Re: [twitter-dev] REMOVE ME

2010-12-24 Thread Adam Cloud
You opted in, you can opt-out

On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 1:04 PM, SeriousSamP wrote:

> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
Change your membership to this group:

Re: [twitter-dev] problems with 2000 followers barrier

2010-09-21 Thread Adam Cloud

ask some of users to follow you back to prove your the legitimacy of your

2010/9/21 Валентин "ValeZ" Любимов 

> Hi, developers
> My blog service (up to 1 500 000 blogs) recently
> have developed the integration with twitter. Our users fix their
> twitter accounts by OAuth and every message in twitter adds in their
> blogs. Our account @liveinternet_ru automatically follow users'
> accounts, analize it's timeline every 5 minutes and process all new
> messages.
> It was working great untill we reached 2000 followers limit for
> @liveinternet_ru and I totally don't know what to do. Check each of
> thousands accounts for updates every 5 minutes? Ok, we can
> automatically follow @liveinternet_ru by every of 2000 accounts (but
> it's strange and not needed by anyone), but if just one of our users
> unfollow @liveinternet_ru we'll return to the same situaton.
> Automatically follow every 5 minutes to reach 2000 followers? I don't
> know what to do.
> I belive, that Twitter is genious thing, but 2000 follower limit makes
> me sad and lost. Help me?
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
Change your membership to this group:

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Fail Whale All Morning

2010-06-09 Thread Adam Cloud
Hold on, i'll check twitter to see if anybody is reporting problems with
twitter!'s not working...hmmm, can't find out what's going on in the world..

Yeah i'm not sure! :P

Re: [twitter-dev] Sad News (I need your Help)

2010-02-28 Thread Adam Cloud

 A Negative Times A Negative, Is a Positive.
It got through the twitter-dev spam protection by google.
Humor & Amusement

> Hello,
> It is with profound sense of sadness i write this email to you. I
> don't know how you will find this but you just have to forgive me for
> not telling you before leaving. I traveled down to United Kingdom for
> a short vacation but unfortunately,i got mugged at gun point on my way
> to the hotel where i lodged.All my money and all other vital documents
> including my credit cards and my cell phone have been stolen by the
> muggers.
>   I've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not
> helping issues at all,Things are difficult here and i don't know what
> to do at the moment that why i email to ask if you can lend me $900.00
> so i can settle the hotel bills and get a return ticket back home.
> Please do me this great help and i promise to refund the money as soon
> as i get back home
>  I look forward to your positive response,so i can send you the
> details you need to send the money to me through Western Union.
> Thanks
>   John.

[twitter-dev] Re: Welcome the the Twitter Development Talk

2009-10-23 Thread Adam Cloud
I love lamp. (or as we say in my office, i love linq)

[twitter-dev] Re: url fail

2009-10-15 Thread Adam Cloud
I was most disturbed by his deadlined transfer rate as shown in the top
right of his screenshot..

Someone get the iDefibrillator! :(

[twitter-dev] Re: Add mass follow in twitter account

2009-10-15 Thread Adam Cloud
Lima Oscar Lima even more @ Dewalds response :D

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

> Romeo Oscar Tango Foxtrot Lima Mike Alpha Oscar
> On Oct 15, 4:03 pm, kiran kumar  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >   I need to  add mass follow in my twitter account.I already wrote
> > a program to add mass follows but didn't adding,my code is in below
> >
> > $url="".$value;
> >$ch = curl_init();
> >curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
> >curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.":".$pass);
> >curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
> >curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
> >curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
> >  $returned = curl_exec($ch);
> >
> > anybody help to this problem

[twitter-dev] Re: Auditing apps actions

2009-10-02 Thread Adam Cloud
If it could be proven it was your app, it would be your App that got banned,
not his account.

He's full of it IMO

[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-23 Thread Adam Cloud
b) Completely agree

c) I thought the reason for even implementing this despite the fact that
most 3rd party clients already handle retweets by creation of a new tweet,
was to allow text that's being sent by 100's 1000's and so on to be stored
in a single location to save on database space as well as to allow for
quicker retrieval of the tweet by allowing for more specific caching.

Again, that was a thought, since i dont actually know :)

[twitter-dev] Re: Are account suspensions permanent?

2009-09-23 Thread Adam Cloud
Well, as it stands i've seen 5 people i know go through "suspensions" 4 of
them got it back, the other did not and did what i stated.

So unfortunately you can't just rule the suspended out entirely, but maybe
you could take them out of your main processing and have a job that runs
every night to check to see if their still suspended and update their
account accordingly to allow them to be included in your normal processing.

[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-22 Thread Adam Cloud
I think that's the point. They can always just do a manual "re"tweet of a
tweet. People aren't given the "undo" button for rumors and leaked info in
real life, but we're not in real life :D

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

> > If the original retweet is deleted its retweets will also disappear.
> I don't know if I like that. Yes, it might save the original tweeter some
> embarrassment, but sometimes it's useful to make a tweet survive. Imagine a
> political gaffe that could be withdrawn instantly and everything that
> referenced it.
> --
>  personal:
> --
>  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
> -- The best of all: God is with us. -- John Wesley

[twitter-dev] Re: I'm back baby

2009-09-22 Thread Adam Cloud
Wait, so they actually got away with forcing you to change your domain? Or
you did so on your own on advice of a lawyer while you wait out the court

If you were forced...this is big news...let us know!

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Dean Collins  wrote:

>  I'm back baby, bigger and badder than before - 
> is now
>   feel free to tweet it
> on.
> Lawyers suck!
> Cheers,
> Dean
> P.S. No they didn’t get the domain, my response was not without a court
> case baby.

[twitter-dev] Re: Are account suspensions permanent?

2009-09-22 Thread Adam Cloud
I had an experience that took over 4 months of back and forth, forth being
me, back being them marking my ticket as taken care of without doing
anything. I finally just created a new account, changed the name of the old
one and used that name for the new one.

Had another experience where the account was fixed after two unanswered
tickets without a word said to the person.

So you may have a few days, a week, a few months, maybe forever of being
suspended without getting an actual account banning.

Twitter may have excellent interaction with their 3rd-party developers, but
their customer service blows.

[twitter-dev] Re: تم افتتاح منتدى الع جمى سوفت زيارتك شرف لنا

2009-09-20 Thread Adam Cloud
I'm sorry you find my responses disgusting. However, being one of the people
who always ends up having to fix things like this, i find it "disgusting and
offensive" when people invade legitimate platforms of communication and post
links to sites filled with malicious scripts and malware.

2009/9/20 Caliban Darklock 

> 2009/9/19 Nalin Savara :
> >
> > That's true about spam.. But the message 'you do suck at.. ' is
> > disgusting and offensive.. And apart from the spammer, even that
> > poster should be banned and blacklisted.
> If we banned and blacklisted everything disgusting and offensive,
> there would be no internet.

[twitter-dev] Re: تم افتتاح منتدى الع جمى سوفت زيارتك شرف لنا

2009-09-19 Thread Adam Cloud
Agreed, you DO suck at life and should probably quit.

2009/9/19 alagmy 

> تم افتتاح منتدى العجمى سوفت زيارتك شرف لنا
> زورنا على منتدى العجمى سوفت لتحصل على كل ما هو جديد برامج العاب افلام
> صور
> شاهد بنفسك

[twitter-dev] Re: Default profile pics

2009-09-15 Thread Adam Cloud
This is a pretty hostile worded email for someone who is asking for help for
a problem that isn't necessarily directly related to the API.

Just saying...

[twitter-dev] Re: Website!

2009-08-31 Thread Adam Cloud
**Sprinkles some fairy dust**

priteshdesai, your best bet is to take some time to read the API
documentation on how it works.

However, I'm sure if you whispered the right numbers into the air that
someone might be willing to do some freelance work for you, there's many
capable minds here ;)

[twitter-dev] Re: Suspended Account - Need Help!!!

2009-08-20 Thread Adam Cloud
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Robert Banh  wrote:

> Twitter is free. I'm happy to trade small downtime/performance for
> something free. That's my 2-cents.

Amen. I thought the same thing when i saw the original posters "Why isn't
Twitter being
consistent in their approach to all vendors".

Their is no contract between the "vendors" and Twitter. And speculating that
twitter uses favoritism (as if they didn't have the right to do so) and then
asking them why they are doing the speculated actions is ridiculous!

[twitter-dev] Re: Do My Customers Have a Twitter Account?

2009-08-20 Thread Adam Cloud
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 9:17 PM, Duane Roelands wrote:

> This is a terrible idea.


[twitter-dev] Re: Suspended Account - Need Help!!!

2009-08-20 Thread Adam Cloud
Sometimes i really think the twitter-dev group has what it takes to be the
base of a soap opera script, Or at the very least...a drama.

Aren't you glad you have us for support? (i say us, excluding myself...since
i only occasionally chime in for comic relief or moral support)

[twitter-dev] Re: Suspended Account - Need Help!!!

2009-08-20 Thread Adam Cloud
Dewald knows his stuff.

And trust me Virga, it's not twitter's favoritism you're experiencing. It's
their lack of good customer service! You're not alone, i've heard many many
stories of how "great" they are at responding to those help tickets.

Their API may be rockin it, but their customer service is shit :P

[twitter-dev] Re: unfollowing limits

2009-08-12 Thread Adam Cloud

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Ninjamonk  wrote:

> Hey, I am building a little air app that will unfollow all users for
> the authed user.
> My question is:-
> What are the hour rate limits for this? in the api documentation
> (
> %C2%A0destroy)
> it says that it is not rate limited.
> however I might release this for others to use and am after finding
> out what the best limits would be. If a user had 20k users then
> hitting the api 20k times might get the users IP address banned.
> Any guidence from the twitter API ppl would be great.
> Kind Regards
> Darren

[twitter-dev] Re: FW: Twitter is Suing me!!!

2009-08-12 Thread Adam Cloud

They're not going to be able to force dean to transfer his domain to them.
His domain name isn't confusing, as as well established. He also
has a legitimate claim to the domain, regardless of how legitimate the
service that serves as that claim may be. Perhaps they should go in the
direction of the legal gray area that is his service?


I don't think i referred to people i followed myself, if i did it was done
by mistake. I completely agree with the DM situation. You followed them
yourselves, you took the action to do it, you can deal with the effects of
that decision.

I'm only talking about the notify traffic generated by being followed by
accounts that twitter wouldn't consider legitimate accounts. I realize
you're a little biased since many of the features you offer on the
professional version of your twitter app would be rendered "not necessary"
if the spam traffic was eliminated. "That girl deserved to have her purse
stolen because she had it out there for everyone to see" is how i see
"follow spam".

Clarification, when i've used the word inbox, i'm referring to the email
your registered your account on, not your twitter DM inbox.

[twitter-dev] Re: FW: Twitter is Suing me!!!

2009-08-12 Thread Adam Cloud
**sigh** Dewald, on a technicality, you're completely right. We did opt in.
It was originally a convenience to opt int, so you knew you were being
followed. However since the count of bots has increased, it's now an
inconvenience to constantly get follow emails\texts from bots. Perhaps they
could rename it, now, to "Check box to increase twitter to inbox\phone

Maybe one of us could add to one of our Apps the ability to notify
*after*having gone through a screening processes of some sort to see
if the account
resembles a bot :)
Of course it wont' be perfect because at the beginning of the twitterbot
life, they look like a normal user lol

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

> Adam,
> It may be an irritation and it may cost you money, but it is NOT spam.
> You opted in to receive the notifications on your phone, and hence it
> is NOT spam.
> Dewald
> On Aug 12, 3:46 pm, Adam Cloud  wrote:
> > It can be spam if you had your account sent to auto-notify your phone or
> > inbox when someone follows you. 1 spam follower won't make a dent, but if
> > one spam follower is allowed to 'live' more will follow, and thats when
> it
> > gets fun.

[twitter-dev] Re: FW: Twitter is Suing me!!!

2009-08-12 Thread Adam Cloud
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

> Perhaps I'm being daft, but how can someone following you be "spam" or
> "wrong", regardless of whether it is manual or auto follow?

It can be spam if you had your account sent to auto-notify your phone or
inbox when someone follows you. 1 spam follower won't make a dent, but if
one spam follower is allowed to 'live' more will follow, and thats when it
gets fun.

Take into account the fact that many twitter had to reach deals with phone
companies for their bulk texts. If they see a substantial increase in texts
sent out as result of this, they may have to renegotiate. Re-negotiations
waste time :)

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Update, 8/9 10am PST

2009-08-09 Thread Adam Cloud

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

> On Aug 9, 2:34 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> >I will continue to give ongoing updates
> > every 5-6 hours throughout the day even if nothing has changed so that
> you
> > know we are still focused on it.
> Now THAT'S what we're talking about!
> Thank you Ryan. It may not seem important to busy Twitter folks to
> report status even when there is nothing new to report, but with an
> outage of this duration it is absolutely essential, because it keeps
> everyone's temperatures down.
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: OK Seriously People

2009-08-09 Thread Adam Cloud

A band broadcasts their music on a radio station all the time, and people
are able to freely tune into it, or go buy their music. They go and play in
a city park for free every day just because it's a much nicer experience for
the listener then to be just sitting at home listening on their radio.

You as an up and coming entrepreneur go buy a hotdog & drink stand and setup
camp in that park to make some cash off of the flow of people who come to
see this free event every day. You being there, giving the ability for
people to eat & drink without leaving the park allows for more of this bands
songs to be heard, in effect increasing the chance that their music might be
purchased. So you're essentially helping them, by taking advantage of them
for your business.

The band gets in a car crash, and alot of equipment is damaged to the point
of not being able to be used, along with their main source of
transportation. The band starts working to find and replace all that is
damaged in their equipment and for their car.

Now you can imagine that little hotdog stand guy standing on their doorstep
while they recover yelling profanities and how they should be skipping the
shipping company who's delivering their parts and get their parts themselves
to save time. Yelling that they shouldn't be sleeping, they should be
working on their band van right now to make sure it can take them back to
the park so he can make some money. "People aren't coming to my stand
anymore!!! They're going to fast food restaurants and going home. WTF i sold
my wife for this stand!!!"

Now of course, this little hotdog stand man may not have really sold his
wife, depending upon which one of you people who are still up in arms about
this was put in his place, but i think you get my points.

The band could easily move to a venue that has their own hotdog/drink stand
making your services not necessary, but instead of doing that and
capitalizing on the profit they could get from that, they're still planning
on going back to the same park they do their free shows at, and allowing you
to continue earning your money.

And this concludes storytime. :)

Happy sunday! (Relax!)

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Terry Jones  wrote:

> > "Stuart" == Stuart   writes:
> Stuart> * I can't believe you lot don't realise that constantly demanding
> Stuart> status updates, while certainly important to you, is little more
> Stuart> than a distraction for those who are actually fighting the good
> Stuart> fight.
> I woke up this morning with the thought that the Twitter mailing list has
> now become part of the DDoS.
> What percentage of the people complaining loudly and increasing the general
> stress/pressure level are actually bots?  :-)
> Terry

[twitter-dev] Re: The silence is deafening....

2009-08-08 Thread Adam Cloud
Some of us program because we love to do it, not because of the revenue we
could make off the third-party app we use.

Man up and just tell your users to be patient, it's not like they're going
to stop using your app because of some well publicized downtime, and if they
are, then it wasn't that great of an app to begin with.

[twitter-dev] Re: The silence is deafening....

2009-08-08 Thread Adam Cloud
third-party app we created*

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Adam Cloud  wrote:

> Some of us program because we love to do it, not because of the revenue we
> could make off the third-party app we use.
> Man up and just tell your users to be patient, it's not like they're going
> to stop using your app because of some well publicized downtime, and if they
> are, then it wasn't that great of an app to begin with.