[PHP] Using Amazon Web Services - Publisher Results

2004-04-06 Thread Nicole
I read these 2 articles to get me started with using Amazon Web Services:


I have a page with a Table of Contents linking to specific Browse Nodes that
would be of interest to our viewers.

I'd like to add a link to a results page with books published by Nolo Press.
To do this I'm passing the name nolo via the link.

Here is the code I have so far.  Note, that it works perfectly when I only
want to see a list from a Browse Node.


//get publisher information
$publisher = $_GET['publisher'];
if ($publisher == nolo)
  $publisher = Nolo Press;

// if keyword is set, get those results
if (isset($keyword))
$catalogParams = array(
'keyword' = htmlentities($keyword),
'page' = $page,
'mode' = 'books',
'tag' = 'tag',
'sort' = '+pmrank',
'type' = 'lite',
'devtag'= 'tag'

// invoke the method
$result = $proxy-KeywordSearchRequest($catalogParams);
$catalogItems = $result['Details'];
$catalogTotal = $result['TotalResults'];
// get items from the catalog
// sort order is default
$catalogParams = array(
'browse_node' = $node,
'page'= $page,
'mode'= 'books',
'tag' = 'tag',
'type'= 'heavy',
'devtag'  = 'tag'
$catalogResult = $proxy-BrowseNodeSearchRequest($catalogParams);
$catalogTotal = $catalogResult['TotalResults'];
$catalogItems = $catalogResult['Details'];

if (isset($publisher))
foreach ($catalogItems as $i)
  if($i['Manufacturer'] == $publisher)
   $catalogParams = array(
'browse_node' = $node,
  'page'= $page,
  'mode'= 'books',
  'tag' = 'tag',
  'type'= 'heavy',
  'devtag'  = 'tag'

   $catalogResult = $proxy-BrowseNodeSearchRequest($catalogParams);
   $catalogTotal = $catalogResult['TotalResults'];
   $catalogItems = $catalogResult['Details'];

// format and display the results

!-- inner catalog table --

  table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0

  // parse the $items[] array and extract the necessary information
  // (image, price, title, author, item URL)
  foreach ($catalogItems as $i)
  td align=center valign=top rowspan=3
a href=book.php?asin=? echo $i['Asin']; ?
img border=0 src=? echo $i['ImageUrlSmall']; ?/a/td
  tdba href=book.php?asin=? echo $i['Asin']; ?
? echo $i['ProductName']; ?/a/b /
? echo implode(, , $i['Authors']); ?/td
  td align=left valign=topfont size=-1
!--List Price: ? echo $i['ListPrice']; ? / Amazon.com--
Price: ? echo $i['OurPrice']; ? / Used Price:
? echo $i['UsedPrice'] ?
  td colspan=2nbsp;/td

I get this error only if $publisher is set (these lines are marked above):

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
in /home/www/palawport/amazon/sample7.php on line 115

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
in /home/www/palawport/amazon/sample7.php on line 209

I did a little test and tried to see if catalogItems had any data.  The
following code ONLY returned the Publisher ... nothing else.

print p;
print p;

Suggestions are welcome :)


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[PHP] Generating Advanced Subheadings

2004-03-11 Thread Nicole
Can we take this one step further and make it so that if you're searching
and you want to only see histories with the words parking in the title or
only the histories between 1500  1550 it only puts the year headings for
the years that actually have a history that meets this criteria?


Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 That's exactly it!

 I don't know why I didn't think about that.  For anyone else reading this,

 $field = mysql_fetch_array($dbArray);

 above the line that reads

 $yeartitle = $years[year];

 And now it works!

 Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hello Nicole,
  Thursday, February 19, 2004, 6:28:13 PM, you wrote:
  N And so on, always putting the right years and the right number of
  N below the year, but always listing the first history and nothing
  N loop works if I don't have the while loop in there with the
  In looking quickly at the code, I can't see a chance for the $field
  value to ever be updated. You call it once (in the first while
  statement) and populate the field array with the SQL results, you then
  move into the 2nd while loop which handles the years. But once in that
  loop you don't fill the $field array with any new data, so it's using
  the same data over and over again for every year. I believe, although
  I've not looked at it for very long, it's simply that the while loops
  are nested in such a way that the field values never get a chance to
  re-populate themselves.
  Best regards,
   Richard Davey

Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have data that looks like this:

 (20, '1915', '192', '', '', '312', '525', '404', '', 'title')
 (21, '1915', '338', '', '', '736', '0', '929', '', 'title')
 (22, '1917', '193', '', '', '447', '0', '1275', '', 'title')
 (23, '1919', '129', '', '', '208', '636', '0', '', 'title')
 (24, '1919', '274', '', '', '581', '321', '1634', '', 'title')

 The second value is the year, I have have multiple files for the same
 What I want to do is output the values under Year sub headings.

 So it prints like this:

 p(20, '1915', '192', '', '', '312', '525', '404', '', 'title')br
 (21, '1915', '338', '', '', '736', '0', '929', '', 'title')

 p(22, '1917', '193', '', '', '447', '0', '1275', '', 'title')

 p(23, '1919', '129', '', '', '208', '636', '0', '', 'title')br
 (24, '1919', '274', '', '', '581', '321', '1634', '', 'title')


 I have a function that displays each history in a loop. Here's the


 function display_history($dbArray,$yearArray)
  while($field = mysql_fetch_array($dbArray))
while($years = mysql_fetch_array($yearArray))
if ( $years[year] != $yeartitle)
 print pb . $years[year] . /b;
 print pa href=\ . $field[filename] . \ . $field[year];
 //print the Resolution or Act Number
 if (!$field[res_no]  !$field[j_res_no])
  print  - Act #  . $field[act_no];
 elseif (!$field[act_no]  !$field[j_res_no])
  print  - Res #  . $field[res_no];
  print  - J.Res.#  . $field[j_res_no];

 //print the Public Law Number
 if ($field[pl_no]!=0)
  print , P.L.  . $field[pl_no];
 //print the Senate Bill Number
 if ($field[sb_no]!=0)
  print , SB  . $field[sb_no];

 //print the House Bill Number
 if ($field[hb_no]!=0)
  print , HB  . $field[hb_no];

 //close the link
 print /a - ;

 //print the Misc Text or Part Number if there is one
 if ($field[misc_part_no] != )
  print $field[misc_part_no] .  - ;

 //print the title and number of pages
 print $field[title] .  - [ . $field[pgs] .  pgs - ;

 //print the file size
 if ($field[mb] != 0)
  print $field[mb] . mb];
  print $field[kb] . kb] ;
$yeartitle = $years[year];


 The values being passed in are:


 //get all of the histories from the table sorted by year
 //then resolution number then by act number
 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY
 year, res_no, j_res_no, act_no, misc_part_no,$connect);

 //get the years from the same table
 $yrArray = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY

 //display histories


 I'm sure it's an easy solution ... but here's what a resulting page looks


 1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]


 1501 - Act # 90

[PHP] Re: Generating Sub Headings

2004-03-09 Thread Nicole
Can we take this one step further and make it so that if you're searching
and you want to only see histories with the words parking in the title or
only the histories between 1500  1550 it only puts the year headings for
the years that actually have a history that meets this criteria?

Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 That's exactly it!

 I don't know why I didn't think about that.  For anyone else reading this,

 $field = mysql_fetch_array($dbArray);

 above the line that reads

 $yeartitle = $years[year];

 And now it works!

 Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hello Nicole,
  Thursday, February 19, 2004, 6:28:13 PM, you wrote:
  N And so on, always putting the right years and the right number of
  N below the year, but always listing the first history and nothing
  N loop works if I don't have the while loop in there with the
  In looking quickly at the code, I can't see a chance for the $field
  value to ever be updated. You call it once (in the first while
  statement) and populate the field array with the SQL results, you then
  move into the 2nd while loop which handles the years. But once in that
  loop you don't fill the $field array with any new data, so it's using
  the same data over and over again for every year. I believe, although
  I've not looked at it for very long, it's simply that the while loops
  are nested in such a way that the field values never get a chance to
  re-populate themselves.
  Best regards,
   Richard Davey

Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have data that looks like this:

 (20, '1915', '192', '', '', '312', '525', '404', '', 'title')
 (21, '1915', '338', '', '', '736', '0', '929', '', 'title')
 (22, '1917', '193', '', '', '447', '0', '1275', '', 'title')
 (23, '1919', '129', '', '', '208', '636', '0', '', 'title')
 (24, '1919', '274', '', '', '581', '321', '1634', '', 'title')

 The second value is the year, I have have multiple files for the same
 What I want to do is output the values under Year sub headings.

 So it prints like this:

 p(20, '1915', '192', '', '', '312', '525', '404', '', 'title')br
 (21, '1915', '338', '', '', '736', '0', '929', '', 'title')

 p(22, '1917', '193', '', '', '447', '0', '1275', '', 'title')

 p(23, '1919', '129', '', '', '208', '636', '0', '', 'title')br
 (24, '1919', '274', '', '', '581', '321', '1634', '', 'title')


 I have a function that displays each history in a loop. Here's the


 function display_history($dbArray,$yearArray)
  while($field = mysql_fetch_array($dbArray))
while($years = mysql_fetch_array($yearArray))
if ( $years[year] != $yeartitle)
 print pb . $years[year] . /b;
 print pa href=\ . $field[filename] . \ . $field[year];
 //print the Resolution or Act Number
 if (!$field[res_no]  !$field[j_res_no])
  print  - Act #  . $field[act_no];
 elseif (!$field[act_no]  !$field[j_res_no])
  print  - Res #  . $field[res_no];
  print  - J.Res.#  . $field[j_res_no];

 //print the Public Law Number
 if ($field[pl_no]!=0)
  print , P.L.  . $field[pl_no];
 //print the Senate Bill Number
 if ($field[sb_no]!=0)
  print , SB  . $field[sb_no];

 //print the House Bill Number
 if ($field[hb_no]!=0)
  print , HB  . $field[hb_no];

 //close the link
 print /a - ;

 //print the Misc Text or Part Number if there is one
 if ($field[misc_part_no] != )
  print $field[misc_part_no] .  - ;

 //print the title and number of pages
 print $field[title] .  - [ . $field[pgs] .  pgs - ;

 //print the file size
 if ($field[mb] != 0)
  print $field[mb] . mb];
  print $field[kb] . kb] ;
$yeartitle = $years[year];


 The values being passed in are:


 //get all of the histories from the table sorted by year
 //then resolution number then by act number
 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY
 year, res_no, j_res_no, act_no, misc_part_no,$connect);

 //get the years from the same table
 $yrArray = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY

 //display histories


 I'm sure it's an easy solution ... but here's what a resulting page looks


 1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]


 1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582

[PHP] RE: Generating Sub Headings

2004-03-09 Thread Nicole
Can we take this one step further and make it so that if you're searching
and you want to only see histories with the words parking in the title or
only the histories between 1500  1550 it only puts the year headings for
the years that actually have a history that meets this criteria?


Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 That's exactly it!

 I don't know why I didn't think about that.  For anyone else reading this,

 $field = mysql_fetch_array($dbArray);

 above the line that reads

 $yeartitle = $years[year];

 And now it works!

 Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hello Nicole,
  Thursday, February 19, 2004, 6:28:13 PM, you wrote:
  N And so on, always putting the right years and the right number of
  N below the year, but always listing the first history and nothing
  N loop works if I don't have the while loop in there with the
  In looking quickly at the code, I can't see a chance for the $field
  value to ever be updated. You call it once (in the first while
  statement) and populate the field array with the SQL results, you then
  move into the 2nd while loop which handles the years. But once in that
  loop you don't fill the $field array with any new data, so it's using
  the same data over and over again for every year. I believe, although
  I've not looked at it for very long, it's simply that the while loops
  are nested in such a way that the field values never get a chance to
  re-populate themselves.
  Best regards,
   Richard Davey

Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have data that looks like this:

 (20, '1915', '192', '', '', '312', '525', '404', '', 'title')
 (21, '1915', '338', '', '', '736', '0', '929', '', 'title')
 (22, '1917', '193', '', '', '447', '0', '1275', '', 'title')
 (23, '1919', '129', '', '', '208', '636', '0', '', 'title')
 (24, '1919', '274', '', '', '581', '321', '1634', '', 'title')

 The second value is the year, I have have multiple files for the same
 What I want to do is output the values under Year sub headings.

 So it prints like this:

 p(20, '1915', '192', '', '', '312', '525', '404', '', 'title')br
 (21, '1915', '338', '', '', '736', '0', '929', '', 'title')

 p(22, '1917', '193', '', '', '447', '0', '1275', '', 'title')

 p(23, '1919', '129', '', '', '208', '636', '0', '', 'title')br
 (24, '1919', '274', '', '', '581', '321', '1634', '', 'title')


 I have a function that displays each history in a loop. Here's the


 function display_history($dbArray,$yearArray)
  while($field = mysql_fetch_array($dbArray))
while($years = mysql_fetch_array($yearArray))
if ( $years[year] != $yeartitle)
 print pb . $years[year] . /b;
 print pa href=\ . $field[filename] . \ . $field[year];
 //print the Resolution or Act Number
 if (!$field[res_no]  !$field[j_res_no])
  print  - Act #  . $field[act_no];
 elseif (!$field[act_no]  !$field[j_res_no])
  print  - Res #  . $field[res_no];
  print  - J.Res.#  . $field[j_res_no];

 //print the Public Law Number
 if ($field[pl_no]!=0)
  print , P.L.  . $field[pl_no];
 //print the Senate Bill Number
 if ($field[sb_no]!=0)
  print , SB  . $field[sb_no];

 //print the House Bill Number
 if ($field[hb_no]!=0)
  print , HB  . $field[hb_no];

 //close the link
 print /a - ;

 //print the Misc Text or Part Number if there is one
 if ($field[misc_part_no] != )
  print $field[misc_part_no] .  - ;

 //print the title and number of pages
 print $field[title] .  - [ . $field[pgs] .  pgs - ;

 //print the file size
 if ($field[mb] != 0)
  print $field[mb] . mb];
  print $field[kb] . kb] ;
$yeartitle = $years[year];


 The values being passed in are:


 //get all of the histories from the table sorted by year
 //then resolution number then by act number
 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY
 year, res_no, j_res_no, act_no, misc_part_no,$connect);

 //get the years from the same table
 $yrArray = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY

 //display histories


 I'm sure it's an easy solution ... but here's what a resulting page looks


 1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]


 1501 - Act # 90

Re: [PHP] PHP Alternative to IFRAME?

2004-02-24 Thread Nicole
That is almost exactly what I ended up doing.  Thanks a bunch!

Justin Patrin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Nicole wrote:

  I'm not having much luck explaining what I want here ... a drawback of
  emailing.  I know how to include files, I just wanted to include it in
  a way that my body text still wrapped around it.
  I think I need to tackle this using HTML.
  Robert Sossomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Just place
   include box_info.php;
 In your web page in the location where the little box is.  Word wrap
 typically only happens with images though, so you may have to turn your
 text into an image, in which case you could just use a javascript
 commands to change the image as needed.  If you are including the text
 into a table it would be something like:
 table border=0
 trtdsome text that keeps running and running/td/tr
   include box_info.php;

 I think this is what you're looking for:

 echo 'div style=float: right;';
 echo '/div
 //more content here that goes ot the left and bottom of the above div
 echo '/div';

 paperCrane Justin Patrin

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] PHP Alternative to IFRAME?

2004-02-23 Thread Nicole
Is there a PHP alternative to an IFRAME? Here's what I mean.

Is there a way to include a file in my php document that will be positioned
where I want it, like an IFRAME? I want to have it aligned right with text
wrapping around it and I know IFRAME is not compatible with Netscape


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: Can anyone tell me why this code doesn't insert anything?

2004-02-23 Thread Nicole
I don't know if this will help, but I always do:

$result = mysql_query($query,$dbconnection);


Brian Dunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 This inserts nothing into the database, but returns no error that I can
 see. How come? What's wrong with it?

 $dbname = my_database;
 $dbconnection = mysql_connect(mysql05.powweb.com,my_user,my_pass);
 mysql_select_db($dbname, $dbconnection);
 $query = INSERT INTO invoices
 ('','0.00',NOW(),'Bob','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','12345','Smith');
 $result = mysql_query($query);

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] PHP Alternative to IFRAME?

2004-02-23 Thread Nicole
Your right I was mixing up what I wanted.

What I wanted to know I guess was if I use an include and include a file can
I format where that file will display.

So what I have is a little box with some info in it.  I want it to display
to the right of the body text and have the body text wrap around it.


Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hello Nicole,

 Monday, February 23, 2004, 5:21:11 PM, you wrote:

 N Is there a PHP alternative to an IFRAME? Here's what I mean.

 No, of course not. PHP is a server-side language. IFRAME's (and
 anything related to page construction/display) is client-side.

 N Is there a way to include a file in my php document that will be
 N where I want it, like an IFRAME? I want to have it aligned right with
 N wrapping around it and I know IFRAME is not compatible with Netscape
 N browsers.

 You're mixing technologies. If Netscape won't display something, there
 is nothing PHP can do about it. You need to think of another layout
 technique that it can display.

 Best regards,
  Richard Davey

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] PHP Alternative to IFRAME?

2004-02-23 Thread Nicole
I'm not having much luck explaining what I want here ... a drawback of
emailing.  I know how to include files, I just wanted to include it in such
a way that my body text still wrapped around it.

I think I need to tackle this using HTML.

Robert Sossomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Just place

   include box_info.php;

 In your web page in the location where the little box is.  Word wrap
 typically only happens with images though, so you may have to turn your
 text into an image, in which case you could just use a javascript
 commands to change the image as needed.  If you are including the text
 into a table it would be something like:

 table border=0
 trtdsome text that keeps running and running/td/tr
   include box_info.php;


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Generating Sub Headings

2004-02-19 Thread Nicole
I have data that looks like this:

(20, '1915', '192', '', '', '312', '525', '404', '', 'title')
(21, '1915', '338', '', '', '736', '0', '929', '', 'title')
(22, '1917', '193', '', '', '447', '0', '1275', '', 'title')
(23, '1919', '129', '', '', '208', '636', '0', '', 'title')
(24, '1919', '274', '', '', '581', '321', '1634', '', 'title')

The second value is the year, I have have multiple files for the same year.
What I want to do is output the values under Year sub headings.

So it prints like this:

p(20, '1915', '192', '', '', '312', '525', '404', '', 'title')br
(21, '1915', '338', '', '', '736', '0', '929', '', 'title')

p(22, '1917', '193', '', '', '447', '0', '1275', '', 'title')

p(23, '1919', '129', '', '', '208', '636', '0', '', 'title')br
(24, '1919', '274', '', '', '581', '321', '1634', '', 'title')


I have a function that displays each history in a loop. Here's the


function display_history($dbArray,$yearArray)
 while($field = mysql_fetch_array($dbArray))
   while($years = mysql_fetch_array($yearArray))
   if ( $years[year] != $yeartitle)
print pb . $years[year] . /b;
print pa href=\ . $field[filename] . \ . $field[year];
//print the Resolution or Act Number
if (!$field[res_no]  !$field[j_res_no])
 print  - Act #  . $field[act_no];
elseif (!$field[act_no]  !$field[j_res_no])
 print  - Res #  . $field[res_no];
 print  - J.Res.#  . $field[j_res_no];

//print the Public Law Number
if ($field[pl_no]!=0)
 print , P.L.  . $field[pl_no];
//print the Senate Bill Number
if ($field[sb_no]!=0)
 print , SB  . $field[sb_no];

//print the House Bill Number
if ($field[hb_no]!=0)
 print , HB  . $field[hb_no];

//close the link
print /a - ;

//print the Misc Text or Part Number if there is one
if ($field[misc_part_no] != )
 print $field[misc_part_no] .  - ;

//print the title and number of pages
print $field[title] .  - [ . $field[pgs] .  pgs - ;

//print the file size
if ($field[mb] != 0)
 print $field[mb] . mb];
 print $field[kb] . kb] ;
   $yeartitle = $years[year];


The values being passed in are:


//get all of the histories from the table sorted by year
//then resolution number then by act number
$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY
year, res_no, j_res_no, act_no, misc_part_no,$connect);

//get the years from the same table
$yrArray = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY

//display histories


I'm sure it's an easy solution ... but here's what a resulting page looks


1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]


1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]
1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]
1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]
1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]


1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]
1501 - Act # 90, P.L. 647, SB 582 - this test - [5 pgs - 55kb]

And so on, always putting the right years and the right number of histories
below the year, but always listing the first history and nothing else.  My
loop works if I don't have the while loop in there with the subheadings ...

Thank in advance for any help you can offer!

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Generating Sub Headings

2004-02-19 Thread Nicole
Sorry about all of the code.  I do do what you say to do there.

My year sub headings are changing correctly, it's the data that's printed
under each heading that isn't correct.


Chris W. Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Nicole mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Thursday, February 19, 2004 10:28 AM said:

 I have data that looks like this:


 The second value is the year, I have have multiple files for the same
 year. What I want to do is output the values under Year sub headings.

ok woh. that's way too much code for me to wade through so i'll just
give you some ideas. hopefully you're not already implementing it.

1. you want to put your data in order (either ascending or descending)
but the year. and according to your short data snippet it looks like
you're already doing this. good job.

2. you need to somehow compare the date that's currently ready to be
printed with what was ALREADY printed. the way you do this is by having
a temporary variable that stores the previous year data. when the next
loop cycle occurs you can say is this current date the same as the
previous cycles date? and then act appropriately.

for (...)
$current_date = $new_date;

// if the current date does not equal the
// old date you're obviously moving into
// a new year and you should therefore
// start a new group.
if ($current_date != $old_date)
echo br/br/1915br/\n;
echo nbsp;nbsp;(20, '1915', ...)br/\n;

$old_date = $current_date;

but of course instead of hard coding what gets printed you'd use your
variables to print the correct values.


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Re: [PHP] Generating Sub Headings

2004-02-19 Thread Nicole
That's exactly it!

I don't know why I didn't think about that.  For anyone else reading this, I

$field = mysql_fetch_array($dbArray);

above the line that reads

$yeartitle = $years[year];

And now it works!

Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hello Nicole,

 Thursday, February 19, 2004, 6:28:13 PM, you wrote:

 N And so on, always putting the right years and the right number of
 N below the year, but always listing the first history and nothing else.
 N loop works if I don't have the while loop in there with the subheadings

 In looking quickly at the code, I can't see a chance for the $field
 value to ever be updated. You call it once (in the first while
 statement) and populate the field array with the SQL results, you then
 move into the 2nd while loop which handles the years. But once in that
 loop you don't fill the $field array with any new data, so it's using
 the same data over and over again for every year. I believe, although
 I've not looked at it for very long, it's simply that the while loops
 are nested in such a way that the field values never get a chance to
 re-populate themselves.

 Best regards,
  Richard Davey

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[PHP] Re: Generating Sub Headings

2004-02-19 Thread Nicole
Can we take this one step further and make it so that if you're searching
and you want to only see histories with the works parking in the title it
only puts the year headings for the years that actually have a history that
meets this criteria?

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[PHP] ereg_replace

2004-02-10 Thread Nicole Lallande
Can anyone tell me why this does not work:


is there another way to do this?




Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] ereg_replace -- Thanks!

2004-02-10 Thread Nicole Lallande
Many thanks!!

Richard Davey wrote:

Hello Nicole,

Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 5:55:01 PM, you wrote:

NL Can anyone tell me why this does not work:
NL $str1=ereg_replace(index.php?src=,index/,$url);
Because it's an invalid regular expression.

NL is there another way to do this?

Yes, str_replace() for something this simple:

$str1 = str_replace(index.php?src=, index/, $url);



Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] php as cgi script

2003-11-28 Thread Nicole Lallande
Ivone --

You are using a PERL invocation for php.  PHP scripts begin with
the # sign is a comment in PERL - not in PHP.

To run php as cgi you need to install the php cgi version (as opposed to 
the apache modular installation.)  That will allow you to run cgi 
scripts on the command line.


Best regards,


Ivone Uribe wrote:

Hello all!

I have this problem:

I need to run a php
(http://xx.yy.zz/cgi-bin/pruebacgi.php) that contains
that line 

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
I get it an error from my apache log:
malformed header from script. Bad header=   php
[options] -r cod
e: /www/cgi-bin/pruebacgi.php
I hope someone can help me! I don't know what can I
In fact if I run any php that have this line
I get an error like that
Premature end of script headers:

I have installed the php4.3.3 and apache 1.3.28.

I configured the php with this line
./configure --with-mysql
--with-apache=../apache_1.3.28 --enable-track-vars
Do I need to configure some else in my apache or php
configuration file. Whan can I do to solve this
Thanks in advance

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[PHP] Too many connections fix?

2003-10-01 Thread Nicole

I run Apache with PHP and MySQL on a RedHat 7.2 box with 1GB Ram @ 2GHZ

I last increased my max connections to 500. That seemed to fix things for a
while. Now I am getting the problems (database freezing up because too many
connections) again. The site I run is pretty high traffic.

I wondered if anyone encountered a solution to handle this sort of problem.


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Re: [PHP] Too many connections fix?

2003-10-01 Thread Nicole
Originally, I used pconnect for a while. Then I learned that with high
traffic site, that's not the best idea. So I changed to 'connect.' But I
still get the problems.


Brad Pauly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Nicole wrote:

  I last increased my max connections to 500. That seemed to fix things
for a
  while. Now I am getting the problems (database freezing up because too
  connections) again. The site I run is pretty high traffic.
  I wondered if anyone encountered a solution to handle this sort of

 Are you using mysql_connect or mysql_pconnect?

 - Brad

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Re: [PHP] Too many connections fix?

2003-10-01 Thread Nicole
 I don't see a MaxConnections in Apache conf, or maybe I overlooked it. I do

MaxClients 150

MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

It seems the latter var there relates more. Any ideas which or if both
should be bumped up?

I did read -- in various places -- that it was better to use connect,
including PHP. Because php and mysql are fast to open a regular connection,
using connect may ultimately be better. That's just what I read.

I found this bit:

And decided it would be ok to use either, and preferrably connect due to
some other bits I read regarding persistent connections.

So really, I am confused on this matter. I believe it boils down to
configuration issues betweeen MySQL's conf and Apache's conf files. Maybe
even in php.ini. I can't seem to find a correct article on how to fix these
things. What I read in forums I become leary of, thinking the person may be
incorrect. So I like to stick to documentation. But I can't seem to find


Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 --- Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I run Apache with PHP and MySQL [snip]
  I last increased my max connections to 500. That seemed to fix things
  for a while. Now I am getting the problems (database freezing up
  because too many connections) again. The site I run is pretty high

 This has nothing to do with traffic (other than the fact that heavy
traffic can
 reveal configuration problems more easily).

 Are you using persistent connections (mysql_pconnect)? If so, you need to
 sure you have MySQL maximum connections (max_connections in my.cnf) set to
 number that is higher than Apache's MaxClients directive (in httpd.conf).
 you have MaxClients at 512, for example, and MySQL only allows a maximum
of 500
 connections, you're likely to run into the too many connections problems
 your traffic pushes the number of Apache clients past 500.

 Hope that helps.


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[PHP] Re: Too many connections fix?

2003-10-01 Thread Nicole
I am working on a way to do this. The site is for tracking. The hits get
stored in the database. The database must be hit in order to retrieve the
URL that is needed to redirect to. I am contemplating storing this URL in a
file instead of db. Perhaps this will reduce the load. Thanks.

I run several sites on this server, and the majority of the auto-emails I
get about the database being down is for this one site. But I do get an
email for my other site(s) every now and then. So I think that I need to
work on the configuration of the conf files for MySQL and Apache to fix this
problem as much as possible.



Cristian Lavaque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Nicole wrote:
  I run Apache with PHP and MySQL on a RedHat 7.2 box with 1GB Ram @
  2GHZ (p4).
  I last increased my max connections to 500. That seemed to fix things
  for a while. Now I am getting the problems (database freezing up
  because too many connections) again. The site I run is pretty high
  I wondered if anyone encountered a solution to handle this sort of

 Wouldn't it be good to cache the dynamic pages to files to take some of
 load off the db?


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Re: [PHP] Too many connections fix?

2003-10-01 Thread Nicole
Pardon me, I misread a pervious comment. I meant MaxClients. Sigh. too
much sleep.


Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I don't see a MaxConnections in Apache conf, or maybe I overlooked it. I

 MaxClients 150

 MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

 It seems the latter var there relates more. Any ideas which or if both
 should be bumped up?

 I did read -- in various places -- that it was better to use connect,
 including PHP. Because php and mysql are fast to open a regular
 using connect may ultimately be better. That's just what I read.

 I found this bit:

 And decided it would be ok to use either, and preferrably connect due to
 some other bits I read regarding persistent connections.

 So really, I am confused on this matter. I believe it boils down to
 configuration issues betweeen MySQL's conf and Apache's conf files. Maybe
 even in php.ini. I can't seem to find a correct article on how to fix
 things. What I read in forums I become leary of, thinking the person may
 incorrect. So I like to stick to documentation. But I can't seem to find


 Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  --- Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I run Apache with PHP and MySQL [snip]
   I last increased my max connections to 500. That seemed to fix things
   for a while. Now I am getting the problems (database freezing up
   because too many connections) again. The site I run is pretty high
  This has nothing to do with traffic (other than the fact that heavy
 traffic can
  reveal configuration problems more easily).
  Are you using persistent connections (mysql_pconnect)? If so, you need
  sure you have MySQL maximum connections (max_connections in my.cnf) set
  number that is higher than Apache's MaxClients directive (in
  you have MaxClients at 512, for example, and MySQL only allows a maximum
 of 500
  connections, you're likely to run into the too many connections
  your traffic pushes the number of Apache clients past 500.
  Hope that helps.
  HTTP Developer's Handbook
  My Blog

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Re: [PHP] Too many connections fix?

2003-10-01 Thread Nicole
Thanks. My problem is that I am getting a too many connections error, and
wondered if  there was a proper configuration to handle this. I have the
problem, regardless of using connect or pconnect. I originally used pconnect
for the last year. But my site is growing and growing and am looking for
anything to help fix the problem. So I switched to connect, with no luck in
fixing the too many connections problem. Originallly, increasing
max_connections in my.cnf solved the problem for a while. But the growth has
caught up again.

I thought I read that increasing this max_connections number too high could
cause problems as well. So I am hesitant to raise it anymore.


Jason Sheets [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Generally persistent connections will almost always be faster there are
 some considerations though, first resource usage if you are busy site
 and don't have enough memory to support one connection to the db for
 each apache process you will run into problems, second if you site is
 not busy enough and you rarely connect to the database you wont see much
 of a performance increase.  Sometimes you need to take precautions to
 safely restart apache otherwise you can have connections to the db left

 Obviously persistent connections are faster because you don't have the
 overhead of building and tearing down the connection on each request,
 I've seen a 5 to 15% increase in page generation time on some
 applications by using persistent connections depending on the db server
 and the protocol.

 Becoming Digital wrote:

 I'm with Chris on this one.  I did some serious load testing on my
servers and always faired better with persistent connections.  I don't have
the logs handy right now, but I can probably dig them up if anyone really
wants to see the numbers.
 Edward Dudlik
 Becoming Digital
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Sent: Wednesday, 01 October, 2003 22:53
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Too many connections fix?
 --- Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This may be debatable, which is better? php searching through a
 pool of 1000 connections for a free one or the overhead of opening
 a new resource to the database each request.
 I suppose people can debate just about anything, but I doubt anyone can
come up
 with any statistics to defend the stance that persistent connections are
 under heavy traffic. Of course, I'd love to see people's results, but my
 experience has shown quite the opposite.
 Also, the difference becomes exaggerated with heavier traffic. So, a
 argument would be to ask whether the overhead of managing persistent
 connections is worth it when you only have one database connection per
hour. In
 that case, it may actually be worse, but that's not the situation that
 described. :-)
 Hope that helps.
 RAMP - Rapid AMP Training from the Experts
 HTTP Developer's Handbook
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[PHP] Re: PHP Session not working

2003-10-01 Thread Nicole
Which method are you using to set and access your session variables?


Sheni R. Meledath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 We are facing some problems in using sessions in our applications.
 we have moved our web site to a new Apache server (1.3). We have installed
 PHP on this server. But sessions are not working on this server. The
 in the session variables are not carried forward to the consequent pages.
 PHP Module entry in httpd.conf file: LoadModule php4_module

 The same scripts  web site are working fine on a similar Apache server
 same version of PHP.

 Could you please help me to figure out this problem. Are we missing
 anything in the installation or settings in the php.ini file.

 session.save_handler = files
 session.save_path = /tmp
 session.use_cookies = 1
 session.name = PHPSESSID
 session.auto_start = 0
 session.cookie_lifetime = 0
 session.cookie_path = /
 session.cookie_domain =
 session.serialize_handler = php
 session.gc_probability = 1
 session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
 session.referer_check =
 session.entropy_length = 0
 session.entropy_file =
 session.cache_limiter = nocache
 session.cache_expire = 180
 session.use_trans_sid = 1
 url_rewriter.tags = a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry

 Sheni R Meledath

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[PHP] Yikes! Strange Occurrence of ! in mail

2003-09-15 Thread Nicole
Has anyone experienced exclamation points ! in their emails from no where?
This is a really strange thing I have been noticing lately in emails I send
to myself via PHP.  When I send an email from 2 different machines using 2
different smtp servers, I still get the exclamations in the email.

Any ideas what on earth is causing that?


the!ir is an ex!clamation in my e!mail that I did not pu!t there.




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[PHP] Re: passthru loses php posted variables

2003-09-15 Thread Nicole

Did you try using the system() command instead and skip using exec and


Exasperated [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Anyone come across something like this before?

 I have made a little test script as follows:
 header (Content-Type: application/pdf);
 $command_line = /usr/bin/pdflabelseries  .
 escapeshellcmd($_POST['labelstart']) .   .
 exec (echo \$command_line\ /opt/specs/labels.txt);

 The form takes input from a posted form with two variables, labelstart and
 labelend.  In the above test, if I put in 'start' and 'end' as the posted
 variable data, the output from /opt/specs/labels.txt (writable by the http
 server) is:
 /usr/bin/pdflabelseries start end
 All is well and good.  Now is where it heads South.  I uncomment the
 passthru command above.  The output from the script in
 from the same posted form with the same data entered is now:
 pdflabelseries is a C program that I have confirmed works perfectly on the
 command line (i.e. generates the requisite pdf file to stdout).
 Even if the C program fails (which it does not appear to do from the
 in the httpd logs as it outputs its command line to stderr), surely php
 should not lose its own internal variables, especially, for a command that
 is executed BEFORE the passthru command.

 I am truly baffled.

 Any help appreciated.


 I am running vanilla Mandrake 9.1 with the following PHP rpms:

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Re: [PHP] Too Advanced? Re: Cookies Hidden Image

2003-09-05 Thread Nicole
Thanks. The cookie sets fine using the redirect. The problem is accessing
the cookie when the script is called via the image tag. If the script is
called directly, the cookie is accessible.

http://trackerurl/blahblah/script.php--- called directly can see the

img src=http://trackerurl/blahblah/script.php height=1 width=1--- does
not see the Cookie

Not sure what else to do other than try something different. Using Cookie
seems to be the only way to store the value on the client side for later



Diego Fulgueira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Nothing is too advanced for this newgroup and there is not other better. I
 did not read your problem very carefully, but I think you are trying to
 a cookie on a page that does a redirect, that is just impossible unless
 do the redirect with a meta tag on the client.

 Anyway, if that suggestion doesn't do it for you, I once used the
 function to set cookies and it worked for me:

 function MySetCookie
 ($CkyName, $CkyVal, $exp, $pth, $Domain)
  $exp = strftime(%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S, $exp);
  $cookiestr = sprintf (%s=%s; domain=%s; path=%s; expires=%s,
  $CkyName, $CkyVal, $Domain, $pth, $exp);
  $mycky = (isset($mycky) ? $mycky\n : ).Set-Cookie: $cookiestr;


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 3:57 PM
 Subject: [PHP] Too Advanced? Re: Cookies  Hidden Image

  Is this question too advanced for this newsgroup? Is there a better
  newsgroup to post this one too?
  Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I am working on a script that uses cookie to store some info on the
   side.  The user will click a link that contains info about where the
   was placed. The script will then store that info so that when the user
   returns later and makes a purchase, I can see where they came from.
   The problem I am having is this:
   The link is a redirect url that first goes to one domain where the
   created by. Then they are taken to the site where products are sold.
   Then, after they make a purchase, they are taken to a thank you page
   has a hidden tracker to track that sale.
   img src=http://trackerurl.com/?var=1var=2blahbla height=0 width=
   The image loads the script from a different domain (where the cookie
   initialy created by).  The problem now is that the script gets a blank
   cookie when using the hidden image to load the script.
   So does anyone know why this is happening?
   I have   setCookie('CookieName', $value, $expires);
   Then I try to retrieve that cookie again later with
   ... but the value stored is not there when the script is called from
   hidden image.  HOWEVER, the value is there when the script is called
   Any ideas?
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[PHP] Too Advanced? Re: Cookies Hidden Image

2003-09-03 Thread Nicole
Is this question too advanced for this newsgroup? Is there a better
newsgroup to post this one too?



Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I am working on a script that uses cookie to store some info on the client
 side.  The user will click a link that contains info about where the link
 was placed. The script will then store that info so that when the user
 returns later and makes a purchase, I can see where they came from.

 The problem I am having is this:

 The link is a redirect url that first goes to one domain where the cookie
 created by. Then they are taken to the site where products are sold.

 Then, after they make a purchase, they are taken to a thank you page that
 has a hidden tracker to track that sale.

 img src=http://trackerurl.com/?var=1var=2blahbla height=0 width=

 The image loads the script from a different domain (where the cookie was
 initialy created by).  The problem now is that the script gets a blank
 cookie when using the hidden image to load the script.

 So does anyone know why this is happening?

 I have   setCookie('CookieName', $value, $expires);

 Then I try to retrieve that cookie again later with
 ... but the value stored is not there when the script is called from the
 hidden image.  HOWEVER, the value is there when the script is called

 Any ideas?



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Re: [PHP] Too Advanced? Re: Cookies Hidden Image

2003-09-03 Thread Nicole
OK. Thanks.

I have the hidden image code:

img src=http://thetrackingurl/?param1=val1param2=val2etc... height=0
width=0 border=0

This hidden image code is placed on the ThankYou page that people see after
they have bought something.  What it does is load a script on the tracking
site to let the owner know a sale was made.

The tracking site is different from the site that the product is sold on.

A cookie was placed on the client's (buyer) side to store where that client
originated from. So when the hidden image is called, the tracking script is
called and tries to access this cookie to retrieve where the buyer came

But the script just gets a blank cookie when accessed this way(via hidden
image); However, if the script was accessed directly, or the thankyou page
resided on the same domain as the tracking script (which created the cookie
to begin with), the cookie has the value that it was set with.

Does this make sense?  Thanks for any input.  PHP's docs on sessions didn't
seem to have anything relating to this situation; so I'm stuck.


Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 --- Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is this question too advanced for this newsgroup?

 Somehow I doubt it. But, that's a nice tactic for grabbing some attention.

 Show us some sample code of a very small test case. I can't really follow
 description of what you are trying to do.


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Re: [PHP] Too Advanced? Re: Cookies Hidden Image

2003-09-03 Thread Nicole
The cookie is being accessed by the same domain it was generated by. The
problem is, the script is being pulled up via a hidden image (which resides
on a different domain). So that may still be the problem anyway.



Ernest E Vogelsinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 At 23:55 03.09.2003, Nicole said:
 But the script just gets a blank cookie when accessed this way(via hidden
 image); However, if the script was accessed directly, or the thankyou
 resided on the same domain as the tracking script (which created the
 to begin with), the cookie has the value that it was set with.

 That's it - cookies will only be sent to the same domain (hostname) they
 have been generated at. You cannot pass cookies between domains

O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
(\)ICQ #13394035
 ^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/

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[PHP] Cookies Hidden Image

2003-09-02 Thread Nicole

I am working on a script that uses cookie to store some info on the client
side.  The user will click a link that contains info about where the link
was placed. The script will then store that info so that when the user
returns later and makes a purchase, I can see where they came from.

The problem I am having is this:

The link is a redirect url that first goes to one domain where the cookie is
created by. Then they are taken to the site where products are sold.

Then, after they make a purchase, they are taken to a thank you page that
has a hidden tracker to track that sale.

img src=http://trackerurl.com/?var=1var=2blahbla height=0 width=

The image loads the script from a different domain (where the cookie was
initialy created by).  The problem now is that the script gets a blank
cookie when using the hidden image to load the script.

So does anyone know why this is happening?

I have   setCookie('CookieName', $value, $expires);

Then I try to retrieve that cookie again later with  $_COOKIE['CookieName']
... but the value stored is not there when the script is called from the
hidden image.  HOWEVER, the value is there when the script is called

Any ideas?



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[PHP] testing - please ignore

2003-07-23 Thread Nicole Lallande
test my subscription


Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] Re: Returning a variable from a function problem

2003-04-02 Thread Nicole

Where is $duplicate originally being set? Are you using global variables? is
$duplicate being POST'd or GET'd or what?

If it is only gaining it's value from the duplicate_name() function, is that
function returning those possible values (1,2) based on whatever the result
of the action taken in that fuction is?

Maybe try this:

if (empty($form[name])) {
 $error[name] = *; $message[name] = Required field!;
 $duplicate = duplicate_name($form[name]);

 if ( $duplicate == 0 ) {
  $error[name] = *; $message[name] = Screen name already used!;
 else if ($duplicate == 1) {
  $error[name] = *; $message[name] = Database error - Please try
again in a few moments!;
 elseif ($duplicate == 2) {
  $error[name] = *; $message[name] = Server error - Please tryagain
in a few moments!;
 else {
  // not a dup, do whatever


@rogers.com wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a form where the user inputs information - the code below is the
 error checking for one of the fields. The first IF statement just checks
 that the filed is not empty and works fine.

 Then I  check a function I made to see if the user is already in a mysql
 database and the function returns  0, 1, or 2 depending on the various
 conditions. The first elseif works as I would expect - but it seems that
 next two elseif's are just being ignored.

 Could someone possibly explain what I have wrong here.  Thanks

 if (empty($form[name])) { $error[name] = *; $message[name] =
 Required field!;
 elseif($duplicate = duplicate_name($form[name]) == 0) {
  $error[name] = *; $message[name] = Screen name already used!;
 elseif ($duplicate == 1) {
  $error[name] = *; $message[name] = Database error - Please try
 again in a few moments!;
 elseif ($duplicate == 2) {
 $error[name] = *; $message[name] = Server error - Please try
 again in a few moments!;

 function duplicate_name($name) {

 if (!($connect = @mysql_connect($serverhost,$serveruser,$serverpass))) {
  These are all defined above but not included here.
  $server_error = 2;
 if ([EMAIL PROTECTED]($databasename)) {
 $server_error = 1;

 if($server_error) { $duplicate = $server_error;
 $query = SELECT name FROM $tablename WHERE name = '$name';

 if(!$query) { $duplicate = 1}

 else {
 $result = mysql_query($query);
 $line = mysql_fetch_array($result);

 if($line['name'] == $name) { $duplicate = 0; }



 echo $duplicate;   *  This shows that the variable $duplicate is
 assigned 0, 1, or 2 depending on the what conditions were met.


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2003-04-02 Thread Nicole
Try these:

function getIP()
 if (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'))
 else if ( getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') )
  $ip = 'unknown';

 return trim($ip);

function getISP($addr,$byIP=true)
Can pass in an ip, like 64.xxx.xxx.xx or a domain, like www.aeontrek.com;
true if it is an IP; else false
 if ( $byIP )
  return trim(gethostbyaddr( trim($addr) ));
  return trim(gethostbyname ( trim($addr) ));


John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Makes me think.. what exactly the $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] is

 Cause it does not really show the actual IP address instead IP address
 within its range


 any idea how to get their actual IP add and if possible the name of their

 Also, is it also possible to get or trace the IP add?

 many thanks,

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[PHP] Strange Issues

2003-04-01 Thread Nicole
My System:
A dedicated server with:
Red Hat 7.2
P4 2 GHZ
1GB Ram

-PHP 4.2

Ensim panel
I am having strange occurrences of people telling me they cannot sign into
their accounts. It happens every now and then, and it happens to anyone --
but not everyone.

I am not sure what this could be a result of. I start to think it's a server
issue. I see no common pattern, they are using either windows 98 or XP with
IE 5 and 6. I personally run XP and have the same setup as some of these
that report trouble signing in. If they try to sign in later, they get in

I run several sites on this server, and this particular site is high
traffic. My other site has just about 30 members and I have had not a single
complain in 6 months. So I'm baffled.

The hour of the day varies,as well. There's no regular or common pattern
that I can see. Could it be from an issue with Apache, MySQl and PHP? Maybe
it is even an issue with PHP sessions.

I wondered if anyone else has heard of or experienced something similar. If
so, have you figured out what is causing this? Have you found a workaround?



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[PHP] Re: daylight savings time ?

2003-04-01 Thread Nicole
I have some code to do that; But as far as fixing it up for someone else's
code, dont' know. If you have full access to the server the code runs on,
you could add some code or change the server's time to match yours.

if you can edit the code, just add

date('D M d, Y g i a', time()+60*60);  //60*60 = 3600 seconds = 1hr  ... but
that's just a quick fix.


Heather P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I use a forum which has the time as the coding (D M d, Y g:i a) how do I
 an hour for daylight savings time ? I live in the uk and the time on the
 forum is wrong. how do I change it  ? Thanks

 Overloaded with spam? With MSN 8, you can filter it out


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[PHP] Send Output to Printer?

2003-03-26 Thread Nicole

anyone know of a good tutorial for using PHP to send output to a printer?

have a report that returns paged display (e.g., 20 rows max per page) ...
too many rows to show on one page. need a print button that will send all
the output directly to the printer and print all pages  not talking
about javascript print() either. I need something via PHP.

any tips?



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[PHP] a conundrum -- php/mysql script

2003-03-18 Thread Nicole Lallande
Dear all,

Have written a wrapper to Christian Novak's excellent biffwriter class 
which writes out excel files based on query to a mysql database.

A for loop, $zz=1; $zz =61; $zz++:
generates the id needed for the WHERE condition:
  $sql = SELECT $arv, DATE_FORMAT(date_rec,'%m-%d-%Y') as nice_date 
from arviContacts WHERE fid=$zz;

which is then passed to a function writeARV($sql);
which then loops through the database for all data pertaining to that 
id,  ($numoffields=mysql_num_fields($result);)
opens a file,
writes out the column heads and then
loops through the data and parses into an excel file.  

1.  The counter is being incremented correctly,
2.  all the files are created correctly,
3.  all the column heads are generated correctly
4.  and the data for  4 specific files do NOT get written in.  
5.  The file id numbers are 47,49,51 and 57 (all odd numbers but only 3 
are in sequence)
6.  These files are generated with NO DATA while all the other files are 
generated with the data.  
7.  If I explicity change the counter to one of these numbers and run 
the script singly, then these specific files get generated correctly 
WITH all the data.

I do not even know how to begin to debug this which is why I posted to 
both lists -- any pointers? clues?




Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] Trouble with Exec

2003-02-02 Thread Nicole
I am trying to load a php script to run in the background using the exec()
function. My code looks like this:


$aqid = $db-insert_id();//grab  id of newly inserted row
$cmd = php -q sendit.php $aqid /dev/null 21 ;
exec($cmd);// call sendit.php in background
// ...

Basically, the point of me doing this is so the script runs in the
background so the member does not have to wait for the script to run after
they have clicked a send button. But they are still waiting because they
can't go to other pages until the script has completed running.

My next alternative will be to run a cron job to do this instead. But I
can't get cron working just yet.  Any suggestions to get the script to run
in background without stalling the script that calls it?


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[PHP] PHP.ini help on Linux

2003-02-01 Thread Nicole
 I am having trouble doing things with PHP such as use the exec, system,
etc. functions. I can't seem to find the correct php.ini to turn safe_mode
off. The one file I did find has safe_mode turned off. When I view phpinfo()
it shows the global column with safe_mode off, but for the local column, it
is on. Is there a local php.ini file for each site? Where would it be?

I need to call a script to run in the background and I want to be able to
use exec() to call it. Is there an alternative way to do this without
bothering with the safe_mode value? i'd prefer to leave safe_mode on; but at
the same rate, I am the only one with access to the server as it is my
dedicated server.

I am not familiar enough with Linux just yet to know how to give permissions
to my sites to use things such as cron which I desperately need to figure
out. I know how to add a crontab for a user, etc.  But when the cron file
runs, I just get a permission denied. I have tried it for both root and the
site user. The only thing that does work is me getting an email stating
permission denied. So I know my crontab file is correct. As far as
permissions, I'm in a cloud. I have no idea what to do to make it work and
maintain a secure system.

Anyone know where some great (free) docs that will show me how to fish
around in Linux? I don't need to be hand fed. Just some direction. Thanks!


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[PHP] Re: PHP.ini help on Linux

2003-02-01 Thread Nicole
Thank you. Yes, I did chmod my scripts. chmod 754 and tried 755 too. Don't
see why it should be x on the world, though. I would think if the script is
being called by its owner, then x on the owner and group should be enough,

I'm even using !#/usr/bin/php ... but then it doesn't even seem to be using

I'll go through the man pages again, too.

The find and locate commands will be useful. I will try those. Thanks!
Although since you mentioned the local configuration via apache's .htaccess,
maybe that is what I need. I still can't figure out how to turn safe mode
off for the local column.




Michael Mauch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am having trouble doing things with PHP such as use the exec, system,
  etc. functions. I can't seem to find the correct php.ini to turn
  off. The one file I did find has safe_mode turned off. When I view
  it shows the global column with safe_mode off, but for the local column,
  is on. Is there a local php.ini file for each site?

 No. But the values found in the global php.ini can be changed in
 Apache's httpd.conf and in .htaccess files. See

 You can have a .htaccess file in every directory to pass additional
 options to Apache (and mod_php). A .htaccess is used for the directory
 where it resides and for all subdirectories.

 Try locate .htaccess or find / -name .htaccess.

  I need to call a script to run in the background and I want to be able
  use exec() to call it. Is there an alternative way to do this without
  bothering with the safe_mode value? i'd prefer to leave safe_mode on;
but at
  the same rate, I am the only one with access to the server as it is my
  dedicated server.

 If you're the only person on that machine, there's no point in using
 safe mode.

  I am not familiar enough with Linux just yet to know how to give
  to my sites to use things such as cron which I desperately need to
  out. I know how to add a crontab for a user, etc.  But when the cron
  runs, I just get a permission denied. I have tried it for both root and
  site user. The only thing that does work is me getting an email stating
  permission denied. So I know my crontab file is correct. As far as
  permissions, I'm in a cloud. I have no idea what to do to make it work
  maintain a secure system.

 Perhaps you just forgot to make your program/script executable (chmod
 +x your_script).

  Anyone know where some great (free) docs that will show me how to fish
  around in Linux? I don't need to be hand fed. Just some direction.

 Almost all programs have man pages, so you can use man chmod to find
 out about chmod. And then there's the Linux Documentation Project
 http://www.tldp.org/, which has lots of howtos.


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[PHP] Re: PHP.ini help on Linux

2003-02-01 Thread Nicole


Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thank you. Yes, I did chmod my scripts. chmod 754 and tried 755 too. Don't
 see why it should be x on the world, though. I would think if the script
 being called by its owner, then x on the owner and group should be enough,

 I'm even using !#/usr/bin/php ... but then it doesn't even seem to be

 I'll go through the man pages again, too.

 The find and locate commands will be useful. I will try those. Thanks!
 Although since you mentioned the local configuration via apache's
 maybe that is what I need. I still can't figure out how to turn safe mode
 off for the local column.




 Michael Mauch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am having trouble doing things with PHP such as use the exec,
   etc. functions. I can't seem to find the correct php.ini to turn
   off. The one file I did find has safe_mode turned off. When I view
   it shows the global column with safe_mode off, but for the local
   is on. Is there a local php.ini file for each site?
  No. But the values found in the global php.ini can be changed in
  Apache's httpd.conf and in .htaccess files. See
  You can have a .htaccess file in every directory to pass additional
  options to Apache (and mod_php). A .htaccess is used for the directory
  where it resides and for all subdirectories.
  Try locate .htaccess or find / -name .htaccess.
   I need to call a script to run in the background and I want to be able
   use exec() to call it. Is there an alternative way to do this without
   bothering with the safe_mode value? i'd prefer to leave safe_mode on;
 but at
   the same rate, I am the only one with access to the server as it is my
   dedicated server.
  If you're the only person on that machine, there's no point in using
  safe mode.
   I am not familiar enough with Linux just yet to know how to give
   to my sites to use things such as cron which I desperately need to
   out. I know how to add a crontab for a user, etc.  But when the cron
   runs, I just get a permission denied. I have tried it for both root
   site user. The only thing that does work is me getting an email
   permission denied. So I know my crontab file is correct. As far as
   permissions, I'm in a cloud. I have no idea what to do to make it work
   maintain a secure system.
  Perhaps you just forgot to make your program/script executable (chmod
  +x your_script).
   Anyone know where some great (free) docs that will show me how to fish
   around in Linux? I don't need to be hand fed. Just some direction.
  Almost all programs have man pages, so you can use man chmod to find
  out about chmod. And then there's the Linux Documentation Project
  http://www.tldp.org/, which has lots of howtos.

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2003-01-25 Thread Nicole
Does anyone have a PHP script to enter cron jobs? I have a limited control
panel (ensim) that doesn't have anyway to do cron, and I don't know how to
do it at the command line yet. Anyone have a good tutorial or a PHP script
to do this?


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2003-01-25 Thread Nicole
Thanks. But I would think if you can run cron jobs as certain users, you
could create cron jobs for those users only. I mean, if you can do it with
CPanel or these other Control Panels, then why not? It wouldn't have to run
as root? I have a good bit to learn about linux. I am new to getting around
in ssh.

I am learning from the command line now. It doesn't seem too bad yet. Not


Leif K-Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The problem is, PHP would have to be running as root.  This creates a
 huge security risk... if I was you, I'd just learn to edit cron jobs at
 the command line.

 Nicole wrote:

 Does anyone have a PHP script to enter cron jobs? I have a limited
 panel (ensim) that doesn't have anyway to do cron, and I don't know how
 do it at the command line yet. Anyone have a good tutorial or a PHP
 to do this?

 The above message is encrypted with double rot13 encoding.  Any
unauthorized attempt to decrypt it will be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law.

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2003-01-25 Thread Nicole
LOL. Thanks; that's ok. ;) That wouldn't cut it, I'm afraid. ;)

Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Well, if you really wanted to, you could create a php script, and then
 a meta refresh tag set to refresh the page whenever you want, and then
 leave the page open in your browser :p

 Nicole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Does anyone have a PHP script to enter cron jobs? I have a limited
  panel (ensim) that doesn't have anyway to do cron, and I don't know how
  do it at the command line yet. Anyone have a good tutorial or a PHP
  to do this?

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[PHP] passing complete URL through php scripts using javascript popup

2002-11-26 Thread Nicole Lallande

I am trying to set up a referal  script; I want to pass a URL query 
string to another php script.  I am able to pass the complete query 
string with all the variables I want through to the javascript function 
call but then the string gets cut in the php script:

in the shopping cart:
a href=javascript: openWin('email.php?ref=?php echo $pageURL; 
?')this page/a

where 'ref' is set correctly and  $pageURL is returned as 
'http://mydomain.com/shop.php?val1=1val2=2val3=3' (this shows up on my 
status bar and I can 'echo' it on the shopping cart page - so Iknow it 
is getting captured correctly -- also - I removed the javascript and saw 
it get passet in the url as a 'get' correctly.)

but in the email script in the popup window I try to display 'ref' and 
what I get is:

'http://mydomain.com/shop.php?val1=1' -- everything past the first '' 
gets cut off (ie, I lose  the 'val2=2val3=3' portion of the query string )

Any ideas?  Sorry if this is obvious - pulling an 'all nighter'...




Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string) from one scriptto another --??

2002-11-26 Thread Nicole Lallande

I want to pass a URL query string to another php script.  I am able to 
pass the complete query string with all the variables I want through to 
the javascript function call but then the string gets cut in the php 

in the shopping cart:
a href=javascript: openWin('email.php?ref=?php echo $pageURL; 
?')this page/a

where 'ref' is set correctly and  $pageURL is returned as 
'http://mydomain.com/shop.php?val1=1val2=2val3=3' (this shows up on my 
status bar and I can 'echo' it on the shopping cart page - so Iknow it 
is getting captured correctly -- also - I removed the javascript and saw 
it get passet in the url as a 'get' correctly.)

but in the email script  I try to display 'ref' and what I get is:

'http://mydomain.com/shop.php?val1=1' -- everything past the first '' 
gets cut off (ie, I lose  the 'val2=2val3=3' portion of the query 
string )

Any ideas?  Sorry if this is obvious - pulling an 'all nighter'...




Nicole Lallande

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string) from

2002-11-26 Thread Nicole Lallande
Dear Martin  Erwin,

Tried the urlencode - same thing happened - the variables after the 
first one were chopped off - so

a href=email.php?ref=?=urlencode($pageURL);?this page/a

where the url is


results in http://mydomain.com/displayem.php3?cat=5 being passed and

the 'olimit=0zid=1lid=1' gets cut off - still??  


hi nicole,

do you have an example what your query contains ?
maybe urlencode($pageURL) or quoting will help

greetings martin

 -Urspr\xfcngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Nicole Lallande [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. November 2002 15:40
 Betreff: [PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string) from
 one script to another --??


 I want to pass a URL query string to another php script.  I
 am able to
 pass the complete query string with all the variables I want
 through to


Nicole Lallande

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string) from

2002-11-26 Thread Nicole Lallande
Chris -- thanks! didn't think to look - the 'ref' variable is being 
passed correctly in the form action=:

form action=http://embitec.com/fishcart/email.php?ref=http://embitec.com/fishcart/displayem.php3?cat=5olimit=0zid=1lid=1; method=post

but below in the text area where I display it:

?php echo $ref; ? or even ?php echo $_GET['ref']; ?

it comes out as:





--- Nicole Lallande [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 a href=email.php?ref=?=urlencode($pageURL);?this page/a

 where the url is


 results in http://mydomain.com/displayem.php3?cat=5 being passed
 and the 'olimit=0zid=1lid=1' gets cut off

Can you visit this page, view source, and show us what the a href
tag looks like after it is processed by PHP?



Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] Re: PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string)

2002-11-26 Thread Nicole Lallande
Chris -
Tried that -- I have urlencode in the script that sends the url and I 
have url encode right below the form action -- ref is getting cut off at 
the first ampersand - regardless:


input type=hidden name=ref value? php echo rawurlencode($ref); ?
or even
input type=hidden name=ref value? php echo rawurlencode($_GET['ref']); ?


input type=hidden name=ref value=http%3A%2F%2Fembitec.com%2Ffishcart%2Fdisplayem.php3%3Fcat%3D4

still cutting off everything after the ampersand..??




There is your problem right there. Here are the variables you are


The URL you want to set ref to needs to be URL encoded. You can use
rawurlencode() to achieve this. You will know you have it right when
your HTML form tag looks like this:


Hope that helps.



Nicole Lallande

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string) - aha-- that worked - except for the javascript

2002-11-26 Thread Nicole Lallande
Chris -- I took out the javascript call to window.open and included the 
fix the way you described it and it worked!  Thanks for clearing it up 
for me.  Now I just have to figure own why the javascript is chopping 
the variable.  Thanks for all your help!

Best regards,


I'm thinking you haven't, but I might be wrong. The HTML you showed
us previously was of a form tag. The action attribute of that form
tag is where your problem lies.


See? It is still wrong. Remember, you will know when you fix your
problem when this form tag looks like this:

Yours still does not look like this.

 input type=hidden name=ref value? php echo
rawurlencode($ref); ?

See, I am guessing that you are doing this on the next page. Meaning,
you are URL encoding this:


This is what $_GET[ref] is going to be if you do not correct your
form tag like I am describing.

input type=hidden name=ref

Exactly as I would expect. Focus on fixing your form tag. This other
URL encoding you are doing on this hidden form variable is actually
unnecessary, because the browser is going to do it again for you.

Hope that clears it up for you.



Nicole Lallande

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Using '/' instead of '?' in url querystring

2002-10-07 Thread Nicole Lallande


I asked a similar question several months ago and got a lot of terrific 
info from the list.  First some links:

See this related link:

  Q How can I pass variables to a script in the url 
 like /script/var1/var2?


Includes tutorials for doing it in PHP, mod_rewrite 
and/or mod_mime.


Search Engine Friendly URLs with PHP and Apache 

Search Engine Friendly URLs (Part II)

and finally:


The approach I used was  the Apache web server's mod_rewrite (rewrite 
engine) and then apply the appropriate rules to an htaccess file.  If 
you have the rewrite engine installed (and loaded in your httpd.conf 
file), then try the following in your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^foo\.php(./*) $ http://your domainname.com/foo.php?id=$1 [R]

The '.' is a concactenator in the rules so it must be escaped unless 
used as such.  If you wanted to add an ending forward slash for 
foo.php/12/ then perhaps use  (./*/)  

PS - many thanks once again to all who helped answer this question for me!

Kenni Graversen wrote:


I wonder if any of you have experience, sending variables in the url without
using the ? character.

When sending variables this is the normal way to do it:

But I have read that the following URL should work:

and then fetch the id in this way:
$id = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $PATH_INFO);

I have even seen it in function but the problem is that I can't get it to
work on my local apache server.
When I try to write /foo.php/12/ I get a '500 Internal Server Error' and in
the apache error-log I can read that 'Premature end of script headers:
c:/php/php.exe'. Does anyone know what could cause this error and why the
url isn't working??


Kenni Graversen



Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] upgrading script from using GLOBALS

2002-10-02 Thread Nicole Lallande


I am trying to upgrade my script which currently uses globals (and 
register_globals=on) to turning that flag off.  The online documentation 
on register globas has the following code recommended by users in order 
to register the variables:

$GLOBALS[dbname] = dbname;

//register globals
foreach ($GLOBALS as $key=$val) {
if ($key !=GLOBALS') {
  eval(\$$key = '$val';);

I am using the global array to connect to my database.  I find that if I 
insert the code above,  I get an error message that the document 
contains no data.  Can anyone tell me why?  Perhaps I would be better 
off just declaring the variable?  Would that take care of the problem?

$dbname= dbname;




Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] can you recommend PHP shopping cart

2002-09-18 Thread Nicole Lallande

http://www.fishcart.org/  - the guy who wrote this (in PHP) has been 
programming banking gateways for 20 years -- very security conscious. 
 The cart is very robust...



Peter J. Schoenster wrote:


Looking for a shopping cart. I've written plenty in the past but in 
Perl. I'm looking for one in PHP and I don't want to write my own.

I looked at this:


And I asked to see their code but I have not heard anything back.

I'm already favorable to anything that uses Smarty. I'd like something 
that is as OO as possible. Something that's got all the core features 
and is then easy to extend as every customer has their uniqure 

Anyone got some suggestions?


Web Development and Support  at Affordable Prices
901-757-8322   [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] .htaccess file

2002-08-01 Thread Nicole Lallande

I think it is something like - can't remember if it's an underscore or 
dash between the 'php' and 'flag'

php-flag register_globals off



B i g D o g wrote:

Is it possible to set register_globals to off in the .htaccess file.  If so
how do I do that?

.: B i g D o g :.


Nicole Lallande

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] .htaccess file

2002-08-01 Thread Nicole Lallande

it's php_flag register_globals off -- you can either place this within 
your Directory tags in your httpd .conf file or in an htaccess file -- 
for more info see http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.php#AEN2390



Nicole Lallande wrote:

 I think it is something like - can't remember if it's an underscore or 
 dash between the 'php' and 'flag'

 php-flag register_globals off



 B i g D o g wrote:

 Is it possible to set register_globals to off in the .htaccess file.  
 If so
 how do I do that?

 .: B i g D o g :.


Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] Php Dynamic Pages Apache Server

2002-08-01 Thread Nicole Lallande

This will read all '.pdf' files in a sub-directory and put them in a link -



?php // read the contents of this directory
$dir = ('./accessories/');

$dir_stream = @ opendir($dir)
or die (Could not open a directory stream for 

while($entry = readdir($dir_stream)) {

  // get the file extention
  $ext = substr($entry, strrpos($entry,'.'));

  // print the link to the file
  if ($ext == '.pdf') {
echo a href='$entry'$entry/abr /;


I am trying to create a php page that will show the files on an apache server.
Each file will show up as a link on the page.  When clicked, the user will be
able to download the file. Is there anyone out there that can lead me in the
right direction.


Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] Readdir

2002-08-01 Thread Nicole Lallande


echo $file\n;


echo a href='$file'$file/a\n;
Note the nested quotes -- outer quotes - , inner quotes (around $file) 
single - '




New To Php so please bear with me... :)

I used the readdir function to read the files listed on a Apache server. And
it worked fine. Now I would like to be able to get the files the php code
returns, to be links. Where the user can click the file and download it. Also
for the files to sit within a table or at least look neat on the page.
http://www.optimus7.com/findme.php is the result I get from the php code
below. Help!

if ($handle = opendir('/my/directory')) {
echo Directory handle: $handle\n;
echo Files:\n;

while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { 
echo $file\n;



Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] how to test if rewrite rule is working

2002-06-08 Thread Nicole Lallande

I have created the following htaccess file using rewrite rules  for the 
purpose of having search engine friendly files created from my dynamic 

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^index-(.*),(.*)\.html$ index.php?section=$1page=$2
RewriteRule ^nav-(.*),(.*)\.html$ nav.php?section=$1page=$2

How do I test to see if this is working from a search engine robot 
standpoint?  I don't see anything in my log files and I don't see that 
the URI in the address bar has changed.  Am I doing something wrong?




Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] .php3 extension?

2002-05-30 Thread Nicole Lallande

If you want your home page to be a .php3 file then you must add 
index.php3 to your DirectoryIndex directive:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.cgi index.php3 index.php  --- 
and so on.

In addition, .php3 should be added to your AddType directive

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4 .phtml

If you cannot access your httpd.conf file on your server, the same 
directives can be modified using a .htaccess file in the appropriate 



The Gabster wrote:

Hello all...

I have Apache 2.0.35 and PHP 4.2.0 on a win2k machine... Everything works
fine, etc. The question I have, how can I configure PHP (or Apache?) to
support (and run) .php3 extension files?

Thanks a lot,


Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] Re: Passing Variables

2002-05-23 Thread Nicole Amashta

Why do you need the group by clause? Do one or the other, not both.

either do a

select count(id) from table

select field, count(id) from table group by field

Check your query,

Nicole Amashta

James Opere wrote:
 Hi All,
  I'm trying to pass variables from one form to the other.I have a problem
 when i want to do the the following:
 I realise i can not use the brackets in my query and the variable be
 recognised.When i add COUNT without the brackets i still get an error.
 form action=me.php method=post
 input type=text name=this
 This is sent to :
 $sql=select COUNT($this) from $table group by  $this;
  This  gives an error.
 Please help.

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Re: [PHP] explode

2001-06-24 Thread nicole

if you need to pass special characters (eg. +) in the url, you need to
use a url encoding function like rawurlencode().. or choose another
delimeter which can be passed in the url like these -_.


Richard Kurth wrote:
 Question about explode
 this work just perfect
   $fname=$name1[0] ;this has what
   $lname=$name1[0] ;this has ever
   But if I pass the info from another page like this
   a href=whatever.php?name=what+evertest/a
   $fname=$name1[0] ;   this has what ever
   $lname=$name1[0] ;   this has nothing in it
   $fname has both names in it
   How come I get this it does not make since
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[PHP] toronto developers?

2001-06-22 Thread nicole

apologies for being not quite on topic..

i just moved to toronto, canada.. i'm trying to settle in (and look for
work) and was wondering if there is a developer community there.. ? or
even individuals who don't mind sharing a bit of local knowledge..

any contact appreciated :)

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Re: [PHP] Forum script

2001-06-20 Thread Nicole Lallande

try phorum - http://phorum.org -- awesome...



Rosen wrote:
 Can someone recommend me some good script for forums ?
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Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] Netscape 6, What a piece of s$#@ ,anyone else had problems with php and Netscape 6?

2001-05-16 Thread Nicole Lallande

Hi Brandon,

I don't know if this is the problem, but if you have a DOCTYPE
declaration  -  I have found the only one that works in N6 with dhtml

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

this has to do with the modes N6 operates in - strict and quirky.  I
found this out because I have been programming in XHTML and ran into
serious N6 problems with my DHTML menus.  Mine are javascript/css/html
and work great with N6.



Brandon Orther wrote:
 I am making a drop down menu script in PHP so it is compatible with non
 JavaScript browsers like Netscape 6.0  The problem I am having is that when
 I make tables it doesn't always load the background in the tables.  I
 suspect that maybe this is something with PHP because when I make html
 tables they seem to load pretty good.
 Any Ideas?
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Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] selected option values not being captured by form processing software

2001-03-13 Thread Nicole Lallande


Working on a code that uses a select/option field.  All my other fields
are passing through to the form processing software just fine.  Meloni's
PHP Essentials does this funky thing, declaring each function value as
selected or not although she shows it with the individual values not
with variable - and I don't understand why she is doing that - I don't
see it anywhere else.  What I do know is whether I try her if_else
selected method or without, my value is not being passed through http.   

echo "td width=\"550\" align=\"left\"select
echo "option value=\"\"Cat. ID No? Description  Pkg Size 
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 $catid[] = $row["Cat_ID"];   
   for ($i=0; $i  sizeof($catid); $i++) {
 $cat = $catid[$i]; 

 if($select_product =="cat") {
echo "option value=\"$cat\" selected$cat/option";
 } else {
echo "option value=\"$cat\"$cat/option";



Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] wordwrap() in php4.03pl1 does not work(?)

2001-03-12 Thread Nicole Lallande

Hi All,

Am trying to use this function which in the manual is defined as working
in versions of php  4.02 -- well, I qualify - but the feature does not
work.  Anyone know what is going on?



Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] wordwrap() in php4.03pl1 does not work(?)

2001-03-12 Thread Nicole Lallande

Sheesh - I forgot - the function is wordwrap()

Nicole Lallande wrote:
 Hi All,
 Am trying to use this function which in the manual is defined as working
 in versions of php  4.02 -- well, I qualify - but the feature does not
 work.  Anyone know what is going on?
 Nicole Lallande
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Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] printing data using javascript with php

2001-03-09 Thread Nicole Lallande

Dear Gurus:

I am trying to use javascript with my php code to output data onChange.
I have read the archives and know that because javascript is client side
and php is server side I cannot interact natively on the page except to
pass the variables through an http request.  Here is what I have done
based on what I have read in the archives etc.:

script language="javascript"
   function setboo() {

   var boo = ?php echo $boo ?;
   var dsc = ?php echo $dsc ?;
   var sz = ?php echo $sz ?;
   var prc = ?php echo $prc ?;

$boo is set to 0 within the php code and I am setting it to one with the
javascript because I thought I could then use an if statement:

//here is where boo gets set to one
echo "td width=\"100\" align=\"left\"select name=\"catalog_id\"
this is the html code for the document.forms input type="hidden"
name="boo" value="1" 

so what is supposed to happen here is the user selects a product by its
id number and presto - the rest of the information will be written to
the fields along side (I wish):

//here is the if statement
 if ($boo == '1') {
echo "td width=\"350\" align=\"left\"input type=\"text\"
name=\"description\" onChange=\"javascript:
document.write(dsc)\"/td"; }

where $dsc is set equal to an array element read in from a database in
the php code.  Now I KNOW I have got things MAJORLY confused here - but
the more I read the more wrapped up I seem to get so if there a way to
pull this off and someone knows - I would appreciate your help




Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] Stumped Newbie: Can't get results in db query even though everything checks - what am I missing?

2001-03-08 Thread Nicole Lallande


I keep getting the message that I cannot get results.  I have a simple
user authentication code that uses a mysql database to authenticate
from.  Initially I had the code working when I had the mysql_connect
variables in the code itself.  When I moved the connection variables to
an include file and then called them as variables, it was necessary to
change the variable names in the database (both were initially
$username, $password).  Now, while I have the connection and opening the
db correct I can't get results.  Here is my code:


$connection = mysql_connect("$hostname","$username","$password") or die
("Unable to connect to database.");
echo "I'm connected.br";
**__A-OK here

mysql_select_db("dnaUsers") or die ("Unable to select database.");
echo "I've opened the dnaUsers db.br";
echo "$ruser, $rpassbr"; //this is from the html login form
**__Yup, no problem so far - 

// Formulate the query  
$sql = "SELECT rep_name FROM reps WHERE username='$ruser' and
// Execute the query and put the results in $result
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die ("Couldn't get

**__Here it is - crash and burn - the database name is correct, the
fields are correct, the username and password are in the db and have
been input correctly and are even being passed from the form correctly. 

I have checked the names of all the fields to ensure they match the
variables in the query, checked that the values in the fields are
correct -  (yes, I have checked that they match.) 

I have searched the archives but the hard thing about the archives is
formulating the question in a way that will yield an answer.  Sorry if
this has been asked before.



Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] Stumped Newbie: Can't get results in db query even though everything checks - what am I missing?

2001-03-08 Thread Nicole Lallande


I keep getting the message that I cannot get results.  I have a simple
user authentication code that uses a mysql database to authenticate
from.  Initially I had the code working when I had the mysql_connect
variables in the code itself.  When I moved the connection variables to
an include file and then called them as variables, it was necessary to
change the variable names in the database (both were initially
$username, $password).  Now, while I have the connection and opening the
db correct I can't get results.  Here is my code:


$connection = mysql_connect("$hostname","$username","$password") or die
("Unable to connect to database.");
echo "I'm connected.br";
**__A-OK here

mysql_select_db("dnaUsers") or die ("Unable to select database.");
echo "I've opened the dnaUsers db.br";
echo "$ruser, $rpassbr"; //this is from the html login form
**__Yup, no problem so far - 

// Formulate the query  
$sql = "SELECT rep_name FROM reps WHERE username='$ruser' and
// Execute the query and put the results in $result
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die ("Couldn't get

**__Here it is - crash and burn - the database name is correct, the
fields are correct, the username and password are in the db and have
been input correctly and are even being passed from the form correctly. 

I have checked the names of all the fields to ensure they match the
variables in the query, checked that the values in the fields are
correct -  (yes, I have checked that they match.) 

I have searched the archives but the hard thing about the archives is
formulating the question in a way that will yield an answer.  Sorry if
this has been asked before.




Nicole Lallande

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Re: [PHP] Stumped Newbie: Can't get results in db query eventhough everything checks - what am I missing?

2001-03-08 Thread Nicole Lallande

Thanks Joe - that showed me right away!! all better now -- on to the
next step..


"Joe Sheble (Wizaerd)" wrote:
 I'd start by adding the mysql_error() function in your die() statement...
 $result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die ("Couldn't get results: " .
 it might give more information to help you find the problem...
 At 10:15 AM 3/8/01 -0800, Nicole Lallande wrote:
 I keep getting the message that I cannot get results.  I have a simple
 user authentication code that uses a mysql database to authenticate
 from.  Initially I had the code working when I had the mysql_connect
 variables in the code itself.  When I moved the connection variables to
 an include file and then called them as variables, it was necessary to
 change the variable names in the database (both were initially
 $username, $password).  Now, while I have the connection and opening the
 db correct I can't get results.  Here is my code:
 $connection = mysql_connect("$hostname","$username","$password") or die
 ("Unable to connect to database.");
 echo "I'm connected.br";
 **__A-OK here
 mysql_select_db("dnaUsers") or die ("Unable to select database.");
 echo "I've opened the dnaUsers db.br";
 echo "$ruser, $rpassbr"; //this is from the html login form
 **__Yup, no problem so far -
 // Formulate the query
 $sql = "SELECT rep_name FROM reps WHERE username='$ruser' and
 // Execute the query and put the results in $result
 $result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die ("Couldn't get
 **__Here it is - crash and burn - the database name is correct, the
 fields are correct, the username and password are in the db and have
 been input correctly and are even being passed from the form correctly.
 I have checked the names of all the fields to ensure they match the
 variables in the query, checked that the values in the fields are
 correct -  (yes, I have checked that they match.)
 I have searched the archives but the hard thing about the archives is
 formulating the question in a way that will yield an answer.  Sorry if
 this has been asked before.
 Nicole Lallande
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Nicole Lallande

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[PHP] newbie: ye ol' nemesis using mysql_fetch_array to load data

2001-03-08 Thread Nicole Lallande

Hello all,

I have an order form where I am trying to load an option button with a
field column from a database file:

This part works fine (actually Professional PHP has an example using the
do...while statement - I wonder which is better?):

$len = mysql_num_rows($result); 
for ($i=0; $i=$len; $i++) {
  echo "option value=\"$catid[$i]\"$catid/option";

The problem I have is loading the array - either I get the first or last
element of the array as a scalar variable or I get arrays of the word

   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 $rowid[] = $row["dnaProd_ID"];
 $catid[] = $row["Cat_ID"];
 $desc[] = $row["Description"];
 $size[] = $row["Pkg_size"];
 $price[] = $row["Price"];
and I have tried it without the [] - neither works.  I also tried this
with a for loop - replacing the while statement with 
   for($j=0; $j=$len; $j++) {
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); 
   $rowid[$j] = $row["dnaProd_ID"];
   $catid[$j] = $row["Cat_ID"];  etc, etc

nope ;{ sigh - checked the archives, books - saw a similar question
but I tried what they did and it did not work. This is one of those
instances where the solution is so simple I can't find it.

TIA for your help,


Nicole Lallande

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