Re: [openstack-dev] [horizon] Javascript development improvement

2013-11-22 Thread Imre Farkas

On 11/22/2013 02:49 PM, Maxime Vidori wrote:

It seems a bit crazy to me to introduce NodeJS as a dependency just for
the sake of an easy way to run jslint. There are other options
available that run without NodeJS as a dependency.

Sadly, the only solutions which try to implement jslint in pure python are in 
alpha or abandoned. If you have a python library which has the same quality as 
jslint (which is written by Douglas Crockford himself), I will be glad to take 
a look at it.

There's a jslint fork called jshint which is able to run in the browser 
without any node.js dependency.

I created a POC patch [1] long time ago to demonstrate its capabilities. 
It's integrated with qunit and runs automatically with the horizon test 

The patch also contains a .jshintrc file for the node.js package but you 
can remove it since it's not used by the qunit+jshint test at all.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [horizon] Javascript development improvement

2013-11-26 Thread Imre Farkas

On 11/22/2013 06:13 PM, Julie Pichon wrote:

"Imre Farkas"  wrote:

On 11/22/2013 02:49 PM, Maxime Vidori wrote:

It seems a bit crazy to me to introduce NodeJS as a dependency just for
the sake of an easy way to run jslint. There are other options
available that run without NodeJS as a dependency.

Sadly, the only solutions which try to implement jslint in pure python are
in alpha or abandoned. If you have a python library which has the same
quality as jslint (which is written by Douglas Crockford himself), I will
be glad to take a look at it.

There's a jslint fork called jshint which is able to run in the browser
without any node.js dependency.

I created a POC patch [1] long time ago to demonstrate its capabilities.
It's integrated with qunit and runs automatically with the horizon test

Thanks Imre, this is interesting. Would you mind restoring the patch? If
you don't have time to work on it please indicate so (I don't think it's
possible to pick up a patch if the status is 'Abandoned') and someone else
can look into the test failures.

Julie, Matthias,
I restored the patch, rebased, fixed the tests, added the test files as 
Radomir suggested and removed the .jshintrc file.

The original patch was WIP and I left the failing tests intentionally, 
so that it was easier to compare the two solutions (node.js vs pure 
qunit). But as I wrote, it's cleaned up by now and only contains the latter.


The patch also contains a .jshintrc file for the node.js package but you
can remove it since it's not used by the qunit+jshint test at all.

Sounds good.




OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Tripleo] Core reviewer update Dec

2013-12-05 Thread Imre Farkas

On 12/04/2013 08:12 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

 like most OpenStack projects we need to keep the core team up to
date: folk who are not regularly reviewing will lose context over
time, and new folk who have been reviewing regularly should be trusted
with -core responsibilities.

In this months review:
  - Ghe Rivero for -core


  - Jan Provaznik for removal from -core
  - Jordan O'Mara for removal from -core
  - Martyn Taylor for removal from -core
  - Jiri Tomasek for removal from -core
  - Jamomir Coufal for removal from -core
As a many of them expressed their further interests in TripleO, I vote 
for keeping them in core for now and let's wait a couple weeks/month to 
see how the stats change.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Icehouse Requirements

2013-12-09 Thread Imre Farkas

On 12/09/2013 11:56 AM, Jaromir Coufal wrote:

On 2013/07/12 01:59, Robert Collins wrote:

* Monitoring
* assignment, availability, status
* capacity, historical statistics (M)

Why is this under 'nodes'? I challenge the idea that it should be
there. We will need to surface some stuff about nodes, but the
underlying idea is to take a cloud approach here - so we're monitoring
services, that happen to be on nodes. There is room to monitor nodes,
as an undercloud feature set, but lets be very very specific about
what is sitting at what layer.

We need both - we need to track services but also state of nodes (CPU,
RAM, Network bandwidth, etc). So in node detail you should be able to
track both.

I agree. Monitoring services and monitoring nodes are both valid 
features for Tuskar. I think splitting it into two separate requirements 
as Mainn suggested would make a lot of sense.

 * searchable by status, name, cpu, memory, and all attributes from 
 * can be allocated as one of four node types

Not by users though. We need to stop thinking of this as 'what we do
to nodes' - Nova/Ironic operate on nodes, we operate on Heat

Discussed in other threads, but I still believe (and I am not alone)
that we need to allow 'force nodes'.

Yeah, having both approaches would be nice to have. Instead of using the 
existing 'force nodes' implementation, wouldn't it be better/cleaner to 
implement support for it in Nova and Heat?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] [Tuskar] [UI] Icehouse Requirements - Summary, Milestones

2013-12-13 Thread Imre Farkas

On 12/13/2013 11:36 AM, Jaromir Coufal wrote:

Enable user to deploy OpenStack with the simpliest TripleO way, no
difference between hardware.

- end of icehouse-2

Features we need to get in:
- Enable manual nodes registration (Ironic)
- Get images available for user (Glance)
- Node roles (hardcode): Controller, Compute, Object Storage, Block Storage
- Design deployment (number of nodes per role)
- Deploy (Heat + Nova)

One note to deploy: It's not done only by Heat and Nova. If we expect a 
fully functional OpenStack installation as a result, we are missing a 
few steps like creating users, initializing and registering the service 
endpoints with Keystone. In TripleO this is done by the init-keystone 
and setup-endpoints scripts. Check devtest for more details:


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [tuskar] How to install tuskar-ui from packaging point of view

2013-12-16 Thread Imre Farkas

On 12/16/2013 08:52 AM, Stephen Gran wrote:

On 16/12/13 03:47, Thomas Goirand wrote:


I've been working over the last 2 months to get Ironic, TripleO and
Tuskar ready for an upload in Debian. However, for tuskar-ui, I'm facing
the fact that there's a lack of documentation.

It was easy to get Tuskar packaged. If I understand well, it only needs
2 daemons: tuskar-api, and tuskar-manager. Is this right? If not, what
did I miss? Is tuskar-manager really a daemon? (I have to admit that I
didn't find yet the time to try, so I would appreciate some guidance

I think you are right here.

As for tuskar-ui, the install.rst is quite vague about how to install. I
got the python-tuskar-ui binary package done, with egg-info and all,
that's not the problem. What worries me is this part:

"Go into horizon and create a symlink to the tuskar-ui code:

cd horizon
ln -s ../tuskar-ui/tuskar_ui

Then, install a virtual environment for your setup:

Add this to debian/links or something?  It sounds like it needs a
dependency on horizon to make sure that the directory exists.

Not sure how it translates to Debian packaging but you need to 
copy/symlink the Tuskar-UI source *inside* the Horizon directory.

python tools/"

This means "turn the list of dependencies in the source package into
dependencies in the debian package", I would think.

Yes, that's correct.

3/ The install.rst has:

If everything has gone according to plan, you should be able to run:

tools/ ./ runserver

and have the application start on port 8080. The Tuskar dashboard will
be located at http://localhost:8080/infrastructure

does this mean that on top of Horizon running through Apache, tuskar-ui
needs to run independently? Why is that? Can't we just have tuskar-ui
simply integrated with the rest of Horizon?

Yes, Tuskar-UI runs on top of Horizon. You don't have to create a 
separate Horizon+Tuskar-UI installation, it does not run independently 
of the existing Horizon installation but you have to modify it.

When you create a symlink into the Horizon source, that makes the 
Infrastructure dashboard provided by Tuskar-UI autodiscovered when the 
Horizon application boots up. Tuskar-UI creates and additional tab 
inside the Horizon application, which will be available at 
http://localhost:8080/infrastructure (or on whatever port you set 
Horizon up) and at http://localhost:8080/ you can access the Project and 
Admin dashboards provided by Horizon.

It's not stated in tuskar-ui/install.rst but this guide is meant to set 
up the development environment. It is also worth mentioning that the 
current solution is only temporary, in the long term Tuskar-UI will be a 
part of Horizon (see the Horizon and Tuskar-UI merge thread).


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] [Tuskar] [UI] Icehouse Requirements - Summary, Milestones

2013-12-16 Thread Imre Farkas

On 12/13/2013 05:22 PM, James Slagle wrote:

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 03:04:09PM +0100, Imre Farkas wrote:

One note to deploy: It's not done only by Heat and Nova. If we
expect a fully functional OpenStack installation as a result, we are
missing a few steps like creating users, initializing and
registering the service endpoints with Keystone. In TripleO this is
done by the init-keystone and setup-endpoints scripts. Check devtest
for more details:

Excellent point Imre, as the deployment isn't really useable until those steps
are done.  The link to the overcloud setup steps is actually:
Very similar to what is done for the undercloud.

You are right, that's the correct link for the overcloud setup. However, 
I intentionally picked the one for the undercloud because I wanted to 
focus on the keystone configuration part and that's the same for the 
both (the init-keystone, setup-endpoints and keystone role-create 
workflow). There are some other stuff going on in the overcloud setup 
(eg. creating a vm for a user) which might distract those who are not 
familiar with devtest from what really is needed to deploy OpenStack. 
But it would have been better from me to note that the link is not for 
the overcloud.

I think most of that logic could be reimplemented to be done via direct calls
to the API using the client libs vs using a CLI.  Not sure about
"keystone-manage pki_setup" though, would need to look into that.

Yeah, we can put big part of the needed configuration steps into Tuskar 
as most of it just uses CLI client of Keystone which can be replaced by 
using the direct API calls of the same library. The rest might go to 
Heat or os-refresh-config or else.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Tuskar CLI after architecture changes

2013-12-20 Thread Imre Farkas

On 12/20/2013 12:25 PM, Ladislav Smola wrote:

2. Heat stack create, update
This is locked in the process of the operation, so nobody can mess with
it while it is updating or creating.
Once we will pack all operations that are now aside in this, we should
be alright. And that should be doable in I.
So we should push towards this, rather then building some temporary
locking solution in Tuskar-API.

It's not the issue of locking, but the goal of Tuskar with the Provision 
button is not only a single stack creation. After Heat's job is done, 
the overcloud needs to be properly configured: Keystone needs to be 
initialized, the services need to be registered, etc. I don't think 
Horizon wants to add a background worker to handle such operations.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Domain Model Locations

2014-01-10 Thread Imre Farkas

Thanks Jay, this is a very useful summary! Some comments inline:

On 01/09/2014 06:22 PM, Jay Dobies wrote:

I'm trying to hash out where data will live for Tuskar (both long term
and for its Icehouse deliverables). Based on the expectations for
Icehouse (a combination of the wireframes and what's in Tuskar client's, we have the following concepts:

= Nodes =
A node is a baremetal machine on which the overcloud resources will be
deployed. The ownership of this information lies with Ironic. The Tuskar
UI will accept the needed information to create them and pass it to
Ironic. Ironic is consulted directly when information on a specific node
or the list of available nodes is needed.

= Resource Categories =
A specific type of "thing" that will be deployed into the overcloud.
These are static definitions that describe the entities the user will
want to add to the overcloud and are owned by Tuskar. For Icehouse, the
categories themselves are added during installation for the four types
listed in the wireframes.

Since this is a new model (as compared to other things that live in
Ironic or Heat), I'll go into some more detail. Each Resource Category
has the following information:

== Metadata ==
My intention here is that we do things in such a way that if we change
one of the original 4 categories, or more importantly add more or allow
users to add more, the information about the category is centralized and
not reliant on the UI to provide the user information on what it is.

ID - Unique ID for the Resource Category.
Display Name - User-friendly name to display.
Description - Equally self-explanatory.

== Count ==
In the Tuskar UI, the user selects how many of each category is desired.
This stored in Tuskar's domain model for the category and is used when
generating the template to pass to Heat to make it happen.

These counts are what is displayed to the user in the Tuskar UI for each
category. The staging concept has been removed for Icehouse. In other
words, the wireframes that cover the "waiting to be deployed" aren't
relevant for now.

== Image ==
For Icehouse, each category will have one image associated with it. Last
I remember, there was discussion on whether or not we need to support
multiple images for a category, but for Icehouse we'll limit it to 1 and
deal with it later.

Metadata for each Resource Category is owned by the Tuskar API. The
images themselves are managed by Glance, with each Resource Category
keeping track of just the UUID for its image.

= Stack =
There is a single stack in Tuskar, the "overcloud".

A small nit here: in the long term Tuskar will support multiple overclouds.

> The Heat template

for the stack is generated by the Tuskar API based on the Resource
Category data (image, count, etc.). The template is handed to Heat to

Heat owns information about running instances and is queried directly
when the Tuskar UI needs to access that information.


Next steps for me are to start to work on the Tuskar APIs around
Resource Category CRUD and their conversion into a Heat template.
There's some discussion to be had there as well, but I don't want to put
too much into one e-mail.


There's few pieces of concepts which I think is missing from the list:
- overclouds: after Heat successfully created the stack, Tuskar needs to 
keep track whether it applied the post configuration steps (Keystone 
initialization, registering services, etc) or not. It also needs to know 
the name of the stack (only 1 stack named 'overcloud' for Icehouse).
- service endpoints of an overcloud: eg. Tuskar-ui in the undercloud 
will need the url of the overcloud Horizon. The overcloud Keystone owns 
the information about this (after post configuration is done) and Heat 
owns the information about the overcloud Keystone.
- user credentials for an overcloud: it will be used by Heat during 
stack creation, by Tuskar during post configuration, by Tuskar-ui 
querying various information (eg. running vms on a node) and finally by 
the user logging in to the overcloud Horizon. Now it can be found in the 
Tuskar-ui settings file [1].



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Domain Model Locations

2014-01-10 Thread Imre Farkas

On 01/10/2014 04:27 PM, Jay Dobies wrote:

Thanks for the feedback  :)

= Stack =
There is a single stack in Tuskar, the "overcloud".

A small nit here: in the long term Tuskar will support multiple

Yes, absolutely. I should have added "For Icehouse" like I did in other
places. Good catch.

There's few pieces of concepts which I think is missing from the list:
- overclouds: after Heat successfully created the stack, Tuskar needs to
keep track whether it applied the post configuration steps (Keystone
initialization, registering services, etc) or not. It also needs to know
the name of the stack (only 1 stack named 'overcloud' for Icehouse).

I assumed this sort of thing was captured by the resource status, though
I'm far from a Heat expert. Is it not enough to assume that if the
resource started successfully, all of that took place?

I am also far from a Heat expert, I just had a some really hard times 
when I previously expected from my Tuskar deployed overcloud that it's 
ready to use. :-)

In short, having the resources started is not enough, Heat stack-create 
is only a part of the deployment story. There was a few emails on the 
mailing list about this:

There was also a discussion during the last TripleO meeting in December, 
check the topic 'After heat stack-create init operations (lsmola)' 

- service endpoints of an overcloud: eg. Tuskar-ui in the undercloud
will need the url of the overcloud Horizon. The overcloud Keystone owns
the information about this (after post configuration is done) and Heat
owns the information about the overcloud Keystone.

- user credentials for an overcloud: it will be used by Heat during
stack creation, by Tuskar during post configuration, by Tuskar-ui
querying various information (eg. running vms on a node) and finally by
the user logging in to the overcloud Horizon. Now it can be found in the
Tuskar-ui settings file [1].

Both of these are really good points that I haven't seen discussed yet.
The wireframes cover the allocation of nodes and displaying basic
details of what's created (even that is still placeholder) but not much
beyond that.

I'd like to break that into a separate thread. I'm not saying it's
unrelated, but since it's not even wireframed out I'd like to have a
dedicated discussion about what it might look like. I'll start that
thread up as soon as I collect my thoughts.

Fair point, sorry about that. I haven't seen the latest wireframes, I 
had a few expectations based on the previous version.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Dealing with passwords in Tuskar-API

2014-02-20 Thread Imre Farkas

On 02/19/2014 06:10 PM, Ladislav Smola wrote:


I would like to have your opinion about how to deal with passwords in

The background is, that tuskarAPI is storing heat template parameters in
its database, it's a
preparation for more complex workflows, when we will need to store the
data before the actual
heat stack-create.

So right now, the state is unacceptable, we are storing sensitive
data(all the heat passwords and keys)
in a raw form in the TuskarAPI database. That is wrong right?

Right, that is definitely wrong.

So is anybody aware of the reasons, why we would need to store the
passwords? Storing them
for a small amount of time (rather in a session) should be fine, so we
can use them for latter init of the stack.
Do we need to store them for heat stack-update? Cause heat throws them away.

You will need those passwords after Heat finished creating the stack and 
Tuskar is going to initialize Keystone and register the services. 
Keystone can't be used for that because a) Tuskar will need the 
password, not a token, b) Keystone is not yet initialized.
Since stack creation is an asynchronous operation, the session might 
have gone long time ago. So storing it in the session would not work, 
Tuskar has to store it in a more permanent place.

You will also need the password every time a service need reregistered. 
Eg. user decides to get rid of swift, then changes his mind, but can't 
undo the operation because the password is gone.

If yes, this bug should change to encrypting of the all sensitive data,
right? Cause it might be just me,
but dealing with sensitive data like this the 8th deadly sin.

The second thing is, if users will update their passwords, info in the
TuskarAPI will be obsolete and
can't be used anyway.

I don't think that the user is going to change the password for 
different services. We should also investigate if the service will work 
after someone changes its password.

I don't see any problem in storing passwords for the overcloud, since 
Tuskar *is* the management interface. But I agree, we should do it more 


There is a bug filled for it:

Thanks for the feedback, seems like the bug is not as straightforward as
I thought.

Kind Regards,

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Dealing with passwords in Tuskar-API

2014-02-20 Thread Imre Farkas

On 02/20/2014 10:12 AM, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:

On 19/02/14 18:29, Dougal Matthews wrote:

The question for me, is what passwords will we have and when do we need
them? Are any of the passwords required long term.

We will need whatever the Heat template needs to generate all the
configuration files. That includes passwords for all services that are
going to be configured, such as, for example, Swift or MySQL.

I'm not sure about the exact mechanisms in Heat, but I would guess that
we will need all the parameters, including passwords, when the templates
are re-generated. We could probably generate new passwords every time,

That is an excellent point. Tuskar will need the passwords every time it 
needs to regenerate the Heat template (basically when running 

I don't think, changing the password every time would work. If eg. the 
MySQL password is changed, then os-refresh-config will fail during the 
db migration scripts because it no longer can access the existing db 
with the new password.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Dealing with passwords in Tuskar-API

2014-02-20 Thread Imre Farkas

On 02/20/2014 03:57 PM, Tomas Sedovic wrote:

On 20/02/14 15:41, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:

On 20/02/14 15:00, Tomas Sedovic wrote:

Are we even sure we need to store the passwords in the first place? All
this encryption talk seems very premature to me.

How are you going to redeploy without them?

What do you mean by redeploy?

1. Deploy a brand new overcloud, overwriting the old one
2. Updating the services in the existing overcloud (i.e. image updates)
3. Adding new machines to the existing overcloud
4. Autoscaling
5. Something else
6. All of the above

I'd guess each of these have different password workflow requirements.

I am not sure if all these use cases have different password 
requirement. If you check devtest, no matter whether you are creating or 
just updating your overcloud, all the parameters have to be provided for 
the heat template:

I would rather not require the user to enter 5/10/15 different passwords 
every time Tuskar updates the stack. I think it's much better to 
autogenerate the passwords for the first time, provide an option to 
override them, then save and encrypt them in Tuskar. So +1 for designing 
a proper system for storing the passwords.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Dealing with passwords in Tuskar-API

2014-02-24 Thread Imre Farkas

On 02/24/2014 09:39 AM, Ladislav Smola wrote:

On 02/23/2014 01:16 AM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Imre Farkas's message of 2014-02-20 15:24:17 +:

On 02/20/2014 03:57 PM, Tomas Sedovic wrote:

On 20/02/14 15:41, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:

On 20/02/14 15:00, Tomas Sedovic wrote:

Are we even sure we need to store the passwords in the first
place? All
this encryption talk seems very premature to me.

How are you going to redeploy without them?

What do you mean by redeploy?

1. Deploy a brand new overcloud, overwriting the old one
2. Updating the services in the existing overcloud (i.e. image updates)
3. Adding new machines to the existing overcloud
4. Autoscaling
5. Something else
6. All of the above

I'd guess each of these have different password workflow requirements.

I am not sure if all these use cases have different password
requirement. If you check devtest, no matter whether you are creating or
just updating your overcloud, all the parameters have to be provided for
the heat template:

I would rather not require the user to enter 5/10/15 different passwords
every time Tuskar updates the stack. I think it's much better to
autogenerate the passwords for the first time, provide an option to
override them, then save and encrypt them in Tuskar. So +1 for designing
a proper system for storing the passwords.

Tuskar does not need to reinvent this.

Use OS::Heat::RandomString in the templates.

If any of them need to be exposed to the user, use an output on the

If they need to be regenerated, you can pass a "salt" parameter.

Do we actually need to expose to the user something else than

I think we should not. The MySQL password or any of the service 
passwords are "implementation details" of the cloud, it should not be 
used by anyone, except for OpenStack internally. The administrator 
should setup separate user accounts with the proper privileges to access 
these services.


We are using tripleo-heat-templates currently, so we will need to make
the change

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Cleaning up spec review queue.

2014-11-19 Thread Imre Farkas

On 11/19/2014 12:07 PM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:

On 11/18/2014 06:13 PM, Chris K wrote:

Hi all,

In an effort to keep the Ironic specs review queue as up to date as
possible, I have identified several specs that were proposed in the Juno
cycle and have not been updated to reflect the changes to the current
Kilo cycle.

I would like to set a deadline to either update them to reflect the Kilo
cycle or abandon them if they are no longer relevant.
If there are no objections I will abandon any specs on the list below
that have not been updated to reflect the Kilo cycle after the end of
the next Ironic meeting (Nov. 24th 2014).

Below is the list of specs I have identified that would be affected: - *Generic Hardware Discovery

Killed it with fire :D - *Driver for NetApp storage
arrays* - *DRAC hardware discovery*

Imre, are you going to work on it?

I think it's replaced by Lucas' proposal:

I will discuss it with him and abandon one of them.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Do we need an IntrospectionInterface?

2014-11-26 Thread Imre Farkas

On 11/26/2014 02:20 PM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:

Hi all!

As our state machine and discovery discussion proceeds, I'd like to ask
your opinion on whether we need an IntrospectionInterface
(DiscoveryInterface?). Current proposal [1] suggests adding a method for
initiating a discovery to the ManagementInterface. IMO it's not 100%
correct, because:
1. It's not management. We're not changing anything.
2. I'm aware that some folks want to use discoverd-based discovery [2]
even for DRAC and ILO (e.g. for vendor-specific additions that can't be
implemented OOB).

Any ideas?



Hi Dmitry,

I see the value in using the composability of our driver interfaces, so 
I vote for having a separate IntrospectionInterface. Otherwise we 
wouldn't allow users to use eg. the DRAC driver with an in-band but more 
powerful hw discovery.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] os-cloud-config ssh access to cloud

2014-03-07 Thread Imre Farkas

On 03/07/2014 10:30 AM, Jiří Stránský wrote:


there's one step in cloud initialization that is performed over SSH --
calling "keystone-manage pki_setup". Here's the relevant code in
keystone-init [1], here's a review for moving the functionality to
os-cloud-config [2].

The consequence of this is that Tuskar will need passwordless ssh key to
access overcloud controller. I consider this suboptimal for two reasons:

* It creates another security concern.

* AFAIK nova is only capable of injecting one public SSH key into
authorized_keys on the deployed machine, which means we can either give
it Tuskar's public key and allow Tuskar to initialize overcloud, or we
can give it admin's custom public key and allow admin to ssh into
overcloud, but not both. (Please correct me if i'm mistaken.) We could
probably work around this issue by having Tuskar do the user key
injection as part of os-cloud-config, but it's a bit clumsy.

This goes outside the scope of my current knowledge, i'm hoping someone
knows the answer: Could pki_setup be run by combining powers of Heat and
os-config-refresh? (I presume there's some reason why we're not doing
this already.) I think it would help us a good bit if we could avoid
having to SSH from Tuskar to overcloud.

Yeah, it came up a couple times on the list. The current solution is 
because if you have an HA setup, the nodes can't decide on its own, 
which one should run pki_setup.
Robert described this topic and why it needs to be initialized 
externally during a weekly meeting in last December. Check the topic 
'After heat stack-create init operations (lsmola)':


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] reviewer update march

2014-04-04 Thread Imre Farkas

On 04/03/2014 01:02 PM, Robert Collins wrote:

Getting back in the swing of things...

 like most OpenStack projects we need to keep the core team up to
date: folk who are not regularly reviewing will lose context over
time, and new folk who have been reviewing regularly should be trusted
with -core responsibilities.

In this months review:
  - Dan Prince for -core
  - Jordan O'Mara for removal from -core
  - Jiri Tomasek for removal from -core
  - Jamomir Coufal for removal from -core

Existing -core members are eligible to vote - please indicate your
opinion on each of the three changes above in reply to this email.

ACK for all proposed changes.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] reviewer update march [additional cores]

2014-04-08 Thread Imre Farkas

On 04/08/2014 01:50 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

tl;dr: 3 more core members to propose:



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Re: [openstack-dev] [Tuskar] [TripleO] The vision and looking ahead

2013-09-19 Thread Imre Farkas

On 09/19/2013 10:08 AM, Tomas Sedovic wrote:

Hi everyone,

Some of us Tuskar developers have had the chance to meet the TripleO
developers face to face and discuss the visions and goals of our projects.

Tuskar's ultimate goal is to have to a full OpenStack management
solution: letting the cloud operators try OpenStack, install it, keep it
running throughout the entire lifecycle (including bringing in new
hardware, burning it in, decommissioning), help to scale it, secure the
setup, monitor for failures, project the need for growth and so on.

And to provide a good user interface and API to let the operators
control and script this easily.

Now, the scope of the OpenStack Deployment program (TripleO) includes
not just installation, but the entire lifecycle management (from racking
it up to decommissioning). Among other things they're thinking of are
issue tracker integration and inventory management, but these could
potentially be split into a separate program.

That means we do have a lot of goals in common and we've just been going
at them from different angles: TripleO building the fundamental
infrastructure while Tuskar focusing more on the end user experience.

We've come to a conclusion that it would be a great opportunity for both
teams to join forces and build this thing together.

The benefits for Tuskar would be huge:

* being a part of an incubated project
* more eyballs (see Linus' Law (the ESR one))
* better information flow between the current Tuskar and TripleO teams
* better chance at attracting early users and feedback
* chance to integrate earlier into an OpenStack release (we could make
it into the *I* one)

TripleO would get a UI and more developers trying it out and helping
with setup and integration.

This shouldn't even need to derail us much from the rough roadmap we
planned to follow in the upcoming months:

1. get things stable and robust enough to demo in Hong Kong on real
2. include metrics and monitoring
3. security

What do you think?

That is an excellent idea!

Does it mean from the practical point of view that the Tuskar code will 
be merged into the TripleO repos and the project will be deleted from 
StackForge and Launchpad?



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Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic] [inspector] Proposing Anton Arefiev (aarefiev) for ironic-inspector-core

2016-04-05 Thread Imre Farkas

+1 from me. Thanks for your work Anton and congrats! ;-)


On 04/05/2016 12:24 PM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:


I'd like to propose Anton to the ironic-inspector core reviewers team.
His stats are pretty nice [1], he's making meaningful reviews and he's
pushing important things (discovery, now tempest).

Members of the current ironic-inspector-team and everyone interested,
please respond with your +1/-1. A lazy consensus will be applied: if
nobody objects by the next Tuesday, the change will be in effect.



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[openstack-dev] [ironic] wsmanclient

2016-01-18 Thread Imre Farkas

Hi all,

We have the openwsman bug[1] for long which affects the AMT and DRAC 
drivers. I added a simple protocol implementation[2] to 
python-dracclient a couple months ago using requests and lxml and 
refactored the DRAC driver to use that instead of openwsman. It's far 
from being a complete implementation of the protocol specification, just 
a subset which is needed for the driver. I used it since then without 
issues and since folks expressed their interest in it for the AMT 
driver, I proposed changes to project-config[3] and governance[4] to 
register a new project with the intent to move the code to there from 
the DRAC specific python-dracclient.

Let me know what you think.




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Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Addition to ironic-inspector-core: Sam Betts

2015-08-25 Thread Imre Farkas

On 08/25/2015 12:53 PM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:

Hi all!

Please join me in welcoming Sam to our team! He has been doing very
smart reviews recently, was contributing core features and expressed
clear interest in the ironic-inspector project.

Thanks and welcome!

Congrats Sam, well deserved!


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Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Addition to ironic-inspector-core, switching to 2x +2 rule

2015-07-01 Thread Imre Farkas

On 07/01/2015 10:56 AM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:

Hi all!

Please welcome Yuiko Takada to ironic-inspector-core team. Yuiko has
been with the team for some time already. She did substantial work on
porting ironic-inspector to Oslo libraries and on our new devstack gate

Thanks Yuiko, it's a pleasure to work with you.

Congrats Yuiko, that is very well deserved!

As our core team grows, I'd like us to try to stick with 2x +2 rules. Up
to now it was mostly "Dmitry approves everything" rule, now let us make
sure we have at least 2 +2 on a patch before merging it, unless it's
critical for release or fixing gate. Don't wait for me to W+1 if you see
that patch already has 2x +2.

I'd ask the core team to review all the incoming patches. Once our
devstack gate is finally working, review will be a lot easier.



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Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ironic-discoverd release plans

2015-03-20 Thread Imre Farkas

Hi Dmitry,

Sounds good to me! ;-)


On 03/20/2015 01:59 PM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:

This is an informational email about upcoming ironic-discoverd-1.1.0
[1]. If you're not interested in discoverd, you may safely skip it.

Hi all!

Do you know what time is coming? Release time! I'm hoping to align this
ironic-discoverd release with the OpenStack one. Here's proposed plan,
which will be in effect, unless someone disagrees:

Apr 9: feature freeze. The goal is to leave me some time to test it with
Ironic RC and in-progress devstack integration [2]. Between this point
and the release day, git master can be considered a release candidate :)

Apr 30: release and celebration. stable/1.1 is branched and master is
opened for features.

For better scoping I've untargeted everything from 1.1.0 milestone [1],
except for thing I see as particularly important. We might add more if
we have time before FF.

Please let me know what you think.


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Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic] ironic-inspector-core team update

2016-10-02 Thread Imre Farkas
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Dmitry Tantsur 

> Hi folks!
> As you probably know, Imre has decided to leave us for other challenges,
> so our small core team has become even smaller. I'm removing him on his
> request.
> I suggest adding Milan Kovacik (milan or mkovacik on IRC) to the
> ironic-inspector-core team. He's been pretty active on ironic-inspector
> recently, doing meaningful reviews, and he's driving our HA work forward.
> Please vote with +1/-1. If no objections are recorded, the change will be
> in effect next Monday.

+1 to both. :-)

Congrats Milan, very well deserved!


> Thanks!
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