Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-23 Thread Josh French

Shouldn't we just use rubygems? It already supports dependency
management and versioning (this looks like the rails plugins vs gems
We could version them with the radiant version so we could automate
getting the proper version:
- (works on radiant 0.7.1)
- (works on radiant 0.8.0)

This would actually be my preferred solution, and I'd like to do some  
investigative work to see what (if any) modifications would need to be  
made to the extension architecture to support this.

I don't think it removes the need for a better set of community  
standards/guidelines for the development and management of extensions,  
though -- if anything, if you're going to maintain a product with  
actual concurrent releases you probably want a schema like the version- 
branches we've been discussion.

But to the point, I like where this is headed. There's another thread  
out there about using application templates to bootstrap a Radiant  
instance; that plus `config.gem 'radiant-awesome-extension'` could be  
some powerful mojo.

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-23 Thread Haselwanter Edmund

On 23.06.2009, at 15:43, Josh French wrote:

My take on this is that it's best to keep separate branches.  
Following a
consistent naming scheme for the branches would be a necessity for  

sort of automated management, and would be a good idea in general.


My thoughts exactly. Tags are fine for small things, but either
branches or version-checking methods are the way to go for more
advanced support.

This is the pattern we've been moving toward internally -- do three  
votes count as consensus? :)

I can (maybe) find some time soon to start going through the core  
extensions and making sure everything's got at least a 0.7 or 0.8  
branch, if not both. For some of our own not-yet-released  
extensions, I've actually done away with the master branch and set  
the default HEAD ref to 0.8, just so there's no confusion as to what  
the current line of development is. Yea? Nay?


And I would suggest to tweak ray a bit.
ray could have a look at what is set in environment.rb and switch  
branches according to the radiant gem version.

that would be good for the not so tech savvy people out there :-)

just my 2 cent

cu edi
DI Edmund Haselwanter,,

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-23 Thread Josh French
My take on this is that it's best to keep separate branches.  
Following a

consistent naming scheme for the branches would be a necessity for any
sort of automated management, and would be a good idea in general.


My thoughts exactly. Tags are fine for small things, but either
branches or version-checking methods are the way to go for more
advanced support.

This is the pattern we've been moving toward internally -- do three  
votes count as consensus? :)

I can (maybe) find some time soon to start going through the core  
extensions and making sure everything's got at least a 0.7 or 0.8  
branch, if not both. For some of our own not-yet-released extensions,  
I've actually done away with the master branch and set the default  
HEAD ref to 0.8, just so there's no confusion as to what the current  
line of development is. Yea? Nay?

The biggest problem as I see it is that many extensions are graciously
released to the world for use, but that doesn't mean the author will
be everyone's tech support. So they are released at version X and by
the time version Y comes around many people are using it but the
author is off doing something else (and not busy updating his/her
I think it would be nice if Radiant had some way to check for features
that were added in different versions.

I've been tinkering with the extension_config features and I may toss  
in some way of specifying that an extension is compatible with a  
particular version(s) of Radiant -- something that would work both  
when Radiant is gemmed and vendored. Not a perfect solution, since as  
you point out this isn't necessarily future-proof, but it would at  
least alert a developer up-front when they try to install something  
that isn't backwards compatible.

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-23 Thread Petrik de Heus

On Jun 22, 2009, at 15:50 , Josh French wrote:

Not obvious, but Josh French has committed changes for the next
release that will allow extension developers to configure  

from the extension which might help with the installation process as
far as things like error messages go. There will be more development
on this in the future.

One thing that we don't have is a way of ensuring that the proper  
version of an extension is installed from the get-go. I'm in the  
arguably bad habit of manually installing everything, so I was  
unaware of some of the problems that occur when trying to install  
extensions via script/extension or ray.

To wit, using an installer to install a 0.8-style extension will  
fail if your base Radiant install is 0.7 or earlier. Because the  
extension is checked out at its head, the environment fails and  
neither rake:migrate nor rake:update can be run until the extension  
is frozen to a compatible tag/version. This could be solved by  
adding a version argument to the install method, or by baking  
knowledge of the current Radiant version into the installer.

I've been tagging the extensions I'm involved with for compatibility  
at versions 0.7.1 and 0.8.0, but I've also been wondering if it  
wouldn't be better to maintain those via branches instead of tags --  
have a 0.7 branch to hold bugfixes, but continue new development in  
0.8 and so on.

Thoughts on how best to manage extensions across multiple, possibly  
incompatible, versions of Radiant?

Shouldn't we just use rubygems? It already supports dependency  
management and versioning (this looks like the rails plugins vs gems  
We could version them with the radiant version so we could automate  
getting the proper version:

- (works on radiant 0.7.1)
- (works on radiant 0.8.0)

You can also have a nice list of all radiant extension:
gem list --remote | grep radiant*.extension

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-22 Thread Jim Gay

On Jun 22, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Josh French wrote:

Not obvious, but Josh French has committed changes for the next
release that will allow extension developers to configure  

from the extension which might help with the installation process as
far as things like error messages go. There will be more development
on this in the future.

One thing that we don't have is a way of ensuring that the proper  
version of an extension is installed from the get-go. I'm in the  
arguably bad habit of manually installing everything, so I was  
unaware of some of the problems that occur when trying to install  
extensions via script/extension or ray.

To wit, using an installer to install a 0.8-style extension will  
fail if your base Radiant install is 0.7 or earlier. Because the  
extension is checked out at its head, the environment fails and  
neither rake:migrate nor rake:update can be run until the extension  
is frozen to a compatible tag/version. This could be solved by  
adding a version argument to the install method, or by baking  
knowledge of the current Radiant version into the installer.

I've been tagging the extensions I'm involved with for compatibility  
at versions 0.7.1 and 0.8.0, but I've also been wondering if it  
wouldn't be better to maintain those via branches instead of tags --  
have a 0.7 branch to hold bugfixes, but continue new development in  
0.8 and so on.

My thoughts exactly. Tags are fine for small things, but either  
branches or version-checking methods are the way to go for more  
advanced support.

Thoughts on how best to manage extensions across multiple, possibly  
incompatible, versions of Radiant?

The biggest problem as I see it is that many extensions are graciously  
released to the world for use, but that doesn't mean the author will  
be everyone's tech support. So they are released at version X and by  
the time version Y comes around many people are using it but the  
author is off doing something else (and not busy updating his/her  
I think it would be nice if Radiant had some way to check for features  
that were added in different versions. An example being some extension  
that changes defaults in ResponseCache (which no longer exists in  
0.8.0) and Radiant catching the undefined constant and reporting back  
an appropriate error or ... something.

It would need to happen much like the move from Shards to the core,  
where extensions check admin.respond_to? :page

Stats on version usage would be good too. It might be nice to have  
that infamous image actually work in the  
filter reference, but be upgraded with each release so that we could  
track the number of referrers to
Who needs to worry about release 0.5.2 if nobody is using it. What's  
considered old?


Jim Gay
Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-22 Thread David Cato
Josh French wrote ...

> I've been tagging the extensions I'm involved with for compatibility at 
> versions 0.7.1 and 0.8.0, but I've also been wondering if it wouldn't be 
> better to maintain those via branches instead of tags -- have a 0.7 branch 
> to hold bugfixes, but continue new development in 0.8 and so on.
> Thoughts on how best to manage extensions across multiple, possibly 
> incompatible, versions of Radiant?

My take on this is that it's best to keep separate branches. Following a
consistent naming scheme for the branches would be a necessity for any
sort of automated management, and would be a good idea in general.

I have one extension that, due to the changes between Rails 2.1 (as used
in Radiant 0.7.x) and Rails 2.3 (as used in Radiant 0.8), requires
separate branches. Although I intend to only add new features for use in
0.8, I still need to be able to apply bug fixes and minor enhancements
for 0.7.1. Tags just won't work in this case.

The other extensions I've been working on follow the same pattern even
though they probably could be merged into a single branch with runtime
checks to deal with the differences between 0.7 and 0.8. However, since
I don't intend to add any new functionality to the 0.7 branch, having
separate branches does provide a good indication of the differences and
will probably save me some future pain if I introduce a feature that
works in 0.8 but not in 0.7.

David Cato

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-22 Thread Jim Gay

On Jun 22, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Jeff Casimir wrote:


Yeah, thanks for your work on "comments".  The only thing I ran into
off a checkout of Master that appeared to be a bug/missing feature was
in the comments form where it uses the tag like
"if_simple_spam_filter_enabled" or something -- Radiant complained
that the tag was unknown.  Given that you're working on that right
now, I'm sure I just got a version that wasn't 100% ready.  I like
that simple spam protection, though, so I just removed the conditional
and everything is great.

That's my fault. David Cato did some great work on the spam filtering  
stuff, but I changed the tag name to fit in with other methods. I've  
fixed the repository now, but the problem was changing from
if_comments_use_simple_spam_filter to  

There will be more to come in this area.

As far as the automation/testing plan, it would seem like a
combination of EC2 + Chef would be an ideal setup.  I have been
interested in some of that automated setup technology, so if no one
jumps on it by the time I hit  summer vacation, I'll take a look.

I'm also interested in working on more "narrative" documentation for
Radiant.  Right now there is a lot of great information, but some is
in the wiki, some in github pages, some in the list archives, and
there isn't necessarily a clear story.  Probably within the wiki
itself, it would be nice to walk a totally new user through the major
processes, maybe even going beyond "novice" and starting them into
extension customization/development.  I'm a decent Rubyist and sys
admin, and it took me some work to get everything going in the right
direction.  I'm sure there are a lot of normal users out that who
would be good community-members if we can get them started.  If anyone
has thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them.

- Jeff

PS: Postgres?  I knew you seemed like a smart guy. :)

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Jim Gay wrote:

On Jun 21, 2009, at 7:30 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:


Wow, great info.  I was actually fighting with "comments" among  
for a few hours, but I'm sure I made it more work than necessary.   
everything is going great and I have a lot better understanding of  

the extensions are managed and work.

I'm maintaining comments so it's probably my fault. But let me know  
what you
ran into, I made a few commits to the main repository that I  
shouldn't have
pushed until I had the fixes in so you may have pulled it down in  
window. Also, I'm integrating built-in spam filtering and other  
things, so

the code is getting a lot of updates.

It would be pretty awesome if some kind, free-time having soul  
were to

implement "" like "".  Especially with
Radiant being at 0.8 and, at least from the version number,  
the right to break compatibility at will, it would be awesome if  

were a site that did nightly integration tests of all the extensions
in the registry.  It would be tougher to do "Radiant + Extension A +
Extension B" combinations, but at least "Radiant + A" singles  
would be

really useful information.

I would personally love to see that. I've been meaning to contact  
the folks

at to see if they'd have a way to do it.
The way I think we'll need to address it for now is to have people  
from the
community help test. I, for example, use PostgreSQL so I try to  
make sure
that the Radiant core will pass all of those tests, wheras others  
use MySQL

or SQLite and test there.

- Jeff

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Jim Gay wrote:

On Jun 21, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:

Hi All,

Is the expectation that unless the GitHub page specifically says  

an extension works with 0.8, that it WON'T work?

Maybe. It depends. Some extensions might not require an update.

I've tried and failed to install a few extensions, and now  
there's so
much non-working cruft that I'm thinking it'd be easier to start  
a new

instance and transfer all my content then debug what's wrong with
different rake tasks, migrations, etc.

Different pages have different suggestions for installation  

is it "more preferred" to use:

script/extension install extension_name


rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install

These are entirely different things.
Using "script/extension install extension_name" will get  
information from

the extension registry, pull down the
run the migrate task, and run the update task.

The command "rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install"  
would just

some command to perform the "install" rake task (assuming it  
exists) in

extension "extension_name"

To see what rake tasks your extensions provide, you may do "rake - 
T" from

the root of the project.

I've had better luck with the former, but many of the github pages
suggest the latter.

Using "script/extension" will pull down the information. 

Re: Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-22 Thread Josh French

Not obvious, but Josh French has committed changes for the next
release that will allow extension developers to configure dependencies
from the extension which might help with the installation process as
far as things like error messages go. There will be more development
on this in the future.

One thing that we don't have is a way of ensuring that the proper  
version of an extension is installed from the get-go. I'm in the  
arguably bad habit of manually installing everything, so I was unaware  
of some of the problems that occur when trying to install extensions  
via script/extension or ray.

To wit, using an installer to install a 0.8-style extension will fail  
if your base Radiant install is 0.7 or earlier. Because the extension  
is checked out at its head, the environment fails and neither  
rake:migrate nor rake:update can be run until the extension is frozen  
to a compatible tag/version. This could be solved by adding a version  
argument to the install method, or by baking knowledge of the current  
Radiant version into the installer.

I've been tagging the extensions I'm involved with for compatibility  
at versions 0.7.1 and 0.8.0, but I've also been wondering if it  
wouldn't be better to maintain those via branches instead of tags --  
have a 0.7 branch to hold bugfixes, but continue new development in  
0.8 and so on.

Thoughts on how best to manage extensions across multiple, possibly  
incompatible, versions of Radiant?

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-22 Thread Jeff Casimir

Yeah, thanks for your work on "comments".  The only thing I ran into
off a checkout of Master that appeared to be a bug/missing feature was
in the comments form where it uses the tag like
"if_simple_spam_filter_enabled" or something -- Radiant complained
that the tag was unknown.  Given that you're working on that right
now, I'm sure I just got a version that wasn't 100% ready.  I like
that simple spam protection, though, so I just removed the conditional
and everything is great.

As far as the automation/testing plan, it would seem like a
combination of EC2 + Chef would be an ideal setup.  I have been
interested in some of that automated setup technology, so if no one
jumps on it by the time I hit  summer vacation, I'll take a look.

I'm also interested in working on more "narrative" documentation for
Radiant.  Right now there is a lot of great information, but some is
in the wiki, some in github pages, some in the list archives, and
there isn't necessarily a clear story.  Probably within the wiki
itself, it would be nice to walk a totally new user through the major
processes, maybe even going beyond "novice" and starting them into
extension customization/development.  I'm a decent Rubyist and sys
admin, and it took me some work to get everything going in the right
direction.  I'm sure there are a lot of normal users out that who
would be good community-members if we can get them started.  If anyone
has thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them.

- Jeff

PS: Postgres?  I knew you seemed like a smart guy. :)

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Jim Gay wrote:
> On Jun 21, 2009, at 7:30 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:
>> Jim,
>> Wow, great info.  I was actually fighting with "comments" among others
>> for a few hours, but I'm sure I made it more work than necessary.  Now
>> everything is going great and I have a lot better understanding of how
>> the extensions are managed and work.
> I'm maintaining comments so it's probably my fault. But let me know what you
> ran into, I made a few commits to the main repository that I shouldn't have
> pushed until I had the fixes in so you may have pulled it down in that
> window. Also, I'm integrating built-in spam filtering and other things, so
> the code is getting a lot of updates.
>> It would be pretty awesome if some kind, free-time having soul were to
>> implement "" like "".  Especially with
>> Radiant being at 0.8 and, at least from the version number, reserving
>> the right to break compatibility at will, it would be awesome if there
>> were a site that did nightly integration tests of all the extensions
>> in the registry.  It would be tougher to do "Radiant + Extension A +
>> Extension B" combinations, but at least "Radiant + A" singles would be
>> really useful information.
> I would personally love to see that. I've been meaning to contact the folks
> at to see if they'd have a way to do it.
> The way I think we'll need to address it for now is to have people from the
> community help test. I, for example, use PostgreSQL so I try to make sure
> that the Radiant core will pass all of those tests, wheras others use MySQL
> or SQLite and test there.
>> - Jeff
>> On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Jim Gay wrote:
>>> On Jun 21, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:
 Hi All,

 Is the expectation that unless the GitHub page specifically says that
 an extension works with 0.8, that it WON'T work?
>>> Maybe. It depends. Some extensions might not require an update.
 I've tried and failed to install a few extensions, and now there's so
 much non-working cruft that I'm thinking it'd be easier to start a new
 instance and transfer all my content then debug what's wrong with
 different rake tasks, migrations, etc.

 Different pages have different suggestions for installation process,
 is it "more preferred" to use:

 script/extension install extension_name


 rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install
>>> These are entirely different things.
>>> Using "script/extension install extension_name" will get information from
>>> the extension registry, pull down the
>>> extension,
>>> run the migrate task, and run the update task.
>>> The command "rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install" would just
>>> be
>>> some command to perform the "install" rake task (assuming it exists) in
>>> the
>>> extension "extension_name"
>>> To see what rake tasks your extensions provide, you may do "rake -T" from
>>> the root of the project.

 I've had better luck with the former, but many of the github pages
 suggest the latter.
>>> Using "script/extension" will pull down the information. This is the same
>>> as
>>> a download, git clone, svn checkout, or whatever else. "script/extension
>>> install" assumes the presence of "migrate" and "update" tasks for each
>>> extension

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-22 Thread Jim Gay

On Jun 21, 2009, at 7:30 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:


Wow, great info.  I was actually fighting with "comments" among others
for a few hours, but I'm sure I made it more work than necessary.  Now
everything is going great and I have a lot better understanding of how
the extensions are managed and work.

I'm maintaining comments so it's probably my fault. But let me know  
what you ran into, I made a few commits to the main repository that I  
shouldn't have pushed until I had the fixes in so you may have pulled  
it down in that window. Also, I'm integrating built-in spam filtering  
and other things, so the code is getting a lot of updates.

It would be pretty awesome if some kind, free-time having soul were to
implement "" like "".  Especially with
Radiant being at 0.8 and, at least from the version number, reserving
the right to break compatibility at will, it would be awesome if there
were a site that did nightly integration tests of all the extensions
in the registry.  It would be tougher to do "Radiant + Extension A +
Extension B" combinations, but at least "Radiant + A" singles would be
really useful information.

I would personally love to see that. I've been meaning to contact the  
folks at to see if they'd have a way to do it.
The way I think we'll need to address it for now is to have people  
from the community help test. I, for example, use PostgreSQL so I try  
to make sure that the Radiant core will pass all of those tests,  
wheras others use MySQL or SQLite and test there.

- Jeff

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Jim Gay wrote:

On Jun 21, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:

Hi All,

Is the expectation that unless the GitHub page specifically says  

an extension works with 0.8, that it WON'T work?

Maybe. It depends. Some extensions might not require an update.

I've tried and failed to install a few extensions, and now there's  
much non-working cruft that I'm thinking it'd be easier to start a  

instance and transfer all my content then debug what's wrong with
different rake tasks, migrations, etc.

Different pages have different suggestions for installation process,
is it "more preferred" to use:

script/extension install extension_name


rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install

These are entirely different things.
Using "script/extension install extension_name" will get  
information from
the extension registry, pull down the  

run the migrate task, and run the update task.

The command "rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install" would  
just be
some command to perform the "install" rake task (assuming it  
exists) in the

extension "extension_name"

To see what rake tasks your extensions provide, you may do "rake - 
T" from

the root of the project.

I've had better luck with the former, but many of the github pages
suggest the latter.

Using "script/extension" will pull down the information. This is  
the same as
a download, git clone, svn checkout, or whatever else. "script/ 
install" assumes the presence of "migrate" and "update" tasks for  

extension and runs them.
If you were to use some other process for getting the code  
(download, git
clone, etc) you'd still need to run whatever tasks are necessary to  
"install" the extension. Some extensions need a database migration,  
need to put files in the public directory (the "update" rake task)  

others need nothing.
Help (, for example,  
was written
to just be a drop-in extension (no migrate or update tasks) where  
you just

put it in your project and start up the server. Dashboard
( however  
requires an

update task to be run but no migration. RBAC Base
( requires both  

and update to be run.

Apologies if I'm missing something obvious,

Not obvious, but Josh French has committed changes for the next  
release that
will allow extension developers to configure dependencies from the  
which might help with the installation process as far as things  
like error

messages go. There will be more development on this in the future.
And the Ray extension (  
has a
way to manage dependencies from within an extension (as well as min/ 
versions of Radiant), but I'm not sure how many take advantage  of  


You might be able to get a lot of help by simply emailing the list  
something like "I want to upgrade to Radiant 0.8.0 and I have  
extensions X,

Y and Z. Are all of those extensions ready?"
You're likely to get replies from the extension authors, or other  
users of

those extensions who might know.

So... what extensions do you have?

I personally have many extensions which I wrote and manage and  
updating them
is not my full-time j

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-21 Thread Jeff Casimir

Wow, great info.  I was actually fighting with "comments" among others
for a few hours, but I'm sure I made it more work than necessary.  Now
everything is going great and I have a lot better understanding of how
the extensions are managed and work.

It would be pretty awesome if some kind, free-time having soul were to
implement "" like "".  Especially with
Radiant being at 0.8 and, at least from the version number, reserving
the right to break compatibility at will, it would be awesome if there
were a site that did nightly integration tests of all the extensions
in the registry.  It would be tougher to do "Radiant + Extension A +
Extension B" combinations, but at least "Radiant + A" singles would be
really useful information.

- Jeff

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Jim Gay wrote:
> On Jun 21, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is the expectation that unless the GitHub page specifically says that
>> an extension works with 0.8, that it WON'T work?
> Maybe. It depends. Some extensions might not require an update.
>> I've tried and failed to install a few extensions, and now there's so
>> much non-working cruft that I'm thinking it'd be easier to start a new
>> instance and transfer all my content then debug what's wrong with
>> different rake tasks, migrations, etc.
>> Different pages have different suggestions for installation process,
>> is it "more preferred" to use:
>> script/extension install extension_name
>> or
>> rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install
> These are entirely different things.
> Using "script/extension install extension_name" will get information from
> the extension registry, pull down the extension,
> run the migrate task, and run the update task.
> The command "rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install" would just be
> some command to perform the "install" rake task (assuming it exists) in the
> extension "extension_name"
> To see what rake tasks your extensions provide, you may do "rake -T" from
> the root of the project.
>> I've had better luck with the former, but many of the github pages
>> suggest the latter.
> Using "script/extension" will pull down the information. This is the same as
> a download, git clone, svn checkout, or whatever else. "script/extension
> install" assumes the presence of "migrate" and "update" tasks for each
> extension and runs them.
> If you were to use some other process for getting the code (download, git
> clone, etc) you'd still need to run whatever tasks are necessary to fully
> "install" the extension. Some extensions need a database migration, others
> need to put files in the public directory (the "update" rake task) and
> others need nothing.
> Help (, for example, was written
> to just be a drop-in extension (no migrate or update tasks) where you just
> put it in your project and start up the server. Dashboard
> ( however requires an
> update task to be run but no migration. RBAC Base
> ( requires both migrate
> and update to be run.
>> Apologies if I'm missing something obvious,
> Not obvious, but Josh French has committed changes for the next release that
> will allow extension developers to configure dependencies from the extension
> which might help with the installation process as far as things like error
> messages go. There will be more development on this in the future.
> And the Ray extension ( has a
> way to manage dependencies from within an extension (as well as min/max
> versions of Radiant), but I'm not sure how many take advantage  of it.
>> Jeff
> You might be able to get a lot of help by simply emailing the list with
> something like "I want to upgrade to Radiant 0.8.0 and I have extensions X,
> Y and Z. Are all of those extensions ready?"
> You're likely to get replies from the extension authors, or other users of
> those extensions who might know.
> So... what extensions do you have?
> I personally have many extensions which I wrote and manage and updating them
> is not my full-time job, so some may not work yet. If it's a simple fix and
> I know somebody needs it, I'm happy to address the changes.
> This is a pretty helpful community, so just ask away.
> -Jim
> ___
> Radiant mailing list
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Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-21 Thread Jim Gay

On Jun 21, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:

Hi All,

Is the expectation that unless the GitHub page specifically says that
an extension works with 0.8, that it WON'T work?

Maybe. It depends. Some extensions might not require an update.

I've tried and failed to install a few extensions, and now there's so
much non-working cruft that I'm thinking it'd be easier to start a new
instance and transfer all my content then debug what's wrong with
different rake tasks, migrations, etc.

Different pages have different suggestions for installation process,
is it "more preferred" to use:

script/extension install extension_name


rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install

These are entirely different things.
Using "script/extension install extension_name" will get information  
from the extension registry, pull down the  
extension, run the migrate task, and run the update task.

The command "rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install" would  
just be some command to perform the "install" rake task (assuming it  
exists) in the extension "extension_name"

To see what rake tasks your extensions provide, you may do "rake -T"  
from the root of the project.

I've had better luck with the former, but many of the github pages
suggest the latter.

Using "script/extension" will pull down the information. This is the  
same as a download, git clone, svn checkout, or whatever else. "script/ 
extension install" assumes the presence of "migrate" and "update"  
tasks for each extension and runs them.
If you were to use some other process for getting the code (download,  
git clone, etc) you'd still need to run whatever tasks are necessary  
to fully "install" the extension. Some extensions need a database  
migration, others need to put files in the public directory (the  
"update" rake task) and others need nothing.
Help (, for example, was  
written to just be a drop-in extension (no migrate or update tasks)  
where you just put it in your project and start up the server.  
Dashboard ( however  
requires an update task to be run but no migration. RBAC Base ( 
) requires both migrate and update to be run.

Apologies if I'm missing something obvious,

Not obvious, but Josh French has committed changes for the next  
release that will allow extension developers to configure dependencies  
from the extension which might help with the installation process as  
far as things like error messages go. There will be more development  
on this in the future.
And the Ray extension (  
has a way to manage dependencies from within an extension (as well as  
min/max versions of Radiant), but I'm not sure how many take  
advantage  of it.


You might be able to get a lot of help by simply emailing the list  
with something like "I want to upgrade to Radiant 0.8.0 and I have  
extensions X, Y and Z. Are all of those extensions ready?"
You're likely to get replies from the extension authors, or other  
users of those extensions who might know.

So... what extensions do you have?

I personally have many extensions which I wrote and manage and  
updating them is not my full-time job, so some may not work yet. If  
it's a simple fix and I know somebody needs it, I'm happy to address  
the changes.

This is a pretty helpful community, so just ask away.


Radiant mailing list

RE: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8

2009-06-21 Thread Merk S


I find that a combination of checking the last updated date stamp, with tags 
and text in most docs are the most reliable 'filters' for checking if stuff 
might work on .8.  

It would be helpful if Radiant utilizied something similar to the approach 
wordpress' plugin directory takes (ie ) but for now there is no 
such solution that I'm aware of.
> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 15:33:12 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Radiant] Extensions with 0.8
> Hi All,
> Is the expectation that unless the GitHub page specifically says that
> an extension works with 0.8, that it WON'T work?
> I've tried and failed to install a few extensions, and now there's so
> much non-working cruft that I'm thinking it'd be easier to start a new
> instance and transfer all my content then debug what's wrong with
> different rake tasks, migrations, etc.
> Different pages have different suggestions for installation process,
> is it "more preferred" to use:
> script/extension install extension_name
> or
> rake radiant:extensions:extension_name:install
> I've had better luck with the former, but many of the github pages
> suggest the latter.
> Apologies if I'm missing something obvious,
> Jeff
> ___
> Radiant mailing list
> Post:
> Search:
> Site:

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