Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-23 Thread Thomas Esser
On Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 11:04:38AM +0100, Giuseppe Ghibò wrote:
> like isn't official euro symbol the \texteuro of textcomp.sty. IMHO the one 
> provided in font "eurosym" (feymr10) is enough to provide the euro symbol.

teTeX-2.0 (and later) has eurosym.sty and the metrics and type1 files
for the fonts (texmf/fonts/type1/public).

> In this case maybe .tfm and europs.sty could be provided, but then it
> The europs.sty license is this:

%% File eurofont.sty
%% copyright Rowland McDonnell 1998
%%\This file is part of the eurofont distribution.  You can distribute it
%% freely provided that you include the rest of the eurofont distribution
%% with this file and make no more than a nominal charge to cover the
%% costs of distributing it.

So, the eurofont package is not free software.


Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-22 Thread Giuseppe Ghibò
Berthold K.P. Horn wrote:

Same would apply to MathTime etc.  Keep in mind that the *metric* files
are of course "free".  Even for fonts from major foundries like Adobe.
well, but not macros. Several mathtime macros were removed from tetex 2.0 
because of nonfree license, e.g. in ChangeLog of tetex-texmf-2.0 you see:

- Thu Jan 21:00:08 CET 2003
* plain tex support for mathtime removed (license problem)

Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-22 Thread Berthold K.P. Horn
[note from the list owner: html part was stripped; it is not welcome]

At 09:16 2/22/2003 +, Robin Fairbairns wrote:

> > > "Thomas" == Thomas Esser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > As other have guessed: I don't like that europs approach as the
> > > type1 files cannot be distributed with teTeX.
> >
> > On the other hand there is support for Y&Y's Lucida fonts which are
> > not free as well.
>and the steady stream of complaints to y&y (who are merely selling
>agents: bigelow and holmes designed the fonts), and on comp.text.tex,
>is evidence of the trouble caused by having metrics but no fonts.

Bigelow and Holmes indeed designed the fonts. In the case of the
math fonts for TeX there was considerable iterative interaction with
Y&Y to get them to actually be useable with TeX, since TeX makes
weird and wonderful demands on fonts (and lies about metrics in
the TFM, just for example). In additions, Y&Y
generated the metrics and paid for development of the style files
(in addition to writing support code for plain TeX and LaTeX 2.09
before there was PSNFSS).  They also bear the brunt of questions
relating to systems that have trouble supporting scalable outline fonts

Math fonts for use with TeX are a nightmare when compared to the
thousands of plain text fonts that Adobe et al sell license for. There
are never any questions about those.  A vendor has to be brave(or
insane) to enter the very difficult and very limited world of math fonts
for use with TeX.

Also, I suspect people who are unwilling to pay license fees to Y&Y for
fonts would similarly not want to pay license fees to Bigelow and Holmes or
Michael Spivak (all nice people who would rather not want to deal with sales,
marketing, TeX code development and support).

>the situation is of course even worse for lucida, because several
>subsets of the fonts exist (many of them "free", in the sense that
>they are bundled for use with other packages) that look sub-standard
>if used in tex.

No good deed goes unpunished.  The "free" text fonts that are similar
are just that: similar, not equal. If you want the real thing and support
you need to get the real thing.  And there are no "free" equivalents of the
math font part of the complete.  It's hard to fault a well designed working
set of fonts for the faults of free fonts that appear superficially related.

(For a real kick in the pants, look at the free "math fonts" that come
with Mathematica).

> > I'm not sure whether it is the most user friendly way to provide the
> > support files along with teTeX,  it is probably quite convenient for
> > people who have the Lucida fonts already installed.
>"for the minuscule proportion of people who have the lucida fonts..."

The support files for LucidaBright and MathTime are but a microscopic
drop in the bucket of the bloated distribution. There is plenty of stuff
in there that takes up several megabytes and I don't use and I don't
know anyone else that uses.

> > Installing the 'real' fonts shouldn't be difficult, but it might be a
> > bit inconvenient.  You have to find out what you need, find out where
> > it is on the disk, where the files should go, create the appropriate
> > directories and, because the Y&Y stuff is based on WinDOS, you have to
> > keep in mind that file names are case sensitive under UNIX.
>installing the adobe euro fonts (to get back to the point at issue) is
>the *only* tricky issue in the matter, for most tex users: widnoze
>users will merely ask for the package to be installed, and it will
>happen.  getting and installing the font is (imo) a big deal: it's a
>bundle of files with stupid names, and there are no package managers
>that will just stick them in place.

The advantages of systems that makes font installation and use
easy should be blatantly apparent...

>y&y doesn't (berthold doesn't believe in the tds anyway, apparently
>feigning not to understand why people don't just use the "vastly
>superior" widnoze filing system and y&y tex's flat directory model).

Not sure where this comes from.  When you get a Y&Y TeX System
you have a "deep" directory tree with all the usual stuff, except
for the legacy METAFONT and PK font related branches snipped off.

When it comes to fonts, you should only need the actual font files (PFB)
and there is no point in building a hierarchy for that.

>personally, i would rather not have any of these commercial fonts in
>the base distributions (including tetex).

Well, you only have the "free" metric files and style files...

>i believe they merely add
>to the feeling that so many people have, that "fonts in tex are deeply
>obscure" (far worse than merely difficult).

Sorry, but they are. Certainly when compared to systems that support
fonts well such as Textures on the Mac and Y&Y TeX in Windows.

>we really need a tetex package manager; then the bundles for these
>fonts can refuse to install if the .pf[ab] isn't available.  but
>that's another argument...

Berthold K.

Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-22 Thread Berthold K.P. Horn

At 08:57 2/22/2003 +0100, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
"Thomas" == Thomas Esser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    > As other have guessed: I don't like that europs
approach as the
    > type1 files cannot be distributed with
On the other hand there is support for Y&Y's Lucida fonts which
not free as well.
I'm not sure whether it is the most user friendly way to provide 
support files along with teTeX,  it is probably quite convenient
people who have the Lucida fonts already installed.
Installing the 'real' fonts shouldn't be difficult, but it might be
bit inconvenient.  You have to find out what you need, find out
it is on the disk, where the files should go, create the 
directories and, because the Y&Y stuff is based on WinDOS, you have
keep in mind that file names are case sensitive under
Actually, it is relatively easy, sine teTeX includes everything but the
files themselves --- and instructions are provided with the
"Unix" version of the fonts. (see attached for generic
instructions for TeTeX). 
By the way, there should be no name case issue with LucidaBright --- that
related to MathTime, and was *not* caused by the font originators. Spivak
upper case names for the actual font file names, and Y&Y kept that
Later, when distribution of standard LaTeX was considered, the CD-ROM
system suitable for Unix did not support case for file names, so
had to be the same case (so don't blame everything on Windows :-).
At that time several files in the standard distribution were renamed
Y&Y was asked to consider renaming the metric files for
which they did. Unfortunately in the TeX world old files resurface
and sometimes multiply faster than new ones. So now there is a mix
files lying around some using lower case and some upper case for 
file names mtmi, mtsy, mtex etc.  (Note that the PS FontNames
*are* always upper case, and that the reference names in LaTeX are
we are only talking here about the actual file names, such as TFMs and
You may wonder why Spivak chose upper case file names in the first case.

You can blame this one on the Macintosh (again, not Windows :-) which
a font file name abbreviation scheme that would have mapped many
long CM font names into the same abbreviation --- Barry Smith 
this problems by making CM font file names all upper case. Spivak
saw this and assumed that font file names needed to be upper
>From the viewpoint
of a user things could be much more convenient:
Imagine a tar.gz file containing all the support files along with
*real* fonts that can be extracted in any texmf* directory.  And
tar.gz file should, of course, be distributed by
Well, that is an interesting idea. Of course it brings with it issues of
how many font users would benefit from this. Since Unix has no
level support for scalable fonts (or, on systems that do, such as
or NeXT, or Mac OS X, it is unique to that system), it is impossible to

provide anything generic.  Also, while there is always much
noone who has the fonts ever offered to just make up such as tar file
email it to Y&Y for their consideration.  
Finally, keep in mind that sales of license for fonts for use with TeX
virtually  non-existent, and that the "maintainence"
(which, of course, has
nothing to do with fonts, which are fixed, and has everything to do
developments in the OS, ATM, TeX system worlds) outweighs income,
at least in the Macintosh and Unix worlds.
I suppose that you
want to leave the Lucida support files in teTeX
because there are some people using them.  But if you ever decide
remove them in the future because the fonts are not free, I 
recommend to put them to CTAN.
Same would apply to MathTime etc.  Keep in mind that the *metric*
are of course "free".  Even for fonts from major foundries
like Adobe.

Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is

Of course, you are not biased in any way :-)
Statistically, most of the "complaints" about font files come
from people
who would never consider paying a license for a font :-)  

Berthold K.P. Horn

Installing PS Type 1 fonts for use with teTeX(file tetexfnt.txt)

Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Y&Y, Inc. All Rights Reserved

In teTeX 1.0 (and later), font support (.sty, .fd, .tfm files etc.) 
is already all set up for you.  You just need to put the actual
font files (in .pfa or .pfb format) into localtexmf/fonts/type1
(or texmf/fonts

Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-22 Thread Giuseppe Ghibò
Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
"Thomas" == Thomas Esser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As other have guessed: I don't like that europs approach as the
> type1 files cannot be distributed with teTeX.
On the other hand there is support for Y&Y's Lucida fonts which are
not free as well.
I'm not sure whether it is the most user friendly way to provide the
support files along with teTeX,  it is probably quite convenient for
people who have the Lucida fonts already installed.
Installing the 'real' fonts shouldn't be difficult, but it might be a
bit inconvenient.  You have to find out what you need, find out where
it is on the disk, where the files should go, create the appropriate
directories and, because the Y&Y stuff is based on WinDOS, you have to
keep in mind that file names are case sensitive under UNIX.
From the viewpoint of a user things could be much more convenient:
Imagine a tar.gz file containing all the support files along with the
*real* fonts that can be extracted in any texmf* directory.  And this
tar.gz file should, of course, be distributed by Y&Y.
I don't think that it's your task to do that, Y&Y could do that as
well.  The interesting thing (at least for Y&Y) is that it doesn't
work for teTeX only, but for every TDS compliant system.
The only thing you have to provide is a README.teTeX, which explains
how to deal with the .map files.
I suppose that you want to leave the Lucida support files in teTeX
because there are some people using them.  But if you ever decide to
remove them in the future because the fonts are not free, I strictly
recommend to put them to CTAN.
I CC this mail to Berthold Horn (as a representative of Y&Y) though I
don't know whether Y&Y already does what I suggest.
Thomas removed that because of license (AFAIK the license
should allow redistribution, modification, and commercial redistribution
[e.g. I place in a CD together with other 1 million of files and sell for
1$, that's commercial usage]). If they would change license of .tfm+macros
files, I think that they could be easily reintroduced in teTeX. On the other
hand I think that for anyone buying the Y&Y MathTime or lucida would
be much easier to have them already supported and to just add .pfb files, than 
to deal with .map files, spread macro files trough TDS, avoiding overlapping, etc.


Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-22 Thread Giuseppe Ghibò
George White wrote:

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Thomas Esser wrote:

is it possible that europs is missing in teTeX 2.0(.1)?  g-brief 3.0
seems to rely on it.
teTeX has eurosym and marvosym to support the Euro symbol. I am not
sure ig this "dependency" of g-brief to europs is intentional or a bug.
IMHO, g-brief should be happy with just one implementation for the
Euro symbol.
As other have guessed: I don't like that europs approach as the type1
files cannot be distributed with teTeX.

Larger organizations (government, big companies) require that certain
documents conform to standards, which may well include a particular font
for the euro.  Times-Roman, etc, aren't distributed with teTeX, but they
(or some facsimile) are commonly found on many popular systems, so it
makes sense that TeX support them.  I'm not in a position to know how
organizations across the pond support the euro, but if there is a Type 1
font that is commonly installed beside Times-Roman, then it makes sense
for a new TeX to make it easy to use them.
Regarding Euro symbol, most of the symbols in the Adobe euro font, and
accessed trough the europs.sty, built with a "C" with two orizontal bar are not 
official (the official is this one:,
like isn't official euro symbol the \texteuro of textcomp.sty. IMHO the one 
provided in font "eurosym" (feymr10) is enough to provide the euro symbol.

In this case maybe .tfm and europs.sty could be provided, but then it
would lack anyway the .pfb files (for Times-Roman they are
generally resident in Printer or PostScript interpreter
trough the URW compatible fonts). The europs.sty license is this:
%% File eurofont.sty
%% copyright Rowland McDonnell 1998
%%\This file is part of the eurofont distribution.  You can distribute it
%% freely provided that you include the rest of the eurofont distribution
%% with this file and make no more than a nominal charge to cover the
%% costs of distributing it.
%% If you would like to change the contents of this file, please make a
%% copy of it under a different name and change that instead. Keep my
%% copyright notice attached, but make it clear that the new file is your
%% responsibility so you get the credit for the improvements and I don't
%% get blamed for the bugs.
The other consideration is whether it is easier to make europs "just work"
for systems that have the font or to explain why it doesn't work.
IMHO the g-brief.sty doens't work if you don't have the europs.sty
package installed. Look at bottom of g-brief.cls:
\ifx \eurofontname\eurofontnone
{Can't load package marvosym.sty !!!}}
  \def\Telefon#1{\def\telefon{#1}} \def\telefon{}
\ifx \eurofontname\eurofontnone
{Can't load package europs.sty !!!}}
\ifx \eurofontname\eurofontnone
{Can't load package eurosym.sty !!!}}
First the \eurofontname or \eurofontnome are never defined in any
macrofile, nor in europs.sty, nor in marvosym.sty, nor in eurosym.sty,
nor in any other macro file, so the \IfFileExists are always performed
for all the three files: marvosym.sty, eurosym.sty, europs.sty.
Probably in the author intention there was to stop the searching for
europackage when one is found. In that case, the last lines should be like
in the attached patch.
Furthermore from what I could see in g-brief.cls there seem no referements to 
any symbol of either eurosym.sty, europs.sty or marvosym.sty, so the
loading of some macro package providing the euro symbol, IMHO,
is not needed at all. Maybe this was included for "future" uses.

--- g-brief.cls.origSat Feb 22 10:28:51 2003
+++ g-brief.cls Sat Feb 22 10:28:10 2003
@@ -373,26 +373,25 @@
 {Get current LaTeX2e !!!}}
-\ifx \eurofontname\eurofontnone
+\ifx \eurofontname\undefined
+  {\RequirePackage{eurosym}\def\eurofontname{eurosym}}
+  {\ClassWarning{g-brief}
+{Can't load package eurosym.sty !!!}}
+\ifx \eurofontname\undefined
-  {\RequirePackage{marvosym}}
-  {\ClassError{g-brief}
+  {\RequirePackage{marvosym}\def\eurofontname{marvosym}}
+  {\ClassWarninig{g-brief}
 {Can't load package marvosym.sty !!!}}
   \def\Telefon#1{\def\telefon{#1}} \def\telefon{}
-\ifx \eurofontname\eurofontnone
+\ifx \eurofontname\undefined
-  {\RequirePackage{europs}}
+  {\RequirePackage{europs}\def\eurofontname{europs}}
 {Can't load package europs.sty !!!}}
-\ifx \eurofontname\eurofontnone
-  {\Requir

Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-22 Thread Robin Fairbairns
> > "Thomas" == Thomas Esser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > As other have guessed: I don't like that europs approach as the
> > type1 files cannot be distributed with teTeX.
> On the other hand there is support for Y&Y's Lucida fonts which are
> not free as well.

and the steady stream of complaints to y&y (who are merely selling
agents: bigelow and holmes designed the fonts), and on comp.text.tex,
is evidence of the trouble caused by having metrics but no fonts.

the situation is of course even worse for lucida, because several
subsets of the fonts exist (many of them "free", in the sense that
they are bundled for use with other packages) that look sub-standard
if used in tex.

> I'm not sure whether it is the most user friendly way to provide the
> support files along with teTeX,  it is probably quite convenient for
> people who have the Lucida fonts already installed.

"for the minuscule proportion of people who have the lucida fonts..."

> Installing the 'real' fonts shouldn't be difficult, but it might be a
> bit inconvenient.  You have to find out what you need, find out where
> it is on the disk, where the files should go, create the appropriate
> directories and, because the Y&Y stuff is based on WinDOS, you have to
> keep in mind that file names are case sensitive under UNIX.

installing the adobe euro fonts (to get back to the point at issue) is
the *only* tricky issue in the matter, for most tex users: widnoze
users will merely ask for the package to be installed, and it will
happen.  getting and installing the font is (imo) a big deal: it's a
bundle of files with stupid names, and there are no package managers
that will just stick them in place.

> [arguments about the y&y situation snipped]
> I CC this mail to Berthold Horn (as a representative of Y&Y) though I
> don't know whether Y&Y already does what I suggest.

y&y doesn't (berthold doesn't believe in the tds anyway, apparently
feigning not to understand why people don't just use the "vastly
superior" widnoze filing system and y&y tex's flat directory model).

personally, i would rather not have any of these commercial fonts in
the base distributions (including tetex).  i believe they merely add
to the feeling that so many people have, that "fonts in tex are deeply
obscure" (far worse than merely difficult).

we really need a tetex package manager; then the bundles for these
fonts can refuse to install if the .pf[ab] isn't available.  but
that's another argument...


Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-22 Thread Reinhard Kotucha
> "Thomas" == Thomas Esser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As other have guessed: I don't like that europs approach as the
> type1 files cannot be distributed with teTeX.

On the other hand there is support for Y&Y's Lucida fonts which are
not free as well.

I'm not sure whether it is the most user friendly way to provide the
support files along with teTeX,  it is probably quite convenient for
people who have the Lucida fonts already installed.

Installing the 'real' fonts shouldn't be difficult, but it might be a
bit inconvenient.  You have to find out what you need, find out where
it is on the disk, where the files should go, create the appropriate
directories and, because the Y&Y stuff is based on WinDOS, you have to
keep in mind that file names are case sensitive under UNIX.

>From the viewpoint of a user things could be much more convenient:
Imagine a tar.gz file containing all the support files along with the
*real* fonts that can be extracted in any texmf* directory.  And this
tar.gz file should, of course, be distributed by Y&Y.

I don't think that it's your task to do that, Y&Y could do that as
well.  The interesting thing (at least for Y&Y) is that it doesn't
work for teTeX only, but for every TDS compliant system.

The only thing you have to provide is a README.teTeX, which explains
how to deal with the .map files.

I suppose that you want to leave the Lucida support files in teTeX
because there are some people using them.  But if you ever decide to
remove them in the future because the fonts are not free, I strictly
recommend to put them to CTAN.

I CC this mail to Berthold Horn (as a representative of Y&Y) though I
don't know whether Y&Y already does what I suggest.



Reinhard Kotucha Phone: +49-511-27060390
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-22 Thread Staszek Wawrykiewicz
George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 21 Feb 2003
> Larger organizations (government, big companies) require that certain
> documents conform to standards, which may well include a particular font
> for the euro.  Times-Roman, etc, aren't distributed with teTeX, but they
> (or some facsimile) are commonly found on many popular systems, so it
> makes sense that TeX support them.

Please take a look and find that Times-Roman *is* already supported in TeX
in various ways:
1. dvips and pdftex can use Times-Roman available for the devices (printers,
   typesetters, Acrobat Reader);
2. teTeX, fpTeX, TeX Live, MiKTeX distributions already contain Times-Roman
   like fonts thanks to URW++ (they are GPL licensed, and used when
   embeding of the font in the output is demanded);
3. As for now the euro sign is not included in the Adobe standard 
   encoding, nor in the Adobe's standard fonts set.

> I'm not in a position to know how
> organizations across the pond support the euro, but if there is a Type 1
> font that is commonly installed beside Times-Roman, then it makes sense
> for a new TeX to make it easy to use them.
> The other consideration is whether it is easier to make europs "just work"
> for systems that have the font or to explain why it doesn't work.

Well, I don't like to burden the latex oriented community, but we have
in the all above distributions qfonts package which contains the euro
glyph in 128 dec for times, helvetica, courier, bookman like fonts,
compatible for those provided by URW++. As those fonts are also GPL
licensed, anybody can feel free to adapt them to make "just work" as
you would like.

Staszek Wawrykiewicz

Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-21 Thread George White
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Thomas Esser wrote:

> > is it possible that europs is missing in teTeX 2.0(.1)?  g-brief 3.0
> > seems to rely on it.
> teTeX has eurosym and marvosym to support the Euro symbol. I am not
> sure ig this "dependency" of g-brief to europs is intentional or a bug.
> IMHO, g-brief should be happy with just one implementation for the
> Euro symbol.
> As other have guessed: I don't like that europs approach as the type1
> files cannot be distributed with teTeX.

Larger organizations (government, big companies) require that certain
documents conform to standards, which may well include a particular font
for the euro.  Times-Roman, etc, aren't distributed with teTeX, but they
(or some facsimile) are commonly found on many popular systems, so it
makes sense that TeX support them.  I'm not in a position to know how
organizations across the pond support the euro, but if there is a Type 1
font that is commonly installed beside Times-Roman, then it makes sense
for a new TeX to make it easy to use them.

The other consideration is whether it is easier to make europs "just work"
for systems that have the font or to explain why it doesn't work.

George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-21 Thread Thomas Esser
> is it possible that europs is missing in teTeX 2.0(.1)?  g-brief 3.0
> seems to rely on it.

teTeX has eurosym and marvosym to support the Euro symbol. I am not
sure ig this "dependency" of g-brief to europs is intentional or a bug.
IMHO, g-brief should be happy with just one implementation for the
Euro symbol.

As other have guessed: I don't like that europs approach as the type1
files cannot be distributed with teTeX.


Re: europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-20 Thread Robin Fairbairns
> is it possible that europs is missing in teTeX 2.0(.1)?  g-brief 3.0
> seems to rely on it. 

doesn't seem unreasonable to me.  europs is there to deal with a font
that's free but undistributable.

we've quite enough packages that support fonts that aren't in tetex,
as it is.  i wouldn't blame thomas for not wanting to extend this


europs.sty in 2.0(.1)

2003-02-19 Thread Harry Schmidt

is it possible that europs is missing in teTeX 2.0(.1)?  g-brief 3.0 seems to rely on 

Cheers, Harry

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