2023-09-29 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

The Bat! v10.4.0.17 is now available 



[*] CEF  v117
[*] Google and Outlook365 calendar synchronisation works smoother and do not 
require extra OAUTH tokens

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2023-08-24 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Sergey, 

> One addition. TheBAT crashes on Windows load only if no active internet 
> connection.

Please don't forget to send exception logs to us, otherwise we sink in 
guesses... Thank you!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2023-07-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

Version is now available from 

[*] Manual changes on HTML toolbars visibility in the editor are now reflected 
in new editor windows 
[*] Removed the confirmation dialog on stopping the search process in the 
Message Finder
[-] Tabulation didn't function in the Memo editor
[-] An Access Violation error message appeared when viewing certain emails with 
calendar events
[-] Gmail's web-interface displayed the № character in emails as № when 
sent from The Bat! using the PureHTML editor
[-] The "Paste from..." command didn't work in the RichText Editor
[-] Repeated opening of HTML-messages from "Outbox" resulted in changing the 
format to plain text
[-] Message text selection was barely seen in the PureHTML editor under the 
Choco Dark theme
[-] The search stopping confirmation dialog appeared twice when the user 
canceled the search process in case it had already been completed
[-] Manually typing a hyperlink and pressing the spacebar resulted in the 
change of the current font to Calibri in the RichText editor

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
'Using TBBETA' information:


2023-07-04 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Sergey, 

Within The Bat! itself, the file is open for reading and completely share aware 
(the fix attempt was overriding default access mode - ShareDenyWrite), so the 
only thing I can think of is you have some software like antivirus that 
intercepts access to the file on the system level and opens it for write. If 
it's done on the system level, file is shown as open and locked by TheBat.EXE 
but it can be anything. 

So, we give up on this issue for now. As a workaround, I would recommend to 
reedit the template - cut the image and then paste it back. Take a look at the 
source code to make sure it's not referred as a disk file anymore.

> Can't confirm this fixes. Same problem using latest v10.4.0.6 x64 nau after 
> opening and reply to 7-8 messages.

> Resource viewer shows locking file only by TheBAT

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: RSS feeds

2023-06-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Wrong folder template, sorry :-)  This message was supposed to go into TBUDL...

>> how can I add RSS feeds into The Bat (9 or 10) and have them  each its own 
>> folder?

> What do you mean? Each RSS is stored in its own folder currently...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: RSS feeds

2023-06-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gunivortus, 
> how can I add RSS feeds into The Bat (9 or 10) and have them  each its own 
> folder?

What do you mean? Each RSS is stored in its own folder currently...

Best regards,
  Stefan Tanurkov   CEO @ Ritlabs SRL

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Gmail calendar not shows all events

2023-06-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Белрус, 

> Let's think that events.cfg kills all. It still not shows my events in TB! (((

The problem is with terminology. Those events that you think as of events are 
not events :)

They are stored separately and accessed using different API(s)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Gmail calendar not shows all events

2023-06-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Белрус, 

> I decide to merge all the calendar "threads" into one calendar thread. It 
> done, but TB! stores somewhere all an old threads and shows them (without 
> events). I do think that problem in that. Where am I can clear all calendar 
> cache in TB!? After cleaning I will try to sync my google calendar again. 

You can delete EVENTS.CFG if you don't have your own events/schedules in your 
calendar. Otherwise, it's a feature request to have a possibility to 
clear/resync calendars of a particular account

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2023-06-27 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,



[*] (#0222)  Workaround for the "file is locked" error while loading template 
images from a file
[-] Text pasted into PureHTML editor from an Excel spreadheet could be pasted 
not as a table
[-] Time zone could be not set for use when importing from an .ICS file
[-] Template Preview did not switch between HTML / Plain Text outputs
[-] Embedded images were not shown in the Template Preview
[-] Some external images were not displayed upon download

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.4 Right-clicking an attachment activates it in tab, viewing it

2023-06-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Viktor, 

> - Is the reaction on right click desired too? My gut tells me: standard click 
> yes, right click has already another function and shouldn't trigger the 
> standard click response too.

Right click on an attachment should select that attachment, otherwise there is 
no point for most menu commands, so it's at least has some logic behind :) We 
may rethink this, though we did not see much complains about the current 
auto-preview behavior - normally, people either just like it or switch it off...

> - In my case the document is a PDF, which is being viewed in an embedded 
> Acrobat Viewer if I'm not mistaken and thus the potential for an exploit 
> being launched thru it is not mitigated.

PDF are viewed either using Chromium PDF viewer or (in the single process mode) 
they are converted into HTML using the same library we use for Office 
documents. In both cases, no Adobe software is used...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.4 Right-clicking an attachment activates it in tab, viewing it

2023-06-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Viktor, 

> BUT: this feature seems to me to have been meant to control the auto-preview 
> on *standard click* - the right click does something different and, in my 
> opinion, shouldn't trigger the auto-preview at all. Like this, I find it a 
> security risk with users launching files they intended to treat with caution.

This was discussed here right after the feature was released. Viewing Office 
attachments is safe because the code for conversion them into HTML is built in, 
does not run any scripts  and protected against buffer underrun and other 
vulnerabilities. If a document cannot be displayed withing The Bat!, most 
probably it contains an exploit...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.4 access violation errors

2023-05-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Белрус, 

>>> 1) Access violation error isn't fixed? As far I understand it annoying when 
>>> PDF-viewer is works with CEF checkbox enabled
>> We need to reproduce that access violation first. It looks like a 
>> configuration-specific thing.
> They are here and really annoying. See attached image. What can I do for help 
> here? Are you need some logs or what? 

Yes, please send the TheBat_Exceptions.log file directly to me so we don't 
generate useless traffic here. 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.4

2023-05-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Zygmunt, 

> After reverting to this slow response for editor still existed. I 
> have decided to reinstall The Bat! from scratch. First, I have made backup 
> and then have removed all TB! entries from registry. After fresh installation 
> The Bat! editor is responsive again!

This is strange. May be you've switched Pure HTML editor as the default? This 
could be the case for a slow start of editor, but it should happen just once - 
looks like it enumerates fonts and you probably have a lot of them...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.4

2023-05-29 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Marck, 

>Up and, sadly, still not running for me :-(

Did you try the /STARTUP_TIMING_LOG  command line parameter?  

it logs startup sequence into  ex_log.txt in the mail directory. Please try to 
run The Bat! with this parameter and send the log to me. It's a weird one...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.4

2023-05-29 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA

Hello Белрус, 

1) Access violation error isn't fixed? As far I understand it annoying when PDF-viewer is works with CEF checkbox enabled

We need to reproduce that access violation first. It looks like a configuration-specific thing.

PDF is now available for viewing in the single process mode, it is just presented as an MS Office document (like DOC/DOCX)

2) Is Any fixes added to watch google calendar with all events from all "branches"? Is button "manual sync" for google calendar added? 

Those are not fixes, it's another piece of functionality that must be implemented one day. :)

-- Best regards,Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Access Violation

2023-05-23 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA

Hello George, 

AFAIR, running CEF in single kills showing attached documents inside TB! Am I wrong? 

Not exactly, it affects PDF viewer (documents are still being rendered in the latest version, but functionality is reduced) and Web browser in RSS feeds (pages could be rendered incorrectly due to missing plugins that require multi-process mode).

-- Best regards,Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Fwd: Re:

2023-05-16 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

>- sync button for google calendar (or autosync feature after any changes that 
>do a customer)

Sync buttons can be seen and used in the Calendar Manager

>- google calendar not shows fully all the events (all the calendars in one 
>account not shows normally, events from main calendar not shows)

There is a difference between events, tasks and reminders - only events can 
sync now, task lists and reminders are separate entities and must be accessed 
using other permissions/APIs

>- changing events of google calendar in the cloud or in TB! not always resync 
>between them
>- autosync of google calendar works slowly! 10 and more minutes to add/change 

Yeah, this needs to be improved. Currently, 5 minutes interval is used by 
default, CalendarSyncIntervalSeconds value in HKCU\Software\Rit\The Bat! 
registry key may help you now

If you still have that AV error, please send us the Exception Log so we can 
investigate it, a single address does not help in most cases.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2023-05-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ethan, 
> Will we be able to sync with Microsoft 365 Exchange?
Yes, next iteration should allow us to sync with outlook365 accounts. 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2023-05-01 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

Version is now available:



[+] Calendar Manager
[+] Sync with Google Calendar
[-] Bugs with Calculate command in HTML editors
[-] Some iCalendar files could cause AV errors
[-] Alt+Insert (Paste as quotation) was not working properly in both HTML 
[-] Weekly/daily repeating events were starting repetitions one day later
[-] Time zone issues when importing from iCalendar files

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bug #02233 still broken

2023-03-21 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> Still broken! Numbers and parentheses in filename were removed!
> See https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=2233#c6941

This is a separate issue, actually. It will require some changes in the parser 
and it could not be done as quick as fixing the main issue...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Very calm

2023-02-27 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Martin, 

> Did I miss something, does this mailing list no longer exist? It has
> become so quiet...

Please stay tuned - we continue development, the problem is that there is some 
amount of heavy lifting (related to revising of legacy code) to de done in 
order to finish the current tasks. Plus, we've started conversion the current 
code into multi-platform project, this also takes quite an effort.

Yeah, the current situation in the neighborhood and in the World doesn't make 
things easy, but we're still here and still working  :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.3.2 Important! Disable preview of attachments because of possible vulnerabiliy

2022-11-11 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> why are we not able to disable previews and tabs of attachments in 
> message list by settings?

To disable attachment preview, use the "Attachment auto-preview" option in the 
attachment pane popup or "Workspace|Attached files|Attachment auto-preview"

> I am really concerned about security issues related to the attachment 
> viewer.

We have tested the code and it's proven to be safe. We've tested against 
existing exploits and we see that the exploits don't work with The Bat!
> 1. If attachments are rendered by Chromium CEF, there are always 
>    security issues in browser viewer part of The Bat!. 

Attachments are first converted into safe and simple HTML code, so what 
security issues do you see there?

> 3. The Bat!'s XML parser for some data types can be vulnerable.
No security issues were found so far.
> 2. Vulnerability could be the unpacking of compressed 
>    data. 

No security issues were found in the ZIP library so far. Yeah, ZIP bombs may 
cause "out of memory" messages, but that's the only bad thing that may happen.

> I think there is a real need of never opening attachments, not even hidden 
> internally!, if that is forbidden by The Bat! settings.

Attachments are read in a very similar way as parsing email messages. If the 
parsing code is good enough, why should you worry? Parsing emails or images or 
protocols is also a potentially vulnerable task if a wrong coding approach is 
taken, especially when it comes to cryptography. Just take a look at logged The 
Bat! security/vulnerability issues - do you see many found in 25 years?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Less ecurity with attchment viewes!?

2022-10-14 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen,

Friday, October 14, 2022, 8:13:54 PM, you wrote:

> Automatic viewers for PDF, DOC, XLS etc.? Really?

The files are converted by the built-in converter into HTML and displayed in 
the HTML viewer, actually. No scripts execution and other unsafe stuff. Do you 
still see anything to worry security wise?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2022-10-14 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

The Bat! v10.2.1.2 is available for testing. 



[+] Built-in viewer for most of Office documents (DOC, DOCX, XLT, XLTX, PPT, 
PPTX) as well as MD, EPUB, FB2
[+] "Attachment autopreview" option to allow automatic switch to the 
attachment's tab of the preview pane (if any)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.2.1 update failed

2022-10-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA

Hello Thomas, 

Note: I did not see any announcement on this list about 10.2.1.

10.2.1  is a hotfix update to 10.2

Most probably, you have a connection error - do they happen often in other apps? I guess we were too optimistic about those simple tasks, so more work error reporting needs to be done.

Please try to redownload the update.

-- Best regards,Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2022-09-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

Version is available from 



[-] "Failed to load URL https://localhost/msgs/..."; error (Beta issue)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2022-09-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

Version is now available for testing



[!] Google OAUTH is now performed via localhost Redirect URI as OOB redirection 
is going to be disabled by Google
[*] "Print" command was added to the contact's context menu
[*] Now it is possible to define default address book in the new interface
[*] "Select All" (Ctrl+A) command is now added for contacts list
[*] Nickname field in contact properties is available in the new address book 
[*] New address book interface remembers last selected address book
[*] Address group properties shows total number of contacts in this group
[-] Template could be inactivate in Pure HTML editor
[-] Bug when address book list in external addition dialog couldn't be scrolled 
is fixed
[-] Old address book interface now properly updates after adding a new address 
group in the new interface
[-] Rare crash after interface theme switching while new address book is open 
[-] String overlap in contact properties selection popup is now fixed
[-] Common quick templates are now selectable in mass mailing dialog

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2022-09-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA

Hello Jernej, 

It shouldn't be too hard to compile it yourself — I include gpgme in my wget binaries, though I compile it statically. msys2 likely also has prepackaged binaries, too.

That's what we tried to do while TBBETA was silent, it is not that simple, at least - with our knowledge of the tools. If you can help us with that, it'd be great - looks like we miss some "evident" prerequisites...

-- Best regards,Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: - The Bat! (32bit) blocks start of Libreoffice x64 / Win 11 21H2

2022-09-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej, 

> I've got another program with the same symptoms as LibreOffice: Asp32, a very 
> old (last release in 2002) dictionary program from Slovenia.

It appears the problem with no-start is gone when a single process CEF is used 
by The Bat!. So, most probably CEF and those apps with problems are trying to 
use same resources simultaneously. I've found some mentions of hardware 
acceleration, but I don't believe a dictionary program from 2002 would need it 
at all :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2022-09-13 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA

Hello All,

We've been playing with GPGME for some time, trying to adopt it to our requirements and suddenly discovered that there is no 64bit Windows version of GPGME DLL.

Now, we should figure out what would be better - provide GPGME support in 32 bit version only or improve support of console GnuPG eliminating existing problems in both 32 and 64 bit versions. From the current standpoint, the latter is preferrable.

There is an option to produce a 64bit Windows version of GnuPG, but it's not quite clear how much resources it woud require...

Please feel free to post your thoughts on this. Thank you! 

-- Best regards,Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: - The Bat! (32bit) blocks start of Libreoffice x64 / Win 11 21H2

2022-09-13 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

>The troublemaker is THe Bat! CEF browser.
>See urgent bug report: https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=2208

The problem is that we have no idea what Libre Office is trying to do and what 
exactly prevents it from starting. Presumably, they try to exclusively lock 
some resource which is also used by CEF, but we have zero knowledge of 
resources used by Libre Office. On the other hand, LO is the only software that 
is suffering, we did not receive reports about similar problems in other 
software. Thus, we'll have to wait for LO team findings...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Add GPGME in The Bat! 10.x to get rid of external GnuPG programs calls

2022-08-25 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> the developer of GPG4Win advised devs of mail clients to use GPGME as 
> a lib to use de-/encryption/signing/verification of OpenPGP content/mails.  
> Had you considered to do this?

Yeah, I think it's a good idea finally - I see the interface of GPGME didn't 
change for many years, so we are going to squeeze it into development 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2022-08-23 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej, 

> Pressing AltGr+Shift causes the line I'm currently editing to align to the 
> right in this version.

It actually switches text direction to right-to-left, not alignment. Hmm. Not 
sure it's needed for left-to-right languages... :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Test, please ignore

2022-08-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej, 

> I received two announcements through the list.

Yeah, there were two attempts from both of my accounts

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2022-08-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available 



Here is  a short list of changes:

[+] RichText editor as a simpler to use HTML editor
[-] Many small fixes in the HTML editor (now PureHTML)
[*] Update CEF to v103
[*] Crop function in the HTML editor moved to a dialog window

RichText is reincarnation of the older HTML editor which is based on the 
RichView component, we decided to make it available again as the current HTML 
editor (added in v9 cycle) could be a pain to handle sometimes :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

2022-08-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available 



Here is  a short list of changes:

[+] RichText editor as a simpler to use HTML editor
[-] Many small fixes in the HTML editor (now PureHTML)
[*] Update CEF to v103
[*] Crop function in the HTML editor moved to a dialog window

RichText is reincarnation of the older HTML editor which is based on the 
RichView component, we decided to make it available again as the current HTML 
editor (added in v9 cycle) could be a pain to handle sometimes :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

Test, please ignore

2022-08-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov
Hello The,

  For some reason, I cannot see messages I've sent today from my primary 
address ( s...@ritlabs.com )
Best regards,

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bat Beta Series

2022-07-27 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Martin, 

> And my very quiet question: What's about the GnuPG issues?

They're waiting in the line. We do remember them, of course :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bat Beta Series

2022-07-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Dimitar, 

> Now we know Stefan uses dark theme :)

Well noticed :-)  As a matter of fact, the very first version of The Bat! was 
using greyish background in the preview and editor because standard Windows 
palette was eye straining to me :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bat Beta Series

2022-07-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Chris, 

> May I ask if the next beta is likely to fix the Remote Desktop issue please?

We'll try to fix it, but as I told you before, it's somehow problematic to find 
the cause...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bat Beta Series

2022-07-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> Your HTML message is white text on white background ;-) 

Yeah, it's a good pre-Beta finding :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bat Beta Series

2022-07-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA

Hello Ethan, 

Quick question - has beta testing ended?

Quick answer - no. :-)

We're preparing a new Beta right now.

-- Best regards,Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: TB 10.1 - Calendar error

2022-07-02 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ethan, 

> I think the calendar feature should be removed.  
I don't think so :-)  We're going to add connectivity to exchange/gmail/etc 
services soon.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: TB 10.1 - Calendar error

2022-07-02 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Zygmunt, 

> Failed to load URL http://local.resource/TBX_CLDR_VIEW?page=calendar with 
> error ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (-105).

What kind of installation do you have? (With/without autoupdate)? If it's a 
version with autoupdate, does your username contain any non-ASCII characters?

I guess we'll need to introduce some configuration info shortcuts/macros...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: The Editor

2022-06-27 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ira, 

>  Just wondering if there is any plan to fix the editor. 

Yes, we are currently working on making the old RichText-based editor back with 
fixes as well as on making the HTML editor better. Most of problems related to 
the HTML editor are caused by the fact that RichText format was developed 
primarily for using in editors whilst HTML was developed for viewers. So, 
combining these two conceptions is quite a task, and that's why we decided to 
get the RTF back.

What are the biggest PITAs you experience with the editor, anyway?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: TB 10.0.10 randomly crashing

2022-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej, 

> The Bat v10.0.10 seems to be quite unstable – it often closes without any 
> notification at all, while running in the background (so I don't notice until 
> I want to send a new e-mail). Here's the content of my 
> thebat64_Exceptions.log for today (when TB crashed once):

Do you use the "Single CEF process" option?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2022-06-10 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

New version of The Bat! Voyager is available for testing:


It requires activation with a key of The Bat! v10  Professional

Please backup your Voyager data before using this new version 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.0.10 CEF run single checkbox

2022-05-31 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gleason, 

> The Bat has come a long way towards better functionality in the past 15 
> years.  Much much better now.

Glad to hear this, thank you Gleason!  But please keep in mind that perfection 
has no limits, so we have a lot of things to be done :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Features: Support for ICS / iCalendar format mails

2022-05-31 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Viktor, 
> recently, a sender started sending me Outlook appointment e-mails containing 
> nothing but the iCalendar data with its MIME type. Such mails aren't handled 
> by TheBat! very nicely, only the source text beginning with "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" 
> is being shown, not even a button to save the contents to a file.  I saw some 
> old feature requests for this but nothing leading to  a solution. Would any 
> of you possibly have a workaround or know where a feature discussion for 
> better support could be continued?

We are working on it right now as we got massive feedback on these new (and 
long waited) features. So, please be patient :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.0.10 CEF run single checkbox

2022-05-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

> What does it mean? If I have many lagged HTML complex messages then I do need 
> to mark this checkbox or unmark? 

In your case, it's better to use multiprocess CEF, i.e. keep the checkbox 
> I do prefer to open strange and complex HTML-new in the browser directly.

CEF built into The Bat! is a complete browser (equal to Chrome version 101 
since v10.0.3), so there is no practical difference in viewing HTML messages in 
The Bat! or open them in the browser. Actually, The Bat! is more secure as it 
may block downloading resources from unwanted sites and do not have access to 
whatever passwords stored in your browser (that could be fished out somehow)...
Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.0.10

2022-05-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

>> [+] Option to run single CEF process at the Preferences | Applications page 
> What is this and when do we need to enable this? 

By default, multiple processes are started in order to support fast and 
reliable functioning of the Chroimium browser. Also, some features like 
built-in PDF viewer and video player (in RSS feed) are only available when 
multiple processes are used. But in some cases they could be too resource 
greedy, in this case single process option could help 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2022-05-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All,

The Bat! v10.0.10 is available for testing from



Here is a short list of changes:

[+] Option to run single CEF process at the Preferences | Applications page 
[-] Sometimes, abandoned utility processes could stay after quit the 

Changes since 10.0.5:

--- 10.0.9 changes 
[+] "Go Offline" button in the Restore dialog
[-] Window size of Message Source Viewer was not restored on screen DPIs other 
that 96
[-] PDF files with non-ASCII characters in names could not be viewed
--- 10.0.6 changes 
[+] Inline PDF viewer
[*] Use multiple CEF process to optimize HTML rendering
[*] /SingleCEF command line parameter to use CEF browser in the current process

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 10.0.3 - Plain taskbar icon instead of TheBat signature one

2022-05-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Viktor, 

> v10 release seems to have a plain white icon on the taskbar for its message 
> or connection center windows. The notification area window has a TheBat! one, 
> same as the windows themselves - just the taskbar seems to sport a plain one.

I noticed that several times and it looks like a Windows Explorer issue because 
system reboot helps in most cases. 
If you use version with automatic updates, it must not be a problem anymore 
because it happens only after reinstalling MSI package.
Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: GnuPG bugs

2022-05-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Martin, 

> Are there any plans to fix the very very old GnUPG bugs in theis Beta
> 10 cycle. Would  be very nice - we are waiting now quite a long
> time...

We are going to address it very soon. If you have specific links to BT issues 
of what bugs you most, please send them to me

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 is now released

2022-05-06 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ethan, 

> How does one turn off the calendar feature?  It is not working correctly.

What do you mean by turning off and what is not working correctly?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 is now released

2022-04-29 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Sergey, 

> After update can't get mail messages using POP3 from any mailbox on my own 
> server. Error in TLS (checking server certificate). Root cetificate is not 
> trusted. Changing from "Microsoft Crypto API" to "Internal" in S/MIME TLS 
> options solve this problem. Previous latest beta works without this changes.
Hmm. Was it an entirely new installation? 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 is now released

2022-04-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Martin, 

> The program icon in the program list is missing.

What version did you run before upgrading to v10? 

Basically, the problem could be connected with the new way Windows treats 
application icons - you may need to uninstall the previous version of The Bat! 
from the "Add or remove programs"

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 is now released

2022-04-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Mark, 

> Since I did not have the time to take part in Beta: is it possible to turn 
> back to 9.5.1 if some things in V10 don't work as expected?

Yes. I don't think it would be a problem. But I hope we didn't break anything 
so you'll stay on v10 :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 is now released

2022-04-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

> Вы писали 28 апреля 2022 г., 14:59:41:
>> - improve Virtual Folders using indexed database
> Is this about fast search that I ask RitLabs 15+ years?))

Well, not exactly, but for many simple search criterias it will be used too, 
for sure.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 is now released

2022-04-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> But this installer does not set MAPI, mailto, eml, vcf etc. in Windows 11 :/

This is another reason to use the 64-bit version :-)  It looks like newer 
versions of Windows do not allow 32-bit applications to be set as a default 
client. We'll need to investigate it further, though...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 is now released

2022-04-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> The launcher does not Start The Bat! 10.0.1 (32bit).
> I have to start by dbl-click "C:\Program Files (x86)\The 
> Bat!\TBLauncher32.exe"

Oops.  Thank you!

Please redownload the installation package and reinstall it - it was a last 
minute error in the script 

By the way, why do you use 32-bit version (I guess you're running a 64-bit OS)?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 is now released

2022-04-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello John, 

> Do you have an ETA for v10 of Voyager?

I think it'll become available in a couple of weeks from now as we collect some 
extensive feedback and make necessary fixes.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

v10 is now released

2022-04-28 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

The Bat!  v10 is now released and is available for download from 

Here is a summary of changes since v9.5.1

[+] Calendar functionality 
[+] Completely redesigned Address Book
[+] New component-based update system that allows installing updated components 
without the need of downloading entire installation packages
[+] Birthday event is added to the calendar after setting new birth date for a 
[+] /OFFLINE and /ONLINE command line parameters to start/switch The Bat! into 
offline/online mode on start or while it's running
[+] Read/Unread label in the Summary column
[*] User pictures are now round instead of rectangle in the Summary View
[*] Summary Column layout changed
[*] CEF was updated to v99.2.14
[*] Ctrl+Y now works as Redo in both HTML and MicroEd editors
[-] Customized toolbars and menus could misplace buttons
[-] Archive password was shown in the scheduler's backup action listing
[-] Automatic list generation in HTML is now switched off (will be made 
optional in the future)
[-] Automatic switching into HTML editor by using text formatting was working 
incorrectly when multiple paragraphs were selected

Thank you all for support and testing!

We are continuing development and here are the major things we plan to focus on 
next few months:

- HTML editor improvements 
- we also think of getting back the previous (RTF based) HTML editor as an 
- improve GnuPG support
- improve Virtual Folders using indexed database

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 beta 8

2022-04-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Peter, 

> *still* "Invalid Type Cast" error on every start.

Please send the exceptions log to me

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 beta 8

2022-04-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Andrei, 
> Installed over beta6 on W11 - does not run, asking for cef/vk_swiftshader.* 
> and cef\vulkan-1.dll
How did you install it exactly?   
Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 beta 8

2022-04-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

>> Non-autoupdate versions are here:
>> https://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/v10/nau_thebat_32_10-0-0-7.msi
>> https://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/v10/nau_thebat_64_10-0-0-7.msi
> 404 error


Yeah, it should be 8 at the end :)  Thank you!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

v10 beta 8

2022-04-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

v10 beta 8 is now available from  https://beta.thebat.net/version/10

Here's a short list of changes:

[+] Birthday event is added to calendar after setting new birth date for a 
[*] Keep The Bat! network login validity for two days
[*] Update CEF to v99.2.14
[*] "New Contact" caption in contact creation view in the new Address Book is 
automatically replaced after focusing "Name" field
[*] "Email" field is added by default in contact creation
[-] Extra characters were added upon changing the font of the highlighted text 
[-] Empty fields were skipped when moving between contact's properties by 
[-] "Fax" and "Cellular" contact phone numbers from old Address Book are now 
shown in the new one and marked as "Legacy
[-] It was not possible to add an event attendee using only email address

Non-autoupdate versions are here:

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Can The Bat be started without an Internet connection?

2022-04-11 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Manuel, 

> Unfortunately, I read that the version 10 beta requires an internet
> connection to start. But so far there was no real answer from Stefan or
> Alex if this will be the case with the final version.

I believe there was a statement on this matter, but here I am repeating - the 
official release of version 10 will NOT require online The Bat! Network login 
or token validity check.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 beta 6

2022-03-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stuart, 

> So if I select the other file then it will update automatically without my 
> intervention?

With automatic update, you just need to restart The Bat! after the updated 
components are installed

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 beta 6

2022-03-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

> Minus means it still not done? I can't move left/right my own buttons in the 
> interface. 

The "[-]" means "bug/problem fixed" 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

v10 beta 6

2022-03-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All,

v10 beta 6  is now available from https://beta.thebat.net/version/9

It is recommended to uninstall the Beta you have currently installed and 
install the newer MSI because major fixes were made to the installation process 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 beta 6

2022-03-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All, 

> Version v10 beta 6 is available 

The message was sent too early, sorry :)

Beta 6 will be available as soon as it passes internal testing 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

v10 beta 6

2022-03-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version v10 beta 6 is available 


Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] Fixes to file association and MAPI handling
[-] Customized toolbars and menus could misplace buttons
[*] Ctrl+Y now works as Redo in both HTML and MicroEd editors
[-] System's "Send To" shortcut was not working correctly (Beta)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

v10 beta 5

2022-03-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

The Bat! v10 beta 5 is now available from https://beta.thebat.net/version/8

Please check it out with Help | Check for update 

Here is a short list of changes:

[+] Read/Unread label added
[*] Images in Address History are now round too
[*] Event properties window can now be called via double-clicking the event in 
[*] Address book now remembers the state if certain address book/group children 
were shown or hidden
[*] Group nesting is available in new Addess Book
[*] Summary view layout changed
[-] "Add to Address book" in Address History was still opening old Address Book
[-] Archive password was shown in the scheduler's backup action listing
[-] Address Book popup menus could've been inactive after second opening of 
Address Book
[-] It was possible to create an address book without name or with the same 
name as an existing address book
[-] Redundant prompt removed after saving new contact

We also have "old fashioned" MSI packages without automatic updates and 
possible problems with taskbar icon for test:


Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

v10 beta 4

2022-03-02 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

The Bat! v10 beta 4 is now available


Because this version fixes problems with installing file associations and MAPI 
handling, the previously installed version must be uninstalled before 
installing this Beta. Further updates could be installed by Help|Check for 
update (we hope).

Here is a short list of changes:

[+] Add /OFFLINE and /ONLINE command line parameters to start/switch The Bat! 
into offline/online mode on start or while it's running
[-] (Beta) Problems with file associations and MAPI support 
[-] Automatic list generation in HTML is now switched off (will be made 
optional in future)
[-] Automatic switching into HTML editor by using text formatting was working 
incorrectly when multiple paragraphs were selected
[-] "Division by zero" error in Calendar
[-] Check for Updates could crash the program

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 beta 2 .eml opens as new email with attached this eml

2022-02-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

> I do change to open .eml through windows mail app. But I don't wanna use it 
> another app for this. Is anyone have this problem too?

This will be fixed in the Beta 3, it will be available soon.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: V10 beta: It is time for me to step aside

2022-02-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear MAU, 


It is really sad and I hope that one day you decide to come back looking where 
this thing is going.

It was a great pleasure to get help from you and to communicate with you on 
numerous TB! lists through all these years.

And I owe you a lot of beers! And guys from Ritlabs do. And I sincerely hope 
one day I will pay at least some of our debt ;-)

Take care, Miguel, I wish you all the best. And please do keep an eye on this 
list as I hope we will deliver some interesting stuff soon!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 Beta 1

2022-02-21 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

> For example: this site can be under ddos attack, or can be blocked by 
> government by mistake (usual situation in Russia, China and other power 
> countries), etc, etc, etc. And your user will be without WORK. Please stop 
> this madness behavior. 

This is a valid point and this is why this will be changed as soon as we solve 
all problems during Beta test. But another valid point is - it's not a 
reasonanle idea to rely on a beta of any software in your daily work :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 beta 2

2022-02-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ethan, 

> However, I cannot get Beta .2 to work at all.
> Is there a fix forthcoming?

Yes - as soon as we find the reason of the failures. Please send me your 
exception logs, so we can examine what's happening.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

v10 beta 2

2022-02-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

The Bat! v10 beta 2 is now available from

Please uninstall the previous beta before installing this one. Further, we will 
make it possible to perform modular updates without manual download and 
installing (hopefully :)

+ User pictures and initials in Summary View are now round instead of rectangle

- "CEF binaries missing" bug fixed
- Possible Address Book crash reason fixed
- Version update component was missing

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 Beta 1 new ticket system

2022-02-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA

> Не theme, а subject или issue
>> Ticket functionality is still under development, you may use 
>> https://bt.ritlabs.com or standard support ticket at https://ritlabs.com 
>> with corresponding theme

oops. Looks like I've found another issue :-)  I've changed the "To" address 
before going into the message body, but it reverted to whatever was set there 
by the "Reply to Sender" command.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 Beta 1

2022-02-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Zygmunt, 

> I succesfuly installed and run this beta version. However, I cannot see any 
> option to set language interface. Only English version is available.

I guess, that's the same bug that prevents some users to run this beta. We've 
fixed it, so the new beta will be available later today.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 Beta 1 new ticket system

2022-02-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Alex, 

Не theme, а subject или issue

> Ticket functionality is still under development, you may use 
> https://bt.ritlabs.com or standard support ticket at https://ritlabs.com with 
> corresponding theme

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 Beta 1 and Antipamsniper

2022-02-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

Thank you for noticing! We'll contact them today
> After installing antispam sniper window says that new version of TB isn't 
> supported. Please connect with plugin creator and check this. Isn't anything 
> changing according spam killing as I understand. Without that plugin I can't 
> work normally. 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

v10 Beta 1

2022-02-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

Finally, we are starting public Beta testing for v10
Here is a repost from  https://www.ritlabs.com/en/news/7745/

We have waited for the new version for quite a long time and today we are happy 
to announce the start of The Bat! v10 beta-testing!  

Loyal The Bat! users have participated in beta-testing of The Bat! for years, 
but now every owner of The Bat! v9 license has gained the opportunity to test 
the next major version before it is officially released. To take part in the 
beta-testing of The Bat! v10 you need to register at our beta-portal 
https://beta.thebat.net. Fill in your name, email address and input The Bat! v9 
serial number (you can check it in the “Help → About” menu). Thus, you will 
create your The Bat! Network account. You will be able to view the revision 
history of beta-versions and download the installation file of the beta-version 
at this portal. We plan to implement further features at our beta-portal in the 
future to make The Bat! testing even more comfortable!

The users of earlier versions of The Bat! (starting from v7) also have the 
chance to take part in the beta-testing of the newest version. If you are one 
of them, just register at the beta-portal, input your The Bat! registration key 
and apply for participation. We will grant the access to beta-versions 
randomly. The earlier you register, the greater the chance to get the newest 

All the owners of the older The Bat! versions can purchase the license upgrade 
now and take the advantage of the free Smart Upgrade program. The new key will 
be valid for all The Bat! v9.xx versions and will allow the users to upgrade to 
The Bat! v10 without additional charges and start The Bat! v10 beta-testing 
right away!

What is the essence of the beta-testing? You can help us find all the faults 
and bugs of the newer version and thus contribute to its quicker release. The 
Bat! v10 features the new Address Book and Calendar (under the „Tools“ menu). 
It would be great if you test all their functions that you use in your everyday 
e-mail-management. To report the issues, please create tickets in our Support 
Center: https://www.ritlabs.com/en/support/ Describe the exact steps to 
reproduce the error so that we could quickly fix it. Please remember to assign 
the The Bat! v10 beta category to your ticket.

To share your impression and general thoughts on the new version you can just 
send an email to betafeedb...@ritlabs.com. We will read all the emails and make 

Good luck to everyone!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: https://www.ritlabs.com/de/products/thebat/download.php

2022-01-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> This was a broken implementation of IMAP over SSL protocol in The Bat!?

I would consider it as forcing a strange restriction at the server side. 
Especially because sending an innocent CAPABILITY command was not caused any 
problem for decades. 
Strictly speaking, not allowing any input from client before server's response 
is a clear violation of the IMAP standard since IMAP does not mean to be 
synchronous - i.e. server and client do not need to wait each other response 
unless there is some [designed] logic behind that wait.

> Do we get a fix for older versions? I have customers and users with  9.1, 8.x 
> and older.

They need to contact the support to check what can be done there. There is a 
problem to rebuild older versions due to significant toolset change, I'm 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: https://www.ritlabs.com/de/products/thebat/download.php

2022-01-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Martin, 

> I got notice that there is an update for 9.5 to 9.5.1 - that's great.
> But why didn't we got this news in this list?

It's a hotfix release, we had to make a patch quickly, that's why we didn't 
make announce. Sorry about that.

Here is a complete list of changes in 9.5.1

[-] It was not possible to configure/edit/delete the first tag in the list of 
tag (usually it was the "Bank" tag)
[-] Some IMAP servers terminated connections and returned the "BYE out-of-sync 
data before server greeting" error message

The last one was the actual reason for hotfix

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

9.5 MSI

2021-12-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

The Bat! v9.5  Christmas Edition MSIs are now available:

Heres is a short list of changes:

[+] /SMTPHOST= command line parameter to specify domain passed in the 
SMTP greeting (EHLO/HELO). Could also be added as a line into an account's memo 
for account-specific use
[*] %SetEditor template macro is now accepting parameters "plain", "text" and 
"HTML" for setting desirable editor type
[*] Store last format (plain text or HTML) used for a new Quick Template
[*] More straight-forward logic of HTML templates use for replies and new 
[-] Automatic switching to HTML format was not available for template editor
[-] Some attachments could be hidden from the attachment list as HTML-related 
[-] (#02090) Re-filtering Log was "white on white" in dark themes

We continue working on v10 and it takes more time than we expected due to 
various reasons, so please stay tuned :-)

Thank you for your support and our team wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy 
New Year!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Forwarding in IMAP

2021-12-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stuart, 

>   I'm not sure how long this has been going on, but I noticed today that all 
> the little icons that denote a message has been forwarded are lost when 
> moving the message to a different folder. This is IMAP. The green icon 
> denoting a Replied email are there, but no forwarding icons.

This flag should be supported by the server now as it's a non-standard one, the 
same stands for colour groups. We plan to add a feature to keep those custom 
flags in own database for better consistency...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2021-12-14 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Richard, 

> There is a problem with %Quotes in reply templates.
>I use %Quotes after the salutation (to edit quotes for responses) and 
> after the signature closing to reproduce the full stream of a message.  The 
> quote appears after the salutation. After the signature only the original 
> header appears without an stream of text.

Examples, please?  

Please make sure the template is not overridden by a folder or  a contact 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2021-12-14 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej, 

> Looks like the problem with missing linebreaks in HTML messages has been 
> fixed.

Yeah, it should. For some reason, the change was not marked for the 
changelog... Thank you for confirmation!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2021-12-14 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available 



Here is  a short list of changes:

[*] %SetEditor template macro is now accepting parameters "plain", "text" and 
"HTML" for setting desirable editor type
[*] More straight-forward logic of HTML templates use for replies and new 
[-] Automatic switching to HTML format was not available for template editor

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: SOT: Need application-specific password for Gmail

2021-12-10 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stuart, 

>> I guess you don't use Google's OAUTH authentication, do you? :-)

> Can you explain what you mean by this?

Sure. The Bat! supports Google OAUTH authentication for about 5 years now and 
it is the recommended way to access Gmail. However, some users continue use of 
traditional authentication, so Google is tickling them by forcing them to use 
app-specific passwords, allowing access of "unsafe" applications etc.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: SOT: Need application-specific password for Gmail

2021-12-09 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU, 

> When I started TB and tried to collect email, the response was:
> !09/12/2021, 18:46:29: FETCH - Server reports error. The response is: -ERR 
> [AUTH] Application-specific password required: 
> https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833

I guess you don't use Google's OAUTH authentication, do you? :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2021-12-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej, 

> When replying to HTML messages with a plain-text template, the linebreaks are 
> missing.

Please provide some examples.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2021-12-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gunivortus, 

> Just installed, wrtiting this now
> It seems, something in this editor changed, see the links and the footer.
> Is there something in the settings I have to set now?

Here is what I see in the stylesheet of your message:

.email-signature {font-family:"Arial"; font-size: 14pt; font-style: italic; 
font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; }

So, it seems that you've changed the font size in your signature to 14 and 
didn't notice it...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2021-12-06 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available 



Here is  a short list of changes:

[+] /SMTPHOST= command line parameter to specify domain passed in the 
SMTP greeting (EHLO/HELO). Could also be added as a line into an account's memo 
for account-specific use
[*] Store last format (plain text or HTML) used for a new Quick Template
[-] Some attachments could be hidden from the attachment list as HTML-related 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Delayed mailing - potential bug

2021-12-03 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ethan, 

> I wonder if it is IMAP settings.

It also could be the IMAP server. What is the software running there?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 9.4.5 32bit - Can not Google Auth anymore for a new GMail account

2021-11-25 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

There was an outdated certificate at our helper site appa.ritlabs.com for some 
reason (we're investigating it), now everything should be back to normal

>> Seems CEF browser is now too old?

> Woth other Mail clients like Vivaldi or Thunderbird adding accounts 
> with OAuth work nice.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Line breaks in headers are not properly handled

2021-11-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
> FWIW my lorem ipsum test mail was sent from The Bat, so no Outlook involved in
> that one ;)

Which means we need to sanitize outgoing address headers too :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

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