Re: [tw] TWShell

2017-03-05 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Oleg

Thanks for the notes — I’ve enjoyed your postings over the last few weeks.

> Development is a process. Development of Tiddlywiki - is a process too. By 
> itself, any process is purposeless - it is just a manifestation of specific 
> laws under certain boundary and initial conditions. Similarly, with the 
> development of Tiddlywiki - indeed it is the exciting saga for the sake of 
> self-improvement. But really that is not a goal. That is a process.

My own day to day work on TiddlyWiki is generally prompted in a couple of ways:

* By requests from community members. I’ll often implement things because 
somebody asks for them, and they look fun or easy to do. For example, the new 
QRCode plugin was prompted by such an enquiry
* By the needs of my own consultancy work through Federatial. These days, most 
of that work involves TiddlyWiki in some way, and often involves core additions 
or improvements. For example, the recent work on the XLSX importer was 
originally done as part of work I was doing for a client

> So, now about specific things. No doubt Tiddlywiki is an outstanding tool for 
> Web content creating. There were said a lot about that. It would be better 
> once to touch it, to come to the same conclusion independently.
I’d agree if you’re saying that our goal should be that users encountering 
TiddlyWiki can immediately see its value.

> However, with all the advantages Tiddlywiki does not lack shortcomings, which 
> significantly slow down its wider use.
> Main "stumble stones" in Tiddlywiki use, in my humble opinion, is in the 
> entry resistance of "zero" users (newcomers) who need a tool with a 
> convincing set of capabilities for organization a personal space as well as 
> cooperation in the global network, but who are of little interest to study 
> how it is devised inside.
I think you’re saying here that the barriers to getting up and running with 
TiddlyWiki are too high, particularly if it is on the internet.

I’d make a couple of observations:

* The simplest possible configuration of TiddlyWiki from the perspective of a 
brand new end user would be a conventional centralised, commercial service, 
just like
* There are remarkably few barriers for users getting up and running with the 
standalone HTML file configuration. The main barrier is in practice conceptual: 
users are generally not familiar with the serverless way of working
* The difficulties with getting TiddlyWiki up and running in the cloud are the 
same as for any other similarly architected app. In other words, TiddlyWiki on 
the server is just a pretty standard Node.js app, and there are now a multitude 
of options for packaging such applications up for easy deployment
> More specifically these "stumble stones" could be described as follow:
> Some inconvenience of use:
> Multi-step installation procedure, especially when one runs multiuser 
> tiddlywiki in git-network under Node.js + git + tortoisegit + githab / gitlab.
Agreed, but isn’t the answer to perhaps use containers?

> Control elements for the whole (git-network based) system are not 
> consolidated, i.e. dispersed over various separate software components.

I’m not sure what you mean here. Are you referring to the source code?
> Intrinsic scalability limits:
> A sole tiddlywiki is pretty closed document - all the benefits of internal 
> tiddler use: filtering, transclusion, powerful search, links etc. are not 
> applicable to external tiddlers.
Well, there’s the _canonical_uri mechanism which enables quite a lot of things 
to be done with external resources.

> For scalability one tiddlywiki needs permanent links to other (i.e. external) 
> tiddlywikis. Permanent external links are usually achieved by placing a 
> tiddlywiki or its generated static pages under a permanent domain name.

Dat links are another possibility (see 

> But even the latter is not completely solve the issue: usually a tiddlywiki 
> itself is quite heavy file from several upto several dozen MB;
That depends on the configuration chosen.

> also intrinsic API for external tiddlywiki data manipulation is absent (at 
> least for my knowledge); generated by Tiddlywiki static pages are helpless in 
> this context as well.
Can you elaborate on what you mean here?
> Somewhat aside, but equally important for scalability is creating a basic 
> mechanism for multilingual synchronization of several tiddlywikis.
That’s something that has cropped up in my consultancy work; I believe that we 
have all the pieces required.
> A single installer is required for all the necessary starting components and 
> settings, including: Node.js, tiddlywiki, git, tortoisegit (if necessary), 
> etc. for main operational systems.
Mario has done work on packaging TiddlyWiki as a container.
> A shell for multiple tiddlywikis management is required (e.g. a type of 
> TiddlyDesktopQ  extension). 

[tw] Re: [TW5] Plugin update: Autosave for EditorCounter – Never lose hours of work again

2017-03-05 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Thank you David! 

Could you explain a bit more on how you would like to “select tags that turn 
off autosave?”

Until now you can switch autoave on and off on the plugin’s settings tab. Of 
course one could make a button anywhere – in edit mode/editor toolbar? – that 
does the same …

Cheers, Thomas

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[tw] Re: Tips for using TiddlyWiki to publish static htmls

2017-03-05 Thread Mat
David. you're always so generous in sharing your use cases and reasoning. 
Much appreciated.

Reading the post it's interesting to ponder how I'd approach the needs. I'm 
sure there are subtleties in your own solutions that might make them 
preferable for you, so here are my own ideas to, if nothing else, confirm 
that your own are better for your own specific case;

*1. Flipping title field and showname field*

Assuming the dynamic and the static versions have different URL's, you can 
use a conditional viewtemplate (e.g grand TWizard @Tobias has a writeup on 
that) that shows name depending on url. URL can be detected using Buggy J's 
location macro, that I use in e.g Public Sidebar 

With conditional templates you could probably even do it so that it shows 
you the static title as a textwidget editor, i.e in viewmode,perhaps just 
below the regular title, so that it can be easily edited. And in static, 
the normal title is hidden and the static title shows instead using regular 
title formatting.

*2. Toggling edit stylesheet and publish stylesheet*

[...] add links to tiddler B that doesn't exist yet, but I am not ready to 
> actually create tiddler B and add content. I just want to focus on tiddler 
> A.

This is a prime reason why the @ttention plugin 
 was made. It lets you add content to 
other tids, regardless if those other tids exist or not.

(I just realized that just maybe I should extend it so that one could add 
tags to that other tid too...)

*3. Buttons for links*
> Since the links are to filenames, I need pretty links for everything. So I 
> created buttons, one to wrap filenames [...]

I recall grand TWizard @Eric describing on the boards some setup that lets 
you use relative paths involving a fallback when there is no file. 
Something along those lines. I wouldn't be surprised if the other grand 
TWizard @Tobias has picked up on it and poblished something. (Yes, 
poblished = polish + publish ;-) 

*4. Display macro*
> I thought the display macro would not work with static html, but it works 
> great, so I use it to condense longer indexes of links. Very nice tool. 

Appreciated if you add some clue to where the "display macro" can be found? 
I rings a bell as if it is something recent from one of the rising tiddly 
stars in the community (you know who you are guys! ;-) but a quick search 
on the boards didn't give me anything. 

I am using these statics at our main site ( 
> )

What a sweet looking family ;-)


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[tw] Re: Simple Javascript insertion in tiddlers (text/vnd.tiddlywiki)

2017-03-05 Thread BJ
you could try an ifame in a normal tid"; 

On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 1:55:08 AM UTC+1, Matt Groth wrote:
> Got it to work! Thanks again, Ton. You're right, its not very practical in 
> the end.
> You can't put in any javascript after the wiki is loaded and have it take 
>> effect for safety reasons.
> I regularly backup my wiki so I'd be interested to know if this is at all 
> hackable. I'm also somewhat confused about why we have javascript macros 
> then, and what the difference is there. Though at this point I should 
> probably study the code a lot more so I know what I'm talking about. I'll 
> be back!

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[tw] Re: Toccata & Fugue

2017-03-05 Thread Josiah

> On Sunday, 5 March 2017 09:38:00 UTC+1, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
>> *Overall, I’d like to see TiddlyWiki better serve the needs of multiple 
>> audiences:*
>> * commercial services for general users
>> * easy Node.js app deployment for advanced DIY users
>> * continued support for the standalone configuration in the browser for 
>> most DIY users
Here's a little mix for that :-)

Best wishes

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[tw] Re: Presenting: Tablinks - to access the tid showing in the tab

2017-03-05 Thread Mat
Semi-update: TabLinks for Firefox  --- 
this is just a temporary thing. I hope to integrate the two.

There's a browser issue forcing this (see here below). "Luckily", TabLinks 
is probably a "dev" feature, i.e not for public TWs, and I'm guessing that 
users typically sticks to one browser brand for their TWs, so I'll let this 
be as it is until 5.1.14 which will feature browser sniffing so the plugin 
can show the appropriate one.


Thanks for report, you're right. Come to think of it, this is probably the 
issue that occurred with the very first version of TabLinks too.

The problem can be reduced to this:

aaa [[bbb]] ccc

In e.g Chrome this shows a clickable link for bbb.
In FF it looks like a link... but it ain't workin. So a browser issue 
rather than a TW issue.

Hey Mat, thanks for the compliment! No "competition"... we *inspire* each 
> other. That's *cooperation*. 

Yes, you're of course absolutely right. It was intended in a joking way. 
Everyone wins the more we share and the better TW is.


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[tw] Re: Presenting: Tablinks - to access the tid showing in the tab

2017-03-05 Thread Mat
Aha! Turns out browsersniffing was implemented in 5.0.14 not coming 5.1.14 
so it's already there. But it is a separate plugin which makes me 
reluctant. Will need to ponder a bit as well as dig in to how you and Mario 
solved this.


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Re: [tw] TWShell

2017-03-05 Thread Josiah
Ciao Oleg & Jeremy

Great thread. Love the detail. BOTH for its, well, details, but ALSO for 
instancing THE COMPLEXITY (aka richness).
On Sunday, 5 March 2017 09:38:00 UTC+1, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
> Overall, I’d like to see TiddlyWiki better serve the needs of multiple 
> audiences:
> * commercial services for general users
> * easy Node.js app deployment for advanced DIY users
> * continued support for the standalone configuration in the browser for 
> most DIY users

Jeremy, simple question: are these THREE routes so identifiable publicly 
clear yet?

Best wishes

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[tw] Re: Presenting: Tablinks - to access the tid showing in the tab

2017-03-05 Thread Josiah
Footnote for Mat from Josiah

The machinations of dealing with the actual internet are often REALLY, 

"Web Standards" my ARSE. One of the greatest EUPHEMISMS in history.

Its a big reason I keep away from developing anything pretending its for 
anything other than for my old steam radio. 

There you are with a stellar working product. THEN get reduced to fiddling 
with all sorts of crap other people invented last week.

I often wonder how much money web-developers make from "exception 
handling". I'm sure it is quite a big portion of their income.

I feel for you.

Best wishes

On Sunday, 5 March 2017 15:02:34 UTC+1, Mat wrote:
> Aha! Turns out browsersniffing was implemented in 5.0.14 not coming 5.1.14 
> so it's already there. But it is a separate plugin which makes me 
> reluctant. Will need to ponder a bit as well as dig in to how you and Mario 
> solved this.
> <:-)

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[tw] Re: [Classic] Export User defined Fields

2017-03-05 Thread RLM
Thanks for the hint. I was able to do exactly what I wanted.

In the formatItem function, I changed the line to 

if (f==this.type_TX)
var r=this.plainTextTiddler.format([t.title, 
t.created.toLocaleString(), t.modified.toLocaleString(),
t.modifier, String.encodeTiddlyLinkList(t.tags), 

This of course makes the author field parameter %6 and can be referenced in 
the go function, which can easily be modified to include the XML tags :


Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

On Friday, March 3, 2017 at 7:45:01 PM UTC-5, Dragon Cotterill wrote:
> On Friday, 3 March 2017 20:01:05 UTC, RLM wrote:
>> Anyone still work with Tiddlywiki Classic (2.8.1)?
> Well yes, all my work is still in TWC.
> In the normal export, the values for %0, %1 etc. change depending on which 
> export option you selected. If you created your own export option, then it 
> would be up to you to select the elements for export yourself.
> I would suggest sticking to the methods which work as export and then 
> process the resulting file into your XML. Exporting as .csv includes all 
> the hidden custom fields on the tiddlers. It may not be elegant, but it'll 
> get you a data format which you can then use outside of TW.

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[tw] Re: Presenting: Tablinks - to access the tid showing in the tab

2017-03-05 Thread Mat
G'dam - one emabrrassment after the other;

For the FF version, please make sure to drag'n drop the individual 
components listed. They're not packaged into a plugin (i.e the plugin you 
can find in the plugin library there is the Chrome one). Will correct it 
later but no time now.


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[tw] Re: TWShell

2017-03-05 Thread Jed Carty
I am hopefully going to be working on some parts of this now. I am hoping 
to have tiddlywiki be one way to control the robot I am making. The robot 
is mainly run as a node script and I am hoping to have a wiki running on 
node that will let you control the robot in realtime by loading a webpage 
served by the robot. If things work out well I want this to me a flexible 
interface between a tiddlywiki server and any other node program.

I also just finished a bash script (on GitHub here 
) that has been helping a lot 
in streamlining development for me. It checks to see if any plugins need to 
be updated, if so it builds a demo wiki for the plugin and then builds a 
directory wiki that lists the plugins (the generated wiki is here 
). It marks newly changed wikis as in need 
of testing, when you change this status to ready (you have to do it 
manually so force you to actually test things and if it is set to upload, 
it uploads all the changed wikis to the correct places. It also builds a 
plugin library of the plugins and uploads the updated version if all the 
plugins have been tested, otherwise it uploads to an alternate unstable 
library. It doesn't handle committing and pushing to git yet but I am not 
sure if I want to have that in the same script or not.

Things like this help me a lot with development and hopefully will be 
helpful to other people. The script is configurable but I am not sure how 
useful it would be to other people so feel free to leave feedback about 
what would make it easier to use or more useful.

I am hoping that by making the tools that I use like this usable by other 
people it will help with things like node.js app deployment. 

I like the idea of making an install script for node, tiddlywiki and git. I 
have some similar things I have been using to create images for the robot I 
am working on so creating a version that does tiddlywiki instead shouldn't 
be a big problem. I will probably work on one that will work on linux and 
OS X, I don't have any windows machines to work on so I am not expecting to 
make one for windows any time soon.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] OokTech Plugin Library, demo wikis and GitHub, also some updated plugins

2017-03-05 Thread PJO
Follow the link I shared. Unfortunately, I can't make out if enabling code 
(to open a URL from within a tiddler) was pulled or not but it looks as if 
something happened but whether in the next release or not I don't know.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] OokTech Plugin Library, demo wikis and GitHub, also some updated plugins

2017-03-05 Thread Jed Carty
Oh, yes. That. like I said, my mind is in weekend mode. Yes, with that 
adding the option to save the last time a link was visited from the wiki 
would be easy. It wouldn't be the last time a link was visited, just the 
last time the wiki was used to get to it. But that should be good enough, 
otherwise it would require a browser extension or something.

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[tw] Re: Tips for using TiddlyWiki to publish static htmls

2017-03-05 Thread David Gifford
Hi Mat

Thanks for your replies.

Here are some thoughts:

1. Regarding your alternative solution to my flipping the title and 
showname fields, yes, I figured there were probably eight other ways to do 
the same. TiddlyWiki is like is hard for me to picture what your 
solution does (not a defect of your solution but of my imagination), so I 
will just say that my version gives me what I need: control to make file 
names short, while still seeing a more natural tiddler title; a way to 
avoid renaming all links to a file if the tiddler title changes. If there 
were a tangible advantage to doing it another way, I would be open to try 

2. Thanks for the link to the @ttention plugin, that is great, I had not 
seen that. Very similar to what I mentioned. I can picture myself using 
that, and have bookmarked it. Usually when I add a link to a non existent 
tiddler, though, I don't want to write anything for it, I just want to have 
a reference to it. Also, I have a question (without having tried it out): 
Is what you write in the originating tiddler still visible there after you 
save it? Seems like it would clutter the originating tiddler unnecessarily 
if it didn't automatically hide the information for the second tiddler. 

3. I am not sure what you are referring to about what Eric or Tobias wrote 
up. I should note that my link buttons do use relative paths to wrap the 

If in same folder:

[ext[|./+ filename to be wrapped +.html]]

If in different folder:

[ext[|../FOLDER/+ filename to be wrapped +.html]]

4. Sorry, I was in a hurry when I finished this last night since the family 
needed my computer to play the movie Arrival which we rented. It was not 
called the 'display macro' but the 'details widget' and the link is[[Details%20Basic%20Examples]]%20[[Details%20Advanced%20Examples]],
created by the new and prolific TWizard Thomas Elmiger.

5. Thanks for the compliment about my family. I love 'em!


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[tw] List of checkboxes content from across many tiddlers

2017-03-05 Thread 'Abteilung Gerontopsychiatrie' via TiddlyWiki
Hi there.
I do understand how to get a list of checkboxes and show the titles of the 
tiddlers they are in, e.g.:

<$list filter="[status[open]]">
<$view field="title">

But how do I do the following:

Say I have a journal tiddler named X, that includes prose and two 
checkboxes like

   - [ ] Buy milk
   - [ ] Bring out the trash

I have another journal tiddler named Y, hat includes prose and a checkbox 

   - [ ] Clean the house

Now I don't want the summary tiddler listing:

   - X
   - Y

but rather

   - Buy milk
   - Bring out the trash
   - Clean the house
How do I do that?


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[tw] List filter for tiddlers that have links to nonexistent tiddlers?

2017-03-05 Thread David Gifford
Just wondering if there is a list filter to list all the tiddlers that have 
links to nonexistent tiddlers. I think that would be preferable in my use 
case to a list of the missing tiddlers.


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[tw] Re: List of checkbox content from across many tiddlers

2017-03-05 Thread Mat
Hi A.G

It is not difficult but it partly depends on how you've set up the system 
with the checkboxes. So please show a demo of an actual TW set up like you 

I think you can post a TW here as an attachment (not sure). Or you can 
easily create an empty TW on and then upload your TW that 
has the goodies by using e.g Chrome (not FF) and in Controlpanel > Save 
fill in the tiddlyspot data and save, so it uploads. 


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[tw] Re: Tips for using TiddlyWiki to publish static htmls

2017-03-05 Thread Mat

> 2. [...] @ttention plugin, [...] Is what you write in the originating 
> tiddler still visible there after you save it? Seems like it would clutter 
> the originating tiddler unnecessarily if it didn't automatically hide the 
> information for the second tiddler. 

Currently, yes, it stays. I have not considered that aspect but it is a 
good one. 

The other matters, good you have them solved :-)


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[tw] Re: Simple Javascript insertion in tiddlers (text/vnd.tiddlywiki)

2017-03-05 Thread PMario
On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 1:55:08 AM UTC+1, Matt Groth wrote:

> I regularly backup my wiki so I'd be interested to know if this is at all 
> hackable.

TW sanitizes javascript within normal tiddlers, for security reasons. 

> I'm also somewhat confused about why we have javascript macros then, and 
> what the difference is there.

Standard macros are defined with \define ... \end .. Those macros are "text 
substitutions". Everything between the "define - end" is wikitext, which is 
powerful but still limited, compared to javascript. 

javascript macros can use all the possibilities of javascript, but are 
still limited to return text. So they work exactly the same way as 
wiki-text macros. ... macros are not able to "refresh" the rendered output, 
like widgets. Therefore they are simpler to use and define but you still 
have to use a developer setting. 

> Though at this point I should probably study the code a lot more so I know 
> what I'm talking about. I'll be back!

The js-macros have been introduced, because we needed them for some edge 
cases. But it turns out, that tw wikitext is very powerful, so they are 
only used for some core stuff. 

hope that helps

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Re: [tw] Re: Simple Javascript insertion in tiddlers (text/vnd.tiddlywiki)

2017-03-05 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Matt

Just to add to the answers from others,

> I'm also somewhat confused about why we have javascript macros then, and what 
> the difference is there.

The objective of TiddlyWiki’s security restrictions is to make it possible to 
safely share content between users. That requires that JavaScript code be 
clearly identified so that the recipient can decide whether to trust it enough 
to execute it or not; if we allowed inline JavaScript within fragments of 
wikitext then a recipient couldn’t know whether they could safely render 
incoming wikitext.

So, JavaScript macros are permitted because they are readily identified as 
such, and can be blocked when required.

The other factor in TiddlyWiki’s design that affects the use of third party 
JavaScript libraries is that TiddlyWiki doesn’t support the traditional web 
development paradigm of keeping state data in the DOM (this is the paradigm 
popularised a decade ago by jQuery). Instead, TiddlyWiki uses a virtual DOM and 
differential updates (this is the paradigm used by recent frameworks like 
React). The net effect is that TiddlyWiki generally doesn’t support just 
dropping in a 

Re: [tw] List filter for tiddlers that have links to nonexistent tiddlers?

2017-03-05 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Dave

> Just wondering if there is a list filter to list all the tiddlers that have 
> links to nonexistent tiddlers. I think that would be preferable in my use 
> case to a list of the missing tiddlers.

I think this is what you need:


Best wishes


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[tw] Force user to tag a tiddler with one of a subset of tags

2017-03-05 Thread Jonathan Finch
Is there a way of forcing (or at least prompting) the user to add a tag to 
a new tiddler?

For example:

   - I create tiddlers representing orders.  Each tiddler has the tag 
   - I create tiddlers representing customer.  Each tiddler has the tag 
   - Can I force the user to tag every order with a customer?

I appreciate this is probably running before I can walk.  I am fairly new 
to TiddlyWiki and have no web editing experience.

I would be very grateful for links to relevant examples or documentation.

I enjoyed Francis Meetze 
's excellent 
YouTube tutorial.  It is what gave me the idea:

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Tinka 0.3.0 release

2017-03-05 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Andreas,

I am a very happy user of the Tinka plugin. How can one live without it!

In the past - before Tinka was available - I made my Bluish theme 
($:/themes/tongerner/bluish) with a console script given by Jeremy. 
Lateron, I repackaged my Bluish theme with Tinka without problems.

Today I tried to create a new theme with Tinka but found an inconcistency: 
when switching the plugin-type from Plugin to Theme, the prefix stays at 
$:/plugins/. I expected the prefix to change to $/themes/ in style with all 
other themes. Now it is impossible (or at least difficult) to create a 
theme starting with $:/themes/



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[tw] Re: [TW5] Force user to tag a tiddler with one of a subset of tags

2017-03-05 Thread Jed Carty
You could have a view template that shows up in ever tiddler tagged with an 
order that isn't currently tagged with a customer, it wouldn't really force 
the user but you could have something like a drop-down menu and a message 
in every tiddler like that saying that you have to add a customer tag.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] OokTech Plugin Library, demo wikis and GitHub, also some updated plugins

2017-03-05 Thread PJO
Understood (re both weekend mode and link dates) :-)

On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 3:14:55 PM UTC, Jed Carty wrote:
> Oh, yes. That. like I said, my mind is in weekend mode. Yes, with that 
> adding the option to save the last time a link was visited from the wiki 
> would be easy. It wouldn't be the last time a link was visited, just the 
> last time the wiki was used to get to it. But that should be good enough, 
> otherwise it would require a browser extension or something.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Force user to tag a tiddler with one of a subset of tags

2017-03-05 Thread PMario
Hi Jonathan, 


You could do this: 

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created 
tiddler" tags="Customer [[Another Tag]]" text="some default content"/>
New Order

described here:

Which creates a custom button that creates a "custom tiddler"

have fun!

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Re: [tw] List filter for tiddlers that have links to nonexistent tiddlers?

2017-03-05 Thread David Gifford
Awesome! Thanks Jeremy. Tobias, you should add this one to your list of
list filters!

On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 2:28 PM, Jeremy Ruston 

> Hi Dave
> Just wondering if there is a list filter to list all the tiddlers that
> have links to nonexistent tiddlers. I think that would be preferable in my
> use case to a list of the missing tiddlers.
> I think this is what you need:
> [!is[system]links[]is[missing]backlinks[]sort[]]
> Best wishes
> Jeremy
> Dave
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David Gifford
Christian Reformed World Missions, Mexico City

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[tw] Re: Presenting: Tablinks - to access the tid showing in the tab

2017-03-05 Thread Mat
For the geeks among us, I made this little experriment; ButtonLinks 

Tabs in TW are actually buttons, so the problem is fundametally to have a 
working link in a button and ButtonLinks is a hack that does this. I have 
not yet tried to apply it to TabLinks nor am I sure I will. But a reason 
for experimenting, and sharing it here, is beause I discovered some 
interesting techniques with it, particularly the use of css flex! I have a 
feeling this can have profound use in TW contexts.


On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 3:34:03 PM UTC+1, Mat wrote:
> G'dam - one emabrrassment after the other;
> For the FF version, please make sure to drag'n drop the individual 
> components listed. They're not packaged into a plugin (i.e the plugin you 
> can find in the plugin library there is the Chrome one). Will correct it 
> later but no time now.
> <:-)

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[tw] list filter in order of number of field items

2017-03-05 Thread Dave
Lets say you had three tiddlers 

[[one]] [[two]] and [[three]], each with the  field "2017-03-05", 
and in those fields were "one", "foo bar", and "this that [[the other]]"

how would you list these in order of the number of items in that field, 
weighting the more items to the top of the list (i.e. listing as "three two 

<> a list in the wrong order, so that doesn't work (I thought maybe 
index would count the number of items in the field.

I also tried playing around with "nsort" but couldn't find anything that 

Is this something that can be done natively?

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[tw] Re: Converting Tiddlywiki Wikitext to Markdown

2017-03-05 Thread Leopold Bloom

I'm still looking for a way to do this. I now have some 600 pages 
(tiddlers). Is it possible to export Tiddlywiki wikitext to other formats 
like Markdown, Mediawiki, Dokuwiki or Org-mode?

On Thursday, 28 January 2016 11:13:47 UTC+5:30, Leopold Bloom wrote:
> I have 200+ tiddlers (1.87mb). It is completely text and there is no 
> images or any other binary files.
> I use Tiddlywiki Wikitext and after seeing that there is support for 
> Commonmark/Markdown 
> I want to use that from now on 
> . 
> Question: What is the easiest way to convert it all from Wikitext to 
> Markdown?

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