Re: Tomcat 4.0.x memory leak (not javac)

2003-11-28 Thread David Rees
Trenton D. Adams wrote:
Bugs have been filed for this issue against 4.1.x and they have been 
marked as WONTFIX.  Best to try to reproduce the problem on 5.0.x and 
if the bug still exists there, file a report in bugzilla if one does 
not already exist.
Where can I find this information?  Is there a bugzilla for tomcat or 
something?  If so, I would like to go there so I can see if there's any 
information indicating where in the code it would be.  I could go 
searching myself, but I've never dove into the Tomcat code before! :)
All the information you could ever hope to need is on the Tomcat 


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Re: Tomcat 4.0.x memory leak (not javac)

2003-11-28 Thread David Rees
Trenton D. Adams wrote:
Oh, one other quick question.  I was wondering about why it would start 
throwing out of memory exceptions before it reaches the 512M limit.  Are 
there maybe parameters that can be passed to tomcat to tell it how much 
to use for web applications?  And if so, are these set to a certain 
percentage of the -mx JVM parameter?
No, there's no special flags or memory partitioning going on.


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Re: Tomcat 4.0.x memory leak (not javac)

2003-11-28 Thread Trenton D. Adams
David Rees wrote:
Trenton D. Adams wrote:

David Rees wrote:

Trenton D. Adams wrote:

We're having a problem with tomcat 4.0.4.  Every time a context
is reloaded it leaks memory.  The oddest thing about this is that
it starts throwing OutOfMemoryExceptions before process list
shows that it's using the memory I allocated to it.
eg. It will throw OutOfMemoryExceptions at like 130M memory usage
when I've allocated 512M for it.
Is this a known bug that's been fixed in 4.1.x?

It's a known bug, but not fixed in 4.1.x, it still exists there.  I
am not sure if it still exists in 5.0.x.

Thanks Dave.  If anyone could provide some more information on this,
that would be helpful.  I would really like to fix it because it's 
really annoying me.  We have two CRITICAL web applications on one 
server.  We don't want to have to continually down the entire tomcat
server just to reload a webapp.

Bugs have been filed for this issue against 4.1.x and they have been 
marked as WONTFIX.  Best to try to reproduce the problem on 5.0.x and if 
the bug still exists there, file a report in bugzilla if one does not 
already exist.

Where can I find this information?  Is there a bugzilla for tomcat or 
something?  If so, I would like to go there so I can see if there's any 
information indicating where in the code it would be.  I could go 
searching myself, but I've never dove into the Tomcat code before! :)

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Re: Tomcat 4.0.x memory leak (not javac)

2003-11-28 Thread Trenton D. Adams
David Rees wrote:
Trenton D. Adams wrote:

We're having a problem with tomcat 4.0.4.  Every time a context is 
reloaded it
leaks memory.  The oddest thing about this is that it starts throwing
OutOfMemoryExceptions before process list shows that it's using the 
memory I
allocated to it.

eg. It will through OutOfMemoryExceptions at like 130M memory usage 
when I've
allocated 512M for it.

Is this a known bug that's been fixed in 4.1.x?

It's a known bug, but not fixed in 4.1.x, it still exists there.  I am 
not sure if it still exists in 5.0.x.

Oh, one other quick question.  I was wondering about why it would start 
throwing out of memory exceptions before it reaches the 512M limit.  Are 
there maybe parameters that can be passed to tomcat to tell it how much 
to use for web applications?  And if so, are these set to a certain 
percentage of the -mx JVM parameter?

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Re: Tomcat 4.0.x memory leak (not javac)

2003-11-28 Thread David Rees
Trenton D. Adams wrote:
David Rees wrote:
Trenton D. Adams wrote:
We're having a problem with tomcat 4.0.4.  Every time a context
is reloaded it leaks memory.  The oddest thing about this is that
it starts throwing OutOfMemoryExceptions before process list
shows that it's using the memory I allocated to it.
eg. It will throw OutOfMemoryExceptions at like 130M memory usage
when I've allocated 512M for it.
Is this a known bug that's been fixed in 4.1.x?
It's a known bug, but not fixed in 4.1.x, it still exists there.  I
am not sure if it still exists in 5.0.x.
Thanks Dave.  If anyone could provide some more information on this,
that would be helpful.  I would really like to fix it because it's 
really annoying me.  We have two CRITICAL web applications on one 
server.  We don't want to have to continually down the entire tomcat
server just to reload a webapp.
Bugs have been filed for this issue against 4.1.x and they have been 
marked as WONTFIX.  Best to try to reproduce the problem on 5.0.x and if 
the bug still exists there, file a report in bugzilla if one does not 
already exist.


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Re: Tomcat 4.0.x memory leak (not javac)

2003-11-28 Thread Trenton D. Adams
David Rees wrote:

Trenton D. Adams wrote:

We're having a problem with tomcat 4.0.4.  Every time a context is 
reloaded it
leaks memory.  The oddest thing about this is that it starts throwing
OutOfMemoryExceptions before process list shows that it's using the 
memory I
allocated to it.

eg. It will throw OutOfMemoryExceptions at like 130M memory usage
when I've
allocated 512M for it.
Is this a known bug that's been fixed in 4.1.x?

It's a known bug, but not fixed in 4.1.x, it still exists there.  I am 
not sure if it still exists in 5.0.x.

Thanks Dave.  If anyone could provide some more information on this, 
that would be helpful.  I would really like to fix it because it's 
really annoying me.  We have two CRITICAL web applications on one 
server.  We don't want to have to continually down the entire tomcat 
server just to reload a webapp.

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Re: Tomcat 5.0.14 classloader bug

2003-11-28 Thread Jacob Kjome
This will almost certainly get lost in the shuffle unless you post the bug 
to Apache's Bugzilla.  Better get it in soon before they make the next 


At 01:40 AM 11/29/2003 +0100, you wrote:

I think I've stumbled into a bug in the webapp classloader in Tomcat 5.0.14.

Consider the following servlet, which I mapped to /* for testing convenience.

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class Test extends HttpServlet
public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
URL rsrc = getClass().getResource("Test.class");
String tst = rsrc.toString()+" : "+
rsrc.openStream()+" : "+
When I put the compiled class file in ROOT/WEB-INF/classes
and visit http://localhost:8080/ after a server startup, I get the 
following page:

file:/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.14/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Test.class : 

When I create a jar file with just that class inside, put it in 
ROOT/WEB-INF/lib (after removing everything from ROOT/WEB-INF/classes 
before) and visit http://localhost:8080/ after a server restart, I get the 
following page:

HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it 
from fulfilling this request.
(No such file or directory) Method)

The openStream() method has thrown this exception, and the 
getResourceAsStream("Test.class") method returns null.

There's clearly something wrong here, since the file is indeed not 
available on that location. The work directory 
"/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.14/work/Catalina/localhost/_" just contains one file: 
"tldCache.ser" and no directory "loader" at all.

I've looked through the sources and found some things in 

On line 552, the following is done:

public void setWorkDir(File workDir) {
this.loaderDir = new File(workDir, "loader");
Which is where the "loader" directory comes from.

On line 1085, the following is done:

if (repository.endsWith(".jar")) {
// Copy binary content to the work directory if not present
File resourceFile = new File(loaderDir, name);
url = resourceFile.toURL();
On line 1814, I found this:

// Extract resources contained in JAR to the workdir
if (!(path.endsWith(".class"))) {
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
File resourceFile = new File
(loaderDir, jarEntry.getName());
if (!resourceFile.exists()) {
To me it seems that the code on line 1085 assumes that the code on line 
1814 has already been executed before, somehow this isn't the case which 
leads to unretrieval resources when they are stored in jar files.

I hope I identified this issue correctly and that it can be fixed for the 
next release.

Best regards,


Geert Bevin   Uwyn
"Use what you need"   Rue Victor Cuvelier 57   7190 Ecaussinnes
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot comTel +32 67 78 04 06
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Re: Tomcat 4.1.24 Session Persistance between restarts ???

2003-11-28 Thread Jacob Kjome
Make sure all the objects in your session are serializable.  If not, you 
will get null values (or possibly other errors) after deserialization.


At 04:34 PM 11/28/2003 -0800, you wrote:

   Here is the scenario

1) User logs in and begins a session along with loading some session 
objects (worker classes)
2) Tomcat is shut down and restarted
3)  Same user clicks next "button" on current JSP page (user did not know 
tomcat was restarted)
 a) Session isNew() reports "false" so code thinks all is well to 
 (Session was  persisted.)
 b) But stored objects in session are not available (null)
  NullPointerException thrown when accessing an object that 
"should" be there if the entire session was persisted for that user.


A) I found the following post to turn off the default "persistance of the 


  Is that still the accepted technique..???


B) Not loose the stored session objects between restarts, so as to avoid 
the NullPointerException.. I don't mind that the session is persisted, but 
the entire session must be persisted and that seems to NOT be the case.
Is that possible
Does that require further "configuration"?

I have search for this last info, but so far have not looked under the 
right rock..

Slap up the side of the head appreciated.. (be gentle..)


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Re: Connections Refused

2003-11-28 Thread David Rees
Karau, Joe wrote:

We have started loadtesting the current release of our application, which on
4.1.12 we were able to acheive over 200 concurrent users.  However, our
current version is running on 4.1.24 and has not been able to respond to
more than 100 users.
You should upgrade to 4.1.29, somewhere between 4.1.24 and 4.1.29 there 
were some some load related issues fixed as well as many other bugs fixed.


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RE: Authentication with JAAS / Form Autenthication/ "j_security_check"

2003-11-28 Thread rfhall

How about sending the user to an intermediate page after
logging in to select a company?


>= Original Message From Jose Antonio Chirinos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Thanks for yours sugestions, the reason for which i need to do that is 
because i have to do an authentication module that are able to authenticate a 
user depending on a company. That is because a user can be in 2 or more 
companys and the data of the companys is diferent.
>Thanks in Advanced.
>Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yes, but if they happen to have javascript disabled, they will get very
>On 11/28/2003 11:23 AM Andoni wrote:
>> You don't have to instruct the user to do this. Just have login form as a
>> hidden form and fill (and submit) it using JavaScript. You can get the
>> values from a login form you call whatever you like and then append 
>> you like to the end of each of the username and password.
>> This does sound rather odd though and you should really be looking at the
>> bigger picture of your architecture to see why you have this problem in the
>> first place as it sounds like you are trying to hack a solution to me!!
>> Sorry if your not!
>> Andoni.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Adam Hardy"
>> To: "Tomcat Users List"
>> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 10:08 PM
>> Subject: Re: Authentication with JAAS / Form Autenthication/
>> "j_security_check"
>>>On 11/27/2003 06:41 PM Jose Antonio Chirinos wrote:
>>>Hi, i have a web application that use web authentication through
>>>"j_security_check" servlet; i need to add an extra parameter diferent
>>>of "j_password" and "j_username"; i guess that i have to put the
>>>extra parameter in the login form and in the definition of the realm;
>>>but where i have to include the code for the comparation of the new
>>>parameter.Thanks in Advanced.Jose Antonio Chirinos.
>>>tomcat (and all servlet spec compliant app servers) won't process any
>>>further parameters other than the two you mention. When you code your
>>>realm, you code a LoginModule or equivalent which is passed these 2
>>>This means the only option you have is to instruct the user to place the
>>>extra parameter on the end of the username, perhaps after an appropriate
>>>seperator character, so that you can then split your extra parameter
>>>from the user name in your realm code.
>>>struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.14 + java 1.4.2
>>>Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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>struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.14 + java 1.4.2
>Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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Re: Tomcat 4.0.x memory leak (not javac)

2003-11-28 Thread David Rees
Trenton D. Adams wrote:
We're having a problem with tomcat 4.0.4.  Every time a context is reloaded it
leaks memory.  The oddest thing about this is that it starts throwing
OutOfMemoryExceptions before process list shows that it's using the memory I
allocated to it.
eg. It will through OutOfMemoryExceptions at like 130M memory usage when I've
allocated 512M for it.
Is this a known bug that's been fixed in 4.1.x?
It's a known bug, but not fixed in 4.1.x, it still exists there.  I am 
not sure if it still exists in 5.0.x.


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Tomcat 5.0.14 classloader bug

2003-11-28 Thread Geert Bevin

I think I've stumbled into a bug in the webapp classloader in Tomcat 5.0.14.

Consider the following servlet, which I mapped to /* for testing 

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class Test extends HttpServlet
public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
URL rsrc = getClass().getResource("Test.class");
String tst = rsrc.toString()+" : "+
rsrc.openStream()+" : "+
When I put the compiled class file in ROOT/WEB-INF/classes
and visit http://localhost:8080/ after a server startup, I get the 
following page:

file:/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.14/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Test.class : 

When I create a jar file with just that class inside, put it in 
ROOT/WEB-INF/lib (after removing everything from ROOT/WEB-INF/classes 
before) and visit http://localhost:8080/ after a server restart, I get 
the following page:

HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented 
it from fulfilling this request.
(No such file or directory) Method)

The openStream() method has thrown this exception, and the 
getResourceAsStream("Test.class") method returns null.

There's clearly something wrong here, since the file is indeed not 
available on that location. The work directory 
"/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.14/work/Catalina/localhost/_" just contains one 
file: "tldCache.ser" and no directory "loader" at all.

I've looked through the sources and found some things in 

On line 552, the following is done:

public void setWorkDir(File workDir) {
this.loaderDir = new File(workDir, "loader");
Which is where the "loader" directory comes from.

On line 1085, the following is done:

if (repository.endsWith(".jar")) {
// Copy binary content to the work directory if not present
File resourceFile = new File(loaderDir, name);
url = resourceFile.toURL();
On line 1814, I found this:

// Extract resources contained in JAR to the workdir
if (!(path.endsWith(".class"))) {
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
File resourceFile = new File
(loaderDir, jarEntry.getName());
if (!resourceFile.exists()) {
To me it seems that the code on line 1085 assumes that the code on line 
1814 has already been executed before, somehow this isn't the case which 
leads to unretrieval resources when they are stored in jar files.

I hope I identified this issue correctly and that it can be fixed for 
the next release.

Best regards,


Geert Bevin   Uwyn
"Use what you need"   Rue Victor Cuvelier 57   7190 Ecaussinnes
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot comTel +32 67 78 04 06
PGP Fingerprint : 4E21 6399 CD9E A384 6619  719A C8F4 D40D 309F D6A9
Public PGP key  : available at servers,
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Tomcat 4.1.24 Session Persistance between restarts ???

2003-11-28 Thread John B. Moore

   Here is the scenario

1) User logs in and begins a session along with loading some session 
objects (worker classes)
2) Tomcat is shut down and restarted
3)  Same user clicks next "button" on current JSP page (user did not 
know tomcat was restarted)
 a) Session isNew() reports "false" so code thinks all is well to 
 (Session was  persisted.)
 b) But stored objects in session are not available (null)
  NullPointerException thrown when accessing an object that 
"should" be there if the entire session was persisted for that user.


A) I found the following post to turn off the default "persistance of 
the session"

  Is that still the accepted technique..???


B) Not loose the stored session objects between restarts, so as to avoid 
the NullPointerException.. I don't mind that the session is persisted, 
but the entire session must be persisted and that seems to NOT be the case.
Is that possible
Does that require further "configuration"?

I have search for this last info, but so far have not looked under the 
right rock..

Slap up the side of the head appreciated.. (be gentle..)


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Re: Problems with content type in the response header

2003-11-28 Thread Tim Funk
This problem is also in 4.1.29. The next release of 5 should be soon, unless 
wacky things happen. (No exact date known)


Amit Dhar wrote:


I am using Tomcat 5.0.14
I have a servlet running under Tomcat.
Tomcat seems to add character encoding "charset=ISO-8859-1"
to the content-type in response header.
A third party program to which my servlet talks to, expects
only "application/octet-stream" as the response content-type,
however the error log shows the content-type to be 
I tried to set the content-type explicitly in my servlet using 
but it still appends the "charset=ISO-8859-1" part to it.

Does any one know why this happens and how I can get rid of it?

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Re: directory reference

2003-11-28 Thread Tim Funk
The best way is to use ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() to load a file 
from your webapp.  This is portable (and safest) to any servlet container.


Giorgio Franceschetti wrote:

Hi all,
  I'd like to create a file with some configuration details for my 
I tryed to reference my file like this "./data.txt" and I found it in my 
tomcat/bin directory.
Well, I should  have expected this, quite like any other java 
application points to the executable directory.
Is there any way to point to my application directory?
Should I assume a fixed path like tomcat/webapps/myapp?
Thanks in advance,

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Upgrading mod_jk to mod_jk2 - problem with uri map to old /servlet

2003-11-28 Thread Rick Fesciuc
I am in the process of upgrading my servers from:
apache 1.3 , jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1, mod_jk 1.2

apache 2 , jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29, mod_jk 2

I am having problems finding information on how to forward calls to sevlets from jsp's 
in the context.

old mod_jk 1.2
JkMount /mycontext/*.jsp worker2
JkMount mycontext/servlet/* worker2

New mod_jk 

JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8025

JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8025

I have the file if anyone needs it.
My problems is that I have a number of applications that were built to use the 
"/mycontext/servlet/servlets.path-to-servlet" format. When I call the servlets from 
the jsp it comes back with an error "requested resource not available error" - (it 
can't find the path to the servlets) I don't want to rewrite a large number of jsp 
files and controllers.

Is there a way to use the new mod_jk2 JkUriSet to allow these calls to the 
/mycontext/servlet/ without having to fix a large number of jsp files?

Thanks in advance

Re: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Vidar Langberget

I use the Gel IDE, from
I've used JBuilder, Eclipse, Netbeans, JCreator and various text editors
with syntax highlighting, but nothing mathes Gel IMO.

And it's free..



- Original Message - 
From: "Duncan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat User List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 10:54 AM
Subject: JSP Editors

> Sorry if off topic but...
> What do people use to edit JSPs?
> I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
> colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
> Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
> is on linux.
> Any other suggestions?
> Cheers
> Duncan Smith
> Decker Telecom Ltd
> -
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RE: request.getremoteAddr() returning (localhost)

2003-11-28 Thread Kilic, Hakan
It didn't attach the file. Here it is below:









-Original Message-
From: Kilic, Hakan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 6:07 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: request.getremoteAddr() returning (localhost)

Hi all,

I've searched the email archive and bugzilla, and come across bug 20041: back from June 2003.

I'm using Tomcat 4.1.24 Standalone, and I've attached the server.xml file
I'm using (I'm using the Catalina connector).

Does anyone know what the problem is and if there is a workaround to this? 



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Tomcat on Ibm J9 VM with HardHat Montavista Linux?

2003-11-28 Thread Pavoni Cristian
Is it possible to run Jetty on Ibm J9 VM running on HardHat Linux by
In such case, which versions of Jetty?


Software Developer
Selta Telematica Spa

Re: Internal Server Error 500

2003-11-28 Thread Ben Souther
Is your JAVA_HOME evironment variable set?
Have you installed a full j2sdk or are you running with just a JRE?

On Friday 28 November 2003 08:28 am, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have apache running on linux with tomcat on NT.
> Servlets work fine but when I try to load a JSP from the examples
> It give Internal Server Error 500 Context not configured.
> Linux 9.0
> Apache 2.0
> Tomcat 4.1.27
> Any help is appreciated.
> -
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Re: Preload JSP when it's startup

2003-11-28 Thread Anto Paul
I use the following Ant build file to precompile all jsps to work dir. I
prepared this based on another post in this list. All the jsps are converted
to java and then to class files.
















Antony Paul.

- Original Message -
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: Preload JSP when it's startup

> Can you please tell me exact instruction?
> Script??
> store it in where?
> how?
> Deepak Parbhoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11/28/2003 01:12 PM
> Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"
> To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:
> Subject:Re: Preload JSP when it's startup
> Write a script that calls the jsp's with '?jsp_precompile=true' as a
> parameter.
> So if the page is called start.jsp you will make a request to:
> "http://:/start.jsp?jsp_precompile=true".
> >As we know, first time when JSP is called, it's complied into Servlet
> >and
> >the next time you call the same jsp, the respond time will be faster.
> >
> >Thus, anywar for Tomcat to set to preload the JSP page when it's
> >starting
> >up the server?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> -
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Re: [OT] Mozilla/Firebird and Session Cookie Problem (Mozilla-BUG)

2003-11-28 Thread Ben Souther
BTW:  You can also run into this problem with MSIE.
If you start a new instance of MSIE from taskbar or the icon on the desktop, 
it will run with it's own session cookie.  If, however, the user starts a new 
instance with ctl+n or by using file -> new window then both instances share 
the same session cookie.  

This caused a lot of problems for me while working for a company who made a 
financial planning application.  If the planner, who was working with one 
client's portfolio, took a call from another client and checked their account 
by using ctl+n to open a new browser, he would go back to the original 
instance that he was working with and find that it was now logged into the 
second client's account. It was especially problematic if there was a form 
already filled out and waiting to be submitted with the first client's data.

One solution that we toyed with was to store the JSP SessionId in a hidden 
form variable and make sure that it matches the the user's session Id before 
processing any form information.

I put this in the same category as the "Back Button".

On Thursday 27 November 2003 09:01 am, you wrote:
> The simple kludge is to utilize multiple names for the same tomcat
> instance.
> And all you need to do is mess with your /etc/hosts file. (Or
> c:\winnt\blah\blah\blah\HOSTS file)
> -Tim
> Mario Ivankovits wrote:
> > Hello !
> >
> >> This whole question about sharing the session cookies or not when you
> >> open a new window seems a bit unnecessary to me. I often want to test
> >> using two users and not share the cookies, but I just open a different
> >> browser, e.g. if I'm using Mozilla, I open IE or Netscape4 or Firebird
> >> or Opera. So there's up to five seperate sessions you can have without
> >> even having to think about it.
> >
> > I think it is worth the discussion. I am a Web-Application developer and
> > our users loves it to login to our application multiple times. I do not
> > want to
> > 1) Create a profile for each instance
> > 2) Install multiple browsers
> >
> > Both is hard in support.
> >
> >
> > On the other hand, we have implemented different applications, where
> > every application has its own login. Having the same session-cookie,
> > login is
> > 1) not possible, since there is another application already active with
> > this session
> > or
> > 2) destroys the session values of the first application
> >
> > However, session-cookie handling like IE should be IMHO possible with
> > Mozilla at all.
> > If you press Ctrl-N in IE you use the same session-cookie (even if i do
> > not like this behaviour, i can live with).
> >
> > At least, if i start IE again (via Icon on Desktop) a new session cookie
> > will be retrieved. This is what Mozilla should do too.
> >
> >
> > Mario
> -
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request.getremoteAddr() returning (localhost)

2003-11-28 Thread Kilic, Hakan
Hi all,

I've searched the email archive and bugzilla, and come across bug 20041: back from June 2003.

I'm using Tomcat 4.1.24 Standalone, and I've attached the server.xml file
I'm using (I'm using the Catalina connector).

Does anyone know what the problem is and if there is a workaround to this? 



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RE: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Goehring, Chuck Mr., RCI - San Diego

"Welcome to, the project that develops NetBeans IDE, the full-featured 
integrated environment for Java Developers and NetBeans Platform, the widely adopted 
infrastructure backplane for complex desktop applications."

They ( don't have "Sun One Studio 4.0" but they have Netbeans 3.5.1.  Or, 
you get a "bundle" of the latest Java with Netbeans 3.5.1 at

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 7:57 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: JSP Editors

SunOne CE (nice, based on NetBeans)
You cant download this IDE from

Best Regards

Leonardo Martinez
>From Chile

>-Mensaje original-
>De: David Sierra Fernández [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Enviado el: Viernes, 28 de Noviembre de 2003 09:15
>Para: Tomcat Users List
>Asunto: RE: JSP Editors
>¿Any of this editors you mentioned (or other)supports step 
>by step debbuging in JSP ¿or simply debugging?
>David Sierra Fernández
>> -Mensaje original-
>> De: Shanta B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Enviado el: viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2003 11:35
>> Para: ''Tomcat Users List' '
>> Asunto: RE: JSP Editors
>> JIDEA is also best .by using this u can go through internal java 
>> scource code and also option to remote debug ur servlets by using 
>> tomcat -Original Message-
>> From: Bodycombe, Andrew
>> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
>> Sent: 28/11/2003 3:48 PM
>> Subject: RE: JSP Editors
>> Both are free and up to the task.
>> Andy
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 28 November 2003 09:54
>> To: Tomcat User List
>> Subject: JSP Editors
>> Sorry if off topic but...
>> What do people use to edit JSPs?
>> I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, 
>with syntax 
>> colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
>> Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on 
>windows as 
>> it is on linux.
>> Any other suggestions?
>> Cheers
>> Duncan Smith
>> Decker Telecom Ltd
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -
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>> -
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Re: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread John Sidney-Woollett
Take a look at Eclipse ( [FREE] combined with MyEclipse
( [$29.95].

Having used many IDE's, standalone editors etc, I can positively state
that this IDE will save you LOADS of time, blood sweat and tears. It is
fast, feature packed, written in java, and allows you to develop and debug
web projects easily. It supports virtually all the common J2EE servers
(including Tomcat 4 and 5). It runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It
features tight cvs integration too. It rocks.

I hear IDEA is a good IDE, and I have used CodeGuide (also good) but I
switched to Eclipse after trying it out.

If you have time to experiment, try Eclipse - you won't believe how good
it is.

John Sidney-Woollett

ps I'm not in any way affiliated to Eclipse or MyEclipse!

Duncan said:
> Sorry if off topic but...
> What do people use to edit JSPs?
> I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
> colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
> Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
> is on linux.
> Any other suggestions?
> Cheers
> Duncan Smith
> Decker Telecom Ltd

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RE: Form based authentication

2003-11-28 Thread Patrick Willart
Hello Atreya,

Your stylesheet is returned after authentication because it is access
restricted. If you make your stylesheet freely accessible it will work.



-Original Message-
From: Atreya Basu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 8:01 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Form based authentication

Hi all,

I thought I would share some of my experiences with JDBCRealm

First what I wanted to do was see if JDBCRealm based authentication even
worked.  All I got was Tomcat quitting.  My first problem was that my
web.xml file wasn't in the right order.  I went to BEA's website and
used their web.xml file explanation page to get all of the spelling and
order of the elements right.
But Tomcat still wasn't running.  It turned out my second problem was
that for some reason the MySQL JDBC driver wasn't being found, even
though I had placed it in the common\lib directory.  So I edited the
catalina file manually and added in the jar file.

Next whenever I would authenticate I would get a stylesheet instead of
my intended destination.  Then one time I authenticated and accidentally
hit the login page.  It showed me a different styled login page.

That happened because my stylesheet was kept inside the context
directory it wasn't being retrieved till I authenticated.  So instead of
pulling up index.html after I authenticate it pulled up the stylesheet
because my browser was waiting to load that file.  Solution of course
was to place the stylesheet in an unsecure directory.

I hope that someone finds this useful.


Atreya Basu
Greenfield Research Inc.
e-mail: atreya (at) greenfieldresearch (dot) ca

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Re: directory reference

2003-11-28 Thread John Sidney-Woollett
Why not use a Properties file which you can get the class loader to locate
for you using call similar to:


Just place the file at the root level of your (web project) source tree,
so that it is copied either to WEB-INF/classes or built into a jar file
placed in WEB-INF/lib when your app is deployed.

Make sure that the path to the file matches the directory (or package
folder) that you place the properties file in.

This technique works fine with Tomcat, or with a regular java app.

John Sidney-Woollett

Giorgio Franceschetti said:
> Hi all,
>I'd like to create a file with some configuration details for my
> application.
> I tryed to reference my file like this "./data.txt" and I found it in my
> tomcat/bin directory.
> Well, I should  have expected this, quite like any other java
> application points to the executable directory.
> Is there any way to point to my application directory?
> Should I assume a fixed path like tomcat/webapps/myapp?
> Thanks in advance,
> Giorgio

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Tomcat 4.0.x memory leak (not javac)

2003-11-28 Thread Trenton D. Adams
We're having a problem with tomcat 4.0.4.  Every time a context is reloaded it
leaks memory.  The oddest thing about this is that it starts throwing
OutOfMemoryExceptions before process list shows that it's using the memory I
allocated to it.

eg. It will through OutOfMemoryExceptions at like 130M memory usage when I've
allocated 512M for it.

Is this a known bug that's been fixed in 4.1.x?

Trenton D. Adams
Web Programmer Analyst
Navy Penguins at your service!
Athabasca University
ext 6195 

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Tomcat/Apache web server communication

2003-11-28 Thread Ivan Ivanov
Dear colleagues,

Please help in the following situation.
We are cuurently developing a web application based on
Tomcat4.1. Thus web app allows a user to upload files
and folders in a subdirectory of its context, so that
the content of these folders be viewed or retrieved by
other users. The folders can contain static html
pages, jpgs, zip files, etc. However, a user has
uploaded some large video files, that create problems
when played through internet and place unnecessary
burden and the web app hangs or behaves badly.
As a solution, I decided to install Apache Web Server
and move these static files in Apache, so that Apache
will serve the static content. (Installation of Apache
and mod_jk2 connector is OK). 
However, the subdirectory in the webapp conext in
which reside the uploaded files and folders is a
"restricted " area. When an user wants to access a
file in it, a filter (extends javax.servlet.Filter) is
invoked and checks according to some rules if the user
has enough rights and if so gives him the requested
My question is, if I move the subdirectory with the
uploaded files in Apache Web Server, how should I
configure Apache so that it can be reached only from
Tomcat and only when the filter permits?

In short if we have 
1) the url of ourwebapp is
2)the directory with uploaded stuff is uploaddir and
is accessed by
3) every time a user tries to access
the filter checks his rights,
and we move uploaddir and its contents in Apache, how
should I set up Apache and eventually the filter?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind Regards Ivan Ivanov

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RE: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Neal
Ha!  That thing (SunOne) is the bulkiest, heaviest app I've ever
installed on my machine.  I have to wait minutes for it to start up and
a good 30 seconds when intellisense recognizes a new class.  Besides,
didn't Sun start charging some crazy price for it recently?  Use to be
free but I think now it's like $500.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 7:57 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: JSP Editors

SunOne CE (nice, based on NetBeans)
You cant download this IDE from

Best Regards

Leonardo Martinez
>From Chile

>-Mensaje original-
>De: David Sierra Fernández [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Enviado el: Viernes, 28 de Noviembre de 2003 09:15
>Para: Tomcat Users List
>Asunto: RE: JSP Editors
>¿Any of this editors you mentioned (or other)supports step 
>by step debbuging in JSP ¿or simply debugging?
>David Sierra Fernández
>> -Mensaje original-
>> De: Shanta B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Enviado el: viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2003 11:35
>> Para: ''Tomcat Users List' '
>> Asunto: RE: JSP Editors
>> JIDEA is also best .by using this u can go through internal java 
>> scource code and also option to remote debug ur servlets by using 
>> tomcat -Original Message-
>> From: Bodycombe, Andrew
>> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
>> Sent: 28/11/2003 3:48 PM
>> Subject: RE: JSP Editors
>> Both are free and up to the task.
>> Andy
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 28 November 2003 09:54
>> To: Tomcat User List
>> Subject: JSP Editors
>> Sorry if off topic but...
>> What do people use to edit JSPs?
>> I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, 
>with syntax 
>> colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
>> Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on 
>windows as 
>> it is on linux.
>> Any other suggestions?
>> Cheers
>> Duncan Smith
>> Decker Telecom Ltd
>> -
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>> -
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>> -
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Connections Refused

2003-11-28 Thread Karau, Joe
We have started loadtesting the current release of our application, which on
4.1.12 we were able to acheive over 200 concurrent users.  However, our
current version is running on 4.1.24 and has not been able to respond to
more than 100 users.

When we have between 80-100 users using the system, any browser that does
not yet have an active session instantly receives a "page can not be
displayed" error.  However, all existing sessions seem to be plugging away
at a perfectly reasonable pace, withour errors.  

The box has plenty of CPU and memory available to it, and with the heap set
at 1Gig we have plenty left in the heap to use.

We have the "maxProcessers" set at 250, and according to logs we have not
yet reached the max.  We are not specifying a session manager in the webapps
configuration, and from my understanding a default with no max sessions
should be used.

I've searched the web, and the archives and I can't find anything that seems
to help.

If anyone has any ideas and or thoughts, I would really appreciate it.

Joseph Karau 
Kingland Systems 
AIM: jkarau3629 

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Problems with content type in the response header

2003-11-28 Thread Amit Dhar

I am using Tomcat 5.0.14
I have a servlet running under Tomcat.
Tomcat seems to add character encoding "charset=ISO-8859-1"
to the content-type in response header.
A third party program to which my servlet talks to, expects
only "application/octet-stream" as the response content-type,
however the error log shows the content-type to be 

I tried to set the content-type explicitly in my servlet using 
but it still appends the "charset=ISO-8859-1" part to it.

Does any one know why this happens and how I can get rid of it?


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Please Help to compile mod_jk2 on AIX

2003-11-28 Thread Jose Perez
Please, i have tried to compile hundred of times jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.29-src 
and jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src, but it's impossible. There are a lot of 
errors during compilation.

I use: gcc.3.2.1, libtool 1.4.2,autoconf 2.53,automake 1.5, make 3.79

#cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.29-src/jk/native2
#chmod +x
#CC=gcc ./configure --with-java-home=/usr/java131 --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bi
n/apxs --with-tomcat41=/soft/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29

Before running make, i edit
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.29-srcjk/native2/server/apache2/Makefile and
change the line
MOD_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) -avoid-version -module -rpath 
MOD_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) -avoid-version -module -rpath 

#make (gnu make)
Errors are like:
mkdir ../../../build/jk2/apache2/.libs
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarat
ions -pthread -U__STR__ -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_USE_IRS -DAP_DEBUG -I../../include
 -I/usr/local/apache2/include -I /usr/java131/include -I
/usr/java131/include/ -DCHUNK_SIZE=4096 -DUSE_APACHE_MD5 -DHAS_APR -c
../../common/jk_config.c -DPIC -o
../../common/jk_config.c: In function
../../common/jk_config.c:106: warning: unused variable `w'
../../common/jk_config.c:107: warning: unused variable `type'
../../common/jk_config.c:108: warning: unused variable `dot'
../../common/jk_config.c: In function `jk2_config_setProperty':
../../common/jk_config.c:225: warning: unused variable `oldDisabled'
../../common/jk_config.c: In function `jk2_config_setPropertyString':
../../common/jk_config.c:274: warning: unused variable `wEnv'
../../common/jk_config.c:275: warning: unused variable `initData'
../../common/jk_config.c: In function `jk2_config_replaceProperties':
../../common/jk_config.c:326: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment
used as truth value
../../common/jk_config.c: In function `jk2_config_processConfigData':
../../common/jk_config.c:396: warning: `rc' might be used uninitialized in
this function
mv -f ../../../build/jk2/apache2/.libs/jk_config.lo
(cd ../../../build/jk2/apache2 && ln -s jk_config.o jk_config.lo)
/usr/local/apache2/build/libtool --mode=compile
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarat
ions -pthread -U__STR__ -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_USE_IRS -DAP_DEBUG -I../../include
 -I/usr/local/apache2/include -I /usr/java131/include -I
/usr/java131/include/ -DCHUNK_SIZE=4096 -DUSE_APACHE_MD5 -DHAS_APR -c
../../common/jk_config_file.c -o
rm -f ../../../build/jk2/apache2/.libs/jk_config_file.lo
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarat
ions -pthread -U__STR__ -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_USE_IRS -DAP_DEBUG -I../../include
 -I/usr/local/apache2/include -I /usr/java131/include -I
/usr/java131/include/ -DCHUNK_SIZE=4096 -DUSE_APACHE_MD5 -DHAS_APR -c
../../common/jk_config_file.c -DPIC -o
../../common/jk_config_file.c: In function `jk2_config_file_saveConfig':
../../common/jk_config_file.c:126: warning: char format, void arg (arg 4)
../../common/jk_config_file.c: At top level:
../../common/jk_config_file.c:177: warning: no previous prototype for
../../common/jk_config_file.c: In function `jk2_config_file_parseProperty':
../../common/jk_config_file.c:178: warning: unused variable `rc'
../../common/jk_config_file.c: At top level:
../../common/jk_config_file.c:407: warning: no previous prototype for
mv -f ../../../build/jk2/apache2/.libs/jk_config_file.lo
(cd ../../../build/jk2/apache2 && ln -s jk_config_file.o jk_config_file.lo)
/usr/local/apache2/build/libtool --mode=compile
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarat
ions -pthread -U__STR__ -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_USE_IRS -DAP_DEBUG -I../../include
 -I/usr/local/apache2/include -I /usr/java131/include -I
/usr/java131/include/ -DCHUNK_SIZE=4096 -DUSE_APACHE_MD5 -DHAS_APR -c
../../common/jk_channel_apr_socket.c -o
rm -f ../../../build/jk2/apache2/.libs/jk_channel_apr_socket.lo
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarat
ions -pthread -U__STR__ -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_USE_IRS -DAP_DEBUG -I../../include
 -I/usr/local/apache2/include -I /usr/java131/include -I
/usr/java131/include/ -DCHUNK_SIZE=4096 -DUSE_APACHE_MD5 -DHAS_APR -c
../../common/jk_channel_apr_socket.c -DPIC -o
../../common/jk_channel_apr_socket.c: In function `jk2_channel_apr_init':
../../common/jk_channel_apr_socket.c:187: warning: unused variable `cfg'

Re: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Kris Gemborys
If you are looking for WYSWIG JSP editor check Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 
for debugging you can use one of IDEs mentioned in previous e-mails.

Shanta B wrote:

JIDEA is also best .by using this u can go through internal java scource
code and also option to remote debug ur servlets by using tomcat
-Original Message-
From: Bodycombe, Andrew
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Sent: 28/11/2003 3:48 PM
Subject: RE: JSP Editors
Both are free and up to the task.


-Original Message-
From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 November 2003 09:54
To: Tomcat User List
Subject: JSP Editors

Sorry if off topic but...

What do people use to edit JSPs?

I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
is on linux.
Any other suggestions?

Duncan Smith
Decker Telecom Ltd
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Re: Preload JSP when it's startup

2003-11-28 Thread Kris Gemborys
Here is the solution that worked for me:
Antony Paul wrote:

I use the following Ant build file to precompile all jsps to work dir. I
prepared this based on another post in this list. All the jsps are converted
to java and then to class files.




Antony Paul.

- Original Message -
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: Preload JSP when it's startup

Can you please tell me exact instruction?
store it in where?

Deepak Parbhoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/28/2003 01:12 PM
Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"
   To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Subject:Re: Preload JSP when it's startup
Write a script that calls the jsp's with '?jsp_precompile=true' as a
So if the page is called start.jsp you will make a request to:


As we know, first time when JSP is called, it's complied into Servlet
the next time you call the same jsp, the respond time will be faster.
Thus, anywar for Tomcat to set to preload the JSP page when it's
up the server?


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Re: Tomcat on Montavista HardHat Linux winth J9 VM?

2003-11-28 Thread Kris Gemborys
You may want to check out this link::
and download Extension Services for WSAD (Websphere Developer Studio).
IBM has scaled down version of application server (compliant with 
Servert 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications) that runs with J9 on different 
pervasive devices.

Chong Yu Meng wrote:

What's a J9 VM ? If you mean does Tomcat run on Linux with IBM's Java 
2 SDK 1.4.1/1.4/1.3, the answer is "yes" but you may need to setup 
some environment variables and maybe download a different package for 
Montavista Hardhat Linux (does it support rpms?). Give us more 
information about your environment.

pascal chong
Pavoni Cristian wrote:

Is it possible to run Tomcat on Ibm J9 VM running on HardHat Linux by
In such case, which versions of Tomcat?
Software Developer
Selta Telematica Spa


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Form based authentication

2003-11-28 Thread Atreya Basu
Hi all,

I thought I would share some of my experiences with JDBCRealm 

First what I wanted to do was see if JDBCRealm based authentication even 
worked.  All I got was Tomcat quitting.  My first problem was that my 
web.xml file wasn't in the right order.  I went to BEA's website and 
used their web.xml file explanation page to get all of the spelling and 
order of the elements right. 
But Tomcat still wasn't running.  It turned out my second problem was 
that for some reason the MySQL JDBC driver wasn't being found, even 
though I had placed it in the common\lib directory.  So I edited the 
catalina file manually and added in the jar file.

Next whenever I would authenticate I would get a stylesheet instead of 
my intended destination.  Then one time I authenticated and accidentally 
hit the login page.  It showed me a different styled login page.

That happened because my stylesheet was kept inside the context 
directory it wasn't being retrieved till I authenticated.  So instead of 
pulling up index.html after I authenticate it pulled up the stylesheet 
because my browser was waiting to load that file.  Solution of course 
was to place the stylesheet in an unsecure directory.

I hope that someone finds this useful.


Atreya Basu
Greenfield Research Inc.
e-mail: atreya (at) greenfieldresearch (dot) ca

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RE: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Shanta B
 I am not sure with jsp...but i tried here for servlets ...step by step
debugging .

-Original Message-
From: David Sierra Fernández
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: 28/11/2003 6:44 PM
Subject: RE: JSP Editors

¿Any of this editors you mentioned (or other)supports step by step
debbuging in JSP
¿or simply debugging?

David Sierra Fernández

> -Mensaje original-
> De: Shanta B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado el: viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2003 11:35
> Para: ''Tomcat Users List' '
> Asunto: RE: JSP Editors
> JIDEA is also best .by using this u can go through internal
> java scource
> code and also option to remote debug ur servlets by using tomcat
> -Original Message-
> From: Bodycombe, Andrew
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Sent: 28/11/2003 3:48 PM
> Subject: RE: JSP Editors
> Both are free and up to the task.
> Andy
> -Original Message-
> From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 28 November 2003 09:54
> To: Tomcat User List
> Subject: JSP Editors
> Sorry if off topic but...
> What do people use to edit JSPs?
> I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
> colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
> Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as
> is on linux.
> Any other suggestions?
> Cheers
> Duncan Smith
> Decker Telecom Ltd
> -
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What is the minimum version of Tomcat that will work with JK2?

2003-11-28 Thread Asif Chowdhary


What is the minimum version of Tomcat that will work with JK2?

4.0.3, 4.1.27etc

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directory reference

2003-11-28 Thread Giorgio Franceschetti
Hi all,
  I'd like to create a file with some configuration details for my 
I tryed to reference my file like this "./data.txt" and I found it in my 
tomcat/bin directory.
Well, I should  have expected this, quite like any other java 
application points to the executable directory.
Is there any way to point to my application directory?
Should I assume a fixed path like tomcat/webapps/myapp?
Thanks in advance,

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Re: Authentication with JAAS / Form Autenthication/ "j_security_check"

2003-11-28 Thread Jose Antonio Chirinos
Thanks for yours sugestions, the reason for which i need to do that is because i have 
to do an authentication module that are able to authenticate a user depending on a 
company. That is because a user can be in 2 or more companys and the data of the 
companys is diferent. 
Thanks in Advanced.

Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, but if they happen to have javascript disabled, they will get very 

On 11/28/2003 11:23 AM Andoni wrote:
> You don't have to instruct the user to do this. Just have login form as a
> hidden form and fill (and submit) it using JavaScript. You can get the
> values from a login form you call whatever you like and then append whatever
> you like to the end of each of the username and password.
> This does sound rather odd though and you should really be looking at the
> bigger picture of your architecture to see why you have this problem in the
> first place as it sounds like you are trying to hack a solution to me!!
> Sorry if your not!
> Andoni.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Adam Hardy" 
> To: "Tomcat Users List" 
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 10:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Authentication with JAAS / Form Autenthication/
> "j_security_check"
>>On 11/27/2003 06:41 PM Jose Antonio Chirinos wrote:
>>>Hi, i have a web application that use web authentication through
>>>"j_security_check" servlet; i need to add an extra parameter diferent
>>>of "j_password" and "j_username"; i guess that i have to put the
>>>extra parameter in the login form and in the definition of the realm;
>>>but where i have to include the code for the comparation of the new
>>>parameter.Thanks in Advanced.Jose Antonio Chirinos.
>>tomcat (and all servlet spec compliant app servers) won't process any
>>further parameters other than the two you mention. When you code your
>>realm, you code a LoginModule or equivalent which is passed these 2
>>This means the only option you have is to instruct the user to place the
>>extra parameter on the end of the username, perhaps after an appropriate
>>seperator character, so that you can then split your extra parameter
>>from the user name in your realm code.
>>struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.14 + java 1.4.2
>>Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.14 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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R: Tomcat on Montavista HardHat Linux winth J9 VM?

2003-11-28 Thread Pavoni Cristian
Hi Chong,

we develop embedded systems with Montavista HardHat Linux (PowerPC) mainly
in C/C++.
Now we want to develop other application using the java language always on
this platform.

The Montavista HardHat Linux supports the IBM's J9 JVM implementation that
is fully certified to be compliant with J2ME specification for all currently
available configurations and profiles.

We'd like to know if this enviroment is enough to run Tomcat (it supports

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Chong Yu Meng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inviato: venerdì 28 novembre 2003 15.58
A: Tomcat Users List
Oggetto: Re: Tomcat on Montavista HardHat Linux winth J9 VM?

What's a J9 VM ? If you mean does Tomcat run on Linux with IBM's Java 2 
SDK 1.4.1/1.4/1.3, the answer is "yes" but you may need to setup some 
environment variables and maybe download a different package for 
Montavista Hardhat Linux (does it support rpms?). Give us more 
information about your environment.

pascal chong

Pavoni Cristian wrote:

>Is it possible to run Tomcat on Ibm J9 VM running on HardHat Linux by
>In such case, which versions of Tomcat?
>Software Developer
>Selta Telematica Spa

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Re: Confusion about Realm directive

2003-11-28 Thread Tim Funk


Atreya Basu wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to create a security realm.  I am confused as to where to 
put the Realm directive.  If I want to create a realm for a Context, 
would I place the directive before or inside of the Context directive?

Thanks in advance.

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RE: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread LEONARDO MARTINEZ
SunOne CE (nice, based on NetBeans)
You cant download this IDE from

Best Regards

Leonardo Martinez
>From Chile

>-Mensaje original-
>De: David Sierra Fernández [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Enviado el: Viernes, 28 de Noviembre de 2003 09:15
>Para: Tomcat Users List
>Asunto: RE: JSP Editors
>¿Any of this editors you mentioned (or other)supports step 
>by step debbuging in JSP ¿or simply debugging?
>David Sierra Fernández
>> -Mensaje original-
>> De: Shanta B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Enviado el: viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2003 11:35
>> Para: ''Tomcat Users List' '
>> Asunto: RE: JSP Editors
>> JIDEA is also best .by using this u can go through internal java 
>> scource code and also option to remote debug ur servlets by using 
>> tomcat -Original Message-
>> From: Bodycombe, Andrew
>> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
>> Sent: 28/11/2003 3:48 PM
>> Subject: RE: JSP Editors
>> Both are free and up to the task.
>> Andy
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 28 November 2003 09:54
>> To: Tomcat User List
>> Subject: JSP Editors
>> Sorry if off topic but...
>> What do people use to edit JSPs?
>> I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, 
>with syntax 
>> colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
>> Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on 
>windows as 
>> it is on linux.
>> Any other suggestions?
>> Cheers
>> Duncan Smith
>> Decker Telecom Ltd
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -
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Re: Tomcat on Montavista HardHat Linux winth J9 VM?

2003-11-28 Thread Chong Yu Meng
What's a J9 VM ? If you mean does Tomcat run on Linux with IBM's Java 2 
SDK 1.4.1/1.4/1.3, the answer is "yes" but you may need to setup some 
environment variables and maybe download a different package for 
Montavista Hardhat Linux (does it support rpms?). Give us more 
information about your environment.

pascal chong
Pavoni Cristian wrote:

Is it possible to run Tomcat on Ibm J9 VM running on HardHat Linux by
In such case, which versions of Tomcat?
Software Developer
Selta Telematica Spa


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RE: Tomcat 4 - IIS 5 on Win 2K: Unable to connect IIS to tomcat on AJP13 connector

2003-11-28 Thread Bhavdeep Sharma

After not able to connect IIS5.0 on Win2K with Tomcat 4.0, JDK 1.4 using
I tried to connect IIS 5 on Win2K with Tomcat 3.2, JDK 1.3. This
configuration used to worked on my system in the past. But today I am not
able run even this.

The contents of my isapi.log are given below. Any clue will be helpful.
P.S. Both Tomcat and IIS run fine and JSP page is served fine if run without

[Fri Nov 28 19:54:30 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (464)]: Attempting to map
URI '/examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp'
[Fri Nov 28 19:54:30 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (529)]:
jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a suffix match ajp12 -> *.jsp
[Fri Nov 28 19:54:30 2003]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (721)]: HttpFilterProc
[/examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp] is a servlet url - should redirect to ajp12
[Fri Nov 28 19:54:30 2003]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (784)]: HttpFilterProc check
if [/examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp] is points to the web-inf directory
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (408)]: HttpFilterProc started
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (429)]: In HttpFilterProc test redirection of
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (345)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (435)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
without a match
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (452)]: HttpFilterProc [/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll] is
not a servlet url
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (461)]: HttpFilterProc check if
[/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll] is points to the web-inf directory
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (517)]: HttpExtensionProc started
[jk_worker.c (123)]: Into wc_get_worker_for_name ajp12
[jk_worker.c (127)]: wc_get_worker_for_name, done  found a worker
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (539)]: HttpExtensionProc got a worker for name ajp12
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (223)]: Into jk_worker_t::get_endpoint
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (121)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::service
[jk_connect.c (108)]: Into jk_open_socket
[jk_connect.c (115)]: jk_open_socket, try to connect socket = 2440
[jk_connect.c (124)]: jk_open_socket, after connect ret = 0
[jk_connect.c (132)]: jk_open_socket, set TCP_NODELAY to on
[jk_connect.c (140)]: jk_open_socket, return, sd = 2440
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (134)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, sd = 2440
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (357)]: Into ajpv12_handle_request
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (361)]: ajpv12_handle_request, sending the ajp12 start
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (413)]: ajpv12_handle_request, sending the headers
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (432)]: ajpv12_handle_request, sending the terminating
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (477)]: ajpv12_handle_request done
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (148)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, sent request
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (493)]: Into ajpv12_handle_response
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (507)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read Status: 404 Not
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (535)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read Status=404 Not Found
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (507)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read Content-Type:
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (535)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (547)]: ajpv12_handle_response, allocating header arrays
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (507)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read Content-Length: 201
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (535)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read Content-Length=201
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (507)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read Servlet-Engine:
Tomcat Web Server/3.2.3 (JSP 1.1; Servlet 2.2; Java 1.3.0; Windows 2000 5.0
x86; java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.)
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (535)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read
Servlet-Engine=Tomcat Web Server/3.2.3 (JSP 1.1; Servlet 2.2; Java 1.3.0;
Windows 2000 5.0 x86; java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.)
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (507)]: ajpv12_handle_response, read 
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (509)]: ajpv12_handle_response, headers are done
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (568)]: ajpv12_handle_response, starting response
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (201)]: Into jk_ws_service_t::start_response
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (579)]: ajpv12_handle_response, reading response body
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (335)]: Into jk_ws_service_t::write
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (595)]: ajpv12_handle_response, response body is done
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (607)]: ajpv12_handle_response done
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (551)]: HttpExtensionProc service() returned OK
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (163)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::done


-Original Message-
From: Wendell Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 2:04 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat 4 - IIS 5 on Win 2K: Unable to connect IIS to tomcat
on AJP13 connector

Looks like you've set up a worker for ajp12 instead of ajp13.

>>[jk_ajp12_worker.c (242)]: Into


-Original Message-
From: Bhavdeep Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 7:21 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat 4 - IIS 5 on Win 2K: Unable to connect IIS to tomcat on
AJP13 connector

Hi all,

I am running tomcat 4.0 as service on Win 2K
I am trying to connect IIS to tomcat on AJP 13 connector using JK1.2

I try to access the sample JSP page using IIS

Tomcat on Montavista HardHat Linux winth J9 VM?

2003-11-28 Thread Pavoni Cristian
Is it possible to run Tomcat on Ibm J9 VM running on HardHat Linux by
In such case, which versions of Tomcat?

Software Developer
Selta Telematica Spa

Confusion about Realm directive

2003-11-28 Thread Atreya Basu
Hi all,

I am trying to create a security realm.  I am confused as to where to 
put the Realm directive.  If I want to create a realm for a Context, 
would I place the directive before or inside of the Context directive?

Thanks in advance.

Atreya Basu
Greenfield Research Inc.
e-mail: atreya (at) greenfieldresearch (dot) ca

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Internal Server Error 500

2003-11-28 Thread Asif Chowdhary

I have apache running on linux with tomcat on NT.
Servlets work fine but when I try to load a JSP from the examples
It give Internal Server Error 500 Context not configured.

Linux 9.0
Apache 2.0
Tomcat 4.1.27

Any help is appreciated.

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Re: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Graham Reeds
> Textpad (Best $27 you'll spend)

I second that.  Has a few quirks, but nothing that affects your programming.


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Re: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Tim Funk
Textpad (Best $27 you'll spend)


Duncan wrote:

Sorry if off topic but...

What do people use to edit JSPs?

I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
is on linux. 

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Re: GZIP-encoding/mod_gzip and Tomcat??

2003-11-28 Thread Tim Funk
See property compression.


Ron Andersen wrote:

Is GZIP-encoding/mod_gzip avaliable in Tomcats web server?

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RE: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread David Sierra Fernández

¿Any of this editors you mentioned (or other)supports step by step
debbuging in JSP
¿or simply debugging?

David Sierra Fernández

> -Mensaje original-
> De: Shanta B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado el: viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2003 11:35
> Para: ''Tomcat Users List' '
> Asunto: RE: JSP Editors
> JIDEA is also best .by using this u can go through internal
> java scource
> code and also option to remote debug ur servlets by using tomcat
> -Original Message-
> From: Bodycombe, Andrew
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Sent: 28/11/2003 3:48 PM
> Subject: RE: JSP Editors
> Both are free and up to the task.
> Andy
> -Original Message-
> From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 28 November 2003 09:54
> To: Tomcat User List
> Subject: JSP Editors
> Sorry if off topic but...
> What do people use to edit JSPs?
> I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
> colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
> Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
> is on linux.
> Any other suggestions?
> Cheers
> Duncan Smith
> Decker Telecom Ltd
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
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> -
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Re: Authentication with JAAS / Form Autenthication/ "j_security_check"

2003-11-28 Thread Adam Hardy
Yes, but if they happen to have javascript disabled, they will get very 

On 11/28/2003 11:23 AM Andoni wrote:
You don't have to instruct the user to do this.  Just have login form as a
hidden form and fill (and submit) it using JavaScript.  You can get the
values from a login form you call whatever you like and then append whatever
you like to the end of each of the username and password.
This does sound rather odd though and you should really be looking at the
bigger picture of your architecture to see why you have this problem in the
first place as it sounds like you are trying to hack a solution to me!!
Sorry if your not!

- Original Message -
From: "Adam Hardy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: Authentication with JAAS / Form Autenthication/

On 11/27/2003 06:41 PM Jose Antonio Chirinos wrote:

Hi, i have a web application that use web authentication through
"j_security_check" servlet; i need to add an extra parameter diferent
of "j_password" and "j_username"; i guess that i have to put the
extra parameter in the login form and in the definition of the realm;
but where i have to include the code for the comparation of the new
parameter.Thanks in Advanced.Jose Antonio Chirinos.
tomcat (and all servlet spec compliant app servers) won't process any
further parameters other than the two you mention. When you code your
realm, you code a LoginModule or equivalent which is passed these 2
This means the only option you have is to instruct the user to place the
extra parameter on the end of the username, perhaps after an appropriate
seperator character, so that you can then split your extra parameter
from the user name in your realm code.
struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.14 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.14 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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Re: session invalidation and <%@ page session=false %>

2003-11-28 Thread Adam Hardy
Yes, but there it is just used in a call to JspFactory.getPageContext() 
where the J2EE documentation says the needsSession parameter should be 
true if the JSP participates in a session.

I wonder whether the session is always created by default or whether it 
sometimes honestly doesn't get created if there's no call to 


On 11/27/2003 02:48 PM Ben Souther wrote:
Remember, all JSPs get converted to servlets before being compiled.
If you want to see how to mimick JSP functionality in a servlet, look at the 
generated servlet code in your TOMCAT_HOME/work directory.

On Thursday 27 November 2003 07:24 am, you wrote:

I'm wondering what the servlet equivalent of <%@ page session=false %>
would be.
After all the discussion here about disabling URL rewriting, I have
knocked up a filter to overwrite the response so that encodeUrl() is
no-op'd (thanx Brice) for requests from callers like google that can't
handle or don't need a session.
In the same filter I can invalidate the session after the call to
chain.doFilter() so that the sessions created don't hang around.
However it seems an awkward solution, since the session is used
throughout the servlet - I thought I could use session.invalidate() just
to kill off the session right away and then do a test on the session
wherever I need it to see if it is valid or present.
The only test I can do to identify an invalidated session is to try
catch on an IllegalStateException on any session method call, but that's
goes against my philosophy.
If I overwrite the request as well and override the getSession() to
return null, is that going to present any unforeseen issues on these
requests that need no session? Or is there a better way of mimicking <%@
page session=false %> ?

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struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.14 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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Re: how to add a context to server.xml?

2003-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i started java-programming with netbeans 3.2. i never had the problem to 
do something with web.xml but everything was running.
then i upgraded to 3.5 and nothing ran! so i had to learn something 
about servlet-mappings in web.xml. but it's only a basic knowledge. 
although everything now is running again!

so my only way to work a little bit with web.xml is servlet-mapping.

Schalk schrieb:


Do you use your web.xml file at all to do any servlet mappings etc.?

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.CEO
Tel: +27125468436
Fax: +27125468436
This message contains information that is considered to be sensitive or
confidential and may not be forwarded or disclosed to any other party
without the permission of the sender. If you received this message in error,
please notify me immediately so that I can correct and delete the original
email. Thank you. 

:: -Original Message-
:: Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 12:01 PM
:: To: Tomcat Users List
:: Subject: Re: how to add a context to server.xml?
:: hi,
:: thank you for your mail. i tried it out but found that it was no
:: solution (as i hoped) to my other problem (i posted it already): the
::  doesn't work. you asked me, if i used web.xml or
:: "direct-call".
:: what can i do here else?
:: greetings
:: hans
:: Schalk schrieb:
:: >Hans
:: >
:: >I personally have not used the admin or manager to make these entries
:: >have been doing them by hand. The entry in the server.xml will be
:: >like:
:: >
:: >reloadable="true" />
:: >
:: >Kind Regards
:: >Schalk Neethling
:: >Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.CEO
:: >Volume4.Development.Multimedia.Branding
:: >emotionalize.conceptualize.visualize.realize
:: >Tel: +27125468436
:: >Fax: +27125468436
:: >web:
:: >
:: >This message contains information that is considered to be sensitive or
:: >confidential and may not be forwarded or disclosed to any other party
:: >without the permission of the sender. If you received this message in
:: >please notify me immediately so that I can correct and delete the
:: >email. Thank you.
:: >
:: >:: -Original Message-
:: >:: Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 11:17 AM
:: >:: Subject: how to add a context to server.xml?
:: >::
:: >:: hello,
:: >::
:: >:: i installed a .war-file with manager. i noticed, that in server.xml
:: >:: there was no entry for the corresponding context afterwards.
:: >::
:: >:: i wanted to do it with the tomcat-admin-page, i got the message, that
:: >:: alterations were saved. but then again: no context in server.xml.
:: >::
:: >:: must i do it by hand? (for a beginner not so fine!).
:: >::
:: >:: greetings
:: >:: hans horwath, austria
:: >::
:: >::
:: >::
:: >:: -
:: >:: To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: >:: For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: >
:: >
:: >
:: >-
:: >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: >
:: >
:: >
:: >
:: -
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:: For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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JK2 DLL not loaded.

2003-11-28 Thread Antony Paul
I successfully installed JK(isapi_redirect.dll) and is working fine with
Tomcat 4.1.27 and IIS5 on Win2k. I tried JK2(isapi_redirector2.dll).(I dont
know which is JK and JK2)
Followed all steps given at the connectors page but the DLL is not loaded. A
red arrow is shown at the left. And no log file output. Does JK2 requires No setting is made for this in the registry.

Also I want akk the static content to be servled by IIS. For this I
added a virtual directory in IIS which points to the webapp context docbase.
All jsps are served  by Tomcat and images served by IIS. But no servlets are
working. It is giving a 404 error. The uriworkermap content is given below.
How to make servlets work ?.



Antony Paul.

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Re: Browser Hangs

2003-11-28 Thread Mohamed Metwaly
Weird enough, if I leave the page trying to load (for a long time, almost 30 minutes 
or more) it eventually properly displays its contents, although when I check the 
server status during the "loading" of the page, the server indicates that there are no 
active sessions (all timed out).

Mohamed Metwaly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

I have a an application that depends on session timeout to manage security. If I 
continuously navigate through the different jsp pages of the application and then 
logout, everything is ok, but if I leave any of the pages untill the session timesout, 
then there is a great possibility that after I login again (from the SAME BROWSER 
WINDOW) that the second (or third) jsp after login will hang. I get no error 
whatsoever on the server (not in tomcat's, my own error log, or even windows). I 
inserted a few system.out to check whether the whole jsp is executed, and yes it is. 
What I noticed is that while the browser is waiting for something, if I "View Source", 
I find the whole html as expected, but it does not get displayed. I think that this 
has to do with the http connection not being terminated properly. I also noticed that 
if I open a new browser window, everything just runs fine. By the way, I do a static 
include in one of the files that hangs, I suspected this to be the source of
the problem, but the other file that hangs has no include.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

RE: how to add a context to server.xml?

2003-11-28 Thread Schalk

Do you use your web.xml file at all to do any servlet mappings etc.?

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.CEO
Tel: +27125468436
Fax: +27125468436
This message contains information that is considered to be sensitive or
confidential and may not be forwarded or disclosed to any other party
without the permission of the sender. If you received this message in error,
please notify me immediately so that I can correct and delete the original
email. Thank you. 

:: -Original Message-
:: Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 12:01 PM
:: To: Tomcat Users List
:: Subject: Re: how to add a context to server.xml?
:: hi,
:: thank you for your mail. i tried it out but found that it was no
:: solution (as i hoped) to my other problem (i posted it already): the
::  doesn't work. you asked me, if i used web.xml or
:: "direct-call".
:: what can i do here else?
:: greetings
:: hans
:: Schalk schrieb:
:: >Hans
:: >
:: >I personally have not used the admin or manager to make these entries
:: >have been doing them by hand. The entry in the server.xml will be
:: >like:
:: >reloadable="true" />
:: >
:: >Kind Regards
:: >Schalk Neethling
:: >Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.CEO
:: >Volume4.Development.Multimedia.Branding
:: >emotionalize.conceptualize.visualize.realize
:: >Tel: +27125468436
:: >Fax: +27125468436
:: >web:
:: >
:: >This message contains information that is considered to be sensitive or
:: >confidential and may not be forwarded or disclosed to any other party
:: >without the permission of the sender. If you received this message in
:: >please notify me immediately so that I can correct and delete the
:: >email. Thank you.
:: >
:: >:: -Original Message-
:: >:: Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 11:17 AM
:: >:: Subject: how to add a context to server.xml?
:: >::
:: >:: hello,
:: >::
:: >:: i installed a .war-file with manager. i noticed, that in server.xml
:: >:: there was no entry for the corresponding context afterwards.
:: >::
:: >:: i wanted to do it with the tomcat-admin-page, i got the message, that
:: >:: alterations were saved. but then again: no context in server.xml.
:: >::
:: >:: must i do it by hand? (for a beginner not so fine!).
:: >::
:: >:: greetings
:: >:: hans horwath, austria
:: >::
:: >::
:: >::
:: >:: -
:: >:: To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: >:: For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: >
:: >
:: >
:: >-
:: >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: >
:: >
:: >
:: >
:: -
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:: For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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tomcat & session invalidate

2003-11-28 Thread giluka
I've notice that Tomcat (v.4.1.29) does not release memory on session
invalidate event...
I try to create many session (with a stress tool like grinder) and i've set
session life time to 1 minute.
Tomcat memory occupation stretch to increase ... inexplicably, in my
When destroy session event occurs memory does not recycle...

Thanks for help


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RE: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Shanta B
JIDEA is also best .by using this u can go through internal java scource
code and also option to remote debug ur servlets by using tomcat
-Original Message-
From: Bodycombe, Andrew
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Sent: 28/11/2003 3:48 PM
Subject: RE: JSP Editors

Both are free and up to the task.


-Original Message-
From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 November 2003 09:54
To: Tomcat User List
Subject: JSP Editors

Sorry if off topic but...

What do people use to edit JSPs?

I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
colouring and possibly auto complete for java.

Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
is on linux.

Any other suggestions?

Duncan Smith
Decker Telecom Ltd

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RE: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Bodycombe, Andrew

Both are free and up to the task.


-Original Message-
From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 November 2003 09:54
To: Tomcat User List
Subject: JSP Editors

Sorry if off topic but...

What do people use to edit JSPs?

I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
colouring and possibly auto complete for java.

Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
is on linux.

Any other suggestions?

Duncan Smith
Decker Telecom Ltd

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Re: Authentication with JAAS / Form Autenthication/ "j_security_check"

2003-11-28 Thread Andoni
You don't have to instruct the user to do this.  Just have login form as a
hidden form and fill (and submit) it using JavaScript.  You can get the
values from a login form you call whatever you like and then append whatever
you like to the end of each of the username and password.

This does sound rather odd though and you should really be looking at the
bigger picture of your architecture to see why you have this problem in the
first place as it sounds like you are trying to hack a solution to me!!
Sorry if your not!


- Original Message -
From: "Adam Hardy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: Authentication with JAAS / Form Autenthication/

> On 11/27/2003 06:41 PM Jose Antonio Chirinos wrote:
> > Hi, i have a web application that use web authentication through
> > "j_security_check" servlet; i need to add an extra parameter diferent
> > of "j_password" and "j_username"; i guess that i have to put the
> > extra parameter in the login form and in the definition of the realm;
> > but where i have to include the code for the comparation of the new
> > parameter.Thanks in Advanced.Jose Antonio Chirinos.
> Jose,
> tomcat (and all servlet spec compliant app servers) won't process any
> further parameters other than the two you mention. When you code your
> realm, you code a LoginModule or equivalent which is passed these 2
> parameters.
> This means the only option you have is to instruct the user to place the
> extra parameter on the end of the username, perhaps after an appropriate
> seperator character, so that you can then split your extra parameter
> from the user name in your realm code.
> Adam
> --
> struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.14 + java 1.4.2
> Linux 2.4.20 RH9
> -
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Re: how to add a context to server.xml?

2003-11-28 Thread Andoni
You don't need to do it at all.  Tomcat will create a default context in
memory if it finds your war file in the right place.

If you do want to specify things about the context you will need to add a
section to server.xml.  If you want to do this I recommend you first remove
all the comments and extra rubbish you are not using in server.xml and then
format the XML properly and then you will see that it is actually quite easy
to understand.

You may have to do some reading though!


If you are using Tomcat 4.1 then you need this:

If you are using Tomcat 5.0 you will need this:


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 9:17 AM
Subject: how to add a context to server.xml?

> hello,
> i installed a .war-file with manager. i noticed, that in server.xml
> there was no entry for the corresponding context afterwards.
> i wanted to do it with the tomcat-admin-page, i got the message, that my
> alterations were saved. but then again: no context in server.xml.
> must i do it by hand? (for a beginner not so fine!).
> greetings
> hans horwath, austria
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: how to add a context to server.xml?

2003-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thank you for your mail. i tried it out but found that it was no 
solution (as i hoped) to my other problem (i posted it already): the 
 doesn't work. you asked me, if i used web.xml or 

what can i do here else?
Schalk schrieb:


I personally have not used the admin or manager to make these entries and
have been doing them by hand. The entry in the server.xml will be something

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.CEO
Tel: +27125468436
Fax: +27125468436
This message contains information that is considered to be sensitive or
confidential and may not be forwarded or disclosed to any other party
without the permission of the sender. If you received this message in error,
please notify me immediately so that I can correct and delete the original
email. Thank you. 

:: -Original Message-
:: Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 11:17 AM
:: Subject: how to add a context to server.xml?
:: hello,
:: i installed a .war-file with manager. i noticed, that in server.xml
:: there was no entry for the corresponding context afterwards.
:: i wanted to do it with the tomcat-admin-page, i got the message, that my
:: alterations were saved. but then again: no context in server.xml.
:: must i do it by hand? (for a beginner not so fine!).
:: greetings
:: hans horwath, austria
:: -
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apache not starting.

2003-11-28 Thread geeta
Hi all,

I have installed apache already and now installed tomcat,
tomcat connector .Tomcat starts and the test pages r all
working.but when i start apache it is giving the following error.
> ./apachectl start
Syntax error on line 4 of /RAID/usr/geeta/software/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/conf/au 
Cannot load /users/services/apache/libexec/ into server: 
/userche/libexec/ symbol dir_module: referenced symbol not found 
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Pls help me in solving this problem.I want apache to work with

Thanks and REgds

Geetha Thanu


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Re: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Andoni

I don't use it because I am too used to my own editor (EditPlus) but one of
my colleagues uses Macromedia Dreamweaver and it is really fabulous.

I can't even begin to list all of it's amazing features.  If you are looking
to get the right editor this is what to go with.


- Original Message -
From: "Duncan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat User List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 9:54 AM
Subject: JSP Editors

> Sorry if off topic but...
> What do people use to edit JSPs?
> I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
> colouring and possibly auto complete for java.
> Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
> is on linux.
> Any other suggestions?
> Cheers
> Duncan Smith
> Decker Telecom Ltd
> -
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JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Duncan
Sorry if off topic but...

What do people use to edit JSPs?

I'm after an editor, free if possible, to run on windows, with syntax
colouring and possibly auto complete for java.

Have tried vim for windows, but it doesn't seem as nice on windows as it
is on linux.

Any other suggestions?

Duncan Smith
Decker Telecom Ltd

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RE: how to add a context to server.xml?

2003-11-28 Thread Schalk

I personally have not used the admin or manager to make these entries and
have been doing them by hand. The entry in the server.xml will be something

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.CEO
Tel: +27125468436
Fax: +27125468436
This message contains information that is considered to be sensitive or
confidential and may not be forwarded or disclosed to any other party
without the permission of the sender. If you received this message in error,
please notify me immediately so that I can correct and delete the original
email. Thank you. 

:: -Original Message-
:: Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 11:17 AM
:: Subject: how to add a context to server.xml?
:: hello,
:: i installed a .war-file with manager. i noticed, that in server.xml
:: there was no entry for the corresponding context afterwards.
:: i wanted to do it with the tomcat-admin-page, i got the message, that my
:: alterations were saved. but then again: no context in server.xml.
:: must i do it by hand? (for a beginner not so fine!).
:: greetings
:: hans horwath, austria
:: -
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Re: config 302 redirect ?

2003-11-28 Thread P . van Kemenade

Sorry but I don't understand what you are trying to do,
could you be more explicit, then maybe we can help :-)
dont bother, it was just a dumb idea.

the problem was, I had one tomcat (A) pointing at
/usr/local/websites and another one (B) pointing at
mmbase is a product that ships with it's own
tomcat and I wanted to keep it like that. however,
if the first tomcat (A) saw the jsp files located
under /usr/local/websites/mmbase, it would barf
and complain. so I wanted to redirect /mmbase on A
to another port, on which the second tomcat (B)
which is probably just dumb. I'm taken the puzzle apart now.

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how to add a context to server.xml?

2003-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i installed a .war-file with manager. i noticed, that in server.xml 
there was no entry for the corresponding context afterwards.

i wanted to do it with the tomcat-admin-page, i got the message, that my 
alterations were saved. but then again: no context in server.xml.

must i do it by hand? (for a beginner not so fine!).

hans horwath, austria

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RE: Path and HttpServlet compiling error

2003-11-28 Thread Galbayar
add C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\tomcat\common\lib\servlet.jar to classpath variable

-Original Message-
From: V B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 4:37 PM
Subject: Path and HttpServlet compiling error

public class  myServlet extends HttpServlet


C:\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class HttpServlet
public class  myServlet extends HttpServlet
Output completed (6 sec consumed) - Normal Termination

My PATH is

Is there something I am missing in my path?


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Path and HttpServlet compiling error

2003-11-28 Thread V B
public class  myServlet extends HttpServlet
C:\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class HttpServlet  
public class  myServlet extends HttpServlet
Output completed (6 sec consumed) - Normal Termination
My PATH is 
Is there something I am missing in my path? 

Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: Preload JSP when it's startup

2003-11-28 Thread Antony Paul
I use the following Ant build file to precompile all jsps to work dir. I
prepared this based on another post in this list. All the jsps are converted
to java and then to class files.
















Antony Paul.

- Original Message -
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: Preload JSP when it's startup

> Can you please tell me exact instruction?
> Script??
> store it in where?
> how?
> Deepak Parbhoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11/28/2003 01:12 PM
> Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"
> To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:
> Subject:Re: Preload JSP when it's startup
> Write a script that calls the jsp's with '?jsp_precompile=true' as a
> parameter.
> So if the page is called start.jsp you will make a request to:
> "http://:/start.jsp?jsp_precompile=true".
> >As we know, first time when JSP is called, it's complied into Servlet
> >and
> >the next time you call the same jsp, the respond time will be faster.
> >
> >Thus, anywar for Tomcat to set to preload the JSP page when it's
> >starting
> >up the server?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> -
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RE: Preload JSP when it's startup

2003-11-28 Thread Schalk
One way would be to register the jsp/s in your web.xml and include the
 tag. Your entry in the web.xml would look as follows:


For the following jsp, the  will be 2 etc.

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.CEO
Tel: +27125468436
Fax: +27125468436
This message contains information that is considered to be sensitive or
confidential and may not be forwarded or disclosed to any other party
without the permission of the sender. If you received this message in error,
please notify me immediately so that I can correct and delete the original
email. Thank you. 

:: -Original Message-
:: Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 3:59 AM
:: Subject: Preload JSP when it's startup
:: As we know, first time when JSP is called, it's complied into Servlet and
:: the next time you call the same jsp, the respond time will be faster.
:: Thus, anywar for Tomcat to set to preload the JSP page when it's starting
:: up the server?
:: Thanks.

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Proxy and j_security_check

2003-11-28 Thread Jurrie Overgoor
Hello there,

I'm currently in the process of configuring Tomcat. The network
configuration is a bit above avarage:
The http requests come in to the router. The router is running Apache
1.3.22, and uses ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse to forward the request to
the Tomcat 5.0.14 server running on This all goes well.

But... We use form based authentication using j_security_check to
authenticate our users. This goes wrong. The moment the user logs in
correctly, we get a "HTTP Status 400 - Invalid direct reference to form
login page" reply. The description field says: "The request sent by the
client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid direct reference to form login
page)." The funny thing is: when the user logs in INcorrectly, everything
goes ok (the user gets the right error page).

What's wrong? How can I see what data j_security_check is getting, so I can
debug the problem? Does anyone have a solution whatsoever?
The Tomcat server is always behind the router in a dmz. I can not / will not
install Tomcat on the router for security reasons.

If anyone can give me directions where to look for an awnser, I'd be
gratefull. At the moment I'm just guessing, and I don't have any more
ideas... (So I'm kinda desperate)


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Re: R: How to deploy a WAR file in Tomcat

2003-11-28 Thread Ben Souther
> you can, insert your war's file under the folder webapps,
> and them you can start of your webserver.

Or you can use the manager application to deploy from a browser.
Or you could write an ANT script to deploy.

On Thursday 27 November 2003 07:25 am, you wrote:
> Hi,
> you can, insert your war's file under the folder webapps,
> and them you can start of your webserver.
> Gianfranco.
> -Messaggio originale-
> Da: Bodycombe, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Inviato: giovedì 27 novembre 2003 13:19
> A: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Oggetto: RE: How to deploy a WAR file in Tomcat
> -Original Message-
> From: dakavara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 November 2003 12:14
> To: Tomcat Users List (E-mail)
> Subject: How to deploy a WAR file in Tomcat
> Hi,
> How to deploy a WAR file in Tomcat.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ashok.D
> -
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Re: session invalidation and <%@ page session=false %>

2003-11-28 Thread Ben Souther
Remember, all JSPs get converted to servlets before being compiled.
If you want to see how to mimick JSP functionality in a servlet, look at the 
generated servlet code in your TOMCAT_HOME/work directory.

On Thursday 27 November 2003 07:24 am, you wrote:
> I'm wondering what the servlet equivalent of <%@ page session=false %>
> would be.
> After all the discussion here about disabling URL rewriting, I have
> knocked up a filter to overwrite the response so that encodeUrl() is
> no-op'd (thanx Brice) for requests from callers like google that can't
> handle or don't need a session.
> In the same filter I can invalidate the session after the call to
> chain.doFilter() so that the sessions created don't hang around.
> However it seems an awkward solution, since the session is used
> throughout the servlet - I thought I could use session.invalidate() just
> to kill off the session right away and then do a test on the session
> wherever I need it to see if it is valid or present.
> The only test I can do to identify an invalidated session is to try
> catch on an IllegalStateException on any session method call, but that's
> goes against my philosophy.
> If I overwrite the request as well and override the getSession() to
> return null, is that going to present any unforeseen issues on these
> requests that need no session? Or is there a better way of mimicking <%@
> page session=false %> ?
> Adam

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GZIP-encoding/mod_gzip and Tomcat??

2003-11-28 Thread Ron Andersen
Is GZIP-encoding/mod_gzip avaliable in Tomcats web server?

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Apache proxy and Tomcat's j_security_check

2003-11-28 Thread Jurrie Overgoor
Hello there,

I'm currently in the process of configuring Tomcat. The network
configuration is a bit above avarage:
The Tomcat 5.0.14 server serves a site at
The http requests come in to the router. The router is running Apache
1.3.22, and uses ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse to forward the request to
the Tomcat server. So we access the site using a normal domainname (, 
and the router routes it to This all goes well.

But... We use form based authentication using j_security_check to
authenticate our users. This goes wrong. The moment the user logs in
correctly, we get a "HTTP Status 400 - Invalid direct reference to form
login page" reply. The description field says: "The request sent by the
client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid direct reference to form login
page)." The funny thing is: when the user logs in INcorrectly, everything
goes ok (the user gets the right error page).

The most funny thing is that when we access the site directly (using, all goes well. Still, I have the feeling the problem is with 
Tomcat, not the Apache proxy...

But what's wrong? How can I see what data j_security_check is getting, so I can
debug the problem? Does anyone have a solution whatsoever?
The Tomcat server is always behind the router in a dmz. I can not / will not
install Tomcat on the router for security reasons.

If anyone can give me directions where to look for an awnser, I'd be
gratefull. At the moment I'm just guessing, and I don't have any more
ideas... (So I'm kinda desperate)


Browser Hangs

2003-11-28 Thread Mohamed Metwaly
Hi all,
  I have a an application that depends on session timeout to manage security. If I 
continuously navigate through the different jsp pages of the application and then 
logout, everything is ok, but if I leave any of the pages untill the session timesout, 
then there is a great possibility that after I login again (from the SAME BROWSER 
WINDOW) that the second (or third) jsp after login will hang. I get no error 
whatsoever on the server (not in tomcat's, my own error log, or even windows). I 
inserted a few system.out to check whether the whole jsp is executed, and yes it is. 
What I noticed is that while the browser is waiting for something, if I "View Source", 
I find the whole html as expected, but it does not get displayed. I think that this 
has to do with the http connection not being terminated properly. I also noticed that 
if I open a new browser window, everything just runs fine. By the way, I do a static 
include in one of the files that hangs, I suspected this to be the source of
 the problem, but the other file that hangs has no include.
Thanks for your help in advance.

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Re: Forwarding

2003-11-28 Thread Holger Klawitter
Hash: SHA1

Am Thursday 27 November 2003 16:49 schrieb Stuart Stephen:
> Why not use apache mod_rewrite ?

You need to have apache (and jk) up and running for this ;-)

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards
Holger Klawitter
- --
lists  klawitter  de
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: shm.file

2003-11-28 Thread Nikola Milutinovic
Asif Chowdhary wrote:


Apache running on linux with mod_jk2
Tomcat on windows. Running
Do I need to create a map to the shm file defined on the Linux server.

What is the purpose of this file and what is the recommended size?
That file makes sense in a situation where Apache and Tomcat are running on the 
same machine and Tomcat is started from within Apache process group, using


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