William F. Buckley praises the "new war hawk"

2004-08-13 Thread Louis Proyect
Op/Ed - William F. Buckley THE NEW WAR HAWK Tue Aug 10, 8:00 PM ET By William F. Buckley Jr. Six months ago I ventured in this space that the Democratic position on the war in Iraq (news - web sites) was the single most critical question in U.S. polit

Re: Economics and law

2004-08-13 Thread Louis Proyect
Carrol Cox wrote: Secondly, the primary Marxist point about capitalism was that, destructive of human life as capitalism had been from its very beginning (the advances for the few from the beginning disguising the greater horror for the many), it _had_ opened up the possibility of _real_ improvemen

Stan Goff article

2004-08-13 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.counterpunch.org/goff08132004.html This is a long, well-researched article that takes on John Kerry's environmentalist platform but goes much deeper into broader questions of oil depletion, global warming, etc. It cites Mark Jones extensively as well as Henry Liu. Highly recommended. --

Kerry Unveils One-Point Plan for Better America

2004-08-12 Thread Louis Proyect
The Onion VOLUME 40 ISSUE 3211 AUGUST 2004 WICHITA, KS—Delivering the central speech of his 10-day "Solution For America" bus campaign tour Monday, Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry outlined his one-point plan for a better America: the removal of George W. Bush from

Michael Hirsch twits fellow reformists

2004-08-12 Thread Louis Proyect
(In line with Mark Lause's delicious Monty Python post, this was something that just showed up on Leo Casey's mailing list that is made up exclusively of trade union functionaries, social democratic hacks and other diehard reformists. The author is a New Politics editor who must have found the pro-

Re: lesser evil question

2004-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Michael Perelman wrote: If Kerry keeps shifting right, maybe we will have to vote for Bush as the lesser evil? Michael, I realize you are being witty but the differences between Bush and Kerry are substantial. They range over taxation, stem cell research, AIDS funding, etc. They also agree subs

Re: Fidel Castro "horrified by China"

2004-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nevertheless my base question was what did Fidel say that qualified as being horrified by China. He probably has never criticized China's capitalist transformation publicly since China has been fairly generous with Cuba economically. The article I forwarded quotes diplomats

Re: Kerry would have gone to war

2004-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: I don't attach much credibility to what opportunistic politicians say in election campaigns -- particularly in Kerry's case, where he perceives his electoral fortunes, rightly or wrongly, to be dependent on adaptation to a segment of the voting population infected with a high

Nader press release on Kerry's "Me-Too-ism"

2004-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Nader For President 2004 P.O. Box 18002 - Washington, DC 20036 - www.VoteNader.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For Further Information: August 10, 2004 Kevin Zeese 202-265-4000 Nader: Is there no end to Kerry's "Me-Too-ism" with Bush on Iraq? Washington, D.C.: Independent Candidate Ralph Nader today cri

A nickel's worth of difference?

2004-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Counterpunch, August 11, 2004 Bush v. Kerry? Not Even a Dime's Worth of Difference By ALEXANDER COCKBURN Kerry goes from bad to worse. Last week he dropped Saddam's non-existent WMDs as a campaign issue. He did this huge favor to Bush via his (Kerry's) foreign affairs spokesman, the insufferable Ja

Kerry would have gone to war

2004-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
(A frequent argument on behalf of Kerry is that he would have not invaded Iraq after 9/11. He might be an imperialist but is not a rash, adventuristic unilateralist. Guess what, folks. He is a rash, adventuristic unilateralist. He might not be a born-again Christian and might favor stem-cell resear

John Forbes Kerry and the war on Iraq

2004-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
(This is such a great column that I am posting it unclipped.) NY Observer, August 11, 2004|9:42 AM On Truman’s Train, Kerry Comes Down On War—He’s For It by Robert Sam Anson It’s the war, stupid. Pretty much everybody seems to get that. Delegates to the Democratic National Convention sure did: The

Re: Fidel Castro "horrified by China"

2004-08-10 Thread Louis Proyect
My guess is that this is a reference to prostitution in Cuba. Charles Brown wrote: by Louis Proyect -clip- "He is the sort of man who does not want to see his legacy diluted in his lifetime," the diplomat said, adding that Castro was probably unaware of the extent of social dec

Fidel Castro "horrified by China"

2004-08-10 Thread Louis Proyect
Castro Turns 78 Rolling Back Capitalism in Cuba Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:16 AM ET By Anthony Boadle HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban President Fidel Castro turns 78 on Friday striving to roll back creeping capitalism in the socialist society he built from a guerrilla revolution in 1959. The world's longest-serv

Cobb or Nader?

2004-08-10 Thread Louis Proyect
Counterpunch, August 10, 2004 Crossroads for the California Green Party Will It Be Nader or Cobb? By TODD CHRETIEN In the next couple days, the California Green Party will decide whether or not to hold a state-wide convention to consider putting Nader/Camejo on the ballot. What will the party do? A

Kerry versus Nader on the Mideast

2004-08-10 Thread Louis Proyect
"The Cause of Israel is the Cause of America" By SEN. JOHN KERRY My first trip to Israel made real for me all I'd believed about Israel. I was allowed to fly an air force jet from the Ovda Airbase. It was then that Israeli insecurity about narrow borders became very real to me. In a matter of min

Re: Corporate Democrats

2004-08-10 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: Hindery, in effect, accuses members of the US business elite of placing their narrow personal and company interests ahead of their class interests, and the Bush administration of pandering to their selfish needs rather than acting in line with its broader responsibility as the

Looming natural gas shortages

2004-08-10 Thread Louis Proyect
What's that hissing sound? Worried about oil running out? Don't look now, but natural gas is next on the endangered hydrocarbons list. - - - - - - - - - - - - By Jeff Nachtigal, salon.com Aug. 10, 2004 | Oil prices hit an all-time high Monday, topping out at $44.97 a barrel. There are a bundle of


2004-08-09 Thread Louis Proyect
LA Times, August 9, 2004 THE RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE Jobs Grow, Optimism Shrinks in Wisconsin Displaced workers find new employment, but they're earning less in a service economy. By Warren Vieth, Times Staff Writer GREEN BAY, Wis. — For several months, the city known as "Titletown" — for its fo

Venezuela rightists falter

2004-08-08 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, August 8, 2004 Venezuela's Opposition Loses Momentum By JUAN FORERO CARACAS, Venezuela, Aug. 6 - Pompeyo Márquez, with his shaggy mustache, tuft of white hair and craggy voice, is the new face of Venezuela's opposition movement, and therein may lie the problem. After the opposition's f

Kerry favored Missouri amendment against gay marriage

2004-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Los Angeles Times August 7, 2004 Saturday THE RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE; Kerry Backs Missouri Ban on Gay Marriage BYLINE: Mark Z. Barabak, Times Staff Writer DATELINE: KANSAS CITY, Mo. Drawn into a Missouri debate over same-sex marriage, Sen. John F. Kerry said in an interview published Friday that h

Re: Al Gore for overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: You seriously misunderstand the nature of the conflict when you state that "the US ruling class opted for war." The US ruling class was and remains very divided over the invasion of Iraq, over whether it served or hurt US strategic interests. I think its closer to the truth to

Maria Full of Grace

2004-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
The 1989 British TV miniseries "Traffik" showed how the tentacles of the heroin trade reached both upwards and downwards, to rich and poor alike. One of the main characters was an impoverished opium farmer in Pakistan, who is forced into becoming a low-level employee of a trafficker after the a

Re: Al Gore for overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: Whether you think invasion/occupation versus sanctions/subversion represents only a nuance of difference or is more significant than that is a matter of judgment, of course. Certainly, you can make a case that the sanctions cost many lives -- perhaps as many or more than the i

Al Gore for overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
The New Yorker January 22, 2001 LETTER FROM WASHINGTON THE IRAQ FACTOR; Will the new Bush team's old memories shape its foreign policy? BYLINE: NICHOLAS LEMANN Let's assume, just for argument's sake, that George W. Bush's Presidency will have certain similarities to his father's-even that it will b

Re: Tariq Ali on the US election

2004-08-06 Thread Louis Proyect
Michael Perelman wrote: I don't see any more reason to demonize ABB people than to demonize Nader people. Both sides see themselves as promoting the left albeit by different routes. I am sorry, Michael. This is not "demonizing": "Frankly, I consider the ABB phenomenon to be almost unparalleled on t

Re: Tariq Ali on the US election

2004-08-06 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: (The following is from Doug Henwood's LBO-list. I may have missed Doug also posting it here. If so, my apologies for duplicating it. But a case can be made for reading Tariq Ali's comments twice. Ali, the radical British political commentator and playwright, has IMO succinctl

Nation Magazine editorial on Mussolini (July 29, 1925)

2004-08-05 Thread Louis Proyect
Mussolini’s Fascist State Italy is passing through a period of political and social change. Single events, however important in themselves, can hardly give the significance of this change or its direction. The following summary of the accomplishments of the last parliamentary session is reprint

Re: [Marxism] The NY Times, the Democratic Party and Italian fascism

2004-08-05 Thread Louis Proyect
Mallard Q. Duck wrote: Scary. Any examples of this? Online New York Times archives or whatever? Here's something fairly typical. NY Times, July 22, 1923 "The Swashbuckling Mussolini" by Anne O'Hare McCormick (clip) The miracle is a miracle of conversion. Here at last is a Government that has transf

Tricky John

2004-08-05 Thread Louis Proyect
A Low Profile For the Big Issue Kerry Treads Lightly on War in Iraq By Glenn Kessler Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, August 5, 2004; Page A06 In the early days of the general-election campaign, Democrat John F. Kerry has mounted a strong effort to erode President Bush's advantage on national

Scott Ritter on John Kerry

2004-08-05 Thread Louis Proyect
Boston Globe op-ed SCOTT RITTER Challenging Kerry on his Iraq vote By Scott Ritter | August 5, 2004 WITH THE release last month of the report by the Senate Select Committee on intelligence and Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, John Kerry was handed a gift that rarely occurs in a major political

Liberal yuppies go ballistic over Nader petition

2004-08-05 Thread Louis Proyect
Counterpunch, August 5, 2004 The Dem Plot Against Nader Florida Comes to California By TODD CHRETIEN Having spent the last month helping organize the petition drive to get Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo on the ballot in California, I'd like to make two observations and some comments. 1. There are an

Wallerstein on the elections

2004-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect
Now here's something you don't see everyday. Olympian, long-wave, crypto-Hegelian, world-systems arguments for voting Kerry. http://fbc.binghamton.edu/142en.htm -- Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

Marxmail connection problems

2004-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect
All mailing lists based on Hans Ehrbar's server, including Marxmail, are not functioning right now due to a system-wide problem in the economics department at U. of Utah. Will make another announcement when we have a handle on the situation. -- The Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

The NY Times, the Democratic Party and Italian fascism

2004-08-03 Thread Louis Proyect
Alan A. Block, "Space, Time & Organized Crime": As a way of initially placing the fascist presence in America, consider Mussolini's reception in the United States. According to John P. Diggins' history, Mussolini enjoyed a "vast popularity" which was a "product of the press." Diggins pointed out


2004-08-03 Thread Louis Proyect
The other interesting thing going on is the trivialization of the campaign, with major statements being made about Kerry's donning of a clean suit at NASA, debunking his mouth-to-mouth resuscitation of a hamster, etc. I strongly suspect that the corporate media will be going gung-ho for BUSH in the

Re: No Bounce for Kerry

2004-08-03 Thread Louis Proyect
Carrol Cox wrote: This is the popular attitude that disturbs me most, for more than any other attitude it represents despair at the possibility of people affecting national policy. The other interesting thing going on is the trivialization of the campaign, with major statements being made about Ker

Re: No Bounce for Kerry

2004-08-03 Thread Louis Proyect
Devine, James wrote: Also, Nader is likely falling because of the view that any vote for Nader is a vote for Bush. My understanding is that plans are afoot to arrest him and put him on trial at the Hague for crimes against humanity. -- The Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

No bounce for Kerry

2004-08-03 Thread Louis Proyect
So why did Bush, not Kerry, get the bounce? Tue Aug 3, 7:09 AM ET By Susan Page, USA TODAY There was a bounce after last week's Democratic National Convention. But it went to President Bush, not John Kerry. Pollsters and strategists are puzzling over Kerry's failure to get a boost from a conventio

Jon Stewart versus Ted Koppel

2004-08-03 Thread Louis Proyect
(Koppel will be a guest on the Daily Show this thursday.) slate.com Battle of the Network Anchors Ted Koppel and Jon Stewart face off on the convention floor. By Dana Stevens Updated Friday, July 30, 2004, at 6:30 PM PT Because of our predilection (scroll down to Wednesday's entry) for watching co

Re: China and socialism

2004-08-03 Thread Louis Proyect
Chris Doss wrote: Virtually nothing was banned in the USSR. The Washington Post July 20, 2002 Saturday Soviet Dissident Alexander Ginzburg Dies BYLINE: Martin Weil, Washington Post Staff Writer Alexander Ginzburg, 65, who was persecuted, imprisoned and exiled as a leader of the dissident intellectu

Re: China and socialism

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: societies. For Western Marxists like Louis who still see their societies as "rotten ripe" for socialism -- and predicate their political behaviour on that assumption -- it can be demoralizing to acknowedge that Marx may have been a good analyst of capitalism, but wrong about i

NY Times profile on Nader

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, August 2, 2004 Convictions Intact, Nader Soldiers On By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. 1 - To Ralph Nader, the Democratic convention in Boston was a hollow charade that made Senator John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee, seem more like President Bush than ever. H

Re: The Soviet "empire" was a drain on Moscow

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Devine, James wrote: If you think about "the power to fire workers, bequeath property to their sons or daughters, sell/strip assets, etc.," you're thinking about a specifically capitalist form of class power. (Did the Pharaoh have the ability to "the power to fire workers, bequeath property to thei

Re: The Soviet "empire" was a drain on Moscow

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
I would say that "USSR/Hungary" or "USSR/Czechoslovakia" would be more like "US/Puerto Rico," whereas "USSR/Cuba" might be more like "US/England." Of course, no analogies are perfect. jim devine "Although it is impossible precisely to evaluate the gains and losses in intra-Comecon trade it is ge

Re: The Soviet "empire" was a drain on Moscow

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Devine, James wrote: I've tried all this before (those specific instructions don't work with my MS Outlook 2000: SR-1, - and I've complained to the IT folks (and people on pen-l). So I'm trying to see how MS Word (2000, 9.0.3821 SR-1) works as my e-mail editor. Of course, the on-line ve

Dems work against Nader in SC

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
I'm a long time lurker on marxmail, reading just about every day for over a year. I was moved to forward this Charlotte Observer article (now in the registrant-only archives) on Democratic Party efforts to keep Nader off the ballot in my home state of South Carolina. Kerry has no shot of winning

Ralph Nader on the DP convention

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
The Democratic Party-Party Is Over by Ralph Nader, votenader.org The Democratic Party-Party Convention is over, and its singular memory will be its predictable banality and the commercialism that mostly financed it. Historically, conventions were newsworthy because there was a struggle over who

Re: The Soviet "empire" was a drain on Moscow

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Chris Doss wrote: There are lots of Soviet jokes depicting Castro as sucking at Brezhnev's teat. I used to work with Russian émigrés at Goldman-Sachs. This was in the late 1980s, when the USSR was still functioning. One of their biggest complaints was that Moscow was wasting money on the niggers,

Re: China and socialism

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: The problem, unfortunately, is there has never been anything other than a "scorched earth march to fully developed capitalist property relations" --anywhere, ever. Therefore, the issue becomes: is such a march historically progressive, despite the human toll? Marx, of course,

Re: The Soviet "empire" was a drain on Moscow

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Jim Devine: so the USSR didn't have classes? what principles did it follow? was Stalin a benevolent despot? reply: Jim, it is totally exhausting to reformat your email. Why can't you get somebody to configure your MS Outlook, or do it yourself. Here's how to do it: 1. Select tools/option 2. Select

Re: The Soviet "empire" was a drain on Moscow

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Carrol Cox wrote: If you consider the conditions of English workers in the 1840s & 1850s as described by Marx & Engels, and if in addition you consider the _change_ for the worse of that condition between (say) 1750 and 1840, also as described by Marx & Engels, and if, finally, you consider that th

Re: The Soviet "empire" was a drain on Moscow

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Some scholars (sorry, I don't have the reference here) argue that even the British empire wasn't profitable for Britain as a whole. But it clearly benefited the upper classes, who were more important in decision-making. Jim Devine The British Empire operated on a capitalist basis, whether or not

The Soviet "empire" was a drain on Moscow

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
It is difficult to understand Putin's organization without understanding its reliance on oil. In the 1980's, the Soviet Union was the world's largest producer of crude, ahead of Saudi Arabia. The bulk of the 12 million barrels produced each day fueled the Soviet economy and its anemic satellites in

Re: China and socialism

2004-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Chris Doss wrote: For the NYT or WP, everything bad that happens in China or Russia is the result of a nefarious plot hatched in Beijing or Moscow. For the life of me I can't understand why people who would be hypersceptical over these papers' coverage of, say, Venezuela cite them as impeachable so

China and socialism

2004-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect
If any confirmation of the correctness of Marty Hart-Landsberg and Paul Burkett's "China and Socialism" (a book-length article in the July-August 2004 Monthly Review) was needed, you can look at the heartrending Aug. 1, 2004 NY Times article on the suicide of Zheng Qingming. This 18 year old pe

[Fwd: Swans' Release: August 2, 2004]

2004-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect
ement in the U.S. of 2004 and JFK II is no FDR! When a Moroccan Swede gets interested in Straussian and Wilsonian politics, the idealist/realist discourse in the U.S., you end up with a Clinton looking much like a Bush, and vise versa. Please welcome the scholarly work of Mohammed Ben Jelloun, a

A suicide in China

2004-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, August 1, 2004 THE GREAT DIVIDE Amid China's Boom, No Helping Hand for Young Qingming By JOSEPH KAHN and JIM YARDLEY PUJIA, China — His dying debt was $80. Had he been among China's urban elite, Zheng Qingming would have spent more on a trendy cellphone. But he was one of the hundreds o

Re: [Marxism] Jonathan Schell on the DP's prowar stance

2004-07-31 Thread Louis Proyect
Devine, James wrote: did the DP create Moveon.org? my impression is that its leaders created it and then moved into the DP orbit on their own. I wasn't clear enough. Moveon.org was created by people who wanted a "respectable" alternative to the antiwar movement. It then morphed into Howard Dean's c

Re: Socialism of fools

2004-07-31 Thread Louis Proyect
James Heartfield, a person who Louis P. has a heart-felt dislike also cites Bebel: A century ago, the German socialist August Bebel exposed the limitations of another one-sided and illusory criticism of the market. In his day, the 'predatory' capitalists who were singled out for special treatment w

Re: [Marxism] Jonathan Schell on the DP's prowar stance

2004-07-31 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: (Jonathan Schell, in the forthcoming issue of The Nation, argues that the Democratic party has locked itself into continuing the war in Iraq, even though its base is in denial and is hoping Kerry's pledge to do so is just rhetoric designed to win the election. In fact, the out

Re: Failure of socialist revolution in the West is fault of Kremlin

2004-07-30 Thread Louis Proyect
Chris Doss wrote: Actually there was experimental art in the Soviet Union. It was just not exhibited in public places. I know some of the people involved. They exhibited in their apartments. Just because something was not officially sponsored does not mean that it did not exist. I love your deadpan

John Stewart nails the Democrats

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
Just watched a hilarious 30 minutes of comic coverage of the Democratic Party convention with Stewart's sidekicks doing a kind of Ali G routine with delegates. While listening to a woman identified as a "Kerry spokesperson" explain how Kerry had rallied the party, blah-blah, Stewart's reporter (a b

Staying the course

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
The London Telegraph July 29, 2004 Kerry 'will not change foreign policy' By David Rennie in Boston America's allies expecting a shift in United States foreign policy from a President John Kerry should think again, his top advisers said yesterday. Instead, members of Mr Kerry's inner circle could p

Debate on South Africa

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
HAS THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC REVOLUTION BEEN BETRAYED? THE CENTRE-LEFT DEFENDS ITS GAINS June-July 2004 DEBATES FROM TWO SOURCES: Mail and Guardian, and e-debate (http://www.kabissa.org/lists/debate) PARTICIPANTS: Ferial Haffajee (Editor, Mail and Guardian): FH Ebrahim Hassen (Senior R

Outflanking Bush to the right

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
The New Republic Website The Right Stuff by Daniel W. Drezner http://www.tnr.com/doc.mhtml?i=scholar&s=drezner072904 After John Kerry sewed up the Democratic presidential nomination, there was much fretting about whether he would need to tack left in order to appease the Deaniacs and Naderites. The

Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state?

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
Chris Doss wrote: If a Georgian with a goofy accent can be a Great Russian chauvinist. What does his accent have to do with anything? More to the point, Stalin's individual characteristics have little to do with the *social process* at work in the USSR, which Trotsky accurately described as Thermid

Re: India Turned Kashmir into the Bitter Place It Is Now

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
Chris Doss wrote: Typical Guardian headline: Big country (fill in name of big country here) turned small country (fill in name of small country here) into the bitter place it is now. Small countries are by definition victims of other countries and share no responsibility whatsoever for the situatio

Kashmir and Islam

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.himalmag.com/2004/may/review_2.htm REVIEW Kashmiriyat and Islam The conflict in Kashmir may be projected as the ‘militant Islamic’ assault on the state. But the origins of Kashmiriyat were never built on inter-religious antagonism. Languages of Belonging: Islam, Regional Identity and

Tariq Ali on Kashmir

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
LRB | Vol. 23 No. 8 dated 19 April 2001 | Tariq Ali Bitter Chill of Winter Tariq Ali (clip) In 1944 the National Conference had approved a constitution for an independent Kashmir, which began: "We the people of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh and the Frontier regions, including Poonch and Chenani distric

Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state? -

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
Yoshie Furuhashi wrote: You have no moral right to be acting superior to terrorists, since you intend to vote for one. But to be fair to John Kerry, he is only involved with state-sponsored terrorism. As far as I know, he has never been involved in a suicide bombing. Now he did apply botox to his f

More Marxist background on Kashmir

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
The Militant Vol.59/No.21 May 29, 1995 Kashmiris Demand: India Out Now! BY GREG ROSENBERG "Azad Kashmir! (Free Kashmir)" shouted women in the charred town of Charar Sharif - the scene of a devastating inferno provoked by the Indian army May 9. The burning of more than 1,000 houses and shops in the

Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state?

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
Charles Brown wrote: CB: The SU had autonomous regions. They were formally autonomous. In reality, there was Great Russian chauvinism from just around the time that Stalin was consolidating power. Lenin's concern over this matter prompted him to wage his final struggle against Stalin. http://www.ma

Banned in Boston

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, July 29, 2004 OP-ED COLUMNIST Banned in Boston By MAUREEN DOWD BOSTON — The Democratic convention stage has the hushed mahogany dignity of a Republican men's club: all dark wood paneling with maroon and faux marble trim. The podium has an ersatz presidential seal with a flag. Even the

The end of suburbia

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
Wednesday, July 28, 2004 It’s the End of the World as We Know It By Thomas Wheeler Review of The End of Suburbia - Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream (The Electric Wallpaper Co., c/o VisionTV, 80 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 1X2, 87 minute DVD, US$27.75/C$34.50).

John Edwards speaks

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
When John is president, we will listen to the wisdom of the September 11th Commission. We will build and lead strong alliances and safeguard and secure weapons of mass destruction. We will strengthen our homeland security and protect our ports, safeguard our chemical plants, and support our f

Useful background on Kashmir from the British SWP

2004-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.socialistreview.org.uk/article.php?articlenumber=7849 Socialist Review, February 2002 Kashmir: The Valley of Sorrow by Sam Ashman A potential nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan looms over the subcontinent. The flashpoint is the state of Kashmir. The British ruling class quit Ind

John Kerry and Hubert Humphrey

2004-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect
(The Atlantic Monthly is a centrist magazine.) Atlantic Unbound | July 27, 2004 Convention Dispatch | by Jack Beatty Humphrey Redux? Like Humphrey in '68, Kerry is out of step with voters on an upopular war . "Unity" is the regnant cliché about this convention and this party. The Democrats are

Re: The Blind Swordsman Zatoichi

2004-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect
Daniel Davies wrote: didn't straight-to-video fave Rutger Hauer star in a film about a blind swordsman once? http://www.pulpmovies.com/Reviews/Action/blindfury.html Blind Fury Master of the sword. Avenger of the Truth. ... and blind as a bat! Rutger Hauer is a great actor. But he has appeared in s

Networking in Boston

2004-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, July 28, 2004 An Aspiring Money Man Gets to Taste the High Life By GLEN JUSTICE BOSTON, July 27 - Owen Byrd had been on the ground less than two hours on Sunday when he made his way to the sumptuous Four Seasons Hotel here to pick up an envelope. Inside was a large gold ticket with a silv

The Blind Swordsman Zatoichi

2004-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect
In Hollywood, the blind are represented in film either as pitiful victims, such as in "Wait Until Dark," or as comic figures like Mr. Muckle, who tears apart W. C. Fields's shop in "It's a Gift." Leave it to the Japanese to come up with somebody like Zatoichi, the blind master swordsman who was pla

Re: Cuba: Dealing with the dollar

2004-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect
Ulhas Joglekar wrote: Cuba invites and accepts foreign investment, encourages tourism and receives remittances from Cubans settled abroad. Cuba also trades with other countries. (I don't know what is Cuba's external indebtedness.) These things would erode Cuba's autonomy. Is Cuba's relationship wit

Re: An emerging labor-led left in the DP?

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: Most union households are for the Democrats as they are for the social-democrats abroad. But union density in the US is smaller and has been declining steadily. That would explain the lesser weight of the unions in the DP than in the social democratic parties, although this ga

The Corporation

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.chireader.com/movies/archives/2004/0704/072304.html Unsafe at Any Size The Corporation Directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott Written by Joel Bakan, Harold Crooks, and Achbar Narrated by Mikela J. Mikael. Rating * * * * Masterpiece By Jonathan Rosenbaum A month ago I attended back-t

Re: An emerging labor-led left in the DP?

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
Michael Perelman wrote: There is no need to get personal! Well, I was highly insulted by all that stuff about intellectuals. How dare anybody refer to me in those terms. If he was not referring to me, then all is forgiven. -- The Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

Re: An emerging labor-led left in the DP?

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: In fact, the local and national labour full-timers I've met have seemed a lot less alien to the working class than left-wing intellectuals who regularly denounce them. This might be related to the fact that you were a trade union functionary for over 25 years. Sure, some have

Democratic Party 527's

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
See How They Fund By David S. Bernstein, Boston Phoenix. Posted July 27, 2004. One year ago, conventional political wisdom held that the Democratic presidential nominee would be in trouble right now. After spending all his cash in a tough primary battle, the thinking went, the candidate would ha

Nader raises hell at Harvard

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
Published on Friday, July 23, 2004 Nader Campaigns in Science Center By JOSHUA P. ROGERS Harvard Crimson Staff Writer As Boston geared up for the Democratic National Convention, independent candidate Ralph Nader crashed the party with a spirited rally on Friday afternoon in the Science Center. T

Re: An emerging labor-led left in the DP?

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote: social democratic governments are now commonplace, of course. Which raises the question: what keeps the unions wedded to these parties despite their repeated disappointments with them? The traditional left answer is that the workers lack sufficient consciousness of the nature

Michael Moore defends Kerry's vote in favor of war

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
SNAPSHOT 'Fahrenheit 9/11' fans welcome hero to hotbed By Yvonne Abraham, Boston Globe Staff | July 27, 2004 The man of the hour was more than an hour late. A group of veterans and soldiers' families waited for Michael Moore in a North End park yesterday, chatting, eating pizza, checking their wa

Trade union president: a Kerry loss might "be better" for labor

2004-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect
Dissent From Labor SEIU Chief Says the Democrats Lack Fresh Ideas Stern Asserts That a Kerry Win Could Set Back Efforts to Reform the Party By David S. Broder Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, July 27, 2004; Page A13 BOSTON, July 26 -- Breaking sharply with the enforced harmony of the Democrati

Re: A critical look at Michael Moore

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
Devine, James wrote: Mother Jones magazine, a magazine catering to Birkenstock-wearing, Sierra Club-donating, brie-eating liberals.< hey, Louis, have you been channeling Dick Cheney? It sure sounds like him or someone in the neo-con crowd. Are the MJ folks cheese-eating surrender monkeys, too? Actu

A critical look at Michael Moore

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
In some ways, Michael Moore's rise to fame and fortune is a classic Horatio Alger story. Starting out as the son of a General Motors assembly line worker who lived in blue-collar Flint, Michigan, Moore now sits at the top of the mountain. With his face on the cover of Time Magazine and ticket s

Nicaragua 25 years later: a reply to Lee Sustar

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
Twenty five years ago, the FSLN seized power in Nicaragua. Although it is difficult to see this abjectly miserable country in these terms today, back then it fueled the hopes of radicals worldwide that a new upsurge in world revolution was imminent. Along with Grenada, El Salvador and Guatemala

Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state?

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
Chris Doss wrote: You're assuming a majority of the people of Kashmir want self-determination. I don't know if they do. Since most fighters killed in Kashmir (as far as I know) are non-Kashmiris, I doubt that they do. The real issue is Indian occupation of foreign soil. India has resisted Kashmiri

Re: John Kerry and Langston Hughes

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 7/26/2004 9:57:10 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Hughes ends his poem on a more hopeful note ("America never was America to me/ And yet I swear this oathâ/ America will be!"), but the future Hughes im

Todd Chretien replies to Norman Solomon and Medea Benjamin

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
Counterpunch, July 26, 2004 A Reply to Norman Solomon & Medea Benjamin Believing in a Green Resistance By TODD CHRETIEN These are the times that try mena*TMs souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now,

Marc Cooper on Black Democrats

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
www.MarcCooper.com July 25, 2004 Bombs Away: Black Dems and Lockheed Martin Together At Last Take a close look at these two pictures I snapped tonight at the Congressional Black Caucus Institute's homage to Fannie Lou Hamer at the Massachussetts State House on Boston's Beacon Hill. That's right, th

Justin Raimondo skewers the ABB'ers

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
This election year is a conundrum that is baffling the antiwar Left, and the great debate over whether or not to support Nader is separating the wheat from the chaff. As I noted in a previous column, the self-promoting and largely self-appointed "leaders" of the "progressive" movement – i.e. wh

John Kerry and Langston Hughes

2004-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect
The neoliberals at Micro$oft's Slate Magazine are red-baiting John Kerry over his appropriation of a line from a Langston Hughes poem: http://slate.msn.com/id/2104295/ Kerry's Lit Crit The soon-to-be nominee sanitizes a Stalinist poem. By Timothy Noah Posted Monday, July 26, 2004, at 6:08 AM PT

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