On Thu 10 July 2003, 5:44:30 +1000, Bill McCarthy wrote:
> I created an entry for Jax Smith in one of the unused address books -
> Intermediate CA.  I then created a group in that address book and
> added Jinx Smith to it.
> Turning auto-completion on for all ABs, Jinx was completed but Jax was
> not.  I turned auto-completion back off.
> Typing Jax then <ctrl>= did nothing.  <ctrl>- found it.
> Typing Jinx then <ctrl>- did nothing.  <ctrl>= found it.

Yes! I can confirm that (based on my address book entry that can't
be found by AutoComplete today) doing the <Ctrl>- does find the entry
that AutoComplete doesn't find!

That is at least a step forward! Thanks for the detective work. :)

> This same strange behavior also occurs in the current Beta.  I'm
> posting this as a bug report.



Robin Anson
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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