[toaster] moving to google groups

2009-09-26 Thread Bill Shupp


These discussion lists (both toaster@shupp.org and toaster- 
t...@shupp.org) are moving to a single Google Group:


I've requested invitations be sent to you all, but that could take a  
day or two, and I'll likely shut down this list tomorrow.  So feel  
free to sign up if you like.


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] adding pop3ds to an existing qmail rollout

2009-06-23 Thread Bill Shupp

On Jun 13, 2009, at 5:12 AM, Edvin Seferovic wrote:

I am not sure what that has to do with pop3? J

@Bill.. what is your opinion on dovecot? Will there be any new  
updates to the toaster in the near future?

I've played with it a bit, but haven't had time to really test it.  It  
definitely seems lighter weight.  And last time I checked (a while  
ago), vpopmail was deprecated in courier imap.  Probably would make  
sense to have dovecot be the default.



Re: [toaster] updated toaster rollout

2009-06-17 Thread Bill Shupp
> Would you like me to host the toaster if you cant keep it up?
> Question is, whose gonna maintain the updates.
> I dont have an immediate rollout - but i might redo this new one maybe
> in the upcoming week.
> We should also try and throw in ipv6 in there
> Satish

Hey folks.. I'm out of the country and not able to respond in detail right
now, but would like to note that while I haven't been maintaining this
toaster in a while, I plan to move it to something like Source Forge,
including browsing, downloading, scm management, etc, so that many folks
can participate in its upkeep.  I'll be back at the end of this month, and
welcome any input people have.  But I'd prefer to put it in the hands of
several folks to maintain, rather than one or two people fork it.



Re: [toaster] restart clamd

2009-02-09 Thread Bill Shupp

On Feb 9, 2009, at 7:14 AM, Qmail List wrote:


How do I restart clamd?

Do I use svc -du /service/clamd or /etc/init.d/freshclam restart?

The former.  The latter is just for updating the db.


Re: [toaster] blocking outgoing email

2009-01-09 Thread Bill Shupp

On Jan 9, 2009, at 6:47 AM, Jeff Koch wrote:

Hi All:

What's the easiest way to block a maildomain from using our smtp  
server? We have some customers that have infected PC's that are  
sending out spam. We want to force them to use their ISP's outgoing  
mailserver but still allow them to connect to pickup mail from their  

We have been blocking their IP's in /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp but  
since the IP's keep changing this is becoming tedious.

Require authorization for those accounts, and then deny SMTP auth for  
those users.

vmoduser -rs u...@domain



Re: [toaster] Clam updates

2008-12-20 Thread Bill Shupp

On Dec 20, 2008, at 6:12 PM, John Harmon wrote:

Bill (and others).  I have 2 questions.

1.  Bill, any plan to update your clam sometime soon?
2.  If I install clam from an RPM (latest version), do I need to do  
anything to get it to work in conjunction with your toaster?

I've been doing a poor job of keeping this toaster up to date over the  
past year or so.  Since taking a full time job at Digg nearly a year  
ago, I've stopped even doing Qmail consulting, so I'm not building new  
toasters any more.  I think it's time someone else took over updating  
the documentation and patches.  Rick Widmer seemed to be going in that  
direction, but I'm not sure if he's interested in taking it on.  A few  
people also offered bandwidth, which is appreciated.  But I'd rather  
go with a scalable system like google code or the like, which easily  
tracks downloads, etc.   That way we can also move away from locally  
managed subversion as well, and put ToasterDoc and BTS up on google  
code.  I can continue to host the toaster and mailing lists, but over  
time it might make sense to move those as well.

Someone willing to take this over should be:

1. Active in the qmail / vpopmail community
2. Comfortable patching qmail
3. Comfortable with PHP and Simplified DocBook
4. Have time to be responsive to bug fixes, feature requests, and  
manage translations for new releases

Anyone interested?



Re: [toaster] Toaster update

2008-10-16 Thread Bill Shupp

On Oct 16, 2008, at 7:11 AM, Rick Widmer wrote:


I've been doing an installation of the toaster on a 64 bit OpenSuSE  
system, and I've been updating a copy of the toaster as I go.  You  
can see the work in progress here:


Sure thing.  The ToasterDoc code is available here: 

The changes so far include:

0.9.3 - 10/07/2008 -- Rick Widmer

   * Replace courier imap with Dovecot

I want to keep courier-imap as an optional install.

   * Upgrade to squirrelmail 1.4.16
   * Added SuSE notes
   * Added option to use BSD standard UID and GID values
   * Separate qmail manpath instructions for Debian, SuSE and other
   * Added symlink for rcqmail from qmailctl for SuSE users
   * Separated stunnel runfiles into separate sections for easier use
   * Added an extra  tag in each code block so there is a \n on
 the last line when you copy/paste them.

I've added a few more variables similar to you allowing them to set  
the source directory.  These are the values I use for my server:

$SourceDir   = '/var/src';
$HomeDir = '/mail';
$SystemEmail = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
$DocRoot = '/srv/www/htdocs';
$CGIDir  = '/srv/www/cgi-bin';
$WebUser = 'wwwrun';
$WebGroup= 'www';
$DataDir = '/srv/www/squirrelmail-data';

I am also considering a dropdown list for target operating system  
that would hide unrelated notes, and possibly set default values for  
the other variables.

If you are willing, please send me a copy of the PHP source code and  
any required files, and I'll merge in my updates and send it back to  
you to review.

See above.


p.s.  I did try sending this private a couple days ago, but haven't  
heard anything from you yet.  It would be nice to get this soon, as  
building the server and documenting it is part of my day job, and I  
get to bill them for the time.

Yeah, sorry I haven't responded sooner.  Digg is taking over all my  
free time.

There are few changes in trunk that never got released, including a  
new translation (you can view trunk at http://shupp.org/toaster- 
beta).  There are also several things I'd like to do, which I haven't  
had time to:

* Take advantage of the public domain license and distribute patched  
djb software
* Move software downloads to google code or the like to offload the  
bandwidth, and also get download statistics

* Keep things more up to date!



Re: [toaster] complex passwords

2008-09-09 Thread Bill Shupp

On Sep 9, 2008, at 2:04 AM, Mark Walker wrote:


Pls let me know how to enable complex passwords for my users using  
the toaster. Any way to integrate this with the Active directory  
environment so that users can have one password for email/network  

This is something that could be added to ToasterAdmin or QmailAdmin.   
But does not currently exist.



Re: [toaster] just migrated from courier to dovecot

2008-06-15 Thread Bill Shupp

On Jun 13, 2008, at 5:48 AM, Alessio Cecchi wrote:

Il Friday 13 June 2008 11:35:52 Maciej Sołtysiak ha scritto:


just wanted to say that in my setup dovecot is visibly faster than
courier-imap. (I'm using dovecot-1.1.rc9)

I'm running courier on port 143 and dovecot on 10143 and I've been
changing the port in roundcube webmail config
to see which is faster and dovecot really is.

Also for me dovecot is really much faster than courier.

Seems to be snappier to me as well.  I've got it running just fine  
with cdb and quota support enabled.  While large mailboxes (and I've  
got a lot) still take some time to initially load, searches are much  
faster than courier as well.

Anyone have daemontools scripts together already?



Re: [toaster] authvchkpw module in courier-authlib-0.60.5

2008-05-23 Thread Bill Shupp

On May 23, 2008, at 11:59 AM, Maciej Sołtysiak wrote:

Hi Bill,

I was thinking of potentially doing an upgrade of authlib and imap  
and I downloaded courier-authlib-0.60.5.tar.bz2
and saw that authvchkpw module has been removed in version 0.60.4  
due to being unmaintained.

I didn't dare to install it of course, but do you have plans of  
creating patches for newer versions or just stick with

the older one?

Best regards,

Interesting, Sam ignored my last bugfix that I sent him afaik.  And  
vpopmail always seemed like an annoyance, even though Inter7 hosted  
all the courier stuff for years, and was an early proponent of courier- 
imap.  Maybe it's time to move on.



Re: [toaster] How to reject messages by keywords ?

2008-05-18 Thread Bill Shupp

On May 17, 2008, at 7:05 PM, Eu wrote:

I was wondering if there's a way to configure Sumscan to reject  
messages containing one or more keywords ?

Look at the regex support.  I believe it does that.



Re: [toaster] request feature

2008-05-18 Thread Bill Shupp

On May 18, 2008, at 4:58 AM, Nicola Percacciante wrote:

Hi Bill,

vpopmail has the options --enable-maildrop --enable-spamassassin,  
that i found very usefull and i use to make per-user spam settings.
Do you improve ToasterAdmin with checkbox to enable/disable that  
features ?

It's already in 0.0.3.


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] vpopmaild bug ?

2008-05-06 Thread Bill Shupp

On May 6, 2008, at 7:36 AM, Lampa wrote:


i know but my "hack" should solve this problem. In some way i have 5
vpopmaild connections but only one was active, others are death and
not closed - causing 100% cpu usage.

Try telnet to vpopmaild then login and terminate telnet, then watch
your cpu load on machine with vpopmaild.

Note that Net_Vpopmaild::__destruct() calls quit().  So it *should*  
always call it, even when exceptions are thrown.  However, I do  
occasionally find stale vpopmaild processes running.  So either I'm  
wrong in the above statement (although I've not been successfully  
proving that through testing Net_Vpopmaild), or it could be a  
vpopmaild problem.



Re: [toaster] Urgent: preline: fatal: unable to run /usr/bin/maildrop: file does not exist

2008-05-01 Thread Bill Shupp

On May 1, 2008, at 1:32 PM, JP Maxwell / Gmail wrote:

Got it!

So, if creating a new account on this system does not seem to go  
through maildrop - my guess is I don't need it anymore?  Is that  

That depends.  Why are did you need maildrop in the first place?


Re: [toaster] Urgent: preline: fatal: unable to run /usr/bin/maildrop: file does not exist

2008-05-01 Thread Bill Shupp

On May 1, 2008, at 12:21 PM, JP Maxwell / Gmail wrote:

Hmm - ok, not sure.  I did google mailfilter, but it didn't seem too  

p   courier- 
- Courier 
 mail server - mail delivery agent
- mail 
 delivery agent with filtering abilities

I installed maildrop from the above list - I'm assuming I didn't  
want the courier-maildrop.

Pardon my ignorance.  Everything does seem to work by removing that  
line from the .qmail files - I'm actually just trying to learn what  
the problem was.

man maildrop

You're maildroprc was not migrated.


Re: [toaster] Delivery Status Notification (Failure) - spammers

2008-04-24 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 24, 2008, at 12:59 PM, Andras Kende wrote:


Can you tell me what is the best way to
deal with "Delivery Status Notification (Failure)"
notices if due to spammers faking sender from field?

Enabling SPF can help.



Re: [toaster] Splitting the Toaster

2008-04-24 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 24, 2008, at 10:22 AM, Harm van Tilborg wrote:

Hi Bill,

What exactly is the benefit of using clamd-stream-client?

What we do is we have seperate boxes that receive e-mail (6 systems  
in total), which are announced as four different MX hosts. They all  
do spam (spamassassin) and virus (clam) scanning, and forward e-mail  
(if it contains no viruses, and a spam score lower then 15) to the  
MTA servers.

If such MX servers (as we call it) fails, there are 5 servers left  
to replace this one. So concurrency is quite spread out. However,  
MTA servers are all single, we are still looking for a good solution  
to this...

It just depends how you want to scale your infrastructure.  By  
segregating scanning from smtp, you can put more horsepower behind the  
scanning segment, and less behind the smtp part.  So I think it's more  
flexible.  But it's also more complex than what you're doing.   
However, if you're using NFS for chkuser lookups, your method might be  
more taxing on the NFS box.  Both solutions will likely work fine,  



Re: [toaster] Splitting the Toaster

2008-04-24 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 24, 2008, at 8:37 AM, Gary Bowling wrote:

I have struggled lately with my server utilization and am now  
planning to upgrade my hardware. It occurs to me that the majority  
of my utilization problems are due to spam and virus checking and   
not general email.

How difficult is it to split the spam and clam components off to a  
different server?

Does someone have a "cook book" on how to set this up?

It's not hard.  I believe simscan let's you specify the spamc  
arguments (to talk to a remote spamd server).  Regarding clamdscan, I  
use clamd-stream-client, and call it with a shell script.  On the  
client system, I simply replace the clamdscan binary with my shell  
script (which calls clamd-stream-client to talk to the remote clamd  
server).  No changes to the simscan setup needed for this.



[toaster] ToasterAdmin 0.0.3

2008-04-21 Thread Bill Shupp


I just posted 0.0.3.  From the ChangeLog:

0.0.3 -  4/21/2008
* Centralize form creation in ToasterAdmin_Form::factory()
* Added edit account limits
* Added Italian Translation (thanks Filip Majewski)
* Force character set with bind_textdomain_charset()
* Added Dutch translation (thanks Harm von Tilburg)
* Added Portuguese BR translation (thanks Carlos Cesario)




Re: [toaster] Toaster Admin

2008-04-15 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 15, 2008, at 8:46 AM, Qmail List wrote:

Hi Bill,

Vqadmin has the following functions. Will Toaster Admin inherit  
them? Is it
possible to have an overall administrator which is able to access  


Add Domain
Add Alias Domain
Delete Domain
View Domain
List Domains

Email Accounts
Add Email Account
Delete Email Account
View Email Account
Show Users

Global Qmail Controls
Qmail Control Files

Current feature list is here:

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg25962.html

You have to grant sysadmin privileges from cli right now:




Re: [toaster] ToasterAdmin 0.0.2

2008-04-14 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 14, 2008, at 12:06 PM, Lampa wrote:


installed and works perfectly ;) Runnig qmail on other host than web
(for qmailadmin must be apache installed on qmail machine)

Is there some documentation (API) about vpopmaild? We must write own
app for some managers, which wants everything in one window. So need
to know how to comunicate with vpopmaild.

There is README.vpopmaild.  But your best bet is to check out the  
vpopmaild.c source. There's also some help from the "help" command.

If you're developing in PHP, you can view the API docs for  


Perhaps czech translation will be available soon.

That would be great, thanks!



Re: [toaster] ToasterAdmin 0.0.2

2008-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 13, 2008, at 12:06 PM, Harm van Tilborg wrote:


You're doing great. I haven't tried it yet, but I will within two  
weeks. I will also make a Dutch translation for you (and for  
everyone else of course ;]).


I was however wondering if ToasterAdmin is fully compatible with  
everything generated by qmailadmin and vqadmin. I.e. the made limit  
files, vacation msgs, etc. etc.

It should be, but it needs thorough testing.



[toaster] ToasterAdmin 0.0.2

2008-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp


I've just posted ToasterAdmin 0.0.2.  The main change is a Turkish  
translation by Metin KAYA.  (Within 8 hours of the release, no less!   
Thanks Metin!).  Unless you need this translation, there's no reason  
to upgrade.




Re: [toaster] ToasterAdmin

2008-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 13, 2008, at 8:56 AM, Qmail List wrote:

Screenshots are now on the wiki.  There is also a 0.0.1 release,
includes the PEAR dependencies.

I tried installing it. It says "Connection refused". Any idea?

Either config.xml is not configured to point to the right host/port,
or vpopmaild is not running.  See if you can connect manually via

Yes. Its working. I had forgotten to ln -s vpopmaild run script to / 

Will mailing list be added?

Yes, as noted many times before.  :)  I can't do it until vpopmaild  
supports it.  Last time I check with Rick Widmer, he was planning to  
add the ezmlm support to vpopmaild.  But I'm not sure if that's still  
the case.  It'll get added eventually.



Re: [toaster] ToasterAdmin

2008-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 13, 2008, at 1:54 AM, Lampa wrote:

How much is vpopmail 5.4.26 stable to use in real server. Any changes
which are not in touch with vpopmaild ?

Thank you.

See the ChangeLog.  The changes are not significant, but required by  



Re: [toaster] ToasterAdmin

2008-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 13, 2008, at 1:18 AM, Qmail List wrote:
Screenshots are now on the wiki.  There is also a 0.0.1 release,  

includes the PEAR dependencies.

I tried installing it. It says "Connection refused". Any idea?

Either config.xml is not configured to point to the right host/port,  
or vpopmaild is not running.  See if you can connect manually via  

$ telnet localhost 89
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.



Re: [toaster] --enable-valias support in toasteradmin

2008-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 13, 2008, at 7:52 AM, aichains wrote:

hi bill,

thanks for your work!

for some reason when i add a forward for a domain, i get
a .qmail-FWDNAME in the domain's homedir rather than a line inserted  

vpopmail.valias mysql table.  is that the correct/intended behavior ?

here is the configure line for my vpopmail (5.4.25)

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/vpopmail \
--enable-tcpserver-file=/var/qmail/control/cdb/public.rules \
--enable-file-sync --enable-qmail-ext --enable-auth-module=mysql \
--enable-logging=v --enable-mysql-limits --enable-mysql-replication \
--enable-valias --enable-onchange-script --disable-users-big-dir \
--no-create --no-recursion

i think the --enable-valias bit is the issue im seeing...

os is centos5, 32bit.

This might be a vpopmaild issue.  Using the cdb backend, I don't get  
these results.  I'll have to setup a MySQL test environment to see if  
I can reproduce this.  But this might not be for a few days.

also, a feature i always wanted in qmailadmin was an account that  

control all domains from one login...i thought the provisions for this
were already built into vpopmail's bitmask permission schema
(vmoduser -S)...

You can't currently make that change in ToasterAdmin (but will be able  
to later).  But in the meantime, you can grant it from the command  
line (vmoduser -S [EMAIL PROTECTED]), and then log into ToasterAdmin as [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
.  Now [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be able to modify all domains.



Re: [toaster] ToasterAdmin

2008-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 13, 2008, at 8:03 AM, Jeff Koch wrote:

Hi Bill - I looked all over your website and can't find the wiki -  
can I have a link please?




Re: [toaster] ToasterAdmin

2008-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 13, 2008, at 12:01 AM, Lampa wrote:


is possible to see screenshots or demo to try it ?

Screenshots are now on the wiki.  There is also a 0.0.1 release, which  
includes the PEAR dependencies.


Bill Shupp

[toaster] ToasterAdmin

2008-04-07 Thread Bill Shupp


I've been a working on a vpopmail administration tool, ToasterAdmin,  
which is now ready for wider testing.  So I'd like to encourage any  
brave folks with some extra time on their hands to give it a whirl.   
Before doing so, please note a few things:

1) This is alpha quality, do not try it in production.
2) Installation requires installing PEAR packages and checking out  
source from subversion.  If you are not comfortable with this, you  
should wait until there are release packages available later.
3) There is no Mailing List support - that is pending ezmlm support in  
4) Requires vpopmaild to be running (there is an example run file on  
the wiki).

That being said, feel free to try it:


Some highlights:

1) Written in OOP PHP 5, using PEAR and an MVC Framework.  Should be  
easy to maintain.
2) Uses the the new Net_Vpopmaild PEAR package to communicate with a  
remote vpopmail system - ToasterAdmin doesn't need to run on your mail  

3) Uses the Smarty template engine.
4) Will have internationalization (not all text is wrapped in gettext  
calls yet).

5) Intended as a hybrid replacement of QmailAdmin and VQAdmin.


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] surbl support

2008-04-04 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 4, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Michael McCallister wrote:


Sorry to bug the list, but I cannot figure this out.  I really like  
the idea of surbl support on the smtp level before it hits SA (i.e.  
wipe out junk before it hits SA).  However, I can't seem to get it  
to work.  I am running the latest toaster and I can see all the  
SURBL additions to qmail-smtpd.c.  I have exported SURBL=1 in /var/ 
qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run and /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp

In my tests, I send an email with a URL I know is in multi.surbl.org  
(only the URL in the body) while having "tcpdump port 53" fired up -  
there are no lookups on multi.surbl.org and the email gets through.   
When I enable the URIBL tests in SA, I see the lookups so I know  
that DNS is working.

SURBL checking might be skipped if RELAYCLIENT is set, I don't  
recall.  Try an smtp connection where you don't use SMTP-AUTH or come  
from an IP that has RELAYCLIENT set.



Re: [toaster] Domainkeys

2008-04-03 Thread Bill Shupp

On Apr 3, 2008, at 11:36 AM, Dennis Erickson wrote:

I found this is one of the archives and wanted to know if this is  
still current before I try any implementation.


Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:54:24 -0700

That post is very old.  Building libdomainkeys and the qmail patch  
have been rolled into the toaster for a while now.  Those directions  
are obsolete if you installed qmail via this toaster.



Re: [toaster] IMAP Folders

2008-03-13 Thread Bill Shupp

On Mar 13, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Jeff Koch wrote:


When we setup a new domain or new users to the mailserver with ./ 
vadddomain or ./vadduser we generally do not see the skelton IMAP  
folders getting created - i.e. sent, drafts, etc. When exactly do  
they get created and is there a way to force them to be created when  
an email acocunt is setup?  It gets confusing to end users.

Those are setup by any IMAP client.  If you want to create a specific  
skeleton, you could wrap your creation scripts in a shell script that  
creates them and populates courierimapscribed file.  You might want to  
note that there is no standard naming conventions of these folders.   
One client might default to recognizing sent, drafts, and trash, while  
another would use sent-maill, Drafts, and Trash.  I've seen this a lot  
when switching between Mail.app, SquirrelMail, and IMP.



Re: [toaster] Possible doc error ?

2008-02-25 Thread Bill Shupp

On Feb 25, 2008, at 10:04 AM, Rick Macdougall wrote:


One of my bussies was using the toaster to install a new server and  
came across this prereq.

yum install gcc g++ gcc-g++ gdbm gdbm-devel openssl openssl-devel  
stunnel krb5-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel

He really needed c++ and gcc=c++, not g++.  Is this a typo ?

The last time I checked, the RH rpm name was gcc-c++.  But that was a  
while ago.  Note that different distributions use different package  
names.  What distribution are you using?



Re: [toaster] CHKUSR - Odd Problem

2008-02-05 Thread Bill Shupp

On Feb 5, 2008, at 6:50 AM, Joey Novak wrote:

Hey Lampa,

  It is a good idea.  As I dug through the code, I came up with a  
similar theory, but nothing is editing the files...  So, unless too  
many qmail-smtpd's running at once can cause a new process not to be  
able to read a control file then I don't think that is the problem.  
In our cluster.  Each server has it's own set of control files,  we  
don't add domains very often (maybe once in six months.)  So when we  
do, we just copy the new files over to each server individualy, so I  
don't think it is an NFS problem.

Are you guys using MySQL or cdb?  If MySQL, are the connections  
filling up?  I think this may have been addressed so that if it's an  
sql failure, chkuser allows the message through.  But it's worth  



Re: [toaster] what's up with clamav ???

2008-01-22 Thread Bill Shupp

On Jan 22, 2008, at 7:08 PM, Mike Schleif wrote:

Please, advise status of toaster/clamav?

v0.90.2 is outdated a long time.

When can we expect to see v0.92?

What do you think?

You can upgrade clamav without waiting for a toaster update.  :)


Re: [toaster] Installing Toaster on Fedora 8

2007-12-28 Thread Bill Shupp

Jeff Koch wrote:


installed. Unless there's a typo Yum reports that g++ and gcc-g++ do 
not exist.

Not all distributions use the same name, that's probably the issue.  
Does anyone have a list of which RPM distributions use which names?



Re: [toaster] Can I edit /command/svscanboot ??

2007-12-11 Thread Bill Shupp

On Dec 11, 2007, at 1:56 AM, Carlos Cesario wrote:


Maybe this can solve the problem!


I see.  Thanks for the info.



Re: [toaster] Can I edit /command/svscanboot ??

2007-12-10 Thread Bill Shupp

On Dec 10, 2007, at 11:30 AM, Maciej Sołtysiak wrote:

And on systems which do not have /etc/inittab, /etc/rc.local is used

== other thing to Bill ==
Bill, did you know that using your toaster on Ubuntu (e.g. 7.10) will
cause problems because, there's not /etc/inittab and /etc/rc.local has

   exit 0

at the end of the file, so the scripts will add

   csh -cf '/command/svscanboot &'

after exit 0 and you have to move it manually?

Where is inittab on on  Ubuntu 7.10?

Re: [toaster] qmail in public domain

2007-12-03 Thread Bill Shupp

Hash: SHA1

On Dec 3, 2007, at 8:13 AM, Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Bill Shupp wrote:

It's official:


And according to this article, all his software is in public domain:


I haven't checked them all yet.

Awesome news..

So what are your plans in lieu of this?  Any changes to your  
toaster as

a result?

I don't have any solid plans at the moment, as I'm pretty busy with  
other stuff right now.  I'd love to have the time to maintain debian  
packages of the whole toaster suite.  But the src install  
instructions are pretty handy to have, especially when working with  
some of the BSD variants and OS X.  And as of now, I'm only aware of  
qmail being in the public domain.  So there would be issues with the  
other related packages until that changes.

But I suspect there will be different efforts.  Some folks will  
maintain OS specific binary packages, some will stick with DBJ  
specific locations for their packages, etc.  I'm sure the  
QmailToaster guys will switch over to binary rpms pretty quickly, as  
their system is pretty automated.

Anyway, I'll be getting back to a toaster update soon, as it's a  
little out of date.   But it may not be much different at the  
moment.  I'm actually more interested in finishing up ToasterAdmin  
now that Net_Vpopmaild has been release through PEAR.


Bill Shupp
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


[toaster] qmail in public domain

2007-12-03 Thread Bill Shupp

It's official:


And according to this article, all his software is in public domain:


I haven't checked them all yet.



Re: [toaster] qmail in the public domain?

2007-11-12 Thread Bill Shupp

On Nov 12, 2007, at 3:34 PM, Alessio Cecchi wrote:


We expect a new version of qmail, like qmail-1.06 ?

That's the rumor, which has been confirmed by Russell Nelson.   
However, http://cr.yp.to/qmail/dist.html has not been updated to  
reflect it.


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] qmail blacklist

2007-11-12 Thread Bill Shupp

On Nov 12, 2007, at 3:15 PM, Lampa wrote:


which are current rbl sites for rblsmtpd ? I'm using -r
sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org  -r list.dsbl.org -r rbl-plus.mail-abuse.org -r

Or there is better way to drop spammers ?

zen.spamhaus.org also includes public IPs, as well as sbl-xbl.  I  
think that's important.  However, you must have a dedicated incoming  
mx process, as your customers on public IPs would get denied.



Re: [toaster] Applying John Simpsons validrcptto patch

2007-11-03 Thread Bill Shupp

On Nov 3, 2007, at 9:34 AM, Rick Widmer wrote:

Tom Collins wrote:

On Nov 1, 2007, at 4:50 PM, Bill Shupp wrote:

What does this patch do that chkuser doesn't already do?

Validrcptto uses ONCHANGE to monitor actions that add or delete  
accounts on the mail server.  The valid address list is stored in  
a .cdb file that is easy to copy to other servers in a cluster.   
Earlier versions used cron to scan the user list periodically.

Chkuser links to vchkpw and valias_ to determine  
if an address is valid.  This should be much faster, but only works  
on the local machine.  Maybe there could be a version that works  
with vpopmaild, but still I think validrcptto is a better choice  
for clusters.

In the clusters I build, I always have NFS mounts of the mail spool  
on the smtp boxes for just this reason.  chkuser works fine if it has  
access to local files, and there's no syncing needed.



Re: [toaster] block outgoing messages

2007-11-01 Thread Bill Shupp

On Nov 1, 2007, at 2:41 PM, Lampa wrote:


is there some way to prevent users to send email to specific emails
address ? (eg from domain1.com cannot send emails to domain2.com)

Not outside of per-user spam assassin preferences.  But you can do  
global entries in /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom.



Re: [toaster] Applying John Simpsons validrcptto patch

2007-11-01 Thread Bill Shupp

On Nov 1, 2007, at 8:08 AM, Sasa Ebach wrote:


I am trying to apply John Simpsons validrcptto[1] patch[2] to the  
netqmail source, but I am getting errors.

# patch < ../netqmail-1.05-validrcptto.cdb.2.patch
patching file Makefile
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1535.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 1553.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file Makefile.rej
patching file qmail-smtpd.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 23.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 291 with fuzz 2 (offset 230 lines).
Hunk #3 FAILED at 331.
Hunk #4 FAILED at 355.
Hunk #5 succeeded at 475 (offset 252 lines).
Hunk #6 FAILED at 590.
Hunk #7 FAILED at 753.
5 out of 7 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file qmail-smtpd.c.rej

I am applying this patch after I applied the toaster patches. Which  
is probably why it won't work. I am wondering if anybody else has  
done this successfully? Are these two patches mutually exclusive?

[1] http://qmail.jms1.net/patches/validrcptto.cdb.shtml
[2] http://qmail.jms1.net/patches/netqmail-1.05-validrcptto.cdb. 

What does this patch do that chkuser doesn't already do?


Re: [toaster] Qmail Failover Server issues

2007-09-12 Thread Bill Shupp

On Sep 12, 2007, at 8:06 AM, James Gorz wrote:

  In-house we've set up a server to act as a secondary MX record to  
the domains we host mail.  The server then forwards these messages  
to the actual mail server the domain is hosted.  The goal is that,  
in the event a server dies, mail is still collected and gathered,  
waiting to be delivered to the proper server.  The setup of qmail  
follows the toaster guide.

  Because the actual mail servers are working fine - the server is  
getting nothing but spam and junk emails, filling the queue is  
growing to huge sizes over 117K in messages!  Spamassassin is  
barely able to keep up with the load, and I'm sure clamav isn't far  
behind.  We've been pruning the queue of messages using qmHandle,  
but we need something that handles things on its own.  We've also  
set the queue lifetime to be 12 hours.

  Some ideas we've been comtemplation to fix the issue:
- another failover server set up the same way that handles 1/2 the  
domains secondary MX records.
- some qmail patch that reject the mail if the actual server is  
still online and operational

- keep failover server offline until needed

Any suggestions on this are appreciated.  Thanks.

I put greylisting on all backup MX boxes.  It weeds out a lot of the  
junk.  Make sure it has a lot of RBLs setup too, especially dialup/ 
public lists, which can block a lot of bot nets.


Re: [toaster] Need some advice on webmail clients

2007-09-07 Thread Bill Shupp

On Sep 7, 2007, at 12:14 PM, Jose wrote:

I'm looking for some advice about webmail clients. I'm still using  
sqwebmail because it's very lighter and accesses maildirs directly.
Now I'm gonna move to a new server, and I'm looking for a new  
webmail client for my toaster. With more than 20,000 users  
accessing daily the webmail, I'm afraid the system gets very slow  
with a php-based client such Squirrelmail or Imp.
Another solution is Openwebmail, a perl webclient that accesses  
maildirs directly (with a patch).
So, what do you recommend ? Horde/Imp, Squirrelmail or should I  
sacrifice some beauty functions and use sqwebmail or openwebmail  
instead ?

I doubt you will find better performance than SqWebmail.  All IMAP  
clients pale in comparison.  But last time I checked, SqWebmail  
*still* didn't have a search feature, and some of the HTML is hard  
coded.  Two things that made it less appealing.  I've also found it  
ignores my "do not archive" settings, and always archives my sent mail.

Anyway, IMP is more feature filled, looks very nice, but is a bit  
sluggish.  SquirrelMail has a really easy to use plugin architecture,  
uses its own imap functions (not the imap extension), so it's more  
appealing to work with in some regards.  That's what I use currently.

You might also have a look at RoundCube.  Itt uses AJAX nicely to  
have more of desktop feel to it, and the skin looks like  
Thunderbird.  Looks very promising.  But for performance, it's still  
IMAP and if you have a really really big mailbox like mine, it can be  



Re: [toaster] Blackberry integration

2007-09-06 Thread Bill Shupp

On Sep 5, 2007, at 10:43 PM, Mark wrote:


Kindly let me know if it is possible to integrate
blackberry with the toaster and if yes how to do it.
Please treat as urgent.

The toaster works with any IMAP/POP client.



Re: [toaster] Bill Shupps Qmailtoaster + Domainkeys installation howto with TSL 3.05

2007-08-29 Thread Bill Shupp

On Aug 29, 2007, at 8:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have edited the title. Many thanks also.


Re: [toaster] Bill Shupps Qmailtoaster + Domainkeys installation howto with TSL 3.05

2007-08-29 Thread Bill Shupp

On Aug 29, 2007, at 7:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,
I just have written how to install Bill Shupps Qmailtoaster with  

Secure Linux 3.05 including the domainkeys setup. If you interesting
please visit http://www.sangprabv.web.id/articles/ and let me know any

Thanks for the note.  However, my name is misspelled at the top, and  
the actual title is "Bill's Linux Qmail Toaster", not "Bill Shupp  
Qmailtoaster".  QmailToaster is a completely different installation  
document  based on RPMs (www.qmailtoaster.com).  It has little to do  
with my documentation.



Re: [toaster] chkuser and /etc/passwd

2007-08-19 Thread Bill Shupp

On Aug 18, 2007, at 8:07 PM, Walt Gnann wrote:

Does chkuser support checking for users in /etc/passwd?  I  
installed Toaster v 0.9.2.  chkuser works on virtual domains fine,  
however, local addresses are accepted by chkuser regardless of  
whether they're valid or not.

Correct.  It does not check for local users.  The solution is to just  
make everything virtual.



Re: [toaster] SMTP AUTH and authenticated sender

2007-08-03 Thread Bill Shupp

On Aug 3, 2007, at 5:28 AM, Muhammad Mukmin Pattikraton wrote:

On 8/3/07, Bill Shupp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Aug 2, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Muhammad Mukmin Pattikraton wrote:


I know when someone has authenticated via SMTP AUTH mechanism, he or
she can send email with whatever sender address.
My question, is there a way to restrict the sender address with the
address that being used to authenticate ? Or at least restrict the

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


man -M /var/qmail/man qmail-smtpd



Ok, I've read the documentation about badmailto but (please correct me
if i'm wrong) it's used to reject email with recipient address' listed
in it.

My problem is ...
Let's say Mr. Foo has an account [EMAIL PROTECTED] in Mail System A
with SMTP AUTH verification and vpopmail.
When Mr. Foo has succeeded to authenticate with [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
password *** , I want him can only send email with sender address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] And when he tries to use sender address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] when he had authenticated with [EMAIL PROTECTED],
the system will reject to relay so he could not fake the sender
Is that possible to do that ?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Sorry, I misread your query.  I'm not aware of how to do what you  
need.  However, the authenticated user will be embedded in the  
headers.  So it's not completely forged.


Re: [toaster] SMTP AUTH and authenticated sender

2007-08-02 Thread Bill Shupp

On Aug 2, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Muhammad Mukmin Pattikraton wrote:


I know when someone has authenticated via SMTP AUTH mechanism, he or
she can send email with whatever sender address.
My question, is there a way to restrict the sender address with the
address that being used to authenticate ? Or at least restrict the

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


man -M /var/qmail/man qmail-smtpd



Re: [toaster] Problem with Outgoing mail

2007-07-25 Thread Bill Shupp

Please do not put the toaster list address in in both to and cc:

To: toaster@shupp.org, Jussi Siponen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "toaster@shupp.org" 

It just creates duplicates for everyone.



Re: [toaster] Spam scores required

2007-07-24 Thread Bill Shupp
> It exactly is (trying to make hits 5.1 for that domain):
> bohemiaevents.com:clam=yes,spam=yes,spam_passthru=yes,attach=.vbs:.lnk:.scr:.wsh:.hta:.pif,spam_hits=5.1
> :clam=yes,spam=yes,spam_passthru=yes,attach=.vbs:.lnk:.scr:.wsh:.hta:.pif

Ah, I think I know what's happening.  I believe spam_hits does not
change the spam threshhold for being marked as spam, but rather changes
the *reject* threshold.  Perhaps someone knows for sure?  I don't have
time to look it up.

If you need custom scores for users, you should look into per-user
preferences, like storing preferences in SQL.


Re: [toaster] Spam scores required

2007-07-24 Thread Bill Shupp
Rick Macdougall wrote:
> Hi,
> It doesn't work in 1.3.1, it appears to work in 1.2.
> Also, the regex rules run regardless of any entries in simcontrol that
> specify regex NOT to run for a given domain or [EMAIL PROTECTED], this
> applies to 1.2 and 1.3.1


I can't speak to the regex feature, I don't use it.  But custom
spam_hits settings do indeed work for me in 1.3.1.


Re: [toaster] Spam scores required

2007-07-24 Thread Bill Shupp
> Hi Bill,
> nice to write to you ;-)
> Unfortunately yes:
> It was created by configure, which was
> generated by GNU Autoconf 2.59.  Invocation command line was
>   $ ./configure --enable-user=clamav --enable-clamav=y --enable-spam=y
> --enable-spam-passthru=y --enable-per-domain=y --enable-ripmime
> --enable-attach=y --enable-received=y
>  --enable-custom-smtp-reject=y --enable-spam-hits=6
> --enable-quarantinedir=/var/qmail/quarantine
> Should I disable anything?

Make sure your custom simcontrol entry is *above* any default entry.  If
it's below it, the default will override your custom entry.  Rules are
read from the top down, just like tcp.smtp.



Re: [toaster] Spam scores required

2007-07-24 Thread Bill Shupp
Roman Bělonohý wrote:
> Hello,
> after a years with Bill's toaster I have a problem :-/
> An owner of one domain is complaining about spam. I wanted to lower
> default "required score" from 2.5 to let's say 2
> I added this line
> bohemiaevents.com:clam=yes,spam=yes,spam_passthru=yes,attach=.vbs:.lnk:.scr:.wsh:.hta:.pif,spam_hits=2.0
> to /var/qmail/control/simcontrol and executed simscanmk.

Did you compile simscan with --enable-spam-hits?  If not, then you can't
set it in simcontrol.



Re: [toaster] simscan error message

2007-07-22 Thread Bill Shupp
Joey Novak wrote:
> I get that error message on our mail servers to, and have been for a
> long time...
Yeah, I believe it's a simscan issue, and it's nothing to worry about. 
Just ignore it.


Re: [toaster] Problem with ezmlm and alias domain

2007-07-18 Thread Bill Shupp
Martin Pittelkow wrote:
> Hi,
> for all who encounter the same problem:
>>> I have a domain "domain.tld" and a domain "alias.tld" aliased to
>>> "domain.tld". I added a mailing list "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". My problem:
>>> When I send a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (i.e. the aliased domain which
>>> should have the mailing list, too), I get an error:
>>> ezmlm-reject: fatal: List address must be in To: or Cc: (#5.7.0)
> Add the option -T after "ezmlm-reject" in the file
> /listname/editor - this will fix the problem.
While it may solve your problem, I wouldn't do it.  Requiring the list
name to be in the to or cc headers is pretty important in securing the
list IMO.



Re: [toaster] Problem with ezmlm and alias domain

2007-07-17 Thread Bill Shupp
Martin Pittelkow wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a domain "domain.tld" and a domain "alias.tld" aliased to
> "domain.tld". I added a mailing list "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". My problem:
> When I send a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (i.e. the aliased domain which
> should have the mailing list, too), I get an error:
> ezmlm-reject: fatal: List address must be in To: or Cc: (#5.7.0)
> Any hint how to fix this?

I don't believe ezmlm works with aliased domains.  Check out
www.ezmlm.org, though, that's the main source for ezmlm-idx lists.


Re: [toaster] Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)

2007-07-09 Thread Bill Shupp
> Hi List,
> Does anybody experienced problem
> "Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)"? I have
> tried googling and found some answers but none work with my toaster.
> Many thanks for any reply and response.

It means exactly what is says...  "Sorry, I [qmail-remote] wasn't able
to establish an SMTP connection [to the remote mail server]".  This
means one of the following:

a) The server is down/not accepting connections
b) There is network trouble between your mail server and the remote mail

Nothing more, nothing less.


Re: [toaster] simscan core dumping on me

2007-07-05 Thread Bill Shupp
Sasa Ebach wrote:
> Hi,
> first: great tutorial. Thank you for all this hard work.
Thanks, glad you find it useful.

> Now. For some reason I cannot get simscan to work und Debian Etch.
> Here is my info:
> I compiled simsan with:
> ./configure \
> --enable-user=clamav \
> --enable-clamav=y \
> --enable-spam=y \
> --enable-spam-passthru=y \
> --enable-per-domain=y \
> --enable-regex=y \
> --enable-ripmime \
> --enable-attach=y \
> --enable-received=y
> But when I call it, it dumps on me. Here is a transcript.
simscan segfaults when you call it from the command line (for me on
Sarge, anyway).  It probably shouldn't.  But it does work fine when
called properly from qmail-smtpd.  Does it not for you?


Re: [toaster] setting up smtp-auth

2007-07-03 Thread Bill Shupp
Bill Shupp wrote:
> Kubilay Akyol (Radore Telekom) wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How will I add a MX2 configuration to toaster? As far as I know it Works
>> work ETRN commands?
> ETRN is not supported as far as I know.
There is this patch, but I've never used it:



Re: [toaster] setting up smtp-auth

2007-07-03 Thread Bill Shupp
Kubilay Akyol (Radore Telekom) wrote:
> Hello,
> How will I add a MX2 configuration to toaster? As far as I know it Works
> work ETRN commands?
ETRN is not supported as far as I know.

> Any examples?
Just setup another qmail installation (no vpopmail).  Sync over the
rcpthosts, and morercpthosts* files on a periodic basis (daily or
hourly), and add the new MX as a lower priority MX host.  It's really as
simple as that.

You probably want to increase spam defenses on the secondary MX, since
it'll be more of a target.  I personally use greylistsing on all
secondary MX boxes.


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] setting up smtp-auth

2007-06-30 Thread Bill Shupp
Hank wrote:
> Yes, once I sent that message, I did try it and it worked.  So how do
> I shut
> off non-auth access (on port 25)?

Recompile vpopmail without --enable-roaming-users, and you'll disable
POP before SMTP.  Any other relaying is already disabled by default in
qmail (as long as at least one domain is in rcpthosts).



Re: [toaster] setting up smtp-auth

2007-06-30 Thread Bill Shupp
Hank wrote:
> Hello,
>  I installed the shupp toaster on a RHEL 3 server a couple of years ago,
> and haven't really touched it since.  I now need to enable smtp-auth and
> disable regular (non-auth) smtp connections (don't worry, they had been
> restricted by two firewalls only to allowed IPs).
> I've searched the web and the history of this list looking for a real
> quick
> "how to" to do this (enable/configure one, disable the other).  I have
> the
> following reply when telnetting to the server:
> ehlo test
> 250-..net
> 250-8BITMIME
> 250-SIZE 0
> So it's installed... I just don't know how to configure it.  Any help or
> pointers would be most appreciated.

Have you tried it and it failed?  Looks like it's already setup to me.


Re: [toaster] domainkeys ???

2007-06-26 Thread Bill Shupp
Michael D Schleif wrote:
> At the bottom of this page:
> there is the last section, headed thusly:
> "Now let's compile libdomainkeys, we'll need that later:"
> I do NOT see where this is later used.
> What am I missing?

qmail-toaster-0.9.1.patch requires the libdomainkeys library.  This
patch is applied to netqmail during vpopmail installation (libvpopmail
is also required by the patch).

There are currently no instructions in the toaster on implementing
qmail-dk.  Check out the man qmail-dk man page for implementation
information, it's all there.



Re: [toaster] simscan-1.3.1.shupp2: spam_hits NOT working ???

2007-06-22 Thread Bill Shupp
Bill Shupp wrote:
> Michael D Schleif wrote:
>> We did NOT change spamassassin.
>> Other than --enable-spam-hits=6 -- which nullifies
>> --enable-spam-passthru=y , doesn't it? -- I do NOT find any clues in
>> your config.
>> What else ought I to investigate?
> I'm seeing the same problem.  I have not had time yet to track it down,
> but will report back when I do.

Ok, I simply had not configured it with spam-hits when I upgraded (look
for "unimplemented flag spam_hits = ..." when debugging).  I now have
simscan 1.3.1shupp2 compiled thusly:

./configure --enable-user=clamav \
--enable-spam-hits=10 \
--enable-clamav=y \
--enable-spam=y \
--enable-spam-passthru=y \
--enable-per-domain=y \
--enable-ripmime \
--enable-attach=y \
--enable-custom-smtp-reject=y \

Debug now shows this:

simscan:[15929]:SPAM REJECT (38.10/10.00):...

Which means 10 is overriding 5 in local.cf.  And a spam_hits=3 override
is working as expected:

simscan:[16535]:SPAM REJECT (23.70/3.00): ...


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] simscan-1.3.1.shupp2: spam_hits NOT working ???

2007-06-21 Thread Bill Shupp
Michael D Schleif wrote:
> We did NOT change spamassassin.
> Other than --enable-spam-hits=6 -- which nullifies
> --enable-spam-passthru=y , doesn't it? -- I do NOT find any clues in
> your config.
> What else ought I to investigate?

I'm seeing the same problem.  I have not had time yet to track it down,
but will report back when I do.



Re: [toaster] sub domain mail routing

2007-05-21 Thread Bill Shupp
Mark wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have 5 domains say sub1.domain.com with user1 
>  ...sub5.domain.com with user5 in it. All mails will
> be received by mail.domian.com and if it is for user1
> it needs to be routed to mail.sub1.domain.com. Please
> let me know if this is possible. 
> Thanks

Sounds like you want sub1.domain.com to be the default domain, so that
the client can just use "user1" instead of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  If
so I believe you can just put sub1.domain.com in
~vpopmail/etc/defaultdomain.  I don't recall if there's still a
configure option required for this.  There used to be, but that might
not be the case anymore.



Re: [toaster] courier issues?

2007-05-19 Thread Bill Shupp
John wrote:
> I spoke too soon,
> during the make, I get:
> Compiling authdaemon.c
> authdaemon.c:1: error: bad value (generic) for -mtune= switch
> make[2]: *** [authdaemon.lo] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/src/courier-authlib-0.59.1'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/src/courier-authlib-0.59.1'
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> Any ideas?
None.  You might try the courier users list.



Re: [toaster] SMTP timeout sending mail

2007-05-18 Thread Bill Shupp
J.T. Johnston wrote:
> In the last few days I have been having extremely long waits when
> sending emails.  It is now to the point that most mail clients timeout
> before the server responds.  I have connected via telnet on port 25
> and noticed that I connect but have a wait of 1 to 2 minutes before
> the '220 - mail.mydomain.com Welcome to Qmail Toaster...' line comes
> up.  The last time I had a problem with email similar to this, the DNS
> servers that I use had changed (I'm not using DNS caching).  Now, it
> appears that DNS lookups are very quick (pinging google.com returns an
> address immediately & receiving email is not a problem).  Any
> suggestions?

Your rsa/dh temporary keys might not be readable, or are missing,
causing them to be created on the fly.  Try running



Re: [toaster] simscan: connect error 2

2007-05-09 Thread Bill Shupp
Noel Sanchez wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am using the latest toaster version and getting this error, is it
>> normal? and i noticed email with this error doesn't go through. I read
>> mail archive said this error was fix with the version of 1.3x. Really
>> need help on this.
>> Thanks in Advance.
> I had a siliar problem and followed this advice and found a fix:
> http://osdir.com/ml/mail.qmail.simscan/2007-01/msg2.html

It appears that it's related to the new "p0f passive finger printing
with poor mans greylisting for unknown windows senders" feature.  Can
anyone attest to how useful this is?  I've not looked at it closely yet.



Re: [toaster] Simscan 1.3.1.shupp2

2007-05-07 Thread Bill Shupp
Shane Chrisp wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 13:58 +0800, Shane Chrisp wrote:
>  Well I can confirm that raising the score to 10 as below fixed the
> issue. It would appear that if SA marks the message as spam, then
> simscan would bounce it regardless of the score in the simcontrol file.
> Im using a score of 10 as none of the domains are using a score higher
> than this, but you would probably be able to set the required_hits to
> 100 if you wanted to.
> Spamd:
> 2007-05-07 21:08:06.336703500 [678] info: spamd: clean message
> (8.6/10.0) for clamav:89 in 6.9 seconds, 18645 bytes.
> simscan:
> 2007-05-07 21:08:06.448404500 simscan:[2406]:SPAM REJECT
> (8.60/5.50):9.3654s:Any idea:...
> Shane

I thought spam_hits was to be used with spam_passthru.  So you would not
rely on rejecting spam via spam_assassin's threshold, but only spam_hits
in simcontrol.  So that the point of spam_hits is so you can allow spam
in under a certain threshold, say for going through an optional spam
folder, rather than SMTP rejection.  This is the only way that I've used
spam_hits in the past rather than just turning off passthru.



Re: [toaster] French Translation

2007-05-04 Thread Bill Shupp
laety Boop wrote:
> I am going to work on a french translation.
> If someone is intersting to help for this job please contact me.


I don't believe anyone is working on a French translation yet, so that
would be great if you could do one.  The original English file can
always be downloaded here:


And you can browse other translation files for reference in the Trac
browser starting here:


I recommend you join the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list, as all
translation efforts are coordinated there.


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] Stunnel v4 + pop3ds problem

2007-04-30 Thread Bill Shupp
laety Boop wrote:
> Hi Rick !
> Thank you for your answer.
> I used the Bill's toaster pop3d.run.v4 as he told to do with stunnel v4.
> Does someone has any idea ?

The problem is that stunnel is for some reason defaulting to
/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem, it's not honoring your "cert" entry in
stunnel.conf.  I don't know why that is, though.  Your run and conf
files look correct.  Perhaps there's a debug or verbose argument to
stunnel.  You could also sym-link the pem file to see if that works as a



Re: [toaster] openssl-0.9.8e problem and solution

2007-04-29 Thread Bill Shupp
Maciej Sołtysiak wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Bill's toaster and found on one of my debian servers that
> after an upgrade to openssl-0.9.8e
> I stopped received mail. I checked the logs of sending mail servers and
> found stuff like:
> deferral:
> TLS_connect_failed:_error:14077410:SSL_routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3_alert_handshake_failure;_connected_to_1.2.3.4
> Quick googling brought me to this:
> http://www.thegillis.net/content/view/41/31/
> and I found that the solution suggested works with this setup too. You
> just:
> --- netqmail-1.05-orig/qmail-smtpd.cFri Apr  6 18:08:05 2007
> +++ netqmail-1.05/qmail-smtpd.cSat Apr  7 09:04:21 2007
> @@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@
>   ciphers = env_get("TLSCIPHERS");
>   if (!ciphers) {
> -if (control_readfile(&saciphers, "control/tlsserverciphers") == -1)
> +if (control_readfile(&saciphers, "control/tlsserverciphers", 0) == -1)
>   { SSL_free(myssl); die_control(); }
> if (saciphers.len) { /* convert all '\0's except the last one to ':' */
>   int i;
> http://www.thegillis.net/examples/qmail/netqmail-fix.patch

Yes, this was reported to me, and was fixed in 0.9.1 of the
qmail-toaster patch, as well as my smtp-auth/tls cumulative patch.


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] tls smtp problem

2007-04-27 Thread Bill Shupp
Lampa wrote:
> Hello, i 've little problem some smtp server(remote) can sent to my
> smtp server (local) emails.
> here is errror mesage from remote server:
> Reporting-MTA: dns; xxx.xxx.xx
> Arrival-Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:52:03 +0200
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Action: delayed
> Status: 4.7.0
> Remote-MTA: DNS; yyy.yyy.yy
> Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 403 4.7.0 TLS handshake failed.

Try manually filling the ciphers files:

openssl ciphers > /var/qmail/control/tlsclientciphers
openssl ciphers > /var/qmail/control/tlsserverciphers

I don't know why some systems need that.  If that fails, try using
openssl to connect manually:

openssl s_client -crlf -starttls smtp -connection server:port



Re: [toaster] DomainKeys

2007-04-26 Thread Bill Shupp
Tom Collins wrote:
> Bill (and others),
> I noticed that your latest toaster patches include support for
> DomainKeys.  I've just read the informative Wikipedia article on DK
> , but have some questions on
> how you are using DK.
> One of my clients had a recent email from PayPal get tagged as spam, and
> I noticed in the headers that PayPal is signing their outbound email. 
> What will I gain by updating my qmail-smtpd with DomainKeys support? 
> Will it only accept properly signed messages?  At that point, do I
> enable some rules in SpamAssassin to give preference to signed emails? 
> Will I need to someday create and manage a list of blacklisted domains
> that use DomainKeys?
> I understand the benefit of signing outbound mail, but I assume that I
> would be signing all messages with my domain name, and not the virtual
> domain of each customer.  Has anyone explored a method of creating keys
> for each domain hosted, and signing based on the domain of the
> authenticated (SMTP AUTH) sender?

Conceptually, it's not that different than SPF, except instead of
looking at authorized IP range, it looks at signatures.  You have
similar flexibility in how you want to treat failures - allow them in,
defer them, or reject them.  For incoming mail, this set in the DKVERIFY

As far as outbound mail goes, it's also flexible in that you can have a
system wide signature, or per domain signatures (different keys for each
domain).  These settings are in the DKSIGN environment.  If "%" is
contained in DKSIGN, signing is based on the From header, not the domain
used in smtp-auth.  I haven't explored otherwise.

The qmail-dk man page goes through all the options pretty thoroughly.  I
have my options set pretty conservatively at the moment, and am not
rejecting any mail.  I have not looked into SpamAssassin's DK support
yet either.



Re: [toaster] Bill's Linux Qmail Toaster 0.9.2

2007-04-19 Thread Bill Shupp
Qmail List wrote:
>> ... is up.  Here's the change log:
>> * Upgrade tmda-cgi to 0.16.3
>> * Added Romanian translation - tnx Daniel Toma
>> * Upgrade toaster patch to 0.9.1 (updated tls patch)
>> * Make language selection static (from table of contents page)
>> * Update simscan tar ball with updated configure script (should fix
>> problem locating the clamavdb directory)
> Hi Bill,
> The package simscan is located at
> http://shupp.org/software/simscan-1.3.1.shupp2.tgz and in tgz format.

this is fixed, thanks for pointing it out.


Re: [toaster] mail lost after maildrop

2007-04-19 Thread Bill Shupp
Maciej Sołtysiak wrote:

>`/usr/local/bin/maildirmake -f spam Maildir`
>`echo "INBOX.spam" >> Maildir/courierimapsubscribed`

Are you sure that's the path to maildirmake?  It's usually in
/var/qmail/bin.  Also, what does /var/log/qmail/current show during
delivery?  success?  If so, then you need to add some debugging to your
mailfiler, like

echo "got to this part.."

etc ...



Re: [toaster] toaster on centos 5

2007-04-17 Thread Bill Shupp
Qmail List wrote:
> Hi,
> I had install the toaster on 2 seperate centos 5.
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Apr 16 10:46 /usr/sbin/sendmail ->
> /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] simscan-1.3.1.shupp2]# sendmail
> -bash: sendmail: command not found
> linking of sendmail should be /usr/bin/ instead of /usr/sbin

All that shows is that /usr/sbin is not in your path.  What's important
is that the sendmail binary is where other programs expect it.  It's
usually in /usr/sbin and /usr/lib, not /usr/bin.  But if you need it
elsewhere, it's easily fixed with another link.

> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr 18 10:55 /usr/bin/logwatch ->
> /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/logwatch.pl

I don't know what this means.  Are you saying sendmail should be in
/usr/bin because logwatch is?

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] simscan-1.3.1.shupp2]# sendmail

Or this.



[toaster] Bill's Linux Qmail Toaster 0.9.2

2007-04-17 Thread Bill Shupp
... is up.  Here's the change log:

* Upgrade tmda-cgi to 0.16.3
* Added Romanian translation - tnx Daniel Toma
* Upgrade toaster patch to 0.9.1 (updated tls patch)
* Make language selection static (from table of contents page)
* Update simscan tar ball with updated configure script (should fix
problem locating the clamavdb directory)



Re: [toaster] bash error?

2007-04-15 Thread Bill Shupp
Qmail List wrote:
> Hi,
>> echo "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" > .qmail-mailer-daemon ;\ echo
>> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" > .qmail-root ) 
> -bash:  : command not found
> -bash:  : command not found
> What command is missing here?

The opening parentheses.


[toaster] 0.9.1 version

2007-04-13 Thread Bill Shupp
I upgraded the toaster version to 0.9.1 to reflect a few changes:

1) Upgrade to ClamAV 0.90.2
2) New Spanish translation - tnx Abel Lucano and also Ingo Carlo!
3) One fix, an updated courier-authlib patch


Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] messages stuck in simscan

2007-04-06 Thread Bill Shupp
Alexey Amerik wrote:
> Problem fixed!  The problem was related to severely crippled downstream
> because of a switch misconfiguration that resulted in packet collisions,
> and very poor performance.  it is my guess that simscan simply gave up
> waiting on downloading of messages with fairly large attachments . 
> Thank you everyone.

This makes sense.  Duplicate messages in my experience are related to
smtp latency - whether it's overloaded scanners, dns problems, or as in
your case, network problems.  The sending MTA just resends if the
termination of the DATA command does not respond quickly enough.

> The only question now is how do I deal with those messages that are
> still stuck in /var/qmail/simcan?  There is about 12mb of undelivered
> messages in that location.  I dont think simscan tries to redeliver.

If they are still there, then it's pretty likely that the messages were
retried anyway.  Perhaps someone will have a method for getting them
into the queue.  But if I were you, I'd just archive it, and remove it
from /var/qmail/simscan.



[toaster] Re: Hi Bill!

2007-04-05 Thread Bill Shupp
Sim wrote:
> Hi Bill, I have some questions for you:
> 1) At " http://www.shupp.org/toaster/?page=ucspi-tcp ", in  " see this
> for detail ", you haven't insert old link:  "
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=qmail&m=111725518121864&w=2 "

I fixed it in trunk, thanks for pointing this out.

> 2) Have you removed mfcheck ? I haven't see " turn on mfcheck " in new
> description

Yes.  It was removed a while ago, I believe.  chkuser handles this
functionality now.

> 3) In Ucspi I use also this patch, very useful:
> ucspi-rss.diff
> ucspi-tcp-0.88-periplimit.7.patch
> recordio.patch

Thanks, I'm aware of some, but have not had time to evaluate them.

> 4) I'm also using Multivac and TNef in my Qmail setup.

I don't know about Multivac.  How are you using TNEF?  That was required
by qsqanq, but not simscan (1.2, haven't checked 1.3 yet).

> 5) Have you changed "gmake" to "make" in Imap description?

Yes.  Virtually all Linux distros use GNU make by default.  It's really
only FreeBSD that uses an alternative make (that I use regularly,
anyway, I'm sure others do as well).  So I defaulted back to make in
this release.

> 6) What is simscan-1.3.1.shupp1 ? Which patch you have put in?

Detection of clamav database files (configure.in).  The default
configure script is not 0.90 friendly.  I did a full tar ball because
patching of configure.in usually results in autoconf/automake being
called, and I didn't want that to be a requirement.

> 7) I'm not using TMDA. Have you also valuted DSPAM?

I don't use TMDA either.  I've installed DSAPM, but have not given it a
full evaluation.

Please keep questions on the toaster list so they can be answered once
and go in the archives.



Re: [toaster] messages stuck in simscan

2007-04-04 Thread Bill Shupp
Alexey Amerik wrote:
> Yes, it is working according to the message headers:
> *X-Spam-Checker-Version: * SpamAssassin 3.1.8 (2007-02-13) on
> mail.tournament1.com
> *X-Spam-Level:** *
> *X-Spam-Status: * No, score=-2.6 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00
> autolearn=ham version=3.1.8
> But it doesnt like attachments!?

Try sending one of the offending attachments through, and see what debug
messages show.  You need to identify exactly what's breaking.


Re: [toaster] messages stuck in simscan

2007-04-04 Thread Bill Shupp
Alexey Amerik wrote:
> Also Im spamd logs with debug enabled I see this:
> @400046141a6c3a9a673c [4489] dbg: prefork: child 23924: entering
> state 1
> @400046141a6c3a9c4b9c [4489] dbg: prefork: new lowest idle kid: 23924
> @400046141a6c3a9d3dcc [4489] dbg: prefork: child reports idle
> @400046141a6c3a9eeb7c [4489] info: prefork: child states: II
> @400046141a6c3aa41f84 [23924] dbg: prefork: sysread(6) not ready,
> wait max 300 secs
> @400046141af03a75feec [23925] dbg: prefork: periodic ping from
> spamd parent
> @400046141af03a76165c [23925] dbg: prefork: sysread(8) not ready,
> wait max 300 secs
> @400046141af03a7625fc [23924] dbg: prefork: periodic ping from
> spamd parent
> @400046141af03a76359c [23924] dbg: prefork: sysread(6) not ready,
> wait max 300 secs

Is spamd working at all?  Can you send test messages through it
successfully?  Or does it just get overwhelmed and the simscan queue
backs up?



Re: [toaster] probl when installing

2007-04-04 Thread Bill Shupp
helionunes wrote:
> List 
> When installing authlib 0.59.1 at the point where iit compiles authvchkpw.c, 
> I 
> got the following.
> Compiling authvchkpw.c
> authvchkpw.c: In function 'auth_vchkpw':
> authvchkpw.c:86: warning: implicit declaration of function 'auth_vchkpw_login'
> authvchkpw.c: At top level:
> authvchkpw.c:103: error: static declaration of 'auth_vchkpw_login' follows 
> non-static declaration
> authvchkpw.c:86: error: previous implicit declaration of 'auth_vchkpw_login' 
> was here
> authvchkpw.c: In function 'auth_vchkpw_changepass':
> authvchkpw.c:184: warning: passing argument 1 of 'parse_email' discards 
> qualifiers from pointer target type
> make[2]: *** [authvchkpw.lo] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/src/courier-authlib-0.59.1'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/src/courier-authlib-0.59.1'
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> Actually I dont know hoow to fix such implicit declaration.

Can you try again with this patch?


I simply added a declaration for auth_vchkpw_login above the implicit



Re: [toaster] simscan trapped messages

2007-04-04 Thread Bill Shupp
Alexey Amerik wrote:
> Also, when running "lsof | grep simscan" I see this:
> simscan   32051clamav4w  REG9,0194561287089
> /var/qmail/simscan/1175712108.796650.32051/msg.1175712108.796650.32051
> .
> .
> .
> for lots and lots of my attachments.
> also, for some reason spamd is running at high load:  5179 vpopmail 
> 25   0 2271m 1.2g 4872 R 92.4 82.2  77:10.50 spamd  
> however there is nothing in the logs to suggest a problem!
> Thanks.

Make sure simscan is patched with this:


1.3x does not require it, it's been added.



Re: [toaster] probl when installing

2007-04-04 Thread Bill Shupp
helionunes wrote:
> List 
> When installing authlib 0.59.1 at the point where iit compiles authvchkpw.c, 
> I 
> got the following.
> Compiling authvchkpw.c
> authvchkpw.c: In function 'auth_vchkpw':
> authvchkpw.c:86: warning: implicit declaration of function 'auth_vchkpw_login'
> authvchkpw.c: At top level:
> authvchkpw.c:103: error: static declaration of 'auth_vchkpw_login' follows 
> non-static declaration
> authvchkpw.c:86: error: previous implicit declaration of 'auth_vchkpw_login' 
> was here
> authvchkpw.c: In function 'auth_vchkpw_changepass':
> authvchkpw.c:184: warning: passing argument 1 of 'parse_email' discards 
> qualifiers from pointer target type
> make[2]: *** [authvchkpw.lo] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/src/courier-authlib-0.59.1'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/src/courier-authlib-0.59.1'
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> Actually I dont know hoow to fix such implicit declaration.

What distribution are you using, and what version of gcc?



Re: [toaster] New Toaster, 0.9.0 published

2007-03-30 Thread Bill Shupp
Bill Shupp wrote:

> For anyone curious about the DocBook rendering classes (using XSLT)
> created for this release, you can view them via Trac here:
> http://trac.merchbox.com/toasterdoc

Woops, that URL should have been:




Re: [toaster] vpopmaild problem in toaster 0.9.0

2007-03-30 Thread Bill Shupp
Rick Widmer wrote:
> Rick Widmer wrote:
>> Alessio Cecchi wrote:
>>> Alle 11:53, venerdì 30 marzo 2007, Alessio Cecchi ha scritto:
 -ERR 0901 not authorized

 Where is the problem?
>>> Oh no! Only if a set with vmoduser
>>> -S ( grant system administrator privileges - access all domains ) to
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] i can add/remove alias, but for all domains.
>>> There is a way to ability the postmaster to add/remove alias only for
>>> his domain?
>> Grand a user within the desired domain this privilege:
>> -a ( grand qmailadmin administrator privileges)
> grant not grand...


Shouldn't the postmaster account already have those privileges?  I have
not confirmed this behavior myself yet.



Re: [toaster] New Toaster, 0.9.0 published

2007-03-30 Thread Bill Shupp
Simone Marzona wrote:
>> WANTED:  Translators!
> for wich languages?

Any!  There have been offers so far for:




Re: [toaster] FuzzyOCR

2007-03-29 Thread Bill Shupp
Maciej Sołtysiak wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried it and it seems to work, and if you do something wrong it won't
> break your system,
> so it's safe to try it out. I am using an svn of the version 3.x.y
> A good thing is to analyze the FuzzyOcr.log to look for missing
> programs/plugins etc.
> And permissions too, as always.
> Best Regards,
> Maciej

I got it working pretty quickly using this:


So far, so good.


[toaster] New Toaster, 0.9.0 published

2007-03-29 Thread Bill Shupp
Hey folks,

0.9.0 of Bill's Linux Qmail Toaster is up here:


Please see the ChangeLog at the bottom for more information on the
specifics.  But there are a good deal of changes.

WANTED:  Translators!

This release has text embedded in a gettext po file.  You can get the
master messages.po file here:


I've setup a new translation mailing list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You
can subscribe to it at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you plan on
translating, please subscribe to this list so efforts can be
coordinated, and not duplicated.

For anyone curious about the DocBook rendering classes (using XSLT)
created for this release, you can view them via Trac here:



Bill Shupp

Re: [toaster] FuzzyOCR

2007-03-29 Thread Bill Shupp
> Bill,
> Wondering if you have considered a section for fuzzyocr.  I have been
> getting a lot of gif spam lately (stock quote crap), and I have been
> looking at implementing this.  It hasn't been real clear cut for me, so I
> was hoping you would take the reigns on this.
> If you decide not to go that direction, do you have any good install
> instructions that you could recommend?  I was googling it and found some
> stuff, but was hoping for something a little more precise (like your
> toaster instructions).
> OR, if you have another way to combat this partiular spam I would love to
> hear it.

I have not looked into FuzzyOCR yet, but it looks interesting.  I will
when I get time.



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