Re: [nysbirds-l] Brown Booby is deceased

2017-06-18 Thread Tim Healy
Sad to hear, and unfortunately not surprising based on her behavior yesterday. Is there any chance that the body can be collected safely? Going to a museum or research center would be the best possible end to her story at this point. If the roping for the colony and the nesting birds are obstacl

[nysbirds-l] Black-necked Stilts at Jones Beach - YES

2017-06-14 Thread Tim Healy
Both birds are still present at the south end of the swale. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) http://

[nysbirds-l] Arctic Tern at Nickerson

2017-06-09 Thread Tim Healy
Loafing in front of the easternmost colony. Adult bird, with some dark smudging on the "shoulders"/bend in the wing. Roseates present as well. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www

[nysbirds-l] Tricolored Heron, Cattle Egret - Cow Meadow

2017-06-04 Thread Tim Healy
The Cattle Egret continues on the lawn at Cow Meadow Park. A Tricolored Heron is roosting among the egrets and night-herons around the pond. All Glossy Ibis were thoroughly inspected. Off to do some seawatching. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info:

Re: [nysbirds-l] Least Bittern, JBWR, Queens, from Tim Healy

2017-06-03 Thread Tim Healy
ot be harassed with playback. This individual is quite close to the trail, and readily audible as it is. We heard it as we were walking out, and were even able to get quiet phone recordings. Good luck if you go for it. Cheers! -Tim H > On Jun 3, 2017, at 9:45 AM, Donna Schulman wrote: >

[nysbirds-l] White-faced Ibis - Cow Meadow, Cattle Egret YES

2017-05-30 Thread Tim Healy
After striking out on the West End stilts, Miriam and I went to Cow Meadow to try our luck. In my haste to locate the Cattle Egret, I largely passed over two ibis sitting among the night-herons, carefully the checking the face of the closest one and glancing at the other preening bird. They took

[nysbirds-l] Summer Tanager, Valley Stream State Park

2017-04-30 Thread Tim Healy
Didn't get out birding today until later this afternoon, but activity levels were still high. I discovered a female Summer Tanager in the flowering trees around the northernmost comfort station in Valley Stream State Park at around 4:40. She was very vocal, making short, chattering calls that ca

[nysbirds-l] Ross's Goose, Hendrickson Park, Valley Stream, Nassau

2017-03-30 Thread Tim Healy
He's done it again, folks. Papa Healy just sent me photos of a Ross's Goose seen on the lake at Hendrickson Park during his morning bike ride. As with the Pink-foot discovery, I am unavoidably detained after work today until after dark. Hopefully it sticks around for people to see...note that th

[nysbirds-l] Survivor: Lincoln's Sparrow edition, Bryant Park

2017-03-28 Thread Tim Healy
Against all odds, the Lincoln's Sparrow continues in Bryant Park, having survived the winter in NYC. I spotted the little tough guy hopping around the edge of the northeastern daffodil plot. Several Song Sparrows on the lawn were the only non-European-city-birds observed but I passed through ver

[nysbirds-l] Oak Beach Eared Grebe - YES

2017-03-19 Thread Tim Healy
The Eared Grebe is currently in view, foraging close to shore. Visible west of the main entrance and lot, just beyond the first point of rocks west of the gravelly area with the blue portable toilet. Small, distant flock of goldeneye present but no sign of the Barrow's when I scanned. Also not

[nysbirds-l] Hendrickson Park update, RHWO yes, geese no

2017-03-16 Thread Tim Healy
If any folks are interested for year listing purposes, photography, or general bird enjoyment in the chilly doldrums of March, the Red-headed Woodpecker continues at Hendrickson Park in Valley Stream. It is approaching full adult plumage, with a more-red-than-not head developing that crushed vel

Re: [nysbirds-l] FW: Great Gray Owl at Robert Moses State Park, Massena

2017-02-28 Thread Tim Healy
For what it is worth, there is an eBird report from yesterday, Monday the 27th, reporting a single Great Gray in the same general area at 5:15. This was apparently after 10 hours on site searching. Cheers! -Tim H > On Feb 28, 2017, at 7:42 PM, J

[nysbirds-l] Additional South Shore birds

2017-02-22 Thread Tim Healy
The American Bittern at JFK Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary continues. It flushed from a channel away from the lot and flew towards the roadside marsh. Jones had a nice spread of expected winter species, including three Razorbills off the end of the jetty. I caught up with Harlequin Ducks at Point L

[nysbirds-l] Oak Beach Barrow's Goldeneye - Yes

2017-02-22 Thread Tim Healy
The female Barrow's Goldeneye continues near the Sore Thumb with her Common cousins. No eiders in sight and no grebes other than a lone Horned. A nice consolation prize was the chance to record vocalizing Red-throated Loons. I'd never heard them call before, even when I've seen individuals in br

[nysbirds-l] Long Island Woodcocks

2017-02-21 Thread Tim Healy
The strange shorebirds of the forest are starting to ramp up their breeding displays. I witnessed multiple males peenting and sky dancing yesterday evening in Great River and early this morning in Woodbury. Territorial disputes took place at both locations, featuring vocalizations I'd never hear

[nysbirds-l] Hendrickson: Pink-foot, Cackling, RH Woodpecker...and Ross's?!

2017-01-08 Thread Tim Healy
I was feeling pretty good about myself for getting all three of Hendrickson's long-staying rarities. Then I bumped into Sue and Rick, who showed me a picture of a Ross's Goose sitting on frozen lake with the rest of the waterfowl from only about an hour before I arrived. Looks like the park's ma

[nysbirds-l] Barnacle Goose, Belmont Lake

2017-01-08 Thread Tim Healy
The continuing Barnacle Goose is snoozing on the ice with the Canadas now. No obvious white birds on view, looking and listening for Greater White-front now that some of the geese are waking up. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://

[nysbirds-l] Hendrickson - RH Woodpecker YES, Geese NO

2016-12-24 Thread Tim Healy
Addendum to my previous update about he continuing BHGU and ROGO: the Red-headed Woodpecker at Valley Stream's Hendrickson Park is still present in the same spot. The Pink-footed and Cackling Geese were not seen during the time I was there. Hope everyone has a merry weekend. Cheers! -Tim H --

Re: [nysbirds-l] Updates on RMSP Ross's Geese?

2016-12-24 Thread Tim Healy
I had a single Ross's Goose with 14 Canadas at the roundabout round about an hour ago. I only stayed for 10 minutes and got good car views of the loner in the rain. Second bird was absent. The Cammans Pond Black-headed Gull was also present and conducive to car-birding. I'm currently at Hendri

Re: [nysbirds-l] [ebirdsnyc] Inwood Hill Pk Empid (Manhattan) - notes from Saturday's sighting

2016-12-11 Thread Tim Healy
safe > assumption. > > >> On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 10:06 AM Tim Healy wrote: >> I'm getting some serious déjà vu here. Originally reported at Yellow-belly, >> suspicions based on time of year led to more observation, evidence mounts >> for one of the two &quo

Re: [nysbirds-l] [ebirdsnyc] Inwood Hill Pk Empid (Manhattan) - notes from Saturday's sighting

2016-12-11 Thread Tim Healy
I'm getting some serious déjà vu here. Originally reported at Yellow-belly, suspicions based on time of year led to more observation, evidence mounts for one of the two "Westerns," and then it's all hands on deck to figure out which. I recall last fall's bird allegedly responded vigorously to PS

Re: [nysbirds-l] Cave swallow Nassau county

2016-12-03 Thread Tim Healy
Bird confirmed as a Cave Swallow and showing nicely at the described location: Fireman's Park. Cheers! -Tim H > On Dec 3, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Dennis Hrehowsik > wrote: > > Bobbi Manian, Kristin Costello and I obs a tawny rumped swallow in the vacant > lot south of the point lookout ball fiel

[nysbirds-l] Ash-throated Flycatcher, Glaucous Gull, late migrants, and a whale of a feeding frenzy

2016-11-13 Thread Tim Healy
I got a "late" start today, arriving at Jones Beach at around 9:20. Highlights included continuing flocks of gannets on the move, a Fox Sparrow, and some raptor activity. Hempstead Lake hosted a cooperative late Blue-headed Vireo, which I closely examined to rule out the possibility of similar l

[nysbirds-l] Socrates Sculpture Park Surprise

2016-11-10 Thread Tim Healy
Currently wrapping up a field trip for some of my students that I helped lead. A calling Eastern Bluebird heard from the treetops in Socrates Sculpture Park, Queens, was an exceedingly pleasant surprise. Next most uncommon species are a Downy Woodpecker and some mockingbirds. Gotta enjoy the lit

[nysbirds-l] Hendrickson Pink-footed Goose continues

2016-11-07 Thread Tim Healy
Still down at the lake and other birders on the scene. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) http://www.mail-arch

Re: [nysbirds-l] Pink Footed Goose - Arthur Hendrickson Park, Valley Stream

2016-11-05 Thread Tim Healy
Pink-foot is still here, still cooperative, feeding now ok the western edge by the tennis courts. Cheers! -Tim H > On Nov 5, 2016, at 10:51 AM, John Mora wrote: > > On land near tennis courts at high school. > > Thanks, everyone. > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Nov 5, 2016, at 8:36 AM, Mi

Re:[nysbirds-l] Valley Stream Pink-footed Goose - YES

2016-11-03 Thread Tim Healy
Good morning, chasers. The original finder tells me his Pink-footed friend is still on the lake at Hendrickson this morning. Good luck if you still need it. Cheers! -Tim H > On Nov 2, 2016, at 6:03 PM, Timothy Healy wrote: > > The Pink-foot was still being seen on the eastern shoreline of the

Re: [nysbirds-l] Quick note regarding the PFGO - an early YES

2016-11-02 Thread Tim Healy
; Sent from my iPhone > >> On Nov 1, 2016, at 11:46 PM, Tim Healy wrote: >> >> I stopped by the park late tonight, around 10, because Tuesday is the only >> day of the week I have grad class after work. I could not refind dad's >> discovery, despit

Re: [nysbirds-l] Quick note regarding the PFGO - a late NO

2016-11-01 Thread Tim Healy
I stopped by the park late tonight, around 10, because Tuesday is the only day of the week I have grad class after work. I could not refind dad's discovery, despite the park being very well-lit to the point where color patterns were visible in binoculars. There were only about 150 geese on the w

[nysbirds-l] Pink-footed Goose at Hendrickson Park, Nassau!

2016-11-01 Thread Tim Healy
My father just sent me a picture of a Pink-footed Goose at Valley Stream's Hendrickson Park, sitting with a small group of Canada's on the eastern shore of the lake. Getting the word out since I'm not around to chase. Props to Papa Healy! Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.Nort

[nysbirds-l] Plumb Beach report

2016-10-23 Thread Tim Healy
I made an afternoon run to Plumb Beach hoping to pick up Nelson's Sparrow after seeing they were reported on eBird this morning. I failed to consider that the strong winds would make sparrow searching a struggle until after I'd arrived, but I was determined not to leave empty-handed. A two-hour

[nysbirds-l] Jones, Tobay, Hempstead

2016-10-23 Thread Tim Healy
Despite the wind, Jones Beach had decent diversity and activity this morning. Highlights include Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Indigo Bunting, Field Sparrow, and the continuing Mourning Warbler. 4 additional warbler species were seen: Blackpoll, Palm, Black-throated Blue (male), and of course Yellow-rum

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach Warbler

2016-10-22 Thread Tim Healy
I headed down to Jones to follow the Connecticut report and was quickly put on the bird. I watched it forage in the weedy growth along the fence line for about half an hour. I saw it well several times as it came into the open as it foraged. I snapped photographs, I watched it through binoculars

[nysbirds-l] South Nassau birding on a day off

2016-10-12 Thread Tim Healy
Jones Beach saw a decent push of Yellow-rumps early this morning but things got quiet in a hurry. About 50 species observed but nothing out of the ordinary. The highlight was the first American Tree Sparrow of the season, perched on the coast guard fence. A Magnolia Warbler, a western Palm, and

[nysbirds-l] Lynbrook flyovers

2016-10-11 Thread Tim Healy
I encountered evidence of migrant movement during my 10 minute walk from home to the Lynbrook train station. There were a number of kinglets and Myrtle Warblers fluttering in the trees, and small flocks of robins were passing over. When I briefly stopped to listen for an unidentified vocalizatio

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach - Cackling Goose, Golden-Plover, and Rusty Blackbird movement

2016-10-10 Thread Tim Healy
I've been at Jones Beach since 6:40 today. The strong northern winds definitely brought some movement. Early in the day, Brendan Fogarty and I spotted several batches of Rusty Blackbirds (totaling about 11) passing overhead. Calls and coloration were distinctive, and one was forced to perch in t

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach: Dickcissel, Blue Grosbeak, Caspian Terns, and more

2016-10-04 Thread Tim Healy
Despite a poor showing on the morning radar and a dismal start to the day at Robert Moses, Jones Beach has served up a lovely bit of excitement. The pair of Caspian Terns continue at the boat basin, seen resting on Short Beach earlier and one in flight just now. A Dickcissel was heard repeatedly

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake report

2016-10-01 Thread Tim Healy
The mixed flock of warblers working the dry stream bed at Hempstead Lake since Thursday continued throughout the day, but it definitely seems to be a dynamic and fluid assemblage of birds. Today, Parula, Yellow-rump, Redstart, Palm, and Black-throated Blue were abundant and confiding, and were i

[nysbirds-l] Cayuga Brown Booby - YES

2016-09-25 Thread Tim Healy
She's back at her favored perch on Buoy 49. Thanks to all the folks who've been reporting and keeping tabs on the bird during her wanderings around the lake. Good luck if you chase. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBird

[nysbirds-l] Cayuga Brown Booby - NO

2016-09-24 Thread Tim Healy
An update for all you chasers out there, the Brown Booby has not been seen in some time. The last eBird report came yesterday morning with no details other than "continuing", and I add my own fruitless vigil today to negative reports from the previous afternoon. A few distant cormorants briefly

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach birds

2016-09-21 Thread Tim Healy
I had the opportunity to swing down to the shore after work. A large hatch out of ants provided a feast for about a hundred Laughing Gulls at Jones Beach Field 6. The median at the West End featured some nice activity. Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Red-breasted Nuthatches were foraging in the pines,

[nysbirds-l] HLSP Philadelphia Vireo - YES

2016-09-17 Thread Tim Healy
The Philly Vireo at Hempstead Lake continues at the southern portion of the dog run's western edge. Many Red-eyes and several Warblings also present, so ID carefully. A few other migrants present but nothing else unusual yet. Park was very quiet until about 10 minutes ago, lots of birds foraging

[nysbirds-l] Dickcissel at Jones Beach

2016-09-12 Thread Tim Healy
I've found a Dickcissel along the fisherman's road near the coast guard station at Jones Beach. Heard repeatedly and seen atop a bush to the west of the road. Over a dozen Bobolink flyovers in first 20 minutes here. Warblers and others heard but I'm just getting started. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYS

[nysbirds-l] Yellow-breasted Chat at Maintenance Field, Central Park

2016-09-10 Thread Tim Healy
Getting the word out on a chase-worthy species through as many outlets as possible. A Yellow-breasted Chat has been seen at least twice in the past hour and a half on the western edge of Central Park's Maintenance Field. It has been spotted feeding on berries, somewhat surprisingly in the upper

[nysbirds-l] Nassau's birds of the north

2016-09-05 Thread Tim Healy
Many local birders were hoping for storm-tossed vagrants from the southern seas today, by my birding notes have a distinctly northern flair. A pair of Common Ravens jolted me out of bed with loud croaks this morning. I've heard and seen them around Lynbrook but this was my first encounter with t

Re: [nysbirds-l] Connecticut warbler Alley pond

2016-09-02 Thread Tim Healy
The Connecticut Warbler continues, just rediscovered after some careful searching near Little Alley Pond. Others have seen it intermittently throughout the day. The bird is currently feeding in dense cover right where it was initially discovered, just down the steps from Vanderbilt on the right

[nysbirds-l] Suffolk Birding - Rufous Hummer NO, Sod Farms Report

2016-08-29 Thread Tim Healy
Although the Rufous Hummingbird at Morton NWR was reported this morning, it did not show at all between 10:50 and 1:25. Refuge staff report that the bird has been coming to the visitor center constantly since Friday(!), but when the feeders were refilled around 9 today the bird returned once and

[nysbirds-l] Awareness in the Field - Hempstead Lake

2016-08-24 Thread Tim Healy
Just a heads up to birders who frequent Hempstead Lake State Park: I had an encounter today with a somewhat suspicious character. I passed an older gentleman who was coming out of the park when I arrived and left the southernmost lot. He changed direction to follow me through the entire park for

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach - landbirds on the move and continuing shorebirds

2016-08-23 Thread Tim Healy
I birded Jones Beach from 6:20-10:10 this morning. There was no sign of either Sora or Virginia Rail at the dune ponds, but there good numbers of shorebirds continue including White-rumped Sandpiper, three Stilt Sandpipers, and a Whimbrel which flew west around 7:45. Others reported seeing Solit

Re: [nysbirds-l] JBWR East Pond report 7-6-16

2016-07-06 Thread Tim Healy
I spent some time on the Pond today as well, passing Andrew on the western shore as I worked my way north. I only have a few notes to add. The Acadian Flycatcher is still on site, audible even across the East Pond! I also heard a few Marsh Wrens and saw fledglings of many local breeders. A young

[nysbirds-l] Ruff @ JBWR 3:00

2016-06-25 Thread Tim Healy
The Ruff was still visible from the Big John's overlook, well south of the Raunt on the east side 10 mins ago. It was moving south at a very fast pace initially, but it has slowed to forage on a mudflat just before the cove bends out of view. I imagine the south end would supply good views as we

[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay - Big John's Pond stakeout

2016-05-22 Thread Tim Healy
I spent most of the morning at the Big John's Pond blind at Jamaica Bay. The diversity and number of migrants are greatly reduced from last week, with Blackpolls being the only definite passage warblers observed. Both cuckoos (Black-billed seen quite well!) and both night-herons in adult plumage

Re:[nysbirds-l] Mourning Warbler - Hempstead Lake SP

2016-05-21 Thread Tim Healy
Relocated at the southern Bridle Path. Singing consistently now and seen briefly. Cheers! -Tim H > On May 21, 2016, at 8:05 AM, Tim Healy wrote: > > Heard at the corner of Lot 3, in the tangled vegetation near the cleared > space. I was walking close to the fringe and startled a

[nysbirds-l] Mourning Warbler - Hempstead Lake SP

2016-05-21 Thread Tim Healy
Heard at the corner of Lot 3, in the tangled vegetation near the cleared space. I was walking close to the fringe and startled a singing bird, cutting off its series of "churree" phrases. I briefly thought I might have another Kentucky. It sang again from further back in the brush closer to the

Re: [nysbirds-l] Kentucky Warbler - Valley Stream State Park (Nassau County)

2016-05-20 Thread Tim Healy
The Kentucky continues in dense tangle south along the western edge of the western stream. Just south of the picnic area along the dirt trail. Singing regularly and seen briefly. Cheers! -Tim H > On May 20, 2016, at 2:22 PM, Pat Palladino wrote: > > A Kentucky Warbler was found by Bob Kurtz

[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay, Sunday 5/15

2016-05-16 Thread Tim Healy
I neglected to post last night, but it's possible that a number of the birds observed stayed put. I spent most of Sunday morning at Jamaica Bay, mostly around the blind at Big John's Pond. Despite the wind and slight chill, there was a lot of activity. I found 16 species of warblers with many ob

[nysbirds-l] White-winged Dove at Jones Beach

2016-05-12 Thread Tim Healy
Brendan Fogarty reports from the field finding a White-winged Dove along the fisherman's road near the Jones Beach coast guard station. He is attempting to relocate it now and got pictures in flight. Also seen were Bay-breasted, Black-throated Green Warblers and Parula. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSb

[nysbirds-l] 100+ species at Jones Beach (Summer Tanager, 15 Warblers, good coastal birds, and more)

2016-05-08 Thread Tim Healy
I spent over 5 hours at Jones Beach today with Brendan Fogarty, hoping that last night's winds would bring new birds. When I first arrived it was still rainy, foggy, cold, and seemingly devoid of landbird activity. We had a fairly successful stakeout at the boat basin with a good range of shoreb

[nysbirds-l] Apparent Light Fallout at Jones

2016-05-08 Thread Tim Healy
Still exploring median with Brendan. Warbler and thrush movement continues in wake of rain. Magnolia and Prairie seen and more still coming. Gnatcatchers and other passerines as well. Good waterbirds at basin including Whimbrel flyover, Least and Common Terns, and many knots. Full report later.

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake - lingering migrants

2016-05-07 Thread Tim Healy
A thorough sweep of Hempstead Lake this morning turned up several good birds reported for the past week. Previously Cliff and Bank Swallows remain, feeding among their commoner cousins. I tallied 11 warbler species, including a continuing Orange-crowned, Redstart, Nashville, Blue-winged, Parula,

Re:[nysbirds-l] Worm-eating and Blackburnian Warbler, Hempstead Lake

2016-04-27 Thread Tim Healy
Immediately after hitting send, I heard Brendan's Yellow-throated Vireo as well. Add that to a few Blue-headeds and a Warbling. More cheers! -Tim H > On Apr 27, 2016, at 11:55 AM, Tim Healy wrote: > > Worm-eating Warbler showing cooperatively at dog walk trails between the &

[nysbirds-l] Worm-eating and Blackburnian Warbler, Hempstead Lake

2016-04-27 Thread Tim Healy
Worm-eating Warbler showing cooperatively at dog walk trails between the field and the stream near the south lake. Blackburnian, found earlier by Brendan Fogarty, in the treetops between the road and the open space on the way to MacDonald Pond. Both singing sporadically. Also multiple Parulas,

[nysbirds-l] Timber Point Ruff - NO

2016-04-27 Thread Tim Healy
I stopped by Timber Point's East Marina at 8 am and 10 am. Yesterday's Ruff was unfortunately absent on both searches. Consolation birds included singing Seaside Sparrows, some Willets, and a small flock of Glossy Ibis. Between visits to the marina, I stopped at Connetquot but failed to locate t

Re: [nysbirds-l] Ruff - Timber Point East Marina (Suffolk)

2016-04-26 Thread Tim Healy
To any curious birders who just got off work: the Ruff apparently took off and flew west around 2:30, high and far. A bit disappointing, but you never know what tomorrow will bring. Tonight's winds don't look favorable for landbird migration, so I will probably check Timber Point tomorrow mornin

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead and Valley Stream migrants

2016-04-26 Thread Tim Healy
I was surprised when I woke up to clear skies and sun, so I took advantage and headed out. Hempstead and Valley Stream SPs featured similar spreads of migrants. For warblers, both locations had Blue-winged (at least 3 at VS), Parula, N. Waterthrush, Ovenbird, Yellowthroat, Yellow, and Yellow-rum

[nysbirds-l] Ravens vs. Owls

2016-04-23 Thread Tim Healy
Huge spectacle at Hempstead Lake today. Three(!) Common Ravens flew low over the tree tops, then looped around in formation and dove in on the Great Horned Owl pair. What. A. Show. Fish Crows and Blue Jays also joined the scene, and blows were definitely exchanged. Amazing to see these powerful

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake this evening

2016-04-21 Thread Tim Healy
Highlights of a delightful evening stroll at Hempstead Lake include a singing Rusty Blackbird, a pair of Wood Ducks who flushed from the swampy area and were later found perched in a tree right above the path, some local raptors, many gnatcatchers, and a young Great Blue Heron resting at the lil

[nysbirds-l] Ravens and Warblers

2016-04-20 Thread Tim Healy
I got a good bird before I even "went" birding when I head a Common Raven a while walking home from the Lynbrook train station. I stopped first at Hempstead Lake and connected with some expected species, but then the reports came in mentioning good birds at Valley Stream. I ended up parking near

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake and Jamaica Bay

2016-04-10 Thread Tim Healy
I started the day at Hempstead Lake State Park, where I found early migrants were quite active. Barn and Northern Rough-winged Swallows were seen over the south lake within the large Tree Swallow flock. Also spotted both kinglets, a male gnatcatcher, several bright Pine Warblers, and singing Yel

[nysbirds-l] Tricolored Heron and Upland Sandpiper continue

2016-04-09 Thread Tim Healy
The Upland Sandpiper is still feeding in the median east of Oak Beach, seen on the south side and eastbound road at 11. The reported Tricolored Heron is feeding at Captree Island in the main channel beyond the entry sign. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info:

[nysbirds-l] Double Woodcock action in Bryant Park

2016-03-12 Thread Tim Healy
Two woodcocks are currently being seen in Bryant Park. One in the plantings along the southern edge of the lawn, the other in the NE daffodil/birdbath plot. Both at rest currently. Bring it on, Spring! Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http:

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach Jetty Birds

2016-02-07 Thread Tim Healy
Beautiful weather on the coast today, and the water was flat calm. Several birders enjoyed the company of four resting Harlequin Ducks, a dozen or so Purple Sandpipers, a close Razorbill, and a Horned Grebe or two at the end of the Jones Beach jetty. Also present were Black Scoters, a drake Comm

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake and Smith Pond

2016-01-24 Thread Tim Healy
Though the extensive snow kept me busy shoveling and prevented me from traveling too far, I did swing by Hempstead Lake and Smith Pond to see what was around. Both locations featured good numbers of Common Mergansers in the patches of open water, as well as Hooded Mergansers, Canada Geese, Mute

[nysbirds-l] Ross's, Cackling, and White-fronted Geese at Belmont Lake

2016-01-18 Thread Tim Healy
I was on the road when I got Doug's report from Belmont, so I decided to hit the lake first instead of last. I found the Ross's Goose straightaway, gleaming among the Canadas. Doug and I are in agreement that this appears to be the recently-seen "clean" individual without any staining on the sid

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake Eagle

2016-01-18 Thread Tim Healy
Driving past Hempstead Lake State Park I was graced with the presence of a low-flying adult Bald Eagle passing tight along the road in the other direction. I still can't believe that this is no longer an unheard of sight so close to my home. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.

[nysbirds-l] Jones Lark Sparrow - Yes

2016-01-16 Thread Tim Healy
Lark Sparrow continues at the outer turnaround. With several Song Sparrows, distinctive tail and face stood out when the jumped up into the scrub. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.Nor

[nysbirds-l] White Pelicans flying west at Jones Beach!

2016-01-16 Thread Tim Healy
Pair of American White Pelicans seen flying west over the ocean at Jones Beach. Seen from the crest of a dune along the inlet. Terrible distant photos taken. Otherwise quiet: Pine Siskin, continuing Eastern Phoebe, and a scoter sweep are the highlights so far. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L Lis

[nysbirds-l] Flushing Meadows-Corona Park - Sparrows and Warblers

2016-01-15 Thread Tim Healy
After a bit of searching this morning I located the ragtag junco flock at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park behind the Queens Museum. They were working the area at the base of some conifers, and their interspecies guests are still with them. The Lark Sparrow and Clay-colored Sparrow were located with

[nysbirds-l] Montauk Point 1/9/16

2016-01-09 Thread Tim Healy
After a successful wild goose chase in Smithtown, I continued to have a great day out at Montauk Point. I crossed paths and teamed up with lots of birders throughout the day, and almost everyone had a spread of excellent sightings to share. My personal highlights included the stunning views of t

[nysbirds-l] Pink-footed Goose, Smithtown - YES

2016-01-09 Thread Tim Healy
Pink-footed Goose continues at Miller's Pond in Smithtown. Preening on the ice now, in view with multiple other birders. Off to Montauk! Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirdi

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake

2016-01-03 Thread Tim Healy
Between errands this morning I briefly stopped at Hempstead Lake to search for some year birds I missed on yesterday's CBC. There's at least one Rusty Blackbird in the area between around the trails by the southernmost lake: I might've heard some calls in response to her vocalizations. Also saw

[nysbirds-l] Walkill 12/26 - No Gyr, Owls and Geese

2015-12-26 Thread Tim Healy
Responded to the previous Gyr emails with this but didn't see it go to the listserv proper, apologies if anyone gets it a second time. Want to get the info out there. I was on location all day, watched the sun rise and set. Scanned Blue Chip, Shawangunk, and roads along the river between Walki

Re: [nysbirds-l] Gyrfalcon updates??

2015-12-26 Thread Tim Healy
I was on location all day, watched the sun rise and set. Scanned Blue Chip, Shawangunk, and roads along the river between Walkill and Gardiner. Lots of birders were on site and no one encountered the falcon. The Greater White-fronted Goose continues in the flock at Blue Chip, and some of us spot

[nysbirds-l] West Islip Tufted Duck - Yes

2015-12-24 Thread Tim Healy
The Tufted Duck continues at Lake Capri in West Islip this morning. Seen along the western shoreline. Plenty of other waterfowl about. (Holiday) Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.North

[nysbirds-l] Prospect Park - Bunting and Gull YES

2015-12-13 Thread Tim Healy
Both the PABU and BHGU continue in their usual spots this morning. Bunting was feeding down low but showed nicely, and the full was paddling between the center-lake flock and the western shoreline. Also had an Orange-crowned Warbler pulling caterpillars from the reeds along the lakeshore between

[nysbirds-l] South Shore Saturday

2015-11-14 Thread Tim Healy
Jones Beach was blustery but pleasant. I had a Cackling Goose fly over with a Canada just before 9, headed north toward the mainland. Striking size difference between the "two Canadas" caught my attention when I was driving in past the Police Station. Goldfinches were moving, and Dunlin were the

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach - Blackbird and finch flights

2015-11-08 Thread Tim Healy
More or less constant flyover activity at Jones Beach today from dawn to almost noon. Migrant highlights and approximate counts include: 2105 Red-winged Blackbird 3 Rusty Blackbird 105 Brown-headed Cowbird 15 Common Grackle 405 American Robin 4 Eastern Bluebird 180 American Goldfinch 22 Purple Fin

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake - The Eagles

2015-10-25 Thread Tim Healy
Adult Bald Eagle perched in the trees right on Peninsula Blvd at Hempstead Lake SP. Briefly glimpsed another large raptor flying through the trees: either young eagle or late Osprey. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBir

[nysbirds-l] Madison Square Park

2015-10-24 Thread Tim Healy
Did a pass through Madison Square Park on my way to grad class. Good amounts of birds showing. Lots of White-throated and a few Song Sparrows, a towhee, a junco, several Hermit Thrushes, and two young sapsuckers. Also some warbler activity (at least two birds) in the high trees at the northwest

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach Chat and Sparrows

2015-10-18 Thread Tim Healy
Chat continues at the hedgerow, showing well. Also Clay-colored and Lincoln's Sparrow. Good activity, many expert eyes here already, have not yet proceeded to median. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info:

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach: Chat, RH Woodpecker, Lark Sparrow, and more

2015-10-17 Thread Tim Healy
Jones Beach is hopping today! Full report to come later. I just found a YB Chat at the Coast Guard hedgerow. The other stars of the show have been a confiding Red-headed Woodpecker and the continuing Lark Sparrow. Many migrants, good numbers and diversity. Full report later! Cheers! -Tim H --

[nysbirds-l] Bryant Park Sparrows

2015-10-13 Thread Tim Healy
18 White-throated, 4 Swamp, 1 Song in the various planted plots. Also 3 yellowthroats and a catbird. Fewer House Sparrows and pigeons than usual. 4:40-5:20 PM. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info:

[nysbirds-l] Bryant Park birds

2015-09-25 Thread Tim Healy
Bryant Park hosted many Yellowthroats, some White-throated Sparrows, two Ovenbirds, two Redstarts (one adult male), two Catbirds, a Northern Waterthrush, a Wood-Pewee, and a Winter Wren this evening. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http:/

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach - Continuing Dickcissel and good activity

2015-09-24 Thread Tim Healy
The Dickcissel is still present by the fisherman's road/coast guard. Lots of other activity in the form of warblers, flycatchers, vireos, and the like. First Ruby-crowned Kinglets of fall. Full report or additional observations later. Good morning to be out. Cheers! -Tim H -- NYSbirds-L List

Re: [nysbirds-l] Questions about Lesser Black-backed Gulls

2015-09-15 Thread Tim Healy
The only confirmed record of successful nesting for LBBG in North America that I'm aware of is an individual who has paired with Herring Gulls for several years at the Isles of Shoals on the border of New Hampshire and Maine. He's a banded bird, numbered F05 and affectionately called Pierre, who

[nysbirds-l] Tons of distant activity at Nickerson

2015-09-14 Thread Tim Healy
Anyone who lives within easy distance of Nickerson...the horizon is roiling with birds. Lots of dynamic soaring patterns. I don't have a scope so I'm just trying to discern patterns and silhouettes to little avail, but there's a lot going on. Also had a flyby Royal Tern and a hummingbird. Chee

[nysbirds-l] Jones and Nickerson Beaches

2015-09-12 Thread Tim Healy
This morning Jones Beach was largely devoid of migrant landbirds, instead hosting high counts of biting flies. I missed Bob Anderson's earlier Dickcissel and RB Grosbeak, though I did have two separate flyover Bobolinks, headed roughly northeast while "pink"ing distinctively. Several Merlins wer

[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay - High Shorebird Numbers

2015-09-03 Thread Tim Healy
I spent about 4.5 hours at Jamaica Bay today, and the shore birding conditions were some of the best I've seen all season. The lower water levels allowed me to walk almost the whole perimeter (bar the infamous northern muck) in mid-calf boots without getting wet, and the birds were out in force.

Re: [nysbirds-l] SABINE'S GULL-Queens RIGHT NOW

2015-06-18 Thread Tim Healy
Anyone going to chase who could swing past Brighton Beach Subway en route? Desperate, but figured I'd ask. Great find, guys! -Tim H > On Jun 18, 2015, at 6:20 PM, Doug Gochfeld wrote: > > Immature SABINE'S GULL standing in surf on beach (ocean side) at Breezy > Point, just east of footpath to

[nysbirds-l] Nickerson: One good tern deserves another, and five more

2015-06-09 Thread Tim Healy
Got down to Nickerson Beach at about 12:50 chasing this morning's reports. Over the course of the afternoon I picked up seven species of tern: Black (2), Roseate (5), Royal (1), Gull-billed (1), Forster's (2), Least (~40) and Common (hundreds). Didn't see an Arctic among the birds encountered, t

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