2023-11-20 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
The fine story though seen around web sites as blogs under uthava gita; it
is like  B G coasters sentaround In English blog :


   Uthava gita in chap 11 of Bhagaavatham is different and not this
conversation KR IRS 201123 For those interested UTHAVA GITA PDF

K Rajaram  IRS  201123
-- Forwarded message -
From: 'venkat giri' via iyer123 
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 at 17:10
Subject: [iyer123] MY MEMORIES ON FACEBOOK
To: Iyer , Kerala Iyer <
Cc: Gopala Krishnan , Jambunathan Iyer <
n.jambun...@gmail.com>, SRIRAMAJAYAM , N. Sekar <
nseka...@yahoo.com>, ARR , Venkat Raman <
venkatp...@gmail.com>, Rangarajan T.N.C. , APS
Mani , Chittanandam V. R. 

*Respected Sir/s,*

* Sub: My favourite MEMORIES ON FACEBOOK  **20 NOVEMBER 2014*


*வேண்டாம் இந்தச் சூதாட்டம்**’*

*என்று தடுத்திருக்கலாம் அல்லவா**? **ஏன் அப்படிச்*


*பகவான் கிருஷ்ணனின் குழந்தைப் பருவம்*

*முதலே**, **அவருக்குப் பணிவிடைகள் செய்து**,*

*தேரோட்டி**, **பல்வேறு சேவைகள் புரிந்தவர்*

*உத்தவர். **இவர் தனது வாழ்நாளில்**, **தனக்கென*

*நன்மைகளோ வரங்களோ கண்ணனிடம்*

*கேட்டதில்லை. துவாபரயுகத்தில்**,*

*தமது அவதாரப் பணி முடித்து விட்ட நிலையில்**,*

*உத்தவரிடம் ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ணர்**, "**உத்தவரே**, **இந்த*

*அவதாரத்தில் பலர் என்னிடம் பல வரங்களும்**,*

*நன்மைகளும் பெற்றிருக்கின்றனர்.ஆனால்**,*

*நீங்கள் எதுவுமே கேட்டதில்லை.*

*ஏதாவது கேளுங்கள்**, **தருகிறேன். உங்களுக்கும்*

*ஏதாவது நன்மைகள் செய்துவிட்டே**,*

*எனது அவதாரப் பணியை முடிக்க*

*நினைக்கிறேன்" என்றார்.*

*தனக்கென எதையும் கேட்காவிட்டாலும்**,*

*சிறு வயது முதலே கண்ணனின் செயல்களைக்*

*கவனித்து வந்த உத்தவருக்கு**, **சொல் ஒன்றும்**,*

*செயல் ஒன்றுமாக இருந்த கண்ணனின் லீலைகள்**,*

*புரியாத புதிராக இருந்தன. அவற்றுக்கான*

*காரண**, **காரியங்களைத் தெரிந்து கொள்ள*

*விரும்பினார். "பெருமானே! நீ வாழச் சொன்ன*

*வழி வேறு**; **நீ வாழ்ந்து காட்டிய வழி வேறு! நீ*

*நடத்திய மகாபாரத நாடகத்தில்**, **நீ ஏற்ற*

*பாத்திரத்தில்**, **நீ புரிந்த செயல்களில்**, **எனக்குப்*

*புரியாத விஷயங்கள் பல உண்டு.*

*அவற்றுக்கெல்லாம் காரணங்களை அறிய*

*ஆவலாக இருக்கிறேன். நிறைவேற்றுவாயா**?"*

*என்றார் உத்தவர்.*

*உத்தவர் கேட்க ஆரம்பித்தார்: "கண்ணா! முதலில்*

*எனக்கு ஒரு விளக்கம் வேண்டும்.கிருஷ்ணா! நீ*

*பாண்டவர்களின் உற்ற நண்பன். உன்னை அவர்கள்*

*ஆபத்பாந்தவனாக**, **பரிபூரணமாக நம்பினார்கள்.*

*நடப்பதை மட்டுமல்ல**; **நடக்கப் போவதையும்*

*நன்கறிந்த ஞானியான நீ**, '**உற்ற நண்பன் யார்**’*

*என்பதற்கு நீ அளித்த விளக்கத்தின்பட**,*

*முன்னதாகவே சென்று**, '**தருமா! வேண்டாம்*

*இந்தச் சூதாட்டம்**’ **என்று தடுத்திருக்கலாம்*

*அல்லவா**? **ஏன் அப்படிச் செய்யவில்லை**?**போக*

*ட்டும். விளையாட ஆரம்பித்ததும்**, **தருமன் பக்கம்*

*அதிர்ஷ்டம் இருக்கும்படி செய்து**,*

*வஞ்சகர்களுக்கு நீதி புகட்டியிருக்கலாம்.*

*அதையும் நீ செய்யவில்லை. தருமன்*

*செல்வத்தை இழந்தான்**; **நாட்டை இழந்தான்**;*

*தன்னையும் இழந்தான். சூதாடியதற்குத்*


*அதோடு அவனை விட்டிருக்கலாம்**.*

*தம்பிகளை அவன் பணயம் வைத்த போதாவது**, **நீ*

*சபைக்குள் நுழைந்து தடுத்திருக்கலாம்.*

*அதையும் நீ செய்யவில்லை.*

*'**திரௌபதி அதிர்ஷ்டம் மிக்கவள். அவளைப் பணயம்*

*வைத்து ஆடு.* *இழந்தது அனைத்தையும்*

*திருப்பித் தருகிறேன்**’ **என்று சவால் விட்டான்*

*துரியோதனன். அப்போதாவது**, **உனது தெய்வீக*

*சக்தியால்**, **அந்த பொய்யான பகடைக் காய்கள்*

*தருமனுக்குச் சாதகமாக*

*விழும்படி செய்திருக்கலாம். அதையும்*

*செய்யவில்லை. மாறாக**, **திரௌபதியின்*

*துகிலை உரித்து**, **அவளின் மானம் பறிபோகும்*

*நிலை ஏற்பட்ட போதுதான் சென்று**, ';**துகில்*

*தந்தேன்**, **திரௌபதி மானம் காத்தேன்**’*

*என்று மார்தட்டிக் கொண்டாய். மாற்றான்*

*ஒருவன்**, **குலமகள் சிகையைப்*

*பிடித்து இழுத்து வந்து**, **சூதர் சபையில் பலர்*

*முன்னிலையில்**, **அவள் ஆடையில் கை வைத்த*

*பிறகு**, **எஞ்சிய மானம் என்ன இருக்கிறது**?*

*எதனைக் காத்ததாக நீ பெருமைப்படுகிறாய்**?*

*ஆபத்தில் உதவுபவன்தானே ஆபத் பாந்தவன்**? **இந்த*

*நிலையில் உதவாத நீயா ஆபத்பாந்தவன்**? **நீ*

*செய்தது தருமமா**?';'; **என்று கண்ணீர் மல்கக்*

*கேட்டார் உத்தவர்.*

*இது உத்தவரின் உள்ளக் குமுறல் மட்டுமன்று**;*

*மகாபாரதம் படித்துவிட்டு நாம்*

*அனைவருமே கேட்கும் கேள்விகளே இவை.*

*நமக்காக இவற்றை அன்றே கண்ணனிடம்*

*கேட்டிருக்கிறார் உத்தவர்.*

*பகவான் சிரித்தார். "உத்தவரே**! *

*“விவேகம்* *உள்ளவனே ஜெயிக்க வேண்டும் என்பது உலக தர்மநியதி.* *“*

*துரியோதனனுக்கு இருந்த விவேகம்*

*தருமனுக்கு இல்லை. அதனால்தான் தருமன்*

*தோற்றான்" என்றான் கண்ணன். உத்தவர் ஏதும்*

*புரியாது திகைத்து நிற்க**, **கண்ணன்*


*"**துரியோதனனுக்கு சூதாடத் தெரியாது.*

*ஆனால்**, **பணயம் வைக்க அவனிடம் பணமும்**,*

*ஏராளமான ஆஸ்தியும் இருந்தது. **'**பணயம் நான்*

*வைக்கிறேன். என் மாமா சகுனி**,*

*பகடையை உருட்டிச் சூதாடுவார்**’ **என்றான்*

*துரியோதனன். அது விவேகம்.தருமனும்*

*அதுபோலவே விவேகத்துடன் செயல்பட்டு**,*

*'**நானும் பணயம் வைக்கிறேன். ஆனால்**, **என்*

*சார்பாக என் மைத்துனன் ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ணன்*

*பகடைக்காயை உருட்டுவான்**&#x


2023-11-17 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy

Gain the skills, motivation and confidence to excel beyond your first first
year of university


A useful tool in a student’s arsenal is a study plan. This can help you
stay accountable and give you a visual overview of your study workload.

You can tailor a plan that works for you around any work or social

Make a note of key exam and assessment dates, so you can prepare for them
accordingly. Break down your study load from big, daunting tasks into
smaller daily and weekly goals.

You’ll find shorter periods of study (around 20-30 minutes) will have a
positive effect on motivation.

Learn more about how to create an effective study plan.


Of course, a study plan is only useful if you’re going to stick to it!

Procrastination is the enemy of all students. Although it may feel good to
allow yourself to get distracted in the moment, it may hurt you in the long

Your workload doesn’t get smaller, as you won’t be chipping away at it – it
will only accumulate.

Procrastination can also harm you long-term. You end up wasting time that
could be better spent working towards your end goal.

Avoid procrastination by limiting distractions:

hide your phone

leave it in another room

simply turn it off

install app blockers.

You can also block website access on your computer while you’re studying,
to avoid temptation. Check out Freedom(external link) or FocusMe(external

Our Block Model is helpful in avoiding procrastination. By focusing on one
unit at a time, you’re able to stay motivated and engaged.

This method also allows you to balance your studies with other interests.
Less time in class gives you more time to pursue hobbies, play sport or

When it comes time to study, you’ll have more focus and be able to
concentrate on the task at hand.

At VU, you also have the option to slow-track your studies, if you 're
going on holiday or just want to take a break.

Your studies can be paused for a block or two and you can return when
you're feeling motivated to learn once more.

VU= Victoria university   KR IRS  181123

-- Forwarded message -
From: 'venkat giri' via iyer123 
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 08:23
Subject: [iyer123] MY MEMORIES ON FACEBOOK
To: Iyer , Kerala Iyer <
Cc: Gopala Krishnan , Jambunathan Iyer <
n.jambun...@gmail.com>, SRIRAMAJAYAM , N. Sekar <
nseka...@yahoo.com>, ARR , Venkat Raman <
venkatp...@gmail.com>, Rangarajan T.N.C. ,
Yeddanapudi Markandeyulu , APS Mani <
m...@manijpn.in>, Chittanandam V. R. 

*Respected Sir/s,*

*படித்ததில் பிடித்தது-**6*

*Venkatraman Sridharan*

  *18 NOVEMBER 2014*


*An experiment by a German school teacher*

 *There is an interesting incident about an Inspector of Schools in
Germany who **experimented **the **"Theory of Expectation**". *

* He went to a school and took an instant examination of the students
and allotted them marks, which ranged from **30% to 80%.** But their marks
were kept secret**. Out of all students, three students got only 30% marks
whereas all other students got more than 50% marks.** The Inspector of
Schools called these **below-average students on the stage gave them awards
and told them that they had obtained 70% marks which were highest in the
class. The Inspector also told these students that he will take their test
again after three months and this time, he expects them to obtain 90%
marks. *

* Contrary to the opinion of their class
teacher, those below-average students were able to obtain 90% marks in
their next examination. *

  *PSYCHOLOGISTS** say this story
proves the **Theory of Expectation**:*

*"that when we expect a miraculous achievement and give anybody a challenge
and encourage him, he is most likely come up to that expectation".*

*   The moment we accept a challenge and set higher goals for us, our
energy level increases, mood is elevated and it becomes easily possible for
us to achieve the higher goal. *

*"Goal and Willpower, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair". -
Napoleon Hill*.*




Oliver Napoleon Hill** was an American self-help author and conman. He
is best known for his book **Think and Grow Rich**, which is among the
best-selling self-help books of all time. Hill's works insisted that **fervid
**(having or showing feelings that are very strong or too strong)**
expectations **are essential to improving one's life.*

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2023-11-17 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
as a deity embodying divine love and

Sure, here are some notable aims and the periods they took to fulfill major
aspects of their endeavours:

Steve Jobs: He aimed to revolutionize personal computing and technology.
Jobs co-founded Apple Inc. in 1976 with Steve Wozniak and aimed to create
user-friendly, innovative products. The culmination of his work can be seen
in the creation of iconic devices like the iPhone and iPad, revolutionizing
technology. His major impact spanned from the late '70s until his passing
in 2011.   =35 years KR

Mark Zuckerberg: Zuckerberg aimed to connect people globally through social
networking. He founded Facebook in 2004 and aimed to create a platform for
global connectivity. His impact, particularly in social media and its
evolution, has been significant, continuing through the 2000s and beyond.
(KR after 19 years still under controversy read another article on media
and FB elsewhere)

Barack Obama: Obama aimed to bring about change and unite people during his
presidency. Elected as the 44th President of the United States in 2008, he
aimed to address issues such as healthcare, economic recovery, and
international relations. His presidential terms were from 2009 to 2017, and
his efforts in shaping policy and promoting change extended over that
period.  [KR  32 years with a lot of free expending his time on blacks]

Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi aimed to achieve India's independence and advocate
for nonviolent resistance. His major efforts and impact in the Indian
independence movement spanned several decades, from the late 1800s to the
mid-20th century, culminating in India gaining independence from British
rule in 1947. [KR almost 20 years’ time and another 75 years India is in
bull fight still]

Lord Krishna:Just 18 days to change the world, with 30 akroni sena
forces in the battle field as a general without any armour.

Factors 3 and 4 is an unknown or deducible fact as Steve job was uneducated
without knowing the end and but for his friend what he would have been?;
Zuckerberg, did not plan with any purpose or motivation, except to try to
create a network to compete with the world similar organisations popular
then;  Obama was a practicing lawyer and marked as a strategy to help the
blacks; social service was another objective; aim was to make a senator;
todays VP lady was also like that but we quote only Obama; Many lawyers of
India by such tricks, became legislatures, judges, and saidapet court
lawyers; Gandhi went to SA; there was apartheid policy; he was humiliated’
yet he did not think of fighting there where he went for the livelihood;
but returned back and started a group in Gujarat; at that time there were
greater freedom fighters in the existence but he went to lead the illegal
salt grabbing which marked a place which he developed but took long time
for that freedom; but had the grit; let him choose the Nehru but why all
others did not make him the PM of the nation as his sishya in SA Mandela?
On the contrary, Krishna could do many tricks and won such a big battle in
just 18 days.   KR  IRS   18 11 23

-- Forwarded message -
From: 'venkat giri' via iyer123 
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 08:52
Subject: [iyer123] MY MEMORIES ON FACEBOOK-2
To: Iyer , Kerala Iyer <
Cc: Gopala Krishnan , Jambunathan Iyer <
n.jambun...@gmail.com>, SRIRAMAJAYAM , N. Sekar <
nseka...@yahoo.com>, ARR , Venkat Raman <
venkatp...@gmail.com>, Rangarajan T.N.C. ,
Yeddanapudi Markandeyulu , APS Mani <
m...@manijpn.in>, Chittanandam V. R. 

*Respected Sir/s,*


*Venkatraman Sridharan*

*18NOVEMBER 2016*



 *as highly productive people but **there are simple habits that set them
apart from the crowd and **make them the best in their craft.*

*Here’s an insight into some of them:*

*1) They know their priorities*

*2) They are excellent Time managers*

*3) They step out of their comfort zone*

*4) **They make it fun and self-talk every **once in a while** .*






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2023-11-02 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
le: 'Till this clarity
dawns on the political class, India will be a lost nation. Hindus and
Muslims have to live together in India. The country belongs to both of
them. If one of the two says India is not their homeland and they will not
respect it, that community needs help.'

Months before the demolition, Kalyan had put out what it claimed was
evidence from the shastras and Puranas about the birthplace of Lord Rama
being the spot where the Babri Masjid stood. Khemka's discussion of the
problem took note of the communal tension that was building up due to the
continuous agitation of the BJP, led by L.K. Advani, the RSS, VHP and
numerous Hindu right-wing organizations. Kalyan was not in favour of
abandoning or brushing under the carpet an issue as important as Lord
Rama's birthplace in the name of secularism. The journal said it would be
ironic if a place of worship where no namaz had been offered for half a
century but from where only the Ramdhun (recitation of the name of Rama)
reverberated were to be called a mosque. 'No honest Muslim would favour
ruffling Hindu sentiments and aggravating the problem further. He would
choose to settle the dispute.' Politicians were told that a solution could
be easy if they saw the problem from a larger perspective and not for their
narrow political ends.

When a Delhi-based newspaper raised the question of the purity–impurity of
the site, saying, 'If the spot inside the Babri Masjid where the idol of
Ramlalla is kept is the exact spot where he was born, then it cannot be a
place of worship because in any childbirth, blood is spilt, which renders
the place unfit for worship,' Kalyan reacted sharply, stating that the
human mind was limited and such limitations often resulted in illogical
behaviour. Khemka liberally quoted from the Gita, Ramayana and other
religious texts to argue that the birth of a god—whether Rama or
Krishna—did not involve the usual labour pains or spilling of blood.

Even earlier, in 1990, as the Ram Janmabhoomi movement was gathering steam,
Kalyan had lauded the efforts of India's first home minister Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel who had begun the project of protecting Indian culture by
announcing the reconstruction of the Somnath Temple in Dwarka, Gujarat.
After Patel's death, Khemka said, Indian politicians had not paid attention
to such matters as they were too busy looking after their political
interests. Khemka's refrain was that Ram Janmabhoomi should not be viewed
as a political issue but purely as a spiritual matter and one of national
pride. Repeating the argument that a site of birth could not be shifted,
Khemka said that Hindus and Muslims could live as brothers only if there
was mutual regard and willingness to sacrifice. He suggested that the Babri
Masjid be respectfully shifted from its present site and rebuilt elsewhere.
This would facilitate the revival of Ram Janmabhoomi as a place of worship
of Lord Rama.

Extracted with permission from HarperCollins India


IIKadangalathil Karunakaran Nayar or Kadangalathil Karuna Karan Nair
(11 September 1907 — 7 September 1977)[1] was an Indian politician who was
a member of the Lok Sabha. He was elected to 4th Lok Sabha from Bahraich
(Lok Sabha constituency) as a candidate of Bharatiya Jan Sangh. He was born
in Alleppey in Kerala and studied at Madras University, Bara Seni College,
Aligarh (Agra University) and University College, London. He joined Indian
Civil Service in 1930 and served in various positions in Uttar Pradesh
including Gonda (1946), Faizabad (1 June 1949 - 14 March 1950). He took
voluntary retirement in 1952 and practised law at the Allahabad High
Court.  (Nair was not mentioned anywhere as cause of Ayodhya)

III Shakuntala Nayar was an Indian politician who was a member of Lok
Sabha. She was elected to Lok Sabha from Kaiserganj in Uttar Pradesh as a
candidate of Jana Sangha. She was born in 1926 in Dehradun and studied at
Wynberg Girls High School Mussorie. She was married with K.K. Nayar a civil
servant in 1946.

-- Forwarded message -
From: 'N Sekar' via iyer123 
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 at 20:31
Subject: Re: [iyer123] AYODHYA MEMORIES
To: , Kerala Iyer 

Where is the distortion?
It only reinforces the fact that Mr Nair was instrumental in righting a
wrong done to the Hindus for so long,  even if he had to cut corners while
establishing what was just and right and proper.

But for him, we would not have had this temple, a symbol of our Faith and
That the mosque was built on top of an existing temple has been proved by
the archeological evidence. Just see in u tube the man who did the
excavation Mr. Mohammed, narrate the historical facts and how the Congress
govts tried to not to get the facts to the public.

Mr. Mohammed has said there are so many other temples that were destroyed
and mosques were built on their ruins and that includes Kashi and Mathura -
all based on archeological evid

Fwd: [iyer123] Re: [KeralaIyers] AYODHYA MEMORIES

2023-11-01 Thread Narayanaswamy Sekar
-- Forwarded message -
From: 'N Sekar' via iyer123 
Date: Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 11:57 AM
Subject: [iyer123] Re: [KeralaIyers] AYODHYA MEMORIES
To: , Iyer ,
Rangarajan T.N.C. , Chittanandam V. R. <
chittananda...@gmail.com>, Mathangi K. Kumar 

Thanks, I was not aware of this.

One or should I say two more unsung heroes of our country and culture.

May God Bless these noble souls and our pranams to them, however belated it

We are an ungrateful lot. What else to say? We would feel ashamed even to
publicly acknowledge them and pay our respects to them - our sicular
mindset is so strong.

N Sekar

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 11:31 AM, 'venkat giri' via KeralaIyers

*Some information which you might not know.,.*

*Ayodhya Memories!!*
*A must-know post for every Hindu…*

*Let's remember K.K.Nair, the hero who was responsible for us to get the
land of Sri Rama in Ayodhya. Kandangalam Karunakaran Nair known as K.K.Nair
was born on September 7, 1907 in a small village called Gutankadu,
Alappuzha, Kerala.*

*Before India's independence, he went to England and at the age of 21,
became a barrister and succeeded in the ICS examination before  returning

*He worked in Kerala for some time and was known for his honesty and
bravery and earned a reputation as a servant of the people.*

*In 1945 he joined Uttar Pradesh state as a civil servant. He served in
various posts and was appointed Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate
of Faizabad on June 1, 1949.*

*Following a complaint that the child Ram Vigraham was suddenly kept in
Ayodhya the  then Prime Minister Nehru ordered the state government to
investigate and submit a report.  The Chief Minister of the state, Govind
Vallabh Pant, requested K.K.Nair to go there and make enquiries. Nair asked
his subordinate, Shri Guru Dutt Singh, to investigate and submit a report.*

*Singh went there and presented a detailed report to KK Nair. His report
said that Hindus worshiped Ayodya as the birthplace of Lord Rama (Ram
Lalla). But the Muslims were creating problems claiming there was a mosque.
His report reiterated that it was a   Hindu temple. He suggested that a big
temple should be built there. His report said that the government should
allocate land for it and Muslims should be banned from going to that area.*

*Based on that report Nair issued orders prohibiting Muslims from going
within a radius of 500 meters of the temple. (It is noteworthy that neither
the government nor the court has been able to lift this ban till date).*
*Hearing this, Nehru fretted and fumed and got upset. He wanted the state
government to order the immediate evacuation of the Hindus from the area
and removal of the infant Ram Lalla.   The  Chief Minister Govind Vallabh
Pant ordered  Nair to immediately evacuate the Hindus and remove the idol
of the infant Ram Lalla.*

*But Nair refused to implement the order. On the other hand, he issued
another order   stating that daily pooja should be performed to baby Rama.
The order also said that the government should bear the cost for the pooja
and the salary of the priest who performed pooja.*

*Terrified by this order, Nehru immediately ordered Nair’s removal from
service. When dismissed, Nair went to the Allahabad court and himself
argued successfully against Nehru.*

*The court ordered that Nair should be reinstated and allowed to work in
the same place. The court's order was like smearing Nehru’s face with black
ink. Hearing this order, the residents of Ayodhya urged Nair to contest in
the elections.*

*But Nair pointed out that being a government servant he could not stand
for elections.  The residents of Ayodhya wanted Nair's wife to contest.
Accepting  the people's request,  Mrs. Shakuntala Nair entered the fray as
a candidate in Ayodhya during Uttar Pradesh's first Legislative Assembly

*At that time, the Congress candidates won all over the country.  In
Ayodhya alone, the Congress candidate who contested against Nair's wife
lost by a margin of several thousands.*

*Mrs. Shakuntala Nair joined the Jana Sangh in 1952 and started developing
the organisation.*

*A shocked Nehru and the Congress started pressurising Nair.  He resigned
from his post and started working as an advocate in the Allahabad High

*When the elections for the Parliament was announced  in the year 1962, the
people succeeded in persuading Nair and his wife to contest. They wanted
him to speak about Ayodhya before Nehru.  The people helped the Nair couple
to win both Bahraich and Kaisarganj constituencies. It was a historic

*And as a pleasant surprise, his driver was also elected as a membe


2023-09-01 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
, until sooner or later one reaches the stage when the
entire accumulation of past reactions has been eradicated, and the habit of
reacting itself has disappeared. Freed from all craving, aversion,
ignorance – past, present and future – one experiences total freedom from

na punyam na papam na saukhyam na duhkham
na mantro na tirtham na veda na yajnah
aham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhokta
chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham

I am not virtue nor vice, not pleasure or pain,
I need no mantras, no pilgrimage, no scriptures or rituals,
I am not the experience, not the object of experience, not even the one who
I am the form of consciousness and bliss, I am Shiva (that which is not).

KR  IRS  2 9 23

On Fri, 1 Sept 2023 at 22:03, 'venkat giri' via iyer123 <
iyer...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> *அன்புடையீர்**,*
> *My Memories on FACEBOOK…9 years Ago*
> *Courtesy: Email - drsr...@yahoo.co.in *
>  *Subject**: "**சோகத்தின்* *ஒரு ரேகையாவது* *தெரிகிறதா** "**சோகத்தின்
> ஒருரேகையாவது தெரிகிறதா**?*
> *இதுதான் **EQUIPOISE**."*
>  *பெரியவா எந்த* *யூனிவர்ஸிடியில்* *எம்.ஏ.ஆங்கிலம்* *பயின்றார்கள்**?" *
> *….**தொகுப்பாளர்**:**டி.எஸ்.கோதண்டராமசர்மா**,**தட்டச்சு* *வரகூரான்*
> *நாராயணன்*
>  *ஸ்ரீமடம்**,  **இளையாத்தங்குடியில்* *முகாம்.*
>*அரசு அதிகாரி**, **நாலைந்து*  *நண்பர்களுடன்**, **காரில்* *புறப்பட்டு*
> *இளையாத்தங்குடி*
>  *நோக்கிப் போய்க்* *கொண்டிருந்தார்கள்.பேசாமலே* *எப்படிப் பயணம்* *செய்வது*
> *?*
> *பல பேச்சுக்களிடையில்**,**அவர்கள் தரிசனம்* *செய்யப்* *போகும்*
> *மகாஸ்வாமிகளைப்* *பற்றிய பேச்சும்வந்தது*
> *"**பெரியவாளுக்கு* *சம்ஸ்க்ருதம்நன்றாகத் தெரியும்..."*
> * "**தமிழ்**, **தெலுங்கு**, **கன்னடமும்* *தெரியும்..."*
> *"**இங்கிலீஷில் சில* *வார்த்தைகள்தான்* *தெரிந்திருக்கும்.**Working
> Knowledge**தான்* *இருக்கும்"*
> * "**நாம் பேசும்போது**,**இடையிடையே இங்கிலீஷ்* *வார்த்தை* *வந்துவிட்டால்**,
> **புரிந்துகொள்வார்கள்"*
> *இளையாத்தங்குடி* *சென்று**, **பெரியவாள்அறைக்கு* *வெளியே*
> *காத்துக்கொண்டிருந்தார்கள்.*
>  *பத்து* *நிமிஷத்துக்குப் பின்**,**பெரியவா வெளியே* *வந்தார்கள்.* *சுற்றிலும்
> ஆங்கிலம்நன்றாகப் படித்துத்* *தேர்ந்த அடியார்கள்.அவர்களுடன்*
>  *பேசிக்கொண்டே* *வந்தார்கள் பெரியவா**.*
> *பெரியவா**: " ஒவ்வொரு** LANGUAGE-**லும் சில **peculiar**வார்த்தைகள்* 
> *இருக்கும்.
> அந்த* *வார்த்தைகளை இன்னொரு* *பாஷையில்* *சுலபமாக மொழிபெயர்க்க* *முடியாது.*
> * இங்கிலீஷில்*  *EQUIPOISE*  *என்று ஒரு **word.**அதற்குஎன்ன அர்த்தம்னு*
> *சொல்லுங்கோ"ஒவ்வொருவரும்**, **பல* *மாதிரியாக விளக்கம்*
> *கொடுத்தார்கள்.*
> *ஆனால்**, **எந்த ஒரு* *சொல்லும் அந்த* *ஆங்கிலப் பதத்தின்* *முழுத்தன்மையை*
> *வெளிப்படுத்துவதாக* *இல்லை.*
> *தரிசனத்துக்காக* *வந்திருந்த அரசு* *அதிகாரியையும் அவர்* *நண்பர்களையும்*
> *பார்த்து**,*
>  *"**உங்களுக்குத்* *தெரியுமோ**?" **என்று பெரியவா* *கேட்டார்கள்.*
>  *அதிகாரிக்குக்* *குப்பென்று*  *வியர்த்தது. தட்டுத்* *தடுமாறிஏதோ விளக்கம்
> சொல்லமுயன்றார்**; **தோற்றுப்* *போனார்.*
> * "**Equipoise **என்றால் **mental equanimity* *என்று அர்த்தம்"*
> *என்று சொல்லிவிட்டு**, **எல்லோரையும்* *அசரவைத்துவிட்டு**!* *வேறு
> பேச்சுக்குப்* *போய் விட்டார்கள்* *பெரியவாள்.*
> *(அதாவதுஆங்கிலப் புலமை* *பெற்றவர்கள் மனம்* *குமைந்து* *வருந்துவதற்கு*
> *அவகாசம்* *கொடுக்கவில்லை.)*
>  *சிறிதுதூரம் நடந்து* *சென்றபின்**, **ஹால்* *நடுவில் நின்றார்கள்.*
> *   தூரத்தில்**, **சுவரோரமாக**,**ஒரு முதிய அம்மையார்*
> *உட்கார்ந்திருந்தார்.கண்களை* *மூடிக்கொண்டிருந்தார்.*
>  *ஜபம் செய்து* *கொண்டிருந்தாற்* *போலிருந்தது.*
>  *"**அந்த அம்மா எப்படி* *இருக்கா**?" **"**ரொம்ப சாந்தமா**, **அமைதியாக*
> *உள்ளுக்குள்ளே* *சஞ்சலமில்லாமே**."*
> *"**அவர் யார்* *தெரியுமோ**?"*
> *>> **யாரும் பதில்* *சொல்லவில்லை.*
> * "**கே.எஸ்.வெங்கடரமணின்னு* *பெரிய எழுத்தாளர்**.* *நிறைய புஸ்தகம்*
> *எழுதியிருக்கார்.*
> *> KANDAN, THE PATRIOT, MURUGAN THE TILLER **எல்லாம் பிரஸித்தம்.*
>  *(**நானும்* *படிச்சிருக்கேன்!)* *இந்த* *நாவல்களில்* *RURAL-SETTING **ரொம்ப
> நேச்சுரலா* *இருக்கும்**.*
> * (**அந்த அம்மாள்**… **கே.எஸ்.வி-யின் மனைவி)*
> * "**பால் பிரண்டன் என்றபிரெஞ்சு* *தத்துவஞானியை*
> *திருவண்ணாமலைக்கு* *அழைத்துக்கொண்டு*  *போனார்.*
> *என்னிடமும்அழைத்துக்கொண்டு*  *வந்தார்**.*
>  *பால்பிரண்டனுக்கு* *நம்ம தத்துவங்களில்* *ரொம்பப் பிடிப்பு.*
>  *"**இந்த தம்பதிக்கு**, **ஒரே பிள்ளை**.* *கே.எஸ்.வி.யும்* *போயிட்டார்.*
> *பிள்ளை**, **சர்க்கார்* *விருந்தாளி!* *புரிகிறதா**?*
>  *பைத்தியக்கார* *ஆஸ்பத்திரியில்* *இருக்கான்!*
> * "**சொந்த-பந்தம்**, **சொத்து-சுதந்திரம்* *எதுவும் கிடையாது.*
> *மலை மலையாய் சோகம்...!*
> *அந்த அம்மாள்* *முகத்தில்* *சோகத்தின் ஒரு* *ரேகையாவது தெர


2023-08-24 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
Q from a member: *According to him only lower middle class and poor people
would understand the real value of money. All those who contributed towards
art and humanity have experienced starvation, he added.*
KR  syllogism

1.   an instance of a form of *reasoning
which a conclusion is drawn from two given or assumed *propositions
a common or middle term is present in the two premises but not in the
conclusion, which may be invalid (e.g. *all dogs are animals; all animals
have four legs; therefore all dogs have four legs* ).

as distinct from induction."this school of epistemology is highly advanced
in syllogism and logical reasoning"

  The incident narrated is good to read as an exclusive anecdote for time
pass. But it is illogical. The complexity of human beings are described by
our shastras as well as Sigmund Freud. Morning I wrote about stomach
burning. That is a middle class attitude, in another anecdote I read. So I
thought I could release it. But will it be induction logic? A superiority
complex is an exaggerated sense of self-worth. It hides real feelings of
mediocrity. An inferiority complex is an overstated feeling of weakness. It
often hides true motives, such as aspirations for power. The American
Psychological Association (APA) defines an inferiority complex as “a basic
feeling of inadequacy and insecurity, deriving from actual or imagined
physical or psychological deficiency.” (1
) The term dates back to
1907, when it was coined by the influential psychoanalyst Alfred Adler
 to explain why so many people seem to lack
the motivation to act in their own best interest and go after their goals
in life. Contemporary psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health
professionals avoid the term now though, notes Maddux, often characterizing
it instead as low self-esteem. Thus logically that artists are poorer
;lower and middle class only know the value of money; Higher class do not
know values etc are illogic.

  In one of the Upanishads (i.e. Katha) this question is asked by
Nachiketâ, a youth: "Some say of a dead man, he is gone; others, he is
still living. You are Yama, Death. You know the truth; do answer me." Yama
replies, "Even the Devas, many of them, know not — much less men. Boy, do
not ask of me this answer." But Nachiketa persists. Yama again replies,
"The enjoyments of the gods, even these I offer you. Do not insist upon
your query." But Nachiketa was firm as a rock. Then the god of death said,
"My boy, you have declined, for the third time, wealth, power, long life,
fame, family. You are brave enough to ask the highest truth. I will teach
you. There are two ways, one of truth; one of enjoyment. You have chosen
the former." Now note here the conditions of imparting the truth. First,
the purity — a boy, a pure, unclouded soul, asking the secret of the
universe. Second, that he must take the truth for truth's sake alone. Until
the truth has come through one who has had realisation, from one who has
perceived it himself, it cannot become fruitful. Books cannot give it,
argument cannot establish it. Truth comes unto him who knows the secret of
it. After you have received it, be quiet. Be not ruffled by vain arguments.
Come to your own realization. You alone can do it. Neither happiness nor
misery, vice nor virtue, knowledge nor non-knowledge is it. You must
realise it. How can I describe it to you? He who cries out with his whole
heart, "O Lord, I want but Thee" — to him the Lord reveals Himself. Be
pure, be calm; the mind when ruffled cannot reflect the Lord.  Truth is
different; Gossips are different. Self satisfying insinuations are not
basic ideals.K R  IRS   24 8 23

On Thu, 24 Aug 2023 at 17:48, ARR  wrote:

> 🙏🙏🙏
> On Thu, 24 Aug 2023 at 16:06, 'venkat giri' via iyer123 <
> iyer...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> *படித்ததில் ரசித்தது*
>> *We visit Tirupati Tirumala once or twice every year with family members
>> or with family friends. Few years ago, we were waiting in the Katpadi
>> railway station for

Re: [iyer123] MY MEMORIES ON FACEBOOK 4years Ago

2023-08-20 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
Mrs Narayanamurthy , we are told , refused to divulge that her son in law
is PM England; Mr Narayamurthy travelled by Economy class. And 2nd lesson
was knee pain should have been avoided , had he taken care of his body when
he was young; but economy class will give more leg pain and then why is he
travelling even now after becoming older, do not attending to his knees?
Who was his neighbor in the economy class? Mayank did not notice? So  big
alone is interviewed and had he been in Business class probably that is not
a great thing for an interview. It is all in the game. Everyone who works
hard misses the exercise bus.  For a start, most in business or first class
don't actually pay for it themselves. And then, many of the very wealthy
people in the world have low profiles, some are unheard of. The ones that
show it off are the ones everyone has heard of, and, sure, they tend to
travel business or first. Then travel by economic class might be
simplecity, if in all affairs  he was so. So many mysteries we may have to
ascertain before the conclusions. Doing exercise alone may not stop the
pain and onslaught of diseases. There are people who work 16 hrs a day,
sports persons, but are affected by diabetes. I do travel only by business
class because I need to stretch my legs having to travel 21 to 23 hrs.
Nothing will go ahead of anything even in trains but for that will he
travel by III class?  KR IRS  20 8 23

On Sun, 20 Aug 2023 at 13:11, 'venkat giri' via iyer123 <
iyer...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> *Respected Sir/s,*
> *Subject: **MY MEMORIES ON FACEBOOK 4years Ago*
>  *What is the best advice you've received?*
> *Mayank Gupta*
> *Mayank Gupta, Motivational Speaker and Fitness Coach*
> *Updated Nov 5, 2018 · *
>  *Yes! I am lucky enough to have received
> the best advice I have ever received from none other than the co-founder of
> Infosys, **Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy.*
> *In **Oct 2016,* *I was travelling from Bangalore to Mumbai.
> I boarded the plane, put my hand bag in overhead bin and took my aisle
> seat. There was an old person in a normal suit sitting next to me on the
> window seat. I had a presentation in Mumbai, so I didn’t bother who was and
> wasn’t sitting next to me.*
> *I took my documents and started going through them for the
> final time before the presentation. The plane took off. After 15–20 minutes
> I was done with my documents, so I put them away and started flipping the
> pages of the airline magazine randomly and after sometime I looked out of
> the window and suddenly I looked at the face of this person sitting next to
> me. I thought I have seen him somewhere.*
> *   I looked closely. He was old, his
> face was dull, the suit was not very expensive or something and he was
> replying to some mails or going through some documents or something, I
> exactly don’t know. I noticed his shoes, they were average quality. Tie, it
> was also OK-OK. I thought for some time and I again got busy with my phone.
> While I was busy doing something random. Something stuck me and I looked at
> him again and I asked him, “**Are you Mr. Narayana Murthy?”*
>   *He looked at me, smiled and replied,
> “Yes, I am.” And he turned to his phone again.*
> *  I was shocked! For one second I
> had no idea what to say next. I looked at him again. His shoes, his suit,
> his tie and his specs. Everything was average. This guy was worth $2.3
> Billion and co-founded Infosys. I was stunned. **I always wanted to
> become super rich so that I can buy all the luxury and business class and
> he could buy the whole airlines and yet he was sitting next to me in
> economy class!*
> *   I again asked, “Why are you travelling in economy class
> and not business class?”*
>   *He asked, “Do Business class people reach early?”*
> *I smiled and told myself, “What a dumb question, Mayank!”*
> *And then introduced myself, “Hello sir! My name is Mayank Gupta
> and I am a freelance corporate trainer and I work with many MNCs PAN
> India.”*
> *He then put his phone away and started listening to me; he also
> asked few questions and answered the questions I asked. We both went down
> deep into the conversation until I asked a question which was about to
> change my life entirely.*
>   *Sir, “You are so successful and have **made so many good
> decisions in your life**. **Is there something you regret**?” I
> questioned.*
> *   He got intense look on his face, thought for a while and
> answered*
> **“Sometimes my 


2023-07-27 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
However shabaash root word is from Persian to Urdu to Hindi and nowhere
near tamil; Hebrew language has that word which means WELLDONE. Saba means
"Grandfather" in Hebrew. KR  IRS 28 723

On Thu, 27 Jul 2023 at 13:05, 'venkat giri' via iyer123 <
iyer...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> *அன்புடையீர்**, *
> *சபாஷ் **, **சரியான போட்டி  வாய்விட்டு   சிரியுங்கள்    *
> யார்**, **யார் எப்படி பேசுவார்கள்***Smiling face (black and white)*
> * ***கிரிக்கெட் வீரர்* - "ஓவரா" பேசுவார்*
> போட்டோகிராபர்* - "டெவலப் பண்ணி" பேசுவார்*
> ரவுடி* - "அடிச்சுப்" பேசுவார்*
> ஹோட்டல் சர்வர்* - **"சூப்**"பரா பேசுவார்*
> வக்கீல்* - **"பீஸ்புல்லா**"  பேசுவார்*
> ஃபாஸ்ட் ஃபுட் ஓனர்* **– "**காரசாரமா**" பேசுவார்*
> ஐஸ் விக்கிறவர்* **– **"**குளிரக் குளிரப்**" பேசுவார்*
> டெய்லர்* **– "**கட் பண்ணிப்**" பேசுவார்*
> பூக்கடைக்காரர்* - வார்த்தையை **"அளந்து**" பேசுவார்*
> டயட்டீஷியன்* - "உப்பு சப்பில்லாமல்" பேசுவார்*
> பேங்க் மேனேஜர்* **– **"**இண்ட்ரஸ்டா**" பேசுவார்*
> பியூட்டீஷியன்* **– **"**அழகாப்**" பேசுவார்*
> கசாப்புக் கடைக்காரர்* **– **"**வெட்டு ஒண்ணு**, **துண்டு ரெண்டுன்னு**"
> பேசுவார்*
> ஸ்வீட் கடைக்காரர்* **– **"**இனிக்க இனிக்கப்**" பேசுவார்*
> *சபாஷ் *
> *இந்தச் சொல் தமிழே அல்ல. ஆனால் தமிழில் *
> ·  *சபாஷ் மீனா(**1953)*
> ·  *சபாஷ் மாப்பிள்ளே (**1961) *
> ·  *சபாஷ் பாபு (**1993)*
> ·  *சபாஷ்(**2000) *
> ·  *சபாஷ் சரியான போட்டி(**2011) *
> *என்ற பெயர்களில்**, **திரைப்படங்கள் பல வெளிவந்திருக்கின்றன.*
> * தமிழ்த் திரைப்படத் தலைப்புகளில் மொழிக் கலப்பு என்பது இன்றும் தொடர்வது*
> *.*
> *நாம் அன்றாடம் புழங்கும் சில ஹிந்துஸ்தானி சொற்கள் இதோ..*
> *அசல்**, **அந்தஸ்து**, **அபின்**, **அல்வா**, **இஸ்திரி**, **உஷார்**, *
> *குமாஸ்தா**, **ஜமக்காளம்**, **ஜல்தி**, **சோதா**, **தபால்**, **தர்பார்**, *
> *பஞ்சாயத்து**,**பங்களா**, **சபாஷ் **– **இன்னும் பற்பல.*
> *ஹிந்துஸ்தானிமொழி என்பது வட இந்தியா மற்றும் பாகிஸ்தானின் கலப்புப் பொது
> மொழி ஆகும். ஹிந்தி-உருது என்றும் அழைக்கப்படுகின்றது*
> *“**மாண்டரின் மொழி மற்றும் ஆங்கிலம்ஆகியவற்றை அடுத்து**; உலகில் அதிகமாகப்
> பேசப்படும் மூன்றாவது மொழி ஹிந்துஸ்தானி ஆகும்**” **என்கிறது விக்கிபீடியா*
> *“‘**சபாசு**’ **என்பது**, **சபையில் (மக்கள் கூட்ட அமர்வில்) **‘**சுறு
> சுறு**’ **எனப் பாராட்டும்படி இருப்பவரை ஊக்கப்படுத்தல் ஆகும்.*
> *‘**சபாசுறு**’ **என்பதுதான் **‘**சபாசு**’ **எனத் திரிந்திருக்க இயலும்**! *
> *இந்திக்காரராக இருப்பின்**, **அவர்களுக்கு**, **ஷ**, **ஹ**, **ஜ**, **போன்ற
> சொற்களைப் பயன்படுத்தியே ஆகவேண்டும்**! இல்லை எனில்**, **எவ்வாறு அவர்கள்
> தங்களைத் தமிழரல்லர் என்பதை**, **தனித்துக் காட்டிக்கொள்வதாம்**? *
> *அதனால்**, ‘**சபாசு**’ **வை**, ‘**ஸபாஷ்**’ **என்று **‘**அட்டகாசமாக**’ *
> *ஆக்கிவிட்டனர்!*
> *நன்றி *
> *வணக்கம்*
> * வெ**. ஸ்ரீதரன் *
> *திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி*
> --
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2022-09-17 Thread 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty


This incidentwas in 1965’s while I was working as Telephone inspector. I was 
working as in chargeof Sankari RS Telephone Exchange.  Ireceived a letter 
authoring me to collect from Sankagiri court the copper wirerecovered in a 
theft case. Actually the court notice was served on Divisional engineer Salem. 
He authorizedme to collect it. 

I promptlyattended the court in the mentioned time. I thought I should simply 
collect the item and put in a big bag and comeby a bus back to my station. I 
thought it was a heavy item and apprehension ofhow to bring it safely. 

Iwas asked to wait outside when I reached the court. When thecase was called, 
they announced Divisional Engineer, Salem.  I went inside. They asked me to 
stand in thewitness enclosure and take oath. I never imagined such a situation 
would cometo me.  First question was to prove myidentity. Fortunately I had 
taken the authorization letter, which had thedetails of theft case number. On 
those days we hadno ID card. 

I was askedwhat was the case given to police.  Inever knew what was the case, 
since I joined just three months back as a new Telephone inspector.After 
praying Lord Vigneswara I answered it was theft of copper wire in theSalem- 
Sankagiri route. Somehow it matched. The nextquestion was how I identify it was 
copper wire used in telecom line aftershowing the recovered bits of copper 
wire, half melted. Just seeingthe edge I could gather the gauge and answered it 
was from telegraph line. At that time most of the telecomcopper trunk lines had 
been replaced with ACSR wires. 

So the itemwas identified, I was asked to collect it after signing in court 

It weighed about0.5 Kg only. Iput it in the hand bag and next day went to the 
Divisional engineer office. WhenI told the purpose to the attendant of DE,  I 
was asked to give it to one Junior engineerworking in that office dealing with 
such items. I got an acknowledgement “received”from that JE behind the letter 
given to me. I never met the DE. On those days aDE was a VIP in telecom. 

I can makeout some questions were asked by Magistrate and some by an advocate 
at thismoment since the incident happened before 56 years.

This incidentcame to my memory while watching the TV news about Attapadi Madhu 
murder caseand a Lady eye doctor of Government Hospital directed to test the 
eyesight of awitness. I imagined howshe has to give her test report!!!

In fact whileI started to collect the material, I was thinking I would be 
HONORED MUCH and asked to simply collect the item bysigning. I never imagined I 
should stand on witness enclosure and answerthe questions from magistrate and 

Perhaps theprocedures may have changed now. 

GopalakrishnanDated 18-9-2022

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Re: drive in memories

2022-07-17 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
Nostalgia; where I spent most of our times (whenever I could, especially
sunday mornings with my wife and 2 kids (now US citizens), happily; where
my afternoon tiffin was taken along with my colleagues, where we spent he
swings and kids sports in the evenings and relished the chola-batura.
Coffee tasted; servers were our friends; at times had all from our car;
walked through the wicket gate and drove through the main. One thing is
certain; whenever the DMK stepped in they spoiled the beauty of nature.
After the POONGA I never went there. I went to that church on New year eve.
US embassy well not to say. Gemini the pride of Vasan was put down by
balasubramanian in unfinished skeleton flats and unethical shopping
complexes. Safire started all and saw all the fires put down by the SUN. KR
IRS 18722

On Mon, 18 Jul 2022 at 08:57, Rangarajan T.N.C. 

> https://www.facebook.com/watch/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C-GK2T&v=423638048333130

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2021-02-27 Thread 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty



Dear friends, 

I read with interest a recentforwarding about the tough 8th standard 
examination in US and itsstandards and once it was a base for employments in 
India, by member SriVenkita Raman, Perinthalmanna. 

With higher and not affordabletuition fee, distance to the institution, 
problems in domestic front, many have completed theireducation with 8th class. 
This was probably the period of my latefather.  He was 8thclass failed in one 
subject for 5 marks. He used to say- If he would havepassed, he would have been 
a primary section teacher. 

His two class mates were teachersin the primary school. One was Sri Panaveli 
Paramu Pillai and another SriGovinda Pillai. Sri Govinda pillai’s wife 
karthyayani amma was my teacher for 3rdclass. Paramu Pillai’s third son was 
Sreedharan nair my class mate till highschool. In SSLC he had failed in two 
subjects, and he became my junior. 

My late eldest brother (Nextgeneration) had gone for preparatory class to a 
high school at Adoor about 10KMs by walk from our place!! They would start as 
early as 7 AM to reach theschool in time, I am told. 

Even when I passed SSLC in 1960, many of my friends discontinued theirstudies- 
Tuition fee in college was a big amount on those days. It waspossible to write 
many competitive examinations and to get a job with SSLC andbecome a bread 
winner. Type writing and short hand knowledge gave moreopportunities. A girl 
with SSLC passed was seen as high on those days.Government jobs were possible 
for even those with 50% marks in the SSLC. First class passing wasconsidered 

Even I too would have been inthat group. Some how my father’s desire to send 
one son to college and a fewelders compulsion and above all possibility of a 
scholarship later fromTravancore Devaswam board helped me to pass the Bsc. This 
was possible because the college was locallyavailable, though constructions 
were still going on while I was in college. 

Even when I passed BSc, MSc becamea dream because the local college was a 
graduate level institution. For postgraduation I had to come to Trivandrum and 
stay though admission was possiblein MG College at Trivandrum. It was not fees, 
not the continuing thescholarship but hostel stay became the problem without 
any solutions to meet itout. My father was retiring in that year. 

My close friend Varadarajan alongwith me in BSc Physics, next year when post 
graduation came for English inlocal college, joined and became a LECTURER IN 
ENGLISH there. For me, fatherretiring in that year as said, job was most 

Special note here- Duringvacations I too joined typewriting and Pits man’s 
shorthand. The type writingknowledge help me NOW to compose postings better!! 

For teaching in primary classes 8thclass was sufficient. My first standard 
teacher was One Karthyayani amma, an 8thclass passed. SSLC with TTC was 
sufficient for middle school classes on thosedays. 

A nostalgic look in to middleschool experiences. Forsome elders it could be 
refreshing their nostalgic experiences.Surely for many youngsters – boring. 

For those requiring informationnothing in it. They can use DELETE button. 


Gopala Krishnan 29-6-2013. 

Reposted on 27-2-2021 after editing and updating. R. Gopala Krishnan 

1. Which school- Government or NSS?

Since my father was working inGovernment middle school, the option was for it 
after primary class.Interesting reason- If food preparation was  not complete 
my father  could bring the choattu pathram.(Vessel withfood)  

Choattupathram had a thattu attop which may take thoran, mezhukku puratti and 
pickles if any. Bottom will betaking ration rice cookedand  butter milk at one 
side and saambar/Pulinkarion other side. 

On Fridays the school used tostart at 9.30 AM and interval was between 12 30 to 
2 PM. This was to enableprayers for Muslim teachers.On those days most of us 
used to walk 3 KM to ourresidence 

2. Bench arrangement. 

Still I do not get the reason,primary class 1 and 2 had bench without back. The 
session for the day would  end at 12.30 PM. In the after noon class 1will 
become class 3 and class 2 will become class 4.  If I recollect for writing 
facility many ofus used to sit on the floor keeping the slate rather than in 
the bench.Probably training children to sit erect, this was done. 

Update- Now other than Government schools, all schools have table and chair 
separatelywith good spacing, all modern facilities in class room, and class 
rooms are airconditioned. While admitting my grand sons to Maharshi 
international school near Sri Perambadur,about 7 years back I just peeped in to 
class rooms and got astonished seeingthe arrangements in class rooms. 

3. Ancham classil slate illa (Fifth class has no slate) 

Fifth class had both sessions andonly note books. No slate and slate pencil. If 
I recollect the benches had supportfor back (Charubench). 

After 5th class TC wasobtained and I was

Re: Fw: childhood memories of train travel.pdf

2021-02-23 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
I used to wonder why always the memories are so sweet than the life at
present? It is for every generation and every brain to cognise the
Nostalgia is thought to play a critical role in physiological
resilience.  The nostalgia-related activity was shown in both memory and
reward-systems, including the hippocampus, substantia nigra/ventral
tegmental area (SN/VTA) and ventral striatum (VS). What this means is that
there is a kind of cooperative activity between these systems that plays a
very specific role in how we experience nostalgia. Not only can nostalgia
amplify perceptions of social support, which then counteracts feelings of
loneliness, but it's also been linked to being more resilient

The subjects of the experiments varied in age and background, some being
children and others being middle-aged factory workers. The factory workers
were also assessed on their resilience (their ability to recover from a
traumatic event) and people who reported a larger sense of nostalgia were
also more resilient in life.

A 2015 study publishing in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
linked nostalgia to openness to experience new things and creativity. In
two separate experiments, students were split into two different groups.
One group was told to think of a past event that made them feel nostalgic
and to really immerse themselves in that memory. Then they were told to
write about it for five minutes. The other group was told to think about an
"ordinary experience" that was not linked to any feelings of nostalgia and
to write about it for five minutes as well.The results
<https://bigthink.com/ideafeed/nostalgia-fosters-creativity-openness> showed
those who were put into a nostalgic mindset before writing tended to be
much more creative than those who wrote about an "ordinary experience."―One
can remember without being nostalgic, but one cannot be nostalgic without

Categories of Nostalgia; Empirical investigations of nostalgic
experiences have been scarce due to problematic operational definitions and
methods of measurements. In the light of nostalgia being a difficult
phenomenon to define, several authors have suggested categorizing it into
different sub-genres, namely, personal nostalgia and historical nostalgia),
also known as true and social nostalgia . Three additional types of
nostalgia were proposed as real, simulated, and collective nostalgia. Real
nostalgia refers to the sentimental yearning, for the self- lived past,
paralleling the view of personal nostalgia. It is experienced only if the
person in question has lived through the original event himself/herself.
   When the real thing is not available it may be possible to elicit *simulated
nostalgia.* It refers to the indirectly experienced past. E.g. when
listening to elderly people's anecdotes of the good old times‘ one might
experience a nostalgic feeling even though you were not there yourself ,
which shares a definitional ground with historical nostalgia .Collective
nostalgia represents a sentimental yearning felt by entire cultures,
Further categories have also been suggested:  we could see religious
traditions as a form of institutionalized nostalgia‘- ―Emotionally-laden
rituals discharge nostalgic energies through the physical activity of the
ritual, while forging linkages with the past‖The result showed than
women were marginally more prone to nostalgia than men, however no
correlation with age.KR IRS 24221

On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 at 07:46, Rangarajan T.N.C. 


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2018-06-12 Thread Srinivasan

With Neyveli Santanam at Cleveland

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Fw: memories

2011-11-17 Thread Saibaba SV

>Bring back ANY memories ???
>>Someone asked the other day, 'What was your favourite 'fast food' when you 
>>were growing up?'
>>'We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,' I informed him.
>>'All the food was slow.' 
>>'C'mon, seriously.. Where did you eat?' 
>>'It was a place called 'home,'' I explained.
>>'Mu! m cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together 
>>at the dining room table and if I didn't like what she put on my plate, I was 
>>allowed to sit there until I did like it.'
>>By this time, the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to 
>>suffer serious internal damage, so I didn't tell him the part about how I had 
>>to have permission to leave the table.
>>But here are some other things I would have told him about my childhood if 
>>I'd figured his system could have handled it :-
>>Some parents NEVER owned their own house, wore jeans, set foot on a golf 
>>course, travelled out of the country or had a credit card.
>>My parents never drove me to school. I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 
>>pounds, and only had one speed (slow).
>>We didn't have a television in our house until I was 10.
>>It was, of course, black and white and the station went off the air at 10.00 
>>pm, after playing the national anthem and epilogue; it came back on the air 
>>at about 6 am! and there was usually a locally produced news and farm show 
>>on, featuring local people ...
>>I never had a telephone in my room. The only phone was on a party line. 
>>Before you could dial, you had to listen and make sure some people you didn't 
>>know weren't already using the line.
>>Pizzas were not delivered to our home ... But milk was.
>>All newspapers were delivered by boys and all boys delivered newspapers - my 
>>brother delivered newspapers, seven days a week.  He had to get up at 6 am 
>>every morning. 
>>Film stars kissed with their mouths shut. At least, they did in the films. 
>>There were no movie ratings because all movies were responsibly produced for 
>>everyone to enjoy viewing without profanity or violence or almost anything 
>>If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to 
>>share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren. Just don't 
>>blame me if they bust a gut laughing.
>>Growing up isn't what it used to be, is it?
>>MEMORIES from a friend :-
>>My Dad is cleaning out my grandmother's house (she died in December) and he 
>>brought me an old Woodroofes Lemonade bottle. In the bottle top was a stopper 
>>with a bunch of holes in it ...  I knew immediately what it was, but my 
>>daughter had no idea. She thought they had tried to make it a salt shaker or 
>>something.  I knew it as the bottle that sat on the end of the ironing board 
>>to 'sprinkle' clothes with because we didn't have steam irons.  Man, I am old.
>>How many do you remember? 
>>Headlight dip-switches on the floor of the car.
>>Ignition switches on the dashboard.
>>Trouser leg clips for bicycles without chain guards. 
>>Soldering irons you heated on a gas burner.
>>Using hand signals for cars without turn indicators. 
>>Older Tha! n Dirt Quiz :-
>>Count all the ones that you remember, not the ones you were told about.
>>Ratings at the bottom
>>1. Sweet cigarettes
>>2. Coffee shops with juke boxes 
>>3. Home milk delivery in glass bottles 
>>4. Party lines on the telephone
>>5. Newsreel's before the movie 
>>6. TV test patterns that came on at night after the last show and were there 
>>until TV shows started again in the morning ... (There were only 2 
>>channels [if you were fortunate])
>>7. Peashooters 
>>8. 33 rpm records
>>9. 45 rpm records
>>10. Hi-fi's
>>11. Metal ice trays with levers
>>12. Blue flashbulb
>>13. Cork popguns 
>>14. Wash tub wringers 
>>If you remembered 0-3 = Youre still young
>>If you remembered 3-6 = You are getting older
>>If you remembered 7-10 = Don't tell your age
>>If you remembered 11-14 = You're positively ancient!
>>I must be 'positively ancient' but those memories are some of the best parts 
>>of my life.
>>Don't forget to pass this along !!! 
>>Especially to all your really OLD friends ... I just did !!!
>>(PS. I used a large type face so you could read it easily)  

Fw: Memories of Hyderabad

2011-11-05 Thread Saibaba SV

My recent posting on my Memories of Hyderabad in my blog :


“Good friends are like stars You don't always see them, but you know they 
are always there”

Memories you must read this it will take you back a fewwwwwww years

2011-02-02 Thread MGK Nair
*Someone asked the other day, 'What was your favorite 'fast food' when you
were growing up?'**
** **'We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,' I informed him.**
** **'All the food was slow.' **
**'C'mon, seriously.. Where did you eat?'** **
**'It was a place called 'home,'' I explained. !**
 **'Mum cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down
together at the dining room table, and if I didn't like what she put on my
plate, I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.'**

**By this time, the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to
suffer serious internal damage, so I didn't tell him the part about how I
had to have permission to leave the table.**

**But here are some other things I would have told him about my childhood if
I'd figured his system could have handled it:**

**Some parents NEVER owned their own house, wore jeans, set foot on a golf
course, travelled out of the country or had a credit card.**

**My parents never drove me to school. I had a bicycle that weighed probably
50 pounds, and only had one speed, (slow).**

**We didn't have a television in our house until I was 10.**
**It was, of course, black and white, and the station went off the air at 10
pm, after playing the national anthem and epilogue; it came back on the air
at about 6 a.m. and there was usually a locally produced news and farm show
on, featuring local people...**
**I never had a telephone in my room. The only phone was on a party line.
Before you could dial, you had to listen and make sure some people you
didn't know weren't already using the line.**

**Pizzas were not delivered to our home... But milk was.**
**  **
**All newspapers were delivered by boys and all boys delivered newspapers **
--**My brother delivered a newspaper, seven days a week.  He had to get up
at** **6AM every morning.**

**Film stars kissed with their mouths shut. At least, they did in the films.
There were no movie ratings because all movies were responsibly produced for
everyone to enjoy viewing, without profanity or violence or almost anything
** **
**If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to
share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren. Just don't
blame me if they bust a gut laughing. **
**Growing up isn't what it used to be, is it?**

**MEMORIES from a friend:**
 **My Dad is cleaning out my grandmother's house (she died in December) and
he brought me an old Royal Crown Cola bottle.   In the bottle top was a
stopper with a bunch of holes in it...I knew immediately what it was,
but my daughter had no idea.   She thought they had tried to make it a salt
shaker or something.   I knew it as the bottle that sat on the end of the
ironing board to 'sprinkle' clothes with because we didn't have steam
irons.   Man, I am old.**

**How many do you remember?** **
**Headlight dip-switches on the floor of the car.**
**Ignition switches on the dashboard.**
**Trouser leg clips for bicycles without chain guards. **
**Soldering irons you heated on a gas burner.**
**Using hand signals for cars without turn indicators. **
> **
Older Than Dirt Quiz:**
 **Count all the ones that you remember, not the ones you were told about.**
 **Ratings at the bottom.**
**1. Sweet cigarettes**
**2. Coffee shops with juke** boxes **
**3. Home milk delivery in glass bottles **
**4. Party lines** **on the telephone**
**5. Newsreels before the movie** **
**6. TV test patterns that came on at night after the last show and were
there until TV shows started again in the morning.. (There were only 2
channels** [if you were fortunate]**)**
**7.  Peashooters **
**8. 33 rpm records**
 **9. 45 RPM records**
**10. Hi-fi's**
11. Metal ice trays with levers
**12. Blue flashbulb**
**13. Cork popguns **
**14. **Wash tub wringers **
**If you remembered 0-3 = You’re still young**
If you remembered 3-6 = You are getting older
If you remembered 7-10 = Don't tell your age
If you remembered 11-14 = You're positively ancient!** **
I must be 'positively ancient' but those memories are some of the best parts
of my life.**

Don't forget to pass this along!!
Especially to all your really **OLD** friendsI just did!**

(PS. I used a large type face so you could read it easily) *

Fw: Fwd: Bring back any memories?

2010-03-22 Thread sivaraj rajagopal

Subject: Bring back any memories?


>>Subject:Bring back any memories?
>>Someone asked the other day, 'What was your favourite 'fast food' when you 
>>were growing up?'
>> 'We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,' I informed him.
>> 'All the food was slow.' 
>>'C'mon, seriously.. Where did you eat?' 
>>'It was a place called 'home,'' I explained. !
>> 'Mum cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together 
>>at the dining room table, and if I didn't like what she put on my plate, I 
>>was allowed to sit there until I did like it.'
>>By this time, the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to 
>>suffer serious internal damage, so I didn't tell him the part about how I had 
>>to have permission to leave the table.
>>But here are some other things I would have told him about my childhood if 
>>I'd figured his system could have handled it:
>>Some parents NEVER owned their own house, wore jeans, set foot on a golf 
>>course, travelled out of the country or had a credit card.
>>My parents never drove me to school. I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 
>>pounds, and only had one speed, (slow).
>>We didn't have a television in our house until I was 10.
>>It was, of course, black and white, and the station went off the air at 10 
>>pm, after playing the national anthem and epilogue; it came back on the air 
>>at about 6 a.m. and there was usually a locally produced news and farm show 
>>on, featuring local people...
>>I never had a telephone in my room. The only phone was on a party line. 
>>Before you could dial, you had to listen and make sure some people you didn't 
>>know weren't already using the line.
>>Pizzas were not delivered to our home... But milk was.
>>All newspapers were delivered by boys and all boys delivered newspapers --My 
>>brother delivered a newspaper, seven days a week.  He had to get up at6AM 
>>every morning.
>>Film stars kissed with their mouths shut. At least, they did in the films. 
>>There were no movie ratings because all movies were responsibly produced for 
>>everyone to enjoy viewing, without profanity or violence or almost anything 
>>If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to 
>>share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren. Just don't 
>>blame me if they bust a gut laughing. 
>>Growing up isn't what it used to be, is it?
>>MEMORIES from a friend:
>> My Dad is cleaning out my grandmother's house (she died in December) and 
>>hebrought me an old Royal Crown Cola bottle.   In the bottle top was a 
>>stopper with a bunch of holes in it...    I knew immediately what it was, but 
>>my daughter had no idea.   She thought they had tried to make it a salt 
>>shaker or something.   I knew it as the bottle that sat on the end of the 
>>ironing board to 'sprinkle' clothes with because we didn't have steam 
>>irons.   Man, I am old.
>>How many do you remember? 
>>Headlight dip-switches on the floor of the car.
>>Ignition switches on the dashboard.
>>Trouser leg clips for bicycles without chain guards. 
>>Soldering irons you heated on a gas burner.
>>Using hand signals for cars without turn indicators. 
>>Older Than Dirt Quiz:
>> Count all the ones that you remember, not the ones you were told about.
>> Ratings at the bottom.
>> 1. Sweet cigarettes
>> 2. Coffee shops with jukeboxes 
>> 3. Home milk delivery in glass bottles 
>> 4. Party lineson the telephone
>> 5. Newsreels before the movie 
>> 6. TV test patterns that came on at night after the last show and were there 
>>until TV shows started again in the morning.. (There were only 2 channels[if 
>>you were fortunate])
>> 7.  Peashooters 
>> 8. 33 rpm records
>> 9. 45 RPM records
>>10. Hi-fi's
>>11. Metal ice trays with levers
>>12. Blue flashbulb
>>13. Cork popguns 
>>14. Wash tub wringers 
>>If you remembered 0-3 = You’re still young
>>If you remembered 3-6 = You are getting older
>>If you remembered 7-10 = Don't tell your age
>>If you remembered 11-14 = You're positively ancient! 
>>I must be 'positively ancient' but those memories are some of the best parts 
>>of my life.
>>Don't forget to pass this along!! 
>>Especially to all your really OLDfriendsI just did!
>>(PS. I used a large type face so you could read it easily)  

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Evergreen Memories...

2009-08-07 Thread VISVANATHAN

Evergreen Memories...

Gone are the days -

When the school reopened in June,
And we settled in our new desks and benches .

When we queued up in book depot,
And got our new books and notes.

When we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays, yet
Managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.

We learnt writing with slates and pencils, and
Progressed To fountain pens and ball pens and then Micro tips.

We began drawing with crayons and evolved to
Co lour pencils and finally sketch pens.

We started calculating first with tables and then with
Clarke's tables and advanced to calculators and computers.

When we chased one another in the corridors in
Intervals, and returned to the classrooms drenched in sweat.

When we had lunch in classrooms, corridors,
Playgrounds, under the trees and even in cycle sheds.

When all the colors in the world,
Decorated the campus on the Second Saturdays.

When a single P.T. period in the week's Time Table,
Was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons.

When cricket was played with writing pads as bats,
And Neckties and socks rolled into balls.

When few played "kabadi" and "Kho-Kho" in scorching sun,
While others simply played "book cricket" in the
Confines of classroom.

Of fights but no conspiracies,
Of Competitions but seldom jealousy.

When we used to watch Live Cricket telecast,
In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks.

When few rushed at 3:45 to
"Conquer" window seats in our School bus.

While few others had "Big Fun", "bhel puri",
"gulfi ice", "stick ice !" and "pepsi !" at 4o Clock.

Gone are the days Of Sports Day,
and the annual School Day ,
And the one-month long preparations for them.

Gone are the days Of the stressful Quarterly,
Half Yearly and Annual Exams, And the most enjoyed
holidays after them.

Of tenth and twelfth standards, when we
Spent almost the whole year writing revision tests.

We learnt, we enjoyed, we played, we won, we lost,
We laughed, we cried, we fought, we thought.
With so much fun in them, so many friends,
So much experience , all this and more.

Gone are the days when we used to talk for hours with our friends..
Now we don't have time to say a HI.

Gone are the days when we played games on the road.
Now we code on the road with laptop.

Gone are the days when we saw stars shining at night.
Now we see stars when our code doesn't work.

Gone are the days when we sat to chat with friends on grounds.
Now we chat in chat rooms.

Gone are the days where we studied just to pass.
Now we study to save our job

Gone are the days where we had no money in our pockets
and fun filled on our hearts

Now we have the atm as well as credit card
but with an empty heart

Gone are the days where we shouted on the road.
Now we dont shout even at home

Gone are the days where we got lectures from all.
Now we give lectures to all...

Gone are the days But not the memories, which will be
Lingering in our hearts for ever and ever and
Ever and ever and Ever .



Visvanathan S