Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-18 Thread Martin D Kealey
On Fri, 19 Jun 2009, Martin D Kealey wrote:
> To that end I would propose that:
>  - parameters should be read-only AND invariant by default, and
>  - that invariance should be enforced passing a deep immutable clone
>(*5) in place of any object that isn't already immutable.

Sorry, typo: that last word should have been "invariant", meaning that it
*won't* change, rather than "immutable", meaning that it *can't*.

Compilers can rely on invariance to perform a range of very powerful
optimizations; immutability is one way to guarantee invariance, but not the
only way.


Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-18 Thread Martin D Kealey

> Matthew Walton wrote:
> > If a user of your API contrives to make it change while you're
> > running, that's their own foot they've just shot, because they can
> > look at the signature and know the semantics of the parameter
> > passing being used and know that if they change the value externally
> > before you return Bad Things Could Happen.
On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, TSa wrote:
> I agree that the caller is responsible for the constness of the value
> he gives to a function. With this we get the best performance.

At the language level this is wrong. Programmers are BAD at this sort of
thing, unless the compiler *always* has enough to throw a compile-time
error, and even then it's dicey because we may defer compilation.

It seems to me this is pushing something onto the author of the caller
that they shouldn't have to deal with, especially when you consider that
the parameter they're passing into the function may come from somewhere
else, which hasn't been made -- and indeed CAN'T be made -- to promise
not to meddle with the value (note *1).

If the compiler can't spot it, how do you expect a fallible human being
to do so?

If a function requires an invariant parameter then the compiler should
ensure that that guarantee is met, and not rely on the programmer to do
something that is impossibly hard in the general case. A simple way
would be to call $parameter := $parameter.INVARIANT()  (*2) on the
caller's behalf before calling the function.

Conversely, when calling a function where the parameter is declared :rw,
the compiler can call $parameter := $parameter.LVALUE() (*3) on the
caller's behalf first if it needs to convert an immutable object to a
mutable one.  (Or throw up its hands and assert that it's not allowed.)

If we really expect the optimizer to make Perl6 run well on a CPU with
1024 cores (*4), we have to make it easy to write programs that will
allow the optimizer to do its job, and (at least a little bit) harder to
write programs that defeat the optimizer.

To that end I would propose that:
 - parameters should be read-only AND invariant by default, and
 - that invariance should be enforced passing a deep immutable clone
   (*5) in place of any object that isn't already immutable.



*1: There are many possible reasons, but for example the caller didn't
declare it :readonly in turn to its callers because it *did* plan to meddle
with it -- but just not by calling this function with its :readonly

*2: Yes I made up "INVARIANT". The trick is that the compiler only needs
to insert the call if can't prove the invariance of $parameter, which it
*can* prove when:
 - it arrived in a :readonly parameter; or
 - it's locally scoped, and hasn't "escaped".

In addition the implementation of INVARIANT() could:
 - return $self for any "value" class; and
 - return the encapsulated immutable object for the case outlined in the
   following footnote.

Otherwise the default implementation of INVARIANT() would be like

(Declaring a "value class" would ideally be shorter than declaring a
"container class", but I'm a bit stuck as to how to achieve that. Ideas are

*3: The LVALUE method produces the sort of proxy object that others have
described, but with the reverse function: it acts as a scalar container
that can only hold immutable objects, and proxies all method calls to
it, but allows assignment to replace the contained object.  Calling
INVARIANT on such a container object simply returns the encapsulated
immutable object.

*4: As a generalization, the assumptions floating round that "the
compiler will optimize things" just aren't facing reality: programmers
are about the worst people when it comes to learning from the past
mistakes of others, and future generations of Perl6 programmers will
inevitably create evil container classes with no corresponding value
classes, and thus most parallelizing optimizations will be defeated.

*5: At the language level at least, copying is NOT the enemy of
optimization. On the contrary, if you always copy and *never* mutate,
that ensures that the compiler can always determine the provenance and
visibility of any given datum, and thus has *more* opportunities to
avoid *actually* copying anything. And it can parallelize to the full
extent of available hardware because it can guarantee that updates won't

Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-17 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:


Matthew Walton wrote:

If a user of your API contrives to make it change while you're
running, that's their own foot they've just shot, because they can
look at the signature and know the semantics of the parameter passing
being used and know that if they change the value externally before
you return Bad Things Could Happen.

I agree that the caller is responsible for the constness of the value
he gives to a function. With this we get the best performance. I don't
understand why John thinks that an intermediate proxy is needed. A very
shallow wrapper that ensures the readonlyness suffices. Most of the
time not even that when the constness is known statically.

Regards TSa.
"shallow wrapper" is what I'm talking about.  That is indeed a proxy: if 
a full-blown run-time check is needed (when it gets passed beyond its 
ability to track at compile time) it forwards methods, intercepts 
others, and modifies accessors.

Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-16 Thread TSa


Matthew Walton wrote:

If a user of your API contrives to make it change while you're
running, that's their own foot they've just shot, because they can
look at the signature and know the semantics of the parameter passing
being used and know that if they change the value externally before
you return Bad Things Could Happen.

I agree that the caller is responsible for the constness of the value
he gives to a function. With this we get the best performance. I don't
understand why John thinks that an intermediate proxy is needed. A very
shallow wrapper that ensures the readonlyness suffices. Most of the
time not even that when the constness is known statically.

Regards TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare
"Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it." -- A.J. Perlis
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-15 Thread Matthew Walton
> Complex or not in that sense, it complicates things in allowing the value to
> be changed by another path.  I think that is something we want to avoid
> doing, not present as a feature.  Much of my original post concerns the
> actual meaning, not whether it is considered simple.
> Since then, I see that it is useful for plural containers.  We don't want to
> copy them!  But for items, why do we not even _have_ pass by value?  The
> compiler must assume the worst and can't optimize as well.

'is copy' is pass-by-value... remember everything in Perl 6 is a
reference, of sorts. Pass-by-value of the reference is covered by 'is
ref'. A more useful variant of that being 'is rw', which gives you an
extra assurance with its lvalue checking that the user's not giving
you something that's going to explode when you try to modify it.
Pass-by-value of the thing the reference points to is covered by 'is
copy', which is the semantics people would generally expect when they
hear 'pass-by-value'.

Pass-by-reference-but-don't-accidentally-change-what-it-points-to is
covered by the default case or 'is readonly'. This seems to me to be
the ideal - we don't copy huge values around when the user doesn't
need them, but we also don't have hugely dangerous mutable parameters
by default (they should be extremely explicit for the user of an API).

Most of the time, there won't be another path where the value could
change. Under a threaded model allowing shared variables, sure it
could be changed by another thread, but hopefully you're under lock
there. If a user of your API contrives to make it change while you're
running, that's their own foot they've just shot, because they can
look at the signature and know the semantics of the parameter passing
being used and know that if they change the value externally before
you return Bad Things Could Happen.


Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-15 Thread Matthew Walton
> Complex or not in that sense, it complicates things in allowing the value to
> be changed by another path.  I think that is something we want to avoid
> doing, not present as a feature.  Much of my original post concerns the
> actual meaning, not whether it is considered simple.
> Since then, I see that it is useful for plural containers.  We don't want to
> copy them!  But for items, why do we not even _have_ pass by value?  The
> compiler must assume the worst and can't optimize as well.

'is copy' is pass-by-value... remember everything in Perl 6 is a
reference, of sorts. Pass-by-value of the reference is covered by 'is
ref'. A more useful variant of that being 'is rw', which gives you an
extra assurance with its lvalue checking that the user's not giving
you something that's going to explode when you try to modify it.
Pass-by-value of the thing the reference points to is covered by 'is
copy', which is the semantics people would generally expect when they
hear 'pass-by-value'.

Pass-by-reference-but-don't-accidentally-change-what-it-points-to is
covered by the default case or 'is readonly'. This seems to me to be
the ideal - we don't copy huge values around when the user doesn't
need them, but we also don't have hugely dangerous mutable parameters
by default (they should be extremely explicit for the user of an API).

Most of the time, there won't be another path where the value could
change. Under a threaded model allowing shared variables, sure it
could be changed by another thread, but hopefully you're under lock
there. If a user of your API contrives to make it change while you're
running, that's their own foot they've just shot, because they can
look at the signature and know the semantics of the parameter passing
being used and know that if they change the value externally before
you return Bad Things Could Happen.


Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-14 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Actually, it only looks complicated while you think only on the callee
No, in general it requires introducing a read-only proxy in front of the 
container.  This may be optimized away when it can be tracked at 
compile-time, but that's certainly not "simple" as compared to not 
having it nor the aliased item container at all.

Because when you take the caller side, you'll note that it builds
a capture to send to the call, and the capture is always a reference, so
the signature just makes sure that references becomes read-only. To

 my $a = 1;

In this case, the capture sent must contain a direct reference to the
scalar held in '$a', so both signatures with "is ref" or signatures with
"is copy" can work.

So, if foo has the signature

 sub foo($a is ref) {...}

it will be able to change the scalar outside &foo. If it is

 sub foo($a) {...}

It will be a read-only access to that scalar

 sub foo($a is rw) {...}

Works almost like "is ref", but encloses immutables into a container in
order to always provide rw semantics.
No, "is rw" does not like immutables.  It will cause autovivification to 
take place, but will not accept something that is not an lvalue such as 
1 or "Hello" literals.  This was just doubled-checked with S06, S09, and 
discussion with Larry in #perl6.  If Ra

   rakudo: sub foo($a is rw) { $a += 1; say $a }; foo(1);
  rakudo 77f9d7: OUTPUT«2␤»

that directly contradicts S06, which states "Otherwise the signature 
fails to bind, and this candidate routine cannot be considered for 
servicing this particular call."  Doing otherwise affects the semantics 
of MMD for allowing overloading based on whether the parameter is an 
lvalue or not.

Somebody who works with rakudo could submit a bug, if it's not in there 

 sub foo($a is copy) {...}

Is the completely opposite to "is ref", copying the actual value to a
new container.


So, it is not at all complicated, it's just oriented to the Capture, and
the capture provides semantics to the call that are not present in any
other language I'm aware of.


Complex or not in that sense, it complicates things in allowing the 
value to be changed by another path.  I think that is something we want 
to avoid doing, not present as a feature.  Much of my original post 
concerns the actual meaning, not whether it is considered simple.

Since then, I see that it is useful for plural containers.  We don't 
want to copy them!  But for items, why do we not even _have_ pass by 
value?  The compiler must assume the worst and can't optimize as well.


Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-14 Thread Daniel Ruoso
Em Dom, 2009-06-14 às 15:53 -0500, John M. Dlugosz escreveu:
> In Perl 6, the default parameter passing is to make a read-only alias 
> for the caller's lvalue.  This means that the function may not change 
> the caller's variable, but must track changes to it made by other means.
> What is the point?
> It is a contrivance to illustrate how the variable can be changed by 
> other means, and requires a global variable, the same variable passed as 
> two different parameters, or the variable and a closure that affects the 
> variable be passed.

Actually, it only looks complicated while you think only on the callee
side. Because when you take the caller side, you'll note that it builds
a capture to send to the call, and the capture is always a reference, so
the signature just makes sure that references becomes read-only. To

 my $a = 1;

In this case, the capture sent must contain a direct reference to the
scalar held in '$a', so both signatures with "is ref" or signatures with
"is copy" can work.

So, if foo has the signature

 sub foo($a is ref) {...}

it will be able to change the scalar outside &foo. If it is

 sub foo($a) {...}

It will be a read-only access to that scalar

 sub foo($a is rw) {...}

Works almost like "is ref", but encloses immutables into a container in
order to always provide rw semantics.

 sub foo($a is copy) {...}

Is the completely opposite to "is ref", copying the actual value to a
new container.

So, it is not at all complicated, it's just oriented to the Capture, and
the capture provides semantics to the call that are not present in any
other language I'm aware of.


Re: why infix::(Int, Int --> Rat)

2008-12-05 Thread TSa


David Green wrote:

On 2008-Dec-4, at 3:08 pm, Mark J. Reed wrote:
Using "div" instead of "/" should make it pretty clear that you're 
disposing of the remainder.

I strongly agree to that. Actually you are disposing of the
fractional part.

I misremembered div vs. idiv, but how standard is it?

IIRC, that was in the discussion about the euclidean modulo
operation. The final outcome at the time was to have floor
semantics by default.

 I know "div" 
commonly means int division, but not always.  On the one hand, some 
things you just have to learn; on the other, lots of P6 operators have 
word-names as well as symbols, and "div" is the obvious way to spell "/" 
(what else would you call it?).

It's not only the name that is at stake but the rest of the
specification of the div and mod pair. It is specced to be type
specific. E.g. if one implements the Gaussian integers---that
is complex numbers with integer coordinates---I would expect div
to be *closed* on that type and not lead out of the type as it is
prescribed in the Int case. In general I would expect that a type Foo
that supports a notion of division implements div and mod with
signature :(Foo, Foo --> Foo).

Note that the wording of the spec enforces infix::(Num,Complex-->Num)
instead of infix::(Num,Complex-->Complex) and I wonder how a Complex
is numified. This should be changed, too.

The mixed signature cases of div and mod should return the larger of the
two types. E.g. :(Rat, Int --> Rat) and :(Num, Int --> Num) as long as
Num can hold the result. Does Num in general failover to Rat?

A way to get both [quotient and reminder] in one fell swoop would be nice

Agreed; though having two different operators seems a bit unperlish.  

We have the pair of infix (!) operators min, max and the operator
minmax that delivers both values in one go. Copying that prior art
would simply mean to define divmod. I'm fine with that.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare
"Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it." -- A.J. Perlis
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: why infix::(Int, Int --> Rat)

2008-12-05 Thread TSa


Mark J. Reed wrote:

Well, respelling it is OK, just not sure how.  Python 3 uses // for
integer division, but we don't want to open up that can of worms

We still haven't used '÷' which is Latin1. But if we use that it
should be as infix:<÷>:(Int, Int --> Rat) because this doesn't
need to be accompanied with a mod. That allows div on two Ints to
return an Int which complies to the general prescription for
overloading div and mod homogenously.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare
"Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it." -- A.J. Perlis
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

Re: why infix::(Int, Int --> Rat)

2008-12-05 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:10 AM, David Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I misremembered div vs. idiv, but how standard is it?  I know "div" commonly
> means int division, but not always.

True enough. In ANSI C, / already does integer division, but there's
also a div() function - the difference there is that div() is
guaranteed to round toward zero, whereas the rounding semantics of /
is implementation-dependent.

> On the one hand, some things you just have to learn; on the other, lots of P6 
> operators have
> word-names as well as symbols, and "div" is the obvious way to spell "/" 
> (what else would you
> call it?).

Well, respelling it is OK, just not sure how.  Python 3 uses // for
integer division, but we don't want to open up that can of worms

>> A way to get both [quotient and reminder] in one fell swoop would be nice
> Would it make sense to include the remainder as a trait on the quotient?

Maybe, but it smacks of the old and smelly "0 but true" type hacks to me.

> Or return some other special compound type that numifies to the quotient.

There could be a special-purpose Quotient type with the desired
behavior, but maybe Perl6 would benefit from a generic "stealth list"
type, like Lisp's multiple values.  Such an object behaves like a
simple scalar, even in list context, but if you use the right methods
you can access additional values beyond the obvious one.


Re: why infix::(Int, Int --> Rat)

2008-12-05 Thread David Green

On 2008-Dec-4, at 3:08 pm, Mark J. Reed wrote:
Using "div" instead of "/" should make it pretty clear that you're  
disposing of the remainder.

I misremembered div vs. idiv, but how standard is it?  I know "div"  
commonly means int division, but not always.  On the one hand, some  
things you just have to learn; on the other, lots of P6 operators have  
word-names as well as symbols, and "div" is the obvious way to spell  
"/" (what else would you call it?).

A way to get both [quotient and reminder] in one fell swoop would be  

Agreed; though having two different operators seems a bit unperlish.   
Int-div could return two values, but that seems prone to accidentally  
interpolating unwanted remainders into lists or things like that.   
Would it make sense to include the remainder as a trait on the  
quotient?  Or return some other special compound type that numifies to  
the quotient.


Re: why infix::(Int, Int --> Rat)

2008-12-04 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:26 PM, David Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something more explicit like "idiv" was suggested for integral division.
>  Personally, I'm happy not to have anything special provided for it, on the
> grounds that having to say, e.g. "floor($i/$j)", forces you to be blatantly
> clear that you're disposing of the remainder and how.

Using "div" instead of "/" should make it pretty clear that you're
disposing of the remainder.

The sorts of calculations that involve heavy use of integer quotients
typically also involve heavy use of the remainders, and it's only
reasonable that both halves be treated with equal respect in terms of
language support. A way to get both in one fell swoop would be nice
(e.g. Ruby's Integer#divmod), but at the very least, if we have mod
(%), we should have div, too.


Re: why infix::(Int, Int --> Rat)

2008-12-04 Thread David Green

On 2008-Dec-4, at 9:42 am, TSa wrote:

I remember the state of affairs being that [div] returns an Int

Something more explicit like "idiv" was suggested for integral  
division.  Personally, I'm happy not to have anything special provided  
for it, on the grounds that having to say, e.g. "floor($i/$j)", forces  
you to be blatantly clear that you're disposing of the remainder and  


Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-25 Thread Michael G Schwern
David Green wrote:
> I bet we actually don't disagree much; I'm not really against "ro" --
> I'm just not against "readonly" because of its length.  If I were
> writing casually, I'd use "rw" and "ro"; formally, I'd use "read only"
> and "read/write" (or even "readable and writable").  At an in-between
> level, which is where I believe we should be aiming, I think I'd put
> "rw" and "read-only".  I'm not entirely sure why.  Maybe
> psychologically, "ro" looks like it could be a word, whereas the
> unpronounceable "rw" has to be an abbreviation?  Or maybe it's just
> because I see "rw" every day in ls output, but "ro" not so much.  At any
> rate, if I wanted to argue in favour of "ro", I think symmetry (which
> you already mentioned) is the strongest argument.

Yes indeed, symmetry.  It's powerful.  Once you see "rw" you're going to
assume the other is "ro".  Same with "readonly" and "readwrite".  And
vice-versa and con-versa and any other versas you can think of.

rw/readonly is the worst choice.  It has that double wammy of bad interfaces:
 rote learning and counter-intuitiveness.  Not only do you have to memorize
that "read-only" is "readonly" and "read/write" is "ro" but you have to
actively fight your intuition that they should be symmetrical.  This generates
mistakes.  Constant mistakes.

rw/ro makes similar things similar.  So does readwrite/readonly.  Pick one of
them.  Asymmetry will cause far more problems than too little or too much


Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-24 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2008 Sep 24, at 17:45, David Green wrote:

On 2008-Sep-23, at 5:27 pm, Michael G Schwern wrote:

David Green wrote:
Happily, brevity often aids clarity.  The rest of the time, it  
should be up to one's editor; any editor worth its salt ought to  
easily auto-complete "ro" into "readonly".

Eeep!  The "your IDE should write your verbose code for you"  
argument!  For that one, I brine and roast an adorable hamster.

Fair enough.  As long as you remember to share with the rest of us!!

I would argue that if you need your editor to expand verbose language  
constructs to make the language usable or to express common idioms,  
then the language has a design deficiency.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-24 Thread David Green

On 2008-Sep-23, at 5:27 pm, Michael G Schwern wrote:

David Green wrote:
Happily, brevity often aids clarity.  The rest of the time, it  
should be up to one's editor; any editor worth its salt ought to  
easily auto-complete "ro" into "readonly".

Eeep!  The "your IDE should write your verbose code for you"  
argument!  For that one, I brine and roast an adorable hamster.

Fair enough.  As long as you remember to share with the rest of us!!

That's just another way of saying that your language is too verbose  
for a human to write it without hanging themselves.  See also Java.

But the problem with Java isn't just that it's too verbose to write;  
it's that it's too verbose to read, too.  Why shouldn't your editor  
help with verbosity?  The amount of typing shouldn't be a main concern  
in language design, because your editor can mostly compensate for  
that; there are other, better reasons to decide how verbose something  
should be.

Anyhow, I see where you're going, and I understand the desire for no  
abbvs.  But man, "ro" is pretty damn easy to remember. [1]  This is  
even sillier when you hold it up against all the magic symbols we're  
supposed to remember.  [EMAIL PROTECTED], :name, |$arg, $arg!, $arg?, : 

As a bear of limited recall, I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed by all  
the stuff there is to remember.  I'm certainly not against all  
abbreviations.  I have a deeply ingrained instinct to name my  
variables x, y, and z, and to name files... x, y, and z.  My shell  
profile is full of one-letter aliases (I don't have time to waste  
typing 2-char command names!).  However experience has taught me the  
value of more robust names for anything but one-liners.

I bet we actually don't disagree much; I'm not really against "ro" --  
I'm just not against "readonly" because of its length.  If I were  
writing casually, I'd use "rw" and "ro"; formally, I'd use "read only"  
and "read/write" (or even "readable and writable").  At an in-between  
level, which is where I believe we should be aiming, I think I'd put  
"rw" and "read-only".  I'm not entirely sure why.  Maybe  
psychologically, "ro" looks like it could be a word, whereas the  
unpronounceable "rw" has to be an abbreviation?  Or maybe it's just  
because I see "rw" every day in ls output, but "ro" not so much.  At  
any rate, if I wanted to argue in favour of "ro", I think symmetry  
(which you already mentioned) is the strongest argument.

You're only a beginner once, and if everything is done right for a  
short time.

The rest of your career, you're experienced.

Ooh, now that I completely agree with!  Software that thinks "user- 
friendly" means "dumbed-down" drives me nuts.


Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Michael G Schwern |Perl 6| wrote:

John M. Dlugosz wrote:

I'm not opposed to having it be "ro", but wonder why he didn't call it that
in the first place, so there must be a reason.

Nobody's perfect?

My other thought is that since parameters are read-only by default it's not
thought you'd have to write it much so clarity wins out over brevity, the flip
side of Huffamn encoding.  But that doesn't work out so good for normal
variable declarations.  The verbosity (which a hyphen would only make worse)
discourages "const-ing", as they say in C.


Perhaps he was thinking that 'constant' would be used there.  But I 
agree, it's not the same thing.  In C++ I often use const for things 
that are in 'auto' scope and initialized in the normal flow sequence.

Anyway, was 'ro' rejected for some good reason, $Larry, or was it simply 
considerate as not to waste a short word on a rare use since that's the 
default (for parameters)?

I agree that knowing 'rw', and that being common, if I wanted the other 
one and didn't use it every day, I would =guess= that it should be 
called 'ro' to match.


Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Michael G Schwern |Perl 6| wrote:

It should be possible to alias it in your own scope easily.

Every time someone replies to a Perl 6 language design nit with "but you can
change the grammar" *I* kill a kitten.



That would not be a change in the grammar.  Merely deciding for yourself 
which names should be short based on your own usage. 

Since readonly is a class name, the equivalent of a typedef would be 
used.  I think that should be

   my ::ro ::= readonly;

but I have some technical points that still need to be addressed/worked out.


Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-23 Thread Michael G Schwern
David Green wrote:
> On 2008-Sep-23, at 2:32 pm, Michael G Schwern wrote:
>> My other thought is that since parameters are read-only by default
>> it's not
>> thought you'd have to write it much so clarity wins out over brevity,
>> the flip
>> side of Huffamn encoding.  But that doesn't work out so good for normal
>> variable declarations.
> I'd call it straight Huffman encoding, because clarity is what we should
> be optimising for. (You read code more than you write it... unless you
> never make any mistakes!)  Happily, brevity often aids clarity.  The
> rest of the time, it should be up to one's editor; any editor worth its
> salt ought to easily auto-complete "ro" into "readonly".

Eeep!  The "your IDE should write your verbose code for you" argument!  For
that one, I brine and roast an adorable hamster.  That's just another way of
saying that your language is too verbose for a human to write it without
hanging themselves.  See also Java.

Anyhow, I see where you're going, and I understand the desire for no abbvs.
But man, "ro" is pretty damn easy to remember. [1]  This is even sillier when
you hold it up against all the magic symbols we're supposed to remember.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], :name, |$arg, $arg!, $arg?, :$arg.

If we expect the user to remember what all that means, I think they can figure
out "$thing is ro".  It would be incoherent to take a corner of the language
design and suddenly pretend otherwise.

The mark of a great interface is not that you know what everything is the
first time you encounter it, but when you remember what it is the second time.
 The first time what's important is the user knows where to find instructions
and how to play with the device.  It should have a strong analogy and mesh
clearly with the surrounding devices "ro" and "rw" have a strong analogy with
the common read-only and read-write terms and they mesh with each other.  Once
this is known to the user, the second time it will be "obvious".

You're only a beginner once, and if everything is done right for a short time.
 The rest of your career, you're experienced.  Instead of dumbing the language
down for beginners, the trick is to turn beginners into experienced
programmers as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Now I've totally digressed.

s7ank: i want to be one of those guys that types "s/j&jd//.^$ueu*///djsls/sm."
   and it's a perl script that turns dog crap into gold.

Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-23 Thread David Green

On 2008-Sep-23, at 2:32 pm, Michael G Schwern wrote:
My other thought is that since parameters are read-only by default  
it's not
thought you'd have to write it much so clarity wins out over  
brevity, the flip
side of Huffamn encoding.  But that doesn't work out so good for  

variable declarations.

I'd call it straight Huffman encoding, because clarity is what we  
should be optimising for.  (You read code more than you write it...  
unless you never make any mistakes!)  Happily, brevity often aids  
clarity.  The rest of the time, it should be up to one's editor; any  
editor worth its salt ought to easily auto-complete "ro" into  


Re: Why does p6 always quote non-terminals?

2006-06-27 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff
On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 09:04:27PM -0700, Dave Whipp wrote:
> I was reading the slides from PM's YAPC::NA, and a thought drifted into
> my mind (more of a gentle alarm, actually). One of the examples struck me:
>   rule parameter_list {  [ , ]* }
> Its seems common in the higher layers of a grammar that there are more
> non-terminal than terminals in each rule, so maybe the current "rule"
> isn't properly huffmanized (also, the comma seemed some-how out of place
> -- most symbols will need to be quoted if used in similar context). A
> more traditional YACC/YAPP coding of the
> rule would be:
>   rule parameter_list { parameter [ "," parameter ]* }
> Is there a strong reason (ambiguity) why every nonterminal needs to be
> quoted (or could we at least have a form ( C< rule:y {...} > ) where
> they are not)? I see this as increasingly important when rules are used
> to process non-textual streams. In these cases every token will need to
> be quoted using angle brackets, which at that point might become little
> more than line noise.

If we flipped the idea of "meta" such that only literals needed
quoting for rules, I'd expect that for consistency sake we'd need to
do the same for the other regexy things. For non-grammatical regexes,
that would start to grate real quick I think.  But maybe that's a good
dividing line--for m//, s///, and rx// you don't quote your literals,
and to match a rule, you use the regular assertion syntax. But
*within* a regex, token, or rule you need to quote your literals
because all non-quoted, wordish text is assumed to be an assertion.

Nah, that's as far as I'll entertain the thought because there is a
major show stopper--rules may be parameterized.  In the universe of
undelimited assertions, how are you to pass parameters to the assertion?
Use parens as in a subroutine call?  (rules are special subs after
all)  Sounds like it invites confusion.  Or would you mandate that to
get the effect of parameterized rules, you should really be using a
closure anyway?

So, I guess that answers your question ...

If not, I'm sure someone else will come along and give something more
definitive  :-)

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: why no negative (auto reversed) ranges?

2006-03-23 Thread Larry Wall
On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 01:26:03PM +0100, TSa wrote:
: HaloO,
: S03 does explicitly disallow auto-reversed ranges.
: And I'm not sure if the upto operator has a downto
: cousin where ^-4 == (-1, -2, -3, -4) returns a list
: that is suitable for indexing an array from the back.
: Why is that so?

I suppose because nobody else wanted it yet.  If we were to add
such an operator opposite to ^4, I suspect it'd be v-4 or some such,
but maybe negative version numbers are more useful.  :-)

But Huffman coding says that symmetry *should* be broken when a thing
is used much more frequently than its opposite.

: With negative ranges, negative array and list length
: becomes a logical extension and .reverse just flips
: the sign of the array. But I know that code snippets
: like 'if @array < 10 {...}' then need to be "upgraded"
: to explicitly take the abs: 'if abs @array < 10 {...}'
: which is good documentation but somewhat inconvenient.

People would certainly rebel.

: OTOH, using contentless arrays as kind of integer becomes
: even more attractive ;)

Though you can always use $array as an arrayless content...

: Is there a .reversed property for arrays, lists and
: ranges that allows to query the direction of growth?

Not with a standard array.

: And is .reverse working lazily with respect to the
: list or array and just flips this property?

.reverse isn't a mutator.  It merely presents a reversed view of
whatever, and is hopefully as lazy as the underlying object allows
in reverse.  (To reverse an array in place we'd use .=reverse.)


Re: Why submethods

2005-11-03 Thread TSa


Luke Palmer wrote:

On 10/29/05, Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So we need a mechanism that is externally (i.e. from a class interface
point-of-view) a subroutine, but internally has the features of a method (i.e.
has an invocant). Since it's externally sub-like but internally method-like,
we call this useful construct a submethod.

Wouldn't the semantics fall out naturally from
1) beeing a scoped 'our sub'
2) the topic type ^_ of the topic item $_ beeing
   contra-variantly defined to the concrete class type?

Number 1) assumes that a sub definition in a class without my or our gets
a sig of :(Any $_ = CALLER<$_>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]). The property 2) ensures the
non-inheritance indirectly because an overriding sub in a derived class
would permit the Foo::bar application.

That is Luke's example could read

  class Foo
 has $.data; # creates rw accessor
 our sub bar # sig is :( void: Foo $_, [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
$.data = 23; # Not allowed outside of class scope?
  #  .data = 23; # Or force through accessor?

  my $foo =;

  $;  # binds $_ := $foo and all member refs through $foo,
 # then calls Foo::bar with empty @_

  say $;  # prints 23

For most of that, doesn't a private method suffice?

When it doesn't, I feel uneasy about:

class Foo {
submethod bar() { ... }
my $foo =;

If that's externally sub-like, why does it look so much like a method?

Isn't looking like a method more a feature of the dot syntax than anything
else? Does bar($foo) cause the same perception? If my signature assumptions
above are correct then an argumentless bar call without "invocant" is a
"too few arguments" error.

If I understand the term 'package dispatch' of Sam Vilain correctly the
package that contains class Foo would maintain a dispatch into class scoped
subs depending on the immediate class---is that the eigenclass?---of the
"invocant". That is we could define

  class Bar
 has $.data; # creates rw accessor
 our sub bar # sig is :( void: Bar $_, [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
$.data = 42;

in addition to the Foo from above and then

  sub package_dispatched ($x) { $ }

  my $bar =;

  package_dispatched( $foo ); say $; # 23
  package_dispatched( $bar ); say $; # 42

But I can understand that Damian thinks that spelling 'our sub' as
'submethod' is good documentation and not a subtlety. OTOH, a 'my sub'
is not considered too subtle. Actually a 'has sub foo ...' form might be
an alternate spelling for 'has &.foo = sub ...' and we can drop the
strange word 'submethod' and nicely unify all code types. That is

sub = package dispatch on void
 method = unary dispatch on single invocant item type
  multi = symmetric multi dispatch on invocant tuple type
  or left biased successive single dispatch on invocant list
  or a mix of both

Re: Why submethods

2005-10-30 Thread Sam Vilain
On Sat, 2005-10-29 at 17:30 -0400, Stevan Little wrote:
> However, it could also be that the creator of Foo did not intend for  
> subclasses to be able to "Just Work", and that the whole idea of Foo  
> is to do a "Template Method" style pattern in which subclasses must  
> implement the &help_process_data submethod in order for things to  
> work. This is an entirely valid usage for a submethod, and in fact, I  
> think it is an excellent way for implementing the "Template Method"  
> pattern.

Hmm.  I think I much prefer;

  method you_must_implement { ... }

or a trait, perhaps

  method you_must_implement is required;

I think that methods disappearing out of scope in subclasses is just
Nasty And Wrong™, for the exact reason Luke outlined.  Side-effects like
that are just asking for trouble IMHO.

> It is also possible that we could bring over the role idea of  
> "required methods" and have the same basic principle relate to  
> classes and submethods. If marked as such, a submethod is required to  
> be implemented by a subclass, or class composition fails.
> I think that could be a useful feature which would allow very safe
> re-use along those lines.

Good point, which is why the "is required" as above would be better.

It seems to me that there's an awful lot of specification going into
these varied types of methods.

  Method Type  Purpose   DispatchVisibility
  $.method()|  external API|  MMD  |  all
  $.submethod() |  refactoring |  package  |  single
  $:private()   |  internal API|  package  |  single

I must admit I also fail to see the difference between submethods and
private methods.  And what do I use for methods that I don't want to
make visible to "the world"?

Perhaps a more useful definition might be that submethods are only
available on $?SELF (and are still subject to normal dispatch).


Re: Why submethods

2005-10-30 Thread Uri Guttman
> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC> But factoring method implementations out into a subroutines is
  DC> also extremely annoying, because a subroutine doesn't provide the
  DC> internal conveniences that a method does. In particular, it
  DC> doesn't have an invocant and so you can't call $.attrs or
  DC> &.methods. Instead you would have to pass the invocant to the
  DC> subroutine call as an argument and then call accessors and methods
  DC> explicitly through that argument.

  DC> So we need a mechanism that is externally (i.e. from a class
  DC> interface point-of-view) a subroutine, but internally has the
  DC> features of a method (i.e. has an invocant). Since it's externally
  DC> sub-like but internally method-like, we call this useful construct
  DC> a submethod.

so it sounds like to me these are methods private to this class. they
can't found by any other class (via inheritance). so what is the
external sub interface for? we can see the need for private worker
methods and even p5 has a convention of marking such subs with a leading


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Why submethods

2005-10-29 Thread Stevan Little


On Oct 29, 2005, at 3:42 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
Another thing that scares me with the "utility sub" point of view  

class Foo {
method process_data($data) {
submethod help_process_data($data) {
}; # 1

class Bar is Foo { }; # dies[1]

What???  I didn't change anything yet!  Why does it die?  (This is the
first principle in the journal entry you quoted)

This is true, but I think that it is easily rectified. A submethod is  
said to have an implicit

  next METHOD unless $?SELF.class =:= $?CLASS

I think we could add onto that and say that in addition to checking  
the invocant's class, we could also check the calling context, and do  
like we do with private methods, and allow things like this to Just  

However, it could also be that the creator of Foo did not intend for  
subclasses to be able to "Just Work", and that the whole idea of Foo  
is to do a "Template Method" style pattern in which subclasses must  
implement the &help_process_data submethod in order for things to  
work. This is an entirely valid usage for a submethod, and in fact, I  
think it is an excellent way for implementing the "Template Method"  

It is also possible that we could bring over the role idea of  
"required methods" and have the same basic principle relate to  
classes and submethods. If marked as such, a submethod is required to  
be implemented by a subclass, or class composition fails. I think  
that could be a useful feature which would allow very safe re-use  
along those lines.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.


Re: Why submethods

2005-10-29 Thread Luke Palmer
On 10/29/05, Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So we need a mechanism that is externally (i.e. from a class interface
> point-of-view) a subroutine, but internally has the features of a method (i.e.
> has an invocant). Since it's externally sub-like but internally method-like,
> we call this useful construct a submethod.

Hmm, thanks.

For most of that, doesn't a private method suffice?

When it doesn't, I feel uneasy about:

class Foo {
submethod bar() { ... }
my $foo =;

If that's externally sub-like, why does it look so much like a method?

Another thing that scares me with the "utility sub" point of view follows:

class Foo {
method process_data($data) {
submethod help_process_data($data) {
}; # 1

class Bar is Foo { }; # dies[1]

What???  I didn't change anything yet!  Why does it die?  (This is the
first principle in the journal entry you quoted)

Let's presume that I want to extend Foo by adding a method completely
unrelated to process_data, and I would like its behavior to stay the
same for process_data.  How would I do that?


[1] Well, it wouldn't, since for Liskov sanity we require that a
method of the same name already exists.  Let's say that Foo's parent
class implemented "submethod help_process_data($data) { die }".

Re: Why $.?

2005-05-16 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 04:02 -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
> I am currently failing to see the need for a distinction between $.
> and $: .  The only difference is in whether accessors are *generated*;

Not at all! There are numerous differences as described in A12:

  * The attribute gets a "private" trait
  * "we basically force people to document the private/public
distinction every place they reference $:x" -A12
  * Prevents access to class variables (e.g. using "our") from
outside the class.
  * %$obj notation includes private attributes when inside, but not
when outside the class
  * Private variables use a different dispatcher.

Re: Why lexical pads

2004-09-25 Thread Jeff Clites
On Sep 25, 2004, at 10:27 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
On Sat, Sep 25, 2004 at 10:01:42PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: We've also said that MY is a pseudopackage referring to the current
: lexical scope so that you can hand off your lexical scope to someone
: else to read (but not modify, unless you are currently compiling
: yourself).  However, random subroutines are not allowed access
: to your lexical scope unless you specifically give it to them,
: with the exception of $_ (as in 1 above).  Otherwise, what's the
: point of lexical scoping?
Note that this definition of MY as a *view* of the current lexical
scope from a particular spot is exactly what we already supply
to an C, so we're not really asking for anything that isn't
already needed implicitly.  MY is just the general way to invoke the
pessimization you would have to do for an C anyway.
A mildly interesting thought would be for C to take additional 
parameters to make explicit what's visible to the eval'd 
code--essentially making the running of the code like a subroutine 
call. So the traditional C would turn into something like "eval 
$str, MY", but you could also have "eval $str, $x, $y", or just "eval 
$str", which would execute in an "empty" lexical scope. That would 
allow additional optimizations at compile-time (and make MY the sole 
transporter of lexical scope), since not every C would need what 
MY provides, but even more importantly, it would allow the programmer 
to protect himself against accidentally referencing a lexical he didn't 
intend, just because the code in his string coincidentally used the 
same variable name. More optimization opportunities, and more explicit 

But that's now a language issues, so I'm cc-ing this over to there.

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-08-14 Thread David Storrs

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 10:53:02AM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 03:25:20PM -0700, David Storrs wrote:
> > On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 03:55:21PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > > However, Acme::Intraweb hasn't been updated for a while, whereas CPANPLUS
> > > has, so I'm not sure if it still works. Both are by Jos Boumans.
> > 
> > Urrmmm...ok, I'm sure I'm just being dense here, but I do not see your
> > point.  Can you unpack it for me?
> IIRC you said "it would be good if perl6 could do this"
> My point was that Jos wrote a module for perl5 that could do this last year.
> However, I suspect if you attempt to install it from CPAN today it will
> break, because it's not been updated to cope with changes to CPANPLUS,
> upon which it depends.

Ah.  Thanks, that makes it more more clear.  I'll look into


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-08-13 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 03:25:20PM -0700, David Storrs wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 03:55:21PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> > However, Acme::Intraweb hasn't been updated for a while, whereas CPANPLUS
> > has, so I'm not sure if it still works. Both are by Jos Boumans.
> Urrmmm...ok, I'm sure I'm just being dense here, but I do not see your
> point.  Can you unpack it for me?

IIRC you said "it would be good if perl6 could do this"

My point was that Jos wrote a module for perl5 that could do this last year.
However, I suspect if you attempt to install it from CPAN today it will
break, because it's not been updated to cope with changes to CPANPLUS,
upon which it depends.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-08-13 Thread David Storrs
On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 03:55:21PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 02:50:18PM -0700, David Storrs wrote:

> > #!/usr/bin/perl6
>   #!/usr/bin/perl

I stated perl6 explicitly to be, well, explicit.

> > #use warnings;  # Note that I am NOT explicitly using these
> > #use strict;
> > 
> > {   no 'warnings'; no 'strict';   # These must be explicitly turned off...
> > no installation_security; # or this would throw warning & error
>   use Acme::Intraweb;
> > use SomeModule; #
> > use OtherModule;# 
> > use Foo;# If these are not installed,
> > use Bar;# they will be auto-installed.
> > use Baz;#
> > use Jaz;#
> > }
> However, Acme::Intraweb hasn't been updated for a while, whereas CPANPLUS
> has, so I'm not sure if it still works. Both are by Jos Boumans.

Urrmmm...ok, I'm sure I'm just being dense here, but I do not see your
point.  Can you unpack it for me?


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-08-08 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 02:50:18PM -0700, David Storrs wrote:

> Definitely.  On the other hand...I find myself wondering if we could
> offer a pragma so that people can have the option if they want it.
> For example:
> #!/usr/bin/perl6


> #use warnings;  # Note that I am NOT explicitly using these
> #use strict;
> {   no 'warnings'; no 'strict';   # These must be explicitly turned off...
> no installation_security; # or this would throw warning & error

  use Acme::Intraweb;

> use SomeModule; #
> use OtherModule;# 
> use Foo;# If these are not installed,
> use Bar;# they will be auto-installed.
> use Baz;#
> use Jaz;#
> }

However, Acme::Intraweb hasn't been updated for a while, whereas CPANPLUS
has, so I'm not sure if it still works. Both are by Jos Boumans.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-08-08 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 08:20:25PM -0700, David Storrs wrote:
> Race condition: what if something deletes the file between the moment
> that perl closes the file and the moment that it re-opens it?  Is
> there a cross-platform way to do an atomic reopen?


To the best of my knowledge there isn't a way on Unix to reopen the same
file descriptor read-write using an existing read-only file descriptor.
Therefore there can't be a cross-platform way to do it, as it's not even
possible everywhere.

You can't store the filename of the file you originally opened, as someone
is free to move it and replace it with a symlink to a critical system file,
to try 0wn your system.

Opening needs to be done once at open time.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-29 Thread Jim Cromie
Luke Palmer wrote:
It's likely that CPAN will have a Bundle::EYEWTIBWATA. [1]
[1] Everything You Ever Wanted To Install But Were Afraid To Ask

EYEWTIBWATL  eye-witty-bwattle
.. But Were Always Too Lazy

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-27 Thread Michele Dondi
On Sat, 24 Jul 2004, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:

> Hmm...maybe this could be done for Perl 5...

I guess it could be relatively easily done by means of the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
feature present in recent perls...

> A mathematically-inclined glove-fetishist [...]
What a wonderful introduction to a puzzle!
- Richard Heathfield in sci.math, "Re: Gloves in the dark"

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-26 Thread Jonadab the Unsightly One
Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> hopefully without dependencies on external non-Perl things like gcc).
> Don't think it'll be possible for modules that have C components,

I'm really hoping Perl6 will be sufficiently powerful that C
components won't be needed or wanted.

>> Oh, and here's me resisting the urge to suggest that use ought to
>> automatically install from the CPAN anything that isn't present, as
>> a core behavior right out of the box.
> Security nightmare.

Running untrusted code (Perl or otherwise) on your system that you
haven't examined first is inherently a security nightmare.  If it
wants to download things from wherever and install them it can
(assuming that you're running under an account that has privileges to
install or at least has its own install location just for that
account), and that's not all it can do, not by a longshot.

Or did you mean that someone might compromise the CPAN in order to
compromise all the systems downloading stuff from it?  Again, that's
already true now, in theory.  (More likely, a single mirror would be
compromised.  One would hope it would be discovered quickly.)

However, I wasn't serious about making use automatically install.
Well, not altogether serious. or something like it is really
almost good enough, and what it lacks can be added in without any
change to the behavior of use.  Installing once before you use is
really not a very large burden in the scheme of things.

I was, however, very pleased to hear that we won't have to reinstall
half the contents of the CPAN every time we upgrade Perl or Parrot.
Definitely looking forward to that improvement.

split//,"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ --";$\=$ ;-> ();print$/

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-26 Thread Dan Hursh
Larry Wall wrote:
Sounds like you're confusing #3 with #4.
Could be.  Does 3 mean at install time, you down load the latest of the 
'supported' packages from the CPAN alike or is it more like versioned 
snapshots?  (Possibly yet to be decided?)  It's the idea of a standard 
library being open to daily change that scaring me most at the moment. 
If that's not likely, then me other concerns, well, aren't.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?^H^H^H^H^HCore modules?

2004-07-26 Thread David Green
On 7/23/04, Luke Palmer wrote:
Not necessarily.  Glop, on which I'm doing a presentation at OSCON
(have to plug it sometime ;-),
"Game Language on Perl, you say?  Goodness, what's that??"
Sorry.  Got tired of English.
There's a lot of stuff like that.  Way too much to include in a
distribution.  That's why we're going to distribute close to nothing
with Perl 6 in order to force vendors to install a decent module suite.
It's likely that CPAN will have a Bundle::EYEWTIBWATA. [1]
Well, it certainly makes sense to me to have perl itself as
minimal as possible, as long as there's an "official" bundle so that
you can make reasonable assumptions about what "everyone" has.
I think with a sensible auto-inclusion system (really, they're quite
nice--if it can be done at compile time), we'll be able to keep things
out of core and still make them feel like they're in core.  There's
something to be said for modules like that.
Yup, something very good.
And there's our second system syndrome.   Fortunately, Perl is
embracing its second system syndrome.
Works for me.  Anyway, Perl already got a complete rewrite for P5,
right?  So this would actually be Third System Syndrome, and thus
we've nothing to worry about.  (I'm not worried, anyway.)
  -David "impatient, maybe, but not worried" Green

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-25 Thread Larry Wall
On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 11:41:14PM -0500, Dan Hursh wrote:
: Larry Wall wrote:
: >On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 01:32:29AM -0500, Dan Hursh wrote:
: >: >2. Really core. This is the sort of "standard library". Just the most
: >: >essential bits that are required for general Perl usability. You'd
: >: >probably include most of these, even in a "trimmed down" release, such
: >: >as an OS installer
: >: 
: >: What most venders will ship.
: >
: >Which is basically why we are planning not to produce one of these.
: >I think we should concentrate on 1 and 3.
: I know.  In that case, I think venders are liable to be lazy or peeved 
: and ship option 1 or worse, nothing.  Is the answer really supposed to 
: be CPAN or no library?  Is there a plan to at least have stable 
: snapshots of CPAN?  Sorry to be a pest on this, but the implications 
: actually scare me about things I didn't worry about before because I had 
: confidence that they would be addressed in 'the library'.  Maybe I just 
: need to sit and meditate some more.

Sounds like you're confusing #3 with #4.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-25 Thread Dan Hursh
Larry Wall wrote:
On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 01:32:29AM -0500, Dan Hursh wrote:
: >2. Really core. This is the sort of "standard library". Just the most
: >essential bits that are required for general Perl usability. You'd
: >probably include most of these, even in a "trimmed down" release, such
: >as an OS installer
: What most venders will ship.

Which is basically why we are planning not to produce one of these.
I think we should concentrate on 1 and 3.
I know.  In that case, I think venders are liable to be lazy or peeved 
and ship option 1 or worse, nothing.  Is the answer really supposed to 
be CPAN or no library?  Is there a plan to at least have stable 
snapshots of CPAN?  Sorry to be a pest on this, but the implications 
actually scare me about things I didn't worry about before because I had 
confidence that they would be addressed in 'the library'.  Maybe I just 
need to sit and meditate some more.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-25 Thread Larry Wall
On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 01:32:29AM -0500, Dan Hursh wrote:
: >2. Really core. This is the sort of "standard library". Just the most
: >essential bits that are required for general Perl usability. You'd
: >probably include most of these, even in a "trimmed down" release, such
: >as an OS installer
: What most venders will ship.

Which is basically why we are planning not to produce one of these.
I think we should concentrate on 1 and 3.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-24 Thread Dan Hursh
Aaron Sherman wrote:
Do any C++ programmers consider the STL to be anything other than "in
core" even though it's not part of the compiler, and with at least GCC,
it's distributed as a separate component?
Do any C programmers consider strlen or sprintf to be outside of the
core? It's part of the ANSI C *STANDARD LIBRARY*, not the ANSI C spec.
Does anyone really ship compilers w/o a standard library.  I don't care 
if they are in separate tar/rpm/etc files.  As long as they go together. 
 Does anyone other than a spec writer document the language minus the 

Define "outside of the core", please.
I'm sticking to my definition involving the camel book and packing them 

If I was going to make a recommendation (which I guess I am), I would
suggest having 4 layers of library:
1. Really-really core (the stuff you can't write the other stuff
without), and is probably all built-ins in Parrot.
The toy for the researcher. Not much of a tool yet, but fun.
2. Really core. This is the sort of "standard library". Just the most
essential bits that are required for general Perl usability. You'd
probably include most of these, even in a "trimmed down" release, such
as an OS installer
What most venders will ship.
3. The "extended core". The modules from some CPAN-alike that are
considered to be "supported Perl extensions" In Perl 5, I think of
libwww-perl and libnet this way, but making an official distinction lets
users decide what modules to rely on in code that will have to be
"updatable" for 5 years.
What my site IT people might get around to installing in the site image 
for perl 6 during the perl 8.2 time frame.

4. The CPAN-like grab-bag of goodies.
The pre-pre-alpha modules that work on two-ish platforms.  Many of which 
were in the same state a year ago.

OK, maybe I'm over stating that.  But I do think that if perl 6.X.Y is 
not accompanied by a packaged perl library version I.J.K that is as 
documented, tested and portable as the language, then most people won't 
see any modules outside of those shipped in the perl6 source archive.  I 
hate that.

To put it another, if a library version is not done in concert with a 
given language version, then either users can't rely on the availability 
or exact behavior of any function beyond the core package.  Each vendor 
with have to make their own library, and test it.

Overlooking the duplication of effort for each vender, given that 
vendors seem to have enough trouble packaging remotely recent versions 
of perl 5, and given that different venders might not choose the same 
selection of modules or that they might not pick compatible versions of 
the same modules, this just looks like a black eye waiting to happen. 
This all assumes that venders put the effort into it at all.

If not the venders, do you expect each perl programmer to have root 
-like access?  I could have missed the chapter, but I didn't see a good 
way for a perl programmer to install from CPAN to his home directory and 
use it seemlessly with an OS shipped perl install.  So far my experience 
do it with CPAN haven't gone well anyone.  Maybe each user could compile 
his own interpreter from source.  That's how I had my best luck.  I 
still get lots of errors on CPAN installs.  It's kind of a pain. 
Besides, things should be run out of a user's home directory in a 
production environment.

I know this isn't a new problem, but it is why I didn't use Net::FTP at 
work until about a year ago.  They just didn't install the bugger and I 
didn't have control of the site image.  The same goes for perl5.6 for 
that matter, so I might not see perl6 at work before I retire in some 20 
 years from now and this will all be moot.

I just think there ought to be a decent library.  It worked well for 
python and java (even inspite of how java's library is designed!) and it 
would put perl ahead of the likes of C and C++ (which I believe have far 
too skinny standard libraries to be useful).

I also think that library needs to be tested as well as perl6.  It needs 
to be equally portable as well.  (Yes I know there are limits there.  If 
TK won't run on my watch, I'll understand.  I'm sure the watch probably 
won't support all the core features either.)

And a given version of the library needs to 'go together' with a given 
version of the language.  The gcc folks may not tar the C++ standard lib 
up with the compiler, but there tends to be a given version of one to 
use with a given version of the other.

Of course, maybe there are other solutions.  Maybe I'm wrong for 
thinking it ought to be a requirement.  Maybe I just need to work at a 
shop with more perl biggots on staff.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-24 Thread Larry Wall
On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 04:51:52PM -0700, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
: This would require 'cpan' to parse the script with a modified grammar 
: that noted all the 'use's (and 'require's, I guess), then install each 
: module.  Or something like that.
: Hmm...maybe this could be done for Perl 5...

If the main impediment is security, you have to know what the
checksums of the modules you're looking for are, and that means you
have to know exactly what version you're looking for (or have info
on all versions).  Which implies that you might need something like
Perl 6's ability to (attempt to) use two different versions of the
same module simultaneously.

But don't let me discourage you from playing with it in Perl 5...  :-)


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-24 Thread Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon
David Storrs wrote:
#use warnings;  # Note that I am NOT explicitly using these
#use strict;
{   no 'warnings'; no 'strict';   # These must be explicitly turned off...
no installation_security; # or this would throw warning & error
use SomeModule; #
use OtherModule;# 
use Foo;# If these are not installed,
use Bar;# they will be auto-installed.
use Baz;#
use Jaz;#

use FrobNitz;   # If this is not installed, the script fails.

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-24 Thread David Storrs
On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 02:23:10PM -0700, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
> Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
> >Oh, and here's me resisting the urge to suggest that use ought to
> >automatically install from the CPAN anything that isn't present, as a
> >core behavior right out of the box.
> Security nightmare.

Definitely.  On the other hand...I find myself wondering if we could
offer a pragma so that people can have the option if they want it.
For example:


#use warnings;  # Note that I am NOT explicitly using these
#use strict;

{   no 'warnings'; no 'strict';   # These must be explicitly turned off...
no installation_security; # or this would throw warning & error

use SomeModule; #
use OtherModule;# 
use Foo;# If these are not installed,
use Bar;# they will be auto-installed.
use Baz;#
use Jaz;#

use FrobNitz;   # If this is not installed, the script fails.

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-24 Thread Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon
Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
Surely, at bare minimum, there must be something included in core to
allow things that are not in core to be easily installed, the
equivalent of what is for Perl5 (hopefully even better, and
I believe that's the current plan--the core will include CPAN, LWP, and 
not much else.

hopefully without dependencies on external non-Perl things like gcc).
Don't think it'll be possible for modules that have C components, 
although Parrot's Native Call Interface ought to make a lot of XS uses 
obsolete.  (With NCI, Parrot provides opcodes to load a shared library, 
then retrieve functions from it and treat them like normal Parrot 
subs--all without writing any C.  That includes converting arguments and 
return values from Parrot types to C types.)

Oh, and here's me resisting the urge to suggest that use ought to
automatically install from the CPAN anything that isn't present, as a
core behavior right out of the box.
Security nightmare.
Brent "Dax" Royal-Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl and Parrot hacker
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-24 Thread Jonadab the Unsightly One

> Well, that's what all of the ruckus is about.  There is a strong
> leaning towards including *no* builtin modules with the core.  

Surely, at bare minimum, there must be something included in core to
allow things that are not in core to be easily installed, the
equivalent of what is for Perl5 (hopefully even better, and
hopefully without dependencies on external non-Perl things like gcc).

I could live with very little else in core, but the means to install
whatever is not in core is essential; that's the thing that allows
everything else to be made optional -- because it can be installed
easily enough.

Oh, and here's me resisting the urge to suggest that use ought to
automatically install from the CPAN anything that isn't present, as a
core behavior right out of the box.

split//,"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ --";$\=$ ;-> ();print$/

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-23 Thread JOSEPH RYAN
I define "outside the core" as "anything that isn't
packaged with Perl itself".  Things you'd define as
"part of the language."  I/O stuff, threading stuff,
standard types, builtin functions, etc.  And yeah,
most of that stuff will be written natively in C, 
PIR, or be part of parrot itself.

I think there will also be a much larger "standard 
library" that will be bundled separately, which would
contain your libwww, libnet, and other 
widely/commonly used modules.  The way I think of it
is kinda like installing something with the windows
installer: you can check to install the "minimal" or 
standard version, the "full" version (which would be
perl + the "standard library"), or you could even 
check "custom" and choose what you'd like to
install.  And, of course, everything else
would just be on the CPAN.

- Joe

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-23 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 19:21, JOSEPH RYAN wrote:

> Well, that's what all of the ruckus is about. 
> There is a strong leaning towards including *no* 
> builtin modules with the core.  So, that leaves only
> the builtin functions and classes as "the core", and 
> so what is "in core" becomes a pretty big deal.

I don't think so.

Do any C++ programmers consider the STL to be anything other than "in
core" even though it's not part of the compiler, and with at least GCC,
it's distributed as a separate component?

Do any C programmers consider strlen or sprintf to be outside of the
core? It's part of the ANSI C *STANDARD LIBRARY*, not the ANSI C spec.

Define "outside of the core", please.

If I was going to make a recommendation (which I guess I am), I would
suggest having 4 layers of library:

1. Really-really core (the stuff you can't write the other stuff
without), and is probably all built-ins in Parrot.
2. Really core. This is the sort of "standard library". Just the most
essential bits that are required for general Perl usability. You'd
probably include most of these, even in a "trimmed down" release, such
as an OS installer
3. The "extended core". The modules from some CPAN-alike that are
considered to be "supported Perl extensions" In Perl 5, I think of
libwww-perl and libnet this way, but making an official distinction lets
users decide what modules to rely on in code that will have to be
"updatable" for 5 years.
4. The CPAN-like grab-bag of goodies.

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Perl Toolsmith

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread Luke Palmer
David Green writes:
> >So making it "go in the core" may just mean that it's
> >on the list of recommended modules to install.
> Does that mean having to "use Some::Module" to use it?

Not necessarily.  Glop, on which I'm doing a presentation at OSCON (have
to plug it sometime ;-), makes use of an idiom where you don't have to
'use' everything you want.  That's because the small module quanta used
in the design would make the first 50 lines of your program 'use'

I should expect a similar thing in Perl 6 if traits are going to be
packaged up in their own modules.

> If so, that partially defeats the point of having a magical DWIMy
> shorthand in the first place.  (And if not -- then I guess it's
> irrelevant to most end users whether it's "really" a module or not.)

Here's one defining feature of core:

if $feature.has_shorthand {
$feature.in_core = !$feature.requires_use;

Sorry.  Got tired of English.

> I think stringified filehandles should be "core" -- i.e. always 
> available without having to install ...

There's a lot of stuff like that.  Way too much to include in a
distribution.  That's why we're going to distribute close to nothing
with Perl 6 in order to force vendors to install a decent module suite.

It's likely that CPAN will have a Bundle::EYEWTIBWATA. [1]

> In fact, my general attitude towards random feature $foo is: useful 
> to lots of people who want to use it + not harmful to people who 
> don't = put it all in the core.

And there's our second system syndrome.   Fortunately, Perl is embracing
its second system syndrome.

I think with a sensible auto-inclusion system (really, they're quite
nice--if it can be done at compile time), we'll be able to keep things
out of core and still make them feel like they're in core.  There's
something to be said for modules like that.


[1] Everything You Ever Wanted To Install But Were Afraid To Ask

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread David Green
Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on July 22, 2004:
Even more philosophical is "what is core?"
I believe the standard definition is "Anything I want to use goes in 
the core; anything everyone else wants goes wherever there's room 
left over." ...

So making it "go in the core" may just mean that it's
on the list of recommended modules to install.
Does that mean having to "use Some::Module" to use it?  If so, that 
partially defeats the point of having a magical DWIMy shorthand in 
the first place.  (And if not -- then I guess it's irrelevant to most 
end users whether it's "really" a module or not.)

I think stringified filehandles should be "core" -- i.e. always 
available without having to install or include anything -- because 
they're exactly the sort of easy thing that Perl is supposed to make 
trivial.  And of course, since there are plenty of cases where 
pretending a file is just a string won't work, Perl should also make 
the harder cases easy by including plain old 'open' in The Core as 
well.  [Not] using one doesn't in any way get in the way of using the 
other, and they'd both be commonly used, so I think they both need to 
be readily available.

In fact, my general attitude towards random feature $foo is: useful 
to lots of people who want to use it + not harmful to people who 
don't = put it all in the core.

   -David "at least until starting perl begins
 to take longer than your coffee break" Green

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread JOSEPH RYAN

- Original Message -
From: Dan Hursh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, July 22, 2004 3:07 pm
Subject: Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

> Luke Palmer wrote:
> > JOSEPH RYAN writes:
> > 
> >>- Original Message -
> >>From: David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Date: Monday, July 19, 2004 5:04 pm
> >>Subject: Re: Why do users need FileHandles?
> >>
> >>
> >>>Second, I would suggest that it NOT go in a library...this is
> >>>reasonably serious under-the-hood magic and should be 
> integrated into
> >>>the core for efficiency.
> >>
> >>How would integrating this in the core make it more efficient?  Core
> >>or not, I'd see something like this being implemented with a custom
> >>pmc.  I tend to think of inclusion in the core being more of a
> >>philosophical decision...
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, it is.  Whether or not a PMC is in the core, it should be 
> equally> fast.  That is, unless Parrot is allowed intimate 
> knowledge of the PMC's
> > internals.  And there are very few (any?) PMCs that possess this
> > property even now.
> > 
> > Even more philosophical is "what is core?"  I get the impression 
> that> Larry is trying to blur the distinction between core and non-
> core as
> > much as possible.  So making it "go in the core" may just mean 
> that it's
> > on the list of recommended modules to install.
> > 
> > Luke
> How about we say "in core" means it packaged with the perl6 source 
> and 
> covered in the coresponding camel & lama books.  :)

Well, that's what all of the ruckus is about. 
There is a strong leaning towards including *no* 
builtin modules with the core.  So, that leaves only
the builtin functions and classes as "the core", and 
so what is "in core" becomes a pretty big deal.

- Joe

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread Dan Hursh
Luke Palmer wrote:
- Original Message -
From: David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, July 19, 2004 5:04 pm
Subject: Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

Second, I would suggest that it NOT go in a library...this is
reasonably serious under-the-hood magic and should be integrated into
the core for efficiency.
How would integrating this in the core make it more efficient?  Core
or not, I'd see something like this being implemented with a custom
pmc.  I tend to think of inclusion in the core being more of a
philosophical decision...

Yes, it is.  Whether or not a PMC is in the core, it should be equally
fast.  That is, unless Parrot is allowed intimate knowledge of the PMC's
internals.  And there are very few (any?) PMCs that possess this
property even now.
Even more philosophical is "what is core?"  I get the impression that
Larry is trying to blur the distinction between core and non-core as
much as possible.  So making it "go in the core" may just mean that it's
on the list of recommended modules to install.
How about we say "in core" means it packaged with the perl6 source and 
covered in the coresponding camel & lama books.  :)


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread JOSEPH RYAN
- Original Message -
From: Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, July 22, 2004 2:48 pm
Subject: Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

>> JOSEPH RYAN writes:
> > 
> > How would integrating this in the core make it more efficient?  Core
> > or not, I'd see something like this being implemented with a custom
> > pmc.  I tend to think of inclusion in the core being more of a
> > philosophical decision...
> Yes, it is.  Whether or not a PMC is in the core, it should be equally
> fast.  That is, unless Parrot is allowed intimate knowledge of the 
> PMC'sinternals.  And there are very few (any?) PMCs that possess this
> property even now.

But why would Parrot need to see the PMC's internals?  I was thinking more along the 
lines of a class just looked just like PerlString, except with different, uh, stuff in 
the pmc class methods.

> Even more philosophical is "what is core?"  I get the impression that
> Larry is trying to blur the distinction between core and non-core as
> much as possible.  So making it "go in the core" may just mean 
> that it's
> on the list of recommended modules to install.

You're probably right.  Every time I think about the idea of "there will be no core 
modules", a conservative part of me becomes scared out of its mind, and that 
conservative side wants to riot.  But, once I think about it a little more, that riot 
quickly gets beaten down with thought batons like: "Sure, there won't be any core 
modules, but most of what Perl5's core will be seamlessly built into the language 
anyways, and not having other core modules will free everyone from having to continue 
to use crusty old interfaces like Exporter and File::Find".

But, going back to the original topic, something like this kind of I/O abstraction 
should still be some sort of *module* (core or not), not a core *behaivor*.

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread Luke Palmer
> - Original Message -
> From: David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Monday, July 19, 2004 5:04 pm
> Subject: Re: Why do users need FileHandles?
> > Second, I would suggest that it NOT go in a library...this is
> > reasonably serious under-the-hood magic and should be integrated into
> > the core for efficiency.
> How would integrating this in the core make it more efficient?  Core
> or not, I'd see something like this being implemented with a custom
> pmc.  I tend to think of inclusion in the core being more of a
> philosophical decision...

Yes, it is.  Whether or not a PMC is in the core, it should be equally
fast.  That is, unless Parrot is allowed intimate knowledge of the PMC's
internals.  And there are very few (any?) PMCs that possess this
property even now.

Even more philosophical is "what is core?"  I get the impression that
Larry is trying to blur the distinction between core and non-core as
much as possible.  So making it "go in the core" may just mean that it's
on the list of recommended modules to install.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread JOSEPH RYAN
- Original Message -
From: David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, July 19, 2004 5:04 pm
Subject: Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

> Second, I would suggest that it NOT go in a library...this is
> reasonably serious under-the-hood magic and should be integrated into
> the core for efficiency.

How would integrating this in the core make it more efficient?  Core or not, I'd see 
something like this being implemented with a custom pmc.  I tend to think of inclusion 
in the core being more of a philosophical decision...

- Joe

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread Austin Hastings
--- chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 14:04, David Storrs wrote:
> > Second, I would suggest that it NOT go in a library...this is
> > reasonably serious under-the-hood magic and should be integrated
> into
> > the core for efficiency.
> You must have amazingly fast hard drives.

I mount /tmp on swap. My "hard drive" is bitchin fast.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread chromatic
On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 14:04, David Storrs wrote:

> Second, I would suggest that it NOT go in a library...this is
> reasonably serious under-the-hood magic and should be integrated into
> the core for efficiency.

You must have amazingly fast hard drives.

-- c

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread Dave Whipp
"David Storrs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
># Print file, inefficiently
> print $default.readline for 1..$default.lines;

print it efficiently:

  print $default;

> # Append a line
> $rw .= "an additional line\n";

$rw ~= "\n" unless $rw.chars[-1] eq "\n";
$rw ~= "an additional line\n";

> # New line is visible through $rw
> print $rw.lines[-1];  # (*)
> # last line not yet visible through $default because it was
> # added by external handle--just like in a tail -f, we
> # need to move file pointer manually
> $;

I don't think the manual sync is really needed: name the method something a
bit more neutral:


> (*) The .lines[-1] semantic is feasible if we are willing to tolerate
> very slow performance (at least the first time; it could cache the
> locations of $/ after scanning and dump the cache if $/ changes), the
> fact that it wouldn't work on all files (/dev/null, /dev/zero, etc),
> and a few other issues.

The performance here could depend on the encoding. If the file is ASCII,
then we don't need to worry about multi-byte characters, so the
under-the-hood implementation could follow a heuristic such as "seek to 1000
bytes from end of file: scan forward for "\n". If none found, then go back
further. Otherwise continue to scan to find last "\n" in the file".


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread Dave Whipp
"David Storrs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote (apparently may days ago):
> Race condition: what if something deletes the file between the moment
> that perl closes the file and the moment that it re-opens it?  Is
> there a cross-platform way to do an atomic reopen?

I'm not sure if you need to close it before you reopen it. You can usually
open the file a second time before closing it. (the only issue would be if
you were using mandatory locks, in which case you're probably a power-user
using the FileHandle module, anyway).

I don't know about the cross-platform aspect, but a similar scenario is that
the file changes on disk while we've using it. In most modern editors, the
user is asked: "file changed on disk: reload file? (Y/N)" when this happens.
I'd like to think that we could arrange for an exception to be thrown
(resumable, of course) if this happens when we've mapped a file into an


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread Deborah Pickett
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 07.25, Austin Hastings wrote:
> --- Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If I cannot open a file for writing (permissions, out of space,
> > write locked, etc), I want to know the instant I attempt to open it
> > as such, _not_ when I later attempt to write to it.  Having all
> > these features available to open as arguements seems a much better
> > idea to me. It's "Open a file with these specifications", not "Open
> > a file, and then apply these specifications to it".
> But why? Do you really open files and then perform an hour of work
> before attempting to use them? I'll argue that's not the normal case;
> rather, the normal case is something like
>   open  or die ...
>   other_stuff()
>   while (...) {
> print ...
>   }
>   close
> and the intervening delay (other_stuff) is negligible in wall-clock
> terms: when a failure occurs, the user hears about it immediately.

The issue isn't about how long it takes other_stuff() to run.  The issue is 
whether other_stuff does something irrevocable that shouldn't have been done 
if the file couldn't be opened.

Imagine a double-entry bookkeeping system that needs to atomically update two 
files at once.  You don't want to discover that one file is inaccessible 
after you've already written the transaction to the other file.  You'd end up 
circumventing the DWIMmery by writing empty strings to the files just to make 
sure they exist:

$handle1 = open "file1";
$handle2 = open "file2";
print $handle1: "";   # Did it really open?
print $handle2: "transaction 2" or die;
print $handle1: "transaction 1" or die;

I contend that however many examples you could come up with that make 
"open-on-write" look neat, it's possible to contrive just as many examples 
that make "open-on-write" look awkward.  Which, IMHO,  is a perfect argument 
for putting this functionality into a library where those who want to use it, 

It's probably time to leave all of this up to @Larry to concoct something that 
everyone's happy with.

Debbie Pickett

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread David Storrs
On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 03:37:12PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:

> I think part of the "mental jam" (at least with me), is that the 
> read/write, exclusive, etc, are very critical to the act of opening the 
> file, not only an after the fact restriction on what I can do later. If 
> I cannot open a file for writing (permissions, out of space, write 
> locked, etc), I want to know the instant I attempt to open it as such, 
> _not_ when I later attempt to write to it.  Having all these features 
> available to open as arguements seems a much better idea to me. It's 
> "Open a file with these specifications", not "Open a file, and then 
> apply these specifications to it".
> I do admit there is merit to your abstraction system, but IMO, it 
> belongs in a library.
> -- Rod Adams

First, why are they incompatible?  Offer both, let TIMTOWTDI sort it

Second, I would suggest that it NOT go in a library...this is
reasonably serious under-the-hood magic and should be integrated into
the core for efficiency.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread David Storrs
On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 08:39:09PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:

> Case 1:
> So I wanted to do a read/write scan, so I create my TextFile, start 
> reading in data, so the file is opened for reading. Then, I come to the 
> part where I want to update something, so I do a write command. Suddenly 
> the file has to be closed, and then re-opened for read and write. And 
> all my buffers, file pointers and the like are reset, (though curable 
> with very careful planning), leaving me in a bad spot. Better if I could 
> just declare the file open for read and write at open time.
> Case 2:
> I meant to use some critical data file in read-only mode, and accidently 
> use a write command somewhere I didn't mean to, and silently just 
> clobbered /etc/passwd. Better if I could have just opened the file read 
> only, and trigger an error on the write command.
> What design philosophy would you envision TextFile taking to handle both 
> these cases in a coherent fashion?

   my $default is TextFile("/tmp/foo");
   my $rw  is TextFile("/tmp/foo")is rw;
   my $ro  is TextFile("/etc/passwd") is const;

$default will have the semantics that Dave has been
describing--initially opened read-only, then re-opened as r/w if you
write to it.

$rw is explicitly r/w.  Attempts to write to it succeed, and do not
require an implicit re-open.

$ro is explicitly ro.  Attempts to write to it fail, and do not
perform an implicit re-open.

Given the above code, here is some usage:

print $ro.readline(); # Prints first line
$ro = "boom!";# THROWS AN ERROR

  (assume error was trapped somehow)

# Print file, inefficiently
print $default.readline for 1..$default.lines;

# Append a line
$rw .= "an additional line\n"; 

# New line is visible through $rw
print $rw.lines[-1];  # (*)

# last line not yet visible through $default because it was
# added by external handle--just like in a tail -f, we 
# need to move file pointer manually

# Can't re-open for write mode, since another handle
# already has the write-lock.  Throw error to that effect.
$default = "oops, this doesn't work";

(*) The .lines[-1] semantic is feasible if we are willing to tolerate
very slow performance (at least the first time; it could cache the
locations of $/ after scanning and dump the cache if $/ changes), the
fact that it wouldn't work on all files (/dev/null, /dev/zero, etc),
and a few other issues.

> I don't think anyone (read: Larry) has declared exactly what the 
> capabilities of the default file handle object are yet. It seems me that 
> you could very well get what you want.

True on both counts.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-22 Thread David Storrs
On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 05:36:58PM -0700, Dave Whipp wrote:

> truncate Vs append would be infered from usage (assign => truncate). One
> might be able to infer read Vs write in a similar way -- open the file based
> on the first access; re-open it (behind the scenes) if we write it after
> reading it.

You might run into issues if the user starts doing seeks before
writing...although maybe not, since that just means that we need to
(behind the scenes) remember the current location of the seek pointer
when re-opening.

Exclusivity issue: when it re-opens, should it lock before opening?  

Race condition: what if something deletes the file between the moment
that perl closes the file and the moment that it re-opens it?  Is
there a cross-platform way to do an atomic reopen?

FWIW, although I'm not sure it will work in practice, I really like
this idea of eliminating FileHandles as a user-level object.

> my Str $text is file("foo.txt") does no_follow_symlink does no_create;
> Do we have an antonym for C?

How about 'no'?

my Str $text is file("foo.txt") no follow_symlink no create;

Other options (not all good):



Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-20 Thread Michele Dondi
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Andrew Shitov wrote:

> DW>   my $text is TextFile("/tmp/bar");
> DW>   $text = "hello"; # writes, truncates
> DW>   $text ~= ", world\n"; # appends
> DW>   $text.print "again\n"; # for old-times sake
> Anyhow we still need $text.flush() or $text.close() methods.

Not necessarily if lexically scoped, just as in (recent enough) perl5...

>A question out of curiousity: who is this Green of Green's functions?
>Is he the same person of Green's theorem? :)
Yes. He was also an early environmentalist; hence the current
phrases "green" this and "green" that...
- David C. Ullrich on sci.math, thread "Who is Green?"

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-19 Thread Larry Wall
On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 07:40:01PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:
: TMTOWTDI can apply here, I believe. You give me my way, I'll give you 
: yours. Leave me open with all my parameters, and you can have your list 
: of file abstraction classes. I could see having those classes part of 
: core, if there's enough support for them, and then something simple like 
: "use Files;" to turn them on.

The reality will be somewhere in the middle--or maybe it's off to one
side or the other.  I don't think anyone in this discussion (including
me) has a complete grasp of how roles will change the way OO is done in
Perl 6.  When you open a filehandle, or create a string, or something
in between, you're just making an object with various capabilities.
With roles, you don't even necessarily have to specify a particular
class to construct.  You can view an "open" statement as a request
for an object that fulfills certain roles, and let Perl search for
and/or compose an appropriate class.  You don't have to care about some
artificial, predefined OO hierarchy because roles do an end run around
the use of subclassing for a task that subclassing isn't good for.

File handles are a classic case of "the god object" syndrome.  With roles,
I think we can have our OO cake, and maybe even bear to eat it too.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-19 Thread Rod Adams
Austin Hastings wrote:
--- Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think part of the "mental jam" (at least with me), is that the 
read/write, exclusive, etc, are very critical to the act of opening
the file, not only an after the fact restriction on what I can do 

But why? I'd argue that this ties in to the verbose/exception
discussion of a few weeks back: if the operation fails, let it pass an
exception up the chain that can be caught and resolved (once) at a high

Guess I'm still in the
open "foo" or die;
Given that file processing is so common in Perl, it deserves a high
huffman scoring. The best way to do that is to abstract the operations
away and replace them with a single declaration of intent. That
declaration, of course, becomes a front-end for C or heavily optimized
In a heavily OO paradigm, there would be a swarm of subclasses of type
stream -- istream, ostream, iostream, exclusive_iostream, whatever.

my $file = append_text_stream "foo.txt";
really so much better than
my $file = open ">>foo.txt";
I'd strongly prefer having a few, extremely flexible, orthoganal, and 
complete tools, that DWIM the common case for me, than to have to sort 
through a long list of classes to get what I'm looking for.

Now, there's nothing stopping open from returning an object of class 
FileHandle::OStream::Text::Exclusive or whatever. And that object can 
have lots of useful methods to play with. But let me describe to open 
what type of file I want, and let it sort it out.

Another part of me that resists this is that I don't necessarily agree 
with a heavy OO paradigm. I've written several large projects in both a 
OO environment, and non-OO. I have almost always found the OO paradigms 
force me to convert what I wanted to do into something much more painful 
than the non-OO methods. It typically breaks down into the moment you 
want to do something to an object that the class designer did not take 
into account, you basically have to either rebuild parts of the object 
heirarchy from scratch, or get into really ugly things like declaring 
everything a friend of each other, or having to many accessor method 
calls you can't help but slow the whole program down.

Also, my experience is that when following a heavy OO paradigm, you 
often fall into the trap of "There is only one way to do it. Why would 
you ever want another?"

Is all OO bad? of course not. I use for several things, on a frequent 
basis. Is something that's OO necessarily better than something that's 
not? Despite the rumors from the Java crowd, no.
So while I embrace Perl6 having extremely strong OO capabilities, I will 
argue strongly against it taking over the language.

If I cannot open a file for writing (permissions, out of space, 
write locked, etc), I want to know the instant I attempt to open it
as such, _not_ when I later attempt to write to it.  Having all 
these features available to open as arguements seems a much better 
idea to me. It's "Open a file with these specifications", not "Open
a file, and then apply these specifications to it".

But why? Do you really open files and then perform an hour of work
before attempting to use them? I'll argue that's not the normal case;
rather, the normal case is something like
 open  or die ...
 while (...) {
   print ...
and the intervening delay (other_stuff) is negligible in wall-clock
terms: when a failure occurs, the user hears about it immediately.

It's often that I'll open a file to make sure I can save my results, 
then begin some process that is better measured in hours than seconds, 
and then begin outputting. It's not infrequent for me to have a list of 
five or six open statements at the start of a long process, and then 
close them all at the end.

I do admit there is merit to your abstraction system, but IMO, it 
belongs in a library.

I think rather that the abstraction should be the default, and the
individual "I don't trust Perl" functions should be available as
separate entry points if the user explicitly requires them.

TMTOWTDI can apply here, I believe. You give me my way, I'll give you 
yours. Leave me open with all my parameters, and you can have your list 
of file abstraction classes. I could see having those classes part of 
core, if there's enough support for them, and then something simple like 
"use Files;" to turn them on.

Just my 2¢.
-- Rod

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-19 Thread Austin Hastings
--- Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Whipp wrote:
> >
> > Your case 2 is easy: "my Str $passwds is File("/etc/passwd") is
> > const". With that, we might even catch your error at compile 
> > time.
> >
> >>/file/open/ and we're back where we started.
> >
> > Except that we've lost a layer of abstraction: the programmer
> > manipulates a file's contents, not its accessor. Text files 
> > would be just an implementation of strings. No need to learn/use
> > a different set of operators. Want to read bytes: use $str.bytes. >
> Graphemes: $str.graphs. Also, we use the existing access control 
> > mechanisms ("is rw", "is const", instead of inventing new ones to 
> > pass to the C function as named-args).
> I think part of the "mental jam" (at least with me), is that the 
> read/write, exclusive, etc, are very critical to the act of opening
> the file, not only an after the fact restriction on what I can do 
> later.

But why? I'd argue that this ties in to the verbose/exception
discussion of a few weeks back: if the operation fails, let it pass an
exception up the chain that can be caught and resolved (once) at a high

Given that file processing is so common in Perl, it deserves a high
huffman scoring. The best way to do that is to abstract the operations
away and replace them with a single declaration of intent. That
declaration, of course, becomes a front-end for C or heavily optimized

In a heavily OO paradigm, there would be a swarm of subclasses of type
stream -- istream, ostream, iostream, exclusive_iostream, whatever.

The suggestion is that we can derive an equally expressive vocabulary
using barewords and the occasional adverbial modifier.

> If I cannot open a file for writing (permissions, out of space, 
> write locked, etc), I want to know the instant I attempt to open it
> as such, _not_ when I later attempt to write to it.  Having all 
> these features available to open as arguements seems a much better 
> idea to me. It's "Open a file with these specifications", not "Open
> a file, and then apply these specifications to it".

But why? Do you really open files and then perform an hour of work
before attempting to use them? I'll argue that's not the normal case;
rather, the normal case is something like

  open  or die ...
  while (...) {
print ...

and the intervening delay (other_stuff) is negligible in wall-clock
terms: when a failure occurs, the user hears about it immediately.

> I do admit there is merit to your abstraction system, but IMO, it 
> belongs in a library.

I think rather that the abstraction should be the default, and the
individual "I don't trust Perl" functions should be available as
separate entry points if the user explicitly requires them.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-19 Thread Rod Adams
Dave Whipp wrote:
Under the hood, I don't really care, as long as it works (and is
sufficiently efficient). There are obvious implementations that might be a
bit inefficient on the first iteration (e.g. close and reopen). Quite
frankly, the number of times I open unstructured files in rd/wr mode in a
typical program can be measured on the fingers of one foot! If I want to do
a R-M-W operation then I do like -i, and use a tmp file. Maybe the
hypothetical TextFile object would do the same (by default). If I want to
micromanage the actual access to the file object, then I'd be happy to
c a module that lets me manipulate file handles directly. I just don't
see that as the common case.
Your case 2 is easy: "my Str $passwds is File("/etc/passwd") is const". With
that, we might even catch your error at compile time.
/file/open/ and we're back where we started.

Except that we've lost a layer of abstraction: the programmer manipulates a
file's contents, not its accessor. Text files would be just an
implementation of strings. No need to learn/use a different set of
operators. Want to read bytes: use $str.bytes. Graphemes: $str.graphs. Also,
we use the existing access control mechanisms ("is rw", "is const", instead
of inventing new ones to pass to the C function as named-args).

I think part of the "mental jam" (at least with me), is that the 
read/write, exclusive, etc, are very critical to the act of opening the 
file, not only an after the fact restriction on what I can do later. If 
I cannot open a file for writing (permissions, out of space, write 
locked, etc), I want to know the instant I attempt to open it as such, 
_not_ when I later attempt to write to it.  Having all these features 
available to open as arguements seems a much better idea to me. It's 
"Open a file with these specifications", not "Open a file, and then 
apply these specifications to it".

I do admit there is merit to your abstraction system, but IMO, it 
belongs in a library.

-- Rod Adams

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-19 Thread Dave Whipp
"Rod Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Case 1:
> So I wanted to do a read/write scan, so I create my TextFile, start
> reading in data, so the file is opened for reading. Then, I come to the
> part where I want to update something, so I do a write command. Suddenly
> the file has to be closed, and then re-opened for read and write. And
> all my buffers, file pointers and the like are reset, (though curable
> with very careful planning), leaving me in a bad spot. Better if I could
> just declare the file open for read and write at open time.
> Case 2:
> I meant to use some critical data file in read-only mode, and accidently
> use a write command somewhere I didn't mean to, and silently just
> clobbered /etc/passwd. Better if I could have just opened the file read
> only, and trigger an error on the write command.
> What design philosophy would you envision TextFile taking to handle both
> these cases in a coherent fashion?

Firstly, I must say that if you phase a problems in terms of a solution,
then its not surprising that the solution looks a bit your problem statement
(E.g. "start reading in data" -- the important thing is to process it, not
to read it) From a users point of view, you're just doing string

for $text.lines { /:w ^myfield (\d+)/ and $1 = "X" x $1.chars }

Under the hood, I don't really care, as long as it works (and is
sufficiently efficient). There are obvious implementations that might be a
bit inefficient on the first iteration (e.g. close and reopen). Quite
frankly, the number of times I open unstructured files in rd/wr mode in a
typical program can be measured on the fingers of one foot! If I want to do
a R-M-W operation then I do like -i, and use a tmp file. Maybe the
hypothetical TextFile object would do the same (by default). If I want to
micromanage the actual access to the file object, then I'd be happy to
c a module that lets me manipulate file handles directly. I just don't
see that as the common case.

Your case 2 is easy: "my Str $passwds is File("/etc/passwd") is const". With
that, we might even catch your error at compile time.

> s/file/open/ and we're back where we started.

Except that we've lost a layer of abstraction: the programmer manipulates a
file's contents, not its accessor. Text files would be just an
implementation of strings. No need to learn/use a different set of
operators. Want to read bytes: use $str.bytes. Graphemes: $str.graphs. Also,
we use the existing access control mechanisms ("is rw", "is const", instead
of inventing new ones to pass to the C function as named-args).

Alan Cooper, in his book on human-computer interface design, makes the case
that files are an obsolete abstraction for users. I guess I'm making the
same argument for programmers.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-18 Thread Rod Adams
Dave Whipp wrote:
"Rod Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Uhm, my impression was that most of the "huffmanization" discussion was
centered around declaring a file handle to be read only, write only,
read-write, exclusive, etc. Masking the file handle with what basically
amounts to a file handle subclass like you describe will still need to
allow the user to specify all those attributes.
So you would still need to allow:
my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt" :rw );
my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt" :excl );

my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo") is rw;
my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo") is const;
truncate Vs append would be infered from usage (assign => truncate). One
might be able to infer read Vs write in a similar way -- open the file based
on the first access; re-open it (behind the scenes) if we write it after
reading it.

Case 1:
So I wanted to do a read/write scan, so I create my TextFile, start 
reading in data, so the file is opened for reading. Then, I come to the 
part where I want to update something, so I do a write command. Suddenly 
the file has to be closed, and then re-opened for read and write. And 
all my buffers, file pointers and the like are reset, (though curable 
with very careful planning), leaving me in a bad spot. Better if I could 
just declare the file open for read and write at open time.

Case 2:
I meant to use some critical data file in read-only mode, and accidently 
use a write command somewhere I didn't mean to, and silently just 
clobbered /etc/passwd. Better if I could have just opened the file read 
only, and trigger an error on the write command.

What design philosophy would you envision TextFile taking to handle both 
these cases in a coherent fashion?

:excl would probably need to be an option, but is not sufficiently common to
be agressively huffmanised:
my $text is TextFile("foo.txt", :no_overwrite);
my $text is TextFile("foo.txt") does no_overwrite;
ot that having wrapper classes for file handles is a bad idea, it just
doesn't relate to what I saw being discussed.
Oh, and "TextFile" should be spelled "IO::File::Text", IMHO.

Possibly, but would need a hufmanized alias for common use. Possible just

s/file/open/ and we're back where we started.
my Str $text is file("foo.txt") does no_follow_symlink does no_create;
my $text = open("foo.txt" :no_follow_symlink :no_create);
I don't think anyone (read: Larry) has declared exactly what the 
capabilities of the default file handle object are yet. It seems me that 
you could very well get what you want.

-- Rod Adams

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-18 Thread Dave Whipp
"Rod Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Uhm, my impression was that most of the "huffmanization" discussion was
> centered around declaring a file handle to be read only, write only,
> read-write, exclusive, etc. Masking the file handle with what basically
> amounts to a file handle subclass like you describe will still need to
> allow the user to specify all those attributes.
> So you would still need to allow:
> my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt" :rw );
> my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt" :excl );

my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo") is rw;
my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo") is const;

truncate Vs append would be infered from usage (assign => truncate). One
might be able to infer read Vs write in a similar way -- open the file based
on the first access; re-open it (behind the scenes) if we write it after
reading it.

:excl would probably need to be an option, but is not sufficiently common to
be agressively huffmanised:
my $text is TextFile("foo.txt", :no_overwrite);
my $text is TextFile("foo.txt") does no_overwrite;

> Not that having wrapper classes for file handles is a bad idea, it just
> doesn't relate to what I saw being discussed.
> Oh, and "TextFile" should be spelled "IO::File::Text", IMHO.

Possibly, but would need a hufmanized alias for common use. Possible just

my Str $text is file("foo.txt") does no_follow_symlink does no_create;

Do we have an antonym for C?


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-18 Thread Rod Adams
Dave Whipp wrote:
I was thinking about the discussions about the "open" function, and of the
capabilities of "string"s.
Given that we'll have things like $str.bytes, etc. It doesn't seem a stretch
to suggest that we could also have $str.lines. Once we have that, and also a
level of pervasive laziness (lazy evaluation), it seems to me that we don't
really need user-visible file handles for most of the common operations on
 my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt");
 for $text.lines {

I guess what I'm saying is that if we can make tying the standard idiom,
then we can relax you huffmanization worries for things like the "open"

Uhm, my impression was that most of the "huffmanization" discussion was 
centered around declaring a file handle to be read only, write only, 
read-write, exclusive, etc. Masking the file handle with what basically 
amounts to a file handle subclass like you describe will still need to 
allow the user to specify all those attributes.

So you would still need to allow:
my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt" :rw );
my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt" :excl );
Not that having wrapper classes for file handles is a bad idea, it just 
doesn't relate to what I saw being discussed.
Oh, and "TextFile" should be spelled "IO::File::Text", IMHO.

-- Rod Adams

Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-18 Thread Dave Whipp
"Andrew Shitov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> DW>   my $text is TextFile("/tmp/bar");
> DW>   $text = "hello"; # writes, truncates
> DW>   $text ~= ", world\n"; # appends
> DW>   $text.print "again\n"; # for old-times sake
> Anyhow we still need $text.flush() or $text.close() methods.

I'd argue that these are only rarely needed. Even with Perl5 filehandles, I
rarely find myself needing to close a file. Garbage collection does the job

The case of "flush" is more interesting. It is really used for two purposes:
forcing the ram-contents to be stored on disk, so it can be recovered even
id the process dies violently, is one use; ensuring a message is sent so it
can be received by a consumer is the other. Even if both these roles have
the same underlying implementation, we might want to abstract them
differently. C is as good a name as any for the sync-to-disc usage;
but the second might be better named C -- and probably wouldn't be on
a "text" object, anyway. I'm not sure that the details of inter-thread
messaging have been decided yet, but I'd think that a common messaging
paradigm would apply.


Re: Why do users need FileHandles?

2004-07-18 Thread Andrew Shitov
DW>   my $text is TextFile("/tmp/bar");
DW>   $text = "hello"; # writes, truncates
DW>   $text ~= ", world\n"; # appends

DW>   $text.print "again\n"; # for old-times sake

Anyhow we still need $text.flush() or $text.close() methods.



Re: Why C needs work

2003-01-23 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 11:02 AM -0800 1/23/03, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

Yes, no doubt so, and good point.  I think I should make it clear 
that my speculation on somehow unifying C and C is _not_ 
an attempt to gut A4, because I like A4 quite a lot.  I'm just 
thinking out loud about how we could _extend_ A4 in one particular 

This, I think, is where I beg and plead--given how much effort it 
takes for Larry to get new apocalypses out, I'd really rather not 
make it so we want him to revisit old decisions while an apocalypse 
is in progress. (Yeah, for the week or two after one comes out, sure, 
just not when he's working on a new one) Either he'll be ignoring 
perl6-language (if I have to ask Robert to unsubscribe him :) or 
he'll be thrashing between the new stuff and revisiting the old stuff.

Yeah, it's selfish, but I can't get perl 6 implemented if you guys 
keep distracting Larry so he never gets the darned thing designed. :)

--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Why C needs work

2003-01-23 Thread fearcadi
Michael Lazzaro writes:
 > Think, think.  What do these things have in common?
 >  # known from A4
 >  for @a, sub ($x) {...} # primitive spelling
 >  for @a -> $x {...} # pointy sub, looks great
 >  map {...} @a   # old-style map syntax
 >  map sub ($x) {...}, @a # primitive spelling
 >  map -> $x {...} @a # pointy sub?  Oof, kinda opaque, here.
 suppose that 

 -> ( ... ) { ... }   #(1)

is prefix way of saying 

 { ... } is sig( ... )#(2)

so "->" is a more like prefix form of "is signature" then alias for
"sub" . so suppose that . 
I can even assume that another way to say (2)
can be 

 { ... } ( ... ) <-   #(3)

so -> and <- are just another ways to say "is signature" before or
after the block .  

so now we have ( no piping operators !) 

#nonempty signature 

for @a -> $x { ... } ; 
map { ... } $x <- @a 

#empty signature 

for @a -> { ... } ; 
map { ... } <- @a 

I am not sure but it seems that parser can handle both (1) and (3) . 
the problem with (3) is that parser will have to wait till it see <-
to realize what is going on 

this is meaningfull ( but probably not very usefull ) now 

sub ->( $x ) { ... } ; 

sub  { ... } ( $x ) <-; 

 >  # purely speculative alternatives
 >  for @a : sub ($x) {...}# indirect object syntax
 >  for @a : -> ($x) {...} # not as good as before
 >  map @a : {...} # indirect object syntax
 >  @a -> map {...}# L2R
now , if we make totally crazy assumtion that signature ->( ... )  is
allowed to be separated by something from its block then this works

  @a ->($x) map {...}  #==> @a .map { ... } is sig($x) 
  @a -> map {...}  #==> @a .map { ... } is sig(  )  

and if several signature specifications for the same block will just
concatenate to form a single concatenated signature then this will
work : 

for @a -> ( $x ), 
@b -> ( $y ) { ... }  

 is equivalent to 

for zip(@a,@b) 
-> ($x,$y) 
   { ... }  

Here "for" will have to dispatch the signature pieces to the block . 
and it also be able to notice the "stream separator" in the signature
because it gets signature in 2 pieces explicitely. 


 ->( $x ) ->( $y ) { ... }  


{ ... }   is sig( $x ) is sig( $y ) 

is same as 

{ ... }   is sig( $x ,$y ) 


 >  map {...} <- @a# R2L (these look great)

this is postfix (empty) signature specification 

 >  # But the combination of both meanings doesn't work at all.
 >  # (pointy sub doesn't work as well with indirect-object or
 >  # pipe-like syntax, and vice versa)
 >  map @a : -> $x {...}   # indirect + pointy sub
 >  map @a : sub ($x) {...}# arguably better looking?
 >  @a -> map sub ($x) {...}   # objpipe + primitive spelling (OK)
 >  @a -> map -> ($x) {...}# objpipe + pointy sub (very NOT OK)
 >  @a -> map ($x) {...}   # 'implied' sub? (Nope, NOT OK)
 > I mean, it _looks_ like there should be way to put those together by 
 > making '->' mean something more encompassing than pointy sub.  There's 
 > some beautifully expressive syntax in there.
 > Think, think...
 > MikeL

Re: Why C needs work

2003-01-23 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 07:40  PM, Thomas A. Boyer wrote:

I have a strong suspicion that this possibility was carefully 
considered by {LW, DC, ...} (that's set notation, not a code block :) 
before the Apocalypse 4 "pointy sub" syntax (and the for-loop syntax 
using it) was promulgated. And that it was

Yes, no doubt so, and good point.  I think I should make it clear that 
my speculation on somehow unifying C and C is _not_ an 
attempt to gut A4, because I like A4 quite a lot.  I'm just thinking 
out loud about how we could _extend_ A4 in one particular way.

I keep thinking there has to be a way to extend the pointy sub syntax 
to just *do* the kind of piping we keep talking about.  I like the <~ 
and ~> proposal, but it's true that they imply a symmetry that isn't 
really there.  I like pointy sub, but it's true it's a win only in 
limited circumstances.

Think, think.  What do these things have in common?

# known from A4

for @a, sub ($x) {...} # primitive spelling
for @a -> $x {...} # pointy sub, looks great

map {...} @a   # old-style map syntax
map sub ($x) {...}, @a # primitive spelling
map -> $x {...} @a # pointy sub?  Oof, kinda opaque, here.

# purely speculative alternatives

for @a : sub ($x) {...}# indirect object syntax
for @a : -> ($x) {...} # not as good as before

map @a : {...} # indirect object syntax
@a -> map {...}# L2R
map {...} <- @a# R2L (these look great)

# But the combination of both meanings doesn't work at all.
# (pointy sub doesn't work as well with indirect-object or
# pipe-like syntax, and vice versa)

map @a : -> $x {...}   # indirect + pointy sub
map @a : sub ($x) {...}# arguably better looking?

@a -> map sub ($x) {...}   # objpipe + primitive spelling (OK)
@a -> map -> ($x) {...}# objpipe + pointy sub (very NOT OK)
@a -> map ($x) {...}   # 'implied' sub? (Nope, NOT OK)

I mean, it _looks_ like there should be way to put those together by 
making '->' mean something more encompassing than pointy sub.  There's 
some beautifully expressive syntax in there.

Think, think...


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-23 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 11:42  AM, Kwindla Hultman Kramer 
Michael Lazzaro writes:

And it provides a very visual way to define any pipe-like algorithm, 
either direction:

$in -> lex -> parse -> codify -> optimize -> $out;   # L2R

$out <- optimize <- codify <- parse <- lex <- $in;   # R2L

It's clear, from looking at either of those, that they represent data
pipes.  Both are even clearer than the equiv:

$out = $in.lex.parse.codify.optimize;

One question: How does this approach to building a pipe-lining syntax
square with the "alternative spelling of the assignment operator"
feature that's been discussed elsewhere in this thread? It's not
immediately obvious to me how the post-/pre-invocant operation
"becomes" an assignment at the end of the chain. In other words, are
the first two code fragments above really equivalent to the third?

They're equiv only if make a rule saying they're equiv, like what 
Damian was proposing for <~ and ~>.  (Except this isn't quite the same 
thing as Damian was proposing, which is why I'm not using <~ and ~> to 
describe it.)

You could for example use:

$x <- 5; do assignment (if you're into that sort of thing) if the '<-' was 
overloaded to do the right thing when it was piping 'to' a simple 
variable.  Even

$x <- $y <- 5;

could work, since the R2L chain would do the same as $x = $y = 5;

So short answer, it squares pretty well with an alternative spelling 
for assignment, for persons that would like to do that.  They'd be 
equiv iff we defined the operators such that they were.


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-23 Thread arcadi shehter
Thomas A. Boyer writes:
 > Michael Lazzaro wrote:
 > > *Now*, what to do about the fantastic magic that pointy-sub provides?
 > > The _spectacular_ win would be if we could just recognize an optional
 > > parameter list as part of a block.
 > > 
 > >  map @a : ($a,$b) {...}  # params + closure = closure with params?
 > >  for @a : ($a,$b) {...}
 > > 
 > > So that anywhere you had a closure, you could put a paramlist in front
 > > of it.  Not likely we could get that to work, since best-case scenario
 > > it would probably barf on $a and $b being undefined before it ever got
 > > to the closure.  But it might be possible, at the expense of some
 > > parser complexity.

I sertainly can do it like taht : 
   map @a :  {...}  is sig($a,$b) 
   for @a :  {...}  is sig($a,$b) 


  map @a :  sub($a,$b) {...} 
  for @a :  sub($a,$b) {...} 


  @a ~> map sub($a,$b) {...} 

It also seems that the difference between map and for may be twisted
as follows : map apply particular closure to several ( possibly one )
array , while for takes particular array ( which may have possibly
passed some pre -zipping/-weaving) and apply pour it to several (
possibly one ) closures.  

if we assume that for can accept as its last arguments sequence one or
more closures than with the existing pointy sub meaning of -> we can

for @a -> ( $x ){ ... } 
   -> ( $y ){ ... } 
   -> ( $z ){ ... } ;

and "," is unnecessary after the curly for the same reason it is
unnecessary after @a. 

since grep/map/and_friends are just subroutines this naturally gives
piping behaviour : 

for @a   -> ( $x ){ ... }   #this is map 
   ,grep -> ( $y ){ ... }   #this is grep
   ,sort -> ( $a,$b ){ ... } ;  #this is sort 

this is similar to the old "then" suggestion of Damian Conway 

@a then map  -> ( $x ){ ... }   #this is map 
   then grep -> ( $y ){ ... }   #this is grep
   then sort -> ( $a,$b ){ ... } ;  #this is sort 


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-22 Thread Thomas A. Boyer
Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> *Now*, what to do about the fantastic magic that pointy-sub provides?
> The _spectacular_ win would be if we could just recognize an optional
> parameter list as part of a block.
>  map @a : ($a,$b) {...}  # params + closure = closure with params?
>  for @a : ($a,$b) {...}
> So that anywhere you had a closure, you could put a paramlist in front
> of it.  Not likely we could get that to work, since best-case scenario
> it would probably barf on $a and $b being undefined before it ever got
> to the closure.  But it might be possible, at the expense of some
> parser complexity.

I agree that it might be difficult to recognize the ($a,$b) as a parameter list rather 
than a list expression. Smalltalk marks block parameters this way:

   b := [:a :b | a < b].  "Assign a two-paremeter block to b"
   ^b value: 1 value: 2.  "Return the value of invoking b on 1 and 2"

The "[" makes it clear that a block is next; the ":" marks parameters and the "|" ends 
the list. A literal translation to Perlish syntax would be

  map @a { :$a :$b | $a + $b }

but then we get into discussions about Larry's 2nd law of colons. Besides, we perl 
mongers already use "|" for a sufficient multitude of other things. 
But my point is: just because C-ish programmers think "(...){ ... }" feels 
parameterish doesn't mean that the parameter declaration has to come *before* the 
opening curly brace. And no, despite two Smalltalk-related posts in the last three 
days, I don't want to turn Perl into Smalltalk; I just think that Smalltalk has a nice 
syntactic solution to the problem we're talking about here.

The problem is, I can't think of any syntaxes better than

  map @a { $a $b:   $a + $b }  # hey, buddy, can you lend me a colon?
  map @a { args $a, $b; $a + $b }
  map @a { -> ($a, $b); $a + $b }
  map @a { $a, $b ->$a + $b }  # can't coexist with A4-style pointy subs
  map @a { my^ $a, $b;  $a + $b }  # the ^ is reminiscent of "map @a { $^a + $^b }
  map @a {{$a, $b}  $a + $b }  # all other uses of consecutive curlies require 
space: "{ {"

and they all look uglier than... well, um, uh... I want.

I have a strong suspicion that this possibility was carefully considered by {LW, DC, 
...} (that's set notation, not a code block :) before the Apocalypse 4 "pointy sub" 
syntax (and the for-loop syntax using it) was promulgated. And that it was rejected 
because it's hard to come up with something that "looks right." Even the Smalltalk 
syntax is a tad awkward-looking to me, and the warpage that is necessary to make it 
Perlish just compounds the problem.

Hmmm. I guess I didn't really say anything here, did I?  Do I post these ruminations, 
or should I just hit that cancel button before I "open my mouth and remove all doubt?"

Nah. I'm goin' for it: maybe somebody else will think of a syntax that looks right!

"Must be a yearning deep in human heart to stop other people from doing as they 
please. Rules, laws--always for the other fellow. A murky part of us, something we had 
before we came down out of the trees, and failed to shuck when we stood up. Because 
not one of those people said: 'Please pass this so I won't be able to do something I 
know I should stop.' Nyet, tovarishchee, was always something they hated to see their 
neighbors doing. Stop them 'for their own good'--not because the speaker claimed to be 
harmed by it." 
Manuel Davis O'Kelley 
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Re: Why C needs work

2003-01-22 Thread Piers Cawley
David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 03:52:30PM -0800, Dave Whipp wrote:
>>  $a = sub ($a, $b) { ... }
>>  $x = -> ($y, $z) { ... }
>> The pointy-arrow doesn't buy anything here.
> IMHO, it's actually a loss.  I have yet to come up with any mnemonic
> for "pointy arrow means sub" that will actually stick in my brain.
> Every time I see this construct, I have to stop in my tracks and
> mentally flip through the reference manual.

Personally, I think it looks a bit like a lambda on its side (and if
we're going to have unicode operators then I'd not be unhappy to see
'real lambda' being an equivalent to '->'.


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-22 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[[... Massive elision ...]]

> I'm thinking it would be a very good idea to unify C and C
> in their argument style.  I still think the distinction between
> C's void and C's list context is a good one; i.e. don't
> make them I synonyms.
> But it seems natural to have C a method of C, however
> unnatural that seems.  I don't know, my thoughts are quite unclear at
> this point; perhaps I'll write back when I've thought about this a
> bit more.

On a somewhat disjunctive note, if you're going to play games with
unifying C and C, let's undef the operation-order of map.

That is, 

for (1,2,3) { print }
# 1 2 3

map { print } (1, 2, 3) # or however you rewrite the syntax
# ? ? ?

@a = map { print } (1, 2, 3)
for @a { print }
# 1 2 3

Note that the order of the results of map would still be guaranteed,
but not the order of operation. This is for threading, obviously, and
we should probably do the same thing everywhere we can, so that if you
want serial operation, you use "for" or some construction that honors
ordering attributes internal to the data.

The point is to warn people that preserving state in map blocks won't
work, although stateless data or statistics will:

map { count++; ... } @array # works fine -- count == array.length 
map { %hist{$_}++ } @array  # works fine -- hist{} counts occurrences

map { ...$last ...; # I do not think that code
  last=$_; ... } @array # means what you think it means...


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-22 Thread Kwindla Hultman Kramer

Michael Lazzaro writes:

 > And it provides a very visual way to define any pipe-like algorithm, in 
 > either direction:
 > $in -> lex -> parse -> codify -> optimize -> $out;   # L2R
 > $out <- optimize <- codify <- parse <- lex <- $in;   # R2L
 > It's clear, from looking at either of those, that they represent data 
 > pipes.  Both are even clearer than the equiv:
 > $out = $in.lex.parse.codify.optimize;
 > Whether you would code a pipeline as L2R or R2L depends on the specific 
 > algorithm you're representing, and is purely a matter of taste...  
 > you'd probably use R2L in the same places as you use C-like 
 > chaining in Perl5.  I can't begin to justify why one should be superior 
 > to the other, and would certainly use them both.

This explanation of (and rationale for) a "post-invocant" underpinning
for l2r/r2l pipe-lining was wonderfully clear. I've also found that
newish perl programmers frequently find C and friends to be
confusing, particularly when they are traveling in a pack (not to
speak of an C).

One question: How does this approach to building a pipe-lining syntax
square with the "alternative spelling of the assignment operator"
feature that's been discussed elsewhere in this thread? It's not
immediately obvious to me how the post-/pre-invocant operation
"becomes" an assignment at the end of the chain. In other words, are
the first two code fragments above really equivalent to the third?


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-22 Thread Luke Palmer
> Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:38:23 -0800
> From: Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 03:52  PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
> > But in a for loop:
> >
> >  for 1,2,3,4 { ... }
> >  for 1,2,3,4 -> ($a,$b) {...}
> >
> > its cuteness works because the brain sees it as a piping operator (even
> > though its not).
> Note that C allows you to name the arguments, using the pointy sub 
> rule:
>  for @a -> ($a,$b) {...}
> but note ALSO that it'd be great if C and friends had that 
> capability, so you could C two-at-a-time, etc.  (C and 
> C don't really need it, but I *suppose* you could use it for 
> grepping/sorting tuples.)

I'm not sure whether you know that this already is the plan.  The
following three are equivalent:

  my @a = map { uc } @b;
  my @a = map { uc $^a } @b;
  my @a = map -> $x { uc $x } @b;

And I believe two-at-a-time would also work.

> So we want the pointy-sub rule for C and friends too:
>  my @a = map -> ($a,$b) {...};   # pass to {...} 2-at-a-time, as $a 
> and $b
> Pretty neat.
> But ignoring pointy-sub for the moment, and assuming that we in fact 
> used -> and <- to mean pre/post-invocant (e.g. "pipes"): if we defined 
> C as just another word for C, what we really want is rules 
> such that *all* of the following work.  Question is, is it possible to 
> come up with something consistent.  Maybe.
>  # void context
> {...}
>  @a.for {...}  # identical
>  @a -> map {...}   # identical
>  @a -> for {...}   # identical
>  @a -> {...}   # identical (a cool shorthand when given 
> a closure?)
>  for @a {...}  # Doh! This wouldn't work
>  for @a : {...}# Hey, but this would (indirect object 
> syntax)
>  map @a : {...}# identical
>  for @a,@b,@c : {...}  # is this OK?
>  for (@a,@b,@c) : {...}# OK, and better looking
>  # list context
>  my @a = @b -> for {...}
>  my @a = @b -> map {...} # identical
>  my @a = map {...} <- @b # identical
>  my @a = for {...} <- @b # identical
>  my @a <- map {...} <- @b# identical
>  my @a <- for {...} <- @b# identical
> That works.  Pretty darn well, too.  (Note the critical bit, the 
> introduction of indirect object syntax to C.)

Yeah, good point.  Why is it that C and C, so similar in
nature, accept such different forms for their arguments?

But, I'll have to admit,

  for @a,@b :-> $a, $b { ... }

Doesn't look quite as nice as the older version :->

I'm thinking it would be a very good idea to unify C and C
in their argument style.  I still think the distinction between
C's void and C's list context is a good one; i.e. don't make
them I synonyms.

But it seems natural to have C a method of C, however
unnatural that seems.  I don't know, my thoughts are quite unclear at
this point; perhaps I'll write back when I've thought about this a bit


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-22 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 03:52  PM, Dave Whipp wrote:

But in a for loop:

 for 1,2,3,4 { ... }
 for 1,2,3,4 -> ($a,$b) {...}

its cuteness works because the brain sees it as a piping operator (even
though its not).

That's an excellent observation.  I like the 'for' syntax quite a bit, 
but never quite could put my finger on why it worked so well.  You're 
right, that's exactly it.

And this begs the question: what exactly does the C contribute to
the semantics of the pipeline? What would C (in void context)
do differently?

Hmm.  Perhaps there doesn't _need_ to be a difference.  You currently 
use C when you don't care about capturing the results.  You use 
C when you do.  But since we can identify context, perhaps they 
could be synonyms, if we tweak things a little.


Note that C allows you to name the arguments, using the pointy sub 

for @a -> ($a,$b) {...}

but note ALSO that it'd be great if C and friends had that 
capability, so you could C two-at-a-time, etc.  (C and 
C don't really need it, but I *suppose* you could use it for 
grepping/sorting tuples.)

So we want the pointy-sub rule for C and friends too:

my @a = map -> ($a,$b) {...};   # pass to {...} 2-at-a-time, as $a 
and $b

Pretty neat.

But ignoring pointy-sub for the moment, and assuming that we in fact 
used -> and <- to mean pre/post-invocant (e.g. "pipes"): if we defined 
C as just another word for C, what we really want is rules 
such that *all* of the following work.  Question is, is it possible to 
come up with something consistent.  Maybe.

# void context {...}
@a.for {...}  # identical
@a -> map {...}   # identical
@a -> for {...}   # identical

@a -> {...}   # identical (a cool shorthand when given 
a closure?)

for @a {...}  # Doh! This wouldn't work
for @a : {...}# Hey, but this would (indirect object 
map @a : {...}# identical

for @a,@b,@c : {...}  # is this OK?
for (@a,@b,@c) : {...}# OK, and better looking

# list context

my @a = @b -> for {...}
my @a = @b -> map {...} # identical
my @a = map {...} <- @b # identical
my @a = for {...} <- @b # identical

my @a <- map {...} <- @b# identical
my @a <- for {...} <- @b# identical

That works.  Pretty darn well, too.  (Note the critical bit, the 
introduction of indirect object syntax to C.)

*Now*, what to do about the fantastic magic that pointy-sub provides?  
The _spectacular_ win would be if we could just recognize an optional 
parameter list as part of a block.

map @a : ($a,$b) {...}  # params + closure = closure with params?
for @a : ($a,$b) {...}

So that anywhere you had a closure, you could put a paramlist in front 
of it.  Not likely we could get that to work, since best-case scenario 
it would probably barf on $a and $b being undefined before it ever got 
to the closure.  But it might be possible, at the expense of some 
parser complexity.

If we couldn't do that, you would have to say:

for @a : sub ($a,$b) {...}   # OK
@a -> for sub ($a,$b) {...}  # a bit icky

The first of those looks better than the second.  I loathed the second 
after I first wrote it, but now it's beginning to grow on me a bit 
better.  The intent is certainly clear, for example.

The pointy-sub syntax doesn't really work in these cases, though.  I 
can't think of anything you could use in place of 'sub' that would make 
either of those look better.

So, the benefits of trying to pursue this:  It makes C and C 
synonyms, and gives each the magical powers of the other.  The fact 
even C is now an object method means you could say:

   for @obj : {...}

and even overload the C behavior for a Collection-based @obj.  It 
also gets rid of the perl5 bugaboo:

   for (@a) {...}
   map {...} @a;# params are reversed.  Newbie trap!

So the biggest single trick is, C would have the colon after the 

   for @a : {...}

If we did that, the rest might just work.

Anyway, just speculation.


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-22 Thread Dave Whipp

"David Storrs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > And then we can replace the ~> with ->:
> >
> >  for 1,2,3,4
> > -> sub ($a, $b) { $a+$b }
> > -> sub ($a) { $a**2 }
> > -> { $^foo - 1 }
> > -> print;
> >
> > And this begs the question: what exactly does the C contribute to
> > the semantics of the pipeline? What would C (in void context)
> > do differently?
> One potential answer: make 'map' be lazy by default and 'for' be
> nonlazy (energetic? active? ADHD?).  My logic in suggesting it this
> way around is that, to me, 'for' seems to operate more on a whole
> list, while 'map' is intended to operate on elements one after
> another.  Like so:
> for (1,2,3) { print }  # "I want to call print for this whole list"
> map { print } (1,2,3)  # "Map the 'print' function over the elements
>#  of this list"

I have a feeling its the other way round:

  (1,2,3,4) ~> map { print }
  for 1,2,3,4 -> print

The "obj ~> method args" form calls the method on the object. C
is then a method (called on the entire list) that calls its codeblock for
each member

The "for list -> sub" would call the sub for each member of the list. Hence
an equivalence:

 for list -> { per-elem code }
 list ~> map { per-elem code }

But remember, this is all getting very hypothetical: -> doesn't (currently)
mean "L2R pipe into sub"


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-22 Thread David Storrs
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 03:52:30PM -0800, Dave Whipp wrote:

>  $a = sub ($a, $b) { ... }
>  $x = -> ($y, $z) { ... }
> The pointy-arrow doesn't buy anything here.

IMHO, it's actually a loss.  I have yet to come up with any mnemonic
for "pointy arrow means sub" that will actually stick in my brain.
Every time I see this construct, I have to stop in my tracks and
mentally flip through the reference manual.

> But in a for loop:
>  for 1,2,3,4 { ... }
>  for 1,2,3,4 -> ($a,$b) {...}
> its cuteness works because the brain sees it as a piping operator (even
> though its not).


> And then we can replace the ~> with ->:
>  for 1,2,3,4
> -> sub ($a, $b) { $a+$b }
> -> sub ($a) { $a**2 }
> -> { $^foo - 1 }
> -> print;
> And this begs the question: what exactly does the C contribute to
> the semantics of the pipeline? What would C (in void context)
> do differently?

One potential answer: make 'map' be lazy by default and 'for' be
nonlazy (energetic? active? ADHD?).  My logic in suggesting it this
way around is that, to me, 'for' seems to operate more on a whole
list, while 'map' is intended to operate on elements one after
another.  Like so:

for (1,2,3) { print }  # "I want to call print for this whole list"
map { print } (1,2,3)  # "Map the 'print' function over the elements
   #  of this list"


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-22 Thread Dave Whipp
"Michael Lazzaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Of course, _I'd_ even prefer using <- and -> as the 'piping' operators,
> and having ~> or |> for pointy sub, because then $a->foo and $
> really _could_ be the same thing, 'cept for precedence.  But that's not
> gonna happen, and _I'm_ not gonna press it.  :-)

I wouldn't (and don't) give up so easily! The "->" syntax for anonymous
subs is cute: but it seems to be cute only in limited contexts -- those
where it is also being used as a (conceptual) piping operator.

 $a = sub ($a, $b) { ... }
 $x = -> ($y, $z) { ... }

The pointy-arrow doesn't buy anything here.

But in a for loop:

 for 1,2,3,4 { ... }
 for 1,2,3,4 -> ($a,$b) {...}

its cuteness works because the brain sees it as a piping operator (even
though its not).

Perl6 is still Perl. We're allowed to do a bit of DWIMery in the parser,
if needed, to make the simple (common) cases work. So perhaps we
should define the C in terms of pipelines. With some minor
syntax changes, we can free up the -> operator:

  for 1,2,3,4 ~> sub ($a,$b) { ... }

Sure, its not quite so cute. You could rename the C if desired
(for example, perhaps it could be spelt C in this context, though
you'd need to work on the lexical scoping rules). The only remaining
magic would be to retrofit the basic C to work.

And then we can replace the ~> with ->:

 for 1,2,3,4
-> sub ($a, $b) { $a+$b }
-> sub ($a) { $a**2 }
-> { $^foo - 1 }
-> print;

And this begs the question: what exactly does the C contribute to
the semantics of the pipeline? What would C (in void context)
do differently?


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-21 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 02:38  PM, Buddha Buck wrote:

Michael Lazzaro wrote:

And it provides a very visual way to define any pipe-like algorithm, 
in either direction:
   $in -> lex -> parse -> codify -> optimize -> $out;   # L2R

   $out <- optimize <- codify <- parse <- lex <- $in;   # R2L

It's clear, from looking at either of those, that they represent data
The problem with this example is that the two lines deal with two 
different calling conventions, going by Damian's proposal...

So the apparant symmetry between <~ and ~> isn't really there.

I like <~ and ~>, but I think that it will be a common mistake to 
think that $a ~> b~>c~>d can be reversed to give d<~c~, at least as 
currently formulated.

Agreed, it could be quite misleading.  Personally, I'd be happier if <~ 
and ~> worked _only_ on objects and methods, instead of arbitrary 
subs... but I understand the utility of the other way.

Of course, _I'd_ even prefer using <- and -> as the 'piping' operators, 
and having ~> or |> for pointy sub, because then $a->foo and $ 
really _could_ be the same thing, 'cept for precedence.  But that's not 
gonna happen, and _I'm_ not gonna press it.  :-)


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-21 Thread Buddha Buck
Smylers wrote:

Michael Lazzaro wrote:

And it provides a very visual way to define any pipe-like algorithm, in 
either direction:

   $in -> lex -> parse -> codify -> optimize -> $out;   # L2R

   $out <- optimize <- codify <- parse <- lex <- $in;   # R2L

It's clear, from looking at either of those, that they represent data

Yes; that is nice.  I'm just not convinced that it's sufficiently nice
to require adding yet another way of passing data around to the
language.  I'm happy enough with the asymmetry that occurs just having
the arrows to indicate 'reverse flow' data.

The problem with this example is that the two lines deal with two 
different calling conventions, going by Damian's proposal...

Perl 5 has two different code calling conventions:  object oriented 
method calls, and procedural subroutine calls.

OO method calls are L2R already:


Procedural subroutine calls are R2L already:

  sub4 sub3 sub2 sub1 $variable;

But there is no way to do OO method calls R2L, and there is no way to do 
procedural subroutine calls L2R.

Damian's ~> and <~ proposal fills in this gap:

  method4 <~ method3 <~ method2 <~ method1 <~ $Xbject;
  $variable ~> sub1 ~> sub2 ~> sub3 ~> sub4;

To the best of my knowledge, the following two WILL NOT WORK:

  sub4 <~ sub3 <~ sub2 <~ sub1 <~ $variable;
  $Xbject ~> method1 ~> method2 ~> method3 ~> method4

The first one tries to invoke the sub1 method of $variable, while the 
second tries to call the method1 function with $object as an argument. 
If either of these works, it's either coincidence or careful planning.

So the apparant symmetry between <~ and ~> isn't really there.

I like <~ and ~>, but I think that it will be a common mistake to think 
that $a ~> b~>c~>d can be reversed to give d<~c~, at least as currently 

Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-21 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 01:31  PM, Smylers wrote:

Michael Lazzaro wrote:

it's that I _dislike_ the perl5 rule, ...

Oh.  That's "dislike" rather than "disliked"?  My question was
predicated on your declaration "I emphatically withdraw my objection",
which I took to mean that your knowledge of the infrared comma rule --
or whatever it's called -- meant you no longer disliked the Perl 5

I still dislike it, but if a variation upon it means we can make things 
like C, C, etc. semi-normal functions, instead of cases within 
the grammar, then I think everyone agrees that would be a Good Thing.  
Keeping one grammar special case in return for not having a dozen 
others -- yeah, I'll sign up for that.

I don't loath the old C syntax to the point where I'd just die if 
it were there.  And I don't expect we'd really get rid of it, it's too 
intrinsic to Perl5.  At very minimum, we'd have to keep the global 
functions around as a module you could load for Perl5-friendliness.

I do think OO & pipelines are the better, more generic way to do the 
same thing.  So I'd really like to see pipelines, even if they're just 
in addition to the old C style.  After that, it's just a question 
of whether the old style is worth the redundant declarations, which is 
purely a matter-of-taste thing.

the most frequent mistake is to reverse the order of the arguments,
map @a, {...}

That happens if you conceptualize C as taking two arguments.

I think you're right about that.  And we have both:

   for (@a) {...}
   map {...} @a;

Which stings some newbies repeatedly, poor lads.

Was that an understandable explanation?  :-)

Yes.  Thanks, again.  Please don't take personally my disagreeing with
so much you've written!

On the contrary.  I'm just so happy someone understood what I was 
trying to say, I think I'm going to burst into tears...  Wait, no... 
OK, I'm better now.


Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-21 Thread Smylers
Michael Lazzaro wrote:

>  On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 12:30  PM, Smylers wrote:
> > It was only on reading that (and discovering that you hadn't
> > previously known about the 'optional comma with closure argument'
> > rule) that I understood why you had previously been so in favour of
> > proposed new syntaxes: through a desire to banish the Perl 5 syntax.
> Yes.  Again, it's not that I never knew about the perl5 rule,

Sorry, I wasn't meaning to suggest that you didn't know Perl 5; I was
specifically referring to your saying that you'd presumed that
conditions and loops were special cases in the grammar, but that
actually they'll be dealt with by the general Perl _6_ rule about commas
and closure arguments.

> it's that I _dislike_ the perl5 rule, ...

Oh.  That's "dislike" rather than "disliked"?  My question was
predicated on your declaration "I emphatically withdraw my objection",
which I took to mean that your knowledge of the infrared comma rule --
or whatever it's called -- meant you no longer disliked the Perl 5

> as I dislike most special-case grammar rules.

So do I!  I was particularly impressed by the ultraviolet comma rule,
and how it avoids special cases, when Damian paraded it at a talk last

I also don't reckon it's _that_ special.  So long as the rule is that
such commas are optional, as distinct from their absence being
mandatory, then the rule is a very general one: commas may be omitted
where they aren't needed to delimit list items.  Obviously with string
and numeric values commas are always required:

  $a -1

They are the only way of determining op/term for the minus sign: a
single argument of one less than the value in C<$a>, or two arguments
with the second being minus one?

But closures can be unambiguously determined without commas.  Since
whitespace is no longer allowed in hash look-ups, space followed by an
open brace must be the start of a closure, and hence another argument.
Similarly once the closing brace has been reached the closure is ...
ahem, closed, so anything following must be a separate argument.

> If we dropped C, etc., we could drop the inferred-comma rule as
> well (unless we're really successful in making C a simple
> function, in which case we need the rule anyway, so who cares?)

I guess that's the crucial issue.  Since it was Damian saying that it is
possible to have C and friends as functions -- and since this was
something that'd already been dealt with before I joined this list, and
so presumably would've had any impossibility pointed out -- I believed
it to be true.

There's another sub-thread casting doubt on -- and trying to resolve --
the issue.  I completely agree that whether the infrared comma rule is
needed over there makes a big difference to its use here.

But I think I disagree about the "who cares" part ...

> But the inferred-comma rule is tangential to my dislike of the current
> C syntax.  I'd dislike C, and like pipelines, even if the
> inferred-comma rule wasn't there.

As you've not doubt noticed, I'm the opposite: I like C and don't
(yet?) see the point of right-left pipelines.  (That means not that I
claim you're in some way 'wrong' to have those preferences, merely that
we think differently to each other.)  There's one Perl slogan that'd
suggest having both ways in the language, so both of us get to code in
the way we like.

Countering that is the risk of adding too many ways of doing things and
just causing confusion for everybody with all the different ways of
invoking functions/methods on data.  Hence my quibble with "who cares":
I could probably be persuaded that it's 'better' for the language not to
have the Perl 5 syntax, my preference, than to have so many alternative
syntaxes.  (I'm not sure.)

> > Mike ... do you still find right-left pipelines as compelling as
> > you've previously argued?
> Yes, very much so.  ... I've seen quite a few newbies struggle with
> the C syntax;

Me too.  The most-strugglable bit for many has been the right-left data
flow, that you start by typing where you want the data to end up, then
the process it goes through last, then the process it goes through
first, and lastly the data that's being processed.  Left-right pipelines
should be great at fixing this.

> the most frequent mistake is to reverse the order of the arguments,
> saying
> map @a, {...}

That happens if you conceptualize C as taking two arguments.  In my
mind C operates on items in a list (and it just so happens that
in Perl an array provides a list):

  map { ... } $a, $b, $c;

So C takes _many_ arguments, and one of these arguments is not like
the others.  And it makes sense to put the 'special' argument first.
(That's also how I remember which way round things like C are.)

Thinking of it as operating on a list of things also helps to emphasize
that C processes just a single item at a time, that it isn't an
agregate operation on the items as a group.

> (Another common one is to not understa

Re: Why C needs work (was Re: L2R/R2L syntax)

2003-01-21 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 04:33  PM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

But both the OO and pipeline syntaxes do more to point out the noun, 
verb, and adjective of the operation.

Adverb.  The {...} part is an adverb, not an adjective.  Sorry there.


Re: Why not {,n} in quantifiers?

2002-05-15 Thread Larry Wall

Miko O'Sullivan writes:
: From: "Larry Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: > It's unlikely that {n,m} will still have that meaning in Perl 6.  Maybe
: we'll
: > have something like this:
: >
: > Perl 5 Perl 6
: > {1,3} <1..3>
: > {3} <3>
: > {3,} <3+>
: > {0,3} <3->
: What are your feelings on multiple ranges for matches?  E.g. the following
: expression means "1 to 3, 5, or 10 or more":
: <1..3|5|10+>

My feelings are that nobody has ever asked me for it before, so it's
not something worth making special syntax for.  On the other hand, if
instead of inventing new syntax we stick to a more Perlish syntax, we
could generalize it to an ordinary slice kind of list:


But you'd still have the complexity of making it work, and it still
seems like something almost nobody would ever use.  And you could get
the same effect with an appropriate assertion:

(...)* { @$+.length =~ (1..3,5,10..Inf) or fail }

That's assuming that quantified captures produce arrays rather than
the final match as Perl 5 does.


Re: Why not {,n} in quantifiers?

2002-05-15 Thread Miko O'Sullivan

From: "Larry Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It's unlikely that {n,m} will still have that meaning in Perl 6.  Maybe
> have something like this:
> Perl 5 Perl 6
> {1,3} <1..3>
> {3} <3>
> {3,} <3+>
> {0,3} <3->

What are your feelings on multiple ranges for matches?  E.g. the following
expression means "1 to 3, 5, or 10 or more":



Re: Why not {,n} in quantifiers?

2002-05-15 Thread Larry Wall

Aaron Sherman writes:
: Hopefully there will be some replacement. I can't count the number of
: times I've relied on things like:
: $b = qr/\d{1,3}/;
: if (@ip = ($addr =~ /($b)\.($b)\.($b)\.($b)/)) {
:   die "$0: \"$addr\": bad IP\n" if grep {$_>255} @ip;
:   print("0x",(map {sprintf "%02x", $_} @ip),"\n");
: } else {
:   die "$0: \"$addr\" is not an IP address\n";
: }
: It would be a shame to loose that.

Bear in mind we have to translate Perl 5 to Perl 6, so it's quite unlikely
that we would drop the general case.  The only question here is what it
ought to look like in the general re-huffmanization of regexen.


Re: Why not {,n} in quantifiers?

2002-05-15 Thread Aaron Sherman

On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 20:13, Larry Wall wrote:

> It's unlikely that {n,m} will still have that meaning in Perl 6.  Maybe we'll
> have something like this:
> Perl 5Perl 6
> {1,3} <1..3>
> {3}   <3>
> {3,}  <3+>
> {0,3} <3->
> Then again, maybe not...

Hopefully there will be some replacement. I can't count the number of
times I've relied on things like:

$b = qr/\d{1,3}/;
if (@ip = ($addr =~ /($b)\.($b)\.($b)\.($b)/)) {
die "$0: \"$addr\": bad IP\n" if grep {$_>255} @ip;
print("0x",(map {sprintf "%02x", $_} @ip),"\n");
} else {
die "$0: \"$addr\" is not an IP address\n";

It would be a shame to loose that.

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