Re: Tooltips

2003-07-09 Thread Richard Wakeford
Hello Miguel,

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 you wrote:

> You are right, but I did not reply to your original post. I replied to
> Thomas Fernandez who said:

Aargh, that's what comes of being away for two days, rushing through
the responses too quickly and not getting the threading right in my
head. Sorry and should have known that you wouldn't make that sort of
mistake anyway ;-)


Best regards,

| Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/11 & SpamPal
| Windows 2000 (build 2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4
| and using the best browser: Opera7

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Help needed using the Bat! with screen reader

2003-07-09 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Steve,

On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 18:16:41 -0400 GMT (10/07/03, 05:16 +0700 GMT),
Steve M. Sawczyn wrote:

> I am subscribed to a number of mailing lists resulting in about 700
> Emails daily.

That's a lot!

> I went under view/view threads by/references standard, but can not
> tell if messages are actually grouped into threads. In Outlook,
> threads, or conversations as they like to call them, are shown by a
> little minus symbol to the left of the message listing. When the
> thread is expanded, the minus changes to a plus. Anyway, with my
> screen reader, I am not detecting any sort of symbol when I change
> to the thread view.

Are you using JAWS? There are some scripts that Thomas Boerrigter
wrote for Jaws in combination with The Bat a few years ago. I haven't
been on the German Jaws ML for a while, so I don't know whether it's
been updated. Anyway, here is the download URL, based on Jaws 3.7 and
The Bat! 1.53 (yeah, two years old):




Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

I come from a small town whose population never changed. Each time a
woman got pregnant, someone left town.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Help needed using the Bat! with screen reader

2003-07-09 Thread Steve M. Sawczyn
Hello Roel,
THanks for replying to my post, I think I'm starting to get a better
handle on how the bat works.  Can I arrange the order in which columns
are displayed essentially overriding the default thread view?  I mean,
will doing this cause messages not to be threaded properly?

I now have a more basic question about replying -- I notice I have
reply and reply to all.  Is there an easy way to reply to someone
directly rather than to the list?  If so, I appologize for not using

Again, thanks for all your help,


Wednesday, July 9, 2003, 8:34:40 PM, you wrote:

R> Hi Steve

R> On 9 Jul 2003 18:16:41  (my local time 10 jul 2003 00:16:41), Steve M.
R> Sawczyn wrote:

SMS>> sort those filtered messages into threads.  I went under view/view
SMS>> threads by/references standard, but can not tell if messages are
SMS>> actually grouped into threads.

R> Well, there are several clues:
R> - when you press alt+1, or go through the menu, the threaded view is
R>   enabled for that folder
R> - when you have threaded view enabled, there are a few ways to notice
R>   it:
R>   * you will notice a boxed '+' or boxed '-' as the parent messages
R> for threads (those signs may be a graphic, as I couldn't find them
R> in any of my fonts), however: a standalone message wont have
R> either of these symbols
R>   * If you still have the default order for columns, you can notice a
R> change in that order: it goes from "message flags, and so on" to
R> "subject" and so on (mind you: only true for switching to
R> non-threaded view to threaded-by-references)

SMS>> When the thread is expanded, the minus changes to a plus. Anyway,
SMS>> with my screen reader, I am not detecting any sort of symbol when
SMS>> I change to the thread view.

R> There's a change from 'boxed +' (which is unexpanded) to 'boxed -'
R> (expanded) in the beginning of the 'subject column' (which is the
R> first column if you thread by referencens)

SMS>> How can I tell how many messages are in a thread?

R> The total of messages in a thread (or subthread) are in the column
R> 'total'.

SMS>> Are threads actually colapsed

R> Yes, when you change to a folder, all threads are collapsed.
R> One exception: if the last message you viewed was within a thread, the
R> thread is collapsed up to the level of the message you viewed. All
R> subtrees that are not in the message path will be closed.

R> Expand them all by using control *

SMS>> I am having trouble figuring out if a message has been read, replied
SMS>> to, forwarded, remains unread, etc...  Is there a specifi graphic
SMS>> in the bat which I should enable which would convey this
SMS>> information? 

R> Read, Unread, Replied to, Forwarded, etc all use different graphics in
R> the "message flags" column.

SMS>> Essentially, I need to increase subject and the from fields as
SMS>> they're the ones I don't want to have cut off.

R> You described the way to do it :-)
R> By increasing the number in the column view, you make the column
R> larger. By changing the order of the columns, you also change the
R> order the columns are presented.

SMS>> Any help which anyone could offer would be much appreciated. I'm
SMS>> sure I'll have more questions as I progress, but I'm very excited
SMS>> about using the bat and think it'll be a great solution for me.

R> Please, feel free to ask, we're here to help...

Best regards,
 Stevemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Could we sync ?

2003-07-09 Thread Bayu Aji
Dear tbudl,

  Could we sync the bat address book with tird party software like
  pumatech intellisync ?
  I would like to sync with my pda

Bayu Aji,
"It's only short jump. You go firstAAGGGHH!..Hmm . . . we 
go different way now"

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Help needed using the Bat! with screen reader

2003-07-09 Thread Steve M. Sawczyn
Hello Allie,

Thanks so much for your reply to my post.  I'll play around with the
labeling feature and see if I can get some of these graphics to speak
properly.  Being able to see the lines connecting threaded messages
must be really interesting -- I've always thought that somehow
illustrating the concepts of threads would help people understand how
mailing lists function.

I'm sure I'll have many questions as I continue my journey with the
bat, but for now, I'll go and try to get things working based on your

Again, thanks for your help.


Wednesday, July 9, 2003, 8:20:50 PM, you wrote:

AM> Hash: SHA1

AM> Steve M. Sawczyn, [SMS] wrote:

SMS>> Greetings, I am a blind computer user who recently re-installed the
SMS>> bat.  I say re-installed because when I had last tried The bat, I
SMS>> found that it didn't work well with my screen reader.  A lot has
SMS>> changed since then, both with the bat and with the screen reading
SMS>> technology and I'm finding that the Bat is a lot more accessible to
SMS>> blind users like myself.

AM> This is good to know. :)

SMS>> Be that as it may, I'm finding that I still have trouble accessing
SMS>> parts of the program and am hoping that someone on this list might
SMS>> be able to give me a hand.

AM> Let's see. I'll give it a shot.

SMS>>  In Outlook, threads, or conversations as they like to call
SMS>> them, are shown by a little minus symbol to the left of the message
SMS>> listing. When the thread is expanded, the minus changes to a plus.
SMS>> Anyway, with my screen reader, I am not detecting any sort of
SMS>> symbol when I change to the thread view.

AM> The symbols are actually there.

AM> When threading by references:
AM>  - A plus sign is in front of a message starting a collapsed thread or
AM>  - A minus sign is in front of each message within an expanded thread
AM>and they're each connected by a line.

AM> When the thread by subject:
AM>  - A plus sign is in front of messages starting collapsed threads.
AM>  - A minus sign is in front of messages starting an expanded thread. The
AM>other messages in the thread are connected by broken lines.

AM> It's a bummer that you can't see this.

SMS>> How can I tell how many messages are in a thread?

AM> If you open the column view configuration panel, you'll see columns that
AM> can be added. Two of them are 'Total Messages' and 'Unread Messages'.
AM> These are included by default in the column settings when in threaded
AM> by references view.

AM> The 'Total Message' column displays the total number of messages within
AM> a thread or subthread.

AM> The 'Unread Messages' column displays the total number of unread
AM> messages within a thread or sub-thread.

SMS>> Are threads actually colapsed, or does the bat handle them
SMS>> differently than Outlook in that respect? Are there keyboard
SMS>> commands which might assist me with thread navigation?

AM> Yes.

AM> CTRL-* expands all threads.

AM> CTRL-Shift-* collapses all threads. This can take a while to occur in
AM> threaded mode when there are a lot of messages in the folder.

AM> CTRL-Alt- moves you to the next unread message within a
AM> thread. When all unread messages within the thread are read, it will
AM> move you to the next unread message in subsequent threads. It does so
AM> working downwards in the threaded message list and when it reaches the
AM> end of the list, it starts from the beginning again.

AM> CTRL-Alt- moves to to the previously unread message in a
AM> thread. I hardly use this one.

AM> Alt- moves you to the previously read message.

AM> Alt- moves you to more recently viewed messages, i.e., the
AM> opposite of Alt-Right. This allows you to browse recently read messages,
AM> even though they may be scattered among threads.

SMS>> I am having trouble figuring out if a message has been read,
SMS>> replied to, forwarded, remains unread, etc...  In outlook, this
SMS>> information is represented with a graphical symbol which I can
SMS>> "label."

AM> TB! does a similar thing. The 'message flags' column displays this
AM> graphical symbol, so be sure that this column is enabled in your message
AM> list display. When viewing threads by references, it's the second column
AM> from the left when using the default column configuration for reference
AM> threading view.

AM> The graphical symbol changes when the message is read, replied to,
AM> forwarded etc. The graphical symbol changes in a way that by looking at
AM> it I can tell a message was read, replied to and forwarded. There are
AM> separate graphical symbols to show these combinations.

SMS>> Lastly, for now, I have a question about column sizing.  I went
SMS>> into column view and saw that I could adjust the size of columns by
SMS>> entering a number i.e. 150 next to subject.  What is this number
SMS>> actually referencing?

AM> It references the width of the selected column in pixels.

SMS>> Also, is there

Re: Failure of address book autocompletion

2003-07-09 Thread Robin Anson
On Thu 10 July 2003, 5:44:30 +1000, Bill McCarthy wrote:
> I created an entry for Jax Smith in one of the unused address books -
> Intermediate CA.  I then created a group in that address book and
> added Jinx Smith to it.
> Turning auto-completion on for all ABs, Jinx was completed but Jax was
> not.  I turned auto-completion back off.
> Typing Jax then = did nothing.  - found it.
> Typing Jinx then - did nothing.  = found it.

Yes! I can confirm that (based on my address book entry that can't
be found by AutoComplete today) doing the - does find the entry
that AutoComplete doesn't find!

That is at least a step forward! Thanks for the detective work. :)

> This same strange behavior also occurs in the current Beta.  I'm
> posting this as a bug report.



Robin Anson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Help needed using the Bat! with screen reader

2003-07-09 Thread Roel
Hi Steve

On 9 Jul 2003 18:16:41  (my local time 10 jul 2003 00:16:41), Steve M.
Sawczyn wrote:

SMS> sort those filtered messages into threads.  I went under view/view
SMS> threads by/references standard, but can not tell if messages are
SMS> actually grouped into threads.

Well, there are several clues:
- when you press alt+1, or go through the menu, the threaded view is
  enabled for that folder
- when you have threaded view enabled, there are a few ways to notice
  * you will notice a boxed '+' or boxed '-' as the parent messages
for threads (those signs may be a graphic, as I couldn't find them
in any of my fonts), however: a standalone message wont have
either of these symbols
  * If you still have the default order for columns, you can notice a
change in that order: it goes from "message flags, and so on" to
"subject" and so on (mind you: only true for switching to
non-threaded view to threaded-by-references)

SMS> When the thread is expanded, the minus changes to a plus. Anyway,
SMS> with my screen reader, I am not detecting any sort of symbol when
SMS> I change to the thread view.

There's a change from 'boxed +' (which is unexpanded) to 'boxed -'
(expanded) in the beginning of the 'subject column' (which is the
first column if you thread by referencens)

SMS> How can I tell how many messages are in a thread?

The total of messages in a thread (or subthread) are in the column

SMS> Are threads actually colapsed

Yes, when you change to a folder, all threads are collapsed.
One exception: if the last message you viewed was within a thread, the
thread is collapsed up to the level of the message you viewed. All
subtrees that are not in the message path will be closed.

Expand them all by using control *

SMS> I am having trouble figuring out if a message has been read, replied
SMS> to, forwarded, remains unread, etc...  Is there a specifi graphic
SMS> in the bat which I should enable which would convey this
SMS> information? 

Read, Unread, Replied to, Forwarded, etc all use different graphics in
the "message flags" column.

SMS> Essentially, I need to increase subject and the from fields as
SMS> they're the ones I don't want to have cut off.

You described the way to do it :-)
By increasing the number in the column view, you make the column
larger. By changing the order of the columns, you also change the
order the columns are presented.

SMS> Any help which anyone could offer would be much appreciated. I'm
SMS> sure I'll have more questions as I progress, but I'm very excited
SMS> about using the bat and think it'll be a great solution for me.

Please, feel free to ask, we're here to help...

 Der Immer Jodelende Schweizer In Lederhosen

  Zum Antworten bitte Lederhosen entfernen

$ grep "beer" /dev/fridge > mouth

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Tooltips

2003-07-09 Thread MAU
Hello Richard,

>> I think the option was not to turn tooltips off but to change the style,
>> to either show them as "normal" tooltips or to show them with big and
>> "bold" yellow characters IIRC.
> Original post asked the following : How do you make tooltips appear or
> not?

You are right, but I did not reply to your original post. I replied to
Thomas Fernandez who said:

,- [  ]
| I think in an old TB version there was on option to turn them off. But
| now they should be turned on default, you're right.

And I then "corrected" him by saying:

,- [  ]
| I think the option was not to turn tooltips off but to change the style,
| to either show them as "normal" tooltips or to show them with big and
| "bold" yellow characters IIRC.

That is all.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Help needed using the Bat! with screen reader

2003-07-09 Thread Allie Martin
Hash: SHA1

Steve M. Sawczyn, [SMS] wrote:

SMS> Greetings, I am a blind computer user who recently re-installed the
SMS> bat.  I say re-installed because when I had last tried The bat, I
SMS> found that it didn't work well with my screen reader.  A lot has
SMS> changed since then, both with the bat and with the screen reading
SMS> technology and I'm finding that the Bat is a lot more accessible to
SMS> blind users like myself.

This is good to know. :)

SMS> Be that as it may, I'm finding that I still have trouble accessing
SMS> parts of the program and am hoping that someone on this list might
SMS> be able to give me a hand.

Let's see. I'll give it a shot.

SMS>  In Outlook, threads, or conversations as they like to call
SMS> them, are shown by a little minus symbol to the left of the message
SMS> listing. When the thread is expanded, the minus changes to a plus.
SMS> Anyway, with my screen reader, I am not detecting any sort of
SMS> symbol when I change to the thread view.

The symbols are actually there.

When threading by references:
 - A plus sign is in front of a message starting a collapsed thread or
 - A minus sign is in front of each message within an expanded thread
   and they're each connected by a line.

When the thread by subject:
 - A plus sign is in front of messages starting collapsed threads.
 - A minus sign is in front of messages starting an expanded thread. The
   other messages in the thread are connected by broken lines.

It's a bummer that you can't see this.

SMS> How can I tell how many messages are in a thread?

If you open the column view configuration panel, you'll see columns that
can be added. Two of them are 'Total Messages' and 'Unread Messages'.
These are included by default in the column settings when in threaded
by references view.

The 'Total Message' column displays the total number of messages within
a thread or subthread.

The 'Unread Messages' column displays the total number of unread
messages within a thread or sub-thread.

SMS> Are threads actually colapsed, or does the bat handle them
SMS> differently than Outlook in that respect? Are there keyboard
SMS> commands which might assist me with thread navigation?


CTRL-* expands all threads.

CTRL-Shift-* collapses all threads. This can take a while to occur in
threaded mode when there are a lot of messages in the folder.

CTRL-Alt- moves you to the next unread message within a
thread. When all unread messages within the thread are read, it will
move you to the next unread message in subsequent threads. It does so
working downwards in the threaded message list and when it reaches the
end of the list, it starts from the beginning again.

CTRL-Alt- moves to to the previously unread message in a
thread. I hardly use this one.

Alt- moves you to the previously read message.

Alt- moves you to more recently viewed messages, i.e., the
opposite of Alt-Right. This allows you to browse recently read messages,
even though they may be scattered among threads.

SMS> I am having trouble figuring out if a message has been read,
SMS> replied to, forwarded, remains unread, etc...  In outlook, this
SMS> information is represented with a graphical symbol which I can
SMS> "label."

TB! does a similar thing. The 'message flags' column displays this
graphical symbol, so be sure that this column is enabled in your message
list display. When viewing threads by references, it's the second column
from the left when using the default column configuration for reference
threading view.

The graphical symbol changes when the message is read, replied to,
forwarded etc. The graphical symbol changes in a way that by looking at
it I can tell a message was read, replied to and forwarded. There are
separate graphical symbols to show these combinations.

SMS> Lastly, for now, I have a question about column sizing.  I went
SMS> into column view and saw that I could adjust the size of columns by
SMS> entering a number i.e. 150 next to subject.  What is this number
SMS> actually referencing?

It references the width of the selected column in pixels.

SMS> Also, is there a way, not dragging, which I could use to resize
SMS> columns?

Yes. When the column configuration panel is open, the list of columns on
the right indicates those columns which are actually being used. Select
each and then adjust the pixel width that appears.

I hope this helps. Be sure to ask if you need further assistance and
good luck!

- --
 -= allie_M =- | List Moderator

Version: PGP SDK 3.0.2


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: "Could not connect to the Server" messages using Windows 2000SP3

2003-07-09 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Allie!

On Wednesday, July 09, 2003, 6:10 PM, you wrote:

A> Mary Bull, [MB] wrote:

MB>> It usually happens after I have had the computer and TB! up and
MB>> running for several hours. Sometimes just hanging up the modem,
MB>> waiting about a minute, and then re-dialing will fix it. (I have
MB>> dial-up networking.)

MB>> Other times I have shut down and rebooted and the problem has gone
MB>> away for awhile.

A> Are you using a firewall?

Yes. Tiny Personal Firewall.

However, when this first began happening, I disabled it. That was the
first possible cause that I suspected.

When disabling it didn't make any difference, I resumed enabling it
just whenever I brought up my browser.

But I still see this behavior--quite randomly. However, it happened
this morning again, prompting me to describe it to Nigel, in case
there was any relation to his problem.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Failure of address book autocompletion

2003-07-09 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 9-Jul-03 3:05am -0400, Robin Anson wrote:

> I have auto-completion set to All Addressbooks, and the AB search
> finds address book entries in my Rosetta address book group, at least the
> ones that don't exhibit the problem. And before you ask, the entries
> in the group are not found in any other address book.

The setting of auto-completion doesn't appear to matter for the AB
search functions.

I created an entry for Jax Smith in one of the unused address books -
Intermediate CA.  I then created a group in that address book and
added Jinx Smith to it.

Turning auto-completion on for all ABs, Jinx was completed but Jax was
not.  I turned auto-completion back off.

Typing Jax then = did nothing.  - found it.

Typing Jinx then - did nothing.  = found it.

Typing J, = cycled through all the entries starting with J
except Jax.

While cycling through above, I started doing -.  It stopped
cycling when it reached Jax.

When I added another name to the root of Intermediate CA, the behavior
changed.  Jax was still not found in a forward search, but Jinx and
the new name were.  Searching backwards, once Jax was found, it cycled
between Jax and Jinx.

This same strange behavior also occurs in the current Beta.  I'm
posting this as a bug report.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: "Could not connect to the Server" messages using Windows 2000SP3

2003-07-09 Thread Allie Martin
Hash: SHA1

Mary Bull, [MB] wrote:

MB> It usually happens after I have had the computer and TB! up and
MB> running for several hours. Sometimes just hanging up the modem,
MB> waiting about a minute, and then re-dialing will fix it. (I have
MB> dial-up networking.)

MB> Other times I have shut down and rebooted and the problem has gone
MB> away for awhile.

Are you using a firewall?

- --
 -= allie_M =- | List Moderator

Version: PGP SDK 3.0.2


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: "Could not connect to the Server" messages using Windows 2000SP3

2003-07-09 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Nigel!

On Wednesday, July 09, 2003, 12:41 PM, you wrote, about the "Could not
connect to server" messages TB! is giving you:

N> The account server names are correct. I've tried using the DNS addresses rather 
N> than the server names but it makes no difference.

N> I thought the problem might be caused by some of my MSIE connection settings or 
N> by some of my other applications (NAV 2003, The Proxomitron, or NearSite). But 
N> I disabled all of these but it makes no difference.

N> I've even used the identical account setting on my wife's machine and The Bat! 
N> works fine (Windows 98) but for some reason, it's a non-starter on mine.

Just in case it might help: I think this may be an operating system
weakness rather than a TB! weakness. I get this message rather
randomly and as often as several times a day, then sometimes only
several times a week. My OS is Win XP Home--that's a system kin to Windows
2000, isn't it?

It usually happens after I have had the computer and TB! up and
running for several hours. Sometimes just hanging up the modem,
waiting about a minute, and then re-dialing will fix it. (I have
dial-up networking.)

Other times I have shut down and rebooted and the problem has gone
away for awhile.

Sometimes only the e-mail connection gets an error message. At other
times I get an error message from my browser (IE 6) that "the page
cannot be displayed" as well--discovered this when I tried to read my
mail on my ISP website when I couldn't access it through TB!.

This has been going on ever since I got XP Home.

At first I thought the problem was actually on the server end. And
sometimes, that might be the case. But I've had a different server for
about a month, and the same error messages occur at random.

I am always able to fix the problem, temporarily, so far, by

I am most curious about why. But I do suspect the modem-messaging code
in the OS. I have a feeling that I just have to live with it!

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Help needed using the Bat! with screen reader

2003-07-09 Thread Steve M. Sawczyn
Greetings, I am a blind computer user who recently re-installed the
bat.  I say re-installed because when I had last tried The bat, I
found that it didn't work well with my screen reader.  A lot has
changed since then, both with the bat and with the screen reading
technology and I'm finding that the Bat is a lot more accessible to
blind users like myself.  Be
that as it may, I'm finding that I still have trouble accessing parts
of the program and am hoping that someone on this list might be able
to give me a hand.

I am subscribed to a number of mailing lists resulting in about 700
Emails daily.  I have filtering set up to appropriately filter
messages into folders by list and, my thinking was then to further
sort those filtered messages into threads.  I went under view/view
threads by/references standard, but can not tell if messages are
actually grouped into threads.  In Outlook, threads, or conversations
as they like to call them, are shown by a little minus symbol to the
left of the message listing.  When the thread is expanded, the minus
changes to a plus.  Anyway, with my screen reader, I am not detecting
any sort of symbol when I change to the thread view.  How can I tell
how many messages are in a thread?  Are threads actually colapsed, or
does the bat handle them differently than Outlook in that respect?
Are there keyboard commands which might assist me with thread

I am having trouble figuring out if a message has been read, replied
to, forwarded, remains unread, etc...  In outlook, this information is
represented with a graphical symbol which I can "label."  Labeling is
essentially a process whereby I tell the screen reader, when this
graphic is seen, say "read" when this graphic is seen, say "unread"
etc...  Once the screen reader has this information, it will tell me
the correct message status.  Is there a specifi graphic in the bat
which I should enable which would convey this information?

Lastly, for now, I have a question about column sizing.  I went into
column view and saw that I could adjust the size of columns by
entering a number i.e. 150 next to subject.  What is this number
actually referencing?  Also, is there a way, not dragging, which I
could use to resize columns?  Essentially, I need to increase subject
and the from fields as they're the ones I don't want to have cut off.

Any help which anyone could offer would be much appreciated.  I'm sure
I'll have more questions as I progress, but I'm very excited about
using the bat and think it'll be a great solution for me.

Best regards,
 Steve  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Tooltips

2003-07-09 Thread Richard Wakeford
Hello MAU,

On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 you wrote:

> I think the option was not to turn tooltips off but to change the style,
> to either show them as "normal" tooltips or to show them with big and
> "bold" yellow characters IIRC.

Original post asked the following : How do you make tooltips appear or


Best regards,

| Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/11 & SpamPal
| Windows 2000 (build 2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4
| and using the best browser: Opera7

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: "Could not connect to the Server" messages using Windows 2000SP3

2003-07-09 Thread Nigel Howarth
Julian Beach (Lists) wrote:

> Have a look at your network settings, as it sounds like TB is trying
> to use settings that do not match your current setup.
> In particular, you need to check the Options|Network and
> Administration settings, Network tab, and make sure that TB is set up
> to use the correct connection, and whether or not it is enabled to use
> the existing connection.

I've been through these and tried various alternatives - all work as expected. 
I also set up another dial up connection to make sure that was OK.

> The other alternative is that the server names on for the Account are
> incorrect, and are worth checking again.
> (Account|Properties|Transport)

The account server names are correct. I've tried using the DNS addresses rather 
than the server names but it makes no difference.

I thought the problem might be caused by some of my MSIE connection settings or 
by some of my other applications (NAV 2003, The Proxomitron, or NearSite). But 
I disabled all of these but it makes no difference.

I've even used the identical account setting on my wife's machine and The Bat! 
works fine (Windows 98) but for some reason, it's a non-starter on mine.

Wed, 09 Jul 2003 20:33 +0300

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Unpredictable filter actions

2003-07-09 Thread Spike
Hello Coyle306,

On or about Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 07:54:46GMT -0400 (which was
6:54 AM in the tropics where I live) Coyle306 posted:

C> I  have good success putting my spam catcher _after_ filters that
C> look for  stuff I want to keep and read.

The problem is, the (dozens of) [EMAIL PROTECTED] are in groups I want to keep
messages from, but yet may contain the trigger phrases by which I
determine to dump them.

C> In  other words, pick off the stuff you want to read _first_, route
C> it to  the  appropriate  folders,  then  run what's left through
C> the spam filter(s).

The filters ARE working for this mail account, as any of the ones with
the "trigger phrases" have gone to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] folder.  In the OTHER
affected account, it is the _EXACT_ repetitive phrases that get
caught, not individual words.  I found the [EMAIL PROTECTED] uses hundreds of
different addresses, most of them bogus, but yet all 'subscribed' to
the list somehow.  The other way they get in is by 'spoofing'
legitimate list member's addresses.

C> If the  spam filter is first, this good message would get

No legitimate sender would have the EXACT phrases, so this wouldn't
happen, but I do check the TRASH folder before deleting messages and
compressing the folder.  In the affected account, if I see any
legitimate messages that get erroneously trapped, I re-filter that
folder and they go where they are supposed to be!  This is the
behavior I can't understand.  I just re-filtered the TRASH folder and
75 legitimate messages that HAD been flagged as spam got filtered to
the PROPER folders.

C> Known filter(s)
C> Spam filter(s)
C> Unknown filter

My arrangement is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] filters (up to 7 right now, as there is a limit of 25 alternate
entries per filter (or so I have been told) and I seem to have
confirmed it

Known filters

Inbox for anything else.

This has worked for me as I get a lot of legitimate mail from unknown
senders due to my consultancy work, as well as my radio program.

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for the moment:
"In wildness is the preservation of the world."
Henry David Thoreau, Walking (1862)

/"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 XSay NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML).
Using TheBat! v1.62r hamstrung by Windows XP 5.1 
Build 2600 Service Pack 1'

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Unpredictable filter actions

2003-07-09 Thread Spike
Hello Allie Martin,

On or about Tuesday, July 08, 2003 at 21:09:28GMT -0500 (which was
9:09 PM in the tropics where I live) Allie Martin posted:

AM> For the spam messages, do you have 'continue processing with other
AM> filters' enabled?

Some did, some didn't, but it doesn't seem to matter.  The actions are
the same regardless.  I've tried it both ways.

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for the millenium:
"A Puritan is someone who is deathly afraid that someone somewhere is
having fun."

/"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 XSay NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML).
Using TheBat! v1.62r hamstrung by Windows XP 5.1 
Build 2600 Service Pack 1'

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Unpredictable filter actions

2003-07-09 Thread Coyle306
SS> The [EMAIL PROTECTED] filters ARE before the list filters, as there are specific
SS> text phrases such as "Ancient Toaist," "throbbing erections" and
SS> "Saundanese Arab Method" (I think you know the specific spam messages
SS> I am talking about!) and the text strings are specific and targeted.

I  have good success putting my spam catcher _after_ filters that look
for  stuff I want to keep and read.

In  other words, pick off the stuff you want to read _first_, route it
to  the  appropriate  folders,  then  run what's left through the spam

This  method  has the added advantage of avoiding a legitimate message
accidentally  getting  treated  as spam. For example, if someone in my
address  book  sends me a message containing the phrase "erection of a
new  bridge  over  the  Swatara Creek", it gets filtered to my "known"
folder,  even  though "erection" is a word my spam filter, later, will
look  for.  If  the  spam filter is first, this good message would get

Anything that doesn't get picked off by any filter, including the spam
catcher,  I  route  to my "unknown" folder. The "unknown" filter comes

Known filter(s)

Spam filter(s)

Unknown filter

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: [personal] Re: Failure of address book autocompletion

2003-07-09 Thread Allie Martin
Hash: SHA1

Robin Anson, [RA] wrote:

RA> As I noted previously, if I delete the Chris Smith entry and the
RA> recreate an identical entry, autocomplete then finds it as it
RA> should. Up until recently that would be the end of it, and I would
RA> have no further problem with that address book entry.

RA> But over the last two or three weeks, within this particular group
RA> of 8 addressbook entries the problem occurs with address book
RA> entries that had previously been found through autocomplete.
RA> Furthermore, fixing an entry (by recreating it) does not mean it
RA> will stay fixed.

Hmmm. Have you thought of creating a new address book, transferring all
those addresses to it and deleting the old address book. It would seem
that there may be a problem with the address book file.

- --
 -= allie_M =- | List Moderator

Version: PGP SDK 3.0.2


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: [personal] Re: Failure of address book autocompletion

2003-07-09 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, July 9, 2003, 4:18:46 AM, you wrote:
RA> Chris Smith displays as "Chris Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>".
RA> If I use the address book icon to select Chris Smith, and then delete
RA> the address until only "Chris S" remains, and then search through the
RA> address book with = or -, autocomplete finds Chris
RA> Sinclair and Chris Stone, but not Chris Smith.

RA> As I noted previously, if I delete the Chris Smith entry and the
RA> recreate an identical entry, autocomplete then finds it as it should.
RA> Up until recently that would be the end of it, and I would have no
RA> further problem with that address book entry.

Hi Robin,

Is it possible that  function searches the addressbook but exludes
the names inthe recent history list because those should have already
have shown?

Just a guess.

Best regards,
Golf does strange things to other people too.  It makes liars out of
honest men, cheats out of altruists, cowards out of brave men, and fools
out of everybody.

Using The Bat! v1.62q on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Unpredictable filter actions

2003-07-09 Thread MAU
Hello Spike,

M>> Are your spam filter(s) before or after the mailing list filters?
M>> It looks like if for some reason you mailing list messages were
M>> catched as spam.
> The [EMAIL PROTECTED] filters ARE before the list filters, as there are specific
> text phrases such as "Ancient Toaist," "throbbing erections" and
> "Saundanese Arab Method" (I think you know the specific spam messages
> I am talking about!) and the text strings are specific and targeted.

Even if it was only for a test, I would put the list filters before the
spam ones. Your own message, the one I am replying to, is an example of
a legitimate message that includes "specific text phrases" or words. I
have seen this happen in other mailing lists.

> Is there some explanation as to why the filters would work correctly
> on the SAME messages, only now from the trash folder?

Not that I can think of at the moment, but there must be one if it works
as you say.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Failure of address book autocompletion

2003-07-09 Thread Robin Anson

On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, 3:26:03 PM, you wrote:
>>> The address book Current Projects is the default address book,
>>> right? I believe only the default is searched.
>> That is changeable in Options - Preferences - System. You can set it
>> to All Addressbooks.
> That's something different.  It's for auto-completion.  I have that
> turned off.  The AB search, = or -, doesn't appear to have
> an All Addressbooks setting.

I have auto-completion set to All Addressbooks, and the AB search
finds address book entries in my Rosetta address book group, at least the
ones that don't exhibit the problem. And before you ask, the entries
in the group are not found in any other address book.


Robin Anson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information: