Re: email/k9mail test

2011-07-15 Thread Dave Goodman
On Friday, July 15, 2011, Roelof Otten wrote:

DG>> did this arrive on the droid via the droid email app, or via k-9?

> Maybe,  just  maybe it would be better not to send test messages via a
> mailing list. Rest assured that your message didn't arrive here via K9
> nor a droid email app.
> And I guess it's the same for about 500 other list users.

The outbound in my 'sent' mail folder shows the message addressed to me,
which was, of course, my intent. There was no intention of spraying the
list with it. However, somehow it happened. Apologies to the list


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 4.0.38
Windows XP Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

email/k9mail test

2011-07-15 Thread Dave Goodman

did this arrive on the droid via the droid email app, or via k-9?


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 4.0.38
Windows XP Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Win 7 / 4.0.38?

2010-09-16 Thread Dave Goodman
On Tuesday, September 14, 2010, Daniel Rail wrote:

> I'm still running  And, it's running perfectly well with
> Windows 7 64-bit.

Thanks. That answers the question... :)


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 4.0.38
Windows XP Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Win 7 / 4.0.38?

2010-09-14 Thread Dave Goodman

Still running 4.0.38 here, but would like to upgrade OS to Win 7. Does
anyone know 4.0.38 is compatible with Win 7-32? Win 7-64?

As always, many thanks...


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 4.0.38
Windows XP Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Scheduler/Calendar

2009-11-26 Thread Dave Goodman
On Thursday, November 26, 2009, I wrote:

> Except... When I click on Tools->Scheduler the calendar display that
> comes up is for October-November 2007 and an error panel appears with
> the message "Failed to set calendar selected range".

Hmmm... Please disregard my previous message. I just upgraded my 3.99.29 to
4.0.38, which does not exhibit the problem I asked about.



Dave Goodman
The Bat! 4.0.38
Windows XP Service Pack 3

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2009-11-26 Thread Dave Goodman
I just completed moving TB! to a different machine (XP/SP3) via a TB!
backup/restore. Everything went smoothly and seems to be working well.

Except... When I click on Tools->Scheduler the calendar display that
comes up is for October-November 2007 and an error panel appears with
the message "Failed to set calendar selected range".

Does anyone know what this is trying to tell me, and how to fix it?

Any enlightenment appreciated...


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows XP Service Pack 3

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB!/XP Installation Question

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Goodman

MFPA wrote:

> Incidentally, you can use 4.0.x versions with the v3 licence but not
> 4.1.x versions. For this reason, 4.0.38 is still available for
> download at

Thanks for that tidbit... I'll take a look at it.

> > Options->Network& Administration->Privileges->Access Rights->User

> I don't recognise that option. Is it something XP Pro has that XP Home
does not?

Sorry, I wasn't very clear. No, that's on the options menu in TB! 3.99. 
I still haven't figured

out exactly what effect it has.

> My guess for making TB! visible to all users would be to put the
> program shortcuts into the "All Users" folders instead of the ones 

>  to the user account that installed it.

Bingo! That's what I was looking for. I think I must have known about 
all users
at one time; maybe that's the senior moment I mentioned. Thanks for the 


Dave Goodman

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

TB!/XP Installation Question

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Goodman

I'm either having a senior moment, or am just in over my head. I'm
moving my TB! 3.99 from an antique W2K system to a semi-antique XP
system. On the XP system I want TB! to be available to those with User
privileges. The TB! installation must be done with Administrator
privileges, and once done is invisible to Users, though Options->Network
& Administration->Privileges->Access Rights->User is set.

Ideally, each user should be able to access TB! and be confined to his
own set of mail files. Possible? How?  :)

Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated...

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Cycle Through Auto-Complete Recipients?

2008-05-23 Thread Dave Goodman
On Thursday, May 22, 2008, Robin Anson wrote:

> ... I actually searched the archives and found a response from Marek
> Mikus to Dave Goodman back in March 2006 that pointed to autocomplete
> at

>> "Options | Preferences | Message headers" where click to header and
>> select "Edit"

I blush, and admit I had forgotten about that exchange with Marek on the
same general subject. At that time my history list seemed to be putting
a lot of non-pertinent addresses in the drop-down menu as potential
auto-completion candidates, so I limited auto-completion to addresses in
the default address book.

That set-up worked fine for persons with a single address, but allowed
no access to a single person's multiple addresses except by opening the
address book, finding the person, right clicking, and selecting. Very

I have reset to "To:" header options to display and auto-complete from
both the history list and from the default address book, and that seems
to be working as expected so far.

But that result would seem to indicate that multiple addresses (beyond
the first entry in the address book) are coming from the history list
rather than from the address book. As a practical matter my problem
seems solved, but I'm still wondering how people are displaying address
book entries (as opposed to history list entries) with the Ctl-+ trick
mentioned earlier.

Anyway, we may now be flogging the proverbial dead horse here. Thanks a
bunch for your help.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Cycle Through Auto-Complete Recipients?

2008-05-22 Thread Dave Goodman
On Thursday, May 22, 2008, Nick Dutton wrote:

DG>> I have, for example, people in the address book with multiple
DG>> addresses, as in:


DG>> How to auto-complete the address I want for Sam Jones, after I type in
DG>> "Sam"? The ctl-+ does not seem to work for this purpose. At least not
DG>> here.

> This was my problem exactly, and Robin pointed out that this requires
> the "+" key on the number pad, not "=", or whatever modifier
> your keyboard requires on the top row of keys.

> My laptop keyboard has a virtual number pad, with 0-9 being the
> "mjkluio789" keys, that I can activate. Never used it though - too
> confusing for me, but *this* "+" key worked as expected.

Thanks for your reply, Nick. Unfortunately the Ctl-+ (where the "+" is
the numeric keypad "+") does nothing here. I've tried just about every
combination I can think of to no avail.  :(


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Cycle Through Auto-Complete Recipients?

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Rick,

> It's working here. You must type the first 3 letters of the name to
> trigger the list of course but then it works fine

> You can also down arrow once the list appears to the one you want

I must be missing something here. Are we talking about finding addresses
in the history list, or are we talking about multiple addresses for the
same person in the personal address book?

I have, for example, people in the address book with multiple
addresses, as in:


How to auto-complete the address I want for Sam Jones, after I type in
"Sam"? The ctl-+ does not seem to work for this purpose. At least not


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Which spam filter for The Bat?

2008-01-26 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Costas,

> I wonder which spam filtering program you would recommend for me to
> use with The Bat.

Yet another vote for AntispamSniper. Here are my current statistics:

Received messages: 46324
Error rate:0.28%
False negatives:   0.25%
False positives:   0.04%


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Mail directory

2007-12-08 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Tom,

> However, I notice that the mail directory is stored on c:drive in
> appdata/

> Can I change this to a different drive to keep my data and operating
> software separate? ...

Sure. You can put the message database anywhere you like. See:

Options->Preferences->System->Mail Directory


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: nntp?

2007-12-03 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Jos,

> A download link

Thanks, Jos. Appreciate the link.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: nntp?

2007-12-03 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Peter,

>> Is there any workable solution to reading (text only) usenet groups
>> from within TB!? And preferably storing saved postings within the TB!
>> database?

> Well, you've answered the question yourself: MyGate.

Thanks for your reply, Peter. But is MyGate currently available and
supported? I did a search of the archives and forum; the only references
I found were 2-4 years old and included a 2005 note from the developer
to the effect that he was giving up on the program. Further, I've not
found a source for MyGate; the links I've found are all 404s.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2007-12-03 Thread Dave Goodman
I seem to recall that quite a few years ago there was talk of nntp
(newsreader) support in TB!. Also, I recall that there was an add-on
(MyGate?) that served the purpose.

Is there any workable solution to reading (text only) usenet groups from
within TB!? And preferably storing saved postings within the TB!


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Outbound Problem

2007-11-04 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Bradley,

> Hate to teach anyone to suck eggs but have you tried pinging your SMTP
> server when you are having problems? ...

Thanks for the nudge in that direction. I can't believe I didn't think
of pinging the server to be sure it was up, but doing so led me to a
partial explanation of what has been happening.

Turns out to be a little off topic for tbudl, but I found that
manually querying particular ISP DNS servers provided by DHCP results
in one of two server IPs being returned. One of those servers seems to
be permanently down, so when that address is returned I get the no
connection error. If the other is returned, the mail goes out.

I have no idea why a DNS query on '' (from my location)
returns two different IPs, seemingly at random, one of which is dead.

Thanks a bunch for your thoughts...


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Outbound Problem

2007-11-04 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Thomas,

> I get this when the server cannot be reached - either because it is
> down or the internet connection is faulty.

> It's a simple reply, but it is the cause over here. The log just tells
> the truth. May this be the same at your location?

Oh, I don't doubt that the log is telling the truth. But _why_ can't
connect? Failure of a connection to a single server would be
understandable, but I connect to three different geographically
dispersed smtp servers, and outbounds to all three fail when I have the

While TB!'s outbounds are 'hung' I can connect perfectly using other
internet protocols, i.e. http, ftp, etc. I suppose I should install
second email program and see whether it exhibits the same symptoms. I
guess that would tell me whether I have a TB! problem or a system

This one really has me stumped. Anyway, I appreciate your reply...


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Outbound Problem

2007-11-04 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Ian,

> A friend of mine had a similar issue with Outlook Express. She had
> changed ISP's recently and still had the DNS entries in Windows for
> her old ISP. Changing them to the ones for her new ISP saw the problem
> go away.

Thanks for your response, Ian. I have in fact checked the DNS entries,
though they do not appear to be the problem, since all internet
connection types other than smtp (http, ftp, etc) work perfectly.

Appreciate your response, though... :)


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.29
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Outbound Problem

2007-11-03 Thread Dave Goodman

I've had an intermittent ongoing problem for the past several months.

When sending email it quite properly goes to the outbox and an attempt
is made to connect to the smtp server, but after some time the attempt
aborts with the error message "Could not connect to the server", which
is also shown in the account log. This happens to outbounds on all of my
three different accounts.

I've enabled protocol logging, but since there is no connection and
hence no protocol exchange, the protocol log remains empty. The smtp
settings in TB! seem to be correct, and have not changed in several

The problem is intermittent; sometimes a message will be sent and the
next message, a few seconds later, hangs. Once a message hangs, it hangs
indefinitely. Restarting TB! is no help. And while the TB! outbound is
hanging, other internet connections work normally.

Any thoughts would be appreciated...


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.25
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Desktop Search Engines

2007-08-16 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello rich,

> Is anyone happily using any of the desktop seach applications with TB
> awareness?

Archivarius indexes TB! message bases nicely:


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.3
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Scheduling Backups

2007-07-13 Thread Dave Goodman

I want to have TB! schedule automatic backups every 7th day at a
particular time. That's no problem, but how do you specify the day of
the week on which that backup is to take place?

I suppose I'm missing something obvious and will be embarrassed when I
find the answer, but I don't see it.



Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.99.3
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: SMTP Log

2007-03-19 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Marek,

> go to "Account properties", open "Transport" section and You will see
> "Protocol logging" section there.

Thank you, Marek. Apparently I'm not bright enough to expand the tree
under "Transport", so I never noticed it there. Appreciate the pointer.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.95.6
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.98.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2007-03-19 Thread Dave Goodman

A detailed SMTP log (not the account log) can be turned on and off in
TB! I know, because I turned it on some months ago. Now I cannot
remember how to turn it off. Would some kind soul give me a clue?


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.95.6
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.98.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Outgoing Mail Delays

2007-02-23 Thread Dave Goodman
> Two different computers, two different mail programs, but the same
> problem.

Interesting, because here the problem is confined to the one Windows
system running TB! I also use Kmail on a Linux system connected to the
same ISP, same internet connection and through the same router.

I've only seen this delay on the Windows/TB! system; never on the
Linux/Kmail system.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.95.6
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.95.08 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Help

2007-02-23 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Carlos,

> I'm using the latest professional version and it was working fine,
> all of a sudden, when I send an email it takes forever and then puts
> it in the outbox, telling me the server aborted the connection.

Sorry, I don't have the answer, but after years of using TB! a few months
ago I also started having delays in sending. In my case, on pressing the
send button the connection centre opens, but no connection is made for
30-60 seconds. Finally a connection is completed, and the message is

I'm always connecting to the same SMTP server, but the delay I mentioned
happens intermittently. But it does occur about on about 70% of messages


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.95.6
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.95.08 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Test -Ident (113) closed

2007-01-24 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Roelof,

DG>> Closed, but not stealthed.

> Bitten by a folder template?

Yup. Realized it just after I clicked "send". And I think there may be
one more coming.



Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.95.6
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Another SMTP test

2007-01-24 Thread Dave Goodman

Any delay? Check new smtp log.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.95.6
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Test -Ident (113) closed

2007-01-24 Thread Dave Goodman
Closed, but not stealthed.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.95.6
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB erroneously checks mail at startup

2006-12-24 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Robin,

> On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 at 14:48:35 +, Barry wrote:
>> Robin Anson wrote:
>>> Well, that's similar, except that mine doesn't ALWAYS check on
>>> startup. It only does it about 50% of the time.
>> Perhaps this is a bug that's crept in with 3.85?
>> I thought that it was me at first because one could argue that if an 
>> interval was set then the account should be checked automatically on 
>> startup and thereafter at the interval specified.
>> For me I expected the first check to be carried out after the first 
>> interval.
>> Then if I wanted a check on startup I could ask for that.
>> What do you think?

> However, I asked about this once before and it didn't seem to be
> happening to anyone else. ...

> So it happens to at least two of us, but am I right in thinking it
> happens all the time for you if you have periodical checking enabled?

It happens here also. We have three accounts; on all three periodic
checking is enabled, check on startup is disabled. Still, TB! checks
mail on all three on perhaps one startup in five.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.85.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.95.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Migrating TB! to new computer

2006-11-28 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Thomas,

DG>> My objective is to do a new installation of TB!, from scratch, on a new,
DG>> freshly formatted system ...

> A) Using the internal backup/restore function

> While still in the old system, go to Tools / Backup... and click on
> everything. This will create a .tbk file. ...

Thanks, Thomas. System 'A' worked very well indeed. Appreciate your


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.85.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Migrating TB! to new computer

2006-11-27 Thread Dave Goodman

My apologies... I know this subject has been covered from time to time,
but I'm unable to lay my hands on a 'cookbook' for setting up a fresh
installation of TB! on a new computer.

My objective is to do a new installation of TB!, from scratch, on a new,
freshly formatted system, and yet transfer whatever is necessary for the
new TB! to come up with all folders, settings, and mail database intact and
ready to go. Can anyone suggest a step-by-step procedure? Or give me a
pointer to such?

Version info in .sig. Any enlightenment appreciated...


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.85.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Sanctioned bayes plugins (redux)

2006-08-23 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Bill,

>> FWIW, I installed Antispamsniper earlier this month. As of right now,
>> with 1520 messages received, the error rate is 0.72%. I'm also using >60
>> as the spam score.

> Is that with the commercial or free version?

The commercial version. I ran the free version for just a few days, then

I should have been more careful with the figures I mentioned. They are
accurate, but they do not represent *all* messages received since the
original installation. I ran the plugin for about ten days for a
learning period; then reset the statistics back to zero to see how it


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.80.06
AntispamSniper 1.6.4
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Sanctioned bayes plugins (redux)

2006-08-23 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Kitty,

> I've been trying Antispamsniper and it seems to miss about half the
> spam.  I have it set to mark as spam if it has a score of 60.  Should
> I be setting this much lower?  I'm not getting many false positives
> but it is missing a lot.

FWIW, I installed Antispamsniper earlier this month. As of right now,
with 1520 messages received, the error rate is 0.72%. I'm also using >60
as the spam score.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! 3.80.06
AntispamSniper 1.6.4
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Control of stored messages in 3.80.03

2006-05-12 Thread Dave Goodman
Hello Roelof,

DG>>... there is only the check box, no window into which to
DG>> enter a numerical value.

> That's a known bug for those of us who're using large fonts. Set
> Windows temporarily back to normal fonts and you can change the number
> of days. Afterwards you can set your preferred font size again.

I just installed the freshly released 3.80.06. In this version I can see
a tiny sliver of the windows for numerical input, too small to see or
change the value therein. That sliver remains the same size no matter
how the folder->properties->general window is resized.

So the issue is still unresolved for those of us using large fonts.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.80.06
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.80.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Control of stored messages in 3.80.03

2006-05-12 Thread Dave Goodman
Roelof and Alexander,

DG>> ... no window into which to enter a numerical value.

> That's a known bug for those of us who're using large fonts. Set
> Windows temporarily back to normal fonts and you can change the number
> of days. Afterwards you can set your preferred font size again.

Temporarily reducing the font size did the trick. Thanks very much to
both of you for your prompt responses.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.80.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.80.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Control of stored messages in 3.80.03

2006-05-12 Thread Dave Goodman

A month ago I installed 3.80.03 over my previous 3.71.03. Today I needed
to change the length of time stored messages are kept in a specific
folder. Going to folder->properties->general I found the expected check
boxes for controlling maximum of age and number stored messages, but on
each of these lines there is only the check box, no window into which to
enter a numerical value.

The 'repair' option under the TB! installer has been no help. Any
comments or suggestions would be appreciated.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.80.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.80.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Color Folder Name?

2006-03-29 Thread Dave Goodman

I would like to be able to color the name of a folder, as it appears in
the folder tree pane, in response to some condition in the folder. For
example, have the folder name appear in red if there are any flagged
messages in the folder.




Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.71.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Keyboard Shortcut Editor - Where?

2006-03-16 Thread Dave Goodman
I'm looking for the keyboard shortcut (not to be confused with system
hotkeys) editor in 3.71.03.

The help file (bless their hearts) says:

"The Shortcut Editor is available in most of The Bat!'s non-modal
windows (such as main window, separate message browser, address book,
message editor) - you can invoke it by using the View|Edit Shortcuts
menu command of any of such window."

Perhaps age is making me blind and stupid, but I can't find it.

Any hints?



Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.71.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: AutoComplete Settings - Where?

2006-03-14 Thread Dave Goodman
On 3/13/2006 Thomas Fernandez wrote:

>>> Where are the settings for address and history AutoComplete located
>>> in 3.71.03? According to the help file, the are at
>>> options->preferences->system, but they don't seem to be there (or
>>> anywhere else I've searched).

MM>> "Options | Preferences | Message headers" where click to header and select
MM>> "Edit".

> I think he means something else (and if he doesn't, I make it my
> question): When I type a recipient's address into the TO field, TB
> will auto-complete. Not sure whether from histroy or the AB. However,
> there used to be a place where I can choose whether TB autocompletes
> these addresses or not. I cannot find that either.

No, Marek understood my question perfectly, and it is the same question
you have asked, Thomas. RIT labs has hidden those settings in a most
obscure place, but they are exactly where Marek said. Once you get into
the edit headers panel, click on 'To:', then on the 'edit' button and
you'll find them.

Thanks again, Marek.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.71.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: AutoComplete Settings - Where?

2006-03-13 Thread Dave Goodman
On 3/13/2006 Marek Mikus wrote:

>> Where are the settings for address and history AutoComplete located in
>> 3.71.03? ...

> "Options | Preferences | Message headers" where click to header and
> select "Edit".

Thank you, Marek. I would never have found them there.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.71.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

AutoComplete Settings - Where?

2006-03-13 Thread Dave Goodman

Where are the settings for address and history AutoComplete located in
3.71.03? According to the help file, the are at
options->preferences->system, but they don't seem to be there (or
anywhere else I've searched).



Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.71.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Upgrade from 1.62

2006-03-08 Thread Dave Goodman
On 3/7/2006 Stuart Cuddy wrote:

> The   term   "Match"   means  that  it  will  use  Regex.  If  you use
> "Contains" it does not use Regex.

Aha! Thanks, Stuart.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.71.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Upgrade from 1.62

2006-03-07 Thread Dave Goodman
>> I've been running the now antique v.1.62r and am about to upgrade to the
>> newest v.3.n. But there is a complication. For various reasons, v.1.62r
>> is installed on my D: drive, where it lives happily with all it's data.
>> ...

> A pain-free way, as to (de)installation itself, would be something like
> this...

> Copy your mail databases (usually the folder "Mail") somewhere on D:
> drive.

> Deinstall the old TB.

> Install the new TB (and tell it where the mail database is).

> The rest of the happenings is not necessarily pain-free though, ...

Thank you, Mica, for your thoughts. The upgrade to 3.x along with the
change to drive C: went quite smoothly with respect to the program installation
and the program finding the .TBB files. All is running smoothly, but you
were right... I'm having to do some of the configuration and filter set
up manually.

With regard to the new filtering setup, I see in the help file a
reference to "Advanced filtering conditions". But I do not see them
anywhere in the sorting office.

Also, I make considerable use of regex in filters, but I have not been
able to get them to work in the new filtering setup. In version 1.x
there was a checkbox for regex, but I don't find one in 3.x (unless it
is in the "Advanced filtering conditions" which I can't find.

If anyone would care to contribute a pointer on these to issues it would
be much appreciated.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.71.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Upgrade from 1.62

2006-03-05 Thread Dave Goodman

I've been running the now antique v.1.62r and am about to upgrade to the
newest v.3.n. But there is a complication. For various reasons, v.1.62r
is installed on my D: drive, where it lives happily with all it's data.

However, I now want to install the new v.3.n in the more customary
C:\Program Files\xxx. It is essential that the mail databases be
left on the D: drive and be accessible to the new installation on C:.

I've been uncertain whether to just install the newer version to C:,
then tell it where the .TBB files, etc. are, and then perhaps uninstall
the old version. Or vice versa. Or whatever.

Any words of wisdom on the best way to accomplish this in as pain-free a
way as possible would be greatly appreciated.



Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 [5.0.2195 Service Pack 4]

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: error when mailing attachment via x-ray

2004-07-07 Thread Dave Goodman

Cyrille wrote:

> The problem seems to be X-ray, because I tried the same thing with
> different servers of different ISP, with X-ray and TB without X-ray,
> and the problem occurs with any ISP and only when X-ray handels TB's


I have, regrettably, given up using X-Ray because I can not send
outgoing messages with attachments. This happens, as Cyrille wrote, with
any ISP. Further, there is no filtering of outbound messages; no
anti-virus check, no outbound firewall.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 [5.0.2195 Service Pack 4]

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB! 'Backup' error

2003-12-03 Thread Dave Goodman
On Wednesday, December 03, 2003, Andre Wichartz wrote:

DG>> Trying to backup TB! using tools/backup (1.62r), I get an error message
DG>> for a particular folder saying "An error occurred while storing data of
DG>> the folder x'.

> Try this:
> Create a new folder. Copy all messages from the corrupt folder to the
> new one. Delete the orignal folder. Try the backup again. Ofcourse, you
> should make a backup of your mail folder before trying that (not
> using tb's backup facility).

Thanks for the suggestion, Andre. Good idea, but unfortunately no go. I
guess there is true data corruption (as opposed to an error in TB!'s


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB! 'Backup' error

2003-12-03 Thread Dave Goodman

On Wednesday, December 03, 2003, Tony Boom wrote:

> That last reply didn't go too well did it 


> Is it The Bat you want to back up and have you got Winrar installed?

Yes, Winrar is installed, but no, it is not just TB! that I'm concerned

I realize that Winrar can be used for the purpose, but I was curious
about experiences with such apps as SecondCopy and Handy Backup, which
seem to offer a quick and dirty 'lite-weight' backup which could be used
on 'hot' data, perhaps every hour or so. This in addition to the full
system backup which is done nightly.

But the immediate problem is that a backup with TB!'s facilities revealed a
corrupted file. The particular folder may have been corrupt for a long
time, since it is mostly archived stuff about a particular issue which
has been inactive. I guess the bottom line is that I'll have to keep the
regular system backups much longer than I have been keeping them.

Thanks for your thought, and best to your daughter...


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB! 'Backup' error

2003-12-03 Thread Dave Goodman
On Tuesday, December 02, 2003, Allie Martin wrote:

> Dave Goodman, [DG] wrote:

DG>> Trying to backup TB! using tools/backup (1.62r), I get an error message
DG>> for a particular folder saying "An error occurred while storing data of
DG>> the folder x'.

> There may be some irreparable damage to that particular .tbb file. I can
> only suggest restoring it from a backup.

Thanks, Allie. I had figured that would be the case, but I thought maybe
someone might know of one those neat little TB! tricks. :)

> I'm not particularly fond of TB!'s backup since you can't restore a
> single folders mailbase if you needed to. I personally use it only for
> backup of an installation and restoring to a new system as I did when my
> hard disk recently went bad.

I agree that TB!'s backup is not very suitable as a routine, periodic
backup operation. In this case, I was doing the backup to move TB! to a
new machine. Since the problem only shows up with TB!'s own backup
facility, and the last such was probably done months ago, the question
is whether I still have have 'regular' backups that go back far enough
to recover a good file.

> Otherwise, I suggest backing up using a batch operation or a backup
> utility like SecondCopy.

Actually we do nightly backups using NovaStor+, but I've been thinking
of installing SecondCopy or HandyBackup to do lite-weight backups of
hot data several times a day. Have you, by any chance, compared these
two, or other similar apps? Any thoughts appreciated!

Off to start digging. Thanks for your comments...


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

TB! 'Backup' error

2003-12-02 Thread Dave Goodman
Trying to backup TB! using tools/backup (1.62r), I get an error message
for a particular folder saying "An error occurred while storing data of
the folder x'.

The error message suggests that the index file ( x.tbi) for that
folder may be corrupt and suggests deleting and rebuilding it. This I
have done several times.

When the .tbi file is rebuilt, the folder shows about half the messages
therein as unread, though all were previously read. Further attempts at
backup give the same error and results, whether or not I mark messages
as read.

Any idea how I might get things back to normal?



Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: new mail at top/bottom

2003-09-23 Thread Dave Goodman

On Tuesday, September 23, 2003, ken green wrote:

>> ... if you read a mail, close the folder and open the folder later
>> (and in the meantime messages were placed into the folder), the mail
>> highlighted is not the bottom one (newest) but the one you read last.
>> I would like that to be the last mail (newest).

> That's funny.  I *LIKE* returning to the last message viewed.

Indeed. Returning to the last message viewed allows me to leave a folder
to look at something else, then return and pick up where I left off.

I would be *very* sorry to see that changed.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Wrapping recieved mail correctly

2003-09-10 Thread Dave Goodman
On Wednesday, September 10, 2003, Allie Martin wrote:

JD>> Now as I'm viewing TB! at 1600x1200 an unwrapped
JD>> mail line is very long. Is it possible to set the viewer to force
JD>> the mail to wrap at 80 columns?

> Oh how I wish for that feature. :)

Hear, hear!  :)


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Expand all threads command?

2003-09-08 Thread Dave Goodman

On Monday, September 08, 2003, Robyn Winter wrote:

> I use a PC with an International keyboard and I used
> Expand Thread   Ctrl+NumLock++
> Contract Thread Ctrl+NumLock+-
> Expand ALL threads  Ctrl+NumLock+*

> I don't know how to Contract ALL Threads though.



Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.62r
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Ot: mail servers?

2003-08-04 Thread Dave Goodman
Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> As i am thinking about getting a domain i also think about getting my
> own mail server software. Could anyone advice on a free or low cost
> solution that could work under Win XP?

Mercury32 ( is free and extremely flexible. I has
modules to do just about anything you would want. However, I've never
tried it under XP and don't know what the author claims, but I would
be very surprised if it didn't work.

There is an active mailing list/support group at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know your particular situation, of course, but allow me to
point out a couple of things. First, running your own SMTP for
outbound mail is becoming increasingly difficult because many of the
servers you will connect with are using blacklists which refuse mail
from any IP which is in a dynamically assigned block. They are trying
to avoid spam sent out by servers operated by spammers. So if you are
on a dialup connection, or if you have broadband with an IP assigned
via DHCP, you may have problems with some outbound mail.

Second, and again on the subject of SMTP, to receive mail you must be
online full time, or inbound mail will bounce. There are, however,
services which will hold/forward mail if your system is down. Also,
you must have an open port to allow inbound access to your SMTP
server, while without the server your system can be virtually
invisible on the internet.

I ran my own server(s) for quite a few years, but have given it up
given the current environment.

Just a few thoughts.

Kind regards...


Dave Goodman

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: defining account default column sizes

2003-08-03 Thread Dave Goodman
Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

DG>>  Add me to the confused. As I read this you're saying that
DG>>  column settings can be set up so there is a default for a
DG>>  threaded presentation, and a different default for non-threaded
DG>>  presentations.

> Actually one presentation for non-threaded and one for each
> threading method.

DG>>  How, specifically, would one implement this?

> One would arrange the columns for each threading permutation. Select
> non-threaded; arrange columns. Select "Thread by reference"; arrange
> columns; Select "Thread by subject"; arrange columns - and so on.

> Now just use Alt-0, Alt-1, Alt-2 etc to select the view on-the-fly.

Marck, thanks for your reply.

What you suggest is essentially what I have been doing. But I read into
your original remark more than was there; namely that one could have
truly independent column/sort settings for unthreaded vs. threaded (of
various kinds) folders, without selecting the threading mode as one
entered each folder. Apparently not so.

Stefan Tanurkov threw out this teaser a few days ago:

> It is also planned to make it possible to define various views (based
> on combination of the settings from the View menu) and switch between
> them quickly...

Perhaps this will address some of these issues. Or perhaps wishful
thinking...   :)


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.61
Windows 98 4.10  A 

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: defining account default column sizes

2003-08-03 Thread Dave Goodman
Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

> Just change any one of the folders flagged as following the default
> settings. The changes will be reflected around the others.

Well and good. Been doing this since I began using TB!

> There are actually two different default column settings. One for
> threaded view and one for unthreaded. Just to add to the confusion.

 Add me to the confused. As I read this you're saying that column
 settings can be set up so there is a default for a threaded
 presentation, and a different default for non-threaded presentations.

 How, specifically, would one implement this?

 As an example, I would like to have folders of emails unthreaded, but
 with a uniform column arrangement across those folders.

 I would also like to have all my (many) mailing list folders with a
 uniform column arrangement across those folders, but with threading
 by either reference or subject implemented.

 Can this be done? How?


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.61
Windows 98 4.10  A 

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Multiple messages (was Re: Message Archive?)

2003-06-12 Thread Dave Goodman
Jernej Simončič wrote:

> Am I the only one who got about 10 copies of Stuart's messages ("Re: Message
> Archive" and "Re: Sending signed messages")

Nope.  We're knee deep in them here.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.61
Windows 98 4.10  A 

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: How to configure BAT with Yahoo

2003-01-09 Thread Dave Goodman
Greg Strong wrote:

>>> MyRealBox blocks Yahoo Groups.

>> I've seen this statement made a number of times by various people over
>> the past few months, so I assume that some must be seeing a real
>> problem.  Curiously though, I receive seven different Yahoo Groups,
>> including TBOT, by email through my MyRealBox account with no
>> problems.

> See on MRB FAQ. I'm not
> using MRB for ML because of this comment on FAQ.  Doesn't make sense!

I'm not arguing with you, Greg. In fact, I have seen that item in the
FAQ you quoted.  There does seem to be an apparent discrepancy between
policy and practice.  You're right... it doesn't make sense!


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.61
Windows 98 4.10  A 

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: How to configure BAT with Yahoo

2003-01-08 Thread Dave Goodman
Greg Strong wrote:

> MyRealBox blocks Yahoo Groups.

I've seen this statement made a number of times by various people over
the past few months, so I assume that some must be seeing a real
problem.  Curiously though, I receive seven different Yahoo Groups,
including TBOT, by email through my MyRealBox account with no

[The sharp-eyed will note the double space between sentences. :)]


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.61
Windows 98 4.10  A 

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Replys

2002-10-21 Thread Dave Goodman
Mark Earl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I highlighted part of a message in Eudora and clicked Reply,
> only that part highlighted would be in the reply. Can I do the same
> thing with the Bat?

As an alternative to the F4 that others have sugggested, just hold
down the shift key while you click on the reply icon.  Only the
selected text will be quoted.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 98/SE

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Working with a Collect Account

2002-07-30 Thread Dave Goodman

Luc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Q:I  am  on a Yahoo! Groups mailing list and have stopped receiving my
> mail. What's wrong?

> A:The  Yahoo!  Groups  mailing  lists have been a major source of spam
> over  the  last couple years and have been getting worse and worse. We
> have  tried to work with them many times but they have done nothing to
> prevent  the spam. We are sorry to tell you that because of this we no
> longer accept any mail from Yahoo! Groups.

Curious... I receive mail from four yahoo group mailing lists through
myrealbox with no problem.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 98/SE

Current Ver: 1.61
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Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

Re: Key press for showing headers

2002-05-28 Thread Dave Goodman

Ray Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there a key press which will show all headers in the message edit
> window?

> I don't mean F9 which shows the source in a separate window,
> but one that will toggle the headers on and off at the top of the text
> in the reading window.



Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.60m
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

Re: comments and a request

2002-05-10 Thread Dave Goodman

Richard Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ridiculous scratch pad.  I therefore request you kill SmartBat or at
> least take it off of my window title bar. I further request that you
> add a raw SMTP\POP3 tool that can let me get down-n-dirty with my mail
> server. 

Unless I'm missing something, there is no need for such a tool. Just
use your browser like this: telnet://your_mail_server:25 for smtp or
:110 for pop3, and you can have all the raw interaction you want.

I certainly agree with you on the scratch pad.  There are plenty
capable clipboard extenders available which have the added advantage
of being usable outside of TB!.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.60i
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

Re: Dutch lang. interf. / Bug.

2002-04-06 Thread Dave Goodman

Luc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MT>> I would like to use a different character than ">" when quoting
MT>> replies.
>  ...
> If you want a self determined character you can use the following
> macro:

> QUOTESTYLE = "expression"

> Specifies the quotation prefix to be used following execution of this macro.
> The expression can be any of the following:
> NONEuse an empty prefix (the standard)
> I   use the initials of the sender of the original message (the default)
> IF  use the first initial of the sender of the original message
> N   use the full name of the sender of the original message
> F   use the first name of the sender of the original message
> L   use the last name of the sender of the original message
> =text   use the "text" as the prefix, e.g. %QUOTESTYLE="=-|"

> This last option "text" is what you are looking for i guess.

That last option results in a quote marker of '-|>'.

Let me restate what I understand to be Matt's question, because I also
am interested in the answer.

If I want to use a character other than '>' as the quote character,
how can I do so?  Note that I am not asking about prefixes to '>',
such as 'DG>' or whatever.  Just something like:

| This is a quoted line.

Yes, I realize that this may not be a good idea for several reasons,
and that '>' is the defacto standard.  Nevertheless, if I wished to
use a different character, how would I do it?


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.60c
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: maybe I'm dense but...

2002-04-01 Thread Dave Goodman

Gene Gough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   ...  What I have
> found best is having a filer for each of the various list groups I
> listen to that looks at the TO field to divert them to the associated
> folder.  Then next to the last filter is one that requires only that
> the sender be in my address book and if so, that mail goes into the
> standard INBOX.  The final filter is the inverse of that.  Any message
> this far down the chain and not in the address book goes to the
> Unknown or spam filter.  ...

I do something similar.  But a question...

Your last two filters work like this:

  1) filter all mail with recognized addresses to the inbox.
  2) filter anything else to the spam box.

What is your thinking in using these double filters as opposed to:

  1) filter all mail with unrecognized addresses to the spam box,
 while all other mail "falls off the end" of the filter list
 into the inbox.

Just wondering if I've missed some subtlety here... :)


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.60c
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Clarification requested on list reply headers

2002-03-27 Thread Dave Goodman

Chris Lilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DH>> Marck, folder templates? From you?

> I have since found that this issue affects all Yahoogroups (ex
> e-groups, onelist, etc) lists. So this is a widespread problem ...

I've seen Marck's warnings about using folder templates, along with
comments from several others.  What I have not seen is an explanation
why this is a Bad Idea.

Would someone educate this newbie?  :)


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.60 / 1.60a
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TB! & mailaccounts (OT?)

2002-03-27 Thread Dave Goodman

DG Raftery Sr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Although myrealbox is an extremely good account, and used here, myrealbox is
> IMAP and not pop3.

Ummm... I've been running a myrealbox account for some months now,
using POP3/SMTP.  I don't argue that they don't also provide IMAP.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.60 / 1.60a
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Archives   :
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: send-recieve dialog disappears before I can read the error message

2002-03-24 Thread Dave Goodman

Charles Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> i  wonder  if  it  would  work  to  put  a filter to a folder in another
>> account?

> That's what I do. You can have folders in an account, or outside an account
> and you can right click a filter and copy it and then paste in into another
> account, thus you can filter from two accounts and have the message go to
> any one folder the same. Works very well here but you do have more than one
> filter the same to manage. Not ideal but workable I think.

One attraction of TB! (to me, anyway) is the ability to send/receive
mail through multiple servers. At the same time I need to file, much,
but not all, of that incoming mail, in folders which do not
necessarily correspond on a one-to-one basis to the servers.

Yes, this can be done using multiple copies of the same set of
filters, one for each account. But this gets messy when dealing with
more than two or three accounts; keeping the various identical filter
sets synchronized is time-consuming and subject to error.

>   ...  A global filter
> system would certainly be an interesting idea, however but I would want
> both; account based and global I think. Whether there's a conflict here I
> don't know but filtering on incoming mail regardless of account would slove
> the need for so many filters the same.

No, of course we don't want to do away with account filters.  What I
have in mind is two levels of filters; a 'global' (or common) level
and an 'account' level.  A global filter would be the default and
would operate unless an account filter took precedence.  Something
very much like the way templates are handled at the account and folder


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.53d
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: send-recieve dialog disappears before I can read the error message

2002-03-23 Thread Dave Goodman

Dwight A Corrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Don't you still need duplicate filters in all accounts to filter
>> inbound mail into the common folders?

> unfortunately this is true.

Well, it works, but it seems to me a clumsy solution.

I think TB!'s rather rigid, account-oriented structure is starting to
fray at the seams.  Quite a few folks, including me, have voiced the
need for the ability to filter inbound mail from different sources
into a common set of folders.  Would not the best solution, given
TB!'s account-oriented structure, be to provide for what one might
call 'common-filters', i.e., a set of filters which operate on all
inbounds regardless of account, before the account filters are

Or I way out here by myself?  :)


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.53d
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: send-recieve dialog disappears before I can read the error message

2002-03-23 Thread Dave Goodman

Dwight A Corrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Also, to allow users to have a single mailbox for multiple accounts?

> the new common folders in 1.60 will solve this problem nicely


In my last message a couple of minutes ago, I said:

... do the common filters really solve the problem?

That should, of course, have been:

... do the common folders really solve the problem?

Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.53d
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: send-recieve dialog disappears before I can read the error message

2002-03-23 Thread Dave Goodman

Dwight A Corrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Also, to allow users to have a single mailbox for multiple accounts?

> the new common folders in 1.60 will solve this problem nicely

I've not used the beta, nor have I installed 1.60 yet.  So, a
question... do the common filters really solve the problem?  Don't you
still need duplicate filters in all accounts to filter inbound mail
into the common folders?

Or am I misunderstanding the way common folders work?

Thanks for any enlightenment.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.53d
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Re: list working?

2002-02-09 Thread Dave Goodman

Eddie Castelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can not confirm. on Feb. 9 I got 24 msg. Not counted is Rick's
> Question and your answer.

Hmm... Something peculiar here.  I have only seven messages dated Feb
9, and I too was wondering about the seemingly light traffic.


Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98


Archives   :
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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: Importing Messages (Unix file)

2002-02-09 Thread Dave Goodman

Marck D Pearlstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The sample is in from the individual having the problem (Dave Goodman)
> and the problem is that Date: headers are not present on the message
> that imported with the wrong date.

> The date is there on the From line, but TB doesn't use that. Dave - if
> you have a regex search/replace text editor you could fake up Date:
> headers where missing. Other than that, it's an "Edit by hand" issue.

Yes, I may fake up Date: headers if it comes to that.

Just for the sake of discussion, though, there seem to be two issues

1) Why is Agent not writing a Date: header in the Unix message format
   file of 'sent' messages?  And is this a legitimate file format?
   These are probably not appropriate topics for this forum, and I'll
   purse them elsewhere.

2) Pehaps I shouldn't fault TB! for having problems with an imported
   file with no Date: header. But what it does is curious, to say the

   TB! _does_ recognize the timestamp in the Unix message separator, i.e.,
   the From line with timestamp which is the first line of every Unix

   The strangeness is that, in the message-list, it uses that
   timestamp as the 'received' time, and uses the current time as the
   'created' time, rather than the other way around. A further
   strangeness is that TB! then displays "Created Sat, 30 Dec 1899
   00:00:00 ()" in the headers immediately above the message-view.

   In passing, I note that Forte Agent handles this sort of import
   correctly. If messages in a Unix format file have no Date: header,
   it uses the timestamp from the separator line as the created

Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98


Archives   :
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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: Importing Messages (Unix file)

2002-02-08 Thread Dave Goodman

Repost of previous.  Apparently TB! didn't like the headers embedded
in the message and broke it into three parts.  Headers are now quoted.

Marck D Pearlstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> Might the format of the date stamp in Date: header be slightly off? A
>>> sample would be good. Malformed (or nearly correctly formed) dates
>>> have been responsible for this kind of problem in the past.

>> I just looked at some imports I did when I switched to TB!. They all
>> show the correct created time, and all are marked received for when
>> they were imported/received by TB!

> Yes, but that only applies to the ones that worked. The set that
> hasn't worked may have a different format of date header... again, a
> sample would be nice...

Thanks to Marck and Dwight for your replies.  Sorry to have been tardy
with samples; I've been offline all afternoon.

I now see what's happening, though I don't have a solution yet.  The
problem is that the Unix message file exported by my former MUA (Forte
Agent v1.8) does not include an actual 'Date:' header at all _if_ the
message was one that originated with Agent.

For example, here is an actual header from a message sent by me
using Agent:

> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jan 29 15:58:39 2002
> From: Dave Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Congratulations
> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Mailer: Forte Agent 1.8/32.548

Note that the customary Unix 'From' line, including the timestamp,
starts the message, but there is no formal 'Date:' header.

By contrast, here is a header from a message sent by me using TB!:

> From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Feb  8 11:30:36 2002
> Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:30:36 -0500
> From: Dave Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal
> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
> Subject: Importing Messages (Unix file)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This peculiar behavior of Agent occurs only with messages originating
from Agent, making it impossible to import my Agent 'Sent' folder into
TB!.  All other folders import perfectly.

Well, I'll have to consult the authorities in an Agent forum.  Still,
any thoughts would be welcome.


Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98


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Re: Importing Messages (Unix file)

2002-02-08 Thread Dave Goodman

Marck D Pearlstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> Might the format of the date stamp in Date: header be slightly off? A
>>> sample would be good. Malformed (or nearly correctly formed) dates
>>> have been responsible for this kind of problem in the past.

>> I just looked at some imports I did when I switched to TB!. They all
>> show the correct created time, and all are marked received for when
>> they were imported/received by TB!

> Yes, but that only applies to the ones that worked. The set that
> hasn't worked may have a different format of date header... again, a
> sample would be nice...

Thanks to Marck and Dwight for your replies.  Sorry to have been tardy
with samples; I've been offline all afternoon.

I now see what's happening, though I don't have a solution yet.  The
problem is that the Unix message file exported by my former MUA (Forte
Agent v1.8) does not include an actual 'Date:' header at all _if_ the
message was one that originated with Agent.

For example, here is an actual header from a message sent by me
using Agent:

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jan 29 15:58:39 2002
From: Dave Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [stripped for privacy]
Subject: Re: Congratulations
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Forte Agent 1.8/32.548

Note that the customary Unix 'From' line, including the timestamp,
starts the message, but there is no formal 'Date:' header.

By contrast, here is a header from a message sent by me using TB!:

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Feb  8 11:30:36 2002
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:30:36 -0500
From: Dave Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.53d) Personal
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Subject: Importing Messages (Unix file)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This peculiar behavior of Agent occurs only with messages originating
from Agent, making it impossible to import my Agent 'Sent' folder into
TB!.  All other folders import perfectly.

Well, I'll have to consult the authorities in an Agent forum.  Still,
any thoughts would be welcome.


Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98


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Re: Importing Messages (Unix file)

2002-02-08 Thread Dave Goodman

Following up my own message in this thread a few minutes ago:

> I'm importing messages from another system into TB!.  Mostly it has
> gone smoothly, using the Unix message format.

> However, the last files imported , when displayed in the TB! MESSAGE
> LIST, show almost all of the messages dated at the date/time of
> import, rather than the correct message creation date/time. When a
> single message is displayed in the MESSAGE VIEW, the timestamp is
> always:

> Sat, 30 Dec 1899  00:00:00  ()

> An examination of the Unix file with a text editor shows the format to
> be correct, with the original date/timestamps in place. Further, the
> file imports correctly into several other programs which accept the
> Unix file format.

> Anyone know what's going on here?

It turns out that the time/date _is_ being imported into TB!.  But it
shows up under the 'Received' time/date, rather than under the
'Created' time/date.

This seems strange.  To me the creation time of the message is the
original time/date when the message was sent, not the time it was
"created" in TB!.  Further, the strange 1899 date in the individual
message headers remains unexplained.


Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98


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Importing Messages (Unix file)

2002-02-08 Thread Dave Goodman

I'm importing messages from another system into TB!.  Mostly it has
gone smoothly, using the Unix message format.

However, the last files imported , when displayed in the TB! MESSAGE
LIST, show almost all of the messages dated at the date/time of
import, rather than the correct message creation date/time. When a
single message is displayed in the MESSAGE VIEW, the timestamp is

Sat, 30 Dec 1899  00:00:00  ()

An examination of the Unix file with a text editor shows the format to
be correct, with the original date/timestamps in place. Further, the
file imports correctly into several other programs which accept the
Unix file format.

Anyone know what's going on here?


Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98


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Re: threading (or really, unthreading) a folder??

2002-02-08 Thread Dave Goodman

Melissa Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes - it's one of the things I really appreciate about TB!'s threading
> options.  Each folder I want threaded in a particular way remembers
> it's individual setting.

But to accomplish this I would have to set up the heading columns for
each of my several dozen folders individually, a somewhat tedious job.

It seems to me a misfeature for TB! to have tied threading to the
folder "Use account default column settings", such that any change in
the threading selection for any one folder with that option ticked
results in that threading selection being propogated to all folders so

Or am I missing something?  Any enlightenment appreciated.


Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98


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Account default column settings

2002-02-07 Thread Dave Goodman

How does one set up the message-list account default column settings?

I see that one can change the size of each field by dragging its
border, and that one can right-click on the headings and get a column
setting dialog.  But neither of these setups seems to 'take'



Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98 v4.10 Build  A 


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Re: Global Sorting

2002-01-28 Thread Dave Goodman

Alastair Scott wrote:

>> Is there a way to set up filter which works across multiple accounts?

>> Alternatively, is there a way to set up a folder which is common to
>> more than one account?

> Wait until version 1.54; it has "common folders" which can be set up
> independently of other accounts and can have messages filtered into them
> from any or all accounts.

Thanks for the reply.  I shall eagerly await 1.54!  :)

> (It doesn't have "common filters" which, come to think of it, might be a
> worthwhile addition!)

Yes. As would system-wide "common default settings", and system-wide
"common default templates." Just my $.02!

BTW, I see people using 1.54 betas.  Are these available to the
(registered) masses?  I see no mention of this on the TB! web site.


Dave Goodman

The Bat! 1.53d / Windows 98


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Global Sorting

2002-01-28 Thread Dave Goodman

Is there a way to set up filter which works across multiple accounts?

Alternatively, is there a way to set up a folder which is common to
more than one account?

If, as I suspect, the answer to both questions is "no", can anyone
suggest a graceful way to handle the following situation?

I have several POP3 accounts.  The mail coming through all of these
accounts needs to be sorted into a common set of folders.  Is there
not some alternative to maintaining multiple sets of identical
filters, one for each account?


Dave Goodman


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Re: Bursting Digests

2002-01-27 Thread Dave Goodman

Dave>>> Whether my problem is with TB! or with the formatting of these
Dave>>> particular digests, I would be able to read them if there were some
Dave>>> way to disable TB!'s apparently automatic bursting of digests.


> It's not entirely TB's fault. If the digest is being sent by the list
> server as a poorly formed MIME digest, TB can only do as it is told in
> that respect and obey the incoming data.

> The only way to turn it off is to change the setting of the list
> server not to send you MIME digests.

Since I started this thread, I've tried reading the digests in
question with TB!, Becky2, Pegasus and Forte Agent.  Agent is the only
MUA which reads them successfully.

Apparently you're quite right.  I've now looked at how these digests
are (mal)formed, and think I see the problem.  The details are
probably beyond the scope of this forum.

Thanks for your reply...


Dave Goodman


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Re: Bursting Digests

2002-01-27 Thread Dave Goodman

>  Looks like it has something to dao with the MIME setting.
>  I am no expert but try switching it on and off.

Apparently Marck is correct in that the digests in question are
malformed.  See my message to him further down the thread.

But I appreciate your reply.  Thanks.


Dave Goodman


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Re: Bursting Digests

2002-01-27 Thread Dave Goodman

> Select the message and press , then you'll see the full source
> code of the message. Unless it's encoded you'll be able to read the
> whole thing.

Thanks very much for your reply, but unfortunately not.  :-(
Please see my response to Marck at the bottom of this thread.


Dave Goodman


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Re[2]: Bursting Digests

2002-01-26 Thread Dave Goodman

Hi Elaine,

> I receive some Rootsweb digests and TB works well with them.

A fellow genealogist, eh?  :)

> Now I click on the first Message/msg in the left lineup of TB and the
> digest's posts' listing is shown and the individual messages appear in the top view
> if I am interested in reading individual posts.

Yes, that's the way it's supposed to work.  Unfortunately, with the
particular lists I'm concerned with (PAF4-PAF5) it doesn't.

> Is that what you don't like?  I am not quite certain what "burst"
> means.

It's not a question of what I like or don't like; it's that I cannot
read messages in the digest.  I get a single 'message.msg' to the right
of the message auto-view pane.  When I click on that, the only thing
that is displayed is the first few hundred bytes, down to the
*beginning* of the first actual message within the digest.

Other email readers I have used give you the option of 'bursting'
digests or not.  A burst digest has been broken down ('burst') into
its constituent messages.  An unburst digest appears as a single email
message with the body of that message containing all the constituent
messages, one after the other.

Whether my problem is with TB! or with the formatting of these
particular digests, I would be able to read them if there were some
way to disable TB!'s apparently automatic bursting of digests.

Thanks for your reply...


Dave Goodman


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Bursting Digests

2002-01-26 Thread Dave Goodman

I receive a mailing list in digest form.  TB! insists on trying to
'burst' the digest into its component messages.  Unfortunately, it
seems to be unable to handle the format, though the standard boundary
definition header is present in the form:

 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary=""

But my interest is not so much in troubleshooting TB!'s problem as in
asking whether there is a way to prevent TB! from bursting the digest.

Thanks for any enlightenment.


Dave Goodman


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