Re: need help with post-review + svn hook + windows and remote reviewboard 1.0.9

2013-05-06 Thread Christian Hammond
There's no information for me to go on in your post. I don't know what error 
you're hitting, or what the setup is, or anything.

Please post in a new thread, though. It only causes confusion to reopen 3 year 
old threads.


Christian Hammond -
Review Board -
Beanbag, Inc. -

On May 5, 2013, at 11:47 PM, cmuser  wrote:

> Hi,
>  Can you please suggest  what wrong i am doing when trying svn hook in 
> post-commit.
> When i try this command - diff gets uploaded to reviewboard under but when 
> try same from svn hooks it fails. what am i missing. what needs to be done 
> with cookie?
>  /opt/Python-2.7.3/bin/python /opt/Python-2.7.3/bin/post-review   
> --server= -repository-url=svnrepo-navision 
> --username=admin --password=admin --review-request-id=162 -p
> On Friday, October 15, 2010 2:42:18 PM UTC+5:30, Gauthier Segay wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking for help diagnosing issue I have with empty review 
> entries being created. 
> here is the laydown of my setup: 
> * svn server is running on a windows box with SYSTEM account 
> * I intend using svn 'post commit' hook to create new review request 
> for each commit, using post-review script and python 2.7 
> * reviewboard 1.0.9 is running on a gentoo box 
> here is the content of post-commit.bat (svn hook): 
> == 
> cd to location containing .post-review-cookies.txt 
> set /a revisiontopost=%2 -1 
> c:\python27\scripts\post-review --server http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local 
> --revision-range %revisiontopost% --repository-url svn:// -- 
> debug --username xxx --password yyy >> path\to\some\post-review.log 
> == 
> here is what I get in the output log: 
> == 
> >>> svn info svn:// 
> >>> diff --version 
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
> >>> changesets: False 
> >>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn:// 
> >>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in 
> >>> .post-review-cookies.txt 
> >>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required 
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/ 
> >>> svn info svn:// 
> >>> diff --version 
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
> >>> changesets: False 
> >>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn:// 
> >>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in 
> >>> .post-review-cookies.txt 
> >>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required 
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/ 
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/1/info/ 
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
> >>> changesets: False 
> >>> Attempting to create review request on svn:// for None 
> >>> HTTP POSTing to 
> >>> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/new/: 
> >>> {'repository_path': 'svn://'} 
> >>> Review request created 
> >>> Uploading diff, size: 556 
> >>> HTTP POSTing to 
> >>> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/10/diff/new/: 
> >>> {'basedir': '/'} 
> Review request #10 posted. 
> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10 
> == 
> then when I go to http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10 and click on 
> 'View Diff' button, a page displays 
> """ 
> The page you were looking for does not exist. 
> If you're pretty sure this page does exist, try logging in and trying 
> again. 
> """ 
> from the output log (>>> Uploading diff, size: 556), I would think 
> it's going ok and don't know what to look for. 
> Anyone can help with that? 
> I'd also like to describe the issues I've run into that I think should 
> be mentionned in the documentation even if that doesn't necessarily 
> involve reviewboard, but svn: 
> 1: how to get SYSTEM account to access svn while not being able to 
> pass svn credentials to post-review script? 
> for this issuing a svn info with credentials just before running post- 
> review was sufficient, I know it's mostly a svn issue but stating 
> these elements in post-review documentation would probably help lost 
> sheep: 
> * that CVS specific credentials are not passed to post-review for some 
> particular reason 
> * for svn, issuing a 'svn info' command with credentials is generally 
> persisting those credentials 
> * add more help for other CVS 
> 2: >>> Couldn't load cookie file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
> '.post-review-cookies.txt' 
> I've found a post on this group relating this issue, I think it should 
> be mentioned that for windows user, they would have to workaround by 
> issuing a cd command to the folder containing this file. 
> This file was created when I tried post-review by hand, but on windows 
> I can't login to a shell with SYSTEM (or NETWORK SERVICE) user account 
> (or still need to learn

Re: need help with post-review + svn hook + windows and remote reviewboard 1.0.9

2013-05-05 Thread cmuser
 Can you please suggest  what wrong i am doing when trying svn hook in 
When i try this command - diff gets uploaded to reviewboard under but when 
try same from svn hooks it fails. what am i missing. what needs to be done 
with cookie?

 /opt/Python-2.7.3/bin/python /opt/Python-2.7.3/bin/post-review   
--server= -repository-url=svnrepo-navision 
--username=admin --password=admin --review-request-id=162 -p

On Friday, October 15, 2010 2:42:18 PM UTC+5:30, Gauthier Segay wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking for help diagnosing issue I have with empty review 
> entries being created. 
> here is the laydown of my setup: 
> * svn server is running on a windows box with SYSTEM account 
> * I intend using svn 'post commit' hook to create new review request 
> for each commit, using post-review script and python 2.7 
> * reviewboard 1.0.9 is running on a gentoo box 
> here is the content of post-commit.bat (svn hook): 
> == 
> cd to location containing .post-review-cookies.txt 
> set /a revisiontopost=%2 -1 
> c:\python27\scripts\post-review --server http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local 
> --revision-range %revisiontopost% --repository-url svn:// -- 
> debug --username xxx --password yyy >> path\to\some\post-review.log 
> == 
> here is what I get in the output log: 
> == 
> >>> svn info svn:// 
> >>> diff --version 
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
> changesets: False 
> >>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn://
> >>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in 
> .post-review-cookies.txt 
> >>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required 
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/ 
> >>> svn info svn:// 
> >>> diff --version 
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
> changesets: False 
> >>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn://
> >>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in 
> .post-review-cookies.txt 
> >>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required 
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/ 
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/1/info/ 
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
> changesets: False 
> >>> Attempting to create review request on svn:// for None 
> >>> HTTP POSTing to 
> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/new/: 
> {'repository_path': 'svn://'} 
> >>> Review request created 
> >>> Uploading diff, size: 556 
> >>> HTTP POSTing to 
> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/10/diff/new/: 
> {'basedir': '/'} 
> Review request #10 posted. 
> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10 
> == 
> then when I go to http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10 and click on 
> 'View Diff' button, a page displays 
> """ 
> The page you were looking for does not exist. 
> If you're pretty sure this page does exist, try logging in and trying 
> again. 
> """ 
> from the output log (>>> Uploading diff, size: 556), I would think 
> it's going ok and don't know what to look for. 
> Anyone can help with that? 
> I'd also like to describe the issues I've run into that I think should 
> be mentionned in the documentation even if that doesn't necessarily 
> involve reviewboard, but svn: 
> 1: how to get SYSTEM account to access svn while not being able to 
> pass svn credentials to post-review script? 
> for this issuing a svn info with credentials just before running post- 
> review was sufficient, I know it's mostly a svn issue but stating 
> these elements in post-review documentation would probably help lost 
> sheep: 
> * that CVS specific credentials are not passed to post-review for some 
> particular reason 
> * for svn, issuing a 'svn info' command with credentials is generally 
> persisting those credentials 
> * add more help for other CVS 
> 2: >>> Couldn't load cookie file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
> '.post-review-cookies.txt' 
> I've found a post on this group relating this issue, I think it should 
> be mentioned that for windows user, they would have to workaround by 
> issuing a cd command to the folder containing this file. 
> This file was created when I tried post-review by hand, but on windows 
> I can't login to a shell with SYSTEM (or NETWORK SERVICE) user account 
> (or still need to learn how to do so) making solving this not straight 
> forward. 
> In anycase thanks for great code review tool, I hope we'll use it soon 
> as our default code review tool, and that I would be able to easily 
> upgrade the installed version on our server. 
> Thanks for your support

Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at
Happy user? Let us know at

Re: need help with post-review + svn hook + windows and remote reviewboard 1.0.9

2010-10-15 Thread Gauthier Segay
Hi Christian,

I just checked with the user account used to create the review
requests, and it seems to contain the proper diff, now fixing my hook
script to add --publish as you mentioned.

For the submit-as I'll check what we are needing in our organization,
I guess I'd like to complete the review request description with
revision information (revision number, svn author, comment) , which
would be enough in my case, I assume I can do that with the additional
arguments passed to post-review and some shell scripting.

Thanks for prompt support!

On Oct 15, 12:19 pm, Christian Hammond  wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't really help with the Windows-specific Subversion configuration, so
> hopefully someone else can, but I can help with the first issue.
> When a review request is being created, it starts out as a draft. Drafts are
> only viewable by the owner of the review request. Everyone else will see a
> 404, as you saw. What you need to do is publish it. This can either be done
> manually by a user, or probably in your case, you'll want to pass --publish.
> Also, assuming you're trying to post a review request on behalf of another
> user, you'll want to use the --submit-as parameter and the username of the
> user to submit as. The review request will appear to be owned by that user,
> rather than the user your script is logging in as.
> Christian
> --
> Christian Hammond -
> Review Board -
> VMware, Inc. -
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:12 AM, Gauthier Segay 
> wrote:
> > Hi, I'm looking for help diagnosing issue I have with empty review
> > entries being created.
> > here is the laydown of my setup:
> > * svn server is running on a windows box with SYSTEM account
> > * I intend using svn 'post commit' hook to create new review request
> > for each commit, using post-review script and python 2.7
> > * reviewboard 1.0.9 is running on a gentoo box
> > here is the content of post-commit.bat (svn hook):
> > ==
> > cd to location containing .post-review-cookies.txt
> > set /a revisiontopost=%2 -1
> > c:\python27\scripts\post-review --serverhttp://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local
> > --revision-range %revisiontopost% --repository-url svn:// --
> > debug --username xxx --password yyy >> path\to\some\post-review.log
> > ==
> > here is what I get in the output log:
> > ==
> > >>> svn info svn://
> > >>> diff --version
> > >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports
> > changesets: False
> > >>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn://
> >
> > >>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in
> > .post-review-cookies.txt
> > >>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required
> > >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/
> > >>> svn info svn://
> > >>> diff --version
> > >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports
> > changesets: False
> > >>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn://
> >
> > >>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in
> > .post-review-cookies.txt
> > >>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required
> > >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/
> > >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/1/info/
> > >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports
> > changesets: False
> > >>> Attempting to create review request on svn:// for None
> > >>> HTTP POSTing to
> >http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/new/:
> > {'repository_path': 'svn://'}
> > >>> Review request created
> > >>> Uploading diff, size: 556
> > >>> HTTP POSTing to
> >http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/10/diff/new/:
> > {'basedir': '/'}
> > Review request #10 posted.
> >http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10
> > ==
> > then when I go tohttp://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10and click on
> > 'View Diff' button, a page displays
> > """
> > The page you were looking for does not exist.
> > If you're pretty sure this page does exist, try logging in and trying
> > again.
> > """
> > from the output log (>>> Uploading diff, size: 556), I would think
> > it's going ok and don't know what to look for.
> > Anyone can help with that?
> > I'd also like to describe the issues I've run into that I think should
> > be mentionned in the documentation even if that doesn't necessarily
> > involve reviewboard, but svn:
> > 1: how to get SYSTEM account to access svn while not being able to
> > pass svn credentials to post-review script?
> > for this issuing a svn info with credentials just before running post-
> > review was sufficient, I know it's mostly a svn issue but stating
> > these elements in post-review documentation would probably help lost
> > sheep:
> > * that CVS specific credentials are not passed to post-review for some
> > particular r

Re: need help with post-review + svn hook + windows and remote reviewboard 1.0.9

2010-10-15 Thread Christian Hammond

I can't really help with the Windows-specific Subversion configuration, so
hopefully someone else can, but I can help with the first issue.

When a review request is being created, it starts out as a draft. Drafts are
only viewable by the owner of the review request. Everyone else will see a
404, as you saw. What you need to do is publish it. This can either be done
manually by a user, or probably in your case, you'll want to pass --publish.

Also, assuming you're trying to post a review request on behalf of another
user, you'll want to use the --submit-as parameter and the username of the
user to submit as. The review request will appear to be owned by that user,
rather than the user your script is logging in as.


Christian Hammond -
Review Board -
VMware, Inc. -

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:12 AM, Gauthier Segay wrote:

> Hi, I'm looking for help diagnosing issue I have with empty review
> entries being created.
> here is the laydown of my setup:
> * svn server is running on a windows box with SYSTEM account
> * I intend using svn 'post commit' hook to create new review request
> for each commit, using post-review script and python 2.7
> * reviewboard 1.0.9 is running on a gentoo box
> here is the content of post-commit.bat (svn hook):
> ==
> cd to location containing .post-review-cookies.txt
> set /a revisiontopost=%2 -1
> c:\python27\scripts\post-review --server http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local
> --revision-range %revisiontopost% --repository-url svn:// --
> debug --username xxx --password yyy >> path\to\some\post-review.log
> ==
> here is what I get in the output log:
> ==
> >>> svn info svn://
> >>> diff --version
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports
> changesets: False
> >>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn://
> >>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in
> .post-review-cookies.txt
> >>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/
> >>> svn info svn://
> >>> diff --version
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports
> changesets: False
> >>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn://
> >>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in
> .post-review-cookies.txt
> >>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/
> >>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/1/info/
> >>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports
> changesets: False
> >>> Attempting to create review request on svn:// for None
> >>> HTTP POSTing to
> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/new/:
> {'repository_path': 'svn://'}
> >>> Review request created
> >>> Uploading diff, size: 556
> >>> HTTP POSTing to
> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/10/diff/new/:
> {'basedir': '/'}
> Review request #10 posted.
> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10
> ==
> then when I go to http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10 and click on
> 'View Diff' button, a page displays
> """
> The page you were looking for does not exist.
> If you're pretty sure this page does exist, try logging in and trying
> again.
> """
> from the output log (>>> Uploading diff, size: 556), I would think
> it's going ok and don't know what to look for.
> Anyone can help with that?
> I'd also like to describe the issues I've run into that I think should
> be mentionned in the documentation even if that doesn't necessarily
> involve reviewboard, but svn:
> 1: how to get SYSTEM account to access svn while not being able to
> pass svn credentials to post-review script?
> for this issuing a svn info with credentials just before running post-
> review was sufficient, I know it's mostly a svn issue but stating
> these elements in post-review documentation would probably help lost
> sheep:
> * that CVS specific credentials are not passed to post-review for some
> particular reason
> * for svn, issuing a 'svn info' command with credentials is generally
> persisting those credentials
> * add more help for other CVS
> 2: >>> Couldn't load cookie file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '.post-review-cookies.txt'
> I've found a post on this group relating this issue, I think it should
> be mentioned that for windows user, they would have to workaround by
> issuing a cd command to the folder containing this file.
> This file was created when I tried post-review by hand, but on windows
> I can't login to a shell with SYSTEM (or NETWORK SERVICE) user account
> (or still need to learn how to do so) making solving this not straight
> forward.
> In anycase thanks for great code review tool, I hope we'll use it soon
> as our default code review tool,

need help with post-review + svn hook + windows and remote reviewboard 1.0.9

2010-10-15 Thread Gauthier Segay
Hi, I'm looking for help diagnosing issue I have with empty review
entries being created.

here is the laydown of my setup:

* svn server is running on a windows box with SYSTEM account
* I intend using svn 'post commit' hook to create new review request
for each commit, using post-review script and python 2.7
* reviewboard 1.0.9 is running on a gentoo box

here is the content of post-commit.bat (svn hook):
cd to location containing .post-review-cookies.txt
set /a revisiontopost=%2 -1
c:\python27\scripts\post-review --server http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local
--revision-range %revisiontopost% --repository-url svn:// --
debug --username xxx --password yyy >> path\to\some\post-review.log

here is what I get in the output log:
>>> svn info svn://
>>> diff --version
>>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
>>> changesets: False
>>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn://
>>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in 
>>> .post-review-cookies.txt
>>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required
>>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/
>>> svn info svn://
>>> diff --version
>>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
>>> changesets: False
>>> svn diff --diff-cmd=diff svn:// svn://
>>> Looking for 'reviewboard.lcgentoo.local /' cookie in 
>>> .post-review-cookies.txt
>>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required
>>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/
>>> HTTP GETting /api/json/repositories/1/info/
>>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /, Supports 
>>> changesets: False
>>> Attempting to create review request on svn:// for None
>>> HTTP POSTing to 
>>> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/new/: 
>>> {'repository_path': 'svn://'}
>>> Review request created
>>> Uploading diff, size: 556
>>> HTTP POSTing to 
>>> http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/json/reviewrequests/10/diff/new/: 
>>> {'basedir': '/'}
Review request #10 posted.


then when I go to http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/r/10 and click on
'View Diff' button, a page displays

The page you were looking for does not exist.

If you're pretty sure this page does exist, try logging in and trying

from the output log (>>> Uploading diff, size: 556), I would think
it's going ok and don't know what to look for.

Anyone can help with that?

I'd also like to describe the issues I've run into that I think should
be mentionned in the documentation even if that doesn't necessarily
involve reviewboard, but svn:

1: how to get SYSTEM account to access svn while not being able to
pass svn credentials to post-review script?

for this issuing a svn info with credentials just before running post-
review was sufficient, I know it's mostly a svn issue but stating
these elements in post-review documentation would probably help lost
* that CVS specific credentials are not passed to post-review for some
particular reason
* for svn, issuing a 'svn info' command with credentials is generally
persisting those credentials
* add more help for other CVS

2: >>> Couldn't load cookie file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

I've found a post on this group relating this issue, I think it should
be mentioned that for windows user, they would have to workaround by
issuing a cd command to the folder containing this file.

This file was created when I tried post-review by hand, but on windows
I can't login to a shell with SYSTEM (or NETWORK SERVICE) user account
(or still need to learn how to do so) making solving this not straight

In anycase thanks for great code review tool, I hope we'll use it soon
as our default code review tool, and that I would be able to easily
upgrade the installed version on our server.

Thanks for your support

Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at
Happy user? Let us know at
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