Re: Shaikh and the rate of profit

1997-12-15 Thread jurriaan bendien
Perelman writes: I only mentioned this article to register a bit of doubt about Shaikh's interpretation. Which interpretation of Shaikh's or which of Shaikh's writings does Perelman have in mind ? Regards Jurriaan.

Re: Big Brother: Bill 160 (fwd)

1997-12-11 Thread jurriaan bendien
- Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 18:28:32+0100 From: jurriaan bendien [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Big Brother: Bill 160 (fwd) To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] In response to Valis: Yeah I know what you are talking about. In New

Re: Big Brother: Bill 160 (fwd)

1997-12-11 Thread jurriaan bendien
In response to Valis: Yeah I know what you are talking about. In New Zealand Muldoon set up the Security Intelligence Service in the late 1970s and they used to spy on campus, registering political science students among other things. The biggest laugh was when an SIS agent was spotted with a

I am not a Marxist

2002-04-21 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Try Engels to Conrad Schmidt, 5 Aug 1890. Or try The quote is discussed in detail in Hal Draper's marxological work, Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution (section: I am not a Marxist, said he) but I haven't got the books here so

A Dutch interview with Harvard Professor David Landes

2002-04-23 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
This interview with Harvard Professor David Landes appeared in the Dutch magazine Internationale Samenwerking [International Cooperation] (April 2002, pp. 30-33), a free publication of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The interviewer was Bart Top. Q: You explain poverty by geographic

David Landes etc.

2002-04-24 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I posted the interview with David Landes because to me it succinctly summarises a modern liberal attitude, showing both its strengths (for instance, rejection of the hullabaloo about globalisation and obsession with victim culture) and weaknesses (its misplaced faith in market economy as

Importance of history

2002-04-28 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Even if the popular front struggle against fascism had certain merits (because of course broad opposition to the fascists had to be forged), the point is that is was a belated attempt to correct a mistaken policy (the ultra-left third period line) over the preceding 7 years or so. Popular

crisis of leadership ?

2002-04-28 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Louis wrote: The main reason revolutions do not break out everywhere is the absence of leadership. The crisis of the 21st century, just as was the case in the 20th century, can be reduced to a crisis of leadership. In the workers camp, this involves creating clear lines of demarcation between

Curious American research on health benefits of email (light relief)

2002-04-28 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Writing an email promotes the mental and physical health of the writer. That is the conclusion reached by psychologists at the Texas AM University in College Station. This applies only to emails in which the writer expresses his feelings, or describes personal experiences. The researchers

Importance of history

2002-04-28 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I don't see that there is anything wrong with a class against class policy... if the specific situation called for it, and if you have a realistic chance of realising it and winning it. But that is the point, no strategy or tactic can be arrived at or evaluated independently from a specific

crisis of leadership ?

2002-04-28 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The reason why LO and LCR and OCI don't unite is because they have substantially different political positions on public issues, and because they have very different organisational cultures. There's nothing wrong with that provided they don't get into each other's way and can work together

crisis of leadership ?

2002-04-29 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Well I don't want to go into this issue much further, particularly since I don't regard myself as a Marxist (I am a socialist appreciative of Marx) and because I have few ties with Trotskyists these days anyway. But just briefly, my objection to Louis's assertion that the crisis of our time

crisis of leadership ?

2002-04-29 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I think Michael is correct. You have to plug into what's already there, already emerging, and take it a step further. That requires insight into where people are really at these days, but it also means moving on from the how awful capitalist civilisation is mode, to positive alternatives, to

Union education in economics

2002-05-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Bill, You could check out a Phd Thesis completed at Canterbury University by G. R. Pearce with help from myself. It's called Where is New Zealand Going ? (1986), available from UCL, and includes a data set for basic Marxian variables (s/v, c/v, s/c+v and various derivatives) applying to NZ

Union education in economics

2002-05-02 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Bill, Do you have available the current percentage of unionised workers in the total number of wage and salary earners in New Zealand ? In 1985 it stood at about 44 percent and in 1995 it was about 23 percent. I just want to know if this decline has continued (at least in some countries the

Million demonstrators in France

2002-05-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
What is left out from Louis's comments is that as a matter of fact many left-wing voters WILL vote for Chirac simply to keep Le Pen out (after all, the presidency is a very powerful position in the French state), without having any illusions about the nature of rightwing politics or about

Racist threat in the Netherlands

2002-05-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Pim Fortuyn is not a fascist, and has publicly dissociated himself from Le Pen. He is best seen as a maverick, eclectic small bourgeois, who tries to shake up the political establishment from its complacency by raking up the sore spots in Dutch society. There's the immigration issue, the

Racist threat in Netherlands

2002-05-04 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Pim Fortuyn does actually argue that Holland is full, and he wants to seal the borders against immigrants and asylum seekers as much as possible, as well as impose strict policies to ensure foreigners integrate correctly in Dutch society. But this is actually much more difficult to implement

Pim Fortuyn

2002-05-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The mail bounced so I will post it to PEN-L. It must have been the old Dutch Communist Party, which no longer exists, quite some years ago. It was mentioned in the press one time. I do not recall the details, and I do not know what reaction he got in the CP press. The Dutch CP or what was left

About the Dutch SP

2002-05-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Carrol, I would imagine that the leaders of the Dutch SP would say that they had genuinely put into practice the relevant content of Mao's message. But the point is, if you go talking about Maoist Marxist-Leninism to the general public here, most would think you are nuts. This is not Nepal,

Pim Fortuyn killed

2002-05-06 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Pim Fortuyn was shot dead by a guy in a baseball cap around 6 pm tonight. He had just been doing a radio interview in Hilversum. The official confirmation of his death hasn't yet been given, but the news reporters assume his is in fact dead. I have a lot of thoughts milling about in my head,

Socialist Statements about the assassination of Pim Fortuyn

2002-05-07 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I've translated official statements by the Dutch SAP, SP and IS on the murder of Pim Fortuyn. Little is known yet about the suspected assassin except that he was a 32-year old white Dutch environmental activist from Harderwijk, in a relationship with a woman with a child, who refused to make

Question about the profit rate

2002-05-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Michael, I still could not attempt to answer your question, because (1) it depends on how you define the general rate of profit. For example, do you include taxes in the mass of surplus-value, if so, which taxes. (2) It is not clear what exactly you mean by endogenous/exogenous. Very few

Growing exports and falling incomes

2002-05-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Thanks, Ian. That is the kind of economic information that is pertinent to read.

Gould dies at 60; Perelman alive and kicking

2002-05-21 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Michael, I think you write extremely well. I read your little book on the information age, and it got better as I read on. From you work one can learn something new...; ; I wish more economics writers would write like you ! Regards Jurriaan

Question about the economics of information

2002-05-22 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
This may be a stupid question, but does anyone of the esteemed economists on the list know where I would find a systematic and rigorous analysis of information as a commodity ? I just read Michael Perelman's book about class warfare in the information age, which contains a lot of very valid

Question about the economics of information

2002-05-24 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Well my question may be been naively stupid, but I nevertheless got some very interesting responses. Thank you all very much. I did read Michael's book on the information age, but he doesn't really go into the implications for Marxian value theory explicitly, that is all. My thought was that if

Why socialism is necessary

2002-05-24 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Louis, While I am very sympathetic to your point of view in this regard, I would say there is - going by past experience - no guarantee that socialism would necessarily mean an end to war, unless you mean by socialism an end to war, in which case we are dealing with a tautology. Given the

Why socialism is necessary

2002-05-25 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Louis, I don't disagree with you in that Soviet-type economies were much less bellicose. But let's not forget such things as the Sino-Soviet conflict, the invasion of Cezechoslovakia and Hungary by the Red Army, Vietnam-Cambodia, and the military support of the USSR and PRC for various

socialism is necessary

2002-05-25 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Louis, We agree that socialism is needed, that as socialists we need to oppose war and militarism, and about the rapacious nature of modern imperialism. I am not trying to be a sunday talkshow host, I am merely querying your conception of who the goodies and the baddies are in the wild world

Re: do recessions have a good side?

2002-07-17 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The crisis might of course also be so destabilising that it opens other doors, such as the door for barbarism - seems to me that's been happening for some time in various parts of the world. I think it's wrong to see the crisis of capitalism only in economic terms, after all, it is

big biz vs. big govt

2002-07-17 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I used to design survey questionnaires for a job once. You should start off by inquiring into the survey methodology. Anybody can manufacture a certain public opinion. Let's not get trapped in categories which may not reveal what people really think. Threats for whom ? For the respondent ?

big biz vs. big govt

2002-07-18 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Doug wrote: No kidding. Which is why Gallup reported the wording of the question, and which is why I also did. It's: In your opinion which of the following will be the biggest threat to the country in the future -- big business, big labor, or big government? The question has been asked the same

citation on reforms

2002-07-21 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Well Lenin said all sorts of things depending on the situation and the time - the quotes are entertaining haha but otherwise pretty meaningless. J.


2002-07-22 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I am well aware of the development of Lenin's critique of non-revolutionary Marxism, which emerged from 1894 in the context of Russia and Poland - i.e. in countries where incipient industrialisation, a small but concentrated and militant urban working class and unresolved land questions


2002-07-22 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Michael wrote: In closing, the term reform leaves a nasty aftertaste now that it has been co-opted to mean making everything market-friendly. which case we might do well to think of some new terminology or concepts to express our point of view. J.

Big K

2002-07-23 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Seems to me the main thing getting in the way of Keynesian pump-priming is the existence of multinational corporations and international financial markets (international capital mobility). J.

Re: Originality ?

2002-07-23 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Is there such a thing as an original idea ? I think yes, but original ideas are difficult to find. Normally it requires thorough knowledge of the relevant tradition or genre in order to recognise an original idea as such or be able to moot it, and in some fields of human endeavour it would

Terminology for reforms

2002-07-24 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hari Kumar wrote: Personally, I think a spade should be called a spade - finding a new term for it is redolent of a white-wash! Quoth he: A Rose by any other name... Point I tried to make is that when Lenin talked about reformism, he was referring to large social democratic parties

Big K

2002-07-25 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Doug wrote: The U.S., Japan, and the EU are all relatively closed economies, with imports only around 10% of GDP. The leakage argument is overdone. Probably you are right about that, I am biased probably because I lived in economies heavily dependent on foreign trade and sensitive to foreign

one more time on reform and revolution

2002-07-29 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
As a digression into Lenin quotology, I was just leafing through an old copy of Medvedev's book on The October Revolution, and at the end he quotes an interesting bit from Lenin's article on the fourth anniversary of Soviet power, where Lenin freely admits he is engaging in reformism and that

Expertise ?

2002-07-29 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
If, as Justin argues, Most judges, at least federal ones that I know of, enforce the law fairly (i.e. evenhandedly), how come e.g. a disproportionate number of US blacks end up in jail ? Of course, you can make sociological arguments that more blacks commit crimes or more blacks are poor,

the pope

2002-07-29 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
That would imply one in 15 priests is a bad priest. I'll bear it in mind, just in case.

Expertise and vanguard parties

2002-07-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Justin doesn't pollute my mind at all, in fact he has enlightening things to say from which I, being ignorant about the USA, benefit. Every vanguard party should have at least one Justin in it. Justin is in the vanguard -regardless of whether you agree with him -, because he has been through

A Dutch interview with Immanuel Wallerstein

2002-08-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
(The following article I translated from Internationale Samenwerking (May 2002, p.31-33), a monthly published free by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For the benefit of my anti-Dutch Marxmail critics I should perhaps point out that I mail this because I think it's interesting.

Re: Max Elbaum To Speak In Sacramento On SocialMovement History

2002-08-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Louis wrote: We have the same requirement today that existed in Russia in 1902 and in the USA in the 70s and 80s, namely to unite scattered Marxist circles and individuals. If that is the case, I wonder why he isn't a member of the Fourth International, Solidarity and dozens of other groups


2002-08-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Michael, what do you mean when saying Marx began Capital with a stageist flourish - are you referring to the 1859 Preface ? I think Stedman Jones must be correct in stressing the importance of campaigning for reforms, but he is surely wrong in saying that the only alternative is reformism. It


2002-08-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Michael is quite right. I just don't see any real evidence of Marx arguing for stage-ism, in the sense of a necessary sequence of stages of development. He just says that the more developed capitalist country shows the less developed capitalist country an image of its own future. That is a

Re: Not inclusive enough, Louis ?

2002-08-13 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Saying that the FI is Stalinophobic is too much of a generalisation. They've been known to try and recruit, coalesce or fuse with Stalinist-type currents at times. It's not a good reason for refusing to join them. The only good reason Louis can have, seen as his stated aim is to unite

Martin Amis on Stalin-regime

2002-08-13 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The new book of the British star author Martin Amis, Koba the Dread, will be published in a month's time in England, but has already sparked off controversy among Russian historians and human rights activists. In the work which has the provocative subtitle Laughter and the twenty-million,

Foucault = ?

2002-08-13 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The most important intellectual I met in that time was Michel Foucault. We got to know each other in the year that Reagan was elected president, when we were both guests at New York University. At the university there was a party to which we were invited. Foucault was hardly treated with

Not inclusive enough, Louis ?

2002-08-13 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Louis said: I take my cue from the Cuban revolution. I want to put the Russian questions behind us. Unfortunately, the FI remains centered on exactly that. I don't think you are right about that, the FI doesn't remain centered on the Russian questions, certainly not the Mandelistas here in

American anti-terrorist drive targets Filipino Communist in Holland

2002-08-14 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The US Government demands that The Netherlands takes measures against the Communist Party of the Philippines. The USA would make a formal request this afternoon. The founder of the party lives in Utrecht. The CPP is classified by Washington as a terrorist organisation. The Phillippines

Lyrical interlude: Fifty ways to wreck Iraq

2002-08-16 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
This is an evil man who, left to his own devices, will wreak havoc again on his own population, his neighbors and, if he gets weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them, on all of us, Rice told the BBC. There is a very powerful moral case for regime change. We certainly do not have

American anti-terrorist drive targets Filipino Communists

2002-08-16 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Well since Scott already posted, I don't need to say more about it at this stage... except sorry for my recent typo's and translation glitches, it was just a bit hurried. I actually met Sison once in New Zealand and it's clear to me he isn't a terrorist, he's got morals. The story brings out

Re: Foucault = ?

2002-08-18 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I think you should distinguish between Foucault and his writings on the one hand, and the reception/interpretation of his writings in various intellectual milieus on the other. I would think Foucault was to the left of Althusser, politically, all along. Blaming post-modernist subjectivism on

Foucault = ?

2002-08-18 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I think you should distinguish between Foucault and his writings on the one hand, and the reception/interpretation of his writings in various intellectual milieus on the other. I would think Foucault was to the left of Althusser, politically, all along. Blaming post-modernist subjectivism on

Soft power ?

2002-09-09 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The Paradox of American Power Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone JOSEPH S. NYE, Jr. What role should America play in the world? What key challenges face us in the century to come, and how should we define our national interests? These questions have been given electrifying new

Re: UK does not trust directors

2003-06-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi Chris, Have you considered that it might in fact be very difficult for the directors of large companies to tell the truth, in view of the multifaceted nature of the reality they are responsible for, and the social contradictions of an economy based on private enterprise ? As regards the

Re: Chronicle article: Seeing Red

2003-06-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Mah fellow Americans, Tonight I wood like the opportoonity to talk to you about an isshoe that is of great concern to the American pipple, and I am not talking about Enron ever again, I promiss. The isshoe I wood like to address, er, talk about tonight, concerns, concerns, eh, plagiarism. My

Re: UK does not trust directors

2003-07-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi Chris, Good points, but I am feeling a bit gruff just now, excuse the language. But in technical terms there is a substantial problem about selecting information and communicating. Correct. In the Leninist party of the type Ernest Mandel envisaged once, the party itself would be like an

Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics says satisfaction of workers at work is increasing

2003-07-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Utrecht, 1 July 1993 After a continuously declining workload, workers are increasingly more satisfied about development, promotion and remuneration opportunities. This is shown by a survey of the Central Bureau of Statistics among employed people about their judgement of working conditions. In


2003-07-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Oops, I forgot to acknowledge my source for the CBS story I posted. I got it from the Dutch Tiscali website and translated it, but now I cannot find it back again. J.

Re: UK does not trust directors

2003-07-02 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi Chris, I do not necessarily hold that against you! It is just that the song refers to the word divine and some of our more astute readers might draw a link to Jim Devine. But I prefer not to try to think of any correspondent as my friend, because you can't agree with somebody about

Re: UK does not trust directors (final)

2003-07-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Well there's a few slips in what I wrote. I do not exactly know how many people Fletcher Challenge employ in New Zealand nowadays, I would need to look it up, but it would be at least 5 percent or so. They are a very large multinational by now, like, they would own forests in Canada and Chile etc.

One more correction - Directors

2003-07-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I referred to non-profit local government work, that is obviously a wrong formulation, since many local government functions are privatised, semi-privatised or contracted out to private enterprise. It is just that where I worked, it was mainly non-profit. Local government agencies often have low

Hilary Clinton reveals all

2003-07-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I have just starting reading Hilary's autobiography. Here's a snippet: Back in 1959, I wanted to become a teacher or a nuclear PHYSICIST. Teachers were necessary to TRAIN young citizensand without them you wouldn't have much of a country. America needed SCIENTISTS because the RUSSIANS have about


2003-07-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Actually, my sister didn't work for a Fletcher Challenge company in Christchurch, but rather for a Brierley Investments company, a bookstore called Whitcoulls, originally Whitcombe Tombs. Brierley was an authorative expert in the rationalisation of capital in New Zealand. His method of primitive

A Sunday homily on God's voice, or, a meditation on the Luck of the Irish

2003-07-07 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Religious justification for political action in terms of God's will is, in my opinion, the last resort of a scoundrel, who is unable to honestly specify any reasonable relationship between political means and ends, as an inspiration for his own actions in the political field, or acknowledge a

Proletarian-peasant logic ?

2003-07-07 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Sociologically, the proletarian credentials of Trotsky and Stalin were zero, except that you can say than in some respects, their lifestyle was proletarian for a while. But I would not exaggerate that either. To appreciate this more fully, investigate how they actually lived, and this is mostly on

Howard Dean and the future of blogger politics - a Dutch perspective

2003-07-07 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The Howard Dean phenomenon in the USA just mirrors the Pim Fortuyn saga in the Netherlands. The official bourgeois parties no longer do anything much to improve the lot of the people, their themes no longer appeal, and they are too rich and intellectually too lazy to worry about it. On the other

Howard Dean and the future of blogger politics

2003-07-07 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Well, this shows you the problem-fraught nature of genuine internationalism, I start making comparisons which don't really hold up. In which case, I shouldn't really be commenting on American politics and economics. Of course I am vitally interested in America, it has an enormous influence on the

Re: Proletarian-peasant logic ?

2003-07-07 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
"This was sent to the wrong place. Sorry. By proletarian logic what is meant is that was a person writes." That is a fairly intelligent comment, I would say. "I have in mind books like Marxism and the National Colonial Question edited by Lenin as well as the dozen or so books and

Re: Bush in the bush

2003-07-08 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Me too :) Note however that slavery existed in parts of Africa before the Western slave trade really got going. Before addressing the economic articulations of slavery and the parameters of slave exploitation, it is worth first emphasizing that the role of the slave has always been defined in

Re: Africa-trade

2003-07-09 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
According to former actor and US president Ronald Reagan, the superior productivity of American farming, compared to Soviet farming, was a decisive argument for the superiority of capitalism as a social and economic system. Yeah. J. - Original Message - From: Michael Pollak [EMAIL

Re: Africa-trade

2003-07-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
considering its unfavorable resource base. Its distribution system was not up to par. For many crops, Soviet yields were superior to those of the US, but not their output/hour. On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 09:00:32AM +0200, Jurriaan Bendien wrote: According to former actor and US president Ronald

Clyde Prestowitz on the meaning of neoconservatism

2003-07-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The Dutch Financial Daily (10 July, p. 2) interviewed Clyde Prestowitz, author of Rogue Nation - American unilateralism and the failure of Good Intentions (Basic Books, 2003). Chief of a rightwing thinktank and born-again Christian, Prestowitz has got himself something of a reputation as an expert

Re: Clyde Prestowitz on the meaning of neoconservatism

2003-07-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
As far as I know, reinterpretations of Hobson and JS Mill (in other words, any theory about imperialism which is not Marxist, i.e. which does not say that imperialism is a bad thing) were already occurring in the 1990s, they are just becoming more prominent now, as I predicted in the 1990s (i.e.

Re: The State and Revolution (was: Clyde Prestowitz on the meaning of neoconservatism)

2003-07-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 1:11 AM Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Clyde Prestowitz on the meaning of neoconservatism Jurriaan Bendien wrote: So Lenin was actually making a specific political intervention in an ongoing discussion, basing himself on ideas current in his time

Re: business unionism redux

2003-07-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Critics argue that options can encourage entrepreneurs, but in many cases during the boom, they spurred executives to bend the rules in order to keep share prices flying. Because restricted shares have a higher inherent value, companies give far less to employees than they would options -

Re: if you line up all the economists from end to end........

2003-07-11 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
As an example, he said, researchers making revisions to price indexes may have been pushed to understate inflation, as such a change would result in smaller liabilities in the Social Security system when the baby-boom generation retires. In reality, those kinds of things do play some role. I

Re: the Dutch disease

2003-07-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller He got hair down to his knee Got to be a joker he just do what he please He wear no shoeshine he got toe-jam football He got monkey finger he shoot

Socialism, utopia and the politics of heterodox socialism

2003-07-13 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Thank y'all for finally agreeing with me. Of course it is not simply a matter of hope, it is also a matter of will. Some factors promote a clearly and purposively focused will, other factors erode that will. If, for example a person does not feel loved or accepted, or if he feels his honour and

Re: creative destruction

2003-07-14 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Chris: Marxdoes not say that profit and wages are a true zero sum game, this is an inadequate description. This zero-sum game is only a special case, namely the case in which the value product is constant or declining. If the value product is increasing, then both wages and profits can

Re: Socialism, utopia and the politics of heterodox socialism

2003-07-14 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi there Jurriaan -- I don't know much about you, personally, having only recently rejoined Michael's list after an absence of some 6-7 years or so... But I wanted to express my appreciation for your posts. Obviously, that means I agree with you on most of what you write. :) Aside from

A new initiative in bloggology

2003-07-14 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Parliament goes wireless for bloggers' summit Matthew Tempest, political correspondent Monday July 14, 2003 Westminster is to hold a world-first tonight, when around 120 bloggers descend on parliament for a discussion on how politicians can best use the blogosphere to further policy and public

Re: creative destruction

2003-07-14 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The Marxian value product is an alternative measure to the conventional "value added" (net output). The value product comprises total variable capital (roughly, salary and wage income of productive labourincluding social wage levies, but net of income tax)plus total surplus value (roughly,

The French education workers

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
France - A wave of working class mobilisation The period between mid-March and 19 June saw the largest wave of industrial protests in France since the Winter of 1995, when a railway strike developed into a

History of American Capitalism

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Thanks Louis for the ref ! J.

Learning about revolution in the musical Oklahoma ! (you may say we're hicks and rednecks, but we ain't unaware)

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
ill lead the way? Song: Its a Scandal! Its An Outrage! Band: Rodgers And Hammerstein Album: Oklahoma! Broadway Musical [Peddler] Oh! Trapped!... Tricked! ... Hoodwinked! ... Ambushed! ... [Men] Friend, Whut's on yer mind? Why do you walk Around and around, With yer hands Folded behind, And yer

Back to slavery

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
In Holland it is sometimes trendy in management circles to hire professional philosophers as consultants - philosophy provides freedom for critical thought, hence a philosopher might identify or reframe problems in a way which a more narrow-minded business approach might fail to do, through a

Re: Back to slavery

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hope you are OK ? Anything I can do, just ask. J. - Original Message - From: Devine, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 7:02 PM Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Back to slavery My writing is totally incoherent. Here's what I meant to say: Contrary to

Re: Back to slavery

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
. Regards Jurriaan - Original Message - From: Eubulides [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 9:36 PM Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Back to slavery - Original Message - From: Jurriaan Bendien [EMAIL PROTECTED] In Holland it is sometimes trendy in management

Two new web sites launched in Granma

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Two web sites launched in Granma . One on Martí's ideas and the Moncada action and the other for the 14th Pan American Games. Can be found at: BY RAISA PAGES-Granma daily- TWO new web sites, one dedicated to

Re: John Nichols on James Weinstein on Oscar Wilde and the Left

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
As far as I know, you are incorrect. Luxemburg coined the slogan, the idea was expressed first by Engels. J. - Original Message - From: Devine, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 3:41 AM Subject: Re: [PEN-L] John Nichols on James Weinstein on

Engels on socialism or barbarism

2003-07-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
In 1848 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels argued in the Communist Manifesto that the historic fight between the oppressor and oppressed ended 'either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes'. Engels said that 'bourgeois society stands at

It's over !

2003-07-17 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I thought that a recession was a reduction in real GDP growth and a depression or slump negative real growth. As far as I know, real GDP growth without employment growth is not new, this happened as well in some years in the 1980s or 1990s. Personally, I consider the discussion petty useless

Question on real net new investment in the US

2003-07-17 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Does anybody have any data on the trend in real net new investment in the US economy in recent years ? I am referring here to net additions to fixed assets, adjusted for inflation, in total and for the major economic sectors (manufacturing, agriculture, services etc.), this is sometimes referred

Re: It's over !

2003-07-17 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Is that like a mid-life crisis ? :) J. - Original Message - From: Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 11:45 PM Subject: Re: [PEN-L] It's over ! Jurriaan Bendien wrote: I thought that a recession was a reduction in real GDP growth

Question on real net new invesment in the US

2003-07-17 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Thanks a lot Max, that is helpful ! I am just not so familiar with US sources. To be honest, I am impressed by the quality of presentation of NIPA data sets you refer me to. When I was a Phd student in New Zealand in the 1980s, I had to go on my bicycle to the Stats Dept to get a print-out of the

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