[Pharo-users] Re: ODBCDriver adapted to uFFI

2021-05-14 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
eftomi wrote
> I solved a couple of issues...

Thanks, Tomaz! DB access is so important for many business uses...

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[Pharo-users] Re: Recommended way to move a package

2021-04-05 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Long Haired David wrote
> File out a package on one and file it in on the other

This is the lowest level approach. Except for the simplest cases, you're
probably better off using Metacello.

Long Haired David wrote
> I can get the basic package in but the extensions never appear

Are the classes to be extended loaded in the image beforehand?

There was an old bug I reported [1] where extension methods were not
included in a package fileout, but I don't recall it ever being fixed. If
you look at the fileout file in a text editor, are the methods there?

Again, I would just use Metacello...

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[Pharo-users] Re: [ANN] Develop in Pharo 9, run on Javascript

2021-03-12 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Noury Bouraqadi-2 wrote
> All PharoJS tests are now green on Pharo 9.


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[Pharo-users] Re: Code not showing all items in directory

2021-03-11 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Long Haired David wrote
>   bucketList := fileDirectory children.

How many items are in `bucketList`?

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[Pharo-users] Re: Magritte and in general - missing methods

2021-01-23 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sanjay Minni wrote
> Hi I loaded Magritte... from GitHub

Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, what's the repo URL?

Sanjay Minni wrote
> asComponent, addValidatedForm are not available... it seems they in the
> other packages which have not been not loaded

Yes, Magritte doesn't load Seaside support by default.

Sanjay Minni wrote
> Magritte Ques: which packages should I load for the whole gamut if I am
> working in
> Pharo + Seaside.

Off the top of my head, try:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Magritte';
repository: 'github://magritte-metamodel/Magritte';
load: #('Seaside').

Sanjay Minni wrote
> General pharo question: in a situation like this how do i figure out
> which package contains the required methods

Can be a bit tricky for unloaded code, but for GH you can use the web UI by
typing e.g. `asComponent` into the search bar and choosing "In this

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[Pharo-users] Re: Magritte

2021-01-23 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sanjay Minni wrote
> ...  Are the pragmas required

Yes, annotating methods is how they are registered as part of the Magritte
description. There have been several non-backward-compatible Magritte
versions (currently on v. 3), so that may have been added later; note that
these methods should be on the instance side, unlike in the original
Magritte. Here is an example:


^ MABooleanDescription new
priority: 250;
accessor: #hasMetacelloConfiguration;

p.s. happy to discuss here, but we also added a discussion place to the GH
repo: https://github.com/magritte-metamodel/magritte/discussions
p.p.s. there is a Magritte ML, but it doesn't get much traffic

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[Pharo-users] Re: PrintString in PBE8

2020-12-26 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> Maybe his question is (also) why the automatic refactoring did it wrong,
> the rules warned about the wrong use of #printString, suggested a fix, but
> the solution is still using #printString, hence the same problem.

I might be reading it wrong, but I thought everything worked as advertised,
and the limitation was that there was no option to automatically fix the
other warning about the printString. The "Use cascaded nextPutAll:’s instead
of #, in #nextPutAll:" transformation did change:

aStream nextPutAll: ' with value: ', count printString.


  nextPutAll: ' with value: ';
  nextPutAll: count printString

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[Pharo-users] Re: Magritte

2020-12-07 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Stéphane Ducasse wrote
> Maybe we should update the Magrrite booklet. I never got the time to go
> over it. 

I can help. Yes, it is probably time. There have been lots of small
additions and changes. I also plan on doing Spec2 bindings as soon as P9 is
released. That might be a good time also because I'm swamped the next few

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[Pharo-users] Re: Magritte

2020-11-23 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sanjay Minni wrote
> Is Magritte a robust enough package for an application with a large number
> of forms and sub forms. 

I use Magritte extensively (for almost all my projects), and have found it
irreplaceable, but nearly all in desktop apps. Maybe cross-post to the
Seaside list if you don't get an answer here...

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[Pharo-users] Re: Standalone html builder (a la seaside without seaside?)

2020-10-13 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Jan Blizničenko wrote
> ...HtmlDiv...

Cool :) I've often felt a suspicion that the lack of logical HTML domain
objects leaves a hole in the possibilities for declarative style / meta info 

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[Pharo-users] Re: Easiest light weight cloud/web persistence for Pharo?

2020-10-09 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Thanks, I had completely forgotten about STON, thats a good point too
> (possibly this is what SimplePersistence uses as well - I'm not sure).

It currently uses Fuel, but the serializer/materializer is abstracted, so
STON could probably be plugged in easily

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[Pharo-users] Re: Easiest light weight cloud/web persistence for Pharo?

2020-10-06 Thread Sean P. DeNigris via Pharo-users
jtuchel wrote
> Sigh. Forget about the idea that it will be easy to switch your 
> persistence laterI am not commenting on SimplePersistence here, I
> don't even know what it 
> does or doesn't.

Thanks for this interesting perspective. I've never had the (mis?!)fortune
of a project growing enough to force me to make those tough choices! For
SimplePersistence I will say that I view it as a way to *delay* making *any*
choices until you are forced to. It's really just a layer of sugar on top of
Fuel (it used to use the old school Squeak equivalent serialization
mechanism - I forget the name and that might still work). You tell it what
classes to serialize. Implement two methods for each class that get and set
the data, and then it saves the whole thing as one object graph.

If you use SimplePersistence, please keep me posted about your experience.
I'm happy to help.

NB I have maintained and extended the library, but it is the work of Ramon

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[Pharo-users] Re: Space Based Repetition

2020-10-01 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> I don’t quite know how you choose or specify the probabilities… I’m
> enquiring.

Please report back on your findings!

Tim Mackinnon wrote
> SM-2 always intrigued me… but was trying to avoid the inevitable rabbit
> hole

Yes, same. Although I'm sure I will eventually get pulled in lol. The
beautiful thing about flashcards in a dynamic system like Smalltalk is that
one could define an API so that *any* domain object could be turned into a
flashcard, like the birthdays of your contacts (silly example but you get
the idea). I did extensive reading on the SM-2 creator's website and played
with Anki a bit. It's been on my endless TODOs to do something simple like
Anki in Pharo...

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[Pharo-users] Re: Space Based Repetition

2020-09-30 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Hi everyone - strange request, but has anyone implemented a “space based
> repetition” algorithm in Pharo/Smalltalk?... (possibly SuperMemo SM-2)

This has been on my TODO for ages and I'd be happy to collaborate. I am
especially interested in SM-2. I'll check out the repo you mentioned. I had
also started something basic, but IIRC didn't get far into the algorithm

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[Pharo-users] Re: exercism bowling challenge

2020-09-24 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Richard O'Keefe wrote
> there is obviously no unique "right" factoring of this problem into
> classes.

This. And, in my experience, with non-trivial problems, some (many?) times
you just have to try to implement an idea to see if it's really going to
work because it's just too hard to see all the way into the future.

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[Pharo-users] Re: CV/OCR Library

2020-09-18 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Esteban A. Maringolo wrote
> Thanks for the reference. I'll look into it!
>> I know that Sean D has wrapped the Tesseract OCR library:
>> https://github.com/seandenigris/Tesseract-St

Esteban, I did a little work getting it working in Pharo 8 and adding an
example. Check out `Tesseract class>>#exampleHOCR` and LMK if it fits your
needs. If not, PRs are welcome ;-) FYI I'm developing in Gtoolkit at the
moment, so I'm not sure if the Morphic part (e.g. inspector extensions)
still works, but I think it should. What's been implemented so far in the
Bloc equivalent works in latest GT, but is WIP.

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[Pharo-users] Re: Updating lists.pharo.org: New server, Mailman3 and more

2020-09-15 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Marcus Denker-4 wrote
> We are updating the mailinglists (everything https://lists.pharo.org/
> https://lists.pharo.org/;)

Thanks, Marcus - all this logistical stuff gets no glory but is so important

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[Pharo-users] Re: How can I make this more OOP

2020-09-15 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Richard O'Keefe wrote
> Whatever else it is, OOP is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
> It's not a religion.

Richard makes an important point here. 

As I mentioned on Discord (slightly edited to fit this thread), it’s a
judgment call with trade-offs, but for the purposes of an OOP exercise, I
would say absolutely put the methods in object and wherever else you may
need them - if only to get practice with that particular idiom. I needed to
do a lot of that sort of thing - probably way *too* much, just to break my
procedural thinking habits. Once I got it "in my bones" I became more
pragmatic. While in theory, this may always be the “most“ OOP way, in
practice it can be confusing due to the limitations of our system
organization and the fact that people will have to scroll through more
methods on kernel objects (not to mention the extra dependencies Richard
noted). That is the dogma, and I think is a fine answer for an OOP exercise,
but IMHO in practice there are justifiable exceptions. The two major axes
are understandability and adaptability. If in your domain there are only two
choices and there can not logically be more, it may be easier to understand
one method with a conditional that documents that domain fact, than it would
be to dive down a polymorphism rabbit hole spread across the system. Of
course, tooling is a big factor in understandability. In GT it may be
trivial because you can open implementors in a plane right next to the code
browser. Different toolsets themselves mean different trade offs. There are
no one size fits all answers for all time. There are principles that have to
be negotiated with your current environment, use case, experience level,
team size...

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Re: [Pharo-users] Iceberg "adopt commit" behavior

2020-08-22 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Esteban A. Maringolo wrote
> So... rephrasing the question... What is the recommended way to work
> with external files in the same repository as these of Tonel?

Here is what I do (although I'm not sure if it's "the" way). This is off the
top of my head because I'm not in front of an image right now:
1. Change external files
2. Commit via command line
3. In Pharo, "repair" from Iceberg
4. Choose discard image changes and load repository version
5. Select "DO NOT CHECK OUT ANY PACKAGES" **Important if you have changes in
image you don't want to lose**

Since you didn't check out any packages, the code loaded in Pharo didn't
change. In essence, you just synced Iceberg with the filesystem/git

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Re: [Pharo-users] Iceberg "adopt commit" behavior

2020-08-21 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Esteban A. Maringolo wrote
> so I add how do I get the IceLibgitRepository
> instance? (given I provide the name).

I got it via Iceberg contextMenu -> Extra -> Inspect, which works via the UI
but maybe you're looking for a programmatic way?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Iceberg "adopt commit" behavior

2020-08-20 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
teso...@gmail.com wrote
> It sets the reference commit of the image to the given commit. It does
> not affect the git repository...The adopt operation overrides the
> reference commit with the selected
> one, it does not affect the loaded code.

Ah, good to know! I didn't know this was available and think it would've
come in handy a few times :)

teso...@gmail.com wrote
> The image knows at any moment the commit it has loaded (or it supposed
> to have loaded).

For posterity, that info can be accessed via e.g. `anIceLibgitRepository
workingCopy referenceCommit shortId`

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Re: [Pharo-users] Grafoscopio ported to Pharo 8.x and Git

2020-08-05 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
> Grafoscopio [1] has been ported to Pharo8.x and Git.

Great news :) 

Are you using Iceberg?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Bit Manipulation Challenge

2020-07-23 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Thanks for the ideas. I guess I'll stick with #1 for now, but I documented
the others and appreciated the interesting conversation :)

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[Pharo-users] Bit Manipulation Challenge

2020-07-20 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
I want to take an IP address routing prefix in CIDR [1] notation (i.e. the 24
in "") and convert it into subnet form (i.e. I came up with 4 ways to do that (see below), but none stand
out as best (although #3 and #4 seem a bit more straightforward as they
avoid the `max` temp). 

How would you go about it?

Here are the ways I came up with:
cidr := 24.
shift := 32 - cidr.
max := #[ 255 255 255 255 ] asInteger.
"1." ((max bitShift: shift negated) bitShift: shift) asByteArray.
"2." (max bitClear: (2 raisedTo: shift) - 1) asByteArray.
"3." ((2 raisedTo: shift) - 1) bitInvert32 asByteArray.
"4." (((2 raisedTo: cidr) - 1) bitShift: shift) asByteArray

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing

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[Pharo-users] Zinc question

2020-07-03 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
The following fails intermittently with "ZnIncomplete: Incomplete input for
character decoding":
ZnClient new
url: 'https://cpanel.webserver:1234/' asUrl;
path: '/login/';
queryAt: 'login_only' put: '1';
formAt: 'user' put: 'username';
formAt: 'pass' put: 'pa$$w0rd';

AFAICT, the expected output has already been completely received and
correctly interpreted, but then for some reason, the following happens:
1. `stream atEnd` does not return true
2. `#nextCodePointFromStream:` does `stream next` and gets `nil`, which
leads to the error being signaled.

Any ideas, explanations, (or especially) workarounds?

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Re: [Pharo-users] STON question

2020-07-02 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> there is now basic support for SortCollections using SortFunctions.

Cool! This would be great to have in Fuel as well. There is a slow and
steady stream of users running into trouble trying to serialize blocks
(whatever the library) due primarily to sorted collections.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Want to contribute.... it is easy

2020-06-24 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Stéphane Ducasse wrote
> Please consider reading the books and making Pull Requests on the github
> repositories.

Benefits of contributing to the book(let)s on GitHub:
1. Easy way to give back to community - even edit directly in GH web UI
2. Have an excuse to learn Pillar syntax (although for the most part you can
just ignore it if you're copy editing)
3. And the most important: Propel your Pharo learning! Copy editing forces
you to really think about what the author is trying to say. In order to
reword a passage, you have to *understand* it. So this is the antidote to
forgetting what you read the moment you are done, or worse - getting to the
end and realizing you have no idea WTH you just read :)

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Re: [Pharo-users] Package Browser (AKA 6-paned Browser) and Pharo package organization

2020-05-01 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Stephen Pope wrote
> When I fire up Pharo, the system browser presents me with a list of
> several hundred categories (from AST to Zodiac) in a system with over 8000
> classes.  The system categorization makes no sense since I don’t know the
> naming conventions and so many packages have cute but quite
> non-descriptive names (Zinc? Metacello? Calypso?).

Even after using Pharo (and this probably applies somewhat to current Squeak
too, but I haven't opened an image in a while so forgive me if I'm wrong)
for over a decade, I still feel your pain on this issue! The problem IMHO is
the ugly Monticello SCM hack hijacking *logical* categories to use for
packaging, which is an orthogonal concern. Here is a a fuller description
from a previous thread [1]:

Sean P. DeNigris wrote
>> we have overloaded system categories to package code for SCM. System
>> categories should be tags (preferably multiple allowed) 
>> which offer a logical view of the system. Packages, the POV we show now,
>> are orthogonal and much less useful for users.
> (edited)
> and another:
>> I feel more and more that the standard "Package" pane is only useful
>> for... packaging, and when one takes off the dependency management hat
>> and
>> puts the user hat on (i.e. most of the time), what you really want there
>> is a logical view of the system. So I see three use cases: 
> - Logical view of the system - I guess this was the original intention of
> Categories, but has been hijacked by Monticello 
> - By project - which, as you just showed, we have now, yay! 
> - By package - the least useful, but primary (up til now), view
> (edited)
> and regarding Nautilus' tree package pane (when it first arrived):
> I noticed that right now, separate packages within the same project are
> not
> collapsed. E.g. if I have MyProject-Core and MyProject-Platform, they will
> be siblings in the tree, instead of both under MyProject. It seems like it
> would be more useful to have 
> - MyProject 
>   - Core 
>   - Platform 
> in the tree
>> it seems that the tree is primarily about chunking information into
>> manageable pieces. 
> A primary difficulty here is that packages are often divided for reasons
> that have nothing to do with the domain model, e.g. the ubiquitous
> MyPackage-Platform, which is an artifact of Metacello that is not all that
> relevant to a user wanting to understand the system. 
> From the naive user perspective, if I'm exploring from the top level of
> the
> system, I want to see things like: 
> - CodeImport 
> - Collections 
> - Compiler 
> From this perspective, the 14 entries for Collections, multiplied by a few
> dozen top-level categories make the list unwieldy and only marginally less
> daunting than the flattened list we used to have (see
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magical_Number_Seven,_Plus_or_Minus_Two )


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Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Launcher 2.0 released!

2020-04-18 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
demarey wrote
> This new version introduces major changes:

Wow! Quite a feature list :)

demarey wrote
> The UI has been fully rewritten using the new Spec2 framework

This is really encouraging as to Spec2's readiness for real applications.

demarey wrote
> Documentation web site : All Pharo Launcher features are now explained in
> the new documentation available... You can contribute easily by clicking
> the *edit on GitHub* button.

Impressive. No easy task to document every feature and kudos that it's so
easy for the community to contribute.

demarey wrote
> You can now define your own template sources in addition to official
> sources 

Awesome! I had hacked this together but it would reset every time he sources
file updated.

demarey wrote
> It is available from http://pharo.org/download
> http://pharo.org/download;.

Small nitpick: Everyone please use the secure URL i.e.

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[Pharo-users] [Demo]: Remote Control Mac Apps (like OBS) via Pharo on iOS

2020-04-16 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
I used Pharo to turn an iPhone into a tethered remote control for apps on my
Macbook Pro. Code available on GitHub. Here's a video in case anyone finds
it interesting: https://youtu.be/z59FWpv4_GA

NB: Could be made wireless with a Duet Display Air subscription.

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Re: [Pharo-users] About "it's not pharo but smalltalk"

2020-02-10 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
TedVanGaalen wrote
> I am only suggesting that Pharo should be downward compatible
> (that is, within Pharo's scope only). 

I agree that this is a worthy ideal, but IMHO is not realistic with the
current resources (time and staff). All that additional code would have to
be maintained. In the worst case, entire subsystems would have to remain in
the image - we changed to Calypso browser but Nautilus would still have to
lurk around in case someone hooked in. For limited cases, there could be a
compatibility layer, but again, we are struggling to implement our top
priority dreams, and don't have the luxury of extra resources available for
worthy but lower-priority things like this. Of course anyone - or group -
for which this is a higher priority, could do just that. It would be like
Grease, but for Ph2Ph I guess...

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Re: [Pharo-users] About "it's not pharo but smalltalk"

2020-02-10 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Trygve Reenskaug wrote
> I have recently completed a conceptual model with tools for a new way of 
> programming for novices.

Hi trygve, what is the project and how can I install it? I try to follow all
your work...

Trygve Reenskaug wrote
> the port will probably be outdated 
> and useless by the time it's finished.

I wouldn't say that's true in my experience updating projects from Pharo 1.x
-> 8.0.1 as each version came out. While it can be difficult to do a big
jump, porting from one to the next has usually been fairly straightforward.
So if you did port it (and maybe I can help), it shouldn't be too
outdated/hard-to-maintain. That said, a Morphic replacement has been on the
burner for quite a while and I assume there's a heavy graphical component,
so that would have to be redone. However, this is a problem *everyone* will
face together so I am sure there will be plenty of support...

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Re: [Pharo-users] The expanding Pharo ecosystem

2020-02-10 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> Topic tags automatically organise some projects:
>   https://github.com/topics/pharo
>   https://github.com/topics/pharo-smalltalk

Yes, please everyone remember to use these tags for your Pharo projects.
Like this we get a poor-man's catalog for free ;)

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Re: [Pharo-users] About "it's not pharo but smalltalk"

2020-02-06 Thread Sean P. DeNigris

> pharo is not smalltalk 
> TedVanGaalen wrote
>> Pharo IS Smalltalk, whether you like it or not.

An ancient parable goes...

> A group of blind men heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had
> been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and
> form. Out of curiosity, they said: "We must inspect and know it by touch,
> of which we are capable". So, they sought it out, and when they found it
> they groped about it. In the case of the first person, whose hand landed
> on the trunk, said "This being is like a thick snake". For another one
> whose hand reached its ear, it seemed like a kind of fan. As for another
> person, whose hand was upon its leg, said, the elephant is a pillar like a
> tree-trunk. The blind man who placed his hand upon its side said the
> elephant, "is a wall". Another who felt its tail, described it as a rope.
> The last felt its tusk, stating the elephant is that which is hard, smooth
> and like a spear.

And from its Wikipedia article:

> In some versions, they stop talking, start listening and collaborate to
> "see" the full elephant.


Two parts of the same elephant:
1. Pharo is Smalltalk (in the sense that St-72, 76, and 80 are)
2. Pharo is not Smalltalk (in the sense that most non-Smalltalkers think
that "Smalltalk" = St-80, so they would be mislead and unnecessary turned
off by #1)

The *marketing* decision's logic is something like the following: Given that
both of these soundbites are equally (un)true, which one is more likely to
bring people to Pharo?

|--Sound Byte--|--Familiar w ST--|--Unfamiliar--|
|--Pharo = ST---|-N/A*---| Ew! Last century!|
|-Pharo ~= ST--|-N/A*---| Hmm, interesting...--|
* Have already made up their mind and will not likely be convinced by a
soundbite anyway

While one can certainly understand disagreeing with the possible
effectiveness of the strategy, these threads usually IMHO have the feel of a
holy war from the camp touching the "Pharo = ST" part of the elephant. 

In the unlikely event that anyone is still reading this, I'll paste my
longer explanation from a similar 2015 thread [1]

Sean P. DeNigris wrote
> The best way to understand the rationale for Pharo's marketing decision is
> to read one of the many long threads about it on the Pharo lists. I doubt
> rehashing it will provide new value.
> The issue boils down to the fact that the term Smalltalk has been
> overloaded. The original meaning was prototype Dynabook software that was
> used to bootstrap its replacement every 4 years. This true definition, by
> design, leaves plenty of room for innovation. Unfortunately, when
> Smalltalk-80 was released to the world, that became what people mean when
> they use the word Smalltalk. Obviously, people already familiar with
> Smalltalk are going to look at Pharo and go, "oh look, it's Smalltalk"*.
> But that is not the target market. The audience for the Smalltalk-inspired
> campaign is the other 99% of programmers who would never get past:
> "Smalltalk = 1980 = dead = not worth checking out".
> Anyway, I'd rather get back to hacking than waste more time in these IMHO
> mostly-pointless debates. In fact, I disagree that unpopularity is a
> problem at all. I would say that our biggest advantage is not being
> popular. I'll take a small community of true-believers over a mob of trend
> followers any day.
> * Although they'd probably base that opinion on the syntax, which is the
> least important part of Smalltalk (the live environment being first, and
> libraries second). In fact, if Ruby had a live, dynamic,
> turtles-all-the-way-down environment, with a Morphic-like uniform, live
> interface, and Smalltalk-like tools, I probably wouldn't have gravitated
> to Smalltalk

1. Why Aren't People Using Smalltalk?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Why Smalltalk is so easy to evangelize

2020-01-09 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Kasper Osterbye wrote
> in Smalltalk everything is [not] an object
> ...
> * Message categories

I agree with the thrust of your post and would like many of the items you
suggest. That said, one semantic nitpick: "everything is an object" means as
opposed to primitive types i.e. Date is an object that receives messages
like any other, unlike in a language where it's a primitive  type with
hidden restrictions on how to interact with it. What you seem to be saying
is that our objects are not always appropriate/optimal reflections of the
domain, which is true but different.

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Re: [Pharo-users] can I make this so the vm would not be not responsibe when running the tests

2020-01-04 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
> im still not happy with my answer at this moment. 

Contrary to the delusion of "Learn [Programming Language] in 21 Days" or 7
minutes or 3 seconds or whatever the "code boot camps" are marketing these
days, mastering any language (and by extension programming in general)
probably will take a decade and countless hours.

I wouldn't get hung up on making this one exercise perfect. If it
accomplishes the task, move on to the next learning experiment. Everyone is
trying to help, but you don't have to assimilate this entire pile of great
advice in one day! Come back to this thread after a year of practice and
you'll likely be shocked how much more sense these comments make :)

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Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Phoedown - Markdown to HTML

2020-01-02 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> I’m getting the impression that ffi is getting very easy these days and
> maybe we should use it more to focus on “other” things... This said, many
> of our nastiest bugs...

While I dream of a world where everything is in-image as pure Smalltalk,
given the reality of limited manpower, I think of outside library use as a
way to "cheat" and get a lot more from that limited engineering resource. I
look forward to the mythical day where "everything's done" and we can come
back around and replace some of these with Smalltalk, but then of course
we'll own the maintenance. That said, as you pointed out, bugs seem to be
more severe and difficult to diagnose, so we'll see how it goes as FFI use
becomes more and more common...

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Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Phoedown - Markdown to HTML

2020-01-02 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Pierce Ng-3 wrote
> Also I saw hoedown's wiki page on bindings and thought I'd put Smalltalk
> on the map there.


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Re: [Pharo-users] why is masses not found?

2020-01-02 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
>I made some changes. Is this better or are there still some code
> smells. 

I don't have time for an in-depth review, but I skimmed it and it seems

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Re: [Pharo-users] why is masses not found?

2019-12-31 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
> when I call on the class side the method which 
> should reed the masses which are on the instanc side , the masses 
> cannnot be found.

IntComputer class >> solution
| computer ram |
computer := self new.
computer readRam: masses.

In your code above, you are not actually "calling a class-side method"
(which BTW in Smalltalk the term is "sending a message", an important
philosophical distinction if you want to grok Smalltalk), but referring to a
class-side instance variable named "masses". The clue to this would have
been that when you tried to compile the method, a dialog came up telling you
about the undeclared variable. You seem to have clicked through choosing to
create a variable, which you can now see in the class-side class definition:
IntComputer class
instanceVariableNames: 'masses'

Probably you forgot to add "computer" before "masses", like so: `computer
readRam: computer masses.`

For future exploration, there are some design smells in your code, but it
seems like you're currently at the "get it to work" stage, so it seems
premature to dive into them here.

NB: It will be much easier to help you in the future, if you include both of
the following in your questions:
1. the exact error 
2. "steps to reproduce"

IOW in this case, something like: "I'm seeing '#splitOn: was sent to nil'
from IntComputer class>>#readRam:. To reproduce, do `IntComputer solution`"

This way we don't have to go hunting for an entry point, which will stop
many (busy) people from even trying!

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Re: [Pharo-users] how to change data on real data but not on test data

2019-12-28 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
> so to be clear. In the test are data given which not has to be changed. As
> soon as you have to solve the real problem , some data needs to be
> changed. 

It's difficult to give good design advice with such a partial picture of the
domain, but two straightforward solutions might be:
1. self isDeploymentMode ifTrue: [ "change data" ]
2. or, self sanitizationStrategy: (NoSanitization | ProductionSanitization)

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Re: [Pharo-users] uFFI: Debugging "External module not found" Error

2019-12-03 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Alistair Grant wrote
> The same message is returned whether the module itself isn't found, or
> if one of its dependencies can't be found.

Good to know. I wonder if we can't provide more detailed error messages

Alistair Grant wrote
> On linux you can check dependencies with `ldd file.so`, I don't know
> what the Mac equivalent is.

Apparently, it's `otool -L whatever.dylib`, which returns:
@rpath/libvlc.dylib (compatibility version 12.0.0, current version 
@rpath/libvlccore.dylib (compatibility version 10.0.0, current version
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version
/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version

Still investigating...

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Re: [Pharo-users] [vwnc] Parsing in Smalltalk

2019-12-03 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Steffen Märcker wrote
> I can send you that code.

Awesome. I'll email you. Although, I wonder how relevant this is given your
answers down below. Are there many grammars available in Xtreams syntax to
make this useful? Also, what is the license? Can I add it somewhere on GH
under MIT (with attribution of course)?

Steffen Märcker wrote
> However, I moved away from Xtreams own PEG flavor to Bryan Ford's  
> original PEG syntax (close but more common)

Ah, interesting. I didn't realize that Xtreams used a custom PEG syntax. I
wonder why?!

Steffen Märcker wrote
>  From Bryan Ford's original PEG syntax:
> 1. Xtreams Grammer and Actor that build an Xtreams parser
> ...
> All three are available for VW in the Cincom's public repository:
> - Xtreasm-Parsing (8.2-3,stm): +PEG parser +some fixes to Xtreams parser

I'd certainly like to port that at some point, but I'm currently fairly
mystified about the best practice process. I just reached out to Pavel about
the Ring2 approach on which he spoke at ESUG. Do you have a documented
process or any pointers even?

Steffen Märcker wrote
> And 2, 3 for Pharo on GitHub, e.g.
> - https://github.com/kursjan/petitparser2/tree/master/PetitParser2-PEG

Great. I use PP2 a lot. So if IIUC, I can now feed a PEG-syntax grammar
string and have a PP2 parser generated for it?

Steffen Märcker wrote
> Speaking of, I just noticed that translator form Xtreams.PEG to PEG is  
> missing to complete the picture here. ;-)

Ah, yes that makes sense. Any idea how much effort would be involved?

Steffen Märcker wrote
> As far as I know, there is no BNF-like parser generator for Xtreams,  
> available.
> ...
> Is it an option for you to convert your BNF to PEG manually?

I'm not a parsing expert, so that may have been what I'm already doing and
I'm using the wrong terminology. I took the ABNF from rfc5322 [1] and
adapted it slightly [2] to be consumed by Xtreams [3]

As a final aside, I've been wondering if there's any way to generate
"hand-rolled" equivalent parsers from Xtreams, PP, etc. for use cases where
none of the libraries are available. I have in mind Pharo's MailMessage. It
doesn't seem like any full-featured parsing libraries will be integrated any
time soon, so the lowest levels use painful, duplication-riddled hand-rolled
parsers. It would be great to leverage all this great library tech to create
and reason about those...

Thanks for the discussion!

1. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322

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Re: [Pharo-users] uFFI: Debugging "External module not found" Error

2019-12-03 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Ben Coman wrote
> One catch that has confused me in the past, is when the system caches that
> it couldn't find the external module,
> so even when I copyied it to the VM folder or got the path correct, it
> continued to fail until I restarted the Image.

Great gotcha! We should add that to the docs. I'll have a go after I figure
this error out. In my case, restarting did not help  :/

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[Pharo-users] uFFI: Debugging "External module not found" Error

2019-12-03 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
I was trying to get Pharo-LibVLC working on Mac. The following is copied from
a GH issue[1]:

> I have VLC installed via Homebrew cask, the formula for which simply
> installs the dmg. I 
> first tried supplying a full path to the dylib that the VLC app uses 
> (/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/libvlc.5.dylib), which resulted
> in "Error: 
> External module not found". I then remembered some trouble people have had
> in the past 
> with FFI lookup locations and tried copying into the VM's plugin folder
> both a link and the 
> actual dylib, with the same error. I read the uFFI booklet, but didn't
> learn anything more.
> I also checked that the VLC lib was 64-bit via:
> lipo -info .../Pharo.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/libvlc.5.dylib 
> which returned:
> Non-fat file: .../Plugins/libvlc.5.dylib is architecture: x86_64

[1] https://github.com/badetitou/Pharo-LibVLC/issues/1

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[Pharo-users] Porting to Pharo via Ring

2019-12-01 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Pavel gave an intriguing high-level experience report on porting from VW to
Pharo via (among other things) the Ring meta model [1]. Are any more
specifics available? It would be valuable to the community to have knowledge
of this process freely available. How would someone else actually go about
this with another project? Would it help porting from one version of Pharo
to another?


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Re: [Pharo-users] [vwnc] Parsing in Smalltalk

2019-12-01 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
I rediscovered this thread while pondering an (existential?!) problem: 

Why do we keep having to write, and rewrite, and rewrite, ad infinitum,
parsers for well known domains like rfc specs? The parser world in many ways
feels like a modern post-"Tower of Babel". I was really excited about the
reverse parsing stuff done in Squeak by Ted Kaehler and Alessandro Warth
[1], which never seemed to get picked up.

Steffen Märcker wrote
> I wrote a PetitParserGenerator that takes the DSL and builds a
> PetitParser.

I don't know how I could've missed this gem! I hope Steffen is still
subscribed. I googled "PetitParserGenerator", but only found these ML posts

IIRC Xtreams can take a BNF and generate a parser. I was thinking about
implementing a BNF parser in PetitParser, but would love to avoid that,
wouldn't mind a two step BNF -> Xtreams -> PP process. Although there was
this SO reply [2] where Lukas said that one can't necessarily blindly feed a
BNF to a PEG. It also got me thinking about sharing parsers between PP and
PP2, since in many cases it seems that only the internal class names would

[1] http://www.vpri.org/pdf/m2008001_parseback.pdf
[2] https://stackoverflow.com/a/9443024/424245

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Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] XMLParserHTML moved to GitHub

2019-11-30 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
cedreek wrote
> To me, far better than using Soup. 

Ah, interesting! I use Soup almost exclusively. What did you find superior
about XMLParserHTML? I may give it a try...

cedreek wrote
> Google chrome pharo integration helps top to scrap complex full JS web
> site like google ;)

Also interesting! Any publicly available examples? How does one load "Google
chrome pharo integration"? Also, there is often the "poor man's" way (albeit
requiring manual intervention) by inspecting the Ajax http requests in a
developer console and then recreating directly in Pharo.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Green Light for JRMPC!

2019-11-07 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
horrido wrote
> https://jrmpc.ca/2019/11/07/green-light-for-jrmpc/

Congrats! Your persistence is inspiring :)

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Re: [Pharo-users] Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

2019-10-19 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Alejandro Infante wrote
> I agree with the previous suggestions and use Fuel or STON.

+1. Either of these methods is pretty much a one-liner. The main hiccup with
Fuel is installing the same Fuel version in both the source and target

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Re: [Pharo-users] Aconcagua Canonical Repo(s)

2019-10-14 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
gcotelli wrote
> I don't know if call it canonical. But certainly it is the version the
> community is maintaining.

That works for me. I guess I'll re-fork from there. Hopefully, some of the
other repo owners will speak up as to whether they have useful changes to
pick up.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Aconcagua Canonical Repo(s)

2019-10-14 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
To slightly further complicate matters, canonical does not quite have all
commits from its predecessor.

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[Pharo-users] Aconcagua Canonical Repo(s)

2019-10-14 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
It seems that this is now canonical: https://github.com/ba-st/aconcagua

I assume its predecessor [1] was a port from this StHub repo [2]. There are
two other repos on StHub [3] - the first of which has changes after the last
in [1] and the other has changes which may have been/need to be merged. Can
anyone shed further light?

1. https://github.com/mtaborda/aconcagua
2. http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~maxi/Aconcagua
3. http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~HernanWilkinson/Aconcagua

p.s. IMHO when porting from MCZ to GH, a good practice is to state in the GH
README that it's a port, including the URL of the source and a way to
clarify the last commit (maybe the date could often be sufficient)

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Re: [Pharo-users] OSProcess and CommandShell available on GitHub for Pharo users

2019-10-14 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
David T. Lewis wrote
> they can now be loading in Pharo...

In Pharo 7.0.4, the following chugged for about an hour cycling back and
forth between OSP and Command Shell without completing:
baseline: 'OSProcess' with: [
loads: #(#'Core with Output') ]

I wonder if it's related to the old circular dependency problem we had which
IIRC was resolved with "Pipeability"...

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Re: [Pharo-users] OSProcess and CommandShell available on GitHub for Pharo users

2019-10-14 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
> ...to the GH README

- you can disable the GH issue tracker if you don't want reports there
- you don't need the code subfolder (src) in the URL since you have project

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Re: [Pharo-users] OSProcess and CommandShell available on GitHub for Pharo users

2019-10-14 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
David T. Lewis wrote
> Alistair Grant and I, with the support of Feenk, have made GitHub
> repositories
> for OSProcess and CommandShell

Thank you to all involved!

David T. Lewis wrote
> my own development work remains on squeaksource so I prefer
> contributions there anyway

It might be good to add that disclaimer and the location of the canonical
repo to the GH README. Also, does anyone know whether, after loading from
GH, one can make enhancements and then simply save to an MCZ repo?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Transcript: printString or asString

2019-10-14 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
arcanosam wrote
> printString... v asString... There is something different about both?

I will add that conceptually:
- #printString = what a developer would want to see, e.g. in an inspector
- #displayString = a string suitable for UI (i.e. in production)
- #asString - while typically implemented to be the same as #printString,
the meaning for me is a bit different, which is "what this object converted
to a string means in my domain"

That said, IMHO as a community we are not great about properly
distinguishing these, especially #displayString.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Running a teapot instance remotely

2019-10-11 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
jtuchel wrote
> I guess this has its roots in long-ongoing discussions about the 
> anticipated disadvantages of image-based development in general.

I would also add that IMHO a lot of (or maybe almost all) the angst of
possible image crashes comes during development (with increasing risks as
experiments get more exotic or delve deeper into the kernel), not
deployment. Crashing may be less of an issue now for professional use since
there is a development/deployment distinction, unlike historically and in a
pure Dynabook vision where all users are developers.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Test method auto-generation in Calypso

2019-10-04 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Kasper Osterbye wrote
> Double clicking on a code tab  maximises the code window, double clicking
> it again brings it back to normal.

This is cool - and seems to be new for Pharo 8. It does nothing in my 7.0.3

Kasper Osterbye wrote
> Double clicking on a method name opens a new browser with the method
> selected (same works for the other 3 browser panes).

Ah, nice one!

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Re: [Pharo-users] Test method auto-generation in Calypso

2019-10-04 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
NorbertHartl wrote
> I read so many explanations how you can do stuff with mouse, cmd click ir
> whatever. How can I figure out that on my own? If it is hidden it is
> pretty useless.

This is a very important point. 

Since we have commander, shouldn't it be relatively straightforward to show
a window with all the commands/shortcuts/mouse-gestures? IIRC we had
something like this in the past.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Looking for APIs to access Facebook, Instagram and Youtube

2019-10-04 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
NorbertHartl wrote
> Whenever there is an API missing you should check if there is a
> swagger/OpenAPI description. It makes it a lot easier to use the API then.

This is cool. I didn't know about it. Is there a list somewhere of all the
APIs that it describes? I googled and found swagger-hub, but it didn't seem
very comprehensive. Also, is there a tool to auto-implement the spec in

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Re: [Pharo-users] Looking for APIs to access Facebook, Instagram and Youtube

2019-10-04 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Esteban A. Maringolo wrote
> AFAIU FB uses GraphQL.
> Otherwise we'll have to build it our own.

There was just a thread on Discord. It seemed like there are at least 2-3
GraphQL implementations.

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Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] HeySql - a mini db-orm for Postgres

2019-10-03 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Petter Egesund wrote
> Hi, nice to meet you all :)

Code submission is a wonderful way to meet ha ha. Thanks!

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Re: [Pharo-users] How to zip a WideString

2019-10-03 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Peter Kenny wrote
> Just 5 hours from when I raised the question, there is a solution in place
> for everyone. This group is amazing!

Indeed. Bravo, Sven and all of our other contributors. 

I can't resist mentioning that the fix would almost certainly have taken
significantly longer a few years ago due to the awkward issue/contribution
infrastructure. Esteban and others' tireless work to get git/GH support up
and running are at the heart of all these quick turnaround stories. Keep

p.s. it takes serious courage to port the issue tracker of a project this
size and reach twice in a few years

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Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-11 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct - which
> is quite popular and generally accepted.

Based on the reaction earlier in the thread, I was expecting something
highly opinionated and polarizing, but it seems to boil down to: be
professional and don't make it personal. While there are some categories of
people mentioned, it doesn't seem to make a value judgement about them, but
merely say that no one (including from those categories) will be harassed
inside the Pharo community. Seems pretty reasonable, unless I'm missing

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[Pharo-users] My Pharo Wiki

2019-09-09 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
I've been collecting Pharo tidbits that I found interesting for quite a
while. I was aggregating everything today and realized that it had grown
into a small "cookbook" which has some useful information not otherwise
easily available. I share it in case it is of help:


NB it was written for my personal use so it may be rough around the edges.
Feel free to ask questions if I can clarify anything.

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Re: [Pharo-users] SequenceableCollection>>#allButFirst: inconsistence across subclasses

2019-09-04 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
YannLesage wrote
> Can you open an another thread to talk about guns and stay on
> inconsistency
> issue here ?

I fear better yet keep emotional non-programming-related issues elsewhere
entirely. Nothing can be accomplished here except to weaken and distract our

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[Pharo-users] New Streams & Converters

2019-08-31 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
How would I do the following with the new streams (was working in 6.1, now
"Instance of ZnCharacterReadStream did not understand #converter:"):
aFileRef readStreamDo: [ :str | 
converter: ISO88592TextConverter new;
upToEnd ].

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Re: [Pharo-users] alt-tab in pharo?

2019-08-15 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> there is an alternative you can load in that does a better job - Mirage , 

Wow, looks cool! Didn't know about that

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Re: [Pharo-users] Following Git(Hub) History

2019-08-06 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Guillermo Polito wrote
> $git log —follow

Didn't know about that one. Thanks! I'll try and report back...

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[Pharo-users] Following Git(Hub) History

2019-08-05 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Does anyone have any strategies for following git histories past code
reorganizations (see steps #2 and #5 below)? 

My typical experience is:
1. Do blame or history on a file
2. Follow it back to the inevitable "convert to tonel"
3. Go to that commit's parent
4. View repo files at that point
5. Follow back to "rename code subfolder"
6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 as necessary until I find the version I need or
"initial commit porting from StHub!"

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Re: [Pharo-users] more fun with System>>Local directory settings

2019-08-01 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
> the act of starting the image automagically populates the System >> local 
> directory with a full path to a directory in my current directory

This sounds like the same problem I've been having with absolute resolved
paths to local iceberg repos. Here is the script I use to fix them in a way
that survives image moving and renaming. It should be easy to adapt for your
needs. Obviously it would be better if Pharo didn't resolve the paths in
these cases, but at least there is a workaround.

"E.g. after an image is moved or renamed, its local Iceberg repos become
broken because the locations are stored as static FileReferences instead of
dynamic FileLocations following the image around. Limitation: assumes all
images are stored in flat folders under root"

| imageRoot repos |
imageRoot := FileLocator home / 'Dynabook' / 'Working Images'.
repos := IceLibgitRepository allSubInstances
select: [ :e | 
e location isNotNil
and: [ (FileLocator imageDirectory contains: e 
location) not
and: [ imageRoot contains: e 
location ] ] ].
do: [ :e | 
| oldPath newPath fixedLocation |
oldPath := e location relativeTo: imageRoot.
newPath := RelativePath withAll: oldPath segments 
fixedLocation := FileLocator imageDirectory withPath: 
e location: fixedLocation ]

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Re: [Pharo-users] Pahro images and Catalog support.

2019-07-20 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
ian-2 wrote
> Installing from the Catalog Browser... I am unable to install

IIUC the catalogs are in general probably way out of date because most
development has moved to git and it uses Configurations, while git relies on

ian-2 wrote
> 3. Margritte

Re git, from which repo? Things have changed rapidly recently.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Question: anyone using NOCompletion setting?

2019-06-21 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Marcus Denker-4 wrote
> Removing the Ocompletion (for a while) would make it much easier…

I can live without it for a while, especially if we can plug it back in at
the end!

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Re: [Pharo-users] Question: anyone using NOCompletion setting?

2019-06-18 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
I use it sometimes. IIRC there was a paper that it was objectively better at
finding the "right" thing. Are you thinking of removing it?

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Re: [Pharo-users] How to make Metacello ignore package cache?

2019-04-27 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
hernanmd wrote
> Then I figure the "repository" path is missing and I add it:

Not sure if related but IIRC I’ve have to “forget” the repo in Iceberg in
similar cases

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Re: [Pharo-users] How do you rotate a morph by degrees

2019-04-25 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
test email wrote
> Shouldn't messagepassing forward the message to it's
> parent class?

Yes. Perhaps if you pasted the exact code causing the error and a screenshot
of the error it would help. Just a shot in the dark: you said "it does not
understand #angle", but the message is #angle: (added colon)

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Re: [Pharo-users] Why are package tags not proper sub-packages?

2019-04-19 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> That’s the struggle I face

If that's the case, this sounds like a huge problem. I'm surprised no one
has reported it already.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Why are package tags not proper sub-packages?

2019-04-18 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Ben Coman wrote
>> The implication here is that extension methods can’t live on the tag
>> (they
>> live on the parent package

Won't that cause existing code not designed with that restriction in mind to
be lost on save?

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Re: [Pharo-users] How to catch and handle multiple exceptions

2019-04-07 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Or I guess you don't even need dd here, just #handleMyErrorCase

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Re: [Pharo-users] How to catch and handle multiple exceptions

2019-04-07 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> nothing else springs to mind

Double dispatch w extension methods on the Exception classes?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Any desire to have/adapt ClyBrowserMorph>>#confirmDiscardChanges to be a little more informative?

2019-03-28 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Paul DeBruicker wrote
> Right now with Calypso... I have a hard time seeing or remembering what
> its even talking about.  

Me too.

Paul DeBruicker wrote
> I'd be particularly interested in seeing diffs between the pre-edited
> version and current.

That would be super cool!

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Re: [Pharo-users] More info & examples on MAAdaptiveModel ?

2019-03-27 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
> I am looking for more info or usage examples of MAAdaptiveModel.

The Nabble mirror site provides convenient search across many Smalltalk MLs.
I don't know if any of these help, but there are several hits:

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Re: [Pharo-users] What oo/modelling books/articles do we recommend these days?

2019-03-26 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Has anyone else got any thoughts?

I think Dan North's Behavior Driven Development stuff is great and covers
both OOP and TDD. The code is in Ruby, but the concepts IMHO are on the
money. For me, the holy grail of OOP books is A Mentoring Course on
Smalltalk, but I definitely wouldn't consider it "lightweight" ha ha. I'm
sure there are others, but that's off the top of my head...

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Re: [Pharo-users] How cn I improve this code

2019-03-23 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Roelof Wobben wrote
> how I can improve 
> this code before I go on with this way.

You might get better feedback hosting the code somewhere. Ideally on GH or
similar with a load script.

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Re: [Pharo-users] ZnURL and parsing URL with diacritics

2019-03-23 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Peter Kenny wrote
> And when I inspect the result, it is the address of a non-existent file in
> my image directory.

Ah, no. I see the same result. By "worked" I meant that it created a URL
that safari accepted, but I see now it's not the same as correctly parsing

Peter Kenny wrote
> Incidentally, I tried the other trick Sven cites in the same thread. The
> same url as above can be written:
> 'https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki' asUrl / 'péripétie'.

Yes, this works if you are assembling the URL, but several people presented
the use case of processing URLs from elsewhere, leaving one in a
chicken-and-egg situation where one can't parse due to the diacritics and
can't escape the diacritics (i.e. without incorrectly escaping other things)
without parsing :/

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Re: [Pharo-users] ZnURL and parsing URL with diacritics

2019-03-22 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
> OK. Thanks for examples. But in my case, the bad URL (with diacritics)
> comes directly from the Zomato.com REST API (they probably do not read
> specs), so I'll end up with a few "hacks" with strings.

Sven actually found a trick to handle this case and then forgot he he [1].
Just in case you still have the issue:

'http://myhost/path/with/umlaut/äöü.txt' asFileReference asUrl.

1. http://forum.world.st/Umlauts-in-ZnUrl-tp4793736.html

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Re: [Pharo-users] ZnUrls with Non-ASCII characters

2019-03-22 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
> I ran into this issue again.

I found a few other threads where this came up before over the years, but
seemed unresolved. Just after I posted I found one from 2014 [1] where you
shared a trick that worked!

Namely, 'http://myhost/path/with/umlaut/äöü.txt' asFileReference asUrl.

1. http://forum.world.st/Umlauts-in-ZnUrl-tp4793736.html

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Re: [Pharo-users] ZnUrls with Non-ASCII characters

2019-03-22 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>> 'https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/prêt#French' asUrl  =>
>> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pr%C3%AAt#French
>> ?
> It would probably be possible to write a more lenient parser as opposed to
> a strict one. I have not yet given that idea much thought.

I ran into this issue again. The problem is that I got the URL from an
outside source, so I don't have the luxury of constructing it bit by bit.
The non-ASCII stuff this time is in the query, but I can't turn it into a
URL to parse it to safely separate out the query :/

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Re: [Pharo-users] Using GitHub's APIs to query repo metadata with Pharo 7

2019-03-22 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Christopher Fuhrman wrote
> https://fuhrmanator.github.io/Using-GitHub-API-in-Pharo/

Cool! Thanks for sharing :)

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Re: [Pharo-users] using spotter in pharo 7. but have many error.

2019-03-18 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
peter yoo wrote
> many error encounterd

It looks like those errors are related to fonts, not spotter. Someone else
can probably tell you more...

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Re: [Pharo-users] Calypso question: adding a context menu item

2019-03-16 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Juraj Kubelka wrote
> To implement a context menu item

Just in case someone stumbles on this thread with a similar problem… Much
has changed in Calypso and dependencies, making this snippet obsolete. After
struggling to port to latest, API, the easiest way to find out how to do
this seems to be to dig down via Morphic halos into an existing Calypso
command that is close to what you want. More generally, one could browse
senders of #classAnnotation, the current pragma, but there are lots of

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Re: [Pharo-users] A strange iceberg/Monticello loading issue that has appeared in 7.0.2?

2019-03-16 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Can anyone think of what might cause this? I’m really confused.

Am I understanding correctly that your load script is loading the correct
packages, but not the latest versions? 

If so, just a few initial thoughts:
- What does the local clone look like after the load (i.e. does it show the
missing commit(s)? 
- It is possible that shared repo location is enabled?

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Re: [Pharo-users] 7.0.2 and the font glitch - seems far worse than 7.0.1

2019-03-16 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> it seems that this smallish combination of projects really triggers it
> quickly and reliably

Can you share the load script?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Per project code formatting settings and policy

2019-03-15 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Marcus Denker-4 wrote
> We should check how much work it would be to allow the global setup to be
> overridden per Class and per Package…

Ideally this would be integrated with Metacello or similar, but I see that
the Metacello registry doesn't seem to cache the packages that belong to
each project (i.e. baseline/config)

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Re: [Pharo-users] Per project code formatting settings and policy

2019-03-15 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Holger Freyther wrote
> What I didn't see is if a project can supply the style (instead of the
> image configuration)

Great idea!!

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[Pharo-users] NeoCSV Logging

2019-03-08 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Is there anything built-in? I have a particularly long file and want to give
updates so users don't thing the image has frozen.

If not, thinking I'll subclass reader and override #do:

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Re: [Pharo-users] How exactly is "share repositories between images" supposed to work without tripping each other up?

2019-03-06 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> how is this shared repository supposed to work?

While I initially liked the space efficiency of the shared approach, I
eventually gave up because it created too many (often obscure) problems. It
just doesn't seem to be a good match for git, although you can get away with
it in the simplest cases (read-only, no branch switching). It sounds like
you may not have the luxury of avoiding it so hopefully someone can provide
more constructive help.

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Re: [Pharo-users] IMAP in Pharo

2019-03-06 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
cedreek wrote
> Still havent get my head around this FORK/PR cycle but I will for sure one
> day :)

It took me quite a while to grok. Fork = 'personal remote clone' and: [ PR =
'UI support for discussing, testing, and accepting commits' ]

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Re: [Pharo-users] Symbol equality method #= - weird condition in the Pharo sourcecode

2019-03-01 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Richard Sargent wrote
> As an aside, this is the kind of information that should be in a method's
> comment. Rationale and explanation, rather than what it does.


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