[Announce] NEOPhysis, alpha release of the first oFono based distribution

2010-03-06 Thread djdas

Dear all,
I'm very proud to announce the alpha release of NEOPhysis, the first 
oFono based Linux distribution running currently on the Openmoko Freerunner.
I wish to thank you very much for your kindly and precious support 
(especially Denis).
You can find the official presentation here: 

Currently we are able to place and receive calls, getting network 
registration info and powering up/down the modem (we wrote a middleware 
which abstracts oFono DBus calls to the applications so we're mapping 
your APIs to our needs) but we are already testing SMS support.

Thank you very much, bye.

ofono mailing list

First oFono based distro prototype for Freerunner

2009-12-04 Thread DJDAS

Hi all,
thanks to your great work my team and me were able to complete a first 
prototype of a mini distro running on the Freerunner (the base for our 
big project Neophysis) with a minimal ncurses phone application to use 
(and test) oFono.
I would like to share our work with you, and if the Calypso developers 
want to try it they can download the rootfs at the following link: 
(kernel is inside boot directory)
As the team leader I'm proud to share this first milestone (it's 
unoptimized yet so don't expect miracles ;) ) with you as, since its 
announcement, I believed oFono was (and is) a very good project and 
choose it as the mandatory phone subsystem.

Thank you very much for you work, bye.
P.S. the tar was created using the git version I tested last time, not 
with the 0.12 release I saw just today.
P.P.S for any doubts using the phone application, to not spam the list 
please feel free to contact me in private.

ofono mailing list

Re: oFono running on new Freerunner distribution

2009-12-02 Thread djdas

Hi Denis,

Hi Dario,


I also noticed a missing line in the plugins/calypso.c file which
differs from 0.7 to 0.8-0.11, I added in the 0.11 release but without
results, but if it can be useful to debug the line is:

ofono_devinfo_create(modem, 0, "atmodem", data->dlcs[AUX_DLC]);

It isn't missing, it has been moved to pre_sim function.  Actually all of 
calypso.c atom setup was completely wrong.  It suffered some bit-rot.
well, I forgot to mention it was present (in 0.7) in both functions, but 
it doesn't mind ;) I'm very happy to announce now everything works ok! :)
I've fixed up calypso plugin and tested it running natively on my Freerunner.  
I can now dial -> alerting -> hangup, and also dial -> accept -> hangup.

Hopefully third time is the charm.  Let me know if it still doesn't work.

Thank you very much for your effort, very nice job!
I have only one question: which parameters do you use to compile oFono? 
Do you activate threads or not? (I don't and don't use neither udev as 
in our distribution we choose to use a statically populated /dev directory)

Best regards,
ofono mailing list

Re: oFono running on new Freerunner distribution

2009-12-01 Thread djdas

Hi Denis,
attached is a correct log with the AT debug lines, sorry for the 
mistake, the patch didn't achieve any results though...
For what regards the "second call not possible after the first one 
hangup" I noticed the first version on which appears the problem is 0.8, 
the one where the muxer support was introduced. I can confirm 0.7 works 
great, I can do as many calls I want without problems (even if the 
"can't hangup while alerting" does occur).
I also noticed a missing line in the plugins/calypso.c file which 
differs from 0.7 to 0.8-0.11, I added in the 0.11 release but without 
results, but if it can be useful to debug the line is:

ofono_devinfo_create(modem, 0, "atmodem", data->dlcs[AUX_DLC]);

at row 446 in fuction: calypso_post_sim(struct ofono_modem *modem)

it was present (without muxer support of course) in 0.7.
Hoping to be useful, best regards.

ofonod[765]: oFono version 0.10
Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup() without 
pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup() without 
pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
ofonod[765]: src/plugin.c:__ofono_plugin_init() 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68f8c, name: 
ofonod[765]: plugins/hfp.c:hfp_init() 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68f38, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68f04, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68ed0, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68e9c, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68e60, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68e2c, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68df8, name: g1
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68dc4, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0x68d90, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_create() calypso
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:set_modem_property() modem 0x71b90 property Device
ofonod[765]: plugins/calypso.c:calypso_probe() 
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:get_modem_property() modem 0x71b90 property Device
ofonod[765]: plugins/calypso.c:calypso_probe() /dev/ttySAC0
ofonod[765]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0x68d44, 
name: hso
ofonod[765]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0x68d18, 
name: mbm
ofonod[765]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0x68c50, 
name: hfpmodem
ofonod[765]: src/network.c:ofono_netreg_driver_register() driver: 0x68ca0, 
name: hfpmodem
ofonod[765]: src/call-volume.c:ofono_call_volume_driver_register() driver: 
0x68cd8, name: hfpmodem
ofonod[765]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0x68bf0, 
name: calypsomodem
ofonod[765]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0x68aa8, 
name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_devinfo_driver_register() driver: 0x68b54, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/call-barring.c:ofono_call_barring_driver_register() driver: 
0x68b00, name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/call-forwarding.c:ofono_call_forwarding_driver_register() 
driver: 0x68990, name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/call-meter.c:ofono_call_meter_driver_register() driver: 
0x689b8, name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/call-settings.c:ofono_call_settings_driver_register() driver: 
0x688e4, name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/phonebook.c:ofono_phonebook_driver_register() driver: 0x68b20, 
name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/ssn.c:ofono_ssn_driver_register() driver: 0x68b48, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/ussd.c:ofono_ussd_driver_register() driver: 0x68a8c, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/sms.c:ofono_sms_driver_register() driver: 0x6892c, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/sim.c:ofono_sim_driver_register() driver: 0x68a40, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/network.c:ofono_netreg_driver_register() driver: 0x68a00, 
name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/cbs.c:ofono_cbs_driver_register() driver: 0x6897c, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/call-volume.c:ofono_call_volume_driver_register() driver: 
0x68b70, name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_driver_register() driver: 0x68b98, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0x68bbc, 
name: atmodem
ofonod[765]: src/modem.c:ofono_devinfo_driver_register() driver: 0x68630, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/phonebook.c:ofono_phonebook_driver_register() driver: 0x68620, 
name: isimodem
ofonod[765]: src/network.c:ofono_netreg_driver_register() driver: 0x6864c, 
name: isimodem
ofonod[765]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0x68674, 
name: isimodem
ofonod[765]: src/sms.c:ofono_sms_driver_register() driver: 0x686bc, name: 
ofonod[765]: src/cbs.c:ofono_cbs_driver_register() driver: 0x686d4, name: 

Re: oFono running on new Freerunner distribution

2009-11-26 Thread DJDAS

Hi Denis,
I pushed an experimental fix.  Let me know if you can now hangup alerting 
calls.  It did not make it into release 0.11 though.


Sorry for the late reply but I was busy at work in last days. I tried 
your patch but had no positive results, the behavior remains the same as 
before, I can dial but can't hangup during alerting state. Furthermore 
after the first conversation this new release doesn't let me dial any 
other number but can receive calls... I tried the previous one (0.9 
IIRC) and it worked well.
If I can help you sending some logs please feel free to ask me what you 

Thank you in advance, bye.

ofono mailing list

Re: oFono running on new Freerunner distribution

2009-11-23 Thread DJDAS

DJDAS ha scritto:

Hi Denis,

Hi Dario,

Do I have to take the git code or these features are already in the
current 0.10 version?

This change was made after 0.10 was tagged.  So you'll need the git 


OK, I'm pulling from the git, I'll let you know ASAP.

GREAT It worked!!! :)
It registers in less than one minute! :)
I noticed I don't need to call the Register method of 
NetworkRegistration interface but I just need to power up the modem, is 
it ok?
I have another question but maybe it's my fault: I noticed if I want to 
hangup a call during its "alerting" state, I can't, the other party 
continues ringing even if I call the hangup method on the correct path ( 
/calypso0/voicecall01). What am I missing?

Thank you very much in advance, bye.

ofono mailing list

Re: oFono running on new Freerunner distribution

2009-11-23 Thread DJDAS

Hi Denis,

Hi Dario,

Do I have to take the git code or these features are already in the
current 0.10 version?

This change was made after 0.10 was tagged.  So you'll need the git version.


OK, I'm pulling from the git, I'll let you know ASAP.
ofono mailing list

Re: oFono running on new Freerunner distribution

2009-11-23 Thread DJDAS

Denis Kenzior ha scritto:
Actually a reference UI for oFono is something we're still lacking.  We've all 
been too busy adding core features.  This is something we want to fix...
I know, following the list I imagine you're very busy. Maybe I can send 
you my code (after finishing and cleaning up) if you want a simple C 
test program...

I have just one question: I noticed the Calypso modem registers on the
network quite slowly (about 1,5-2 mins after powering up) is this
normal? Can we help you in testing/patching the code to achieve faster
times (normal phones usually register in seconds).

This might have been related to automatic operator scanning.  Freerunner is 
especially slow on this operation.  The API was changed recently to disable 
this.  Can you test git HEAD to see if this still happens?  


Do I have to take the git code or these features are already in the 
current 0.10 version?

ofono mailing list

oFono running on new Freerunner distribution (was: Palm Pre modem plugin)

2009-11-23 Thread DJDAS

Denis Kenzior ha scritto:

Hi Niko,

Nice to hear that. Anyway do not missunderstand, our team is adopting
oFono, we are just digging incoming issues with the nogsm part

Sounds interesting.  Let me know if I can be of assistance :)


Well, maybe you missed some of my previous email in this list some time 
ago :)
I'm the project leader of a new distribution, called NEOPhysis, for the 
Openmoko Freerunner and Niko is the UI team leader.
We are about 10 people in our team and started from scratch creating a 
new distribution which differs from the others, approaching the system 
concept as an embedded low resources device instead of a micro-desktop 
The main focus was not in a "Linux distribution" but in a "Phone with 
advanced capabilities", so as I follow this project since its born, I 
proposed to use oFono as the main telephony stack and FSO for the 
remaining part.
As a proof-of-concept I wrote a "ncurses phone app" which uses oFono to 
do simple calls and ATM I'm able to call a number dialed with the touch 
screen (yes it's very geek! :P ) and I'm finishing the parsing part to 
handle the call status to be able to answer calls.
I asked in my previous emails if someone of the oFono team could send me 
a simple C code because all the test code were written in Python (but 
for the telephony part our focus is speed and reliability so its 
mandatory to use a C/C++ framework/middleware) but received no answer, 
OTOH this let me learn using DBUS and oFono APIs so it was not as bad :)
We put up a build host which produces even an oFono package for the 
OpenEmbedded repository and we are very proud to be the first (AFAIK) to 
use oFono. If you need/want to test oFono on the Freerunner we can 
provide you the packages built each time you need to.
I have just one question: I noticed the Calypso modem registers on the 
network quite slowly (about 1,5-2 mins after powering up) is this 
normal? Can we help you in testing/patching the code to achieve faster 
times (normal phones usually register in seconds).

Thank you very much for your great work, good bye.

ofono mailing list

Re: How to talk with FreeRunner?

2009-10-20 Thread DJDAS

Gu, Yang ha scritto:

Very glad to hear this! Definitely I'm also interested with your steps to build 
oFono, and get it work within FR. By the way, which OS and version are you 


it's quite simple (joking :P)! We prepared a VirtualBOX VM (starting 
from one prepared by a member of the Openmoko community list) with a 
toolchain similar to the one described in the OM wiki page mentioned 
earlier in this thread but rebuilt from OpenEmbedded git repository. 
After this I downloaded the sources (tried both stable release and git 
snapshots) and it's a matter of ./configure && make && make install ;)
If the list policy will let me send attachments I can send you the 
package for the 0.7 version.
The test environment is a prototype we realized from scratch (distro 
name: Neophysis, prototype code name: Armeniacum-RC2) and it's the core 
with nothing more than the rootfs with some basic libraries, busybox, 
monolithic kernel 2.6.29, dbus and, obviously, ofonod starting quite 
after kernel boot. The startup time is about 15 secs with a X window 
system without window managers (but we can provide a simple matchbox 
package or, since yesterday ;) Echinos).
Our target is to have a system booting in less than 35-40 secs with all 
the phone system up and running.
At the moment I tested the phone functionalities (calling and receiving 
simple voice calls, sending and receiving sms) using dbus commands from 
the console and it works very well with the modem registered (no PIN in 
the SIM) in about 15-20 secs.
I was wondering if someone can provide us a simple C application to test 
all the phone functionalities (OTOA the dbus notifications) because we 
are very busy at the moment (we work on Neophysis on our spare time and 
are about 10 people divided in development, graphics, system engineering 
and documentation) and have no time to write down a proto in C language, 
I saw in the sources the test applications are written in Python but we 
haven't build the Python package yet so a C app would be very useful.

Thank you in advance, bye.

ofono mailing list

Re: How to talk with FreeRunner?

2009-10-20 Thread DJDAS

Andrzej Zaborowski ha scritto:


2009/10/19 Denis Kenzior :

  I just got a Openmoko FreeRunner and I wonder how oFono can talk with it.
Use ser2net, but how? Can someone help on some simple steps or
instructions? Thanks a lot! By the way, the OS installed in it is Android
Cupcake. Need I change to other OS?

There are a couple of ways:
   - Cross compile oFono itself to run directly on the device using the 
   - Cross compile ser2net, but run oFono on the desktop using the phonesim

Either way you will need the cross compiler and toolchain here:

Note that my device came stock with the OpenMoko rootfs, so I have no
experience with Android.

For ser2net:
 - Cross compile ser2net using the supplied toolchain, I don't remember
exactly, but I think this will get you there: ./configure --prefix=/usr --
sysconfdir=/etc --host=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi

You can possibly avoid the cross compiling if you're going to run
oFono on PC anyway, by using netcat instead of ser2net.  Either
"netcat" or "nc" is usually in the packages repo of any distribution.
The command would be
# nc -l -p 2000 < /dev/ttySAC0 > /dev/ttySAC0

All other steps would be same as Denis outlined.

If you find that the port is spitting corrupt data, it's probably not
initialised.  I use picocom to initialise ttys, it's:
# picocom /dev/ttySAC0
then ^a^q to quit picocom without resetting the port and then re-run nc.

ofono mailing list

Hi all,
I'm the project leader of a new Freerunner distribution which claims to 
be AT MOST a stable telephone instead of replicate all the other 
distributions who claim to port the desktop-style distribution paradigm 
to the Freerunner. In this way of think we planned to use oFono as the 
main telephone stack because, following the mailing list since the 
starting of the project, I believe oFono is a very well planned and 
developed platform.
At the moment I am able to cross compile oFono with my toolchain and it 
works quite well on my Freerunner so if someone needs a tarball with 
ofonod and everything "make install" produces I can provide them without 
problems :)

Thank you very much for your great work good bye.

ofono mailing list

Re: Could you help to add the tag/keyword in mail list title?

2009-05-22 Thread DJDAS

Luis Santiago ha scritto:

I agree on having a tag. It just gets in the way of normal daily email.

Also, there are people who receive different mailing lists, it would 
definitely help having a tag to sort things out.


Luis Santiago

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Marcel Holtmann > wrote:

Hi Halley,

> There is no tag like [Ofono dev] in the title of this mail list

and that is on purpose!

I know that for Exchange/Outlook users this must be painful, but I
stand these tags that are meaningless anyway. Just automatically sort
the mailing into a subfolder.



IMHO tags are useful only if different topics are discussed into the 
same mailing list and they need to be classified to ease readability 
(e.g. different software version to test, different hardware platforms 
it runs on, etc).
The suggestion was meant to simply classify the list itself to (I think) 
filter messages, but the former writer could as simple as by subject, 
filter by sender or mailing list name :)

Bye :)

ofono mailing list