Re: CSRE: Cataracts

2009-09-18 Thread chaha
Sandy, Have you tried anything else? How about the flaxseed oil? Thanks, Cindy Hi There to all - I have just run into something which I am going to try myself and so am sharing my find with others - Regards Sandee -- The Silver

CSQuestions about Fulvic Acid Minerals

2008-08-06 Thread chaha
Hi, List, I have a few questions about Fulvic Acid Minerals. Has anyone ever heard of them or used them? I don't recall ever hearing anything about them. One of my sisters has a thyroid issue, is on a supposedly natural thyroid meds from a compounding pharmacy, but never feels right. This

CSRestless Leg Syndrome (Ivory Soap or D3)

2008-07-20 Thread chaha
Hi, Dee, Who knows how it works, but such a simple cost of opening a new bar of ivory soap, it's definitely worth the try! The People's Pharmacy have other home remedies for things like nose bleeds - take your car keys and drop them down the back of your shirt; gin soaked raisins for

CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-19 Thread chaha
For Restless Leg Syndrome I've always heard to add B Vitamins. This little article says to add Magnesium too: The most common reason for Restless Leg Syndrome is a magnesium deficiency and Vitamin B deficiency. A magnesium deficiency will cause muscle tightening in the legs with spasms. A

Re: CSWho Owns the Deer ?

2008-07-02 Thread chaha
Hi, Chuck, You crack me up! Really enjoy your tags aka Chuck-isms. Take care, Cindy Must be expensive! Do you have any idea how many moths it takes to make a 50# bag of mothballs??? Chuck The statement below is true. The statement above is false.

Re: CSnight sweats after heart surg

2008-06-29 Thread chaha
Hi, Dianne, I agree with Faith G - call the Doctor and tomorrow! Night Sweats can be an infection. But what ever it is, let the Doctor figure it out and how to treat it because he is still mending from a very recent surgery. Take care, Cindy

Re: CSBB Posts from Rowena - BHP post

2008-06-21 Thread chaha
Hi, Rowena, I will help by doing one per day. Email me privately. Cindy

CSBB Posts from Rowena

2008-06-20 Thread chaha
Is anyone else finding the Brooks Bradley posts from Rowena scrambled looking? Has anyone fixed any where they can resend? Thanks in advance, Cindy

Re: CSBrooks Post Collection

2008-06-13 Thread chaha
Thank you Wayne for the collection. I remember when I joined Brooks made a couple or so posts regarding Potassium, which on two quick scans didn't find on your collection. If anyone kept his posts on Potassium would sure appreciate you sharing with me and/or list. Thank you!! Cindy

CSMS Cure - a real possibility

2008-05-31 Thread chaha
We just got back from a party where I talked to a woman I've known for years who has had MS for about 7 years. She was forwarded an article alerting her to look into wheat gluten/celiac disease for being the cause of MS. Two days after she found out about it, on March 28th of this year, she

CSBiofuel the Modern Family

2008-05-22 Thread chaha
Saw a news program recently about a California family who grew an abundance of crops on their large city lot, for themselves and also to sell. They also collect old cooking oil for their diesel suburban to run. Very interesting.

CSRe: A Little Humor

2008-05-20 Thread chaha
List, sorry, meant to send this to the OT list. Brain error. Cindy

CSA Little Humor

2008-05-19 Thread chaha
BARACK OBAMA: The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a CHANGE! The chicken wanted CHANGE! JOHN MC CAIN: My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.

CSPlanning Surgery--knee

2008-05-16 Thread chaha
Hi, Diane, I am not trying to frighten you, but just to send a word of caution. A friend of ours just had his 3rd knee replacement surgery. The second one was evidentially the wrong knee type and caused continual pain. Eight years later he went to a maverick type doctor who put in the 3rd

CSBorax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-14 Thread chaha
Rowena, Thanks for sharing this. Knew about Earth Clinic but not about Fido's. He is quite knowledgeable. Thanks, Cindy

CSCataract Surgery

2008-05-08 Thread chaha
My Mother-in-Law had her first cataract surgery this week and had a rare complication of pressure build-up in her eye. She has found it traumatic enough to want to wait a while before having the second eye done. She is severely limited now in her activities and she's normally very active.

CSteeth to paula and a question for the group

2008-02-26 Thread chaha
BTW, what do you use for ear infections? For ear infections in dogs or people use raw ACV (apple cider vinegar). Just pour some on a cotton ball, wipe ear, some will drip down ear canal and balance the problem. Sort of a probiotic for the problem. Cindy

CSreceding gums

2008-02-24 Thread chaha
Hi, Paula, It may depend if the tooth and root are healthy but instead of pulling the tooth, see if a dentist could do a surgery to put skin there, maybe a graft or some thing else they can recommend. A big problem with pulling a tooth is that you'll need to put something back in there or all

CSkidney stones

2008-02-11 Thread chaha
Hi, Lin, My female dog has a congenital stone problem that killed the father and sister. I keep her clear by giving herbs daily. They are: Uva Ursi - this is powerful, can not be used for long period of time, and may hurt the stomach so I get around that by giving two pills for two days a


2008-01-28 Thread chaha
Hi, Dianne, For Sciatica relief, I'll second the suggestion of taking L-Lysine! Worked for me. I'd suggest also adding Vitamin E to help combat internal scarring. You can google stretching exercises, the one that worked the best for me was stand with hands on hips and knees slightly bent,

CSCS nebulizer What if?

2007-12-05 Thread chaha
Hi, Ian, Ok, I get it now - nebulize when no one is there. Sounds good to me!! Take care, Cindy

Re: CSBoxer with Fatty Tumor ....

2007-12-05 Thread chaha
Hi, bbanever, Thanks for the list of items used on your dogs. Wow, lots of stuff to look into, which I'll start later today. I may contact you privately if I have any questions. Thanks for all your help! Even though I like my vet, as in my own healthcare, it's best to try and figure

CSRe: Making CS in high volume

2007-12-05 Thread chaha
Hi, Marshall, Perhaps I missed it, but may I ask, what do you do with so much CS? Thanks in advance, Cindy I make 55 gallons at a time. Takes about a week to make 250 gallons, at the rate of 1.5 gallons per hour. I use silver plates totaling 100 square inches active area, 90 mA of current,

CSTis the season for colds!

2007-12-05 Thread chaha
Hi, Mary, You're G got me laughing. I had the same problem when my kids were little except they weren't getting sick, just me. So I started looking and feeling their hands - they were nasty; probably hadn't washed them since leaving the house. Since then have asked my husband and kids

CSNebulizer Files in Acrhive _What if?

2007-12-04 Thread chaha
Hi, Ian, I just read a article in the Wall Street Journal, which I'll forward after this message, and they brought up the concern of cleaning too much. If I'm remembering correctly 90 +% of the bugs are good guys so we don't want to kill them off. I've also heard living with an animal,

CSGlutathione for Austism

2007-12-04 Thread chaha
I was watching Good Morning America this morning and there was a story on about a boy with autism who got experimental treatment of injection of Glutathione and had much improvement. Here are portions of the article - left out some parts because the sister helped raise money for the study.

CSTreating Lipomas

2007-12-04 Thread chaha
My dog's breed gets sebaceous cysts too. I hate those things. Have tried the Lugol's but didn't try it with the DMSO. My female has one very near her eye. It's tiny but am taking her in today to have it removed before it gets large as they have gotten huge when I've tried cleaning them.

Re: CSBoxer with Fatty Tumor ....

2007-12-04 Thread chaha
Hi, bbanever, Are you dogs prone to Fatty Tumors and are you saying you think this product helps? Thanks, Cindy Subject: Re: CSBoxer with Fatty Tumor You might also try proteolytic enzymes. A good one is Vitalzyme with serrapeptase. My dogs get them every day.

Re: CSurinary tract infection

2007-11-28 Thread chaha
Regarding Bladder Infections, I give my female dog herbs for a congenital/heredity problem with bladder/kidney problems. Her litter mate died with one kidney full of stone, and the other kidney about 3/4 full, and their father had problems. My holistic vet tried various things and nothing

CSCS mix with xylitol a no-no for dogs (try ACV instead)

2007-11-20 Thread chaha
Hi, Hanneke, Regarding Dog Ear Problems, try using raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) on a cotton ball and wiping ears. This has worked very well for my female. When her ears get stinky, I do this twice a week for a couple of weeks, and then she's fine. I've heard of people using distilled

CSCS and Fever Blisters

2007-11-20 Thread chaha
Hi, SS, Have been battling a fever blister now. First was using tons of L-Lysine and Oil of Oregano internally, putting a L-Lysine stick similar to chap-stick on my sore, and no healing. Remembered that I hadn't had an outbreak in years, so what did stop it in the past.come on brain,

CSCS for Jessica

2007-11-08 Thread chaha
Hi, Jessica, For very cheap CS try Rich who is on the Silver Pets List on Yahoo Groups. Take care, Cindy

CShelp for my poor brain

2007-11-06 Thread chaha
Kathryn - Here are some suggestions from Saw the show Monday and these items were discussed: a.. Regularly open up windows to air out your home of all the fumes and particles trapped inside. a.. Making your house healthier starts right at your front door. Take off your shoes when

Re: CSLung trouble (B-Vitamins for Energy)

2007-11-03 Thread chaha
Hi, Leslie, Taking B complex has helped my energy levels a lot. I buy 100 mg. capsules and took 4 to 6 a day for a few days until I felt good, then was able to maintain energy levels on about 2 a day. Hope you find what works for you. Take care, Cindy I just feel tired all the time.

CSTorn retina, laser treatment

2007-10-11 Thread chaha
Hi, Mike, WebMD is a website I like to check when I want a medical opinion not rooted in alternative healing. Take care, Cindy

Re: CSSevere muscle cramps

2007-09-06 Thread chaha
Hi, Faith, In response to needing help with muscle cramps, I'll throw my 2 cents in too. Hope you find something that works! Take care, Cindy Magnesium - calms muscles (try another form, or increasing your amount)

CSBetter Treatment for dry and cracked feet

2007-07-12 Thread chaha
Hi, Sol, So many of us women have dry and cracked feet. Mine started after having children. I don't like to pay for pedicures and manicures when I can do the same thing at home, but have learned about what additional products are out there. I mostly wear simple sandals so want my feet

Re: CSBrain Injuries

2007-07-12 Thread chaha
Hi, Pat, Thanks for the clarification of my wording. I gave the link for the article/s so they could be printed out and given to the doctor, not for anyone to use my wording which was incorrect. Take care, Cindy I do not believe they removed the brain, but cut out a large part of the

Re: CSBetter Treatment for dry and cracked feet..or parasites?

2007-07-12 Thread chaha
Hi, Tony, Very interesting... parasites. I just looked at my eyes, they are red. Skin is normal, I still wash my hair daily because it's oily, or it could be from products used, and have no flakes. I figured my feet were this way because I rarely wear closed shoes. But where does one get

CSBrain Injuries

2007-07-11 Thread chaha
Hi, Frankie, An Anchor with ABC news was hit by a roadside bomb some months ago and received a brain injury. One of the key things that saved him was removing the brain from inside the head. Since the brain needs room to swell, if it doesn't get it, then there will be permanent brain injury.

CSRe: Iodine Lugols etc - Is mine Lugol's?

2007-07-10 Thread chaha
Hi, Rowena, I don't understand taking Lugol's with raw ACV, wouldn't the iodine kill everything in the ACV? I can see taking the ACV and honey afterwards, but not with it. Both Dr. Jarvis mention using Lugol's with ACV but when I re-read their instructions it also says apple

Re: CSCopper cure...-silver in nose

2007-07-10 Thread chaha
Hi, Brickey, Perhaps you could play with some of the ingredients in Vicks Vapo Rub and make your own formula to help with the fungus problem. Take care, Cindy Do you have a fungus? My wife just rid herself of a 20 year toenail fungus on both big toes by applying Vicks vapor rub every

CSa few questions

2007-06-22 Thread chaha
Hi, Zeb, Here's a nice website to look at regarding heart health: My dad had his heart value replaced and we think he may have missed or poorly timed his antibiotic dose prior to a dental cleaning. He ended up with night sweats and took doctors months

CSStomach problems

2007-06-19 Thread chaha
Regarding several comments on stomach problems, may I say it's sometimes the simple things that can provide healing. For instance, plain yogurt. Take a spoonful or more with each meal, and over time you will see improvement. I've done this for myself and a rescue dog who was vomiting and

CSHelp with DMSO

2007-06-08 Thread chaha
Hi, Donna, DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton Walker is a great place to start and is available from Amazon for $11 or less. To learn more go to The only caution is that ingesting it will require that you take something like chlorophyll for

Re: CSdental: pericoronitis.leaning towards osteomyelitis

2007-06-08 Thread chaha
Hi, Scott, Maybe I read more into your post, but just in case though I'd say: Be careful about gargling and then swallowing it when through. It'd be better to spit it out then get a clean swig to swallow. Also, look at getting vinegar that's not distilled. Bragg's ACV is a quality raw

CSRe: Old movie name

2007-05-30 Thread chaha
Turner Classic Movies lists two: Bataan Back to Bataan. Cindy

CShelp with puppies and parasite

2007-05-30 Thread chaha
Hi, Nathalie, I am not an expert in this area but I'll nutshell a problem I had and maybe something will help you find what is bothering your puppies. Got a puppy mill rescue dog, who was vomiting and had pudding-poo. After trial and error went to a second vet who diagnosed whip-worms because

Re: CS(About Clorox) Now Steam Vapor

2007-05-26 Thread chaha
Sorry, but I am a little behind on my reading, abut was reading up on the bleach topic, which I do use, but what I've been interested in trying is Steam Vapor for cleaning. Once I saw how expensive my husband wasn't interested in trying to find a machine for me (darn!) but this seems like a

CSExercise options for Sol

2007-05-01 Thread chaha
Hi, Sol, Saw something in my paper today which might offer you another way to exercise - it's called Chair Yoga. Here's an article to learn more about it: Here's an Amazon link to see DVD's for sale:

CSvitamin a links and information?

2007-04-25 Thread chaha
Hi, Wendy, Look for information about vitamin A from Sometimes it's hard to navigate his website without accessing it from the once or twice email I get weekly, so consider subscribing. Take care, Cindy

Re: CSTrem..nebulizer.

2005-10-10 Thread chaha
I'm sorry, been away and am catching up on emails, and did try to read the ones with the same theme. Just don't understand: why wouldn't just using a spray bottle of CS into the nose and throat be almost as efficient as a personal nebulizer? Thanks, Cindy The unit I bought is called a

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #642

2004-08-19 Thread chaha
Hi, Marlys, I don't have the same problem but was having major pain in both hands due to inflammation. I got on two minerals: Magnesium and Potassium - and I'm basically healed. I've purchased the Nature's Way Brand because both minerals are Chelated so your body will absorb them better.