Re: [ANN] New awesome vim plug-in using Ruby bindings

2012-04-28 Thread Alex Ghitza
Hi Felipe,

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Felipe Contreras
> In case anybody is interested, here's a screencast showing some of the
> features :)

This looks great, but I can't seem to be able to get it to work on my
machine.  I have put notmuch-ruby.vim alongside notmuch.vim inside
.vim/plugin, and the .vim/syntax/notmuch-* files are there as well.
If I do

vim -c ':NotMuch'

I can get into the normal vim frontend for notmuch, but if I try

vim -c ':NotMuchR'

all I get is an error message:

Error detected while processing command line:
E492: Not an editor command: :NotMuchR

Sorry about the completely noob question, but I've been unsuccessfully
trying to get this to work for a while now and I have run out of
ideas.  I'm of course happy to provide whatever information would help
get to the bottom of this.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
notmuch mailing list

Re: [ANN] New awesome vim plug-in using Ruby bindings

2012-04-28 Thread Alex Ghitza
Felipe Contreras wrote:
> > vim -c ':NotMuchR'
> >
> > all I get is an error message:
> >
> > Error detected while processing command line:
> > E492: Not an editor command: :NotMuchR
> I don't know if you did anything special to get the normal plug-in to
> work. Maybe you are doing 'source ~/.vim/plugin/notmuch.vim' directly
> in your .vimrc, if so, you can try to do the same with notmuch vim
> ruby. What I have is 'filetype plugin on'.

After banging my head against the wall a bit more, I realised what
should have been obvious from the beginning: I need to have vim built
with ruby support.  So after grabbing the vim source and

./configure --enable-rubyinterp

I am now happily writing this from notmuch-ruby.  As obvious as this
should have been, do you think it deserves a short sentence at the top
of the == install == section of your README?


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia
notmuch mailing list

[notmuch] automatically assigning tags to new messages?

2009-12-18 Thread Alex Ghitza

Dear notmuch crowd,

I heard about notmuch mail a few days ago and I started playing with
it.  So far, it makes me very happy, but there are some things that I
need to learn how to do.  I'll start with the most important one:
tagging incoming messages automatically.

What is the recommended way of achieving this?  There is a variety of
things that I would like to automatically do to incoming mail:
- if it comes from a mailing list (e.g. notmuch), tag it +notmuch and
  +unread, but not +inbox
- if it's one of the numerous pointless weekly newsletters that I'm
  getting from my university, tag it +unimelb, but not +unread or +inbox 
- if it is coming from me, tag it +sent, but not +unread or +inbox

There's probably more, but this is a good start.  Any advice?

[My current email setup is as follows: get messages from the Gmail
account using fetchmail; run procmail with a bunch of recipes that put
the messages into various maildirs; read the results with mutt.  (Oh,
and send mail with msmtp from mutt.)]


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --

[notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-19 Thread Alex Ghitza


Many thanks to Marten and Carl for the advice on using scripts for
assigning tags automatically.  It works like a charm.

The next hurdle seems to be dealing with sent mail.  I would like each
message that I send to be saved in my local mail folder and treated the
same as all my other messages -- so it will get indexed and put in the
right thread, etc.  (For example, right now the thread that started with
my question about automatic tags only has the two replies in it, and its
subject is "Re: [notmuch] automatically...")  Bcc-ing myself on every
sent message is suboptimal for a number of reasons: (1) gmail throws
away the bcc-ed copy since it has the same message id as the one sitting
in the gmail sent mail, and so the bcc-ed copy never makes it back to my
local mail;  (2) even if this was working, it would be an unnecessary
waste of bandwidth. 

After looking around for a little bit, the only other option I could see
was to use the FCC mail header.  Unfortunately this wants a filename to
save to (rather than just a directory); so I have to manually add the
FCC: header, put in a filename that doesn't yet exist, type 'y' to
confirm that I want the file to be created.  It would be great if I
could just set the directory where sent mail should go to as a global
option, and then everything would happen automatically without any more
effort from me.

I realise that this is more of an emacs question than a notmuch
question, but I'm hoping that somebody on this list has an elegant
solution to this.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --

[notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-20 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 02:55:16 -0800, Jed Brown  wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:41:14 +1100, Alex Ghitza  wrote:
> > Bcc-ing myself on every sent message is suboptimal for a number of
> > reasons: (1) gmail throws away the bcc-ed copy since it has the same
> > message id as the one sitting in the gmail sent mail, and so the
> > bcc-ed copy never makes it back to my local mail;
> I agree it is suboptimal, but are you sure this is true?  I send
> messages via gmail and those having Bcc to me are marked as new and
> downloaded by the next pass of getmail (via POP).

Aha!  Your reply prodded me to investigate this further.  The problem
seems to be in the way I'm working with the emacs "Message" mode.
Namely, Bcc works fine when I *reply* to a message from notmuch in
emacs: while composing the reply I see the automatically added Bcc
header, and after sending through gmail and getting the new mail via POP
I get the message back. 

However, if I'm using notmuch in emacs and press 'm' to compose a new
message, then the Bcc header is not added automatically and I guess it's
not surprising that the rest doesn't work as expected.

So where is the difference between 'm' and 'r' coming from?  I have
(setq mail-self-blind t)  in my .emacs, and I thought that should take
care of things, but it obviously doesn't.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --

[notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-20 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 18:50:17 -0800, Keith Packard  wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 18:37:12 -0800, Carl Worth  wrote:
> > So we need to figure out how to configure (or hook) that
> > to insert the Bcc, and then we can fix notmuch.el to do this without any
> > user configuration.
> Just call:
> (message-mail nil nil '(("bcc" "keithp at")))
> instead of (message-mail)

Good.  So we can put this in notmuch.el and Keith will get everybody's
sent mail. :)

It looks like we need a way to get the primary email address from the
config file.  Actually, while we're at it, we can consider making this
more flexible and adding a new option to the config file (e.g. bcc=...)
which would take a semicolon-separated list of email addresses (in case
someone wants to always bcc an address other than the primary one).

Is there a nice clean way of getting the config variables in notmuch.el?
Or should this go into a new file notmuch-compose.c?  Note that the
latter would imply having a new command like "notmuch compose".

Ah, I just realised there's another issue related to the fact that 'm'
immediately defers to Message mode while 'r' does some preprocessing:
after pressing 'r', various headers are set in the appropriate manner
(From:, for instance, using the user name and email address from the
config file).  If you press 'm', you would get something like

From: ghitza@artin.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-tickle-me

due to the fact that Message mode doesn't know the name or the email
address.  This can be fixed by adding to .emacs something like

(setq user-full-name "Alex Ghitza")
(setq user-mail-address "aghitza at")

It's not a big deal, but now the same thing must be set in two different
places (.notmuch-config and .emacs), and can lead to confusion if, say,
the user changes their primary email address in one place but forgets it
needs to also be changed in the other.  So I guess I would prefer it if
notmuch would do a very minimal amount of preprocessing before heading
into Message mode when composing mail.  In fact, we could make sure that
there is consistent behaviour between 'm' and 'r' by making "notmuch
compose" return a few preset headers (From:, Bcc:, whatever else is
deemed appropriate), and making "notmuch reply" call "notmuch compose"
first and then add the reply-specific content.

Sorry about writing a lot of prose and no code!  I'd like to get a sense
for people's reactions before trying to write a patch for this.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --

[notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-21 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 13:31:13 -0500, Jameson Graef Rollins  wrote:
> Hi, folks.  I've been following this thread a bit and I wanted to put
> in my argument that using Bcc is *NOT* the way to save local copies of
> sent mail.  I really don't think that we need to require that the mail
> actually get send out to the world wide net just to save a copy of it
> locally.  I think there must be better ways of doing this.

Agreed, and I think that directly saving to a file is the sane way to
go.  However, there might be other (more legitimate) uses for always
bcc-ing a certain address on all sent mail, and it might be good to have
an easy mechanism for this.  


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --

[notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-21 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 19:51:05 +0100, asjo at (Adam 
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Sj=F8gren?=) wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 13:31:13 -0500, Jameson wrote:
> > There must be a way to tell emacs message-mode to save a copy of
> > outgoing mail locally. Mutt does this with it's Fcc commands (ie. 
> > "file carbon copy"). I think we should look for a solution like this.
> Gnus uses Gcc for this (see gnus-message-archive-group and
> gnus-message-archive-method); I think message.el also supports Fcc; eg. 
> see message-fcc-handler-function:

Adam, thanks for the info on the message-fcc-handler-function.  I'll try
to get something working based on this.  There are two questions of
design now:

1. where should the file be saved?  I'm thinking of a new setting in
$NOTMUCH_CONFIG, along the lines of sentmail_path=...
Should there be a default if this is not set, e.g. a subdirectory "sent"
of the directory given in the config variable "path"?

2. of course, filenames need to be unique.  Do we want/have to follow
the maildir file naming conventions listed at
or is it enough to use the Emacs lisp make-temp-file?


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --

[notmuch] viewing text/html (inline or otherwise)

2010-02-09 Thread Alex Ghitza

Dear Notmuch folks,

I've been using notmuch exclusively (or almost, see below) for the past
couple of months and it is absolutely fabulous!  It also keeps getting
better for me, due for instance to the improved speed from the xapian
bug #250 being fixed, and Jesse and Jamie's code for setting Fcc (which
is working like a charm for me).

There were still two typical occasions when I needed to resort to
logging into Gmail: (a) to look at attachments and (b) to read html
mail.  Tonight, after some searching, I managed to get my emacs to do
(a), and it would be really sweet if I could also do (b) from notmuch in
emacs.  It's such a basic thing that I'm sure everybody else has it
figured out; in fact, I resisted the temptation to be lazy and ask about
this for quite some time, but nothing that I tried got me very far.  (To
be specific, my latest attempt involved w3m, and now when I press 'v'
within a message that has a text/html part, I see "Rendering... done"
followed by "Fontifying... done", but then nothing.)

Ideally, I'd like to be able to see what's hidden behind the 
"Non-text part: text/html", and if it could happen inline that would be
great.  I would also entertain the idea of opening an external browser
window, if that's the way this has to go.

Back in the days when I was using mutt, this could be done by adding
something like:

  in .muttrc:
  auto_view text/html

  in .mailcap:
  text/html; lynx -dump %s ; copiousoutput ; nametemplate=%s.html

Is something like this possible in notmuch+emacs?  (The alternative is
that I get procmail to send all html mail back to sender with a request
to resend as plain text, but most of the culprits won't know what I'm
talking about.)


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --

Re: [Announce] notmuch release 0.2 now available

2010-04-16 Thread Alex Ghitza


I'm not sure whether replying to the announcement email is the
appropriate way to report building and testing results, but here goes.

notmuch-0.2 built fine, but one test failed during 'make test'.  I have
put the indicated directory up at

with a tarred version at

The machine and distribution are

Linux artin 2.6.33-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Apr 4 10:27:30 CEST 2010 
x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

It would seem that I have libxapian-1.1, and gmime-2.4.15.

As an academic, when I see a test grade of 49/50, I think "pretty damn
good", so I'm using 0.2 anyway :).  So far it's great, I'll report if I
have any trouble.  

Thanks to everybody who contributed to 0.2!


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia
notmuch mailing list

Re: [Announce] notmuch release 0.2 now available

2010-04-27 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:17:40 -0700, Carl Worth  wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for reporting this.
> Unfortunately, at the time, the test suite didn't capture everything
> necessary to investigate the problem in the directory. In particular,
> the actual vs. expected output only appeared on stdout.
> If you could provide that output, then we could perhaps investigate the
> problem.
> Alternately, upgrading to a more recent version of notmuch, (either from
> git now, or using 0.3 when it appears in the future), will give you a
> test suite that does capture the essential information in that
> directory.
> Thanks,
> -Carl


I wanted to wait until 0.3 to follow up on this.  Sure enough, with 0.3
I get "All 77 tests passed".  Excellent!


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia
notmuch mailing list

Undo tag operation?

2011-07-20 Thread Alex Ghitza
Dear notmuch folks,

I just inadvertently removed the "todo" tag from all my "todo"-tagged
emails (about 60 of them going back several months, so I doubt I can
find them all again in my email haystack).  So I have a few questions:

1. Is there currently an easy way to undo this?
2. Is there currently a complicated, maybe-won't-work way to undo
this?  I have not touched the emacs instance, nor the notmuch
database, since the incident, if that helps.
3. If the answers to both 1 and 2 are "no" (which is what I expect),
should notmuch itself (or the emacs frontend) have an undo


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
notmuch mailing list

[notmuch] automatically assigning tags to new messages?

2009-12-18 Thread Alex Ghitza

Dear notmuch crowd,

I heard about notmuch mail a few days ago and I started playing with
it.  So far, it makes me very happy, but there are some things that I
need to learn how to do.  I'll start with the most important one:
tagging incoming messages automatically.

What is the recommended way of achieving this?  There is a variety of
things that I would like to automatically do to incoming mail:
- if it comes from a mailing list (e.g. notmuch), tag it +notmuch and
  +unread, but not +inbox
- if it's one of the numerous pointless weekly newsletters that I'm
  getting from my university, tag it +unimelb, but not +unread or +inbox 
- if it is coming from me, tag it +sent, but not +unread or +inbox

There's probably more, but this is a good start.  Any advice?

[My current email setup is as follows: get messages from the Gmail
account using fetchmail; run procmail with a bunch of recipes that put
the messages into various maildirs; read the results with mutt.  (Oh,
and send mail with msmtp from mutt.)]


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --
notmuch mailing list

[notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-18 Thread Alex Ghitza


Many thanks to Marten and Carl for the advice on using scripts for
assigning tags automatically.  It works like a charm.

The next hurdle seems to be dealing with sent mail.  I would like each
message that I send to be saved in my local mail folder and treated the
same as all my other messages -- so it will get indexed and put in the
right thread, etc.  (For example, right now the thread that started with
my question about automatic tags only has the two replies in it, and its
subject is "Re: [notmuch] automatically...")  Bcc-ing myself on every
sent message is suboptimal for a number of reasons: (1) gmail throws
away the bcc-ed copy since it has the same message id as the one sitting
in the gmail sent mail, and so the bcc-ed copy never makes it back to my
local mail;  (2) even if this was working, it would be an unnecessary
waste of bandwidth. 

After looking around for a little bit, the only other option I could see
was to use the FCC mail header.  Unfortunately this wants a filename to
save to (rather than just a directory); so I have to manually add the
FCC: header, put in a filename that doesn't yet exist, type 'y' to
confirm that I want the file to be created.  It would be great if I
could just set the directory where sent mail should go to as a global
option, and then everything would happen automatically without any more
effort from me.

I realise that this is more of an emacs question than a notmuch
question, but I'm hoping that somebody on this list has an elegant
solution to this.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --
notmuch mailing list

Re: [notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-19 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 02:55:16 -0800, Jed Brown  wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:41:14 +1100, Alex Ghitza  wrote:
> > Bcc-ing myself on every sent message is suboptimal for a number of
> > reasons: (1) gmail throws away the bcc-ed copy since it has the same
> > message id as the one sitting in the gmail sent mail, and so the
> > bcc-ed copy never makes it back to my local mail;
> I agree it is suboptimal, but are you sure this is true?  I send
> messages via gmail and those having Bcc to me are marked as new and
> downloaded by the next pass of getmail (via POP).

Aha!  Your reply prodded me to investigate this further.  The problem
seems to be in the way I'm working with the emacs "Message" mode.
Namely, Bcc works fine when I *reply* to a message from notmuch in
emacs: while composing the reply I see the automatically added Bcc
header, and after sending through gmail and getting the new mail via POP
I get the message back. 

However, if I'm using notmuch in emacs and press 'm' to compose a new
message, then the Bcc header is not added automatically and I guess it's
not surprising that the rest doesn't work as expected.

So where is the difference between 'm' and 'r' coming from?  I have
(setq mail-self-blind t)  in my .emacs, and I thought that should take
care of things, but it obviously doesn't.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --
notmuch mailing list

Re: [notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-19 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 18:50:17 -0800, Keith Packard  wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 18:37:12 -0800, Carl Worth  wrote:
> > So we need to figure out how to configure (or hook) that
> > to insert the Bcc, and then we can fix notmuch.el to do this without any
> > user configuration.
> Just call:
> (message-mail nil nil '(("bcc" "")))
> instead of (message-mail)

Good.  So we can put this in notmuch.el and Keith will get everybody's
sent mail. :)

It looks like we need a way to get the primary email address from the
config file.  Actually, while we're at it, we can consider making this
more flexible and adding a new option to the config file (e.g. bcc=...)
which would take a semicolon-separated list of email addresses (in case
someone wants to always bcc an address other than the primary one).

Is there a nice clean way of getting the config variables in notmuch.el?
Or should this go into a new file notmuch-compose.c?  Note that the
latter would imply having a new command like "notmuch compose".

Ah, I just realised there's another issue related to the fact that 'm'
immediately defers to Message mode while 'r' does some preprocessing:
after pressing 'r', various headers are set in the appropriate manner
(From:, for instance, using the user name and email address from the
config file).  If you press 'm', you would get something like

From: ghi...@artin.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-tickle-me

due to the fact that Message mode doesn't know the name or the email
address.  This can be fixed by adding to .emacs something like

(setq user-full-name "Alex Ghitza")
(setq user-mail-address "")

It's not a big deal, but now the same thing must be set in two different
places (.notmuch-config and .emacs), and can lead to confusion if, say,
the user changes their primary email address in one place but forgets it
needs to also be changed in the other.  So I guess I would prefer it if
notmuch would do a very minimal amount of preprocessing before heading
into Message mode when composing mail.  In fact, we could make sure that
there is consistent behaviour between 'm' and 'r' by making "notmuch
compose" return a few preset headers (From:, Bcc:, whatever else is
deemed appropriate), and making "notmuch reply" call "notmuch compose"
first and then add the reply-specific content.

Sorry about writing a lot of prose and no code!  I'd like to get a sense
for people's reactions before trying to write a patch for this.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --
notmuch mailing list

Re: [notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-21 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 13:31:13 -0500, Jameson Graef Rollins 
> Hi, folks.  I've been following this thread a bit and I wanted to put
> in my argument that using Bcc is *NOT* the way to save local copies of
> sent mail.  I really don't think that we need to require that the mail
> actually get send out to the world wide net just to save a copy of it
> locally.  I think there must be better ways of doing this.

Agreed, and I think that directly saving to a file is the sane way to
go.  However, there might be other (more legitimate) uses for always
bcc-ing a certain address on all sent mail, and it might be good to have
an easy mechanism for this.  


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --
notmuch mailing list

Re: [notmuch] keeping a copy of sent mail locally

2009-12-21 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 19:51:05 +0100, (Adam 
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Sj=F8gren?=) wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 13:31:13 -0500, Jameson wrote:
> > There must be a way to tell emacs message-mode to save a copy of
> > outgoing mail locally. Mutt does this with it's Fcc commands (ie. 
> > "file carbon copy"). I think we should look for a solution like this.
> Gnus uses Gcc for this (see gnus-message-archive-group and
> gnus-message-archive-method); I think message.el also supports Fcc; eg. 
> see message-fcc-handler-function:

Adam, thanks for the info on the message-fcc-handler-function.  I'll try
to get something working based on this.  There are two questions of
design now:

1. where should the file be saved?  I'm thinking of a new setting in
$NOTMUCH_CONFIG, along the lines of sentmail_path=...
Should there be a default if this is not set, e.g. a subdirectory "sent"
of the directory given in the config variable "path"?

2. of course, filenames need to be unique.  Do we want/have to follow
the maildir file naming conventions listed at
or is it enough to use the Emacs lisp make-temp-file?


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --
notmuch mailing list

[notmuch] viewing text/html (inline or otherwise)

2010-02-09 Thread Alex Ghitza

Dear Notmuch folks,

I've been using notmuch exclusively (or almost, see below) for the past
couple of months and it is absolutely fabulous!  It also keeps getting
better for me, due for instance to the improved speed from the xapian
bug #250 being fixed, and Jesse and Jamie's code for setting Fcc (which
is working like a charm for me).

There were still two typical occasions when I needed to resort to
logging into Gmail: (a) to look at attachments and (b) to read html
mail.  Tonight, after some searching, I managed to get my emacs to do
(a), and it would be really sweet if I could also do (b) from notmuch in
emacs.  It's such a basic thing that I'm sure everybody else has it
figured out; in fact, I resisted the temptation to be lazy and ask about
this for quite some time, but nothing that I tried got me very far.  (To
be specific, my latest attempt involved w3m, and now when I press 'v'
within a message that has a text/html part, I see "Rendering... done"
followed by "Fontifying... done", but then nothing.)

Ideally, I'd like to be able to see what's hidden behind the 
"Non-text part: text/html", and if it could happen inline that would be
great.  I would also entertain the idea of opening an external browser
window, if that's the way this has to go.

Back in the days when I was using mutt, this could be done by adding
something like:

  in .muttrc:
  auto_view text/html

  in .mailcap:
  text/html; lynx -dump %s ; copiousoutput ; nametemplate=%s.html

Is something like this possible in notmuch+emacs?  (The alternative is
that I get procmail to send all html mail back to sender with a request
to resend as plain text, but most of the culprits won't know what I'm
talking about.)


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --
notmuch mailing list

Re: [notmuch] viewing text/html (inline or otherwise)

2010-02-09 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 16:43:20 -0800, Alexander Botero-Lowry 
> I'll get around to it, I continue to run ancient notmuch with my patch
> still in place though because I find it basically unuseable without it,
> so I hope to get some free time to pull the change back up and add the
> optimization (which is to check the type of the mime part before trying
> to do an mm-display-parts on it, so that you save the time of the
> dissection if it's not needed).

I have just pulled the latest from (which includes
your reworked inline-html patch).  So far it seems to be working great.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --
notmuch mailing list

[notmuch] viewing text/html (inline or otherwise)

2010-02-10 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 16:43:20 -0800, Alexander Botero-Lowry  wrote:
> I'll get around to it, I continue to run ancient notmuch with my patch
> still in place though because I find it basically unuseable without it,
> so I hope to get some free time to pull the change back up and add the
> optimization (which is to check the type of the mime part before trying
> to do an mm-display-parts on it, so that you save the time of the
> dissection if it's not needed).

I have just pulled the latest from (which includes
your reworked inline-html patch).  So far it seems to be working great.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia --

[Announce] notmuch release 0.2 now available

2010-04-17 Thread Alex Ghitza


I'm not sure whether replying to the announcement email is the
appropriate way to report building and testing results, but here goes.

notmuch-0.2 built fine, but one test failed during 'make test'.  I have
put the indicated directory up at

with a tarred version at

The machine and distribution are

Linux artin 2.6.33-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Apr 4 10:27:30 CEST 2010 
x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

It would seem that I have libxapian-1.1, and gmime-2.4.15.

As an academic, when I see a test grade of 49/50, I think "pretty damn
good", so I'm using 0.2 anyway :).  So far it's great, I'll report if I
have any trouble.  

Thanks to everybody who contributed to 0.2!


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

[Announce] notmuch release 0.2 now available

2010-04-27 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:17:40 -0700, Carl Worth  wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for reporting this.
> Unfortunately, at the time, the test suite didn't capture everything
> necessary to investigate the problem in the directory. In particular,
> the actual vs. expected output only appeared on stdout.
> If you could provide that output, then we could perhaps investigate the
> problem.
> Alternately, upgrading to a more recent version of notmuch, (either from
> git now, or using 0.3 when it appears in the future), will give you a
> test suite that does capture the essential information in that
> directory.
> Thanks,
> -Carl


I wanted to wait until 0.3 to follow up on this.  Sure enough, with 0.3
I get "All 77 tests passed".  Excellent!


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

Undo tag operation?

2011-07-20 Thread Alex Ghitza
Dear notmuch folks,

I just inadvertently removed the "todo" tag from all my "todo"-tagged
emails (about 60 of them going back several months, so I doubt I can
find them all again in my email haystack).  So I have a few questions:

1. Is there currently an easy way to undo this?
2. Is there currently a complicated, maybe-won't-work way to undo
this?  I have not touched the emacs instance, nor the notmuch
database, since the incident, if that helps.
3. If the answers to both 1 and 2 are "no" (which is what I expect),
should notmuch itself (or the emacs frontend) have an undo


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne

[ANN] New awesome vim plug-in using Ruby bindings

2012-04-28 Thread Alex Ghitza
Hi Felipe,

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Felipe Contreras
> In case anybody is interested, here's a screencast showing some of the
> features :)

This looks great, but I can't seem to be able to get it to work on my
machine.  I have put notmuch-ruby.vim alongside notmuch.vim inside
.vim/plugin, and the .vim/syntax/notmuch-* files are there as well.
If I do

vim -c ':NotMuch'

I can get into the normal vim frontend for notmuch, but if I try

vim -c ':NotMuchR'

all I get is an error message:

Error detected while processing command line:
E492: Not an editor command: :NotMuchR

Sorry about the completely noob question, but I've been unsuccessfully
trying to get this to work for a while now and I have run out of
ideas.  I'm of course happy to provide whatever information would help
get to the bottom of this.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne

[ANN] New awesome vim plug-in using Ruby bindings

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Ghitza
Felipe Contreras wrote:
> > vim -c ':NotMuchR'
> >
> > all I get is an error message:
> >
> > Error detected while processing command line:
> > E492: Not an editor command: :NotMuchR
> I don't know if you did anything special to get the normal plug-in to
> work. Maybe you are doing 'source ~/.vim/plugin/notmuch.vim' directly
> in your .vimrc, if so, you can try to do the same with notmuch vim
> ruby. What I have is 'filetype plugin on'.

After banging my head against the wall a bit more, I realised what
should have been obvious from the beginning: I need to have vim built
with ruby support.  So after grabbing the vim source and

./configure --enable-rubyinterp

I am now happily writing this from notmuch-ruby.  As obvious as this
should have been, do you think it deserves a short sentence at the top
of the == install == section of your README?


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia