Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Joe Wilson

 --- John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Well put.  If Sqlite were turned into a junior Oracle, DB2 or PostgreSQL 
 > then someone else would have to create a new Sqlite to handle the 
 > lightweight embedded RDBMS role!


How is it different from any other optional build feature?

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Joe Wilson
Yes, any standard SQLite stored proc language is better than no 
standard language, but Tcl is a hard sell because of [its {syntax}]. 

I used Tcl on a project several years ago and I still find 
myself going back to the reference book every time I'm working with
arrays, loops and expressions. Also, Tcl is not well supported on 
Cygwin and a few other non-mainstream platforms. It also seems
that the Tcl interpreter library is twice as large as SQLite itself,
but perhaps some micro-Tcl build option exists.

If you cannot have a PL/SQL or Transact-SQL style language, I'd 
vote for making Lua the standard SQLite stored proc language.
Lua is the SQLite of embeddable scripting languages. The full 
interpreter is only 150KB. It's very small and fast, has an active
user community and is extremely well supported on all sorts of odd 
hardware and OSes.

Nothing is stopping anyone from creating such an extension except
for the fact that if it is not in the SQLite distro, it will never 
be accepted as "the standard".

--- Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Wilson wrote:
> > One of the strengths of SQLite is having the flexability to 
> > hook it up to any language you like. But it would make life easier 
> > for everyone if there was some sort of standard built-in simple
> > scripting language to create stored procedures and custom functions 
> > within the standard SQLite distro to avoid exactly this sort of 
> > compatability problem. Maybe some sort of simplififed PL/SQL or 
> > Transact/SQL with the scripts autoloaded from an sqlite system table.
> > Or perhaps a standard SQLite convention to register a language with 
> > it and have stored procs and functions of that language autoload 
> > when the database is first attached. Anyone could easily write such
> > an extension, but having it as a standard in the distro is the key.
> >
> >   
> Joe,
> I agree that having the ability to store procedures in the database 
> itself would be a great addition to sqlite. And, it would have to be 
> part of the standard distribution to be effective.
> I think that it is unlikely to happen for a couple of reasons.
> First, it would increase the size of the sqlite library and since many 
> of Richard paying customers are very concerned about the library 
> footprint, they would view this as a step backwards (but it could be 
> done as a compile time option that they could leave out when building 
> their minimalist versions).
> Second, I think Richard sees sqlite as a library that users should be 
> using from a scripting language, in particular TCL, rather than a 
> standalone database engine that should contain its own scripting 
> environment. If we all switch to TCL, which is widely available for most 
> platforms, then you can store your scripts in the database and execute 
> them as needed. These scripts can also create user defined functions. 
> There are more details on these ideas at 

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Nuno Lucas

On 12/22/06, Jeff Godfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the nudge.  I never thought to check for the external DLL,
but checking my SQLite Expert installation folder I see...


Interestingly, the DLL has the same size and date/time stamp as the
one that's available for download on the download page.

Well, then you just need to modify src/func.c [1] so that it also
"loads" your power function on startup. Maybe looking into how round()
is implemented will help you start.

~Nuno Lucas


Hmmm   ;^)


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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Jeff Godfrey
- Original Message - 
From: "Nuno Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

Just wanted to add that if one of the sqlite GUI's out there uses an
external sqlite dll (instead of static linking) it's quite easy to
make your own dll with your own functions and replace the one that
comes with the GUI application.


Thanks for the nudge.  I never thought to check for the external DLL, 
but checking my SQLite Expert installation folder I see...


Interestingly, the DLL has the same size and date/time stamp as the 
one that's available for download on the download page.

Hmmm   ;^)


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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Dennis Cote

Tom Briggs wrote:

   If you want the Super SQLite GUI Tool and Swiss Army Knife 3000 to
have a POWER function, contact the maintainer of said tool - it's an
application problem.  If you want your application to have the POWER
function, roll your own build of SQLite.  Those are application
problems, not database problems.  
But they very quickly become a database problem if you use an user 
defined function in your database (i.e. in a trigger or view 
definition). The reference to the function is saved in the database, but 
the implementation is not. If you transport your database to a different 
platform (i.e. Win to Linux) or try to use a different application to 
access the database (perhaps the sqlite shell)  your perfectly valid 
database won't operate correctly anymore.

This basic problem is what prevents user defined extensions from being 
widely applied. User defined functions and collations can only be used 
effectively from one application. As a result the things you can do to 
that application's  database files are limited to what that application 
implements (i.e. you lose the ability to do general browsing or one time 
maintenance changes using a general purpose database browser utility). 
If you need the the extra functionality you can use a user defined 
function, if you need to have ad-hoc access to the database you probably 
shouldn't use any user defined functions.

Your suggestion above points out one of the problems of non-standard 
extensions. If I develop a power function (say one that calculates 
electrical power by multiplying two arguments, a voltage and current) 
and a GUI browser developer adds a different power function with the 
same name but which does exponentiation, their function will be used by 
my database triggers and views without complaint.

And quite frankly I think the real
problem in your example is static linking - If a 3rd party tool links in
SQLite statically, then you're basically stuck with whatever version
they choose, with whatever extensions they add - in other words, you're
using *their* embedded database, not SQLite.  Which is probably as it
should be, but one shouldn't expect SQLite to solve problems for said
I really don't see your point here. If the maintainer releases a new 
version statically linked to the latest SQLite version the day after it 
is released (which is often the case), then it is no different than 
using the sqlite shell (though it may be prettier and provide additional 
features). There are no problems with the said application.

is the POWER function (or
operator) standard SQL?

No, to the best of my knowledge there is no power function in standard SQL.

Dennis Cote

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Nuno Lucas

Just wanted to add that if one of the sqlite GUI's out there uses an
external sqlite dll (instead of static linking) it's quite easy to
make your own dll with your own functions and replace the one that
comes with the GUI application.

This was discussed before, but don't know if any one of them actually
does this (but an open source one will be easy to recompile that way).

~Nuno Lucas

On 12/21/06, Jeff Godfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks for the interesting responses.  I think I now have a clear
understanding of my options, and while not exactly what I was looking
for, I can work within the prescribed limitations.  As I mentioned, I
am working from Tcl, where it's quite easy to write and register a new
function with SQLite - which I've done.  So, I now have a view
containing references to my new "pow" (mathematical power) function,
which works exacty as expected from within my own application.
Unfortunately, that view now (obviously) causes problems when using
3rd party GUI db manager tools.

From here, I think it's just a matter of reorienting my take on the
whole problem.  As someone already mentioned, SQLite is not intended
to be a stand-alone database application.  Once I get that fact
drilled into my head, I'll be fine... ;^)

I will mention that the author of "SQLite Expert" is looking into
possible solutions to this specific issue (related to using the new
"loadable extensions" feature of SQLite).  If anything interesting
comes from those discussions, I'll let the list know.

Thanks again.


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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical 'power' operator?

2006-12-21 Thread John Stanton
We have a rule which gets anyone who says "it would be easiest to..." is 
sent to the sin bin until they learn to way "the best way to do this is 

The best way generally turns out to be the easiest, but the easiest 
never turns out to be the best.

Tom Briggs wrote:

   I'm sure that anything is possible, but I do not think that would be
a practical approach. :)

   What seems to "easiest" is relative - I find working directly with
the SQLite codebase very, very easy.  But I'm a C guy.  The whole Tcl
thing gives me the willies.  So I wouldn't generalize things according
to language anyway.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 12:56 PM

Subject: Re: [sqlite] Mathematical 'power' operator?

Maybe a dumb queston, but:
As it looks it is easiest to work with SQLite from Tcl, is it possible
to code in Tcl and call that from VB/VBA?


Well put.  If Sqlite were turned into a junior Oracle, DB2 

or PostgreSQL

then someone else would have to create a new Sqlite to handle the
lightweight embedded RDBMS role!

It is very simple to add functions to Sqlite, and since it 

is a library

you link into your application there is no reason not to 

have your own

Sqlite-local library which adds all the functions needed by your
application.  Many of the features people want to add to Sqlite are
better added by the addition of a specifically targetted application

Those persons wanting the simplicity of Sqlite and all the 


of PostgrSQL might do better to re-assess their goals and 

save time by

using PostgreSQL and coming to terms the fact that the 

extra complexity

is the price to pay for the added functionality.

In our applications we have done just that and have the advantage of
simple SQL, excellent performance and small footprint in 

our distributed

applications.  We use PostgreSQL where its enterprise features are
necessary to handle large numbers of concurrent users.  We 

thereby avoid

underkill and overkill.

The add-on functions, and application interfaces are better being
contributed software than to bloat Sqlite distributions and 

be a boat

anchor on its continued development.

Tom Briggs wrote:

In the case of SQLite, I (arguably) have to use a 3rd party
tool, for which my custom functions are no longer available.  I'm
curious how others handle this.

A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
C.  Something else I haven't thought of?

  I think that the key point you're missing here is that 

SQLite is not

intended to be standalone database system like the other 

products you

mentioned (Access, Oracle, etc.) - it is an embeddable 

database library.

It happens to have a convenient command line interface 

that allows it to

be used as a standalone database, but that's just a shell 

(pun intended)

that allows you to get to the library itself.  The 3rd party "front
ends" to which you refer are really application consumers of SQLite
itself - not add-ons to or features of SQLite.  In other 

words: it's a

development tool, not a database.

  Now, as for a "power" function: we had exactly the same 

need when we

first started using SQLite.  Our solution: we added it.  

The source code

is freely available, after all.  Adding a new function to 

the code is

shockingly straightforward; from there you simply compile 

your version

of the library and use that in your application(s).  

Quick, simple and

portable, both across platforms and applications using 

your version of

the library.



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RE: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Tom Briggs

> This is quick simple and portable to your application only. 
> You can not 
> use a 3rd party GUI database browser that is statically linked to a 
> different SQLite library (such as the standard distribution) 
> to view or 
> modify your database. You must add specific support for any desired 
> operation to your application (or turn your application into 
> another GUI 
> database browser to be able to do everything the 3rd party 
> tools can do).

   To quote a local radio DJ: You're making my point!

   If you want the Super SQLite GUI Tool and Swiss Army Knife 3000 to
have a POWER function, contact the maintainer of said tool - it's an
application problem.  If you want your application to have the POWER
function, roll your own build of SQLite.  Those are application
problems, not database problems.  And quite frankly I think the real
problem in your example is static linking - If a 3rd party tool links in
SQLite statically, then you're basically stuck with whatever version
they choose, with whatever extensions they add - in other words, you're
using *their* embedded database, not SQLite.  Which is probably as it
should be, but one shouldn't expect SQLite to solve problems for said

   One other thing I just thought of: is the POWER function (or
operator) standard SQL?  I'm honestly not sure, off the top of my head,
but I'm guessing that that factors in here somewhere.


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RE: [sqlite] Mathematical 'power' operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Tom Briggs

   I'm sure that anything is possible, but I do not think that would be
a practical approach. :)

   What seems to "easiest" is relative - I find working directly with
the SQLite codebase very, very easy.  But I'm a C guy.  The whole Tcl
thing gives me the willies.  So I wouldn't generalize things according
to language anyway.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 12:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Mathematical 'power' operator?
> Maybe a dumb queston, but:
> As it looks it is easiest to work with SQLite from Tcl, is it possible
> to code in Tcl and call that from VB/VBA?
> > Well put.  If Sqlite were turned into a junior Oracle, DB2 
> or PostgreSQL
> > then someone else would have to create a new Sqlite to handle the
> > lightweight embedded RDBMS role!
> >
> > It is very simple to add functions to Sqlite, and since it 
> is a library
> > you link into your application there is no reason not to 
> have your own
> > Sqlite-local library which adds all the functions needed by your
> > application.  Many of the features people want to add to Sqlite are
> > better added by the addition of a specifically targetted application
> > layer.
> >
> > Those persons wanting the simplicity of Sqlite and all the 
> functionality
> > of PostgrSQL might do better to re-assess their goals and 
> save time by
> > using PostgreSQL and coming to terms the fact that the 
> extra complexity
> > is the price to pay for the added functionality.
> >
> > In our applications we have done just that and have the advantage of
> > simple SQL, excellent performance and small footprint in 
> our distributed
> > applications.  We use PostgreSQL where its enterprise features are
> > necessary to handle large numbers of concurrent users.  We 
> thereby avoid
> > underkill and overkill.
> >
> > The add-on functions, and application interfaces are better being
> > contributed software than to bloat Sqlite distributions and 
> be a boat
> > anchor on its continued development.
> >
> > Tom Briggs wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>In the case of SQLite, I (arguably) have to use a 3rd party
> >>>management
> >>>tool, for which my custom functions are no longer available.  I'm
> >>>curious how others handle this.
> >>>
> >>>A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
> >>>B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
> >>>C.  Something else I haven't thought of?
> >>
> >>
> >>I think that the key point you're missing here is that 
> SQLite is not
> >> intended to be standalone database system like the other 
> products you
> >> mentioned (Access, Oracle, etc.) - it is an embeddable 
> database library.
> >> It happens to have a convenient command line interface 
> that allows it to
> >> be used as a standalone database, but that's just a shell 
> (pun intended)
> >> that allows you to get to the library itself.  The 3rd party "front
> >> ends" to which you refer are really application consumers of SQLite
> >> itself - not add-ons to or features of SQLite.  In other 
> words: it's a
> >> development tool, not a database.
> >>
> >>Now, as for a "power" function: we had exactly the same 
> need when we
> >> first started using SQLite.  Our solution: we added it.  
> The source code
> >> is freely available, after all.  Adding a new function to 
> the code is
> >> shockingly straightforward; from there you simply compile 
> your version
> >> of the library and use that in your application(s).  
> Quick, simple and
> >> portable, both across platforms and applications using 
> your version of
> >> the library.
> >>
> >>-Tom
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> --
> ---
> >> To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> 
> --
> ---
> >>
> >
> >
> > 
> --
> ---
> > To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> --
> ---
> >
> >
> >
> --
> ---
> To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> ---

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical 'power' operator?

2006-12-21 Thread bartsmissaert
Maybe a dumb queston, but:
As it looks it is easiest to work with SQLite from Tcl, is it possible
to code in Tcl and call that from VB/VBA?


> Well put.  If Sqlite were turned into a junior Oracle, DB2 or PostgreSQL
> then someone else would have to create a new Sqlite to handle the
> lightweight embedded RDBMS role!
> It is very simple to add functions to Sqlite, and since it is a library
> you link into your application there is no reason not to have your own
> Sqlite-local library which adds all the functions needed by your
> application.  Many of the features people want to add to Sqlite are
> better added by the addition of a specifically targetted application
> layer.
> Those persons wanting the simplicity of Sqlite and all the functionality
> of PostgrSQL might do better to re-assess their goals and save time by
> using PostgreSQL and coming to terms the fact that the extra complexity
> is the price to pay for the added functionality.
> In our applications we have done just that and have the advantage of
> simple SQL, excellent performance and small footprint in our distributed
> applications.  We use PostgreSQL where its enterprise features are
> necessary to handle large numbers of concurrent users.  We thereby avoid
> underkill and overkill.
> The add-on functions, and application interfaces are better being
> contributed software than to bloat Sqlite distributions and be a boat
> anchor on its continued development.
> Tom Briggs wrote:
>>>In the case of SQLite, I (arguably) have to use a 3rd party
>>>tool, for which my custom functions are no longer available.  I'm
>>>curious how others handle this.
>>>A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
>>>B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
>>>C.  Something else I haven't thought of?
>>I think that the key point you're missing here is that SQLite is not
>> intended to be standalone database system like the other products you
>> mentioned (Access, Oracle, etc.) - it is an embeddable database library.
>> It happens to have a convenient command line interface that allows it to
>> be used as a standalone database, but that's just a shell (pun intended)
>> that allows you to get to the library itself.  The 3rd party "front
>> ends" to which you refer are really application consumers of SQLite
>> itself - not add-ons to or features of SQLite.  In other words: it's a
>> development tool, not a database.
>>Now, as for a "power" function: we had exactly the same need when we
>> first started using SQLite.  Our solution: we added it.  The source code
>> is freely available, after all.  Adding a new function to the code is
>> shockingly straightforward; from there you simply compile your version
>> of the library and use that in your application(s).  Quick, simple and
>> portable, both across platforms and applications using your version of
>> the library.
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -
> -
> To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread John Stanton
Well put.  If Sqlite were turned into a junior Oracle, DB2 or PostgreSQL 
then someone else would have to create a new Sqlite to handle the 
lightweight embedded RDBMS role!

It is very simple to add functions to Sqlite, and since it is a library 
you link into your application there is no reason not to have your own 
Sqlite-local library which adds all the functions needed by your 
application.  Many of the features people want to add to Sqlite are 
better added by the addition of a specifically targetted application layer.

Those persons wanting the simplicity of Sqlite and all the functionality 
of PostgrSQL might do better to re-assess their goals and save time by 
using PostgreSQL and coming to terms the fact that the extra complexity 
is the price to pay for the added functionality.

In our applications we have done just that and have the advantage of 
simple SQL, excellent performance and small footprint in our distributed 
applications.  We use PostgreSQL where its enterprise features are 
necessary to handle large numbers of concurrent users.  We thereby avoid 
underkill and overkill.

The add-on functions, and application interfaces are better being 
contributed software than to bloat Sqlite distributions and be a boat 
anchor on its continued development.

Tom Briggs wrote:

In the case of SQLite, I (arguably) have to use a 3rd party 
tool, for which my custom functions are no longer available.  I'm 
curious how others handle this.

A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
C.  Something else I haven't thought of?

   I think that the key point you're missing here is that SQLite is not
intended to be standalone database system like the other products you
mentioned (Access, Oracle, etc.) - it is an embeddable database library.
It happens to have a convenient command line interface that allows it to
be used as a standalone database, but that's just a shell (pun intended)
that allows you to get to the library itself.  The 3rd party "front
ends" to which you refer are really application consumers of SQLite
itself - not add-ons to or features of SQLite.  In other words: it's a
development tool, not a database.

   Now, as for a "power" function: we had exactly the same need when we
first started using SQLite.  Our solution: we added it.  The source code
is freely available, after all.  Adding a new function to the code is
shockingly straightforward; from there you simply compile your version
of the library and use that in your application(s).  Quick, simple and
portable, both across platforms and applications using your version of
the library.



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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Jeff Godfrey


Thanks for the interesting responses.  I think I now have a clear 
understanding of my options, and while not exactly what I was looking 
for, I can work within the prescribed limitations.  As I mentioned, I 
am working from Tcl, where it's quite easy to write and register a new 
function with SQLite - which I've done.  So, I now have a view 
containing references to my new "pow" (mathematical power) function, 
which works exacty as expected from within my own application. 
Unfortunately, that view now (obviously) causes problems when using 
3rd party GUI db manager tools.

From here, I think it's just a matter of reorienting my take on the 
whole problem.  As someone already mentioned, SQLite is not intended 
to be a stand-alone database application.  Once I get that fact 
drilled into my head, I'll be fine... ;^)

I will mention that the author of "SQLite Expert" is looking into 
possible solutions to this specific issue (related to using the new 
"loadable extensions" feature of SQLite).  If anything interesting 
comes from those discussions, I'll let the list know.

Thanks again.


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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Dennis Cote

Joe Wilson wrote:
One of the strengths of SQLite is having the flexability to 
hook it up to any language you like. But it would make life easier 
for everyone if there was some sort of standard built-in simple
scripting language to create stored procedures and custom functions 
within the standard SQLite distro to avoid exactly this sort of 
compatability problem. Maybe some sort of simplififed PL/SQL or 
Transact/SQL with the scripts autoloaded from an sqlite system table.
Or perhaps a standard SQLite convention to register a language with 
it and have stored procs and functions of that language autoload 
when the database is first attached. Anyone could easily write such

an extension, but having it as a standard in the distro is the key.



I agree that having the ability to store procedures in the database 
itself would be a great addition to sqlite. And, it would have to be 
part of the standard distribution to be effective.

I think that it is unlikely to happen for a couple of reasons.

First, it would increase the size of the sqlite library and since many 
of Richard paying customers are very concerned about the library 
footprint, they would view this as a step backwards (but it could be 
done as a compile time option that they could leave out when building 
their minimalist versions).

Second, I think Richard sees sqlite as a library that users should be 
using from a scripting language, in particular TCL, rather than a 
standalone database engine that should contain its own scripting 
environment. If we all switch to TCL, which is widely available for most 
platforms, then you can store your scripts in the database and execute 
them as needed. These scripts can also create user defined functions. 
There are more details on these ideas at

Dennis Cote

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Dennis Cote

Tom Briggs wrote:

   Now, as for a "power" function: we had exactly the same need when we
first started using SQLite.  Our solution: we added it.  The source code
is freely available, after all.  Adding a new function to the code is
shockingly straightforward; from there you simply compile your version
of the library and use that in your application(s).  Quick, simple and
portable, both across platforms and applications using your version of
the library.



This is quick simple and portable to your application only. You can not 
use a 3rd party GUI database browser that is statically linked to a 
different SQLite library (such as the standard distribution) to view or 
modify your database. You must add specific support for any desired 
operation to your application (or turn your application into another GUI 
database browser to be able to do everything the 3rd party tools can do).

Dennis Cote

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Dennis Cote
mail_ma wrote:
> I set the maillist is every one to send me ,so many mail is not good,
> I want get a archive,what URL i can cancel it ?
> please help me ???
See the mailing list instructions at the top of

Dennis Cote

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Martin Jenkins
mail_ma wrote:
> I set the maillist is every one to send me ,so many mail is not good,
> I want get a archive,what URL i can cancel it ?
> please help me ???
Not sure what you're asking here.

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Re: Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread mail_ma
I set the maillist is every one to send me ,so many mail is not good,
I want get a archive,what URL i can cancel it ?
please help me ???


发件人: Jeff Godfrey
发送时间: 2006-12-20 05:47:20
主题: Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?


Thanks for the response.  As I mentioned in my original message, it 
seems that I can create my own replacement functions and register them 
with SQLite via the provided "function" method.  While I assume 
that'll solve the issue when running my code, how does one go about 
using views containing custom functions in 3rd party tools (in my case 
"SQLite Expert Personal")?  I assume the answer is " you don't, unless 
the 3rd part tool somehow allows for the inclusion of user-defined 
functions".  I want to have my cake and eat it too... ;^)

Now, I guess that brings me back to my initial thought, which was... 
With all the fancy functionality that's apparently supported by SQLite 
expressions, isn't the absence of a basic mathematical "power" 
operator a glaring omission?  It seems to me that it is, though I 
admittedly have very little experience in this domain.

Again, thanks for your input.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jes�s L�pez"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 3:08 PM
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

Hi Jeff,

I'm not a Tcl user. I use C# and Robert Simpson's SQLite ADO.NET 2.0
provider to access SQLite databases.

SQLite allows you to define both scalar and aggregate user defined
functions. I think the way to approach your issue is to define a 
scalar user
defined function. I don't know how to do it with Tcl, I just know how 
to do
it with c#.


Jes�s L�pez

-Mensaje original-
De: Jeff Godfrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: martes, 19 de diciembre de 2006 21:45
Asunto: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

Hi All,

New to SQLite, so bear with me... ;^)

I'm trying to migrate an MS-Access database over to SQLite.  I have a 
created from a SELECT statement that uses the mathematical "power" 
("^") for both "square root" and "squared" operations.  It seems that 
doesn't support the "^" operator, so I'm trying to find the best way 
that.  I'm using SQLite from Tcl.  I know that I can create my own 
replacements for these functions and register them with SQLite via the
"function" method, though that still seems to leave an issue.

I am using a 3rd part tool (SQLite Expert Personal) to create, 
and generally experiment with my SQLite database.  Obviously, if I 
create a
Tcl-based function replacement, I can use it from within my code, but 
won't be recognized when I open up the VIEW query that uses it via the 
part tool.

Also, I can fairly easily change the query to get by without the need 
the "squared" function, though the "square root" function would seem 
to be a
bit more tricky to "code around".  So, a few questions:

1.  Thoughts on my specific issue with the missing mathematical 
2.  More generally, do people who "add" functions to SQLite just not 
use 3rd
party tools to work with their data?

Thanks for any insight...

Jeff Godfrey

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RE: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-21 Thread Tom Briggs

> In the case of SQLite, I (arguably) have to use a 3rd party 
> management 
> tool, for which my custom functions are no longer available.  I'm 
> curious how others handle this.
> A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
> B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
> C.  Something else I haven't thought of?

   I think that the key point you're missing here is that SQLite is not
intended to be standalone database system like the other products you
mentioned (Access, Oracle, etc.) - it is an embeddable database library.
It happens to have a convenient command line interface that allows it to
be used as a standalone database, but that's just a shell (pun intended)
that allows you to get to the library itself.  The 3rd party "front
ends" to which you refer are really application consumers of SQLite
itself - not add-ons to or features of SQLite.  In other words: it's a
development tool, not a database.

   Now, as for a "power" function: we had exactly the same need when we
first started using SQLite.  Our solution: we added it.  The source code
is freely available, after all.  Adding a new function to the code is
shockingly straightforward; from there you simply compile your version
of the library and use that in your application(s).  Quick, simple and
portable, both across platforms and applications using your version of
the library.



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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-20 Thread Joe Wilson
One of the strengths of SQLite is having the flexability to 
hook it up to any language you like. But it would make life easier 
for everyone if there was some sort of standard built-in simple
scripting language to create stored procedures and custom functions 
within the standard SQLite distro to avoid exactly this sort of 
compatability problem. Maybe some sort of simplififed PL/SQL or 
Transact/SQL with the scripts autoloaded from an sqlite system table.
Or perhaps a standard SQLite convention to register a language with 
it and have stored procs and functions of that language autoload 
when the database is first attached. Anyone could easily write such
an extension, but having it as a standard in the distro is the key.

--- Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Godfrey wrote:
> > I'm curious how others handle this.
> >
> > A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
> > B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
> > C.  Something else I haven't thought of?
> >
> Jeff,
> I think it is mostly A, or B, or at least it alternates between A and B 
> depending on the database.
> Part of the problem is that the loadable extensions are not portable 
> between platforms, so you can't count on having an extension available. 
> Without certainty that the extensions will be available, you can't use 
> them in the schema of your database (like trigger statements or views).
> For a custom application you can add code that creates the required 
> extensions when you open the database, so they will always be available 
> from within that application, but that precludes the use of 3rd party 
> tools since there is no standard way to tell a 3rd party tool which 
> extensions it should load when it opens a database.

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-20 Thread Dennis Cote

Jeff Godfrey wrote:

I'm curious how others handle this.

A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
C.  Something else I haven't thought of?


I think it is mostly A, or B, or at least it alternates between A and B 
depending on the database.

Part of the problem is that the loadable extensions are not portable 
between platforms, so you can't count on having an extension available. 
Without certainty that the extensions will be available, you can't use 
them in the schema of your database (like trigger statements or views).

For a custom application you can add code that creates the required 
extensions when you open the database, so they will always be available 
from within that application, but that precludes the use of 3rd party 
tools since there is no standard way to tell a 3rd party tool which 
extensions it should load when it opens a database.

Dennis Cote

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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-20 Thread Jeff Godfrey


Thanks for the pointer.  That does indeed look interesting, though I'm 
not sure it completely solves my problem (though, there may be no good 
solution to my problem).  It would seem that, using the "loadable 
extension" feature, I could easily create a compiled version of my 
necessary "power" function.  Further, it would seem my new function 
could be loaded via a SQL statement, which *might* make it available 
in a 3rd party GUI package that's compiled with the standard SQLite 
library.  That said, there seems to be one potential  hiccup...

According to the mentioned docs, this functionality is turned *off* by 
default in the library, as there are some potential security concerns. 
So, unless the 3rd party tool is compiled with this functionality 
turned *on*, I don't see that I could load my function there anyway. 
There may be other things that would prevent me from loading an 
external function into a 3rd party app also - I don't know.

So, I've opened a discussion with the author of my chosen SQLite GUI 
tool (SQLite Expert Personal) to see what my options are.  Anyway, 
thanks for pointing me to another possible option.  As I said earlier, 
I'm very new to SQLite.  Most of my database work (though not 
extensive anyway) has been with commercial packages (MS Access, 
Oracle, SQL Server, etc).  In those environments (generally), since 
the package already *has* a GUI-based management tool built-in, any 
custom SQL functions that are created are accessible to the GUI tool 
by default.

In the case of SQLite, I (arguably) have to use a 3rd party management 
tool, for which my custom functions are no longer available.  I'm 
curious how others handle this.

A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
C.  Something else I haven't thought of?

Thanks for any additional guidance.

Jeff Godfrey

- Original Message - 
From: "jt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?


Look at the new "loadable extension" feature:
It also describe an example that could be really easy to convert to
your sqrt problem.


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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-20 Thread jt


Look at the new "loadable extension" feature:
It also describe an example that could be really easy to convert to
your sqrt problem.


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Re: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-19 Thread Jeff Godfrey


Thanks for the response.  As I mentioned in my original message, it 
seems that I can create my own replacement functions and register them 
with SQLite via the provided "function" method.  While I assume 
that'll solve the issue when running my code, how does one go about 
using views containing custom functions in 3rd party tools (in my case 
"SQLite Expert Personal")?  I assume the answer is " you don't, unless 
the 3rd part tool somehow allows for the inclusion of user-defined 
functions".  I want to have my cake and eat it too... ;^)

Now, I guess that brings me back to my initial thought, which was... 
With all the fancy functionality that's apparently supported by SQLite 
expressions, isn't the absence of a basic mathematical "power" 
operator a glaring omission?  It seems to me that it is, though I 
admittedly have very little experience in this domain.

Again, thanks for your input.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jesús López" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 3:08 PM
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

Hi Jeff,

I'm not a Tcl user. I use C# and Robert Simpson's SQLite ADO.NET 2.0
provider to access SQLite databases.

SQLite allows you to define both scalar and aggregate user defined
functions. I think the way to approach your issue is to define a 
scalar user
defined function. I don't know how to do it with Tcl, I just know how 
to do

it with c#.


Jesús López

-Mensaje original-
De: Jeff Godfrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: martes, 19 de diciembre de 2006 21:45
Asunto: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

Hi All,

New to SQLite, so bear with me... ;^)

I'm trying to migrate an MS-Access database over to SQLite.  I have a 
created from a SELECT statement that uses the mathematical "power" 
("^") for both "square root" and "squared" operations.  It seems that 
doesn't support the "^" operator, so I'm trying to find the best way 
that.  I'm using SQLite from Tcl.  I know that I can create my own 

replacements for these functions and register them with SQLite via the
"function" method, though that still seems to leave an issue.

I am using a 3rd part tool (SQLite Expert Personal) to create, 
and generally experiment with my SQLite database.  Obviously, if I 
create a
Tcl-based function replacement, I can use it from within my code, but 
won't be recognized when I open up the VIEW query that uses it via the 

part tool.

Also, I can fairly easily change the query to get by without the need 
the "squared" function, though the "square root" function would seem 
to be a

bit more tricky to "code around".  So, a few questions:

1.  Thoughts on my specific issue with the missing mathematical 
2.  More generally, do people who "add" functions to SQLite just not 
use 3rd

party tools to work with their data?

Thanks for any insight...

Jeff Godfrey

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To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

2006-12-19 Thread Jesús López
Hi Jeff,

I'm not a Tcl user. I use C# and Robert Simpson's SQLite ADO.NET 2.0
provider to access SQLite databases. 

SQLite allows you to define both scalar and aggregate user defined
functions. I think the way to approach your issue is to define a scalar user
defined function. I don't know how to do it with Tcl, I just know how to do
it with c#.


Jesús López

-Mensaje original-
De: Jeff Godfrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: martes, 19 de diciembre de 2006 21:45
Asunto: [sqlite] Mathematical "power" operator?

Hi All,

New to SQLite, so bear with me... ;^)

I'm trying to migrate an MS-Access database over to SQLite.  I have a VIEW
created from a SELECT statement that uses the mathematical "power" operator
("^") for both "square root" and "squared" operations.  It seems that SQLite
doesn't support the "^" operator, so I'm trying to find the best way around
that.  I'm using SQLite from Tcl.  I know that I can create my own Tcl-based
replacements for these functions and register them with SQLite via the
"function" method, though that still seems to leave an issue.

I am using a 3rd part tool (SQLite Expert Personal) to create, manipulate,
and generally experiment with my SQLite database.  Obviously, if I create a
Tcl-based function replacement, I can use it from within my code, but it
won't be recognized when I open up the VIEW query that uses it via the 3rd
part tool.

Also, I can fairly easily change the query to get by without the need for
the "squared" function, though the "square root" function would seem to be a
bit more tricky to "code around".  So, a few questions:

1.  Thoughts on my specific issue with the missing mathematical operator?
2.  More generally, do people who "add" functions to SQLite just not use 3rd
party tools to work with their data?

Thanks for any insight...

Jeff Godfrey

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