Re: [HACKERS] Patch for reserved connections for replication users

2013-10-18 Thread Amit Kapila
On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Amit Kapila  wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Gibheer  wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 Oct 2013 11:52:57 +0530
>> Amit Kapila  wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Gibheer 
>>> wrote:
>>> > On Sun, 13 Oct 2013 11:38:17 +0530
>>> > Amit Kapila  wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 3:17 AM, Gibheer
>>> >>  wrote:
>>> >> > On Mon, 7 Oct 2013 11:39:55 +0530
>>> >> > Amit Kapila  wrote:
>>> >> >> Robert Haas wrote:
>>> >> >> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:04 AM, Andres Freund
>>> >> >>  wrote:
>> I would be glad, if you could also test the patch again, as I'm nearly
>> code blind after testing it for 4 hours.
>> I had the problem, that I could not attach as many replication
>> connections as I wanted, as they were denied as normal connections. I
>> think I got it fixed, but I'm not 100% sure at the moment.
>> After some sleep, I will read the code again and test it again, to make
>> sure, it really does what it is supposed to do.
> You have forgotten to attach the patch. However, now it is important
> to first get the consensus on approach to do this feature, currently
> there are 3 approaches:
> 1. Have replication_reserved_connections as a separate parameter to
> reserve connections for replication
> 2. Consider max_wal_sender to reserve connections for replication
> 3. Treat replication connections as a pool outside max_connections
> Apart from above approaches, we need to think how user can view the
> usage of connections, as pg_stat_activity doesn't show replication
> connections, so its difficult for user to see how the connections are
> used.
> I am really not sure what is best way to goahead from here, but I
> think it might be helpful if we can study some use cases or how other
> databases solve this problem.

Today I spent some time seeing how other databases (in particular
MySQL) achieve it. There seems to be no separate way to configure
replication connections, rather if user faced with
they allow one spare connection (super user connection) to check what
all connections are doing, it seems all connections can be viewed
through one common command Show ProcessList

By above, I don't mean that we should only do what other databases
have done, rather it is towards trying to find a way which can be
useful for users of Postgresql.

Your views/thoughts?

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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Re: [HACKERS] Compression of full-page-writes

2013-10-18 Thread Amit Kapila
On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 11:41 AM, KONDO Mitsumasa
> (2013/10/15 13:33), Amit Kapila wrote:
>> Snappy is good mainly for un-compressible data, see the link below:
> This result was gotten in ARM architecture, it is not general CPU.
> Please see detail document.

I think in general also snappy is mostly preferred for it's low CPU
usage not for compression, but overall my vote is also for snappy.

> I found compression algorithm test in HBase. I don't read detail, but it
> indicates snnapy algorithm gets best performance.

The dataset used for performance is quite different from the data
which we are talking about here (WAL).
"These are the scores for a data which consist of 700kB rows, each
containing a binary image data. They probably won’t apply to things
like numeric or text data."

> In fact, most of modern NoSQL storages use snappy. Because it has good
> performance and good licence(BSD license).
>> I think it is bit difficult to prove that any one algorithm is best
>> for all kind of loads.
> I think it is necessary to make best efforts in community than I do the best
> choice with strict test.

Sure, it is good to make effort to select the best algorithm, but if
you are combining this patch with inclusion of new compression
algorithm in PG, it can only make the patch to take much longer time.

In general, my thinking is that we should prefer compression to reduce
IO (WAL volume), because reducing WAL volume has other benefits as
well like sending it to subscriber nodes. I think it will help cases
where due to less n/w bandwidth, the disk allocated for WAL becomes
full due to high traffic on master and then users need some
alternative methods to handle such situations.

I think many users would like to use a method which can reduce WAL
volume and the users which don't find it enough useful in their
environments due to decrease in TPS or not significant reduction in
WAL have the option to disable it.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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Re: [HACKERS] Review: Patch to compute Max LSN of Data Pages

2013-10-18 Thread Amit Kapila
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Alvaro Herrera
> Robert Haas escribió:
>> A broader complaint I have with this patch is that it almost but
>> not-quite solves a problem I've had a few times in the past: namely,
>> searching through the data directory for data blocks which have LSNs
>> in the future.  This has come up a few times for me, and this tool
>> would make it easier, because I'd be able to run it and look through
>> the output to see which relations have high max-LSN values.  However,
>> it wouldn't be quite enough, because it'd only tell me about the block
>> with the highest LSN in each file, whereas what I'd really want to
>> find is every block with an LSN greater than some threshold value.
>> Maybe I'm pushing the envelope too much by trying to fit that into the
>> framework of this patch, but I can't help thinking we're not going to
>> want both pg_computemaxlsn and pg_findlsnsaftersomethreshold that are
>> 95% the same code, so maybe we ought to rename the utility to
>> something slightly more generic than "pg_computemaxlsn".
> Perhaps not coincidentally, I had a need to do this recently.  Perhaps
> we should turn the utility into a generic tool to report existing LSNs,
> with options to 1) report only the highest one in a given file, 2)
> report only those that exceed some threshold.  So maybe pg_reportlsn or
> pg_extractlsn.

How about extending it validate database in more meaningful way and
name it as validatedb.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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Re: [HACKERS] Review: Patch to compute Max LSN of Data Pages

2013-10-18 Thread Amit Kapila
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 3:03 AM, Amit Kapila  wrote:
On Monday, July 08, 2013 5:16 PM Andres Freund wrote:
>On 2013-07-08 17:10:43 +0530, Amit Kapila wrote:
>> On Monday, July 08, 2013 4:26 PM Andres Freund wrote:
>> > On 2013-07-08 16:17:54 +0530, Hari Babu wrote:
>> I am OK with this patch in its current form, modulo some grammar
>> issues in the documentation which I can fix before committing.
>> However, I'm unclear whether there was sufficient consensus to proceed
>> with this.  Can others weigh in?  If there is too much residual
>> unhappiness with this, then we should just mark this as Rejected and
>> stop wasting time on it; it can be pushed to PGXN or similar even if
>> we don't put it in core.
> I didn't hear any other votes.  Anyone else have an opinion about
> this?  If I can't get a +1 from anyone who wasn't involved in writing
> the patch, I'm inclined to think we don't have sufficient consensus to
> commit this.
> On further review of the patch, I also found a number of other issues
> that I think need to be fixed before we could consider committing it:
> - Per a previous request of mine, the patch has three different modes:
> it can be run on an individual file, on a directory potentially
> containing multiple relation files, or on an entire data directory.
> This is not explained in the documentation.

   There is some explanation about it, but I think you want to see in
different format or wording.
   I will change it to explain it more clearly in next update of this patch.

+  Description
+   pg_computemaxlsn computes maximun LSN from database pages
+   in the specified list of files or directories.
+   If user doesn't provide the file or directory to find the max lsn then
+   pg_computemaxlsn use the environment variable
+   if exists otherwise reports an error.

> - The patch skips printing an error if attempting to open a file
> returns ENOENT.  I don't see why that case shouldn't print an error.
> Yeah, it could be legit if you're executing this against a running
> server, but why are you doing that?  And even if you are (e.g. for
> corruption detection), printing a error  message and proceeding makes
> more sense than proceeding without printing anything, at least IMHO.
> - Some of the static functions in this file preceed main and others
> follow it.  And they use different naming conventions.  I suggest
> putting all of them after main() and using names like check_data_dir,
> check_data_file_name (instead of validateRelfilenodename; note that
> the comment for that function is also incorrect),
> find_max_lsn_in_file, find_max_lsn_in_directory,
> find_max_lsn_in_pgdata.
> - Since the patch goes to some pains to exit with 0 if no errors were
> encountered and 1 if any were, that probably ought to be documented.
> But I think instead of passing a "result" argument back up the call
> stack it would be better to just keep a global variable called
> "errors_encountered".  When we encounter an error, bump that value.
> Then you can just do exit(errors_encountered > 0 ? 1 : 0) and not
> bother passing all of this stuff around via the return value.  The
> current behavior is inconsistent in another way, too: if you encounter
> an error while scanning through a particular directory, you finish the
> whole directory.  But if multiple command-line arguments were passed,
> you don't proceed to any subsequent command-line arguments.  I think
> you should continue always, which the above-mentioned change will take
> care of basically for free.
> - The description of the -q option is not very clear.   A reader could
> be forgiven for thinking that the option suppresses all output, which
> would be quite useless, or at least left in doubt about what output
> will still be provided.

Thank you for your feedback.
I will update it in next version of patch if there is a consensus to
proceed for this utility.

> A broader complaint I have with this patch is that it almost but
> not-quite solves a problem I've had a few times in the past: namely,
> searching through the data directory for data blocks which have LSNs
> in the future.  This has come up a few times for me, and this tool
> would make it easier, because I'd be able to run it and look through
> the output to see which relations have high max-LSN values.  However,
> it wouldn't be quite enough, because it'd only tell me about the block
> with the highest LSN in each file, whereas what I'd really want to
> find is every block with an LSN greater than some threshold value.
> Maybe I'm pushing the envelope too much by trying to fit that into the
> framework of this patch, but I can't help thinking we're not going to
> want both pg_computemaxlsn and pg_findlsnsaftersomethreshold that are
> 95% the same code, so maybe we ought to rename the utility to
> something slightly more generic t

Re: [HACKERS] ERROR : 'tuple concurrently updated'

2013-10-18 Thread Amit Kapila
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Stéphan BEUZE
> Here I provide more details about the environment where the error occurs:
> Client:
>  Java Web Application running on JBoss 5.0.0.GA - JDK 1.6.0_24 64bit
> Server:
> Postgresql 9.2.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64bit
> Client and Server run on the same platform:
> Windows 7 Professional SP1 (2009)
> ALTER ROLE rec SET search_path = rec;
> ALTER ROLE rec_lct SET search_path = rec;
> SET SCHEMA 'rec'
> CREATE SEQUENCE stats_sequence
>   MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
>   START 1
>   CACHE 120
>   CYCLE;
> ALTER TABLE stats_sequence OWNER TO rec;
> GRANT ALL ON TABLE stats_sequence TO rec;
> GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE stats_sequence TO rec_lct;
>   CREATE TABLE my_stat
> (
>   id bigint NOT NULL,
>   creation date NOT NULL DEFAULT current_date,
>   client_addr text NOT NULL,
>   pid integer NOT NULL,
>   usename name NOT NULL,
>   CONSTRAINT my_stat _pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
> )
> WITH (
> );
> ALTER TABLE statistiques_connexions OWNER TO rec;
> GRANT ALL ON TABLE statistiques_connexions TO rec;
> GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON TABLE statistiques_connexions TO rec_lct;

Is this table statistiques_connexions used for something different
from my_stat or this is actual name of my_stat used in your

> CREATE INDEX statistiques_connexions_idx_creation
>   ON statistiques_connexions
>   USING btree
>   (creation);
> CREATE INDEX statistiques_connexions_idx_ukey
>   ON statistiques_connexions
>   USING btree
>   (creation, pid, client_addr COLLATE pg_catalog."default", usename);
> Two Java threads are created. One is connected with 'rec' user, while the
> other one
> is connected with 'rec_lct' user.
> The threads don't create themselves their JDBC connections.
> Instead, they each have their own pooled datasource preconfigured.
> The pooled datasources are managed by the same connection pool
> library: c3p0 0.9.1. The pooled datasources each open 3 connections
> on startup. They can make this number of connections variate from 1 to 5
> connections.
> In our development context, this number of connections stay at 3.
> The threads run the following query every 500 ms.

With the above information, it is difficult to imagine the cause of
problem, is it possible for you to write a separate test which you can
post here, if you can write using some scripts or libpq, that would
also be sufficient.

>> WITH raw_stat AS (
>>host(client_addr) as client_addr,
>>pid ,
>>usename = current_user
>> )
>> INSERT INTO my_stat(id, client_addr, pid, usename)
>>  nextval('mystat_sequence'), t.client_addr,, t.usename
>> FROM (
>> client_addr, pid, usename
>> raw_stat s
>>   NULL
>>   my_stat u
>>   current_date = u.creation
>> =
>>   s.client_addr = u.client_addr
>>   s.usename = u.usename
>> )
>> ) t;
> What can be observed first is that, at the beginning, everything run
> smoothly.
> Then unpredictably, the error 'tuple concurrently updated' appears...
> Needless to say, that it disappears too... unpredictably.
> Sometimes, it can shows up contisnously.

Do you see any other problem due to this error in your database?

> Tell me if you need some more detailed information.
> Stephan

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Add an ldapoption to disable chasing LDAP referrals

2013-10-18 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On Thu, 2013-10-17 at 13:49 +1100, James Sewell wrote:

> The search+bind mode issue is one of documentation location, I have
> fixed it by moving the section to the applied to both list. As the
> patch is to do with post-auth response this is correct.
Makes sense.

> As far as the issue when something other than 0 or 1 is set I am happy
> throw an error (although this doesn't seem to be how option such as
> LDAPTLS work: 1 if 1 else 0).

Right, that's how ldapreferrals ought to work as well.

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Re: [HACKERS] libpgport vs libpgcommon

2013-10-18 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On Fri, 2013-10-18 at 16:00 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Please have a look at my patch at
> particularly the checkdir.c
> file.  Perhaps we'd like to put both these routines (which are related
> to directories) in a single file (directory.c?).  In that case I would
> suggest putting your new routine in that file, and we'd add the
> checkdir
> stuff in there eventually.

I think smaller files are better, especially for a static library.

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Re: [HACKERS] FDW API / flow charts for the docs?

2013-10-18 Thread Christopher Browne
I would be more inclined to let GraphViz into the process than Dia; the
former fits *much* better into a Make-based process.

It is worth observing that there are schema diagramming systems (SchemaSpy
is mighty likable) that build diagrams using GraphViz.  We have integrated
this into internal deployments at Afilias.

Rod Taylor's autodoc tool has some minimal Dia support, but it lacks the
ability to do layout; if you use Dia output, you'll have to manually drag
things around to have the tables *not* all atop one another.  I'm a little
surprised Dia hasn't integrated in GraphViz to help with that; note that
the MacOS diagram tool OmniGraffle (proprietary, considered quite good,
competitive with Visio) uses GraphViz to help do automatic object layout.
That this is integrated inside an interactive GUI app is pretty wild/cool.

I'd think it a fine idea to add rules for .dot files (the usual GraphViz
language/format to describe graphs) to the PG Make rules.

Re: [HACKERS] Multiple psql -c / -f options

2013-10-18 Thread Jim Nasby

On 10/18/13 8:39 AM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 10/18/2013 02:19 AM, Fabien COELHO wrote:

IMHO the current behavior is broken:

decibel@decina:[17:46]~/pgsql/HEAD/i$bin/psql -c 'select 1' -c 'select 2'
(1 row)

Another try with one -c but with similar results:

  sh> psql -c "SELECT 1; SELECT 'hello';"
(1 row)

  sh> psql -V
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.1

It's not broken. All this behaviour is documented fairly explicitly. See 
 For example, regarding 
Fabio's example, which is actually very different from Jim's, the docs say: "only the 
result of the last SQL command is returned."

If you want to argue that it should be enhanced, then do. But it's acting as 
designed and as documented.

Perhaps "broken" was a bad choice of words. :)

Even if the owner's manual for your car says "You must manually lock the doors 
before you can start the engine" that doesn't mean it's good behavior. ;)

There's actually additional problems with compound statements. For example, 
EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE foo(...); ALTER TABLE foo ...;' doesn't work (at least 
last I checked). I ass-u-me that there's some fundamental issue to fixing that, 
so I haven't even looked into it.

When it comes to multiple command-line options, ISTM that current behavior fails the 
"least surprise" test miserably by simply ignoring some options:

psql --cluster 9.1/us-cnuapp_b -d cnuapp_prod -c 'CREATE TEMP VIEW t AS SELECT 
1' -c 'SELECT * FROM t'
ERROR:  relation "t" does not exist

I've never run across any other command-line tool that does that, and I don't 
think we should either.

> I suspect changing this might actually have more wrinkles that you imagine, 
but I could be wrong.

The only one I've thought of is some users might actually be depending on 
existing behavior...

> Incidentally, both of you could probably achieve what you apparently want 
> echo 'some sql here' | psql

True... while I personally think it'd be nice to actually support multiple 
-c/-f options it's not all that hard to work around that being missing.

What does concern me is that we're intentionally ignoring requests the user has 
made of psql. We should either fulfill the requests or throw an error.
Jim C. Nasby, Data Architect
512.569.9461 (cell)

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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] pg_sleep(interval)

2013-10-18 Thread Jim Nasby

On 10/17/13 4:01 PM, Vik Fearing wrote:

On 10/17/2013 06:59 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

Our project has a serious, chronic problem with giving new
patch-submitters a bad experience, and this patch is a good example of
that.  The ultimate result is that people go off to contribute to other
projects where submissions are easier and the rules for what gets
accepted are relatively transparent.

That may be true, but it depends on the contributor.  I would much
rather be told that my contribution is not up to snuff than what
happened on another project I recently tried to contribute to for the
first time.

A parser refactoring broke my code.  I reported it and it was promptly
fixed.  When the fix came up for review, I said it needed a regression
test to prevent it from happening again and I was told by the author
that such a test would be "flimsy" and it went on to be committed (by
that same guy) without one.  I'm undecided whether I'll be contributing
there any further.

The rigor here makes me want to try and try again.

ISTM the big issue with new contributors is our methodology is rather different 
from most other projects, and if you don't understand that you're likely to end 
up with negativity towards contributing here. Specifically:

- We place a heavy, HEAVY emphasis on discussion, to the point that you can 
easily spend 50x more time on discussing a feature over implementing it.
- We place a very heavy emphasis on "quality", be that testing, not breaking 
backwards compatability, etc, etc.

I agree with Vik; I think the way we develop is a feature and not a bug. But I 
also think we need to do everything we can to enlighten new contributors so 
they don't walk away with a bad taste in their mouth.
Jim C. Nasby, Data Architect
512.569.9461 (cell)

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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] pg_sleep(interval)

2013-10-18 Thread Jim Nasby

On 10/17/13 12:10 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

On 10/17/2013 10:01 AM, Robert Haas wrote:

But if you're asking my opinion, I think doing it on the function
level is a whole lot better and easier to get right.  A flag like the
one I mentioned here can be set for one particular function with the
absolute certainty that behavior will not change for any function with
some other name.  That type of surety is pretty much impossible to get
with casts.

The other argument for doing it at the function level is that we could
then expose it to users, who could use it to manage their own overloaded
functions.  We would NOT want to encourage users to mess with cast
precedence, because it would be impossible for them to achieve their
desired result that way.

On the other hand, prioritization at the function level likely wouldn't
help us with operators at all, because there the cast has to be chosen
before we choose a function.  So if we pursued the function route, then
we'd eventually want to add a "preferred" flag for operators too.  Which
would be a lot more trouble, because it would affect the planner, but at
least that would be a seperate step.

Yeah, but hasn't every case of this that we've run into been directly related 
to casting problems, and not function or operator preference?

ISTM that exposing the idea of function priority to users is opening a massive 
Pandora's box...

Something else I'm wondering is if priority should actually be something that's 
numbered instead of just a boolean. I can see far more logic to implicitly 
casting text to double than I can text to interval, but if a cast to double 
won't actually get you where you want and a cast to interval will... Maybe it's 
possible to account for all those cases with just a boolean... maybe not.
Jim C. Nasby, Data Architect
512.569.9461 (cell)

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Re: [HACKERS] FDW API / flow charts for the docs?

2013-10-18 Thread Tomas Vondra
On 18.10.2013 23:52, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> On 10/18/13 5:35 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
>> I can't see it being a major effort to get it from the wiki into
>> the docs, though perhaps I'm being a bit over-optomistic wrt that.
> Hah!
> Consider that an image would have to work with the following 
> toolchains/output formats:
> - standalone HTML output
> - web site HTML output
> - reasonable mobile/small-screen experience
> - jadetex
> - pdfjadetex
> - FOP
> - Texinfo (at least not break it)
> - man (at least not break it)
> - EPUB
> In my mind, it's not worth the effort unless we have, say, at least
> a dozen really useful images to add. I don't want to go through this 
> entire pain for one image on a pretty minor topic.

AFAIK graphviz can give you at least .ps .svg .fig .png .gif .dia
formats (and some other). I believe that covers most (if not all) of the
cases you've mentioned.

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Re: [HACKERS] FDW API / flow charts for the docs?

2013-10-18 Thread Tomas Vondra
On 18.10.2013 23:35, Stephen Frost wrote:
> Tomas,
> * Tomas Vondra ( wrote:
>> My impression from that thread was that one of the requirements is 
>> reasonable versioning / diff support, and AFAIK that's not a good
>> match for any GUI-based product. So while I like dia and I used it
>> for drawing the charts I submitted today, I don't think it works
>> with this (quite reasonable) requirement.
> I'm not sure why you feel that way wrt dia..?  As was pointed out in
> the thread, if you decompress the dia, it's pretty reasonable XML and
> diffs, etc, will work reasonably well with it.
>>> Also, for my part, I'd suggest putting it on the wiki initially
>>> anyway, as then it can be seen directly (load it as a png or
>>> what-have-you) and it becomes immediately available to users.
>>> The .dia should also be on the wiki, of course, and then included
>>> in the PG tree eventually if it's added as part of the official
>>> docs.
>> No problem with that, but I'd like to know in advance if we're
>> willing to put that into the docs / under what requirements etc.
>> Otherwise it might result in a major effort just to get it from
>> wiki into docs later.
> I can't see it being a major effort to get it from the wiki into the 
> docs, though perhaps I'm being a bit over-optomistic wrt that.
> Still, I'd much rather have it somewhere than not have it at all...

I meant something a bit different. Imagine I start with a simple chart
but spend a lot of time improving it over time (adding comments,
formattting) only to find out later I need to redo that from scratch in
a different tool. Wouldn't that be easier to start with the target tool
in the first place?


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Re: [HACKERS] FDW API / flow charts for the docs?

2013-10-18 Thread Andres Freund
On 2013-10-18 18:46:10 -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
> As to your point about not wanting to do it for a single image- it seems
> we could potentially say that for every individual image proposed, but
> if we don't keep track of those images anywhere then we may not realize
> that 5 or 10 have actually been done and proposed but never integrated.

> [...] Images really can explain things in a much better
> way in many cases.



Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] FDW API / flow charts for the docs?

2013-10-18 Thread Stephen Frost
* Peter Eisentraut ( wrote:
> In my mind, it's not worth the effort unless we have, say, at least a
> dozen really useful images to add.  I don't want to go through this
> entire pain for one image on a pretty minor topic.

These are certainly fair issues- my point was merely that once we have
support for such in the regular docs, the actual migration from the wiki
into the docs would hopefully not be too difficult.

As to your point about not wanting to do it for a single image- it seems
we could potentially say that for every individual image proposed, but
if we don't keep track of those images anywhere then we may not realize
that 5 or 10 have actually been done and proposed but never integrated.
If they're kept on the wiki then perhaps we would both keep track of the
ones proposed and realize when it's worthwhile to add support for them
to the doc build system.

As to Tom's point on the previous thread, that we would need to actually
maintain these images, that is helped by using dia, imv, since it's a
pretty simple tool to use and understand and is available on many
platforms.  There's still some risk there, of course, but it could be
worth it in the end.  Images really can explain things in a much better
way in many cases.



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Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Josh Berkus
On 10/18/2013 02:58 PM, Jaime Casanova wrote:
> well #3 just add a line in postgresql.conf (an include_if_exists) and
> current patch gives an error in case it finds the file (i'm suggesting
> to make it a warning instead).
> how does that makes our code more complicated?

Well, that's a couple extra lines only, I know.  However, it doesn't
actually  help with the breakage any, since recovery.conf *still* won't
work as a trigger file.

The only thing which would prevent breakage (proposed by Simon, I think)
is having recovery.conf have an include_if_exists, AND have
recovery.conf be an 'alternate' name for replication.trigger.  However,
even this would break, and in IMHO ways which would tend to happen at
failover time rather than upgrade time.

To put it clearly: if we're going to have breakage, I want it to be at
upgrade time, when the database is *already down*, and not at failover
time or some other time when downtime is not planned.

> well, people will go out of replication also if they forgot the
> recovery trigger file
> even if they set the variables in postgresql.conf
> it happens two me twice today ;)

Right.  What I'd like to avoid is having folks try to use, for example,
repmgr 1.2 with PostgreSQL 9.4 and have their replication break and them
not notice for a couple hours of operation.  I'd rather have PostgreSQL
9.4 refuse to come up, so that they know *immediately* that something is

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Jaime Casanova
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Josh Berkus  wrote:
> Jaime,
>> well, after upgrade you should do checks. and even if it happens,
>> after it happens once people will be aware of the change.
>> now, some suggestions were made to avoid the problem. 1) read the file
>> if exists last in the process of postgresql.conf, 2) add a GUC
>> indicating if it should read it and include it (not using it as a
>> trigger file). another one, 3) include in this release an
>> include_if_exists directive and give a warning if it sees the file
>> then include it, on next release remove the include_if_exists (at
>> least that way people will be warned before breaking compatibility)
> I think all of these suggestions just make our code more complicated
> without improving the upgrade situation.

well #3 just add a line in postgresql.conf (an include_if_exists) and
current patch gives an error in case it finds the file (i'm suggesting
to make it a warning instead).
how does that makes our code more complicated?

> The reason given (and I think it's pretty good) for erroring on
> recovery.conf is that we don't want people to accidentally take a server
> out of replication because they didn't check which version of PostgreSQL
> they are on.

well, people will go out of replication also if they forgot the
recovery trigger file
even if they set the variables in postgresql.conf

it happens two me twice today ;)

Jaime Casanova
Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte 24x7 y capacitación
Phone: +593 4 5107566 Cell: +593 987171157

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Re: [HACKERS] FDW API / flow charts for the docs?

2013-10-18 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On 10/18/13 5:35 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> I can't see it being a major effort to get it from the wiki into the
> docs, though perhaps I'm being a bit over-optomistic wrt that.


Consider that an image would have to work with the following
toolchains/output formats:

- standalone HTML output
- web site HTML output
- reasonable mobile/small-screen experience
- jadetex
- pdfjadetex
- Texinfo (at least not break it)
- man (at least not break it)

In my mind, it's not worth the effort unless we have, say, at least a
dozen really useful images to add.  I don't want to go through this
entire pain for one image on a pretty minor topic.

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Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Andres Freund
On 2013-10-18 14:16:04 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> On 10/18/2013 01:35 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
> > On 2013-10-18 13:16:52 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> >> I thought changeset extraction was the only thing going into core?  What
> >> else do we need?
> > 
> > Well, I personally want more in core mid/long term, but anyway.
> I've lost track of the plan, then.
> Hmmm ... we need replication of DDL commands, no?
> > Without released, proven and stable logical in-core replication
> > technology using this, I don't see why repmgr or something related would
> > need/want to change?
> Repmgr is designed to manage binary replication, not perform it.


> What will likely change first is Slony and Bucardo, who have a strong
> interest in dumping triggers and queues.

But I don't understand what that has to do with recovery.conf and
breakage around it.

> A contrib module which did the
> simplest implementation -- that is, whole-database M-S replication --
> would also be a good idea, especially since it would provide an example
> of how to build your own.
> But I'd be wary of going beyond that in core, because you very quickly
> get into the territory of trying to satisfy multiple exclusive
> use-cases.  Let's focus on providing a really good API which enables
> people to build their own tools.

We'll see. I am certain we'll have many discussions about the bits and
pieces you need to build a great replication solution (of which we imo
don't have any yet).


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] FDW API / flow charts for the docs?

2013-10-18 Thread Stephen Frost

* Tomas Vondra ( wrote:
> My impression from that thread was that one of the requirements is
> reasonable versioning / diff support, and AFAIK that's not a good match
> for any GUI-based product. So while I like dia and I used it for drawing
> the charts I submitted today, I don't think it works with this (quite
> reasonable) requirement.

I'm not sure why you feel that way wrt dia..?  As was pointed out in the
thread, if you decompress the dia, it's pretty reasonable XML and diffs,
etc, will work reasonably well with it.

> > Also, for my part, I'd suggest putting it on the wiki initially anyway,
> > as then it can be seen directly (load it as a png or what-have-you) and
> > it becomes immediately available to users.  The .dia should also be on
> > the wiki, of course, and then included in the PG tree eventually if it's
> > added as part of the official docs.
> No problem with that, but I'd like to know in advance if we're willing to
> put that into the docs / under what requirements etc. Otherwise it might
> result in a major effort just to get it from wiki into docs later.

I can't see it being a major effort to get it from the wiki into the
docs, though perhaps I'm being a bit over-optomistic wrt that.  Still,
I'd much rather have it somewhere than not have it at all...



Description: Digital signature

Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Josh Berkus
On 10/18/2013 01:35 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
> On 2013-10-18 13:16:52 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
>> I thought changeset extraction was the only thing going into core?  What
>> else do we need?
> Well, I personally want more in core mid/long term, but anyway.

I've lost track of the plan, then.

Hmmm ... we need replication of DDL commands, no?

> Without released, proven and stable logical in-core replication
> technology using this, I don't see why repmgr or something related would
> need/want to change?

Repmgr is designed to manage binary replication, not perform it.

What will likely change first is Slony and Bucardo, who have a strong
interest in dumping triggers and queues.  A contrib module which did the
simplest implementation -- that is, whole-database M-S replication --
would also be a good idea, especially since it would provide an example
of how to build your own.

But I'd be wary of going beyond that in core, because you very quickly
get into the territory of trying to satisfy multiple exclusive
use-cases.  Let's focus on providing a really good API which enables
people to build their own tools.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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[HACKERS] Re: space reserved for WAL record does not match what was written: panic on windows

2013-10-18 Thread Noah Misch
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 09:05:38PM +1300, David Rowley wrote:
> As for signed vs unsigned, I've not looked at all of the places where
> MAXALIGN is used, but I just assumed it was for memory addresses, if this
> is the case then I'm confused why we'd ever want a negative valued memory
> address?

The result will invariably be cast to a pointer type before use, at which
point it's no longer negative.  (That's not to say we should keep using signed
math, but it doesn't cause active problems for memory addresses.)

> This might be an obvious one, but can anyone tell me why the casts are in
> the macro at all? Can a compiler not decide for itself which type it should
> be using?

The casts allow passing values of pointer type, which are not valid as
arguments to the bitwise AND operator.

Noah Misch

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Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Andres Freund
On 2013-10-18 13:16:52 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> On 10/18/2013 12:29 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
> > On 2013-10-18 09:32:15 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> >> For that matter, 9.4 is a very good time (relatively speaking) to break
> >> replication tools because the new logical replication is going to cause
> >> everyone to rev their tools anyway.
> > 
> > We're hopefully getting changeset extraction in, but there's little
> > chance of a full blown replication solution making it in in 9.4...
> I thought changeset extraction was the only thing going into core?  What
> else do we need?

Well, I personally want more in core mid/long term, but anyway.

Without released, proven and stable logical in-core replication
technology using this, I don't see why repmgr or something related would
need/want to change?


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Josh Berkus
On 10/18/2013 12:29 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
> On 2013-10-18 09:32:15 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
>> For that matter, 9.4 is a very good time (relatively speaking) to break
>> replication tools because the new logical replication is going to cause
>> everyone to rev their tools anyway.
> We're hopefully getting changeset extraction in, but there's little
> chance of a full blown replication solution making it in in 9.4...

I thought changeset extraction was the only thing going into core?  What
else do we need?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] LDAP: bugfix and deprecated OpenLDAP API

2013-10-18 Thread Albe Laurenz
Peter Eisentraut  wrote:
[good suggestions for improvement]

I'll send an updated patch on Monday.

Laurenz Albe

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Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Andres Freund
On 2013-10-18 09:32:15 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> For that matter, 9.4 is a very good time (relatively speaking) to break
> replication tools because the new logical replication is going to cause
> everyone to rev their tools anyway.

We're hopefully getting changeset extraction in, but there's little
chance of a full blown replication solution making it in in 9.4...


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] libpgport vs libpgcommon

2013-10-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> On 10/16/13 10:10 PM, Noah Misch wrote:
> > dirmod.c perhaps deserves a
> > split into libpgcommon parts (e.g. pgfnames()) and libpgport parts
> > (e.g. pgrename()).
> I have also come to this realization.  I propose to move pgfnames to
> src/common/pgfnames.c.

Please have a look at my patch at particularly the checkdir.c
file.  Perhaps we'd like to put both these routines (which are related
to directories) in a single file (directory.c?).  In that case I would
suggest putting your new routine in that file, and we'd add the checkdir
stuff in there eventually.

I don't necessarily object to pgfnames.c in any case, if that's thought
to be cleaner.

Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] logical changeset generation v6.4

2013-10-18 Thread Andres Freund
On 2013-10-18 08:11:29 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Andres Freund  wrote:
> > Attached you can find version 6.4 of the patchset:
> So I'm still unhappy with the arbitrary logic in what's now patch 1
> for choosing the candidate key.  On another thread, someone mentioned
> that they might want the entire old tuple, and that got me thinking:
> there's no particular reason why the user has to want exactly the
> columns that exist in some unique, immediate, non-partial index (what
> a name).  So I have two proposals:

> 1. Instead of allowing the user to choose the index to be used, or
> picking it for them, how about if we let them choose the old-tuple
> columns they want logged?  This could be a per-column option.  If the
> primary key can be assumed known and unchanging, then the answer might
> be that the user wants *no* old-tuple columns logged.  Contrariwise
> someone might want everything logged, or anything in the middle.

I definitely can see the usecase for logging anything or nothing,
arbitrary column select seems to be too complicated for now.

> 2. If that seems too complicated, how about just logging the whole old
> tuple for version 1?

I think that'd make the patch much less useful because it bloats WAL
unnecessarily for the primary user (replication) of it. I'd rather go
for primary keys only if that proves to be the contentious point.

How about modifying the selection to go from:
* index chosen by ALTER TABLE ... REPLICA IDENTITY USING indexname
* [later, maybe] ALTER TABLE ... REPLICA IDENTITY (cola, colb)
* primary key
* candidate key with the smallest oid

Including the candidate key will help people using changeset extration
for auditing that do not have primary key. That really isn't an
infrequent usecase.

I've chosen REPLICA IDENTITY; NOTHIN; FULL; because those are all
existing keywords, and afaics shouldn't generate any conflicts. On a
green field we probably name them differently, but ...



Andres Freund

PS: candidate key implies a key which is: immediate (aka not deferred),
unique, non-partial and only contains NOT NULL columns.

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] logical changeset generation v6.2

2013-10-18 Thread Andres Freund
On 2013-10-14 09:36:03 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> > I thought and implemented that in the beginning. Unfortunately it's not
> > enough :(. That's probably the issue that took me longest to understand
> > in this patchseries...
> >
> > Combocids can only fix the case where a transaction actually has create
> > a combocid:
> >
> > 1) TX1: INSERT id = 1 at 0/1: (xmin = 1, xmax=Invalid, cmin = 55, cmax = 
> > Invalid)
> > 2) TX2: DELETE id = 1 at 0/1: (xmin = 1, xmax=2, cmin = Invalid, cmax = 1)
> >
> > So, if we're decoding data that needs to lookup those rows in TX1 or TX2
> > we both times need access to cmin and cmax, but neither transaction will
> > have created a multixact. That can only be an issue in transaction with
> > catalog modifications.
> Oh, yuck.  So that means you have to write an extra WAL record for
> EVERY heap insert, update, or delete to a catalog table?  OUCH.

So. As it turns out that solution isn't sufficient in the face of VACUUM
FULL and mixed DML/DDL transaction that have not yet been decoded.

To reiterate, as published it works like:
For every modification of catalog tuple (insert, multi_insert, update,
delete) that has influence over visibility issue a record that contains:
* filenode
* ctid
* (cmin, cmax)

When doing a visibility check on a catalog row during decoding of mixed
DML/DDL transaction lookup (cmin, cmax) for that row since we don't
store both for the tuple.

That mostly works great.

The problematic scenario is decoding a transaction that has done mixed
DML/DDL *after* a VACUUM FULL/CLUSTER has been performed. The VACUUM
FULL obviously changes the filenode and the ctid of a tuple, so we
cannot successfully do a lookup based on what we logged before.

I know of the following solutions:
1) Don't allow VACUUM FULL on catalog tables if wal_level = logical.
2) Make VACUUM FULL prevent DDL and then wait till all changestreams
   have decoded up to the current point.
3) don't delete the old relfilenode for VACUUM/CLUSTERs of system tables
   if there are life decoding slots around, instead delegate that
   responsibility to the slot management.
4) Store both (cmin, cmax) for catalog tuples.

I bascially think only 1) and 4) are realistic. And 1) sucks.

I've developed a prototype for 4) and except currently being incredibly
ugly, it seems to be the most promising approach by far. My trick to
store both cmin and cmax is to store cmax in t_hoff managed space when
wal_level = logical.
That even works when changing wal_level from < logical to logical
because only ever need to store both cmin and cmax for transactions that
have decodeable content - which they cannot yet have before wal_level =

This requires some not so nice things:
* A way to declare we're storing both. I've currently chosen
* A way for heap_form_tuple to know it should add the necessary space to
  t_hoff. I've added TupleDesc->tdhaswidecid for it.
* Fiddling with existing checks for HEAP_MOVED{,OFF,IN} to check for
  both set at the same time.
* Changing the WAL logging to (optionally?) transport the current
  CommandId instead of always resetting it InvalidCommandId.

The benefits are:
* Much simpler tqual.c logic, everything is stored in the row itself. No
  hash or something like that built.
* No more need to log (relfilenode, cmin, cmax) separately from heap
  changes itself anymore.

In the end, the costs are that individual catalog rows are 4 bytes
bigger iff wal_level = logical. That seems acceptable.

Some questions remain:
* Better idea for a flag than HEAP_MOVED_OFF | HEAP_MOVED_IN
* Should we just unconditionally log the current CommandId or make it
  conditional. We have plenty of flag space to signal whether it's
  present, but it's just 4 bytes.



Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] libpgport vs libpgcommon

2013-10-18 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On 10/16/13 10:10 PM, Noah Misch wrote:
> dirmod.c perhaps deserves a
> split into libpgcommon parts (e.g. pgfnames()) and libpgport parts
> (e.g. pgrename()).

I have also come to this realization.  I propose to move pgfnames to

> Hopefully there's not much more.

I have also come to this realization. ;-)

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[HACKERS] Time-Delayed Standbys

2013-10-18 Thread Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Hi all,

The attached patch is a continuation of Robert's work [1].

I made some changes:
- use of Latches instead of pg_usleep, so we don't have to wakeup regularly.
- call HandleStartupProcInterrupts() before CheckForStandbyTrigger()
because might change the trigger file's location
- compute recoveryUntilDelayTime in XLOG_XACT_COMMIT and
- don't care about clockdrift because it's an admin problem.



Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Josh Berkus
On 10/17/2013 09:45 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
>>> According to, UnixWare is not
>>> dead, although there have been no new releases in 5 years.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'll point out that SCO laid off all of its packagers three or four
years ago.  So nobody is packaging PostgreSQL for Unixware anymore.  In
general, I think we can reasonably expect that anyone still using
Unixware isn't upgrading PostgreSQL, so if there's any effort at all in
maintaining the port, we should dump it.  The only reason we *have* the
port in the first place is that SCO created it and used to maintain it.

Oh, and +1 to dumping all of those other ports (IRIX, Tru64, Alpha),
especially Alpha which I've been told is a maintenance issue.

If we're concerned that there are users out there, the answer is to do
some blogging and see if anyone speaks up.  I'll post something.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Ants Aasma
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Peter Geoghegan  wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Ants Aasma  wrote:
>> FWIW, I think that if we approach coding lock free algorithms
>> correctly - i.e. "which memory barriers can we avoid while being
>> safe", instead of "which memory barriers we need to add to become
>> safe" - then supporting Alpha isn't a huge amount of extra work.
> Alpha is completely irrelevant, so I would not like to expend the
> tiniest effort on supporting it. If there is someone using a very much
> legacy architecture like this, I doubt that even they will appreciate
> the ability to upgrade to the latest major version.

It's mostly irrelevant and I wouldn't shed a tear for Alpha support,
but I'd like to point out that it's a whole lot less irrelevant than
some of the architectures being discussed here. The latest Alpha
machines were sold only 6 years ago and supported up to 512GB of
memory with 64 1.3 GHz cores, something that can run a very reasonable
database load even today.

Ants Aasma

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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Andres Freund
On 2013-10-18 18:36:03 +0200, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
> On 10/18/2013 06:29 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
> > On 2013-10-18 18:24:58 +0200, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
> >> hmm there are still some operating systems that "officially" support the
> >> alpha architecture which will likely result in problems for their ports.
> >> One example is OpenBSD both the current version (5.3) as well as the
> >> upcoming release do fully support alpha and have binary packages and
> >> source "ports" for postgresql and afaik they have no intention to stop
> >> supporting that plattform.
> > 
> > Hm. If you read their status page (which I think you linked to before):
> > you can find stuff like X11 not
> > working. So I don't see that forcing us to much.
> not sure that page is acurate and not sure how relevant X11 support is
> for postgresql :)

Only in as much as it's a major piece of software missing. So removing
pg isn't exactly a shocking thing.

> Anyway they do currently have packages (9.2 in -stable and 9.3 in
> -current) available and I think we should consider packagers here as
> well - I personally don't have any particular need for alpha but it is
> clearly not as dead as some of the others we are discussing.
> > Note also that we already don't support all openbsd platforms.
> sure - but does that also mean we should desupport without at least
> considering it?

We should consider it, yes. But I don't see it counting much in this
case. Multiplatform OSs like (free|open|net)bsd and linux will mostly be
the last to drop support for a platform. It will very rarely be the
applications first.
And openbsd still supporting it doesn't change the fact that there
hasn't been new hardware for 10 years by the time 9.4 is going to be


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Ants Aasma  wrote:
> FWIW, I think that if we approach coding lock free algorithms
> correctly - i.e. "which memory barriers can we avoid while being
> safe", instead of "which memory barriers we need to add to become
> safe" - then supporting Alpha isn't a huge amount of extra work.

Alpha is completely irrelevant, so I would not like to expend the
tiniest effort on supporting it. If there is someone using a very much
legacy architecture like this, I doubt that even they will appreciate
the ability to upgrade to the latest major version.

Peter Geoghegan

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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Ants Aasma
On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 3:10 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Noah Misch  wrote:
>> Removing support for alpha is a different animal compared to removing support
>> for non-gcc MIPS and most of the others in your list.  A hacker wishing to
>> restore support for another MIPS compiler would fill in the assembly code
>> blanks, probably using code right out of an architecture manual.  A hacker
>> wishing to restore support for alpha would find himself auditing every
>> lock-impoverished algorithm in the backend.
> I had much the same thought last night.  So I reverse my vote on
> Alpha: let's drop it.  I had thought that perhaps there'd be some
> value in keeping it to force ourselves to consider what will happen
> under the weakest generally-understood memory model, but in fact
> that's probably a doomed effort without having the hardware available
> to test the code.  As you say, any future atomics support for such a
> platform will be a major undertaking.

FWIW, I think that if we approach coding lock free algorithms
correctly - i.e. "which memory barriers can we avoid while being
safe", instead of "which memory barriers we need to add to become
safe" - then supporting Alpha isn't a huge amount of extra work. We
only need a couple of extra barriers after atomic reads where I think
we should have a comment anyway explaining that we don't need a read
barrier because a data dependency provides ordering.

In general I agree that we are unlikely to provide a bug free result
without a build farm animal, so I'm ±0 on removing support. We can try
to support, but we are unlikely to succeed. I also find it unlikely
that anyone will create a new architecture with a similarly loose
memory model. The experience with Alpha and other microprocessors
shows that the extra hardware needed for fast and strong memory
ordering guarantees more than pays for itself in performance.

Ants Aasma

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Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Jaime Casanova
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Josh Berkus  wrote:
>> exactly as it is now, if it sees the recovery trigger file, then it
>> starts ArchiveRecovery and after it finish delete the file (the only
>> difference) and increment the timeline
> OK, so if I'm doing a PITR recovery, I just put the recovery variables
> into postgresql.conf, then?

create a recovery trigger file (called standby.enabled in current
patch) in $PGDATA and start the server

Jaime Casanova
Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte 24x7 y capacitación
Phone: +593 4 5107566 Cell: +593 987171157

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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Stefan Kaltenbrunner
On 10/18/2013 06:29 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
> On 2013-10-18 18:24:58 +0200, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
>> On 10/18/2013 02:41 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Peter Eisentraut  wrote:
 On 10/17/13 12:45 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> The attached patch, which I propose to apply relatively soon if nobody
> objects, removes the IRIX port.

>>> Done.  And here's a patch for removing the alpha architecture and
>>> Tru64 UNIX (aka OSF/1) which runs on that architecture, per discussion
>>> upthread.  Barring objections, I'll apply this next week.
>> hmm there are still some operating systems that "officially" support the
>> alpha architecture which will likely result in problems for their ports.
>> One example is OpenBSD both the current version (5.3) as well as the
>> upcoming release do fully support alpha and have binary packages and
>> source "ports" for postgresql and afaik they have no intention to stop
>> supporting that plattform.
> Hm. If you read their status page (which I think you linked to before):
> you can find stuff like X11 not
> working. So I don't see that forcing us to much.

not sure that page is acurate and not sure how relevant X11 support is
for postgresql :)

Anyway they do currently have packages (9.2 in -stable and 9.3 in
-current) available and I think we should consider packagers here as
well - I personally don't have any particular need for alpha but it is
clearly not as dead as some of the others we are discussing.

> Note also that we already don't support all openbsd platforms.

sure - but does that also mean we should desupport without at least
considering it?


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Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Josh Berkus

>> Except that we'll want 9.4's -R to do something, probably create a file
>> called conf.d/replication.conf.  Mind you, it won't need the same wonky
>> quoting stuff.
> Currently the patch uses -R to create the recovery trigger file

Right, I'm saying that we'll want to do better than that for release,
but that's dependant on committing the conf directory patch.

Note that this change makes committing the conf.d patch extra-important;
it's going to be a LOT easier to upgrade tools for 9.4 if we have that.

> well, after upgrade you should do checks. and even if it happens,
> after it happens once people will be aware of the change.
> now, some suggestions were made to avoid the problem. 1) read the file
> if exists last in the process of postgresql.conf, 2) add a GUC
> indicating if it should read it and include it (not using it as a
> trigger file). another one, 3) include in this release an
> include_if_exists directive and give a warning if it sees the file
> then include it, on next release remove the include_if_exists (at
> least that way people will be warned before breaking compatibility)

I think all of these suggestions just make our code more complicated
without improving the upgrade situation.

The reason given (and I think it's pretty good) for erroring on
recovery.conf is that we don't want people to accidentally take a server
out of replication because they didn't check which version of PostgreSQL
they are on.

>> *on the other hand*, if we prevent creation of a configuration file
>> named "recovery.conf", then we block efforts to write
>> backwards-compatible management utilities.
> and all tools and procedures that currently exists.

Right.  However, exploring your suggestions above, none of those
workarounds prevent breakage.  And in some cases, they make the breakage
less obvious than the current patch does.  If repmgr 1.2 / OmniPITR 1.2
won't work correctly with 9.4, then we want those tools to break at
upgrade time, not later when the user is trying to fail over.

For that matter, 9.4 is a very good time (relatively speaking) to break
replication tools because the new logical replication is going to cause
everyone to rev their tools anyway.

This kind of breakage alone might end up being a good reason to call the
next version 10.0.

> well, there should be good solutions... maybe we haven't thought them yet.
> anyway, we can't postpone the decision forever. we need to make a
> decision and stick with it otherwise this patch will be stalled N
> releases for no good reason

I think if there were a good solution, sometime in the last 1.5 years
someone would have suggested it.  Gods know Simon has tried.

> exactly as it is now, if it sees the recovery trigger file, then it
> starts ArchiveRecovery and after it finish delete the file (the only
> difference) and increment the timeline

OK, so if I'm doing a PITR recovery, I just put the recovery variables
into postgresql.conf, then?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Andres Freund
On 2013-10-18 18:24:58 +0200, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
> On 10/18/2013 02:41 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Peter Eisentraut  wrote:
> >> On 10/17/13 12:45 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> >>> The attached patch, which I propose to apply relatively soon if nobody
> >>> objects, removes the IRIX port.
> >>
> >> +1
> > 
> > Done.  And here's a patch for removing the alpha architecture and
> > Tru64 UNIX (aka OSF/1) which runs on that architecture, per discussion
> > upthread.  Barring objections, I'll apply this next week.
> hmm there are still some operating systems that "officially" support the
> alpha architecture which will likely result in problems for their ports.
> One example is OpenBSD both the current version (5.3) as well as the
> upcoming release do fully support alpha and have binary packages and
> source "ports" for postgresql and afaik they have no intention to stop
> supporting that plattform.

Hm. If you read their status page (which I think you linked to before): you can find stuff like X11 not
working. So I don't see that forcing us to much.
Note also that we already don't support all openbsd platforms.


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Stefan Kaltenbrunner
On 10/18/2013 02:41 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Peter Eisentraut  wrote:
>> On 10/17/13 12:45 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
>>> The attached patch, which I propose to apply relatively soon if nobody
>>> objects, removes the IRIX port.
>> +1
> Done.  And here's a patch for removing the alpha architecture and
> Tru64 UNIX (aka OSF/1) which runs on that architecture, per discussion
> upthread.  Barring objections, I'll apply this next week.

hmm there are still some operating systems that "officially" support the
alpha architecture which will likely result in problems for their ports.
One example is OpenBSD both the current version (5.3) as well as the
upcoming release do fully support alpha and have binary packages and
source "ports" for postgresql and afaik they have no intention to stop
supporting that plattform.

> On a related note, I think we should update the paragaraph in
> installation.sgml that begins "In general, PostgreSQL can be expected
> to work on these CPU architectures".  Any architecture that doesn't
> have a buildfarm animal should be relegated to the second sentence,
> which reads "Code support exists for ... but these architectures are
> not known to have been tested recently."  Similarly, I think the
> following paragraph should be revised so that only operating systems
> for which we have current buildfarm support are considered fully
> supported.  Others should be relegated to a sentence later in the
> paragraph that says something like "code support exists but not tested
> recently" or "expected to work but not tested regularly".

seems like an improvement to me.


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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] pg_sleep(interval)

2013-10-18 Thread Josh Berkus
On 10/17/2013 01:41 PM, Vik Fearing wrote:
>> > Perhaps; but it has also been an example of the benefits of having
>> > tight review.  
> FWIW, I agree.  I have been impressed by the rigorous review process of
> this project ever since I started following it.

OK, good!  That makes me feel better.

So, I surveyed 30 members of the San Francisco PostgreSQL User Group
last night.  Out of the 30:

4 had ever used pg_sleep(), and those four included Jeff Davis and Peter
G.  I asked the remaining two about the new versions of pg_sleep, and
they were more interested in pg_sleep_until(), and not particularly
interested in pg_sleep(interval).

So, to my mind backwards compatibility (the ambiguity issue) is
insignificant because there are so few users of pg_sleep(), but there
are serious questions about the demand for improvements on pg_sleep for
that reason.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Auto-tuning work_mem and maintenance_work_mem

2013-10-18 Thread Josh Berkus

So, I did an informal survey last night a SFPUG, among about 30
PostgreSQL DBAs and developers.  While hardly a scientific sample, it's
a data point on what we're looking at for servers.

Out of the 30, 6 had one or more production instances of PostgreSQL
running on machines or VMs with less than 1GB of RAM.  Out of those 5
had already edited their PostgreSQL.conf extensively.  Perhaps more
importantly, for four out of the 6, the low-memory Postgres instance(s)
was an older version (8.2 to 9.0) which they did not expect to upgrade.
 Also, note that a couple of the 6 were consultants, so they were
speaking for dozens of customer servers.

As a second data point, Christophe and I did a quick survey of the
database of server information on our clients, which include a bunch of
cloud-hosted web companies.  We found two PostgreSQL VMs which did not
have 1GB or more RAM, out of a few hundred.

Now, obviously, there's some significant sample bias in the above, but I
think it gives support to the assertion that we shouldn't really be
worrying about PostgresQL running well out-of-the-box on machines with <
1GB of RAM.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] fdw_private and (List*) handling in FDW API

2013-10-18 Thread Tomas Vondra
On 18 Říjen 2013, 17:52, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Tomas Vondra"  writes:
>> 2) Is there any particular reason why
>> PlanForeignModify/BeginForeignModify
>> require the fdw_private to be a List*, and not a generic pointer?
> That data has to be copiable by copyObject(), which a generic void* is
> not.  We could perhaps have made it Node* instead, but that would only
> work conveniently if there were infrastructure for plugins to create new
> first-class Node types; which there isn't.  A List is often the easiest
> way to transport a few random values from plan time to execution time,
> so it seemed best to declare fdw_private that way.

Oh, I see. Thanks for explanation.


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Re: [HACKERS] Review: Patch to compute Max LSN of Data Pages

2013-10-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Robert Haas escribió:

> A broader complaint I have with this patch is that it almost but
> not-quite solves a problem I've had a few times in the past: namely,
> searching through the data directory for data blocks which have LSNs
> in the future.  This has come up a few times for me, and this tool
> would make it easier, because I'd be able to run it and look through
> the output to see which relations have high max-LSN values.  However,
> it wouldn't be quite enough, because it'd only tell me about the block
> with the highest LSN in each file, whereas what I'd really want to
> find is every block with an LSN greater than some threshold value.
> Maybe I'm pushing the envelope too much by trying to fit that into the
> framework of this patch, but I can't help thinking we're not going to
> want both pg_computemaxlsn and pg_findlsnsaftersomethreshold that are
> 95% the same code, so maybe we ought to rename the utility to
> something slightly more generic than "pg_computemaxlsn".

Perhaps not coincidentally, I had a need to do this recently.  Perhaps
we should turn the utility into a generic tool to report existing LSNs,
with options to 1) report only the highest one in a given file, 2)
report only those that exceed some threshold.  So maybe pg_reportlsn or

Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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Re: [HACKERS] fdw_private and (List*) handling in FDW API

2013-10-18 Thread Tom Lane
"Tomas Vondra"  writes:
> 2) Is there any particular reason why PlanForeignModify/BeginForeignModify
> require the fdw_private to be a List*, and not a generic pointer?

That data has to be copiable by copyObject(), which a generic void* is
not.  We could perhaps have made it Node* instead, but that would only
work conveniently if there were infrastructure for plugins to create new
first-class Node types; which there isn't.  A List is often the easiest
way to transport a few random values from plan time to execution time,
so it seemed best to declare fdw_private that way.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] psql tab completion for updatable foreign tables

2013-10-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Dean Rasheed  wrote:
>> Personally, I think this is too fancy anyway.  I'd just complete all
>> views and foreign tables and be done with it.  We don't inspect
>> permissions either, for example.  This might be too confusing for users.
> Yeah, I think you're probably right.

I tend to agree.  When the rules were simple (i.e. pretty much nothing
was updateable) it might have made sense to make tab completion hew to
them, but they're complex enough now that I think it no longer does.
There are now three different ways that a view can be updateable
(auto, trigger, rule) and the rules are complex.

Based on that it sounds like we need a new version of this patch.  If
that's not going to happen RSN, we should mark this returned with
feedback and it can be resubmitted if and when someone finds the time
to update it.


Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Review: Patch to compute Max LSN of Data Pages

2013-10-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 3:03 AM, Amit Kapila  wrote:
>>>On Monday, July 08, 2013 5:16 PM Andres Freund wrote:
On 2013-07-08 17:10:43 +0530, Amit Kapila wrote:
> On Monday, July 08, 2013 4:26 PM Andres Freund wrote:
> > On 2013-07-08 16:17:54 +0530, Hari Babu wrote:
> > > +This utility can also be used to decide whether backup is
> > required or not when the data page
> > > +in old-master precedes the last applied LSN in old-standby
> > (i.e., new-master) at the
> > > +moment of the failover.
> > > +   
> > > +  
> >
> > I don't think this is safe in any interesting set of cases. Am I
> > missing
> > something?
> No, you are not missing anything. It can be only used to find max LSN in
> database which can avoid further corruption
Why is the patch submitted documenting it as a use-case then? I find it
rather scary if the *patch authors* document a known unsafe use case as
one of the known use-cases.
>>>I got the problem which can occur with the specified use case. Removed the
>>>wrong use case specified above.
>>>Thanks for the review, please find the updated patch attached in the mail.
>> Patch is not getting compiled on Windows, I had made following changes:
>> a. updated the patch for resolving Windows build
>> b. few documentation changes in (pg_resetxlog.sgml) for spelling
>> mistake and minor line change
>> c. corrected year for Copyright in file pg_computemaxlsn.c
> I am OK with this patch in its current form, modulo some grammar
> issues in the documentation which I can fix before committing.
> However, I'm unclear whether there was sufficient consensus to proceed
> with this.  Can others weigh in?  If there is too much residual
> unhappiness with this, then we should just mark this as Rejected and
> stop wasting time on it; it can be pushed to PGXN or similar even if
> we don't put it in core.

I didn't hear any other votes.  Anyone else have an opinion about
this?  If I can't get a +1 from anyone who wasn't involved in writing
the patch, I'm inclined to think we don't have sufficient consensus to
commit this.

On further review of the patch, I also found a number of other issues
that I think need to be fixed before we could consider committing it:

- Per a previous request of mine, the patch has three different modes:
it can be run on an individual file, on a directory potentially
containing multiple relation files, or on an entire data directory.
This is not explained in the documentation.

- The patch skips printing an error if attempting to open a file
returns ENOENT.  I don't see why that case shouldn't print an error.
Yeah, it could be legit if you're executing this against a running
server, but why are you doing that?  And even if you are (e.g. for
corruption detection), printing a error  message and proceeding makes
more sense than proceeding without printing anything, at least IMHO.

- Some of the static functions in this file preceed main and others
follow it.  And they use different naming conventions.  I suggest
putting all of them after main() and using names like check_data_dir,
check_data_file_name (instead of validateRelfilenodename; note that
the comment for that function is also incorrect),
find_max_lsn_in_file, find_max_lsn_in_directory,

- Since the patch goes to some pains to exit with 0 if no errors were
encountered and 1 if any were, that probably ought to be documented.
But I think instead of passing a "result" argument back up the call
stack it would be better to just keep a global variable called
"errors_encountered".  When we encounter an error, bump that value.
Then you can just do exit(errors_encountered > 0 ? 1 : 0) and not
bother passing all of this stuff around via the return value.  The
current behavior is inconsistent in another way, too: if you encounter
an error while scanning through a particular directory, you finish the
whole directory.  But if multiple command-line arguments were passed,
you don't proceed to any subsequent command-line arguments.  I think
you should continue always, which the above-mentioned change will take
care of basically for free.

- The description of the -q option is not very clear.   A reader could
be forgiven for thinking that the option suppresses all output, which
would be quite useless, or at least left in doubt about what output
will still be provided.

A broader complaint I have with this patch is that it almost but
not-quite solves a problem I've had a few times in the past: namely,
searching through the data directory for data blocks which have LSNs
in the future.  This has come up a few times for me, and this tool
would make it easier, because I'd be able to run it and look through
the output to see which relations have high max-LSN values.  However,
it wouldn't be quite enough, because it'd only tell me about the block
with the highest LSN in eac

Re: [HACKERS] ERROR : 'tuple concurrently updated'

2013-10-18 Thread Tom Lane
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?St=E9phan_BEUZE?=  writes:
>> So the question is about used extensions or contrib. (it can be loaded
>> by server, or in a session with LOAD, it can be auto-explain,
>> pg_stat_statement, ).

> I don't use any used extensions or contrib.

Well, you're doing *something* that you have not told us about.  As
Robert said, the only places where that error can be thrown are
simple_heap_update and simple_heap_delete, and neither of those are
reachable from an INSERT command unless something is happening behind
the scenes.  Maybe you have an ON INSERT trigger on that table?

Another point here is that the NOT EXISTS coding seems to be trying to
prevent insertion of any duplicate rows into my_stat, but it will fail
miserably as soon as there are multiple processes doing that command
concurrently, since the NOT EXISTS check will only examine rows that were
committed before the command starts, not any that get committed while
it runs.  I wonder whether you have code you've not shown us that
depends on the assumption of no duplicates in my_stat, and will lead to
multiple-update attempts somewhere else as soon as such duplicates appear.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Updatable view columns

2013-10-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Marko Tiikkaja  wrote:
> On 2013-09-17 12:53, Dean Rasheed wrote:
>> Thanks for the review. Those changes all look sensible to me.
>> Here's an updated patch incorporating all your fixes, and rebased to
>> apply without offsets.
> Looks good to me.  Marking this one ready for committer.


Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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[HACKERS] fdw_private and (List*) handling in FDW API

2013-10-18 Thread Tomas Vondra

I've been exploring the new FDW API in the past few days, and I'm slightly
confused by the fdw_private fields. A few comments:

1) Generally all the API functions pass data using fields in the nodes
(e.g. GetForeignRelSize uses baserel->fdw_private etc.), but
PlanForeignModify simply returns the data, and BeginForeignModify accepts
that as a regular parameter. Is there any particular reason not to adapt
the same approach in all cases, i.e. either return the private data in all
cases (and pass as parameters), or passing them inside node/plan/...?

2) Is there any particular reason why PlanForeignModify/BeginForeignModify
require the fdw_private to be a List*, and not a generic pointer? I mean,
RelOptInfo declares fdw_private as a (void*) but the other structures
(e.g. ForeignScan) switches to (List*) for some reason. But all the
optimizer does with this data is this in createplan.c

fdw_private_list = NIL;
i = 0;
foreach(lc, resultRelations)
fdw_private = fdwroutine->PlanForeignModify(root, node, rti, i);
fdw_private_list = lappend(fdw_private_list, fdw_private);

node->fdwPrivLists = fdw_private_list;
return node;

If I read that correctly, it just accumulates all the lists into a single
list (and then unpacks that into individual lists in nodeModifyTable.c).
What is the reason for using (List*) here? I'd rather use a structure
here, not generic lists, YMMV. Or is there something I missed (e.g. future


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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Tim Kane  wrote:
> Just to be pedantic, commit message shows
> "support for Tru64 ended in 201."
> I think you mean 2012.

Duh, I'm a dork.  Thanks.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] logical changeset generation v6.4

2013-10-18 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 7:11 AM, Robert Haas  wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Andres Freund  wrote:
>> Attached you can find version 6.4 of the patchset:
> So I'm still unhappy with the arbitrary logic in what's now patch 1
> for choosing the candidate key.  On another thread, someone mentioned
> that they might want the entire old tuple, and that got me thinking:
> there's no particular reason why the user has to want exactly the
> columns that exist in some unique, immediate, non-partial index (what
> a name).  So I have two proposals:

Aside: what's an immediate index?  Is this speaking to the constraint?
(immediate vs deferred?)


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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Tim Kane
Just to be pedantic, commit message shows
"support for Tru64 ended in 201."

I think you mean 2012.

On 18/10/2013 13:41, "Robert Haas"  wrote:

>On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Peter Eisentraut  wrote:
>> On 10/17/13 12:45 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
>>> The attached patch, which I propose to apply relatively soon if nobody
>>> objects, removes the IRIX port.
>> +1
>Done.  And here's a patch for removing the alpha architecture and
>Tru64 UNIX (aka OSF/1) which runs on that architecture, per discussion
>upthread.  Barring objections, I'll apply this next week.
>On a related note, I think we should update the paragaraph in
>installation.sgml that begins "In general, PostgreSQL can be expected
>to work on these CPU architectures".  Any architecture that doesn't
>have a buildfarm animal should be relegated to the second sentence,
>which reads "Code support exists for ... but these architectures are
>not known to have been tested recently."  Similarly, I think the
>following paragraph should be revised so that only operating systems
>for which we have current buildfarm support are considered fully
>supported.  Others should be relegated to a sentence later in the
>paragraph that says something like "code support exists but not tested
>recently" or "expected to work but not tested regularly".
>Robert Haas
>The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
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Re: [HACKERS] Multiple psql -c / -f options

2013-10-18 Thread Andrew Dunstan

On 10/18/2013 02:19 AM, Fabien COELHO wrote:

IMHO the current behavior is broken:

decibel@decina:[17:46]~/pgsql/HEAD/i$bin/psql -c 'select 1' -c 
'select 2'

(1 row)

Another try with one -c but with similar results:

  sh> psql -c "SELECT 1; SELECT 'hello';"
(1 row)

  sh> psql -V
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.1

It's not broken. All this behaviour is documented fairly explicitly. See 
example, regarding Fabio's example, which is actually very different 
from Jim's, the docs say: "only the result of the last SQL command is 

If you want to argue that it should be enhanced, then do. But it's 
acting as designed and as documented.

I suspect changing this might actually have more wrinkles that you 
imagine, but I could be wrong.

Incidentally, both of you could probably achieve what you apparently 
want with:

   echo 'some sql here' | psql



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[HACKERS] COPY table FROM STDIN doesn't show count tag

2013-10-18 Thread Rajeev rastogi
>From the following mail, copy behaviour between stdin and normal file having 
>some inconsistency.

The issue was that if copy  execute "from stdin", then it goes to the server to 
execute the command and then server request for the input, it sends back the 
control to client to enter the data. So once client sends the input to server, 
server execute the copy command and sends back the result to client but client 
does not print the result instead it just clear it out.
Changes are made to ensure the final result from server get printed before 
clearing the result.

Please find the patch for the same and let me know your suggestions.

Thanks and Regards,
Kumar Rajeev Rastogi

Description: copydefect.patch

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Re: [HACKERS] ERROR : 'tuple concurrently updated'

2013-10-18 Thread Stéphan BEUZE

Those extensions are installed in the system, so you can install them in
You may also have contrib run by servers without being pure extension.

So the question is about used extensions or contrib. (it can be loaded
by server, or in a session with LOAD, it can be auto-explain,
pg_stat_statement, ).

I don't use any used extensions or contrib.

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Re: [HACKERS] Add min and max execute statement time in pg_stat_statement

2013-10-18 Thread Andrew Dunstan

On 10/18/2013 04:02 AM, KONDO Mitsumasa wrote:
> I submit patch adding min and max execute statement time in pg_stat_statement 
> in
> next CF.
> pg_stat_statement have execution time, but it is average execution time and 
> does
> not provide detail information very much. So I add min and max execute 
> statement
> time in pg_stat_statement columns. Usage is almost same as before. However, I 
> add
> pg_stat_statements_reset_time() function to get min_time and max_time in the
> specific period. This function resets or inits min and max execution time 
> before.

If we're going to extend pg_stat_statements, even more than min and max
I'd like to see the standard deviation in execution time.



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Re: [HACKERS] removing old ports and architectures

2013-10-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Peter Eisentraut  wrote:
> On 10/17/13 12:45 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
>> The attached patch, which I propose to apply relatively soon if nobody
>> objects, removes the IRIX port.
> +1

Done.  And here's a patch for removing the alpha architecture and
Tru64 UNIX (aka OSF/1) which runs on that architecture, per discussion
upthread.  Barring objections, I'll apply this next week.

On a related note, I think we should update the paragaraph in
installation.sgml that begins "In general, PostgreSQL can be expected
to work on these CPU architectures".  Any architecture that doesn't
have a buildfarm animal should be relegated to the second sentence,
which reads "Code support exists for ... but these architectures are
not known to have been tested recently."  Similarly, I think the
following paragraph should be revised so that only operating systems
for which we have current buildfarm support are considered fully
supported.  Others should be relegated to a sentence later in the
paragraph that says something like "code support exists but not tested
recently" or "expected to work but not tested regularly".

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Description: Binary data

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Re: [HACKERS] Adding new syntax in postgre sql

2013-10-18 Thread Andreas Karlsson

On 10/16/2013 01:17 PM, ankit bhardwaj wrote:

I am new to postgre sql .And i want to add some new feature to postgresql
As a startup i have taken the project to add syntax for table partitioning

Welcome to the list!

There has been some previous work done on adding this syntax, but I have 
not followed it so I do not know the details or if anyone is currently 
working on it (have not seen any activity about it recently on the list 

There is a patch linked from the wiki page about adding a partitioning 
syntax which is probably worth looking at.

Andreas Karlsson

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Re: [HACKERS] logical changeset generation v6.4

2013-10-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Andres Freund  wrote:
> Attached you can find version 6.4 of the patchset:

So I'm still unhappy with the arbitrary logic in what's now patch 1
for choosing the candidate key.  On another thread, someone mentioned
that they might want the entire old tuple, and that got me thinking:
there's no particular reason why the user has to want exactly the
columns that exist in some unique, immediate, non-partial index (what
a name).  So I have two proposals:

1. Instead of allowing the user to choose the index to be used, or
picking it for them, how about if we let them choose the old-tuple
columns they want logged?  This could be a per-column option.  If the
primary key can be assumed known and unchanging, then the answer might
be that the user wants *no* old-tuple columns logged.  Contrariwise
someone might want everything logged, or anything in the middle.

2. If that seems too complicated, how about just logging the whole old
tuple for version 1?

I'm basically fine with the rest of what's in the first two patches,
but we need to sort out some kind of consensus on this issue.


Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] ERROR : 'tuple concurrently updated'

2013-10-18 Thread Cédric Villemain
>  > What PostgreSQL version is this?
> I'm using "Postgresql 9.2.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600,
> 64-bit"
>  > Are there any triggers on any of these tables?
> There are no triggers.
>  > Any noteworthy extensions installed?
> Here is the results returned by "select * from
> pg_available_extensions"

Those extensions are installed in the system, so you can install them in 
You may also have contrib run by servers without being pure extension.

So the question is about used extensions or contrib. (it can be loaded 
by server, or in a session with LOAD, it can be auto-explain, 
pg_stat_statement, ).

> > There are actually two places where that error can happen:
> > simple_heap_update and simple_heap_delete.  If you set the error
> > verbosity to verbose, you should be able to see which function is at
> > fault.  The thing is, I don't see anything in that query which would
> > update or delete any tuples, so there must be more to the story.  If
> > you have the ability to build from source, you could try setting a
> > long sleep just before that error is thrown.  Then run your test
> > case
> > until it hangs at that spot and get a stack backtrace.  But that may
> > be more troubleshooting than you want to get into. 

Cédric Villemain +33 (0)6 20 30 22 52
PostgreSQL: Support 24x7 - Développement, Expertise et Formation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [HACKERS] Turning recovery.conf into GUCs

2013-10-18 Thread Michael Paquier
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:13 PM, Jaime Casanova  wrote:
>>> = Code & functionality =
>>> +   {"restore_command", PGC_POSTMASTER, WAL_ARCHIVE_RECOVERY,
>>> +   {"archive_cleanup_command", PGC_POSTMASTER, WAL_ARCHIVE_RECOVERY,
>>> +   {"recovery_end_command", PGC_POSTMASTER, WAL_ARCHIVE_RECOVERY,
>>> +   {"recovery_target_xid", PGC_POSTMASTER, WAL_RECOVERY_TARGET,
>>> +   {"recovery_target_name", PGC_POSTMASTER, WAL_RECOVERY_TARGET,
>>> +   {"recovery_target_time", PGC_POSTMASTER, WAL_RECOVERY_TARGET,
>>> Not sure about these ones
>>> +   {"recovery_target_timeline", PGC_POSTMASTER, WAL_RECOVERY_TARGET,
>>> +   {"primary_conninfo", PGC_POSTMASTER, REPLICATION_STANDBY,
>> It would be really nice to change these on the fly; it would help a lot
>> of issues with minor changes to replication config.  I can understand,
>> though, that the replication code might not be prepared for that.
> well, archive_command can be changed right now with a SIGHUP so at
> least that one shouldn't change... and i don't think most of these are
> too different. even if we are not sure we can do this now and change
> them as SIGHUP later
Changing those parameters don't really matter as long as the node is
not performing a recovery IMO, but I'd rather see a careful approach
here and let all those parameters as PGC_POSTMASTER for now to avoid
any surprises. Perhaps a second patch on top of this one could be the
addition of context name like SIGHUP_RECOVERY, aka just allow those
parameters to be updated with SIGHUP as long as the node is not in

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Re: [HACKERS] ERROR : 'tuple concurrently updated'

2013-10-18 Thread Stéphan BEUZE

You may find additional answers in my last email.
However, I'll try to adress some of your questions.

a. Are there any new connections happening, how this table is getting 

Check my last email.

b. How did you concluded that above sql statement leads to error,
because this error doesn't seem to occur in path of above sql

The errors appear when I added the second threads.

c. Are there any other sql statements in connection where you see this 

This is the only statement that generat this error.

Can you explain a bit more about your scenario, so that this error
can be reproduced easily.

Please check my last full detailed email.

Some comments about SQL statements:
  a. table name provided as part of schema (mystat) is different
from one used in sql statement(my_stat)

Sorry, for the typos

  b. definition of sequence mystat_sequence is missing, although it
doesn't seem to be necessary, but if you can provide the definition
you are using
  then it will be better.
The definition of the sequence is provided in my detailed email among 
other things too.

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Re: [HACKERS] ERROR : 'tuple concurrently updated'

2013-10-18 Thread Stéphan BEUZE

Here I provide more details about the environment where the error occurs:

 Java Web Application running on JBoss 5.0.0.GA - JDK 1.6.0_24 64bit

Postgresql 9.2.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64bit

Client and Server run on the same platform:
Windows 7 Professional SP1 (2009)




ALTER ROLE rec SET search_path = rec;
ALTER ROLE rec_lct SET search_path = rec;


CREATE SEQUENCE stats_sequence
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 120
ALTER TABLE stats_sequence OWNER TO rec;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE stats_sequence TO rec;
GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE stats_sequence TO rec_lct;

  CREATE TABLE my_stat
  id bigint NOT NULL,
  creation date NOT NULL DEFAULT current_date,

  client_addr text NOT NULL,
  pid integer NOT NULL,
  usename name NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT my_stat _pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

ALTER TABLE statistiques_connexions OWNER TO rec;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE statistiques_connexions TO rec;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON TABLE statistiques_connexions TO rec_lct;

CREATE INDEX statistiques_connexions_idx_creation
  ON statistiques_connexions
  USING btree

CREATE INDEX statistiques_connexions_idx_ukey
  ON statistiques_connexions
  USING btree
  (creation, pid, client_addr COLLATE pg_catalog."default", usename);

Two Java threads are created. One is connected with 'rec' user, while 
the other one

is connected with 'rec_lct' user.

The threads don't create themselves their JDBC connections.
Instead, they each have their own pooled datasource preconfigured.
The pooled datasources are managed by the same connection pool
library: c3p0 0.9.1. The pooled datasources each open 3 connections
on startup. They can make this number of connections variate from 1 to 5 

In our development context, this number of connections stay at 3.

The threads run the following query every 500 ms.

WITH raw_stat AS (
   host(client_addr) as client_addr,
   pid ,
   usename = current_user
INSERT INTO my_stat(id, client_addr, pid, usename)
 nextval('mystat_sequence'), t.client_addr,, t.usename
client_addr, pid, usename
raw_stat s
  my_stat u
  current_date = u.creation
   AND =
  s.client_addr = u.client_addr
  s.usename = u.usename
) t;

What can be observed first is that, at the beginning, everything run 

Then unpredictably, the error 'tuple concurrently updated' appears...
Needless to say, that it disappears too... unpredictably.
Sometimes, it can shows up contisnously.

Tell me if you need some more detailed information.


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[HACKERS] Re: space reserved for WAL record does not match what was written: panic on windows

2013-10-18 Thread David Rowley
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:39 AM, Robert Haas  wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 1:14 AM, Noah Misch  wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 03:23:30PM +0200, Andres Freund wrote:
> >> On 2013-10-10 08:59:47 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> >> > On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Andres Freund 
> wrote:
> >> > > Do you have a better alternative? Making the computation
> unconditionally
> >> > > 64bit will have a runtime overhead and adding a StaticAssert in the
> >> > > existing macro doesn't work because we use it in array sizes where
> gcc
> >> > > balks.
> >> > > We could try using inline functions, but that's not going to be
> pretty
> >> > > either.
> >> > >
> >> > > I don't really see that many further usecases that will align 64bit
> >> > > values on 32bit platforms, so I think we're ok for now.
> >> >
> >> > I'd be inclined to make the computation unconditionally 64-bit.  I
> >> > doubt the speed penalty is enough to worry about, and I think we're
> >> > going to have more and more cases where optimizing for 32-bit
> >> > platforms is just not the right decision.
> >>
> >> MAXALIGN is used in several of PG's hottest functions in many
> >> scenarios. att_align_nominal is used in slot_deform_tuple,
> >> heap_deform_tuple, nocachegetattr, etc. So I don't think that's viable
> >> yet. At least not with much more benefit than this...
> >
> > Agreed.  Besides performance, aligning a wider-than-pointer value is an
> > unusual need; authors should think thrice before doing that.  I might
> have
> > even defined the MAXALIGN64 macro in xlog.c rather than a core header.
> >
> > Incidentally, why does MAXALIGN64 use unsigned math while MAXALIGN uses
> signed
> > math?
> Well, if this is the consensus, then I think the dynamic shared memory
> patch may need some revision.  In that patch, I used uint64 to
> represent the size of the dynamic shared memory segment, sort of on
> the theory that we were going to use this to be allocating big chunks
> of dynamic shared memory for stuff like parallel sort.  In follow-on
> patches I'm currently developing to actually do stuff with dynamic
> shared memory, this results in extensive use of MAXALIGN64, and it
> really kind of looks like it wants the whole set of alignment macros,
> not just that one.  So option one is to leave the dsm code alone and
> add the rest of the macros.
For me I don't really see why there's a need to use MAXALIGN64 for any
memory addresses related to RAM.
I only created MAXALIGN64 because I needed it to fix the WAL code which
needed as 64bit type on all platforms, not just 64bit ones. For me it made
perfect sense, so I'm a bit confused at most of this fuss. Though I do
understand that it's a bit weird that both macros are almost the same on a
64 bit machine...

As for signed vs unsigned, I've not looked at all of the places where
MAXALIGN is used, but I just assumed it was for memory addresses, if this
is the case then I'm confused why we'd ever want a negative valued memory

This might be an obvious one, but can anyone tell me why the casts are in
the macro at all? Can a compiler not decide for itself which type it should
be using?


David Rowley

> But if we're bent on minimizing the use of 64-bit arithmetic on 32-bit
> systems, then presumably I should instead go back and retrofit that
> patch to use Size rather than uint64 to represent the size of a
> segment.  But then I have two concerns:
> 1. Is there any guarantee that sizeof(intptr_t) >= sizeof(size_t)?
> (Note that Size is just a typedef for size_t, in c.h)
> 2. If intptr_t is a signed type, as it appears to be, and size_t is an
> unsigned type, as I believe it to be, then is it safe to use the
> macros written for the signed type with a value of the unsigned type?
> Off-hand I can't see a problem there, but I'm not certain I'm not
> missing something.
> --
> Robert Haas
> EnterpriseDB:
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

[HACKERS] Improvement of pg_stat_statement usage about buffer hit ratio

2013-10-18 Thread KONDO Mitsumasa

I submit improvement of pg_stat_statement usage patch in CF3.

In pg_stat_statement, I think buffer hit ratio is very important value. However,
it is difficult to calculate it, and it need complicated SQL. This patch makes 
more simple usage and documentation.

> -bench=# SELECT query, calls, total_time, rows, 100.0 * shared_blks_hit /
> -   nullif(shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read, 0) AS hit_percent
> +bench=# SELECT query, calls, total_time, rows, shared_blks_hit_percent
>FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY total_time DESC LIMIT 5;

It will be very simple:-)

This patch conflicts pg_stat_statement_min_max_exectime patch which I submitted,
and pg_stat_statement_min_max_exectime patch also adds new columns which are
min_time and max_time. So I'd like to change it in this opportunity.

Mitsumasa KONDO
NTT Open Source Software Center
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
index e8aed61..5c63940 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ MODULE_big = pg_stat_statements
 OBJS = pg_stat_statements.o
 EXTENSION = pg_stat_statements
-DATA = pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql \
-	pg_stat_statements--unpackaged--1.0.sql
+DATA = pg_stat_statements--1.2.sql \
+   pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql \
+   pg_stat_statements--1.1--1.2.sql \
+   pg_stat_statements--unpackaged--1.0.sql
 ifdef USE_PGXS
 PG_CONFIG = pg_config
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql
index 5be281e..5662273 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /* contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql */
 -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via ALTER EXTENSION
-\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE TO '1.1'" to load this file. \quit
+\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE" to load this file. \quit
 /* First we have to remove them from the extension */
 ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements DROP VIEW pg_stat_statements;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1--1.2.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1--1.2.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000..f0a8e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1--1.2.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1--1.2.sql */
+-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via ALTER EXTENSION
+\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE" to load this file. \quit
+/* First we have to remove them from the extension */
+ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements DROP VIEW pg_stat_statements;
+ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements DROP FUNCTION pg_stat_statements();
+/* Then we can drop them */
+DROP VIEW pg_stat_statements;
+DROP FUNCTION pg_stat_statements();
+/* Now redefine */
+CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements(
+OUT userid oid,
+OUT dbid oid,
+OUT query text,
+OUT calls int8,
+OUT total_time float8,
+OUT rows int8,
+OUT shared_blks_hit int8,
+OUT shared_blks_read int8,
+OUT shared_blks_dirtied int8,
+OUT shared_blks_written int8,
+OUT local_blks_hit int8,
+OUT local_blks_read int8,
+OUT local_blks_dirtied int8,
+OUT local_blks_written int8,
+OUT temp_blks_read int8,
+OUT temp_blks_written int8,
+OUT blk_read_time float8,
+OUT blk_write_time float8
+CREATE VIEW pg_stat_statements AS
+  SELECT userid,
+ dbid,
+ query,
+ calls,
+ total_time,
+ rows,
+ CASE WHEN shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read > 0
+   THEN 100.0 * (shared_blks_hit::float / (shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read))
+   ELSE 0 END AS shared_blks_hit_percent,
+ shared_blks_hit,
+ shared_blks_read,
+ shared_blks_dirtied,
+ shared_blks_written,
+ local_blks_hit,
+ local_blks_read,
+ local_blks_dirtied,
+ local_blks_written,
+ temp_blks_read,
+ temp_blks_written,
+ blk_read_time,
+ blk_write_time
+  FROM pg_stat_statements();
+GRANT SELECT ON pg_stat_statements TO PUBLIC;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e4d68..000
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql */
--- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
-\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements" to load this file. \quit
--- Register functions.
-CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statement

[HACKERS] Add min and max execute statement time in pg_stat_statement

2013-10-18 Thread KONDO Mitsumasa
I submit patch adding min and max execute statement time in pg_stat_statement in
next CF.

pg_stat_statement have execution time, but it is average execution time and does
not provide detail information very much. So I add min and max execute statement
time in pg_stat_statement columns. Usage is almost same as before. However, I 
pg_stat_statements_reset_time() function to get min_time and max_time in the
specific period. This function resets or inits min and max execution time 

Mitsumasa KONDO
NTT Open Source Software Center

diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
index e8aed61..5c63940 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ MODULE_big = pg_stat_statements
 OBJS = pg_stat_statements.o
 EXTENSION = pg_stat_statements
-DATA = pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql \
-	pg_stat_statements--unpackaged--1.0.sql
+DATA = pg_stat_statements--1.2.sql \
+   pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql \
+   pg_stat_statements--1.1--1.2.sql \
+   pg_stat_statements--unpackaged--1.0.sql
 ifdef USE_PGXS
 PG_CONFIG = pg_config
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql
index 5be281e..5662273 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /* contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.0--1.1.sql */
 -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via ALTER EXTENSION
-\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE TO '1.1'" to load this file. \quit
+\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE" to load this file. \quit
 /* First we have to remove them from the extension */
 ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements DROP VIEW pg_stat_statements;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e4d68..000
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.1.sql */
--- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
-\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements" to load this file. \quit
--- Register functions.
-CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements_reset()
-CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements(
-OUT userid oid,
-OUT dbid oid,
-OUT query text,
-OUT calls int8,
-OUT total_time float8,
-OUT rows int8,
-OUT shared_blks_hit int8,
-OUT shared_blks_read int8,
-OUT shared_blks_dirtied int8,
-OUT shared_blks_written int8,
-OUT local_blks_hit int8,
-OUT local_blks_read int8,
-OUT local_blks_dirtied int8,
-OUT local_blks_written int8,
-OUT temp_blks_read int8,
-OUT temp_blks_written int8,
-OUT blk_read_time float8,
-OUT blk_write_time float8
--- Register a view on the function for ease of use.
-CREATE VIEW pg_stat_statements AS
-  SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements();
-GRANT SELECT ON pg_stat_statements TO PUBLIC;
--- Don't want this to be available to non-superusers.
-REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pg_stat_statements_reset() FROM PUBLIC;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--unpackaged--1.0.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--unpackaged--1.0.sql
index e84a3cb..0addba0 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--unpackaged--1.0.sql
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--unpackaged--1.0.sql
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
 \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements" to load this file. \quit
 ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements ADD function pg_stat_statements_reset();
+ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements ADD function pg_stat_statements_reset_time();
 ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements ADD function pg_stat_statements();
 ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements ADD view pg_stat_statements;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
index ea930af..8f9b641 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ static const uint32 PGSS_FILE_HEADER = 0x20120328;
 #define USAGE_DECREASE_FACTOR	(0.99)	/* decreased every entry_dealloc */
 #define STICKY_DECREASE_FACTOR	(0.50)	/* factor for sticky entries */
 #define USAGE_DEALLOC_PERCENT	5		/* free this % of entries at once */
+#define EXEC_TIME_INIT			(-1)	/* initial execution time */
 #define JUMBLE_SIZE1024	/* query serialization buffer size */
@@ -102,6 +103,8 @@ typedef struct Counters
 	int64		calls;			/* # of times executed */
 	double		total_time;		/* total execution time, in msec */
+	double		min

Re: [HACKERS] ERROR : 'tuple concurrently updated'

2013-10-18 Thread Mark Kirkwood

On 18/10/13 18:01, Amit Kapila wrote:

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Stéphan BEUZE

The following query is performed concurrently by two threads logged in with
two different users:

 WITH raw_stat AS (
host(client_addr) as client_addr,
pid ,
usename = current_user
 INSERT INTO my_stat(id, client_addr, pid, usename)
  nextval('mystat_sequence'), t.client_addr,, t.usename
 client_addr, pid, usename
 raw_stat s
   my_stat u
   current_date = u.creation
   s.client_addr = u.client_addr
   s.usename = u.usename
 ) t;

 From time to time, I get the following error: "tuple concurrently updated"

I can't figure out what throw  this error and why this error is thrown. Can
you shed a light ?

I have tried by using this query in a loop of 5000 and run the loop
in 2 different connections with different users, but could not get the
What I understood from sql statement is that it will insert new
rows when there are new/different connections, so simply running this
sql statement
from 2 connections might not insert any new rows.
a. Are there any new connections happening, how this table is
getting populated?
b. How did you concluded that above sql statement leads to error,
because this error doesn't seem to occur in path of above sql
c. Are there any other sql statements in connection where you see this 

Can you explain a bit more about your scenario, so that this error
can be reproduced easily.

Here is the sql definition of the table mystat.


   id bigint NOT NULL,
   creation date NOT NULL DEFAULT current_date,

   client_addr text NOT NULL,
   pid integer NOT NULL,
   usename name NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT statistiques_connexions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

Some comments about SQL statements:
  a. table name provided as part of schema (mystat) is different
from one used in sql statement(my_stat)
  b. definition of sequence mystat_sequence is missing, although it
doesn't seem to be necessary, but if you can provide the definition
you are using
  then it will be better.

Stephen - what framework or system are you using to run these two 
threads? That sort of error looks very like the type of thing you would 
get by sharing the connection object/pointer between two threads...



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