Re: [NTG-context] Presentation

2005-08-08 Thread 정 달영

I copied the demoTest file and try to compile it.
And I got a 'undefined control sequence.' message as follows. I  
confirmed the existence of the file "s-pre-08.tex" in the  ../context/ 
base/ folder.

Any help, please.

system  : loaded
specials: loading definition file tpd
specials: loading definition file fdf
specials: fdf loaded
specials: fdf,tpd loaded
) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo)
(./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./ 

(./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo)
systems : begin file contest at line 5
! Undefined control sequence.
l.7 \TitlePage

? x
No pages of output.



 , 2005. 08. 06, 오전 7:07, andrea valle 작성:

I obtain the same results from this file named demoTest put in the  
demoTest folder on my desktop, starting form s-pre-p.

% demoTest
%D The demo text.


  {Fancy Styles:\\layers}

\input tufte
\input reich

\input knuth
\input reich



I'm looking at the console to see what's happening but don't know  
what to I should check

My s-pre files are in /sw/share/texmf/tex/context/base

I was looking forward to make my presentations... :-(



On 4 Aug 2005, at 22:32, Matthias Weber wrote:

I have the same setup (TeX installation via Gerben's iinstaller).

You haven't by any chance called the file you are TeXing also s- 

This would explain it ---


On Aug 3, 2005, at 3:36 PM, andrea valle wrote:

very interesting. But I'm having troubles. Probably because I'm  
pretty new to this kind of stuff (I'm using ConTeXt very basically).

I made a demoTest.tex filestarting from s-pre-22.tex.
I copied the demo part of s-pre-22.

Here it is:

%D \module
%D   [  file=s-pre-22,

%D The demo text.


Now,  I compiled but I obtained:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.9 \TitlePage
  {Indeed}{The Title Page}

What am I missing?

Thanks a lot


On 3 Aug 2005, at 15:31, piskala upendran wrote:

Hi, Jessica

The context/base has so many modules s-pre-**.tex. At
the end of the module you have the examples are given.
copy the examples in seperate file and add the module
no name from with the example was taken.

 and compile the files. iam sure you can select your
flavour. you can also tweat the colors to suit your


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Andrea Valle
Laboratorio multimediale "G. Quazza"
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

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Andrea Valle
Laboratorio multimediale "G. Quazza"
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] latin modern / czech polish vietnamese

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen


Currently plr and csr metrics are still used, but an alternative is to 
make those encodings regimes and use qx font encoding instead; that way 
we can drop quite some metric files. As far as i know il2 and pl0 are 
only used for computer modern.

Concerning vietnamese ... may we assume that latin modern is used there 
(i.e. drop vnr)?


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] alpha version

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen


For those interested in sorting registers ...

... the alpha release has sort-* files in it.

For the moment you need to load:


After that


   test \index {aa1}  test \index {ab1} test \index {aa2}
   test \index {ab2}  test \index {aa10}test \index {aa8}
   test \index {aa9}  test \index {aa11}test \index {aa10}
   test \index {} test \index {\ccaron ccc} test \index {\cacute ccc}
   test \index {caaa} test \index {\ccaron aaa} test \index {\cacute aaa}

will adapt itself to the language. Sort orders are defined in sort-lan.tex. 

You need to run 'newtexexec' (ruby reimplementation of texexec), which uses the texutil module/class instead of the program (faster). 

The reimplementation of texutil permits user plugins and such (more about that 

I need more info on sort order about for instance czech and german and ...  


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Sorting index (in Spanish)

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen wrote:

Mari Voipio wrote:

Dear Fellow-Contexters,

I have been charged with editing a ConTeXt document in Spanish (of 
which I understand preciously little). This far I have gotten over 
the hurdles of hyphenation, labeltexts and the upside-down 
exclamation mark (and as far as we can tell, the Spanish hyphenation 
patterns get loaded, too), but now I have a problem sorting the 
index: the words 'ángulo' and 'índice' get sorted in the beginning of 
the index instead of among a and i.

It tried putting something like the example below in a) the setup 
part of my document, b) just before the index (a bit like in the 
example at 
, except 
that I use the command \placeindex and not \completeindex) and c) in 
the lang-ita.tex file.

% Changes to sorting to fix the sorting of accented letters
\definesortkey {\´a}{a}{a}{\´a}  % á sorted among 'a'
\definesortkey {\´i}{i}{i}{\´i}  % í sorted among 'i'

None of the options a)-c) worked and I'm thinking that this is more 
of a  "stupid user" problem, i.e. as I cannot find any description on 
how \definesortkey works, I just don't understand how to use it 

Any help???

I'm playign with the new texutil, and what i need is sort rules. 

for instance, for slovenian we need:  


\exportsortexpansion {ccaron}  {cz}
\exportsortexpansion {cacute}  {czz}
\exportsortexpansion {dstroke} {dz}
\exportsortexpansion {scaron}  {sz}
\exportsortexpansion {zacron}  {zz}

\exportsortdivision  {cz}  {ccaron}
\exportsortdivision  {czz} {cacute}
\exportsortdivision  {dz}  {dstroke}
\exportsortdivision  {sz}  {scaron}
\exportsortdivision  {zz}  {zacron}


can you (and others) more language specific sort rules? 

(divisions do the reverse, they determine what ends up under a different  key) 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Presentation

2005-08-08 Thread andrea valle
First I changed all the tex files and it seemed it changed nothing in 
the output.

Then I discovered that I have two context installations on my machine, 
and that I was modifying the tex files of the the one not used by 
(The one TeXShop uses is under /usr/..., and I wasn't able to fin it 
through mac finder: finder doesn't list its content. I was modifying 
files lying in the installation of /sw/... folder).

So, everything seems alright.

Thanks a lot to all, now I know about base folder, and about my real 
context engine.

(In any case, I still don't know why I should have two contexts, I only 
installed TeXShop: ?)



On 7 Aug 2005, at 08:40, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

piskala upendran wrote:

hello valle,
I did test your example. It complained as you said.
however, it works ok under miktex + winedt with the
following changes.
a. remove the small square in front of the
b. \input reich changed to knuth because \citaat of
reich is not decoded. I do not know the reason. Any
contexpert can only tell.otherwise it compiled
smoothly. you can try.

The file was never converted from dutch to english.
\citaat should be \quotation

ntg-context mailing list

Andrea Valle
Laboratorio multimediale "G. Quazza"
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [NTG-context] \placelist disturbs grid?]

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen

Vit Zyka wrote:


I was perhaps little descriptive in my last question. Let me discribe 
my real problem:

you can explitly snap:

\snaptogrid\vbox{\bf \setstrut \strut test}
\snaptogrid[line]\vbox{\bfa \setstrut \strut test}
\snaptogrid[line]\vbox{\bfa \setstrut \strut test 1\endgraf test 2}
\snaptogrid\vbox{\sl \setstrut \strut test}

 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Clipping a path to a boundary --- Being more specific

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen

David Arnold wrote:

Hans et al,

Let me try to be more specific. Here is a file which is very typical 
of the way I draw graphs for my mathematics classes. When you compile, 
you will see the graph of the absolute value of x-1. That is, it draws 
the graph of y=|x-1|, but only after clipping it to the cpath.  What I 
would like to do is draw the graph with the drawdblarrow command so 
that the graph of the absolute value ends in arrowheads. So, I want to 
clip the graph to the bounding box, save the picture, null the 
picture, then somehow extract the path into the variable F in its 
clipped form (not the original path F that extends outside the clip 
path) so that I can replace the command draw pic with drawdblarrow F.

hm, this need some more brainpower than the previous solution,

in mp-tool there is a repathed macro that does most of the job so let's 
extend that one a bit:




def restroke  suffix p = p := repathed (21,p) enddef ; % keep attributes
def reprocess suffix p = p := repathed (22,p) enddef ; % no attributes

vardef repathed (expr mode, p) text t =
 begingroup ;
 if mode=0 : save withcolor ; remapcolors ; fi ;
 save _p_, _pp_, _ppp_, _f_, _b_, _t_ ;
 picture _p_, _pp_, _ppp_ ; color _f_ ; path _b_ ; transform _t_ ;
 _b_ := boundingbox p ; _p_ := nullpicture ;
 for i within p :
   _f_ := (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) ;
   if bounded i :
 _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ;
 setbounds _pp_ to pathpart i ;
 addto _p_ also _pp_ ;
   elseif clipped i :
 _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ;
 clip _pp_ to pathpart i ;
 addto _p_ also _pp_ ;
   elseif stroked i :
 if mode=21 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")
 dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i
 withcolor _f_ ; ) ;
 elseif mode=22 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")) ;
 else :
   addto _p_ doublepath pathpart i
 dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i
 withcolor _f_ % (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i)
 if mode=2 : t fi ;
 fi ;
   elseif filled  i :
 if mode=11 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")
 withcolor _f_ ; ) ;
 elseif mode=12 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")) ;
 else :
   addto _p_ contour pathpart i
 withcolor _f_
   if (mode=1) and (_f_<>refillbackground) : t fi ;
 fi ;
   elseif textual i : % textpart i <> "" :
 if mode <> 4 :
   addto _p_ also i if mode=3 : t fi ;
 fi ;
   else :
 addto _p_ also i ;
   fi ;
 endfor ;
 setbounds _p_ to _b_ ;
enddef ;

   picture pic; pic := image(
   draw fullcircle scaled 5cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   draw fullsquare scaled 2cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   ) ;

   redraw pic withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor red ;
% restroke pic "drawdblarrow" ;
   pic := repathed(21,pic) "drawdblarrow" ;
   pic := repathed(11,pic) "drawdblarrow" ;
   draw pic ;



the new restroke variant takes a macro name that itself takes one argument, i.e. a path, so in order to do more complex things, you need to define those 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Draw a line with Metafun

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen

Jessica Holle wrote:


I want to draw a line myself with Metafun.
This line should looks like in the module pre-05.

I've copied a few lines and try to understand what there happend.
But it failed. I've also read in the metafun.pdf, but it ist very
hard to understand.

I don't see the context between the numbers of x ond y. When I
change the numbers the output varies but in no relation to the

Can anyone help to explain this to me or has another documentation?

so looks my test:

def random_hash_frame (expr width, height, offset, linewidth ) =
def delta = ((uniformdeviate .5offset) + .25offset) enddef ;
x1 := 0.5cm ; y1 :=0.5cm ; x2 := 16cm ; y2 := 3cm ;
drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor
\MPcolor{back2}) ;
fill z1--(x2,y1)--z2--(x1,y2)--cycle ;
random_hash_frame(height,width, 0.5cm,0.5cm)


or whatever, you need to provide some known measures


think of z1 being equivalent to (x1,y1) 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Font size in FLOWchart module.

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen

Vit Zyka wrote:

John R. Culleton wrote:

I am using the flowchart module to create various goodies. What
I don't know how to do is regulate the size of the font for the
text that goes inside the little boxes. Any suggestions?

I do not known any other way but put the size/style together with text:

  \text{{\switchtobodyfont[16pt]\bf Text in cell}}

If you want to be consistent over several cells, define a macro.

in m-chart you will find: 

  \c!dot=,  % private option
  \c!offset=\v!standard, % == auto offset
  \c!nx=0, % 1,
  \c!ny=0, % 1,
  \c!background=,  % \v!color,

  \c!radius=.375\bodyfontsize,  % 2.5\c!rulethickness
  \c!rulethickness=.15\bodyfontsize,  % 2pt,

  \c!rulethickness=.15\bodyfontsize,  % 2pt,


\definecolor [FLOWfocuscolor]  [s=.2]
\definecolor [FLOWlinecolor]   [s=.5]
\definecolor [FLOWframecolor]  [s=.7]
\definecolor [FLOWbackgroundcolor] [s=.9]

so guess ... what variable can be used to set the bodyfont 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Clipping a path to a boundary

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen

David Arnold wrote:


I tried:

% redraw line
path q;
q:=pathpart pic;
drawdblarrow q withcolor blue;

But it drew the clipping path. I wanted the part of the path inside 
the clipping path.

Am I missing something in your directions?

ok, here's the full solution ...



   vardef lastpath (expr p) =
   save _p_ ; path _p_ ; _p_ := origin ;
   for i within p :
   if stroked i : _p_ := pathpart i ; fi ;
   endfor ;
   enddef ;
   vardef firstpath (expr p) =
   save _p_, _b_ ; path _p_ ; _p_ := origin ; boolean _b_ ; _b_ := 
false ;

   for i within p :
   if not _b_ : if stroked i : _b_ := true ; _p_ := pathpart i 
; fi ; fi ;

   endfor ;
   enddef ;
   picture pic; pic := image(

   draw fullcircle scaled 5cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   draw fullsquare scaled 2cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   ) ;
   draw pic ;

   drawdblarrow lastpath (pic) withcolor blue ;
   drawdblarrow firstpath(pic) withcolor red ;


...  suitable for submission to the wiki

On Aug 7, 2005, at 2:56 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

David Arnold wrote:

This works fine. However, what I need to do is somehow clip the path 
P to the bounding box, but retain the resulting cutpath in a path 
variable Q. That is, I need to cut off the parts of the path P that 
lie outside the bounding box 
cpath:=(-5,-5)--(5,-5)--(5,5)--(-5,5)--cycle and store the clipped 
path in the path variable Q. The difficulty is I have no advance 
knowledge if the path P lies entirely inside the bounding box or if 
it escapes through one of the sides.

it all depends on what you want to do further on;
- you can do some cutbefore and cutafter trickery, i.e. determine 
intersectionpoints with the edges of the bbox and do some cutting

- if you just want the path back .. just ask for "pathpart pic"
 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

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 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Draw a line with Metafun

2005-08-08 Thread Jessica Holle


I want to draw a line myself with Metafun.
This line should looks like in the module pre-05.

I've copied a few lines and try to understand what there happend.
But it failed. I've also read in the metafun.pdf, but it ist very
hard to understand.

I don't see the context between the numbers of x ond y. When I
change the numbers the output varies but in no relation to the

Can anyone help to explain this to me or has another documentation?

so looks my test:

def random_hash_frame (expr width, height, offset, linewidth ) =
def delta = ((uniformdeviate .5offset) + .25offset) enddef ;
x1 := 0.5cm ; y1 :=0.5cm ; x2 := 16cm ; y2 := 3cm ;
drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor
\MPcolor{back2}) ;
fill z1--(x2,y1)--z2--(x1,y2)--cycle ;
random_hash_frame(height,width, 0.5cm,0.5cm)

Greetings Jessi

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] style in registers

2005-08-08 Thread Vit Zyka

Hans Hagen wrote:

Vit Zyka wrote:

Good evening,

I have opened another topic. Why both Hans's page numbers are bold?



you can try to patch texutil by resetting $SavedHow

{ print TUO "\\registerpage$SavedLine" ; $SavedHow = '' ; }

Yes! It solves the problem. Thank you very much, Hans.

(I do not want to be impatient, just want to ask, what about the 
list-grid-problem? Is the problem described understandably?)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Font size in FLOWchart module.

2005-08-08 Thread Vit Zyka

John R. Culleton wrote:

I am using the flowchart module to create various goodies. What
I don't know how to do is regulate the size of the font for the
text that goes inside the little boxes. Any suggestions?

I do not known any other way but put the size/style together with text:

  \text{{\switchtobodyfont[16pt]\bf Text in cell}}

If you want to be consistent over several cells, define a macro.

Ing. Vít Zýka, Ph.D. TYPOkvítek

database publishing  databazove publikovani
data maintaining and typesetting in typographic quality
priprava dat a jejich sazba v typograficke kvalite

tel.: (+420) 777 198 189 www:

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