[NTG-context] Problems with Unicode and i-Installer

2006-01-19 Thread Sebastian Sturm

after installing the new ConTeXt package (same problem for 1/16
and 1/19 beta), the installation procedure reported some missing
'unic-ext.tex' file; compiling any files that used \enableregime[utf]
didn't work anymore.
Replacing 'unic-ext' by 'unic-exp' in the file context.tex and doing
another configuration run in i-installer got rid of the error messages
both during installation and compilation. So I'd like to know if there
might be something wrong with my installation or if it really should
say 'unic-exp.tex' in context.tex. In case (i), is there anything I could
do besides rerunning the installation routines to fix my tex setup?

Best regards,

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] \startalign problem

2006-01-31 Thread Sebastian Sturm

using the latest 2006/1/29 version of i-Installer's ConTeXt package,
I get an error message reading

! Missing \endgroup inserted.
inserted text
to be read again
\aligneqalignno -\prepareeqalignno \halign
   \ifcase \eqalignmode \or to \dis...
to be read again

for the very simple input file


Examples included in core-mat also won't compile.
The last i-Installer distribution (don't remember the release date)
didn't show this behaviour.

Best regards,
Sebastian Sturm

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Reconfigure mpgraph

2006-02-12 Thread Sebastian Sturm
 Can't you use an Euler text font? These have the dot in the right place.
 Cheers, Taco


I'm not sure what font you're referring to; it would at least have to include
all the Euler digits. I tried zeurm10, but it has a right-pointing triangle at
position 2e. The fonts in my bluesky/euler subdirectory (euex, eufb, eufm,
eurb, eurm, eusb and eusm) also don't work. Can you tell me the name
of the text font including the dot?

Thanks for your answer,

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost font size

2004-05-12 Thread Sebastian Sturm

You can setup the font to be used in the Metapost-figure

works great, thank you!

Best regards,


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Metapost font size

2004-05-08 Thread Sebastian Sturm

is it possible to change the font size of TeX labels in Metapost 
figures (using the textext command) to be the same as the bodyfont size 
in the surrounding document?

Best regards,

Sebastian Sturm

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Another Metafun issue

2004-05-16 Thread Sebastian Sturm
Hello Sebastian,
I don't know much about Metafun yet, but shouldn't you use math-mode 
\root and \frac?
oops, stupid typo. The code that didn't want to compile was 
textext($\root a \of b$) and textext($\frac{a}{b}$), so I only 
forgot the math signs when writing the email. Thanks for pointing that 

Best regards,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Another Metafun issue

2004-05-16 Thread Sebastian Sturm
Well, you should post a *complete* and *minimal* examplefile showing
your problem, together with the context/metafun version numbers (or
logfile). This way emails like the last one can be avoided and the
others can try to reproduce the problem without hassle.
okay, sorry for that. I've included a simple test file and the 
corresponding *.log files. The error message can be found in the 
tmpgraph.log file. I'm using the i-Installer teTeX distribution with 
the main TeX package dating from 2004/05/05.

Best regards,

Description: TeX document

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Another Metafun issue

2004-05-16 Thread Sebastian Sturm
any reason you use textext here? Do you need changing labels? If not,
you should use [...] draw btex $\frac{a}{b}$ etex; [...]
I thought textext was just a faster version of btex ... etex and 
supposed that this would be the 'way to go', since it is a part of 
MetaFun. But I checked out the btex ... etex version and that worked 
out like a charm. As you can tell from my previous posts, I'm a TeX 
newbie, so I don't know what's wrong here (if at all), but since it's 
working now and there is no noticeable speed difference, I'm happy with 
So, thanks for your help and best regards,

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Known nath bugs?

2004-05-28 Thread Sebastian Sturm
Hello all,
is there a list of know nath bugs somewhere on the web? I tried to find 
one using Google, but unfortunately without success.

The reason I'm asking this is that I'm encountering some problems with 
the module and would like to know if they are common or if it's related 
to my configuration. First of all, using the units module together with 
nath doesn't seem to work - for instance, $1\Micro\Coulomb$ works as 
expected without nath, but produces the error message Please don't say 
\def cs{...}, say \def\cs{...} when used together with nath. I also 
thought that delimiters like ( or [ should automatically adjust to the 
formula they contain, but (\sum_{something} 
\frac{something}{something}) only produces standard parentheses. 
Commands like \lbrace or \lbrack work as expected, though.

If these problems are unknown, I can post a small example file and my 

Best regards,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Known nath bugs?

2004-05-29 Thread Sebastian Sturm
the delimiter sizing is working now; i had to load the module directly 
before \starttext. However, the units module still isn't working when 
nath is loaded. Is it supposed to?

Best regards,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: Re[4]: [NTG-context] Known nath bugs?

2004-05-30 Thread Sebastian Sturm
Nath is a very complex module, easily broken. If you can
privately send me your preamble we might be able to find what
was breaking it. Or you can try it yourself: move it up line by
line until delimiters don't work anymore: you'll find what
makes it bomb :)
OK, I'll try that. At the moment I'm having all kinds of issues with 
nath (even without any preamble at all), like \binom{\frac 12}{a} not 
working, \to, \ot and \otto arrows not adjusting to the lengths of 
their subscripts, etc... and I can hardly imagine that all of these are 
nath bugs, so maybe something's wrong with my TeX installation. I'm 
using the latest i-Installer teTeX for MacOS X package (with non-beta 
ConTeXt version), configuration files unchanged.
So if someone else is using nath with Gerben Wieda's teTeX 
installation, it would be helpful to know if he/she is experiencing 
similar problems.

Anyway, the nath module looks very promising; I'm really looking 
forward to its next revision!

Best regards,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: Re[6]: [NTG-context] Known nath bugs?

2004-06-10 Thread Sebastian Sturm
If you could please provide some example file showing the
problems, I'll see if I can nail them down.
the problem with delimiter autosizing seems to be caused by 
MPenvironment; however, the problem with subscripts still seems very 
strange to me (since superscripts work as expected). I've included a 
test file and the PDF generated by my TeX installation.

Best regards,

Description: TeX document

Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: Re[8]: [NTG-context] Known nath bugs?

2004-07-04 Thread Sebastian Sturm
I will look into the interaction with MPenvironment. To solve
the subscript problem, please change line 2738 of t-nath.tex
(in the definition of \axis@)
and let me know how it works.
works perfectly, thanks!
Best regards,
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Disable Metapost rendering?

2004-07-24 Thread Sebastian Sturm
I really like ConTeXt's MP processing features, but as soon as I 
include more than five or six MP graphics in a document, typesetting 
slows down to a crawl. As far as I know, the PSTricks package has some 
option to only process a given range of the figures defined in the TeX 
file and reuse the existing output for the other ones. Is there a 
similar function in ConTeXt?

Some global command like \donotrerender[1-n] would be great, a 
processing tag for each figure like 
\startuseMPgraphic{...}[rerender=no] would be perfect.

Best regards,
Sebastian Sturm
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Disable Metapost rendering?

2004-07-25 Thread Sebastian Sturm
that sounds very promising - especially --automp, since I don't really 
want to change my ConTeXt script everytime I changed a MP figure. 
Including --automp in my script file, however, didn't stop ConTeXt from 
recalculating my MP figures every time I typeset the document, even 
though I hadn't changed them in the meantime. I couldn't find anything 
about automp in the TeXExec manual, but the --help option tells me that 
automp causes it to render mp pictures only if needed. So how does it 
determine whether a recalculation is necessary or not? Is it a problem 
if my figures rely on the randomizers, like uniformdeviate()?

Best regards,
Sebastian Sturm
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Disable Metapost rendering?

2004-07-26 Thread Sebastian Sturm
p pictures only if needed. So how does it determine whether a 
recalculation is necessary or not? Is it a problem if my figures rely 
on the randomizers, like uniformdeviate()?
indeed, that can be solved by setting the random seed occasionally or 
\setupsystem[random=big] % or random=12345
Great, thanks alot!
Best regards,
Sebastian Sturm
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Protruding Utopia italic

2004-09-07 Thread Sebastian Sturm
I'm using the Utopia/Fourier setup
\setupfontsynonym   [fourier][handling=normal]
\setupfontsynonym   [Serif][handling=normal]
\setupfonthandling  [normal][left=1,right=1]
\usetypescript  [fourier][ec]
\setupbodyfont  [fourier,10pt]
\setupalign [hanging]
and it works great so far, except that protruding seems to be disabled 
when typesetting in \italic or slanted style. How can I activate 
hanging alignment of italicized text?

I'd also like to know how to use the \mathcal-Alphabet included in the 
Fourier package. $\text{\cal{...}}$ only generates the standard 
calligraphic letters known from Computer Modern.

BTW, I'm using the latest i-Installer version of ConTeXt/teTeX on OS X. 
(Console displays ConTeXt  ver: 2004.1.13  fmt: 2004.6.25  int: english 
 mes: english)

Best regards,
Sebastian Sturm
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Protruding Utopia italic

2004-09-13 Thread Sebastian Sturm
\setupfontsynonym   [fourier][handling=normal]
\setupfontsynonym   [Serif][handling=normal]
\setupfonthandling  [normal][left=1,right=1]
\usetypescript  [fourier][ec]
\setupbodyfont  [fourier,10pt]
\setupalign [hanging]
Sorry for that stupid question. It works great after including the line 
\setupfontsynonym[SerifItalic][handling=italic](or [handling=normal]). 
However, I would have thought that any changes made to Serif affected 
all kinds of serif text, including serif italic. In my opinion, it 
would be a bit more intuitive if Serif was named SerifRoman.

I'd still like to know how to use that calligraphic alphabet, though.
Best regards,
Sebastian Sturm
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Upright greek with Fourier

2004-10-19 Thread Sebastian Sturm
Wow, that was quick. Thanks alot for the typescript; combining upright  
greek capitals and the italic miniscules is exactly what I want; I  
think I should now be able to do that  using the script as a starting  

Thanks again!

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a quick hack to override Fourier-Math-
Letters-Italic using the pre-existing typescripts, so attached is a new
typescript file, to be used like:
[If you wanted to use upright capital greek letters and italic greek
miniscules, then that would mean assigning a fifth math font and  
a new math-fou variant.]

Hope that helps!
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492
ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list