[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype.js / AJAX.response() Script

2010-04-06 Thread T.J. Crowder

> Any suggestions?  Is this possible/doable?

Unfortunately, as far as I can tell on a few minutes' effort, TinyURL
doesn't support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)[1], and so while
you could do this with Ajax.Request[2]:

new Ajax.Request("http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=http://
www.google.com/", {
onSuccess: function(response) {
var newUrl = response.responseText;
alert("New URL: " + newUrl);

...it doesn't work because it fails afoul of the SOP[3].

Apparently you're not the first to want to do this client-side,
because in the course of trying to find out whether TinyURL supported
CORS I ran across a Google AppEngine site[4] that works around this
using JSONP[5]. So you could use that service (if you could find
someone to ask permission from):

function gotTinyURL(data)
if (data.ok) {
alert("New URL: " + data.tinyurl);
else {
alert("Request failed");

function getTinyURL(url)
var head, script;

head = $$('head')[0];
if (head) {
script = new Element('script', {
type: 'text/javascript',
src: 'http://json-tinyurl.appspot.com/?url=' + url +

Note that when you call a JSONP service in this way, you are *trusting
that service not to do anything bad* because you're giving them full
access to the page (that's how JSONP works).

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/access-control/
[2] http://api.prototypejs.org/ajax/ajax/request/
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same_origin_policy
[4] http://json-tinyurl.appspot.com/
[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON#JSONP

On Apr 6, 8:25 pm, mTorbin  wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm relatively new to prototype.js and I'm attempting to figure out
> the ajax.response() function.  I'd like to build a little function
> that achieves the same as PHP's file_get_contents() but using
> Javascript.  Specifically I'd like to be able to take advantage of
> TinyURL's open API:
> http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=http://www.google.com/
> Any suggestions?  Is this possible/doable?
> Thanks in advance!
>  - MT

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[Proto-Scripty] Remove script from view

2010-04-06 Thread emachnic
I'm new to Prototype and script.aculo.us and I have this code in my
view that makes a link move left onmouseover and back right
onmouseout. I have had the same problem as others where it executes
the onmouseout event even if onmouseover hasn't finished so I wanted
to put this in my application.js file and I needed to know how to
write it there and call it in the view. This is written in HAML for a
Rails2.3.5 app.

= link_to "BLOG", {:action => "index"}, :id => "sideLink1", :class =>
"sideLink", :onmouseover => "new Effect.Move(this, {x: -10, y: 0,
duration: 0.2}); return false;", :onmouseout => "new Effect.Move(this,
{x: 10, y: 0, duration: 0.2}); return false;"

Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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[Proto-Scripty] Prototype.js / AJAX.response() Script

2010-04-06 Thread mTorbin
Hey all,

I'm relatively new to prototype.js and I'm attempting to figure out
the ajax.response() function.  I'd like to build a little function
that achieves the same as PHP's file_get_contents() but using
Javascript.  Specifically I'd like to be able to take advantage of
TinyURL's open API:


Any suggestions?  Is this possible/doable?

Thanks in advance!

 - MT

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: [NEW] Optimize table content filtering.

2010-04-06 Thread Shinkan

On 6 avr, 17:46, Alex Wallace  wrote:
> In general I would simplify things a bit:
>  * the two selectors ($$) are pretty lengthy- could they be optimized,

I thought the more precise I'll be, the fastest it would be for
Prototype to find.

> Also, try doing those selectors beforehand and caching the values somewhere.

I tried with moving var lines = ... before func declaration, but I get
strange behaviors : lines (tr) no longer hide !

>  * Avoid using .each(function(j) { j.singleFunction(); }. Instead try using
> Enumerable.invoke. [1]

Done. No notable speed improvements, but Prototype API confirms what
you say.

>  * When going through the lines to hide those with hidden cells, there are a
> lot of expensive functions being used: childElements() should be detected
> before and cached along with the lines variable.

Yeah but with the "lines do not hide anymore" behavior, that's kinda
impossible for now.

> detect() is an expensive
> function in IE, especially if there are a lot of lines and cells. It seems
> there would probably be a way to tighten that behavior up so you only need
> to do one iteration of hiding and showing- maybe operate on the rows first
> instead of cells first followed by the row filtering.

I just want to hide lines (tr) that do not have any "hide"-class

Thanks for you firsts directions though.
Code is now :

function(nam, val) {
val = val.toLowerCase();
var lines = $$("#annuaire_table > div > table > tbody > tr");
var ourcells = $$("#annuaire_table > div > table > tbody > tr
> ."+nam);
"highlight").invoke("removeClassName", "hide");
if( val.length > 0 )
  var rtab = ourcells.partition( function(i) {
return ((i.textContent || i.innerText ||
"").toLowerCase().indexOf(val) >= 0);
  } );
  rtab[0].invoke("addClassName", "highlight");
  rtab[1].invoke("addClassName", "hide");
lines.each( function(i) {
  var childcells = i.childElements();
  if( childcells.detect( function(j) { return
j.hasClassName("hide"); } ) )
} );

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Re: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Queues & Effects

2010-04-06 Thread Guillaume Lepicard
Hi again,

I understand what you want, but the problem this time is that you
are dealing with several elements.
When calling invoke, it is just as if you were looping on each item of your
Enumerable and calling the invoked method for each of them, with all
parameters - that is to say with afterFinish callback for each of them. In
other words, afterFinish callback will be called for each item being fade.
your function will be called after each fade which is not what you want.

The only solution I can think about is to loop on your items, build an array
of effects with the sync option, then run the array of effects using an
Effect.Parallel which will be the only one with an afterFinish:

var effects = [];
$$(".solution").each( function(item) {
  effects.push( new Effect.Fade(item, {sync: true}));
new Effect.Parallel(effects, afterFinish:  function() {
  search( area, choice, Enumerable.invoke.curry("appear").bind(
$$('solution') ) )

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 5:27 PM, C_B  wrote:

> Hi,
> yes you are. I already had the problem described.
> In fact, the following works fine:
> All elements of the class solution fade and appear at the same time,
> not one after another.
> Now I want to do the following using a function:
> 1. fade all elements of the class solution synchronously (like in the
> "a href" above)
> 2. run owned function search(area, choice) which sets some cookies and
> does some AJAX changing content of all elements of the class
> "solution"
> 3. appear all elements of the class solution synchronously (like in
> the "a href" above)
> I have alredy tried doing this by using queues but it does not work -
> as described in my first post, all tasks were done synchronously .
> Now, your version works fine with IDs. So i hope, it also fits to
> elements of classes.
> Hope you get me?
> Cheers!
> --
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> prototype-scriptaculous+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
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> http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-scriptaculous?hl=en.

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Re: [Proto-Scripty] [NEW] Optimize table content filtering.

2010-04-06 Thread Alex Wallace
In general I would simplify things a bit:

 * the two selectors ($$) are pretty lengthy- could they be optimized,
perhaps the lines could be found by adding a class name to the tables and
then using getElementsByTagName("tr")? Also, try doing those selectors
beforehand and caching the values somewhere.
 * Avoid using .each(function(j) { j.singleFunction(); }. Instead try using
Enumerable.invoke. [1]
 * When going through the lines to hide those with hidden cells, there are a
lot of expensive functions being used: childElements() should be detected
before and cached along with the lines variable. detect() is an expensive
function in IE, especially if there are a lot of lines and cells. It seems
there would probably be a way to tighten that behavior up so you only need
to do one iteration of hiding and showing- maybe operate on the rows first
instead of cells first followed by the row filtering.


On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Shinkan  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm brand new to Prototype JS.
> I just made use of it to create a basic function which can filter
> table lines (show/hide) according to a column text search.
> My first impression is that IE is dozens times slower than FF for this
> thing.
> As I'm new to Prototype, and that my code doesn't seem beautiful at
> all (pretty basic thinking), I wonder if there would be a way to
> "prototipize" it more, so that is would be more efficient and less
> ugly.
> Thanks for any advice that will make me learn Prototype and make my
> code faster.
> Here is the excerpt :
> field_filter = function(nam, val) {
>var lines = $$("#annuaire_table > div > table > tbody > tr");
>// Gather cells that have our target column name as class :
> they are cells of our current filtering column.
> instead of traversing DOM once again ?
>var ourcells = $$("#annuaire_table > div > table > tbody > tr
> > ."+nam)
>// Removing previous search results : search results are made
> of class changes.
>ourcells.each( function(i) {
>  i.removeClassName("highlight");
>  i.removeClassName("hide");
>} );
>// If our filter value is not empty...
>if( val.length > 0 )
>  // We partition our column's cells in 2 parts.
>  var rtab = ourcells.partition( function(i) {
>// Those which have a text content matching our search.
>if( i.empty() != true )
>  return ((i.textContent || i.innerText ||
> "").toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) >= 0);
>// Those which don't.
>return false;
>  } );
>  var containstext = rtab[0];
>  var notcontainstext = rtab[1];
>  // We add "highlight" class to cells we care about (matching
> search cells).
>  containstext.each( function(j)
> { j.addClassName("highlight"); } );
>  // We add "hide" class to others.
>  notcontainstext.each( function(j)
> { j.addClassName("hide"); } );
>// We hide every table line which has a cell with "hide"
> class.
>lines.each( function(i) {
>  var childcells = i.childElements();
>  if( childcells.detect( function(j) { return
> j.hasClassName("hide"); } ) )
>  {
>  }
>  else
>  {
>  }
>} );
>  };
> Many thanks in advance.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Prototype & script.aculo.us" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> prototype-scriptaculous+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> .
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-scriptaculous?hl=en.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: body.onload via observe?

2010-04-06 Thread T.J. Crowder

> Use cases for dom:loaded VERSUS window.load are out of question,
> right?

Oh, absolutely. There's a big difference between those two. :-)

> Btw. Is it possible to remove img-Tags on dom:loaded, so that the
> images aren't loaded?

I'd recommend posting that question as a new, separate thread.

-- T.J.

On Apr 6, 3:34 pm, matths  wrote:
> You asked: "What's the use case? Between dom:loaded and window.load,
> is there
> really any need for body.load?"
> No, there's none. And it seems, that there ist an onLoad attribute for
> the body HTML-tag as there is an onLoad attribute for each HTML
> element in valid XHTML, but there is no onload event handler for body
> in javascript. But there is an onload event handler for window, which
> is fine.
> Use cases for dom:loaded VERSUS window.load are out of question,
> right?
> Btw. Is it possible to remove img-Tags on dom:loaded, so that the
> images aren't loaded?
> I can't get this working for images in the markup, seems to work for
> images loaded by the css, though.
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Matthias
> On Apr 1, 6:20 pm, "T.J. Crowder"  wrote:
> > I'm still waiting for the use case, though.

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[Proto-Scripty] [NEW] Optimize table content filtering.

2010-04-06 Thread Shinkan
Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to Prototype JS.
I just made use of it to create a basic function which can filter
table lines (show/hide) according to a column text search.

My first impression is that IE is dozens times slower than FF for this
As I'm new to Prototype, and that my code doesn't seem beautiful at
all (pretty basic thinking), I wonder if there would be a way to
"prototipize" it more, so that is would be more efficient and less
Thanks for any advice that will make me learn Prototype and make my
code faster.

Here is the excerpt :

field_filter = function(nam, val) {
var lines = $$("#annuaire_table > div > table > tbody > tr");
// Gather cells that have our target column name as class :
they are cells of our current filtering column.
instead of traversing DOM once again ?
var ourcells = $$("#annuaire_table > div > table > tbody > tr
> ."+nam)
// Removing previous search results : search results are made
of class changes.
ourcells.each( function(i) {
} );
// If our filter value is not empty...
if( val.length > 0 )
  // We partition our column's cells in 2 parts.
  var rtab = ourcells.partition( function(i) {
// Those which have a text content matching our search.
if( i.empty() != true )
  return ((i.textContent || i.innerText ||
"").toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) >= 0);
// Those which don't.
return false;
  } );
  var containstext = rtab[0];
  var notcontainstext = rtab[1];
  // We add "highlight" class to cells we care about (matching
search cells).
  containstext.each( function(j)
{ j.addClassName("highlight"); } );
  // We add "hide" class to others.
  notcontainstext.each( function(j)
{ j.addClassName("hide"); } );
// We hide every table line which has a cell with "hide"
lines.each( function(i) {
  var childcells = i.childElements();
  if( childcells.detect( function(j) { return
j.hasClassName("hide"); } ) )
} );

Many thanks in advance.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Queues & Effects

2010-04-06 Thread C_B

yes you are. I already had the problem described.

In fact, the following works fine:


All elements of the class solution fade and appear at the same time,
not one after another.
Now I want to do the following using a function:

1. fade all elements of the class solution synchronously (like in the
"a href" above)
2. run owned function search(area, choice) which sets some cookies and
does some AJAX changing content of all elements of the class
3. appear all elements of the class solution synchronously (like in
the "a href" above)

I have alredy tried doing this by using queues but it does not work -
as described in my first post, all tasks were done synchronously .
Now, your version works fine with IDs. So i hope, it also fits to
elements of classes.

Hope you get me?


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[Proto-Scripty] I'm getting an error in line 599 of dragdrop.js

2010-04-06 Thread HotShot

i created some sortable lists. Now I'm getting the error "element is
null" in line 599 of the original dragdrop.js when a item from one
list ist dropped into another. When I release the mouse button nothing
happens. When I click it again the item droppes where it should drop.

The code around line 599 would be:

var Sortable = {
  SERIALIZE_RULE: /^[^_\-](?:[A-Za-z0-9\-\_]*)[_](.*)$/,

  sortables: { },

  _findRootElement: function(element) {
while (element.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") {
  if(element.id && Sortable.sortables[element.id]) return element;
  element = element.parentNode;

  options: function(element) {
element = Sortable._findRootElement($(element));
if(!element) return;
return Sortable.sortables[element.id];


Where as line 599 would be while (element.tagName.toUpperCase() !=
"BODY") {

Does anybody have an idea why this could be?
Could it be, because the html tags for the sortalble divs are
generated dynamically by  javascript?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: body.onload via observe?

2010-04-06 Thread matths
You asked: "What's the use case? Between dom:loaded and window.load,
is there
really any need for body.load?"

No, there's none. And it seems, that there ist an onLoad attribute for
the body HTML-tag as there is an onLoad attribute for each HTML
element in valid XHTML, but there is no onload event handler for body
in javascript. But there is an onload event handler for window, which
is fine.

Use cases for dom:loaded VERSUS window.load are out of question,

Btw. Is it possible to remove img-Tags on dom:loaded, so that the
images aren't loaded?
I can't get this working for images in the markup, seems to work for
images loaded by the css, though.
Any ideas?


On Apr 1, 6:20 pm, "T.J. Crowder"  wrote:

> I'm still waiting for the use case, though.

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Re: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Queues & Effects

2010-04-06 Thread Guillaume Lepicard
I guess that you want to fade all items with class solution (you are missing
the dot class prefix) and on the afterFinish, you want to run a function
that has as third parameter a callback function ? Because the way you had
wrote it meant that your owned function *search* returned a function to be
used after effect finished...

It would have been something like
$$('.solution').invoke('fade',({afterFinish: function() {
choice, Enumerable.invoke.curry("appear").bind($$('solution')) }));

But i'm afraid it won't be good : by calling invoke, you will call the fade
method on each item of your $$('.solution'), and after each fade, the search
function will be run so the appear function will be runned on all
$$(".solution") items after each search of each fade...

Am i understandable :-/ ?

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 3:20 PM, C_B  wrote:

> Thanks a lot! I used Guillaume's version and it works fine!
> If you are able to solve my following problem regarding the same
> matter, you are my hero.
> I want to realize the same functionality, however with all elements of
> the class "solution". I read about "invoke" but I am not really sure
> regarding your solution.
> Here is my try which is not working:
> $$('solution').invoke('fade',({afterFinish: search(area, choice,
> Element.appear.curry($$('solution').invoke))}));
> (area and choice are parameters of a own function called search)
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com.
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> prototype-scriptaculous+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
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> http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-scriptaculous?hl=en.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Queues & Effects

2010-04-06 Thread C_B
Thanks a lot! I used Guillaume's version and it works fine!
If you are able to solve my following problem regarding the same
matter, you are my hero.

I want to realize the same functionality, however with all elements of
the class "solution". I read about "invoke" but I am not really sure
regarding your solution.
Here is my try which is not working:

$$('solution').invoke('fade',({afterFinish: search(area, choice,

(area and choice are parameters of a own function called search)

Thanks in advance!

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