Re: [ob] --- CLOSED ---

2010-03-06 Terurut Topik YUTA
Tambahan pertanyaan.

Jika ternyata memang menurut Bwijaya, SMI dan B bersalah mengeluarkan kebijakan 
bail out terlepas dari pro/kontra dan SBY sudah back up mereka, tolong kasih 
kandidat pengganti menurut dia untuk posisi berikut:
1. Menkeu
2. Gubernur BI
3. Wapres
4. Presiden

Satu orang boleh, multiple ok. 

Cuma ingin tahu saja dan memahami cara dia berfikir dan memandang persoalan, 
jangan cuma terpengaruh sama OPINI ORANG (repeat ORANG LAIN).

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 10:33:57 
Subject: Re: [ob] --- CLOSED ---

If you were gubernur BI atau menkeu, what would you do at that time?

2010/3/7 Bwijaya

Re: [ob] --- CLOSED ---

2010-03-06 Terurut Topik YUTA
Tambahan pertanyaan.

Jika ternyata memang menurut Bwijaya, SMI dan B bersalah mengeluarkan kebijakan 
bail out terlepas dari pro/kontra dan SBY sudah back up mereka, tolong kasih 
kandidat pengganti menurut dia untuk posisi berikut:
1. Menkeu
2. Gubernur BI
3. Wapres
4. Presiden

Satu orang boleh, multiple ok. 

Cuma ingin tahu saja dan memahami cara dia berfikir dan memandang persoalan, 
jangan cuma terpengaruh sama OPINI ORANG (repeat ORANG LAIN).

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 10:33:57 
Subject: Re: [ob] --- CLOSED ---

If you were gubernur BI atau menkeu, what would you do at that time?

2010/3/7 Bwijaya

Re: [ob] gitu aja repot

2010-03-05 Terurut Topik YUTA
Setuju Prof. Saya sudah dengar issue ini dihembuskan sejak sebelum Pemilu. So 
what. Ada yg terpengaruh dan pastinya ada yg melihat dari sudut pandang yang 
jernih bagaimana memilih pemimpin. 

Nobodys perfect. Semua manusia pasti punya sisi kelam. Sekarang bagaimana kita 

Simple saja, adakah pemimpin Republik ini yang lebih baik dari SBY? Rakyat 
sudah bisa bedakanlah, mana yg karbitan dan mana yg capable. 

SBY ini dalam kehidupan kesehariannya selalu berdiskusi dengan orang2 
terdekatnya dan saling bertukar fikiran bagaimana membuat kehidupan dan 
kesejahteraan rakyat menjadi lebih baik lagi. 

Maaf kalau ikut komentar...abis tidak tahan...

-Original Message-
From: JT™
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 11:41:28 
Subject: Re: [ob] gitu aja repot

Sudahlah boss, kita ngomong fakta sama data aja lah., lu mau bilang 
duit buat pemilu kek, apa kek, faktanya ngga ada BUKTI duit masuk ke 
Demokrat..., udh dua bulan lebih noh diubek-ubek, tetep aje ngga ketemu, jadi 
ente jangan berandai-andai lah, jangan ngarang, kalo ada bukti kasih aja ke 
pansus noh, gua jamin ente pasti jadi pahlawan dan bakal disanjung banyak 
orang, tapi kalo cuma bisa ngomong; kayaknya, sepertinya, menurut gue, kita 
tau lah..., etc..etc..  Mending Ngga usah dibahas lah boss, bikin repot 
ajeee. Hehehe...

Masalah sistemik apa bukan, ente debat aje noh Prof Budiono sama DR. SMI. 


** Sometimes, Instinct Is Your Only Confirmation **

Tweet: @JT_jsxtrader

-Original Message-
From: Bwijaya
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 16:58:15 
Subject: [ob] gitu aja repot

alaaah pada pura-pura aja 
emang kita pemain pasar modal diuntungkan dengan tindakan bailout century

tapi kita tahu lah saat itu mau pemilu, mau kampanye, butuh dana besar... 
sudahlah ngerti lah gak usah sok berteori sistemik segala 

orang nasabah bank centurynya sendiri banyak yg belom kebagian dana bailoutnya 
kok? jadi kemana dong dana triliunan itu?

sudahlah gak usah bela-membela, pake logika bandarologi aja.ada pemilu. 
bandar perlu dana besar untuk kampanye 

tapi kita sebagai pemain pasar modal diuntungkan juga dengan kebijakan itu .
mau bilang gue diuntungkan juga susahgitu aja repot

 Coba deh googling arsip berita-berita di media masa PADA MASA ITU��, coba 
 liat para angota dewan yang terhormat, termasuk yg paling kenceng teriaknya 
 pada waktu itu ngomong ape��. Hehe, jadi kalo yg sekarang ngomongnya 
 beda, anda tau lah kualitas manusia tsb��. J
 Web :
 Tweet : @JT_jsxtrader
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of api bara
 Sent: 05 Maret 2010 14:16
 Subject: Re: [ob] Komentar thd Pidato SBY LIVE on TV
 setuju sekaliii...
 untk Pak Nobie,saya melihat bpk sangat menguasai permasalahan century,klu 
 boleh BERTANYA apakah ada SISI BAIK dr kasus century ini.(karena setiap 
 masalah pasti punya 2 sisi,BAIK dan BURUK).
 BTW,di pansus saya merasa seperti ada 2 kalimat yg HILANG(atau di 
 hilangkan),yaitu KRISIS GLOBAL.
 --- Pada Jum, 5/3/10, highwaysta...@... highwaysta...@... menulis:
 Dari: highwaysta...@... highwaysta...@...
 Judul: Re: [ob] Komentar thd Pidato SBY LIVE on TV
 Tanggal: Jumat, 5 Maret, 2010, 6:44 AM
 Setuju.. That's all tujuan mereka.
 Sent from my computer of course!
 From: JT jsxtra...@yahoo. com 
 Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 10:58:28 +0700
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Cc: jsxtra...@yahoogrou
 Subject: RE: [ob] Komentar thd Pidato SBY LIVE on TV
 Kalo mau jujur, sebenernya tujuan pansus bukan untuk menjawab 
 pertanyaan-pertanya an bapak dibawah, they really donâ?Tt careâ?¦., what they 
 care is, apakah ada aliran dana ke DEMOKRAT. Jika ya, pemilu dianggap tidak 
 sah, dan itulah target awalnya�� nothing else !
 Now, practically pansus TIDAK menemukan apa-apa, semua yg diungkap, 
 sebenernya SUDAH ADA dalam temuan/laporan BPK��, jadi ngga ada yg 
 baruâ?¦.., saya miris melihat semangat para oposan untuk menjatuhkan lawan 
 ditengah jalan, karena ini jelas-jelas hanya akan nyusahin rakyat ajaâ?¦., 
 bullshit lah kalo mereka bilang ini demi rakyat 
 Maap OOT, letâ?Ts back to marketâ?¦. J
- Show quoted text -
 Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang! 

Re: Angpao rumus $2000 ....RE: [ob] DJI technical....

2010-02-18 Terurut Topik YUTA

Yang dinaikkan baru discount rate (interest yang harus dibayar oleh 
bank/institusi jika pinjam dari the Fed), bukan Fed rate. Ini salah satu 
program dan langkah awal the Fed untuk mengurangi quantitative easing dan 
basing untuk menaikkan Fed rate nanti. 

Impact ke bursa, yang paling kena efeknya tentu negara2 yg banyak duit carry 
trade, salah satunya BEJ, karena duit murah mulai berkurang di market dan 
sebagian harus balik kandang dulu. 

Tetapi, bank sendiri bisa mencari sumber pendanaan selain lending dari the Fed. 
Jadi untuk sementara, masih belum tentu signifikan efeknya ke bursa saham 
karena sudah diprediksi pasar. Tapi yang pasti, multiplier efek dengan naiknya 
USD, akan menjadi resisten untuk bursa bisa naik. 

Tinggal menunggu duit idle yang sideline selama ini, masih berapa kuat bisa 
menaikkan bursa saham... 


-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 23:49:18 
Subject: Re: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical

Kaget embah baca berita kenaekan suku bunga Fed ini .

Mungkin yg ahli Macro bisa kasih analisa tentang impactnya

Secara Bandarmologi, embah baru bisa kasih analisa kalo
sudah melihat reaksi BD atas kenaikan ini

--- In, iffan.l...@... wrote:

 Mbah, the Fed naekin discount rate 0.25% jd 0.75% setelah bel tutup Dow..
 Euro lgs tiarap..ini efeknya bgm secara bandarmologi?
 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 -Original Message-
 From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:21:02 
 Subject: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical
 DJI close di 10392 +83...
 Level 10392 adalah Fibo 62% dari Total Correction index Dow selama ini
 dan membuktikan Rumus $2000 yg embah kasih gratis ama Pak Rei
 benar lagi.
 Khsusus buat pak Eka, embah tuliskan lagi Rumus 2000 dollar ini,
 siapa tahu pak Eka belum tahu
 - DJI managed to break the Middle brown line, 
   so DJI has the CHANCE to go up to Fibo 62% (That is the Upper
   Line of Brown ABC PIG wave).
 Buat yg lain yg belum tahu, mohon diterima ini angpao $2000
 dollar dari embah hehehe 
 Hari ini mari kita puter lagu Oh Happy Day seharian buat merayakan
 TAL Tindakan Irasional BD BUMI kemarin.
 Bandarmologi adalah ilmu Logika, kemarin Bandarmologi dikalahkan
 BD karena BD melakukan tindakan yg engga pake LOGIKA
 di BUMI yaitu dengan sengaja jualan dibawah COST untuk
 Jadi Rugi di BUMI dengan tujuan membuat orang Cut Loss di LQ45 kemarin.
 Jadi engga logis pada Context BUMI tapi Logis pada Context bursa
 From: []
 On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
 Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:26 PM
 Subject: [ob] DJI technicalRe: Japri Mbah : jual di harga setinggi mgkn
 dan exit ya Mbah??
 - DJI running inside Blue wave and inside Upper brown wave
 - Now, DJI is at Upper resist of Blue Wave (red circle), so 
 tonight will be a critical time.
 The GOOD things:
 - The US market weakest point that is Banking 
 sector managed to rebound last night
 - DJI managed to break the Middle brown line,
 so DJI has the chance to go up to Fibo 62%
 - Middle Brown Line(Brown Circle)
 --- In obrolan-bandar@, datasahamku datasahamku@ wrote:
  klo lihat Dow Jones yg semalem naik, sy kok lebih memilih IHSG bakal
 bullish...saat ini BUMI masih ijo royo-royo semoga BOZZ serius, klo ga
 jewerr aja Mbah :)
  --- In obrolan-bandar@, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Mungkin untuk B7 malah saatnya MASUK ..
   Tapi kita liat dulu hari ini, apakah BD serius atas engga
   di B7 hari ini, INI PENENTUANnya  
   Kalo BD serius di BUMI, IHSG masih bisa naik lagi,
   Pagi ini: BD terlihat serius di BUMI dengan NGERAMPOK DIHARGA
   ATAS, kalo BD tidak mundur sampe closing berarti BD serius
   di B7.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@, art_stocking@ wrote:

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 03:37:44 
To: obrolan-bandar@
Subject: Bls: [ob] Re: Scenario Dubai dijalankan 

SUMMARY tulisan embah selama ini tentang Wave B:

- Pada dasarnya pada Wave B adalah saatnya Investor keluar dari bursa
- IHSG naik, Trader masuk dan investor keluar
- Akibatnya IHSG naik tapi tidak ada INFLOW yg mencukupi

Re: Angpao rumus $2000 ....RE: [ob] DJI technical....

2010-02-18 Terurut Topik YUTA

Yang dinaikkan baru discount rate (interest yang harus dibayar oleh 
bank/institusi jika pinjam dari the Fed), bukan Fed rate. Ini salah satu 
program dan langkah awal the Fed untuk mengurangi quantitative easing dan 
basing untuk menaikkan Fed rate nanti. 

Impact ke bursa, yang paling kena efeknya tentu negara2 yg banyak duit carry 
trade, salah satunya BEJ, karena duit murah mulai berkurang di market dan 
sebagian harus balik kandang dulu. 

Tetapi, bank sendiri bisa mencari sumber pendanaan selain lending dari the Fed. 
Jadi untuk sementara, masih belum tentu signifikan efeknya ke bursa saham 
karena sudah diprediksi pasar. Tapi yang pasti, multiplier efek dengan naiknya 
USD, akan menjadi resisten untuk bursa bisa naik. 

Tinggal menunggu duit idle yang sideline selama ini, masih berapa kuat bisa 
menaikkan bursa saham... 


-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 23:49:18 
Subject: Re: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical

Kaget embah baca berita kenaekan suku bunga Fed ini .

Mungkin yg ahli Macro bisa kasih analisa tentang impactnya

Secara Bandarmologi, embah baru bisa kasih analisa kalo
sudah melihat reaksi BD atas kenaikan ini

--- In, iffan.l...@... wrote:

 Mbah, the Fed naekin discount rate 0.25% jd 0.75% setelah bel tutup Dow..
 Euro lgs tiarap..ini efeknya bgm secara bandarmologi?
 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 -Original Message-
 From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:21:02 
 Subject: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical
 DJI close di 10392 +83...
 Level 10392 adalah Fibo 62% dari Total Correction index Dow selama ini
 dan membuktikan Rumus $2000 yg embah kasih gratis ama Pak Rei
 benar lagi.
 Khsusus buat pak Eka, embah tuliskan lagi Rumus 2000 dollar ini,
 siapa tahu pak Eka belum tahu
 - DJI managed to break the Middle brown line, 
   so DJI has the CHANCE to go up to Fibo 62% (That is the Upper
   Line of Brown ABC PIG wave).
 Buat yg lain yg belum tahu, mohon diterima ini angpao $2000
 dollar dari embah hehehe 
 Hari ini mari kita puter lagu Oh Happy Day seharian buat merayakan
 TAL Tindakan Irasional BD BUMI kemarin.
 Bandarmologi adalah ilmu Logika, kemarin Bandarmologi dikalahkan
 BD karena BD melakukan tindakan yg engga pake LOGIKA
 di BUMI yaitu dengan sengaja jualan dibawah COST untuk
 Jadi Rugi di BUMI dengan tujuan membuat orang Cut Loss di LQ45 kemarin.
 Jadi engga logis pada Context BUMI tapi Logis pada Context bursa
 From: []
 On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
 Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:26 PM
 Subject: [ob] DJI technicalRe: Japri Mbah : jual di harga setinggi mgkn
 dan exit ya Mbah??
 - DJI running inside Blue wave and inside Upper brown wave
 - Now, DJI is at Upper resist of Blue Wave (red circle), so 
 tonight will be a critical time.
 The GOOD things:
 - The US market weakest point that is Banking 
 sector managed to rebound last night
 - DJI managed to break the Middle brown line,
 so DJI has the chance to go up to Fibo 62%
 - Middle Brown Line(Brown Circle)
 --- In obrolan-bandar@, datasahamku datasahamku@ wrote:
  klo lihat Dow Jones yg semalem naik, sy kok lebih memilih IHSG bakal
 bullish...saat ini BUMI masih ijo royo-royo semoga BOZZ serius, klo ga
 jewerr aja Mbah :)
  --- In obrolan-bandar@, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Mungkin untuk B7 malah saatnya MASUK ..
   Tapi kita liat dulu hari ini, apakah BD serius atas engga
   di B7 hari ini, INI PENENTUANnya  
   Kalo BD serius di BUMI, IHSG masih bisa naik lagi,
   Pagi ini: BD terlihat serius di BUMI dengan NGERAMPOK DIHARGA
   ATAS, kalo BD tidak mundur sampe closing berarti BD serius
   di B7.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@, art_stocking@ wrote:

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 03:37:44 
To: obrolan-bandar@
Subject: Bls: [ob] Re: Scenario Dubai dijalankan 

SUMMARY tulisan embah selama ini tentang Wave B:

- Pada dasarnya pada Wave B adalah saatnya Investor keluar dari bursa
- IHSG naik, Trader masuk dan investor keluar
- Akibatnya IHSG naik tapi tidak ada INFLOW yg mencukupi

Re: Angpao rumus $2000 ....RE: [ob] DJI technical....

2010-02-18 Terurut Topik YUTA
Pak Rei bisa saja, I am nothing dibandingkan para suhu dan big shot disini. 
Saya masih harus banyak belajar. 

Satu hal lagi, sebenarnya cepat atau lambat the Fed harus jalankan exit program 
ini (naikkan discount dan kemudian Fed rate) daripada telat. 

Tetapi yang harus dicermati adalah reaksi dan konsensus pasar. Apakah dari segi 
timing sudah tepat dibayangi kekhawatiran akan credit bomb di Dubai dan 
sovereign crisis di EU. 

Hanya waktu yang akan menjawab apakah kebijakan ini tidak terlalu premature...

-Original Message-
From: Rei
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 09:02:06 
Subject: Re: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical

Pak Yuta kalo sdh ngomong memang kelihatan berbobot! Saya setuju (dari
kemarin ane setuju doang ya? hehe...yah namanya murid, dikasih ilmu yg
manggut2), tapi spt yg pak Eka juga sdh kemukakan (setuju lagi nih), jangan
ditanggapi berlebihan. Simplenya aja, big money sdh keluar (mungkin bukan
bandar) dan akan re-enter (dikonfirmasi dgn Kang Bagus yg mengatakan yiled
SUN masih tdk berubah di kisaran 8%), tentu tidak di harga sekarang. Mereka
juga akan menghitung bila valuasi sdh tinggi, ya ditunggu sampai valuasi
murah kembali (kecuali uang2 ini pulang ke negara mereka -- watch usd/idr).
Koreksi pasti akan terjadi, masalahnya kapan dan brp dalam? Soft crash kah
atau hard crash?
Ingat, bulan Juni nanti ada World Cup 2010, salah satu ajang judi besar
dunia if not terbesar, likuiditas akan mengering.
Buat short term trader, tidak masalah! Silahkan ambil posisi dgn CL level yg
jelas. Buat buy  hold, no no. Maaf kalo salah...Terapkan saja strategi
masing2, tetap tenang dan jangan panik (kalo gak yakin makanya main dikit2
saja jadi kalo rugi pun sedikit...jangan ikut2an senior yg sdh jelas2 jago
dan kita gak lincah alahsil nyangkut, pake margin pula! hahaha)

2010/2/19 YUTA


 Yang dinaikkan baru discount rate (interest yang harus dibayar oleh
 bank/institusi jika pinjam dari the Fed), bukan Fed rate. Ini salah satu
 program dan langkah awal the Fed untuk mengurangi quantitative easing dan
 basing untuk menaikkan Fed rate nanti.

 Impact ke bursa, yang paling kena efeknya tentu negara2 yg banyak duit
 carry trade, salah satunya BEJ, karena duit murah mulai berkurang di
 market dan sebagian harus balik kandang dulu.

 Tetapi, bank sendiri bisa mencari sumber pendanaan selain lending dari the
 Fed. Jadi untuk sementara, masih belum tentu signifikan efeknya ke bursa
 saham karena sudah diprediksi pasar. Tapi yang pasti, multiplier efek dengan
 naiknya USD, akan menjadi resisten untuk bursa bisa naik.

 Tinggal menunggu duit idle yang sideline selama ini, masih berapa kuat bisa
 menaikkan bursa saham...


 -Original Message-
 From: jsx_consultant
 Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 23:49:18
 Subject: Re: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical

 Kaget embah baca berita kenaekan suku bunga Fed ini .

 Mungkin yg ahli Macro bisa kasih analisa tentang impactnya

 Secara Bandarmologi, embah baru bisa kasih analisa kalo
 sudah melihat reaksi BD atas kenaikan ini

 --- In, iffan.l...@... wrote:
  Mbah, the Fed naekin discount rate 0.25% jd 0.75% setelah bel tutup Dow..
  Euro lgs tiarap..ini efeknya bgm secara bandarmologi?
  Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
  -Original Message-
  From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:21:02
  Subject: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical
  DJI close di 10392 +83...
  Level 10392 adalah Fibo 62% dari Total Correction index Dow selama ini
  dan membuktikan Rumus $2000 yg embah kasih gratis ama Pak Rei
  benar lagi.
  Khsusus buat pak Eka, embah tuliskan lagi Rumus 2000 dollar ini,
  siapa tahu pak Eka belum tahu
  - DJI managed to break the Middle brown line,
so DJI has the CHANCE to go up to Fibo 62% (That is the Upper
Line of Brown ABC PIG wave).
  Buat yg lain yg belum tahu, mohon diterima ini angpao $2000
  dollar dari embah hehehe
  Hari ini mari kita puter lagu Oh Happy Day seharian buat merayakan
  TAL Tindakan Irasional BD BUMI kemarin.
  Bandarmologi adalah ilmu Logika, kemarin Bandarmologi dikalahkan
  BD karena BD melakukan tindakan yg engga pake LOGIKA
  di BUMI yaitu dengan sengaja jualan dibawah COST untuk
  MENGECOH trader BEI.
  Jadi Rugi di BUMI dengan tujuan membuat orang Cut Loss di LQ45 kemarin.
  Jadi engga logis pada Context BUMI tapi Logis pada Context bursa
  From: [mailto:]
  On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
  Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:26 PM
  Subject: [ob] DJI technicalRe: Japri Mbah : jual di harga setinggi

Re: Angpao rumus $2000 ....RE: [ob] DJI technical....

2010-02-18 Terurut Topik YUTA
Pak Rei bisa saja, I am nothing dibandingkan para suhu dan big shot disini.
Saya masih harus banyak belajar.

Satu hal lagi, sebenarnya cepat atau lambat the Fed harus jalankan exit
program ini (naikkan discount dan kemudian Fed rate) daripada telat.

Tetapi yang harus dicermati adalah reaksi dan konsensus pasar. Apakah dari
segi timing sudah tepat dibayangi kekhawatiran akan credit bomb di Dubai dan
sovereign crisis di EU.

Hanya waktu yang akan menjawab apakah kebijakan ini tidak terlalu


2010/2/19 Rei

 Pak Yuta kalo sdh ngomong memang kelihatan berbobot! Saya setuju (dari
 kemarin ane setuju doang ya? hehe...yah namanya murid, dikasih ilmu yg
 manggut2), tapi spt yg pak Eka juga sdh kemukakan (setuju lagi nih), jangan
 ditanggapi berlebihan. Simplenya aja, big money sdh keluar (mungkin bukan
 bandar) dan akan re-enter (dikonfirmasi dgn Kang Bagus yg mengatakan yiled
 SUN masih tdk berubah di kisaran 8%), tentu tidak di harga sekarang. Mereka
 juga akan menghitung bila valuasi sdh tinggi, ya ditunggu sampai valuasi
 murah kembali (kecuali uang2 ini pulang ke negara mereka -- watch usd/idr).
 Koreksi pasti akan terjadi, masalahnya kapan dan brp dalam? Soft crash kah
 atau hard crash?
 Ingat, bulan Juni nanti ada World Cup 2010, salah satu ajang judi besar
 dunia if not terbesar, likuiditas akan mengering.
 Buat short term trader, tidak masalah! Silahkan ambil posisi dgn CL level
 yg jelas. Buat buy  hold, no no. Maaf kalo salah...Terapkan saja strategi
 masing2, tetap tenang dan jangan panik (kalo gak yakin makanya main dikit2
 saja jadi kalo rugi pun sedikit...jangan ikut2an senior yg sdh jelas2 jago
 dan kita gak lincah alahsil nyangkut, pake margin pula! hahaha)

 2010/2/19 YUTA


 Yang dinaikkan baru discount rate (interest yang harus dibayar oleh
 bank/institusi jika pinjam dari the Fed), bukan Fed rate. Ini salah satu
 program dan langkah awal the Fed untuk mengurangi quantitative easing dan
 basing untuk menaikkan Fed rate nanti.

 Impact ke bursa, yang paling kena efeknya tentu negara2 yg banyak duit
 carry trade, salah satunya BEJ, karena duit murah mulai berkurang di
 market dan sebagian harus balik kandang dulu.

 Tetapi, bank sendiri bisa mencari sumber pendanaan selain lending dari the
 Fed. Jadi untuk sementara, masih belum tentu signifikan efeknya ke bursa
 saham karena sudah diprediksi pasar. Tapi yang pasti, multiplier efek dengan
 naiknya USD, akan menjadi resisten untuk bursa bisa naik.

 Tinggal menunggu duit idle yang sideline selama ini, masih berapa kuat
 bisa menaikkan bursa saham...


 -Original Message-
 From: jsx_consultant
 Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 23:49:18
 Subject: Re: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical

 Kaget embah baca berita kenaekan suku bunga Fed ini .

 Mungkin yg ahli Macro bisa kasih analisa tentang impactnya

 Secara Bandarmologi, embah baru bisa kasih analisa kalo
 sudah melihat reaksi BD atas kenaikan ini

 --- In, iffan.l...@... wrote:
  Mbah, the Fed naekin discount rate 0.25% jd 0.75% setelah bel tutup
  Euro lgs tiarap..ini efeknya bgm secara bandarmologi?
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  -Original Message-
  From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:21:02
  Subject: Angpao rumus $2000 RE: [ob] DJI technical
  DJI close di 10392 +83...
  Level 10392 adalah Fibo 62% dari Total Correction index Dow selama ini
  dan membuktikan Rumus $2000 yg embah kasih gratis ama Pak Rei
  benar lagi.
  Khsusus buat pak Eka, embah tuliskan lagi Rumus 2000 dollar ini,
  siapa tahu pak Eka belum tahu
  - DJI managed to break the Middle brown line,
so DJI has the CHANCE to go up to Fibo 62% (That is the Upper
Line of Brown ABC PIG wave).
  Buat yg lain yg belum tahu, mohon diterima ini angpao $2000
  dollar dari embah hehehe
  Hari ini mari kita puter lagu Oh Happy Day seharian buat merayakan
  TAL Tindakan Irasional BD BUMI kemarin.
  Bandarmologi adalah ilmu Logika, kemarin Bandarmologi dikalahkan
  BD karena BD melakukan tindakan yg engga pake LOGIKA
  di BUMI yaitu dengan sengaja jualan dibawah COST untuk
  MENGECOH trader BEI.
  Jadi Rugi di BUMI dengan tujuan membuat orang Cut Loss di LQ45 kemarin.
  Jadi engga logis pada Context BUMI tapi Logis pada Context bursa
  From: [mailto:]
  On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
  Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:26 PM
  Subject: [ob] DJI technicalRe: Japri Mbah : jual di harga setinggi
  dan exit ya Mbah??
  - DJI running inside

Re: [ob] IHSG and BUMI is a UNITY....Re: Emanknya saham di JSX cuma BUMI aja ???

2010-02-10 Terurut Topik YUTA

Saat ini issue yang dimainkan, Jerman bilang belum pasti bail out Yunani. Kalau 
satu ditolong, yang lain pasti ngekor. Kan satu gang, Eurozone, katanya. 

Sedangkan Yunani sendiri serba salah, sama siapa lagi minta tolong. IMF? No 
pasti. US? Mana ada duit, defisit bengkak, untuk menolong diri sendiri saja 
sudah ngos2an. Asia or China? No idea ..

Jika Yunani keluar dari Eurozone, otomatis akan terjadi banking crisis karena 
aset2 finansial mereka jadi junk..

Sungguh dilemma...

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 15:22:15 
Subject: [ob] IHSG and BUMI is a UNITYRe: Emanknya saham di JSX cuma BUMI 
aja ???

Coba bandingkan SAAT INI ama Scenario 1 Dubai, tanda awalnya 
sama, memang belum pasti, masih samar2...

--- In, Metallic Bull metallic.b...@... 

 Don't Buy BUMI, Mbah?
 Clear out position?
 Dagang Siomay?
 - Original Message - 
 From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:06 AM
 Subject: [ob] IHSG and BUMI is a UNITYRe: Emanknya saham di JSX cuma 
 BUMI aja ???
 4. IHSG cq BDMN diangkat agar yg kejebak
BUMI makin banyak saat ini.

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Re: [ob] IHSG and BUMI is a UNITY....Re: Emanknya saham di JSX cuma BUMI aja ???

2010-02-10 Terurut Topik YUTA
Sebenarnya secara natural sedang terjadi develeraging assets dan otomatis 
stock market akan terdiscount dengan kekhawatiran akan perkembangan ekonomi ke 
depan. It is very normal. 

Positifnya, satu demi satu kekhawatiran yang sedang terjadi/terkuak, akan 
membuat fundamental worldwide recovery akan lebih kokoh. 

Negatifnya, khusus masalah debt di Euro ini, mungkin ini yang tidak kita tidak 
harapkan, terjadi perpecahan Euro...Masih jauh, tapi itu worst scenario, 

Timteng? Buat bantu Dubai World saja masih setengah2...

-Original Message-
From: Febry Hariyannugraha
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:40:26 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG and BUMI is a UNITYRe: Emanknya saham di JSX cuma 
BUMI aja ???

WOW ...

Saya nggak ngangka kalo emang jadi dilema begitu ..
Kalo Timur Tengah pa bisa bantu Pak ?
Cuma mau tau aja apa peran Timur Tengah dikala dunia sedang crisis gini ..
Dubai juga kalo nggak salah di bantu Timur Tengah bukan ?

Thanks ..

2010/2/10 YUTA


 Saat ini issue yang dimainkan, Jerman bilang belum pasti bail out Yunani.
 Kalau satu ditolong, yang lain pasti ngekor. Kan satu gang, Eurozone,

 Sedangkan Yunani sendiri serba salah, sama siapa lagi minta tolong. IMF? No
 pasti. US? Mana ada duit, defisit bengkak, untuk menolong diri sendiri saja
 sudah ngos2an. Asia or China? No idea ..

 Jika Yunani keluar dari Eurozone, otomatis akan terjadi banking crisis
 karena aset2 finansial mereka jadi junk..

 Sungguh dilemma...

 -Original Message-
 From: jsx_consultant

 Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 15:22:15
 Subject: [ob] IHSG and BUMI is a UNITYRe: Emanknya saham di JSX cuma
 BUMI aja ???

 Coba bandingkan SAAT INI ama Scenario 1 Dubai, tanda awalnya
 sama, memang belum pasti, masih samar2...

 --- In,
 Metallic Bull metallic.b...@... wrote:
  Don't Buy BUMI, Mbah?
  Clear out position?
  Dagang Siomay?
  - Original Message -
  From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:06 AM
  Subject: [ob] IHSG and BUMI is a UNITYRe: Emanknya saham di JSX cuma
  BUMI aja ???
  4. IHSG cq BDMN diangkat agar yg kejebak
  BUMI makin banyak saat ini.


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Re: [ob] BBRI

2010-02-04 Terurut Topik YUTA
Ikut komentar..

Dari sisi sentiment, EUR region especially PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Irlandia, 
Greece dan Spain) sedang terkena sentimen negatif. 

Ada possible default sovereign bond mereka. Masalah ini lebih complex 
dibandingkan Dubai case. 

Watch the Euro, watch Spain  Greece, watch the large European banks, watch 
their CDS rating.and you can get the temperature and of course the 
clue...mudah2an doesn't get worst...

-Original Message-
From: JT
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 11:14:54 
Subject: RE: [ob] BBRI

Blom bisa di judge, tunggu nanti sore lah, the thing is, all stock is 
down.., jadi ini pure karena sentiment, bukan fundamental !  yang kita takuti, 
kalau ada saham yg turun sendirian, pake gap, sementara yg lain pada naik atau 
diem, ada perbedaan yg mendasar antara turun hanya karena sentiment dgn 
turun karena fundamental...


-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of conx_2003
Sent: 05 Februari 2010 10:41
Subject: Re: [ob] BBRI

pak JT saham2 Blue chip seperti TLKM  dan ANTM

apakah Exhausting Gap / breakaway gaps?

klo pendapat saya breakaway gap, makanya klo sore ga mental kita kabur sambil 
pegangin biji

saya minta pendapat pak JT donk

--- In, JT jsxtra...@... wrote:

 Gap apaan, ngga ada pak…, lagian 7200 dah kesentuh tadi pagi kan…
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of ron sur
 Sent: 05 Februari 2010 10:20
 Subject: RE: [ob] BBRI
 kemungkinan ke 7200, sementara ini msh besar gak prof? krn ada gap disana, 
 ktannya dah oversold sich BBRI ini, mau antri di 7200 buat average down jd 
 ragu2 nichthx infonya prof
 --- Pada Kam, 4/2/10, JT jsxtra...@... menulis:
 Dari: JT jsxtra...@...
 Judul: RE: [ob] BBRI
 Tanggal: Kamis, 4 Februari, 2010, 7:11 PM
 Chart Update…., mulai mental di support ….., smoga kuat sampe sore…..
 From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou] On Behalf Of JT
 Sent: 05 Februari 2010 9:48
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com; jsxtra...@yahoogrou
 Subject: [ob] BBRI
 BBRI gap down…., tes support with low volume…, spec buy !!
 Tidak ada virus ditemukan dalam pesan masuk.
 Diperiksa oleh AVG -
 Versi: 9.0.733 / Basis Data Virus: 271.1.1/2668 - Tanggal Rilis: 02/05/10 
   bergaul dan terhubung dengan lebih baik. 
 Tambah lebih banyak teman ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang! 
 Tidak ada virus ditemukan dalam pesan masuk.
 Diperiksa oleh AVG -
 Versi: 9.0.733 / Basis Data Virus: 271.1.1/2668 - Tanggal Rilis: 02/05/10 

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Re: [ob] Bli Indra Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

2010-01-30 Terurut Topik YUTA

Mau tanya. Group bbm yang sudah ada di BB lama kok tidak keluar notifikasi dan 
alert tone, setelah ganti dari bold ke onyx. Tapi group bbm yang baru (setelah 
onyx) tidak ada masalah. Apa sewaktu transfer data belum sempurna ya? 


-Original Message-
From: **bLi iNdRa**
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 06:50:33 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Bli Indra  Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

Bagi yg mau ganti bold ke onyx, dsini link dibawah ini ada step by stepnya...

Sorry ga sempet jelasin detail, lg foto session:) hehehe

Met weekend all^^,)
Best Regards
**bLi iNdRa**

==cuan ga cuan yg penting happy==
powered by®

-Original Message-
From: Herry Panatta
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 06:44:14 
To: **bLi iNdRa**
Subject: Re: [ob] Bli Indra  Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

Ga perlu release pin ke providernya ya bli? 


-Original Message-
From: **bLi iNdRa**
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 06:37:58 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Bli Indra  Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

Betul itu, masuk via  desktop manager, cari change/switch device...
Ikutin aja langkah2nya...
Sebelumnya selalu back up data dl, in case terjadi hal2 yg tak diinginkan:D

Met ber pad²™ ria yah:) 

Best Regards
**bLi iNdRa**

==cuan ga cuan yg penting happy==
powered by®

-Original Message-
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 06:30:42 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bli Indra  Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

Lakukan sendiri saja dari komputer DM pilih yg change device.. Lalu login di 
website blackberry anda.. Otomatis akan ke detect.. Kalau belum masukin aja pin 
dan imei baru anda... 

Sent from my BlackBerry® Bold™
powered by INDOSAT

-Original Message-
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 06:22:23 
Subject: [ob] Bli Indra  Pakar BB: Bold Ganti Onyx

Bli  Pakar BB di OB, mau nanya dong. Sy mau ganti Bold jadi Onyx nih. Ntar 
lagi mau didelivery ke rumah. 

Kl mau pindahin SIM card ke Onyx, apa aja yg hrs dilakukan ya? Bisa dilakukan 
sendiri apa hrs dibawa ke TSel aja?

Apa aja yg hrs diperhatikan?

Tks sebelumnya ya..

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

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Re: [ob] Nunggu TAL untuk Bullish

2010-01-26 Terurut Topik YUTA
-Original Message-
From: Febry Hariyannugraha
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 20:06:49 
Subject: Re: [ob] Nunggu TAL untuk Bullish

Hahahaha ...
At least ada tambahan TAL bos ..
Biar lebih jelas market mau kemana .. hehehe

Re: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi

2010-01-17 Terurut Topik YUTA
Prof, coba diagnostic test. Options - Mobile Network dan pencet BB menu dan 
run diagnostic test. Jika ada masalah dengan network baik BIS maupun wifi, 
biasanya ada error report. 

Semoga membantu. 

-Original Message-
From: JT™
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 12:01:33 
Subject: Re: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi

Barusan resepnya dicoba..., sempet bisa  untuk bbrp second, abis gitu mati 
lagi... Hmm, rasanya setting di handset nih...

“ Trade By Rules, Not HOPE “

-Original Message-
From: David Lau
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 11:51:45 
Subject: Re: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi

Coba router wifi nya dimatiin (cabut kabel power) dulu sekitar 10mnt. Trus br 
coba connect lg. Kmrn bold sy jg ngalamin spt ini, pc  mac sy bs connect tp 
bold sy ga dpt ip dr wifi. Awalnya sy cm restar bold nya aja tp ga ngefek. 
Akhirnya stlh matiin router boldnya bs connect lg.

Mudah2an membantu, klo msh ga membantu, mohon maap aja. 



In Te Domine, Speravi Non Confundar In Aeternum

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-Original Message-
From: JT
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 18:43:42 
Subject: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi

Teman, maap OOT.., 


Gemini anak saya (OS .315) Wifinya ngga mau connect., jelas problem bukan di
hotspotnya, karena sdh dicoba dgn BB yg lain ngga masalah.  Karena curiga
masalah di OS, BB tsb saya upgrade ke .318., hasilnya sama saja, wifi tetap
tidak mau connect (symbol wifinya redup).., saya sdh cek setting yg relevan
dgn wifi, tampaknya ngga ada masalah.


Kira-kira ada yg pernah ngalami hal yg sama ? any info to solve the problem
?  oh ya, kalo mau factory reset supaya semua setting kembali ke default,
tampa harus menghapus data, gimana caranya ya? Advise please. Thank you.



Re: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi

2010-01-17 Terurut Topik YUTA
Kalau WEP atau wifi nya secured pakai password, coba ketik ulang passwordnya 
Prof. Bisa saja dianggap connect karena data cache yg lama masih ada tetapi 
tidak bisa down/up load data. 

Maaf kalau tidak membantu juga. 
-Original Message-
From: JT
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 20:16:27 
Subject: RE: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi

Sdh pak.., hasil diagnostic tes ngga ada masalah...


Barusan akhirnya saya Option-Security Option-General Setting-Wipe
Handheld... now everything back to factory default.., tapi ngga bisa juga.,
symbol wi-fi tetep redup.., tapi anehnya kalo diliat dari wifi setting,
statusnya connected, tapi tanda centang ngga ada.., saya cek matiin
networknya dan coba wifi only, confirm ngga bisa., ampun dah... ok langkah
terakhir mau format ulang pake BBSak., trus sekalian load OS 5 dah., kalo
ngga bisa juga besok terpaksa kirim ke ISAT..




From: []
On Behalf Of YUTA
Sent: 17 Januari 2010 19:26
To: Obrolan Bandar
Subject: Re: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi


Prof, coba diagnostic test. Options - Mobile Network dan pencet BB menu dan
run diagnostic test. Jika ada masalah dengan network baik BIS maupun wifi,
biasanya ada error report. 

Semoga membantu. 


From: JTT 

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 12:01:33 +


Subject: Re: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi


Barusan resepnya dicoba..., sempet bisa untuk bbrp second, abis gitu mati
lagi... Hmm, rasanya setting di handset nih...

 Trade By Rules, Not HOPE 


From: David Lau 

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 11:51:45 +


Subject: Re: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi



Coba router wifi nya dimatiin (cabut kabel power) dulu sekitar 10mnt. Trus
br coba connect lg. Kmrn bold sy jg ngalamin spt ini, pc  mac sy bs connect
tp bold sy ga dpt ip dr wifi. Awalnya sy cm restar bold nya aja tp ga
ngefek. Akhirnya stlh matiin router boldnya bs connect lg.

Mudah2an membantu, klo msh ga membantu, mohon maap aja. 


In Te Domine, Speravi Non Confundar In Aeternum

Powered by Merpati PostR


From: JT 

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 18:43:42 +0700


Subject: [ob] OOT - Help BB Gemini, Wifi



Teman, maap OOT.., 


Gemini anak saya (OS .315) Wifinya ngga mau connect., jelas problem bukan di
hotspotnya, karena sdh dicoba dgn BB yg lain ngga masalah.  Karena curiga
masalah di OS, BB tsb saya upgrade ke .318., hasilnya sama saja, wifi tetap
tidak mau connect (symbol wifinya redup).., saya sdh cek setting yg relevan
dgn wifi, tampaknya ngga ada masalah.


Kira-kira ada yg pernah ngalami hal yg sama ? any info to solve the problem
?  oh ya, kalo mau factory reset supaya semua setting kembali ke default,
tampa harus menghapus data, gimana caranya ya? Advise please. Thank you.



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Diperiksa oleh AVG -
Versi: 9.0.725 / Basis Data Virus: 270.14.145/2626 - Tanggal Rilis: 01/17/10

Re: [ob] Info: JUAL dan BELI Reksadana Online

2010-01-11 Terurut Topik YUTA
Hsbc bisa. Beli minimum 5jt setiap transaksi, jual unlimited kalau tidak salah. 
Tapi tidak tahu berapa minimum penempatan dana awal. 
-Original Message-
From: pinmilis
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:06:28 
Subject: [ob] Info: JUAL dan BELI Reksadana Online

Teman2 OB,
Minta bantuan Info dong.
Dimana bisa Jual dan Beli Resadana secara Online? (kalo bisa yg Bank saja)

Di Commbank cuman bisa BELI tapi *gak bisa JUAL* online.
Jadi pingin pindah ke reksadana yg bisa JUAL Online juga.


[ob] Royal Bank of Scotland to be 84% nationalised

2009-11-01 Terurut Topik YUTA
Will 'they dumping the bank stock?
Is the toxic asset spreading like cancer?
This article is happened to be really surprising .

Royal Bank of Scotland to be 84% nationalised
The Sunday Times, November 1, 2009

Alistair Darling is preparing to plough billions more of taxpayers’
money into Royal Bank of Scotland to take the government stake in the
bank from 70% to as high as 84%.
A Treasury announcement this week will confirm RBS is signing up to a
controversial deal to pump £270 billion of problematic loans into a
state-backed insurance scheme.
As part of the deal, the government will pour up to £19 billion of
additional capital into RBS by taking up an issue of “B” shares. The
subsequent increase in the taxpayers’ stake will leave the bank
virtually nationalised, with a small portion of shares left in the
hands of private investors.
The further capital injection comes despite attempts by the bank to
renegotiate the insurance deal, which takes place under the Government
Asset Protection Scheme (Gaps).
The terms have ended up being even more onerous for the bank, with RBS
now expected to shoulder an additional £20 billion of losses on its
own balance sheet before it claims on the government insurance.
The scale of the state aid at RBS has also prompted a savage response
from Brussels, which is imposing penalties on all European banks
bailed out during the financial crisis.
Neelie Kroes, the European competition commissioner, has ordered RBS
to sell its Churchill and Direct Line insurance operations, a network
of more than 300 branches, and large parts of its investment bank. An
outline agreement was reached between Kroes and Stephen Hester, the
RBS chief executive, on Friday.
The outcome is harsher than the bank expected. It was already
committed to reducing its balance sheet by 40% and selling off a slew
of international businesses. RBS attempted to sell its insurance arm
under former boss Sir Fred Goodwin but the sale plans were dropped
shortly after Hester arrived. Hester thought insurance would form a
central part of the bank’s recovery plan.
Kroes has enforced the break-up of RBS after taking a stand against
the Gaps programme. She is said to object to the concept of states
taking potentially huge liabilities for years into the future.
Lloyds Banking Group, which is 43% owned by the taxpayer, was also
destined to join the Gaps programme. However Eric Daniels, its chief
executive, has managed to escape the scheme after lining up a £21
billion fundraising, which will be unveiled on Tuesday.
This will involve a £14billion rights issue and a £7billion debt swap.
In addition £5billion will be raised from disposals, including
Cheltenham  Gloucester, Intelligent Finance internet bank and some
Scottish branches.
Meanwhile, UK Financial Investments (UKFI), the taxpayers’ investment
arm, has started to search for about 12 new executives to beef up the
Lloyds management team.
Lord Myners, the City minister, has forced those banks advising RBS
and Lloyds to cut their fees.

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[ob] UPDATE: Goldman Sachs Cuts US GDP Estimate

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik YUTA
UPDATE: Goldman Sachs Cuts US GDP Estimate

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Ahead of Thursday's U.S. gross domestic product
numbers, Goldman Sachs cut its third-quarter GDP estimate to 2.7%,
following lower-than-expected durable-goods shipments Wednesday

The estimate, calculated on an annual basis, is down from the 3%
Goldman previously expected. The latest adjustment comes about three
months after Goldman seemed more optimistic in boosting its
second-half growth estimate, which is also annualized, to 3% from 1%.

Despite the reduced estimate for GDP growth, Goldman noted that orders
for long-lasting goods were less dependent on volatile components than
some, including Goldman, had expected. The firm called the
durable-good numbers actually quite encouraging, because the gains
were not heavily concentrated in the volatile defense and
transportation categories.

However, shipments were somewhat weaker, especially for nondefense
capital goods, Goldman said in the Wednesday report.

Back in August, Goldman cited a stronger-than-expected second-quarter
GDP report as it hiked its figure, and also said that federal stimulus
efforts were a bigger assist than expected.

News of the GDP estimate reduction from Goldman was reported earlier on CNBC.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 47.84 recently to 9,834.33.

-By Brendan Conway, Dow Jones Newswires; (212) 416-2670;

Re: [ob] From Sima FB 19:25

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik YUTA
Mungkin maksudnya cover short DJ dan SP sehingga inflow ke US yg mengakibatkan 
apresiasi USD. 

-Original Message-
From: boyz®
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 19:43:05 
Subject: Re: [ob] From Sima FB 19:25

Bagi dong garpit-nya, bro... :)

Ada kontradiksi dari posting-nya ratu Sima,
Kalo USD akan mengalami penguatan yg cukup kuat, logika-nya indeks lokal
akan berlanjut *puting beliung*-nya (ini ilmu BHmology ya? hehehe...)
Karena HF yg modal asalnya dari USD akan convert ke USD dulu (outflow dari

anyway, kata-nya tingkat akurasi ratu Sima ini diatas 90% kalo dibaca *
So.. masih ada ruang kurang dari 10% untuk dibaca *tidak terbalik* :D


2009/10/29 Joe Martin

 Menanti jawaban yg lebih master dari master Billy...

 *makan kacang ama isep garpit doeloe ah

 -Original Message-
 Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 12:25:27
 Subject: [ob] From Sima FB 19:25

 Ratu Sima Hallo semua! Selalu ada peluang. USD akan mengalami penguatan
 yang cukup kuat seiring gerakan cover shorting diiringi volume buyers yang
 signifikan (perhatikan chart USD). Have U collected? I repeat, have U
 collected? Good luck! Happy CUAN. Untuk index lokal, perhatikan technical
 indicators  candle penutupan besok. Kalo technical rebound sustains
 strongly still, ada kemungkinan puting beliung sementara lewat.

 Artinya ???
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


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Re: [ob] IHSG is at support line

2009-10-27 Terurut Topik YUTA
Ikutan kasih pendapat sedikit.

Pengumuman GDP di Q3 nanti jadi salah satu measurement apakah angka inflasi
sudah contained sebagai growth di US. Jika benar, maka spekulasi Fed untuk
menaikkan rate di tahun ini bisa menjadi kenyataan.

Dalam history past krisis yang diikuti oleh stimulus dan quantitative
easing, maka jika ekonomi mulai tumbuh, inflasi akan naik cepat. Saya lupa
tahunnya, mungkin 1979, inflasi di US pernah mencapai double digit dan Fed
naikkan interest sampai 15%.
Sekarang pertanyaannya, apakah Fed akan menaikkan cuma .25 secara
sporadic/spot saja atau continuous. Mungkin market melihat bahwa kenaikan
rate bisa dalam periode yang lama antara 1.5 - 2 tahun. Dan tentunya ini
akan membawa dampak yang panjang dan market akan cukup nervous dalam
2009/10/27 boyz®

 ic Tq pak ekonombeling...

 mmm... Ane udah mulai paham nih logika balik arahnya.

 Tapi logika *besaran*-nya kok sedikit bisa nyedot banyak.
 Seberapa besar impact-nya kalo The Fed cuma naikin .25 basis point?
 Masa cuman segitu bisa nyedot banyak?
 hehehe... sorry, maklum pertanyaan newbie. mohon pencerahan.



 Bener pak, fed naik maka likuiditas akan balik arah. Tentu psr modal akan
 koreksi karena dana2 yg slm ini ngendon si stock akan reposisi, n sebagian
 masuk ke time deposit ataupun obligasi tenor panjang.

 Tp yg prlu diingat, fed naik berarti demand sudah ada/normal. Dgn demikian
 ekonomi sudah kembali brjalan normal. Bisnis mulai jalan, prmintaan raw
 material spt komoditas akan naik kembali.

 untuk yg mau invest sebaiknya memang mnunggu momentum koreksi dulu.

 Silahkan jika ada yg mau mnambhkan

 Ekonom kok Mbeling sends this from his BlackBerry®
 *From: *boyz®
 *Date: *Tue, 27 Oct 2009 11:39:29 +0700
  *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] IHSG is at support line

 Lihat di CNBC yg gencar sih beritanya ttg Rebound USD Index,
 mungkin ini yg bikin ASING Panic Selling on Commo stocks.

 Tapi kalo lihat chart USD Index... Baru terlihat rebound 2 Bar.
 Masih premature untuk melihat reversal.

 Fed mau naikin suku bunga?? ... Kalo ya, pasti ada impact lah ke USD
 Seberapa besar impact-nya?? pls yg jago makro diminta kesediaannya

 yayank Elaine waktu itu sih bisik2 mesra ke ane, katanya:
 *Fed naikin suku bunga sedikit aja, bisa nyedot most liquidity on earth
 back to US.*
 Mohon konfirmasi ke yg paham ekonomi makro... apa bener gitu?


 On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 11:18 AM, jsx_consultant wrote:


 IHSG 2421 -46

 IHSG is at support line


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Re: [ob] IHSG is at support line

2009-10-27 Terurut Topik YUTA
Perhatikan USD Index. Jika sudah mulai unwind/bottoming dan mulai reversal,
maka akan tercium bahwa dana murah dari carry trade akan balik ke origin.

Negara2 lain termasuk China, sebenarnya ingin lihat Fed naikkan bunga dulu
sebelum mereka menaikkan rate, karena mereka yakin bahwa krisis yang bermula
di US harus diakhiri dari US.
Ternyata Australia dan Korea Selatan (?) sudah menaikkan rate duluan jadi
akan jadi salah satu barometer untuk Fed untuk mengurangi speed stimulus
(sudah dimulai dengan stop beberapa incentive, seperti cash for clunkers,
housing tax dll) dan mau tidak mau harus naikkan rate untuk menyedot
likuiditas di market. Kalau tidak, mereka akan menghadapi hyperinflation di
tahun2 mendatang.
2009/10/27 boyz®

 Tq atas pencerahannya,

 Berarti sekarang kita nunggu pengumuman GDP Q3 tsb yah?
 Terus menurut pak YUTA, indikator apa lagi yg bisa dipakai sebagai clue.

 my honey Elaine kelihatannya keukeuh berkeyakinan Fed ngga akan menaikkan
 suku bunga dalam jangka waktu dekat.


 2009/10/27 YUTA

 Ikutan kasih pendapat sedikit.

 Pengumuman GDP di Q3 nanti jadi salah satu measurement apakah angka
 inflasi sudah contained sebagai growth di US. Jika benar, maka spekulasi Fed
 untuk menaikkan rate di tahun ini bisa menjadi kenyataan.

 Dalam history past krisis yang diikuti oleh stimulus dan quantitative
 easing, maka jika ekonomi mulai tumbuh, inflasi akan naik cepat. Saya lupa
 tahunnya, mungkin 1979, inflasi di US pernah mencapai double digit dan Fed
 naikkan interest sampai 15%.
 Sekarang pertanyaannya, apakah Fed akan menaikkan cuma .25 secara
 sporadic/spot saja atau continuous. Mungkin market melihat bahwa kenaikan
 rate bisa dalam periode yang lama antara 1.5 - 2 tahun. Dan tentunya ini
 akan membawa dampak yang panjang dan market akan cukup nervous dalam
  2009/10/27 boyz®

  ic Tq pak ekonombeling...

 mmm... Ane udah mulai paham nih logika balik arahnya.

 Tapi logika *besaran*-nya kok sedikit bisa nyedot banyak.
 Seberapa besar impact-nya kalo The Fed cuma naikin .25 basis point?
 Masa cuman segitu bisa nyedot banyak?
 hehehe... sorry, maklum pertanyaan newbie. mohon pencerahan.



 Bener pak, fed naik maka likuiditas akan balik arah. Tentu psr modal
 akan koreksi karena dana2 yg slm ini ngendon si stock akan reposisi, n
 sebagian masuk ke time deposit ataupun obligasi tenor panjang.

 Tp yg prlu diingat, fed naik berarti demand sudah ada/normal. Dgn
 demikian ekonomi sudah kembali brjalan normal. Bisnis mulai jalan, 
 raw material spt komoditas akan naik kembali.

 untuk yg mau invest sebaiknya memang mnunggu momentum koreksi dulu.

 Silahkan jika ada yg mau mnambhkan

 Ekonom kok Mbeling sends this from his BlackBerry®
 *From: *boyz®
 *Date: *Tue, 27 Oct 2009 11:39:29 +0700
  *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] IHSG is at support line

 Lihat di CNBC yg gencar sih beritanya ttg Rebound USD Index,
 mungkin ini yg bikin ASING Panic Selling on Commo stocks.

 Tapi kalo lihat chart USD Index... Baru terlihat rebound 2 Bar.
 Masih premature untuk melihat reversal.

 Fed mau naikin suku bunga?? ... Kalo ya, pasti ada impact lah ke USD
 Seberapa besar impact-nya?? pls yg jago makro diminta kesediaannya

 yayank Elaine waktu itu sih bisik2 mesra ke ane, katanya:
 *Fed naikin suku bunga sedikit aja, bisa nyedot most liquidity on earth
 back to US.*
 Mohon konfirmasi ke yg paham ekonomi makro... apa bener gitu?


 On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 11:18 AM, jsx_consultant wrote:


 IHSG 2421 -46

 IHSG is at support line


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Re: [ob] Om Dow

2009-10-26 Terurut Topik YUTA
Ada issue apa kok Dow koreksi banyak?
-Original Message-
From: Syat
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 14:04:37 
Subject: [ob] Om Dow

21:00 wib

DOW.  10061.96    +89.78 +0.90%  NASDAQ   2181.27    +26.80 +1.24%  SP 500 
   1091.07    +11.47 +1.06%  

*OIL    81.42    +0.92 +1.14%   
BB  clicks

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[ob] US declares swine flu 'emergency'

2009-10-25 Terurut Topik YUTA
Saturday, 24 October 2009 17:36 UK

US declares swine flu 'emergency'
US President Barack Obama has declared swine flu a national emergency.

The White House said the president signed the proclamation concerning
the 2009 H1N1 outbreak on Friday evening.
It increases the ability of treatment facilities to handle a surge in
H1N1 patients by easing the implementation of emergency plans.
Last week US officials said swine flu activity was widespread in 46
states. More than 1,000 US deaths have been linked to the virus.
Health officials say the infections are already comparable to peak
season flu levels.

Vaccine warning
US officials said the president's declaration was similar to ones
issued before hurricanes make landfall.
It allows authorities to bypass certain federal requirements in order
to deal more effectively with emergencies.
The aim of the directive is to remove bureaucratic hurdles, allowing
sick patients to receive treatment more quickly and giving health-care
providers more flexibility in providing it.
Paperwork on patients can be reduced and additional health centres set
up outside hospitals to care for the sick.
In his proclamation statement, Mr Obama says the 2009 H1N1 pandemic
continues to evolve.
The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities
across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to
overburden health care resources in some localities.
He said the US had already taken proactive steps by implementing
public health measures and developing an effective swine flu vaccine.
However, the government has admitted there are delays in the delivery
of vaccines.
It had hoped to roll out 120 million doses by mid-October.
It now hopes for about 50 million by mid-November and 150 million in December.
Dr Thomas Frieden, of the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), said on Friday: We are nowhere near where we
thought we'd be by now.
Given the shortfall, New York State on Friday stayed a directive
ordering health care staff to be inoculated or risk losing their jobs.
The CDC says widespread influenza activity in 46 states is
unprecedented during seasonal flu.
It said the hospitalisation rates for laboratory-confirmed swine flu
were still climbing.
Although figures are hard to verify, it is thought H1N1 has
hospitalised about 20,000 people in the US.
Visits to the doctor for influenza-like illnesses were also much
higher than expected for the time of year, the CDC said.
The seasonal flu peak is usually between late November and early March.
Children and young adults have been among the hardest hit by H1N1.
Almost 100 of the deaths have been children.

Re: [ob] US declares swine flu 'emergency'

2009-10-25 Terurut Topik YUTA
Pak Rei. Di Kantou (Tokyo) dan Kansai (Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto) sudah tidak 
menjadi momok menakutkan karena virus ini boleh dibilang lebih lemah 
dibandingkan flu burung. Dan sepertinya ras Asia lebih immune terhadap swine 

Mungkin Obama perlu support dari publik untuk menjebolkan agenda healthcare dia 
(ini maiden agenda dia sejak jadi presiden, sedangkan TARP, tax incentive dll 
itu hanya melanjutkan program precidency sebelumnya). Makanya issue pandemic 
swine flu mungkin sebagai senjata juga, entahlah...

-Original Message-
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 11:34:44 
Subject: Re: [ob] US declares swine flu 'emergency'

New resurgence or media play? Tp di jepang mmg membesar lg ya kasusnya pak 
Yuta? Kowai...
Sent from my computer of course!

-Original Message-
From: YUTA
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 17:53:40 
Subject: [ob] US declares swine flu 'emergency'

Saturday, 24 October 2009 17:36 UK

US declares swine flu 'emergency'
US President Barack Obama has declared swine flu a national emergency.

The White House said the president signed the proclamation concerning
the 2009 H1N1 outbreak on Friday evening.
It increases the ability of treatment facilities to handle a surge in
H1N1 patients by easing the implementation of emergency plans.
Last week US officials said swine flu activity was widespread in 46
states. More than 1,000 US deaths have been linked to the virus.
Health officials say the infections are already comparable to peak
season flu levels.

Vaccine warning
US officials said the president's declaration was similar to ones
issued before hurricanes make landfall.
It allows authorities to bypass certain federal requirements in order
to deal more effectively with emergencies.
The aim of the directive is to remove bureaucratic hurdles, allowing
sick patients to receive treatment more quickly and giving health-care
providers more flexibility in providing it.
Paperwork on patients can be reduced and additional health centres set
up outside hospitals to care for the sick.
In his proclamation statement, Mr Obama says the 2009 H1N1 pandemic
continues to evolve.
The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities
across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to
overburden health care resources in some localities.
He said the US had already taken proactive steps by implementing
public health measures and developing an effective swine flu vaccine.
However, the government has admitted there are delays in the delivery
of vaccines.
It had hoped to roll out 120 million doses by mid-October.
It now hopes for about 50 million by mid-November and 150 million in December.
Dr Thomas Frieden, of the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), said on Friday: We are nowhere near where we
thought we'd be by now.
Given the shortfall, New York State on Friday stayed a directive
ordering health care staff to be inoculated or risk losing their jobs.
The CDC says widespread influenza activity in 46 states is
unprecedented during seasonal flu.
It said the hospitalisation rates for laboratory-confirmed swine flu
were still climbing.
Although figures are hard to verify, it is thought H1N1 has
hospitalised about 20,000 people in the US.
Visits to the doctor for influenza-like illnesses were also much
higher than expected for the time of year, the CDC said.
The seasonal flu peak is usually between late November and early March.
Children and young adults have been among the hardest hit by H1N1.
Almost 100 of the deaths have been children.

Re: [ob] ADRO PTBA....technical analysis

2009-10-25 Terurut Topik YUTA
Pak Boyz. 

Bisa tolong diulas USD index secara technical? Kelihatan sudah bottoming dan 
divergence ya? 2 hari terakhir USD menguat cukup tajam terhadap Yen. Apa ini 
sudah ada indikasi reverse carry trade lagi ya? 


-Original Message-
From: boyz®
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 21:20:37 
Subject: Re: [ob] ADRO  PTBAtechnical analysis

Bisa aja sih kalo BOZZ mau, masalah timing aja.
Tapi kayaknya next week kurang mestakung, OIL price mulai tersendat. DJUSCL
bad signal.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 8:38 PM, yunirsyam wrote:


 ADRO  PTBA masih berada diatas ALERT PRICE, masih bisakah membentuk new
 high price?

 Thanks APStock

[ob] Is the party over?

2009-10-21 Terurut Topik YUTA

Re: [ob] Robert Prechter?

2009-10-10 Terurut Topik YUTA
Yes. Only little. He is one of Elliot Wave principle who projecting stock 
market crash based on technical perspective because Dow is approaching end of 
wave 5. And lately he said that USD is bottoming and ready to blow. Not sure if 
his argument is right. 

Mind to share your opinion about his thinking?

-Original Message-
From: It's Elaine!
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 22:50:12 
Subject: [ob] Robert Prechter?

*Anyone ever heard a name of Robert Prechter?*

Re: [ob] Gold ...

2009-10-06 Terurut Topik YUTA
Saya pernah lihat graphic tapi lupa situsnya. Intinya, pada beberapa periode 
post-krisis, pergerakan harga emas berbanding terbalik dengan paper assest 
(stock, bond). 

Apakah dengan naiknya harga emas akan mengulang pola yang sama?

-Original Message-
From: er1ck
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 21:47:50 
Subject: Re: [ob] Gold ...

yup, betul, tinggal skrg jago2x-an ngitung target rupiah aja, akan di bawa
ke brapa? klo misal ke 9 rb pas, dan gold 1300, jd kisaran 376/gram tuh ,
kecuali emang bisa ke 7 rb sih, ato 5 rb he3x


 Tergantung rupiah ikutan menguat gak pak ... Kalo gold 1300 tapi rupiah
 juga menguat jadi 7000 ya sami mawon ... Maksudnya harga gold dalam rupiah
 sama saja.

 Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
 *From: * er1ck
 *Date: *Tue, 6 Oct 2009 21:29:01 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] Gold ...

 highest gold ada di 17 maret 2008 1032.2, brarti skrg udh break new high di
 1039, target 1300 deh , ho ho hozaman emas nih...ck3x

 2009/10/6 boyz®

 Highest-nya gold 1033.9 ya? kalo ga salah.


 On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:09 PM, CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000) wrote:

 ini mana yang bener:
 - arab, china, rusia, perancis ketauan main belakang mau gantiin
 dollar buat perdagangan minyak. yg bakal dipake adalah a basket of
 currency + gold
 - inflasi tinggi segera tiba

 akibatnya dollar jatuh, komo dan emas naik.

 btw, gold reached new high yah?


Re: [ob] Gold ...

2009-10-06 Terurut Topik YUTA
Setuju Pak. Ini hal yang sangat jarang terjadi dimana semua aset tangible dan 
intangible naik dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Stock, oil, gold, komoditas dan 
bond semua naik. Hanya dollar yang turun. Penghancuran dollar value untuk 
mitigate trade imbalance? Maybe, salah satunya...

Yang penting, when the music start then everbody should stand up and let's 
dance together. But when it stop, don't be the one who is still standing in the 
dance floor and fooled by others whom taken over your chair.

-Original Message-
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 15:48:10 
Subject: Re: [ob] Gold ...

Pasar modal naik tp gold juga ikut naik. Menunjukkan bahwa prtumbuhan dibarengi 
dgn risiko yg tinggi, itu makanya gold juga naik, krn dipergunakan sbg hedge 
atas risiko tadi. Risiko yg dimaksud adalah risiko akan pembalikan modal n 
unemployed economic growth spt ug dibilang roubini.

Kita bener2 brada di era liquidity boom, bkn cuma karena suku bunga rendah tp 
jg karena uang beredar ga kunjung lari ke sektor riil.

Tapi ga perlu tkut, riding the wave aja selama rally masih lanjut. hehheehehe

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: YUTA
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 15:19:35 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Gold ...

Saya pernah lihat graphic tapi lupa situsnya. Intinya, pada beberapa periode 
post-krisis, pergerakan harga emas berbanding terbalik dengan paper assest 
(stock, bond). 

Apakah dengan naiknya harga emas akan mengulang pola yang sama?

-Original Message-
From: er1ck
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 21:47:50 
Subject: Re: [ob] Gold ...

yup, betul, tinggal skrg jago2x-an ngitung target rupiah aja, akan di bawa
ke brapa? klo misal ke 9 rb pas, dan gold 1300, jd kisaran 376/gram tuh ,
kecuali emang bisa ke 7 rb sih, ato 5 rb he3x


 Tergantung rupiah ikutan menguat gak pak ... Kalo gold 1300 tapi rupiah
 juga menguat jadi 7000 ya sami mawon ... Maksudnya harga gold dalam rupiah
 sama saja.

 Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
 *From: * er1ck
 *Date: *Tue, 6 Oct 2009 21:29:01 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] Gold ...

 highest gold ada di 17 maret 2008 1032.2, brarti skrg udh break new high di
 1039, target 1300 deh , ho ho hozaman emas nih...ck3x

 2009/10/6 boyz®

 Highest-nya gold 1033.9 ya? kalo ga salah.


 On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:09 PM, CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000) wrote:

 ini mana yang bener:
 - arab, china, rusia, perancis ketauan main belakang mau gantiin
 dollar buat perdagangan minyak. yg bakal dipake adalah a basket of
 currency + gold
 - inflasi tinggi segera tiba

 akibatnya dollar jatuh, komo dan emas naik.

 btw, gold reached new high yah?


Re: [ob] Gempa di Padang

2009-09-30 Terurut Topik YUTA
Semoga diberikan perlindungan Pak. Saya juga baru balik dari Padang tetapi adek 
dan mertua masih disana. 

Gempa ini sungguh dahsyat. Listrik mati, jembatan dan gedung banyak yang roboh. 
Jalanan retak malah dan putus karena longsor. 

Korban bisa ratusan jiwa. Semoga tidak bertambah buruk. 

Jika listrik masih mati, bisa charge BB pakai mobil tapi harus beli charger 
dulu. Kalau Bold, charger Motorola masih bisa dipakai. 

-Original Message-
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 14:46:10 
To: Obrolan
Subject: [ob] Gempa di Padang

Kebetulan tadi saya lagi di toko mertua waktu gempa,gocangan cukup kuat tapi 
syukurlah toko gak rubuh,saya buru buru pulang utk lihat rumah karena tlp 
putus,syukurlah rumah ortu dan mertua baik baik aja cuma ada pecahan kaca aja 
dari lemari. Saat ini saya lagi diluar agak jauh dari rumah dalam mobil sampai 
keadaan aman.Beberapa bangunan hancur termasuk salah satunya yg saya kirim ini, 
masalahnya sekarang listrik mati,Padang gelap gulita, battery BB tinggal satu 
baris mudah mudah flexi saya bisa bertahan (68555992)
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

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[ob] Iran Fires Short-Range Missiles in ‘Deterrent’ Tests

2009-09-27 Terurut Topik YUTA
Baru pertama kali Bloomberg release berita ini. Apa nuke war sudah dekat? 

 Sept. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Iran fired short-range missiles as part of a military 
maneuver and said it will give a “crushing” answer to any armed aggression. 
 Iran “successfully tested a multimissile launching system,” state-run Press TV 
reported. “A number of missiles including the homemade Fateh and Tondar” models 
were launched both simultaneously and consecutively, the report said. 
 The exercises may increase tension over the Persian Gulf country’s nuclear 
program and come after Revolutionary Guards Corps. said yesterday it would 
conduct the war games to maintain the “deterrent capacity” of the armed forces. 
 The military plans to test medium-range missiles, such as the Shahab 2 
missile, later today as well as improved long-range Shahab ones tomorrow, 
General Hossein Salami, head of the air force, told satellite news channel 
Press TV. 
 “The message is that of security,” Salami said. “We will respond to any 
military action in a crushing manner.” 
 Today’s exercise, called Prophet IV, will assess “recent technical 
developments and tactical progress” in surface-to- surface missiles, Salami 
said, according to a report on the Guards official website. 
 The maneuver is also aimed at “practicing management of long-term preventive 
and defensive operations,” he said. 
 ‘Greedy Nations’ 
 “The range of our missiles is in no way a threat for the neighboring 
countries,” Salami said. “It is a message for certain greedy nations that seek 
to create fear, to show that we are able to give a swift and suitable answer to 
our enemies.” 
 Iran two days ago confirmed the development of a second uranium enrichment 
facility in the country, a move condemned by the U.S., U.K. and France. 
 At a Sept. 25 news conference concluding the G-20 summit, U.S. President 
Barack Obama said that diplomacy was his preferred option though he didn’t rule 
out military action. Top Israeli officials said last week they aren’t taking 
any options off the table to stop Iran’s nuclear progression. 
 Iranian officials are set to meet Oct. 1 in Geneva with representatives of the 
five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany. The group seeks to 
determine whether Iran is willing to limit its nuclear activities, which 
several western nations claim is aimed at developing weapons. 
 Obama said yesterday he remains open to “a serious, meaningful dialogue” with 
 The country first must “cooperate fully” with international arms inspectors 
and “take actions to demonstrate its peaceful intentions,” the president said 
in his weekly radio and Internet address. 
 To contact the reporter on this story: Ladane Nasseri in Beirut at . 

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[ob] Mohon Maaf Lahir Bathin

2009-09-19 Terurut Topik YUTA
Kita memang tidak pernah bertemu, bertatap muka dan berkenalan satu sama lain, 
tetapi saya merasakan kita sudah seperti keluarga besar. OB big family 

Sepantasnya saya mengucapkan mohon maaf jika ada posting, tulisan yang 
menyinggung perasaan, maupun tidak pada tempatnya. 

Selamat hari raya Idhul Fitri bagi yang merayakan. Semoga kita semua 
dilindungiNya dan mencapai semua tujuan (finansial) yang kita dambakan dan 
cita2kan. Amien. 


Re: [ob] Nurdin M Top tewas di solo?

2009-09-17 Terurut Topik YUTA
Hampir dipastikan 100% itu NMT. 

-Original Message-
From: Peter Alimin
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 06:50:35 
Subject: Re: [ob] Nurdin M Top tewas di solo?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Candra Wu
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 06:03:50 
Subject: Re: [ob] Nurdin M Top tewas di solo?

Mant, idx  2500 end sept tercapai
 -Original Message-
 Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 05:41:39 
 Subject: Re: [ob] Nurdin M Top tewas di solo?
 Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung 
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Re: [ob] [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock

2009-09-17 Terurut Topik YUTA
Dear Elaine,

I think you will just ignore my comment as I am also not god but here I am
trying to share opinion:

#1 If safety is your main concern, why don't put deposit on call in foreign
bank account or money market mutual fund? Liquidity is preferred when you
want to withdraw anytime

#2 Currency wise, is not only related to trade balance but merely depend on
capital inflow/outflow. True that we are negative trading with China but
still positive against Japan, Eur  US. USD also related as with lesser
value, producer hesitate to sell to international market thence export will
be shrinking. I read somewhere that USD index is about formulazing inverted
H  S on monthly chart (somebody can help to prove it, please?), thus IDR
will be affected badly if it is true

#3 I also read that the El Nino effect is not significan enough to lift
plantation price but if India's inflation is affirmative then it is good
news. Like as well, lately Eur already accept CPO import from Indonesia. But
remember, export tax will disturb the export preference somehow.


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Dear all, would you like to share with me?

 **#1 About bonds:..
 I took big bets on IDR bonds in the past months. If you were on my position
 where your main task is to PROTECT (instead of GROW) your assets, will you
 take the same strategy? If so, why? I know most of you are stock traders,
 but please share your opinion, at least from your point of view of the
 monetary condition.

 #2 About currency:...
 ID govt must be very careful with intervention to the currency as we all
 know that since they signed up with ACFTA, Indonesia's trade surplus have
 been shrinking vs China (it means your import from China is much bigger than
 your export). If this continues, you may get trade deficits, and deficits
 may weaken your currency. (and may in return force me to sell bonds)*

 #3 About stock:...
 India has just having INFLATION on soft commodity sector (food), its ripple
 effect may pick up the palm oil demand. (Please elaborate from
 fundamental/technical pov). I think it should bring positive sentiment to
 the plantation sector (palm oil, corn, soybean)

 Embah, what do you think?


 ** No choice. It depends on your govt action.*


Re: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik YUTA
The newly elected Japanese Finance Minister just recently said that he support 
strong Yen which push back US dollar value far deeper against Yen. Not really 
sure what his intention but perhaps they want to gain benefit from buying US 
treasury at current price and sell them later when US dollar stronger. Japanese 
need also this strategy as the way it is they are more becoming importers than 
exporters. Also population wise, Japan should support the olders (pension etc) 
whose portion is bigger that the younger generation. 

Trust me, we can't ignore Japan existency to US debt and currency policy which 
they (Japanese) are also competing with China as the world is spotting light on 
China much more than Japan lately. Japan think that they should appeal more to 
US in order to elevate their bargaining power.  

Should we could see the future when sometimes Renmimbi or Yen will be the world 
currency replacing US dollar...?

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:31:28 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

*Of course we can expect intervention from the Fed, but I have no idea
how... Any idea? Coz if the Americans want to boost their export, they can't
keep the 'strong dollar policy', right? Please do some research on this
policy, you may see that this one is merely a lip service just to keep their
bond holders (The ones that fund US = China and Japan) from selling their US

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Joe Grunk wrote:

 9.400-9.500 dulu deh.

 --- Pada *Rab, 16/9/09, Rei* menulis:

 Dari: Rei
 Judul: Re: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
 Tanggal: Rabu, 16 September, 2009, 3:39 AM

 5000 will be chaotic maybe for Indonesian't wants a stable

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 5:25 PM, 

 Sorry EL, Not Gonna Go to 5.000, for short term, akan dijaga

 Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
 *From: * Elaine Sui 

 *Date: *Wed, 16 Sep 2009 17:09:11 +0700
 *Subject: *[ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

 *Damn, I'm good.

 On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Elaine Sui 

 Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000,
 1H10. If you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, *please
 *wait until 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why? cuz
 factories dump everything they have from their warehouses.

 Try finding articles about* 'cheap money'* if you don't understand about
 what I'm talking about.

 Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!


Re: [ob] World’s Largest Gold Reserves

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik YUTA
Kabarnya, Hongkong menarik gold depository mereka di London dan menyimpan di 
suatu tempat pada awal September ini. 

-Original Message-
From: boyz
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 05:20:53 
Subject: Re: [ob] World’s Largest Gold Reserves

Thanks Bro Cumi... Really apreciated.

Hmm, menarik.
By June2009, China jadi nomor 6 dgn total reserve 1054 ton dari sebelumnya
661.4 ton.
GILE , kumpulin 500 ton dalam jangka waktu singkat.
Kok European Central Bank melorot ya reserve-nya, dari 666.5 ton jadi 501.4


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 4:37 AM, CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000)

 world official gold reserves bisa didownload dari, update
 tiap 6 bulan. register for free first to download.

Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and others on US Inflation

2009-09-13 Terurut Topik YUTA

I am not expert on fundamental things but just a guy who keen to learn
something on what happen to the economic. Since you put my name, I am
trying to share some of view.

Uhm so difficult questions. Perhaps we need to agree on future, is
this inflationary is happening in US or contrary their currency is
devaluating? I guess, both is ongoing. Inflation is the future threat
of what US peoples is most worrying about. While it is ongoing where
US dollar is devaluating to other currencies. There should be a trade
off which we don't know what's gonna happen.

Look at China, they have also problems with over capacity which will
lead to deflation but in the other hand they are very sensitive on
commodities fluctuation which will trigger to inflation. Confuse,
right? Then it does make sense where China is also curbing both
(Commodities inflation and US dollar deflation) by diversing their
reserve, at least for my perspective of thinking.

I believe what peoples wiat is how US government will end the stimulus
and their method take out the liquidity from the market. Once they
increase the interest rate, stock and market will negatively react.
And once it happen, as you aware, the US dollar will increase their
value which other currency should follow (to increase interest rate)
as well. You can imagine if accross the universe is raising their
interest rate from one to another place .

That's the comment from newbie too...Doesn't answer your question. Fool me...

To Seniors, please correct if something wrong...

2009/9/13 tV.kun0
 Dear Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pak Pengamat Market, Pak Yuta, Elaine  and 
 other macro economic experts.

 Please allow newbie to ask a few questions related to macro economic issue.

 Recently I read some news regarding the threat of the US inflation. Below is 
 some copy and paste from the articles.

 Buffett is sounding the warning that America's enormous and mushrooming 
 public debt presents an enormous inflation risk. He points out that private 
 savings and foreign loans won't adequately cover our huge borrowing.

 All that spending originates as borrowing, and there's no way it'll ever be 
 repaid. It'll be inflated away by the Federal Reserve's monopoly on money 
 creation. That will erode the value of the money in your pocket, in your bank 
 account, and, yes, in your stock portfolio, too.

 My questions are:
 1. How severe will the US inflation impact on our country's (RI) economy and 
 stock exchange?
 2. Will it drive the value of oil south? If so, could you please elaborate?!
 3. Many believe that if the US inflation do really happen, gold price shall 
 soars. Will the non-ferrous metal prices climb as well?
 4. Are there any stock that will rise along with inflation? If so, what 
 sector(s) would it be?

 Thanking you very much in advance for your time to answer.


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


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Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and others on US Inflation

2009-09-13 Terurut Topik YUTA
True that China is buying gold (and I believe they are also switching from
USD to EUR and other hard currency). But particular for gold, US Fed can
somehow control the price since they have the physical assets in huge stock.
By loading and unloading, they can monopolize the price to their vested
interest. But agree that holding gold is protecting from inflation.

As for non ferrous metal, it depends whether China buying is just for stock
purpose or intention to hedge against inflation. If for stocking, the
cheaper price is the better and making the price will be going nowhere and
even tend to sluggish. As earlier, China is also having problem with their
manufacturers. What I believe, China should not only focus the use of
commodities for building infrastructures but more should use for
manufacturing products, enterprise and create jobs. But again who will
consume them?

So, bottom line. If market is shrinking and buying appetite is low, the
price will be going even lower for all product and as well as the resources.

That's why the concern is how to boost the spending in all over the world to
create the real economyc (recovery  grow) rather than stimulus make up...

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 9:28 AM, s|nnerman wrote:

  Thank you for your inputs sir,…

 I am sure you are just being humble..

 Currently China’s main problem is the devaluating USD.

 There’s no country in the world that would just sit quietly and see their
 money (treasury/reserve) diminishing.

 We have agreed that US is facing serious inflationary issue. And based on
 my discussion with Miss Elaine is that , do we see India, China and
 Indonesian markets able to push the commodity prices up?

 I am convinced that the energy and non-ferrous metal prices are overvalued.

 However, with the devaluating in USD, I see the possibilities that China
 will diverse her reserve in various forms, including precious metals,
 non-ferrous metals, and energy. If that happens, will China able to push the
 prices north?!



 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *YUTA
 *Sent:* Sunday, September 13, 2009 11:07 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and
 others on US Inflation


 I am not expert on fundamental things but just a guy who keen to learn
 something on what happen to the economic. Since you put my name, I am
 trying to share some of view.

 Uhm so difficult questions. Perhaps we need to agree on future, is
 this inflationary is happening in US or contrary their currency is
 devaluating? I guess, both is ongoing. Inflation is the future threat
 of what US peoples is most worrying about. While it is ongoing where
 US dollar is devaluating to other currencies. There should be a trade
 off which we don't know what's gonna happen.

 Look at China, they have also problems with over capacity which will
 lead to deflation but in the other hand they are very sensitive on
 commodities fluctuation which will trigger to inflation. Confuse,
 right? Then it does make sense where China is also curbing both
 (Commodities inflation and US dollar deflation) by diversing their
 reserve, at least for my perspective of thinking.

 I believe what peoples wiat is how US government will end the stimulus
 and their method take out the liquidity from the market. Once they
 increase the interest rate, stock and market will negatively react.
 And once it happen, as you aware, the US dollar will increase their
 value which other currency should follow (to increase interest rate)
 as well. You can imagine if accross the universe is raising their
 interest rate from one to another place .

 That's the comment from newbie too...Doesn't answer your question. Fool

 To Seniors, please correct if something wrong...

 2009/9/13 tV.kun0
  Dear Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pak Pengamat Market, Pak Yuta, Elaine  and
 other macro economic experts.
  Please allow newbie to ask a few questions related to macro economic
  Recently I read some news regarding the threat of the US inflation. Below
 is some copy and paste from the articles.
  Buffett is sounding the warning that America's enormous and mushrooming
 public debt presents an enormous inflation risk. He points out that private
 savings and foreign loans won't adequately cover our huge borrowing.
  All that spending originates as borrowing, and there's no way it'll ever
 be repaid. It'll be inflated away by the Federal Reserve's monopoly on money
 creation. That will erode the value of the money in your pocket, in your
 bank account, and, yes, in your stock portfolio, too.
  My questions are:
  1. How severe will the US inflation impact on our country's (RI) economy
 and stock exchange?
  2. Will it drive the value of oil south? If so, could you please
  3. Many believe

[ob] Dollar’s Fall Below 90 Yen May Spark ‘Spiral,’ Tokai Tokyo Says

2009-09-11 Terurut Topik YUTA
In many case, the currency is one of valid parameter to measure healthiness of 
other financial assest

 Sept. 11 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar’s decline will likely accelerate and its 
fall below 90 yen may spark a “downward spiral,” said Tokai Tokyo Securities 
Co. in Tokyo. 
 Crossing that threshold would spark a sell-off of export- related stocks, said 
Yoh Nihei, trading group manager at Tokai Tokyo Securities. 
 “As stocks decline, investors will buy Treasuries as a refuge,” said Nihei, 
who is based in Tokyo. “The resultant drop in yields will put more downward 
pressure on the dollar.” 
 A decline toward this year’s bottom of 87.13 yen in January may trigger a 
free-fall, he said. 
 The greenback traded as low as 90.68 yen today, the weakest level since 
February 13. The U.S. currency sank for a fourth day against the euro to a 
nine-month low. 
 Nihei said the current wave of dollar-selling was spurred by a decline in 
Treasury yields, China’s diversification of foreign-exchange reserves and 
Moody’s Investors Service’s reiteration of a negative outlook for U.S. banks. 
Discussions by the United Nations and emerging countries of setting up a new 
reserve currency also weighed on the dollar, he said. 
 The U.S. “does not show inclination toward intervention and seems geared 
toward moderate dollar-weakness,” Nihei said. With central banks and 
institutional investors around the world moving away from the dollar, “the 
market seems to be shifting from short-term dollar-selling to medium-term 
dollar-selling,” he said. 
 Fibonacci Retracement 
 The Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against the currencies of six 
major U.S. trading partners including the euro, yen and pound, fell to 76.625, 
the lowest level since Sept. 25, and is down 14 percent from the year’s high in 
 The dollar will first target a support level of 90.50 yen, which represents a 
76.4 percent Fibonacci retracement of a rally from a January low to an April 
high of 101.45 yen, according to Nihei. If the greenback falls below 90 yen, 
where knockout options are placed, full-fledged dollar-selling will begin, he 
 Fibonacci analysis is based on the theory that securities tend to rise or fall 
by specific percentages after reaching a new high or low. 
 To contact the reporter on this story: Hiroko Komiya in Tokyo at 

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Re: [ob] Berita kematian AIG di China 'ditutupi'

2009-09-08 Terurut Topik YUTA
Interesting Mbah. Saya baca ticker Bloomberg kemarin tentang collapsenya AIG di 
China setelah mundurnya beberapa buyer. Tetapi hari ini beritanya sudah 

China lagi mainin US atau kebalikannya US yg ngerjain China? Any clue?

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 2009 15:36:18 
Subject: [ob] Berita kematian AIG di China 'ditutupi'

Berita kematian AIG di China 'ditutupi'

AIG di China katanya mati -- USD jatuh -- Commodity naik

Berita kematian AIG di China ini seperti ditutupi secara global !!!

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[ob] Stiglitz Says U.S. Economic Recovery May Not Be ‘Sustainable’

2009-09-04 Terurut Topik YUTA
Dr Doom Roubini sudah menyatakan bahwa recovery akan long dan painfull. Hari 
ini Prof Stiglitz (Nobel Price Winner) juga menguatkan thesis akan W recovery. 

Yang pasti teman2 di beberapa multi-national company setuju bahwa sampai 2012 
akan terjadi excessive supply dan perlu waktu supaya market bisa menyerap 
sampai terjadi titik equilibrium supply  demand (new world). 

Kebanyakan perusahaan multi national saat ini lagi freezing dengan gradually 
mengurangi karyawan supaya endure, jangan sampai collapse untuk bisa melewati 
the worst stage dari krisis ini. 

 Sept. 4 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. economy faces a “significant chance” of 
contracting again after emerging from its worst recession since the 1930s, 
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said. 
 “It’s not clear that the U.S. is recovering in a sustainable way,” Stiglitz, a 
Columbia University professor, told reporters yesterday in New York. 
 Economists and policy makers are expressing concern about the strength of a 
projected economic recovery, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner saying 
two days ago that it’s too soon to remove government measures aimed at boosting 
 Stiglitz said he sees two scenarios for the world’s largest economy in coming 
months. One is a period of “malaise,” in which consumption lags and private 
investment is slow to accelerate. The other is a rebound fueled by government 
stimulus that’s followed by an abrupt downturn -- an occurrence that economists 
call a “W-shaped’ recovery. 
 “There’s a significant chance of a W, but I don’t think it’s inevitable,” he 
said. The economy “could just bounce along the bottom.” 
 Stiglitz said it’s difficult to predict the economy’s trajectory because “we 
really are in a different world.” He said the crisis of the past year was made 
worse by lax regulation that allowed some financial firms to grow so large that 
the system couldn’t handle a failure of any of them. 
 Big Banks 
 “These institutions are not only too big to fail, they are too big to be 
managed,” he said. 
 Finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 20 nations meet in 
London Sept. 4-5 to lay the groundwork for a summit in Pittsburgh later this 
month, where leaders will consider measures to overhaul supervision of the 
financial system. 
 The U.S. Treasury Department, in a statement yesterday, said it wants a global 
agreement requiring banks to increase their capital cushions to be reached by 
the end of next year. 
 Stiglitz, 66, said that while $787 billion in federal government stimulus is 
propelling growth this quarter, there’s no guarantee the economy will maintain 
its momentum. On whether the U.S. needs another injection of stimulus, Stiglitz 
said it’s best to “wait and see.” 
 “We did have a very big stimulus, and that stimulus has added to economic 
growth and will be adding in the current quarter,” he said. “But the question 
going forward in 2011 is the stimulus is coming off, and that’s a negative.” 
 Lehman’s Collapse 
 A U.S. government bailout of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., which filed for 
bankruptcy a year ago, wouldn’t have prevented the global economy from sliding 
into a recession, Stiglitz said. 
 “Whether Lehman Brothers had or had not been bailed out, the global economy 
was headed for difficulties, a fact that seems increasingly evident as the 
world sputters in its recovery,” he said. 
 U.S. GDP shrank at a 1 percent annual rate from April to June, following a 6.4 
percent pace of contraction in the first three months of the year. 
 The drop was the fourth in a row, the longest contraction since quarterly 
records began in 1947. The world’s largest economy has shrunk 3.9 percent since 
last year’s second quarter, making this the deepest recession since the Great 
 Stiglitz won the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001 for showing that markets are 
inefficient when all parties in a transaction don’t have equal access to 
critical information, which is most of the time. 
 Unused Capacity 
 With so much excess capacity, the American economy faces a short-term threat 
of disinflation and possibly deflation, Stiglitz said. Wages may even decline, 
given recent high productivity and the likelihood of an extended period of high 
unemployment, he said. 
 Longer term, he said the Fed’s aggressive monetary policy will mean inflation 
becomes the greater threat. “With the magnitude of the deficits and the balance 
sheet of the Fed having been blown up, it’s understandable why there are 
anxieties about inflation,” he said. 
 While the Fed says it has the tools to deal with it, there are still concerns, 
Stiglitz said. Because monetary policy takes six to 18 months to have its full 
effect, the central bank will have to begin withdrawing monetary stimulus on 
the basis of forecasts. 
 The Fed’s record on its economic forecasts isn’t enough to reassure investors 
and, as a result, the U.S. currency may 

Re: [ob] Invest???

2009-09-03 Terurut Topik YUTA
Besok malam ada pengumuman US Non-farm payroll, mbah. Data2 ini termasuk cukup 
penting karena group ini consist 80% dari total workers yang signifikan 
kontribusinya terhadap total US GDP. 

Jadi market bingung sambil tunggu data ini keluar...

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant

Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2009 09:16:27 
Subject: Re: [ob] Invest???

Market menit2 terakhir sebelum closing:

- Index diangkat lalu diturunin dikit pake TLKM, AALI, LSIP,BMRI, INTP
- Group Bakrie diangkat
- Ada kocokan pada PGAS, diangkat lalu digebug

- Index relatif diam pada penutupan, tidak ada pertempuran 
  yg berarti, artinya Investor jangka panjang umumnya HOLD,
  tidak ada BUY atau SELL yg berarti.
- Group Bakrie diangkat hari ini, tapi belum jelas motifnya
  apakah ini REVERSAL atau JEBAKAN.

Coba nanti malam kita analisa lagi...

--- In, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@... 

 Mau invest berapa menit? :)
 Pada 3 September 2009 15:42, Ferryferry.wachj...@... menulis:
  Udah waktunya invest belum??? Udah mau 15 menit terakhir nich…

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Re: [ob] Re: watch DOID

2009-08-27 Terurut Topik YUTA
Code-nya yang bagus OBAS, SOBA atau BASO?

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 17:17:00 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: watch DOID

Milis saham dan OB ada kans buat merger? OB market capnya 8146 , milis
saham 8709. Bisa dicari berapa nilai right issue yang perlu
diterbitkan :)


Pada 27 Agustus 2009 17:08, Irwan menulis:
 Sekarang pakai teknik Mohammad Ali karena harga-harga lagi di atas.

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Re: [ob] USDIDR

2009-08-27 Terurut Topik YUTA
Pak Bagus, boleh nanya? 

Hampir semua market saham di dunia ini penuh dengan euphoria kenaikan harga 
saham di beberapa bulan terakhir yang mengikuti harga komoditas dan oil. 

Tetapi anehnya harga emas stay flat. Apakah ini signal bahwa emas sebenarnya 
juga naik tetapi karena real money is devaluing jadi kelihatan flat. Apakah 
ini pertanda bahwa inflation is not a threat or even a risk, sehingga interest 
rate will stay low. Sehingga akan ada korelasi positif juga ke pasar saham, 
sepanjang low interest maka stock market akan most favorable di mata investor. 

Apakah pengertian diatas salah?

-Original Message-
From: Bagus Putra Perdana

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 10:37:23 
Subject: Re: [ob] USDIDR

yap nge-tes di FR aja... tapi ga obral obral amat sih.. ini juga sambil
liatin terus perkembangannya pasar FR sama IDR juga. ya kalo IDX bisa turun
ampe dalem ato ada panik2an  gitu yah tu FR saya jual lagi pindahin ke
Equity. lha wong moneter sama konsumsi domestik kita masih intact ko...
asset-class paling cihui itu ya Equity lah... itu hampir-hampir absolut
kecuali amat sangat panik dunia kiamat. tapi kalo dunia kiamat masa iya saya
masih mikirin portfolio sayah?!...

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Peter Alimin wrote:

 ooh...ada sell-off di bond juga ya pak Bagus? Government bond aja?

 Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 10:23:53 +0200
 Subject: Re: [ob] USDIDR

 iyah ada kemungkinan Outflow krn tadi iseng taro Bid agak dibawah eh dapet
 barang juga Government Bond Yield 11 koma sekian%...

 Hmm.., Its About time Perhaps?!

 gapapa juga sih.. bisa re-profiling isi portfolio kan kalo Indeks Koreksi

 On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Peter Alimin wrote:

USD IDR 10138/10152 (panin)
 hmm..dg F net sell 468bil, seharusnya IHSG bisa lebih jatuh lagi..

 Party with Buddy! Bling out your Messenger with free winks emoticons. Click

 Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
 complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
 everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
 we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
 to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected...The test of all
 knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
 - Richard Feynman

 Share your memories online with anyone you want anyone you 


Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected...The test of all
knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
- Richard Feynman

Re: Re: [ob] DOW UPDATE

2009-08-22 Terurut Topik YUTA
Tidak boleh pesimis memang, but we need to face the thruth here:
- Dow sekarang cuma ikut old adage, buy the rumour rally (home sales result) 
dan sell the news correction (jika nanti hasil retail jelek) nanti
- US GDP bisa survive karena government stimulus, tax cut, benefit payout dll. 
Tanpa stereoids dan intervensi pemerintah tsb, GDP mereka kontraksi mendekati 
8% annually!, bukan 1% seperti published 
- China yang katanya GDPnya +10% saja, masih bisa koreksi -20% (walaupun 
issuenya more on TMP)

-Original Message-

Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 21:37:37 
Subject: RE: Re: [ob] DOW UPDATE

Let's make it simple...semua negara pasti akan berusha memperbaiki keadaan 
ekonominya...begitu juga USA dan Indonesia...yg pastinya akan berpengaruh ke 
psr saham

---Toto Setiawan ---

- original message -
Subject: RE: Re: [ob] DOW UPDATE
From: YUTA
Date: 22/08/2009 11:32 AM

Ada yg bisa kasih clue bagaimana prediksi data2 ekonomi US buat minggu depan?

Yg akan direlease (yg penting):
- US consumer confidence (Tue)
- Durable goods order (Wed)
- Consumer confidence (Fri)

Jika data2 diatas hasilnya bagus, maka rally ini sustainable. 

Tetapi jika rendah dari market consensus, maka be quoted comment:
The market's putting the cart before the horse, trying to convince (itself) 
that the recovery exists. (But) the emperor has no clothes. The consumer will 
not come back. The consumer is dead said by one market player. 

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Re: [ob] Re: ASII in the position to trade?

2009-08-22 Terurut Topik YUTA

Saya tidak ngerti TA, mungkin saja minyak akan naik sampai USD 77-78 sebelum 
koreksi lagi. 

Tetapi dari segi fundamental, sepertinya harga sekarang overshoot. Alasannya:
- mesin2 pabrik belum full swing karena demand yg masih lemah dan lay off yg 
masih berlanjut
- efisiensi terus menerus akan menekan pemakaian operational cost (minyak)
- mobil hemat bahan bakar terus diluncurkan
- ratusan kapal masih unemployeed dan idle di beberapa ports besar
- BDI yang masih terus koreksi

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 15:08:07 
Subject: [ob] Re: ASII in the position to trade?

Grafik minyaknya ada koreksi:\


2009-08-21 Terurut Topik YUTA
Ada yg bisa kasih clue bagaimana prediksi data2 ekonomi US buat minggu depan?

Yg akan direlease (yg penting):
- US consumer confidence (Tue)
- Durable goods order (Wed)
- Consumer confidence (Fri)

Jika data2 diatas hasilnya bagus, maka rally ini sustainable. 

Tetapi jika rendah dari market consensus, maka be quoted comment:
The market's putting the cart before the horse, trying to convince (itself) 
that the recovery exists. (But) the emperor has no clothes. The consumer will 
not come back. The consumer is dead said by one market player. 

Re: [ob] CPO

2009-08-19 Terurut Topik YUTA
Kalau code CPO di Yahoo apa ya?

-Original Message-
From: er1ck

Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:18:52 
Subject: Re: [ob] CPO


2009/8/20 **bLi-iNdRa**

 Sorry, nanya pas jam trading.
 Mau cek harga CPO di bloomberg kodenya apa ya?
 Ato ada link yg update harga CPO ga? Trims

 Best Regards
 **bLi iNdRa**

 ==cuan ga cuan yg penting happy==


[ob] US Deflation

2009-08-18 Terurut Topik YUTA
18 Aug 09

Labor Dept: US Jul core PPI down 0.1% vs gain 0.1% expected. 

Core drop by 0.1% - deflation

Periode terakhir US deflation terjadi sewaktu 1930 Great Depression...

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik YUTA
Mark Mobius bilang:
Koreksi range 20-30%. Tapi tidak langsung. Market akan volatile sekali, turun 
10%, naik 5%, terus turun lagi 10% dst..

Roubini bilang: 
Sluggish U recovery yang bisa berubah menjadi double dip (W) recovery kalau 
things get wrong

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Frederick

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 15:36:36 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua.. 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.
-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 My personal opinion..

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...

 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning
 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin
 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini
 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy
 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800.
 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs

 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, 

[ob] Breaking News - Al Jazeera: Noordin M Top tertangkap

2009-08-07 Terurut Topik YUTA
Tapi polisi masih mengatakan berita ini tidak benar. Ada yg bisa konfirmasi?

Police arrest Jakarta bomb suspect
8/7/2009 12:18:47 PM

Noordin Mohammed Top, wanted in connection with the recent bombing of two 
luxury hotels in Jakarta, has been arrested.

Top, one of two people suspected of being involved in the blasts at the 
Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in the Indonesian capital on July 17, was 
reportedly taken into custody on Friday.

Nine people were killed and more than 50 others injured in the blasts.

He was a key member of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), an al-Qaeda-linked group that 
wants to establish an Islamic state across Southeast Asia. But his group broke 
away from JI after an alleged falling-out with the leadership over the 
targeting of civilians.

JI is blamed, among other attacks, for the 2002 Bali nightclub bombing that 
killed 202 people.

Noordin is thought to have been behind the attacks on the Jakarta Marriott in 
2003 and the Australian embassy in 2004, as also on a series of restaurants in 
Bali in 2005 in which more than 20 people were killed.


2009-08-06 Terurut Topik YUTA
What to buy EL? 

Focus on Bakrie stocks while waiting for correction? But, Commodities looks 
interesting right? Afraid of deflation?

Or, property and healthcare?

Which one?

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 21:29:42 

*I repeat..*

*Hopefully Artomoro (that rich, powerful and incredibly handsome guy) is
kind enough to give us some discount. [?][?][?] please.*


2009/8/6 Elaine Sui

 *Just buy on WEAKNESS. Hopefully Artomoro is kind enough to give us some

 2009/8/6 kelvin Chang

 kalo soal malu sih biasa itu, yg penting elaine mau belanja lum??
 atau mau tunggu index 2100 atau di bwh 2 rb
 atau yg top buy enrg hr ini si elaine ya... hehehehhe



[ob] Dollar rises vs euro on renewed risk aversion

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik YUTA
**This Friday looks like an important day.**

Dollar rises vs euro on renewed risk aversion

11:29 AM EDT

By Vivianne Rodrigues

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The dollar rose against the euro on Wednesday as reports 
showing greater-than-expected U.S. service sector contraction in July and 
surprisingly high job cuts by private employers boosted demand for the 
greenback as a safe-haven.

The advance contrasts with the dollar's sharp drop earlier in the week as 
upbeat U.S. and Chinese manufacturing data gave investors confidence to buy 
foreign currencies and riskier assets such as stocks.

However, Wednesday's lackluster reports signaled more uneasy times for the 
broader U.S. economy and renewed risk aversion, traders said.

Increased risk aversion tends to favor currencies such as the yen, a favored 
safe-haven, and the dollar versus higher-yielding counterparts.

We're getting a mixed picture in this latest batch of data, said Joe 
Trevisani, a chief market analyst, at FX Solutions, in Ridgewood, New Jersey. 
That's why we have seen the euro come off against the dollar.

In mid-morning trading in New York, the euro was 0.2 down percent at $1.4371 
after trading as high as $1.4437 earlier. The European currency hit $1.4445 on 
Monday, its highest since December.

The dollar was 0.3 percent lower versus the yen at 94.93 yen.

The Institute for Supply Management said its non-manufacturing index fell to 
46.4 in July from June's 47.0. A reading above 50 signals expansion. Economists 
expected a reading of 48.0.

The ISM non-manufacturing report was much weaker than expected, contributing to 
a risk-off kind of scenario in the foreign exchange markets, favoring the 
dollar, said Andrew Busch, a global FX strategist at BMO Capital Markets in 

Another report showed new orders received by U.S. factories rose unexpectedly 
in June, advancing for a third straight month [ID:nN04135411].

The services sector and new orders figures followed reports showing 
larger-than-expected cuts by U.S. private employers in July and an increase in 
planned layoffs at U.S. firms.

The labor markets data weighed on risk appetite and consequently revived some 
demand for safe-haven currencies, said Joe Manimbo, a currency trader at 
Travelex Global Business Payments in Washington.

Another gauge on the state of the U.S. labor markets is expected on Friday with 
the government's release of its monthly non-farm payrolls data.

Wednesday's ADP report suggests that we could see a downside surprise to 
Friday's broader employment data, said Manimbo.

Investors' focus will also be on policy decisions by the Bank of England and 
European Central Bank due on Thursday.

(Additional reporting by Wanfeng Zhou and Gertrude Chavez-Dreyfuss in New York; 
Editing by Dan Grebler)

Re: [ob] Dollar rises vs euro on renewed risk aversion

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Saya coba jawab.

Hari Jumat ini ada pengumuman government unemployment report untuk bulan
Juli. Angkanya, menurut estimate, masih tinggi. Sepanjang unemployment masih
tinggi, recovery itu cuma fake. Perusahaan masih belum mau hire orang,
malah di bulan Juli masih berkelanjutan layoff. Kalau tidak salah, sebagian
besar labour di USA bergerak di bidang services, dan itu menggerakkan 80%
dari economic output. Jika sector ini masih hit by crisis, maka demand
(spending) tidak akan naik dan ujung2nya recovery akan stall.

Menurut pandangan saya, yg harus dicermati pergerakan USD/Yen lebih
dibanding USD/EUR. Yen akan menguat jika ada risk aversion. Sedangkan EUR
lebih ke persepsi komoditi price.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:32 PM, fifi young wrote:

 Conclusion-nya jadi apa ya Yuta?
 Please advice, thanks.

 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:29 PM, YUTA wrote:

 **This Friday looks like an important day.**

 Dollar rises vs euro on renewed risk aversion

 11:29 AM EDT

 By Vivianne Rodrigues

 NEW YORK (Reuters) - The dollar rose against the euro on Wednesday as
 reports showing greater-than-expected U.S. service sector contraction in
 July and surprisingly high job cuts by private employers boosted demand for
 the greenback as a safe-haven.

 The advance contrasts with the dollar's sharp drop earlier in the week as
 upbeat U.S. and Chinese manufacturing data gave investors confidence to buy
 foreign currencies and riskier assets such as stocks.

 However, Wednesday's lackluster reports signaled more uneasy times for the
 broader U.S. economy and renewed risk aversion, traders said.

 Increased risk aversion tends to favor currencies such as the yen, a
 favored safe-haven, and the dollar versus higher-yielding counterparts.

 We're getting a mixed picture in this latest batch of data, said Joe
 Trevisani, a chief market analyst, at FX Solutions, in Ridgewood, New
 Jersey. That's why we have seen the euro come off against the dollar.

 In mid-morning trading in New York, the euro was 0.2 down percent at
 $1.4371 after trading as high as $1.4437 earlier. The European currency hit
 $1.4445 on Monday, its highest since December.

 The dollar was 0.3 percent lower versus the yen at 94.93 yen.

 The Institute for Supply Management said its non-manufacturing index fell
 to 46.4 in July from June's 47.0. A reading above 50 signals expansion.
 Economists expected a reading of 48.0.

 The ISM non-manufacturing report was much weaker than expected,
 contributing to a risk-off kind of scenario in the foreign exchange
 markets, favoring the dollar, said Andrew Busch, a global FX strategist at
 BMO Capital Markets in Chicago.

 Another report showed new orders received by U.S. factories rose
 unexpectedly in June, advancing for a third straight month [ID:nN04135411].

 The services sector and new orders figures followed reports showing
 larger-than-expected cuts by U.S. private employers in July and an increase
 in planned layoffs at U.S. firms.

 The labor markets data weighed on risk appetite and consequently revived
 some demand for safe-haven currencies, said Joe Manimbo, a currency trader
 at Travelex Global Business Payments in Washington.

 Another gauge on the state of the U.S. labor markets is expected on Friday
 with the government's release of its monthly non-farm payrolls data.

 Wednesday's ADP report suggests that we could see a downside surprise to
 Friday's broader employment data, said Manimbo.

 Investors' focus will also be on policy decisions by the Bank of England
 and European Central Bank due on Thursday.

 (Additional reporting by Wanfeng Zhou and Gertrude Chavez-Dreyfuss in New
 York; Editing by Dan Grebler)


Re: [ob] Regional Ijo , Siapa yg kemaren Nyopet ??

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik YUTA
SSE sudah minus 3.35%!!
Ada issue apa?

-Original Message-
From: JT

Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 09:45:11 
Subject: RE: [ob] Regional Ijo , Siapa yg kemaren Nyopet ??

Udeeehhh, jangan ngeledekin orang mulu…, ayo kerja…, kerja……. Hehe




From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: 06 Agustus 2009 9:31
Subject: Re: [ob] Regional Ijo , Siapa yg kemaren Nyopet ??


Saya tunggu yg kemarin suruh Sell All Posting lagi baru Buy.

Sabar aja deh.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


From: troyanese 
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 02:17:01 -
Subject: Re: [ob] Regional Ijo , Siapa yg kemaren Nyopet ??


Anda kurang beruntung. Lain kali coba lagi :D

--- In , ruzli...@... wrote:

 Saya kemarin malah Sell All :(
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 -Original Message-
 From: dario kurniawan darioamran1...@...
 Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 09:12:07 
 To: obrolan 
 Subject: [ob] Regional Ijo , Siapa yg kemaren Nyopet ??
 ^AORDAll Ordinaries4,308.90 8:50PM ET 36.70 (0.86%)^N225Nikkei
22510,306.32 8:50PM ET 53.79 (0.52%)
 ^STIStraits Times2,619.78 9:09PM ET 12.95 (0.50%^KS11Seoul
Composite1,567.41 8:50PM ET 7.94 (0.51%)
 Dario Amran
 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
Lebih Cepat hari ini!

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Re: [ob] Crash?!

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik YUTA
Mbah pernah bilang. Yg jagoan biasa ditarik terakhir-terakhir sebelum perubahan 
trend. Save the best for last. Apakah ini masih berlaku di hari ini karena 
Bakrie7 naik banyak Mbah?

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 08:39:39 
Subject: Re: [ob] Crash?!

Perhatikan engga saham metal dan cpo hampir tidak bergerak
disaat IHSG +54...

Tebak scenario apa INI ?.

--- In, Peter Alimin  milis...@... wrote:

 Crash klo medc udah ar kanan2x
 Zaman batu dulu indikator sih medc skrg sih ga tau apa..
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 -Original Message-
 From: coderman topg...@...
 Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 08:08:51 
 Subject: Re: [ob] Crash?!
 Keres nya akir taon aja satuju teman2 :)
 2009/7/30 Pit Hong flymai...@yahoo. mailto:flymai...@...
  Crash?! What crash??!! Kentang goreng hahahaha
  Terhubung langsung dengan banyak teman di blog dan situs pribadi Anda? Buat 
 Pingbox terbaru Anda sekarang! http://id.messenger

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Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari ini?

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik YUTA
Elaine. One quick question, are you using one broker to sell out your last 
portfolio today, or multiple? 

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 22:05:15 
Subject: Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari ini?

*What? No. I 'left' IDX but not OB.  [?]

I just want to see whether in this 3Q the rally is sustainable or not,
that's all. I see many crazy (greedy) buyers today so I decide to liquidate
what was left on my portfolios. Yes, I know you must think that I did a bad
move, I mean selling in the middle of a strong rally? what the hell? lolz..

But I believe in my sources and my own analysis. Just like you, JT. Believe
only in ourself. After all, my targets are already met, I'm happy, my
investors are happy, you, art and OB are happy.

2009/7/30 JT

  Emang si EL mau kemana Boss...? are you leaving again EL?


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Dean Earwicker
 Sent: 30 Juli 2009 19:38
 Subject: Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari

 BG naik kencang karena laporan kinerja reksadana semester 1, sekalian

 window dressing lapkeu mungkin buat modal ngutang lagi mengkale, juga

 karena break console pake vol, juga senada dgn kutukan 31 julinya

 mbah, sekalian jendral arto show of force, kebangkitan billy di media

 dan pesta perpisahan EL.

 OB GITU LOH ;) kalo engga coan juga mah kebangeten. Hehe...

 On 7/30/09, charles_3983 wrote:

  abis semalem kan DOW merah.. oil drop..

  ko bisa2nya BUMI dkk ngamuk2 hari ini?


  apa karena mereka masih laggard?






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Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari ini?

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik YUTA

Talking about recovery, what indicator are you referring that the crisis is 
easing? Too complex and various parameter, but you can name few such as: when 
Fed increase the rate, just an example. 

In economic (business wise), what company or sector that can well describe the 
recovery has started? i.e. Upward of international container traffic etc.


-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 23:00:35 
Subject: Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari ini?

*I did take the momentum. I was expecting to see massive buyers who are
willing to buy at higher price, and that happened this month. By the way,
what 'signal' you mean? can you be more specific?

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:36 PM, wrote:

 Dear Miss Elaine..

 Just curious with ur selling all portfolio when there's a strong buy with
 volume strategy.. R u being chased by deadline from ur investors Miss
 EL???.. 100% understand if yes.. But if not why not taking the momentum to
 gain more points from those rally???.. I know there's a lot of bad sentiment
 that may occur.. But along the way we also rcvd several early signs of
 economic recovery.. Yes again no one knows what will happen tomorrow.. But
 still (arguing lolz) why don't wait n see what tomorrow tell u???.. If the
 momentum is there then u can generate more right??? anyway ur portfolio
 already in small portion though???..

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 22:05:15 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari

 *What? No. I 'left' IDX but not OB.  [?]

 I just want to see whether in this 3Q the rally is sustainable or not,
 that's all. I see many crazy (greedy) buyers today so I decide to liquidate
 what was left on my portfolios. Yes, I know you must think that I did a bad
 move, I mean selling in the middle of a strong rally? what the hell? lolz..

 But I believe in my sources and my own analysis. Just like you, JT. Believe
 only in ourself. After all, my targets are already met, I'm happy, my
 investors are happy, you, art and OB are happy.

 2009/7/30 JT

  Emang si EL mau kemana Boss...? are you leaving again EL?


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Dean Earwicker
 Sent: 30 Juli 2009 19:38
 Subject: Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari

 BG naik kencang karena laporan kinerja reksadana semester 1, sekalian

 window dressing lapkeu mungkin buat modal ngutang lagi mengkale, juga

 karena break console pake vol, juga senada dgn kutukan 31 julinya

 mbah, sekalian jendral arto show of force, kebangkitan billy di media

 dan pesta perpisahan EL.

 OB GITU LOH ;) kalo engga coan juga mah kebangeten. Hehe...

 On 7/30/09, charles_3983 wrote:

  abis semalem kan DOW merah.. oil drop..

  ko bisa2nya BUMI dkk ngamuk2 hari ini?


  apa karena mereka masih laggard?






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Re: [ob] Defensive and outperforming sectors for 2H09

2009-07-29 Terurut Topik YUTA

For sake of clarification, you've said earlier that the deflation spiral is 
dead. Amongst those, property price should also be discounted, right? Then why 
you choose property? Or, correct me if the property for only mid term (say 
6mths to 1yr) but still commodities for longer term (2yrs or longer)? True?

Advise, please. Thanks. 

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 18:16:22 
Subject: [ob] Defensive and outperforming sectors for 2H09

*The economic outlook is not too good for 2H09 but not everything is bad.
I've made an analysis and the result is:

1. Property and related sector (cement, construction)**2. Pharmacy and
Health care*
These ones have been laggard but they will be shining soon and outperform
other sectors. I suggest if you want to do short/med term investing, you
focus on these. Forget commodity stocks. Please ask for JT or Tasrul
assistance for entry/exit points. Most of the them have small caps, so
they're quite volatile. Good for traders.
*Have a nice investing and good luck [?][?] See, I can be nice to traders
too. [?]*


Re: [ob] Defensive and outperforming sectors for 2H09

2009-07-29 Terurut Topik YUTA
This is what so called W-recovery perhaps. Hmm, very logic and make sense.

Thanks a lot for your informative and inteligence from different perspective, 
which trust none of us have that kind of ability and resources.  
Keep sharing with us EL, your posting is truly shining, I mean it. 

Don't eat too much, ya...


-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:58:21 
Subject: Re: [ob] Defensive and outperforming sectors for 2H09

Deflation also means lower cost.* I expect the commodity prices to decline*,
thus giving benefit to property, cement, steel makers and construction
companies. For Indonesia there are still a big space for *additional rate
cuts, perhaps until 3-4%*, but not for US.
*Let's separate between the ECONOMY and the STOCK MARKET. Like I said
before, there is economic power shift from the western to Asia. Sooner or
later the US economy will shrink, that will bring a temporary set back to
ALL market (psychological effect) BUT the market will realize that Asia has
its own 'business' and should rebound faster, leaving the US behind.*
*Please avoid export based companies, stick to domestic ones. So, don't say
Elaine tidak bisa changcut ya!!  [?] the difference is only the timeframe and
scale, that's all. You'll see massive bad news soon, the PIG market WILL be
severely affected BUT don't worry, it's actually a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.*
*But I will not buy at this moment, I will wait for discount. BIG discount.
The set back in China is actually healthy to stop the stock market from
overheating since I know the market makers in China are using highly
leveraged fund (as in the commodity futures)*
*High commodity prices needs to be stop as it is dangerous for the economic
growth. Why? because the unemployment rate is so high and the purchasing
power is shrinking, so if ppl keep speculating the future market, we're
going nowhere. The bad thing is IDX has many listed mining/plantation
companies and the authority 'intervention' to the future market will
indirectly affect IDX (I dunno, do you understand what I mean?). *
*But I believe the big guys in the governement are doing the right thing, we
just have to wait. Be patient. Please note there is also geo-political
issue, not just economy. I will discuss it later, coz I'm hungry now. [?]*

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:32 PM, YUTA wrote:


 For sake of clarification, you've said earlier that the deflation spiral is
 dead. Amongst those, property price should also be discounted, right? Then
 why you choose property? Or, correct me if the property for only mid term
 (say 6mths to 1yr) but still commodities for longer term (2yrs or longer)?

 Advise, please. Thanks.

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 18:16:22 +0700
 *Subject*: [ob] Defensive and outperforming sectors for 2H09

 *The economic outlook is not too good for 2H09 but not everything is bad.
 I've made an analysis and the result is:

 1. Property and related sector (cement, construction)**2. Pharmacy and
 Health care*
 These ones have been laggard but they will be shining soon and outperform
 other sectors. I suggest if you want to do short/med term investing, you
 focus on these. Forget commodity stocks. Please ask for JT or Tasrul
 assistance for entry/exit points. Most of the them have small caps, so
 they're quite volatile. Good for traders.
 *Have a nice investing and good luck [?][?] See, I can be nice to traders
 too. [?]*



[ob] Yield US Treasury naik banyak!

2009-07-28 Terurut Topik YUTA

Ada yg perhatikan, yield US T-Notes yang 10yrs naik 0.37% sedangkan yg 30yrs 
malah naik hampir 1% (tepatnya 0.90%).

Apa ini TAL bahwa US treasury tidak laku? Sementara US menguat cukup tajam 
terhadap EUR dan JPY.

Ada yg bisa jelaskan?

Financial armageddon is about coming? Not sure...

Re: [ob] USD Index ... any comment ?

2009-07-28 Terurut Topik YUTA
Pak Hmin,

Bagaimana USD index? Ada perubahan yg signifikan? Menguat atau melemah?

Tetapi kenapa oil retreat banyak ya?

-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 06:44:19 
Subject: [ob] USD Index ... any comment ?

saya cuman lihat di sini$USD

Secara kasat mata.. benar-benar 50:50 .. bisa up bisa down :D

Kenapa USD menguat
- Lihat MACD weekly dan dayly.
MACD weekly akan cross up.
MACD daily vs price = price double bottom  macd divergence

Kenapa melemah
- Secara chart pattern..mirip flat base breakout (ke bawah)

sayang USD index tidak menyertakan volume

Re: [ob] Mengapa berfikir akan terjadi crash/rally down/big koreksi ?

2009-07-27 Terurut Topik YUTA
Danny De Vito?except lots of hair, I guess

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 22:25:56 
Subject: Re: [ob] Mengapa berfikir akan terjadi crash/rally down/big koreksi ?

*Art's boyfriend. He's a typical Italian. Fat, sweaty and got lots of hair
all over his back down to his ass. Yuck...**
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:10 PM, billy_budiman92

 Fred Schubert siapa ya ? ada yang bisa kasih tahu, hehehehheee,

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *Give me four more days! I still have some to be cashed out. After that,
  can do anything with these stocks. If you can make IDX to 2800 then it's
  good, I will be happy for you. I am sure a lot of ppl will remember you
  'the one'. (But personally I think you will yangkut like Fred Schubert.
  Sorry... [?])* *
  *About 93% of my portfolios have been successfully liquidated this month.
  Artomoro, dear.. umm.. thank you very much. [?] I owe you big time. Don't
  worry about me, I'll be back when everyone goes bankrupt.. lolz.. just
  kidding guys.*
  2009/7/27 artomoro9 artomo...@...
   Saya tidak mengerti, mengapa saat sekarang ini nuansa bearish terasa
   di obers? Kalo diliat dari postingan temen2 semua keliatan sekali
   itu. Apakah karena postingan EL? Atau warning2 dari para senior? Justru
   berfikir  posisi sekarang adalah START FLYING TO BREAK HIGH ihsg 2800.
   Kapan? Target ane, in this year, 2009.  masih ada waktu 5 bulan.
   Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!
   Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di dan
   + +
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Re: 3 Agustus 09 Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik YUTA
Pak Hmin,

Analis prediksi GDP Q2 US di median -1.5% setelah kontraksi 5.5% di Q1 lalu. 
Pasar menaruh harapan jika sesuai dengan ekpektasi, maka benar bahwa ekonomi US 
sudah bottoming di Q2 dan akan mulai positif growth di Q3 atau paling telat Q4. 

Padahal Bernanke sendiri tidak begitu yakin ya, kalau kita baca dari statement 
terakhir. Malah Roudini bilang ekonomi akan W recovery dan free fall lagi di 
late 2011 karena higher commodity price, stagnant credit market etc...

-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 04:53:41 
Subject: 3 Agustus 09 Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? 
--Beware with Negative Divergence

Dah tunggu aja 3 Agustus 09 Bil
FTA saya (Feeling Teknikal Analisis) bilang settingan momentum BEI di
tanggal itu

Alasan :
- LK 1H 09 keluar semua... dan HARUS BAGUS
- 31 July 09 ada laporan GDP 1H US.. dan HARUS BAGUS

2009/7/25 billy_wta60

 Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai
 membentuk divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short
 term atau 1-2 minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya
 kita lihat ada divergence negatif,

 Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3
 x, sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

 kita juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic,
 begitu juga dengan LQ45

 Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin
 karena koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru,
 nampaknya indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

 pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu
 juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi
 kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke
 1,888 dalam tempo singkat

 jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih
 baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi
 ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak
 mau bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu
 terlena dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja
 clear barang, kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi
 divergence ini

 So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah mau
 masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

 Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
 1. Korporasi emiten
 2. Sentiment dari luar

 Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


 --- In,
 billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:
  Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget,
  --- In,
 boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
   Itu list yg lain, pak :)
   List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
   adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
   goyang or joget.
   Hehehe... [:D]
   --- In,
 [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
Macro Economy:
- Sirait Phd
- Ekonom Beling
- Dean Earwicker
- Elaine- Armando
- Hendra Bujang
- Ocoy
- Halim
- Irwan Ariston
- Yudizz
- Meizal
- Boyz
- Desmon
- Adjies
- Alfatih
- Jsxtrader
- Tasrul
- Angelo
- Hans
- Adit
- Ihsg88
- Alx trader
- Tirta
- Embah
- Oentoeng
- Rita Pardede
- Felix Liem
- Tbumi
- Rully
- Fify
- Edwin
- Bullquote
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
-Original Message-
From: boyz m4573rs@
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
1. Jsx-Consultant
2. Artomoro9
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng
5. Jsx Trader
6. Dean Earwicker
Potential newcomer
7. Billy
TBumi on ANTM... akhir '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top 

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik YUTA
Ikut sumbang pendapat:

1. World rally sekarang ini lebih karena overliquid dimana banks dan financial 
institusi yg sudah diinject harus window dressing Lap Keu mereka seakan (sudah) 
mulai sehat dengan banyak bermain di treasury dan stock market. Stock naik, 
revenue mereka naik
2. Ini tidak selamanya akan terjadi karena banks sudah harus fokus ke consumer 
dan lending, bukan hanya stock. Kalau tidak, ekonomi tidak akan bergerak. 
Tetapi weak ekonomi masih dillema
3. Asumsi saya, sekarang ini market dibuat menarik supaya terjadi panik buying, 
sehingga dana short term bisa keluar dan digantikan dana fresh dari masyarakat 
yg masih trauma, supaya suistainability akan terbentuk
4. Saat ini sedang pembentukan opini bahwa hanya stock market yang lebih 
profitable, dipancing dengan semua berita bagus bersamaan dengan membaiknya 
laporan keuangan 2Q
5. Masa transisi ini, tentu akan terjadi time lagging dimana dana short term 
yang keluar bisa saja tidak sepenuhnya tergantikan dengan dengan dana 
masyarakat. Ini akan menimbulkan koreksi

Jadi kesimpulannya, hanya terjadi koreksi. Tetapi pada masa ini tergantung 
dengan situasi kedepan, jika cuma persepsi yg terbentuk tidak diikuti oleh 
fundamental yang memburuk, maka boleh dikatakan yg terjadi adalah soft landing 
dan menuju W recovery di stock market. Tetapi kalau banyak kejadian yg diluar 
dugaan, bisa U, atau malah L as worst scenario. 

Maaf kalau salah, soalnya cuma analisa tong kosong nyaring bunyinya. 


-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:57:25 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion.
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
line of this post).

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik YUTA
Bisa dicari di Internet atau kalau ada akses ke teman yang kerja di perusahaan 

Kalau tidak salah, earnings untuk financial sector di US naik 8%, terbesar 
dibanding yang lain, termasuk mengalahkan technology yg cuma 6% (cmiiw). 

Earnings Q2 naik karena dibantu juga oleh cost cutting (lay off, close down 
offices, restructuring some of business unit etc.).  

Tapi jika dari segi cost sudah tidak bisa disqueeze sedangkan revenue/earning 
tidak bisa naik atau malah turun, ini yang harus diamati

-Original Message-
From: [ M S ]

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 03:29:54 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Pak Yuta, 

Laporan keuangan yang dimaksud bisa lihat di mana pak?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: YUTA

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 03:09:35 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Ikut sumbang pendapat:

1. World rally sekarang ini lebih karena overliquid dimana banks dan financial 
institusi yg sudah diinject harus window dressing Lap Keu mereka seakan (sudah) 
mulai sehat dengan banyak bermain di treasury dan stock market. Stock naik, 
revenue mereka naik
2. Ini tidak selamanya akan terjadi karena banks sudah harus fokus ke consumer 
dan lending, bukan hanya stock. Kalau tidak, ekonomi tidak akan bergerak. 
Tetapi weak ekonomi masih dillema
3. Asumsi saya, sekarang ini market dibuat menarik supaya terjadi panik buying, 
sehingga dana short term bisa keluar dan digantikan dana fresh dari masyarakat 
yg masih trauma, supaya suistainability akan terbentuk
4. Saat ini sedang pembentukan opini bahwa hanya stock market yang lebih 
profitable, dipancing dengan semua berita bagus bersamaan dengan membaiknya 
laporan keuangan 2Q
5. Masa transisi ini, tentu akan terjadi time lagging dimana dana short term 
yang keluar bisa saja tidak sepenuhnya tergantikan dengan dengan dana 
masyarakat. Ini akan menimbulkan koreksi

Jadi kesimpulannya, hanya terjadi koreksi. Tetapi pada masa ini tergantung 
dengan situasi kedepan, jika cuma persepsi yg terbentuk tidak diikuti oleh 
fundamental yang memburuk, maka boleh dikatakan yg terjadi adalah soft landing 
dan menuju W recovery di stock market. Tetapi kalau banyak kejadian yg diluar 
dugaan, bisa U, atau malah L as worst scenario. 

Maaf kalau salah, soalnya cuma analisa tong kosong nyaring bunyinya. 


-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:57:25 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion.
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
line of this post).

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

[ob] Deflation

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik YUTA
Kalau saya prediksi, sekarang ini issue balik ke mortgage problem di US dimana 
Commercial property baik harga maupun rental masih turun terus. 

Ini menandakan bahwa industri belum berjalan. Yang kelihatan bergerak hanya 
paper assest (saham, bond) tetapi physical masih terbelit krisis. 

Import US juga mainly consumer products, terutama cheap furnitures dan garment. 
Belum ada (masih sedikit)import raw material atau machinery yang menggerakkan 
industri disana. 

Jepang masih terbelit bubble property dimana harga sewa dan jual turun sudah 
lebih satu dekade tanpa bisa dicegah. 

Saya rasa ini patut kita waspadai, jangan sampai spiral deflation ini mulai 
bergerak tanpa bisa dicegah. 



Re: [ob] Deflation

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Saya coba jawab. Mudah2an senior yang lebih expert bisa bantu...

Dalam contect global, sekarang ini issue oversupply sudah bukan rahasia
lagi. Volume perdagangan dan juga pastinya value sudah mengerut double
digit. Harga bisa dibentuk drive oleh yang punya kepentingan, tetapi
fundamental tetap tidak akan terkalahkan.

Untuk antisipasi apa yg terjadi ini, butuh money injection supaya orang
spending, industri bisa bergerak, pabrik mulai operasi supaya demand akan
timbul. Jika demand ini tidak ada, maka deflasi sangat mungkin terjadi.

Hampir semua negara sudah menurunkan suku bunga. Jadi dari monetary policy,
kebijakan suku bunga rendah sudah maksimum. Sekarang bagaimana mengamati
stimulus harus berjalan baik untuk boost spending.

Jika US collapse, maka negara emerging juga akan terpengaruh. US masih
central dari trading aktivity dan world market. Jika mereka stabil atau
mendekati pemulihan (bottoming), maka risk appetitte akan timbul dan
terjadi inflow untuk invest di high risk (stock) di emerging market. Tetapi
jika terjadi sebaliknya, maka orang balik lagi ke safe haven, yaitu hard
currency (USD  Yen) serta gold.

2009/7/23 Ferry

  Kalau industry/ekonominya  BRIC gimana?

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *YUTA
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 22, 2009 11:28 PM
 *To:* Obrolan Bandar
 *Subject:* [ob] Deflation

 Kalau saya prediksi, sekarang ini issue balik ke mortgage problem di US
 dimana Commercial property baik harga maupun rental masih turun terus.

 Ini menandakan bahwa industri belum berjalan. Yang kelihatan bergerak hanya
 paper assest (saham, bond) tetapi physical masih terbelit krisis.

 Import US juga mainly consumer products, terutama cheap furnitures dan
 garment. Belum ada (masih sedikit)import raw material atau machinery yang
 menggerakkan industri disana.

 Jepang masih terbelit bubble property dimana harga sewa dan jual turun
 sudah lebih satu dekade tanpa bisa dicegah.

 Saya rasa ini patut kita waspadai, jangan sampai spiral deflation ini mulai
 bergerak tanpa bisa dicegah.




Re: [ob] Deflation

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik YUTA
Betul Pak Rei. Ini kontradiksi dengan teori ekonomi. Tetapi kenyataannya, 
default world currency masih USD. Jadi orang akan convert investasi mereka 
kedalam USD yg menyebabkan USD (value) akan naik against the other currency. 

Satu lagi, seperti yg dibilang EL, ketakutan akan deflasi akan membuat orang 
pegang cash. Cash disini tentunya USD dan again demand USD akan naik. 
Sebaliknya kalau inflasi, orang prefer commodities untuk hedging. 

Belum tentu terjadi. Tetapi ada baiknya kita cermati. Maaf kalau salah. 

-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 08:58:16 
Subject: Re: [ob] Deflation

*Tetapi jika terjadi sebaliknya, maka orang balik lagi ke safe haven, yaitu
hard currency (USD  Yen) serta gold.*
*... *
Padahal yg punya USD-nya sendiri sedang sakit ya pak Yuta

2009/7/23 Yuta Tiziano

 Saya coba jawab. Mudah2an senior yang lebih expert bisa bantu...

 Dalam contect global, sekarang ini issue oversupply sudah bukan rahasia
 lagi. Volume perdagangan dan juga pastinya value sudah mengerut double
 digit. Harga bisa dibentuk drive oleh yang punya kepentingan, tetapi
 fundamental tetap tidak akan terkalahkan.

 Untuk antisipasi apa yg terjadi ini, butuh money injection supaya orang
 spending, industri bisa bergerak, pabrik mulai operasi supaya demand akan
 timbul. Jika demand ini tidak ada, maka deflasi sangat mungkin terjadi.

 Hampir semua negara sudah menurunkan suku bunga. Jadi dari monetary policy,
 kebijakan suku bunga rendah sudah maksimum. Sekarang bagaimana mengamati
 stimulus harus berjalan baik untuk boost spending.

 Jika US collapse, maka negara emerging juga akan terpengaruh. US masih
 central dari trading aktivity dan world market. Jika mereka stabil atau
 mendekati pemulihan (bottoming), maka risk appetitte akan timbul dan
 terjadi inflow untuk invest di high risk (stock) di emerging market. Tetapi
 jika terjadi sebaliknya, maka orang balik lagi ke safe haven, yaitu hard
 currency (USD  Yen) serta gold.

 2009/7/23 Ferry

  Kalau industry/ekonominya  BRIC gimana?

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *YUTA
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 22, 2009 11:28 PM
 *To:* Obrolan Bandar
 *Subject:* [ob] Deflation

 Kalau saya prediksi, sekarang ini issue balik ke mortgage problem di US
 dimana Commercial property baik harga maupun rental masih turun terus.

 Ini menandakan bahwa industri belum berjalan. Yang kelihatan bergerak
 hanya paper assest (saham, bond) tetapi physical masih terbelit krisis.

 Import US juga mainly consumer products, terutama cheap furnitures dan
 garment. Belum ada (masih sedikit)import raw material atau machinery yang
 menggerakkan industri disana.

 Jepang masih terbelit bubble property dimana harga sewa dan jual turun
 sudah lebih satu dekade tanpa bisa dicegah.

 Saya rasa ini patut kita waspadai, jangan sampai spiral deflation ini
 mulai bergerak tanpa bisa dicegah.




Re: [ob] Re: Ilusi optis

2009-07-21 Terurut Topik YUTA
Prof JT,

BTU drop -4.5% (22:30) karena 2Q result turun 66% dibanding 1Q. Kalau tidak 
salah, harga spot coal di 2H biasanya lebih rendah dibanding 1H, unless long 
term contract, cmiiw. Jadi sentimen agak kurang bagus nih ke depan. Tapi 
tergantung bozz aja...

-Original Message-
From: JT

Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 22:30:46 
Subject: RE: [ob] Re: Ilusi optis

Brother Boyz.., .., kalo ^DJUSCL nama exchange-nya apa sih ? ane lagi coba
masukin new symbol nih di MS-realtime.


Btw, ini chart DJ Coal.., lagi uji 200 EMA, moga-moga tembus dah.., biar
target Jendral Art tercapai. hehe




From: []
On Behalf Of boyz
Sent: 21 Juli 2009 22:12
Subject: [ob] Re: Ilusi optis


--- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...

 Grafik saham menjadi garis lurus,%5ED

'Objects in rear view mirror may appear closer than they are'...



2009-07-21 Terurut Topik YUTA
Sold mostly at discounted price (deflation theory?) and some will be at bargain 
too perhaps later, if that is the case. Thanks for warning us. 

By the way, when is and at what level is re-entry? Oct, Nov? 1600? 1500 or even 

Please advise your valuable view. Thanks. 

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 11:55:15 

*2nd call, 7 days left, so little time, so many monkeys. SELL NOW.**(yes, I
want discount..lolz) **
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *I don't like repeating myself and I guess you all understand my message.
 You know, if I can control the market, I want a bull rally forever, right?
 But you know it's impossible. I cannot stay persistent when fundamentals

 I officially state my resignation as a bull messenger. There, should be
 clear enough. [?]

 Don't fear, coz JT is here. You can depend on him. He can call me anything
 he wants. If you don't agree with me, then you are free not to follow. Look,
 I don't want to argue with anyone, ok? my portfolios are my business, not
 yours. I have my own judgment.

 On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 6:34 PM, JsxTrader™ wrote:

 No.. no.. no.., I don't beat the market, nobody can, I only follow it.

 EL, seriously.., do you really think market will down that deep?? -1000 ??
 If you are so sure, can you said it loud and clear to SELL NOW ? Just like
 when you said to BUY NOW the other day.

 I am not so sure, so I better not give any opinion lah..., yes DOW will
 continue to go down, no reversal signal yet, BUT IHSG not very clear right
 now..., masih 50:50 (in term of deep correction), let see next week lah.

 Sent from my BullBerry® smartphone

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 18:24:33 +0700

 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: UPGRADE YOUR TARGET NOW
 *I know you can always beat the market. Good for you. But to me, I know
 my limitation, that's why I pulled myself out.

 On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 5:35 PM, JsxTrader™ wrote:

 Hey, why me? No matter bullish or bearish, I will always be your
 nightmare..., hehe... And I am not English Man, I don't drink Tea, so I
 guess we can't sit together, hehehe.. Just joke EL..

 Yes, most probable the DOW will go down , tapi not much lah, not lower
 than prev low, IHSG still on track, tapi sangat mungkin akan
 terseret-teseret juga, tapi ngga -1000 lah, unless something really-really
 big happen..., mungkin malah naik dulu, baru jatuh di 2200'an... So what
 lah We kind of get used to it..., orang betawi bilang, udh biase

 Sent from my BullBerry® smartphone

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:48:10 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: UPGRADE YOUR TARGET NOW
 *More than enough. Check the dates. If you guys join forces together
 (JT, Dean, Tasrul, Embah, Oentoeng, Artomoro, Fifi, Hans, Jack Cowk, Rei,
 hepisaham, basically everyone excld. me), IDX may continue its rally. I
 cannot control them (aka the 'Market'). Coba panggil semua bandars, bozzes,
 Market Makers in OB, minta untuk rally again. Can?

 Show me how powerful you guys are. 'Fight for your country. Defend the
 national treasure. Protect them from foreign invasion'. You want freedom,
 right? It's about time that you stand on your own.


 You may want to sit  next to me, drink a cup of tea and watch the world
 crumbles. [?] Hey don't yell at me, the US is responsible for this mess.

 On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Ferry ferry.wachj...@gmail.comwrote:

  How much do you get in percent??

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Elaine Sui
 *Sent:* Friday, July 10, 2009 9:23 AM

 *Subject:* [ob] Re: UPGRADE YOUR TARGET NOW

  *Dear Investors,*

 *I'm realizing my investment profit. Don't be scared nor panic. I may
 be back in Q4, but right now I had to move some to other country. I hope my
 action doesn't make any significant impact to IDX, like in 2008.*

 *Ahh.. ada artomoro  friends as standby buyers, how lovely. Please,
 make IDX green everyday please... *

 *You ask for a reason? Well, I want my profit. It's nothing special,
 just doing what I have to do.*


 On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Elaine Sui








Re: [ob] Maroit Hotel di Bom (lagi?) - belum tentu BOM

2009-07-16 Terurut Topik YUTA
Saya barusan satu lift sama bule sekeluarga orang Amerika. Dia bawa anak dan 
istri ke kantor. Katanya benar bom dan meledak dari dalam hotel, kedua hotel. 
Mariott dan Ritz. 

Mereka bilang siap2 mau pulang. Semua pucat. 

Kenapa ini harus terjadi lagi? Apa belum cukup penderitaan kita?

-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 08:22:07 
Subject: Re: [ob] Maroit Hotel di Bom (lagi?) - belum tentu BOM

Pak Halim!!! Ingat cerita pak Halim ke saya waktu itu?

2009/7/17 boyz

 Yoi, belum tentu BOM ...

 beritanya ada ledakan, sumber ledakan blum diketahui ...

 wew bikin panik aja...

 busyett maksa nih minta mau minta barang murah !!

 gak dapet nunggu, pake bom dah ...



 --- In,
 Thomas Frederick
 thomaszone_2...@... wrote:
  Sementara Kata saksi by phone di metro TV, karena GENSET yang meledak.
  Belum ada konfirmasi BOM.
  Kalo ada bomb, ingat
  -Original Message-
  From: Murni srmu...@...
  Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 18:04:05
  Subject: Re: [ob] Maroit Hotel di Bom (lagi?)
  Betul Pak
  Lokasinya di Hotel Ritz Carlton di Mega Kuningan dan Hotel JW Marriot
  --- On Fri, 17/7/09, Indra Tj. i...@... wrote:
   From: Indra Tj. i...@...
  Subject: [ob] Maroit Hotel di Bom (lagi?)
  To: Obrolan Bandar
  Date: Friday, 17 July, 2009, 1:53 AM
  Barusan dapat kabar kalau ada bom meledak di Marriot Hotel, ada yang
 bisa kasih confirmasi?


Re: [ob] Trading Diary: Markets Warn Of Correction

2009-07-13 Terurut Topik YUTA
Just want to add some. Lately many negative comments citing that recovery is 
still far away:

Dr Doom Roubini: I see more yellow weeds than green shoots. There is a risk 
that we will cover W-shaped recovery. Said by him that stock market will have 
significant correction. 

Some analyst said that the EEM is too expensive and FM will pull out their 
money back. 

Some said that current stimulus package is not enough and bet that the economic 
will need stimulus part II. 

Any comment?

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 16:19:19 
Subject: Re: [ob] Trading Diary: Markets Warn Of Correction

*Now this is what I call provocating!!  [?] lolz. Thank God no one were
calling you a hermaphrodite or threatening to kill you, James. OB has been
so evil to me lately. Sigh.. [?]**
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 3:44 PM, James Arifin james.ari...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hati2 DOW pengen jalan2 ke 6500, lihat tulisan berikut:

 Markets Warn Of Correction

 *By Colin Twiggs
 July 13, 3:00 a.m. ET (5:00 p.m. AET)*

 These extracts from my trading diary are for educational purposes and
 should not be interpreted as investment or trading advice. Full terms and
 conditions can be found at Terms of 

  USA #122734a08c1a3219_1227346065bd1b90_usa

 The June 30 quarter-end has passed and, with reduced support from
 investment fund managers, most major markets are signaling a correction —
 likely to test the lows of March 2009.
  Dow Jones Industrial Average

 The Dow completed a head and shoulders reversal and is now consolidating in
 a bearish narrow band below resistance at 8200. Expect a down-swing to test
 primary support at 6500. Twiggs Money Flow (21-Day) bearish divergence
 confirms selling pressure.
  [image: Dow Jones Industrial Average]




2009-07-11 Terurut Topik YUTA

You will realize some only, right? Say 50% from total. Or, all of them?

Please give us clue...

-Original Message-
From: Ferry

Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:37:22 

How much do you get in percent??


From: []
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 9:23 AM


Dear Investors,


I'm realizing my investment profit. Don't be scared nor panic. I may be back
in Q4, but right now I had to move some to other country. I hope my action
doesn't make any significant impact to IDX, like in 2008.


Ahh.. ada artomoro  friends as standby buyers, how lovely. Please, make IDX
green everyday please... 


You ask for a reason? Well, I want my profit. It's nothing special, just
doing what I have to do.




On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:










ps: for reference, this was my downgrade call (April 8th, 08), when
commodities hit all time highs:

that followed my subtle warning for IDX crash (Dec 29th, 07), just couple
days before it hit highest, and never came back:

I'm not always right, but most of the time I get what I want. lol.



[ob] Kenapa harga Metal turun?

2009-07-09 Terurut Topik Yuta
Ada yg tahu nggak, tgl 30 Jun lalu China gagal deal dengan major suppliers Iron 
Ore karena China minta harga turun 45% (kalau tidak salah) dari contract tahun 
lalu. Supplier menolak dan deal gagal. 

Sekarang ini kabarnya China sedang mencari harga baru untuk Ore di open market, 
tapi rata2 tidak mau diskon segede. Sedangkan harga coal dibiarkan floating 
sesuai market rate. 

Berita sebelumnya dibilang China sedang banyak inventory, makanya harga metal 
turun karena supy  demand. Padahal, yg lebih pengaruh adalah ketidakpastian 
China untuk beli metal commodity.  

Mungkin hal ini erat hubungan kenapa trio macan turun banyak dibandingkan coal. 

Ada yg bisa kasih komen soal berita diatas?

Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

2009-07-08 Terurut Topik Yuta
Amin, prof. Terbukti siapa yang mampu akan dipilih rakyat. 
-Original Message-
From: JT™

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 08:02:07 
Subject: Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

Versi Quick Count Trans TV sdh declare No 2 Menang..., tampaknya hasil Metro 
dan TV One juga In Line..., so bbrp indikator agree with each other..., 
meskipun masih butuh konfirmasi, tapi tampaknya sdh cukup solid. 

Mdh2an aman-aman aja, amin.
Sent From BullBerry®

“TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never Trade Without Stop Order”

-Original Message-

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 07:48:15 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

Udah break out nih... Nunggu close aja diatas. Biar 1 putaran. Kan lebih cepat 
lebih baik untuk wong cilik... Jadi lanjutkan up trend...

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 07:35:48 
Subject: Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

Wakakakakakakak...volume nya sangat mendukung prof. Lanjutkan
Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Bakrie Group

-Original Message-
From: JT™

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 07:27:23 
Subject: Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

We got strong, very strong signal about it 'Intraday-nya' CAKEP !!   :)

Sent From BullBerry®

“TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never Trade Without Stop Order”

-Original Message-

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 07:04:47 
Subject: [ob] 1 putaran?

Para OB'ers
Apakah sudah ada tanda2 1 putaran?
Bagaimana rencana besok? Apakah hijau royo2?
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

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Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

2009-07-08 Terurut Topik Yuta
Mudah2an. 3 macan Asia, cuma Indonesia yang masih ada political uncertainty. 
Sekarang dengan SBY hampir dipastikan menjadi Presiden kembali, ketiganya sudah 
siap untuk berkontribusi untuk boost spending, ini yg dinantikan oleh world 
market. indikasi decoupling antara Asia dengan US/EUR, mudah2an akan kelihatan 

China sudah break the highest this year. Indonesia menyusul...

-Original Message-

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 09:53:13 
Subject: Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

Yoi.. Makanya saya ada sedikit feeling

World market rebound on re-new optimism cause by Indonesia election.

Kira-kira begitu feeling saya terhadap juga cnbc/bloomberg besok pagi

Ha ha
Lucky berry

-Original Message-
From: Peter Alimin

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 16:50:10 
Subject: RE: [ob] 1 putaran?

Tapi kok aneh ya..
Shanghai SEC tadi pagi sampe -75an, siang2 hasil quick count keluar, tiba2 udah 
+ ditutup -8 doang..
HSI juga..

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 09:44:36 +
Subject: Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

  Tanya, apakah hari kamis ada kemungkinan SELL on NEWS !!!

Kan sebelumnya banyak yg memprediksi kalu No 2 pasti menang.

Crude Oil turun ke 62, CPO dibawah M$2000, DJuscl:IND =185,16

Dow lagi meriang. Eforia pilpres bikin index naik apa tdk riskan

untuk investasi bagi investor baru.

--- In, ueno_kobayashi ueno_kobaya...@... 
wrote: --- In, JTâ„¢ jsxtrader@ wrote:  
 We got strong, very strong signal about it 'Intraday-nya' CAKEP !!   :) 
   Smoga.  Sent From BullBerry®TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never 
Trade Without Stop Order  ---
YES  Cukup satu puteran... Sudah BREAK OUT 
Volume Chart dan semua indikator sudah mendukung TARIK HABIS sampai 
Penutupan BOSS..



See all the ways you can stay connected to friends and family

Re: [ob] Re: IHSG -48 2027 Let#39;s DOEIT...

2009-07-07 Terurut Topik Yuta
Kan Jenderal sudah disuruh Embah untuk kasih instruksi yang tegas dan jelas. 
Jadi contreng yang ditengah itu berarti yang no 2 (dua) ya
Siap!!! Lanjutkan!

-Original Message-
From: artomoro9

Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 01:26:48 
Subject: RE: [ob] Re: IHSG -48 2027 Let#39;s DOEIT...

kata embah, yang KAKI nya merentang berarti nyont**g yang di TENGAH dong...


--- Pada Sel, 7/7/09, JT menulis:

Dari: JT
Topik: RE: [ob] Re: IHSG -48 2027 Let#39;s DOEIT...
Tanggal: Selasa, 7 Juli, 2009, 1:18 AM


Ntar malem mudah-mudahan banyak yg bisa tidur nyenyak dan
pada bisa ‘uptrend’ lagi..., hehehe 



-Original Message-

From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou] On
Behalf Of artomoro9

Sent: 06 Juli 2009 19:38

To: dean.earwicker@

Cc: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: [ob] Re: IHSG -48 2027 Let's DOEIT...



hanya kaga bisa tidur or begadang boss, tapi ti ati kagak bisa ngac**g lg.  ha
ha ha. 



Dean Earwicker wrote:  



Pada bisa tidur nyenyak ga yah nanti malem yg belanja
tadi... taruhan pasti pada begadang ntar malem.. heheh,..  


Regards, DE  






  Sikap Peduli Lingkungan? Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers.

Re: [ob] Tentang Prediksi billy

2009-07-07 Terurut Topik Yuta
Ah siapa bilang tidak bisa satu putaran??? Masyarakat sudah bosan melihat 
penampilan team sukses yang overacting dan suka mendramatisir suasana. 

Segera tutup drama ini dan kita balik ke dunia nyata untuk bekerja. Tidak bisa 
dipungkiri, Presiden yang sekarang masih yang terbaik. Proven, that's the 

-Original Message-
From: Vernichtung

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 10:01:37 
Subject: Re: [ob] Tentang Prediksi billy

1. Hyper? - deflation -- cos there is a recent build up of inventories and
excess production capacity and low demand - as for SEX ... i dont know.
2. Unfavourable election outcome -- has been predicted cos there is a slim
chance that any candidate can attain 50% vote
3. Mounting unemployment -- the US is currently standing at 9.5% with many
states already reporting  a 10+ % of unemployment
4. North Korea missile 'incident' -- not likely to happen cos NK can not
sustain any attack without the backing from Russia and China

It is very interesting that you said certain stock will reach 4xx and the
index will reach an big boost UP while predicting a big drop in the market
for 3rdQ 09, can it create a rally big and fast enough to catch up on the
drop in 3rdQ on the 4thQ?

And yes i would love to see a bear or several bears (the BIGGER the BETTER).

2009/7/4 Elaine Sui

 *Well, at the end I'll beat the crap out of everyone.. lolz.. **[?] No,
 really I want a bear. Wanna see my bear? **[?]. You'll see a bear in this

1. *Hyperdeflation.** Everything will be (and have been) sold at a
discount, clothes, phones, cars, electronics, sex,stocks, debts. Note that
this has slight impact to energy such as coal, oil or palm oil.*
2. *Unfavored election result.** Ah, no comment on this one.*
3. *Mounting unemployment (US  Eurozone).** No jobs means no tax, no
health care, no insurance, no spending. Refer to #1. They will start to 
job in Asia and speak our language. [?]*
4. *North Korea missile 'incident'.** It will be very VERY provocative
to the west. *

 *Long term (2012) is still bullish, IDX still holds as the best performing
 yet volatile market. Short term (3Q09), you'll feel that you're gonna throw
 up on you computer screen. Buy on weakness. I dunno what's gonna happen in
 the future, but better be prepared of anything, as any smart money would
 be. *
 Of course, as always you have the right *not* to follow my advice. It's
 your money, not mine, not my business.


Re: [ob] DPT bermasalah? Pilpres diundur? DPT ditolak KPU : Lanjutkan....Tunjukkan Nasionalisme...

2009-07-05 Terurut Topik Yuta
Nggak tahan ingin komentar. 

Bisa dapat kesan mereka yang sedang mempersoalkan ini cuma cari sensasi dan ada 
maksud terselubung bahwa:
1. Pemerintah Incumbent sengaja memanipulasi data DPT, semestinya ini domain 
2. Takut kalah, jadi misalkan benar kalah bisa mempertegas opini ke rakyat 
bahwa kekalahan tsb ilegal dan kalau menggugat nanti sudah ada preliminery 
3. Numpang promosi, karena kampanya sudah dilarang
4. Whatever-lah, kenapa on last minute mempermasalahkan hal ini? Selama ini 
ngapain aja?

Just them BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...

Sorry, no offense at all, but that's not what we expect from the leaders

Jika nanti terjadi sesuatu yang tidak terduga, pastinya akan membawa kemunduran 
yang signifikan dalam tatanan sosial, politik dan ekonomi.  Believe me


-Original Message-
From: ari alex ari

Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 09:00:35 
Subject: Re: [ob] DPT bermasalah? Pilpres diundur? DPT ditolak KPU : 
LanjutkanTunjukkan Nasionalisme...

Jangan sekali2 berpkir menunda Pilpres, karena dampknya dasyaat.
KPU sebagai otoritas memliki kewenangan melaksankaan Pilpres dengan sukses dan 
demokratis Mari kita dukung pelaksanaan Pilres sesuai Jadwal
Negara RI teramat berharga .

--- On Sun, 5/7/09, Ki Bango Tongtong wrote:

From: Ki Bango Tongtong
Subject: Re: [ob] DPT bermasalah? Pilpres diundur? DPT ditolak KPU : Lanjutkan
Date: Sunday, 5 July, 2009, 10:03 PM

Makasih Siap ember...

Sent from my BullBakrie®
Power by BUMI

From: Bear vs Bull 
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 22:01:45 +0700
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [ob] DPT bermasalah? Pilpres diundur? DPT ditolak KPU : Lanjutkan

Wuahhh kejadian nih sepertinya.. ..hajar AR kiri dulu deh semuanya

On 7/5/09, mail.lieferdian@ mail.lieferdian@ wrote:
 Bodoh sekali rasanya KPU bila data DPT diberikan ke Parpol.
 Tujuannya jelas sekali supaya lebih gampang followup peserta pemilu untuk
 memilih Partainya


 Eddie Lieferdian Hasan

 Sent from Gravitti Technology® Corporate Network

 -Original Message-
 From: Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.

 Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 13:23:34
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: Re: [ob] DPT bermasalah? Pilpres diundur? DPT ditolak KPU :

 DPT ditolak KPU krn datanya tahun 2008 udah basi Pilpres tetap jalan
 sesuai jadwal (baca kompas)

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 -Original Message-
 From: Bear vs Bull rizqi.milist@

 Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 19:54:30
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: Re: [ob] DPT bermasalah? Pilpres diundur?

 Waduuhh...IHSG beneran jadi nih koreksi 200 pts...1800 kah?

 On 7/5/09, Ferry ferry.wachjudi@ wrote:
 Ini didukung oleh 2 kontestan juga (kalau gak salah lho), besok hajar
 kiri aja dech. J

 From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com]
 On Behalf Of Kidod25
 Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 7:32 PM
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: [ob] DPT bermasalah? Pilpres diundur?

 Wacana pilpres diundur karena DPT sptnya bisa terjadi? Lets see

 Sent from my mobile device

  - - --

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Re: [ob] GURITA BISNIS KALLA BROTHERS (Re: Kalau JK menang, ekonomi menghadapi bahaya

2009-06-26 Terurut Topik Yuta
Indonesia sudah terlalu lama digerogoti sama pemimpin yang mementingkan 
bagaimana mengembangkan bisnis pribadi dan keluarga. Di negara manapun, tipe 
pemimpin yang seperti ini hanya terlihat manis diawal, selanjutnya akan lupa 
dan balik ke habitatnya, bahwa bisnis pribadi/keluarga adalah no 1 jika 
mempunyai kekuasaan (jadi pemimpin). 

Pilih pemimpin yang relatif bersih dari vested interest dan kepentingan 
keluarga yang TIDAK mempengaruhi dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan. Pencitraan 
ini penting buat modal awal ekonomi kita melangkah lebih maju lagi. 

-Original Message-

Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 19:53:15 
Subject: [ob] GURITA BISNIS KALLA BROTHERS (Re: Kalau JK menang, ekonomi 
menghadapi bahaya

-- Forwarded message --
From: wulan antasari wulanantas...@...
Date: 2009/6/26
Subject: Gurita Bisnis Kalla Bersaudara
To: wulanantas...@...

Gurita Bisnis Kalla Bersaudara


Kepentingan JK tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kepentingan ekspansi bisnis keluarga 
besarnya, karena Indonesia tidak punya peraturan yang melarang konflik 
kepentingan jabatan publik dengan kepentingan bisnis pribadi dan keluarga serta 

Profil Usaha
Ada empat kelompok perusahaan yang dikuasai oleh JK (kelompok Bukaka  Hadji 
Kalla), iparnya, Aksa Mahmud yang Wakil Ketua MPR-RI (kelompok Bosowa), dan 
adiknya, Halim Kalla (kelompok Intim). 

Beberapa perusahaannya yang dikenal publik antara lain: Bhakti Centra Baru 
(Bukaka Agro; Bukaka Asia Investment Ptd; Bukaka Barelang Energy (BBE); Bukaka 
Building Construction; Bukaka Investindo; Bukaka Marga Utama (membangun dan 
mengelola Ciawi - Sukabumi toll road, Pasuruan - Probolinggo tol road); Bukaka 
Meat; Bukaka Teknik Utama (yang antara lain meliputi Bukaka Singtel (sudah 
dilego karena gagal memenuhi komitmen pemasangan telepon terhadap Telkom), Bumi 
Karsa,  Duta Agro Sulawesi,  Haji Kalla Trading Company, NV, Kalla Inti Karsa; 
Mal Ratu Indah, Makassar;  Kalla Lines. 

Track Record: 

Pada krisis 1997/1998, Grup Bukaka Termasuk 20 debitur kakap yang mengemplang 
ke Bank-Bank BUMN yang mengakibatkan bank-bank plat merah kolaps. Sebagaimana 
debitor lainnya, Bukaka juga `memaksa' mendapatkan hair-cut dalam jumlah yang 
sangat fantastis.

Sejak 2005, Bukaka dan Bosowa menjadi `beban' bagi Bank BUMN seperti Mandiri. 
Kredit macet mereka terbilang tinggi yang memaksa bank-bank plat merah baru ini 
menyisihkan pencadangan, dan termasuk merestrukturisasi utang-utang tersebut. 
Bukaka Teknik Utama tercatat menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas (35%) PT 
Trans-Jawa Paspro Jalan Tol. Yang memegang konsesi jalan  tol 
Pasuruan-Probolinggo.  Lantaran tak mampu memenuhi kewajiban berupa jaminan 
pelaksanaan, dana tanah, dan financial closed yang deadlinenya 30 Juni 2008. 
Karena wan prestasi, akhirnya konsesi itu dilego ke kelompok usaha bakrie. 

Bukaka tercatat di Bursa Efek Jakarta. Tapi, lantaran laporan keuangannya 
selalu disclaimer selama bertahun-tahun, akhir Bursa Efek Indonesia 
mendelistingnya dari pasar saham. (Pada saat kampanye pilpres 2009, Kalla 
dengan sinisnya bilang, Pasar modal adalah sarang neolib.). 

Profil Proyek: Intervensi dan Benturan Kepentingan

Sejak menjadi wapres, Kalla bersaudara semakin kebanjiran order. Salah satunya 
adalah pembangunan PLTA. 

Di Sulawesi Selatan: Bukaka mendapat order pembangunan PLTA di Ussu  di 
Kabupaten Luwu' Timur, berkapasitas 620 MW; sebuah PLTA senilai Rp 1,44 trilyun 
di Pinrang; sebuah PLTA kecil berkapasitas 1 MW di Desa Mappung, Tompobutu, di 
perbatasan Kabupaten Gowa dan Sinjai, sebuah PLTA berskala menengah 
berkapasitas 8 MW di Bantaeng, serta sebuah PLTA kecil di Salu Anoa di 
Mungkutana, Kabupaten Luwu' Utara. Saat ini, Bukaka sedang membangun PLTA 
dengan tiga turbin di Sungai Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, yang akan berkapasitas 
total 780 MW. Di Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara, Bukaka mendapat order pembangunan 
PLTA berkapasitas 25 MW.  Selain ditengarai memainkan pengaruh kekuasaan untuk 
mendapatkan bisnis ini, pelaksanaannya pun kerap melanggar aturan.  PLTA Poso, 
misalnya, mulai dibangun sebelum ada AMDAL yang memenuhi syarat. (Juga jaringan 
SUTET-nya ke Sulawesi Selatan  Tenggara dibangun tanpa AMDAL).
di Sumatera Utara, kelompok yang dipimpin Achmad Kalla, adik kandung Wakil 
Presiden mendapat order pembangunan PLTA di Pintu Pohan, atau PLTA Asahan III 
berkapasitas 200 MW serta PLTA Sibaho di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan. Untuk 
itu, Bukaka sudah melakukan pembebasan lahan, tapi proyeknya kemudian diambil 
alih oleh PLN.
Selain itu,  Bukaka juga terlibat dalam pembangunan pipa gas alam oleh PT 
Bukaka Barelang Energy senilai US$ 750 juta – setara dengan Rp 7,5 trilyun – 
yang akan terentang dari Pagar Dea, Sumatera Selatan, ke Batam; pembangunan 
pembangkit listrik tenaga gas (PLTG) senilai US$ 92 juta – atau Rp 920 milyar – 
di Pulau Sembilang, dekat Batam; pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga 

Re: [ob] fed naikin rate?

2009-06-24 Terurut Topik Yuta
Masih terlalu premature untuk naikin rate. Masih ada strategi selalin menaikkan 
rate. Kenaikan rate hanya akan memperburuk keadaan, terutama housing. Sudah 
bisa terbaca dengan komoditas dan euro yg naik. Disclaimer. 
-Original Message-
From: Kidod25

Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 07:46:03 
Subject: Re: [ob] fed naikin rate?

pada masa stagnan dgn artian rate tetap ga naik atau turun, apabila fed 
dinaikan atau turun akan memberikan respon siknifikan. lihat aja nanti malam 
dan apa yg terjadi besok pada IHSG

--- In, Ferry ferry.wachj...@... wrote:

 Memang kalau mereka naikin rate artinya apa sich?
 Terus.ekonomi mereka sudah recover belum ya?
 From: []
 On Behalf Of Thomas Frederick
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 2:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [ob] fed naikin rate?
 (24/6) - Bank sentral AS diprediksi akan tetap mempertahankan kebijakan
 suku bunga rendah untuk meyakinkan investor bahwa suku bunga akan tetap
 agar tak memicu inflasi. Pertemuan dua hari Fed diprediksi akan fokus pada
 konsumen. FOMC akan mengeluarkan pernyataannya pada sekitar jam 2:15 rabu 
 waktu Washington.
 Thank You! 
 ThomaS FredericK
 --- On Wed, 6/24/09, Kidod25 kido...@... wrote:
 From: Kidod25 kido...@...
 Subject: [ob] fed naikin rate?
 Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 2:06 AM
 http://www.dailyfx.  com/charts/
 kalau dari atas maka fed bisa aja naikin rate agar usd naik dan uang masuk
 lagi ke us. tapi kalau us melemah akan inflasi dan menguntungkan buat
 tapi bubble komo kemarin disebabkan greenspan ngejar pertumbuhan dengan buat
 rate rendah, ...

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Re: [ob] Watchout for traders and investors...

2009-06-23 Terurut Topik Yuta
Dear Pak Tom,

Apa Germany Manufacturing/Purchasing Index sudah direlease (market sudah buka)? 
Bagaimana hasilnya?

-Original Message-
From: Tom DS

Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 08:23:11 
To: obrolan-bandar;;;;
Subject: [ob] Watchout for traders and investors...

*Watchout for traders and investors...*
*- Germany Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) will be released
today, market consensus is 40.9 (last month 39.6).*
*- Germany Purchasing Managers Index services will be released today, market
consensus is 46.0 (last month 45.2).*
*- US Existing Home Sales will be released today, market consensus is 4.8M
(last month 4.68M).*
*- US Housing Price Index will be released today, market consensus is -0.3%
(last month -1.1%).*
*- US Durable Goods Orders will be released tomorrow, market consensus
is -0.9%.*
*- US Fed interest rate will be released tomorrow, market consensus is to
maintain 0.25%.*
*- US Core Personal Consumption Expenditure and GDP will be released 25 June
*- BUMI extraordinary AGM will be held 26 June.*
*If the Fed try to appreciate US$ by increasing current 0.25% rate,
commodity sector will definitely plunge once again.*
*Special for BUMI investor, do not sell below 1600 today...*
*For new trader, if you are not as best as Pak Tasrul, or JT, you better
take no action today. For long-term investor, this could be one good time to

Re: [ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Yuta

Mencoba untuk ikut sumbang pendapat. 

Setuju bahwa BD sendiri lagi bingung market mau kemana. Kalau diturunkan, BD 
bisa hilang barang. Sebaliknya kalau dinaikkan, situasi EEM masih belum 

Kalau melihat news, sekarang pendapat bullish dan bearish sudah mulai seimbang. 
Sedangkan tanda2 ekonomi sudah mulai membaik, menjadi kian nyata. 

Jadi, tergantung bagaimana posisi dari BD di masing2 saham akan menentukan arah 
IHSG kedepan. Saya tebak, BD lagi bermain 2 kaki, pasang kuda2 untuk siap 
antisipasi arah market. jika masih sedikit belanja, saham akan diturunkan. 
Sebaliknya jika sudah loaded banyak, saham tsb akan dijaga agar tidak turun 
banyak jika koreksi. 

Formasi V, menurut saya salah satu cara BD untuk test the water bagaimana 
reaksi market untuk memprediksi supply/demand dan yg penting untuk mengatur 
strategi ke depan. 

Singkatnya, menurut saya, setiap koreksi ke depan, merupakan buying 


-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:41:49 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical

--- In, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:

 Bukannya Mbah ada bilang kalo sesi 2 Jum'at kemarin index naik banyak
 berarti bandar beli...

Bandar beli tapi belon banyak:
- Kalo dia beli banyak , dia akan berusaha MENUTUPInya 
  dengan menurunkan UNVR dan bukan menaikannya pada menit
  terakhir sebelum closing.

Dan yg lebih penting adalah Formasi V daripada masalah BD udah 
beli atau belum karena pada Formasi V, trader umumnya engga punya
barang dengan modal murah.

Sehabis formasi V yg BERAT (mirip G-string):
- Jika IHSG diangkat  maka trader dan BD sama sama rebutan BUY.
- Jika IHSG diturunin, BD bisa sell tanpa saingan karena
  trader sedikit yg punya barang dengan modal rendah.

Jadi IHSG akan menjadi RINGAN dan LIAR...

 2009/6/20 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  --- In,
  Yudizz yudizz28@ wrote:
   Mbah, newbie mau tanya.
   Kejadian 2 hari terakhir, yang bisa kita sebut sebagai fase FORCED CUT
   apakah Embah mendeteksi BD melakukan re-akumulasi? Atau mereka justru
   nge-DUMP barang doang?
  - Hari Kamis jelas distribusi sambil maksa orang Cut Loss, tapi
  investor yg ikut distribusi juga ada karena Trigger jebolnya
  formasi Head and Shoulder. Ini tentunya membuat kepanikan
  dimana index turun dalam dalam waktu yg singkat.
  - Tapi kemungkinan BD dan Investor yg pasang ember pada Uptrend
  Support juga pasti ada, sehingga pada level 1940 rebound.
  - Pada hari Jumat, index digocek dengan HEBAT, artinya banyak
  trader yg TERLEMPAR dari kereta. Dan yg mendapat muntahannya
  tentu investor jangka panjang dan BD. Tapi BD saat menggocek
  kebawah tentu akan kehilangan barang lagi.
  - Saat IHSG rebound tentu BD akan beli tapi pasti tidak bisa
  banyak. Sifat index adalah elastis dan akan membal sehabis
  penurunan dalam. Jadi tanpa dibeli BD pun, otomatis index
  akan rebound jika BD tidak pasang MUKA di posisi offer.
  - Jadi kesimpulannya: BD belum beli banyak
  - Faktor lainnya: Karena trader banyak yg Cut Loss pada Formasi
  V maka IHSG akan menjadi Ringan dan Liar. IHSG akan mudah
  diangkat oleh BD tapi bisa juga digebug lagi karena BD belum
  banyak belanja. Jadi gerakan hari Senin akan susah ditebak
  tapi sepertinya akan mengikuti gerakan index regional Asia.
   Kalo logika investor awam, posisi dekat uptrend itu kan sebenarnya level
   yang baik untuk reload portofolio?
   Trims sebelumnya.
   Powered by BEI Berbullish™
   May The BULL Be With You
   On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
   Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 6:38 PM
   Subject: [ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical
   IHSG: Marketwise Technical
   Terlampir analisa IHSG, uraiannya ada pada gambar:

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Re: [ob] Re: MBAH Apakah BNBR action tadi = sabetan terakhir?

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik Yuta
Make sense, supaya kelihatan turun dengan volume untuk triger panic selling, 
padahal diam2 smart money mulai belanja...

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 11:40:49 
Subject: [ob] Re: MBAH Apakah BNBR action tadi = sabetan terakhir?

Buat nge-gemukin volume IHSG, jadinya di chart kelihatan turun dengan
volume lumayan gede. Padahal 1/3 volume IHSG hari ini isinya BNBR.



--- In, jsx_consultant
jsx-consult...@... wrote:

 --- In, Thomas Frederick
thomaszone_2000@ wrote:
  MBAH Apakah BNBR action tadi bisa diartikan sabetan terakhir?

 Skalanya terlalu kecil buat disebut sabetan terkahir.

 Kenaikan BNBR tadi lebih DIARAHKAN untuk mempengaruhi psikologi

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Re: [ob] Efek bumi?

2009-06-11 Terurut Topik Yuta
Kalau ada yang punya akses/sources ke pusat informasi trading oil 
international, mungkin bisa dishare, jangan2 kenaikan oil sekarang ini bukan 
karena spekulasi, tetapi bisa jadi push up demand karena ekonomi sudah mulai 
bergerak sedangkan inventory masih belum mengimbangi karena banyak oil refinery 
yg mengurangi produksi sewaktu dulu oil usd 35-40. 

Jika benar demikian, bisa saja IHSG naik terus... Apalagi jika SBY menang 1 

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Frederick

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 09:12:21 
Subject: Re: [ob] Efek bumi?

SAYA inget beberapa minggu lalu, kalo ngga salah trigger oil naik pada saat itu 
yang pertama karena sunoco philips company kena kebakaran dan stop produksi di 
salah satu oil rignya... dan kedua alasannya karena serangan nigeria (CMIIW)...
ada yang tau apakah ada news bahwa sunoco company itu sudah selesai masalh 
apakah itu yang akan jadi triggger oil turun kembali.. as we can see oil masih 
naik lagi malam ini.

Thank You! 
ThomaS FredericK

--- On Thu, 6/11/09, jsx_consultant wrote:

From: jsx_consultant
Subject: Re: [ob] Efek bumi?
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 11:05 AM

Dulu ketika IHSG turun, index sectoral mining malah naek terus
akibat ulah BUMI...

Apakah akan berulang ?. 
- Tergantung harga minyak naik sampe berapa.. 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Andre Andre andre...@.. . wrote:

 Yg saya tau weightnya pernah sampai 5% k index
 GBU all

 From: artomoro9 artomo...@. ..
 To: Obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com Obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:46:42 PM
 Subject: [ob] Efek bumi?
 Ada yg pernah/bisa hitung efek bumi ke saham laen atau ke ihsg?
 Berbagi video sambil chatting dengan teman di Messenger. Sekarang bisa dengan 
 Yahoo! Messenger baru. http://id.messenger


[ob] Investigators warn bank stress tests not enough

2009-06-09 Terurut Topik Yuta
Apa jadinya kalau stress test di US dinyatakan tidak valid oleh kongress dan 
harus diulang. Sepertinya ada tarik menarik kepentingan karena beberapa bank 
sudah dinyatakan OK hari ini untuk membayar TARP. Jika stress test benar harus 
diulang dan ini benar2 terjadi ??.

Investigators warn bank stress tests not enough

Congressionally appointed panel overseeing bailout warns that bank stress tests 
not enough 

Anne Flaherty, Associated Press Writer

On Tuesday June 9, 2009, 11:29 am EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A government test of whether 19 major banks could survive a 
further downturn in the economy may have relied on too rosy a scenario and 
should be repeated, independent investigators say.

In a report released Tuesday, the Congressional Oversight Panel for the 
government's $700 billion financial rescue effort found that the Federal 
Reserve used a conservative and reasonable approach to assessing the health 
of the nation's biggest banks.

But, the panel added, the Fed's worst-case scenario does not go far enough. For 
example, the stress tests conducted by the Fed were based on the 2009 
unemployment rate average of 8.9 percent. Unemployment in May climbed to 9.4 

While no one should gainsay the potentially positive results of the tests, it 
would be equally unwise to think that those results reflect a diagnosis of all 
of the potential weaknesses or create a necessarily sufficient buffer against 
future reverses for the banking system, the panel wrote.

Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard University law professor who heads the panel, 
told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Fed should release more details about how it 
conducted the tests.

Without this information, it is not possible for anyone to replicate the tests 
to determine how robust they are or to vary the assumptions to see whether 
different projections might yield very different results, Warren told the 
Joint Economic Committee.

Last month, the Fed found that 10 of the 19 banks needed additional capital. 
Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo are among the banks told to boost 
capital by a total of $75 billion to cover potential losses.

Fed officials said Monday that plans submitted by those banks, if implemented, 
would be enough to help them survive a deeper recession.

The Congressional Oversight Panel says that additional capital held by the 
banks should not be interpreted as an end to the financial crisis.

The panel recommended that the Fed repeat stress testing so long as banks 
continue to hold large amounts of bad debt on their books. The panel also 
suggests that banks be required to run their own internal stress tests and 
share those results with federal regulators.

Last fall, the Treasury Department created the $700 billion Troubled Asset 
Relief Program to encourage banks to start lending again amid the darkest days 
of the financial crisis.

Some of the banks that received the aid now want to start paying it back. On 
Tuesday, the Treasury Department announced that it had approved 10 banks to 
repay $68 billion.

Congressional Republicans this week pressed the administration to use the money 
to pay down the national debt, instead of holding on to it for future potential 

Republican Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas introduced legislation that calls for 
shutting down TARP payments by the end of the year.

TARP is increasingly not being a vehicle for economic stability and taxpayer 
protection, but is evolving into a $700 billion revolving slush fund that the 
administration can use to advance economic, social and political agenda items 
far and apart from what TARP was ever designed to do, Hensarling told 

Re: Bls: [ob] AYO... kalahkan ITALY..!

2009-06-06 Terurut Topik Yuta
Sudah done. Moga2 pengumuman hasilnya tidak diundur seperti MxPPx...

-Original Message-
From: fifi young

Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 11:23:45 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] AYO... kalahkan ITALY..!

*Tidak perlu klik yang lain2, begitu muncul foto, cari BORA BORA 45,
lalu klik VOTA... it's DONE.

  Bisa terangkan step by step klik nya? Saya bingung bahasanya ruwet

 Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung

 *From*: Aria Bela Nusa
 *Date*: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 08:43:01 +0700
 *Subject*: RE: Bls: [ob] AYO... kalahkan ITALY..!


 * *


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Peter Alimin
 *Sent:* Sunday, June 07, 2009 8:08 AM
 *Subject:* Re: Bls: [ob] AYO... kalahkan ITALY..!

 udah 287, ayo goreng terus
 --- In,
 LSL888 adhityaleona...@... wrote:
  Done...Ayo Teman2, kita buat AR Kanan, butuh 70 suara lagi, skrg 281.
  Bravo Bora Bora 45..Merdeka
  Vini Vidi Vici
  Dari: fifi young fifiyoun...@...
  Terkirim: Minggu, 7 Juni, 2009 03:05:19
  Topik: [ob] AYO... kalahkan ITALY..!
  1-1-nya orang Indonesia yg ikut kompetisi di Italy...!
  BUMI dari 50 bisa ke 8000-an
  VOTE Chesa juga bisa ke 8000-an...!
  Bikin orang Italy MELONGO dong...!
  Teman-Teman,pleaseVOTE Chesa agar ia bisa mengalahkan team Italy...!
  Caranya VOTE: klik link dibawah ini:
  http://www.investin yourlove. it/index. php?option=com_
  pilih BORA BORA 45, lihat foto Chesa e Angela, lalu klik VOTA.
  Ayo dong..., please, please, karena waktu hanya tinggal 3 hari lagi.
  ~ Chesa is a fun girl, very outgoing personality. She studied and work in
 Milan - Italy.
  You can add her as friend on FB. Her full name is Chesa Darmodihardjo.
  Because it is our dream which can be reached only with your support!!!
 Vote at http://www.investin yourlove. it/index. php?option=com_
  This event is planned to start at 9:15 pm on May 14, 2009 at World!
  Ayo dong..., please, please, please.
  Selalu bisa chat di profil jaringan, blog, atau situs web pribadi! Yahoo!
 memungkinkan Anda selalu bisa chat melalui Pingbox. Coba!

Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

2009-06-05 Terurut Topik Yuta
Bisa tambahkan JCI:IND di mystocks untuk IHSG. Tetapi untuk IDR, saya juga 
belum ketemu. 

-Original Message-
From: Ricky Wakiman

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 22:05:16 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Aplikasi ini bagus banget. Sayang gak ada data  IHSG ama USD-IDR. Saya udah 
complain ke mereka lewat e-mail yang tersedia. Payah deh, negara dengan 
economic growth No. 3 di dunia nggak dianggep.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Bli Indra

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 17:02:03 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Silahkan download yah...

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Q-Trivela

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 21:19:16 
Subject: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Dear all,

Link buat download App Bloomberg untuk BlackBerry apa yah?
Kl ga salah wkt itu prof JT pernah menginformasikannya, bisa dishare lagi ?
Thanks all..

Re: Bls: [ob] update ihsg

2009-06-05 Terurut Topik Yuta
Bagaimana kalau terjadi scenario berikut di US ya?
Current Conditions:
1. Yield bonds 30y  10y  2y, menandakan ekspektasi inflasi ke depan akan naik 
2. Inflasi juga pasti naik jika harga komo (oil) terus naik

Untuk meredam (future) inflation ini, salah satu jalan tradisional (yang 
ditakutkan) adalah The Fed akan menaikkan rate. 

Kalau scenario ini (misalkan) terjadi, apakah akan terjadi proses sbb:
Fed rate naik - USD stronger - stock/komo melemah?

Yield 10y, kalau tidak salah di 3.83%, sedangkan bunga Fed hanya 0.25%. Jadi 
ada deficit sekitar 3.6% lagi. 

Minta input dari rekan yang jago ekonomi, Pak DE, Pak Hendra dll. 

-Original Message-
From: swan silo

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 01:55:51 
Subject: Bls: [ob] update ihsg

faktor fundamental ekonomi kyknya lbh pengaruh drpd teknikal makanya idx naik 

Dari: James Arifin
Terkirim: Jumat, 5 Juni, 2009 14:44:01
Topik: Re: [ob] update ihsg

Nggak juga lah .. itu target maximal. Resist IHSG khan sudah kelihatan di 2100 
so complete minor wavenya maka lanjutnya yah minor correction wave dan target 
1600 masih reasonable apalagi kalau IHSG dipaksa ke 2200 maka FIBO 50% akan 
jauh di sekitar 1600an

2009/6/5 Frendy wildwildwest84@

waduh om, udah cuci gudang dari bulan 
laluhehehehe. .
tapi 1600 nya tinggal MIMPI kata 
gimana om JA ?
- Original Message - 
From: James  Arifin 
To: obrolan-bandar yahoogroups 
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 10:34 
Subject: [ob] update ihsg

Nih update chart IHSG per hari kemarin. 

Hayo BOZZ paksain lagi market  sudah saatnya koreksi mau dipaksa juga  
tetap kudu koreksi. IHSG tetap harus turun dulu dengan target maximal  1600



  Cepat, Bebas Iklan, Kapasitas Tanpa Batas - Dengan Yahoo! Mail Anda bisa 
mendapatkan semuanya.

Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

2009-06-05 Terurut Topik Yuta
Bisa ditambahkan juga “MXEF:IND untuk emerging market dan VIX:IND“ untuk 
volatility index. 

Index2 penting yang lain, masih belum ketemu. Keep searching

-Original Message-
From: Ricky Wakiman

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 00:26:58 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Done. Thanks a lot, Pak Yuta. Aplikasi ini tambah luar biasa aja. Tinggal 
tambah USD IDR, excellent dah.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Yuta

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 00:20:34 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Bisa tambahkan JCI:IND di mystocks untuk IHSG. Tetapi untuk IDR, saya juga 
belum ketemu. 

-Original Message-
From: Ricky Wakiman

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 22:05:16 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Aplikasi ini bagus banget. Sayang gak ada data  IHSG ama USD-IDR. Saya udah 
complain ke mereka lewat e-mail yang tersedia. Payah deh, negara dengan 
economic growth No. 3 di dunia nggak dianggep.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Bli Indra

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 17:02:03 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Silahkan download yah...

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Q-Trivela

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 21:19:16 
Subject: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Dear all,

Link buat download App Bloomberg untuk BlackBerry apa yah?
Kl ga salah wkt itu prof JT pernah menginformasikannya, bisa dishare lagi ?
Thanks all..

Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

2009-06-05 Terurut Topik Yuta
Pastinya ada delay, tapi cukup efektif untuk monitor pergerakan saham jika anda 
investor. Ada chart intra day juga. 

Kalau real time harus join IPOT atau Poems. 

-Original Message-
From: re...@trade

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 02:05:47 
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Mau tanya Pak, utk JKSE yg ada di bloomberg app ini apa realtime? Thanks
Sent from TradingBerry®
sponsored by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Yuta

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 00:40:00 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Bisa ditambahkan juga “MXEF:IND untuk emerging market dan VIX:IND“ untuk 
volatility index. 

Index2 penting yang lain, masih belum ketemu. Keep searching

-Original Message-
From: Ricky Wakiman

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 00:26:58 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Done. Thanks a lot, Pak Yuta. Aplikasi ini tambah luar biasa aja. Tinggal 
tambah USD IDR, excellent dah.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Yuta

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 00:20:34 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Bisa tambahkan JCI:IND di mystocks untuk IHSG. Tetapi untuk IDR, saya juga 
belum ketemu. 

-Original Message-
From: Ricky Wakiman

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 22:05:16 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Aplikasi ini bagus banget. Sayang gak ada data  IHSG ama USD-IDR. Saya udah 
complain ke mereka lewat e-mail yang tersedia. Payah deh, negara dengan 
economic growth No. 3 di dunia nggak dianggep.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Bli Indra

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 17:02:03 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Silahkan download yah...

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Q-Trivela

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 21:19:16 
Subject: [ob] Tanya Link Bloomberg BlackBerry

Dear all,

Link buat download App Bloomberg untuk BlackBerry apa yah?
Kl ga salah wkt itu prof JT pernah menginformasikannya, bisa dishare lagi ?
Thanks all..

Re: [ob] Dana raksasa dari mana?

2009-06-04 Terurut Topik Yuta
Ikut nyumbang opini. 

Crash saham Emerging market boleh dibilang gongnya sewaktu Lehman bangkrut, 
karena banyak porto Lehman di negara berkembang terutama komoditas harus pulang 
kandang. Ini diikuti oleh big FM lainnya, dan mereka belikan USD, Yen dan gold. 

Sekarang likuiditas sudah tidak ketat dan dengan melemahnya USD, dana yg 
diparkir ini tentu harus mencari ranah baru untuk mendapatkan imbal hasil yg 
lebih bagus. Dana2 tsb mulai belikan real komoditas, options dan juga berangsur 
masuk ke emerging market yang sahamnya overweight ke komo, seperti Indonesia. 

Pendapat saya, sepanjang tidak terjadi sesuatu yang mengkhawatirkan di negara 
asal (amati pergerakan Dow Jones, USD index, oil) dan dinegara emerging 
(polhukam), dana2 tsb belum balik badan (long) di emerging market. 


-Original Message-
From: Ricky Wakiman

Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 13:42:46 
To: Milis
Subject: [ob] Dana raksasa dari mana?

Indeks saham katanya adalah leading indikator dari konjungtur ekonomi. Indeks 
merespons tanda-tanda awal kejatuhan atau kebangkitan ekonomi, resesi atau 

Saat ini indeks merespons tanda-tanda recovery setelah resesi yang konon paling 
parah sejak depresi besar tahun 30-an. Makanya indeks naik terus. Orang pada 
cepet-cepetan beli saham karena takut kalo ekonomi bener-bener pulih, harga 
saham sudah ada di langit.

Tapi responsnya kok kayaknya  agak kebablasan. Menurut saya, ini lebih karena 
ekses likuiditas. Tiba-tiba ada dana raksasa yang muncul begitu saja kayak 
tsunami dan membeli apa saja: saham, SUN, komoditi dll.  Anehnya, dana ratusan 
trilyun ini gak jelas pada ke mana waktu  credit crunch kemarin, yang 
mengakibatkan bank-bank raksasa bergelimpangan kekurangan likuiditas.  Sekali 
lagi, gak habis pikir, beberapa bulan lalu dana ini diparkir di mana? Bawah 

Mohon pencerahannya.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

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Re: [ob] 09:15 Milis ada gangguan ?

2009-06-03 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano

Hampir semua indikator yang support IHSG berbalik drastis dan cukup
mengkhawatirkan (jam 20:51)
BRIC - index Brazil -3.5%!!  Rusia -4.5%!!!
Emerging market index -0.83%
Oil -2.3%
VIX +3.3%!!
Euro melemah
Metal -1% s/d -2%

Tanda apa ini?

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Embah wrote:


 Eropa udah merah tebel... kacao dah.

  - Original Message -
 *From:* jsx_consultant
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 03, 2009 9:17 AM
 *Subject:* [ob] 09:15 Milis ada gangguan ?

  09:15 Milis ada gangguan ?

 Posting embah kok engga mau muncul ?

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Re: SCENARIO BESAR.........Re: [ob] Deviden Info

2009-05-30 Terurut Topik Yuta
Mbah, newbie ikut sumbang analisa. 

Sepertinya posting Ratu Sima harus ikut dipertimbangkan:

Target RS pasti BG:
- ride to the fullest and slam it down: pola bearish wedge, dan kalau support 
jebol, bisa balik ke inverted HnS (1600an) atau double bottom (1100an)
- from earth back to where it belong: bisa berarti saham bangkai akan balik 
ke asal, bisa juga berarti BUMI akan di smack down
- timing lihat DJ, kalau ada pergerakan signifikan (baik naik atau turun). 
Sekarang masih pending karena terlalu banyak berita positif: oil, euro, 
komoditas hampir semua new high di tahun ini
- dulu waktu RS posting di bulan Mar kalau tidak salah judulnya lembu 
sengkilan, dia bilang group Astra akan ditarik sementara BUMI akan ngangiring 
penganten. Ternyata memang kenyataan...jadi setuju ada korelasi positif 
(convergence) antara group Astra dengan BUMI

Jadi, singkatnya, bulan Juni ini akan ada sesuatu yg besar akan terjadi, sesuai 
dengan pikiran Mbah. Apakah Senin? Maybe...

Tebakan saya untuk Senin, trader akan dibuat buntung. 

Maaf kalau analisa daydream dan too plain. 

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant

Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 03:47:11 
Subject: SCENARIO BESAR.Re: [ob] Deviden Info

Ngomongin IHSG buat hari Senin itu engga terlalu perlu karena
HAJATAN hari Senin itu adalah group Bakrie, kalo Bakrie naik
otomatis IHSG naik, kalo Bakrie turun IHSG turun...

IHSG itu cuman dimainkan untuk CONDITIONING menghadapi HAJATAN
group Bakrie:
- Liat aja kemarin. IHSG dinaekin ampe HIGH 1942 +40 point lalu
  diturunin ampe LOW 1903 +1. TANPA ADA BERITA APA APA, dan
  dibuat melawan  ARUS index regional !!!
  IHSG cuman PELENGKAP PENYERTA, engga usah dianalisa !!! buang
  waktu doang.

Tapi coba perhatikan SCORE individual stock sehabis BADAI INI:


Jadi TARGET sudah ditentukan yaitu group Bakrie, anda tinggal
menebak: UNTUNG GEDE atau BUNTUNG... as simple as that...

Tinggal pasang TAROHAN... as simple as that... hehehe...

--- In, Matt Nowo inf...@... wrote:

 Newbie ndeso boleh ikut nebak mbah? 
 Tebakan saya, senin besok: Business as usual alias NORMAL ajaa, dhi indeks 
 bergerak plus minus 2%. Kenapa? Imho, tidak ada info/sentimen yg signifikan.
 Untuk individual saham, mungkin saja BUMI n TRUB bergerak TIDAK BIASA. 
 Kenapa? Monggo para senior yg memberikan alasannya.
 Salam newbie ndeso 
 Sent from my BearBerry®
 powered by ISAT  TLKM
 -Original Message-
 From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 02:06:22 
 Subject: SCENARIO BESAR.Re: [ob] Deviden Info
 Edan, pak Halim udah kirim 13 posting padahal baru jam 8:45 pagi
 Makin banyak yg aneh aja
 Embah sebagai pemerhati perilaku didalam context bursa,lebih merhatikan 
 jumlah posting pak Hmin daripada baca isinya, jadi
 jangan dianggap menyinggung yah pak Halim, ini memang bagian
 dari kerjaan embah.
 Teka teki BUMI dan ASII turun bersama masih embah pikirin.
 LQ45 dibabat padahal INDEX lagi mulai mau diajak main.
 DJI naik lagi, SENIN naga naganya bakal ada SCENARIO BESAR !!!
 Pak Halim, kalo kemarin trader banyak yg buntung kena badai
 LQ45. Kalo Senin tebak yg mana:
 1. Trader untung GEDE.
 2. Trader dibuntungin.
 Kita punya Sabtu dan Minggu untuk memecahkan TEKA TEKIN INI...
 --- In, Cougar Boy boysngirls@ wrote:
  Saya sih berharap sangat saya salah :DMasih mau beli gold lagi kalau turun.
  cuman feeling gak enak aja :D
  Still can't shake off my bear mind.
  Perbankan adalah sektor paling gampang markup..apalagi aturan mark to market
  sudah dihapus sejak October 2008.
  2009/5/30 iffan.liem@
Maaf Pak Hmin,
   Sy agak kurang setuju dgn pernyataan kalo krisis baru mulai di emerging
   Hampir semua indikator ekonomi di indonesia malah menunjukkan hal2 yg
   Rp menguat, Cadangan Devisa menguat, inflasi terkendali, GDP tumbuh, suku
   bunga menurun, proyek infrastruktur mulai berjalan, indikator penjualan
   (kecuali automotive) sudah lebih baik dari periode sama tahun lalu..Buying
   power konsumen periode januari-Mei malah sy rasakan membaik bulan demi
   bulan..Ini juga terlihat dari pengucuran kredit dari perusahaan2 
   dimana mereka mengatakan semakin membaik dan meningkat bulan ke bulan.
   Sy pribadi optimis di indonesia akan sangat kuat selama faktor politik
   terjaga dan pemilihan presiden berlangsung baik dan sesuai keinginan pasar
   dan rakyat.
   Bahkan byk perusahaan asing yg sdh siap2 menambah investasi di indonesia
   (termasuk perusahaan dimana sy bekerja) ketika pemilu ini selesai dgn aman
   dan baik.
   Dari perpajakan pun, skrg sdh jauh lebih baik, walau masih jauh dari
   sempurna, namun sumber pendapatan pemerintah melalui pajak akan tumbuh

[ob] Unemployment Probably Topped 9% in May: U.S. Economy Preview

2009-05-30 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
*Mulai keluar berita jelek untuk minggu depan...*

Unemployment Probably Topped 9% in May: U.S. Economy Preview
By Shobhana Chandra

May 31 (Bloomberg) -- *Unemployment in the U.S. probably surpassed 9 percent
in May for the first time in more than 25 years*, underscoring forecasts
that the economy will be slow to pull out of the worst recession in half a
century, economists said before a report this week.

The jobless rate to 9.2
*the highest level since September 1983*, according to the median estimate
in a Bloomberg News survey ahead of the Labor Department’s *June 5* report.
Other data may show manufacturing and service industries shrank at a slower
pace and consumer spending dropped.

“The economy is decaying at a slower rate and that is the best you can say,”
said Steven 
chief economist at Mizuho Securities USA Inc. in New York. “I can’t tell you
we are out of the woods yet.”

*Economists forecast the jobless rate will head to almost 10 percent by the
end of the year*, depriving Americans of the income needed to propel
spending and stoke a vigorous recovery. Access to credit will likely also be
limited as record defaults and foreclosures make banks reluctant to lend.

The unemployment rate is predicted to rise from 8.9 percent in April.
Payrolls probably fell by 521,000 this month after declining by 539,000 in
April, the survey also showed. Job losses peaked at 741,000 in January, the
most since 1949.

The economy has lost 5.7 million jobs since the recession began in December
2007, the most of any economic slump in the post-World War II era.

Auto Slump

Restructuring at automakers including General Motors
Corp. Chrysler
LLC may generate more job losses. AutoNation
Inc., the largest U.S.
new-vehicle retailer, has said it will close seven showrooms in line with
bankrupt Chrysler’s termination of 789 dealerships.

Economists project the Labor report will show
payrolls by 150,000 in May, after slashing them by 149,000 in April.

Workforce reductions aren’t limited to the auto industry. American Express
Co., the largest U.S.
credit-card company by purchases, said on May 18 it will cut 4,000 positions
as cardholders squeezed by rising unemployment fail to pay debts.

“We continue to be very cautious about the economic outlook,” Chief
Executive Officer Kenneth Chenault said in a statement.

Consumer spending has taken a turn for the worse after improving in the
first quarter. Purchases fell in April for a second month, and incomes
declined for the sixth time in the last seven months, economists project a
Commerce Department report tomorrow will show.

Short-Lived Gain

Household purchases rose at a 1.5 percent annual rate from January to March,
less than previously estimated, after plunging at a 4.3 percent annual rate
in the last three months of 2008, revised figures from Commerce last week

Gross domestic product shrank at a 5.7 percent pace in the first quarter,
less than the government previously estimated in April, the figures also
showed. Following the 6.3 percent pace of decline in the last three months
of 2008, the drop capped the worst six-month performance in five decades.

*Also tomorrow, a report may show manufacturing shrank this month at a
slower pace*. The Institute for Supply Management’s factory
index to
42 in May from 40.1 in April, according to the Bloomberg survey
median. Readings below 50 signal contraction.

Underscoring the improvement at manufacturers, orders placed with factories
probably rose 0.8 percent in April, the second gain this year, economists
predicted ahead of a Commerce Department report June 3.

Service Industries

An ISM report the same day may show service industries, which make up almost
90 percent of the economy, are also stabilizing. The Tempe, Arizona-based
group’s gauge of
non- manufacturing businesses probably increased to 45 in May from 43.7 the
prior month, according to the Bloomberg survey.

Stocks have surged and Treasuries have dropped amid reports showing the
worst of the downturn may have passed. The Standard  Poor’s 500 Index has
gained 36 percent since March 9, when it hit the lowest level in more than
12 years, closing at 919.14 on May 29. Yields on the benchmark 10-year note
climbed to 3.74 percent last week from 2.86 percent during that period.

In other reports this week, the National 

Re: [ob] SOFT DISTRIBUTION.....Re: To Embah...masih outflow ??

2009-05-29 Terurut Topik Yuta

Apakah scenario distribusi ini bisa dihubung2kan dengan beberapa peristiwa 
1. Due short time hedge fund 3 bulan (sekitar awal Juni) 
2. Bangkrutnya GM (nggak tahu kebetulan)
3. Jatuhnya harga treasury notes
4. Menunggu harga oil turun (menurut saya, harga oil naik bukan karena push by 
the demand, tapi spekulator lebih berperan karena banyak tanker yg mengapung di 
laut mengangkut ratusan juta barrel, ini yg ditrading)

Mohon penjelasannya. 
-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant

Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 10:49:18 
Subject: [ob] SOFT DISTRIBUTION.Re: To Embah...masih outflow ??

--- In, Multikartu Network 
multikartu.netw...@... wrote:

 Maaf masih newbie, bisa lebih jelas lagi nggak ? Sampe sekarang masih
 dipinggir lapangan, tapi kalo liat lainnya pada main di lapangan jadinya
 pengen main juga. Kalo mainnya nahan sebulan duabulan lepas,udah benar nggak
 caranya kalo waktunya sekarang ini ? Apa ini hari sudah dekat ? Thank you

Kalo anda yakin DJI bisa ke 9000, buy lagi...

Kalo anda tidak yakin, cuman untuk trading doang...

- Negative side:
DJI ini bikin rumit karena masih dibawah pengaruh DOWNTREND
CHANNEL, jadi potensi turun masih ADA, liat gambarnya di web embah.

- Positive side:
Saat ini lagi distribusi tapi barang BD masih banyak, jadi kalo
DJI turun dalam, IHSG akan turun secara lambat atau turun naik
volatile dengan trend turun.
- Jika DJI ke 9000 maka IHSG bisa naik luar biasa karena
  portfolio BD masih banyak (distribusi belum significant).

Jadi CTRITICAL ISSUEnya ada pada index Dowjones.

 Pada 29 Mei 2009 13:50, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...menulis:
  The index is moving upward but if you look at the individual stock,
  you will find that MOST stock can not make a HIGHER HIGH !!!
  This is a sign of SOFT DISTRIBUTION...
  So, the long term investor sell their portfolio SLOWLY while the
  daily trader utilise the upward index movement for trading.
  So, you know what to do...
  --- In,
  Cougar Boy boysngirls@ wrote:
   Mau tanya nih
   masih mau nunggu di tepi lapangan ??
   Posisi saya bingung lihat market...range menipis
   banyak saham breakout gak jalan.
   Gak tahu yang lain bagaimana ??
   Saya sendiri intraday trading hari ini dan kemarin dalam status RUGI
   yang coan cuman copet close-open
   investasi masih naik..tapi kecepatan naik melambat.

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Re: [ob] Deviden Info

2009-05-29 Terurut Topik Yuta
Dear Pak Hmin,

Kalau tidak keberatan sharing untuk kita semua bagaimana membagi porto 
investasi dan trading pada saat ini:
1. Berapa % untuk investasi dan trading? 2. Apakah komposisi diatas akan 
berubah setelah pemilu? Banyak yg masih trading dan mulai invest jika pemilu 
presiden selesai. Bagaimana tanggapannya? 
3. Untuk invest, kalau tidak salah sektor konsumen dan salah satu coal ya? 
Boleh tahu kenapa overweight di sektor ini?
4. Metal dan cpo apa tidak masuk target invest?
5. Thanks Pak

-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy

Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 07:34:42 
Subject: Re: [ob] Deviden Info

Jujur aja nih
Saya tidak percaya dengan LK sektor perbankan Indonesia.

Feeling saya too much markup. Kalau memang perbankan indonesia tidak ada
krisis..kenapa perbankan Indonesia membagikan deviden lebih kecil dari tahun
lalu ??

Anyway..saya pribadi sejak bulan lalu sudah downgrade perbankan dari
investment ke trading only.

Nah kalau ditanya krisis sudah lewat...nope.. untuk emerging market malah
baru mulai.

Still a long way to go... gold still the best investment at this time

2009/5/30 Hendra Santosa

 menurut pak hmin tahun kemarin krisis ga pak? kok sekarang hujan dividen
 dimana-mana? berarti kelebihan duit dung cuma ga tahu mau buat apa dan
 mungkin takut buat investasi.

 --- In,
 Cougar Boy boysngi...@... wrote:
  saham gak dikenal bisa bagi deviden juga
  2009/5/29 Yudizz yudiz...@...

   Jumat, 29/05/2009 11:10 WIB
   *Ramayana bagikan dividen Rp31 per saham*
   oleh : Pudji Lestari
   JAKARTA ( Rapat umum pemegang saham (RUPS) tahunan PT
   Lestari Sentosa Tbk memutuskan untuk membagikan dividen sebesar Rp31
   saham bernilai total Rp218,98 miliar, yang setara dengan 50% laba
   tahun lalu.
   Laba bersih tahun lalu perusahaan itu mencapai Rp429,7 miliar atau naik
   dari tahun sebelumnya yang Rp366,8 miliar. Kenaikan laba ini disebabkan
   perolehan laba kotor perusahaan yang lebih tinggi dan efisiensi biaya
   perolehan laba atas kurs mata uang asing.
   Laba kotor Ramayana, menurut siaran pers perusahaan itu, naik 15,1%
   Rp1,5 triliun dari sebelumnya Rp1,3 triliun pada 2007.
   Marjin laba kotor Ramayana tumbuh 27,6% berkat efisiensi usaha. Saat
   RUPS tahunan perusahaan itu masih berlangsung di Gedung World Trade
   Jl. Jend Sudirman, Jakarta.
   Per 31 Desember 2008 Ramayana membukukan penjualan Rp5,5 triliun atau
   dari tahun sebelumnya yang Rp4,8 triliun. Pertumbuhan penjualan ini
   oleh pertumbuhan toko yang sama (same store growth) sebesar 6,5%.
   Pada tahun lalu Ramayana membuka enam toko baru yang mayoritas terletak
   Sumatera dan menutup dua toko yang terletak di Bekasi dan Pasar
   Dengan penambahan dan penutupan toko itu, luas ruang ritel Ramayana
   766.141 m2. Pada tahun ini Ramayana berencana membuka empat toko baru
   tambahan luas ruang ritel 19.745 m2 atau 2,5% dari luas toko yang ada
   Untuk menyikapi perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada tahun ini,
   menyatakan jumlah pembukaan toko akan lebih konservatif dengan lebih
   mengevaluasi toko yang ada.(er)


Re: [ob] Pengaruh KEBIJAKAN ekonomi dan index

2009-05-24 Terurut Topik Yuta
Sebenarnya issue Neolib dipakai untuk menyerang Boediono, karena lawan politik 
melihat pasangan ini hampir tidak mempunyai titik kelemahan. Emosi grass root 
akan dipancing bahwa Neolib itu identik dengan pasar bebas dan penjajahan 
ekonomi oleh asing, walaupun kenyataannya tidak demikian. 

Di zaman borderless sekarang ini, membuka pasar bukan langkah yang keliru, yang 
penting regulator (pemerintah) tidak punya vested interest, baik pribadi, 
keluarga, group maupun partai. 

Lihat India, terbukti bahwa ekonomi mereka maju karena PM Singh seorang 
profesor yang jujur, well-educated dan open terhadap pengaruh asing. Tidak ada 
perusahaan US atau Jepang yang tidak invest di India. Dan investasi asing ini 
blend-in sangat baik dengan sumber tenaga dan konsumen yang luar biasa besar 

Service/IT company yang listed di Fortune 500, hampir semuanya sudah punya 
kantor di India. Mereka memanfaatkan regulasi, low payer employee, untuk entry, 
database processing dll. 

India menjadi salah satu success story dan memberikan inspirasi bagi SBY untuk 
memilih Prof Boediono menjadi pendampingnya. 

Jadi, kalau cuma wording tapi tanpa definisi, visi/misi, timeframe maupun 
target yang jelas, ekonomi kerakyatan yang dipakai calon lain, hanya sebagai 
counter attack dari Neolib, dimana rakyat hanya mengira bahwa dengan berbicara 
atau memakai Ekonomi Kerakyatan, masa depan dan taraf hidup mereka (rakyat) 
akan lebih baik ke depannya. 

So ironic, kata Ratu Sima. 
-Original Message-
From: Ruz7

Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 14:47:52 
Subject: Re: [ob] Pengaruh KEBIJAKAN ekonomi dan index

Dear All

Apakah ada yg tahu arti dr Ekonomi Kerakyatan ? Siapa yg awal mula mencetuskan 
nya ?
Coba di googling deh !
Ekonomi Kerakyatan itu dulu namanya ekonomi Pancasila, salah satu pencentusnya 
adalah Prof Mubyarto dan Prof Budiono..yup Budiono yg cawapres itu..jadi 
ekonomi kerakyatan yg diusung2 oleh MegaPro dan JKWin ya Idenya Pak Budiono dr 
awal 80an..Budiono itu sdh masuk Kabinet dr zaman Gus Dur dan Mega, jadi agak 
aneh kalau Beliau di sebut Neo Lib oleh Gus Dur dan Mega, kan beliau beliau yg 
Jd Bos nya waktu itu  

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant

Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 14:25:23 
Subject: Re: [ob] Pengaruh KEBIJAKAN ekonomi dan index

--- In, ricky.waki...@... wrote:

 Kok nggak sebut-sebut ekonomi gaya JK, Mbah? Sudah yakin gak bakal kepilih?

Kalo gaya JK diambil sebagai TENGAH, maka Gaya Budiono adalah
sebelah KANANnya dan Gaya Megapro adalah sebelah KIRInya.

 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 -Original Message-
 From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 13:49:56 
 Subject: [ob] Pengaruh KEBIJAKAN ekonomi dan index
 Pengaruh KEBIJAKAN ekonomi dan index
 Index India naik 17% sehari ketika partai Congress yg condong
 pada OPEN/FREE MARKET ECONOMY menang pemilu pada tgl 18 Mei
 Bagaimana dengan Ekonomi gaya pak Budiono Vs Ekonomi Kerakyatan
 Megapro ?.
 Kita liat aja hasilnya bulan depan
 India's Stock Surge Shows Investors See Open Economy (Update2) 
 By Cherian Thomas, Kartik Goyal and Shobhana Chandra
 May 19 (Bloomberg) -- India's record stock-market surge yesterday after the 
 election triumph of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Congress Party is a sign 
 of just how much investors want the next government to open Asia's 
 third-biggest economy. 
 Expectations are soaring as Singh, 76, starts his second term without the 
 need for support from the communist allies who choked his market-opening 
 efforts from 2004. Investors are betting the Oxford-trained economist will 
 remove the last barriers to foreign investments in financial services and re- 
 start asset sales to help trim a widening budget deficit. 
 There's a real sense of urgency in taking this event and translating it into 
 tangible results, said Nick Chamie, global head of emerging-markets research 
 at RBC Capital Markets in Toronto. If we don't see some positive signs on an 
 improving fiscal deficit in relatively short order, we could end up again 
 with a weaker equity market, a weaker rupee and reduced confidence in the 
 government's ability. 
 The benchmark Sensitive Index, or Sensex, extended its rally today, rising 
 2.4 percent to 14627.37 at 2:10 p.m. local time after soaring 17 percent 
 yesterday. The rupee climbed 0.9 percent against the dollar to 47.48 in 
 Indian bonds fell, paring yesterday's gains, after the government said it 
 will sell additional debt this month. The benchmark bond yield rose 9 basis 
 points to 6.40 percent. 
 Mukherjee, Nath 
 Pranab Mukherjee, 73, may continue as India's finance minister in the 
 incoming government, said a senior Congress party official today on 

Re: [ob] Mega Kesulitan Jawab Pertanyaan Ekonomi

2009-05-22 Terurut Topik Yuta
Kapasitas dan kapabilitas seorang pemimpin tidak hanya bisa dinilai dari tindak 
tanduk, ucapan maupun perbuatan, tetapi siapa saja yang berada dilingkaran 
dalam pemimpin tsb. 

Obama, walaupun masih muda tetapi dikelilingi oleh advisor legendaris (WB dll) 
dan the rising star TG dll. 

Di Indonesia, siapa yg tidak kenal sama Dino Patti Jalal, Andi/Rizal 
Malarangeng, Muchamad Lutfi, Chatib Basri dll. Dari mereka ini, kita bisa 
menilai, daya tarik apa yang membuat mereka berada di lingkaran SBY, salah 
satunya adalah kemampuan intelektual, kharisma dan kepemimpinannya.  

-Original Message-
From: Odink

Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 17:42:56 
Subject: Re: [ob] Mega Kesulitan Jawab Pertanyaan Ekonomi

cukup sulit ya pertanyaannya... sebentar saya gugel dulu...

2009/5/22 Sanjaya

 Ini sudah merupakan sinyal jelek kepemimpinan Megawati, untuk menjawab 3
 buah pertanyaan saja selalu bilang :

 yang Pertama :  Cukup sulit ya, karena saya belum jadi Presiden

 yang Kedua : Pertanyaannya cukup sulit, tapi saya coba jawab.

 yang Ketiga : Pertanyaannya susah-susah ya. Untung saya pernah jadi

 Gimana kalau sudah jadi Presiden yang mesti ngurus negara sebesar Indonesia
 yang banyak masalah dan tantangan yang mesti diselesaikan?  Jangan2 ntar
 semuanya diurus ama bawahannya saja, Bu Mega tinggal tanda tangan saja 

 Coba lihat jawaban yang pertama dan ketiga, yg pertama Mega bilang belum
 jadi Presiden   aneh khan …. emangnya posisi Mega menggantikan Presiden
 Gus Dur yang lengser itu namanya apa ya kalau bukan sebagai Presiden ….
 Sementara jawaban yang ketiga :  Untung saya pernah jadi Presiden.…..
 Bukannya ini kelihatan tidak konsistennya bu Mega.

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Re: [ob] IHSG 1866: CUCI GUDANG dan tunggu di IHSG 1600

2009-05-20 Terurut Topik Yuta
Kuningan. Belakang Pasar Festival. 

Ada yang serius mau main Futsal?
-Original Message-
From: Give Me Your Smile ...:\)

Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 00:06:15 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG 1866: CUCI GUDANG dan tunggu di IHSG 1600

wah boleh juga tuh pak
planet futsal itu daerah mana pak ya ?

kalo saya sih lebih suka main di grandfutsal pak daerah kuningan

Biarkan Kereta Itu Lewat  

From: Yuta
To: Obrolan Bandar
Sent: Tuesday, 19 May, 2009 14:01:53
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG 1866: CUCI GUDANG dan tunggu di IHSG 1600

Pak DE 

Saya setiap Rabu rutin main futsal di Planet Futsal. Bagaimana kalau kita buat 
team Futsal member OB, nanti bisa tanding sama team Bandar atau All Star team 
(Embah, Elaine, Pak Oen, Ratu Sima dll)kidding 

Setuju banget. Kita seriusin yok, main hari Sabtu atau Minggu. 

From: Dean Earwicker 
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 10:16:56 +0700
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG 1866: CUCI GUDANG dan tunggu di IHSG 1600
Udah dari tgl 11 nyaris kosong,.. kirain engga ada temennya..

eh sekarang banyak temen.. asik-asik... kita main futsal yuk. --beneran, bukan 


2009/5/19 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ id

IHSG 1866: CUCI GUDANG dan tunggu di IHSG 1600


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