[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-12-06 Thread Steven D'Aprano

You seem to be intent on alienating and driving away as many people as 
possible. If I may play the amateur psychologist for a moment, I fear 
that you are unconsciously sabotaging your own proposals.

Better to be the genius whose proposals are dragged down by jealous and 
uncomprehending lessers (such as the PyPy and CPython dev teams) than to 
risk having to actually deliver on your proposals, and maybe failing, by 
winning over the decision makers who can approve or disapprove them.

Why else would you repeat such a transparently false untruth as the old 
canard that the Python core devs "never addressed" concerns about the 
Python 2 to 3 transition?

You are talking to an audience who, for the most part, took part of that 
transition here and on other mailing lists, and know that your claim is 
unadulterated bullshit.

I use that term in the philosophical sense:


For a decade or more the CPython core devs addressed those concerns over 
and over again, back-porting features to Python 2.6 and 2.7, building a 
2to3 tool, writing porting guides, extending the life of 2.7, and 
re-adding features to Python 3 to make porting easier.

What do you think you had to gain by telling them to their face (in a 
virtual sense) that they didn't do any of those things?

You even disprove your own claim by mentioning one of those features, 
the re-introduction of u"" string syntax which has *literally no use* in 
Python 3 except to increase compatibility with code that has to straddle 
the 2 to 3 boundary.

But let's put that aside and focus on your technical knowledge:

> 2. As a particular step, when "u" string prefix for unicode strings was
> reintroduced, it was made as "z", again, to punish all the critics.

You claim that the u'' prefix was turned into a z'' prefix in Python 3. 
Have you tried it?

>>> print(u'string')  # This doesn't exist, according to Paul
>>> print(z'string')  # but this does
  File "", line 1
print(z'string')  # but this does
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-12-05 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Fri, 4 Dec 2020 15:52:01 -0800
Guido van Rossum  wrote:

> I hope more of the regulars here jump on this bandwagon. It will be a
> great day when Paul posts one of his offensive posts and there is
> just deafening silence.

And I maintain my hopes where they always were - that there will be
discussions of the things Python misses and steps to address them.

> Paul was in my (very short) kill file for years 

I wear that badge proudly, thanks.

> but I decided to give him another chance. 

And I appreciate that.

> And he blew it.
> There is a reason why he was banned from micropython, and you all are
> seeing it here — he just can’t help himself.

For having a different opinion, and maintaining it.

> Probably he’s hoping to be banned for a COC violation. Let’s not give
> him that satisfaction.

I won't be the first, I won't be the last. Long time ago I thought:
what worst could happen? I will leave Python, like thousands before me?
And I decided to stay, and even make some noises sometimes. I definitely
can't reach levels of "Python3 is not Turing-complete" drama
(https://www.google.com/search?q=python+3+is+not+turing+complete), but
glad that my humble efforts are being noticed.

The more interesting question is what will you do on the actual
technical topics raised? Nothing? Something completely different? The
whole story of Python3 migration (the case above) showed that:

1. All the compatibility concerns were never addressed, to punish
abusive critics of Python3 (and anyone who was persistent in their
critics was abusive).

2. As a particular step, when "u" string prefix for unicode strings was
reintroduced, it was made as "z", again, to punish all the critics.
Sorry, abusive critics.

So, it's a real intrigue how future technical challenges will be
addressed, if at all.

> —Guido (speaking for myself only)

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-12-05 Thread Andrew Svetlov
On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 1:53 AM Guido van Rossum  wrote:

> I hope more of the regulars here jump on this bandwagon. It will be a
> great day when Paul posts one of his offensive posts and there is just
> deafening silence.
> Paul was in my (very short) kill file for years but I decided to give him
> another chance. And he blew it.
> There is a reason why he was banned from micropython, and you all are
> seeing it here — he just can’t help himself.

> Probably he’s hoping to be banned for a COC violation. Let’s not give him
> that satisfaction.

Agree. I press "Mute" GMail button when seeing offensive words from Paul in
I did it several times for the last months.

> —Guido (speaking for myself only)
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 15:11 Stephen J. Turnbull <
> turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
>> Paul Sokolovsky writes:
>>  > Sorry, but there may be a suggestion of tactics of sneaking somebody's
>>  > "pet feature" past the attention of core developers by employing
>>  > sycophant techniques.
>> I've had enough of your random aspersions.  They make it impossible
>> for me to continue reading your posts.  I'll join David with a
>> "moderate" -100 on your proposals, and bid you "good day".
>> ___
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>> To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
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>> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
> --
> --Guido (mobile)
> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/
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Andrew Svetlov
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-12-04 Thread Guido van Rossum
I hope more of the regulars here jump on this bandwagon. It will be a great
day when Paul posts one of his offensive posts and there is just deafening

Paul was in my (very short) kill file for years but I decided to give him
another chance. And he blew it.

There is a reason why he was banned from micropython, and you all are
seeing it here — he just can’t help himself.

Probably he’s hoping to be banned for a COC violation. Let’s not give him
that satisfaction.

—Guido (speaking for myself only)

On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 15:11 Stephen J. Turnbull <
turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:

> Paul Sokolovsky writes:
>  > Sorry, but there may be a suggestion of tactics of sneaking somebody's
>  > "pet feature" past the attention of core developers by employing
>  > sycophant techniques.
> I've had enough of your random aspersions.  They make it impossible
> for me to continue reading your posts.  I'll join David with a
> "moderate" -100 on your proposals, and bid you "good day".
> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/
> Message archived at
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/3BAYVC53Z7ZS2UQ4NLAJGIBFJ62DI3NK/
> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
--Guido (mobile)
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Message archived at 
Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-12-01 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Paul Sokolovsky writes:

 > Sorry, but there may be a suggestion of tactics of sneaking somebody's
 > "pet feature" past the attention of core developers by employing
 > sycophant techniques.

I've had enough of your random aspersions.  They make it impossible
for me to continue reading your posts.  I'll join David with a
"moderate" -100 on your proposals, and bid you "good day".
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-12-01 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 14:45:26 +0900
"Stephen J. Turnbull"  wrote:

> Paul Sokolovsky writes:
>  > Also to clarify, [cowboy attitude] referred to difference in
>  > approaches in response to particular issue(s) raised. One thing is
>  > to say "it's hard to implement it better with the limited VM
>  > infrastructure and resources we have" (that of course leads to
>  > further questions/discussion), it's different thing to say to the
>  > same matter "issue exists, but it's not really an issue".  
> Of course those are *different*.  Where I differ with you is on
> whether "I understand the case are describing and that you want to do
> something about it, but we don't consider that a problem" is "cowboy
> attitude".

Right, all people are different. That's great!

> My experience is that the development community will care when it
> perceives that a change serves the greater community (eg, f-strings
> and data classes, which are universally loved), or when a sufficiently
> large coalition of committers can be convinced.  That's what you need
> to do, and accusing the core developers of cowboy attitude is not a
> good start IMO.

Sorry, but there may be a suggestion of tactics of sneaking somebody's
"pet feature" past the attention of core developers by employing
sycophant techniques. That's certainly not me. Let the criticism begin.
Both of "doing it" and "not doing it".

>  > Maybe one of these years would be good time, after so many
>  > usability changes, to also tighten up theoretical side with
>  > block-level scoping.  
> Maybe it is.  I certainly hope not, because I like Python as it is,

But then you've already lost, because today's CPython (3.9) is not like
that of a year ago, and that one is not like that of 2 years ago, and
it all has been changing at alarming pace. So, calling for "stop the
world" right now seems to be a bit ungrounded, if anything, newer
changes proposed take inspiration in the changes already done.

> where I rarely have to deal with declarations separate from
> instantiation, and code is highly dynamic without a compiler
> complaining, perhaps even going on strike, any time I want to do
> something whose semantics I know to be sound even though the compiler
> can't prove that from the syntax.

Good news is that it all stays. But if you want all that, perhaps you
appreciate that some other people may want different things too. Like,
more speed (JIT), better scalability to complex codebases, tighter
formal side (syntax/semantics), etc.

> Yes, I know you claim that your proposed syntax won't be in my face,
> and quite possibly you're right with respect to the obstreperous
> compiler.  But I also know that you make claims that are provably
> false, such as not making me use the syntax.  True, short of XKCD 538
> you can't make me write it, but if it exists somebody will make me
> read it.

Ok, it will be it will be a fun cute read, calling for existing
memories (or for youngest of us actually teaching them useful things,
which apply outside Python too).

>  > The simplest answer is that they don't (interact with existing
>  > overdynamic features).  
> You say "overdynamic", I say "works for me".

... And some say "slow".

>  > They are new enough, opt-in concepts, and so can start from blank
>  > page.  
> You're BS-ing here -- you back off in the next sentence (quoted
> below).  And from the community's point of view, no syntax is truly
> opt-in because we often work with Other People's Code.  We need to
> read it, and often in open source we are modifying code whose style is
> "owned" by someone else -- if I were to work on code you maintain, I'm
> pretty sure you wouldn't hesitate to query "shouldn't this variable be
> block local" or even refuse to accept code that didn't have the block
> locals you think it should have.

But if you anticipate that there may be people who will use block-local
vars in Python "when they should have been", don't you think that
"saving" them from that by simply not letting them hold of block-scoped
vars is a bit ... umm, backward way to tackle the issue?

Beyond that, "it's going to be a fun cute read". If anything, we can
judge by experience of others. If you see a "let" in JavaScript code,
you can google up "javascript let" and in a minute you will be back to
your pleasurable code-reading. And "let" ("still", "so far") doesn't
appear that often in JavaScript code. Unlike it's counterpart "const"
which has the same block scope, but very obvious semantics, so many
people won't even google it on first sight (only later).

Do you think it would be worse than that with us? I don't.

> A lot of effort and persuasion (and more or less silent acceptance of
> the slings and arrows from outraged dynamicists) went into the
> introduction of type hints.  I think this will require more of the
> same (although maybe not: type hints are intentionally pervasive for
> those who use them, these declarations will presumably be occasional).

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-29 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Paul Sokolovsky writes:

 > Also to clarify, [cowboy attitude] referred to difference in
 > approaches in response to particular issue(s) raised. One thing is
 > to say "it's hard to implement it better with the limited VM
 > infrastructure and resources we have" (that of course leads to
 > further questions/discussion), it's different thing to say to the
 > same matter "issue exists, but it's not really an issue".

Of course those are *different*.  Where I differ with you is on
whether "I understand the case are describing and that you want to do
something about it, but we don't consider that a problem" is "cowboy

My experience is that the development community will care when it
perceives that a change serves the greater community (eg, f-strings
and data classes, which are universally loved), or when a sufficiently
large coalition of committers can be convinced.  That's what you need
to do, and accusing the core developers of cowboy attitude is not a
good start IMO.

 > Maybe one of these years would be good time, after so many
 > usability changes, to also tighten up theoretical side with
 > block-level scoping.

Maybe it is.  I certainly hope not, because I like Python as it is,
where I rarely have to deal with declarations separate from
instantiation, and code is highly dynamic without a compiler
complaining, perhaps even going on strike, any time I want to do
something whose semantics I know to be sound even though the compiler
can't prove that from the syntax.

Yes, I know you claim that your proposed syntax won't be in my face,
and quite possibly you're right with respect to the obstreperous
compiler.  But I also know that you make claims that are provably
false, such as not making me use the syntax.  True, short of XKCD 538
you can't make me write it, but if it exists somebody will make me
read it.

 > The simplest answer is that they don't (interact with existing
 > overdynamic features).

You say "overdynamic", I say "works for me".

 > They are new enough, opt-in concepts, and so can start from blank
 > page.

You're BS-ing here -- you back off in the next sentence (quoted
below).  And from the community's point of view, no syntax is truly
opt-in because we often work with Other People's Code.  We need to
read it, and often in open source we are modifying code whose style is
"owned" by someone else -- if I were to work on code you maintain, I'm
pretty sure you wouldn't hesitate to query "shouldn't this variable be
block local" or even refuse to accept code that didn't have the block
locals you think it should have.

A lot of effort and persuasion (and more or less silent acceptance of
the slings and arrows from outraged dynamicists) went into the
introduction of type hints.  I think this will require more of the
same (although maybe not: type hints are intentionally pervasive for
those who use them, these declarations will presumably be occasional).

 > Alternatively, if debuggers, etc. are tied to locals() (vs more
 > low-level code object introspection), could add
 > implementation-defined support for them in locals() for simple
 > implementations like CPython (block-local names will be mangled).

Sure, but we don't have an implementation of that support yet, do we?
And adding the syntax will impose burdens on other implementations
that claim to support the full language, as well as quite possibly
inducing implementation differences here, unless you specify the
debugger support etc.  My point is that these are the kinds of
complications that frequently delay acceptance of features for a
release or two.

 > > I suspect that when I'm reading other people's code I'd almost
 > > certainly read a let/const var = init_val as suite- local in such
 > > contexts, while in my own code I'd probably want to use it as
 > > statement-local a lot.
 > It's unclear how block-level scoping can be useful for single-statement
 > scopes (beyond special cases like comprehensions), because well, that
 > single statement will be assignment to such a variable (but nothing
 > will read it). I even suspect we might imagine different things when
 > talk about this, perhaps examples would help.

By "if statement" I mean

if foo():
elif bar():

That is a single conditional *statement* with three suites that each
might constitute an individual block or together constitute a single
block (encompassing the if and elif condition expressions as well).  I
believe that's how the Python Language Reference uses "statement".

 > 1. We have adhoc block-scope-alikes already.

Yes, there's the problematic deletion of exception-capture variables,
but I don't think the plural is justified.  Comprehensions are
*expressions*, not suites.  Python is a *high level* language: the
fact that

[x for x in y]

effectively expands to

list((x for x in y)) ,

implicitly defining a generator function and iterating that, doesn't
bother me at all.  It's an expression, 

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-29 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 01:54:53 +0900
"Stephen J. Turnbull"  wrote:

> Paul Sokolovsky writes:
>  > Well, I'd call that "cowboy attitude in programming language
>  > design" ;-).  
> That was uncalled for, especially since you're selling an idea without
> an implementation yourself.

Ok, I posted my "cowboy" implementation (i.e. a prototype) of
block-level scoping for the "for" now:
to make that even.

Also to clarify, that referred to difference in approaches in response
to particular issue(s) raised. One thing is to say "it's hard to
implement it better with the limited VM infrastructure and resources we
have" (that of course leads to further questions/discussion), it's
different thing to say to the same matter "issue exists, but it's not
really an issue".

>  > We'd certainly make it blend well with the rest of Python.  
> But how long will that take?  People have wanted f-strings since
> forever (1.5 is as far back as I go, PEP 215 was July 2000).  We got
> them in 3.6 (December 2016), the delay basically due to "blending"
> issues.  And that was for a quite self-contained feature.

If anything, "Unlikely Adventures of Python in 3.x Era", is what
motivates me to continue this discussion. Alternatively, consider what a
conceptual jump happened in 2.1, when function-level nested scoping was
introduced. Maybe one of these years would be good time, after so many
usability changes, to also tighten up theoretical side with
block-level scoping.

> This one strikes me as likely to be messy.  How does we get
> consistency if we don't change for?  How do block locals interact with
> global, nonlocal, and locals()?  Do we need a block_locals()?

The simplest answer is that they don't (interact with existing
overdynamic features). They are new enough, opt-in concepts, and so can
start from blank page. Alternatively, if debuggers, etc. are tied to
locals() (vs more low-level code object introspection), could add
implementation-defined support for them in locals() for simple
implementations like CPython (block-local names will be mangled).

> Currently all suites in a multiarmed statement (if, for, while, try)
> are in the same scope.  

Well, I definitely advocate a solution where a Python suite == block
scope, which for example means that "true" vs "false" suites of the "if"
are different scopes.

> I suspect that when I'm reading other people's
> code I'd almost certainly read a let/const var = init_val as suite-
> local in such contexts, while in my own code I'd probably want to use
> it as statement-local a lot.

It's unclear how block-level scoping can be useful for single-statement
scopes (beyond special cases like comprehensions), because well, that
single statement will be assignment to such a variable (but nothing
will read it). I even suspect we might imagine different things when
talk about this, perhaps examples would help.

>  Of course that latter is easy to handle
> by creating a new suite with something like "if 1" (as you suggest
> elsewhere), but creating unconditional 1-statement suites just to
> declare block-locals seems excessively inelegant. :-/

This is somewhat backwards to the motivation I try to promote. My
motivation is:

1. We have adhoc block-scope-alikes already.
2. We have on the plate cases where block scope may help.
3. So, convert to "real" block scoping there.
4. Don't stop there, and *let* people use explicit block-level vars if
they need.

It's "let", don't "make" people use it. If you *really* need block-level
local, perhaps just being able to use it (without rehashing half of the
language) is good enough, for starters.

That said, if you want my bet for the best block-level introduction
way, not requiring new keywords, it's:

with:  # yeah, empty with!
let x = 1 

> But requiring a
> "block" statement to create a slope in common cases like a one-armed
> if or for is equally inelegant (and surely more common).

Arm on an "if" is already a block scope, per above.

>  > The problem is that intuitively (just like with "for"),
>  > "case a, b if a != b:" opens a new namespace for "a" and "b".  
> I don't find a new namespace in either of those contexts intuitive at
> all.  Nor do I find it unintuitive at all.  A language will define
> rules for scoping, I'll learn them.

In "case a, b if ...:", if the case *doesn't* match, do you expect a
and b be assigned? If you don't, then you intuitively expect special
scoping rules for at least the "case" line itself, and the block scope
is the best well-proven formalism in the proglanguage theory/practice
which matches that requirement.

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-29 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Paul Sokolovsky writes:

 > Well, I'd call that "cowboy attitude in programming language
 > design" ;-).

That was uncalled for, especially since you're selling an idea without
an implementation yourself.

 > We'd certainly make it blend well with the rest of Python.

But how long will that take?  People have wanted f-strings since
forever (1.5 is as far back as I go, PEP 215 was July 2000).  We got
them in 3.6 (December 2016), the delay basically due to "blending"
issues.  And that was for a quite self-contained feature.

This one strikes me as likely to be messy.  How does we get
consistency if we don't change for?  How do block locals interact with
global, nonlocal, and locals()?  Do we need a block_locals()?

Currently all suites in a multiarmed statement (if, for, while, try)
are in the same scope.  I suspect that when I'm reading other people's
code I'd almost certainly read a let/const var = init_val as suite-
local in such contexts, while in my own code I'd probably want to use
it as statement-local a lot.  Of course that latter is easy to handle
by creating a new suite with something like "if 1" (as you suggest
elsewhere), but creating unconditional 1-statement suites just to
declare block-locals seems excessively inelegant. :-/  But requiring a
"block" statement to create a slope in common cases like a one-armed
if or for is equally inelegant (and surely more common).

 > The problem is that intuitively (just like with "for"),
 > "case a, b if a != b:" opens a new namespace for "a" and "b".

I don't find a new namespace in either of those contexts intuitive at
all.  Nor do I find it unintuitive at all.  A language will define
rules for scoping, I'll learn them.
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Message archived at 
Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-29 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 11:36:45 +1100
Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 12:10:39AM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
> > And we don't speak about some obscure "innovative" idea. Const'ness
> > aka immutability is well-known and widely used feature in
> > programming languages.  
> Constantness and immutability are not synonyms.

I agree. I'm just trying A/B testing to reach wider audience. I
prefer the term (and keyword) "const", and the full term "constant
variable". But if spelled like that, we immediately get nitpicks like
"That doesn't sound well in colloquial English! Constant... variable?
That's oxymoron!". These nitpicks miss that it's a term from a
programming language domain, not a colloquial phrase. But we'll cover
those nitpicks in detail elsewhere (in the python-ideas thread).

> Immutability refers to *objects*. "abc" is an immutable object; `[]`
> is not, it is mutable.

Btw, nowadays "immutable variable" is also a pretty established term,
thanks to a particular proglingo from some media company (forgot it's
name (lingo's, not company's), something like fungus). 


> > Right, Python doesn't have that syntax. But it has other syntaxes to
> > designate that a variable is defined in a particular scope:
> > 
> > # e is defined in the scope of the following block
> > except Exception as e:
> That is incorrect. e is defined in the *current* scope. There is no 
> "scope of the following block".
> Exception blocks are a special case, because there is dedicated code
> to unbind (delete) the "e" name when the block is left. But the name
> is local to the current scope, the block does not create a new scope.

It seems that I didn't convey my message well enough. What you render
is "old way of thinking". The new way of thinking which I promote is:
"'except as e' was an attempt to introduce block-level scoping, with
truly subpar implementation details (like introducing block scope
without real block scope)".


> > *Could* define a, b in the scope of following block (and not
> > beyond). That would have pros and cons, an obvious pro is that
> > failing-to-match patterns would not litter in surrounding
> > namespace, and con that "pattern matching as expression" usage
> > would be more harder. If anything, use of block scoping could be
> > considered to alleviate the littering problem  
> The "littering problem" will be a non-problem in practice.

"except as e" already confuses people:

e = 2.718281828

if random() < 0.1:
except Exception as e:
print("Ha-ha! We're are not afraid of: %s" % e)

# Bugreport: phase-of-moon dependent, my e is gone, gone!!11 
print("In e we trust: %f" % e)

People already get confused by the "for" behavior, as the parallel
thread on python-idea.

With the bright future foretold for the pattern matching, you want to
take a bet how many people will get confused by the poltergeist effect
failed matches may have on the surrounding namespace? Well, I'd call
that "cowboy attitude in programming language design" ;-).

> > Let's strive for solutions which follow the best practices in the
> > programming language design (const'ness, block-level scoping are 2
> > good examples),   
> There isn't even a single definition for block-scoping. C block
> scoping and Java block scoping are not the same. So which one is best
> practice?

In theory, the best one is that of lambda calculus ;-). In practice, as
you suggest, detail may vary by practical considerations. We'd certainly
make it blend well with the rest of Python.

> At *best* it is a matter of personal taste whether you like or
> dislike block scoping, but I'm going to stick my head out and say
> that it is an unnecessary complication that will cause more annoyance
> and confusion in Python than benefit.

That's useful opinion to hear, thanks. (But not the only one).

The problem is that we already apply adhoc workarounds which already
lead to annoyance and confusion. So you would need to compare amounts of
existing annoyance with (predicted!) future annoyance for explicit
block-scopes. My bet is that a well-proven technique, applied in a
general fashion (but integrated well with the rest of language) would
only alleviate levels of annoyance and confusion.

> > "Undefined behavior" regarding how failed matches may affect
> > surrounding namespace is unlikely something to be proud of.  
> We should not use the term *undefined behaviour* because that carries 
> too much baggage from C, where undefined behaviour is a truly 
> frightening thing.

Me not useth, PEP634 doth:

> In Python, it just means implementation defined.

In C it's the same. And you know the tales where it led it. (I'm
personally still not afraid of it, but why purposefully establish it
where it's not due?)


> Let us be clear: failed matches do not affect *surrounding*
> namespaces unless you declare 

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-28 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 12:10:39AM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:

> And we don't speak about some obscure "innovative" idea. Const'ness
> aka immutability is well-known and widely used feature in programming
> languages.

Constantness and immutability are not synonyms.

Immutability refers to *objects*. "abc" is an immutable object; `[]` is 
not, it is mutable.

Constantness refers to *name bindings*: once the name is bound to an 
object, it cannot be re-bound to a different object.

So you can have:

- variables bound to a mutable object;
- variables bound to an immutable object;
- constants bound to a mutable object;
- constants bound to an immutable object.

and you could have the same object bound to multiple names, some of 
which could be variables and some constants.

A mutable constant could still be mutated:

const spam = []
spam.append(None)  # Allowed.

but not rebound:

spam = [1, 2]  # Forbidden.

> So, let's go over it again. You probably say that C uses following
> syntax to define a variable in a particular scope:
>  ;
> e.g.:
> int var;
> Right, Python doesn't have that syntax. But it has other syntaxes to
> designate that a variable is defined in a particular scope:
> # e is defined in the scope of the following block
> except Exception as e:  

That is incorrect. e is defined in the *current* scope. There is no 
"scope of the following block".

Exception blocks are a special case, because there is dedicated code to 
unbind (delete) the "e" name when the block is left. But the name is 
local to the current scope, the block does not create a new scope.

That same applies to all other blocks.

> # x is defined in the scope of a comprehension
> [x for x in seq]
> Then for pattern matching,
> case a, b:
> *Could* define a, b in the scope of following block (and not beyond).
> That would have pros and cons, an obvious pro is that failing-to-match
> patterns would not litter in surrounding namespace, and con that
> "pattern matching as expression" usage would be more harder. If
> anything, use of block scoping could be considered to alleviate the
> littering problem

The "littering problem" will be a non-problem in practice.

> Let's strive for solutions which follow the best practices in the
> programming language design (const'ness, block-level scoping are 2
> good examples), 

There isn't even a single definition for block-scoping. C block scoping 
and Java block scoping are not the same. So which one is best practice?

At *best* it is a matter of personal taste whether you like or dislike 
block scoping, but I'm going to stick my head out and say that it is an 
unnecessary complication that will cause more annoyance and confusion in 
Python than benefit.

> "Undefined behavior" regarding how failed matches may affect
> surrounding namespace is unlikely something to be proud of.

We should not use the term *undefined behaviour* because that carries 
too much baggage from C, where undefined behaviour is a truly 
frightening thing.

In Python, it just means implementation defined. We have lots of 
implementation defined behaviour:

- caching of small ints and strings;

- whether changes to locals() effects local variables;

- performance of string concatenation;

- many floating point operations, e.g. trig functions, powers;

- presence or absense of many platform-dependent features;

- (in the past) Unicode narrow or wide builds;

- details of precisely when objects will be garbage collected;

- iteration order of sets;

and I expect there are others.

Let us be clear: failed matches do not affect *surrounding* namespaces 
unless you declare capture variables as global or nonglobal. They 
*might* affect the current namespace, but not surrounding namespaces. 
Failed matches will not leak out to surrounding namespaces.

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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-28 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 12:21:35 +1300
Greg Ewing  wrote:


> > please explain why you chose to proceed anyway (and apply
> > workarounds), instead of first introducing the concept of constants
> > to the language. (Given that amount of work to implement pattern
> > matching is certainly an order of magnitude larger than to
> > introduce constants)."  
> That's not certain at all, and moreover it's not just a matter of
> work, it's a language design issue that would require its own
> extensive investigation and debate.

Everything would need discussion, maybe even debate. So, currently we
debate various conceptual holes in the pattern matching proposal (like
inability to match against a plain simple constant). We could
discuss/debate things which would allow to resolve that and other
issues in more proper way, that's the whole point.

And we don't speak about some obscure "innovative" idea. Const'ness
aka immutability is well-known and widely used feature in programming
languages. So, we at least can be sure we're on the right path. Whereas
now we're standing on one lag and wonder why our walking that way is

> Members of the intended audience
> (people very familiar with Python and its technicalities) can be
> expected to understand this, so the PEP doesn't need to spell it out.

So, the passage you quoted (and the whole original mail) was mostly
related to the DLS'20 paper
(https://gvanrossum.github.io//docs/PyPatternMatching.pdf), not PEP. I
won't argue what PEP should do (under one interpretation, given
that PEPs are accepted by SC, it might be even empty if SC is ready to
accept it like that).

But for a scientific paper which already considers various choices,
omitting more detailed discussion of a pretty obvious choice caught
some attention.

> > How to support multiple variable scopes in one stack frame is not a
> > rocket science at all. One just need to remember how C did that  
> We can't just do it "like C does" because C requires variables to
> be declared and Python doesn't.

Again, my original mail criticized such simplistic write-offs in the
DLS'20 paper, and in a reply to it, we again get the same story.

So, let's go over it again. You probably say that C uses following
syntax to define a variable in a particular scope:



int var;

Right, Python doesn't have that syntax. But it has other syntaxes to
designate that a variable is defined in a particular scope:

# e is defined in the scope of the following block
except Exception as e:  

# x is defined in the scope of a comprehension
[x for x in seq]

Then for pattern matching,

case a, b:

*Could* define a, b in the scope of following block (and not beyond).
That would have pros and cons, an obvious pro is that failing-to-match
patterns would not litter in surrounding namespace, and con that
"pattern matching as expression" usage would be more harder. If
anything, use of block scoping could be considered to alleviate the
littering problem, because the above should be equivalent to:

case _1, _2:
a, b = _1, _2

Where _1 and _2 *are* block-scoped *variables* (even if a and b aren't).

Since then, "The semantics of pattern matching for Python" topic
presented very similar ideas, except that it again tried to preserve
the tabu on block-level scoping and argued for stack-machine
workarounds. Instead of mentioning the shining-thru idea that it's
perfect usecase for generic block-level scoping. 

Finally (and that's why this thread is brought up again), in a parallel
thread on python-ideas
we see that block scoping would fit the bill to alleviate some issues
with the scoping of "for" loop variables.

> > The only reasons for not implementing the same solution in Python
> > would be intertia of thought and "but it's not done anywhere else in
> > Python".  
> No, other reasons include that it would require making unrelated
> language changes that open various other wormcans.

Let's strive for solutions which follow the best practices in the
programming language design (const'ness, block-level scoping are 2
good examples), and that should increase benefits/effort ratio of the

> > nobody del'eted local variables behind users' backs
> > either, before somebody started to do that for exception clause
> > variables.  
> There was a good reason for that having to do with reference cycles.
> Nobody liked it much, but we didn't really have a choice. There is
> no such pressing need for special scope rules in match statements.

"Undefined behavior" regarding how failed matches may affect
surrounding namespace is unlikely something to be proud of.

Whether it's "pressing" or not, I won't debate. The point I want to
show is that we have some history of workarounds for scoping-related
matters. We're about to make workarounds (or just close eyes and say
"there's no problem") in regard to pattern 

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread Jim J. Jewett
case mylib.STATUS_OK, >result:
   case mylib.STATUS_OK, >>result:
   case mylib.STATUS_OK, ->result:

The second problem with those is that ">" has a very strong tie to "greater 
I think -> or even >> *might* be enough to overcome that, but  I'm not 

(The first problem, of course, is that the PEP authors are still reluctant to 
require any sigil at all, for what they assume will quickly become the default 

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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread Greg Ewing

On 15/11/20 10:48 pm, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
> [from PEP 635]

Pattern matching is complimentary to the object-oriented paradigm.

BTW, there seems to be a typo here -- I think it's
meant to be "complementary".

please explain why you chose to proceed anyway (and apply workarounds),
instead of first introducing the concept of constants to the language.
(Given that amount of work to implement pattern matching is certainly
an order of magnitude larger than to introduce constants)."

That's not certain at all, and moreover it's not just a matter of
work, it's a language design issue that would require its own
extensive investigation and debate. Members of the intended audience
(people very familiar with Python and its technicalities) can be
expected to understand this, so the PEP doesn't need to spell it out.

How to support multiple variable scopes in one stack frame is not a
rocket science at all. One just need to remember how C did that

We can't just do it "like C does" because C requires variables to
be declared and Python doesn't.

The only reasons for not implementing the same solution in Python would
be intertia of thought and "but it's not done anywhere else in

No, other reasons include that it would require making unrelated
language changes that open various other wormcans.

nobody del'eted local variables behind users' backs
either, before somebody started to do that for exception clause

There was a good reason for that having to do with reference cycles.
Nobody liked it much, but we didn't really have a choice. There is
no such pressing need for special scope rules in match statements.

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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 03:18:29PM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:

> > > amount of work to implement pattern matching is certainly an order
> > > of magnitude larger than to introduce constants  

> > Here's a toy proposal,
> []
> The baseline of my version is much simpler:
> # This makes "const" a kind of hard keyword for this module
> from __future__ import const
> FOO: const = 1  # obviously, this is constant
> Foo_Bar: const = 2  # this is too
> foo: const = 3  # and like it or not, but this is constant either
> "const" annotation is recognized by compiler (scope resolving
> component, aka symtable builder to be exact) as a property orthogonal to
> localness/globalness. Literally, "symtable" module
> (https://docs.python.org/3/library/symtable.html#symtable.Symbol) will
> grow Symbol.is_const() method.

Oh, well, if all it takes is to add a new keyword, then constants are 
easy! No need to worry about how constantness affects name resolution,
or how the syntax interacts with type-hints:

spam: const: Widget = build_widget(*args)
# Maybe this is better?
# let spam: Widget = build_widget(*args)

or how "constant" interacts with mutability:

spam: const = []
spam.append(99)  # Allowed?

or for that matter, whether or not constants are actually constant.

spam: const = 1
spam = 2

If constants aren't actually constant, but just a tag on symbols, then 
you would be right, it probably would be trivially easy to add 
"constants" to Python.

But I think most people agree making them behave as constants is a 
pretty important feature. *The* most critical feature of all, really. 

Given a declared constant:

# Module a.py
x: const = None

how do you prevent not just code in module `a` from rebinding the value:

x = 1
globals()['x'] = 2
exec('x = 3', globals())

but other modules as well:

# Module b.py
import a
a.x = 'spam'
vars(a)['x'] = 'spam'
exec('x = 3', vars(a))

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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 15 Nov 2020 16:58:09 +
MRAB  wrote:


> >> Pattern matching is complimentary to the object-oriented
> >> paradigm.  
> >   
> That looks like a mistake to me; it should be "complementary".

This way or that, my point is that even the word "orthogonal" wouldn't
give it fairness in that context. It should have gone straight to
"conflicting", to raise the alertness level to the somewhat-hard on the
perception matters which (eventually, a dozen or so headings below)
follow. Then maybe there wouldn't be surprises several months later like
"Oh really, 'case Point(x=a, y=b):' assigns to a and b??77"

(Only maybe, perception is hard thing to play with. Though I truly
believe that people would pick it up subconsciously quickly enough,
after making a few mistakes. Then again, that's why I propose for
consideration an option to write it `case Point(x = >a, y = >b):`, to
cut mistakes to ~0).


Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread MRAB

On 2020-11-15 09:48, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:


As was mentioned many times on the list, PEP634-PEP636 are thoroughly
prepared and good materials, many thanks to their authors. PEP635
"Motivation and Rationale" (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0635/)
stands out among the 3 however: while reading it, chances that you'll
get a feeling of "residue", accumulating a section over section. By the
end of reading, you may get a well-formed feeling that you've read a
half-technical, half-marketing material, which is intended to "sell" a
particular idea among many other very viable ideas, by shoehorning some
concepts, downplaying other ideas, and at the same time, light-heartedly
presenting drawbacks of its subject one.

Just to give one example, literally at the very beginning, at the
"Pattern Matching and OO" section (3rd heading) it says:

Pattern matching is complimentary to the object-oriented paradigm.

That looks like a mistake to me; it should be "complementary".

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[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread David Mertz
Complimentary != Complementary

On Sun, Nov 15, 2020, 4:51 AM Paul Sokolovsky  wrote:

> Hello,
> As was mentioned many times on the list, PEP634-PEP636 are thoroughly
> prepared and good materials, many thanks to their authors. PEP635
> "Motivation and Rationale" (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0635/)
> stands out among the 3 however: while reading it, chances that you'll
> get a feeling of "residue", accumulating a section over section. By the
> end of reading, you may get a well-formed feeling that you've read a
> half-technical, half-marketing material, which is intended to "sell" a
> particular idea among many other very viable ideas, by shoehorning some
> concepts, downplaying other ideas, and at the same time, light-heartedly
> presenting drawbacks of its subject one.
> Just to give one example, literally at the very beginning, at the
> "Pattern Matching and OO" section (3rd heading) it says:
> > Pattern matching is complimentary to the object-oriented paradigm.
> It's not until the very end of document, in the "History and Context" it
> tells the whole truth:
> > With its emphasis on abstraction and encapsulation, object-oriented
> > programming posed a serious challenge to pattern matching.
> You may wonder how "complimentary" and "posed a serious challenge"
> relate to each other. While they're definitely not contradictory,
> starting the document with light-hearted "complimentary" can be seen as
> trying to set the stage where readers don't pay enough attention to the
> problem. And it kinda worked: only now [1] wider community discovers the
> implications of "Class Patterns" choices. (As a note, PEP635 does well
> on explaining them, and I'm personally sold on that, but it's *tough*
> choice, not the *obvious* choice).
> There're many more examples like that in the PEP635, would take too
> much space to list them all. However, PEP635 refers to the paper:
> > Kohn et al., Dynamic Pattern Matching with Python
> > https://doi.org/10.1145/3426422.3426983 (Accepted by DLS 2020. The
> > link will go live after Nov. 17; a preview PDF can be obtained from
> > the first author.)
> As that citation suggests, the paper is not directly linked from the
> PEP635. But the preprint is now accessible from the conference page,
> https://conf.researchr.org/home/dls-2020?#event-overview (direct link
> as of now: https://gvanrossum.github.io//docs/PyPatternMatching.pdf).
> That paper is written at much higher academic standard, and a pleasure
> to read. I recommend it to everyone who read PEP635 (note that it was
> written with PEP622 in mind, but conceptual differences are minor). With
> it, I noticed just 2 obvious issues:
> Section 4.3. Named Constants
> > It would clearly be desirable to allow named constants in patterns
> > as a replacement and extension of literals. However, Python has no
> > concept of a constant, i.e. all variables are mutable (even where
> > the values themselves are immutable).
> So, unlike PEP635, the paper pinpoints right the root of PEP634's
> problems: lack of constants in Python (on the language level). This is
> just the point which was raised on the mailing list either
> (
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/WV2UA4AKXN5PCDCSTWIUHID25QWZTGMS/
> ).
> Under strict academic peer review, the paper would have been returned
> for elaboration, with a note like: "Given that nowadays many dynamic
> languages (PHP, JavaScript, Lua, etc.) have support for constants, and
> lack of constants poses a serious usability challenge to your proposal,
> please explain why you chose to proceed anyway (and apply workarounds),
> instead of first introducing the concept of constants to the language.
> (Given that amount of work to implement pattern matching is certainly
> an order of magnitude larger than to introduce constants)."
> But the paper wasn't returned for elaboration, so we'll keep wondering
> why the authors chose such a backward process.
> Section 6.1. Scope
> > The granularity of the scope of local variables is at the level of
> > functions and frames. [...]
> > The only way to restrict the scope of a variable to part of a
> > function’s body (such as a case clause) would be to actively delete
> > the variable when leaving the block. This would, however, not restore
> > any previous value of a local variable in the function’s scope.
> This is a misconception ("the only way") which is repeated almost one
> to one on PEP635 either. If anything, the above describes how
> pseudo-scoping is currently implemented for exception vars in "except
> Exception as e:" clause (more info:
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2019-January/155991.html),
> which is hardly a "best practice", and definitely not the only way.
> How to support multiple variable scopes in one stack frame is not a
> rocket science at all. One just need to remember how C did that since
> ~forever. And that's: (for unoptimized programs) 

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread Paul Sokolovsky
Hello Tobias,

On Sun, 15 Nov 2020 13:22:07 +0100
Tobias Kohn  wrote:

>   Hi Paul,
> Thank you for your comments on the DLS'20 paper.  I am glad to hear  
> that it helps paint a clear(er) picture of pattern matching in  
> Python.  However, please let me set the record straight in a few  
> regards.

That's definitely true, and thanks for this reply too, as it indeed
sets many point straight regarding the PEP635. I'd say that I'm on my
side largely satisfied both with reading materials and responses of
Brandt and yours. But we still have PEPs on the plate which raise
concern from different people (not just myself), so please let me

> First, there is no 'shoehorning' or 'deception'

Hey, I didn't use that word ;-)

> in our pattern  
> matching PEPs.  This notion of our team standing against the Python  
> community or trying to outsmart it is quite absurd and unnecessary,  
> really.  At the end of the day, you might find that the PEPs are a  
> boiled-down version of months of intense work and discussions (as  
> Brandt has already pointed out elsewhere) and thus necessarily terse  
> in some parts. 

This is very good point, and I easily believe it. In an alternative
universe, if there would be any bias, conscious or subconscious, it's
still would be good-intentioned, for sure. For example, suppose that
you, the PEP authors, thought out all choices, and found insurmountable
issues with all of them, but one. Knowing that the SC would need to
decide on them, it would be only naturally to present material in a way
to not take their precious time with dead-ends, and present only the
winning proposal. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, I myself
could do the same.

The whole culprit under this point of view are exactly some people
from community who continue to search for gold in a mine you know
empty. The role of community is at all not clear. It's only relatively
recently aspects of Python decision-making caught wide attention, with
PEP572. And as we know, that was a point where decision process changed
considerably either. And... we still don't know how it works in details
(only learning it). Maybe it's largely a matter between PEP authors and
SC, then PEPs are definitely "ok" and nothing can be improved.

What concerns community has, can be seen from some posts, e.g.
(the title: "PEP 622 railroaded through?"). I'm sorry if I join this
perceived "conspiracy theory". Just as that's not the intention of
PEPs, neither it's the intention of feedback like that. Finding
omissions (yes, after so much work on PEPs!) and hope for
improvements is the intention.  

> Pattern matching is a complex subject and the PEPs  
> have been written with a sincere effort to convey the big picture
> and give a tour of this feature in an accessible manner.  Our entire  
> discussion is all openly available to anyone interested.
> Second, our work on pattern matching is based on a very simple  
> premise/idea: *bring pattern matching to Python*.  In particular, it  
> is *not* to 'bring Python to pattern matching'.  We want to
> introduce pattern matching as a new feature to Python as Python
> stands right now, without the need to first modify Python and make it
> more static, C-like, functional or whatever.

Makes sense, and your choice. But not entirely consistent with what you
write in the paper: 

>> In contrast to pattern matching in other dynamic languages [3, 11],
>> we implement it as a compiled feature of the language in the
>> tradition of static languages [6, 22] rather than introducing
>> patterns as first-class objects.

Again, it's your right to stop where you see reasonable. It's the right
of reviewers to point out that you stopped half-way, and even criticize
such a choice.

> As I have mentioned
> before, pattern matching is an opt-in feature, something with
> absolutely no influence on the behaviour of any Python program you
> have ever written before. 

Another good argument I fully agree with my. I still have a
counter-argument: pattern matching seems like an important and
conceptually deep enough change, which could be compared to switching
Python to proper lexical scoping, or switching multiple inheritance to
C3 algorithm away from the adhoc one which was used before. Not done
right, pattern matching risks integrity and soundness of language.

> Not introducing constants or a completely
> new kind of scopes to Python first is certainly not a lack of
> academic rigour, oversight on our part because we are not smart
> enough, or trick to coerce people into accepting pattern matching.
> It just means that we propose to introduce pattern matching to Python
> as it is right now.

Makes sense again. And you're well aware of counter-arguments, as
polar as "we don't need pattern matching in Python". You definitely
do, as was a subsection in PEP622 with literal heading "Don't do this,

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread Tobias Kohn

 Hi Paul,

Thank you for your comments on the DLS'20 paper.  I am glad to hear  
that it helps paint a clear(er) picture of pattern matching in  
Python.  However, please let me set the record straight in a few  

First, there is no 'shoehorning' or 'deception' in our pattern  
matching PEPs.  This notion of our team standing against the Python  
community or trying to outsmart it is quite absurd and unnecessary,  
really.  At the end of the day, you might find that the PEPs are a  
boiled-down version of months of intense work and discussions (as  
Brandt has already pointed out elsewhere) and thus necessarily terse  
in some parts.  Pattern matching is a complex subject and the PEPs  
have been written with a sincere effort to convey the big picture and  
give a tour of this feature in an accessible manner.  Our entire  
discussion is all openly available to anyone interested.

Second, our work on pattern matching is based on a very simple  
premise/idea: *bring pattern matching to Python*.  In particular, it  
is *not* to 'bring Python to pattern matching'.  We want to introduce  
pattern matching as a new feature to Python as Python stands right  
now, without the need to first modify Python and make it more static,  
C-like, functional or whatever.  As I have mentioned before, pattern  
matching is an opt-in feature, something with absolutely no influence  
on the behaviour of any Python program you have ever written before.   
Not introducing constants or a completely new kind of scopes to Python  
first is certainly not a lack of academic rigour, oversight on our  
part because we are not smart enough, or trick to coerce people into  
accepting pattern matching.  It just means that we propose to  
introduce pattern matching to Python as it is right now.

Third, the academic paper has a different scope than the PEPs.  In  
case you missed it: after the first version of PEP 622, we listened to  
the reactions and suggestions from the community and went back to  
overhaul the entire design and build as much as possible on the raised  
concerns and cummulative experience of the community.  One major  
outcome of this was to reduce the overall proposal to the absolute  
core features of what we need for pattern matching (another was to put  
more effort into writing an accessible account of what we propose and  
why we think the various design features are a good choice, leading to  
three PEPs with different aims).  The academic paper outlines a much  
larger scope of possibilities than the PEPs, whereas the PEPs are more  
grounded in the pragmatic and taking one step at a time.  In short,  
the academic paper lays out an entire journey, a vision, whereas the  
PEPs propose a first step forward.

Finally, the reason why the academic paper has not been referred to  
before is simply that it will officially be published coming (!)  
week.  Since the process of peer review is now complete, we can  
already provide a preprint.  It was clear from the outset that the  
PEPs will contain a link to the paper as soon as it becomes publicly  

Of course, we encourage anyone interested in it to read the academic  
paper.  Since its focus is somewhat complementary to the PEPs, it  
might highlight some ideas behind our design that might not be made  
clear enough in the PEPs.  But while doing so, please keep in mind  
that the paper is a vision of a bigger picture and as such distinct  
from the PEPs!

Kind regards,

Quoting Paul Sokolovsky :


As was mentioned many times on the list, PEP634-PEP636 are thoroughly
prepared and good materials, many thanks to their authors. PEP635
"Motivation and Rationale" (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0635/)
stands out among the 3 however: while reading it, chances that you'll
get a feeling of "residue", accumulating a section over section. By the
end of reading, you may get a well-formed feeling that you've read a
half-technical, half-marketing material, which is intended to "sell" a
particular idea among many other very viable ideas, by shoehorning some
concepts, downplaying other ideas, and at the same time, light-heartedly
presenting drawbacks of its subject one.

Just to give one example, literally at the very beginning, at the
"Pattern Matching and OO" section (3rd heading) it says:

Pattern matching is complimentary to the object-oriented paradigm.

It's not until the very end of document, in the "History and Context" it
tells the whole truth:

With its emphasis on abstraction and encapsulation, object-oriented
programming posed a serious challenge to pattern matching.

You may wonder how "complimentary" and "posed a serious challenge"
relate to each other. While they're definitely not contradictory,
starting the document with light-hearted "complimentary" can be seen as
trying to set the stage where readers don't pay enough attention to the
problem. And it kinda worked: only now [1] wider community discovers the

[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 15 Nov 2020 22:05:46 +1100
Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 12:48:50PM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
> > Just to give one example, literally at the very beginning, at the
> > "Pattern Matching and OO" section (3rd heading) it says:  
> If it's the third heading, it's not *literally* at the very beginning.

Thanks for stopping by that. 3rd of 26, but yeah, "beginning-ness is in
the eye of beholder".


> > You may wonder how "complimentary" and "posed a serious challenge"
> > relate to each other.  
> There's no need to wonder. Just keep reading:

I read it in full, and explained my concerns with the wording (of
PEP625 in general): is seems to be carefully chosen to lead the reader
to believe that the view presented in PEP634 is the only viable choice,
and to downplay other alternatives (too much, and unfairly).


> > https://gvanrossum.github.io//docs/PyPatternMatching.pdf).  
> It would be nice to have the PEP link to the paper. I found it very 
> useful for my understanding to compare how other languages solved or 
> avoiding these issues.
> I disagree strongly with your further points about Named Constants
> and Scopes. I think you make unjustified, and mostly likely wrong, 
> statements like:
> > Under strict academic peer review, the paper would have been
> > returned for elaboration,  

Well, this is not a statement, but a speculation, based on reading many
complaints from (usually junior) researches of how it's hard to get a
paper published/conf-accepted when a subject concern improvement to an
existing technique - there're oftentimes multiple rounds of rejections
with suggestions to prove the point that it's indeed "improvement" and
how it compares to actual and possible alternatives.

> > amount of work to implement pattern matching is certainly an order
> > of magnitude larger than to introduce constants  
> > The only reasons for not implementing the same solution [block
> > scopes] in Python would be intertia of thought and "but it's not
> > done anywhere else in Python".  

By these two I stand, yeah. (And ready to be proven wrong, be ashamed,
and learn from it.)

> but in an effort to try to keep matters focused, I won't elaborate.
> Having said that, I would like to see some discussion on what it
> would take to bring in constants to the language in a fully backwards 
> compatible fashion, without hurting performance. Perhaps it is as
> easy as you say, perhaps not. If it is easy, that might work for
> pattern matching. It is isn't easy, it would be nice to know why.

Thanks, that's exactly what I'd like to see too. And while it was
pointed previously that this is orthogonal matter to pattern matching,
the common sense keeps kicking in, suggesting that it's a *prerequisite*
to having non-adhoc pattern matching design.

> Here's a toy proposal,

The baseline of my version is much simpler:

# This makes "const" a kind of hard keyword for this module
from __future__ import const

FOO: const = 1  # obviously, this is constant
Foo_Bar: const = 2  # this is too
foo: const = 3  # and like it or not, but this is constant either

"const" annotation is recognized by compiler (scope resolving
component, aka symtable builder to be exact) as a property orthogonal to
localness/globalness. Literally, "symtable" module
(https://docs.python.org/3/library/symtable.html#symtable.Symbol) will
grow Symbol.is_const() method.

The rest should be clear - if there's:

case sym:

Where Symbol.is_const() is true for "sym", then value of that symbol
is used for matching (instead of treating it as a binding target).

This definitely would be very beginning of const's journey in Python,
but exactly the amount needed to address concerns with "force enum
usage" adhockery in PEP634.


> Looking at the paper, I like the look of Elixer's pin operator:
> case ^mylib.STATUS_OK, result:

And I don't. I think that "==", as used in PEP642v2, much better fits
with Python syntax and overall feel (that's also what you and I
suggested, before PEP642v2 picked it up, right?).

But again, the whole idea to introduce const's is to drop the need for
any "pin operator" in 90% of cases, when constants are used. "Pin
operator" will be needed only to match against a real variable:

FOO: const = 1
BAR: const = 2

i_dont_know_yet = FOO if sth() else BAR

match a:
case == i_dont_know_yet:
print("We're better than Rust")


> Maybe we should flip the meaning of pin and have it mark capture 
> patterns?
> case mylib.STATUS_OK, ^result:

But that's the humble idea, the epiphany of which I humbly spread around
for a month (as an alternative to both const-introduction (we won't
get around that!) or "=="-marking). Except that you used the wrong arrow
- it shouldn't point away from capturing variable, but right into the
heart of it:

 case mylib.STATUS_OK, >result:
 case mylib.STATUS_OK, >>result:
 case mylib.STATUS_OK, ->result:


[Python-Dev] Re: Pattern Matching controversy: Don't read PEP 635, read DLS'20 paper instead

2020-11-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 12:48:50PM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:

> Just to give one example, literally at the very beginning, at the
> "Pattern Matching and OO" section (3rd heading) it says:

If it's the third heading, it's not *literally* at the very beginning.

> > Pattern matching is complimentary to the object-oriented paradigm.
> It's not until the very end of document, in the "History and Context" it
> tells the whole truth:
> > With its emphasis on abstraction and encapsulation, object-oriented
> > programming posed a serious challenge to pattern matching.
> You may wonder how "complimentary" and "posed a serious challenge"
> relate to each other.

There's no need to wonder. Just keep reading:

"In short: in object-oriented programming, we can no longer view objects 
as tagged tuples. The arguments passed into the constructor do not 
necessarily specify the attributes or fields of the objects. Moreover, 
there is no longer a strict ordering of an object's fields and some of 
the fields might be private and thus inaccessible. And on top of this, 
the given object might actually be an instance of a subclass with 
slightly different structure.

To address this challenge, patterns became increasingly independent of 
the original tuple constructors."

The challenge was not, as you imply, that OOP was a challenger to 
pattern matching by offering an alternative idiom that made pattern 
matching obsolete. The challenge was to update pattern matching 
implementations to work with objects that don't map well to tagged 

> As that citation suggests, the paper is not directly linked from the
> PEP635. But the preprint is now accessible from the conference page,
> https://conf.researchr.org/home/dls-2020?#event-overview (direct link
> as of now: https://gvanrossum.github.io//docs/PyPatternMatching.pdf).

It would be nice to have the PEP link to the paper. I found it very 
useful for my understanding to compare how other languages solved or 
avoiding these issues.

I disagree strongly with your further points about Named Constants and 
Scopes. I think you make unjustified, and mostly likely wrong, 
statements like:

> Under strict academic peer review, the paper would have been returned
> for elaboration,

> amount of work to implement pattern matching is certainly an order of 
> magnitude larger than to introduce constants

> The only reasons for not implementing the same solution [block scopes] 
> in Python would be intertia of thought and "but it's not done anywhere 
> else in Python".

but in an effort to try to keep matters focused, I won't elaborate.

Having said that, I would like to see some discussion on what it would 
take to bring in constants to the language in a fully backwards 
compatible fashion, without hurting performance. Perhaps it is as easy 
as you say, perhaps not. If it is easy, that might work for pattern 
matching. It is isn't easy, it would be nice to know why.

Here's a toy proposal, not intended to be taken too seriously: for local 
constants, inside a function, the compiler could detect and reject (with 
a SyntaxError) more than one attempt to bind a value to a name declared 
as constant, with no runtime cost. Outside of functions, we could add 
one extra scope between locals and globals, a "const" scope, which 
implements write-once semantics. This would make every global and 
builtin name lookup more costly.

Looking at the paper, I like the look of Elixer's pin operator:

case ^mylib.STATUS_OK, result:

would match mylib.STATUS_OK by value, without binding, and capture 
result. I think that's better than the PEP's current DWIM (Do What I 
Mean) approach that a dotted identifier must be a constant and an 
undotted identifier is a capture pattern.

On the other hand, I can see myself forgetting the pin and accidentally 
binding to (pseudo-)constants:

case mylib.STATUS_OK, result:

would accidentally replace the STATUS_OK code. Ouch.

Maybe we should flip the meaning of pin and have it mark capture 

case mylib.STATUS_OK, ^result:

Here if I forgot the pin, I'd likely get a NameError.

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