Re: [NTG-context] Clipping a path to a boundary --- Being more specific

2005-08-09 Thread David Arnold

Hans et al,

I tried what follows. But as far as I can see, I am not getting back a 
path q that is clipped to the cpath.

   vardef lastpath (expr p) =
   save _p_ ; path _p_ ; _p_ := origin ;
   for i within p :
   if stroked i : _p_ := pathpart i ; fi ;
   endfor ;
   enddef ;

   vardef firstpath (expr p) =
   save _p_, _b_ ; path _p_ ; _p_ := origin ; boolean _b_ ; _b_ := 
false ;

   for i within p :
   if not _b_ : if stroked i : _b_ := true ; _p_ := pathpart i 
; fi ; fi ;

   endfor ;
   enddef ;


%initialize a of f(x)=|x-a|
numeric a;

% initialize scale
numeric u; 10u=3in;

%function definition
vardef f(expr x)=

path F;
for x=-5 step 1 until 5:

%scale and draw F
F:=F scaled u;
draw F withcolor blue;

%clip path
path cpath;
cpath:=cpath scaled u;
clip currentpicture to cpath;

%save and null currentpicture
picture pic;

%retrieve first path
path q; q:=firstpath(pic);

%draw grid
for k=-5u step 1u until 5u:
draw (-5u,k)--(5u,k) withcolor 0.85white;
draw (k,-5u)--(k,5u) withcolor 0.85white;

% draw axes
drawarrow (-5u,0)--(5u,0);
drawarrow (0,-5u)--(0,5u);

% label axes
label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (5.2u,0)); $y$ etex, (0,5.2.u)); $5$ etex, (5u,0));
label.lft(btex $5$ etex, (0,5u));

drawdblarrow q withcolor blue;



On Aug 8, 2005, at 6:20 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

David Arnold wrote:

Hans et al,

Let me try to be more specific. Here is a file which is very typical 
of the way I draw graphs for my mathematics classes. When you 
compile, you will see the graph of the absolute value of x-1. That 
is, it draws the graph of y=|x-1|, but only after clipping it to the 
cpath.  What I would like to do is draw the graph with the 
drawdblarrow command so that the graph of the absolute value ends in 
arrowheads. So, I want to clip the graph to the bounding box, save 
the picture, null the picture, then somehow extract the path into the 
variable F in its clipped form (not the original path F that extends 
outside the clip path) so that I can replace the command draw pic 
with drawdblarrow F.

hm, this need some more brainpower than the previous solution,

in mp-tool there is a repathed macro that does most of the job so 
let's extend that one a bit:




def restroke  suffix p = p := repathed (21,p) enddef ; % keep 

def reprocess suffix p = p := repathed (22,p) enddef ; % no attributes

vardef repathed (expr mode, p) text t =
 begingroup ;
 if mode=0 : save withcolor ; remapcolors ; fi ;
 save _p_, _pp_, _ppp_, _f_, _b_, _t_ ;
 picture _p_, _pp_, _ppp_ ; color _f_ ; path _b_ ; transform _t_ ;
 _b_ := boundingbox p ; _p_ := nullpicture ;
 for i within p :
   _f_ := (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) ;
   if bounded i :
 _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ;
 setbounds _pp_ to pathpart i ;
 addto _p_ also _pp_ ;
   elseif clipped i :
 _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ;
 clip _pp_ to pathpart i ;
 addto _p_ also _pp_ ;
   elseif stroked i :
 if mode=21 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")
 dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i
 withcolor _f_ ; ) ;
 elseif mode=22 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")) ;
 else :
   addto _p_ doublepath pathpart i
 dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i
 withcolor _f_ % (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i)
 if mode=2 : t fi ;
 fi ;
   elseif filled  i :
 if mode=11 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")
 withcolor _f_ ; ) ;
 elseif mode=12 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")) ;
 else :
   addto _p_ contour pathpart i
 withcolor _f_
   if (mode=1) and (_f_<>refillbackground) : t fi ;
 fi ;
   elseif textual i : % textpart i <> "" :
 if mode <> 4 :
   addto _p_ also i if mode=3 : t fi ;
 fi ;
   else :
 addto _p_ also i ;
   fi ;
 endfor ;
 setbounds _p_ to _b_ ;
enddef ;

   picture pic; pic := image(
   draw fullcircle scaled 5cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   draw fullsquare scaled 2cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   ) ;

   redraw pic withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor red ;
% restroke pic "drawdblarrow" ;
   pic := repathed(21,pic) "drawdblarrow" ;
   pic := repathed(11,pic) "drawdblarrow" ;
   draw pic ;



the new restroke variant takes a macro name that itself takes o

Re: [NTG-context] alpha version

2005-08-09 Thread Vit Zyka

Hans Hagen wrote:


For those interested in sorting registers ...

OK, I am very interesting. Now I set aside some time to help with Cz part.

... the alpha release has sort-* files in it.

I looked at it. Seems that basic sorting rules can be set by macro, more 
difficult by Rubu module, right? Let start with macro.

I derrived test file from your example. The only difference is that I 
replace \ccaron by č in IL2 and put \enableregime[IL2] to very 
beginning. Seems such char is not recognized by sorting rules. What is 

I see there are 4 macros. I guess their meaning:

\exportsortrule {zacron}{z+1} ... replaces two lines:
  \exportsortexpansion {ccaron}  {cz} ... char to string replacement
  \exportsortdivision  {cz}  {ccaron} ... reverse

\exportsortreduction{ch}{c} ... second pass replacement ???
  if I want 'ch' be sorted between 'h' and 'i' so I do
  \exportsortreduction{ch}{h+1} ??


For the moment you need to load:


After that


   test \index {aa1}  test \index {ab1} test \index {aa2}
   test \index {ab2}  test \index {aa10}test \index {aa8}
   test \index {aa9}  test \index {aa11}test \index {aa10}
   test \index {} test \index {\ccaron ccc} test \index {\cacute ccc}
   test \index {caaa} test \index {\ccaron aaa} test \index {\cacute aaa}

will adapt itself to the language. Sort orders are defined in sort-lan.tex.
You need to run 'newtexexec' (ruby reimplementation of texexec), which 
uses the texutil module/class instead of the program (faster).
The reimplementation of texutil permits user plugins and such (more 
about that later).

I need more info on sort order about for instance czech and german and ... 

 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Ing. Vít Zýka, Ph.D. TYPOkvítek

database publishing  databazove publikovani
data maintaining and typesetting in typographic quality
priprava dat a jejich sazba v typograficke kvalite

tel.: (+420) 777 198 189 www:

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Kai Militzer wrote:

Hello Hans,

I'm slowly getting there, only two more problems to solve ;) The 
first thing is, that to use some of the characters in the fontset I 
have to use \th to display them, but I have no idea how to 
accomplish that in context as everytime I use \somerunes \th, or 
\somerunes{\th} ... I get an error message. If i double mascerade it 
like \\th i get the symbols for the characters t and h. I am sure 
there is a way to get this working.

The next thing, which I guess is to search more on the 
font-subsystem of context, is the fact that I only get my characters 
displayed when viewing the .dvi-file with xdvi. When executing 
texexec --pdf or using dvipdf (or dvips) I get nothing, or the 
charaters in the standard latin-typeset (i.e. ASCII).

I solved the second problem. I copied the map and type1 fonts into the 
directories mentioned in the readme to the font (which where 
latex-specific). After looking at the texexec output and some try and 
error, I finaly got all working. So if I now do a texexec --pdf I get 
a pdf-file with the font included.

how does your code look?

That is my code for testing (nothing more in there, the following is 
the whole document)

\definefont[somerunes][frumbr sa 1]
\somerunes{\\th}  % This is where the problem lies. I need to get the 
\th working to produce a rune

isn't \somerunes abcdef

producing something then?

what is \th (or this \\) meant to do?


can you send me a zip with the tfm files?

I guess you don't need it any more, as the font-inclusion is working 
now. If you still need it drop me a line.

just send it


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Kai Militzer


Thanks for all who helped me, but I finaly solved the problem. I define 
glyphs for the characters I want like that

\definesymbol [thorn] [\getglyph{frumbr}{\char254}]

and then simply use \symbol[thorn] in the text ...

Looking back I have to say that it's done pretty quick, if one know how 
to do it. ;)

If I get a moment of spare time the next days I will add an entry to the 
wiki for the ones coming after me and having the same problem. ;)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz
It looks like you need to write an runes-enco-file for your font for  
these character names to work. I haven't followed this thread very  
closely, but maybe chapter 3 of the MyWay on Greek fonts can help  



On Aug 9, 2005, at 8:23 PM, Kai Militzer wrote:

Hello Hans,

I'm slowly getting there, only two more problems to solve ;) The  
first thing is, that to use some of the characters in the fontset  
I have to use \th to display them, but I have no idea how to  
accomplish that in context as everytime I use \somerunes \th, or  
\somerunes{\th} ... I get an error message. If i double mascerade  
it like \\th i get the symbols for the characters t and h. I am  
sure there is a way to get this working.

The next thing, which I guess is to search more on the font- 
subsystem of context, is the fact that I only get my characters  
displayed when viewing the .dvi-file with xdvi. When executing  
texexec --pdf or using dvipdf (or dvips) I get nothing, or the  
charaters in the standard latin-typeset (i.e. ASCII).

I solved the second problem. I copied the map and type1 fonts into  
the directories mentioned in the readme to the font (which where  
latex-specific). After looking at the texexec output and some try  
and error, I finaly got all working. So if I now do a texexec --pdf  
I get a pdf-file with the font included.

how does your code look?

That is my code for testing (nothing more in there, the following  
is the whole document)

\definefont[somerunes][frumbr sa 1]
\somerunes{\\th}  % This is where the problem lies. I need to get  
the \th working to produce a rune


can you send me a zip with the tfm files?

I guess you don't need it any more, as the font-inclusion is  
working now. If you still need it drop me a line.

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Kai Militzer

Hello Hans,

I'm slowly getting there, only two more problems to solve ;) The 
first thing is, that to use some of the characters in the fontset I 
have to use \th to display them, but I have no idea how to accomplish 
that in context as everytime I use \somerunes \th, or \somerunes{\th} 
... I get an error message. If i double mascerade it like \\th i get 
the symbols for the characters t and h. I am sure there is a way to 
get this working.

The next thing, which I guess is to search more on the font-subsystem 
of context, is the fact that I only get my characters displayed when 
viewing the .dvi-file with xdvi. When executing texexec --pdf or 
using dvipdf (or dvips) I get nothing, or the charaters in the 
standard latin-typeset (i.e. ASCII).

I solved the second problem. I copied the map and type1 fonts into the 
directories mentioned in the readme to the font (which where 
latex-specific). After looking at the texexec output and some try and 
error, I finaly got all working. So if I now do a texexec --pdf I get a 
pdf-file with the font included.

how does your code look?

That is my code for testing (nothing more in there, the following is the 
whole document)

\definefont[somerunes][frumbr sa 1]
\somerunes{\\th}  % This is where the problem lies. I need to get the 
\th working to produce a rune


can you send me a zip with the tfm files?

I guess you don't need it any more, as the font-inclusion is working 
now. If you still need it drop me a line.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Kai Militzer wrote:

I'm slowly getting there, only two more problems to solve ;) The first 
thing is, that to use some of the characters in the fontset I have to 
use \th to display them, but I have no idea how to accomplish that in 
context as everytime I use \somerunes \th, or \somerunes{\th} ... I 
get an error message. If i double mascerade it like \\th i get the 
symbols for the characters t and h. I am sure there is a way to get 
this working.

The next thing, which I guess is to search more on the font-subsystem 
of context, is the fact that I only get my characters displayed when 
viewing the .dvi-file with xdvi. When executing texexec --pdf or using 
dvipdf (or dvips) I get nothing, or the charaters in the standard 
latin-typeset (i.e. ASCII).

I am sorry if I bother you all with this simple stuff that can surely 
be solved by reading some documentation, but I pretty new to the hole 
tex-thing and the mass of documentation is overwhelming and sometimes 
prety cryptical. ;)

how does your code look? 

can you send me a zip with the tfm files? 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Kai Militzer

Hello Hans,

Hans Hagen wrote:

I am trying to use latex fonts (to be more precize: the allrunes 
font) downloaded from the 

what files do those fonts come with:

tfm vf afm pfb enc map

I have 16 different .tfm files. But also a lot of .mf files.

forget about the latex macros, they are not needed

OK, but how do I get context to use these fonts? I coulnd't find any 
descent documentation regarding this.

i can only locate pfb files and a map file; it looks like one is 
supposed to generate the tfm's with metafont (maybe you can ask the 
author to put the tfm's in the zip as well) and i'm not going to 
clobber my ststem with bitmaps

it comes down to:



this should give you something (given that the tfm files are present)
if that works, you can do:
\definefont[somerunes][frucls sa 1]

\somerunes abcdef
or, depending on how the fonts are organized you can set up a system
(see type-* files)

I'm slowly getting there, only two more problems to solve ;) The first 
thing is, that to use some of the characters in the fontset I have to 
use \th to display them, but I have no idea how to accomplish that in 
context as everytime I use \somerunes \th, or \somerunes{\th} ... I get 
an error message. If i double mascerade it like \\th i get the symbols 
for the characters t and h. I am sure there is a way to get this working.

The next thing, which I guess is to search more on the font-subsystem of 
context, is the fact that I only get my characters displayed when 
viewing the .dvi-file with xdvi. When executing texexec --pdf or using 
dvipdf (or dvips) I get nothing, or the charaters in the standard 
latin-typeset (i.e. ASCII).

I am sorry if I bother you all with this simple stuff that can surely be 
solved by reading some documentation, but I pretty new to the hole 
tex-thing and the mass of documentation is overwhelming and sometimes 
prety cryptical. ;)

Best regards

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \placelist disturbs grid?

2005-08-09 Thread Vit Zyka

Hans Hagen wrote:

Vit Zyka wrote:

Hans Hagen wrote:

Vit Zyka wrote:

Hello Hans, Taco, and the next gurus,

sorry for bother with another thing I can not understand. Very high 
glyphs like \v S disturb grid in the \placelist. The same glyph in 
the common paragraph with the same (intentionally) interline setting 
preserves grid:


\writetolist[section]{}{See the next line:}
\writetolist[section]{}{\v Sejba}
\writetolist[section]{}{Another list line}

\v Sejba\par
Here grid is OK, but in \type{placelist}:


I was looking in definitions for some font-size dependent line 
setting, I also tried to

but without success to lounging on the grid.

this is the default ratio:


Thank you Hans; after some experimenting I understood:
- height and depth in \setupinterlinespace are baseline-ratio/size of 
struts (add description to tex-show)

- some my chars (/,\v S, \tfa, ...) oversized \strut size of any ratio
- list items are typeset with struts (perhaps all alternative)
- only alternative without strut is 'none' with command=\Mycommand def

So I do know how to preserve grid. But I do not know HOW TO TYPESET 
\Mycommand TO FIT THE PARAGRAPH WIDTH. It seem it is not in the 
restricted horizontal mode and continue on one long line. And another 
question/request: can the list distance param (alternative d,...) be 
glue instead of skip? For better line fitting.


\def\MyListItem#1#2#3{{\tfb (#1-#2-#3) }}

\writetolist[section]{}{See the next line}
\writetolist[section]{}{\v Sejba}
\writetolist[section]{}{Another list line}
\writetolist[section]{}{And the last one}

Anothet line of \v Sejba\par


\strut  %% should be! why?
After list line.



Hallo hans, thank you for your code. I find it in my mail box just today 
although it is 4 days old. So apologise me.

Unfortunately it seems to me it
A) does not work
   after successfull
 {\listparameter{style} (#1 - #2 - #3) }
   \MyListItem is not defined.
B) does not solve the problem with a single long line list alternative.

But. Your example discovered me there are few more alternative in 
\setuplist (except a..f, none):


So your example leads me to find the solution. I still do not know how 
to insert interaction to page number inside \MyListCommand. I have tried

  \setbox0\hbox{#3}% \showcontrastlocation\??ia{??}{#3}}%
but I am puzzled by \linklisttoelement parameters.

Thnak ones more




  {\listparameter{style}(#1-#2-#3)}\hskip1em plus.5em minus.5em

\writetolist[part]{1}{Part 1}
\writetolist[chapter]{1}{Chapter 1}
\writetolist[section]{1}{See the next line}
\writetolist[section]{2}{\v Sejba}
\writetolist[section]{3}{Another list line}
\expanded{\writetolist[section]{}{And the last line.}}
\writetolist[chapter]{2}{Chapter 2}
\writetolist[section]{1}{Section 1}

Another line of \v Sejba\par


After list.




in core-lst you can see how the alternatives are defined
ok, let's give you a bonus (goes in cont-new):


Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Kai Militzer wrote:

Hello Hans,

thanks for the fast answer!

I am trying to use latex fonts (to be more precize: the allrunes 
font) downloaded from the 

what files do those fonts come with:

tfm vf afm pfb enc map

I have 16 different .tfm files. But also a lot of .mf files.

forget about the latex macros, they are not needed

OK, but how do I get context to use these fonts? I coulnd't find any 
descent documentation regarding this.

i can only locate pfb files and a map file; it looks like one is 
supposed to generate the tfm's with metafont (maybe you can ask the 
author to put the tfm's in the zip as well) and i'm not going to clobber 
my ststem with bitmaps

it comes down to:



this should give you something (given that the tfm files are present) 

if that works, you can do: 

\definefont[somerunes][frucls sa 1]

\somerunes abcdef 

or, depending on how the fonts are organized you can set up a system 

(see type-* files) 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] TABLE feature wishes

2005-08-09 Thread Eckhart Guthöhrlein
Hi again,

as dicussed some time ago, here comes the reminder of what context lacks
concerning table typesetting. I will concentrate on \bTABLE .. \eTABLE,
since it is much more powerful than the older ones (and I do not know
much about linetables).
In order to be able to typeset tables with satisfactory results, I
personally need at least the following missing features:

- Control over horizontal cell spacing and vertical row spacing,
independently of each other.

This can not be done currently, since the rulethickness parameter
affects all frames of a cell.

- Better support for horizontal rules, without affecting the actual

I would like to say e.g. \HL between rows to get a line. A command to
span just a selection of columns is also necessary.
Although I have tricked TABLE into doing what I want with dummy rows
and metapost graphics, this is not a very nice solution.
Concerning rules, I would suggest further options like trimming, but
maybe this can be postponed to prevent this message from becoming too
For those interested, my ideal table in this respect is what the latex
booktabs package provides:

In addition, it would be highly desirable to have the possibility
- to insert material before and after the entry of a cell, eg have
\bTD[before=(,after=)]x\eTD typeset (x).
- to have hooks which do something with entries, eg
\bTD[hook=\framed]x\eTD gives a framed x.

How are the chances that the above will be supported by context in the
near future, or ever?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] multipage table in columns

2005-08-09 Thread Eckhart Guthöhrlein
Hi all,

I have to build a table which should split over several columns
(probably two) and, if necessary, across pages.
I have tried this with

\bTR \bTD Head \eTD \bTD Head~2 \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD once \eTD \bTD once~2 \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test~2 \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD low \eTD \bTD low~2 \eTD \eTR

This does something at least similar to what I had in mind :-)

- As soon a page break is involved, the balancing algorithm gets totally
confused. For example, the code above gives me three pages, with a
single cell on the second one. The head is repeated only on the third

- How can I make a column break trigger head repetition instead of a
page break?

- How to get the footer repeated at the end of each column, too?

Furthermore, there are some old messages concerning captions for
multipage tables, but I could not find a satisfactory answer. How can I
get a caption on the first page and something like "Table x cont." on
the following ones?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Kai Militzer

Hello Hans,

thanks for the fast answer!

I am trying to use latex fonts (to be more precize: the allrunes 
font) downloaded from the 

what files do those fonts come with:

tfm vf afm pfb enc map

I have 16 different .tfm files. But also a lot of .mf files.

forget about the latex macros, they are not needed

OK, but how do I get context to use these fonts? I coulnd't find any 
descent documentation regarding this.


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Czech sorting rules

2005-08-09 Thread David Antos


I've tried to find something relevant about the terrible Czech sorting :-)

The first thing to note is that there is a standard (from 1970 or so) that
is not implementable in fact, it requires such stupid sorts like Karel IV <
Karel III as one should sort it as the numbers were written in words
(ctvrty, treti) :-)

So in practice, there are more-or-less accurate approximations. Quite good
intro is

The sorting is considered very reasonable if it conforms with order stated
in . Characters on
a single line in the table are considered equivalent. Note the `ch'
character that is sorted between h and i. This table contains accented
letters that are not used in Czech (like crossed l, z dot above). It should
IMHO be also completely OK for Slovak (as they, I hope, inherited the

I think that it would be completely OK to sort according to that table
taking chars on single lines as equivalent. The modules the table is from
implements a four-pass sorting algorithm that reflects pretty damn rules,
see .

An example of sorted sequences is .

The question is if it is reasonable to implement it internally in ConTeXt
or to use an external module. An external Perl module was prepared by Tom
Hudec once (he even modified the sorting table, he preferred all letters
with `hacek (\v{})' to be greater than without \v. If you consider
internal ConTeXt implementation feasible, I'd be happy if you commented the
sorting macros a bit, so that I could contact native Czech users and
fine-tune it. I'd like to consult it with our Czech TeX frieds, I don't
feel myself to be a sorting expert (it's quite tricky, isn't it).


Early to rise, early to bed, makes a man healthy, wealthy and dead.
-- Terry Pratchett, "The Light Fantastic"
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Presentation

2005-08-09 Thread andrea valle
It's probably the problem I had of a strange character inserted before.
Try to open the file with some editor (BBedit, Jedit) and to see if there is a strange character).
If so, then it won't compile. That's ok: it depends on other things. You can refer to the previous mails in the thread.



On 9 Aug 2005, at 07:27, 정 달영 wrote:

I copied the demoTest file and try to compile it.
And I got a 'undefined control sequence.' message as follows. I confirmed the existence of the file "s-pre-08.tex" in the  ../context/base/ folder.
Any help, please.

system  : loaded
specials: loading definition file tpd
specials: loading definition file fdf
specials: fdf loaded
specials: fdf,tpd loaded
) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo)
(./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo)
(./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo) (./contest.tuo)
systems : begin file contest at line 5
! Undefined control sequence.
l.7 \TitlePage

? x
No pages of output.



, 2005. 08. 06, 오전 7:07, andrea valle 작성:

I obtain the same results from this file named demoTest put in the demoTest folder on my desktop, starting form s-pre-p.

% demoTest
%D The demo text.


{Fancy Styles:\\layers}

\input tufte
\input reich

\input knuth
\input reich



I'm looking at the console to see what's happening but don't know what to I should check
My s-pre files are in /sw/share/texmf/tex/context/base

I was looking forward to make my presentations... :-(



On 4 Aug 2005, at 22:32, Matthias Weber wrote:

I have the same setup (TeX installation via Gerben's iinstaller).

You haven't by any chance called the file you are TeXing also s-pre-22.tex?
This would explain it ---


On Aug 3, 2005, at 3:36 PM, andrea valle wrote:

very interesting. But I'm having troubles. Probably because I'm pretty new to this kind of stuff (I'm using ConTeXt very basically).

I made a demoTest.tex filestarting from s-pre-22.tex.
I copied the demo part of s-pre-22.

Here it is:

%D \module
%D   [  file=s-pre-22,

%D The demo text.


Now,  I compiled but I obtained:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.9 \TitlePage
{Indeed}{The Title Page}

What am I missing?

Thanks a lot


On 3 Aug 2005, at 15:31, piskala upendran wrote:

Hi, Jessica

The context/base has so many modules s-pre-**.tex. At
the end of the module you have the examples are given.
copy the examples in seperate file and add the module
no name from with the example was taken.

and compile the files. iam sure you can select your
flavour. you can also tweat the colors to suit your


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Andrea Valle
Laboratorio multimediale "G. Quazza"
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

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ntg-context mailing list

Andrea Valle
Laboratorio multimediale "G. Quazza"
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Andrea Valle
Laboratorio multimediale "G. Quazza"
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Kai Militzer wrote:

Hello list,

I am trying to use latex fonts (to be more precize: the allrunes font) 
downloaded from the ctan-ftp-Server and installed correctly in my 
texmf-tree, in context, but I now realise that it does not work as 
easy as I expected (i.e. just using the latex-commands).

If anyone could help me or point me in the right direction how to do 
it, I would be very thankful, as I have a deadline at the end of the 
week at which it has to work ;)

what files do those fonts come with:

tfm vf afm pfb enc map 

forget about the latex macros, they are not needed 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] latin modern / czech polish vietnamese

2005-08-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Vit Zyka wrote:

Hans Hagen wrote:


Currently plr and csr metrics are still used, but an alternative is 
to make those encodings regimes and use qx font encoding instead; 
that way we can drop quite some metric files. As far as i know il2 
and pl0 are only used for computer modern.

Do you mean only drop metrics from distro or also remove the 
typescripts related to this encoding?

currently type-dis does some mapping and it's scanned by default; if we 
switch to font encoding qx, then we can omit that scan; of course users 
can always include type-dis again

I think the first is OK. But it would be nice to be able to use csr 
font in ConTeXt if user get font from e.g. CTAN. Latin Modern was 
improved from winter when I had some comments to accent's 
position/shape and I use them but still there are some national 
typography differencies that preserves csr alive. Hopefully these 
diffs do not influence metrics. Perhaps, in the future, there might be 
several LM fonts differs only in glyph shape but with the same 
metrics/interface. But it is a question for another forum.

there will be a new lm release soon (probably this week) 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] RE: Figure captions with text in wrong language

2005-08-09 Thread Roelof Langman
Title: Message

Hans, thanks. That's chapter 7 of the cont-enp manual on 
Language-Specific Issues. 
 > Hi, I'd like my figures to have dutch 
captions when I write a text in 
> dutch. Unfortunately, context shows my captions 
with the text "Figure" 
> instead of "Figuur", which would be the dutch 
> My code looks like this:
> \language[nl]
(\language is for a local 
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Figure captions with text in wrong language

2005-08-09 Thread Vit Zyka

Roelof Langman wrote:
Hi, I'd like my figures to have dutch captions when I write a text in 
dutch. Unfortunately, context shows my captions with the text "Figure" 
instead of "Figuur", which would be the dutch way.
My code looks like this:
% output=pdf




  {Figuur een}
and the text shown is "Figure 1 Figuur een".
I use texexec version 5.2.5 with cont-nl version 2005.03.16.
I assumed setting the language to nl would give me dutch captions.
What did I miss?
Cheers, Roelof Langman

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] latin modern / czech polish vietnamese

2005-08-09 Thread Vit Zyka

Hans Hagen wrote:


Currently plr and csr metrics are still used, but an alternative is to 
make those encodings regimes and use qx font encoding instead; that way 
we can drop quite some metric files. As far as i know il2 and pl0 are 
only used for computer modern.

Do you mean only drop metrics from distro or also remove the typescripts 
related to this encoding?

I think the first is OK. But it would be nice to be able to use csr font 
in ConTeXt if user get font from e.g. CTAN. Latin Modern was improved 
from winter when I had some comments to accent's position/shape and I 
use them but still there are some national typography differencies that 
preserves csr alive. Hopefully these diffs do not influence metrics. 
Perhaps, in the future, there might be several LM fonts differs only in 
glyph shape but with the same metrics/interface. But it is a question 
for another forum.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: ConTeXt-mode and AUCTeX

2005-08-09 Thread Patrick Gundlach

> I recently switched from context.el to AUCTeX 11.55, with "built in
> context-mode".

You could perhaps ask Berend directly or on the AUCTeX mailinglist.
Berend has moved a lot of his work from context.el to AUCTeX, so it
might be in there but I don't know.

ConTeXt wiki and more:
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Using latex font-packages

2005-08-09 Thread Kai Militzer

Hello list,

I am trying to use latex fonts (to be more precize: the allrunes font) 
downloaded from the ctan-ftp-Server and installed correctly in my 
texmf-tree, in context, but I now realise that it does not work as easy 
as I expected (i.e. just using the latex-commands).

If anyone could help me or point me in the right direction how to do it, 
I would be very thankful, as I have a deadline at the end of the week at 
which it has to work ;)

Best regards

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] ConTeXt-mode and AUCTeX

2005-08-09 Thread rb
I recently switched from context.el to AUCTeX 11.55, with "built in

One feature from the original which I am unable to find within the
AUCTeX version is the automatic prompt (open square bracket) for
arguments with every \start... \stop... pair.

In original I used C-c C-o (tex-context-block), in AUCTeX, I'm using C-c
C-e (to insert any \start \stop pair), not the same command, but the
original doesn't seem to be available.

Is there a way to get the automatic prompt for arguments?

Thank you
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Figure captions with text in wrong language

2005-08-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Roelof Langman wrote:

Hi, I'd like my figures to have dutch captions when I write a text in 
dutch. Unfortunately, context shows my captions with the text "Figure" 
instead of "Figuur", which would be the dutch way.
My code looks like this:
% output=pdf


(\language is for a local switch)


  {Figuur een}
and the text shown is "Figure 1 Figuur een".
I use texexec version 5.2.5 with cont-nl version 2005.03.16.
I assumed setting the language to nl would give me dutch captions.
What did I miss?
Cheers, Roelof Langman

ntg-context mailing list


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Figure captions with text in wrong language

2005-08-09 Thread Roelof Langman
Title: Message

Hi, I'd like my 
figures to have dutch captions when I write a text in dutch. Unfortunately, 
context shows my captions with the text "Figure" instead of "Figuur", which 
would be the dutch way.
My code looks like 
\placefigure  [here]  [fig:uur]  {Figuur 
een}  {}
and the text shown 
is "Figure 1 Figuur een".
I use texexec 
version 5.2.5 with cont-nl version 2005.03.16.
I assumed setting 
the language to nl would give me dutch captions.
What did I 
Cheers, Roelof 
ntg-context mailing list