Re: [Talk-de] OSMF / Unser Mann in London!

2010-08-11 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Oliver Kuehn ist unser Mann in London. Herzlichen Glueckwunsch! Hallo von meiner Seite, vielen Dank für die Glückwünsche. Ich freue mich auf die anstehende Arbeit im Board und auch die deutsche Community dort vertreten zu können. Eines meiner Ziele ist ja die Kommunikation (zwischen Mappern,

Re: [Talk-de] Schreckgespenst Datenverlust

2010-07-19 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Es geht nicht um rationalitaet - Das versuche ich dir ja gerade beizubiegen. Rational mag das ja alles ganz toefte sein mit der neuen Lizenz - Auch wenn ich rational immer noch fuer PD/CC0 bin. Ich fuehle mich gezwungen - und wenn man mich zwingt wehre ich mich - Und das Ergebniss ist da

Re: [Talk-de] Schreckgespenst Datenverlust

2010-07-19 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Einmal wird gesagt Wir brauchen eine neue Lizenz, weil die aktuelle ist untauglich. Dann sagt man aber gleichzeitig Zwar schützt die Lizenz die Daten nicht, aber aus Gründen der Fairnes den Mappern gegenüber tun wir trotzdem so als gäbe es doch Schutz und behandeln alle Elemente nach einem

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] public transport routing and OSM-ODbL

2010-07-08 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
2. If you manage to do your pre-processing in a way that only mixes your static network data with OSM, resulting in a data structure that contains information like transit from stop X to stop Y possible for these types of vehicles and so on, and then your router process, upon startup, reads this

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] public transport routing and OSM-ODbL

2010-07-07 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Hi Frederick, However, in terms of ODbL the route description they produce will be a produced work which is based on a database derived from OSM a derivative database that is only used to create a Produced Work is excluded from the share-alike: 4.5 Limits of Share Alike. The requirements of

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-07 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Hi Richard, I would appreciate to find my hotel in Girona: Joan Maragall, 10 - 17002 Girona Have a safe trip. that is the WRONG place. Entering the address in OSM leads to the wrong place! There was too much

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-06 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Would you stand for the board and suggest that they need to focus their efforts on only a few selective open-source projects? I am quite surprised by this comparison: (a) sourcefourge is a tool that has nothing to do with the projects themselves (b) the projects are all

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-06 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
That's not to say the Foundation shouldn't be planning ahead, but there's a big difference between that and trying to come up with a vision. If we need a vision, a plan or anything like that (and that's debatable anyway) then it's best for it to appear from the bowels of the community, not be

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-06 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
As I said in my email it's straightforward to make plans for the future without needing a goal. These plans can, and should, be based on what's happening, and therefore what we plan/expect will happen in the future. Absolutely in regards to plans, I just said that it should be triggered and

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-04 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
I thought one of the goals was to have OSM used more widely? This is the right type of question but you need to create an even more basic understanding: I haven't seen a common understanding of the definition of OSM's success. Where did you find the goal of a wider use? Wider use by I

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-04 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Some people might want to achieve a wider use for humanitarian projects. Then address referencing won't help and a license change won't change either. There needs to be common understanding of the vision where OSM is seen in five years from now. No, there doesn't. You're talking about it as

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-04 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
The problem here is people are better off doing what they find interesting, if they are forced, or feel forced to go in a certain direction they may tire or become bored and loose interest entirely in OSM. If you understood that I say you should force or tell people what to map then this is

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-04 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
I don't think that you can just say if the strategic goal is to be a mainstream map and other uses are distractions from this goal. There are plenty of people who do not have the goal of the mainstream map as their main mission. For example the time I spend working on things for HOT, I'm not

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-04 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
OpenStreetMap doesn't have a strategic goal; it's never had one. How do you want to find the right licensing, funding and communication approach (to avoid the word strategy) without having a strategic goal? Regards, Oliver -- View this message in context:

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-03 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
But to reiterate: I'd love to have a PD-like license or as Richard has said even better: I'd like anything that is non-share-alike. And I don't agree with Oliver conclusion on what would happen (corporate take over). Interesting remark: the one says something like I want to have a Volkswagen

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-03 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Some data is being released in Australia from governments under cc-by licenses, and they would possibly benefit from OSM having a cc-by compatible license, I'm sure some other donors would be in the same boat. If it is for the sake of compliance with licenses of data donors then there will

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-03 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
What would make OSM successful in your eyes? I thought one of the goals was to have OSM used more widely? This is the right type of question but you need to create an even more basic understanding: I haven't seen a common understanding of the definition of OSM's success. Where did you find the

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-02 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Are there strategic votes pro PD and/or negative to ODbL? I am a strong supporter for the ODbL as I also mention in the last part of my manifesto[1] Regards, Oliver [1] -- View this message in context:

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-02 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Actually there is a 3rd option, some people prefer cc-by... There are a few more options. Dual licensing like MySQL with a free share-a-like and commercial non-share-alike would also be an option. And there are many more. The question is just what you want to achieve and then you should look

Re: [Talk-de] Wahlen zum OSMF Board

2010-07-02 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Hi, als zweiter Kandidat möchte ich mich auch noch zu Wort melden und kurz mein Manifest in deutsch bereitstellen. Wie Frederick schreibt, denke ich auch, dass es gut wäre, wenn die deutsche Community mit beiden Kandidaten ins Board einziehen würde. Die deutsche Mailingliste ist mit Sicherheit

Re: [OSM-talk] [Candidacy] AGM Foundation 2010 - Girona

2010-07-01 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Hi, as I am another candidate for the board election that runs from today until July 9th I would like to append this post by my manifesto that represents my view and thoughts on OpenStreetMap. A brief personal overview can be found here [1]. I would also like to refer to the overview and

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Share-A-Like (non-) Verifiability because they are not publicly accessable

2010-06-24 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
He shouldn't draw then into the database, as this mixes OSM data and his own data. Why not just use a layer on top of the OSM data? One of the big advantages of OSM is that you the drawing tools. An option would be to create a blank database on top of the OSM data by using the OSM tools.

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Share-A-Like (non-) Verifiability because they are not publicly accessable

2010-06-24 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
What we're currently seeing is import mania, poeple trying to stuff every possible bit of information into OSM because that's the easiest way for them to use it in conjunction with OSM data. There is too much geodata in the world for this to be sustainable - OSM must stick to things that mappers

[OSM-legal-talk] Share-A-Like (non-) Verifiability because they are not publicly accessable

2010-06-23 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Hello everybody, I am still concerned that some business users cannot make use of OpenStreetMap data because of the Share-Alike-rule as they don't want or cannot share proprietary data. Personally, I am a big fan of the Share-Alike-rule but I think there should be some exceptions. I have the

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Using osm data + private data

2010-06-22 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
I would like to know if we can use osm data + private data for commercial use. Example 1 : i've a osm map and i sell the service; that a company can see a car fleet on a map. Can i do that ? Example 2/ : i've a osm map on my own server, but because i've some private data and too dangerous for

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Using osm data + private data

2010-06-22 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
But the map of the industrial site is store in the same table/database as for osm data. I understand that you have a proprietary map of the industrial site. If you just project it on the OpenStreetMap data then you do not have to make it public. An analogy: The Yahoo satellite data are often

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Using osm data + private data

2010-06-22 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
But I don't plan to license it, because i know that it will never go outside, the only people who can see my data is my client. Of course we would like to merge openstreetmap nodes and IDs with ours, and use mapnik to render both of them at the same time. The easiest way is if you create a

Re: [OSM-talk] WolframAlpha uses OpenStreetMap data

2010-06-17 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
That's great! It's a useful way to present OSM and it demonstrates growing popularity I fully agree. I think we should ask them if we even can name them on the OpenStreetMap web site as reference case (and we might kindly ask them at the same time to put the attribution somemore in the

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Potential huge License violation - anyone know anything about this?

2010-06-03 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
So, in summary: - No attribution - Is a derived work released under Copyright I assume this hasn't been cleared and 'waived' by someone at OSM? Where can we go from here? I think that in cases where we can prove such a 'mistake' we should send them a letter and clearly indicate their wrong

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Potential huge License violation - anyone know anything about this?

2010-06-03 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Dear Mr President, I've got this photo showing you in bed with another man, here's my bank account where you can make a donation, in which case will forget about it... ... unless I need more money later in which case I might again remember? Honestly, what you're suggesting smacks of blackmail.

Re: [Talk-de] Was kann OSM 2020?

2010-05-28 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Hallo, Der große Vorteil von OSM ist, dass die Daten zur freien Verfügung stehen und dass sie erweiterbar sind. Doch was kann man damit machen? OpenStreetMap hat noch viel mehr Vorteile. Hier sind mal ein paar aufgezählt: - Aktualität: Änderungen können von dem einen auf den anderen Tag live

Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung mit Taxis

2010-05-25 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
Hallo, Ich finde es nicht besonders verlockend, irgendwelche Tracks von Taxis und Müllautos zu bekommen (vor allem nicht in Deutschl.), da die meiste Arbeit ja nicht das Tracksammeln ist, sondern die dazu passenden Informationen zu dokumentieren und einzugeben. Reine Tracks sind verglichen mit

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] some questions about Produced Works under the ODbL

2010-05-21 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
1. Is it clear that a map tile is an image within the definition of a Produced Work--a work (such as an image...) resulting from using the whole or a Substantial part of the Contents?If not, what is the most typical example of a Produced Work in the map context? Consider a produced work of

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] some questions about Produced Works under the ODbL

2010-05-21 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
What you're saying, basically, is that making a cake loses the (or some) properties of the ingredients, thus a produced work; making a car doesn't, thus not produced. (Of course making a car also entails irreversible actions but let's ignore that for the moment.) Transferred back to the map

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] some questions about Produced Works under the ODbL

2010-05-21 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
You can certainly have a derived database that is not updateable (e.g. simply drop all IDs). That is true but you can have at least the negative conclusion: if it is updatable then it is no Produced Work. I initially thought it would take out most of the value but it is not (completely) true.

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM und Maxspeed

2010-05-21 Per discussione Oliver (skobbler)
gibt es in JOSM einen Schalter, mit dem ich die Maxspeed Färbung ab- und anschalten kann? Es gibt in den Einstellungen Karteneinstellungen die Option Stile zu aktivieren und deaktivieren. Ich bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher, ob Du