, so I'm not going to 
 mention them, just go tidy it up please.


 Can this please be given some kind of comment?

#define TEXT_WIDGET_BORDER 3 /** The pixel border round a text widget. */

  +/* Lighten a colour by taking seven eights of each channel's intensity
  + * and adding a full eighth
  + */
  +#define brighten_colour(c1)
  +   (7 * ((c1  16)  0xff))  3) + 32)  16) |  \
  +7 * ((c1  8)  0xff))  3) + 32)  8) |\
  +7 * (c1  0xff))  3) + 32)  0))
 Why is this in text.c and not some generic colour manipulation header?

some of them are in desktop/plot_style.h some elsewhere, guidence please?

  Index: framebuffer/fbtk/fbtk.c
  + * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders
 2010? Also, indentation snafus in this file too


  +static void dump_tk_tree(fbtk_widget_t *widget)
  +   LOG((%*s%p,indent,, widget));


  +   if (widget-first_child != NULL) {
  +   widget = widget-first_child;
  +   indent+=6;


  +   } else if (widget-next != NULL) {
  +   widget = widget-next;
  +   } else {
  +   while ((widget-parent != NULL)  
  +  (widget-parent-next == NULL)) {
  +   widget = widget-parent;
  +   indent-=6;


  +   }
  +   if (widget-parent != NULL) {
  +   indent-=6;


  +   widget = widget-parent-next;
  +   } else {
  +   widget = NULL;
  +   }
  +   }
  +   }
  +/* @todo fbtk_set_pos_and_size, fbtk_set_mapping and
  + * fbtk_request_redraw

Re: Implementing SHIFT modifier for URL input

2010-07-05 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 12:28:08AM +0200, m0n0 wrote:
 Hello to the list,
 I was trying to utilise Shift-key for the framebuffer URL input widget.
 Then I figured out that an static translation table is used by
 fbtk_keycode_to_ucs4() ... Is there any wish on how to change that? 

There is a bug in the current implementation of the framebuffer
toolkit with respect to input widgets in that they do not actually use
the keycode-ucs translation table.

If you spot any more issues with the framebuffer toolkit please let me
know as I am currently in the middle of a major refactor of this code.

 My first idea was an mapping file which could be placed into the .netsurf
 directory. What do you think about it?  

There are no current plans to implement keymap support, however I may
consider it in future.

 I think making this dynamic is important, because with german keyboards
 you aren't able to enter : - which is really needed for entering urls
 which begin with https:// ... - I believe there are more languages which
 aren't able to input : with that static table...  

Please feel free to check out my fbtk-rework branch to see if the
refactor has solved your issue.

Regards Vincent

2.5 Release, last call

2010-04-18 Thread Vincent Sanders
OK, think we have (well jmb mostly) have cracked all the crashing
problems and I am pretty much ready to cut the release.

This is the last call for test before I branch the release. This will
be at 22:00 BST tonight Sunday 18th 2010.

There will be release branches for for netsurf and apropriate
libraries for the RISC OS, GTK and Amiga frontends. We will also be
producing a tech preview for the windows frontend.

Regards Vincent

Description: Digital signature

The 2.5 Release

2010-04-09 Thread Vincent Sanders
Greetings all

I will be your release manager for NetSurf 2.5 ;-)

This release is scheduled to be released on Sunday 18th April (9 days
time) I had hoped to be branching trunk this Sunday (11th) and having
a week to stabalise.

This aspriration looks increasingly unlikely as the outsanding issue
list on shows, there is
still much to do. 

I will *not* be branching 2.5 untill jmb has landed his fix the damm
recursion branch and the RISC OS front end is fixed.

I am, however, prepared to push the release back untill wednesday
21st, any later and I am uncomfortable with having something useful
for the wakefiled show on the 24th.

I have been keeping a close eye on frontends and have decided that for
the 2.5 release it is only going to be possible to release the GTK and
RISC OS frontend as fully supported editions. 

This decision is of course subject to review (especialy for the Amiga
front end which I know Chris has put a *lot* of work into but I cannot
test. Any release decision is therefore down to Chris)

The front ends which are not released as supported editions (beos,
framebuffer and windows) I suggest, if we publish builds at all, they
are provided strictly as technology demonstrations ensuring we make
it absolutely clear that no support is provided and these fronends do
not represent the full future capability of NetSurf on those

Please If you have any constructive feedback, now is the time to give it!

Regards Vincent

Re: r9965 vince - in /trunk/netsurf/desktop: browser.c browser.h

2010-02-11 Thread Vincent Sanders
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:38:54AM +, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:37:07PM -, wrote:
  +   bw-status_text = NULL;
  +   bw-status_text_len = 0;
 I see no initialisation of status_match or status_miss
   void browser_window_set_status(struct browser_window *bw, const char *text)
  +   if ((bw-status_text == NULL) || (bw-status_text_len  text_len)) {
  +   /* no current string allocation or it is not long enough */
  +   free(bw-status_text);
 While free(NULL) is defined to be safe -- are we certain it is on all 
 we port to?

A good question...I kinda assumed the C default behaviour...ummm if
anyone has an issue with this in a build can they let me know? if it
is an issue I will of course fix it.

  Modified: trunk/netsurf/desktop/browser.h
  +/** cache of the currently displayed status text. */
  +   char *status_text;
  +   int status_text_len;
  +   int status_match;
  +   int status_miss;
 The incorrect indentation indicates that the comment was space-indented 
 rather than tabbed, and the three ints lack documentation strings.
 How about:
   char *status_text; /** Current status bar text. */
   int status_text_len; /** Length of the ::status_text buffer. */
   int status_match; /** Number of times an idempotent status-set 
 operation was performed. */
   int status_miss; /** Number of times status was really updated. */

all applied and the indentation/whitespace damage of the whole file
fixed, cheers Daniel

Regards Vincent

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