Re: [protext] Querry

2020-04-25 Thread Karl Berry
from there it says it is around 3 gb but the page only gives around 1 gb.
Is it safe to downlad the file?

Yes, it's ok. The release this year is only about 1gb; I just forgot to
update the web page (done now). We had to remove a lot of the
lesser-used material from protext to make things fit this year. Since
miktex has its dynamic update feature, hopefully it won't be a big
problem. --thanks, karl.

Re: [protext] Unable to access proTeXt ISO image ftp link

2019-12-19 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Ahmed,

I am trying to download the proTeXt ISO image but I am unable to
access the FTP link provided on

I don't know what happened to (I assume that's what
you're referring to). Thomas? The hostname no longer resolves in DNS.

In any case, you can download protext from  That automatically
chooses a nearby CTAN mirror. If the one chosen does not work, you can
select one manually from and then navigate to
systems/windows/protext in that mirror's interface.

Hope this helps,

Re: [protext] ProTeXt question

2019-10-09 Thread Karl Berry
- Which packages can be dropped, while there is still everything inside 
to "write math/scientific paper"s?

You could use the equivalent of TeX Live's "scheme-small", which is the
same as MacTeX's "BasicTeX", which many people say they happily use for
more or less exactly this purpose. (Brief description at; I can send the exact
package list if it matters.)

However, I also think it's not actually necessary to define such a thing
for protext, because miktex, unlike TeX Live, will dynamically install
packages as needed. So we could just remove some of the biggest packages.

- Is MiKTeX's installation-routine still usable with a package-reduced 

You would know better than any of us. Can you try it? It should be
possible to install MiKTeX with more or less any set of packages,
because of the dynamic package installation feature. I haven't had
occasion to install MiKTeX for many years, but I did minimal
installations in the past.

- Will i run into any licensing problems, when i extract any packages 
from the installation-archive?

As far as I can imagine, no. Do you have something specific in mind?
There is no case where package x says that "legally, you must also
install package y".

   i'll see no chance for a size-reduction.

We are required to save space somehow, because next year it is almost
certain that the longstanding setup of TL (with reduced binaries) +
protext + ctan will not fit on one dvd. So the choices would seem to be:

0) Increasing capacity via either flash drives or two dvd's, but IMHO
that would cost the user groups too much money for too little benefit.

1) I could reduce TL, but (a) that is less good for users because TL does
not have on-demand package installation, and (b) a lot of work for me
because of the integrated way in which packages and collections are
bound together in TL.

2) You could reduce protext. I hope all you have to do is delete some
of the little-used big package files (notably fonts), with no other
work. At least, that seems like the first thing to try.

3) Manfred could reduce or eliminate CTAN, but that also seems less good
for users, since the things left in the CTAN snapshot are mainly nonfree
and therefore not available in either TL or MiKTeX. There is nothing
else left.

4) We stop distributing the DVD entirely -- but some users still like
them. My impression is that only a handful actually install from it
nowadays, but those that do really appreciate it, and many people like
having it as a more-or-less permanent archive.


[protext] bittorrent and protext

2016-11-01 Thread Karl Berry
A user suggested distributing protext via bittorrent, and said that
somehow http mirrors can be used as seeders.  I don't know. Passing on
FWIW ...

Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2016 19:36:50 +0100
From: Elias Jonsson
To: Karl Berry 
Subject: Re: protext.exe distribution

I'm afraid I can't, but you could always try adding the already existing
HTTP-mirrors as HTTP seeders. That way the client connects to a number
of mirrors plus ordinary Bittorrent seeders.

Re: [protext] new protext on

2012-04-20 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Robin,

last night's mirror from into ctan gave us an apparently new
"protext.exe" without deleting what was there.

Nothing has changed on the side as far as I can see.  Maybe your
mirror arguments or software or something changed, and are now expanding

$ ls -l
total 1196352
lrwxrwxrwx 1 karl root 14 Aug 15  2009 HEADER.html -> ../HEADER.html
-rw-rw-r-- 2 karl root 1223854878 Jul 15  2011 ProTeXt-3.0-070811.exe
-rw-rw-r-- 2 karl root 57 Jul 15  2011 ProTeXt-3.0-070811.exe.md5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 karl root 22 Jul 15  2011 protext.exe -> 

incidentally, there is a dead link from your name under "credits" in

Thanks.  Thomas, if you have a different home page now, let me know,
else I'll just delete the link.


Re: [protext] Information regarding PROTEXT2.X and 3.X - ECCN

2011-10-17 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Jeronimo,

The truth is, we don't know the ECCN numbers for anything. We have been
exporting software for years without worrying about it, and so have
hundreds of other organizations.

And, sorry, but I have no legal authority to fill out anything like your
form.  Protext, like all TeX distributions, has no single author or


Re: [protext] License agreement for PROTEXT 2.X and 3.X

2011-10-06 Thread Karl Berry
I am searching the web site for the end user license for PROTEXT 2.X
and 3.X but I could not find it.

There is no single license.  Protext is a collection of thousands of
packages with different license terms.  The intent is that it is all
free (libre) software, along the lines of TeX Live, but we cannot give
you legal guarantees of anything.

Protext is essentially MiKTeX with a few additional tools.  So what you
really need is an answer for MiKTeX -- see


Re: [protext] Some suggestion (Some typing correction)

2011-04-29 Thread Karl Berry

Thanks for your comments.  The main purpose of proTeXt is to provide a
simple way for people to get going with MiKTeX.  We've found that
providing a plethora of install options is counterproductive.

If you want a customized installation, you can install TeX Live instead
of proTeXt.  TL's default install mode on Windows is likewise simple,
but lots of customization is possible.

I do not beleive that anyone is using both TeX and LaTeX, for instance.

Actually, many, many people do just that.


Re: [protext] Latex software information

2011-02-24 Thread Karl Berry
Dear vendor

We aren't a vendor, we're volunteers.

  Please can you tel me this product is free of cost or their is some
charges to use this software.

There is no charge for downloading protext.
(There is also no guaranteed support.)


Re: [protext] configuration wizard-distrubution directory

2011-01-31 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Jen,

failed to give us the directory code to put in the window that pops
up after you download the program. So I was wondering what the code
was for that?

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what code you mean.  Is it just the
installation directory name?  You can choose any directory on your local
hard drive, and I think it provides a default that's likely to work.

If this doesn't make any sense, can you send a screenshot of the place
you're stuck?

Sorry for the trouble.


Re: [protext] To verify the License of the software.

2010-11-23 Thread Karl Berry
It is not the case that proTeXt as a whole is covered by the GNU GPL.
It is a composite collection, and its pieces have numerous different
licenses.  They are all supposed to be free (as in the Free Software
Foundation), but neither I nor anyone else can legally guarantee that.


Re: [protext] Virus in ProTexT

2010-10-29 Thread Karl Berry
I try to install MiKTeX using Protext, but it gives me a message that 
there is a virus:

There is no virus.  It is a bug in the virus detection program.

Re: [protext] Downloading ProteXt-2.2.3-091410

2010-09-19 Thread Karl Berry
from this site:

I expect it is a network issue somewhere between your site and
fernuni-hagen.  It works fine for me.

>From where can I get the latest ProTeXt? 

Well, another protext release will probably be coming soon anyway, but
since you asked, I updated  In case that
also fails for you -- it will propagate to CTAN over the next couple
days, and then you'll be able to get it from any CTAN site

My current version is ProTeXt-2.2.1-102109. I have been using ProTeXt 
for four years now, and depend on it heavily.

You could also simply install MiKTeX ( directly.  ProTeXt
adds a few things to the miktex distribution, like texniccenter, but
doesn't change anything inside miktex.

Hope this helps,

Re: [protext] User's License

2010-07-09 Thread Karl Berry
Can someone point me to the Software User's License for proTeXt?

There is no single license, since it's a collection of many independent
works.  It's based on MiKTeX, and the info for that is here:


Re: [protext] Update pdf output file

2009-08-03 Thread Karl Berry
In addition to Thomas's reply ...

the pdf output file cannot be updated while the last pdf output is
still opened (by pdf reader or adobe acrobat).

I'm not sure if this will appeal, but I can think of two other options:

1) use the SumatraPDF reader for Windows, which has a reload feature.

2) use TeXworks (, which has a builtin PDF
   reader and lots of other nifty features.

Hope this helps,

Re: [protext] Installing TeX

2009-01-29 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Rad,

I'm wondering if you would have better luck with the latest version of
proTeXt, which you can download from  What we had on the CD at the JMM
was somewhat old.  (Nice to chat with you there anyway. :)

Sorry for the troubles.


Re: [protext] Old version of ProTeXt?

2008-06-08 Thread Karl Berry
So my question: is there an old version ProTeXt
(namely the one based on MiKTeX 2.6) available somewhere?

All old versions of protext (among other things) are archived at  (Whether there was one based on
miktex 2.6, I don't know.)

I've added a link to for this.


Re: [protext] Adding one more language to the ProTeXt installation Guide

2008-05-04 Thread Karl Berry
I would like to translate the ProTeXt installation guide in Persian.


So can it be added to ther languages in the installation or not?

Sure, why not?
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] PDF demands

2008-03-19 Thread Karl Berry
It's bad enough that its footprint is the size of an entire CD (why,

If you install everything, it's big, of course.  The minimal subset to
run LaTeX is comparable to OpenOffice (smaller, I think; I haven't
checked recently).

proTeXt is intended to be simple to install.  Evidently you want more
flexibility, so as Thomas said, you should install from and
forget protext.  We should make this clearer in various places, so
thanks for the implicit bug report :).

And then to even have to join a mailinglist for just this 1 question.

You can post to this mailing list (and all TUG mailing lists) without
subscribing to it.  If there is somewhere that says you have to
subscribe first, pleasr tell me.

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] PDF demands

2008-03-19 Thread Karl Berry
Start FoxIt and open install\protext-install-en.pdf - i've got some 

If FoxIt ( works, we should
adjust the docs to say so.

What I'd really like is for SumatraPDF
( to work, since it's
the only free (as in freedom) PDF reader on Windows that I know of.

Is there anyone on the list who could test these and let us know?

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] A Quick Question

2008-02-21 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Vafa,

1- Are you considering any alternatives to TeXnicCenter since it seems to
not being updated anymore?

I'm not sure there's any obvious alternative right now.  Do you have any

We are sponsoring development of a new cross-platform front-end that I
hope will be ready for testing in a few months.  Perhaps that will be
suitable.  We'll see how it goes.

Will defer the other questions for Thomas ... (I suggest just
experimenting for the margins ...)

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] missing file in MiKTeX 2.5

2007-08-16 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Hayley,

I want to know is the missing natbib package limited only to me or to the

I'm puzzled.  natbib is included in the usual protext (and miktex, afaik)
distributions, at least I see a file:

As far as updates go, we don't do anything specific for protext -- the
miktex web site / repository is the place to do updates.  I'm not sure
why your ftp failed; if no one else here can help, one of the miktex
lists is probably the better bet to ask.

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] can't install protext because of md5 checksum mismatch.

2007-07-24 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Ahmet,

>while i am trying to install ProTeXt-2.0.exe now it says :

I surmise that your download got corrupted somehow.  I suggest trying

Hope this helps ...
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] LaTex access quesion

2007-07-11 Thread Karl Berry
Hello Svetlana,

Please try this url:

Hope it works.  I can't say why the other things you tried failed.
I've never heard of VTS_01_1.VOB -- sounds like a clearcase file of all
things, which is entirely unrelated to any TeX download.

Best regards,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Questions

2007-06-10 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Peter,

I can't answer your first question, having never used miktex or
texniccenter, but as for your second:

(2) Is there any easy way (as in Word) to include different graphics 
(eps, jpg, tiff, bmp) in a single document?

You can include common formats *except* eps in a pdflatex document with
the normal \includegraphics (or whatever).

You have to convert eps to pdf first (Word must do that for you behind
the scenes).  One Windows program to do that conversion is here:

One short introductory article on graphics and TeX is here:

Hope this helps,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] embedding a picture(*.eps)

2007-04-24 Thread Karl Berry
You should be able to convert from EPS to PDF using
the epstopdf utility. Unfortunately, that's a
command-line utility, and I don't if there is a
graphical front end for it.

Siep Kroonenberg has written a GUI graphics conversion program for
Windows (and other platforms):

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Installation dialog in German?

2007-03-05 Thread Karl Berry
I didn't see an ISO for the current version of proTeXt. There's no
mention of it on the web page .

The situation had been in flux for a while, just now resolved.  Happily,
now the ISO's are available from a couple of sites, including Thomas'.
I added links to the web page.

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Installation dialog in German?

2007-03-03 Thread Karl Berry
Hi James,

Why is the install dialog in German? 

Somehow I thought that the first thing it did was ask what language you
wanted to use.  I know the main pdf installation document is available
in English (protext-install-en.pdf), so if you can just get to that
point, you should be ok.

Thomas, can you shed any light?

And how can I get a copy of ProTeXt in English?

There aren't any different versions.  This was intended to be usable in
several languages.

Sorry for the trouble,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] downloading the protext

2007-02-08 Thread Karl Berry
Excuse me, but could someone please explain to me: What is a torrent file?

It's a way of making a big file (like our iso's) available in small
pieces from many sources, instead of having to be downloaded in one huge
file from a central server.

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] downloading the protext

2007-02-07 Thread Karl Berry
it will be really helpful if there is a torrent file for the protext. 

It would be most welcome.  Can you set it up?
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] downloading problems

2007-01-31 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Myrna, Thomas, and all,

Some TeX User's group offer ProTeXt on DVD/CD for a small amount (BTW:
Karl, can people get ProTeXt from TuG this way?), perhaps this is an

Yes -- you can either join TUG ( and get it as part of
membership, or purchase it separately (  (A new version
should be available within a few weeks, BTW.)

Unfortunately, it's simply a fact that the TeX distribution is large
enough that downloading over a slow or unreliable connection is painful,
as you have seen.  Sorry about that.

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] question Latex

2007-01-17 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Sophie,

I'm sorry for the problems.  Perhaps the download was simply corrupted
somewhere; were there any error messages when you clicked on the links
in the document?

Perhaps downloading the basic MiKTeX will work better for you.
Take a look at ...

Hope this helps,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] LaTex for Windows XP Professional x64?

2006-11-16 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Vincent,

I have never used Latex before but I would like to use it for writing up my
thesis and my publications. 

Glad to hear it.

thesis and my publications. I am working on Windows XP Professional
x64. Is the

I can't recall that particular version being cited, but I know of no
reason why protext/miktex would not work there.  My suggestion is to
give it a try ...

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Installing Tex on Windows XP Edition x64

2006-10-28 Thread Karl Berry
Hello Dr. Clements,

install program failed

Was there an error message?  Did the extraction seem to go ok?

I wonder if the download could have been corrupted, which seems to
happen surprisingly often.  Can you check the file size and/or checksum
with what's on the server?

are you aware of any x64 versions of LaTex(2e) available?

I was under the impression that the binaries should run fine on either
one.  I can't recall special 64-bit versions for Windows being needed
before.  But Thomas or others will know better than me about that.

Best regards,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Question-LateX2E

2006-10-21 Thread Karl Berry
Does the proTeXt (and incorporated package MiKTeX) support LaTeX2e???

Certainly.  LaTeX2e is the standard LaTeX and has been for many years.
If you just run LaTeX from protext/miktex (or any other distribution),
you'll be getting LaTeX2e.

Hope this helps.  Best regards,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Hi

2006-10-19 Thread Karl Berry
Would like to know is there any conversion s/w available to convert  
the latex file to XML format.

Of course there are endless varieties of XML.

The program I know best is tex4ht.  It can output in XHTML, OpenOffice
XML, DocBook, etc.

I believe it is included in miktex, and thus in protext.

Hope this helps,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Enquiry: proTeXt version for download [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2006-10-04 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Michelle,

postscript files but my Defence client has had problems with opening .ps

Perhaps others will correct me, but somehow I was under the impression
that Acrobat has never been able to read general .ps files -- only .pdf.

I empathize with your desire to minimize the number of applications on
the network, but I don't know what commercial tools are around to read
.ps; I always use ghostscript + a front-end myself on those occasions
when I don't have a pdf.

Sorry this isn't more help ...

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Protext too big for me to download

2006-10-03 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Jodi,

[Your original message to the list was mangled by me and the mail
software; long story.  Appending it here for the record.]

You can get a protext cd from tug for $40 + $2 shipping.

This is what was released last year, and it should still be just fine
for most purposes.  If you need the absolute latest updates, we might be
able to burn a special cd, I'd have to consult.

I guess the alternative is to find a friend in Australia with broadband
and have them download, burn and ship a cd to you :).  (It's essentially
free software, there's no problem with doing so.)



Unfortunately, I am in regional Australia where there is no broadband, so I
 am restricted to dialup.

Since Protext is over 400MBt - is it possible to get a DVD sent to me? If
 so, how much would it cost to Victoria, Australia?

Is there another option?

Thank you in advance and regards,

Jo Dipnall
CogNETive Pty Ltd 
"Precision knowledge outcomes" 
(ACN 086 946 607, ABN 36 086 946 607) 
Tel: +61 (0)3 59414881 
Fax: +61 (0)3 59401173 
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Enquiry: proTeXt version for download [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2006-09-25 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Michelle,

Is it possible to get the proTeXt installation package without the
WinEdt editor as this software is not required?

Yes.  It's entirely optional whether you choose to install it (or use
it) even now.

And as Thomas said, it'll be removed entirely in the next version.

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Enquiry: proTeXt version for download [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2006-09-22 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Michelle,

I am currently evaluating proTeXt for installation on the Australian
Defence network.  


1. There are two software versions for download at with the same timestamp
(28-Oct-2005 22:03): protext-1.3.exe and protext.exe.  Does it matter
which version is downloaded?

No.  The generic name is symlinked to the version name, that's all.

2. Is the software a network version or for single user only?

The licensing is more generous than either of those.  The TeX software
that comprises the bulk of the distribution is released under a variety
of free software licenses.  That is, it can be freely copied and used
(and modified) anywhere, and redistributed as desired.

The proTeXt distribution also includes two special cases: the WinEdt
editor, which is shareware (and clearly marked as such); if you want to
use it, you'd have to acquire licenses for that (

And the gsview PDF viewer, which is under a slightly different license,
but can be copied around your network without problem.  I imagine you
will probably be choosing to use the Adobe (Acrobat) Reader, anyway.

3. How frequent are the updates to the software?

Major updates to the protext distribution are relatively infrequent,
perhaps once or twice a year.  And (in contrast to proprietary systems),
there is nothing forcing you to install each update.  The system will
keep working fine as it is.

Minor updates, such as to individual LaTeX packages, are quite frequent
-- it is triggered by some contributor uploading a new version of some
package to CTAN (, which then gets packaged.  There is even
less reason to install each of these updates; most of them will be for
packages which you would never have occasion to use.

4. Is it up to the users to monitor updates on the software or can they
be notified by TUG?

protext is fundamentally a nicer installation routine for MiKTeX
(  That is, what it installs is MiKTeX plus a few
additional programs (like winedt and gsview). 

I explain this because MiKTeX has a very nice update mechanism, which is
what you would be using.  I don't know all its details, but I know that
it can show you the packages available for update at any given time, and
a simple interface to select, download, and install them.

Of course TUG sends out announcements when there is a major new release;
there's a mailing list ( you
can subscribe to to get those.

Hope this helps.  Please let us know if any other questions or


protext mailing list

Re: [protext] help: maketfm: No creation rule for font ptmb.

2006-09-10 Thread Karl Berry
! Font \secfnt=ptmb at 12.0pt not leadable: Metric  file not found.

I have been told that MiKTeX (and hence proTeXt) does not include the
original PostScript tfm files like ptmb.tfm, ptmr.tfm, etc.  They are
virtual font (.vf)-based tfm files that were the original mechanism for
using PostScript fonts, done many years ago.

I don't know why they are not included.  Perhaps it would be good to ask
on the MiKTeX mailing list, if it's not a FAQ.

To be honest, I am not sure where they are available on CTAN (,
but they must be there somewhere.

Meanwhile, if the document explicitly refers to ptmb, you might be able
to change it to ptmb8r and get ok results.

Sorry I can't help more.

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Fw: installation failure, help!

2006-09-06 Thread Karl Berry

Overall, it seems like you haven't yet been able to download a clean

There are indeed two versions -- protext.exe, which is 425,968,887
bytes, and, which is 394,582,929 bytes.  If your
downloaded files aren't exactly those sizes, they definitely got
corrupted somewhere.  

The exe file is available from any CTAN mirror (in
systems/win32/protext); the list of hosts is at  All I can think of to
suggest is to try a host as close to you as possible, and/or different
retrieval methods (http vs. ftp vs. rsync).  

I hope it works out!


protext mailing list

Re: [protext] LATEX Software Required

2006-07-05 Thread Karl Berry
Dr. Khare,

I am a researcher in the field of mathematics and wish to install
the LATEX software on my computer system for typesetting my research
articles. How Ca I Get this facility? Kindly Help Me.

You can download the protext distribution from

Since you wrote to the protext mailing list, I imagine you're already
aware of the protext web page:  It has the above
link and a bunch of other information.

Hope this helps,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] dvipdfm error with including graphics

2006-05-18 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Tim,

> Didn't find "endobj"

Does miktex provide dvipdfmx (as well as dvipdfm)?  If so, I advise
trying that (dvipdfm is no longer maintained).  If not, I believe you
can get the binaries from

If you try dvipdfmx and it fails, please write the dvipdfmx authors and
include the actual .dvi and .eps files which fail.

> some option in the dvipdfm config is incorrectly set. 

Can't say for sure, but it doesn't sound much like a config problem to
me, but rather a bug in the particular version of dvipdfm.

I am somewhat surprised that dvipdfm[x] accepts eps files in the first
place.  I surmise it converts them on the fly to pdf, which seems pretty
complicated.  If you convert your .eps to .pdf yourself (or export in
pdf in the first place), does it work, perhaps?

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] installation error; Adobe Acrobat 7.0 freezes

2006-05-04 Thread Karl Berry
Hello Mira,

I am able to open other PDFs, such as my unrelated personal files,
and also other PDF files in the proTeXt distribution, such as

I still fear a problem with Acrobat.  The proTeXt pdf makes use of the
"run" feature, which I don't think any other pdf's in protext do.
Unfortunately I have no clue what can be done, which I know is less than
helpful.  Sorry.  Thomas, any ideas?

My only other thought is whether protext.exe was corrupted in the
download.  Probably not, since it unpacked ok, but can you check the
filesize (should be 425968887 bytes) or preferably the md5 checksum
(should be 10e28d1fa9ae50d7fa228830f0cc524f)?

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Downloading LaTeX

2006-04-06 Thread Karl Berry
success, to download the proTeXt-MiKTeX Windows ensemble for the past 
two hours.  Each download page I am sent to provides only tons more text 
about the next layer of components.

The protext web page has a direct link to a .exe
to download:

Give me a good understandable MS Office download anytime.

So then it seems unlikely you will be happy with TeX even if you do get
through the download and install.  Sorry to hear it.  Maybe your physics
instructor will let you do your report in Word ...

protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Download/Installation info...

2006-03-07 Thread Karl Berry
an obvious link is provided that states simply "Download..."  But where is 

At the beginning of the fourth paragraph:
   You can  ...

The link is


protext mailing list