[talk-au] Last few days: State of the Map 2016 Call for Venues

2015-04-08 Per discussione Richard Weait
Dear All, The Call for Venues to host State of the Map 2016 is open for a few more days. Do you wish that your town / region could host State of the Map? It isn't too late. Get a team of locals together and assemble a bid. Have a look at the example bids, and the bids submitted so far.

[Talk-de] Umfrageplattform freigegeben

2015-04-08 Per discussione Harald Hartmann
Hallo Allerseits, wie im Forum [1] und im Blog [2] bereits angekündigt, extra auch für Euch folgende Info: In den letzten Tagen habe ich den Prototyp der Umfrageplattform [3] auf eine neue technische Plattform (simplemvcframework) aufgesetzt. Ab sofort kann jeder OSM-User eine Umfrage

[Talk-de] Last few days: State of the Map 2016 - Call for Venues

2015-04-08 Per discussione Richard Weait
Dear All, The Call for Venues to host State of the Map 2016 is open for a few more days. Do you wish that your town / region could host State of the Map? It isn't too late. Get a team of locals together and assemble a bid. Have a look at the example bids, and the bids submitted so far.

Re: [OSM-talk] what happens to an OSM account if the user dies

2015-04-08 Per discussione maning sambale
Thanks for all your condolences. She was actually one of our OSM contributor working in a catholic parish. We trained them to use OSM tools for the parish' disaster risk reduction ministry. As Mike N said, there is no risk of losing her important contributions when we did the license change. On

[OSM-talk] Last few days: State of the Map 2016: Call for Venues

2015-04-08 Per discussione Richard Weait
Dear All, The Call for Venues to host State of the Map 2016 is open for a few more days. Do you wish that your town / region could host State of the Map? It isn't too late. Get a team of locals together and assemble a bid. Have a look at the example bids, and the bids submitted so far.

Re: [Talk-cl] [Recordatorio] Se viene la Mapatón 2014 (César Medina)

2015-04-08 Per discussione Julio Costa Zambelli
Estimado Cristián, Si puedes solo un día, te recomiendo el Sábado en que tendremos todo el día (descontando los breaks para comer) para trabajar, mientras que el Domingo las presentaciones, deliberación y premiación de los desafíos de la NASA empezaran después de almuerzo (14:30), por lo que, en

[Talk-dk] Nytegning af byområder?

2015-04-08 Per discussione Victor Valore
Det jeg primært syntes er interessant i OSM er at tegne bygninger, barriers og parkingspladser, da disse tre typer giver et ret godt udgangspunkt for et overfladebillede som andre kan sætte deltajer i. Med disse på plads, så kan der sættes entrances på bygninger og highway nettet suppleres med

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO : Ref Fantoir sur nom d'immeuble

2015-04-08 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry
Bonsoir, Le 08/04/2015 15:59, Christian Quest a écrit : Rajouter le ref:FR:FANTOIR sur l'objet concerné (ici un immeuble, mais ça peut être une résidence comprenant plusieurs immeuble) permet de géolocaliser ces objets. Exemple: cherchez Tour Tourmalet sur https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/map/

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Adresse et hameau

2015-04-08 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry
Le 08/04/2015 18:32, Julien Noblet a écrit : Bonjour, Je suis en train de renseigner quelques n° de maisons sur des hameaux. J'aime beaucoup l'utilisation de relations type associatedStreet que je préfère à l'utilisation de addr:street. A votre avis, comment faire pour un

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Prochaine révision des cantons, à vos souris

2015-04-08 Per discussione Jérôme Amagat
Avant cette élections, où tous les cantons ont changé, il y avait des retouches sur les cantons avant chaque élection mais d’après la page wikipedia sur les cantons Le redécoupage de 1800 n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une refonte générale. Environ 60 % des cantons existants avant la réforme de 2013

Re: [Talk-at] Brückennummern

2015-04-08 Per discussione Martin Vonwald
Da du ja auf das Wiki verweist, möchte ich dies ebenso machen: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dbridge Kurz zusammengefasst extra für dich: * bridge=yes - Attribut auf einem Weg, z.B. eine Straße(!), welche über(!) eine Brücke führt erhält zusätzlich bridge=yes * man_made=bridge

Re: [Talk-it] Routing autostradale: problema di OsmAnd o della mappatura?

2015-04-08 Per discussione Max1234Ita
A quanto pare si tratta di un problema già noto: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/osmand/motorway-link/osmand/VOIic5mCias/yKyOr0sUv88J https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/osmand/motorway-link/osmand/VOIic5mCias/yKyOr0sUv88J Speriamo che lo risolvano col prossimo update! Max

Re: [OSM-talk] Territorial waters of Gibraltar

2015-04-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-04-08 9:58 GMT+02:00 Jo Walsh metaz...@fastmail.net: Now that document says one interesting thing about OSM holding one set of most-recognised borders; that In the future, we may look at supporting alternative sets directly. I don't know of any technical proposals to achieve this.

Re: [Talk-dk] Vejklassen Tertiary

2015-04-08 Per discussione Allan Gyldendal Frederiksen
Med hensyn til området nord for Rold Skov, tror jeg du skal zoom et niveau tættere på for at se det jeg mener kunne være forlæg for tertiary klassen. I det zoom niveau er der forbindelsesveje mellem de nævnte byer i området. Så jeg vil mene at f.eks. den direkte vej mellem Støvring og

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Iinconsistences at the level of municipalities?

2015-04-08 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
2015-04-08 12:45 GMT+02:00 Alexander Mikhailian mikhail...@mova.org: Hello, I am total noob in OSM, but here are a couple of issues that I spotted after exporting municipalities from OSM: 1. relation 3364845 seems to be a duplicate of the relation 1245629 for Aken. The first one is

[Talk-de] Maxspeed für 7.5t

2015-04-08 Per discussione C.Brause
Hallo, ich habe hier die Situation, dass allgemein maxspeed=50 gilt. Zusätzlich gilt aber Tempo 30 für 7,5 t. Ich wäre über einen Taggingvorschlag dankbar. Im Moment habe ich mal maxspeed:hgv=30 verwendet. Das kommt dem zumindest am nächsten. Leider ist es nicht richtig, weil hgv meines

Re: [Talk-de] Maxspeed für 7.5t

2015-04-08 Per discussione C.Brause
Danke für die schnelle Antwort! Das muss ich übersehen haben... :D Viele Grüße, Christian Am 08.04.2015 um 13:17 schrieb Martin Vonwald: Hi! Ich empfehle das hier: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Conditional_restrictions maxspeed:conditional=30 @ (weight=7.5) bg, Martin Am 8. April

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO : Ref Fantoir sur nom d'immeuble

2015-04-08 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau
Le 08/04/2015 12:24, Pierre Knobel a écrit : Je trouve que la limitation actuelle aux objets de type highway=* + name=* pour les rapprochements OSM/FANTOIR est trop restrictive (peut-être centrée sur une problématique de calcul d'itinéraire ?). On pourrait imaginer rapprocher aussi les

Re: [Talk-de] Maxspeed für 7.5t

2015-04-08 Per discussione Martin Vonwald
Hi! Ich empfehle das hier: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Conditional_restrictions maxspeed:conditional=30 @ (weight=7.5) bg, Martin Am 8. April 2015 um 13:13 schrieb C.Brause chr_bra...@gmx.de: Hallo, ich habe hier die Situation, dass allgemein maxspeed=50 gilt. Zusätzlich gilt

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO : Ref Fantoir sur nom d'immeuble

2015-04-08 Per discussione Pierre Knobel
Je rencontre des cas similaires assez souvent, moi aussi. Il est probable que ce genre d'information soit effectivement utilisé en complément d'adresse: Jean Dupont Résidence Les Tartentules 666 Rue des Arachnides 6 Octopolis-Les-Bains Donc c'est une bonne idée de mettre

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée − de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?)

2015-04-08 Per discussione Romain MEHUT
Bonjour, Ici, http://www.gr470-gorgesallier.com/#!a-propos/c1t0g, on peut lire: *Le Syndicat Mixte d’Aménagement (SMAT) du Haut-Allier œuvre depuis 1984 pour l’aménagement, la valorisation et la promotion touristique des Gorges de l’Allier. Il est à l’initiative de nombreux projets touristiques

[OSM-talk] what happens to an OSM account if the user dies

2015-04-08 Per discussione maning sambale
Sad news that my friend and OSM contributor died from a vehicular accident. I'm curious, what happens to an OSM user account if this happens? -- cheers, maning -- Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden blog:

Re: [Talk-dk] Vejklassen Tertiary

2015-04-08 Per discussione Jørgen Elgaard Larsen
Så jeg vil mene at f.eks. den direkte vej mellem Støvring og Blenstrup over Fræer og Askildrup bør skifte status til tertiary Helt ud til rute 507. Ja, det virker sådan, når man kigger på kortet. Men det må i høj grad komme an på lokalkendskab. Vil en typisk lokal beboer, der skal fra

Re: [Talk-lv] Sabiedriskā transporta pārvietošanās Liepājā

2015-04-08 Per discussione Marat
Sveiki! Nesen pamanīju ka šitā aplikācijā https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=rigas.mikro.autobusi tagad ir pieejama Rīgas mikroautobusu sekošana kartē līdzīgi sen ievestai Liepajā http://www.marsruti.lv/liepaja/#liepaja/map augša ir ikoniņa ar zilu(2) un sarkano (1) Man liekas ka

Re: [Talk-dk] Vejklassen Tertiary

2015-04-08 Per discussione Ole Laursen
7. april 2015 kl. 21.02 skrev Mogens Hansen mlind...@gmail.com: DEN ANDEN TOLKNING 'tertiary' er forbindelsesveje og vigtige tilslutningsveje - ellers er de 'unclassified' (eller 'residential' osv.) Jeg tror jeg har anvendt denne i de ting jeg har lavet i Nordjylland. Men jeg vil tilføje at

[OSM-talk-be] Iinconsistences at the level of municipalities?

2015-04-08 Per discussione Alexander Mikhailian
Hello, I am total noob in OSM, but here are a couple of issues that I spotted after exporting municipalities from OSM: 1. relation 3364845 seems to be a duplicate of the relation 1245629 for Aken. 2. the generic name for relation 2416075 is grod instead of Olne. FYI, grod is town in

[Talk-de] Mapillary2JOSM Status ?

2015-04-08 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Seit ein paar Tagen funktioniert Mapillary2JOSM fuer mich nicht mehr. Ich erhalte immer die Fehlermeldung Download fehlgeschlagen. Bereich zu groß. Hat jemand anderes das gleiche Problem? Volker ___ Talk-de mailing list Talk-de@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk] Territorial waters of Gibraltar

2015-04-08 Per discussione Jo Walsh
In between is disputed territory. How do we handle that in other cases? We follow the on the ground principle. http://osmfoundation.org/w/images/d/d8/DisputedTerritoriesInformation.pdf Now that document says one interesting thing about OSM holding one set of most-recognised borders;

[Talk-it] sul portale Open Data del Lazio

2015-04-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Segnalo questo articolo sul portale Open Data del Lazio: http://www.rivistageomedia.it/201504078359/dati-geografici-evidenza/portale-dei-dati-aperti-della-regione-lazio-pregi-e-difetti.html Ciao, Martin ___ Talk-it mailing list Talk-it@openstreetmap.org

Re: [Talk-us] Moving historic railroad ways from OSM to OpenHistoricalMap

2015-04-08 Per discussione Hans De Kryger
On Apr 2, 2015 7:08 AM, EthnicFood IsGreat ethnicfoodisgr...@gmail.com wrote: It's apparent to me that consensus will never be reached on whether or not abandoned railroads belong in OSM (at least the way it is currently configured), given the strong feelings on both sides of the issue. That's

[Talk-it-lazio] sul portale Open Data del Lazio

2015-04-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Segnalo questo articolo sul portale Open Data del Lazio: http://www.rivistageomedia.it/201504078359/dati-geografici-evidenza/portale-dei-dati-aperti-della-regione-lazio-pregi-e-difetti.html Ciao, Martin ___ Talk-it-lazio mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Revertir cambios

2015-04-08 Per discussione Felix
Puedes usar el plugin de revertir que hay para Josm( http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/Reverter), pero antes sería recomendable contactar con el usuario en concreto y explicarle el convenio de etiquetado:

Re: [Talk-dk] Vejklassen Tertiary

2015-04-08 Per discussione Hans Gregers Petersen
Hej Mogens et al, Jeg mener klart, at det netop er /forbindelses-veje/, der er tale om - specielt når man ser på Wikien. Det kan sikkert være en fin tommelfingerregel at se på vejbredden (og dermed om der er striber mv), men som Allan, hans kolleger og jeg diskuterede, er det jo netop

[Talk-es] Revertir cambios

2015-04-08 Per discussione Jesús
Un usuario se ha dedicado a cambiar/añadir buena parte de los nombres de las poblaciones y lugares de una comarca que están oficialmente en castellano a otro idioma (y no añadiendo un nuevo tag en el idioma correspondiente que sería lo correcto). ¿Hay alguna forma de revertir todos estos cambios

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-08 Per discussione Simon Poole
Am 07.04.2015 um 16:51 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer: ... is this something the OSMF lawyers have had a look into? Is the issue really copyright or is this about trademark (regarding the names GR PR etc.)? Currently it seems we are accepting what the Fédération Francaise de la Randonnée

Re: [Talk-it] Routing autostradale: problema di OsmAnd o della mappatura?

2015-04-08 Per discussione Max1234Ita
Any File wrote Sono andato a controllore come è sulla mappa l'usicta di Val Tidono della tangenziale Ovest di Milano. Ho notato che su questi raccordi non è segnato alcun llimite di velocità. Penso proprio che lì ci sia un limite di velocità più basso rispetto alla tangenziale. Non so

Re: [Talk-lv] Sabiedriskā transporta pārvietošanās Liepājā

2015-04-08 Per discussione Pēteris Brūns
GPS dati sekošanai nāk te: Rīgas miroautobusi: http://marsruti.lv/rigasmikroautobusi/gps.txt?1428478585840 Liepāja: http://www.marsruti.lv/liepaja/gps.txt?1428478666807 2015-04-08 10:29 GMT+03:00 Marat mar...@gmail.com: Atrodu linku http://m.marsruti.lv/rigasmikroautobusi/#riga/map

Re: [Talk-it] a proposito dei tag per piste ciclopedonali...

2015-04-08 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Vedo solo adesso il messaggio originale - Gmail mi l'aveva messo nello SPAM! - pista ciclo- pedonale illuminata, ma *anche ombreggiata* da diversi alberi. già risposto - pista asfaltata con rilievi dovuti alle radici emergenti degli alberi. già risposto - generalmente nelle piste ciclo

Re: [OSM-talk] PD: what can I do with automatic changes done against code of conduct

2015-04-08 Per discussione Jo Walsh
So my questions are: is community supposed to run like this? What can I do about it to fix it? Can I escalate this problem somewhere? Would it be ok if I reverted those changes? The Data Working Group exists in order to give mappers a chance to escalate concerns about other mappers'

Re: [OSM-talk] Territorial waters of Gibraltar

2015-04-08 Per discussione Iván Sánchez Ortega
El Martes 7. abril 2015 21.45.32 Frederik Ramm escribió: Is there anyone who can speak to the situation on the ground, ideally without being a Spanish or British nationalist and therefore potentially biased? I was contacted by the Gibraltar GIS folks a while ago and talked about putting both

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-04-08 9:05 GMT+02:00 Simon Poole si...@poole.ch: The wiki already explains: they hold a trademark for GR which makes using the official names of the routes essentially impossible in and for material they hold protection for and further they seem to claim copyright on the routes

Re: [Talk-de] [OSM-HH] Hamburger Straßennetz als CC0 veröffentlicht

2015-04-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 8. April 2015 um 01:17 schrieb Johannes Schlüter johan...@schlueters.de : Die Frage ist ob die Daten wirklich unter CC0 stehen. Man könnte sich im Zweifel auf einen Irrtum (siehe. z.B. erheblichen Inhaltsirrtum im BGB, wobei hier auch Verwaltungsrecht ene Rolle spielt ...) berufen oder

[OSM-talk-fr] BANO : Ref Fantoir sur nom d'immeuble

2015-04-08 Per discussione Simon Miniou
Bonjour, petite question que je me pose depuis quelques temps sur les immeubles de ma commune. ils ont quasi tous une ref fantoir qu'on retrouve dans les voies FANTOIR sans rapprochement OSM : http://cadastre.openstreetmap.fr/fantoir/#insee=51649 Sachant que cette référence correspond à des

[OSM-talk-fr] Prochaine révision des cantons, à vos souris

2015-04-08 Per discussione Pieren
Quand je disais il y a quelques années, ici, sur cette liste, que les cantons changaient tout le temps et qu'il ne fallait pas les mettre dans OSM... Pour ceux qui en douteraient encore, voici, déjà planifiée, la prochaine révision:

[OSM-talk-fr] Adresse et hameau

2015-04-08 Per discussione Julien Noblet
Bonjour, Je suis en train de renseigner quelques n° de maisons sur des hameaux. J'aime beaucoup l'utilisation de relations type associatedStreet que je préfère à l'utilisation de addr:street. A votre avis, comment faire pour un hameau/résidence/autre... ? * Un nouveau type associatedPlace ? * Me

Re: [OSM-talk] what happens to an OSM account if the user dies

2015-04-08 Per discussione Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 4:26 AM, maning sambale emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com wrote: Sad news that my friend and OSM contributor died from a vehicular accident. I'm curious, what happens to an OSM user account if this happens? Likely the account just sits with no activity. There's some risk it

Re: [Talk-de] Mechanischer Edit an Eisenbahnsignalen in Deutschland

2015-04-08 Per discussione Rolf Eike Beer
* Warum werden den die Werte als Abkürzungen definiert ? Was spricht gegen zB Hauptsignal statt hp ? Es handelt sich dabei um offizielle Abkürzungen, die durch das Signalbuch festgelegt sind (so wie die Verkehrszeichen in der StVO). Unter Eisenbahnern sind diese Abkürzungen auch

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-08 Per discussione Simon Poole
Am 08.04.2015 um 15:23 schrieb Russ Nelson: Simon Poole writes: The wiki already explains: they hold a trademark for GR which makes using the official names of the routes essentially impossible in and Perhaps French trademark law is different than US trademark law, but in the US, you

Re: [OSM-talk] what happens to an OSM account if the user dies

2015-04-08 Per discussione Mike N
On 4/8/2015 7:26 AM, maning sambale wrote: Sad news that my friend and OSM contributor died from a vehicular accident. I'm curious, what happens to an OSM user account if this happens? Sorry to hear this.In the past with the license change, the contributions were summarily deleted at

Re: [Talk-us] Moving historic railroad ways from OSM to OpenHistoricalMap

2015-04-08 Per discussione Russ Nelson
Hans De Kryger writes: On Apr 2, 2015 7:08 AM, EthnicFood IsGreat ethnicfoodisgr...@gmail.com wrote: It's apparent to me that consensus will never be reached on whether or not abandoned railroads belong in OSM (at least the way it is currently configured), given the strong feelings

Re: [Talk-lv] riigas atveertie dati

2015-04-08 Per discussione Rich
On 08/04/15 10:46, Pēteris Brūns wrote: Rich, domā kā OSM failu vai piemest kā slāni WMS? WMS kaut kā šitā: http://www.gisnet.lv/~peteris/ad.jpeg hmm, kaa ar papildinfo (iela, kas nu tur veel tiem punktiem piejams) ? it kaa shkjita, ka wms, bet varbuut osm fails tieshaam eertaaks... to arii

Re: [Talk-de] Mechanischer Edit an Eisenbahnsignalen in Deutschland

2015-04-08 Per discussione fly
Am 07.04.2015 um 16:08 schrieb Alexander Matheisen: Hallo, On Di, 2015-04-07 at 15:09 +0200, fly wrote: Grundsätzlich spricht nichts gegen eine Anpassung, allerdings sollten solche Änderungen möglichst breit diskutiert werden und dann bringt es nichts wenn der Autor hier nicht einmal

[OSM-talk] Osmic (OSM Icons) 0.1

2015-04-08 Per discussione nebulon42
Hi, I'm happy to announce the availability of the first release 0.1 of Osmic (OSM Icons). Osmic is a collection of 100+ clean high quality SVG icons optimised for small sizes. The icons are licensed under Public Domain (or CC0). The Github Repository: https://github.com/nebulon42/osmic For

Re: [Talk-it] Routing autostradale: problema di OsmAnd o della mappatura?

2015-04-08 Per discussione Leonardo Frassetto
Potresti provare con la versione nightly di osmand 2.0 per vedere se è già stato corretto. Trovi il link dal sito principale. Il 08/apr/2015 13:58, Max1234Ita max1234...@gmail.com ha scritto: A quanto pare si tratta di un problema già noto:

Re: [Talk-dk] Vejklassen Tertiary

2015-04-08 Per discussione Hans Gregers Petersen
Jeg kan godt se din pointe Jørgen, jeg mener dog, at netop et trafikkort (i modsætning til et sædvanligt teknisk kort) kan være med til at afsløre, hvad myndighederne tænker som tertiær-veje. Det vil også være disse veje (som regel), der ryddes for sne, som holdes bedst vedlige osv. :-) Anyways -

Re: [Talk-dk] Vejklassen Tertiary

2015-04-08 Per discussione Allan Gyldendal Frederiksen
Er godt med på, at det kan være svært at vurdere, men i den nævnte situation viser et hurtigt blik på luftfotoet en meget god vej, endda med midterstriber, uden at det skal være afgørende. Så jeg ville ikke betænke mig på at gøre den tertiary, og formentligt flere veje i området. Konsekvensen

[OSM-talk-be] Accessibility data

2015-04-08 Per discussione Jan Vansteenlandt
Hey All, I’m working on a project that involves mapping accessibility data to a uniform data layer. This means that it will enable to uniform request data about accessibility, without actually knowing from where it came and what structure that data was in. So far I have been able to identify

Re: [Talk-dk] Vejklassen Tertiary

2015-04-08 Per discussione Allan Gyldendal Frederiksen
Vil også lige give snerydning et par ord med på vejen, vi har det også tilgængeligt, ligesom de fleste andre kommuner (http://www.syddjurs.dk/sne) Men det løser ikke problemet. Motorvej, motortrafikvej og primærruterne er statsveje. Det efterlader så secondary, tertiary og unclassified

Re: [Talk-de] [OSM-HH] Hamburger Straßennetz als CC0 veröffentlicht

2015-04-08 Per discussione Michael Kugelmann
Am 08.04.2015 um 11:31 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer: ich würde die Daten auch nicht für OSM verwenden, wenn es sich hier um [] das zukünftig nicht mehr passiert. +1! Grüße, Michael. ___ Talk-de mailing list Talk-de@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk] what happens to an OSM account if the user dies

2015-04-08 Per discussione Tom Hughes
On 08/04/15 12:26, maning sambale wrote: Sad news that my friend and OSM contributor died from a vehicular accident. I'm curious, what happens to an OSM user account if this happens? My condolences. The simple answer is nothing at all happens because OSM will be entirely unaware of what has

Re: [OSM-talk] what happens to an OSM account if the user dies

2015-04-08 Per discussione Badita Florin
This is a good question, condolences to your friend. I thnik wikipedia and other project haves a procedure when sad things like this happen. ᐧ On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Tom Hughes t...@compton.nu wrote: On 08/04/15 12:26, maning sambale wrote: Sad news that my friend and OSM

[Talk-de] Osmic (OSM Icons) 0.1

2015-04-08 Per discussione nebulon42
Hi, zusätzlich zum englischen Diary-Eintrag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/nebulon42/diary/34709) hier auch eine deutsche Ankündigung: Osmic (OSM Icons) 0.1 ist verfügbar. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Sammlung von 100+ qualitativ hochwertigen SVG-Icons, die für kleine Größen optimiert

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO : Ref Fantoir sur nom d'immeuble

2015-04-08 Per discussione Christian Quest
Rajouter le ref:FR:FANTOIR sur l'objet concerné (ici un immeuble, mais ça peut être une résidence comprenant plusieurs immeuble) permet de géolocaliser ces objets. Exemple: cherchez Tour Tourmalet sur https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/map/ J'ai rajouté le ref:FR:FANTOIR sur le bâtiment et du coup

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée − de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?)

2015-04-08 Per discussione JB
Ha ben tiens, quand on se retrouve aux mêmes endroits… Je viens de leur poser la question par le formulaire de contact, en évoquant : - les fonds publics - la diffusion de l'information, et demandant si quelqu'un revendiquait une propriété intellectuelle, qui, et pourquoi… C'était une

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-08 Per discussione Russ Nelson
Simon Poole writes: The wiki already explains: they hold a trademark for GR which makes using the official names of the routes essentially impossible in and Perhaps French trademark law is different than US trademark law, but in the US, you can *always* use a trademark truthfully. Thus, you

Re: [Talk-dk] Vejklassen Tertiary

2015-04-08 Per discussione Ole Laursen
8. april 2015 kl. 11.38 skrev Allan Gyldendal Frederiksen a...@syddjurs.dk: Med hensyn til området nord for Rold Skov, tror jeg du skal zoom et niveau tættere på for at se det jeg mener kunne være forlæg for tertiary klassen. I det zoom niveau er der forbindelsesveje mellem de nævnte byer i

Re: [Talk-de] Mechanischer Edit an Eisenbahnsignalen in Deutschland

2015-04-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 08.04.2015 um 15:17 schrieb fly lowfligh...@googlemail.com: Warum eigentlich railway: als name space ? ich finde so einen namespace dort nicht schlecht, wo es um Spezialistentags geht. Hauptsignale und Ähnliches wird wohl nicht jeder eintragen, und durch den Präfix wird auch

Re: [Talk-cz] ROPiky vs Sruby

2015-04-08 Per discussione Lukas Michek
Proste jen military=bunker ;-) 8. dubna 2015 19:56:24 CEST, Ondrej Steiner steiner4s...@gmail.com napsal: Ahoj, Mam jeste jeden dotaz na tema ROPiky: Existuje systematicky zpusob jak odlisit ROPik (tedy objekt lehkeho opevneni) od srubu (tedy objektu tezkeho opevneni)? Pri pohledu na wiki je

Re: [Talk-cl] [Recordatorio] Se viene la Mapatón 2014 (César Medina)

2015-04-08 Per discussione ignacio abé
Estimados Lamento responder tan encima. Me encantaría ayudar en los temas uno o dos (introduccion a OSM o preferentemente edición del mapa). Tengo algo de experiencia enseñando a usar openstreetmap en universidades, así que no será problema. Todavía necesitan gente para eso ? Ignacio Abé

Re: [Talk-cl] [Recordatorio] Se viene la Mapatón 2014 (César Medina)

2015-04-08 Per discussione hotmail
Hola Ignacio, por supuesto que sí, dale, te esperamos! Regístrate acá para considerarte en todos los temas logísticos. https://2015.spaceappschallenge.org/ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1I-CarOPhu9m5wOZ5RsMjfWWAsq8skDosqJ7EeohElMY/viewform saludos César El 8 de abril de 2015, 15:46,

Re: [Talk-de] Mechanischer Edit an Eisenbahnsignalen in Deutschland

2015-04-08 Per discussione Michael Reichert
Hallo, Am 2015-04-07 um 15:09 schrieb fly: Grundsätzlich spricht nichts gegen eine Anpassung, allerdings sollten solche Änderungen möglichst breit diskutiert werden und dann bringt es nichts wenn der Autor hier nicht einmal persönlich einen Link veröffentlicht und dann auch mitdiskutiert !

Re: [Talk-pe] Coordinar mapeo en Arequipa

2015-04-08 Per discussione Robert David Ascuña Cárdenas
Al respecto de lo que comentas, revisando el mapeo que se hace en otros países he observado que suelen unir los segmentos (cuadras) de las calles con el fin de formar un sólo segmento y darle a ese segmento el nombre. Sin embargo por aquí he visto casos donde ocurre lo contrario, que cada

Re: [Talk-de] Mapillary2JOSM Status ?

2015-04-08 Per discussione Holger Mappt
Hallo Volker, das ist ein bekanntes Problem mit der Mapillary API und existiert schon länger: https://github.com/ubahnverleih/mapillary2JOSM/issues/8 Die Frage ist ob noch jemand den Service benutzt und es sich lohnt das zu reparieren. Holger On 2015-04-08 at 11:51 +0200 Volker Schmidt

[Talk-cz] ROPiky vs Sruby

2015-04-08 Per discussione Ondrej Steiner
Ahoj, Mam jeste jeden dotaz na tema ROPiky: Existuje systematicky zpusob jak odlisit ROPik (tedy objekt lehkeho opevneni) od srubu (tedy objektu tezkeho opevneni)? Pri pohledu na wiki je mi jasne, ze oba dva typy objektu budou mit tag military=bunker a ROPik jeste tag bunker_type=pillbox

[Talk-de] Wochennotiz Nr. 246 31.3.–6.4.2015

2015-04-08 Per discussione wn reader
Hallo, die Wochennotiz Nr. 246 mit allen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der OpenStreetMap Welt ist da: http://blog.openstreetmap.de/blog/2015/04/wochennotiz-nr-246/ Viel Spaß beim Lesen! ___ Talk-de mailing list Talk-de@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Prochaine révision des cantons, à vos souris

2015-04-08 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Non, car là ce n'est qu'une annonce d'un futur candidat (qui en plus n'est pas élu, ni même encore candidat officiellement, même au sein de son parti). Rien à voir avec une réforme réelle. De toute façon légalement les cantons *doivent* être remaniés à chaque élection dont les élus représentent

[Talk-us] Last few days. State of the Map: Call for Venues 2016

2015-04-08 Per discussione Richard Weait
Dear All, The Call for Venues to host State of the Map 2016 is open for a few more days. Do you wish that your town / region could host State of the Map? It isn't too late. Get a team of locals together and assemble a bid. Have a look at the example bids, and the bids submitted so far.

[Talk-ca] Last few days: State of the Map 2016: Call for Venues

2015-04-08 Per discussione Richard Weait
Dear All, The Call for Venues to host State of the Map 2016 is open for a few more days. Do you wish that your town / region could host State of the Map? It isn't too late. Get a team of locals together and assemble a bid. Have a look at the example bids, and the bids submitted so far.

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto per tradurre le descrizioni delle immagini della settimana

2015-04-08 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
On 2 April 2015 at 20:47, Daniele Forsi dfo...@gmail.com wrote: Fino a 3 settimane fa l'italiano era l'unica lingua che aveva TUTTE le descrizioni tradotte, ma io non ce la faccio a stargli dietro, qualcuno può dare una mano? peccato che nessuno possa dare una mano... Questa settimana

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto per tradurre le descrizioni delle immagini della settimana

2015-04-08 Per discussione Fabrizio Carrai
Fra qualche giorno mi libero e...parlo anche con Daniele... Il 08/apr/2015 23:30, Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com ha scritto: On 2 April 2015 at 20:47, Daniele Forsi dfo...@gmail.com wrote: Fino a 3 settimane fa l'italiano era l'unica lingua che aveva TUTTE le descrizioni tradotte, ma io

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto per tradurre le descrizioni delle immagini della settimana

2015-04-08 Per discussione mbranco2
Ci sto provando... (sono novizio, ogni consiglio è ben accetto :-) ) Il giorno 9 aprile 2015 00:17, Fabrizio Carrai fabrizio.car...@gmail.com ha scritto: Fra qualche giorno mi libero e...parlo anche con Daniele... Il 08/apr/2015 23:30, Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com ha scritto: On 2