Re: Customer Service

2012-03-13 Thread Richie G
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 7:10 AM, Marck Pearlstone wrote:
> This list is a user to user peer support list. Sometimes people
> connected to RITlabs make comment here, but that is not relevant.

 8< snip, snip   8< 

Thank you.

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Re: Customer Service

2012-03-13 Thread Marck Pearlstone
Dear Geoff,

@13-Mar-2012, 08:12  Geoff Lane [GL] in said:

>> Hmm... Maybe this is a better example of a put down:
>>   You are arrogant, self-centered and do not have a clue...

>> This is meant to be constructive to help you to treat people with
>> respect.~~~

GL> Although you don't know me, you might well be correct. So I'll thank
GL> you for your comment and receive it with the spirit in which I infer
GL> it was meant.

Actually - I think you may have missed "the spirit" completely. You
have taken it as a personal comment when it was clearly and
explicitly "an example" of "a put down"; informative to you as to
what a *real* put down looks like.

Now. To business.

This list is a user to user peer support list. Sometimes people
connected to RITlabs make comment here, but that is not relevant.
Expert opinion is mostly what you get. Marek is a lively and useful
contributor here; one of the experts whose opinion is valuable and
should therefore be valued. Any opinion given here is given at the
cost of personal free time - no reward is available. English is not
Marek's first language and sometimes the words he may want to use to
"flowery" up his approach may simply not be in his instant
vocabulary. To seek to alienate him for what amounts to a hurried
end of a reply, one in which he'd already been explicit and kind
further up, is a clear personal attack AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON

Back down please - all of you.

This thread is wildly off topic and the next post on it will be
moderated and the topic officially closed.


Cheers --  Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v5.0.36.2 on Windows 7 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

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Re: Customer Service (was: How to get rid of the X-Priority field)

2012-03-13 Thread Geoff Lane
On 12 March 2012, 19:34, Paul Van Noord wrote:

> Hi Geoff,

> On 3/12/2012 Geoff Lane wrote:

GL>> I'm sorry that you feel frustrated. However, while I'm glad of all the
GL>> support that I can get when I need it, I don't take too kindly to
GL>> vendors putting me down -- and I suspect that there are others who
GL>> feel the same way. My post was in no way meant as a personal attack.
GL>> Rather, it was meant to be constructive; to help you and others
GL>> provide better service. FWIW, I would not have made my post if I
GL>> didn't then believe that you were representing Ritlabs or a reseller
GL>> in some official capacity.

> Hmm... Maybe this is a better example of a put down:
>   You are arrogant, self-centered and do not have a clue...

> This is meant to be constructive to help you to treat people with
> respect.~~~

Although you don't know me, you might well be correct. So I'll thank
you for your comment and receive it with the spirit in which I infer
it was meant.

That said, there is a fine line between valid comment and personal
attack. I took great care to explain that I was merely pointing out
that what Marek wrote probably didn't come out quite the way he meant.
Something you conveniently omitted by taking one part of my post out
of context. I'll quote the bit you missed below for your convenience:

GL> I did see your message in entirety. Except for the last two
GL> paragraphs, it was excellent. That's why I thought that the "no"
GL> wasn't meant the way it came out. Perhaps something along the
GL> lines of, "Because of the way TB! handles headers, what you want
GL> is not possible." might have been better, but a blunt, "no" is at
GL> best terse IMO and possibly rude. Now I'm not getting at you
GL> personally, just explaining that how others interpreted your words
GL> might not have been what you meant.

Since Marek gave the impression that he represented Ritlabs, and since
another Ritlabs agent made a similar error when he replied to my
earlier email query, I felt it in Ritlab's interest to point out that
those remarks could cause offence. It's not in a business's interest
to offend it's potential customers. I suspect that a lot of people
join TUBDL because they're trialling the software, and such errors
might cost Ritlabs their custom.

As I wrote, you don't know me. However, know that I have a reasonable
amount of experience with localisation issues from which I know that
well-intended words can sometimes cause considerable offence. This can
happen even between countries whose native tongues are different
dialects of the same language. If I've offended you, I apologize. The
offence was not intentional. However, unlike Marek, I don't claim to
represent anyone other than myself, and you are not my customer.

Returning to your post: As I wrote, there is a fine line between valid
comment and personal attack. Had you written that my post gave you the
impression of arrogance, self-centeredness, and cluelessness, I would
have no valid objection as you would have merely pointed out that my
words gave that impression. However, you did not. Rather you commented
directly upon my character, and so (intentionally or not) engaged in
personal attack.


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v5.0.34 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

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Re[2]: Customer Service (was: How to get rid of the X-Priority field)

2012-03-12 Thread Paul Van Noord
3/12/2012  3:28 PM

Hi Geoff,

On 3/12/2012 Geoff Lane wrote:

GL> I'm sorry that you feel frustrated. However, while I'm glad of all the
GL> support that I can get when I need it, I don't take too kindly to
GL> vendors putting me down -- and I suspect that there are others who
GL> feel the same way. My post was in no way meant as a personal attack.
GL> Rather, it was meant to be constructive; to help you and others
GL> provide better service. FWIW, I would not have made my post if I
GL> didn't then believe that you were representing Ritlabs or a reseller
GL> in some official capacity.

Hmm... Maybe this is a better example of a put down:
  You are arrogant, self-centered and do not have a clue...

This is meant to be constructive to help you to treat people with

- --

The Bat! v. on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit 6.1.7601

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Re: Customer Service (was: How to get rid of the X-Priority field)

2012-03-12 Thread St - Musaic.Net

> I  don't  know  what  more you expect, but as moderator of this list
> I strongly suggest that you keep from personal attacks.

It wasn't a personal attack - I don't know Marek. In my opinion a
personal attack can encounter if you know someone and desperately
disagree with him or her OR one is just trolling. When you say "keep
from personal attacks" you choose to not see the hidden values of what
was a rhetoric question.

I find Geoff Lane's two postings on the matter to be exactly spot on.
What he says is quite simply the answer to the question I fired off,
though I might feel a bit differently about the following:

> Personally, I think that "St - Musaic.Net" was doint Ritlabs a favour
> by making his post, as that should alert them to the issue of poor
> customer service and permit them to do something about it.

Whether the support from RitLabs is poor or not, I don't know. But I
would like to make clear that I have nothing against anyone on this
list. I am not even involved enough to say I am usually disagreeing with
this or that person. But I see that some are willing to help more often.
Hence, there is no reason for me to strike an attack at anyone. BUT:
I feel it is a mistake to post as [Language/Country] "support of The
Bat!" without making it clear it is indeed - I quote Marek: "*not*
official customer service but user2user forum".

Can you imagine unofficial people standing outside the Apple stand at
Hannover Exhibition 2012 and present themselves as being "support of"
[insert product]. Apple would have these people removed - simply! I hear
you say " - But TheBat! or Ritlabs is not Apple!". Excactly! And my
point is NOT whether someone should be removed/banned/etc. That's far
off from what I mean! What I am trying to say is it IS that much more
difficult to catch that [Language/Country] "support of The Bat!" for NOT
being official when RitLabs is not objecting to the use of [Language/
Country] "support of The Bat!". What do RitLabs conveniently allow for
and agree with? I'd call that Semi-Official, at least. I think it comes
down to it doesn't mean what you say, but what people understand.

> well, it is really frustrating to see, how thankful users are, if
> somebody reply them on sunday's night [snip] it is my leisure time I
> am spending here.

I don't think people are unthankful per se! But can you see that IF you
appear as "Czech support of The Bat!" with even the companion web site in your signature - can you see that people are not
seeing this as being "leisure time"?

With that in mind, Geoff's view regarding ""no" as blunt and a bit of a
put-down" is exactly my point. And Geoff followed up with:

> Perhaps [you could have written] something along the lines of,
> "Because of the way TB! handles headers, what you want is not
> possible." might have been better, but a blunt, "no" is at best terse
> IMO and possibly rude.

I fully agree to this - it's the essence of my rhetoric question: "Do I
find such an answer a bit arrogant and "so what'ish" with regards to
Bill's challenge?" and paired with "Czech support of The Bat!".

St - Musaic.Net <>

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Re: Customer Service (was: How to get rid of the X-Priority field)

2012-03-12 Thread Geoff Lane
On 12 March 2012, 13:13, Marek Mikus wrote:

> well, it is really frustrating to see, how thankful users are, if somebody
> reply them on sunday's night...

> Yes, i am working for reseller, but I have nothing from You or anybody in
> this user2user forum and it is my leisure time I am spending here.

I'm sorry that you feel frustrated. However, while I'm glad of all the
support that I can get when I need it, I don't take too kindly to
vendors putting me down -- and I suspect that there are others who
feel the same way. My post was in no way meant as a personal attack.
Rather, it was meant to be constructive; to help you and others
provide better service. FWIW, I would not have made my post if I
didn't then believe that you were representing Ritlabs or a reseller
in some official capacity.

Perhaps you'd consider modifying your From header and signature block
to make it clear that your posts are personal rather than on behalf of
a Ritlabs reseller? That way, people like me wouldn't make the mistake
of taking your posts to be official Ritlabs response.

>> FWIW, I interpreted Marek's "no" as blunt and a bit of a put-down.

> hey, did You saw my message? Is there only "no" there? I have replied in 4
> paragraphs and I have not found a solution, so I replied "no" in fourth of
> them.

I did see your message in entirety. Except for the last two
paragraphs, it was excellent. That's why I thought that the "no"
wasn't meant the way it came out. Perhaps something along the lines
of, "Because of the way TB! handles headers, what you want is not
possible." might have been better, but a blunt, "no" is at best terse
IMO and possibly rude. Now I'm not getting at you personally, just
explaining that how others interpreted your words might not have been
what you meant.

>> I suspect that Marek didn't actually mean it that way, but even so it's
>> not what I would expect from a customer service representative.

> this is *not* official customer service but user2user forum, I am not
> representative of Ritlabs, they have their ticket system for registered
> users.~~~

Again, perhaps it would help if you made it clear that you are not
representing Ritlabs or its resellers when you post to this forum. I
think my error regarding the status of your post was understandable
considering that you claim to be, "Czech support of The Bat!"
Nonetheless, I apologize if my error has caused you offence.

I hope this better explains things,

Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v5.0.34 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

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Re: Customer Service (was: How to get rid of the X-Priority field)

2012-03-12 Thread Alto Speckhardt
Hello Geoff,

> It's very easy to offend even when the language is your
> native tongue, and even more so when it's someone else's.

Indeed I suspect that most of the problem stems from the fact that not
many (if any) representatives of RIT are really comfortable reading
and/or writing English. From the way things have been going with this
list over the years I have to assume that none of them (ok, one
exception comes to mind :-) ) are reading the list on a regular basis,
much less writing here.

One (and that includes myself) should not forget that while e.g.
English and German are somewhat similar and moderatly easy to learn
one way around or the other, the same may not be the case for other
languages, specifically those of eastern Europe. If it is as big an
effort for RITs to use English than it would be for me to use Russian,
then I do understand why RIT is so "undervoiced" on this list, and why 
answers may be a bit on the terse side.

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Alto Speckhardt

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Re: Customer Service (was: How to get rid of the X-Priority field)

2012-03-12 Thread Marek Mikus
Hello all,
well, it is really frustrating to see, how thankful users are, if somebody
reply them on sunday's night...

Yes, i am working for reseller, but I have nothing from You or anybody in
this user2user forum and it is my leisure time I am spending here.

> FWIW, I interpreted Marek's "no" as blunt and a bit of a put-down.

hey, did You saw my message? Is there only "no" there? I have replied in 4
paragraphs and I have not found a solution, so I replied "no" in fourth of

> I suspect that Marek didn't actually mean it that way, but even so it's
> not what I would expect from a customer service representative.

this is *not* official customer service but user2user forum, I am not
representative of Ritlabs, they have their ticket system for registered



Marek Mikus
Czech support of The Bat!

Using the best The Bat!
under Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
with MyMacros,XMP,AnotherMacros, AntispamSniper v
Notebook Thinkpad, Core2 Duo 2.40 GHz, 4 GB RAM


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Customer Service (was: How to get rid of the X-Priority field)

2012-03-12 Thread Geoff Lane
On 12 March 2012, 11:31, Roelof Otten wrote:

>> Marek Mikus (Czech support of The Bat!):
>>> no

>> Do I find such an answer a bit arrogant and "so what'ish"
>> with regards to Bill's challenge?

> It's  possible that you find it such, but Marek explained that it's an
> internal field and therefore it cannot be overwritten.
> I  don't  know  what  more you expect, but as moderator of this list I
> strongly suggest that you keep from personal attacks.~~~

FWIW, I didn't take those words to be personal attack. Don't forget
that this is an international forum, even though it is conducted in
English. It's very easy to offend even when the language is your
native tongue, and even more so when it's someone else's.

I assume from Marek's signature block, that he or she is acting as an
official representative of Ritlabs or one of their resellers. FWIW, I
interpreted Marek's "no" as blunt and a bit of a put-down. I suspect
that Marek didn't actually mean it that way, but even so it's not what
I would expect from a customer service representative. So I read the
post to which you've taken objection as merely pointing this out. IOW,
not a personal attack but a comment about a particular instance of
poor customer service that would apply no matter which agent made that

FWIW, I suspect that this lack of decent customer service might be
rife within Ritlabs from the response I received when I asked by email
whether I qualified for a cost upgrade from v1 to v5. Although the
reply I received told me what I wanted to know, it also contained an
abrupt remark telling me that next time I must register on the web
site and use the dedicated form to contact the support team. I have to
ask why Ritlabs provide a sales support email address if they don't
want us to use it! BTW, that response nearly cost Ritlabs my custom as
it prompted me to seriously investigate Thunderbird as an alternative
and I would have gone for that if I could have easily migrated all my
mail folders and sorting office rules.

Personally, I think that "St - Musaic.Net" was doint Ritlabs a favour
by making his post, as that should alert them to the issue of poor
customer service and permit them to do something about it.


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v5.0.34 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

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