Re: Decrement of Numbers in Strings (Was: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r14460 - doc/trunk/design/syn)

2008-04-24 Thread TSa
quot;; } else { say $x; } } foo(inf8 127); # prints "transfinite" foo(127); # prints 127 foo(int8 127); # prints 127 and type unions only sweep the problem under the rug of multiple dispatch, and you still have to teach the newbies. I agree with that. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: use of ::?CLASS

2008-04-23 Thread TSa
HaloO, I wrote: subset Five of Int where {$_ == 5} is the corresponding type my Five $x; # effectively a constant my 5$y; # syntax error or 5 in type position? Would my :(5) $z; work as a type literal? Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliabili

Re: Decrement of Numbers in Strings (Was: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r14460 - doc/trunk/design/syn)

2008-04-23 Thread TSa
; she has to cast that to Str: ("10" as Str)--. So we have "10".HOW === Str but "10".WHAT === Num Str. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Class names are virtual

2008-04-23 Thread TSa
ype system as part of the runtime environment. That is there is a type computation going on in parallel to a value computation. The meta object system is largely part of the value system. The things the type system does at runtime is checking assignments, checking bindings, selecting dispatch targets and instanciating parametric types. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: use of ::?CLASS

2008-04-22 Thread TSa
$y; # syntax error or 5 in type position? Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Class names are virtual

2008-04-22 Thread TSa
7;. Side question: how binary can M be when compiling P? In C++ e.g. the template code of D has to be available. Are there interface files in Perl 6? Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Class names are virtual

2008-04-22 Thread TSa
ually clearer to bind a namespace ref than calling a magic function. It sort of amounts to the same outcome, though. I will also have to say something about the usefulness of the concept of virtual class. Stay tuned. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Class names are virtual

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
same implementation. In both cases C is OUTER::C. The "magic" should happen when an invocation of foo is created. That is the moment when the scope of OUTER::C can be bound by 'my C $b' through $x and $y respectively. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: method hiding (or not) in derived classes

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
HaloO, John M. Dlugosz wrote: TSa |Perl 6| wrote: "Candidate set" would be a better term. It is a subset of all long names of a multi in a lexical scope. List, not set, because it is ordered. nextsame/nextwith/etc. are described as invoking the next

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
ing type errors. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Are coroutines still there?

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
terpret that sort of intensionally as being worse than an outright violation. That is already the tendency of violation means second-class ;) Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: method hiding (or not) in derived classes

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
se classes will be checked for applicability rather than arbitrarily taking the leftmost. Indeed, I would hope that order of inheritance doesn't matter. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Are coroutines still there?

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
else considered harmful but useful). But I don't see much use for it offhand. Does that imply that multiple assignment is second-class, too? And that with a language that provides the concept of eternal equality with ===, or checking of referential identity with =:=. Big surprise that is. Re

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
t the item positionally with prefix @ or .[]. Note that Captures are immutable and therefore nicely covariant. Except of course that containers are captured as containers and can be mutated. But Larry revealed that single assignment semantics are aspired and mutability is a historic artifact or so. Re

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
Num <: Item <: Seq which is a cycle! Dealing with cycles is not within the reach of type system because these need <: to be transitive. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
bsumes Item. But that has problems of its own---see my reply there. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: use of ::?CLASS

2008-04-21 Thread TSa
t; Int is expected. I love this self contradiction of Perl ;) Well, and you can't neither use foo nor bar to denote the arrow type. Note that I consider myself a knowledgeable bystander with the knowledgeable being debatable ;) Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Are coroutines still there?

2008-04-18 Thread TSa
HaloO, I wrote: sub foo () { my $x = 0; yield $x++; } I meant: sub foo () { my $x = 0; yield $x++ while 1; -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Are coroutines still there?

2008-04-18 Thread TSa
++; } &f = &; # or also say f(); # 0 say f(); # 1 say f(); # 2 Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-18 Thread TSa
y be Real^NaN^Overflow^... so that if you wanted a non-exceptional type you could use Real. Note that this implies that Num is *unordered* and the order-ops actually act on the Real type. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Generics, Take 2

2008-04-18 Thread TSa
the value type? You mean capturing the sigil? I guess using $ is as generic as one could get. @, @@ and % essentially are type constraints. So sub (::Container[of => ::ValType] @x) already constrains ::Container to Positional. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Does handle this?

2008-04-18 Thread TSa
foo; # syntax error or special type meaning foo ; # calls foo with @_[0] := foo .; # calls foo with @_[0] := $CALLER::_. foo::; # pulls out a from lexical namespace of foo The last line uses postfix:<::> not sigil:<::>. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: use of ::?CLASS

2008-04-18 Thread TSa
two delegations at work these would be @?USA and @?GERMANY. I really love the linguistic power of Perl 6 :) Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: static types, checking, conversions

2008-04-17 Thread TSa
ise that binding cannot be overloaded and this really is where the type checker kicks in. But what exactly is it supposed to do then? I guess the generic answer is that there will be installable pairs of dispatcher and binder. Which then raises the question what the standard set will be :) Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: static types, checking, conversions

2008-04-17 Thread TSa
hat does a structural inspection. Would that be worth an addition to Perl 6? We already have 'can' for single methods. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Generic Parameter Proposal

2008-04-17 Thread TSa
g! To address this, I propose using a positive way to declare generic parameters rather than having them implicit based on not previously existing. I propose the triple colon, :::, for this purpose: :::T $x; Which is ugly. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Does handle this?

2008-04-17 Thread TSa
And what is a protoinvocation of a sub? When is it evaluated? Finally I wonder why we didn't give a meaning to Type<>? Does that look too much like C++, C# or Java templates? Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Returning Arrays?

2008-04-17 Thread TSa
no relation at all. And Bivariance means both! Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Chained Comparisons ?

2008-04-17 Thread TSa
s I would like to define + and * to be listfix and commutative, that is independent of order. Note that this is orthogonal to the definition of evaluation order. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: static types, checking, conversions

2008-04-17 Thread TSa
he dynamic type of the value stored in $spot? Or are you talking about dispatching .new itself? sub foo (Dog $d) {...} foo(.new); # .new called in Dog item context? # with $d as invocant? Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: cross operator and empty list

2008-04-16 Thread TSa
e.g. I wonder if there's an isomorphism between that and (Str,infix<~>). But I agree that I shouldn't bother the list with such things unless I hope it could be useful for Perl 6 which I hoped for the identity of X. But seemingly that was a false hope. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Returning Arrays?

2008-04-16 Thread TSa
HaloO, John M. Dlugosz wrote: I seem to recall seeing sigils in a signature without names, but now I can't remember where. E.g. in S06 und section "The want function". Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Returning Arrays?

2008-04-16 Thread TSa
that this doesn't parse 'our :(X *@) sub foo()' should. perhaps? I seem to recall seeing sigils in a signature without names, but now I can't remember where. Same here. Should be in the synopsis somewhere. Regards, TSa. -- "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: static types, checking, conversions

2008-04-16 Thread TSa
ations are like comments. I doubt that this is the case with Perl 6, or is it? Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: static types, checking, conversions

2008-04-15 Thread TSa
s so far. Not for elements of an array or hash! Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Idea: infer types of constants

2008-04-15 Thread TSa
LLER::a because $OUTER::a is the outer lexical scope where foo is defined. And I think that this reaching out to the caller should taint foo in some way. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: shape trait and Hash

2008-04-15 Thread TSa
he direct indexing of a name with [] and {} is reserved for type theoretical things. And one paper that makes use of this is Theory.pod from Luke. Apart from that the current design doesn't say much about the type system ;( Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight f

Re: Idea: infer types of constants

2008-04-15 Thread TSa
= 42; # illegal So perhaps one needs my ::T T $x = 'blahh'; to constrain $x to the type of the rhs. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: cross operator and empty list

2008-04-14 Thread TSa
ay somehow having at least one element. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: cross operator and empty list

2008-04-14 Thread TSa
,1) X ([]) === (0,1)? The original question was sort of about how to write a list that has .elems == 1 but "no" content. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Idea: infir types of constants

2008-04-14 Thread TSa
:T does Arithmetic } ... } Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: cross operator and empty list

2008-04-14 Thread TSa
@a X (@b X @c) === ( ( @a[0], (@b[0],@c[0])), ...). That is two lists of differently structured pairs. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Nomenclature Question - BEGIN etc.

2008-04-11 Thread TSa
w. The other term I would thing is synonymous to flow is stream. But that's already taken for event stream, data stream and implies linearity whereas flow naturally implies branching. The third term I come up with is context blocks. But context in Perl 6 is something very different. Regar

Re: What I'm Working On

2008-04-10 Thread TSa
HaloO, John M. Dlugosz wrote: Can you give a pointer to where this was discussed? It was said by $Larry in the "Adding linear interpolation to an array" thread where I also tried to explain co- and contravariant typing of container types. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and

Re: postfix and postcircumfix

2008-04-09 Thread TSa
pt the last, such that @b.shape.elems == @array.shape.elems - 1. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: What I'm Working On

2008-04-08 Thread TSa
# container type still wrong my Int $x5 := $y2 :coerce; # type check agrees at run time. # (The :coerce and :defer adverbs to := is proposed) With the view paradigm these adverbs are obsolete I guess. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: cross operator and empty list

2008-04-07 Thread TSa
could save some surprises. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

cross operator and empty list

2008-04-04 Thread TSa
HaloO, why is (1,2,3) X () defined to be the empty list and not (1,2,3) as is the case with the cartesian product of sets which X basically is with preserved order. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to

Re: Question on your last change to S02

2008-04-01 Thread TSa
e slice returned and hand over the remaining shape as context to &bar? Since relying on the order of &foo and &bar in the source is bad, an even more elaborate scheme can be used that queries &foo and &bar before the actual call which slots they intend to fill in the pending slice

Re: question on max | min op

2008-04-01 Thread TSa
a and the return type becomes a list instead of a num. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Integerizing a rat involves truncating its tail

2008-03-31 Thread TSa
)/4 not -(5/4) $x.tail = 0; say $x; # -2 The idea here is that the tail of a Num points towards -Inf and ends at the next Int in that direction. So numbers are snakes crawling rightwards ;) Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any

Re: Integerizing a rat involves truncating its tail

2008-03-31 Thread TSa
with subject 'fossil spotted by TSa' or so :) Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Query re: duction and precedence.

2008-03-31 Thread TSa
n. Perl 6 might actually develop the idiom that [EMAIL PROTECTED] implies a special role of @array[0]. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Integerizing a rat involves truncating its tail

2008-03-28 Thread TSa
HaloO, just re-reading S03 I saw that it defines the Rat to Int conversion as truncation. Why not floor semantics like in %? Actually I would recommend floor semantics whenever an integer is coerced. With the sole exception of Num propably using rounding. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-28 Thread TSa
p;, +^ and ~^ into the second one. The code generator and the optimizer would use these features and give erroneous results when overloads don't respect them. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-27 Thread TSa
HaloO, Jon Lang wrote: TSa wrote: Note that I see ** more as a parametric postscript then a real binary. That is $x**$y sort of means $x(**$y). That's where we differ, then. I'm having trouble seeing the benefit of that perspective, and I can clearly see a drawback to it - n

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-27 Thread TSa
HaloO, TSa wrote: Another good use of the dot forms is to get a single character form to tighten precedence: $x**3! != $x**3.! == $x**(3!). BTW, is the dot form only available for postfix or for infix as well? I.e. 3 * 2 == 3.*(2)? Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-27 Thread TSa
>... So no whitespace dwimmery here? I.e. one would need |$x | to force the second | into infix? But eventually the parser has to give up when the same symbol is overloaded as prefix, postfix, infix and symmetric circumfix anyway. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Al

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-26 Thread TSa
n the top precedence by the dot whereas it actually comes in as additional information about i. There's the same problem with foo 1 + 3; # (foo 1) + 3 or foo (1 + 3) which can only be decided by information about foo. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-26 Thread TSa
of postfix operators. How are postfix operators asymmetric? Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-26 Thread TSa
HaloO, Mark J. Reed wrote: On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 1:06 PM, TSa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 1 + a(x)²! Seems like a mathematician would be inclined to write that one as this instead: 1 + a²(x)! That one is ambiguous because it could mean a(a(x)) or a(x)*a(x) with the la

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-26 Thread TSa
$y make sense. E.g. there's no square root of a function. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-26 Thread TSa
precedence for !. My actual reading of the ASCII version picks a(x) as the operation with highest precedence and going from there outwards encountering + to the left and ** to the right with ** being of higher precedence. Then I'm left with + to the left and ! to the right with precedence of !

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-26 Thread TSa
plus to do the Ring role. Additionally implementing unary / or 1/ or so would yield the Field role. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-25 Thread TSa
HaloO, Doug McNutt wrote: Don't allow it to become = f(-$x); ## wrong! Unless of course f does Linear, then you can factor out or in the multiplication with -1 at will. So linearity of operators and functions is a very interesting property for optimizers. Regards, TSa. -- The Ang

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-25 Thread TSa
associating the factors. Commutativity would be an even better property of an operator because it doesn't have to assemble values returned from multiple threads in the order prescribed by the source code. E.g. if 10 threads are started for [*]1..100 each multiplying 10 consecutive values the main thread can *= them together in the order they happen to arrive. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-20 Thread TSa
at behaves like Num but swaps precedence of + and *: my Blahh $y = 3; say foo($y); # == 18 say foo(3); # == 12 How should the dispatcher know to dispatch to + first for $y? Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-20 Thread TSa
a Num operator and thus 2/3 != 0 but 2/3 == 0.. The P in Perl stands for Practical, not Pedantic. I consider well designed interfaces as practical not pedantic ;) Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attrib

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-19 Thread TSa
verloading. In other words $x is then always converted into the suitable form. But how is that performed in general? IIRC, the only generically available form is stringification. Hmm, thinking twice, the above optimization is admissible only if multiplication is commutative irrespective of the type of

Re: Musings on operator overloading

2008-03-18 Thread TSa
nice idea is to abbreviate that as *+ or +* akin to Einstein's summation convention. Regards, TSa. -- The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul of any mathematical being. -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

Re: xml and perl 6

2007-11-29 Thread TSa
ntained in html for $myxmlvar[/html/body/div]]{ print; # prints $_, the current loop variable } How about for grep html::body::div $myxmlvar {...} Regards, TSa. -- You know, it would be sufficient to really understand the electron. --- Albert Einstein

Re: Some questions about using NaN and Inf

2007-10-08 Thread TSa
f is a difficult thing to do. In general Inf == Inf will hardly hold. The first thing I would expect is Inf to be properly typed. That is Inf[Num] is different from Inf[Complex] and for finite types any number outside the valid range could represent Inf. Regards TSa. -- You know, it would be suffic

Re: Should a dirhandle be a filehandle-like iterator?

2007-04-16 Thread TSa
possible to return a lazy list that captures STDIN from the time of call onwards. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Should a dirhandle be a filehandle-like iterator?

2007-04-16 Thread TSa
good idea to provide a fatter interface that has got explicit opendir and openfile methods in addition to plain open that dwims. Regards, TSa. --

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r14359 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-03-29 Thread TSa
HaloO, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: +Similarly, within a C<.{}> indexing operation you can use C<*[$idx]> +to convert from standard indices to user-defined: + +@lengths{ *[2] .. Oct } # Same as: @lengths{ Jan .. Oct } Isn't that same as @length{Mar..Oct}? --

Re: my $temperature is ro

2007-02-16 Thread TSa
HaloO, Steve Lukas wrote: Thinking of the form, I see three ways: (1) The best readable form is probably: readonly $temperature; # lexical scope The current spec has got constant $temperature = getValue(); Hope that helps, TSa. --

Re: Negative array subscripts

2007-02-06 Thread TSa
BTW, is the where clause in the signature still seeing the outside shape? Or does one have to say something like @a.OUTER::begin to get at it because the @a of the sub always has got shape ([EMAIL PROTECTED])? Regards, TSa. --

Re: Enhancing array indices

2007-01-31 Thread TSa
tever,Int) are supported and create the respective Whatever values. The range Whatever value in the end has got three parameters: the first array index, the first index after the array and the array length. This might be a bit too complicated to be really useful. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Enhancing array indices

2007-01-31 Thread TSa
the array for the second * to jump in positive direction. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Whatever arithmetic

2007-01-31 Thread TSa
up with an access of @a[5..10-1]. But then how would $i = 5..* work? It would need to be written $i = 5..^* to exclude the index 10. Regards, TSa. --

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13550 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-01-31 Thread TSa
er and let the Whatever code extract any relevant relative information knowing that a "dwim" was explicitly called for by use of *. Could you make an example of what you mean here, please. Do you mean a dispatch to &postcircumfix:<[ ]>? Regards, TSa. --

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13550 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-01-30 Thread TSa
infix:<-> return a lazy Whatever value that becomes a specific index when it hits &postcircumfix<[ ]>? That is we have something like Whatever arithmetic? Regards, TSa. --

Re: Int-to-Num autocoercion

2007-01-30 Thread TSa
t this does not carry over the Num equality -0.0 == +0.0 to Int. So what is more important sign or magnitude? BTW, does floor return an Int or a Num? Regards, TSa. --

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13549 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-01-30 Thread TSa
HaloO, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: + The lower +right corner of a two dimesional array is C<@array[*-1, *-1]>. That should read @array[*-1; *-1], or not? --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-30 Thread TSa
are character positions integers or can we have fractional characters on a higher unicode level that is a sequence of lower level chars? Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-24 Thread TSa
erhaps like mod better than %. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-24 Thread TSa
is potential sign handled in ===? my UInt $x = 3; my Int $y = 3; if $x === $y { say "true?" } Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-24 Thread TSa
. Then we could make the div and mod pair mean the Euclidean definition. Everything else could be loadable from a module. Deal? Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-24 Thread TSa
l rational number support the remainder must be capabable of repetitions such that 0.333... represents 1/3 with full accuracy and results like 0.999... are normalized to 1.0. For irrational numbers the remainder might have a closure that produces more digits if requested. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-23 Thread TSa
es Int'. So consider this as an addendum to the supertyping thread. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-17 Thread TSa
$x * $y > 0 whenever $x > 0 && $y > 0, that is there are no divisors of zero. Second -2**31 is available to encode "infinity" or NaN. In int61 arithmetic with modulus 2**61 - 1 in a 64 bit value we have the two spare bit combinations 01 and 10 after the sign to encode special numbers. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-16 Thread TSa
aiting for an answer what fear Mark has with calculations crossing zero that are more difficult with the Euclidean definition. Any idea? Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-16 Thread TSa
. A sane definition of div and % is important. A spec that leaves it up to the implementation to pick whatever is convenient is bad in my eyes. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-15 Thread TSa
components separately. That is the rmod definition as outlined in my other mail in this thread. The fact that a remainder is negative for positive dividend and divisor is moot for complex numbers with their continuous "sign" in the range 0..2*pi in the polar representation. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-15 Thread TSa
and width defaulting to 1, as before. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-11 Thread TSa
q = 2 - 2i, r = -2 + 3i I cannot give an algorithm how to calculate the remainder. Even less do I know how to generalize it to full Complex. Regards, TSa. --

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-09 Thread TSa
2.4 == 3.2 % -2.4 == 0.8 This definition is most useful when it comes to defining the modulus for classes that fit the underlying axioms of an (euclidean) integral domain. E.g. this modulus is also defined for Complex numbers. Regards, TSa. --

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13515 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-01-08 Thread TSa
nt about going : with a latter, I think it will be okay. That's the approach I'm taking. Note that there is no decision to make here. A set of pairs is *not* a hash. E.g. { (1,2), (1,3) } is a set of two pairs but the additional uniqueness of the keys fails. Regards, TSa. --

Re: supertyping redux

2006-12-20 Thread TSa
s Complex {...} # for instanciation role Num-1.3-Complex does STD:Num does Complex { method re (--> STD:Num) { self } method im (--> STD:Num) { 0.0 } } } Regards, TSa. --

Re: supertyping

2006-12-14 Thread TSa
Or does a module that contains the line class Num is also does Complex {...} infect all other uses of the class because the class is global? BTW, could we make that read class Num also does Complex {...} Regards, TSa. --

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