Re: Python becoming less Lisp-like

2005-03-21 Thread Jeff Shannon
Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 2005-03-18, Jeff Shannon schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I find it odd that you start by saying you still find them very
consistent and here state there is a slight inconsistency.
I said that the way that binding a name on a class instance always 
creates an instance attribute regardless of the presence of a 
similarly-named class attribute is consistent with the way that name 
binding works in any scope.  This is true.  Binding of a name within a 
function-local scope works the same way -- bindings are always created 
within the narrowest scope unless something is explicitly done to 
force other behavior.

You pointed out a case in which class/instance attributes behave 
slightly differently than local/global names do, and I agree with you 
that there is a difference in behavior there.  However, that 
difference is in the way that bare names are resolved into 
local/global references, and *not* in the way that name binding works. 
 The name binding rules are consistent; the inconsistency is in name 
*lookups*, and is a case of strong optimization of the standard case 
affecting the behavior of an unusual (and strongly discouraged) case. 
 There is a slight inconsistency in something *other* than what the 
O.P. was complaining about being inconsistent; I'm recognizing that 
inconsistency at the same time as I'm attempting to point out that the 
other inconsistency really *is* consistent.  (I'm also pointing out 
that this name-lookup inconsistency is a good example of practicality 
beats purity, because the value of the optimization is, IMO, much 
greater than the cost of the inconsistency.)

Jeff Shannon

Re: getting text from WinXP console

2005-03-21 Thread Jeff Shannon
Lucas Raab wrote:
Chris Maloof wrote:
Does anyone know how I can read the ASCII text from a console window
(from another application) in WinXP?  It doesn't sound like a major
operation, but although I can find the window via pywin32, I haven't
been able to do anything with it.  I'd really just like to get the
window text into a string.
By console window, I mean the sort of thing that comes up when you
run command (although this particular one is for the game NetHack).
If you're looking to do this from Python then do python  
output.txt only without the quotes. AFAIK, this only works on Windows. 
Correct me if it works from Linux or another OS.
It works in *nix (and probably other OSes as well) to the same extent 
that it works in Windows.  However, it does *not* do what the OP was 
asking for -- it captures the (console-mode) output of into 
a file, but the OP (as I understand it) wanted to have 
capture the already-displayed console output of someotherapp.exe.

Unless I'm seriously mistaken, the only way that this will be possible 
is if there's a Win32 API call that will give the correct information. 
 This might be possible to find in the MSDN documentation, if it 
exists, but I suspect that it probably doesn't.

Actually, there's probably a second way -- capture the window image as 
a bitmap, and then run OCR software on it.  I'm not sure how well most 
OCR software will deal with ASCII graphics, though -- they tend to be 
optimized for reading real text (i.e. words in an actual language).

If it's permissible for the capturing program to start the application 
whose output is to be captured, then it may be possible to work as a 
proxy -- the capture app would pass (almost) all input to the child 
app and then retrieve the child app's output (and probably perform the 
actual display on-screen).  This won't let you capture the text of an 
arbitrary window, though, and would probably be pretty fragile.

Jeff Shannon

Re: For loop extended syntax

2005-03-21 Thread Jeff Shannon
George Sakkis wrote:
A generalization of the 'for .. in' syntax that would handle 
 extra arguments the same way as functions would be:
for (x,y,z=0,*rest) in (1,2,3), (3,4), (5,6,7,8):
 print x, y, z, rest
I'd love to see this in python one day; it is pretty obvious what
 it would do for anyone familiar with function argument tuples.
Let's all keep in mind that is using standard tuple 
unpacking rules (you're getting the next tuple from a list of tuples, 
and then unpacking that tuple), so what is really being proposed are 
extensions to tuple unpacking.  (Making this work in the context of a 
for loop but not work in other tuple-unpacking situations would create 

Function arguments are *not* (in general) a case of tuple unpacking, 
on the other hand, so the parallels between function arguments and for 
loop control-variable tuples are not so straightforward as is being 

There may be valid arguments in favor of enhancing tuple unpacking in 
this way (indeed, I believe I recall a thread or two on this subject), 
but it's important to consider the general consequences, not just the 
single aspect of for-loop usage.

Jeff Shannon

Re: getting text from WinXP console

2005-03-21 Thread Jeff Shannon
Peter Hansen wrote:
Jeff Shannon wrote:
Unless I'm seriously mistaken, the only way that this will be possible 
is if there's a Win32 API call that will give the correct information. 
 This might be possible to find in the MSDN documentation, if it 
exists, but I suspect that it probably doesn't.
Just thinking: in NT, XP, and friends, the DOS console has
a scrollback buffer.  In addition, even in 98 you can cut and
paste text in a console window.  Both of these are clear
evidence that the data is available.  Whether the API to get
to it is well-documented and available remains to be
answered... I'm guessing it is, somewhere...
Hm, that's a good point.  It may even be possible to simulate 
selecting the entire console window and copying the text to the 
clipboard, and from there into the capturing application.  It might be 
worth exploring win32ui  friends...

Jeff Shannon

Re: Python becoming less Lisp-like

2005-03-18 Thread Jeff Shannon
Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 2005-03-16, Jeff Shannon schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
- if x is a class attribute of class A and a is an instance of A, 
a.x=anyvalue create a new instance attribute x instead of modifying A.x
This is very consistent with the way that binding a name in any scope 
will shadow any bindings of that name in higher scopes.  It is the 
same principle by which one is able to use the same name for a 
function-local variable that is used for a global variable, without 
destroying that global variable.  [...]
Not entirely. The equivallent is imposible in function scope.
If function scope would work exactly equivallent as the
above the following should work 

a = 42
def f():
  a = a + 1
  print a
print a
And the result should be:
I'd still say that the name binding rules are very consistent.  The 
name lookup rules are a little different (as they *should* be for 
class/instance attributes), and that's why there's a different net 
effect (UnboundLocalError) as shown in your example.  I'd say, 
however, that if there's a special case here it's with the 
function-local variables, not the class/instance attributes.  It's the 
optimizations to the function-local namespace which prevent 
transparent re-binding of global names.  And given that the 
function-local namespace is by far the most heavily used, and the 
relative utility (and wisdom) of using globals in this way, this is a 
case where the benefit of the special case is well worth the cost of 
its slight inconsistency.

Jeff Shannon

Re: how to handle repetitive regexp match checks

2005-03-18 Thread Jeff Shannon
Matt Wette wrote:
Over the last few years I have converted from Perl and Scheme to
Python.  There one task that I do often that is really slick in Perl
but escapes me in Python.  I read in a text line from a file and check
it against several regular expressions and do something once I find a 
For example, in perl ...

if ($line =~ /struct {/) {
  do something
} elsif ($line =~ /typedef struct {/) {
  do something else
} elsif ($line =~ /something else/) {
} ...
I am having difficulty doing this cleanly in python.  Can anyone help?
rx1 = re.compile(r'struct {')
rx2 = re.compile(r'typedef struct {')
rx3 = re.compile(r'something else')
m = rx1.match(line)
if m:
  do something
  m = rx2.match(line)
  if m:
do something
m = rx3.match(line)
if m:
  do something
If you don't need the match object as part of do something, you 
could do a fairly literal translation of the Perl:

if rx1.match(line):
do something
elif rx2.match(line):
do something else
elif rx3.match(line):
do other thing
raise ValueError(...)
Alternatively, if each of the do something phrases can be easily 
reduced to a function call, then you could do something like:

def do_something(line, match): ...
def do_something_else(line, match): ...
def do_other_thing(line, match): ...
table = [ (re.compile(r'struct {'), do_something),
  (re.compile(r'typedef struct {'), do_something_else),
  (re.compile(r'something else'), do_other_thing) ]
for pattern, func in table:
m = pattern.match(line)
if m:
func(line, m)
raise ValueError(...)
The for/else pattern may look a bit odd, but the key feature here is 
that the else clause only runs if the for loop terminates normally -- 
if you break out of the loop, the else does *not* run.

Jeff Shannon

Re: Is Python like VB?

2005-03-18 Thread Jeff Shannon
Tom Willis wrote:
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 15:45:10 -0500, Tom Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 20:20:19 +, Steve Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Were you aware that version 2.0, which is due out soon
(beta is available for download), can have python macros, as well as
javascript and StarOffice Basic macros?
Damn that's hot! I am tingly :)
Reply to self...
The API however, smells more like java to me than python. Alas, I will
happily use it for many of my needs.
IIRC, Sun significantly rewrote the scripting interface to StarOffice 
before they released the codebase to  It's hardly 
surprising to know that they did so in a very Java-centric way.  And 
given limited resources (and presumably continued guidance from Sun in 
the form of Sun developers working on OO.o), it's not too surprising 
that OpenOffice hasn't changed that much.

Jeff Shannon

Re: Pre-PEP: Dictionary accumulator methods

2005-03-18 Thread Jeff Shannon
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
def count(self, value, qty=1):
self[key] += qty
except KeyError:
self[key] = qty
I presume that the argument list is a typo, and should actually be
def count(self, key, qty=1): ...
Jeff Shannon


Re: Getting current variable name

2005-03-17 Thread Jeff Shannon
Ron wrote:
def getvinfo(vars, v):

vars is locals()
v is [varable]
Use an one item list to pass single varables by reference.

for n in vars.keys():
if vars[n] is v[0]:
return n, v[0], type(v[0])
a = 101
b = 2.3
c = True
print getvinfo(locals(), [a])
print getvinfo(locals(), [b])
print getvinfo(locals(), [c])
('a', 101, type 'int')
('b', 2.2998, type 'float')
('c', True, type 'bool')
Are you sure that you really need that single-element list?
 def getvinfo2(vars, v):
... for n in vars.keys():
... if vars[n] is v:
... return n, v, type(v)
 getvinfo2(locals(), a)
('a', 1, type 'int')
 getvinfo2(locals(), b)
('b', 2.2998, type 'float')

Now, making that second parameter a list would enable you to do this 
for multiple local names with a single call, but getvinfo() doesn't 
try to do that...

Don't forget, in Python, all names are references.  You only have to 
be careful when you start re-binding names...

Jeff Shannon

Re: will it cause any problems to open a read-only file not close it?

2005-03-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
Tim Roberts wrote:
Sara Khalatbari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear friends
In a code, I'm opening a file to read. Like :
  lines = open(filename).readlines()
 I'm never closing it.
I'm not writing in that file, I just read it.
Will it cause any problems if you open a file to read
 never close it?
A file is closed when the last reference to it is deleted.  Since you never
save a reference to this file, the last reference is deleted as soon as the
readlines() call finishes.
So, the file will be closed when you move to the next statement.
This is true in current versions of CPython, but is not necessarily 
true in all implementations of Python.  In particular, Jython uses 
Java's garbage collector; an object becomes available for collection 
when the last reference is deleted, but that collection may not 
(probably won't) happen right away.  Since the automatic file closing 
happens as part of the object deletion, files opened in this way won't 
 be closed until the garbage collector runs (and collects this file 

Most of the time, this won't be a problem, but it's good to be aware 
that things are not necessarily as cut-and-dried as they might seem.

Jeff Shannon

Re: multiple import of a load of variables

2005-03-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
Torsten Bronger wrote:
Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm not entirely clear what you are trying to do

The following: looks like this
a = 1
b = 2
Then I have,, and which begin
from variables import *
And finally, starts with
from variables import *
from import *
from import *
from import *
Now imagine that contained not only two but hundreds of
variables.  Is this then still the most effective approach?
Ugh.  I really don't like the 'from module import *' approach in any 
case, but here, you're binding each name from at least 
seven times.  Now, it's not like binding names is all *that* 
expensive, but still... I'd call this a code smell.

You say that users of may need direct access to these 
variables; to do that well, it does make some sense that my_module 
should import * from variables.  However, I doubt there's any good 
justification for importing the helper modules that way, nor for 
importing * from variables in each of the helper modules.

If you use normal imports in those cases, then once has 
been loaded into sys.modules (i.e. imported for the first time), you 
create n+3 name bindings as opposed to the 7*n bindings your method is 
creating, where n is the number of names in  (The '+6' 
is the 'variables' name in each of the helper modules.)

More importantly, you get clearer code that's easier to maintain and 
troubleshoot.  This fact is far more important than the cost of 
creating name bindings, or any other form of 'efficiency' that is 
likely to apply.  As far as I'm concerned, if you're just going to 
'import *' your helper modules, you might as well leave the whole mess 
as one big file, because you're throwing away almost all of the 
benefits of dividing it into modules.

Jeff Shannon

Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 208

2005-03-15 Thread Jeff Shannon
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
Jeff Shannon wrote:
I'd be in favor of that, unless someone can come up with a compelling 
current use-case for octal literals.
Existing code. It may use octal numbers, and it would break if they 
suddenly changed to decimal. 
Right, which was my original point -- it was only in the context of 
Python 3.0 / 3K, when backwards compatibility is *already* being 
deliberately discarded, that getting rid of octal constants would be 
worth considering.

(I had specified *current* use-case to specifically indicate other 
than backwards-compatibility and historical reasons -- I know those 
are overriding until Py3K, but if the whole point of Py3K is to ditch 
all the features that exist only for backwards-compatibility and 
historical reasons, then...)

Jeff Shannon

Re: Python becoming less Lisp-like

2005-03-15 Thread Jeff Shannon
Martin Franklin wrote:
Tim Daneliuk wrote:
Except that in this case, removal will also complicate code in some
cases.  Consider this fragment of Tkinter logic:,
command=lambda cmd=cmdkey: 

In this case you perhaps should try using a class like so:-,
Where CommandMenuSelectionCallback is a class like so:
class CommandMenuSelectionCallback:
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def __call__(self):
print self.key
One could equivalently define CommandMenuSelectionCallback as a 
function which creates and returns closures --

def CommandMenuSelectionCallback(key):
def func():
return func
This should have the same practical value as the callable class; in 
both cases you have a callable taking a single argument, which 
produces a callable taking no arguments.  Whether one prefers that the 
resulting callable object be a class instance or a closure (function) 
seems to me to be largely a matter of taste.

Also, once Python 2.5 is realeased, one should be able to use the 
partial() function (see to 
accomplish much the same thing in a more general fashion.  ISTM that 
partial() will cover somewhere between 50% and 95% of the current 
(reasonable) uses of lambda -- my guess being that it's towards the 
hight end of that range.

Jeff Shannon

Re: Python becoming less Lisp-like

2005-03-15 Thread Jeff Shannon
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
A few examples:
- to get the length of a sequence, you use len(seq) instead of seq.len()
- to call objects attributes by name, you use [get|set]attr(obj, name 
[,value]) instead of obj.[get|set]attr(name [,value])
These are both very consistent applications of a more functional style 
of programming, rather than the pure object-oriented style you seem to 
desire.  It's not that Python is inconsistent; it's that Python is 
consistently blending multiple paradigms in a way that uses the best 
features of each and (mostly) avoids the worst pitfalls of each.

- if x is a class attribute of class A and a is an instance of A, 
a.x=anyvalue create a new instance attribute x instead of modifying A.x
This is very consistent with the way that binding a name in any scope 
will shadow any bindings of that name in higher scopes.  It is the 
same principle by which one is able to use the same name for a 
function-local variable that is used for a global variable, without 
destroying that global variable.  Doing as you suggest would be far 
*less* consistent, and would create a special case for class/instance 
lookups where there is none now.

- sequence methods that modify the sequence in place return None instead 
of returning self - ok, I know the rational for this one, but I still 
dont like it, and still count it as a special case since when using a 
'destructive' sequence method I can't chain it with non-destructive 
method calls.
This is not a special case.  It is a deliberate and consistent design 
decision, and it is implemented uniformly through the standard 
library.  Note that if your preference was the standard, one could 
*still* use the same logic to call it a special case -- that in some 
cases a method call returns a new object leaving the original 
unmodified, and in other cases it modifies the original object and 
returns a reference to it.  The current implementation has the 
advantage of being much less likely to lead to hard-to-detect bugs 
than your preference would.

Also, Python enforce some coding style (indentation) but not some others 
(capitalization for example). So you always have to check, on a lib by 
lib base, what style has been used (I personnaly don't give a damn 
whether I use underscore_all_lower or mixedCaps, but consistency is 
useful, even more when there's such a huge stdlib). Worst, the base 
class for new style classes is all lower ('object') when the usual 
convention is to use CamelCase for classes.
Um... does Lisp enforce capitalization?  No.  Does C? I didn't think 
so.  Keep in mind that Python uses indentation not as a coding style, 
but as an inherent part of the syntax in the same way that C uses {} 
(but that indentation is much easier for humans to keep straight).  Do 
you complain that C enforces brace-usage but not capitalization styles?

What you have here is a listing of things about Python that you don't 
like.  They are not actually special cases, except in the sense of 
things that Bruno especially dislikes.  Now, you're welcome to 
dislike them if you want, but be aware that some of the things that 
you're looking at as weaknesses, others of us see as positive and 
beneficial things, and in many cases there's real evidence to support 
the contention that Python's design choices will decrease the 
frequency of bugs.

Perhaps Python *is* becoming less Lisp-like... but I've never been 
convinced that Lisp is the best of all possible programming languages, 
so maybe being less Lisp-like and more Python-like is a good thing.

Jeff Shannon

Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 208

2005-03-14 Thread Jeff Shannon
John Roth wrote:
Charles Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

I know this isnt that big of a problem,
but i cannot think of one reason why they would not allow numbers 
preceded with a 0 to have a number
higher then a 7 in them...
And it seems very inconsistant to me...
I *love* questions I can answer! Answer: because that's how you tell 
Python you're entering an octal number. 
That's a reason, but I don't consider it a good reason.
I cannot, in fact, think of a single time when I've wanted
to enter an octal number. Hex numbers, yes, but  not
I personally don't think the frequency of use warrents
the special case syntax and the resultant confusion
with novices.
I would agree with you, but it's there for historical reasons.  This 
is a pretty common convention that Python (I believe) borrowed from C. 
 Octal *used* to be useful, when there were machines with word sizes 
in multiples of 3 (e.g. 18- and 27-bit words), since one octal digit 
exactly represents 3 bits (just as one hex digit exactly represents 4 
bits); now that almost the entire industry has standardized on 
power-of-2 word sizes, octal is nearly useless but is still carried 
about for backwards compatibility.

Jeff Shannon

Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 208

2005-03-14 Thread Jeff Shannon
Steven Bethard wrote:
Jeff Shannon wrote:
now that almost the entire industry has standardized on power-of-2 
word sizes, octal is nearly useless but is still carried about for 
backwards compatibility.
So do you think it's worth lobbying for its removal in Python 3.0 when 
we can break some backwards compatibility?
I'd be in favor of that, unless someone can come up with a compelling 
current use-case for octal literals.

Jeff Shannon

Re: will it cause any problems to open a read-only file not close it?

2005-03-14 Thread Jeff Shannon
Daniel Dittmar wrote:
Fuzzyman wrote:
Sara Khalatbari wrote:
Will it cause any problems if you open a file to read
 never close it?

Under CPython the filehandle will be automatically garbage collected.
Under JPython (Jython) it won't be... 

Isn't it rather that CPython will close the file as soon as the last 
reference is dropped, which is probably right after the read returns?

Whereas Jython/Java will close the file, when the garbage collector 
actually reclaims the object, which will be later. Or much later.
That's my understanding.  In either case, it will only cause 
problems if you're doing something else with that file immediately 
afterwards.  In the case of files that you're writing, this includes 
reading the file from another program -- a file that hasn't been 
closed probably also hasn't been flushed to disk, and therefore (IIUC) 
the file is not reliably readable until the Jython/Java program has 
terminated (or GC can otherwise be guaranteed to have run).

However, in the case where you're simply reading the contents of a 
file and don't need to do anything else with the disk file or file 
object after that, then this idiom should be harmless even under Jython.

Jeff Shannon

Re: urllib (and urllib2) read all data from page on open()?

2005-03-14 Thread Jeff Shannon
Alex Stapleton wrote:
Whilst it might be able to do what I want I feel this to be a flaw in urllib
that should be fixed, or at least added to a buglist somewhere so I can at
least pretend someone other than me cares.
I'm not sure about this being a flaw.  The point of urllib and urllib2 
is to provide a high-level interface.  At that higher level, one 
shouldn't care whether the data is coming directly from the socket or 
from a buffer.  (And even if it's read directly from the socket, it's 
probably *still* coming from a buffer, it's just that the buffer is in 
the system network code instead of the application code.)

If you need to care about when the network access happens, then you 
should be using the lower-level protocols -- httplib and/or socket.

Jeff Shannon

Re: a program to delete duplicate files

2005-03-14 Thread Jeff Shannon
Patrick Useldinger wrote:
David Eppstein wrote:
When I've been talking about hashes, I've been assuming very strong 
cryptographic hashes, good enough that you can trust equal results to 
really be equal without having to verify by a comparison.
I am not an expert in this field. All I know is that MD5 and SHA1 can 
create collisions. Are there stronger algorithms that do not? And, more 
importantly, has it been *proved* that they do not?
I'm not an expert either, but I seem to remember reading recently 
that, while it's been proven that it's possible for SHA1 to have 
collisions, no actual collisions have been found.  Even if that's not 
completely correct, you're *far* more likely to be killed by a 
meteorite than to stumble across a SHA1 collision.  Heck, I'd expect 
that it's more likely for civilization to be destroyed by a 
dinosaur-killer-sized meteor.

With very few exceptions, if you're contorting yourself to avoid SHA1 
hash collisions, then you should also be wearing meteor-proof (and 
lightning-proof) armor everywhere you go.  (Those few exceptions would 
be cases where a malicious attacker stands to gain enough from 
constructing a single hash collision to make it worthwhile to invest a 
*large* number of petaflops of processing power.)  Sure it's not 100% 
perfect, but... how perfect do you *really* need?

Jeff Shannon


Re: How can I load a module when I will only know the name 'on the fly'

2005-03-14 Thread Jeff Shannon
Tobiah wrote:

m = get_next_module()
some_nice_function_somehow_loads( m )
that'd be
  mymodule = __import__('modulename')
Jeff Shannon

Re: global var

2005-02-21 Thread Jeff Shannon
Nick Coghlan wrote:
Michael Hoffman wrote:
raver2046 wrote:
How to have a global var in python ?
global var will give you a global variable named var.
Whether this advice is correct or not depends greatly on what the OP 
means by 'global' :)

Module global, it's right, application global it's wrong. Given the 
nature of the question, I suspect the latter.
And even there, one must be careful.  global var won't really give you 
a global variable; it will cause the name var, when used locally, to 
refer to a pre-existing module-level reference var.  No variables are 
actually created in the execution of global var.

Jeff Shannon

Re: Why doesn't join() call str() on its arguments?

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Shannon wrote:
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
a certain princess bride quote would fit here, I think.
I'm not really familiar with it, can you enlighten please.
(Taking a guess at which quote /F had in mind...)
Vezzini:  Inconceivable!
Inigo:You keep using that word.  I do not think that it means 
what you think it means.

Jeff Shannon

Re: Pausing a program - poll/sleep/threads?

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Shannon
Simon John wrote:
I'm writing a PyQt network client for XMMS, using the InetCtrl plugin,
that on connection receives a track length.
So, how would I make a Python program automatically call a function
after a preset period of time, without the Python process running in
the foreground (effectively single-tasking)?
I'm not familiar with Qt/PyQt myself, but the GUI toolkits I *am* 
familiar with all have a concept of a timer.  Basically, you create a 
timer that, when the specified amount of time has elapsed, will either 
deliver an event/message to your application's event queue or will 
directly call the callback function you provide.

However, I'd suggest that you may not want to wait for the entire 
length of the current track, especially if some other process or user 
(on any machine) may have access to the same XMMS application.  What 
happens when, after the song's been playing for a few seconds, someone 
skips to the next track?  Presumably, you'll want your network client 
to detect that and update appropriately.  This implies that you should 
check back in with the XMMS server every few seconds at least.  (You 
can still use a timer to do this; just have it fire periodically every 
second or so, rather than only after several minutes.)

Jeff Shannon

Re: [newbie]How to install python under DOS and is there any Wxpython can be installed under dos?

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Shannon
Leif B. Kristensen wrote:
john san skrev:
pure DOS, old pc, used for teaching . want show some windows under
DOS (under Python).
curses is a text-based interface that will let you build windowed
applications like you could with the crt unit in Turbo Pascal of those
golden days. I've no idea if anyone's compiled it for the 16-bits DOS
platform, though.
Curses is a *nix interface.  There are attempts at a work-alike 
package for Windows, which by all reports are not very successful. 
Whether any of those would maintain their already-limited 
functionality under DOS is questionable.

There *are* similar-but-not-compatible libraries for DOS... or perhaps 
I should say *were*, because I have no idea where one might find such 
a thing now.  (Though I presume that Google would be the best starting 
place.)  One would then need to find/create a Python wrapper for that 

Jeff Shannon

Re: Pausing a program - poll/sleep/threads?

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Shannon
Simon John wrote:
As far as querying the server every few seconds, it does make sense
(you don't miss events) and is the recommended way of doing things with
InetCtrl, but I'd prefer to save the bandwidth/server load than have
realtime status updates.
The amount of bandwidth and server load that will be used by a 
once-a-second query is probably pretty trivial (unless you're 
expecting this to run over internet or dialup networks -- and even 
then, it's probably not going to be worth worrying about).  Even on an 
old 10Mbit ethernet connection, a couple of extra packets every second 
will not make a notable difference.  This (IMO) is premature 
optimization.  :)

The status also updates whenever you send a command (like play/pause).
But does the server push events to the client?  If there's a 
filesystem error while a track is playing, how does your client know 
about it?  In addition, what happens if XMMS segfaults, or the server 
machine loses power?

I'm really stuck on how to implement this now
One of the big questions here is whether your client will have 
exclusive access to the XMMS server.  That is, will it be possible for 
more than one such client to connect to the same XMMS, and/or for XMMS 
to have direct interaction on its host machine?

If you have exclusive access, then changes in the status of XMMS will 
only happen when 1) you change it yourself, or 2) there is an error. 
In this case, you can check status much less often.  (However, you'll 
still want to deal with the error conditions, which probably means 
checking at a much shorter interval than expected track length.) If, 
on the other hand, there may be more than one client/user interacting 
with XMMS, then you also have to deal with the possibility of your 
server changing status without your client taking direct action.

I really think that you *do* want to do fairly frequent status checks 
with your server.  The cost is small, and the gains in responsiveness 
and robustness are potentially very significant.

Jeff Shannon

Re: super not working in __del__ ?

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Shannon
Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
Jeff Shannon wrote:
Python's __del__() is not a C++/Java destructor.
Learn something new everyday...  What is it then?  Excuse my ignorance, but
what are you suppose to do if your object needs to clean up when its no
longer used (like close open file handles, etc)? 
Well, those open file handles are presumably wrapped by file 
objects.  Those file objects will close the underlying file handle as 
they are deallocated.  This means that the only time you really need 
to worry about closing a file handle is if you want to reopen that 
same file immediately -- and in that case, __del__() can't help you 
because you can't know whether or not another reference to the file 
object exists somewhere else, so you'll have to explicitly close() the 
file anyhow.  The same goes for sockets.

Are you use supposed to
make a method called Destroy() or something and require users to call it
when the object is about to be deleted?  That seems to put the burdon of
ref counting on the user.  
Python's refcounting/GC scheme is such that you rarely actually need 
to explicitly destroy an object.  Unlike C++, you're not actually 
freeing memory, and most of the resources that you might be using are 
already wrapped by an object that will finalize itself properly 
without being explicitly destroyed.  Thanks to GC and the possibility 
of needing to break cycles, there's not much that you can guarantee 
about __del__() ... but there's not much that you *need* to do in 

It just seems
like kinda a pain when a C++/Java style destructor would nicely do what is
desired.  Should I just stop digging and chalk it up to a limitation of
Well, I guess you could look at it as a trade-off.  In C++, you can 
count on your destructor getting called, but you have to do your own 
memory management.  (Note that you still can't count on heap objects 
that your destructor might want to use still being there -- it's just 
that you can *never* count on such things in C++, and are always 
expected to ensure these things yourself.)  Python will take care of 
your memory for you, and it will safely handle most OS resources for 
you, so that you don't have to worry about them... and in return, if 
you have some type of resource that Python doesn't automatically 
handle, you need to explicitly save it yourself.

Now, while I haven't yet done anything terribly complicated nor tried 
to use extensive persistence, I've essentially never felt a need to 
use __del__() in Python, nor missed the proper destructor of C++. 
In general, cleanup takes care of itself, and in those cases where I 
have more demanding needs, well, it's not *that* hard to hook into 
application shutdown and explicitly save my data.

So, I don't think it's so much a limitation of Python, as it is 
simply a different way of handling things.

Jeff Shannon

Re: super not working in __del__ ?

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
2 Questions...
1)  Why does this never happen in C++?  Or does it, its just never happened
to me?
2)  I can understand random destruction of instantiated objects, but I find
it weird that class definitions (sorry, bad terminology) are destroyed at
the same time.  So __del__ can't safely instantiate any classes if its
being called as a result of interpreter shutdown?  Boo...
Keep in mind that in Python, everything is a (dynamically created) 
object, including class objects.  My recall of C/C++ memory 
organization is pretty weak, but IIRC it gives completely different 
behavior to code, stack objects, and heap objects.  Code never needs 
to be cleaned up.  In Python, everything (including functions and 
classes) is effectively a heap object, and thus functions and classes 
can (and indeed must) be cleaned up.  Refcounting means that they 
won't ever (normally) be cleaned up while they're still in use, but 
during program shutdown refcounting necessarily ceases to apply.

The closest that would happen in C++, I believe, would manifest itself 
as memory leaks and/or access of already-freed memory.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: [newbie]How to install python under DOS and is there any Wxpython can be installed under dos?

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
john san wrote:
Just want to show windows under dos without MsWindows. Also find some
difficulty to simply install WxPython under directory(DOS) and then run,
which is very good thing if it is just like Java.
I don't think you'll have any luck finding wxPython for DOS.  A bit of 
a looksee around the wxWidgets website (wxPython is a wrapper for 
wxWidgets) mentions being available for Win3.1 and up, as well as 
various levels of *nix installs (wxGTK, wxMotif, wxX11), but no 
mention of DOS.  I suppose that a very ambitious person could perhaps 
get the wxUniversal port to run on DOS, but I presume that this would 
be far from trivial.

On the other hand, you probably could find and/or create some sort of 
basic text-only windowing library.  It won't be wxPython, nor anything 
even close to that level of sophistication, but that's what happens 
when you insist on using an OS that's been obsolete for a decade or 
more. ;)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: renaming 'references' to functions can give recursive problems

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
peter wrote:
Hello, nice solution:
but it puzzles me :)
can anyone tell me why
---correct solution
def fA(input):
  return input
def newFA(input, f= fA):
   return f(input)
This saves a reference to the original function in the new function's 
default argument.

-infinite loop-
def fA(input):
  return input
def newFA(input):
   return fA(input)
This does not save any reference to the original function; it simply 
does a run-time lookup of the name, and uses whatever object is 
currently bound to that name.  Since you later rebind the name to this 
new function, it's simply calling itself.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Why doesn't join() call str() on its arguments?

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
Leo Breebaart wrote:
What I can't find an explanation for is why str.join() doesn't
automatically call str() on its arguments [...]

[...] Presumably there is some
counter-argument involved, some reason why people preferred the
existing semantics after all. But for the life of me I can't
think what that counter-argument might be...
One possibility I can think of would be Unicode.  I don't think that 
implicitly calling str() on Unicode strings is desirable.  (But then 
again, I know embarrassingly little about unicode, so this may or may 
not be a valid concern.)

Of course, one could ensure that unicode.join() used unicode() and 
str.join() used str(), but I can conceive of the possibility of 
wanting to use a plain-string separator to join a list that might 
include unicode strings.  Whether this is a realistic use-case is, of 
course, a completely different question...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Imported or executed?

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
Stephan Schulz wrote:
Is there a (portable, standard) way for the program/module to find out
if it is imported or executed stand-alone?
def fixbb(*filelist):
# ...
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Executed stand-alone
(Obviously, you'd probably want to do more command-line checking than 

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: super not working in __del__ ?

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:

So encapsulating your script in a main function fixes the problem:
Not necessarily.
because all the objects instantiated in main() will be deleted when main
ends, but before the interpreter shuts down, thus the objects will have
access to all the symbols in module's __dict__ (or however that works).
What about default function parameters?  Those can't be cleaned up 
until the function is deleted.  What about class attributes, which 
can't be cleaned until the class is deleted?  What about objects which 
have had references passed to other modules?  What about sets of 
objects with cyclical references?

There's too many corner cases and special cases for this to be 
reliable.  Cutting down on module-global variables will help (and is a 
good idea anyhow), but it's not perfect.

I'm just guessing, here, but I'd imagine that it might be possible to 
modify the interpreter so that, at shutdown, it carefully builds 
dependency trees and then walks through them in reverse, deleting 
objects in the proper order, and trying to handle cycles as sanely 
as possible.  You could probably get the __del__ of almost every 
object to be fairly reliable.  But that's a lot of work to go to when 
99% of the time all you need to do is flush the entire block of 
memory.  (By 'a lot of work', I mean both in execution time causing 
the shutdown of Python to be notably slower, and in developer time 
writing such a fancy shutdown scheme.)  It's much more practical to 
just say that __del__() is not reliable (especially given some of the 
other issues with it, such as cyclic references, etc.) and suggest 
that people write their code in such a way that it isn't required.

Python's __del__() is not a C++/Java destructor.  Trying to make it 
into one is unlikely to give an overal benefit.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Font size

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
Adam wrote:
Here's what I'm trying to do.
We are running a numbers game at our retirement village and using a roulette 
wheel to generate the numbers. but this wheel is only about 12 in diameter 
and is little more than a toy. So we came up with the idea of using a random 
number generator to generate numbers from 0 to 36 and display them in large 
figures on my laptop. This is for the benefit of those people who are hard 
of hearing. They like to see what is happening.
I was an RPG programmer before retirement but am new to Python. So I used 
the following code to generate the numbers but I don't know how to display 
them in large figures (about 3 ins high) or get rid of the idle text.
The problem is that console displays don't support variable font 
sizes.  In order to do this, you're going to need to write a simple 
GUI program, which will be significantly more complex.

A simple program to display a random number in large text should be 
relatively easy to do in Tkinter, which has the benefit of being 
bundled with your Python distribution.  (It's got a few downsides, 
too, but most of them won't apply for this project.)  I haven't 
actually looked at it, but EasyGui (recently mentioned here; google 
should help you find it) may meet your needs and be simpler to use.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Why doesn't join() call str() on its arguments?

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
Roy Smith wrote:
What I can't find an explanation for is why str.join() doesn't
automatically call str() on its arguments, so that e.g.
str.join([1,2,4,5]) would yield 1245, and ditto for e.g.
user-defined classes that have a __str__() defined.
That would be the wrong thing to do when the arguments are unicodes.
Why would it be wrong?  I ask this with honest naivete, being quite 
ignorant of unicode issues.
As someone else demonstrated earlier...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

Using str() on a unicode object works... IF all of the unicode 
characters are also in the ASCII charset.  But if you're using 
non-ASCII unicode characters (and there's no point to using Unicode 
unless you are, or might be), then str() will throw an exception.

The Effbot mentioned a join() implementation that would be smart 
enough to do the right thing in this case, but it's not as simple as 
just implicitly calling str().

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Variables.

2005-02-15 Thread Jeff Shannon
bruno modulix wrote:
administrata wrote:
I wrote this, It's a bit lame though
(snip code - see other answers in this thread)
raw_input(\n\\t\t\t- The End -)

Why on earth are you using raw_input() here ?
This is a fairly common idiom, on Windows at least.  If running a 
console app from Explorer, the console will close as soon as the app 
terminates.  Using raw_input() at the end of the app means that it 
won't close until the user hits Enter.

HELP plz
No one can help you if you don't explain your problem. We are not 
psychic enough to read your mind !-)
Indeed -- it looks like this worked perfectly to me, so the issue is 
in what's expected.  :)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-15 Thread Jeff Shannon
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Adam DePrince wrote:
You're on it.  You drive a car?  You have to treat it right to get what
you want, right?  Same here.  Ask correctly, and you will get your
Your interpretation/definition of asking correctly is irrelevant to me.

Interpretation is irrelevant.  Logic is irrelevant.  You will be 

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Calling a function from module question.

2005-02-15 Thread Jeff Shannon
Sean wrote:
So what if I have a whole bunch of functions - say 25 of them.
Is there a way to do this without naming each function?
Yes [1], but it's basically deprecated and you shouldn't use it. Consider 
refactoring your code.
Refactoring my code?  Sorry, I am not sure what you mean here.
'Refactoring' is just a fancy way of saying 'reorganizing'.  What it 
means in this case is to look at the reason that you have 25 functions 
in this other module whose name you don't want to type.  Perhaps 
reassembling those functions into a class or two will let you have 
fewer names to import, or perhaps there's no compelling reason for 
them to be in a different module to begin with.  (Or, more likely, you 
should just not worry about using the module name.  It's really better 
to keep track of where all of your names come from, and fully 
qualified names do that nicely.  What do you see as the harm of using it?)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Variables.

2005-02-15 Thread Jeff Shannon
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
Jeff Shannon a Ă©crit :
If running a console app from Explorer, the console will close as soon 
as the app terminates.  Using raw_input() at the end of the app means 
that it won't close until the user hits Enter.
So why dont you just open the console before running the app, then ?-)
Well, *I* generally do. ;)  But for those with relatively little 
computing experience that *hasn't* been through the Windows GUI, the 
thought of opening a console isn't necessarily an obvious one. 
(Modern versions of Windows seem to try to hide the console as much as 
they can)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Jeff Shannon
Pat wrote:
I think the same applies to developers.  Not every programmer is
willing to go through a lot of pain and effort just to get something
simple to work.  
True... but given I.L.'s insistence on a rather stringent set of 
requirements (fully open-source toolchain to produce closed-source 
software on proprietary OS), and his attitude (Why haven't all of you 
done this for me already? WHY WHY WHY?), he comes across as someone 
who's *insisting* that *someone else* should go to a lot of pain and 
effort on *his* behalf.  Indeed, he's insisting that the Python 
community should provide volunteer effort because it will (supposedly) 
assist him in his commercial endeavor.

Notably, when you've commented in a reasonable manner about having 
apparently similar needs, several people have offered suggestions as 
to how to solve your problems.  People have also offered I.L. 
suggestions, but he derides them as not being exactly what he wants 
and continues to insist that others should perform volunteer work for 
his benefit.

Now, there's nothing wrong with asking (politely) why certain things 
are the way they are, or suggesting that it'd be nice if someone 
changed a few things.  But the insistence that he's being horribly 
wronged because people aren't jumping at the chance to assist him is 
more than a little bit offensive -- especially when he's turning up 
his nose at solutions that are close (but not exact) matches to his 
requirements.  Instead of saying Hey, someone's done half my work 
for me -- great!, he's saying Hey, why haven't you done the rest of 
my work!

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: newbie question

2005-02-11 Thread Jeff Shannon
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 09:36:42 -0800, Jeff Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
And as Peter Hansen points out, none of the Python versions leave n in 
the same state that the C loop does, so that's one more way in which 
an exact translation is not really possible -- and (IMO again) further 
evidence that trying to do an exact translation would be 
ill-conceived.  Much better to consider the context in which the loop 
is used and do a looser, idiomatic translation.
Yeah, though my background tends to be one which considers loop
indices to be loop-local, value indeterminate after exit...
Well, even though I've programmed mostly in langauges where loop 
indices to retain a determinate value after exit, I almost always 
*treat* them as loop-local -- it just seems safer that way.  But not 
everyone does so, and especially with C while loops, often the point 
is to keep adjusting the control variable until it fits the 
requirements of the next section...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: goto, cls, wait commands

2005-02-11 Thread Jeff Shannon
jean-michel wrote:
Hi all,
I saw a lot of comments saying GOTO is not usefull, very bad, and we
should'nt use it because we don't need it.
I think that's true, but only if you *create* programs.
But if the goal is to provide some kind of converter to automatically take
an old application written with an old language (using GOTO), and generating
python code, it would certainly a great help to have this (unclean) feature
in native python.
But an automatic translator is certain to be imperfect.  One can no 
more translate mechanically between computer languages than one can 
translate mechanically between human languages -- and we've all seen 
the fun that can be had by machine-translating from language A - 
language B - language A, right?  What do you think the effect of that 
sort of meaning-drift would be on application code?

In other words, any translation from one language to another will 
require significant human attention, by someone familiar with both 
languages, to ensure that the original meaning is preserved as close 
as possible.  You're going to have to rewrite chunks of code by hand 
no matter what you do; it'd be silly to *not* take that opportunity to 
purge things like GOTO.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: newbie question

2005-02-10 Thread Jeff Shannon
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 18:10:40 -0800, Jeff Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

for i in range(n)[::-1]:

Shouldn't that be
(the loop index?)
You're right, that's what I *meant* to say.  (What, the interpreter 
doesn't have a do what I mean mode yet? ;) )

The '[::-1]' iterates over the range in a reverse (decreasing) 
direction; this may or may not be necessary depending on the 
Eeee sneaky... (I'm a bit behind on latest syntax additions)
I'd probably have coded something like
for n1 in range(n):
though, and note that I do admit it here  [...]
Given a need/desire to avoid extended slicing (i.e. being stuck with 
an older Python, as I often am), I'd actually do this by changing the 
input to range(), i.e.

for i in range(n, 0, -1):   # ...
That (IMO) makes the decreasing-integer sequence a bit clearer than 
doing subtraction in the function parameter list does.  Actually, it's 
possibly clearer than the extended slicing, too, so maybe this would 
be the better way all around... ;)

I haven't done the detailed
analysis to properly set the end point... 
And as Peter Hansen points out, none of the Python versions leave n in 
the same state that the C loop does, so that's one more way in which 
an exact translation is not really possible -- and (IMO again) further 
evidence that trying to do an exact translation would be 
ill-conceived.  Much better to consider the context in which the loop 
is used and do a looser, idiomatic translation.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: how can I replace a execfile with __import__ in class to use self variables

2005-02-10 Thread Jeff Shannon
Wensheng wrote:
I just realized I can pass the object itself:
Leaving no reason not do do *this* part as
import printit
rather than using the internal hook function to do exactly the 
standard thing.

def pr(self):
print self.var

(Though frankly I don't see the advantage of having this tiny function 
in a separate file to begin with...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: [N00B] What's %?

2005-02-10 Thread Jeff Shannon
Harlin wrote:
What good is the modulus operator? What would I ever need it for?
* A quick way of testing whether an integer is even and odd
* For that matter, a quick way of testing whether a the variable is a
factor of any other arbitrary number.
* In some programs (a weight control program I worked on comes to mind)
it's necessary to get a remainder so that you can get the results of a
leftover evenly divisible number.
Also, it's a good way to ensure that some number is in a specified 
range, and wraps around to the beginning if it goes out of that 
range.  For a quick  cheesy example, let's say we want to count time 
for music:

import time
def beats = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
n = 0
while True:
print beats[n]
n = (n+1) % 4
By using '% 4', I ensure that n is always in the interval [0...4) 
(including 0 but not including 4).

Modulus is useful for all sorts of periodic behavior.
Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: interactive execution

2005-02-09 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jive Dadson wrote:
Yeah.  I got it.
exec foo = 555 in globals(), locals() does the trick.
You can do it with your own dicts, too -- but they must already exist, 
exec doesn't create them out of nowhere.

 myglobals = {'a':2, 'b':5}
 mylocals = {'c': 3}
 exec d = a * b + c in myglobals, mylocals
{'a': 2, '__builtins__': {...}, 'b': 5}
{'c': 3, 'd': 13}

This gives you some control over what the exec'ed statement actually 
sees, as well as what happens with the results.  (But as I mentioned 
before, there is no real security here if you're exec'ing arbitrary 
code -- there's no sandboxing involved, and the exec'ed string *can* 
use that __builtins__ reference (among other things) to do all sorts 
of malicious stuff.)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread Jeff Shannon
Thanks for the reply.
I am trying to convert some C code to python and i was not sure what
the equivalent python code would be.
I want to postdecrement the value in the while loop. Since i cannot use
assignment in while statements is there any other way to do it in
Roughly speaking, if you have a loop in C like
while (n--) {
then the mechanical translation to Python would look like this:
while True:
n -= 1
if not n:
However, odds are fairly decent that a mechanical translation is not 
the best approach, and you may (as just one of many examples) be much 
better off with something more like:

for i in range(n)[::-1]:
The '[::-1]' iterates over the range in a reverse (decreasing) 
direction; this may or may not be necessary depending on the 

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Is Python as capable as Perl for sysadmin work?

2005-02-09 Thread Jeff Shannon
Courageous wrote:
*checks self to see if self is wearing rose colored glasses*
assert(self.glasses.color != 'rose')
Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: variable declaration

2005-02-08 Thread Jeff Shannon
Alexander Zatvornitskiy wrote:
Another example. Let say you have variable PowerOfGenerator in your program.
But, it is only active power, so you have to (1)rename PowerOfGenerator to
ActivePowerOfGenerator, (2)calculate ReactivePowerOfGenerator, and (3)calculate
new PowerOfGenerator by formula
With var declarations, on step (1) you just rename PowerOfGenerator to
ActivePowerOfGenerator in the place of its declaration, and compile your
program. Compiler will show you all places where you have to rename variables.
After it, on step (3) you can safely and peacefully add new PowerOfGenerator
You can also get all places where said variable exists by using grep, 
or your editor's search feature.  I don't see how a var declaration 
gains you anything over 'grep PowerOfGenerator *.py' ...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Basic file operation questions

2005-02-08 Thread Jeff Shannon
Marc Huffnagle wrote:
When you read a file with that method, is there an implied close() call 
on the file?  I assume there is, but how is that handled?

for line in file(...):
  # do stuff
As I understand it, the disk file will be closed when the file object 
is garbage collected.  In CPython, that will be as soon as there are 
no active references to the file; i.e., in the above case, it should 
happen as soon as the for loop finishes.  Jython uses Java's garbage 
collector, which is a bit less predictable, so the file may not be 
closed immediately.  It *will*, however, be closed during program 
shutdown if it hasn't happened before then.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-08 Thread Jeff Shannon
Maciej MrĂłz wrote:
However, imagine simple situation:
1. I write proprietary program with open plugin api. I even make the api 
itself public domain. Program works by itself, does not contain any 
GPL-ed code.
2. Later someone writes plugin using the api (which is public domain so 
is GPL compatible), plugin gets loaded into my software, significantly 
affecting its functionality (UI, operations, file formats, whatever).
3. Someone downloads the plugin and loads it into my program
I believe that in this case, the key is *distribution*.
You are not violating the GPL, because you are not distributing a 
program that is derived (according to the GPL's definition of derived) 
from GPL code.

The plugin author *is* distributing GPL-derived code, but is doing so 
under a GPL license.  That's fine too.

The end user is now linking (dynamically) GPL code with your 
proprietary code.  However, he is *not* distributing the linked 
assemblage.  This is allowed under the GPL; its terms only apply when 
distribution takes place.

If the end user is a repackager, and then turns around and distributes 
both sets of code together, then that would (potentially) violate GPL 
terms.  But as long as they're not distributed together, then it's 
okay.  This should even extend to distributing a basic (proprietary) 
plugin and including a document describing where  how to get the 
more-featureful GPL replacement plugin.  (Distributing both programs 
as separate packages on a single installation medium would be a tricky 
edge case.  I suspect it *could* be done in a GPL-acceptable way, but 
one would need to take care about it.)

Of course, this is only my own personal interpretation and opinion -- 
IANAL, TINLA, YMMV, etc, etc.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: interactive execution

2005-02-08 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jive Dadson wrote:
How does one execute arbitrary text as code within a module's context?
I've got some code that compiles some text and then executes it.  When
the string is print 'Hello', it prints Hello.  I get no exception
when I compile and execute foo = 555.  If I then compile and exec
print foo, I get a name error. The variable foo is undefined. My
assumption is that the exec command created a new namespace, put foo
in that namespace, and then threw the namespace away.  Or something.
You can do
   exec codestring in globaldict, localdict
(Or something like that, this is from unused memory and is untested.) 
 The net effect is that exec uses the subsequent dictionaries as its 
globals and locals, reading from and writing to them as necessary.

(Note that this doesn't get you any real security, because malicious 
code can still get to __builtins__ from almost any object...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: returning True, False or None

2005-02-04 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jeremy Bowers wrote:
On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 16:44:48 -0500, Daniel Bickett wrote:
[ False , False , True , None ]
False would be returned upon inspection of the first index, even
though True was in fact in the list. The same is true of the code of
Jeremy Bowers, Steve Juranich, and Jeff Shannon. As for Raymond
Hettinger, I can't even be sure ;)
Indeed.  Similarly for mine, which was really just a slight transform 
of Jeremy's (setting a return variable directly, instead of setting a 
flag that's later used to decide what to return):

 def tfn(lst):
... answer = None
... for item in lst:
... if item is True: return True
... if item is False: answer = False
... return answer
 list = [False, False, True, None]
 list = [None, False, False, None]
 list = [None, None, None, None]
 print tfn(list)
The noted logical flaw *has* been present in a number of proposed 
solutions, however.

The key point to note is that one *must* examine the entire list 
*unless* you find a True; short-circuiting on False means that you may 
miss a later True.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: changing local namespace of a function

2005-02-04 Thread Jeff Shannon
Bo Peng wrote:
My function and dictionaries are a lot more complicated than these so I 
would like to set dict as the default namespace of fun. 
This sounds to me like you're trying to re-implement object orientation.
Turn all of those functions into methods on a class, and instead of 
creating dictionaries that'll be passed into functions, create class 

class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, val in kwargs:
setattr(self, key, val)
def fun(self):
self.z = self.y + self.x
a = MyClass(x=1, y=2)
print a.z
Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: [noob] Error!

2005-02-04 Thread Jeff Shannon
administrata wrote:
Write a Car Salesman program [...]
This sounds like homework, and we generally try to avoid solving 
peoples' homework problems for them, but I can offer a suggestion.

error occurs, i think the problem is in actual_price. but,
I don't know how to comebine percentage and raw_input.
help me...
It's hard to be sure since you don't say what the error is, nor 
anything about what you expect to see and what you actually see.

However, if you're pretty sure that the problem is the line where you 
calculate actual_price, then fire up an interactive interpreter and 
try fiddling with things.  You've got a lot of subexpressions there; 
pick some values and try each subexpression, one at a time, and take a 
look at what you get.

I bet that it won't take you long to figure out why you're not getting 
the result you expect.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Basic file operation questions

2005-02-03 Thread Jeff Shannon
Caleb Hattingh wrote:
Yes, you can even write
f = open(data.txt)
for line in f:
# do stuff with line
This has the additional benefit of not slurping in the entire file at  
Is there disk access on every iteration?   I'm guessing yes?  It 
shouldn't  be an issue in the vast majority of cases, but I'm naturally 
curious :)
Disk access should be buffered, possibly both at the C-runtime level 
and at the file-iterator level (though I couldn't swear to that).  I'm 
sure that the C-level buffering happens, though.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: python without OO

2005-01-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
Davor wrote:
so you get a nice program with separate data structures and functions 
that operate on these data structures, with modules as containers for 
both (again ideally separated). Very simple to do and maintain [...]
Replace modules with classes in the above quote, and you have the 
very essence of object-oriented programming.

(What you describe here *is* object-oriented programming, you're just 
trying to avoid the 'class' statement and use module-objects where 
'traditional' OO would use class instances.)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: how to comment out a block of code

2005-01-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
Xah Lee wrote:
is there a syntax to comment out a block of code? i.e. like html's !--
comment --
or perhaps put a marker so that all lines from there on are ignored?
Of course -- this feature is so important that all computer 
manufacturers worldwide have made a special button on the computer 
case just for this!

Normally it's a large round button, with perhaps a green backlight. 
Press the button and hold it in for about 3 seconds, and the rest of 
your code/writing will be ignored just as it should be.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: subprocess.Popen() redirecting to TKinter or WXPython textwidget???

2005-01-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
Ivo Woltring wrote:
The output of mencoder is not readable with readlines (i tried it) because
after the initial informational lines You don't get lines anymore (you get a
linefeed but no newline)
The prints are all on the same line (like a status line)
something like
Pos:   3,1s 96f ( 0%)  42fps Trem:   0min   0mb  A-V:0,038 [171:63]
Hm, I'm inferring that what you mean is that you get a carriage return 
(ASCII 0x0C) but no linefeed (ASCII 0x0A) -- CR returns you to the 
beginning of the current line, and LF advances you to the next line.

Rather than using readlines(), you could simply read() a few 
characters (or a single character) at a time, buffering it yourself 
and passing it on when you see the CR.

You're likely to run into I/O blockage issues no matter how you do 
this, though -- even if you're reading a single character at a time, 
read(1) won't return until you've read that character, and if the 
program on the other end of the pipe isn't writing anything, then your 
app is stuck.  The simple way to do this is by using an i/o thread, 
which does something like this:

buffer = []
while 1:
char =
if char == '\0x0A':
notify_gui_thread( ''.join(buffer) )
buffer = []
if StopEvent.IsSet():
raise CustomStopException
Note that you don't want to try to update your GUI widgets directly 
from the worker (i/o) thread -- very few GUI toolkits are threadsafe, 
so you need to make all GUI calls from a single thread.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International


Re: String Fomat Conversion

2005-01-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
Stephen Thorne wrote:
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 00:02:45 -0700, Steven Bethard
By using the iterator instead of readlines, I read only one line from
the file into memory at once, instead of all of them.  This may or may
not matter depending on the size of your files, but using iterators is
generally more scalable, though of course it's not always possible.
I just did a teensy test. All three options used exactly the same
amount of total memory.
I would presume that, for a small file, the entire contents of the 
file will be sucked into the read buffer implemented by the underlying 
C file library.  An iterator will only really save memory consumption 
when the file size is greater than that buffer's size.

Actually, now that I think of it, there's probably another copy of the 
data at Python level.  For readlines(), that copy is the list object 
itself.  For iter and, it's in the iterator's read-ahead 
buffer.  So perhaps memory savings will occur when *that* buffer size 
is exceeded.  It's also quite possible that both buffers are the same 

Anyhow, I'm sure that the fact that they use the same size for your 
test is a reflection of buffering.  The next question is, which 
provides the most *conceptual* simplicity?  (The answer to that one, I 
think, depends on how your brain happens to see things...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: inherit without calling parent class constructor?

2005-01-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
Christian Dieterich wrote:
On DĂ© CĂ©adaoin, Ean 26, 2005, at 17:09 America/Chicago, Jeff Shannon wrote:
You could try making D a container for B instead of a subclass:

Thank you for the solution. I'll need to have a closer look at it. 
However it seems like the decision whether to do some expensive 
calculation or not is delegated to the exterior of class D. Different 
classes that instanciate D would need to know what has been going on 
elsewhere. That might complicate things.
True, in the sense that B is instantiated as soon as a message is sent 
to D that requires B's assistance to answer.  If the decision is a 
case of only calculate this if we actually want to use it, then this 
lazy-container approach works well.  If the decision requires 
consideration of other factors, then it's a bit more complex -- though 
one could write that logic into D, and have D throw an exception (or 
return a sentinel) if it decides not to instantiate B at that time. 
This then requires a bit more checking on the client side, but the 
actual logic is encapsulated in D.

And really, I don't see where the container approach shifts the 
decision any more than the descriptor approach does.  In either case, 
the calculation happens as soon as someone requests D.size ...

(However, from your other descriptions of your problem, it does sound 
like a property / descriptor is a better conceptual fit than a 
contained class is.  I mostly wanted to point out that there are other 
ways to use OO than inheritance...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: inherit without calling parent class constructor?

2005-01-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
Christian Dieterich wrote:
On DĂ©ardaoin, Ean 27, 2005, at 14:05 America/Chicago, Jeff Shannon wrote:
the descriptor approach does.  In either case, the calculation happens 
as soon as someone requests D.size ...
Agreed. The calculation happens as soon as someone requests D.size. So 
far so good. Well, maybe I'm just not into it deep enough. As far as I 
can tell, In your class D the calculation happens for every 
instantiation of D, right? For my specific case, I'd like a construct 
that calculates D.size exactly once and uses the result for all 
subsequent instantiations.
Okay, so size (and the B object) is effectively a class attribute, 
rather than an instance attribute.  You can do this explicitly --

class D(object):
_B = None
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if self._B is None:
if myB is None:
myB = B()
D._B = myB
return getattr(self._B, attr)
Now, when the B object is first needed, it's created (triggering that 
expensive calculation) and stored in D's class object.  Since all 
instances of D share the class object, they'll all share the same 
instance of B.

Probably not worth the trouble in this particular case, but maybe in 
another case... :)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Question about 'None'

2005-01-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
flamesrock wrote:
I should also mention that I'm using
version 2.0.1 (schools retro solaris machines :( )
At home (version 2.3.4) it prints out 'True' for the above code block.
That would explain it -- as /F mentioned previously, the special case 
for None was added in 2.1.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Browsing text ; Python the right tool?

2005-01-26 Thread Jeff Shannon
John Machin wrote:
Jeff Shannon wrote:
[...]  If each record is CRLF terminated, then
you can get one record at a time simply by iterating over the file
(for line in open('myfile.dat'): ...).  You can have a dictionary
classes or factory functions, one for each record type, keyed off
of the 2-character identifier.  Each class/factory would know the 
layout of that record type,
This is plausible only under the condition that Santa Claus is paying
you $X per class/factory or per line of code, or you are so speed-crazy
that you are machine-generating C code for the factories.
I think that's overly pessimistic.  I *was* presuming a case where the 
number of record types was fairly small, and the definitions of those 
records reasonably constant.  For ~10 or fewer types whose spec 
doesn't change, hand-coding the conversion would probably be quicker 
and/or more straightforward than writing a spec-parser as you suggest.

If, on the other hand, there are many record types, and/or those 
record types are subject to changes in specification, then yes, it'd 
be better to parse the specs from some sort of data file.

The O.P. didn't mention anything either way about how dynamic the 
record specs are, nor the number of record types expected.  I suspect 
that we're both assuming a case similar to our own personal 
experiences, which are different enough to lead to different preferred 
solutions. ;)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: inherit without calling parent class constructor?

2005-01-26 Thread Jeff Shannon
Christian Dieterich wrote:
I need to create many instances of a class D that inherits from a class 
B. Since the constructor of B is expensive I'd like to execute it only 
if it's really unavoidable. Below is an example and two workarounds, but 
I feel they are not really good solutions. Does somebody have any ideas 
how to inherit the data attributes and the methods of a class without 
calling it's constructor over and over again?
You could try making D a container for B instead of a subclass:
class D(object):
def __init__(self, ...):
self._B = None
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if self._B is None:
self._B = B()
return getattr(self._B, attr)
Include something similar for __setattr__(), and you should be in 

If it will work for numerous D instances to share a single B instance 
(as one of your workarounds suggests), then you can give D's 
__init__() a B parameter that defaults to None.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Browsing text ; Python the right tool?

2005-01-26 Thread Jeff Shannon
John Machin wrote:
Jeff Shannon wrote:
[...]  For ~10 or fewer types whose spec
doesn't change, hand-coding the conversion would probably be quicker
and/or more straightforward than writing a spec-parser as you
I didn't suggest writing a spec-parser. No (mechanical) parsing is
involved. The specs that I'm used to dealing with set out the record
layouts in a tabular fashion. The only hassle is extracting that from a
MSWord document or a PDF.
The specs I'm used to dealing with are inconsistent enough that it's 
more work to massage them into strict tabular format than it is to 
retype and verify them.  Typically it's one or two file types, with 
one or two record types each, from each vendor -- and of course no 
vendor uses anything similar to any other, nor is there a standardized 
way for them to specify what they *do* use.  Everything is almost 
completely ad-hoc.

If, on the other hand, there are many record types, and/or those
record types are subject to changes in specification, then yes, it'd
be better to parse the specs from some sort of data file.
Parse? No parsing, and not much code at all: The routine to load
(not parse) the layout from the layout.csv file into dicts of dicts
is only 35 lines of Python code. The routine to take an input line and
serve up an object instance is about the same. It does more than the
OP's browsing requirement already. The routine to take an object and
serve up a correctly formatted output line is only 50 lines of which
1/4 is comment or blank.
There's a tradeoff between the effort involved in writing multiple 
custom record-type classes, and the effort necessary to write the 
generic loading routines plus the effort to massage coerce the 
specifications into a regular, machine-readable format.  I suppose 
that parsing may not precisely be the correct term here, but I was 
using it in parallel to, say, ConfigParser and Optparse.  Either 
you're writing code to translate some sort of received specification 
into a usable format, or you're manually pushing bytes around to get 
them into a format that your code *can* translate.  I'd say that my 
creation of custom classes is just a bit further along a continuum 
than your massaging of specification data -- I'm just massaging it 
into Python code instead of CSV tables.

I suspect
that we're both assuming a case similar to our own personal
experiences, which are different enough to lead to different
preferred solutions. ;)
Indeed. You seem to have lead a charmed life; may the wizards and the
rangers ever continue to protect you from the dark riders! :-)
Hardly charmed -- more that there's so little regularity in what I'm 
given that massaging it to a standard format is almost as much work as 
just buckling down and retyping it.  My one saving grace is that I'm 
usually able to work with delimited files, rather than 
column-width-specified files.  I'll spare you the rant about my many 
job-related frustrations, but trust me, there ain't no picnics here!

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Classical FP problem in python : Hamming problem

2005-01-25 Thread Jeff Shannon
Bengt Richter wrote:
On 25 Jan 2005 08:30:03 GMT, Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you are after readability, you might prefer this...
def hamming():
def _hamming():
  yield 1
  for n in imerge(imap(lambda h: 2*h, iter(hamming2)),
  imerge(imap(lambda h: 3*h, iter(hamming3)),
 imap(lambda h: 5*h, iter(hamming5:
yield n
hamming2, hamming3, hamming5, result = tee(_hamming(), 4)
return result
Are the long words really that helpful?
def hamming():
  def _hamming():
yield 1
for n in imerge(imap(lambda h: 2*h, iter(hg2)),
imerge(imap(lambda h: 3*h, iter(hg3)),
   imap(lambda h: 5*h, iter(hg5:
  yield n
  hg2, hg3, hg5, result = tee(_hamming(), 4) # four hamming generators
  return result
Well, judging by the fact that shortening the identifiers made it so 
that you felt the need to add a comment indicating what they were 
identifying, I'd say that yes, the long words *are* helpful.  ;) 
Comments are good, but self-documenting code is even better.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Tuple slices

2005-01-25 Thread Jeff Shannon
George Sakkis wrote:
An iterator is perfectly ok if all you want is to iterate over the
elements of a view, but as you noted, iterators are less flexible than
the underlying sequence. The view should be (or at least appear)
identical in functionality (i.e. public methods) with its underlying
So, what problem is it, exactly, that you think you'd solve by making 
tuple slices a view rather than a copy?

As I see it, you get the *possibility* of saving a few bytes (which 
may go in the other direction) at a cost of complexity and speed.  You 
have greater dependence of internal objects on each other, you can't 
get rid of the original tuple while any slice views of it exist, you 
gain nothing in the way of syntax/usage simplicity...  so what's the 

To my mind, one of the best things about Python is that (for the most 
part) I don't have to worry about actual memory layout of objects.  I 
don't *care* how tuples are implemented, they just work.  It seems to 
me that you're saying that they work perfectly fine as-is, but that 
you have a problem with the implementation that the language tries its 
best to let you not care about.  Is this purely abstract philosophy?

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?

2005-01-25 Thread Jeff Shannon
Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2005-01-25, Rocco Moretti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bottom line: Don't exec or eval untrusted code. Don't import untrusted 
I still don't see how that's any different for Python than for
any other language.
Yep, and one should be careful about executing untrusted C code, too. 
 If you're running a webserver, do you let random users upload 
executables and then run them?  Probably not.

The key point here, what I was attempting to say in my earlier post, 
is that while Python can be useful as an internal scripting language 
inside of an application, it gives users of that application the same 
power over your system as any arbitrary C code.  That's fine if it's 
an internal application, or the application can be run with 
(enforceable) restricted permissions, but it's still risky.  How many 
security alerts has Microsoft issued because of some bug that allowed 
the execution of arbitrary code?  Well, having Python scripting access 
is essentially the same thing.  At best, you can use the external 
environment to limit the process running Python to its own sandbox 
(e.g. running as a limited-permission user in a chroot jail), but you 
still can't prevent one user of that application from screwing with 
other users of the application, or the application's own internal data.

In other words, the only difference is that Python makes it much more 
tempting to hand over the keys to your server.

I confess that I jumped to the (apparently unsupported) conclusion 
that this was some sort of server-based, internet/shared application. 
 If that's not the case, then concerns about security are not so 
significant.  If the users are running this application on their own 
machines, then letting them script it in Python is a perfectly valid 
(and probably quite desirable) approach.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Browsing text ; Python the right tool?

2005-01-25 Thread Jeff Shannon
Paul Kooistra wrote:
1. Does anybody now of a generic tool (not necessarily Python based)
that does the job I've outlined?
2. If not, is there some framework or widget in Python I can adapt to
do what I want?
Not that I know of, but...
3. If not, should I consider building all this just from scratch in
Python - which would probably mean not only learning Python, but some
other GUI related modules?
This should be pretty easy.  If each record is CRLF terminated, then 
you can get one record at a time simply by iterating over the file 
(for line in open('myfile.dat'): ...).  You can have a dictionary of 
classes or factory functions, one for each record type, keyed off of 
the 2-character identifier.  Each class/factory would know the layout 
of that record type, and return a(n) instance/dictionary with fields 
separated out into attributes/items.

The trickiest part would be in displaying the data; you could 
potentially use COM to insert it into a Word or Excel document, or 
code your own GUI in Python.  The former would be pretty easy if 
you're happy with fairly simple formatting; the latter would require a 
bit more effort, but if you used one of Python's RAD tools (Boa 
Constructor, or maybe PythonCard, as examples) you'd be able to get 
very nice results.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Help! Host is reluctant to install Python

2005-01-25 Thread Jeff Shannon
Daniel Bickett wrote:
I've been trying to convince my host to install python/mod_python on
his server for a while now, however there are a number of reasons he
is reluctant to do so, which I will outline here:
1. His major reason is optimization. He uses Zend's optimization of
PHP as an example, and he has stated that python is rather resource
This depends, as all things, on what's being done with it -- it's 
certainly possible to write resource-hogging Python apps, but it's 
possible to do that in any language.  And I'm not aware of Python 
being particularly worse in this regard than any other web-scripting 
language.  I suspect this translates to I'm avoiding anything that I 
don't already know.

And, in light of point #1, I suggested that if there wasn't any
optimization immediately available, he could just enable it for my
account (thus lessening potential resource consumption at any given
time), to which he retorted Do /you/ know how to do that?, and I
must say, he has me cornered ;-)
I don't know how to do that offhand... but then, I don't expect people 
to pay me for web-hosting expertise.  I would expect, from the little 
that I *do* know of Apache configuration, that it wouldn't be too 
difficult to allow Python CGIs to run out of only one specific 
directory, that being within your webspace.

If you're paying for this service, then I'd agree with everyone else 
that you should be paying for a different service.  There's plenty of 
webhosts around who *will* do Python.  If this is a friend, then point 
him to the Python Success Stories ( 
and suggest that if there's that many Python web apps around, it can't 
be too horrible on resources/management, and that he shouldn't be so 
afraid to try something new...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: python without OO

2005-01-25 Thread Jeff Shannon
Davor wrote:
[...] what I need that Python has and bashdos don't is:
1. portability (interpreter runs quite a bit architectures)
2. good basic library (already there)
3. modules for structuring the application (objects unnecessary)
4. high-level data structures (dictionaries  lists)
5. no strong static type checking
6. very nice syntax
But modules, lists, and dictionaries *are* all objects, and one uses 
standard object attribute-access behavior to work with them.

so initially I was hoping this is all what Python is about, but when I 
started looking into it it has a huge amount of additional (mainly OO) 
stuff which makes it in my view quite bloated now... 
If you're basing your opinion of OO off of C++ and Java, then it's not 
too surprising that you're wary of it.  But really, the OO in Python 
is as simple and transparent as the rest of the syntax.  You don't 
need to define your own classes if you don't want to -- it's quite 
easy to write modules that contain only simple functions.  A trivial 
understanding of objects  object attributes is needed to use the OO 
portions of the standard library.  If you really want, you can still 
dictate that your own project's code be strictly procedural (i.e. you 
can use objects but not define objects).

 anyhow, I guess
I'll have to constrain what can be included in the code through 
different policies rather than language limitations...
You mention elsewhere the fear of some developer with a 50-layer 
inheritance heirarchy.  That's not something that normally happens in 
Python.  Indeed, one of the tenets of the Zen of Python is that flat 
is better than nested.  But more than that, it's just not necessary 
to do that sort of thing in Python.

In statically typed languages like C++ and Java, inheritance trees are 
necessary so that you can appropriately categorize objects by their 
type.  Since you must explicitly declare what type is to be used 
where, you may need fine granularity of expressing what type a given 
object is, which requires complex inheritance trees.  In Python, an 
object is whatever type it acts like -- behavior is more important 
than declared type, so there's no value to having a huge assortment of 
potential types.  Deep inheritance trees only happen when people are 
migrating from Java. ;)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: python without OO

2005-01-25 Thread Jeff Shannon
Davor wrote:
M.E.Farmer wrote:
Wrap your head around Python, don't wrap the Python around your head!
This is NOT Java, or C++ or C , it IS Python.

that's interesting hypothesis that behavior will vary due to the use of 
different language ...
If using a different language doesn't require/encourage different 
programming habits, then what's the point of using a different language?

A language that doesn't affect the way you think
about programming, is not worth knowing.
 --Alan Perlis
Different languages offer different modes of expression, different 
ways of approaching the same problem.  That's *why* we have so many 
different programming languages -- because no single approach is the 
best one for all problems, and knowing multiple approaches helps you 
to use your favored approach more effectively.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?

2005-01-24 Thread Jeff Shannon
Roy Smith wrote:
 Quest Master [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So, my question is simply this: is there an implementation of another
scripting language into Python?
Python *is* a scripting language.  Why not just let your users write 
Python modules which you them import and execute via some defined API?
Because you cannot make Python secure against a malicious (or 
ignorant) user -- there's too much flexibility to be able to guard 
against every possible way in which user-code could harm the system. 
Parsing your own (limited) scripting language allows much better 
control over what user-code is capable of doing, and therefore allows 
(at least some measure of) security against malicious code.

To the O.P.:  Yes, people have implemented other languages in Python. 
 For example, I believe that Danny Yoo has written a Scheme 
interpreter in Python (Google tells me it should be at but I'm getting no 
response from that host right now), but I don't know whether Scheme 
counts as a scripting language. ;)

However, if you're using a fully-featured language for these user 
scripts, you'll probably have the same security issues I mentioned for 
Python.  Unless you really need that level of features, you may be 
better off designing your own limited language.  Check into the docs 
for pyparsing for a starter...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: is this use of lists normal?

2005-01-24 Thread Jeff Shannon
Gabriel B. wrote:
My object model ended up as
|-itemsIndex (list, could very well be a set...)
|  |-[0] = 0
|  |-[1] = 1
|  |-[2] = 5
|  '-[3] = 6
'-Items (list)
   |-[0] = ['cat food', '12,20']
   |-[1] = ['dog food', 8,00']
   |-[2] = ['dead parrot', '25,00']
   '-[3] = ['friendly white bunny', '12,25']
the list itemsindex has the DB index of the data, and the list items
has the data.
So if i want something like SELECT * FROM items WHERE idx=5 i'd use
in my program
self.items[ self.itemsIndex.index(5) ] 
i reccon that's not much nice to use when you're gona do /inserts/ but
my program will just read the entire data and never change it.

Was i better with dictionaries? the tutorial didn't gave me a good
impression on them for custom data...
Tupples? the tutorial mentions one of it's uses 'employee records from
a database' but unfortunatly don't go for it...
Yes, I think you'd be better off using dictionaries here.  You can 
spare yourself a level of indirection.

Tuples would be a good way to store the individual items -- instead of 
a list containing a name and a price (or so I presume), you'd use a 
tuple.  Your data storage would then be a dictionary of tuples --

self.items = { 0: ('cat food', '12,20'),
   1: ('dog food', '8,00'),
   5: ('dead parrot', '25,00'),
   6: ('friendly white bunny', '12,25') }
Then your SELECT above would translate to
my_item = self.items[5]
and my_item would then contain the tuple ('dead parrot', '25,00').
Note that the most important difference between tuples and lists, for 
this example, is conceptual.  Tuples generally express this is a 
collection of different things that are a conceptual group, whereas 
lists express this is a series of similar objects.

i think the 'ideal' data model should be something like
({'id': 0, 'desc': 'dog food', 'price': '12,20'}, ...)
But i have no idea how i'd find some item by the ID within it withouy
using some loops
You could use a dictionary for each item, as you show, and then store 
all of those in a master dictionary keyed by id -- in other words, 
simply replace the tuples in my previous example with a dict like what 
you've got here.  You could also create a simple class to hold each 
item, rather than using small dicts.  (You'd probably still want to 
store class instances in a master dict keyed by id.)

Generally, any time your problem is to use one piece of information to 
retrieve another piece (or set) of information, dictionaries are very 
likely to be the best approach.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: why am I getting a segmentation fault?

2005-01-21 Thread Jeff Shannon
Paul McGuire wrote:
4. filename=r[7].split('/')[-1] is not terribly portable.  See if there is a
standard module for parsing filespecs (I'll bet there is).
Indeed there is -- os.path.  In particular, os.path.basename() seems 
to do exactly that snippet is intending, in a much more robust (and 
readable) fashion.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: default value in a list

2005-01-21 Thread Jeff Shannon
TB wrote:
Is there an elegant way to assign to a list from a list of unknown
size?  For example, how could you do something like:

a, b, c = (line.split(':'))
if line could have less than three fields?
(Note that you're actually assigning to a group of local variables, 
via tuple unpacking, not assigning to a list...)

One could also do something like this:
 l = a:b:c.split(':')
 a, b, c, d, e = l + ([None] * (5 - len(l)))
 print (a, b, c, d, e)
('a', 'b', 'c', None, None)

Personally, though, I can't help but think that, if you're not certain 
how many fields are in a string, then splitting it into independent 
variables (rather than, say, a list or dict) *cannot* be an elegant 
solution.  If the fields deserve independent names, then they must 
have a definite (and distinct) meaning; if they have a distinct 
meaning (as opposed to being a series of similar items, in which case 
you should keep them in a list), then which field is it that's 
missing?  Are you sure it's *always* the last fields?  This feels to 
me like the wrong solution to any problem.

Hm, speaking of fields makes me think of classes.
 class LineObj:
... def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, d=None, e=None):
... self.a = a
... self.b = b
... self.c = c
... self.d = d
... self.e = e
 l = a:b:c.split(':')
 o = LineObj(*l)
{'a': 'a', 'c': 'c', 'b': 'b', 'e': None, 'd': None}

This is a bit more likely to be meaningful, in that there's almost 
certainly some logical connection between the fields of the line 
you're splitting and keeping them as a class demonstrates that 
connection, but it still seems a bit smelly to me.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Zen of Python

2005-01-19 Thread Jeff Shannon
Timothy Fitz wrote:
On 19 Jan 2005 15:24:10 -0800, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The gist of Flat is better than nested is be as nested as you have
to be, no more, because being too nested is just a mess.
Which I agree with, and which makes sense. However your gist is a
different meaning. It's not that Flat is better than nested it's
that Too flat is bad and too flat is nested so be as nested (or as
flat) as you have to be and no more. Perhaps Tim Peters is far too
concise for my feeble mind wink
Well, the way that the Zen is phrased, it implies a bit more than 
that.  We all agree that there's a balance to be found between 
completely flat and extremely nested; the specific phrasing of the 
Zen conveys that (in the Python philosophy at least) the appropriate 
balance point is much closer to the completely flat side of things. 
   It's not ... as nested (or as flat) as you have to be and no 
more, it's ... as nested as you have to be and no more, but if you 
need significant nesting, you might want to re-examine your design.  ;)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: macros

2005-01-18 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jeremy Bowers wrote:
On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 12:59:07 -0800, Robert Brewer wrote:
You know, Guido might as well give in now on the Macro issue. If he
doesn't come up with something himself, apparently we'll just hack
bytecode. I'm not sure that's a gain. 
I think that this sort of thing is better to have as an explicitly 
risky hack, than as an endorsed part of the language.  The mere fact 
that this *is* something that one can clearly tell is working around 
certain deliberate limitations is a big warning sign, and it makes it 
much less likely to be used extensively.  Relatively few people are 
going to want to use something called bytecodehacks in a 
mission-critical piece of software, compared to the number who'd be 
perfectly happy to use a language's built-in macro facilities, so at 
least it keeps the actual usage down to a somewhat more manageable level.

To rephrase this a bit more succinctly ;) there's a big difference 
between having no practical way to prevent something, and actually 
encouraging it.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Assigning to self

2005-01-18 Thread Jeff Shannon
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
Frans Englich wrote:
Then I have some vague, general questions which perhaps someone can reason 
from: what is then the preferred methods for solving problems which requires 
As already mentioned it's similar to a global variable.  If I need a
Singleton I just put it as global into a module.  Either initialize it
at module level or define a function with the content of your __init__().
If one is determined to both use a Singleton and avoid having a plain 
module-global variable, one could (ab)use function default parameters:

class __Foo:
I am a singleton!
def Foo(foo_obj = __Foo()):
assert isinstance(foo_obj, __Foo
return foo_obj
Of course, this suffers from the weakness that one might pass an 
object as an argument to the factory function and thus temporarily 
override the Singleton-ness of __Foo... but a determined programmer 
will work around any sort of protection scheme anyhow. ;)

In general, ISTM that if one wants a Singleton, it's best to create it 
via a factory function (even if that function then masquerades as a 
class).  This gives you pretty good control over the circumstances in 
which your Singleton will be created and/or retrieved, and it also 
makes it trivial to replace the Singleton with some other pattern 
(such as, e.g., a Flyweight or Borg object) should the need to 
refactor arise.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Statement local namespaces summary (was Re: python3: 'where' keyword)

2005-01-13 Thread Jeff Shannon
Nick Coghlan wrote:
def f():
a = 1
b = 2
print 1, locals()
print 3, locals() using:
a = 2
c = 3
print 2, locals()
print 4, locals()
I think the least suprising result would be:
1 {'a': 1, 'b': 2} # Outer scope
2 {'a': 2, 'c': 3} # Inner scope
3 {'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} # Bridging scope
4 {'a': 1, 'b': 2} # Outer scope
Personally, I think that the fact that the bridging statement is 
executed *after* the inner code block guarantees that results will be 
surprising.  The fact that it effectively introduces *two* new scopes 
just makes matters worse.

It also seems to me that one could do this using a nested function def 
with about the same results.  You wouldn't have a bridging scope with 
both sets of names as locals, but your nested function would have 
access to the outer namespace via normal nested scopes, so I'm really 
not seeing what the gain is...

(Then again, I haven't been following the whole using/where thread, 
because I don't have that much free time and the initial postings 
failed to convince me that there was any real point...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

In that arrangement, the statement with a using clause is executed 
normally in the outer scope, but with the ability to see additional 
names in its local namespace. If this can be arranged, then name binding 
in the statement with the using clause will work as we want it to.

Anyway, I think further investigation of the idea is dependent on a 
closer look at the feasibility of actually implementing it. Given that 
it isn't as compatible with the existing nested scope structure as I 
first thought, I suspect it will be both tricky to implement, and hard 
to sell to the BDFL afterwards :(


Re: reference or pointer to some object?

2005-01-13 Thread Jeff Shannon
Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 2005-01-12, Jeff Shannon schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
It's also rather less necessary to use references in Python than it is 
in C et. al.
You use nothing but references in Python, that is the reason why
if you assign a mutable to a new name and modify the object through
either name, you see the change through both names.
Perhaps it would've been better for me to say that the sorts of 
problems that are solved by (pointers and) references in C/C++ can be 
better solved in other ways in Python...

One can take the position that every variable in Python is a 
reference; the semantics work out the same.  But I find it clearer to 
view the Python model as conceptually distinct from the classic 
value/reference model.  Re-using the old terms is likely to lead to 
making mistakes based on inapplicable presumptions.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Refactoring; arbitrary expression in lists

2005-01-13 Thread Jeff Shannon
Stephen Thorne wrote:
As for the overall efficiency concerns, I feel that talking about any
of this is premature optimisation. 
I disagree -- using REs is adding unnecessary complication and 
dependency.  Premature optimization is a matter of using a 
conceptually more-complicated method when a simpler one would do; REs 
are, in fairly simple cases such as this, clearly *not* simpler than 
dict lookups.

The optimisation that is really
required in this situation is the same as with any
large-switch-statement idiom, be it C or Python. First one must do a
frequency analysis of the inputs to the switch statement in order to
discover the optimal order of tests!
But if you're using a dictionary lookup, then the frequency of inputs 
is irrelevant.  Regardless of the value of the input, you're doing a 
single hash-compute and (barring hash collisions) a single 
bucket-lookup.  Since dicts are unordered, the ordering of the literal 
(or of a set of statements adding to the dict) doesn't matter.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: What strategy for random accession of records in massive FASTA file?

2005-01-13 Thread Jeff Shannon
Chris Lasher wrote:
Given that the information content is 2 bits per character
that is taking up 8 bits of storage, there must be a good reason
for storing and/or transmitting them this way? I.e., it it easy
to think up a count-prefixed compressed format packing 4:1 in
subsequent data bytes (except for the last byte which have
less than 4 2-bit codes).
My guess for the inefficiency in storage size is because it is
human-readable, and because most in-silico molecular biology is just a
bunch of fancy string algorithms. This is my limited view of these
things at least.
Yeah, that pretty much matches my guess (not that I'm involved in 
anything related to computational molecular biology or genetics). 
Given the current technology, the cost of the extra storage size is 
presumably lower than the cost of translating into/out of a packed 
format.  Heck, hard drives cost less than $1/GB now.

And besides, for long-term archiving purposes, I'd expect that zip et 
al on a character-stream would provide significantly better 
compression than a 4:1 packed format, and that zipping the packed 
format wouldn't be all that much more efficient than zipping the 
character stream.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: reference or pointer to some object?

2005-01-13 Thread Jeff Shannon
Torsten Mohr wrote:
But i think my understanding was wrong (though it is not yet
clear).  If i hand over a large string to a function and the
function had the possibility to change it, wouldn't that mean
that it is necessary to hand over a _copy_ of the string?
Else, how could it be immutable?
Anything which might change the string, can only do so by returning a 
*new* string.

 a = My first string
 b = a.replace('first', 'second')
'My second string'
'My first string'

Saying that strings are immutable means that, when 'a' is pointing to 
a string, the (string) object that 'a' points to will always be the 
same.  (Unless 'a' is re-bound, or someone uses some deep black magic 
to change things behind the scenes...)  No method that I call on 
'a', or function that I pass 'a' to, can alter that object -- it can 
only create a new object based off of the original.  (You can 
demonstrate this by checking the id() of the objects.)

Mutable objects, on the other hand, can change in place.  In the case 
of lists, for example, it will stay the same list object, but the list 
contents can change.

Note, also, that passing a string into a function does not copy the 
string; it creates a new name binding (i.e. reference) to the same object.

 def func(item):
... print Initial ID:, id(item)
... item = item.replace('first', 'second')
... print Resulting ID:, id(item)
Initial ID: 26278416
Resulting ID: 26322672

Thinking about all this i came to the idea How would i write
a function that changes a string with not much overhead?.
Since strings cannot really be changed, you simply try to minimize the 
number of new strings created.  For example, appending to a string 
inside of a for-loop creates a new string object each time, so it's 
generally more efficient to convert the string to a list, append to 
the list (which doesn't create a new object), and then join the list 
together into a string.

def func(s):
  change s in some way, remove all newlines, replace some
charaters by others, ...
  return s
s = func(s)
This seems to be a way to go, but it becomes messy if i hand over
lots of parameters and expect some more return functions.
This has the advantage of being explicit about s being (potentially) 
changed.  References, in the way that you mean them, are even messier 
in the case of numerous parameters because *any* of those parameters 
might change.  By simply returning (new) objects for all changes, the 
function makes it very clear what's affected and what isn't.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: What strategy for random accession of records in massive FASTA file?

2005-01-13 Thread Jeff Shannon
Chris Lasher wrote:
And besides, for long-term archiving purposes, I'd expect that zip et
al on a character-stream would provide significantly better
compression than a 4:1 packed format, and that zipping the packed
format wouldn't be all that much more efficient than zipping the
character stream.
This 105MB FASTA file is 8.3 MB gzip-ed.
And a 4:1 packed-format file would be ~26MB.  It'd be interesting to 
see how that packed-format file would compress, but I don't care 
enough to write a script to convert the FASTA file into a 
packed-format file to experiment with... ;)

Short version, then, is that yes, size concerns (such as they may be) 
are outweighed by speed and conceptual simplicity (i.e. avoiding a 
huge mess of bit-masking every time a single base needs to be 
examined, or a human-(semi-)readable display is needed).

(Plus, if this format might be used for RNA sequences as well as DNA 
sequences, you've got at least a fifth base to represent, which means 
you need at least three bits per base, which means only two bases per 
byte (or else base-encodings split across byte-boundaries) That 
gets ugly real fast.)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: a new Perl/Python a day

2005-01-12 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jon Perez wrote:
... or why 'Perl monkey' is an oft-heard term whereas 'Python
monkey' just doesn't seem to be appropriate?
That's just because pythons are more likely to *eat* a monkey than to 
be one  :)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Refactoring; arbitrary expression in lists

2005-01-12 Thread Jeff Shannon
Paul McGuire wrote:
Frans Englich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
def detectMimeType( filename ):
   extension = filename[-3:]
You might consider using os.path.splitext() here, instead of always 
assuming that the last three characters are the extension.  That way 
you'll be consistent even with extensions like .c, .cc, .h, .gz, etc.

Note that os.path.splitext() does include the extension separator (the 
dot), so that you'll need to test against, e.g., .php and .cpp.

Since the majority of your tests will be fairly direct 'extension XYZ
means mimetype aaa/bbb', this really sounds like a dictionary type
solution is called for. 
I strongly agree with this.  The vast majority of your cases seem to 
be a direct mapping of extension-string to mimetype-string; using a 
dictionary (i.e. mapping ;) ) for this is ideal.  For those cases 
where you can't key off of an extension string (such as makefiles), 
you can do special-case processing if the dictionary lookup fails.

if extension.endswith(cc):
return extToMimeDict[cpp]
If the intent of this is to catch .cc files, it's easy to add an extra 
entry into the dict to map '.cc' to the same string as '.cpp'.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python

2005-01-12 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jacek Generowicz wrote:
One more question. Imagine that Python had something akin to Smalltalk
code blocks. Would something like
map([x | x+1], seq)
be any better for you than
map(lambda x:x+1, seq)
I'd say that this is very slightly better, but it's much closer (in my 
mind) to map/lambda than it is to a list comprehension.  In this case, 
at least the code block is visually self-contained in a way that 
lambdas are not, but I still have to do more mental work to visualize 
the overall results than I need with list comps.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: reference or pointer to some object?

2005-01-12 Thread Jeff Shannon
Torsten Mohr wrote:
I still wonder why a concept like references was not
implemented in Python.  I think it is (even if small)
an overhead to wrap an object in a list or a dictionary.
Because Python uses a fundamentally different concept for variable 
names than C/C++/Java (and most other static languages).  In those 
languages, variables can be passed by value or by reference; neither 
term really applies in Python.  (Or, if you prefer, Python always 
passes by value, but those values *are* references.)  Python doesn't 
have lvalues that contain rvalues; Python has names that are bound to 
objects.  Passing a parameter just binds a new name (in the called 
function's namespace) to the same object.

It's also rather less necessary to use references in Python than it is 
in C et. al.  The most essential use of references is to be able to 
get multiple values out of a function that can only return a single 
value.  Where a C/C++ function would use the return value to indicate 
error status and reference (or pointer) parameters to communicate 
data, a Python program will return multiple values (made quick  easy 
by lightweight tuples and tuple unpacking) and use exceptions to 
indicate error status.  Changing the value of a parameter is a 
side-effect that complicates reading and debugging code, so Python 
provides (and encourages) more straightforward ways of doing things.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python

2005-01-11 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jacek Generowicz wrote:
Given a population with previous exposure to computer programming, my
money is on the map-lambda version. But this last point is mostly
irrelevant. The fact is that you cannot program computers without
doing a bit of learning ... and the lambda, map and friends really do
not take any significant learning.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, because given the same 
conditions, I *still* think that a list comprehension expresses its 
semantics more clearly than map/lambda.  I'd also point out that not 
all Python programmers will have significant prior exposure to 
programming ideas, and even those who do will not necessarily have 
prior exposure to lambdas.

It's true that programming requires learning, and that map/lambda 
aren't a tremendous burden to learn.  Still, to my mind they make a 
program a tiny increment more complicated.  (I find that reading a 
lambda requires mentally pushing a stack frame to parse the lambda and 
another to translate map() into a loop, whereas a list comp's 
expression doesn't require such a shift, and a function name works as 
a good placeholder that makes reading easier.)  It's not a big 
difference in any individual case, but incremental differences build up.

From the sounds of it, you may have the opposite experience with 
reading map/lambda vs. reading list comps, though, so we could go back 
and forth on this all week without convincing the other. :)

Speaking for *this* laboratory rat, at least, map/lambda was always a
nasty puzzle for me and difficult to sort out.  But when list comps
were introduced, after reading just a sentence or two on how they
worked, they were completely clear and understandable -- much more so
than map/lambda after many months of exposure.
Forgetting about lambda, map, filter and reduce, do you find that you
pass callables around in your Python programs, or is this not
typically done in your programs?
Sure, I pass callables around quite a bit.  Usually they're GUI 
callbacks or the like.  Usually they're also either complex enough 
that lambda would be undesireable if not impossible, or they're simple 
and numerous (e.g. calling a function with different parameters) such 
that it's easy to write a factory function that returns closures 
rather than feed the parameter in with a lambda.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: python3: 'where' keyword

2005-01-11 Thread Jeff Shannon
Paul Rubin wrote:
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
[...] and if you think that
newbies will have their lives made easier by the addition of ad hoc
syntax extensions then you and I come from a different world (and I
suspect the walls might be considerably harder in mine than in yours).
I'm saying that many proposals for ad hoc extensions could instead be
taken care of with macros.  Newbies come to clpy all the time asking
how to do assignment expressions, or conditional expressions, or
call-by-reference.  Sometimes new syntax results.  Lots of times,
macros could take care of it.
Personally, given the requests in question, I'm extremely thankful 
that I don't have to worry about reading Python code that uses them. 
I don't *want* people to be able to make up their own 
control-structure syntax, because that means I need to be able to 
decipher the code of someone who wants to write Visual Basic as 
filtered through Java and Perl...  If I want mental gymnastics when 
reading code, I'd use Lisp (or Forth).  (These are both great 
languages, and mental gymnastics would probably do me good, but I 
wouldn't want it as part of my day-to-day requirements...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: reference or pointer to some object?

2005-01-11 Thread Jeff Shannon
Torsten Mohr wrote:
i'd like to pass a reference or a pointer to an object
to a function.  The function should then change the
object and the changes should be visible in the calling
There are two possible meanings of change the object in Python.  One 
of them will just work for your purposes, the other won't work at all.

Python can re-bind a name, or it can mutate an object.  Remember, 
names are just convenient labels that are attached to an object in 
memory.  You can easily move the label from one object to another, and 
the label isn't affected if the object it's attached to undergoes some 
sort of change.

Passing a parameter to a function just creates a new label on that 
object, which can only be seen within that function.  The object is 
the same, though.  You can't change what the caller's original label 
is bound to, but you *can* modify (mutate) the object in place.

 def mutate(somedict):
... somedict['foo'] = 'bar'
 def rebind(somedict):
... somedict = {'foo':'bar'}
 d = {'a':1, 'b':2}
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'foo': 'bar'}

In mutate(), we take the object (which is d in the caller, and 
somedict in the function) and mutate it.  Since it's the same object, 
it doesn't matter where the mutation happened.  But in rebind(), we're 
moving the somedict label to a *new* dict object.  Now d and somedict 
no longer point to the same object, and when the function ends the 
object pointed to by somedict is garbage-collected, while the object 
pointed to by d has never changed.

So, to do what you want to do, you simply need to arrange things so 
that your parameter is an object that can be mutated in-place.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: python guy ide

2005-01-11 Thread Jeff Shannon
Kartic wrote:
 SPE is great,
but it stops responding when I try to run my wxPython apps (probably
something I am doing!). 
I don't know about SPE specifically, but this is a common issue with a 
lot of lower-end IDEs.  The IDE is a GUI application, which operates 
using an event loop.  If the IDE runs user code in the same process 
that it runs in itself, and if that user code also contains some sort 
of event loop, then the two loops will interfere with each other (or 
rather, the first loop won't run until the inner loop quits, which 
tends to make Windows unhappy...)

Most commercial IDEs, I believe, run user code in a separate process 
and thus avoid this problem.  I *think* that IDLE now runs user code 
out-of-process as well, but I'm not sure about that.

I can't afford to pay for an IDE for hobby purposes, so when I'm 
writing GUI apps, I also keep a command shell open.  Edit, save, 
alt-tab to command shell, uparrow-enter to run program...  not as 
convenient as a toolbar button or hotkey, but it works.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python

2005-01-10 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jacek Generowicz wrote:
Anna [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
But first, wouldn't something like:
[x+1 for x in seq]
be even clearer?
I'm glad you mentioned that. [...]
As to whether it is clearer. That depends. I would venture to suggest
that, given a pool of laboratory rats with no previous exposure to
Python, more of them would understand the map-lambda than the list
I would venture to suggest the exact opposite, that the syntax of a 
list comprehension is in itself suggestive of its meaning, while 'map' 
and 'lambda' are opaque until you've researched them.  The verb 'to 
map', in this mathematical sense, is not part of standard usage among 
anyone that *I* know.  Instead, they'd speak of doing something for 
(or to) each item in a group -- exactly what list comps express.

Speaking for *this* laboratory rat, at least, map/lambda was always a 
nasty puzzle for me and difficult to sort out.  But when list comps 
were introduced, after reading just a sentence or two on how they 
worked, they were completely clear and understandable -- much more so 
than map/lambda after many months of exposure.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: The Industry choice

2005-01-07 Thread Jeff Shannon
Paul Rubin wrote:
Jeff Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Note that the so-called 'viral' nature of GPL code only applies to
*modifications you make* to the GPL software.  

Well, only under an unusually broad notion of modification.  
True enough.  It can be difficult, in software development, to define 
a distiction between a situation where two software products are 
distinct but cooperative, and a situation where one software product 
is derivative of another.  Stallman has chosen a particular definition 
for use in the GPL; one may debate the value of using this definition 
over any other possible definition, but the line had to be drawn 
*somewhere*.  (And given Stallman's philosophies, it shouldn't be too 
surprising that he's drawn it about as broadly as he reasonably could.)

(Problems may come if someone licenses a library under the GPL; that's
what the LGPL was invented for.  But the issue here is not that the
GPL is bad, it's that the author used the wrong form of it.)

The problem is not a problem except that in the case of some
libraries, simply being able to use a library module is often not
enough incentive to GPL a large application if the library module's
functionality is available some other way (including by
reimplemntation).  If the library does something really unique and
difficult, there's more reason to GPL it instead of LGPL'ing it.
To my mind, the intent of the GPL is use it, but if you change it or 
make a derivative, share the changes.  With libraries, though, you 
*can't* use it without hitting the FSF-specified definition of a 
derivative.  The LGPL exists to make it clear that, for libraries, the 
common meaning of using and changing are different than they are 
for applications.

Of course, there's nothing that stops people from insisting that, if 
you *use* their libraries, anything you use them for must be 
free-as-in-speech (which is the effect of using the GPL instead of the 
LGPL); it's the author's choice what restrictions should be put on the 
software.  But the usage-restrictions on a library under GPL are more 
severe than they are on an application under GPL.  The unfortunate 
thing, in my opinion, is that a fair number of library authors don't 
think about that when they GPL their code.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: The Industry choice

2005-01-07 Thread Jeff Shannon
Bulba! wrote:
On 6 Jan 2005 19:01:46 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) wrote:

Note that the so-called 'viral' nature of GPL code only applies to 
*modifications you make* to the GPL software.  The *only* way in which 
your code can be 'infected' by the GPL is if you copy GPL source.

That's not true -- consider linking to a GPL library.

Will someone please explain to me in simple terms what's
the difference between linking to LGPLed library and linking
to GPLed library - obviously in terms of consequences of
what happens to _your_ source code?
Because if there isn't any, why bother with distinguishing 
between the two?
Releasing a product in which your code is linked together with GPL'ed 
code requires that your code also be GPL'ed.  The GPL goes to some 
lengths to define what exactly linked together means.

Releasing a product in which your code is linked together with LGPL'ed 
code does *not* require that your code also be (L)GPL'ed.  Changes to 
the core library must still be released under (L)GPL, but application 
code which merely *uses* the library does not.  (I've forgotten, now, 
exactly how LGPL defines this distinction...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: The Industry choice

2005-01-07 Thread Jeff Shannon
Alex Martelli wrote:
Jeff Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Note that the so-called 'viral' nature of GPL code only applies to 
*modifications you make* to the GPL software.  The *only* way in which
your code can be 'infected' by the GPL is if you copy GPL source.
(Problems may come if someone licenses a library under the GPL; that's
what the LGPL was invented for.  But the issue here is not that the 
GPL is bad, it's that the author used the wrong form of it.)

Stallman now says that you should use GPL, not Lesser GPL.
Specifically, he wants library authors to use GPL to impose the viral
nature of GPL on other programs just USING the library -- the very
opposite of what you say about only applies ... if you copy!

Ah, I haven't kept up on Stallman's current opinions, and was speaking 
from the understanding I had of GPL/LGPL as of a number of years ago 
(before that article was written).

By copy, above, I meant use GPL source in your product.  The GPL 
defines what it means to use source in a rather inclusive way.  That 
inclusiveness means that the standard usage of libraries falls under 
their definition of using source.  This distinction in the normal 
terms of usage is what impelled the FSF to create the LGPL in the 
first place...

So, I think what I said still (mostly) stands, as long as you look at 
it in terms of whether object code is copied into your executable. ;) 
 It's still true that one can use (in a consumer sense) GPL software 
for whatever purpose one wishes, and the restrictions only kick in 
when one includes GPL code in another product.  Indeed, I should have 
used the word include rather than copy...

(It's hardly surprising that Stallman wants to use whatever leverage 
he can get to encourage FSF-style free software...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Calling Function Without Parentheses!

2005-01-07 Thread Jeff Shannon
Kamilche wrote:
Yeah, but still. If they even had the most basic check, like 'an object
is being referred to on this line, but you're not doing anything with
it' would be handy in catching that. When you use an object like that,
usually you're doing something with it, like assigning it to a variable.
In many cases, however, it's not possible to distinguish this.
def get_pi():
import math
return math.pi
print my_func(get_pi)
Now, am I trying to pass the function object get_pi into my_func(), or 
do I want to call get_pi() and pass the return value?

There are also many times when it's sensible to do nothing with an 
object reference -- i.e. ignoring the return value of a function which 
you're calling for its side-effects.

It seems to me that it's reasonable for the Python interpreter to 
*not* attempt to guess at whether a questionable usage is an error or 
not.  Better to have that done by a developer tool (pychecker) than 
through runtime checks every time the program is used.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: sorting on keys in a list of dicts

2005-01-07 Thread Jeff Shannon
Nick Coghlan wrote:
Jeff Shannon wrote:
I suppose that your version has the virtue that, if the sortkey value 
is equal, items retain the order that they were in the original list, 
whereas my version will sort them into an essentially arbitrary order. 
 Is there anything else that I'm missing here?

Stability in sorting is a property not to be sneezed at [...]
Agreed.  I'd started typing before I realized that it'd provide a 
stable sort, which pretty much answered my own question, but decided 
to send it anyhow in case I'd missed anything else... :)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python

2005-01-07 Thread Jeff Shannon
Paul Rubin wrote:
Richard Feynman told a story about being on a review committee for
some grade-school science textbooks.  One of these book said something
about counting numbers and it took him a while to figure out that
this was a new term for what he'd been used to calling integers.
With all due respect to Richard Feynman, I'd have thought that 
counting numbers would be non-negative integers, rather than the 
full set of integers...  which, I suppose, just goes to show how 
perilous it can be to make up new, more natural terms for things. ;)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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