Re: [Talk-is] Landupplýsingagáttin

2012-08-20 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2012/8/19 Svavar Kjarrval
 Var að prófa landupplýsingagátt Landmælinga Íslands og sá að þeir bjóða upp
 á WMS afhendingu sem þeir lista á vefsíðunni þeirra. Væri það þess virði að
 fá leyfi til að nota þær fyrir OpenStreetMap? Þeir gefa upp slóðina á
 færslunni sjálfri svo það getur varla verið um leyndarmál að ræða.

Ég og Þórir fórum á fund með LMÍ fyrir nokkrum árum í von um að fá að
nota eitthvað að gögnunum þeirra.

Í stuttu máli vildi forstjóri LMÍ ekki gefa okkur gögn undir frjálsu
leyfi, ástæðan verandi:

 * Skv. lögum eru stofnanir eins og LMÍ með höfundarrétt á gögnum sem
þær búa til.

 * Þeim er gert að standa undir sínum rekstri

 * Í tilfelli LMÍ er þetta gert með að selja aðgang að sínum

 * Það væri mögulegt fyrir þá að gefa okkur eitthvað undir frjálsu
leyfi, en með fjármálaóvissuna (þetta var nokkrum mánuðum eftir hrunið
ef ég man rétt) voru þeir ekki til í það.

Það væri vel þess virði að spurja aftur, en bara þótt þeir séu með WMS
þjón þýðir það ekki að við getum notað gögn af honum.
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Gögn sem hurfu fyrir Mosfellsbæ

2012-07-22 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Held það sé best að spyrja á almenna póstlistanum hvernig á að höndla þetta.

2012/7/21 Svavar Kjarrval
 Veit ekki betur en að setja þurfi inn gögnin aftur inn sérstaklega. Efast um
 að það gerist sjálfkrafa.

 - Svavar Kjarrval

 On 21/07/12 17:50, wrote:

 Hef haft samband beint við DouglasAtEik og hann sagði mér að það væri bara
 athugunarleysi að vera ekki búinn að samþykkja nýja leyfið. Sagði mér
 jafnframt að hann ætlaði að gera það hið fyrsta og bað mig að senda sér
 upplýsingar um það hvernig það væri gert. Ég benti honum á að skrá sig inn á
 sína síðu og þetta væri aðgengilegt þar, ef ég man rétt. Ef þið hafið nánari
 upplýsingar þá mættuð þið endilega miðla þeim hér.

 Ég hef ekki fundið þetta sagt beinum orðum en ég er að vona að gögn sem voru
 felld út komi aftur inn eftir að hann hefur samþykkt þetta? Veit einhver
 hvernig það virkar?



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Re: [Talk-is] Mosfellsbær og OSMF Redaction

2012-07-20 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Þetta var DouglasAtEik sem setti þetta svæði inn, það er enn
aðgengilegt á

Ef þú nærð ekki í hann í póst sérðu númerið hjá honum ef þú leitar að
douglas eik á


 Sé að Mosfellsbær svo gott sem þurrkaðist út eftir að OSMF Redaction Account
 fór höndum um svæðið. Er einhversstaðar hægt að fá skýra mynd af því hver
 það var sem bjó til gögnin sem var eytt svo maður geti reynt að ýta við
 viðkomandi beint til að fá skilmála samþykkta og gögnin inn aftur, eða er
 það orðið of seint nú þegar?



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Re: [Talk-is] Árangur í Hafnarfirði

2012-07-18 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Þetta er frábært, vel gert!

2012/7/18 Svavar Kjarrval

 Eftir mikla vinnu get ég með ánægju sagt að Hafnarfjörður er ágætlega
 nálægt því að vera kláraður. Flestar, ef ekki allar götur, hafa verið
 leiðréttar í samræmi við BING loftmyndirnar og húslínur eru til staðar
 svo langt sem loftmyndirnar leyfa. Meiri hluti húsa bæjarins hafa verið
 merkt með húsnúmerum og tengdar við götur en það ferli mun líklegast
 klárast á næstu tveim vikum.

 Mig langar að biðja ykkur um að nostra smá við bæinn líka svo hægt sé að
 senda út fréttatilkynningu þegar það helsta er komið. Það sem mætti gera
 er að bæta við fleiri gangstígum, gangbrautum, notkun landsvæða (landuse
 tagið) og fleira sem hægt er að álykta út frá loftmyndunum. Ef ykkur
 grunar að eitthvað sé rangt en skortir upplýsingar til að laga það,
 merkið villuna með OpenStreetBugs.

 Húsnúmeramerking og POI söfnun er í gangi af minni hálfu en það myndi
 varla saka ef þið gætuð bætt við því sem þið vitið af nú þegar.

 Með kveðju,
 Svavar Kjarrval

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Re: [Talk-is] Ég sendi skilaboð á þá sem ekki hafa enn samþykkt Contributor Terms

2012-03-29 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2012/3/26 Björgvin Ragnarsson
 Listann yfir notendur fann ég hér:

 þið þurfið því ekki að ónáða þá líka,

Hvernig gekk þetta? Ég býst við að þú eigir við í gegnum OSM
skilaboðakerfið, ég er með upplýsingar um aðrar leiðir til að hafa
samband við nokkra af þessum notendum.

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[Talk-is] Hjólavefsjá.is lénið rennur út 16. ágúst

2011-07-27 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Á ekki Reykjavíkurborg að vera halda þessu við?

$ parallel -k 'whois {} | grep expire' :::
expires:  August 16 2011
expires:  August 16 2011

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[OSM-talk] Can I say yes to the ODbL if I can't account for 100% of my data?

2011-06-15 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Back in 2006 I wrote the following when it still wasn't clear what the
ODbL acceptance terms would be like:

On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 22:10, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 If someone presents me with a boolean Do you allow relicensing under
 the ODbL I'll have to say no because some of my edits are derived
 from CC-BY-SA data I don't have permission to license (and I probably
 can't even recall what all of it is).

 Which'll mean nuking 50% of all the data in Iceland most of which
 I've touched at some point.

I've been away for a while. But it seems to me from reading the terms
that I can't say yes to them in good faith, not because I don't want
to, but because I remember I derived a few things from external
CC-BY-SA, and I can't now recall what they were (and this was before
we had changeset comments).

What are my options in that situation? Do I either have to see all my
work removed because I can't account for 100% of my edits or lie on
the ODbL acceptance form?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Leaflet - a new open source JavaScript library for maps by CloudMade

2011-05-15 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 14:34, Vladimir Agafonkin wrote:

 I'm Leaflet lead developer at CloudMade and I'll be happy to hear what you
 think and answer any questions about the library here. :)

This library is very heavy on the GPU (as opposed to google maps),
which makes it really slow in e.g. vmware without GPU acceleration,
and presumably on platforms that don't have a GPU.

I've seen this before e.g. with some jQuery animations, which are
really slow without a GPU.

OpenLayers and Google Maps don't suffer from the same problem.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] 'Nýr' mapper og Síðumúlinn

2011-04-26 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2011/4/24 Thorhallur Sverrisson
 Takk fyrir Setbergið, það var alveg ómppað fyrir utan Hamrabergið svo það
 var upplagt að byrja þar, enda bý ég einmitt þar.  Ég byrjaði á því að hafa
 'turning-circle' á endanum á hverri götu, en það er hálfgert turningcircle í
 hverjum enda, en það leit svo hrikalega illa út á kortinu að ég tók það út.
 Þetta var fín æfing í heildar ferlinu, frá tracking að 'kláruðu' mappi.

Ekki henda út góðum gögnum bara vegna þess að default teikningin á
kortinu sýnir hlutina illa.

Það eru mörg önnur forrit sem nota gögnin sem nota turning circle,
og/eða sýna þá rétt.

Mun betra að setja inn rétt gögn, og láta svo laga þessa bögga.

Það er opin böggur vegna þessarar turning circle teiknunar í mapnik.

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Local meetups in Iceland

2011-02-28 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2011/2/28 Matthias Meißer

 Sorry that I post in english but I can't write I your language :/

 I guess some of you might notice that I created a map of local user groups
 using a bot crawling templates out of the wikipages

 I already tried to get in contact for the most nations but there seem to be
 no local group that meets regular in Iceland, or?

Hi, there have been a few meet-ups, but nothing regular. Just one-off's.

But I haven't checked recently (and now live abroad), maybe someone
else can confirm/deny that.

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Re: [Talk-is] Garðabæjargögnin á OSM sniði

2010-12-30 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/12/29 Daníel Gunnarsson
 Ég er þeirrar skoðunar að útlínurnar sjálfar eigi einnig heima í grunninum.

Sammála, það var umræða um þetta hérna og nokkur dæmi:

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] NOTICE: Scheduled Maintenance - Tuesday Morning

2010-12-13 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 15:24, Grant Slater wrote:

 Please copy this to local lists as appropriate.

With announcements like these could you please send mail like this to in the future. That's what it's for.

I only found out about this because someone who had happened to be
monitoring forwarded this to talk-is, but if it
had been sent to local-contacts I and others would have spotted it and
forwarded it.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Fasteignaskrá

2010-12-06 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/12/6 Svavar Kjarrval

 Var að hringja í Fasteignaskrá og vildi forvitnast hvort við gætum fengið
 GPS hnit úr staðfangaskrá fyrir allt landið en fékk það svar að það myndi
 kosta um 200 þúsund krónur. Þess vegna datt mér í hug hvort við gætum reynt
 að fá gögnin ókeypis og án ósanngjarnra skilyrða. Ein leið sem mér datt í
 hug væri að biðja formlega um afhendingu gagnanna án endurgjalds (eða gegn
 sanngjörnu úrvinnslugjaldi). Ef beiðninni yrði neitað gætum við sent
 stjórnsýslukæru í von um að hún yrði samþykkt. Það er engin trygging fyrir
 árangri en mér finnst að við ættum allavega að reyna.

Hljómar vel. Ef við myndum borga fyrir þessi gögn í dag (þ.e. þessar
200.000 kr) myndu gögnin vera samhæf OSM skilmálunum. Þ.e. er þetta
eingöngu úrvinnslugjald, eða er þetta afnotagjald fyrir gögn háð
ákveðnum skilmálum?

 Kosturinn yrði sá að við fengjum GPS hnit fyrir (nær) öll hús á landinu sem
 gæti sparað okkur mikla vinnu í framtíðinni, gætum áætlað staðsetningu
 ómældra gatna (betur) og flýtt fyrir því að fólk noti OSM Garmin kortið
 frekar en það keypta.

Það væri frábært að fá þessi hnit. Það var svipað import á húsnúmerum
í Færeyjum sem hefur hjálpað mikið til.
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Gögn frá Garðabæ

2010-12-03 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/12/3 Svavar Kjarrval
 Svo virðist vera að ogr2osm ráði ekki við skrána sem ég fékk. Einhverjar
 aðrar leiðir sem ykkur dettur í hug?

Kannski spurja á aðal osm-talk listanum eða osm-imports hvort einhver
veit hvernig á að breyta þessu?

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Bing loftmyndir komnar!

2010-12-02 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/12/1 Daníel Gunnarsson

 Hversu langt eigum við að ganga í því að tagga gögnin með source=Bing t.d.
 þegar gata er nú þegar til staðar rakin eftir gps ferli?

Kannski er þá best að setja source=Bing á breytingarsettið, annars
sést í sögunni að source=Bing var ekki alltaf til staðar, þannig það
mun vera sýnilegt að þetta var ekki upphaflega rekið þaðan.

 Ég var að reyna að teikna upp nokkur hús í Þingholltunum. Svo þegar ég ætla
 að fara að upploada breytingunum þá kvartar josm undan því að ég sé með
 línur sem að overlappa. Húsin liggja upp að hvoru öðru, sjá meðfylgjandi
 skjáskot. Hvernig á að taka á þessu?

Með því að hunsa þessa viðvörun, hún er ágætis viðmið til að hafa í
huga, en er aðallega hugsuð til að sýna vegi sem eru ekki
tengdir. Þegar maður er með byggingar / landamæri o.s.f. er ekkert að
því að hafa svona overlap.
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Bing loftmyndir komnar!

2010-11-30 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/11/30 Svavar Kjarrval
 Þetta kemur ekki fram sem möguleiki í WMS og ég finn ekki neitt nánar um
 þetta á openstreetmap wiki eða umræðunni. Hvernig fékkst þú þetta upp í
 JOSM? Ég vil byrja! *spenntur*

Thetta er ekki opinberlega i JOSM vegna thessa:

En thad er haegt ad nota, s.s. setja:;

Sem URL fyrir nyjan WMS layer i JOSM.

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Re: [OSM-talk] PBF and perl?

2010-11-22 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 16:20, Gary68 wrote:

 just browsed the PBF wiki page and svn and didn't find any perl support.
 is there any module out there to read PBF files?

Yes, see Google::ProtocolBuffers on CPAN[1].

1. Found by entering protocol buffer into

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] OSM beiðni fyrir bæjarstjórn H afnarfjarðar

2010-11-10 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/11/10 Svavar Kjarrval

 Fundurinn gekk ágætlega (hann var allavega ekki tilgangslaus). Þau eru
 tilbúin til að láta mig fá miðlínur gatna og stíga, hæðarlínur og
 staðsetningu húsnúmera og götuheiti. Þetta er allt í AutoCAD (*.dwg) en þau
 geta umbreytt í Shapefile og MicroStation sniðin. Afhendingin yrði
 gjaldfrjáls nema þau hefji að rukka almennt fyrir afhendingu slíkra gagna.

 Gallinn er hins vegar sá að þau vilja ekki að gögnin fari lengra en til eins
 aðila því þau vilja vita hverjir hafa þau undir höndunum. Þau vilja ekki að
 ég (sem tek við kortinu) verði dreifingaraðili. Þeim er hins vegar sama um
 afleidd verk af gögnunum á meðan frumgögnin fara ekki lengra. Þess vegna
 stakk ég upp á því að ég gæti gert rammasamning við bæinn og séð um að vinna
 úr þessu. Það sem færi inn á OSM væri afleitt verk og bryti því ekki í bága
 við samninginn. Frumgögnin væru bundin við mig en þau myndu allavega nýtast

Frábært, mér skilst að Shapefile væri best upp á notkun í
OpenStreetMap, það er yfirleitt verið að breyta úr því sniði.

En að fá þetta á AutoCAD líka væri gott upp á að þú værir með frumgögnin.

Spurning að fá þá eins og Reykjavík til að fara inn á OpenStreetMap
vefinn og samþykkja contributor terms? Ætti að vera einfaldast að
höndla lagahliðina þannig.

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] OSM beiðni fyrir bæjarstjórn H afnarfjarðar

2010-11-10 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/11/10 Svavar Kjarrval
 Miðað við hugmyndina mína um rammasamning yrði óþarfi að samþykkja
 contributer terms. Lagalega séð væri ég höfundur afleiddu gagnanna og með
 því að senda þau inn væri ég að samþykkja skilmála OSM hvort sem er.
 Hafnarfjarðarbær er ekki að rukka fyrir afhendingu gagnanna og jafnvel þeir
 sem selja kort þurfa ekki að greiða neitt fyrir leyfið eða gögnin. Af hverju
 ætti það þá að vera vandamál fyrir OSM?

(A ensku lyklabordi)

Fyrirgefdu, eg las thetta ekki nogu vandlega. Thad hljomar eins og thu
sert med thetta allt coverad.

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[OSM-talk] Wanted: a live-edit viewing thingalabong

2010-11-05 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
I have a logfile of lat/lon coordinates alll over the world that I
want to tail, feed to a webservice and view in a browser.

I thought I could use some of the existing live-edit thingy. So far
I've found (aimed at
local) and
which is down at the moment.

Is there something existing out there that I can steal and hook up to
some trivial AJAX service that'll zoom around the map as new edits
come in for some whoo factor?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal for additional Mapnik power=tower icons

2010-10-17 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 15:54, John Goodman wrote:

 I have yet not added an enhancement ticket -- wanted to see what people

I think it looks much better. Please file a ticked, and a patch
against the current style would be great.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal: winter roads

2010-10-08 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 14:18, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 02:50:22PM +0100, Dave F. wrote:
 D     the fact the road is a winter one, is an important thing that should 
 D  marked on map.
 D This type of tag is based on subjective opinions which is bad
 D information to put in OSM.

 No. It is not based on subjective opinion. Winter road is an official
 status of a road in Russia. It is the way it is marked on other maps.
 The road is officially closed, when it starts to melt. And it is officially
 serviced during winter.

 Please refer to wikipedia article. Winter road is not a subjective opinion.

There have been discussions on and off about seasonal roads / opening
times. See e.g.:

There are more like that, but I couldn't find any with a quick search.

Anyway, since it's an official Winter road I recommend just tagging it

XYZ:winter_road = yes

Wher XYZ is the acronym or name of the Russian classification

But we probably want some sort of genaral scheme in the long term,
e.g. in some countries there aren't winter roads but rather just
roads with different degrees of guaranteed maintenance. Some roads
might e.g. be plowed once a day in the winter, and others once a week.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal: winter roads

2010-10-08 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 19:23, Dmitri Lebedev wrote:

 I want to support this guy's proposal.

Then support it by starting to map it.

Really, there's no reason to get formal approval for tags. Just write
down on some Russian wikipage that winter roads are `winter_road=yes`
or something like that.

Then just use it, and if it's found to be lacking later it's easy to
find all those tags and change them.

Mapping is the bottleneck, not coming up with a perfect tagging

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] spot imagery for osm tracing

2010-10-05 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 12:05, maning sambale wrote:
 I stumbled into a blog post regarding the french osm community was
 given permission to trace from Spot imagery.  Is this for France only

Probably yes. I asked the same question for Iceland once, but it seems
that SPOT is an aggregate of differently licensed data. So what
applies to France doesn't for the rest of the world.

But maybe someone else can correct me on that, I'm not sure.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] spot imagery for osm tracing

2010-10-05 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 14:06, Jean-Francois (Jeff) Faudi wrote:
 I am talking on behalf of Spot Image. At this stage, we are only making a
 test over France. As soon as possible, we will try to evaluate the mutual
 benefits for Spot Image and OpenStreetMap in order to foster an extended

 Here is the SPOtMaps page in English :

 And I just want to correct the spelling for the source tag : source=Cnes /
 Spot Image

Hi Jeff. I was wondering what the SPOT-5 coverage was over
Iceland. It's not listed on that page, in the KML file or in the
country list. But according to this:


There's at least some coverage. But I assume it's really sparse or in
low resolution and is thus is not listed on the main listing?

Anyway, if you're looking for a country that you probably have minimal
commercial gain anyway and that doesn't have any imagery already
(except for Landsat) the mappers in Iceland would love to get access
to SPOT-5 for tracing.

Thanks for your time.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Countries that have NOT had any imports?

2010-10-04 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 21:41, Kai Krueger wrote:

 I am wondering which countries have actually _not_ seen any imports
 so far?

Aside from Ásbrú ( and buildings around
the University of Iceland ( Iceland has
had no imports or tracking from imagery aside from the PGS coastline
import, and some tracing from NASA Landsat.

We did import some ourFootprints data, but that was more like getting
a donation of GPS traces. It was all manually merged with the existing

We're currently working on getting some data from the government

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM and MapQuest [was Hurricane hits MapQuest]

2010-10-04 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 23:28, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Ed Avis wrote:

 In general, I think our goal must be to make OSM a suitable replacement
 Google Maps, and to do so as quickly as possible.


 So we need to find a
 way to prioritize our efforts

 -1 on both. Not saying that you mustn't prioritize your efforts - by all
 means do! - but we?

We the people in this project who are interested in mapping things
that people are looking for, if you want to prioritize differently
that's fine.

But as the Haiti effort shows there's lots of people here willing to
work on areas that have a clear need expressed by a lot of people.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM User Testing

2010-09-30 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 16:20, SteveC wrote:

 On Sep 29, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 15:34, SteveC wrote:
 Those people fill out a form and are invited later to use some simple online
 screen capturing software while asked to do some simple tasks and this is
 where you come in.

 What screen capturing software package is it?

 I believe it is

So, a Windows only client:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-legal-talk] In what direction should OSM go?

2010-09-29 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:58, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Peter Körner wrote:

 Imported data is dead data - there's no one that feels responsible for it.
 Imports can kill community and give newcomers the feeling that there's
 nothing more to be done. Imports *can* help osm but they can also *hurt*
 osm, because osm is about people, not data.


 Instead of importing data, data should be mixed in at the rendering stage.

 Importing data can be acceptable if the original source has ceased to update
 the data *and* OSMers have a good chance to improve the data, but even then
 there is a risk of damaging the community or preventing one from forming.
 Imports run the danger of sacrificing the medium- and long-term success for
 short-term gains.

 Importing data is, in my eyes, almost never acceptable if the original
 source is still maintaining the data (because keeping stuff in sync is
 practically impossible and it is better to simply not have that data in OSM
 and rely on the original source exclusively), or if imported data cannot be
 maintained by mappers (either because there are none, or because the data is
 not visible on the ground).

 There may be some exceptions where e.g. importing a basic road grid can
 kick-start development, or where having the data in OSM to align other data
 with it is extremely usable, but these are really exceptions.

The problem with mixing it at the rendering stage is that it only
works for self-contained datasets like contours, but most of our
imports get *merged* to existing data, their tags updated etc.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] how to see lat lon on map

2010-09-29 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 11:17, Peter Körner wrote:
 Am 29.09.2010 13:12, schrieb Frank Fesevur:

 Doesn't work... at least not for this coordinate: N 52° 03.595 E 004°

 This is not lat/lon but Minutes of arc. It seems, Nominatim, our search
 engine, is not capable of this.

Actually that's done in geocoder_controller.rb in the rails port, not nominatim.

Support for minutes of arc could be easily added to it.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-legal-talk] In what direction should OSM go?

2010-09-29 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 13:44, Anthony wrote:

 Of course, if keeping stuff in sync is practically impossible, a good
 import is probably going to have to be manual (if you can't keep stuff
 in sync, and the data is in a form which is already commonly used for
 non-imported data, then you can't avoid redundancies in the import).

This is largely a problem with our tools, not something that can't be

Distributed version control systems already solve the problem of
merging foreign data where your copy of it has moved since the
original import, there's no reason for why we couldn't make keeping
imports up-to-date significantly easier using similar techniques.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-legal-talk] In what direction should OSM go?

2010-09-29 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 15:59, Anthony wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 13:44, Anthony wrote:

 Of course, if keeping stuff in sync is practically impossible, a good
 import is probably going to have to be manual (if you can't keep stuff
 in sync, and the data is in a form which is already commonly used for
 non-imported data, then you can't avoid redundancies in the import).

 This is largely a problem with our tools, not something that can't be

 Distributed version control systems already solve the problem of
 merging foreign data where your copy of it has moved since the
 original import, there's no reason for why we couldn't make keeping
 imports up-to-date significantly easier using similar techniques.

 I don't know of any distributed version control systems which do
 anything remotely close to this.  It seems to me to be an AI-hard
 problem in the general case (*).  There are, of course, tools which
 can do this in specialized cases, but that's where the if in the if
 keeping stuff in sync is practically impossible comes into place.

 (*) In fact, I'd say that anyone who can devise a general tool which
 can merge all the different foreign databases together has thereby
 rendered OSM obsolete.

I *don't* mean that they could do it *automatically*. Distributed
version control systems don't do that either, you always need a human
to look at the result to see if it's sane.

I mean that we don't have *anything* currently that can take:

1) A foreign database as it was X years ago, each object having
   some UID.

2) A foreign database as it is *now*, each object having
   corresponding UID's.

3) The OSM data imported from the #1 with the foreign UID's as
tags, along with the new updated #2 database.

And present users with some object-by-object comparison of things that
changed, and offer them a way to resolve it using an OSM editor.

If we had a tool like this the problem of imports going stale would be
largely solved, since even if you have 10.000 changes from year to
year in the foreign database that's not a problem if you can
efficiently merge those changes.

We can't do that now, the best I've seen people do is something like
the TIGER upgrade where areas that haven't been touched *at all* are
being upgraded, but there's no interactive upgrade mechanism for areas
that have been touched, but where the TIGER data may be better than
what we currently have.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM User Testing

2010-09-29 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 15:34, SteveC wrote:
 Those people fill out a form and are invited later to use some simple online
 screen capturing software while asked to do some simple tasks and this is
 where you come in.

What screen capturing software package is it?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Measuring the OpenStreetMap Economy

2010-09-23 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 15:05, SteveC wrote:

 When I see announcements flying around like MapQuests $1M commitment
 to OSM, or CloudMades $12M VC round it begs the question of how big
 is the OSM economy?

This is somewhat orthogonal to your question, but I think a much
interesting question to ask is what's the overall economic impact of

The money that companies like MapQuests and CloudMade are making is
always going to by a tiny fraction of what OpenStreetMap is saving
people who would otherwise not have gotten their job done.

The social and economic impact that Wikipedia had was to turn
situations where you'd previously have had to ask an expert, buy
Britannica, or go to the library.

Similarly, how much of the existing market is being displaced by
OpenStreetMap, and how much is being created? I bet it's a whole lot
more than $20 million.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can i use different aerial imagery

2010-09-18 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 17:04, Charalampos Alexopoulos wrote:
 Greek government have publish free aerial imagery much better than those
 from Yahoo.Is it possible to use it as background with Potlatch?

Hi. There's a lot of aerial imagery (e.g. Google's) that we'd love to
use, but the imagery has to be under a license which allows for its
use with OpenStreetMap.

Is that the case with the imagery the greek government has published?

talk mailing list

[Talk-is] LUKR gögnin komin staðan á því máli

2010-09-18 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Hér er smá uppfærsla á LUKR + OpenStreetMap málinu, ég sendi þetta á
OpenStreetMap póstlistann fyrir Ísland, Pálma hjá Reykjavík og á
nokkra aðra:

Björgvin Ragnarsson tók við diski með LUKR gögnum í dag sem við erum
með leyfi til að nota í OpenStreetMap.

Það var líka ritað um þetta í dagbók borgarstjóra: (kann einhver að tengja
*bara* í viðkomandi þráð þarna á Facebook?)

Hérna eru gögnin eins og þau komu frá borginni:

Og hérna er conversion á þeim í WGS84 sem *virkaði ekki*:

Ég breytti hnitunum úr ISNET93 í WGS84. En þetta er líkast til í
sérhnitakerfi sem LUKR notar, ég veit ekki hvernig á að breyta því
almennilega, en það fylgir með gonguleidir_LUKR_170910.prj skrá með
vörpuninni. Það þarf bara að tala rétt við gdal/proj4 til að fá þetta
í gegn, aðstoð með það velkomin.

En það er hægt að skoða þessa OSM skrá í t.d. JOSM og sjá circa
hvernig þetta lítur út.

Þessi gögn eru við fyrstu skoðun bara stígar og gangstéttir í
Reykjavík, s.s. engir bílvegir, byggingar og annað. Ég veit ekki
hvernig þessar umræður fóru hjá borginni/LUKR með það hvaða hluta af
þessum gögnum við getum fengið (bætti Pálma hjá Reykjavík á CC),
s.s. hvort það sé um það að ræða að við fáum stærri hluta af

Það væri mun betra fyrir almenna notkun á LUKR gögnum bæði fyrir okkur
og aðra ef þetta væri stærri hluti af grunninum. Það er svoldið vesen
að sameina OSM og LUKR gögnin hjá okkur ef þetta eru bara gangstéttir,
því við þurfum þá að klæða þá utan um vegi sem eru þegar til.

Svo þarf líka að spá í hvernig við ætlum að uppfæra þessi gögn ef og
þegar þau fara inn. Það væri leiðinlegt að setja þetta inn á þann máta
að við endum með úrelt gögn eftir 1 ár.

Svo er annað, ég fæ ekki betur séð en að skv. þessari yfirlýsingu sem
var skrifað undir:

Sé ósamhæf frjálsum leyfum eins og OpenStreetMap er undir, því þarna
er nefnt að niðurfelling gjalds sé bundið við OpenStreetMap
verkefnið. En þar sem OpenStreetMap er að búa til frjálsan grunn sem
hver sem er má nota í tengslum við hvaða verkefni sem er.

Svo er líka spurning hvort með ODbL leyfinu sem OpenStreetMap er að
fara nota að það sé ekki hægt að koma því þannig fyrir að LUKR og
aðrir geti svo tekið þessi gögn aftur út úr OSM eftir einhverjar
breytingar og notað þau.

Einfaldasta lausnin á öllum þessum leyfismálum væri að fá einhvern sem
hefur umboð til að gefa okkur gögnin til að skrá sig á, samþykkja contributor terms skilmálana, og hlaða
inn gögnum. Þessir skilmálar sjást hérna:

Og voru nýlega skrifaðir af lögfræðingum á vegum OSM einmitt fyrir
svona aðstæður.

Svona í lokin: Það er margt sem þarf að gera og laga, og þá kannski
helst samkiptin á milli okkar allra. Allt-í-allt er þetta alveg
frábært framtak hjá Reykjavíkurborg og LUKR sem ég vona að heppnist
sem best.

Vonandi náum við að koma þessu öllu í gegn þannig að allir málsaðilar
hagnist á þessu, og að þetta verði fordæmisgefandi og ryðji veginn
fyrir opin gögn á Íslandi.

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] End of road for JOSM on OS X for ppc

2010-09-16 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 12:41, Peteris Krisjanis wrote:
 2010/9/16 Arigead
 Renaud MICHEL wrote:
 Le mardi 14 septembre 2010 à 16:32, Arigead a écrit :
 Don't think that changing the OS to Ubuntu will make any difference.
 I've not checked but if you do change to Ubuntu you'll still be trying
 to download the Java version for Linux on PPC. I don't think that will
 be supported by sun. But like I say I've not checked. The latest Java is
 only supported on Intel 86 Arch as far as I remember.

 If you want the official java from Sun (which doesn't even exists
 anymore), no.

 But openjdk can be compiled on other architecture.
 Debian has it for alpha amd64 armel i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc sparc, see
 so ubuntu should too

 I tried that for something else but unfortunately the Java6 source was
 trying to run features which were not implemented by the open source
 JRE's. Still you're right that an open JRE might implement enough of the
 spec to get JOSM off the ground.

 Interesting, I run lastest JOSM with OpenJDK without any big fuss on
 Ubuntu 10.04.

 It should run on Mac OS X.

It should, but Mac OS X users in general seem to be more interested in
demanding that Apple do things for them instead of helping themselves,
so apps like that don't get ported.

Actually I'd be willing to bet that compiling OpenJDK 6 on OSX PPC
against is a relatively trivial matter if you apply the
patches from FreeBSD, but probably nobody has tried that yet, and even
if they did OSX users feel icky when they have to run anything under


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Exceeded API bandwidth limit, now what?

2010-09-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 19:02, Michal Migurski wrote:
 On Sep 14, 2010, at 12:06 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


 Michal Migurski wrote:
 I'm downloading London, in small sections. I just exceeded my API bandwidth 


 then do

 bzcat england.osm.bz2 | time osmosis --rx - --bb left=-.6 bottom=51.3 
 right=.4 top=51.7 --wx london.osm

 (or whatever London is for you).

 Thanks guys. I understand about the extracts, I've used them extensively for 

 I'm experimenting with a way to get at smaller areas of OSM data (generally 
 city-sized) for a possible update to, and I'm hoping to 
 understand how to both work within the API limitations and be able to 
 piecemeal together a town-sized area without requiring end-users to deal with 
 bzip files or osm2pgsql on their own.

 The code I'm developing is here:

 It's a provider class for Tilestache that mirrors OSM on a tile-by-tile basis.

 Is there any interest here in publishing the OSM API via tile-like URLs? For 
 example, being able to make a request like this to pull a chunk of bounded 
 XML cached out of the OSM API:   note xml on 
 the end

 The advantages with this should be plainly obvious: a source of data that's 
 trivially cacheable, on the order of hours-to-days old, and available for 
 specific areas of the world, without the massive download and parse overhead 
 of OSM extracts.

Have you looked into the TRAPI? It does that on a z12-basis, it could
probably be extended for bigger/smaller requests.

Anyway, the use case for this sort of thing is much smaller than you'd
think, because:

 * Splitting the tiles makes a lot of things like routing / clicking
   on a complete way hard.

 * Applications that used this would need to suck down a lot of XML to
   get the small subset of the data that they want, having a database
   that serves up custom data is much more efficient.

But on the upside it's simple and scalable with proxies.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] End of road for JOSM on OS X for ppc

2010-09-11 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 09:39, Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
 Yesterday I tried to upgrade JOSM on my trusty old Apple Powerbook G4.
 However, JOSM now needs Java 6SE, which is _not_ supported on OSX version
 10.5 (Leopard). If you own a Mac with an Intel CPU, you can upgrade to OS X
 10.6 (Snow Leopard), but that is not an option for machines using the PPC

 I had to downgrade JOSM again to version 3376, which is the end-of-the-line
 version for Mac OS X running on a PPC chip. So, if you own a machine like
 that, don't upgrade JOSM!

One thing you could do to run newer versions of JOSM is to install
Ubuntu or Debian on the machine and dual-boot it.

A big JOSM editing session can take hours anyway, so dual-booting to
edit isn't that costly.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Girona videos for Friday now on-line

2010-09-05 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 23:45, David Carmean wrote:

 Quick cuts from the venue a/v system's recordings are now available here:

 Saturday and Sunday videos will appear gradually over the next couple of 
 as we have time to work on them.

Great. Thanks a lot for this.

Is there some overview of the talks (maybe the schedule?) that could
link to this? The titles as they are now don't give much of an idea of
what each one is about.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Varðandi merkingar á hjólalei ðum

2010-08-31 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/8/30 Arni Davidsson
 2010/8/29 Karl Georg

 Á meðan Routing tólin Gúddera síga taggaða highway=path sem hjólaleið þá
 er það fín skilgreining á milli hjólreiðabrautar og hjólaleiðar í almenna
 stíga/götu kerfinu. Það hlýtur að vera mikilvægt að setja footway tag á
 almenna stíga þar sem það á við. Skokkar og göngufólk hljóta að njóta góðs
 af því.
 Ég er frekar sáttur við þessar skilgreiningar á stígum sem fram hafa
 Væri ekki ráð að búa til Presets fyrir þessar skilgreiningar ásamt
 wikisíðu með ljósmyndum og guidelines af hvernig ætti að tagga leiðirnar.

 Nöfn á presetin gæti hljómað svona:
 (Ég tek það fram að ég er glænýr notandi og þekki ekki virkni presets
 Stígur Möl (gæti átt við heiðmörk og fl útivistarsvæði)

 Persónulega skil ég ekki merkingu orðsins Hjólavísir en það er væntanlega
 bara orðaforðaskortur hjá mér. Mér dettur í hug Almenn akbraut ef að ég
 túlka þessa skilgreiningu rétt. Er þetta ekki basicly þeir staðir þar sem
 hjólreiðamenn kjósa eða þurfa að hjóla á götunni?
 Svona reiðhjólaumferð eins og hefur td. stóraukist við Hafnarfjarðarveginn
 Ásamt ýmissa tenginga á milli annara hjólaleiða í gegnum íbúðargötur, yfir
 bílastæði, gatnamót og fl.

 Hjólavísar eru útskýrðir hér: og hér
 Þeir eru nú komnir á Einarsnesi, Suðurgötu sunnan Hringbrautar, Lanholtsvegi
 og Laugarásvegi og nú síðast við Hverfisgötuna í tilraunaverkefni umhverfis-
 og samgöngusviðs Reykjavíkurborgar.

 Er hægt að skilgreina götur sem þegar eru inni sem hjólavísa? Eða eru
 þetta leiðir sem við ættum að teikna upp á nýtt ? Skiptir það máli þegar það
 kemur að virkni hjolavefsjáa?

 það væri ekki vitlaust að finna svo nokkur vel valin aukatögg til að
 auðvelda áframhaldandi úrvinnslu (td. fyrir hjólavefsjá)
 Ég veit ekki hvernig þessar vefsjár sem eru að routa hjólaleiðir
 skilgreina öryggi leiðanna  geta tögg eða stöðluð preset hjápað þar ?
 Það væri kanski hægt að gefa leiðunum einkun eftir hversu hjólavænar þær
 eru (A leið B leið og C leið?). Aðkoma að gatnamótum, bílaumferð,
 stígabreidd, útsýni og brekkur geta spilað þarna inní.

 Ég útbjó drög að flokkun gatna með tilliti til þæginda til hjólreiða í 6
 flokka. Ef hægt væri að tagga götur í flokka A til F eftir því hversu
 þægilegt er að hjóla þær  yrði til einskonar gæðaflokkun hjólreiðaleiða
 eftir götum. Það væri þá líka hægt að setja einhverja flokkun við
 gangstéttir, útivistarstíga, hjólreiðabrautir, hjólreiðareinar og götur með
 hjólavísa. Þá mætti líka ímynda sér að hægt væri að flokka leiðirnar eftir
 breidd stíga og hættum sem hafa verið færðar innn við þá, s.s. blindhorn,
 blindbeygjur, hálkustaði o.s.frv.

 Drög að flokkun gatna:

 A. flokkur. Þægileg til hjólreiða. Hæg umferð ca. 30 km. Lítil umferð.
 Ráðandi staða þægileg. Akrein 3,5 m breið. Dæmi botnlangar.

 B. flokkur. Þægileg til hjólreiða en meiri umferð og ráðandi staða
 óþægilegri. Hæg umferð ca. 30 km. Meiri umferð. Þarf oft að taka ráðandi
 stöðu í umferð vegna aðstæðna (þrengingar, hliðargötur, útkeyrslur,
 bílastæði í götu). Akrein 3,5 m breið. Dæmi Hverfisgata.

 C. flokkur. Þægileg til hjólreiða en meiri umferð og meiri hraði. Ökuhraði
 um 50 km. Breidd götu leyfir víkjandi stöðu hjólreiðamanns og framúrakstur
 bíla án þess að þeir fari yfir miðlínu eða þá að umferð er lítil. Akrein
 yfir 4,2 m breið. Dæmi Suðurgata sunnan Hringbrautar hæri akrein.
 Kársnesbraut í austurátt.

 D. flokkur. Minna þægileg til hjólreiða (einkum á annatíma). Ökuhraði um 50
 km. Breidd götu leyfir ekki framúrakstur bíla án þess að þeir fari yfir
 miðlínu og umferð er nokkuð þétt. Akrein 3,5 m breið. Dæmi Bústaðavegur.

 E. flokkur. Þægileg til hjólreiða en hentar frekar þjálfuðum
 hjólreiðamönnum. Hröð umferð 60 km og yfir. Bílar geta tekið framúr án þess
 að fara yfir akreina línu. Fáar að- og fráreinar og/eða fullnægjandi hönnun
 og pláss. Breidd akreinar 4,2-4,8 m eða  fullnægjandi vegöxl eða
 öryggissvæði. Dæmi Reykjanesbraut endurbyggð sunnan/vestan Hafnarfjarðar.

 F. flokkur. Frekar óþægileg til hjólreiða en getur hentað þjálfuðum
 hjólreiðamönnum. Hröð umferð 60 km og yfir. Bílar geta ekki tekið framúr án
 þess að fara yfir akreina línu. Margar að- og fráreinar og/eða ekki
 fullnægjandi hönnun og pláss. Breidd akreinar 3,5 m og ekki fullnægjandi
 vegöxl eða öryggissvæði. Dæmi Miklabraut, Kringlumýrarbraut o.fl.

Þetta hljómar ágætlega, kannski ekki sem aðal flokkunarkerfi (þar
sem við viljum enn highway=*), heldur gæti þetta verið flokkunarkerfi
ofan á það. Þú getur sett endalaust mörg tögg á vegi og aðra hluti í
OpenStreetMap þannig það er um að gera að gera eitthvað svona ef það
er vilji til að halda þessu við.

OpenStreetMap er voðalegt þeir sem gera hlutina ráða, þannig að ef
þér finnst þetta góð hugmynd endilega splæstu þessu inn á 

Re: [OSM-talk] Community vs. Licensing

2010-08-30 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 17:35, Russ Nelson wrote:

 However, I have spoken with Steve Coast, founder of the project, and I
 know that he is dead-set against public domain OSM data.  Thus, the
 second best thing to do, if you're going to threaten to sue
 infringers, is a license that clearly spells out what portions of the
 data they can use freely, and what uses are considered infringing.
 The ODbL does a good job of lining that out, and so I recommend that
 you relicense to it.

That reads like SteveC's personally against it, therefore we have to
do something else. I'd hope the legal process isn't that cabal like
in practice.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] videos

2010-08-28 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 21:31, David Carmean wrote:

 I'm beginning to edit/encode/upload the session videos from 2010

 I'm tweeting each upload to #sotmus.  Takes a few hours to edit/upload each
 session so expect two or three per day.

That's great. What was the status of the non-US SOTM videos, are those
up somewhere yet?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] videos

2010-08-28 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 19:17, pavithran wrote:
 On 29 August 2010 00:39, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 That's great. What was the status of the non-US SOTM videos, are those
 up somewhere yet?

 The last I heard there was some lack of volunteers to edit and time
 frame the videos .

Any reason they can't just be uploaded in raw format somewhere? Is
lack of bandwidth a concern?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Hypothetical question about objects that will not be relicensed

2010-08-13 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 21:48, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
 (posted here rather than on legal-talk because it's at its core a
 question about editing standards)
 Let's say I'm mapping an area and I notice an existing way that I know
 will not survive the relicensing process. (Part of the hypothetical
 situation is that one can be sure about this.) Were I to add tags to
 it, my work would be lost once we switch to ODBL. So would I be wrong
 to delete it and replace it with a new way, even if the new one is not
 as good as the old tainted one?

We don't even know if we're going to switch licenses yet, so don't do that.

Replacing data like this is best done on a project-wide basis later
on, once we can assess the extent of the damage.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Human readable contributor terms ready and waiting for approval

2010-08-13 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Back in May I pointed out the need for human readable contributor
terms. That resulted in some discussion and a human readable version
of the terms drafted by the LWG:

However, those terms still have't been added to the website because
someone from the legal team hasn't given that the go-ahead, I've been
in contact with Mike Collinson about this, but he's very busy.

This is how the human readable terms look:

And this is the patch to implement that:

The human readable terms are also translatable, so users that don't
speak English legalese will be able to understand them.

Can someone else in the LWG give this the go-ahead? I don't mean to
rush this, but these terms are being read by a lot of users these
days, and they're being asked to agree to them. It would be nice if
more people were able to understand them when doing so.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tracing vs Import

2010-08-08 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 08:43, 80n wrote:
 So I'm now contemplating the much simpler path of rendering the data and
 then tracing.  But before I do that I really want to be sure that there
 isn't a better way of doing this.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

You could import it as .osm but give it tags that aren't rendered /
known by anything. Then slowly move that over / delete / add data.

I did that for a large import in Iceland with great success.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution of OSM on

2010-08-04 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 08:53, Ben Last wrote:
 should typically != must :)

 But the key point is that we attribute OSM with the same prominence as
 we do any other supplier.  You'll note that there is no copyright
 message relating to the photomaps on the main page (for us, or any

I find this attribution to be completely reasonable. The Legal FAQ is
just a FAQ, but the only thing that applies in the CC-BY-SA, which
just includes clauses like reasonable to the medium.

Map - Information - Copyrights and credits is no different than e.g.:

2. File -
3. Look at Permission.

Having a floating OpenLayers attribution element in the lower right
corner is one way to do it, but it's not the only way, and people that
don't pick that particular way aren't doing anything wrong as far as I
can tell.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A plea for meaning ful changeset comments

2010-07-31 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
One thing I found unfortunate is that when we switched to API 0.6 to
support changeset comments we also limited the length of values to 255

So because of that you end up with really long run-on sentences
like that to describe large changes making it hard to write them and
to understand them.

It would be much nicer if I could

Write a short summary of the changes I'm making, like this.

Then go on to elaborate a bit on what I did, why I did it, and
what sources I used etc. Perhaps explaining how I'm not really
sure about that one track by the sports stadium, due to the bad
GPS reception I had there.

Sometimes my changes in Git turn into little mini blog-posts about the
problem I was solving, it's unfortunate that I can't provide similar
details on OpenStreetMap, at least it's 255 characters, not 255 bytes
like on Wikipedia.

Anyway, since we're making pleas, here's one of my own:

Can the maintainers of JOSM please get rid of the silly feature that
makes changeset comments manditory? It results in a lot of garbage like
the ..., some mapping, fixed stuff, or none of your business
examples which Frederik cited.

I'd rather have history with no comments at all than expending mental
energy on comments that look like they were copy/pasted from

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] What could we do to make this licences discussion more inclusive?

2010-07-20 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 18:32, Heiko Jacobs wrote:
 John Smith schrieb:

 On 20 July 2010 19:11, 80n wrote:

 There is no contract between OSMF and most contributors (excepting
 who have signed up to the Contributor Terms)..

 Erm since OSM-F does run the old contributor agreement saying
 you agree to license your work under cc-by-sa would be a contract,
 wouldn't it?

 Is there any official archive of all contributors agreements yet used
 in OSM?

This, I think:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MapQuest Mapnik style available on GitHub

2010-07-17 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 20:45, Antony Pegg wrote:
 Hi All,

 As requested last week, the MapQuest Mapnik style is available on GitHub,

 Its under an MIT license

This is great, it's really nice to see you guys being pro-active in
opening your stuff, and supporting existing projects.

talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] What could we do to make this licences discussion more inclusive?

2010-07-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
I've split this from the original thread before it derails the one it
was in any further, and cc'd legal-talk.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:57, Andy Allan wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Ęvar Arnfjörš Bjarmason wrote:

 That doesn't just go for the LWG, it seems that a lot of the people
 involved in the OSMF prefer to do things via conference calls. The
 calls aren't recorded and published (that I've seen)

 Recording and making public such conversations would mean that everyone
 would have to choose their words carefully in order to minimise the danger
 of being quoted out-of-context by people with a limited understanding of
 English (wo might, for example, not immediately understand the humour in
 certain expressions). It would also discourage straight talk in many cases
 (people would say someone has contacted me about this-and-that instead of
 saying who that someone was, and so on).

 The telephone calls are already, as you say yourself, time-consuming and
 thus not for everybody; they are also, if I may add from my tiny little
 personal exposure, tedious and not something one likes to do.

 Your suggestions would make the telephone calls even more tedious, more time
 consuming, and rob them of the last bit of fun (in the form of a humourous
 remark here and there). It would be even harder to find people doing the
 work if you expect that from them.

Well, my main suggestion was to not use conference calls due to the
inherent bias towards people near UTC+0, and those that speak English
at a near-native level. Which wouldn't be the case if the
communication was in textual and asynchronous form.

It's not something I care deeply about myself, since I probably
wouldn't participate.

But it's unfortunate that the people in a position to enact such a
change would be those already active in the OSMF, i.e. people who've
largely self-selected for doing things via conference call in the
first place.

I'm no expert on this sort of thing, but there are probably a lot of
well known pitfalls to avoid when trying to run an inclusive
international project in many languages. I'd think having English-only
discussion at a set time convenient for Europeans would be pretty high
on that list.

 I'm not sure I've heard any of the LWG members have any fun whatsoever
 on their calls!

 Further to what Frederik has said, there's a couple more points that
 are important. The OSMF receives legal advice on matters relating to
 the license change, and as far as I'm aware they are forbidden from
 making the legal advice public. If I recall correctly there was a
 problem about a year ago where the legal advice was publicly quoted
 and it had to be redacted from the mailing lists. Such is the nature
 of legal advice.

 I would also expect there to be lots of other confidential matters
 discussed (such as contacting people external to the project) that
 again can't be publicly broadcast without heavy editing of any
 recording. I'm sure the Data Working Group also has similar problems
 of confidentiality when there are copyright accusations being dealt
 with - some things just can't be recorded and broadcast publicly.

That's fair enough. But since the legal advice and confidential
information is being given to the OSMF, is there anything preventing
these from being recorded and distributed amongst paying OSMF members,
and not members of the general public?

I.e. can the legal advice only be shared among people actually on the
LWG conference call, and not all OSMF members?

And would it be possible to offer podcasts of working group conference
calls that aren't (presumably) legally sensitive, like the SOTM group,
Local Chapters, Strategy, Sysadmins etc.? (from

 I'm sure if there are specific things from the minutes that you'd like
 elaboration on, the LWG members will do their best to try to answer
 your questions. I think the LWG should be applauded for providing such
 up-to-date minutes for all of their regular meetings, it shows some
 insight into their dedication to doing things well.

Well, since you mention it I proposed a human readable version of the
contributor terms in May [1] which the LWG rewrote [2]. A mention of
it in the minutes last appeared on 2010-06-22 [3] as

- Summary of OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms

  Mike has removed This is a work in progress.

Presumably that means they're ready for rollout, but I don't know. I
have a patch to the website that's been sitting around for two months
waiting for a LWG yay/nay on this.

Now, I *don't* mean that as waa waa, they took two months to look at
my issue. I understand that this is low priority and that Mike et al
are busy with other stuff.

What I think is unfortunate is that stuff like this which seemingly
has no need for confidentiality is intermingled with 

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-talk] What could we do to make this licences discussion more inclusive?

2010-07-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 13:05, James Livingston wrote:
 On 14/07/2010, at 10:28 PM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 I'm no expert on this sort of thing, but there are probably a lot of
 well known pitfalls to avoid when trying to run an inclusive
 international project in many languages. I'd think having English-only
 discussion at a set time convenient for Europeans would be pretty high
 on that list.

 I don't know if you'll get out of being English-only, since like it
 or not it is the main working language of OSM (as with many open
 projects on the Internet). Using any other language is probably
 going to exclude even more people.

I should have been clearer. The problem isn't that the communication
happens in English, but that it's happening in real time over the

My German is pretty basic, but I can follow everything on talk-de
armed with Google Translate and However, I wouldn't be
able to follow a real-time German teleconference.

That applies to a lot of people that are involved in OpenStreetMap,
and will increasingly apply as we attract more contributors outside of
the US/European hacker community.

As an example, during the live stream for SOTM's QA session in Girona
someone in the audience interrupted Steve Coast and asked him (in
broken English), to please speak slowly and enunciate carefully,
because many in the audience couldn't understand spoken English at
that pace.

That person is a good example of someone interested in the project (at
least interested enough to show up on SOTM), but would pretty much be
naturally excluded from the current teleconference system.

 One thing that I've seen done in other projects is rotate between
 three meeting times eight hours apart. So for example one meeting
 would be 1800 UTC, the next 0200 UTC and the next 1000 UTC.

Maybe that would mitigate it, I don't know. But since we're all
volunteers living on a spinning globe I think what should be answered
first is whether these discussions really have to be synchronous.

 Further to what Frederik has said, there's a couple more points that
 are important. The OSMF receives legal advice on matters relating to
 the license change, and as far as I'm aware they are forbidden from
 making the legal advice public.

 I can't speak for them, but I would guess it's more inadvisable than
 forbidden (with respect to licensing anyway). If you get advice
 saying we believe that sections A, B and C will hold up in court,
 section D probably would, E should unless XYZ happens and we don't
 know about F, then telling everyone that means anyone trying to get
 around it knows about the potential holes you found.

I hope security through obscurity like that isn't something we're
actually relying on. It'd also be trivially found out by anyone else
willing to pay lawyers of equal caliber.

 Of course, people using the license will want to know about that kind of 
 thing, so it's a trade-off.

 I.e. can the legal advice only be shared among people actually on the
 LWG conference call, and not all OSMF members?

 Who can be on the call - LWG members, any OSMF member, or anyone
 involved in the project? Actually, I can't even find how you get on
 the LWG in the first place.

I can't find that either. It'd be nice if the criteria for joining /
application process was oneline somewhere. Maybe it is and I just
haven't found it.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Defining critical mass...

2010-07-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 09:08, Andy Allan wrote:

 But there's no intention to create an inner circle or, by
 corrollary, exclude other people. What could we (you/me/LWG) do to
 make this more inclusive?
 See also if
 you are interested in seeing what's been involved in the LWG so far.

There's a lot of data being lost when you publish minutes. Entire
discussions are being squeezed into a bullet point or two. It would
help if those meetings were also published as podcasts.

That doesn't just go for the LWG, it seems that a lot of the people
involved in the OSMF prefer to do things via conference calls. The
calls aren't recorded and published (that I've seen), so the only
people who can be directly involved in them and get the full data (and
not just summaries) are those that:

  * Speak English at the level of being able to participate in a
conference call.

  * Are roughly in the CET timezone. Those conference calls are in the
middle of the night in some parts of the globe.

  * Can commit enough time to the project to do a synchronous
conference call weekly.

That's a pretty small group compared to e.g. what you could get with a
closed but publically archived mailing list.

I get that a conference call can be easier than writing E-Mail, but
this model of communication for the OSMF is restricting a lot of user
participation in what is otherwise an international and multilingular

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] What could we do to make this licences discussion more inclusive?

2010-07-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
I've split this from the original thread before it derails the one it
was in any further, and cc'd legal-talk.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:57, Andy Allan wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Ęvar Arnfjörš Bjarmason wrote:

 That doesn't just go for the LWG, it seems that a lot of the people
 involved in the OSMF prefer to do things via conference calls. The
 calls aren't recorded and published (that I've seen)

 Recording and making public such conversations would mean that everyone
 would have to choose their words carefully in order to minimise the danger
 of being quoted out-of-context by people with a limited understanding of
 English (wo might, for example, not immediately understand the humour in
 certain expressions). It would also discourage straight talk in many cases
 (people would say someone has contacted me about this-and-that instead of
 saying who that someone was, and so on).

 The telephone calls are already, as you say yourself, time-consuming and
 thus not for everybody; they are also, if I may add from my tiny little
 personal exposure, tedious and not something one likes to do.

 Your suggestions would make the telephone calls even more tedious, more time
 consuming, and rob them of the last bit of fun (in the form of a humourous
 remark here and there). It would be even harder to find people doing the
 work if you expect that from them.

Well, my main suggestion was to not use conference calls due to the
inherent bias towards people near UTC+0, and those that speak English
at a near-native level. Which wouldn't be the case if the
communication was in textual and asynchronous form.

It's not something I care deeply about myself, since I probably
wouldn't participate.

But it's unfortunate that the people in a position to enact such a
change would be those already active in the OSMF, i.e. people who've
largely self-selected for doing things via conference call in the
first place.

I'm no expert on this sort of thing, but there are probably a lot of
well known pitfalls to avoid when trying to run an inclusive
international project in many languages. I'd think having English-only
discussion at a set time convenient for Europeans would be pretty high
on that list.

 I'm not sure I've heard any of the LWG members have any fun whatsoever
 on their calls!

 Further to what Frederik has said, there's a couple more points that
 are important. The OSMF receives legal advice on matters relating to
 the license change, and as far as I'm aware they are forbidden from
 making the legal advice public. If I recall correctly there was a
 problem about a year ago where the legal advice was publicly quoted
 and it had to be redacted from the mailing lists. Such is the nature
 of legal advice.

 I would also expect there to be lots of other confidential matters
 discussed (such as contacting people external to the project) that
 again can't be publicly broadcast without heavy editing of any
 recording. I'm sure the Data Working Group also has similar problems
 of confidentiality when there are copyright accusations being dealt
 with - some things just can't be recorded and broadcast publicly.

That's fair enough. But since the legal advice and confidential
information is being given to the OSMF, is there anything preventing
these from being recorded and distributed amongst paying OSMF members,
and not members of the general public?

I.e. can the legal advice only be shared among people actually on the
LWG conference call, and not all OSMF members?

And would it be possible to offer podcasts of working group conference
calls that aren't (presumably) legally sensitive, like the SOTM group,
Local Chapters, Strategy, Sysadmins etc.? (from

 I'm sure if there are specific things from the minutes that you'd like
 elaboration on, the LWG members will do their best to try to answer
 your questions. I think the LWG should be applauded for providing such
 up-to-date minutes for all of their regular meetings, it shows some
 insight into their dedication to doing things well.

Well, since you mention it I proposed a human readable version of the
contributor terms in May [1] which the LWG rewrote [2]. A mention of
it in the minutes last appeared on 2010-06-22 [3] as

- Summary of OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms

  Mike has removed This is a work in progress.

Presumably that means they're ready for rollout, but I don't know. I
have a patch to the website that's been sitting around for two months
waiting for a LWG yay/nay on this.

Now, I *don't* mean that as waa waa, they took two months to look at
my issue. I understand that this is low priority and that Mike et al
are busy with other stuff.

What I think is unfortunate is that stuff like this which seemingly
has no need for confidentiality is intermingled with 

Re: [OSM-talk] What could we do to make this licences discussion more inclusive?

2010-07-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 13:05, James Livingston wrote:
 On 14/07/2010, at 10:28 PM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 I'm no expert on this sort of thing, but there are probably a lot of
 well known pitfalls to avoid when trying to run an inclusive
 international project in many languages. I'd think having English-only
 discussion at a set time convenient for Europeans would be pretty high
 on that list.

 I don't know if you'll get out of being English-only, since like it
 or not it is the main working language of OSM (as with many open
 projects on the Internet). Using any other language is probably
 going to exclude even more people.

I should have been clearer. The problem isn't that the communication
happens in English, but that it's happening in real time over the

My German is pretty basic, but I can follow everything on talk-de
armed with Google Translate and However, I wouldn't be
able to follow a real-time German teleconference.

That applies to a lot of people that are involved in OpenStreetMap,
and will increasingly apply as we attract more contributors outside of
the US/European hacker community.

As an example, during the live stream for SOTM's QA session in Girona
someone in the audience interrupted Steve Coast and asked him (in
broken English), to please speak slowly and enunciate carefully,
because many in the audience couldn't understand spoken English at
that pace.

That person is a good example of someone interested in the project (at
least interested enough to show up on SOTM), but would pretty much be
naturally excluded from the current teleconference system.

 One thing that I've seen done in other projects is rotate between
 three meeting times eight hours apart. So for example one meeting
 would be 1800 UTC, the next 0200 UTC and the next 1000 UTC.

Maybe that would mitigate it, I don't know. But since we're all
volunteers living on a spinning globe I think what should be answered
first is whether these discussions really have to be synchronous.

 Further to what Frederik has said, there's a couple more points that
 are important. The OSMF receives legal advice on matters relating to
 the license change, and as far as I'm aware they are forbidden from
 making the legal advice public.

 I can't speak for them, but I would guess it's more inadvisable than
 forbidden (with respect to licensing anyway). If you get advice
 saying we believe that sections A, B and C will hold up in court,
 section D probably would, E should unless XYZ happens and we don't
 know about F, then telling everyone that means anyone trying to get
 around it knows about the potential holes you found.

I hope security through obscurity like that isn't something we're
actually relying on. It'd also be trivially found out by anyone else
willing to pay lawyers of equal caliber.

 Of course, people using the license will want to know about that kind of 
 thing, so it's a trade-off.

 I.e. can the legal advice only be shared among people actually on the
 LWG conference call, and not all OSMF members?

 Who can be on the call - LWG members, any OSMF member, or anyone
 involved in the project? Actually, I can't even find how you get on
 the LWG in the first place.

I can't find that either. It'd be nice if the criteria for joining /
application process was oneline somewhere. Maybe it is and I just
haven't found it.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcing

2010-07-10 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 08:06, Tom Hughes wrote:
 I'm be pleased to be able to announce a new addition to the tools available
 to support the OpenStreetMap project.

 The new site is a StackOverflow style question and
 answer site where we can curate good answers to the questions people ask
 about how to both use OpenStreetMap and add to OpenStreetMap.

Nice, on the login screen it says Enter your OpenStreetMap username
and password, but I can only log in with my OSM E-Mail + password, at
which point it'll suggest my OSM username as a displayable Real Name.

Why use CC-BY instead of CC-BY-SA like the OSM wiki? That means we
can't base wiki help pages off good replies or questions on

Why was OSQA used instead of Shapado? I'm not familiar with the
difference between them. But Shapado seems to have much better i18n
support.  AFACS OSQA only has some localizations for 5 languages, but
Shapado has 50% localizations for ~14.

Anyway, this is great stuff.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed human readable contributor terms

2010-07-09 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 18:18, Mike Collinson wrote:
 Comments in-line.

 At 06:14 PM 19/05/2010, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 16:42, Mike Collinson wrote:
 Great idea, thanks for taking the initiative on this.  I had a go with your
 text and the underlying ideas we used to construct the terms below.

Great, any idea about what timeframe we might be looking at for
rollout of it on the signup form?

 I will dodge that question until we have had legal review on a draft that 
 everyone is reasonably happy with but I promise to push it forward.

Has there been any update on this? Can we include the human readable terms yet?

 Summary of OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms:

There's a lot I like about it, including that it's using bullet
points. Those are easier to wade through. And easier to translate.

 - Don't put in copyrighted data. It should either be your own work or
 something that there is clear permission to use.

Perhaps just talk about data you don't have permission to submit or
something like that. Let's not propagate the copyrighted != non-free

 Good point. I've changed

 - You still own the bits of data you put in, i.e. you can still use them in
 other places.

 - You allow the OpenStreetMap Foundation to publish your bits of data as
 part of the OpenStreetMap geodata database for others to use.

 - The OpenStreetMap Foundation can only publish the data under a free and
 open license. If it fails in that, it has broken a contract with you.

Actually, aside from these terms is free and open license defined
anywhere as the OSMF is using it? Some define it as licenses approved
be the OSI + FSF, but that's obviously not true in our case.

 It is deliberately not defined. The reasoning is that it is clear when a 
 license is NOT free and open (which is what we really, really want to 
 avoid), but we will all have ideas about what IS a free and open license. 
 That will promote healthy debate and will change over time. It is up to 
 future generations of mappers, not us here and now ... and certainly not by 
 that dd License Working Group.

 - Until the proposed change-over, that license is the CC BY SA 2.0.  When
 enough existing contributors agree to re-license their data, that license
 will change to Open Database License 1.0.

 - The OpenStreetMap Foundation can only pick a new free license if it's
 approved by the OSMF membership (a foundation of paid-up members) and a 2/3
 majority vote of active contributors. You'll be considered an active
 contributor if you've edited in at least 3 out of the last 12 months and
 don't take longer than 3 weeks to reply to E-Mail.

 - If you want attribution you should add your name to the Contributors page.

 - To the maximum extent possible, neither you nor the OpenStreetMap
 Foundation are responsible for anything that might happen to folks using
 your data.

FWIW I left this bit out, I don't see whe warranty footnotes need to
be in the summary, but perhaps the legally inclined disagree.

 Not critical, but I think it is worth reassuring new contributors that the 
 language protects them rather than the reverse.

 This is only a summary and is not legally binding. The full text can be
 found at

 License Working Group

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Price for OSM survey

2010-06-15 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 17:13, Roland Ramthun wrote:
 To motivate you, there shall be non-cash prizes with a value of approx.
 50 Euro.

 Do you know of any non-cash prize, ideally related to OSM, which would
 motivate you?
 Or would you rather take the cash, if possible?

A printed out poster of an area of your choosing would be ideal, and
in the 50 Euro ballpark.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch and NearMap sourcing - what? why?

2010-06-10 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 01:01, Steve Bennett wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Richard Fairhurst 
 trac called, it wants its job back.
 My guess is that you followed a link with tileurl=whathaveyou.

 Yep (as I just mentioned in the thread on talk-au), I launched it from
 nearmap. And it looks like Potlatch remembers the setting even though
 I launched it from the next time. Ben Last (Nearmap)
 asked on the other list if there could be another parameter passed on
 the URL which would let them specify what the source tag would be (ie,
 source=nearmap) rather than it always being computed from the tile

The right thing to do is to have Potlatch support named parameters,
e.g. titlepreset=nearmap. Then you could link to that and users
wouldn't have to manually specify the background.

Adding support for that would be a relatively simple patch.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Ad

2010-05-31 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 15:13, Kate Chapman wrote:
 Anyway we didn't have anything readily available so we weren't able to
 seize the opportunity.  Does any materials like this exist somewhere
 for OSM?  If not do you think there is a need for it or was this a
 freak occurrence?

There's a collection at

Mostly out of date, but something to use as a baseline.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] scuba dive sites

2010-05-22 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 11:57, Cartinus wrote:
 On Saturday 22 May 2010 11:27:08 Nic Roets wrote:
  I've seen some dive sites tagged as place=locality

 AFAIK, place=locality indicates a place where people stay...

 No, locality was introduced for named geographic places where nobody lives.

Maybe, but in practice place=locality gets tacked on to a lot of
random stuff you'd like to have rendered *now*.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Any way to recover these Potlatch changes?

2010-05-22 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 20:17, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
 Yeah, really useful:
 Komzpa        NE2: throw away potlatch and use josm (or vim)

Potlatch doesn't include a save facility, JOSM and Merkaartor
do. While that advice doesn't help you for this particular case, it
might help you in the future.

With a local desktop editor you can save to a file frequently, you can
also do this with Potlatch if you keep a changeset open and keep
putting data into it.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How can we spread the tribal knowledge?

2010-05-18 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 07:38, Mikel Maron wrote:
 I think the most effective way to push forward what could be
 is by demonstrating ideas with code. Isn't the code base now on github?
 Start forking, trying out ideas ... things that work are going to be more
 convincing than our descriptions of what to do. Code that works
 (in all senses) should make it out to production.

Yeah I'm aware of the GitHub mirror, I put it there. Some things lend
themselves well to experimental patches. I don't think this is one of
those things, for reasons that are about to become apparent.

Here's a mockup:

The contents of the white area would be determined by the
aforementioned user editable  reviewed page. The brief about blurb
that's now right below the logo should probably be the first thing
merged into it.

Actually, here's what the main content area might look like (this site
is based on a mockup Richard did IIRC):

Or perhaps even:

The idea is simple. Make the main page something that provides the
user with some context, useful (e.g. Garmin) downloads, direct him to
other interesting projects (e.g. printouts, routers etc.).

What exactly makes the above list we can decide together, that is if
we decide that the main page for shouldn't be one giant map

I'm not going to spend more time implementing the required code
without there being some interest in deploying it. Spending many hours
hacking the JS/CSS, setting up a wiki - Git sync (along with a
preview) just to be told thanks, but no thanks isn't my idea of fun.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How can we spread the tribal knowledge?

2010-05-18 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 08:49, Tom Hughes wrote:
 On 18/05/10 09:39, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 Here's a mockup:

 The contents of the white area would be determined by the
 aforementioned user editable  reviewed page. The brief about blurb
 that's now right below the logo should probably be the first thing
 merged into it.

 Unfortunately that mockup leaves all the worst bits of the current site
 intact ;-)

You'll probably like this one better, it takes the concept of insert
neat stuff here even further, just add imagination:

 Before you all get too carried away with this extra tab idea of Ævar's I
 would just like to point out what I've said before about adding more tabs,
 namely that we already have too many and that any attempt add more without
 doing something about the layout is going to have a hard time getting

Yeah, adding tabs is a pain. Mostly because the spaces the tabs take
conflicts with the space the Hi {{user}} ... line takes.

I suggested (and patched it) at one point to solve that the way
Wikipedia does, by moving them apart. That would leave ~20px less
space for the main map. Not such a big deal if it's not *the* site
element anymore.

It would solve our existing overflow problems, and give us space for
small notices at the top like Would you like to view in
$language, or head over to the wiki for Haiti mapping... We might
even be able to move the search bar up there, users like the search
field at the top of the page. At least so Google, Wikimedia and others
have gathered.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How can we spread the tribal knowledge?

2010-05-18 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 09:16, Tom Hughes wrote:
 On 18/05/10 10:08, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 It would solve our existing overflow problems, and give us space for
 small notices at the top like Would you like to view in
 $language, or head over to the wiki for Haiti mapping... We might
 even be able to move the search bar up there, users like the search
 field at the top of the page. At least so Google, Wikimedia and others
 have gathered.

 I don't dispute that it might be nice to move the search bar up there but I
 think we should also remove the tabs and find some other way of navigating
 between the other major elements of the site.

I think having a non-giant-map mainpage could be a very large step in
that direction.

User blogs I think could be moved to such a mainpage (under some
Community heading). Rarely do I need to suddenly go to the blogs,
I'd be fine with freeing up some space by adding a level of
indirection to it.

Similarly, perhaps Edit / History / GPS traces could all be
consolidated under a View or edit the map. So we'd have:

  * About - Lists all the neat things about OSM
- Short blurb about what it is
- You can view/edit/download data
- Get in touch, participate, read blawgs
  * View or edit the map
- Get an editing interface with a big map
- Edit the data
- View / upload traces
- See history / browse objects

Adding a proper main page could free up a lot of the interface in the
long run, since there'd be some non-layout place to put some of the
links now in the layout.

I think I've advocated this enough. If you want patches you know where
to find me.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] How can we spread the tribal knowledge?

2010-05-17 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 21:43, SteveC wrote:

Some selective replying...

 Have a look at waze's twitter feed. *That* is the kind of community
 building we need to be doing now.

Agreed, but you personally control the openstreetmap twitter account
don't you? If you think waze's twitter account is nice (what it mostly
does is answer a bunch of user questions, which implies a dedicated
support team sitting behind it). Then perhaps you should give other
people access to that account so they can field user questions under
the of OpenStreetMap banner.

This is perhaps unfairly snarky, but maybe then we'd have more user
help from @openstreetmap and less stuff like this:

That isn't representative of the typical tweet from @openstreetmap,
but unhelpful stuff like which you seemingly sent to the wrong account
does pop up from time to time.

 Look at their site design. Look at mapzen. None of it's perfect, but
 it's generally a lot better than where we are.

I think it would be neat if Mapzen was optionally available on, I asked you about this before[1] and you thought it
was too. Perhaps Mapzen's source repository could be hosted publicly
somewhere to make that easy?

More generally, I agree with your point that we should have more of a
let's just do it culture, but it also doesn't help much to have what
are essentially unfinished drive-by improvements like the website
redesign and now the logo which just seem to stir up a lot of dust,
and never go anywhere. I don't mean that it's your fault, just that
there's obviously a lot of disagreement about what we should be doing.

I we keep having these discussions because don't have any clear
direction for what we want to *do* with

A lot of people here (including, it seems, the people that decide what
goes on the site) want to be just about the
data. That's fine, but at the same time the first thing a newbie sees
on the site is a giant map, suggesting we're trying to be some Google

The thing is, we make a very bad Google Maps, just compare stuff like

I keep introducing people to OpenStreetMap and they keep asking me
questions like that's neat, but how do I get directions, to which
the answer is oh there's some third party service that does that,
just let me dig it up from some dungeon on the wiki real quick.

So how about this for a suggestion: Let's make a new tab on the
website to the left of Map called About or Project or something
like that. The content of that page would be raw HTML that would be
maintained on the wiki somewhere (with a preview before rollout).

This is how the main page is managed[2].

Then the first thing you'd see when you go to would
be some context, you'd see that we're a data providing project but
that we have an example map.

You'd also note that there were a bunch of 3rd party projects that are
doing neat things (maposmatic, openstreetbrowse etc.). And that if you
wanted something more Google Maps like, or an alternate editor you
might enjoy CloudMade, Mapzen, JOSM etc.

While we keep fighting over what we should do, a lot of people are
already doing it in true OpenStreetMap fashion. They're just not
getting as much exposure as they might be getting if they were more
prominently advertised.

I volunteer to implement the required technical stuff, given that it
doesn't get shot down in the replies to follow.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Flash and open source

2010-05-15 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:17, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 I'm also very concerned about the amount of dihydrogenmonoxide contained
 in almost any drink you can get nowadays. It is virtually impossible to
 escape the stuff, and people are reported to have died from it already[0].

Dihydrogenmonoxide is even more harmful than Ecstasy.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Garmin Maps

2010-05-15 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Yes, such a project would be useful. I suggest you get in contact with
some of the people already running something similar, e.g.:

That project has selectable maps, a mapsource installer and more.
Presumably it could use some programming help to perhaps make custom

There's also style support in mkgmap, but I don't know of any nice UI
for setting those styles. Something neat for that would be nice, and
could be used by such a project.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed human readable contributor terms

2010-05-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 21:36, Tom Hughes wrote:
 On 14/05/10 21:19, Ęvar Arnfjörš Bjarmason wrote:

 I've created a proposed version of the human readable contributor
 terms on the wiki:

 The wording can doubtless be improved (please do so!), and maybe
 there's something more to cover. Let's try to keep it short though.

 The current wording appears to have been written in a way that is aimed at
 existing contributors rathera than new contributors, who are the only people
 being shown the terms currently.

Patches welcome! Seriously, I'm not a native speaker and the text can
be improved in lots of little (and big) ways. The intent with the
OpenStreetMap is now moving away part was to provide some summary,
but maybe that's not necessary.

 New users don't need to know that [...] that attribution is handled
 differently [...].

The attribution part is there because of section #4 of the contributor

4. At Your or the copyright holder’s option, OSMF agrees to
attribute You or the copyright holder. A mechanism will be
provided, currently a web page

They apply whether you're a new user or not. I don't see any reason
why new users would care less about attribution than users that have
signed up in the past.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Flash and open source

2010-05-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 17:08, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 Occasionally the subject of Flash and free software comes up here in
 relation to Potlatch.

 I would encourage people to sign the petition at
 encouraging Adobe to make the Flash Player open source.

Making their player open source would be nice. But what's mainly
stopping players like Gnash is that their protocols are closed, and
that anyone working on opening them up is subject to Adobe's legal
team [1].

Adobe is obviously aware of these issues, but chooses to keep their
platform closed. An online petition is unlikely to change their mind.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Proposed human readable contributor terms

2010-05-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
I've created a proposed version of the human readable contributor
terms on the wiki:

The wording can doubtless be improved (please do so!), and maybe
there's something more to cover. Let's try to keep it short though.

If the legal cabal doesn't disapprove of this (and hopefully,
approves) I can submit patches against the website to include this in
the relevant signup form. The proposed terms would appear where the
Please read the agreement below and press the agree button to create
your account text does on the current signup form.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposed human readable contributor terms

2010-05-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 20:44, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 The wording can doubtless be improved (please do so!), and maybe
 there's something more to cover. Let's try to keep it short though.

 I think the wording is ok, but I would advise against translating it. I
 believe that presenting a crowdsource-translated summary above an English
 legalese could be interpreted as misleading the users.

 Personally, I think that translations are a problem in many places in OSM.
 Stuff is translated and then starts to rot because whoever did the
 translation goes hunting for the next non-translated bit. This is just the
 same as with imports; the translations create documents that nobody cares
 about, that do not have a community to support them.

It's not misleading if you make sure to note that the summary or the
translation isn't canonical. See what I did with the copyright page[1]
for an example (only works if you don't view it in English).

I'm also talking about translating it on Translatewiki not the
OpenStreetMap wiki. The former doesn't suffer from bitrotted
translations because out of date translations are automatically marked
as obsolete. They'll be removed in time if they're not updated.

 There seem to be some areas where it works, but I have the impression that
 triumphantly adding a 23rd language to some page on the Wiki does not,
 overall, improve quality.

The website is now available in just under 70 languages. You have to
consider that a lot of the people speaking those languages don't
understand English *at all*. The English-only terms might as well be
in Klingon as far as their understanding of them goes.

Of course you have to be careful when translating texts in legalese
(or their summaries). I think the copyright page does a good job of
this, allowing translations while explicitly declaring the English
version to be canonical.

A summary also helps native English speakers. Users are very prone to
completely ignore long legal texts and blindly click Agree. They're
much more likely to read and understand a short summary intended for
the layman.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposed human readable contributor terms

2010-05-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 21:36, Tom Hughes wrote:
 On 14/05/10 21:19, Ęvar Arnfjörš Bjarmason wrote:

 I've created a proposed version of the human readable contributor
 terms on the wiki:

 The wording can doubtless be improved (please do so!), and maybe
 there's something more to cover. Let's try to keep it short though.

 The current wording appears to have been written in a way that is aimed at
 existing contributors rathera than new contributors, who are the only people
 being shown the terms currently.

Patches welcome! Seriously, I'm not a native speaker and the text can
be improved in lots of little (and big) ways. The intent with the
OpenStreetMap is now moving away part was to provide some summary,
but maybe that's not necessary.

 New users don't need to know that [...] that attribution is handled
 differently [...].

The attribution part is there because of section #4 of the contributor

4. At Your or the copyright holder’s option, OSMF agrees to
attribute You or the copyright holder. A mechanism will be
provided, currently a web page

They apply whether you're a new user or not. I don't see any reason
why new users would care less about attribution than users that have
signed up in the past.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposed human readable contributor terms

2010-05-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 20:19, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 If the legal cabal doesn't disapprove of this (and hopefully,
 approves) I can submit patches against the website to include this in
 the relevant signup form.

I've now changed[1] the signup form in my branch:


The wording in the patch is just a snapshot from the wiki. The patch
will obviously have to be updated to incorporate any changes in the


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposed human readable contributor terms

2010-05-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 21:57, Tom Hughes wrote:
 The point is not that we don't need to explain how attribution is handled
 but rather that we don't need to mention that it's a change because a new
 user has no knowledge of previous arrangements.

 In other words the first sentence of the last paragraph is not needed for a
 new user.

Agreed. I misunderstood your post. I've changed the wording of the
last paragraph:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Flash and open source

2010-05-14 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 22:51, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 Aevar Arnfjorth Bjarmason wrote:
 Making their player open source would be nice. But what's mainly
 stopping players like Gnash is that their protocols are closed

 The SWF and RTMP formats are published. The codecs aren't, but that's
 the whole Ogg Theora/H264 argument for HTML5 and Firefox so not at all
 exclusive to Flash. And unless your translation code is cleverer than I
 thought, they're irrelevant to Potlatch (which is kinda the reason I
 posted here).

At least in 2009 the state of those specs was that they were unusable
for the Gnash project, see e.g.:

they released the specs, but the licensing agreement forbids you from
using the specification to write your own implementation. Maybe
that's changed since then.

 The main thing stopping Gnash from supporting AVM2 (and strk can correct
 me if I'm wrong) is that it's a whole big lot of work and there's
 largely only one developer working on it - even though he's basically a
 genius and Potlatch 1 would never have happened without his work on
 Ming. If you threw 100 programmers at Gnash for three months then you'd
 have an open source (non-audio/video) AVM2 player.

I think you need to read The Mythical Man-Month :)

 strk shouldn't have to spend his time rewriting code that Adobe has
 already written. Sun made Java open-source. Flash is a direct parallel.
 I would encourage people not to get hung up on codecs (because Flash has
 already lost the video battle, all video will be HTML5 in two years) and
 encourage Adobe to Do The Right Thing, for the benefit of apps like
 Potlatch and a million others.

Adobe has explicitly said in the past that they can't open source it
because they've used a lot of parts in in that they've licensed from
somewhere else.

Anyway. Good luck with the petition. Personally I think it's about as
likely to succeed as an equivalent petition asking Microsoft to open
source Windows. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] The contributor terms are now translatable

2010-05-13 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
The text around the recently deployed contributor terms (that every
new user sees) are still only in in English. But now it can be
translated on Translatewiki:

It's just a few messages, here you can see them in context:

Translating the relevant wiki pages is also helpful:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The contributor terms are now translatable

2010-05-13 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 21:57, John Smith wrote:
 Can we have a why would I not want my contributions to be public
 domain linked there as well?

Just move the Why would I want my contributions to be public domain
wiki page to a more neutral title, and have it explain both points.

It needs fixing anyway. It's a wall of text right now.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New users have to sign up to the ODbL

2010-05-12 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 14:47, SteveC wrote:

Here's what that says:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New users have to sign up to the ODbL

2010-05-12 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 15:21, John Smith wrote:
 On 13 May 2010 01:19, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 Here's one:

 Is the France/Italy options translations, or different terms?

They're translations. They can be viewed in the rails.git source
files, but I can't find a human readable thing (e.g. on the osmf wiki)
anywhere that has a copy of them.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New users have to sign up to the ODbL

2010-05-12 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 14:55, John Smith wrote:
 On 13 May 2010 00:47, SteveC wrote:
 will take you here:

 where essentially you are signing up to the existing CCBYSA plus the ODbL 
 (Open Database License).

 To save people creating new accounts, possibly using bogus details,
 just to see the new terms, can you post a screen shot or something

Here's one:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New users have to sign up to the ODbL

2010-05-12 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 15:29, John Smith wrote:
 I would have thought it would have been a good idea to label those
 options in French or Italian rather than being allowed to be

No, all labels in the user interface should match the user's language.
Currently it's only in English though because this was rolled out
before we could have a Git - Translatewiki - Git cycle.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New users have to sign up to the ODbL

2010-05-12 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 16:22, Grant Slater wrote:
 On 12 May 2010 17:18, John Smith wrote:
 On 13 May 2010 01:56, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 You can override it by adjusting the Accept-Language settings in your
 browser. But how we do language *detection* is a separate from how we
 should do content delivery once we've done the detection.

 That's my point, the language detection may not be 100% accurate, and
 this should be given special consideration on things like the signup
 page etc...

 The wording is France-French and Italy-Italian specific.

Good to have that on the wiki. Is anyone currently working on the
informal guidance version of those terms? It would be nice if there
was a translatable version somewhere (like the /copyright page) so
that users that don't understand English, French or Italian legalese
would get the gist of what the terms mean.

I made an attempt at one on my osm blog[1]. Something short like that
which the LWG can agree on would be nice to have. Then we could funnel
it through Translatewiki and deploy it one the site.


talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Viral can be nice

2010-04-21 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 07:31, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 We *do* want to allow releasing produced works under PD. Note that we
 are talking produced works here, not the data istself!

Maybe you do. Personally I'm pretty fond of the feature we have now
where I know that any map that uses my CC-BY-SA data is freely
available to me under the same license.

I can see some of the negative aspects of that like integration with
other datasets (which have been discussed to death in the ODbL

Pretty much they only thing I've ever gotten out of OSM personally
(besides exercise and being able to use it on my GPS) is being able to
use the various map renderings by ITO World, CloudMade etc. under the
same free license as the data. All other things being equal I'd like
things to stay that way, but that's just me.

The discussion on the current issue of the week[1] seems to indicate
that at least some people share that view, or at least feel like being
pedantic in enforcing our current license. Even though they couldn't
enforce that if we'd move to the ODbL.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] viral attribution and ODbL

2010-04-19 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 20:08, Frederik Ramm  I
think there is a difference, certainly morally but even legally. If
 you submit, under CC-BY-SA, data to an online map which clearly does not
 give the names of all contributors, and later claim that the map was
 violating your terms, that is something different from publishing your
 data on a web page under CC-BY-SA and then complaining that someone took
 it, put it in a web map, and didn't provide attribution.

When you sign up to OpenStreetMap you agree to license your
contributions under the CC-BY-SA 2.0. The license includes sections

You must keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and give
the Original Author credit reasonable to the medium

I happen to think that the website gives credit
reasonable to the medium via Planet dumps, the history feature in
Potlatch and viewing details for individual objects at /browse/*

But this idea that the state of how fulfilled parts
of the CC-BY-SA at the time of signup somehow modifies what the
licensor can expect sounds very dubious.

I've never heard something like this argued in any license debate. It
would be interesting to see what the Creative Commons lawyers think
about this.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abnormal votings on military objects in RU wiki part; PocketGIS madness

2010-04-11 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2010/4/11 Kirill Bestoujev
 I'm a member of that team. I.'m one of those who voted for changing the
 rules of mapping military in Russia. The reason for that was NOT the
 problems to OUR project, but problems to the possibility to legally use OSM
 in Russia.

It's nice to have someone from the PocketGIS team on the list. We'd be
very happy to work something out with you so that you can use our

I'd like to suggest that you take down the forum post pointing people
to mass-vote on the OSM wiki. How we decide things as a project isn't
a function of how many people you can convince to mass-register for
the wiki.

 We (PocketGis team) are currently making some efforts to prove to our state
 authorities that OSM data can be used by anyone, in any way. This is only
 possible if that data contains nothing that violates Russian legislation.

As far as I can see from your website (via Google Translate) you're
making a car navigation system where the user can't edit the OSM data.

Why do you in that case need to prove to the state authorities that
OSM is OK as opposed to *your map data* which is derived from OSM?

 By the way - the author of the originating e-mail is not a Russian

Neither am I. I don't see how that's relevant to a global mapping
project. Especially since there's the underlying issue here of how we
deal with these sort of issues in general, not just in Russia.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abnormal votings on military objects in RU wiki part; PocketGIS madness

2010-04-11 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 14:17, Kirill Bestoujev wrote:
 2010/4/11 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason

 It's useful to check out some of the lengths Wikipedia (especially
 local language editions) go to to bend over backwards for national

 Wikipedia is not a good example - the geo-information is much more specific
 and under greater restrictions...

There are differences but they're ultimately they same. Both are
global projects recording factual data about the world. Wikipedia has
already been blocked numerous times in China as a result It could work
around it by creating a censored version but this has been deemed
contrary to the core values of the project.

 We are trying to find a way through our legislation and the position  of out
 authorities. We are not even sure we will succeed, but with thees military
 objects (which some of Russian mapper keep mapping just right now, stupidly
 copy-pasting data from Wikimapia - so no personal check of data, no trough
 on ground) we will surely fail!

Anything being blindly copied from Wikimapia without permission should
be deleted. Wikimapia's license isn't compatible with ours.

 There are to projects, one already launched and one bing prepared, similar
 to OSM, but both sponsored by big companies -one by Yandex (our Russian
 biggest search engine, could say local Google) the other - by on of the
 leading Russain navigation software companies. The do know very well that
 OSM is a threat to them! And they will use any chance to stop that threat.
 On letter to state authorities - and we will loose the possibility to
 legally use OSM. They can do nothing to OSM itself, but we are not in
 England, we are here, in Russia.

I appreciate the predicament and as I pointed out it may very well be
that removing landuse=military from Russia is the least worst option
for everyone involved.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] xybot edit area size

2010-04-09 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Isn't there some option to osmosis that bot operators could easily use
to convert their huge .osc files into something that's split by either
10km^2 or 1000 changes, whatever comes first?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM Maps on TomTom

2010-04-08 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:36, John Smith wrote:
 On 8 April 2010 15:15, wrote:
 It looks like the TomTom will not be difficult to write code for. TomTom
 themselves recognise that they have used OpenSource code to develop it, and
 provide the open source bits of the software (linux kernels, libraries, and
 compiler) (

 Wouldn't it be better just working out their data format, like someone
 has done with garmin?

 Especially since they may use the same format for other platforms,
 than trying to hack the hardware and/or coming up with custom OS

Sure, if you can get it to work it should work just fine.

I think you're underestimating the effort that goes into reverse
engineering a format. Many man-years have gone into reverse
engineering the Garmin format (and it's still not fully understood),
the Microsoft Office format and Flash just to name a few.

Getting a completely different stack of programs to work on new
hardware might be relatively easy by comparison.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM Maps on TomTom

2010-04-08 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 16:25, John Smith wrote:
 On 9 April 2010 02:18, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 I think you're underestimating the effort that goes into reverse
 engineering a format. Many man-years have gone into reverse
 engineering the Garmin format (and it's still not fully understood),
 the Microsoft Office format and Flash just to name a few.

 I realise it most likely isn't an easy undertaking, perhaps it's not
 worth the effort and a better use of resources might be to
 organise/sell an OSM branded sat nav unit that has wifi and can update

I'm sure there's someone on-list with access to a few hundred million
dollars and access to large electronics manufacturing capability
coupled with a global distribution network.

Alternatively we could just continue to produce a free map which
people can install on devices that either aren't completely closed
down or have existing workarounds. Garmin, iPhone, Anderoid and others
come to mind.

 Getting a completely different stack of programs to work on new
 hardware might be relatively easy by comparison.

 Given my experience of using bleeding edge builds on other hardware
 this won't be used by most people, so while it might be easier for
 devs, it isn't for users.

You'd just have your map installer install a dual-boot system on the
TomTom so they user could pick TomTom or OpenStreetMap at startup,
see what the Rockbox project has done for portable audio players for
an example.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Ordnance Survey

2010-04-06 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 15:28, Tom Hughes wrote:
 On 05/04/10 15:43, Tim François wrote:
 I understand that with an area mapped there is less impetus to head on
 over and start making tracks and surveying. But just leaving the area
 blank when we have this fantastic opportunity to populate seems silly,
 no? This far down the line, it doesn't look like there are any mappers
 in the immediate area of which I was talking about.

 I speak from personal experience - when we first got the Yahoo imagery I
 enthusiastically traced the nearest largely unmapped area to me (Harlow)
 from the images. That was several years ago and to this day most of the
 roads in Harlow exist but are unnamed because nobody has taken up the baton.

In the only London meet-up I've been to I spoke at length to a person
whose main contribution to OSM is adapting her walks around London to
Yahoo! streetname surveying.

While I understand what you're saying I think it's also important to
recognize that we all have different ways to contribute. Some
potential OSM contributors may not be interested in on-the-ground
surveying, and some aren't interested in chair mapping.

The two can compliment each other.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google WMS: is this legal?

2010-03-30 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 08:28, simone gadenz wrote:
 I have just come across this WMS service providing google maps background for 
 OSM editing. Is it legal?

Is it legal to?

 * Use it in JOSM: Yes
 * Edit data based on it: Yes
 * Upload it to the OSM servers: No

I've used this extension with good results for producing derived work
from Google Maps + OSM for my own use, of course I didn't upload it to
OSM once I was done.

JOSM has the capability to use any server you want (or none at all),
not all servers are run at *

As OSM becomes more popular more people are going to use the .osm
format and editing tools built for OSM for non-OSM uses.

It would be useful if we could accommodate these uses by e.g. making
plugins like these part of the official JOSM plugin directory. Of
course there would also have to be other changes like some way of
having WMS layers register that they're unsuitable for being uploaded
to OSM and a way of marking data as having been edited with some given
WMS as a backdrop.

But really, don't send people hate mail just because they enable users
to do something non-free with OSM tools. I'm sure the FSF doesn't send
people who write non-free programs with Emacs hate mail :)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google WMS: is this legal?

2010-03-30 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:38, Gregory wrote:
 I think the comment he has put about hate mail is really bad though, it
 makes OSM out to be a bad project/community even though it created JOSM.
 Would it really hurt him to put a notice about copyright to say check out
 the Google license if you make data from the maps and it is not suitable to
 upload to OSM.

Did you read the website? Here's what it says: Adhere to the Google
Maps terms and conditions and don't trace data into Open Street

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google WMS: is this legal?

2010-03-30 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:53, simone gadenz wrote:
 I dropped the message to the list because for me was obvious the service was 
 violating the term of Google's license but i was not sure it was illegal. In 
 any case I was worried of the implication for the OSM. Can this service be a 
 problem for the OSM community and in case Is OSM able to cope with this 
 situation to avoid future lawsuits?

What service? It's a program that /you/ download to /your/ computer
and run on your own. He's not breaking any law by providing you with
this program.

Just because some company writes a TOS that doesn't mean they can stop
anyone writing programs that interface with their websites, but of
course they're fully within their rights to stop anyone accessing

I'm sure Google's TOS say something about automatic downloads. If I
provide you with this program:

while true; do

I'm not breaking Google's TOS. Just because I give you hammer that
make me responsible for you bludgeoning someone to death with it.

As for how we should cope with this situation we should do what
we've always done: Ask people nicely not to trace from proprietary
maps and hope they don't. Ultimately that's all we can do.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google WMS: is this legal?

2010-03-30 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 13:04, Tobias Knerr wrote:
 To the same effect, he could have written just ignore the naggers with
 their legalities and trace away. It's only insignificantly more subtle
 the way he phrases it.

Could have should have. Let's not forget the context here. Someone has
written a useful piece of software *in his free time* for *free* which
you and others to use *if you want to*, if not: don't use it.

If he doesn't feel like plastering legal warnings over his webpage
that's really really his business. I don't think anyone's in a
position to feel self-justified in speculations about his intent.

I don't mean to single you out but this sort of outlook is why he's
getting hate E-Mail in the first place.

Let us recall the ancient proverb: Life sucks, get a helmet.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-br] Wikimapa what is it?

2010-03-28 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 23:45, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 by the way: there is also similar (?) projects going on in Europe.
 Have you heard about youmap?

 I wrote to them proposing OSM instead of G-maps.

This map is mapping exactly the sort of thing that would spawn a
100-reply thread on osm-talk from the old guard saying we shouldn't be
mapping things like that[1].

Either we're going to have to be more open to projects like that or
accept that they won't use OSM or contribute to it.

Personally I don't care what data you put in the DB as long as you're
maintaining it and it doesn't disrupt anything else unreasonably.

1. a cursory glance at their data reveals that they're mapping things
that aren't on the ground.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-br] Wikimapa what is it?

2010-03-28 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 03:33, John Smith wrote:
 I had a quick glance and couldn't figure out their site, it wasn't
 dragable so I lost interest pretty quickly, but can you give an

This is the first link on their front page:

Page through the Public projects sidebar for more examples.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Moving to Java 1.6 not so easy to swallow

2010-03-25 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
I thought I'd reply generally to a few replies in this thread.
Disclaimer: I'm not a JOSM developer, although I have submitted a few
patches and a lot of bugs.

JOSM like most of the OpenStreetMap toolset is developed by
well-meaning developers in their free time. The direction the software
takes is ultimately a function of what the people that submit code
want to work on.

If you think JOSM should do something that it doesn't do now submit
patches, or at least submit a bug. There's a mention in the thread
that JOSM  mkgmap don't run under OpenJDK on NetBSD. Has there been a
bug filed for this? I couldn't find any. How is anyone supposed to fix
it if there at least isn't a report for the issue?

To date I've filed around 300 bugs in JOSM's bugtracker, 170 of these
have been fixed. JOSM's developers do care about issues you encounter,
but they have to *know about them*.

As for the Java 1.6 issue you can continue to run the last Java 1.5
release after the JOSM trunk has moved onto Java 1.6. The developers
are putting effort into making sure that the last 1.5 release is

Even if you want to follow trunk you can still do that. Just dual-boot
Debian[1] or Ubuntu[2] along with OSX and do your JOSM editing there.
It's trivial to set up a Mac to dual boot (I ran this setup for years
back when Mac hardware was worth the price for me).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Reporting bugs (was Re: What do you wish you'd known?)

2010-03-22 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 05:11, Tirkon wrote:
We're a _collaborative_ project, but that only works if you collaborate!

 Many non native persons will be able to survive, if they have to speak
 english. But to describe (or read) such complicated stuff only with
 school-english and with nearly no experience in the dayly life is
 another dimension. That is where the collaboration will end for many
 OSM people.

If you can't write English well enough to submit a bug in English just
submit it in German or whatever you're comfortable with. Even if the
person reading the bug can't understand it he can ask someone who can.
I've noticed that we seem to have a lot of Germans working on
OpenStreetMap so this shouldn't be a problem :)

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