Re: @lib/scrape.l questions

2015-06-25 Thread Luis P. Mendes
Hi Alex,

2015-06-24 12:49 GMT+01:00 Alexander Burger
 Hi Luis,

 These are beginner questions, but why doesn't this work?

 (in i.html
(while (from a href=\)
   (parseLink (till  T))

 This depends on what 'parseLink' does.

 (till  T) returns a transient symbol, you can try it as

(in i.html (from a href=\) (till  T))
- http://...;

 So perhaps 'parseLink' wants a list of characters, to be able to parse
 it? Then you might better do:

(in i.html (from a href=\) (till ))
- (h t t p : / ...)

 i.e. without the 'T' argument to 'till'.

 It's just a substitution of `msg` by a call to `parseLink` that
 doesn't seem to get called.

 'parseLink' will get called, if at least one pattern a href=\ is in
 the file.

In the above example, I used `in` and the call to `parseLink` works fine.
(client 80 wiki/?home
   (while (from a href=\)
  (parseLink (till 

does not.  AFAICT, each while cycle returns a list which in my view
would be used as an argument to `parseLink`, but it doesn't work as I
expect.  `in` opens an input channel, `client` seems to me to return a

I tried to save the whole html file with a `out`, before the `client`
instruction, so that I could parse the file as you've shown before,
but had no success either.  A file is created but it's empty.

(out hh.html
   (client 80 wiki/?home))

(out hh.html
   (client 80 wiki/?home
  (while (from a href=\)
 (msg (till )

Also tried to append to a file with each iteration:
(client 80 wiki/?home
   (while (from a href=\)
  (out +hh.html
 (msg (till )

As `client` is build as a library, I couldn't get an english
description as the core functions have, so it's more difficult for me.

Frustation is high right now... :-(

Re: @lib/scrape.l questions

2015-06-24 Thread Luis P. Mendes
2015-06-23 17:44 GMT+01:00 Alexander Burger
 Hi Luis,

 I want to go through every link to perform further parsing in some
 links, based in the first word of the tile of the link, but ran into
 some difficulties.

 Is this the right way to access each of the links?
 : (for L *Links (cond ((=T (pre? Quarto (car L))) (scrape this link...
 I know that scrape.l is available, but still a ton too much for me to
 understand it.

 I would think that @lib/scrape.l is not so much for parsing general
 websites. It is tailored for communication with - and controlling of -
 interactive PicoLisp GUI applications, and thus rather overkill.

 You can directly access the contents of a site with 'client', 'from' and

 For example, this prints every link ('href' anchor):

(client 80 wiki/?home
   (while (from a href=\)
  (msg (till  T)) ) )

 Instead of the final 'msg', you could to further processing of the data,
 and/or omit the 'T' in the 'till' call to get lists of characters
 instead of strings.

These are beginner questions, but why doesn't this work?

(in i.html
   (while (from a href=\)
  (parseLink (till  T))

(in i.html
   (while (from a href=\)
  (setq Tt (till  T))
  (parseLink Tt)))

It's just a substitution of `msg` by a call to `parseLink` that
doesn't seem to get called.

Just for curiosity, in my previous message, in
(for L *Links (cond ((=T (pre? Quarto (car L))) (scrape this link...

(car L) return the same as (caar L), (caaar L), etc?


@lib/scrape.l questions

2015-06-23 Thread Luis P. Mendes
Hi list,

When scraping a website:
: (scrape Urlbase 80 How)

I want to go through every link to perform further parsing in some
links, based in the first word of the tile of the link, but ran into
some difficulties.

Is this the right way to access each of the links?
: (for L *Links (cond ((=T (pre? Quarto (car L))) (scrape this link...

After further digging, I thought that (car L) would access the
description (title) of the link, and `cdr` the last part of the url.
But, then I found out that (car L) returns the same than (caar L) and (caaar L).
So, L returns T to `lst?`.  But what is the right way to access it?

I know that scrape.l is available, but still a ton too much for me to
understand it.

Have a nice weekend,


pil + interactive mode access lines of previous command

2015-06-17 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Assume I issue these instructions in `pil +` interactive mode

: (setq N 3)

: (while (gt0 n)
   (dec 'n)
   (prinl n))

It executes.  Then I want to access the second command to edit it, for
example to change the second line:
: (while (gt0 n)
   (dec 'n 2)
   (prinl n))

I press the up arrow key, but the only line that is editable is the
first one (while (gt0 n)
Is there a way to edit the second line, even though all the three
lines could be accessed as one big line, such as:
: (while (gt0 n)(dec 'n) (prinl n))


Re: https server side

2015-05-27 Thread Luis P. Mendes
Thank you all for your contributions!


2015-05-27 9:03 GMT+01:00 Henrik Sarvell
 I do WSS via httpGate with a CA signed certificate, see this article under
 the WSS section:

 On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:13 AM, Alexander Burger

 On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 07:25:59AM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
  The file names holds a configuration for the servers to be started.
  This is the part which still needs to be documented.

 Hmm, actually this is rather simple.

 Create a file with one server per line. For example, here some lines
 from my config file for the wiki and some demo apps:

app 8080 app  /home/app  log/app./pil app/main.l lib/app.l
 -main app/_patch.l -go -wait
wiki5000 app  /home/app  log/wiki   ./pil wiki/main.l lib/app.l
 -main wiki/_patch.l -go -wait
sushi  22000 app  /home/app  log/sushi  ./pil sushi/main.l lib/app.l
 -main -go -wait
menu   24000 app  /home/app  log/menu   ./pil menu/main.l lib/app.l
 -main -go -wait
canvas 27002 app  /home/app  log/canvas ./pil misc/canvas.l lib/app.l
 -main app/_patch.l -go -wait
phone  27003 app  /home/app  log/phone  ./pil misc/phone.l lib/app.l
 -main app/_patch.l -go -wait
osm27004 app  /home/app  log/osm./pil osm/main.l lib/app.l
 -main app/_patch.l -go -wait

 i.e. the arguments, separated by spaces, are:

1. The name of the application
2. The port where this server should listen at
3. The user name
4. The working directory of the server process
5. The log file where stdout and stderr should be redirected to
6. The command line to start the server process

 (For optimal access if you have really many servers, you should
 'balance' the contents of the config file. That's left as a task to the

 When a client requests e.g.

 this server will be started. That is, the name 'canvas' is looked up,
 and 'httpGate' checks if a process is listening at 27002. If not, it
 starts that process.

 The 'go' function of the server (see the example in app/main.l) may

(retire 20)

 This will cause this server to stop if there are no child processes and
 no activities for 20 minutes.

 'httpGate' sends the NAME of the application under which it was invoked,
 and the PORT it should listen at, in environment variables. Thus, the
 'server' call is

(server (or (format (sys PORT)) 8080) !work) )

 It uses the PORT passed in, or defaults to 8080.

 In that way you may have thousands of client application running on a
 single machine, each one only started and stopped as necessary.

 ♪♫ Alex


https server side

2015-05-26 Thread Luis P. Mendes

I couldn't find anything about the support of https in server side in
'Picolisp by Example' and in 'Picolisp Works' books.
But, there's a thread
that seems to imply that https/SSL has been implemented.
So my question, can a https server application be build in Picolisp
with a certificate signed by some CA?
If so, what part of the documentation am I missing?


Re: A Minimal PicoLisp DB/GUI Application, Telephone field

2015-01-14 Thread Luis P. Mendes

2015-01-14 12:09 GMT+00:00 Alexander Burger

 I see. So Norway has different systematics with telephone numbers.

 I don't understand them, though. In Germany we have the rule that both
 0049 123 456 and +49 123 456 are the same as 0123 456.
The 00 to + conversion is of no problem, but the 0 leading local or
domestic numbers seems to be a feature of some countries, but not of


Recursive (dir) - some help needed

2014-08-17 Thread Luis P. Mendes

I'm building a script to print the contents of a directory tree
recursively, but I'm facing some problems.
The script can be found at
Attached, I also send the script as well as the directory tree I
created to test it.

The problems:
1) how to print a blank line?

2) The function GetFullPath (Parent L Full) [line 6]  seems to return
a list with the subdir components of some dir, but (ffiles (cdr
(append Dir_list (GetFullPath Item (dir Item) ) [line 39]  does
not seem to get that list back.  When I run it, it only seems to get a
list of one file only, even if there's a a sub-directory there.

3) (lst? (GetFullPath Item (dir Item)))[line 38]  is not doing
what I was expecting, returning T or NIL whether GetFullPath sends a
list or not.

FYI, I've already seen


Description: Unix tar archive

Re: Cannot run script from bash

2014-07-10 Thread Luis P. Mendes
 Correct would be

(de ffiles (dir_list)
  ((=T (info (car dir_list))) (print is directory))
  (T (print is not directory)) ) )

 Note the 'T' in the last line.
Ok, I already corrected the code and capitalized the function parameter.

 $ pil pil_files.l -main +
 (enters interactive mode)

 OK, nothing was printed for the above reason.

Now, when the code is:
(de ffiles (Dir_list)
  ((=T (info (car Dir_list))) (print is directory))
  (T (print is not directory)) ) )

(de main ()
   (ffiles (dir)))

and I try to run it as $ pil pil_files.l -main
is not directory:

there's no return to the bash shell (either using '+' or not).

If I had the

at the bottom of the code as suggested by Henrik:
$ pil pil_files.l -main

outputs nothing and return to bash (either using '+' or not).

I should be missing something...


Cannot run script from bash

2014-07-09 Thread Luis P. Mendes
Hi again, sorry for these novice questions, but can't figure out why
this script doesn't run.

Be pil_files.l:

#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(de ffiles (dir_list)
  ((=T (info (car dir_list))) (print is directory))
  (print is not directory)))

(de main ()
   (ffiles (dir)))

And I try to run it with:

$ pil pil_files.l -main +
(enters interactive mode)

$ pil pil_files.l -main
(no +, same result)

$ pil -main pil_files.l +
!? (main)
main -- Undefined

$ pil -main pil_files.l
!? (main)
main -- Undefined
(no +, same result)

$ ./pil_files.l
(as there's a shebang, but this one seems correct to me as I didn't
pass an argument and there's nothing to parse it).

But why does not `pil pil_files.l -main +`  execute the function
ffiles with the list resulting from function `dir`?

Thank you in advance Alex.


eol characters

2014-05-26 Thread Luis P. Mendes

I tried to find this, but couldn't.
In, it is said that End of
line is recognized as linefeed (hex 0A), carriage return (hex 0D),
or the combination of both.

But sometimes, at least in other text processing languages (eg awk),
it's very convenient to have a different character as the marker for
end of line.
Did I miss something in the reference or is it not possible to assume
a different character from those ones as eol?

PS. A beginner trying to read a xml text file and to do something
useful with it.

Re: Some initial questions

2013-09-29 Thread Luis P. Mendes
2013/9/29 O.Hamann
 And I remember a very nice interactive tutorial (basics of Lisp in general),
 looked similar to this, perhaps is the same:

 It's available in english, covers the Lisp basics in few lessons
   and offers interactive excercises with explanations.

 It's fun, too!

Thank you for your help Olaf!

Right now I'm doing some exercises in the site:  but will take lessons from the
site you mention as well.


Some initial questions

2013-09-24 Thread Luis P. Mendes

I'm writing for this list hoping to get some good insights on what I'm
going to say.
I started with BASIC for Timex 2068/ZX Spectrum, then learned Pascal.
Had a lot of years when my programming was only some Access databases
and Excel macros.
After these 'gray' years, I became interested very much in programming
again and learned Python. More recently, I began projects in C and

C++ is a very complex language that I really dislike, although I'm
implementing my PhD research on it (about clustering), because of
speed of execution.
I like somehow C, because it's simpler and one can know what to
expect, even though I didn't have my graduation or other studies in
Computer Science or related fields.  And C is fast!
On the other hand, Python is slow at run time.  I began to like very
much, but the absence of (optional) static typing gave me some
problems trying to find bugs at runtime.
I also need programming for my job, although it's not exclusively a
programming job, many times I program in PHP, add some SQL and Bash.

I've heard of Lisp, but it always felt as not a serious thing, with
slow execution and aimed at smaller scripts or compiled programs.
These were my perceptions until recently.
Going from Lisp to Scheme, to Rebol, to Red Lang, reading a lot, I
came across PicoLisp and 'fell in love' with what is promised by the
language.  It's pratical...

So, right now, I'm at 41 years old, striving for simpleness, and I'm
looking for a programming language that I can adopt (hopefully)
through the rest of my life, maybe also to a career change aiming at
working at consultation in management/IT/decision-aid applications.

This is my context.
I'd appreciate some enlightenment on some topics.  Please consider
that I haven't learned Lisp yet!

I keep reading that execution speed is not very important.  Well, it
certainly depends on the subject. Computers are quicker nowadays but
the quantity of data is increasing at also an increasing rate.
So, for example, when considering a time series with 100 000 elements,
what is the magnitude of slowness that I can expect from PicoLisp
compared to C++? 20x?  And what about if the number of elements grow
by a factor of ten, can I expect the time to increase less than, 10x
or more than 10 times the previous?
This can be the difference between getting a small break and check
results after some minutes or to have to leave some computation
running all night.  And about memory consumption compared to the
benchmark C++?  I've read that PicoLisp has simplified structure
representations in memory, but I'd like to know some rough number
about it.

Another question is about the integrated database.  I use PostGresSQL
and MySQL to handle my data.  In MySQL, there are tables with +10
million rows, others with +10^4 only.  The idea to have an integrated
database is excellent, but at what speed? How much slower than those
two databases?  Can the fields be indexed somehow?

Continuing with the integrated database, is it possible to build
'queries' of several joins and unions using Pilog?

Now regarding PicoLisp and C++ integration.  I'd like to build a
project in some language (hope not to have to use C++) that uses a
POSIX C++ API in the financial arena.  I've seen several examples of
PicoLisp 'talking' to C and it's said that C and C++ share the same
protocol (ABI?).   Is it possible to build a PicoLisp program that
uses that C++ API (probably full of objects and complexities) for
input and output?  Can I learn from examples given in PicoLisp
documentation, or is it needed some CS degree to be able to decipher
the process?

In C, C++, I can access data structures via pointers for great speed.
I guess I can achieve the same in PicoLisp somehow, is is right so?
(remember I haven't get my feet wet in Lisp yet).

Now, for the two last questions:
It's said that normally PicoLisp will find some type errors during run
time at an early stage.  But since I got burnt with Python in the
past, I'd like to know if there are tests available or easily
programmable to force some variables to only accept values of some
type.  With lint?

Since PicoLisp is interpreted and since the original author Alexander
Burger builds and sells himself applications for clients, isn't there
an issue that the code is given as is to those clients? Or is there
some JIT code that can be build that hides somehow the code from the

If you got down here, thank you for reading my long message.
